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INDEX NURS 2236 Clinical Form 3: Clinical Medications Worksheet

(You will need to made additional copies of these forms)

Generic Trade Classification Dose Route Time/Frequency
Name Name laxatives
magnesium mineral and elct. 30 ml PO Q8hr
hydroxide Milk of Magnesia replacement/
Peak Onset Duration For IV meds, compatability with IV drips and/or solutions
unknown 3-6 hr unknown
Why is your patient taking this medication?

Mechanism of action and indications Nursing Implications (what to focus on)

Treatment/prevention of hypomagnesemia; as laxative Contraindications/warnings/interactions hypermagnesemia;
bowel evacuant in preparation for surgical/radiographic hypocalcemia; anuria; heart block; any degree of renal insufficiency.
procedures. Can be used as an antacid

Replacement in deficiency states.

Evacuation of the colon Common side effects
diarrhea; flushing; sweating

Interactions with other patient drugs, OTC, or herbal Lab value alterations caused by medicine
medicines (ask patient specifically)
fluoroquinolones; nitrofuratoin; tetracyclines;
Be sure to teach the patient the following about this medication
report gastric bleeding (black tarry stools; coffee-ground emesis)
Laxatives are short-term therapy
increase bulk in the diet

Nursing Process - Assessment Assessment Evaluation

(Pre-administration assessment) Why would you hold or not give Check after giving
Vital Signs this med?
abdominal distention; presence of bowel sounds Relief of gastric pain and irritation
acolor, consistency, and amount of stool produced Passage of soft, formed bowel movement
heartburn and indigestion usually within 3-6 hour
administer after meals and at bedtime

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