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To find factorial of any number which number of digits is less than 1000.

#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> class Factorial { private: long n,l,a[1000]; public: void input(); void compute(); void display(); }; void Factorial::input() {

cout<<"This program is designed to display all the digits of the factorial"<<"\nof a number input by the user.\n"; cout<<"\nPlease enter the number whose factorial is to be printed. "; cin>>n; } void Factorial::compute() { long i,j,x,temp; a[999]=1,l=1; for(i=0;i<999;i++) a[i]=0; for(i=1;i<=n;i++) { x=0; for(j=999;j>=999-l-2;j--) {

temp=a[j]; a[j]=(temp*i+x)%10; x=(temp*i+x)/10; }

for(j=0;j<=999;j++) { if(a[j]!=0) { l=999-j+1; break; } } } } void Factorial::display() {

long i; cout<<"\nThe factorial of "<<n<<" is:\n"; for(i=999-l+1;i<=999;i++) cout<<a[i]; cout<<"\n\nPROGRAM TERMINATED."; } void main() { Factorial k; k.input(); k.compute(); k.display(); getch(); }

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