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Acyloin Ester Condensation: -Hydroxyketones from carboxylic esters

Aldol Reaction: Reaction of aldehydes or ketones to give -hydroxy carbonyl compounds

Alkene Metathesis: Exchange of alkylidene groups of alkenesmetathesis of olefins

Arbuzov Reaction: Alkyl phosphonates from phosphites

ArndtEistert Synthesis: Chain elongation of carboxylic acids by one methylene group

BaeyerVilliger Oxidation: Oxidation of ketones to carboxylic esters

BamfordStevens Reaction: Alkenes from tosylhydrazones

Barton Reaction: Photolysis of nitrite esters

BaylisHillman Reaction: Hydroxyalkylation of activated alkenes

Beckmann Rearrangement: Rearrangement of oximes to give Nsubstituted carboxylic amides

Benzidine Rearrangement: Rearrangement of hydrazobenzene to yield benzidine

Benzilic Acid Rearrangement: Rearrangement of 1,2-diketones to give hydroxy carboxylic acids

Benzoin Condensation: Benzoins from aromatic aldehydes

Bergman Cyclization: Cyclization of enediynes

Birch Reduction: Partial reduction of aromatic compounds

Blanc Reaction: Chloromethylation of aromatic compounds

Bucherer Reaction: Interconversion of naphtholes and naphthylamines

Cannizzaro Reaction: Disproportionation of aldehydes

Chugaev Reaction: Formation of olefins from xanthates

Claisen Ester Condensation: Formation of -keto esters from carboxylic esters

Claisen Rearrangement: Rearrangement of allyl vinyl ethers or allyl aryl ethers

Clemmensen Reduction: Reduction of aldehydes and ketones to methylene


Cope Elimination Reaction: Olefins from amine oxides

Cope Rearrangement: Isomerization of 1,5-dienes

CoreyWinter Fragmentation: Olefins from vicinal diols

Curtius Reaction: Isocyanates from acyl azides

1,3-Dipolar Cycloaddition: Five-membered heterocycles through a cycloaddition reaction

[2+2 ] Cycloaddition: Photochemical dimerization of alkenes

Darzens Glycidic Ester Condensation: ,-Epoxycarboxylic esters from aldehydes or ketones and -halo esters.

Delepine Reaction: Primary amines through reaction of alkyl halides with hexamethylenetetramine

Diazo Coupling: Coupling reaction of diazonium ions with electron-rich aromatic compounds

Diazotization: Diazonium salts from primary aromatic amines

DielsAlder Reaction: [4 + 2] Cycloaddition of diene and dienophile

Di-p-Methane Rearrangement: Photochemical rearrangement of 1,4-dienes to vinylcyclopropanes

Dotz Reaction: Benzo-anellation via chromium carbene complexes

Elbs Reaction: Oxidation of phenols by peroxodisulfate

Ene Reaction: Addition of a double bond to an alkene with allylic hydrogen

Ester Pyrolysis: Alkenes by pyrolysis of carboxylic esters

Favorskii Rearrangement: Carboxylic esters from -haloketones

Finkelstein Reaction: Exchange of the halogen in alkyl halides

Fischer Indole Synthesis: Indoles from aryl hydrazones

FriedelCrafts Acylation: Acylation of aromatic compounds

FriedelCrafts Alkylation: Alkylation of aromatic compounds

Friedlander Quinoline Synthesis: Condensation of o-aminobenzaldehydes with -methylene carbonyl compounds

Fries Rearrangement: Acylphenols from phenyl esters

Gabriel Synthesis: Primary amines from N-substituted phthalimides

Gattermann Synthesis: Formylation of aromatic compounds

Glaser Coupling Reaction: Coupling of terminal alkynes

Glycol Cleavage: Oxidative cleavage of vicinal diols

GombergBachmann Reaction: Synthesis of biaryls

Grignard ReactionL: Addition of organomagnesium compounds to polarized multiple bonds

Haloform Reaction: Oxidative cleavage of methyl ketones

Hantzsch Pyridine Synthesis: 1,4-Dihydropyridines from condensation of ketoesters with aldehydes and ammonia

Heck Reaction: Arylation or vinylation of alkenes

HellVolhardZelinskii Reaction: -Halogenation of carboxylic acids

Hofmann Elimination Reaction: Alkenes from amines

Hofmann Rearrangement: Primary amines from carboxylic amides

Hunsdiecker Reaction: Alkyl bromides from carboxylates

Hydroboration: Addition of boranes to alkenes

Japp-Klingemann Reaction: Arylhydrazones from reaction of -dicarbonyl compounds with arenediazonium salts

Knoevenagel Reaction: Condensation of an aldehyde or ketone with an active methylene compound

Knorr Pyrrole Synthesis: Formation of pyrroles by condensation of ketones with -aminoketones

Kolbe Electrolytic Synthesis: Electrolysis of carboxylate salts

Kolbe Synthesis of Nitriles: Nitriles from alkyl halides

KolbeSchmitt Reaction: Carboxylation of phenolates/synthesis of salicylic acid

LeuckartWallach Reaction: Reductive alkylation of amines

Lossen Reaction: Isocyanates from hydroxamic acids

Malonic Ester Synthesis: Alkylation of malonic esters

Mannich Reaction: Aminomethylation of CH-acidic compounds

McMurry Reaction: Reductive coupling of aldehydes or ketones

MeerweinPonndorfVerley Reduction: Reduction of aldehydes and ketones with aluminum isopropoxide

Michael Reaction: 1,4-Addition to ,-unsaturated carbonyl compounds

Mitsunobu Reaction: Esterification of an alcohol with carboxylic acid in the presence of dialkyl azodicarboxylate and triphenylphosphine

Nazarov Cyclization: Cyclization of divinyl ketones to yield cyclopentenones

Neber Rearrangement: -Amino ketones from ketoxime tosylates

Nef Reaction: Carbonyl compounds from nitro alkanes

Norrish Type I Reaction: Photochemical cleavage of aldehydes and ketones

Norrish Type II Reaction: Photochemical reaction of aldehydes or ketones bearing -hydrogens

Ozonolysis: Cleavage of a carboncarbon double bond by reaction with ozone

PaternoBuchi Reaction: Cycloaddition of a carbonyl compound to an alkene

PausonKhand Reaction: Synthesis of cyclopentenones by a formal [2 C 2 C 1]cycloaddition

Perkin Reaction: Condensation of aromatic aldehydes with carboxylic anhydrides

Peterson Olefination: Synthesis of alkenes from ketones or aldehydes

Pinacol Rearrangement: Rearrangement of vicinal diols

Prilezhaev Reaction: Epoxidation of alkenes

Prins Reaction: Addition of formaldehyde to alkenes

RambergBacklund Reaction: Conversion of -halosulfones to alkenes

Reformatsky Reaction: Synthesis of -hydroxy esters

ReimerTiemann Reaction: Formylation of aromatic substrates with chloroform

Robinson Annulation: Annulation of a cyclohexenone ring

Rosenmund Reduction: Aldehydes by reduction of acyl chlorides

Sakurai Reaction: Conjugate addition of an allylsilane to an ,-unsaturated ketone

Sandmeyer Reaction: Conversion of arenediazonium salts into aryl halides

Schiemann Reaction: Aryl fluorides from arenediazonium fluoroborates

Schmidt Reaction: Reaction of carboxylic acids, aldehydes or ketones with hydrazoic acid

Sharpless Epoxidation: Asymmetric epoxidation of allylic alcohols

SimmonsSmith Reaction: Cyclopropanes from alkenes

Skraup Quinoline Synthesis: Quinolines by reaction of anilines with glycerol

Stevens Rearrangement: Tertiary amines from quaternary ammonium salts by migration of an alkyl group

Stille Coupling Reaction: Coupling reaction of organotin compounds with carbon electrophiles

Stork Enamine Reaction: Alkylation and acylation of enamines

Strecker Synthesis: -Amino acids from aldehydes or ketones

Suzuki Reaction: Palladium-catalyzed cross-coupling with organoboron compounds

Swern Oxidation: Oxidation of alcohols by activated dimethyl sulfoxide

TiffeneauDemjanov Reaction: Ring enlargement of cyclic -amino alcohols

Vilsmeier Reaction: Formylation of aromatic compounds and of alkenes

Vinylcyclopropane Rearrangement: Cyclopentenes by rearrangement of vinylcyclopropanes

WagnerMeerwein Rearrangement: Rearrangement of the carbon skeleton via carbenium ions

Weiss Reaction: A synthesis of the bicyclo[3.3.0]octane skeleton

Willgerodt Reaction: -Arylalkane carboxylic amides from aryl alkyl ketones

Williamson Ether Synthesis: Ethers by reaction of alkyl halides with alkoxides

Wittig Reaction: Alkenes (olefins) from reaction of phosphonium ylides with aldehydes or ketones

Wittig Rearrangement: Rearrangement of ethers to yield alcohols

WohlZiegler Bromination: Allylic bromination with N-bromosuccinimide

Wolff Rearrangement: Ketenes from -diazo ketones

WolffKishner Reduction: Hydrocarbons by reduction of aldehydes or ketones

Wurtz Reaction: Hydrocarbons by coupling of alkyl halides

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