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The Randolph



July 23, 2011 Dear Friend of Music, I am writing on behalf of the Randolph Music Boosters, an organization that offers financial and organizational support to all of the music programs in the Randolph Public Schools. As you may know, the Randolph Public Schools Music Program is continuing to rebuild itself. The 20102011 school year was an incredibly successful one which saw the restoration and addition of several music programs, including the Randolph High School Marching Blue Devils after a 20+ year absence, a first time All Chorus Day event, a first time Elementary Choral event at Randolphs Williams Gazebo where our elementary choral students kicked off the Summer Concerts and the RHS Concert Bands triumphant return to the MICCA Festival in April 2011. The Concert Band had not attended the festival th since 2002 and came home with a bronze medal for their effort. Not to be outdone, our RCMS 8 grade choral and band students both brought home gold in June from the Great East Festival. As we continue to grow, the Music Boosters face the challenge of raising funds to fully support the many ventures of the music department. These ventures include providing over $3,500 in annual scholarships to our students, master classes, the Randolph Music Boosters Summer Music Program, sponsoring field trips and enrichment opportunities, purchasing marching band equipment, music, drill and performance apparel for the students. These are just a few of the many ways that the Randolph Music Boosters aim to improve the quality of music education for our students in Randolph. We understand the Music Boosters have a high fundraising goal and are asking for your assistance in reaching our goal. We are again creating our Concert Program book that features ads from local businesses as well as good wishes from parents, guardians and community organizations/members. This professionally printed program will be distributed at 13+ RPS music events throughout the year and be seen by over 2700 people! Your camera-ready ad or business card will be featured in the program, which will be 5.5 by 8.5. Sponsorship levels are indicated on the attached flyer. To place an ad or submit a message to the students, please follow the instructions on either form. Submissions may also be made via e-mail to The deadline to submit ads/messages is September 15, 2011. All donations are tax deductable. Please use IRS #03-0614868. We are excited to be offering such reasonably priced advertising space to you with the benefit of being seen by a local crowd that will greatly appreciate your generous support of our award winning program. Thank you for taking the time to read about our project and consider sponsoring the Randolph Public Schools Music program. If you have any questions, need further information, or if would like to see an example of the high quality of last years program book, again, please feel free to contact me at 781-9631119. Sincerely,

Sharon Swain
Sharon Swain President 2011/2012 Randolph Music Boosters

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