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Theater and Film 1T03 Linear Narratives and their Consequences Protagonist is the person we will empathize and

relate to, antagonist is the one who we will repel. The Lion King Moment of reversal or discovery - when Simba realizes he didn't kill his father, when he discovers he is his father's son and all his qualities are in him What do these moments mean? - Themes of redemption, cyclical nature of life. Identification, empathy, catharsis We suffer with the protagonist and the emotions of pity, fear, etc. are purged from us Aristotle called this catharsis. The problem with linear narrative Films that aren't constructed like this usually mean that it is much more complex. If it is based on a linear perspective then consider: What gender? What class? What race? What culture? Arguing that we see through "human" eyes is not acceptable. There is always a particular perspective created as a consequence of the choice of protagonist. Closure They have a beginning, middle and an end. Aristotle also says that each part must be causally related to the other. Apparently logical progression Creates semantic closure. Inevitability of the action. It had to turn out that way. Closed world that cannot be changed. Empathic blindness Focussing on one character increases the strength of the empathic connection The strength of this identification can bind us to other perspectives on the action We only see the world through the protagonists' eyes and we accept that perspective without judgement.

The problem with Empathy Augusto Boal, Brazilian theatrical creator, theorist and politician "Empathy is terrible" Art Culture and Power Popular culture is a binding force, makes people feel connected and attached. It's appeal is strong and it can persuade people in many ways. Birminghan School of Cultural Studies Culture is not "natural" it is born of an ideology. Culture as complex process The dominant and normative ideologies change over time in response to social agency The masses are not passive people think, interpret, respond to culture and can make it change Similarly, art can change and transform culture The process is one production, response, complex Dominant of Normative Ideologies The ideology supported by the people in power. Define what is "normal" on central issues Race relations Class identity Gender identity and relations Sexuality Protagonists and Presidents: A Simplistic HIStory It has long been normal and largely still is, for our protagonists to be straight, white, males. The same is true of presidents. Early film: African American characters were played by white actors with boot polish on their faces. African American actors play small roles 1963 Sidney Poties wins Oscar for Lilies of the Field Since 1989, six African American actors have won Oscars. 2009 Barack Obama elected president of the Us.

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