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1. It is a notable trend that relationships between employers and employees are changing.

Describe what are the likely reasons and consequences of this change. Miles and Bennett (2009) write that, one way to characterize the exchange between employers and employees is as a series of promises. Employers promise some level of safety and security, adequate resources to perform jobs, opportunities for development and advancement, and so on. In return, employees promise their experience and effort. As we can see as usual, most of others companies always has bigger gap in relationship between their employers and employees, however at Google, Larry Page and Sergey Brin who are co-finder of Google always make sure that their employees were happy, satisfy and comfortable while working in the company. Also the relationship among employees and employers are in good. As the proof, in the statement of article that wrote by Schmidt and Varian (n.d), they state that at Google, the role of the manager is that of an aggregator of viewpoints, not the dictator of decisions. Building a consensus sometimes takes longer, but always produces a more committed team and better decisions. Even the CEO also shared an office at Google for several months after he arrived (Schmidt and Varian, n.d), so it shown that the relationship between employer and employees in the Google Company is closer among each other.

The relationship between employees and employers are sometimes weak. The employees may feel pressured to sustain their job and trying to give a good assumption to the employer, while the employer wonders if the employees have put effort on their job. Employers should also concern about the morale of employees, because low morality of employees could lead to low productivity of the organization. At Google, Larry Page and Sergey Brin provide a standard package of fringe benefits, such as first-class dining facilities, gyms, laundry rooms, massage rooms, haircuts, carwashes, dry cleaning, commuting buses just about anything a hardworking engineer might want ( Schmidt and Varian, n.d). All kinds of these facilities are provided, for motivate employees to work properly within in peace environment like in home, so that employees will think there are no reason to work less or in other word to be lazy. Besides, employees also will feel that their employer is concerned with their employees needs. Google

also expertly navigated their Google company growth by hiring smart technical people and let them figure out how best to get things done (Cramer, 2011), this can make sure that every employees that Google hiring is valuable to the company.

The recession has similarly affected the employer-employee relationship at all companies (Miles and Bennett, 2009). Recession is negative economic growth for two consecutive quarters, and may cause private sector savings tend to rise, this is because people become more nervous to spend (Economic, 2009). During the recession, mostly employees will feel worries of losing their job because of hard financial times of the organization and may start to not believe the organization more again. Although relationship between employer and employees are subject to continuous day to day development, negotiations and change, it is necessary to take a strategic view on how a lasting and positive relationship can be established. Therefore the employer should try to change their employees perception and build their confident to trust the company again. Then, the employer should find out and protect what really matters to employees. The employer also should fully understand how the cuts and other changes being made around the workplace affect each employee's ability to do their job well.

Other reason that can change the relationship between employers and employees is Union. Union is an organization of workers joined to protect their common interests and improve their working conditions (Investor Words, 2011). Empirical evidence confirms that unions use their monopoly power to force employers to pay better wages and benefits (Verma, 2005 cited in Freeman and Medoff, 1984). The decision to strike for improved wages or working conditions is a serious subject that requires a detailed of the strikes likelihood, before it is undertaken. Incorrect judgment about striking can be harmful to employees who choose to engage in this activity. While the employer of striking workers have the legal right to continue to operate their business with permanent replacement employees who need not be discharge once the strike ends (Hunter, 1999). When the replacement happened, this will not only affect the relationship between employers and employees but it will also affect the productivity of the organization because of covering the cost of replacement workers and others. Sometimes the employees

expect there is recalled when an employment vacancy occurs for which they are qualified, unfortunately it will not entitled to immediate and unconditional reinstatement or back pay when their job are filled by permanent replacements.

2. Evaluate why is communication so important in Google's employee benefit area and what sorts of programs can Google use to communicate more effectively so that employees are aware of their benefits. Identify what are the potential consequences of more effective benefits communication.

Communication is the sharing of information, giving and receiving of messages, and transfer information from one or more people to one or more other people (Coates, 2011). In other word, communication is one of the basic functions of management in any organization and its importance can hardly be overemphasized. It is a process of transmitting information, ideas, thoughts, opinions and plans between various parts of an organization (Thomson, 2007). It is not possible to have human relations without communication. However, good and effective communication is required not only for good human relations but also for good and successful business.

Communication is critical since a great deal of money is spent on benefits, yet often employees neither understand the benefits nor their cost. Communication is important in Googles employee benefits area because effective communication and decision is important for management and employees relations (Thomson, 2007). The organization cannot get positive outcome from employee unless they are communicated effectively of what the organization want. As a result, with effective communication will increase productivity because employee can maintain a good human relation in the organization and by encouraging ideas or suggestions from employees or workers and implementing them whenever possible, it also will increase production at low cost.

Moreover, communication is important to make better understanding between employee and organization. The more communication organization can provide to their employees, the better

employee will understand the company. For instance, employees need to clearly understand their benefits that companies provide so they make wise benefit choices and so they value the benefits that employers provide them. Besides, employees who get communications from their employer about their benefits are twice as loyal to that Googles employer (Blattner, 2011). That thought alone ought to save the organization some costs in employee retention and recruitment.

Therefore, communications are important because people cant put a value on what they dont know about. According to Naomi Hall (2007), effective communications include getting the right information out at the right time for the right audience. The more employees know about the benefits that the company is paying for, the better chance there is that they will appreciate what they have.

Employee benefits are an important tool in attracting and maintaining a motivated and loyal work force. Google knows by offering those benefits, it would attract future workers as well as maintain the current workers. If the employees do not realize all the benefits available to them, a lot of time and effort employers spend to select those benefits is annulled (Houston, 2007). The true value of employee benefits in the workplace is amazing. Benefits not only can empower employees and their families to lead better lives at work and home, but they can also help employers cut costs, increase productivity, retain talent and influence company culture.

There are many communication programs company use to communicate to their employee so that employees are aware of their benefits. Most communication programs are written but they may not reach employees who are ignorant. Companies like Google thrive on the input of their staff and thus engender a feeling of team spirit and a desire to grow. Such involvement makes people feel valued and part of a whole instead of just a cog in a machine (Brookes, 2006). The alternatives ways to communicate with employees are videos, presentations or workshops, and benefits statements. Video is one of the great ways to offer a new method of relaying information visually include information sessions explaining employee benefits program company value and

history so that Googles employee are aware of their benefits. The video provided a positive, straightforward message of how the company was responding to health care concerns and information about new benefit plans.

When it comes to employee benefits specifically, Eaton (2011) stated that nearly 30 per cent of employers use presentations or workshops run by benefits advisers or providers to communicate their benefits to staff. This finding is supported by the latest Personal Group study (2010) where more than 21.1 per cent of employers confirmed theyre currently using face to face communication to talk with their employees about benefits (Eaton, 2011). With such an opportunity, face to face could really make all the difference when it comes to engaging employees with the business and with the benefits on offer so that Googles employees have better understand the value of the benefits package.

Moreover, benefits statements are one of the most important areas of companys employee communication. Companies spend large sums on benefits but most employees do not appreciate the value of their benefits. A benefit statement is a personal summary of an employee's benefits, including an estimate of the cost to provide those benefits. It highlights the value the employee receives from the company over and above the regular paycheck. Plus, because the statement can be used to confirm such information as benefit elections and beneficiaries, it helps verify the accuracy of benefit records (McCormick, 2009). Benefit Statements will ensure Googles employees understand the value of benefits program so that their employees are more aware about the benefits.

The positive results of more effective benefits communication are satisfied workforce, lower turnover, and be an informed. Efficient communication within organization between employees and bosses help to improves employees satisfaction because employees feels that their being there makes difference to the organization and bosses feels that their orders and request are being cared for. Besides, effective communication reduces the incidence of misunderstanding and

consequent errors. More effective benefits communication will result of increase work productivity with lower employees turnover related recruiting, hiring, and training costs because employees understand the value of the benefits that company provide to them through communication and appreciate what they have as a result will increase company overall revenue and profit.

Furthermore, effective benefits communication helps in achieving goals because it increase in employee productivity and more efficient and effectively towards the job. Besides, effective communication helps people understand what they want and expect from each other. This helps to build strong personal and business relationships between them (Kapoor, 2011).

References Blattner, J (2011). Employee benefits communication. [Online]. Retrieved on 11 July 2011 from:

Brookes, L (2006). Why employee communication so important. [Online]. Retrieved on 11 July 2011 from:

Coates, G (2009). Notes on Communication. [Online]. Retrieved on 17 July 2011 from:, M (2011). Statistically Significant: Effective Managers use Soft Skills. [Online]. Retrieved on 9 July 2011 from: Economic, (2009). Meaning and Impact of Recession. [Online]. Retrieved on 9 July 2011 from: Eaton, M (2011). Voluntary benefits face to face. [Online]. Retrieved on 13 July 2011 from:

Houston (2007). Communication in employee benefits. [Online]. Retrieved on 11 July 2011 from:

Hunter, R.P. (1999). Disadvantage of Union Representation. [Online]. Retrieved on 10 July 2011 from: Kapoor, C (2011). Benefits of effective communication. [Online]. Retrieved on 14 July 2011 form: McCormick, T (2009). Benefits statement improves employee communication. [Online] Retrieved on 13 July 2011 from: Miles, S.A. and Bennett, N., (2009). The Changing Employer-Employee Relationship. [Online]. Retrieved on 8 July 2011 from:

Schmidt, E. and Varian, H (n.d.). Google: 10 Golden Rules Getting the Most Out Of Knowledge Workers. [Online]. Retrieved on 8 July 2011 from: Thomson, S (2007). Importance of Communication in Organization. [Online]. Retrieved on 18 July 2011 from:

Verma, A ( 2005). What Do Unions Do to the Workplace?Union Impact on Management and HRM Policies.[Online]. Retrieved on 10 July 2011 from:

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