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7.24.11 The Call Squad 8 pm 1 am EST Sunday - Friday 1-760-569-7676 Participant Pin: 637255# TheCallSquad.

.com Our Thanks To Loves Love (Scott) Who Transcribed This Call
Transcriptionist is amateur and attempts to get the highlights of key point meaning without embellishing. Love's Love (Scott) Call Squad Patriot, Joey, Deb, Scott, Yukon July 24, 2011 Daily news letter, with times, topics, speakers, go to Go to sign up for the daily email is the email. Patriot suggests we order: Freedom From Intel. Its download that lays out the complete plan, published in 2002 with details of the plan; the building of a nation as a blueprint. Now Patriot believes its in the closing days of that plan. Also available is a Fair Debt Collection SBA planfor consumer protection codebook, all the federal laws and how they came to be. Sunday, July 24, was a heavy news day. Joey has 3 articles back to back about Maliki & cabinet. # 1 Article: Leaders of blocs will be decided on Monday for achieving the commitments of the agreements on Erbil. This will be the last in series of meetings of blocs to emerge from political crisis. They will provide a report to Talabani. Thats a major Yipppeeee #2 Article: Talabani and Barzani are following up as agreed and implemented from the initiative to the formation of the current govt. which calls for a coalition, which includes Erbil, . this is planned to hold the 3rd meeting of political Bloc on Monday to resolve outstanding issues. What happens on 3rd meetings, Vic? Its done, not a vote required, usually. The meetings had been held under the auspices of Talabani. Remember 9th of July during which they agreed to form a committee, then hold a second meeting, which they did last week, now third meeting is Monday 7/25/11. November 2010 Erbil Agreement key points Commit to constitution Harmony and Balance

Accountability & Justice Activation of Reconciliation Formation of Govt of National Partnership Prime Minister to form a Strategic Council to place Allawi Allawi had abandoned his council position, but came back after using psych warfare on Maliki, who would have had to start over, if Allawi didnt return, and he showed Maliki it would be best to keep moving forward. Then last night some questions about Hashemi being defense minister and Allawi being VP?. Joey says: Allawi doesnt want VP position, but he wants the Strategic Council Position because that gives him just as much power as the PM Maliki. 3rd Article: Blocs Agree on names chosen by Maliki. Able to promote security file. It is truth that PM is entitled to choose the characters nominated to the security files. Hope they agree on Obeidi. Vote in Parliament on 28th of March, but postponed on differences because Allawi disagreed that Maliki couldnt name the cabinet. July 9th they finally agreed that Allawi would have to allow Maliki to name his cabinet in exchange for Allawi to be the Strategic Council leader, and so we learned from the 9th meeting that indeed Obeidi would be the defense candidate offered by Maliki. They agreed, and so Allawi will be the Strategic Council leader over Maliki. Erbil should be done Monday, the final and third report to Pres Talabani. Patriot is saying that: Erbil approved and completed ALSO MEANS that they have the HCL was passed and approved within the Erbil, and the census is done within the Erbil, they know how much money theyre giving each citizen, theyre out of chapter 7, Patriot says the previous other sites rumors have been wrong, up till now. They havent been reading deeply enough into the articles. This is all great news. Patriot refers to the line in the article that says the GOI has been seated. Joey: Remember, Maliki has been consolidating ministries, Maliki has said he doesnt need Interior security within country, but that the Defense Minister Obeidi can handle that position while handling the borders. They shrunk the size of the GOI. Whoever isnt seated isnt needed. Shabibi stated that if Maliki gives him a GOI.RV will occur. HCL article: Gathered in Najaf, calling for allocation of $100 per person/per month To begin money to the people, a campaign to allocate $100 per month from oil production revenue to every Iraqi citizen like all other oil producing nations, such as Saudi, Kuwait & Iran, then quoted the articles in the constitution; The ministry for these positions ought to be spending hundreds of billions of dollars to the Iraq people. .All the moderators say that is a huge Yippee. Patriot: The only thing we cannot say is the exact day. Reminds about the 20 section document about the plan listed above. We are on track, they are following the plan step by step. US Govt is not holding this up, the only thing is that we dont know the timing of the plan. They dont care about our US Senate, Boehner, our debt. Theyre building their country.

Scott: Check out the plan then check the news to see if follow the plan. Reads: The Iraq Study Group Report : reading from pg 36 of 84 page report. Ties to news article. Connecting some dots. Point # 3 dealing with Iran and Syria, which is controversial, nevertheless, should engage adversaries, and should actively get diplomatic dialog withouit preconditions. This leads to news article today entitled, Iran, Iraq, Syria agreed to sign biggest Natural Gas deal in Mideast. Final contracts were to be signed at the end of this year. This is Irans second gas line to Europe, thru Turkey. It is great news to see neighboring nations work together, this has to bring stability among themselves. Makers of the plan suggest that these three countries get along together. Joey says: They told us on June 5th that NO new gas or oil deals will be signed until the HCL is done, and the goal or objective was supposedly by June 30th. This is another sign that the HCL is done. This is also another indication that the Mideast has some stability. This is good news for the future of the reason that these neighbors are also business partners. Yukon states this really gets him excited. Debs article in Baghdad: The Return of the Coin Peace was considered an economic to recoin evidence to Central bank introducing coins to improve currency In a statement, absence of coins in Iraq was caused by Inflation back at that time, CBIs decision to recoin. Coins will be an important medium for new economic currency. Joey: Bringing out coins to improve the currency. They couldnt do 2004 because they had too much inflation. This is good signal that is about to RV; Joey thinks that the $20 bill is important for our similarly, the CBI says this coin plan will help their currency to $20 helps ours. it before in the currency economy; flow like the

Joey: CBI on Tuesday stated (or recycled article) Mr. Saleh, the 3 zero lifting is a strategic plan and we are implementing the finalization of moving from theory to practice, it is now with the Council of Ministers. This would have a positive impact on development and will raise the value of dinar. Future of Iraq Project from about 2005-6 Building of foreign currency reserves from zero to 50 Billion dollars Within next 5 yrs to reduce Inflation from the 35% to single digit. To achieve a stable Iraq Dinar value for 2 yrs, like the 1170 program rate has been proven stable. In an earlier interview, they talked about CBI Iraqs readiness, and that CBI will also be rolling out electronic and smart cards and credit cards in this CBI system.

Previously economists downplayed the lifting zeros but hoped that the GOI cost of lifting zeros will be of the biggest usefulness which is based on the strength of the productive private sector to control inflation and bring in International investors. This is a huge yippee, they are ready to do this. Can you say the Future of Iraq Project, whose 3 primary requirements have been met. They intercepted a secret telegram to blow up the CBI. On 11th of July, there has been intense scrutiny to determine if there is a possiblility to have a suicide bomber in front of the CBI. This is why our troops have to stay here. This is part of the pressure to get this done. We are often able to determine the nation from which the bombs derive because we know what explosives Iran is able to buy. Scott: wants to read the article that supports this Joey Article: UN and Iraq Central Bureau of Statistics deals with Census. There is joint cooperation with UN deployment of development of population demographics, to modernize sectors. Basic law, protocol, political foundations, mechanics of disseminating data. Explains that the UN is there to support the new era to speed up the WTO accession and the top priority to raise the value of the dinar. This goes back to the Future of Iraq Project. Can you say UNAMI, WTO, Deb Article: Money and Finance the Iraqi Economy. There is risk when you change currency value. There is Risk of corruption, and increases of counterfeits. Article acknowledges that the CBI has begun the project of raising the zeros. IMF in August 2010 announces they are in support of the raise three zeros for the ability to meet debt and payroll. Joey says this is talking about the deadline the IMF has for the raising currency project. Patriot talks about an article they found about a year ago where IMF charged Iraq and CBI back on August 10th, 2010, with the responsibility of getting their currency project completed within a year. We werent exactly sure what the context of that old article was at the time, but now we might understand more of that letter or article. Patriot tries go back in Debs article and a sentence he heard her read. Working with poor translations of the articles, when Deb just read, The Change of Currency will not have any affect and will be the value of the currency of the modern and value of the existing currency Patriot explains: When the new low denom modern currency is released soon, it will not affect the value of the old large denom currency we hold. This is the death of the LOP theory. The old and new currencies will each have their own value. The new 25,000 note will keep its full value and will just be tied with the multiplier which is the Rate Value. This is a great example of their intentions. Shabibi has said for a long time, numerous times, that the two currencies will coexist in the market for approx 2 years. The idea that we have a short exchange term or limited time to convert the large denoms is dead! We should have at least 2 years. This is a very important article. This is not a blog post. Debs article is from the Iraq news media: Joey adds: There is a strategic plan to prevent counterfeit. The Basel 3 requirements include that IQD serial numbers be traceable. This process is one of the ways we got Bin Laden. He took a billion dollars of dinar in a suitcase, and they were missed, we knew they were missing.

Partriot: Also reminds that they recently moved the CBI location to a more secure location easier to defend, and to provide more computer electronics, and we think that is about the time that the Low Denoms came into the country. Joey: Agrees that the August to August communication from the IMF to the CBI is now apparent and upon us. This was announced last year at this time and mandated to the CBI this responsibility to get it done. The CBI is responsible for this event. Article from : Going Global who closed her blog last Friday. Patriot: Ramadan is not going to prevent what needs to be done. This is a spiritual journey for the individual; for fasting and gifting. Vic: Its called the Hajj, pilgrimage to Medina or Mecca, in Saudi Arabia. Most will continue their business in shops. But is often a vacation, like Europe, where they travel or go on the pilgrimage. Scott: Several articles to share, on many ships in ports bringing in goods, millions of tonnage. Heres another article about schools and homes being built. Yet another article about going from 4 to 8 hours average per day of electricity. And another about Investment in Iraq that is about to double from last year. $45.6 Billion. These articles go on and on. Summarizing: Every Sector is demonstrating significant growth activity. Iraq is going to be huge for future investment. Yukon: Weve heard along with all the reports tonight, it is incredible how people can go to different forums that nothings been done, or we have to prove things like what weve just read.Theyre missing the information. Many dinar sites are not discerning the meaning of the content in these articles and it makes their status reports or their suggestions plainly wrong. Vic: Weve heard the 25 dinar, the 100 Wikipedia. Why would they not have put years ago?. 1 gram of copper is .27 so hoarded and melted down for the metal. damaged foreclosure of homes is people wiring and tubing. dinar, and the 50 dinar coin from these coins into circulation a couple x 2 grams is .54. Every coin would be Shabibi is brilliant. In the US, the going into the homes to strip the copper

Joey: adds that truckers in US are being killed for the value of their load Vic: Talks about the importance of Talabanis meetings recently: Why would Talabani be responsible to call the meetings. Allawi is Shiite, and Maliki is Shiite, and Barzani and Talabani are Sunni Kurds; So the President Talabani leveled the playing field to 2 vs 2 for the power sharing meetings. This was important. Joey: Agrees and adds that the private delegation that went to visit Talabani in Kurdistan, did not include Maliki. Talabani and Barzani desperately want to eliminate corruption. She makes some garbled implication that the US knew what they were doing as they were helping broker some of these people years agobut it was not clear what exactly she was saying. Vic: Remember that there was the meeting between Sadr and Allawi? So now understand about the position Allawi wants so badly, the Strategic Council Power Sharing over Maliki? Now, since he met with Sadr, Maliki cannot be the only one blamed for pushing the US troops out of Iraq. Lots of back office dealings, everyone has been posturing.

Deb: Emails are coming in asking for details visible sightings of lower denoms. Joey states if they put out a lower denomination but the people dont understand the value of them or if they suspect a LOP, it will be a the RV rate change may need to coincide or even precede the release of the low denoms. Patriot: Adds that the MOBILE ATM machines are being placed in malls and retail merchant stores and restaurants to help the retailers be able to make change quickly at cash registers as people will still be prone to carry larger denoms even of the new 100 dinar will be a large value, so the merchants will help educate people by suggesting to use the ATM machines as they will direct customers over to the machine to break a 100 so the merchant register cash doesnt get sucked out making the change. Even in the US, at early times of the day, shops dont like to accept a $100 bill till theyve done some business and taken in more change. This is going to be an adoption and education process. Over a short time, the people will start to learn. Remember they said, spontaneously and slowly, after a couple weeks with the small denoms getting out there on the street, and they realize the changed RV value that those notes now carry, and their buying potential, theyll have AH HA moments that will accept the new low denominations and demand for them will rise. Patriot: Plays the 14 second clip at 12 mins & 42 seconds of Ed Melkert from the UN on 7/19. Noteworthy in this context is the essential support that UNFPA provided recently to the GOI in successful completion of the dwelling and household parts of the census. This is great. This helps the GOI plan for their people and their future growth. Patriot: The entire meeting was about 42 minutes long. Its called the Fund for Population Auditing. The census is DONE. Scott: The GOI is sending a message. Our ports are open from around the world. We are repaving your streets and building up your country with homes and business sectors, were revaluing your currency, and were getting ready to pay you. They are sending out this huge message to the people of Iraq and the rest of the world, for that matter. Vic: Went back into AK news. Maliki had said he would only give 60% of budget to Energy Minister. Siemens has brought in 2 power grid generators that each put up 40,000 MegaWatts. Both are to be running by mid-July. GE is also preparing to get started on some projects. Q & A Rules explained. No Thank yous please: Q CA: Strained to hear the article about August and the IMF, wondering if that would impede or interfere RV? Joey: IMF giving instructions to CBI, get private sector and banking system done. It was August to August deadline. I think it would facilitate the RV, telling them to hurry and get it done within the year. Q NV: Talks about prophetic place Iraq holds in Bible, and thanks them for finding the UnClassified document that was recently found. Patriot: refers to The Plan document addressed above. Apparently they just found it about 5-6 weeks ago and realized its powerful information and started making it available to the members. Q GA: Late last year talking about ships at sea and companies waiting to get started after they could be paid, are these projects talked about here being paid?

Scott: Cant speak to ships with goods whether or not being paid. But Electricity and other sectors, we imagine they are being paid in dinar. Q: Are they American and European companies, are they being paid? Certain American companies are holding job fairs in Iraq. Q: Are they working for a currency that has no value? Scott: Theyre working for a currency that has very low value. We see countries investing in Iraq, once they get there, the people working are getting paid with IQD. The CBI are still making dollars from oil. Q IN: 6 month holding IQD, when are you all looking for RV and going to be excited? With what you know, do you think it is soon? Scott: Well be excited when it happens. Deb, I was excited two weeks ago. Yukon, sir, we appreciate your thoughts of our knowledge, but the fact of whether we know something or not, we dont know whats going on internally behind closed doors. Its sort of an entrapment type question and we cant go into the rumor mill. We just dont know. Your guess is as good as ours. Q OH: In the Article that Joey read that oil that they are giving citizens 100/mo, Are they paying all the citizens in US Money from the oil? Joey: rereads the article and explains that it only says 100 so we have to assume it is dinar. Q NC: Q for Debbie: A while back, you mentioned a site to do background check for people I want to do business with is the site that you might want to search. Some parts are free. Some are not. Q Ecuador: The US Govt we understand has 2-4 Trillion dollars worth of Dinar. Will they take that and convert when RV occurs or will they turn it into oil purchase: Vic: whether they hold in basket of foreign reserve currencies, Im not understand the concern. The UST has choices. It wont be forced to play hand. UST can hold for an indefinite number of years or it can buy oil. know. Q: Were in such a quandary with our debt. She talks about taking /barrel that has only $12 cost. Vic: Whichever way go. We all have or leave the dinar to congress. Politics than the hill.. sure I its We dont $32

they choose to go, we cannot call and say which way they will preferences from among options of economic tradeoffs. Lets be the golden parachute, but were not the president and is a dirty business. We need to focus on dinarians rather

Q Canada: With a 14 Trillion debt ceiling, Where is the money going to come from to pay for the exchange conversions? If US is BK, will it be coming from Iraq? Scott: Money is created electronically. Its not a matter of where it comes from. The banks and UST only have to maintain a small percentage of actual hard cash. You might have 3 million dollars but it will be electronic, never actually realizing the hard currency. Because we use Fiat currency, the hard currency total never really did exist.

Q Canada : The CBI has always had a line through the IQD/CAD, today it had an actual rate there on CBI for first time. Q RI: For Joey, 8 months ago you quietly came onto the first call I heard you do, you said you were going on vacation to NW US.have you started checking your airfare rates yet? Joey and all laugh, they wont take the bait to talk prediction of date. Q NC2: Does US debt crisis affect RV? And secondly, after RV occurs, does it make a difference if I exchange by my self or within a group, does it affect my exchange rate? Yukon: We dont believe that the US Govt affects the RV. If it does, we will likely never know that connection. Most or all here dont believe it is connected. Yukon: bottom line, I believe that at the RV, we will learn the rules. My personal belief is that if you go to the traders, it wont matter if you go alone. It might be if you have a lot of family and friends, if you go to the same bank or banker, possibly you might get a leveraged negotiation power. The bottom line of negotiating a rate which we will be discussing on another call or course we will be giving. The banks are really putting themselves from a letter read to us, that the banks are preparing their people to know how to negotiate in favor of the bank. If that letter is real, they will try to give the customer up to only this much, and it will be up to the client to renegotiate to a better term and condition. Be careful of breaking your privacy if talking to group members you dont know. Q IN: AP Article from July 23 that says the Iraqi oil official stated the Chinese Oil Company will go up to 60,000 bpd from a central Iraqi oil field. Deb: We have no proof of anything, but it was a great article and we have it. Q TX2: I remember you all felt the RV rate should be in $3.30 range to get back up to historical rates, but could it be that it will take a few years to get to that $3.30 point, will they RV later after a lower initial RV? Joey: No, it will not happen; Shabibi said it will be a fixed rate with a managed float. It will only adjust 2.5% every 90 days, and they cannot RV less than that and accomplish all the things that they want to accomplish in their stated objectives. The reason that they will tie it to the USD is because the fact that the USD is a fixed rate and that fixed rate will add stability to the economy sectors, and thats what he said. Q TX2: So you dont see another RV 3-4 yrs again? Joey: Well they could somewhere down the line but hes not going to bring it out low rate and then RV again. This is the wealthiest country in the world, and they intend to ramp oil to 6-12 million bpd, and these people that say its coming out low rate, but try to fit those low numbers into the budget for the things they need to do to open up the countryit makes absolutely no sense to bring it back and restore it remember it was crushed. That currency was worth $3.33 back in Saddam era when oil was $16 bucks a barrel, which doesnt even take into account the interest over the past 8 yrs theyve lost since the US destroyed their currency. So why come out at a low rate, when even in 1932 when

the dinar was first created, it was $2.38 at the lowest point in dinar history. Why would they go below even that rate? Q TX2: Would even $2.50 be too low? Joey: Who is biggest investor in Iraq? Who do they share a border and port with? Consider Pride factorHow do you intend to do that if one currency is $2.50 and the other is nearly $4.00. Kuwait is the biggest partner and they have to be facilitating trade between the two currencies. They have to be pretty close in value.

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