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Biology: Concepts and Connections, 6e (Campbell) Chapter 33 Control Systems in Plants

Multiple-Choice Questions

1) Which of the following is a health benefit associated with increasing the amount of soybeans in the human diet? A) decreased LDL levels B) removal of antioxidants fromo the body C) decreased amount of fiber in the diet D) increased levels of triglycerides E) decreased HDL levels Answer: A

Topic: Opening Essay Skill: Factual Recall

2) Plants grow toward light through the action of A) enzymes. B) hormones. C) nerves. D) solar energy. E) chloroplasts. Answer: B
Topic: 33.1 Skill: Factual Recall

3) Grass shoots bend toward the light because, on the shadowed side, a(n) A) reduction in auxin levels promotes cell elongation. B) reduction in gibberellin levels promotes cell elongation. C) reduction in auxin levels prevents cell elongation. D) increase in auxin levels promotes cell elongation. E) increase in auxin levels promotes cell division. Answer: D

Topic: 33.1 Skill: Factual Recall

4) One of the experiments in phototropism involved cutting off the tips of grass seedlings before exposing them to light from one side. The decapitated seedlings did not bend toward light. A valid conclusion from this experiment would be that A) plants cannot engage in photosynthesis without the tip of the plant. B) light is perceived by the tip of grass plants. C) a foil cover over the tip of the seedlings would cause them to bend. D) hormones are produced in all parts of the plant. E) cell elongation causes plants to bend toward light. Answer: B

Topic: 33.1 Skill: Conceptual Understanding

5) Plant hormones A) must be produced in large quantities to be effective. B) act on all cells they encounter. C) usually work independently of each other. D) are chemical signals that influence growth and development. E) are rare and produced only in response to stress. Answer: D
Topic: 33.2 Skill: Factual Recall

6) Which of the following statements about plant hormones is true? A) Plant hormones are produced in very small concentrations. B) Plant hormones mainly affect reproductive processes. C) Individual hormones typically have single, specific effects. D) Plant hormones have little or no effect on plant growth. E) Plant hormones play a vital role in photosynthesis. Answer: A
Topic: 33.2 Skill: Factual Recall

7) What is the main effect of auxins on plant growth? A) They reduce growth by inhibiting cell division. B) They increase growth by promoting cell division and elongation. C) They increase growth by increasing the rate of photosynthesis. D) They reduce growth by preventing cell elongation. E) Auxins have no effect on plant growth. Answer: B

Topic: 33.3 Skill: Factual Recall

8) If the auxin that is produced by an apical meristem is transported in equal amounts down all sides of a twig, the twig will probably A) elongate evenly. B) branch near its tip. C) flower. D) develop fruit. E) bend away from the apical meristem. Answer: A
Topic: 33.3 Skill: Conceptual Understanding

9) When a nursery worker pinches off the terminal buds on a young chrysanthemum plant to make it grow bushy, which of the following plant hormones is mainly responsible for growth of side branches? A) an auxin B) a gibberellin C) a cytokinin D) abscisic acid E) ethylene Answer: C

Topic: 33.4 Skill: Factual Recall

10) Which class of hormones produced in the roots of plants promotes cell division and growth, and retards the aging of flowers and leaves? A) gibberellins B) phytochromes C) cytokinins D) ethylene E) abscisic acid Answer: C

Topic: 33.4 Skill: Factual Recall

Biology: Concepts and Connections, 6e (Campbell) Chapter 36 Population Ecology

Multiple-Choice Questions

1) The decline of the Nile perch in Lake Victoria in east Africa and the reemergence of cichlids is an excellent situation for study by A) geologists. B) ecologists. C) population ecologists. D) geographers. E) population geneticists. Answer: C
Topic: Opening Essay Skill: Factual Recall

2) A group of individuals of a single species that occupy the same general area defines a A) population. B) community. C) species. D) subspecies. E) clone. Answer: A

Topic: 36.1 Skill: Factual Recall

3) Which of the following is an example of a population? A) all of the microorganisms on your skin B) all of the species of cichlid fish in Lake Victoria C) all of the students in your classroom D) all students attending colleges and universities in your state E) the various plants found in prairies in the western United States Answer: C

Topic: 36.1 Skill: Application

4) Assume that there are five alligators per acre in a swamp in northern Florida. This is a measure of the alligator population's A) dispersion. B) intrinsic rate of increase. C) range. D) equability. E) density. Answer: E

Topic: 36.2 Skill: Application

5) The pattern of distribution for a certain species of kelp is clumped. We would expect that the pattern of distribution for a population of snails that live on the kelp would be A) absolute. B) clumped. C) homogeneous. D) random. E) uniform. Answer: B

Topic: 36.2 Skill: Conceptual Understanding

6) You drive through Iowa in the spring and notice that along a stretch of several kilometers, every third fence post has a male redwing blackbird perched on it defending its nesting territory. This is an example of A) learned dispersion. B) clumped dispersion. C) random dispersion. D) uniform dispersion. E) artificial dispersion. Answer: D
Topic: 36.2 Skill: Application

7) The density of Douglas firs in an old-growth forest is estimated by counting the Douglas firs in four sample plots of 1 hectare each. The number of fir trees in the plots is 10, 12, 7, and 11, respectively. What is the estimated density of firs in the forest? A) 2.5 trees per hectare B) 5 trees per hectare C) 10 trees per hectare D) 20 trees per hectare E) 25 trees per hectare Answer: C

Topic: 36.2 Skill: Application

8) To obtain optimal production in a small garden, one should A) plant seeds in rows with minimal spacing between rows. B) plant seeds in clumps with large spaces between clumps.

C) plant seeds in a uniform pattern throughout the garden. D) soak seeds overnight before planting in rows. E) sow seeds randomly throughout the garden. Answer: C

Topic: 36.2 Skill: Application

9) A survivorship curve is a A) graph that plots an individual's likelihood of reproducing as a function of age. B) graph that plots an individual's likelihood of being alive as a function of age. C) graph that shows the effect of predation on a prey population. D) model for population growth that incorporates the concept of carrying capacity. E) model for population growth that incorporates reproductive rates. Answer: B
Topic: 36.3 Skill: Factual Recall

10) A Type I survivorship curve is the result of which of the following life history traits? A) parents providing extended care for their young B) large numbers of offspring being produced C) infant mortality being much greater than adult mortality D) death rates remaining constant over the life span E) a short life span for most individuals Answer: A
Topic: 36.3 Skill: Conceptual Understanding

Biology: Concepts and Connections, 6e (Campbell) Chapter 37 Communities and Ecosystems

Multiple-Choice Questions

1) A hippopotamus produces a significant amount of waste (dung) that nourishes a variety of life forms; this would not be possible if it were not for A) carp that scrape the skin of hippos for dead skin, parasites, and algae. B) an internal community of microorganisms that helps metabolize ingested plant material. C) the anatomy of the hippo's stomach. D) cichlids that clean the tail bristles of the hippo.

E) water pears and fig trees that extract nutrients from the springwater through their roots. Answer: B

Topic: Opening Essay Skill: Factual Recall

2) A community is composed of A) potentially interacting populations of different kinds of organisms. B) one species of organism living in a specific environment on Earth. C) living organisms and their nonliving environment. D) several ecosystems on one continent. E) the factors that constitute an organism's niche. Answer: A
Topic: 37.1 Skill: Factual Recall

3) One reason it is important to understand community ecology is A) to understand the life cycle of fish, such as cichlids. B) for identification of stomach microbes. C) to aid in conservation of endangered species. D) to provide a basis for farming protocols. E) to provide an enriched habitat for humans. Answer: C
Topic: 37.1 Skill: Factual Recall

4) An owl and a hawk both eat mice. Which of these terms describes the relationship between a hawk and an owl? A) predation B) competition C) parasitism D) commensalism E) mutualism Answer: B
Topic: 37.2 Skill: Factual Recall

5) When two different populations in a community benefit from their relationship with each other, the result is called A) predation. B) partnership.

C) mutualism. D) herbivory. E) competition. Answer: C

Topic: 37.2 Skill: Factual Recall

6) When a crocodile eats a fish, the interspecific interaction between the two could be expressed as ________ for the crocodile and ________ for the fish. A) . . . B) + . . . + C) + . . . D) . . . + E) . . . ++ Answer: C

Topic: 37.2 Skill: Application

7) Which of the following is an example of predation? A) a lizard's camouflage B) a hawk swooping down quickly to capture, kill, and eat a prairie king snake C) a goldfinch feeding on the seeds of a thistle plant D) the vivid colors of the poison-arrow frog in Costa Rica E) mechanical devices, such as quills in a porcupine Answer: B
Topic: 37.2 Skill: Application

8) The sum total of a population's use of the biotic and abiotic resources of its habitat constitutes its A) environment. B) evolution. C) distribution. D) range. E) niche.

Answer: E

Topic: 37.3 Skill: Factual Recall

9) In an ecosystem, you would expect to find interspecific competition between A) males and females of a species in which both sexes occupy the same niche. B) populations of two species that occupy the same niche. C) males of a species during the breeding season. D) a prey species and its predator. E) two wasp species that mimic each other's appearance. Answer: B

Topic: 37.3 Skill: Conceptual Understanding

10) If an overlap develops between the ranges of two closely related species, and if the species occupy the same niche in the zone of overlap, what will probably happen in the zone of overlap? A) A new species will arise by hybridization. B) Both species will coexist, provided the environment in the zone of overlap is different from that in either individual range. C) Both species will coexist, provided the environment in the zone of overlap is similar to that of one of the individual ranges. D) The species will partition the zone so that half of it is added to the range of each species and there is no overlap. E) One species will take over most or all of the zone of overlap. Answer: E
Topic: 37.3 Skill: Conceptual Understanding

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