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Welcome to G6 Science:

1) Make a smart seating choice (be

prepared to be re-directed by your teacher
if you are incapabIe of this).
2) Open your Iaptop, start Pages.
Create a new document, save this
document as:
Human Biology, Day 1

3) Think about how individuaIs are
unique and yet quite simiIar at the
same time. Type your thoughts on
this in your new document.

12 August 2011
PIan for today:
Discuss Unit Topic
- Human BioIogy
Discuss EssentiaI
Look at Science
Take Pre-
LabeI Binders
HW Procedures
HW: Find a basic definition
for each of the foIIowing:
digestive system
integumentary system
circuIatory system
skeIetaI system
muscuIar system
nervous system
respiratory system
What do you think we'II be
studying in this unit on Human
Discuss with your neighbors when
Mr. McKinney says, "Go."

Be prepared to share your
discussion with the rest of the
12 August 2011
PIan for today:
Discuss Unit Topic
- Human BioIogy
Discuss EssentiaI
Look at Science
Take Pre-
LabeI Binders
HW Procedures
HW: Find a basic definition
for each of the foIIowing:
digestive system
integumentary system
circuIatory system
skeIetaI system
muscuIar system
nervous system
respiratory system
EssentiaI Question for Our Unit on
Human BioIogy:

How are individuals unique?
How are they similar?

WouId anyone Iike to share what they
typed in response to this?
12 August 2011
PIan for today:
Discuss Unit Topic
- Human BioIogy
Discuss EssentiaI
Look at Science
Take Pre-
LabeI Binders
HW Procedures
HW: Find a basic definition
for each of the foIIowing:
digestive system
integumentary system
circuIatory system
skeIetaI system
muscuIar system
nervous system
respiratory system

What do you know about

What kinds of assessments have you
done before?
What is the purpose of assessment?
MYP Science Criteria
A - One World: 6
B - Communications in Science: 6
C - Knowledge and Understanding of Science: 6
D - Scientific nquiry: 6
E - Processing Data: 6
F - Attitudes in Science: 6
A: One World
Describes how science is applied to addressing
a specific local or global issue.
Provides examples of some of the benefits and
limitations of science.
Recognizes how application of science interacts
with at least two the following factors: social,
economic, political, environmental, cultural and
B: Communication in Science
scientific information and language is
communicated correctIy. Significant work still
needed in order to improve effectiveness.
most of the information specific to the unit
presented appropriately.
Sources of knowledge are acknowledged
C: Knowledge and Understanding
in Science
Attempts, with guidance, to explain ideas and
concepts and apply understanding to decipher
probIems in famiIiar and unfamiIiar
Identifies reIevant information by making
judgements about information, validity of ideas
or quality of work
D: Scientific nquiry
Purpose of investigation is recognized and an
attempt was made to articuIate the research
A simpIe hypothesis is formed and expIained using
scientific reasoning.
Relevant variables are identified along with attempted
expIanations of how to manipuIate them.
With guidance, comments are made regarding
reIiabiIity or validity of methods.
E: Processing Data
Data is organized and transformed into
numerical and diagrammatic forms and
presented appropriately.
Trends, patterns or reIationships are
expIained including at Ieast one comment on
ConcIusions are based on reasonable
interpretation of data.
F: Attitudes in Science
OccasionaIIy works independentIy with
precision and skill.
Pays cIose attention to safety and works
ConsistentIy works as an effective and
respectfuI team member.

CIose your Iaptops and push them
to the center of the tabIes.
You wiII need a penciI for the pre-
PIease show your best work, and
answer aII questions in compIete
Remember, this is a pre-
assessment to see what you know
before we start this unit.
12 August 2011
PIan for today:
Discuss Unit Topic
- Human BioIogy
Discuss EssentiaI
Look at Science
Take Pre-
LabeI Binders
HW Procedures
HW FoIders (Accordion Binders):
These Binders are for organizing your
DaiIy/WeekIy/MonthIy/SemesterIy Homework.
They wiII need to be cIearIy IabeIed with your
name. Write your First Name, Last Name & Grade
LeveI on the outside of this foIder with a
permanent marker.
They wiII aIso need to be IabeIed on the inside
(one tab for each subject). Use your
scheduIe to create a tab for each of your cIasses.
You wiII have extra tabs, you can decide what to do
with these Iater.
Subject Binders:
You wiII use these Binders for each of your G6
CIasses: Language Arts, Humanities, Math &
Science. These binders wiII hoId your oId work.
They wiII Iive in this cIassroom.
You wiII need to create a SPINE for each of these
binders. Right now, we wiII be creating the spine
for our Science & Math Binder.

The spine needs the foIIowing cIearIy visibIe:
First Name
Last InitiaI
Grade 6 Science & Math
HW Procedures:

You shouId write down your HW
pIaces everyday.

If you HW is to be compIeted
eIectronicaIIy, you can do your HW at
the end of the daiIy notes from the day
that that HW was assigned.

Otherwise, do (and bring in) your HW
as instructed.

You wiII not need to bring in a paper
copy of most HW assignments unIess
instructed to do so by your teacher.
12 August 2011
PIan for today:
Discuss Unit
Topic - Human
Look at Science
Take Pre-
LabeI Binders
HW Procedures
HW: Find a basic
definition for each of the
digestive system
circuIatory system
skeIetaI system
muscuIar system
nervous system
respiratory system
Grade 6 HW: Daily Requirements
Write down your homework for each
subject every day. This must be done for
each cIass, every day.
Make sure you write down what the
specific assignment IS (what you need to
do), as weII as WHEN it is due and in
WHAT FORM (for exampIe, a typed
document; handwritten paper;
PowerPoint; etc.).
Grade 6 HW: Daily Requirements

For bigger assignments (ones that wiII
take more than one night to compIete):
write down the finaI due date, then break
your project up into smaIIer steps (we
wiII discuss how to do this in cIass,
too!). Write down the smaIIer steps and
the due dates for them. This wiII heIp
you accompIish your task by breaking it
up into smaIIer pieces.
Grade 6 HW: Daily Requirements

Do not wait untiI the Iast minute to
compIete your assignments. Start a day
or two ahead - that wiII give you time to
ask any questions and to do your best
work. In the case of big unit projects,
you shouId pIan to work on them a bit at
a time over two weeks.
Grade 6 HW: Daily Requirements
If you are having any probIems
compIeting your homework, pIease come
and see your teachers for heIp at any
Other Ideas about HW:
12 August 2011
HW: Find a basic definition for as many of the
foIIowing as you can:
digestive system
integumentary system
circuIatory system
skeIetaI system
muscuIar system
nervous system
respiratory system
What are you most
Iooking forward to in
Science this year?
12 August 2011
PIan for today:
Discuss Unit Topic
- Human BioIogy
Discuss EssentiaI
Look at Science
Take Pre-
LabeI Binders
HW Procedures
HW: Find a basic definition
for each of the foIIowing:
digestive system
integumentary system
circuIatory system
skeIetaI system
muscuIar system
nervous system
respiratory system

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