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APPENDIX A This questionnaire is divided into two sections, Section A and B.

. Try to answer the questions carefully, and thoughtfully. The first section asks for biographical details and the second section asks you the effects of newpapers to improve your english language. Please answer all the questions. If you are unsure about which response to give to a question, please choose/write the one that appears to be most appropriate. This can often be the answer that first comes to mind. Listen to each question carefully, and give/write the answer that appears to be most appropriate for you.

Name Father's Name Mother's Name Address

:_______________________________________________________ :_______________________________________________________ :_______________________________________________________ :_______________________________________________________ :_______________________________________________________ :_______________________________________________________

Age Gender Educational Level School Name

:______________________________________________________ Male Female :_______________________________________________________ :_______________________________________________________

APPENDIX B 1. Do you read news paper? Yes No 2. Which English new paper you daily subscribed? The Hindu Times of India India Express The Chronicles Others(Specify)_______________

3. From where you read newspaper? Home Library School Other(Specify)_______________ 4. For what purpose you read newspaper? Improve Language Gather Information 5. How do you obtain newspaper?? Purchase In the public library 6. How often you read newspapers ? Daily Weekly Occasionally advertisement Others (Specify)_______________ Borrow from a friend No response others (Specify)______________

In the school library Rarely Do not know

7. How long do you read newspaper in a day? 15 minutes 30 minutes 1 hour or more

Others (Specify)____________

8. As you pick up the newspaper,which section usually read? News about social events/ life in the township Political news Killings/ Violence Educational matters Mass action Sports news Entertainment Fashions Comics Editorials Stars foretell Book reviews Vacancies/Jobs Advertisements Not applicable Other (please specify)___________________ 9. Do you think newspaper reading is the best way to improve your English grammar? Yes No 10. Do you think newspaper reading is the best way to improve your English grammar? Yes No 11. What do you do when you encounter a word you dont know in the reading? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 12. Did you use dictionary while reading newspaper? Yes No 13. Do you write down important words, idioms, phrases, and sentences which you come across when reading the newspaper?? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 14. Do you think your newspaper reading habits will be the same in six months? In a year? Would you like to change your reading habits? Why, or why not? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 15. Should all indian students be required to study English ? Yes No 16. Did newspaper helps you to get to know the varieties of English being used in different parts of the world? Yes No 17. Does reading newspaper improves your English to do excel in your exam? Yes No 18. Do you think Reading the newspaper is an excellent way to develop the ability to understand spoken English?? Yes No 19. Does reading newspaper helps you in preparing your assignments? Yes No 20. Do you discuss your reading with anyone? If so, who? Yes No

21. Do you read any on-line English newspaper? (IF yes please specify name) Yes No Negative Questions 22. If my English is good, should I still keep reading newpaper? Yes No 23. What are some reasons why you do not read the entire news- paper from front to back? Lack of time Lack of interest Lack of familiarity with the topics Unfamiliar vocabulary 24. Did you encounter any mistakes in newpaper while reading? (if yes sepcify) Yes No 25. Do you feel newpapers are vague medium of communication in the morden world? Yes No 26. Please indicate how useful you find these activities for improving your English. Particulars Watching Tv Programs Listen to the radio Read newspapers and magazines Read academic books and articlies Read novels Speak with colleagues/fellow students Speak with friends Speak with family members Talk on the phone Very useful 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Average 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Not usefull at all 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Others(Specify)_______

27. When you are reading the newpaper, what do you find the most difficult understanding the ideas in the text understanding words reading fast enough


28. Do you think newpapers will retain the importance after fifty year from now? (if yes why or if no why) Yes No 29. Do you think that the newspaper is a reliable source of information (is the information found on the newspaper always true) Yes No 30. Do you think the standard and quality of English new paper should be more flexible as it now? Yes No 31. Which of the above reminds you most of what your teacher tells you? Newspapers TV Internet Radio Others(Specify)___________________ 32. What do you read in you leisure time? Newspaper Magazines Novels Comics Others(Specify)________________

33. what you dislike most in newspapers? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 34. Do you able to memorise the vocabularies which you encounter while reading as comparing to other media ? Yes No 35. Do you found any spell mistake while reading the newspapers ? (If Yes specify) Yes No 36. Do you think newspapers are modern media of communications? Yes No

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