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Prostitution refers to the act of having sexual intercourse, or performing other sexual acts, for other motivations other than love or lust, such as favors or for monetary gain. The sexual act is voluntary and without physical coercion. Prostitutes are seen for the ability to give men and women a good time by offering sexual favors for money or gifts. Prostitution also crosses class lines, from the poor streetwalkers with their drug habits and abusive pimps to the high-class brothel and escort service workers. Prostitution has often been characterized as the world s oldest profession the practice of selling sex for cash or other immediate compensation has existed across cultures and times. The concept of women as property, which prevailed in most cultures until the end of the 19th century, meant that the profits of the profession most often accrued to the men who controlled it. Men have traditionally been characterized as procurers and customers, but they are increasingly being identified as prostitutes. They generally serve male customers and sometimes impersonate women. Prostitution in various forms has existed from earliest times. It is dependent on the economic, social, and sexual values of a society. It has been secular or under the guise of religion.


Poverty and unemployment has triggered the rapid spread of prostitution. It provides those involved in this profession a considerable amount of income to support their families as well as supply a steady flow of remittances from urban to rural areas or from prostitutes working overseas.

A state of being unemployed or not having a job. It may also include the lack of access of opportunities such as education and employment. Unemployment also affects individual or groups to involve in prostitution. Because of the lack of access of job opportunities for them having a decent job, they intend to work and sell themselves to earn money and survive economic poverty.

Drug addiction is defined as a condition characterized by compulsive drug intake and craving and seeking drugs regardless of negative consequences associated with drug abuse. Drugs and prostitution are related in that some drug addicts, most commonly heroin or crack cocaine users, obtain their drugs primarily through prostitution. They may receive money (which is used to pay for drugs), or they may receive the drug in trade for sex. Such addicts most commonly take part in street prostitution, as they typically lack the resources to work independently from a private residence or be escort prostitutes, and many brothels do not want to employ visible drug users.

Is the commerce and trade in the movement or migration of people, legal and illegal including both legitimate labor activities as well as forced labor? For some reason, women/men are been tricked into prostitution with guarantees of decent job opportunities in the city or abroad or have been kidnapped and then forced to work as prostitutes.


The buyers of commercial sex acts are the ultimate consumers of trafficked prostitutes. They use them for entertainment, sexual gratification, and acts of violence. They create the demand and the prostitutes are the supply. They are seeking control and sexing contexts in which they are not required to be polite or nice, and where they can humiliate, degrade, and hurt the victim (trafficked prostitute), it they want.

The exploiters, including traffickers, pimps, brothel owners and some organized crime members who make-up what is known as the sex industry. They make money from the sale of sex as a commodity. Traffickers and organized crime groups are the perpetrators that have received most of the attention in discussions about the sex trafficking. Pimps and brothel owners have to advertise to men that women and children are available for commercial sex acts.

By tolerating or legalizing prostitution, the state, at least passively, is contributing to the demand for victims. The more states regulate prostitution and derive tax revenue from it, the more actively they become part of the demand for victims. Exploiters exert pressure on the lawmakers and officials to create conditions that allow them to operate. They use power and influence to shape laws and polices that maintain the flow of men and women to their sex industries. They do this through the normalization of prostitution and the corruption of civil society.

Mass media is playing a large role in normalizing prostitution by portraying prostitution as glamorous or a way to make a lot of money quickly and easily. Of course, within the commercial world of entertainment, there are many connections between the film and publishing industries and pornography production, between tourist entertainment and the sex tourism. Generally, the media is invested in supporting the expansion of the sex industry.


Streetwalkers are prostitutes who make themselves visible and commercially available on urban streets. They solicit customers who are passing on foot or in automobile. Services are performed in customers cars, in nearby hotels, hotels, alleys, doorways, and so on. On average, these prostitutes command the lowest prices, they typically have the least bargaining leverage over condom use and choice of sexual practices, and they have the highest risk of harm from customers or others.

Some prostitutes solicit customers in bars, clubs, and hotels, especially those frequented by conventioneers and others likely customers. Prostitutes often collaborate, and must share their revenues, with either the manager of the bar or club or, in the case of hotels, a bellhop or desk clerk who refers clients to the prostitutes. Services may be provided in the establishment, in a dark corner or back room of a club, or in a hotel room rented by either the prostitute or the customer. The prostitute s income varies from fairly low to quite high according to the prestige and price range of the establishment. The prostitute s net income also varies according to the percentage of fees demanded by the manager or of the establishment in exchange for referrals and protection.


Street prostitution is a specific form of prostitution in which the sex worker operates from the street. The street prostitute typically solicits customers while waiting at street corners or walking alongside a street, often dressed in a provocative manner. The sex act may be performed in the customer s car or in a nearby secluded street location, or at the prostitute s apartment or in a rented room.

Young women bar girls or men in the case of gay bars employed by the bars either as dancers or simply as hostesses who will encourage customers to buy them drinks. The hostesses or dancers are often looking to find customers for sexual services, though this is not always the case. A bar usually employs one or more mamasans or pimps who will help match interested customers with companions, though usually their assistance is unnecessary.

In modern times, prostitutes have come to use the Internet to find customers. A prostitute may use adult boards or create a website of their own with contact details, such as email addresses. They tend to advertise independently on escorting websites, or else through an escorting agency. On the former business model, escorts usually pay a monthly fee to list themselves with pictures, text, and contact information on a website listing male or female escorts.


Is an establishment specifically dedicated to prostitution, providing the prostitute a place to meet and to have sexual intercourse with clients? In some places, brothels are legal, and in many countries, places such as massage parlors are allowed to function as brothels, with varying degrees of regulation and repression. Most often consists of an oil massage, assisted bath and/or body slide treatment followed by sexual services. These latter may or may not be included in the price paid to the house. If not, they are negotiated with the masseuse.


Pornography depicts the prostitution of men and women. Adult book and video stores sell new and used pornographic magazines, books, and videos. Many have one-man booths for masturbating and viewing videos or live nude women. Pornography depicts the prostitution of men and women.


y y y y y y Anger and Rage Deep emotional pain and grieving Distrust and hatred for men Feelings of humiliation and dirtiness and shame Loss of sexual desire, feelings or responses Stigma of prostitution

y y y y y y y High rate of exposure to STD s and HIV High rate of positive pap smears High risk unwanted pregnancies and infertility Homicide Physical danger in injuries from repeated physical attacks Organ damage from drug and alcohol addiction Persistent bladder infections

y y y y y y Clinical depression Dissociative disorders Drug and alcohol abuse Generalized anxiety Post traumatic stress disorder Self-injurious and suicidal behaviors

y y y y y y y Difficulty establishing intimate relationships Educational deprivation Isolated from mainstream society Isolated from peer group Lost career building years Missed normal socialization process High rate of violence and abuse


In escort prostitution there are 2 kinds of calls. The first is an out-call which is when the sexual act takes place at the customer s residence or the customer s hotel room. The second kind of call is an InCall where the act takes place at the escorts place of residence or more commonly at a hotel room rented by the escort. Unlike streetwalkers and bar/hotel prostitutes, they are not restricted to a specific site. However, their calls are most often to locations where there are well-to-do clients who prefer the insulation of an intermediary referral service. Customers are typically assigned to prostitutes by the escort agency, which first charges a fee to the customer. The prostitute then negotiates with the customer the price for specific services. Like escorts, call girls/boys also rely upon referral and screening either by an agent, by a restricted circle of other prostitutes in the same market, or by familiar clients. The prices in this market segment reach the highest levels. The prostitute has considerable bargaining leverage over condom use and sexual practices.


They are expected to spend long shifts on display in a bar/lounge reception area where prices for services are posted, to accept any customer who chooses them, then to take the customer to another room to perform the services contracted. The customer typically pays the house and the prostitute later receives 40 to 60 percent of the revenue that she has generated, sometimes with deductions for room, board, and supplies. Prostitutes in this market segment enjoy the highest level of protection from their customers since they work in a highly controlled environment where condom use has been enforced. However, they have little personal autonomy or bargaining leverage over working conditions with their managers. They are typically controlled by state and country regulations that require them to be fingerprinted and to undergo weekly medical examinations and other legal regulations.

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