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CHEATS (AGE OF EMPIRE) I Demo Version: Cheat code F5: Unknow F6: reveal all the map On/off

F7: enable/disable fog of war F8: unknow F9: unknow CRTL-T -Give a menu under wood, food, gold and stone CRTL-W -Give 1000 wood CRTL-F -Give 1000 food CRTL-G -Give 1000 gold CRTL-S -Give 1000 stone CRTL-P -Put some rock when you clik left button on mouse. CTRL-Q -Quick build To enable wood,food,gold and stone CTRL-N to make new game and return in principal menu with Single player, multiplayer... and choose Single player. Choose Campaign and now the cheat is enable. and try other CRTL-? FULL Version Cheats: Press ENTER & After Cheat : MEDUSA - villagers become medusa. When villager is killed, he becomes a black rider. and if killed again becomes a heavy catapult. DIEDIEDIE - you all die RESIGN - you resign REVEAL MAP - reveals all the map PEPPERONI PIZZA - gives yourself 1000 food COINAGE - gives yourself 1000 gold WOODSTOCK - gives yourself 1000 wood QUARRY - gives yourself 1000 stone NO FOG - remove the fog-of-war HARI KARI - Suicide (A More Spectacular Ay To Resign) PHOTON MAN - Get A 'Nuker Trooper' (Guy /W A Laser Gun) GAIA - Control The Animals (You Loose Control Of Your Humans) FLYING DUTCHMAN - Juggernaughts turn into the Flying Dutchman STERIODS - Instant Build HOME RUN - Win The Scenario KILLX - Where 'X' Is The Players Position (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) BIGDADDY - Cool car with rocket lancher

Demo Version: VICTORY instant Victory In B-Version Try this Cheats : STONE WOOD FOOD GOLD PLAYER[1-8] RESIGN VICTORY SUICIDE KILL[1-8] DIEDIEDIE GIVEMEFISSIONMAN GIVEMEPHOTONMAN II Press [ENTER] while playing to bring up chat box, then type: Code Result ROCK ON 1000 Stone LUMBERJACK 1000 Wood ROBIN HOOD 1000 Gold CHEESE STEAK JIMMY'S 1000 Food MARCO Reveal Map POLO Remove Shadow AEGIS Fast Build NATURAL WONDERS Control Nature RESIGN You Lose WIMPYWIMPYWIMPY Destroy Yourself I LOVE THE MONKEY HEAD Gives VDML HOW DO YOU TURN THIS ON Gives a Cobra car TORPEDO# Kill Opponent # TO SMITHEREENS Gives a Saboteur BLACK DEATH Destroy All Enemies I R WINNER You Win

You may also start the game with the following command-line parameters: 800 Sets the screen resolution for the game to 800 x 600 pixels. 1024

Sets the screen resolution for the game to 1024 x 768 pixels. 1280 Sets the screen resolution for the game to 1280 x 1024 pixels. autompsave This will cause the game to save every 5 (or so) minutes. Mfill Fixes horizontal line display issues and black screen areas that may occur with some video adapter configurations. Msync Fixes a problem where the computer stops responding with some SoundBlaster AWE configurations. NoMusic Turns off all music. NormalMouse Replaces the custom mouse pointer with a standard mouse pointer. NoSound Turns off all sounds, except those played in cinematics. NoStartup Skips all cinematic sequences before the game starts. NoTerrainSound Turns off all terrain sounds. Cheat mode (alternate): Enter one of the following codes during game play to activate the corresponding cheat function. Code Result CTRL+P Build Immutable Structure CTRL+T Alternate Resource Menu CTRL+Q Quick Build CTRL+C View End Sequence

More Bases Advantage To have a better chance of winning, you might want to build more than one base. Enlarge the base you start out with, making it completely fortified with at least two castles. Then, send a scout cavalry, or some other fast moving unit, to the opposite side of the map from your base. After you have checked the area and confirmed that it is safe, send a villager to build a castle at that location and fortify that base. This is very helpful if your enemy knows where one of your bases are located, especially during online play.

Fast Resources Use the following trick to rapidly enter the cheat codes and get resources quickly. For wood, press [Enter], type lumberjack, highlight the word, then press [Ctrl] + C to copy it. Press [Enter] to activate the cheat. Press [Enter] again, then press [Ctrl] + V to paste the word on the screen for activation. Repeat to get resources quickly. This may be used with the rock on, robin hood, cheese stack jimmy's, and to smithereens codes. Free Ally When you build a market, there is a chance that a rival tribe will ask you to send them a certain amount of wood, stone, gold, and food. When they do, click on "Diplomacy" or press [Alt] + D and click "Ally" on the name of that tribe. They will become an ally free of charge. However, when you do this you will no longer be able to align yourself with any other tribes. This is helpful if there are four tribes in the game. III
Press [Enter] to display the chat window and type one of following codes. Result Code -----------------------------------------------Fatten animals on map - A recent study indicated that 100% of herdables are obese 10,000 coin - Give me liberty or give me coin 10,000 food - Medium Rare Please 10,000 wood - [censored] 10,000 experience points - Nova & Orion Disable fog of war - X marks the spot Win single player mission - this is too hard "Musketeer'ed!" when killed by Musketeers - Sooo Good 100x gather/build rates - speed always wins Spawns Mediocre Bombard at Home City - Ya gotta make do with what ya got Spawn big red monster - tuck tuck tuck George Crushington - Where's that axe? Destroys all the enemy boats on the map - Shiver me Timpers! Get 10,000 wood - [nature is cured] Generate exports and 10000 resources - a whole lot of love

Cheats: ------Submitted by:preemozch If you want 20,000 in coin, wood, and food for the single player campains all you have to do is this: * * * * * * Start your campaign and save the game immediatly when it starts. Click "Menu" (top right), resign and go all the way back to the gameplay menu. Select single player, skirmish, and start a new skirmish game. The skirmish starts with 20,000 in all three resources. Click "Menu" (top right), then "Load", then pick the campaign that you just saved. The game will open up your saved campaign and the resources will now be 20,000.

This is totally wacky and obviously the developers were surfing the net for Jennifer Aniston nude photos when they should have been debugging. Press ENTER and type in one of folowing cheats: [censored] Medium rare please Give me liberty or give me coin x marks the spot wood, seriously, try it as it is food coin reveal map, but leave fog of war

nova & orion

- 10000 XP

Unconfirmed cheat codes: -----------------------Ya gotta do with what ya got - mediocre bombard that fires animals tuck tuck tuck - gives moster truck

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