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GE2203 Psychology for Young Professionals Being a CLOWN

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Introduction Job Nature Personalities Conflicts Stress Diversities Workplace and schedule Special occupation Clown doctor Conclusion Reference 2 3-4 5-9 10-12 13-16 17-19 20-22 23 24 25

Do you want to be a clown? Many people think that clown is an interesting occupation as they always smile and entertain people through many kinds of things. However, it is not easy to become a professional clown. Its not only due to your own personality or ability, but also the environment. Here are some jokes that illustrate the difficulties of being a clown.

When a boy states that he wants to become a clown, his Chinese teacher would say: What a lazy boy! But his American teacher would say: Spreading happiness to people all over the world! Its an old joke that satirizes the cultural difference between Chinese and American toward occupation. Although this joke cannot state the real situation in Hong Kong, it reflects the condition in some degree that people like to classify profession into different rank. Some people despise this profession and believe being a clown will lower their dignity.

A man goes to a doctor. He says he is depressed and life seems harsh and cruel, he feels all alone in a threatening world where what lies ahead is vague and uncertain. Doctor says: "Treatment is simple. Great clown Pagliacci is in town tonight. Go and see him. That should pick you up." Man bursts into tears. Says:" But, doctor...I am Pagliacci." Being a clown would not be funny as his face showed. It would be a very stressful work and your emotion may be frustrated during the preferment. However, you have to conform yourself not only to hide these feeling, but also behave friendly to the source of the stress for matching the character.

Do you still want to become a clown after reading these jokes? If so, this booklet will be very useful for you to become a professional clown. It would include the personalities that a successful clown needed, the origin of the stress, the way to cope with stress and the conflict of being a clown.

Clowns are defined as comedians, or buffoons. Their purpose is to entertain people and make them laugh. Basic requirement Clowning is, above all, a performing art and it may seem like a simple task, but this profession involves much more than just goofing off. Individuals who are looking to become a professional clown may benefit from one of the many clown schools and colleges around the world. These schools teach the basics of being a clown, and they teach more focused aspects as well. Besides educational qualifications and techniques, clowns need to have a strong aspiration in entertaining for others. They are comfortable with the idea of both designed and choreographed performances. It implies that wit, sense of humor and creativity are essential factors to be a professional clown in performing extempore act. Different types of clowns

Whiteface clowns usually cover their body with makeup in white color wholly. They wear extravagant costumes, and act as a serious and arrogant character. Auguste clowns always perform as a joker or an anarchist. Classically the whiteface clown instructs the auguste clown to perform his bidding. Character clowns adopt an eccentric character of some type, such as a butcher, a baker, a policeman and a housewife. Therapeutic clowns using spontaneous humor and gentle play to sick kids to minimize stress during hospitalization and treatment. Rodeo clowns are dressed in oversized, wild costumes, and imitate an animal wrangler or a cowboy. They are used in bull riding competitions where their primary job is to distract the bull from the rider


ying. depend on the role they are pla y have to do the following things Clowns ma the ground slack rope or a piece of rope on Walk a tightrope, a high wire, a or even an elephant Ride a horse, a zebra, a donkey of "lion tamer". Substitute him/her in the role onies Act as M.C. or Master of Cerem mer might do Anything any other circus perfor Working environment

h as surrounded by huge crowds, suc Clowns will work in many places Rodeos Amusement parks Theatres Circus Hospitals Parties Parades Shopping mall Street performances e parts Them Clubs Carnivals Different types of humor

an abnormal amount Exaggerate - enlarge or increase ed Surprise - something unexpect te of what was intended Irony - the meaning is the opposi remark intended to ridicule Sarcasm - a cutting, often ironic to attack or ridicule Satire - irony or sarcasm used mistake or disagreement Misunderstanding - result of a comedy (slapstic Physical humor - broad, physical Pun - play on words k)

Personality is defined as the particular combination of emotional, attitudinal, and behavioral response patterns of an individual. We have high tendency to follow in this pattern.

There is a Five-Factor Model of Personality, which are five broad dimensions of personality that can be used to describe personality of human. They are

Openness Tendency to be open to new ideas, changes and appreciate with them.

Conscientiousness Tendency to restrict themselves and prefer planned behavior instead of

spontaneous one

Extraversion Tendency to stimulate themselves by being with others and be energetic,


Agreeableness Tendency to be sympathetic, cooperative and encourage or care for social


Neuroticism Tendency to be emotional reactive and feel negative emotions easily.

In general, clowns are:

High in neuroticism

Neuroticism is related to feeling and psychosomatic. Especially for clowns, clowns need to have abundant facial expression, and clearly show their emotional through different non-verbal communication skills.

Low in extraversion

Extraversion is related to active engagement in social activities. If someone is talkative, sociable and adventurous, then he/she will not be a suitable candidate of doing a clown, because they may conceal their feeling to pander when they facing different people. Clown need to completely display their emotional feeling in front of their audience.

Low in agreeableness

Agreeableness is significantly related to generosity. People who are good-natured, sympathetic will be a suitable candidate to become a clown, because clown has to face a lot of embarrass situation. For example, children may fool with clown and people always laugh at clown. If someone cannot be tolerance or generosity, they may find it difficult to face those audiences.



Clowns use humor as a defense mechanism to against anxiety situation. Concerned with approval

Clowns use funniness to get social approval, so that they can get the satisfaction from pleasing the others.


Clowns accurately perceive the fears and needs of the audiences. They can perform well even need to perform without rehearsal. Shy, Suspicious and Sensitive

Clowns have abundant mental and psychological feeling. It can definitely help clowns to display more attractive and meaningful facial expressions.
A Research Study by Seymour and Rhoda Fisher Seymour and Rhoda Fisher studied the personality of comedians.

Preoccupation with the themes of good and bad

Comparing the personality of actors and comedians, comedians are greatly preoccupied with themes of good and evil. A crown cannot decide whether he is good or bad and this disturbs him. Therefore, he tries to use his funniness to tell others and himself that the world is not so evil and threatening as they think. Ambivalent

Double role makes clowns different. The performance of the comedians is always two prolonged. On the one hand, they do many things to please and entertain people. They are very affable and will sacrifice their self-esteem to make people laugh. They are inferior to the audience. On the other, they convey repressed anger and hostility by talking about threatening taboo issues such as death, crimes, punishment and so on. They are hostile and angry. They are superior to the audience and want to take control of them. The reason for the duality of the clowns is that they are forced to adapt to an environment full of contradictions and paradoxes. In order to deal with this, they learn to integrate the contradictions and paradoxes and be comfortable with them. Because these problems are irrational, they have to handle it with irrational, silly and foolish thoughts, perspectives and actions.


Clowns conveyed more hostility than actors. Their anxiety and repressed hostility needs humor to vent them. It is like people using dreams or others to vent their hidden feelings.


Though comedians spoke a lot, they avoided eye contact and using the interviewers name. They treat the interviewer like a tape recorder instead of a person. They seem to build a wall to separate them from the interviewer. Also, they tend to conjure up images about concealment such as people wearing masks, hiding creatures in their inkblot responses. By The psychology of adaptation to absurdity: tactics of make-believe By Seymour Fisher, Rhoda Lee Fisher


Clowns need to show their amusing facial expression and tell jokes to others in order to vent their emotion like anger and anxiety. Not only treat it as a venting method, but also a method to attract and pleasing people. When they make the audience laugh, clowns will treat those laughing voice as a reward and have intrinsic motivation. Also because they are nervous, they tend to have approach motivation, therefore they will keep on making audience laugh. In other words, by operant conditioning in reinforcement, if clowns can get positive reward after he/she makes audience laugh, then he/she will keep on doing this behavior. This is the basic concept of reinforcement. The more audience laughs, the more social recognition he/she can get from the audience.


Using intuitive thinking styles, clowns find out the significant information out of the complexity and take action accordingly. This is an unconscious simple process, called a heuristic. Using past experience, specific modes of perception, information processing and reactions, they react to some specific situation. The same processes can apply to same contexts in the future. Therefore, they use humor to defend against anxiety and convert suppressed anger from physical to verbal aggression. Thinking and emotion

According to the experiential system, people are influenced by feelings. When people are in certain situations, they will experience some feelings related to past emotionally similar experiences and react to these feelings. For example, clowns try to turn all the dreadful things that happened to them into funny stories so that they think that these things are no longer dreadful but funny to them. They use humor to deny that things are as bad or threatening as they may seem.

What conflict does a clown have? People may get prejudice against the others because of different socioeconomic status, race, and age. The duty of a clown is to bring happiness and entertain people. No matter how rich you are, or where you are come from, how old you are, a clown still needs to do the best to make audience laugh. Otherwise, it loses its value. As a clown is being a human, he/she may get prejudice especially going to other countries to have performance. A white person may not want to make black audiences laugh. Some male clowns just want to entertain the female. It is more apparent to happen for some young men. Sometimes, a clown may meet other performer even another clown. Although they are not come from the same group, circus or organization, they have the faith and aim to bring happiness to others. However, they may look down upon others and have a higher self-esteem. Being a clown, confidence is important, that why they will belittle other performers. More often, people misunderstand clowns. People sometimes think that a clown is humble in their mind. Comparing with other performers, they believe a musician or a dancer is much greater than a clown. This kind of assumption is stereotype and prejudice. Parents usually not agree their children for being a clown. They think being a clown is not professional and meaningless, and even do not like their children to watch a clowns performance! They see a clown as an evil. In some movies, a clown always acts as a bad guy such as the The Dark Knight (Batman). For Chinese, they think the clowns job is halfhearted because of its grinning cheekily. People cannot see the real face. They assume a clown is not good even delights us. The above conditions illustrate that a clown may face different kinds of prejudice. All in all, prejudice will influence a clowns performance. Therefore, it needs to be tackled.

What does prejudice mean? Dictionary: an unfair and unreasonable opinion or feeling, especially when formed without enough thought or knowledge. Definition in psychology: Prejudice is a baseless and usually negative attitude toward members of a group. Common features of prejudice include negative feelings, stereotyped beliefs, and a tendency to discriminate against members of the group. Some examples are a person's sex, religion, race, age, physical belief and personal beliefs. (by Edwin, (7 posts) on October 22nd, 2010) Why are we prejudiced? Frequently we make false generalizations as it is easier to understand the real differences and complexities. We may think black people are good at sport or women are more romantic than men. They all contain assumptions and make use of knowledge associated with the group to infer about characteristics that the people might posses. Such stereotypes are not based on fact but rather on what we think is right from our limited experiences and upbringing. Cognitive root of prejudice is come from the desire of self-esteem given by the others (your group). It is related to culture and upbringing on our behavior and personality. There are many factors influencing this behavior indirectly prejudice. Social Learning Theory illustrates some factor such as the values of our parents and friends which we absorb, where we live, and what culture we belong to. All of these have a significant impact on which people and groups we believe are like us. When we believe we are in a group, we suppose the other are enemy and get prejudice against them. We desire the identification and the feeling of self-esteem from our group such as family, friends, or colleagues. The more dependent a person is on their social identity for their personal identity, or on their group to give them their feeling of self-esteem, the higher the possibility of them being prejudiced. Among people who have a low opinion of themselves, prejudice is often used to separate themselves from groups they dont want to belong to and grow closer to groups they do.

How to reduce Prejudice? Prejudice reduction can be done in both a group level and individual level. The group level is concern about increasing positive intergroup contact and individual level will concern deal with controlling biased thoughts and negative behaviors. And also you can reduce your prejudice in several ways. Firstly, the first way is reflection. We can start by asking questions to ourselves, and quite literally creating a checklist to challenge our own values and views like Is this true? Do I have all the facts? Am I over generalizing? Am I labeling this group or person unfairly?

It helps us to reflect ourselves whether we are prejudice or not. We had better stop and think. The second way is contact which means being prepared to deal anxiety in positive ways. Thirdly, by learn means listen to each one from different groups and observe their behaviors, and keep an open mind to learn what are different from you. Then, you attempt to accept differences, value diversity, enhance equality. Familiarity with other groups in society can often lead to tolerance and acceptance of other peoples views and values. Try to work with the others from different. It does help.

In psychology, stress is commonly defined as a process which a person appraises a situation as threatening and responds in a way that prepares the person to cope with the threat. It is the combination of a stressor and stress activity. The measurement of stress is in fact the measurement of the stress response. Clown is a very stressful profession and follows are several stressors of them.

Uncertainty prospect

In Hong Kong, clown is not a very stable profession as there are only two amusement parks. The job opportunity is less. Many clowns incomes are depended on the number of jobs or events they got. Their salary would be fluctuated by the seasonal change and the economic environment.

Negative attitude toward clown

Normally, people treat clown as a negative profession as they subjectively think that the clown only plays tricks to entertain people. This attitude would induce conflicts that stress clown. Moreover, these conflicts are not only come from the audient, but also the clowns family. Parents always wish their children to become a doctor or lawyer who have high salary and respect, or at least not a clown.

Uncontrollable reaction of audient

A clown may not trigger the excepted reaction of audient through the performance. It would greatly affect his following performance as he has to consider whether his show is good or not.

Work overload

Some employer may expect the clown to do much more things than the clown can actually do. For example, a clown has to perform jokes, balloon art, magic trick and even the MC. in an event. A clown has to learn many skills to satisfy the employers need. Otherwise, the received jobs would reduce.

Change in work place

Clowns have to work at different places depend on the jobs they receive. The new environment may be perceived as threatening to clowns and trigger the stress responds such as increase heart rate, sweating and nervous which would greatly affect their performance. Due to the differences in personality, people would have different respond to the stress.

Type A and Type B personality

Type A individuals are described as ambitious, aggressive, business-like, controlling, highly competitive, impatient, preoccupied with his or her status, time-conscious, and tightly-wound. People with Type A personalities are often high-achieving "workaholics" who multi-task, push themselves with deadlines, and hate both delays and ambivalence. They are attracted by high stress. If a clown is high in Type A personality, he will enjoy the high work overload situation in Hong Kong. However, according to cardiologists Meyer Friedman and Mike Jordans ten-year study in 1950, Type A behavior doubles the risk of coronary heart disease in otherwise healthy individuals. Furthermore, if they fail to entertain the audient, they will become frustrated and give up. Type B individuals are described as perfect contrast to those with Type A personalities. People with Type B personalities are generally patient, relaxed, easy-going, and at times lacking an overriding sense of urgency. Because of these characteristics, Type B individuals are often described as apathetic and disengaged by individuals with Type A or other personality types. They experience less stress at work and may work hard and in equally stressful environment. If a clown is high in Type B personality, he can adapt the high work overload situation in Hong Kong with good performance. They can function effectively as possible and will not give up when they fail.


People who are high in hardiness have attitudes that may make them more resistant to stress since they believe that they can control or influence the events in their lives. For instance, the clown can treat the workload, change in work place and the reaction of audient as challenging and exciting rather than threatening.

Locus of Control

People who are high on internal control believe that they can influence the forces and events that shape their and they tend to experiencing lower levels of stress and burnout than those high in external locus of control. The clowns high on internal control can arrange the performance themselves rather than following the instruction of the employer. As they are more talent than their employer in entertaining people, they can manage a better show by using their own style. Self- Esteem

It refers to how we feel about ourselves in workplace. People who are high on Organizationbased Self- Esteem (OBSE) have high sense of personal adequacy and see themselves as important, effective, and worthwhile member of their organization.

The clowns high on OBSE will be full of confident on stage as they think they are the spot of the show. As they think they are important, it easy for them to cope with the uncertainty prospect, which is, they consider themselves as a vital character in events. Negative affectivity

People who are high in negative affectivity are likely to experience distress and dissatisfaction in all areas of life. They focus on negative aspect of their experiences and dwell their weakness. The clown should be low in negative affectivity so they can alleviate the negative feeling of failure to do the expected outcome such as the audient did not interest in the show. They will focus on their successful performance and how the audiences commend their show.

of being a clown. There are different diversities Diversities of viewers:

Little child (3-10 years old) use by a rs old, the action or tricks that viewers are aged around 3-7 yea a) As the make sure that they are easily understand by them and clown should be interested for your play. need to ing fun to little child, but also good clown who not only just giv b) Being a clown should aware of their ge towards them. That means a maintain a good ima action during the rest time. childs child, they should control the are performing for the little c) As they le child may not control very performance. It is because litt behavior during the of ards those unpredictable action wn need to have fast response tow well, the clo child.

years old) Youngsters or Adults (11 50 re uld make their play being mo perform for this age class sho a) Clowns who is because re difficult and diversified. This ngful or the tricks should be mo meani cial watching clowns. Therefore, spe may have many experiences on the viewers from them. tricks can gain more attention jokes may involve any dirty jokes, as those clowns should aware that not to b) The so and they may think that it is ssment towards the audiences cause embarra disgusting. at the l boring if they just only watch youngsters or adults may fee c) Some e in the performance during the the clown should let them involv performance, so them n from the viewers and also to let is can help to gain more attractio time. Th wont feel bore.

Elderly (51 years old or over) be performance effects should not uld be aware of the effect of the a) Clown sho orded such an exciting erly audience may not be aff so excited, as eld ent. uld keep in a peaceful environm . The performance for them sho performance

Tourists a) While making tricks or jokes to tourists, we should aware that there are different cultures of different tourists. The clown should be careful that not to make any disrespectful action to any culture. As the languages of tourists may be different, it is difficult for a clown to learn so many language, so during the performance time, the clown should use more body language and gestures to represent verbal communication.


Diversities of location

Stage As it is difficult for a clown to handle the viewers attitude on stage, the clown can make use of some sound effect or light effect to bring viewers into the atmosphere the clown want. Also it is difficult for audiences to see if the clown keeps on doing some small tricks with small tools, so the clown performs on stage is suggested to use larger tools in order to let audiences to know how the tricks are moving. Outdoor As there are so many noise while performing outdoor, so the clown should lead the audience concentrate on the performance. For example, doing small tricks may help. The clown should pay extra caution during the performance time, as accidents can easily happen in outdoor area. Also, audiences may not have a fixed seat or standing place to enjoy the show, the clown should control them during the show time.



a) b)

Diversities of time

Festival Time

Being a clown may lose time of celebrate the festival with their friends. However, a professional clown should treat viewers at friends and celebrate with them happily.

Party Time

The clown need to have fast response and keep patience, so people during the party time may being crazy or even some of them may drunk.

Work schedule is very important for employee and company, because the length of time for work or the pattern of work schedule are directly affect the performance of work and associated with workers health and safety ricks. For clowns, they go to perform as many as possible because their base pay isnt considerable; they need to receive more work to earn more bonus money. As a result, sometimes, they need to work whole day and work 7 days a week. Furthermore, they need to perform on the street for free to enhance their celebrity rating. This exhausted work schedule let clowns dont have enough time to take rest and it damages their heath and performance. However, they know that physical state is associated with their performance, so, they use different ways to recovery their energy level. Although their work schedule is unstable, some of them insist on having enough sleep, such as, they will sleep 2 times a day, each sleep for 3-5 hours. Also, some people have a late-afternoon dip in energy level, so, they will have a nap in the afternoon that for recovering energy. They use these skills to sustain the energy level that keeping good mood and work efficiency. Also, when they plan a work schedule, they will consider circadian rhythms of cortisal level which states that most people have high cortisol level in the morning. Cortisol level associated with the physical state of a person, the higher cortisol level, the more efficiency of working. So, when they study new tricks that require high thinking capacity, they will plan to do it in the morning. For rehearsal or small -scale performance, they will prefer to do it in the afternoon or at night. However, the flexible work schedules let clowns have freedom to choose whether receiving jobs or not. If clowns are not available or dont have time to perform, they can refuse to receive the job. It is a big advantage for them, because they can have more private time to do what they want, compared to workers whose schedule are regular or fixed. They can have more spare time to have advanced studies on being clowns or relaxing.

Some people being clowns are for generating happy to others, they dont care about the reward they will get, or even dont have any recompense. Most of them have full-time jobs, they regard being clowns as leisure activities. The flexible work schedule allows them to receive the job which is not disturbing their regular work. Such as, some doctors use their leisure time to be clowns in hospitals to generate fun to hospitalized children. They help children adapt to their surroundings. The atmosphere of fun and laughter can help children forget about the illness and the stress for a moment.

If a clown stands out above the rest, he may earn more money than others because of his outstanding performance. If he wants to keep outstanding, he needs to work hand on learning new tricks. How can a clown have a force to continuous to learn new skill? Whether the new tricks as a result of learning will sustain depends on the learning effects. A clown have a good performance with new skills, such as new magic tricks, the audience will feel happy, then the clown will satisfies his performance and positive feelings will be resulted. Besides, his social needs may also be satisfied, if he is praised by his boss for many company want to invite him to perform again because of the previous newfangled performance. Moreover, the more chance to perform, the more bonuses they will get, this is an extrinsic motivation or positive reinforcement make clowns have further positive feeling toward learning skills. By law of effect, any behavior that results in satisfying consequence tends to be repeated. As a result, the satisfaction let him more willing to learn new skills and improve their skills.

Memory is very important for a clown, because in a 1 to 2 hours performance, they cant see any paper notes that mark down the procedure of performance, or even the complicated procedure of tricks. They can retrieve the procedure form their brain only. Long working time and low energy level let them have a bad effect on retrieval of memory. Also, the presence of audience and the chatting of audience can draw clowns attention. Because of limits of attention, if we pay attention to multi-tasks at the same time, we will perform one or both of the tasks more poorly. As a result of divided attention for audience and performance, it let clowns hard to concentrate on their work and hard to retrieval the memory of tricks. Furthermore, encoding is directly associated with the efficiency of retrieval memory. Environment affect encoding, by encoding specificity principle proposes that the cues present during encoding serve as the best cues for retrieval. Many research studies also have shown that memory is better when physical study and practice environments are as similar as possible. However, for clowns, they study their new skills in their office or in their home, but they practice them in many different places, such as birthday parties in McDonald, on the street, or in a hall. Learning and practicing in different environment has a negative impact on clowns retrieval memory, as a result, poor their performance. However, they are all professional, they work hard on the same trick to rehearsal for many times that makes sure they can 100% retrieve tricks in any situation and they can totally resist the negative effect on retrieval process!

This service of clown doctor is provided in collaboration with the Theodora Foundation from Switzerland. The program first started in Hong Kong from 1996. Clown doctor is a voluntary job, and it needs to have hospital visit every week. Their aim is to ease the suffering of hospitalized children through laugher. Being a clown doctor is not easy. Each of them needs to have a special talent and pass a series of tests and evaluation. They also have to adopt training for nearly a year. Through the training, they will learn some psychology and pathology about children together with basic health education. But the most important thing is how to deal and communicate with the children. They need to be patient, have positive thinking and willing to get in touch with others actively. There are five clown doctors in Hong Kong at present. They can be found in different hospitals around Hong Kong. Every week, the clown doctors will communicate with the children on their own level in order to build up a special relationship between them. Most of the young patients look forward to this magical moment because they can leave behind the baffling life in hospitals and the plain from the medical treatments. Clown doctors face a lot more problems and stress than normal clowns. For example, they need to pay attention to the changes of the patient while performing the show. They may also need to face the death of their friends young patients. Hence, clown doctors have to face much more challenge and need much higher emotional intelligent for their emotion control.

Have you ever thought that you can be a CLOWN DOCTOR?

A Clown can be described as someone who tries to make you laugh by being funny. Entering to this industry is easy, but being a professional clown is difficult. After reading this booklet, you will know more deeply about what they actually are. Both internal and external factors like personalities and environment will have great impacts on them. Each individual have unique characteristics, clown as well. Therefore, it cannot act like a formula. It is great if you can add some new styles when being a clown, so that it can give the audience fresh feelings. However, if you are not an active or well-communicated person, try not to force yourself to be a clown. It will be a vexation when doing an unsuitable job coming up with a lot of stress and difficulties. Some people may think that being a clown is an easy job. Unfortunately, how many people will know the problem they are facing behind? The prejudice about clowns may cause repugnant actions such as look down on the job they did. The stress from family, uncertainty prospect or heavy workload will strike at their faith of being a clown. The diversities of being a clown may lead them to be as a loss as to what to do. Highly changeable workplace and working schedule may easily affect the daily routine and hence performance. The above problems are feasibly existed and even more serious than we imagine. Do you think that you can handle these problems properly? Nowadays, clowning has become more common and useful in medicinal treatment especially to young patients. It can help them to leave behind the sadness of leaving in the hospital. There is also a growing understand towards the clowning.

Are you ready to be a CLOWN?

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