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Your July Horoscope by Susan Miller Cancer Horoscope for July 2011 By Susan Miller This could turn

out to be a major turning point month for you, for planets will be speaking very clearly and loudly. The last eclipse in a long series of eclipses that have come by in CancerCapricorn is due July 1. It's a solar eclipse - a very potent a new moon - arriving at 9 degrees Cancer. This is sure to have strong impact, for this is a new moon, and that signifies that a new path is about to open now. Full moon eclipses end things, like the one we experienced last month, June 15, but the one coming now in Cancer is a new moon, and will create a new trend that will be in place months, and even years from now. Everyone, of every sign is likely to feel this particular eclipse, but especially you if you were born on or within five days of July 1, or if you have planets in your natal chart in cardinal signs at 9 degrees (or very close, within two degrees of a cardinal sign.) Cardinal signs are Aries, Libra, Cancer, or Capricorn. If you were NOT born near July 1, and have no planets at 7-11 degrees of a cardinal sign, you may only feel a mild influence from this eclipse. Still, chances are, you will notice something. This eclipse, July 1, is about what YOU want for yourself - not what someone else thinks you should want, but perhaps reflects hopes, desires, or changes you've long wanted to make but for any number of reasons pushed aside. This eclipse is a strong one, so you won't be able to push aside those thoughts much longer. An eclipse in one's own sign always signals a time to take stock and have a look at life with fresh eyes. Often we are too busy with the affairs of life to notice that we are evolving, maturing, and changing, so we often need an event to make us stop in our tracks and think about what needs to be deleted, changed, or added to life. Eclipses are famous for ending situations that have no future, and they help us fix things that are broken. They are also known to push us to do more with valuable relationships and situations and get them to the next level of sophistication. If you took something or someone for granted, you won't after this eclipse. If someone took you for granted, they will have a rude awakening, for you will show that under no uncertain terms do you find this behavior acceptable. If someone deliberately hid information from you, the eclipse, with its ability to brilliantly floodlight facts, will illuminate that information in a way you won't be able to ignore. Life is often so busy, with so many responsibilities, that it never feels like a good time to drop everything and make some big changes - it's so much easier to talk yourself into thinking, "It's not so bad." The universe knows it is human nature to put off major decisions that might be painful or difficult to make, and every so often will send an eclipse to force us to look closer and see the reality of the situation. That is happening now. As said, this is the last of the eclipses in Cancer-Capricorn, so after this, you will not need to worry that something, or someone, will jump out from behind a potted plant to give you full

disclosure on something you never knew or failed to see, even if it was right in front of your nose. The next eclipse in your sign will arrive in July 2018, seven years from now! Health matters often come up as a result of an eclipse, so watch how you feel. It always pays to watch closely and not dismiss anything, no matter how trivial it may seem to be. In my own life, I knew my Little Mom was to experience a full moon lunar eclipse directly on her birthday last month, June 15. That's not good for health. My sister, Mom's aide (Annie), and I all noticed Little Mom was sleeping a lot more than usual. She had no fever however, and although she wasn't eating much, she was eating enough to be healthy and seemed otherwise OK. I asked her doctor to come see her at the house (yes, we have a nice doctor who will make house calls under certain circumstances in Manhattan.) I asked that he run some blood tests. My Little Mom will never complain, so it really is up to us to figure out what's wrong when she seems a little "off." A day later he was on the phone with me screaming, "Her white cells are up to 38,000!" He was talking as if I knew what that he meant, but listening to the panic in his voice, I knew we had a very urgent situation to deal with quickly. He continued, "Get her to the hospital ER now - she has an infection and needs an IV drip of antibiotics immediately!" As it turned out, it seems we caught things in time, and although she's still in the hospital as I write this report to you, she should come out just fine. My point in telling you this is that knowing astrologic trends really does give you an edge. At eclipse time, pay attention to health matters in you and in your Cancer friends or relatives, especially if your birthday, or theirs, falls near July 1. If you see any subtle changes that seem odd, enlist help. The reason I feel concerned about this eclipse is that it will be surrounded with angry planets that all will be in cardinal signs. In order to have a cardinal cross, you need one planet from each of the four cardinal signs (Aries, Libra, Cancer, Capricorn), all within a tight mathematical pattern, each within approximately 90 degrees from each other. Remarkably, that's what we have now. Pluto, in Capricorn, will oppose the Sun and moon in Cancer, indicating a partner (romantic or business in nature) is likely to come across quite heavy-handed. This person could be your spouse or live-in lover, a good client, agent, or business partner. Pluto in tough angle always spells "unfair" so you may be outraged by the demands of this person. Meanwhile Saturn in Libra at the bottom of your solar chart will add pressure at home, in terms of concern for a parent, or in regard to a property or residential situation that is suddenly in need of your urgent attention. As a result of this eclipse, you may have to swing into action on the home front to fix a developing situation. If that were not enough, Uranus in Aries, now in your lofty career sector, will get in the act too, adding completely unexpected professional news that may make you reassess your future, or even your future involvement in your present career. Rather than put more time and money into a situation that will apparently require a lot more effort, you may decide to cut your losses and leave. Or, your boss may quit and you may wonder how things will play out now that you no longer have your boss there to protect your interests. Your nerves may be on edge by what comes up - don't have too much scheduled so that you can divert your attention when necessary.

All the planets mentioned, Uranus, Pluto, and Saturn, will center their angry direct rays on the Sun and new moon, indicating a financial situation may be brewing that will affect several areas of your life. They will be also affecting the new moon in Cancer, which means you may begin to see yourself differently, and even change your perspective too, which will allow you to make greater changes. Cancer generally goes not like change. The moon rules your sign and teaches you to look back and treasure your memories tenderly (one of your most lovable qualities, dear Cancer). You love tradition, and you tend to hold stability in high esteem. However, the moon also makes you tend to second-guess yourself a lot, and that is not useful for helping you make sweeping changes when necessary. This month, however, you may have little choice but to do so when events from the outside world come to change your life and help you see many things in a new way. When we have a cardinal cross we have to face problems squarely and plan a response. There's no ignoring the situation any longer. Eclipses tend to be non-negotiable too, so you can't quite go back and try to get things put back to the way they were. When we have a mutable cross (of socalled mutable signs of Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo, Pisces) we can talk and debate our way out of difficulties. A grand fixed cross (Leo, Taurus, Scorpio, or Aquarius) is just as it sounds - a fait accompli or "must do" dictate. Cardinal signs are more like fixed crosses, but only much more pressing and urgent in that they demand we enter new territory and try new approaches. Talking won't help, but action will. Delete tired old approaches that really won't fit the circumstances anymore and step boldly into your new future! Nineteen years ago, on June 30, 1992 (or July 1, depending on your time zone) we had a similar eclipse at 9 degrees Cancer. Although the aspects were tough, we didn't have a severe cardinal cross. We had five planets in opposition to each other in cardinal signs, which was a handful in its own right, and the solar eclipse was the same degree, but it was somewhat easier than this eclipse. See if you can remember anything that happened that summer, June-July 1992. (It does for me, big time.) No circumstance in astrology is ever repeated in exact carbon copy, but you may be able to think of themes that came up then that might arise again now. Last month I wrote a lot about the July 1 eclipse, so you may want to re-read your June forecast for more thoughts that I had for you. If you don't see news delivered this month, within days of July 1, you may near August 1, as often an eclipse will take one month (plus or minus four days) to deliver the news. (You may have had some important news around June 1 too, as often an eclipse brings news one month earlier, plus or minus four days.) Also watch August 16-17 when Mars reaches 9 degrees, the same degree as this eclipse. Add plus or minus three days. Technically, an eclipse can deliver news any time within a six-month period but mid-August will be a very vital time to look for either new messages or additional information from the July 1 eclipse. Early July and mid-August would not be the best time for distant travel, so plan to stay home, as too much will be going on to try to control it from afar. In case you did not see much happening at the eclipse last month on June 1 or June 15, you may want to pay attention this month to what occurs on July 6 (for the June 1 eclipse) and July 26 (for the June 15 eclipse) to deliver new or additional news. Again, add a plus or minus of four days.

Now let's look at other events of this month. The full moon, July 15, should be the easier and calmer moment of the month, as compared with the solar eclipse July 1. Whatever came up in the first week of July will now seem easier to cope with and control. It appears by July 15, plus or minus four days, you may be well on your way to developing a plan, and a relationship will be at the center of your thinking. This full moon will focus you on making a serious commitment or partnership. You may get engaged or married, and if so, it's a great time to do so. This full moon falls at 22 degrees Capricorn, the sign that falls 6 months from yours, therefore emphasizing partners in a relationship rather than you. Alternatively, you may set up a business alliance - either marriage or business ties involve signing papers. This suggests the weekend of July 16-17 could turn out to be a big one for you! If your birthday falls on July 15, or within five days of this date, this full moon will be quite a powerful one for you, and you will feel it more than the eclipse July 1. Next month Mercury will be retrograde from August 2-26, so you are best to make your biggest initiations now, or else wait until Mercury, planet of communication, contractual agreements, and commerce, is back in good order in September. When Mercury is retrograde, it's best to follow routine activities, or go back to things you had put aside to do later, like now! I would not want you to get engaged or married, sign a contract, take a new position, or enter into any other big commitments while Mercury is retrograde in August. Do not shop for big items like a computer or a car, and don't close on a house. Get things done in July, or wait until September for best results. If you are going to college, try to sign up for classes before all the spots are taken, in July if possible. What if you are due to marry in August and all the invitations are sent out already? I have a friend whose husband would not let her move the wedding date to a time when Mercury was not retrograde. My friend knew Mercury retrograde was traditionally a terrible time to marry. However, she did get him to agree to have a simple wedding ceremony by a justice of the peace at New York's City Hall prior to the real church wedding. Two friends acted as witnesses, and they promised complete secrecy. No one, to this day, knows the couple was married one month prior to their lavish ceremony in Tuscany, and well in advance of the turn of Mercury retrograde. To this day, they celebrate their "real" wedding - the day their friends and family attended in Tuscany - which is not really the real day at all. No matter! All's well that ends well! Mars will spend a lot of time in your twelfth house this month, considered a house where much planning takes place, often in confidence. This means you might not be able to talk about a project, plan, or relationship yet, but will soon. Once Mars reaches Cancer on August 3, you will be ready to tell others what you've been doing. The period of August 3 to September 18 will be very powerful, as Mars will be in Cancer. Still, as much as you'd like to rush out of the gate and be very assertive in August, you'll have to be patient, as the world won't be ready for you or your ideas at that time. That means you can work

effectively by yourself in August but not talk about what you are doing until September. It also means the period from September 1 to 18 will be extra strong and vital for you, dear Cancer. Be ready! July closes on a wonderful new moon in Leo, July 30. This one surprised me with its graceful beauty and sweet cooperation among some key planets when I first studied it last year, while I was writing "The Year Ahead 2011." It is one of my favorites of the year, for everyone will be able to see progress and come up with some good ideas. The July 30 new moon falls in Leo 7 degrees, and lights your second house of earned income. Jupiter, Pluto, and Mercury will be all in rare harmony, suggesting this will be the very best time to ask for a raise, or to seek new clients, if self-employed. You may also negotiate a new salary for a new position, but do so any time AFTER this new moon appears. This new moon will be dedicated to helping you see more money come into your bank account. Romantically, this month could go either way. If the eclipse affects your closest relationship in a negative way, obviously you'll say it is not a good time for romance. However, if you get engaged or married, it will be a wonderful time. A lot depends on how your relationship has been going all along, and how honest your partner has been with you during your relationship. It's common for eclipse time to be a time of extremes. It is like the universe takes a moment to give you a vivid snapshot of your life, pushing events to either end of the spectrum, exciting or dreadful, so you can see it clearly. If you are single and not dating, you might not feel any difficult challenges at all, although it is possible you could meet someone new. Venus will enter Cancer on July 4 until July 28, making your charms much more visible. You may decide to update your looks now by getting a haircut, new makeup for women, new fragrance - even new clothes, eyeglasses, sunglasses, and other things related to your style, look, and identity. You could not wish for a better time to do so with Venus at your side, so if you want to freshen up your look, head to the salon, the department store, or the eyewear store and have fun doing so. Your best day for love will be Thursday, July 7, when Jupiter and Pluto will be beautifully oriented - Pluto rules your fifth house of true love, so this is due to be a banner day! Be out and about! July 9-10 will be terrific for romance too, when Venus in Cancer sends a signal to Jupiter in compatible Taurus, sure to be a very special weekend for your love life. Your most romantic evenings: July 4, 9, 10, 15 (wild card, full moon), 23-24, and 27-28. If you should break up with a partner this month (and I am not saying you will but IF you do), be comforted in knowing that the road ahead will be much more stable. The job of an eclipse is to give you information you need to protect yourself. If you have always had a strong relationship, you will feel no waves this month.

There will be no more eclipses due in the Cancer-Capricorn family of signs until mid-2018, dear Cancer. You have had eclipses focused on your sign since July 2009 and as of July 1, you will be done

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