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Facts and Figures(for inside front cover)

A. Dubai Islamic Bank as first modern islamic commercial bank opened: 1975 B. Pakistan as first to islamize its financial system: 1979 C. Number of countries with islamic institutions: 75 D. Largest international islamic finance group: DMI(owned by the muslim brotherhood) E. Expected annual growth rate of islamic finance in the next five years: 15% F. Total assets of islamic institutions: >$230 billion A F reveals these facts: Dubai is a most deceptive country with peak hypocrisy as it keeps luring all, including the so-called civilised: what happens behind the curtains of Dubai is certainly horrific; Pakistan remains a most barbaric country with extreme poverty: Pakistan alongside many so-called islamic countries trains, harbours, sponsors, and initiate horrific ills against humanity making the country a member axis-of-evil alongside Iran and North Korea as defined by George Bush; jihadism has intensified in all ramifications since more than 75 countries joined the league: direct sponsorship of barbarism against humanity worldwide; now that Nigeria(being the most populous African nation) joins the club, think of the next level of jihadists activities here in Plateau, Nigeria, etc. And the bloodletting! Never forget to understand that global caliphate is a must to every muslim and such requires compulsory funding!



A. Know the basic intention of sharia or islamic banking system: to initiate, perpetuate, sustain, defend, and sponsor jihadism globally = NIGERIA WILL YET SEE THE MENACE OF ISLAM TO MANKIND WHEN IBS IS FULLY ON Every muslim has a global caliphate in view. To achieve this, it is near impossible unless the nonmuslims themselves are dragged in. The non-muslim must contribute their mint, cumin, penny, time, energy, and all to assist the muslims achieve their own goal. Only jihad can be used to achieve the ambition of the muslims worldwide! Jihad requires non-stoppable flow of funds from both legitimate and non-legitimate means! The islamic governors in Nigeria are doing their ultimate best to manhandle the non-muslims. The education sector is already worse off as the islamic professor Rukayyatu is again in as the minister of education. The damage already done cannot be quantified and by the time she is through, the damage will be imaginable! Jihadist, imam, sheikh, barbarian, islamist, barbaric, boko haram, al-qaeda, taliban, and mallam Sanusi Lamido Sanusi(note his true

titles; these titles and many more apply to every muslim in Nigeria and beyond), as the

substantive governor of Central Bank of Nigeria, has vowed, using all that it takes to drag the banking sector hence the economy to the floor and trampling of islam, with all available sweet words. He already has the full support from his cohorts in the houses of the senate and representatives, which are equally like him in addition to the useful idiots (dhimmis) and/or wilful accomplices- the non-muslims there and outside. Infact, it is these latter that are being pushed to present IBS in the good light. Every muslim at all levels in government and non-government puts in his/her best to actualise the caliphacy, no matter what it has taken and shall take! Watch out all non-muslims!!

Enjoy this read please. Jihad is the life wire of islam. It is the essence of islam. It is the soul in islam. It is what sustains and renders islam relevant (actually irrelevant). Take jihad out of islam and the ideology becomes bags of sand thrown onto the sea which sink never to be heard of again. Jihad has conquered people groups, nations, lands, businesses, philosophies, intellectuals, the poor, the rich, etc. with ease, leaving nothing to resist it. Jihad detests secularism, civil society, self rule, human sovereignty, and pursuance of responsible happiness as these negate sharia stance. Everything is an excellent tool for jihad, e.g. politics, democracy, corruption, rape, slavery, torture, death, thr eats, intimidation, falsehood, lies( taqiyya,), business, economy, security, education, agriculture, culture, morality, social values, myths, health, information, technology, promotion, demotion, unemployment, etc. Everything and everybody has been molested by jihad. All states, locals, nationals, internationals, societies, individuals, super- and supra-organizations such as the UN, FIFA, WHO, UNICEF, WCC, Red Cross, Oxfam, Care, etc. are succumbing wittingly and/or unwittingly to jihad under different ploys! No force or system has ever effectively resisted jihad. Can any come up now? That is what PAN has affirmatively come up to answer with a true Yes!

What then is jihad? So, if islam(which means submission) be a religion and the muslims(which means sl aves) are a Nation , then Jihad (on account of which it has been accorded the dignity of The Best of all Prayers in islam) becomes useless term. But the truth is that islam is not the name of a religion , nor is muslim the title of a Nation . In r eality islam is a revolutionary ideology and programme which seeks to alter the social order of the whole world and rebuild it in conformity with its own tenets and ideals. Muslim is the title of that

International Revolutionary Party(IRP) organized by islam to carry into effect its revolutionary programme. And Jih d refers to that revolutionary struggle and utmost exertion which the Islamic Party brings into play to achieve this objective . Like all revolutionary ideologies, islam shuns the use of curre nt vocabulary and adopts a terminology of its own, so that its own revolutionary ideals may be distinguished from common ideals. The word Jihad belongs to this particular terminology of islam. Islam purposely rejected the word harb and other arabic words bearing the same meaning of war and used the word Jihad which is synonymous with struggle , though more forceful and wider in connotation. The nearest correct meaning of the word Jih d in English can be expressed as this To exert one s utmost endeavour(using usurpation, falsehood, lies, oppression, repression, economy, banking system, suppression, subversion, corruption, rape, robbery, slavery, torture, and death) in promoting a cause - Abul A La Maududi (IRP Member). B. Islam hates all People always assume islam does not mean business: to enslave, torture and/or kill. They are always deceived by the smiles, handshakes, gifts, smooth/soft words spoken by most muslims, islamic entrepreneurship, and the seeming sacrifices many a muslim makes, and feel that we are either together(moving the nation or system forward) or that muslims are harmless. In the heart of every muslim is deep seated and perfect hatred for and of the infidel. Because Allah hates the non -muslim with passion, so are islamists encouraged and even forced to do same! What the non-muslim has equally failed absolutely to realise is that islam and muslim are different words/worlds altogether. The former refers to submission (and nothing again) while the latter is slave . All the other usual explanations about islam and muslim are completely useless and fallacious. Thus, the muslim is nice to be with as a person(being a slave, and who would not want to dwell with such a seemingly loyal and sacrificial person?). But it is islam that his slavery must yield. Islam is another world of ideology, completely detached from norms of life, sharpened by sex, power, and wealth, and fostered by insatiable inferiority complex manifestations with these features: constant state of fear, chronic anticipation, vagueness/doubt, envious, parasitic lifestyle, possessive/domineering/feeling supreme, impulsiveness, rashness, vulgar, morbid hatred of the infidel(non-muslim), vindictiveness, suicidal tendencies, depression, very

restive, can be callous, rejoices only in the wrong when it happens to the non-muslim, constantly working out schemes against the non -muslim while anticipating world conquest, and certainly devalues own life and any other. Everyone who becomes a muslim lowers one s life s values! All muslims who should follow the koran are koranimals. All the bestial attitudes of animals are seen in the muslim at the peak of practicing the islamic ideology. C. The willing or willful accomplices and the dhimmis(literally means the useful idots ) These are the real promoters of islam even when they are non -muslims. These feel islam is safe or that there is a thing call moderate muslims . That radicalism or fanaticism or extremism is never a term/words associated with all muslims. Infact, these same set of people are at best described as appeasers of islam. They hope that in the day the jihadists mandate to massacre, do pogroms, rape, kill, assassinate or commit any atrocious act against the non-muslims, the evil cup shall pass over. But what a hopeless hope. The dhimmis are often filled with greed and are sale-out of their own lives, people and land, with or without knowing. The recent massive killings of the igbos in Dilimi by the jihadists is what can occur again 100%. All that any alliance with the muslim for anything covered and opened by anything and defended for anything, yet are non -muslims are usefu idiots . There is a supreme to pay by all non-muslims all wherever found worldwide, which are enslavement, torture, and/or death. There is no any form of closeness the muslims have with the non -muslim that can guarantee the latter. D. Who is this Allah? For Muslims - there is Allah but no GOD. This statement should speak volumes to readers, listeners, thinkers, the wise, and even the foolish: that Allah is truly something else and not even a being. But The climax of islamic practice is seen in bloodletting, bloodbath, bomb bath, sexual galore, and power drunkenness. Allah usurps, subverts, subjugates, represses, suppresses, oppresses, enslaves, tortures, discriminates, is kleptomaniac/arrogant, possessive, parasitic, and domineering: these are factual features of inferiority complexes . Always feeling more superior than any. Allah raises seemingly endless islamoanimals or

koranimals. These die in their droves virtually meaninglessly on a daily basis, yet with two fingers pointing up and shouting or clamoring allahu akhab ar(Allah is great, greater, and/or greatest, depending on the mood of the islamist at the time)) even on the dying bed! Allah raises senseless, insensitive, sentimental, and callous fellows to defend it at a ll times even at points of death. Allah often have no say but follow the whims of the Mohammedans thus the sharia law is completely the ideas, feelings, desires, wishes, hopes, traditions, and self-aggrandizement of extremely a few click up in the hierarch y of the islamic ideology, mainly the sheikhs, imams, ulammahs, etc. who are power-, sex-, and wealth- thirsty to be waziris, wakilis, alhajis/hajias, sultans, galadimas, emirs, turakis, imams, among numerous portfolios. Allah is absolutely immoral(on wom en alone): In the tradition of islam Muhammad described women as "unclean" creatures. In a Hadith, Muhammad says, "Three things corrupt prayer: Women, dogs, and donkeys ." There are several other sayings in which Muhammad reduced women to the level of an a nimal. "Woman is a vile beast and I think that women were created for nothing but evil." "'The woman has two things to cover her: the grave and marriage.' It was asked, 'Which of them is better?' He said, 'The grave.' Allah robs mankind of dignity, cr eativity, innovativity, and even joy and peace. The will of man is destroyed! Allah is the ANTI-YAHWEH(GOD OF ISRAEL) worshiped by 1.2 billion Muslims. Allah is the deity of war, murder, killing, death and destruction, violence, rape , slavery, torture, hate, barbarism, brutality, savagery, maiming, stoning, cutting off limbs, mutilations, looting and pillaging, extortion, sexual depravity, child molestation, intolerance, bigotry, sharia law, oppression and subjugation of women, inferiority of woman, women as instruments of sexual pleasure in paradise, wife beating, honor killings, inequality of infidels, inequality of any human being, that infidels can be murdered and their property stol en as a holy duty, that Muslims who renounce Islam can be killed, that Muslims (or anyone) who challenge the teachings of Islam can be murdered, that believers who slay and are slain in the service of God will ascend to a sexual depraved Paradise of lustro us eyed, full breasted virgins who

they can sexually molest for all eternity . Allah is a commercial object who must marry the economy of any nation to its sharia law. Allah is the propelling force behind most restiveness even among the islamists. Allah hates with passion all the non -muslims. Allah is completely abstract with no point of connection with world. Ask the ardent muslim whether he/she could feel Allah: the answer is out rightly no. But ask the same question but put Mohammed instead of Allah: the response then comes like a flood with a YES. This makes Mohammed and Allah one and same. Draw the cartoon of Allah and muslims will ignore you, but draw that of Mohammed: and the world boils, brawls, fumes, and blackens! Allah wants robots: people who hav e lost their wills, personalities, individualities, and both temporal and spiritual values. Allah raises gangsters, jihadists, barbarians(not terrorists as have been wrongly acknowledged internationally and propagated as such)



Islamic Banking System(IBS) has been operating in Nigeria as old as Bank of the North. Non muslim customers in this bank have supported jihadism and paid the islamic zakat(the compulsory poor due) without knowing. The class D states such as Plateau, Benue, Taraba, etc. in the islamic north have paid the jizya(compulsory tax on the non -muslim) without knowing. Infact, anything arewa , north, northern, hausa, majority, minority, etc. have been terms used to further exploit the non-muslims especially here from central part of Nigeria. Of course the taqiyya(islamic deception of the non -muslim: a pious fraud, denying the peculiarities of his/her ideological belief, religious dissimulation, or all kinds of deception to make a fool of the kafirs or non-muslims) has been the principle. While the muslim smiles and shakes hands with you, the harm that follows can never be quantified. Today, Plateau State, for instance, is in very deep wounds and catastrophes of yesterday s handshakes and smiles, usually accompanied with some little favours here and there. These still continue unabated and aided by corrupt and greedy non -muslims. If one acknowledges that the primary purpose of every muslim is to spread islam by all means, then you will understand. There is no place, thing or person that cannot be used for the spreading of islam by the muslim: money, rape, massacre, lies, looting, pogroms, thuggery, corruption, sickness, gifts, poverty, water, business, clothes, jihad, hypocrisy, dishonesty, etc ARE CONSTANTLY BEING USED. Islam surely turns the sane muslim into an insane person since

he/she cannot think of anything except islamization, wherever and however and whomever. And whatever!

Islam is a piggery ideology in sheep clothing Nigerians are once again at it: face to face with islam manipulating, subjugating, hijacking, and crippling the economy using religious juices and tapping. And islamic accoutrements. The education, security, politics, health, agriculture, moral and social values of Nigeria and Nigerians are at their lowest ebbs today because of islamic bastardization. Similarly, the Nigerian economy has never seen the proper light of the day because of corruption( a grand jihad tactic) and other vices such as dishonesty, islamic bigotry, and subversive means. The battle by the jihadists to subdue all Nigerians is non -negotiable. Muslims want to give the economy the final killer blow as IBS takes over. People know little that the Nigerian muslims are more in extremism than even their Saudi and Iran counterparts and sponsors ! IBS has been well adored, praised, and presented as a non -interest outfit, being put in place with sweet talks by jihadist Sanusi Lamido Sanusi and his cohorts. Mosques are now springing up where they never existed on Central Bank of Nigeria s premises as defiant requirements to meet sharia-compliant statuses. The non-muslims(animists, Christians, etc.) peevishly, ignorantly or as dhimmis(an arabic term use for islam appeasers and directly translated as useful idiots) simply watch or at best, look the other way. In the interim, new incentives have been introduced by imam Sanusi Lamido Sanusi to further blindfold the thinking staff among them and the Nigerian populace. The shout is now up in the air that the CBN governor is a performer and various awards and recognitions have been given to

him(and his followers). While Sanusi is busy manhandling non-muslim commercial bank chief executives under cook and bully evils, the same non -muslims are hailing him with honour. Surely, the so-called Unity Bank(islamic bank of the north) cannot be touched despite the most obvious financial mismanagement and promoter of corruption associated with the bank. This is so in accordance with sharia law. The change from Bank of the north to Unity Bank is a clear cover. While Sanusi is 100% against the economy of the Country all the non-muslim economists are carried away by trivial things, if not ignorance. Or indifference attitude. While Sanusi is directly /indirectly updating his dastardly act in favour of islamising the Nigerians, using auspices such as KYC(know your customer) to update facts to enable him launch out the economic war against the non -muslims, we all stand on the surface, applauding this chronic jihadist and an al-qaeda. The muslim believes that our belief and disbelief, and acting according to his/her dictates turn( the non-muslims) into the arabic term dhimmis(USEFUL IDIOTS). I feel for Plateau State the most even as I have written this and now that you are reading this brochure . And for the Nigerian populace!



The pain I personally have is that the non -muslim sees and hears islam , sharia , slamic , etc. being used to describe what is up, yet the same has refused to read the handwriting on the wall: Nigeria s Economy has bowed down finally to islam and doomed forever. It may please you to that once islam occupies anything, deliverance never comes back easy, if at all. The non-muslim has been molested enough never to see the islamic political ideology in these terms. Like the frog that is being killed gradual ly when placed in water:- from cold, cool, warm, hot, hotter, and hottest stages, so are the elite and non -elite non-muslims. By implication and application, Nigeria is now fully islamised as non -muslims will soon be serfdoms. Remember that with the already destroyed economy by the same jihadists(who holds and have held the financial sector these decades unend without the least improvement), bringing in sharia to direct the banking sector is its final doom and the absolute emergence of non-muslim slaves. I know all these are in definite/determined stages. I am made to know that Bank PHB is one bank that has deceived many to think IBS is good if not better ! I firmly advise that all non-muslim customers should immediately cease to associate with all islamic banks such as Unity Bank, Bank PHB, etc. Right now there is Allah Banking operation in United Bank for Africa, one of the leading banks in Nigeria.

What a shame to our elites! These non-muslims are only aiding and abetting jihadism! If we refuse to be against islam then islam takes us to the known: death.



The answer is forever NO. Even in education, security, economy, etc! There is a great gulf between the non -muslim and muslim that absolutely no degree of persuasions, entreaty, agreement, resolutions, trea ty, or even threats and war can fill. Never be carried away by those liars who think we can live together as one . Just a little knowledge of what islam really is will help you fully accept this. Listen! Whatever benefit you have gotten from islam as a non-muslim can never go scot free as your life must pay for it sooner or later. Unless the muslim drops his/her sharia, the islamic way of life, no single Nigerian is safe(even the muslim too), including you. All the so-called big non-muslims existing now are meat to islam unless a drastic negative action(s) is taken against this evil ideology. Kill islam but please save the muslim. Never give the muslim any chance again to rule and ruin us. Our economy inclusive! If Tony Manuaka(another dhimmis?) had observed things right, he would be careful to report in his Tell Magazine of February 14, 2011, on banking on islamic banking . Tony knows very well that islam hates Christianity(and not vice versa) with a perfect hatred. Tony knows very well that if the economy will finally bring islam to consider Christianity, then something is compulsorily wrong already with islam. But this is not the case. Islam knows where it is heading to: towards world conquest and subjugation of humanity, particularly the non-muslims, no matter what and who may be on its way. Muslims can apply taqiyya(a pious fraud, denying the peculiarities of their ideological belief, religious dissimulation, or all kinds of deception to make a fool of the kafirs/non-muslims) to achieve these. Factly speaking, it is taqiyya that has taken islam to where it is today in Nigeria(and elsewhere) and taqiyya will take islam to its dream world(world conquest)! While the non-muslims sleep! Soundly! O! Wake up. Let us act decisively against islam now. NOW! Now consider the sweet names given to IBS: a. Non-interest Banking System b. Participatory Banking System

c. Sharia Banking System. Yet, even with the words sharia and islamic in place the non -muslims have felt more soothed than ever. What a spiritual tragedy! And a religious sell -out! All at no cost on the side of islam but blood-bathing/bloodletting on the side of the non -muslims!! I have therefore decided to add more names to describe exactly what IBS wants the nonmuslim to appreciate and predict the future of Nigeria and Nigerian non -muslims when on fully: 1. M-B(Ummah) Banking System 20. Autocratic Banking System 21. Oppressors Banking System 22. Authoritarian Banking System 23. Repressive Banking System 24. Despotic Banking System 25. Tormenters Banking System 26. Dictators Banking System 27. Seventh Century Banking System 28. Caliphate Banking System 29. Sultan Banking System 30. Crescent Banking System 31. Islamo-fascism Banking System 32. Fascists Banking System 33. Jizya Banking System 34. Imperialists Banking System 35. Aljana Banking System 36. Halal Banking System 37. Jihad Banking System

2. Muslim Banking System 3. Hamas Banking System 4. Jihadists Banking System 5. Allah Banking System 6. Al-Qaeda Banking System 7. Boko Haram Banking System 8. Taliban Banking System 9. Sheikhs Banking System 10. Imams Banking System 11. Al-Shabaab Banking System 12. Mohammedans Banking System 13. Shahada Banking System 14. Ashahid Banking System 15. Mecca-Medina Banking System 16. Zakat Banking System 17. Taqiyya Banking System 18. Islamists Banking System 19. Tyrants Banking System

M-B = muslim brotherhood(the worst barbaric organization in the world. It is the founder of most warring factions such as al-qaeda, boko haram, taliban, hamaz(s), hezbollah, etc. and most islamic financial institutions in the world. M-B produces the best killer squads in the world. Most of the ongoing uprisings among the black and white arabs are initiated and sustained by M-B. M-B has no any other alternative to live th an to spread islam by all means. The sword is the way of life M-B. Since its formation in 1928 and with the discovery of oil in most Middle -east countries, M-B has grown to become

the most violent and virulen t and wildest and repressive islamic movement ever known after the founder s own draconian and despotic style. Should M-B cease to exist then islam dies a natural death! Only M-B has revived the islamic spirit of Mohammed!!)

There could be more. In all these names the Christians are hated the most. Allah hates all but muslims. And since there are other non-muslims, the wrath of Allah is on all these too. These names are mentioned just to help us see the clear evil intents of muslims headed by jihadist Sanusi Lamido Sanusi and supported by all muslims in Nigeria . And beyond! Now consider these names and how the feelings of the jihadists will be: 1. Christian Banking System 2. Western Banking System 3. Ecumenical Banking System 4. Ecclesiastical Banking System 5. Nasran Banking System 6. Yeshua Banking System 7. Yerushalym Banking System 8. Yoruba Banking System 9. Igbo Banking System 10. Mwaghavul Banking System 11. Tal Banking System 12. Muduut Banking System 13. Kufen Banking System 14. Pagan Banking System 15. Non-muslim Banking System 16. Yahweh(God) Banking System 17. Canon Banking System 18. Atheist Banking System

Christians, animists, atheists, etc. should cease to be defective in their thoughts. No single muslim who aspires to obey the koran, sira, and ahadith, has one good plan or something positive for the non-muslims. Every muslim is not only a jihadist but a boko haram, al-qaeda, taliban, etc. All muslims are one, indivisible group with one goal: annihilation of the kafirs, infidels, disbelievers, or non-muslims. Unless these revert or convert to islam. Even then, there is no guarantee to survive . Have you not heard that the Saudi arabs recently denounced the black arab(Gaddafi) as being a muslim? Only the purest blood arab(Saudi) will in the long run inherit the earth. All others are simply stooges, including all Nigerian muslims, just to achieve Saudi agenda ! O! Nigerian muslims are completely ignorant. They have refused to know that Saudi arabia is just raising them against their own people.

All muslims are Allah s believers hence are slaves to the draconian idol. Unless the ignorant non-muslims! The non-muslims are never slaves to this arabian deity . Therefore, all the non-muslims are not covered by Allah s protection. The muslims too cannot waste any of their resources to do what Allah does otherwise. This makes the deception of IBS bare to the non-muslim. Allah in all ramifications lied and was the best schemer. Allah has successfully raised up beings who will lie/dec eive on its behalf. And even fight to death on its behalf. It is only in islam that the believers protect their deity (Allah) and not vice versa. What a shameless and illogical ideology!



It is true Nigeria and Nigerians have been having the nightmarish banking experience of the jihadists long time ago, but without knowing. When sharia banking system would be fully on, please note the following: 1. Every economy and financial system will be in shambles as it must be forced to comply to the demands of the jihadists bent at islamising the world and Nigeria in particular 2. Economy and financial freedom will be annihilated as only Allah s draconian stand will dictate what and what not 3. Several sub-sub-sub sections, sub -sub sections, sub-sections of articles and chapters of the so-called Nigerian Constitution would either be abrogated or thrown into the dustbin . In the mean time it may please you to know that it is extremely difficult t o have one law for both Christians/non -muslims and muslims together 4. Privatization which is truly the propelling force in development, progress, invention, innovation, creativity, and competitive healthy growth will surely disappear. The arab worlds show good illustration of this 5. Transparency and accountability will never have a foothold again because the economy must be bent to fulfil one interest only: islam. The animists, Christians, other non-muslims, etc. may perish. This is completely acceptable in islam after all 6. The Acts establishing Cooperative Societies must surely be dealt with, thus defeating the purpose of setting these societies. Then think of the numerous individuals that

have benefited from such societies. And those that will benefit. I am p ersonally a beneficiary of such 7. All must worship Allah otherwise the outsiders (non -muslims) have come to their own wit ends and stand the chance of paying the supreme price: death 8. Negotiable Instruments Act will end as draconian and despotic financial ru le takes the lead 9. Employment will certainly become a myth with the non-muslims. Only sharia scholars like Sanusi, Dangote, Bintube(CEO, Jaiz International Bank), the dhimmis(the useful idiots from the south -south, mid-west, south-west, south-east, middle belt, etc.) who are ruled only by their stomachs(greed) and whose thinking faculty is either bought or sold, that may be employed 10. Every client/customer must pay the zakat(the mandatory poor due muslims usually pay). The proceeds, which shall be deducted from source with or without one s consent shall be used to empower barbarism(erroneously tagged terrorism internationally) worldwide. This simply let you know that there sha ll be more blood flow in the land, and particularly Plateau State that is still adamant to islam 11. Wagering will cease. This means one s outright decision to involve one s money into any business with the hope interest will emerge will be subdued 12. One s money or any other asset no longer has personal ownership and security. Allah owns all and sharia is here to expend it on one s behalf . Yes, sharia is the rule that must be followed 13. Shari'a demands total and unquestioned submission. Its subjects are told that shari'a is given by Allah and that whatever befalls them (good or bad) is Allah's will. IBS is an ideological fulfilment of sharia. To question a judgment under shari'a (right or wrong) is to question shari'a itself and will only bring harsher punishment. If a person receives harsh punishment for something they didn't do, the rationale is that Allah could and would have prevented it if that had been his will. This fatalistic and deterministic approach allows shari'a rulers to get away with virtually anythin g that enters their head. That is the rule that will order the banking industry in no distant time from now! Sanusi and vicious cohorts are already on. O! That the CBN staff will know who Sanusi is. Very dangerous jihadist indubitably

14. You must know that economy defines a nation and vice versa. When the economy has been usurped by islam then it is the same as the Nigeria is lost to islam. What do you see today in our education, information, agriculture, security, and politics of the country? I believe that once the final blow of islam under IBS is given to the long staggering/drowsy/dizzy/fainting/convulsive economy, Nigeria would be gone finally. 15. Joining any IBS is equal to aiding and abetting in producing more suicide bombers and other types of bombers. More rapists and despotic leaders will be produced. There shall be more assassinations, massacres, pogroms, genocide, and gross inhuman and dehumanising acts. Slavery shall again be fully institutionalised as it were in the days of the lone prophet of is lam. Peace will elude mankind in the long run! With all these, how on earth can a non -muslim presumptuously believe that IBS will favour all?



We know that banks make their money by lending money and collecting interest. That is the whole purpose of commercial banking. The islamic bank, however, figured out a way to make that money by playing a con game: Instead of lending money and collecting it back with interest, the bank engages in business contracts with the borrowers, for a profit. Now, what is the difference between interest and profit? None really. Infact, the bank works hard to earn the interest that must be shared between the customer and commercial bank. In IBS however, the customer works hard(a form of slavery) to share the profit(interest) with the islamic bank. There is profit in all work. Here, profit and interest mean one thing. Only, the muslims use one and call it participation. Consider these illustrations: Illustration 1 Dung, Femi, Uche, Rotgak, or Samir wants to buy the new Audi A8, selling at N 75,000. He can take out a loan from a commercial bank. He then owns the car now, and pays the loan back in small monthly installments over a period of six years, with an annual interest (may

include collateral). When he pays the last installment, he will have paid the original N 75,000 plus the accumulated interest, totalling up to N 100,000. Or He can go to an islamic bank. The bank purchases the car for him at full price, and he agrees to buy the car from the bank at the new price of N 100,000, paying that amount in small monthly installments, interest-free! The ownership of the car is fully transferred to him upon paying his last installment. Should he be unable to pay the amount in full, the bank retrieves the car as collateral. Certified Islam refers to this form of transaction as murabaha(mark-up; cost plus), meaning profiteering, which is of course 100% halal(acceptable before Allah). Note: The client ends up paying the same amount(N100,000). Illustration 2 Dung, Femi, Uche, Rotgak, or Samir wants to start a business (for profit). He goes to a commercial bank and explains his business idea with a detailed plan (including cost and revenue estimates). If the bank approves the feasibility of the project, the ban k will give him a loan to be paid back, with interest, in installments. Or Dung, Femi, Uche, Rotgak, or Samir goes to an islamic bank and explains his business idea with a detailed plan (including cost and revenue estimates). If the islamic bank approves the feasibility of the project, the islamic bank will sign an agreement with him, in which they establish a partnership, known as Mudaraba((one investor). One party provides capital, the other party brings work or effort)(also means profiteering). In this contract, the bank offers the capital, and he offers the work. But then both he and the bank share the profits (each gets the percentage of the profit agreed upon in the contract). Note: Both types of banks provide the capital and the client work to get the interest that must be shared between the client and bank. Just see how IBS is extremely cunning! Summary

In the end, both types of banks end u p making money without putting any work or risk . A commercial bank calls it interest, while an islamic bank calls it profit. This system of islamic banking was only developed in the mid -twentieth century. In 1973, upon the official declaration of the Muslim countries finance ministers first conference at the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC), the first Islamic banks began operations in Jeddah and Egypt (Islamic Development Bank) and Dubai (Dubai Islamic Bank) in 1975. As of 2009, Islamic banks assets combined (including Iranian banks that joined the game in 1980) are estimated at 400 billion halal dollars. Illustration 3: Fishing on Sabbath IBS brings to mind the story of The People Of The Sabbath from the islamic tradition, when a small group of Jews in the coastal village of Ayla on the Red Sea cheated Yahweh. According to the story, the fish swam near the shore on Saturdays ( Jewish Sabbath), the only day they weren t allowed to do any work, including fishing. But then on all other days, there was barely any fish in the sea. The majority of these Jewish villagers, the true believers, knew that it was a test from Yahweh. Thus, they persevered and continued to observe the Sabbath. But then a small group figured out a smart way to circumvent the Law, without upsetting Yahweh: They set up their fishing nets on Fridays, and collected their plentiful catch on Sundays. Yahweh s punishment was severe: the Shabbat violators were disfigured into apes. Whether this story is real or metaphor (still debated among muslim scholars) is irrelevant. What matters is the moral of the story: no one can fool Yahweh by circumventing Yahweh s rules. Yahweh knows exactly what they re doing. Allah, the caricature of Mohammed can be deceived but not Yahweh. Note: Islamic banking was not started to cater to a financial need but to a religious need . In theory, islamic banking is supposed to work like this:

Depositors place their savings with the bank whom then provide the funds to businessmen in exchange for a share of the profit (or loss). This profi t (or loss) is then passed on to the

depositor. Interest may be forbidden but profit is not . So what is the difference between profit and interest? Practically none! Islam has called darkness light over the years and we have all gullibly swallowed its hook. Islam calls its horrific jihadism terrorism and the international community has since swallowed this again. The grand evil in display to destroy our fragile economy is IBS yet the naive Nigerians are not seeing the adversary of humanity at work. Plateau people, how long? Nigerians, how long?

The key difference is that interest is fixed and certain whereas profit is not. Thus the more successful the project, the more the bank will earn and pass this down to the depositors. This is called the Profit/Loss Scheme (PLS) and is considered just according to islamic scholars. Not sharing the profit with the bank and depositor is considered unjust. Real honest-industrious-faithful-un-dhimmis(non-muslims who reject islam and its tricks)greedy-free-non-muslim Nigerians alone can debunk IBS.



The Bible and the koran have never agreed on anything. The authors are completely different: Yahweh for the Bible and the koran from Allah. Yahweh used a number of people to write down what we call the Bible but Allah sent the koran directly from its abode(wherever).Yahweh has never enlisted Mohammed for anything and therefore could never be used by Yahweh. Allah speaks only arabic hence the choice of only the arabic people in Saudi Arabia as the best (thus the black arab man can never marry the Saudi lady) but Yahweh owns all tribes and languages. Allah is excellent in killing and so are its follows. Yahweh is love. Allah s messages are over 60% full of hatred but Yahweh s are near complete in love. Indeed Yahweh is diametrically different from Allah and therefore messages must be different. Muslims are therefore liars quoting the Scriptures to gratify their evil purpose and inten tions. Even then, such biblical quotations have been out of context!

Muslims are truly witty beings. They immediately know the biblical quotations when they are at their peak of grand deception and can talk. If the contents of the Bible in regard to usury are the same as those of the koran, the Bible should cease to be Yahweh s Document. But I know that Mohammed was a plagiarizer and conman to the core. I am absolutely sure that the koran is a conjectured book that has laid the basis of war with the infidels for the muslims. The non-muslims worldwide are main targets of islamic destruction. This is a book that has compelled myriads into the streets as suicide bombers. This is a book that makes robots out of men. This is a book t hat turns sane men into insanity. This is a book that supports slavery, rape, discrimination, strangulation, corruption, oppression, repression, subversion, and subjugation 100%. This is a book that spares not even the muslim! Can this book have a say where right thinking people are? All inhuman and dehumanizing activities are inherent in the koran, sira, and ahadith. Thus the koranic quotes are baseless. The koran is not necessary but for one thing: the destruction of the non -muslims by whatever means. I wish to state a fact about the biblical view of usury. Thou shalt not lend upon usury to thy brother ; usury of money, usury of victuals, usury of any thing that is lent upon usury: Unto a stranger thou mayest lend upon usury ; but unto thy brother thou shalt not lend upon usu ry: that the LORD thy Yahweh may bless thee in all that thou settest thine hand to in the land whither thou goest to possess it (Deuteronomy 23: 1920)(underlined mine). Here, Yahweh has not condemned usury completely. The Israelites must cherish each other. They must love themselves not to overburden one another. It was the duty of the wealthy ones among them to support the poor. These treatments must not be necessary so with the stranger. The word mayest is just enough for all to understand. Christians are expected to understand this well. Let me consider another biblical view in the New Testament(NT). But love ye your enemies, and do good, and lend, hoping for nothing again ; and your reward shall be great, and ye shall be the children of the Highest: for he is kind unto the unthankful and to the evil (Luke 6: 35)(underlined mine).

Listen! Nothing means nothing. Usury is not even an issue here at all. Again, in the Old Testament, it was brother-sister-brother affair of the same blood(the Israelites). The picture in the NT is completely new and refreshing: Even your enemies must be loved and treated as if they love you too. Infact, only the teachings of Yeshua have this. Islam hate s you on the basis that you are a non-muslim, and should be killed on behalf of Allah. It is now the same people again that make quotes for you. No one muslim can be trusted. There is poison in every muslim as it each must aspire to be like Mohammed! Now let me put across the so-called koranic surahs and verses that support IBS. O you who believe, you shall not take riba [Interest], compounded over and over. Observe Allah, that you may succeed. Koran 3:130

Oh ye who believe, be afraid of Allah and give up what remains of usury, if ye are really believers. Koran 2: 228

Well, even if it is one verse that prohibits usury in the koran, it is not my duty to say no. But the fact here is that it is a practice to be upheld by ummah(muslim community or brotherhood) only. Here are my supporting verses(emphasis mine).

Let not believers make friends with infidels in preference to the faithful - he that does this has nothing to hope for from Good - except in self-defense. Allah admonishes you to fear Him: for to Allah shall all return . Koran 3:28; "The Imran Allah's curse be upon the infidels ! Evil is that for which they have bartered away their souls. To deny Allah's own revelation, grudging that He should reveal His bounty to whom He chooses from among His servants! They have incurred Allah's most inexorable wrath . An ignominious punishment awaits the unbelievers. Koran 2:89 -2:90, "The Cow"

I shall cast terror into the hearts of the infidels. Strike off their heads, strike off the very tips of their fingers. Koran 8:12, "The Spoils" Prophet, make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites and deal rigorously with them. Hell shall be their home: an evil fate. Koran 9:73, "Repentance" Believers, make war on the infidels who dwell around you . Deal firmly with them. Know that Allah is with the righteous. Koran 9:123, "Repentance" Muhammad is Allah's apostle. Those who follow him are ruthless to the unbelievers but merciful to one another. Koran 48:29, "Victory" Believers, take neither the Jews nor the Christians for your friends . They are friends with one another. Whoever of you seeks their friendship shall become one of their numbers. Yahweh does not guide the wrong -doers. Koran 5:51, "The Table"

Believers, know that the idolaters [non -Muslims] are unclean. Let them not approach the Sacred Mosque after this year is ended. Koran 9:28, "Repentance"

The unbelievers among the People of the Book [Bible] and the pagans shall burn for ever in the fire of Hell. They are the vilest of all creatures. Koran 98:6, "The Proof" With these clear quotes, you can see that IBS is indeed a ploy to get non -muslims in Nigeria(and elsewhere) closer for total rid off. IBS is yet another grand islamic deception. I am glad to tell you that over 60% of the koran carries the message of annihilation of the non-muslims wherever they may be found. All the dhimmis(useful idiots) will also go in just a nick of time if precautionary measures are overlooked now.



Islam Feeds on Human Blood to Sustain It and via which It Gets Noticed Around the World Every Moment hence the need for IBS to Prolong It

Many have hollered that religion cannot be defined. It is fa lse. The Scriptures clearly put it plain that a religion can be the pure one or impure. It is truly sad that islam has been misnamed and classified as a religion. No. It is a political ideology, set to conquer the world through all cook and crook means. As long as every muslim aspires to be like Mohammed, there is no peace on earth. Every muslim is a muslim. All other terms such as boko haram, al qaeda, hezbollah, hamas, taliban , etc. are useless and diversionary nomenclatures. All muslims are extremists. Expectantly, a religion should possess these basic descriptions: 1) Religion must exalt value. It must constantly point toward truth, goodness and beauty and their combination in divine love as the highest reality. Religion must exalt value above matter and physics, above mind and logic, above all other perceived reality. This is n ot to say that religion is irrational, it is not, but spiritual reality as it is perceived in the form of truth, goodness and beauty must be exalted as the ultimate source of order, therefore, logic cannot supersede value. In other words, truth must measur e the content of mind, not mind the content of truth. This is the essence of religious thinking. When the human mind becomes the measure of all things, we have left the realm of religion and have entered the realm of ideology.

2) Religion must advance morality, and it must do so both for the individual and for civilization as a whole. Because for all the material advancement of civilization

advancement in science, advancement in technology and the advancement in material comfort - one must still ultimately measure the advancement of civilization by its moral progress. If you read Richard Rubenstein s work on the Holocaust, you will understand what I am talking about.

3) Religion must nurture the individual and help him pursue the higher values, which is the ultimate goal of religion. All true religion fosters righteousness, the desire for truth and the sensitivity to beauty in the individual. The goal of religious living is the attainment of those values as living realities in one s life.

4) Religion must preserve wisdom. Words of the Yahweh-knowing men of the past must be preserved for those seeking spiritual guidance in the present and future. Both Judaism and Hinduism have preserved religious documents for thousands of years. No easy feat before the time of the printing press and other technical advances we take for granted now. Today, religious wisdom is in danger of being lost in the general crush of information and entertainment, so religion s task may be even harder today.

5) Religion must foster peace and social harmony. The promotion of empathy, tolerance and forgiveness among individuals, along with a sense of universal brotherhood is one of the most important aspects of religion.

6) Religion must hold to the transcendent purpose of reconcili ng man to a greater reality - it must lead man to Yahweh and bring Yahweh, or Love, if you will, into the life of man in ever increasing measure. Religion must always stand apart from the social and political institutions of the society it exists. Its func tion is not to uphold the status quo, its function is to show man a higher reality.

Of course, practically every religion has fallen short in these categories at some time or another. Most have become entangled in political affairs and many have from tim e to time lost the clarity of their spiritual vision. That goes without saying, but I am compelled to say so in anticipation of various objections from the Christianity is just as bad crowd.

Let us face islam: So, how does islam stack up? Let s take the m one at a time.

1) Does islam exalt value? No.

Islam actually denies the reality of any value higher than islam itself. Islam essentially acts as a substitute for Yahweh because it is presented as the will of Allah for all mankind for all time. Religion, as normally conceived, regards the will of Yahweh, outside a few general moral injunctions, as a matter for each individual to discover. In islam, the will of Allah is a set of rules governing the most minute and personal aspects of behavior. Furthe rmore, islam continually elevates the material over the spiritual, so much so, that values are essentially blocked from the consciousness of many muslims. Let me give you an example. The following are the words of the father of a failed female suicide bomb er: 'If I had known what [my daughter] was planning I would have told the Jews. I would have stopped her.

And of course the interviewer is thinking, of course. The man loves his daughter and any person would be appalled at indiscriminate mass murder. O f course, he would have tried to stop her. But then the father goes on to explain why he would have stopped her:

In our religion it is forbidden for a girl's body to be uncovered even at home. How could a girl allow her body to be smashed to pieces and t hen collected up by Jews? This is absolutely forbidden.

Mass murder is not the issue. His daughter s suicide is not the issue

the issue is the purely

material matter of her body parts lying uncovered in the street for strange men to see and then being collected by Jews, which, since Jews are in the same unclean category as feces and urine, defiles them further and brings a double shame on the family. The dead and maimed are beside the point. This is an extreme example, but in the years I have spent studying Muslim culture and attitudes, I can tell you it is part of a pattern that is repeated all the time. Islam comes first, life comes second and matter is elevated over value.

2) Does Islam advance morality? No.

Islam retards morality not only by elevating a set of arbitrary rules above spiritual value as we have just seen, but also because i slam lacks a true guiding moral structure.

All human beings are subject to pressure from two poles of passion broadly described as sentimentality on the one hand and brutality on the other. Between those two poles lies culture, which informs us how we should feel and should conduct ourselves in any given set of circumstances. Culture lends refinement to our emotions and informs and enforces self control. There can be no culture without self -control.

The skeleton of culture is morality - the enjoining of that which is right. Without a cultural morality requiring self control, man lurches from sentimentality to brutality with nothing between to balance or to refine emotion. This is exactly what we see among muslims. They seem to lurch between weeping over dead babies on Al Jaz eera to beating up their wives and children with no self-control whatsoever. Islam enforces self-control only in the sense of conformity to islam. This is often disguised as moral consciousness, especially when enforcing conformity on women, but is it? Obv iously, conformity and morality are not the same thing.

Islamic morality collapses in on itself because it is based on two things: 1) expediency (that which is good for the muslim community is good in itself) and 2) the word and deeds of Muhammad (whose words and deeds were often immoral). So, without a true moral structure to uphold it, i slamic culture collapses into barbarism and muslims themselves exhibit an extreme emotionalism lacking all self -restraint.

Of course this very emotionalism is what ca uses the authorities in the everywhere and Plateau in particular, to treat muslims like children who cannot be expected to exhibit self control.

Culturally speaking, though Muhammad is claimed to be the final prophet in the Hebrew line, he certainly cannot be said to have advanced morality beyond the point where Yeshua

and the olden prophets left it six hundr ed and fifty years earlier. In islam, morality is defined as obedience to islam and therefore the higher moral nature of muslims is suppressed and even denied, because again, in islamic thought, there is nothing higher than i slam.

3) Does islam nurture the individual? No.

The individual is sacrificed at every stage of his life for the sake of islam. All of life is thought to be a test of the willingness to sacrifice happiness (which means, in effect, the pursuit of truth, goodness and beauty) for a promise of life in the hereafter. The exercise of individual freedom and the pursuit of value through eithe r the questioning of islam or leaving i slam are both viewed as treason and are punishable by death . That way, ideas dangerous to islam are not spread among the collective which is often described as one body. In i slam the

collective is always elevated above the individual. The rough edges of individuality mu st be suppressed in order that islamic society will run smoothly. We can see quite clearly that for women, at least in public, individuality is entirel y erased by the veil.

4) Does islam preserve wisdom? No.

Islam defines everything existing before the coming of islam as the time of ignorance. The wisdom of old is therefore rejected and destroyed whenever possible. In addition to religious works, this includes cul tural artifacts, art, literature and music.

Islam, as we know, claims to be an Abrahamic religion and yet has thrown out all the literature preserved by the other two genuine Abrahamic religions, Judaism and Christianity, which in itself should disqualif y it as an Abrahamic religion. It would be like a church claiming to be Christian while throwing out the New Testament. Despite the fact that this makes no sense whatsoever, everyone from the Pope on down seems to accept the claim that islam is an Abrahamic faith without question.

Mohammad made his claim to be the last of the Hebrew prophets, the seal of the prophets in fact, by advancing the idea that he was descended from Abraham through the bastard line of Ishmail and co-opted the legend that Hagar and Abraham journeyed 750 miles

through the desert on foot with a baby to Mecca even though there is absolutely no independent historic substantiation of this at all. There is, however, a record of the descendents of Ishmail remaining in the area of Hebron in the Bible. It is recorded that Ishmail attended his father Abraham s funeral there, which is another reaso n why the Bible is rejected by islam.

According to the Bible, Muhammad absolutely could not be the final prophet in the Hebrew line. The Jews of Medina are on record as having pointed this out, which is why Arabia is Judenrein today and islamic antisemitism persists.

5) Does Islam foster peace and social harmony? No.

Islam is a recipe for perpetual war. Not only does i slam divide the world into the believers vs. non-believers who are known as the enemies of Allah, but there is also perpetual warfare within islam as well. Samuel Huntington called this the bloody borders and bloody innards of islam. In the newspapers every day we witness the fact that on average, more muslims are killed by their fellow muslims than non-muslims are killed by muslims and this despite the fact that around two million south Sudanese Christians an d animists have been killed by muslims in the last two decades. As Bill Warn er has estimated, in the last 1400 years, islam has caused the death of 270 million people and counting. With the destructive potential of the weapons they are quickly acquiring, it would not surprise me if another 100 million are added to that total in this century.

6) Does islam hold a transcendent purpose? No.

One of the most important points to make about islam is this: the purpose of islam is the perpetuation of islam. Islam literally has no higher purpose. It sacrifices human beings on the altar to itself and for no higher purpose than to spr ead islam. If you re looking for a greater meaning or value than that, you won t find it.

In conclusion under subtopic in discourse , though islam resembles a religion superficially and harnesses the religious impulse for its own perpetuation, the case can be made that islam is not a religion in any meaningful sense. Ask a muslim a spiritual question and you will receive a material answer. If you ask a muslim, What do you believe in? The answer will be something like, We believe you have to pray five times a day, fast at Ramadan, go on the hajj to Mecca and so on. And if you press the point, you will get a lot of detail about each ritual. First you have to wash, first this foot then that foot then this arm, t hen that arm, then this nostril then that nostril By the time you get through all that you ve

forgotten what the question was. The muslim questioned may actually think he has explained his religion to you. If you persist and ask why a ritual is performed , you will get a story about Muhammad - Muhammad said so or that s the way Muhammad did it. Islamic rituals, elaborate as they are, have little or no symbolic meaning beyond that.

Just because muslims themselves are convinced islam is a religious faith, doesn t mean the rest of us have to accept it as such under our laws, laws that were meant to foster religions that exalt value, advance morality, nurture the individual, preserve wisdom, promote peace and that have a transcendent purpose. If we remove, or at least bring into question, i slam s status as a religion, it will allow us to deal effectively with islamization by regulating their influx, mosque building, i slamic schools and proselytizing in prisons , markets, and other private and public sites.



The islamic sharia is a product of 7 th century islamic scholars, who have vowed to continue from where Mohammed and his contemporarie s died without reaching. These i slamic scholars were certainly filled to the brim with greed, lust, hatred, subversion, self centeredness, etc. As seen in some quotes from the koran above, other sources for the sharia are the sira and ahadith. Factly speaking, Mohammed never had the opportunit y to observe the sharia law! This came latter. It pains to see and hear that muslims claim the sharia as came directly from Allah and that they are eternal, when these statements are clearly man-made, mundane, and enslaving. Well, Allah is not really diffe rent from any stone at the back of my house! Infact, the first victims of the sharia are the muslims

themselves. I sympathize more with the female folk in islam. These are the most suffered from whatever angle of approach. Women are less than animals in qu ality in islam! The sharia truly reveals the irreligious nature of islam just as its political ideology is completely made bare. With the sharia in place, human blood flows every second, minute, hour, day, week, month, and year to sustain islam. Sharia has produced real barbarians(not terrorists as wrongly acclaimed). Here is the complete summary of the sharia law: 1) Jihad defined as to war against non-Muslims to establish the religion is the duty of every Muslim and Muslim head of state (Caliph). Muslim Caliphs who refuse jihad are in violation of Sharia and unfit to rule. 2) A Caliph can hold office through seizure of power meaning through force. 3) A Caliph is exempt from being charged with serious crimes such as murder, adultery, robbery, theft, drinking and in some cases of rape. 4) A percentage of Zakat (alms) must go towards jihad. 5) It is obligatory to obey the commands of the Caliph, even if he is unjust. 6) A caliph must be a Muslim, a non -slave and a male. 7) The Muslim public must remove the Caliph in one case, if he rejects Islam. 8) A Muslim who leaves Islam must be killed immediately. 9) A Muslim will be forgiven for murder of : 1) an apostasy 2) an adulterer 3) a highway robber. Making vigilante street justice and honor killing acceptable. 10) A Muslim will not get the death penalty if he kills a non -Muslim. 11) Sharia never abolishes slavery and sexual slavery BUT highly regulates it. A master will not be punished for killing his slave. 12) Sharia dictates death by stoning, beheading, amputation of limbs, flogging and other forms of cruel and unusual punishments even for crimes of sin such as adultery. 13) Non-Muslims are not equal to Muslims and must comply to Sharia if they are to remain safe. They are forbidden to marry Muslim women, publicly display wine or pork, recite their scriptures or openly celebrate their religious holidays or funerals. They are forbidden from building new churches or building them higher than mosques. They may not enter a mosque without permission. A non -Muslim is no

longer protected if he commits adultery with a Muslim woman or if he leads a Muslim away from Islam. 14) It is a crime for a non-Muslim to sell weapons to someone who will use them against Muslims. Non-Muslims cannot curse a Muslim, say anything derogatory about Allah, the Prophet, or Islam, or e xpose the weak points of Muslims. However, the opposite is not true for Muslims. 15) A non-Muslim cannot inherit from a Muslim. 16) Banks must be Sharia compliant and interest is not allowed. 17) No testimony in court is acceptable from people of low -level jobs, such as street sweepers or a bathhouse attendant. Women in such low level jobs such as professional funeral mourners cannot keep custody of their children in case of divorce. 18) A non-Muslim cannot rule even over a non -Muslims minority. 19) Homosexuality is punishable by death. 20) There is no age limit for marriage of girls under Sharia. The marriage contract can take place anytime after birth and consummated at age 8 or 9. 21) Rebelliousness on the part of the wife nullifies the husband s obligation to support her, gives him permission to beat her and keep her from leaving the home. 22) Divorce is only in the hands of the husband and is as easy as saying: I divorce you and becomes effective even if the husband did not intend it. 23) There is no community property between husband an d wife and the husband s property does not automatically go to the wife after his death. 24) A woman inherits half what a man inherits. 25) A man has the right to have up to 4 wives and she has no right to divorce him even if he is polygamous. 26) The dowry is given in exchange for the woman s sexual organs. 27) A man is allowed to have sex with slave women and women captured in battle, and if the enslaved woman is married her marriage is annulled. 28) The testimony of a woman in court is half the value of a man. 29) A woman looses custody if she remarries. 30) To prove rape, a woman must have 4 male witnesses.

31) A rapist may only be required to pay the bride -money (dowry) without marrying the rape victim. 32) A Muslim woman must cover every inch of her body which is considered Awrah, a sexual organ. Some schools of Sharia allow the face and some don t. 33) A Muslim man is forgiven if he kills his wife caught in the act of adultery. However, the opposite is not true for women since he could be married to the woman he was caught with.

The above are clear cut laws in islam decided by great i mams after years of examination and interpretation of the koran, ah adith(the traditions of islam), and sira(Mohammed s life). Now let the learned imams, sheikhs, sultan, or any islamic scholar tell us what part of the above is compliant with the Nigeria constitution? It is simply impossible for the non -muslim to dwell together because the muslim is mandated to follow the sharia or die . In his/her zeal to keep the sharia law, human lives and property are wasted away, thus making Allah glad!

Before you bank with any IBS, Unity Bank(the old Bank of the North), Bank PHB, Jaiz Bank International, etc., please familiarise yourself again with N0s. 1, 4, 8, 10, 11, 13, 16, 18, 20, and 26. Just this few. All are equally important too as put in the Sharia . Unless you are a deliberate or paid dhimmi(useful idiot), keep off from these banks. You have been sponsoring your killer squads since you signed to be their customer. WATCH OUT. The fire of jihadism is already destroying the Country!

Do you now appreciate it better when IBS is also called Sharia Banking System? At least you ve been able to see why islam is not a religion from whatever angle of human or divine view. I only hope you knew that Allah and Mohammed are interwoven, each manipulating the other to achieve the same thing: power, sex, and/or wealth! That Allah is a commercial being just as Mohammed was when he stood by Khadija , the business tycoon, is indubitable. Therefore Banking(Banging) on Allah is non -debatable. Led by Sanusi Lamido Sanusi, Bintube, Dangote, Abdullahi Mutallab, and a host of muslims, IBS must become real. The dhimmis and other non -muslims rise to save Nigeria. Or else...

Have you seen it well that jihad: to defend the muslims ?



11. Sharia law and slavery Islam's Black Slaves notes: "the Quran stipulated that female slaves might lawfully be enjoyed by their masters." Mohammad himself owned many slaves, some of whom he captured in wars of conquest and some he purchased. The names of forty slaves owned by Mohammad are recorded by muslim chroniclers. Islamic law (sharia) contains elaborate regulations for slavery. A slave had no right to be heard in court (testimony was forbidden by slaves), slaves had no right to property, could marry only with the permission of the owner, and were considered to be chattel, that is the movable property, of the slave owner. Muslim slave owners were specifically entitled by sharia law to sexually exploit their slaves, including hiring them out as prostitutes. One reason why very little has been written about the Arab involvement in slavery is that traditional islamic culture still condones slavery. The sharia, the codified islamic law which is based upon the teachings and example of Mohammad, contains explicit regulations for slavery. One of the primary principles of islam is following the example of Mohammad. Whatever Mohammad did, we must do, what he forbade, we must forbid, what he did not forbid, we may not forbid. As Mohammad himself traded in slaves and owned slaves, accumulating multiple wives, even marrying a six year old, and having concubines - slavery and the sexual exploitation o f women is deeply ingrained in i slamic tradition. Muslim

nations had engaged in the slave trade for over 600 years before Europe became involved in the Trans-Atlantic slave trade. THE RIGHTS OF SLAVES UNDER ISLAM:

According to the Hughes Dictionary of Islam, slaves had few civil or legal rights. For example: a) 33:49. b) c) Slaves are as helpless before their masters as idols are before God - Sura 16:77 According to Islamic Tradition, people at the time of their capture were either to be Muslim men were allowed to have sex anytime with females slaves - Sura 4:3, 4:29,

killed, or enslaved. This shows you that they were at the bottom of the barrel to start wit h. d) According to islamic jurisprudence, slaves were merchandise. The sale of slaves was

in accordance with the sale of animals. e) Muhammad ordered that some slaves who were freed by their master be RE-

ENSLAVED! f) g) It is permissible under i slamic law to whip slaves. According to islam, a muslim could not be put to death for murdering a slave. Ref.

2:178 and the Jalalayn confirm this. h) According to islam, the testimony of slaves is not admissible in court. Ibn Timiyya

and Bukhari states this. i) According to islamic jurisprudence, slaves cannot choose their own marriage mate. -

Ibn Hazm, vol. 6, part 9.


According to islamic jurisprudence, slaves can be forced to marry who their masters

want. - Malik ibn Anas, vol. 2, page 155. Slavery continued in islamic lands from about the beginning to this very day. Muslim rulers always found support in the Quran to call 'jihad', partly for booty, part ly for the purpose of taking slaves. As the islamic empire disintegrated into smaller kingdoms, and ea ch ruler was able to decide what islam's theology really meant. Usually, he always found it in support of what he wanted to do. Their calls of jihad against their neighbor facilitated the taking of slaves for islam. The Quran and islamic jurisprudence support the taking of slaves, so, those petty muslim rulers were following the Quran when they needed slaves.

WHO CAN BE MADE SLAVES UNDER ISLAM?: 1) 2) 3) Islam allows muslims to make slaves out of anyone who is captured during war. Islam allows for the children of slaves to be raised as slaves Like the first, islam allows for Christians and Jews to be made into slaves if th ey are

captured in war. After muslim armies attacked and conquered Spain, they took thousands of slaves back to Damascus. The key prize was 1000 virgins as slaves. They were forced to go all the way back to Damascus. 4) Christians and Jews, who had made a treaty with the ruling Muslims could be made

into slaves if they did not pay the "protection" tax. This paying for 'protecti on' was just like paying a Mafia racketeer! This allowed Muslim rulers to extort money from non -Muslim people. 10. Islam commands that drinkers and gamblers should be whipped. In 2001, Iranian officials sentenced three men to flogging not only for illicit sex (see reason no. nine), but also for drinking alcohol. In 2005, in Nigeria a sharia court o rdered that a drinker should be caned eighty strokes.

In 2005, in the Indonesian province of Aceh, fifteen men were caned in front of a mosque for gambling. This was done publicly so all could see and fear. Eleven others are scheduled to undergo the same penalty for gambling. After going through two previous confusing stages before coming down hard on drinkers and gamblers, the Quran finally prohibits alcohol and gambling in Sura 5:90 91; they do

not prescribe the punishment of flogging, but the hadith does. On record: A poor 'criminal' was brought to Muhammad who became angry: the prophet felt it hard (was angry) and ordered all those who were present in the house, to beat him [the drinker was dragged into Muhammad's presence]. (Bukhari, Punishments, nos. 6774 6775)

Thus, we see no offer of help for the alcoholic when he is dragged before Muhammad and his followers. Why does Muhammad not offer rehabilitation? Why does he immediately go to corporal punishment? The later classical legal rulings follow the Quran and the hadith, so we do not need to examine them here. It is sometimes argued that islamic countries are pure, whereas the West is decadent. No one can argue with this latter claim, but are islamic countries pure? The Supplemental Material, below, demonstr ates that islamic countries still have drinking and gambling in them. 9. Islam allows husbands to hit their wives even if the husbands merely fear highhandedness in their wives. In 2004, Rania al Baz, who had been beaten by her husband, made her ordeal public to raise awareness about violence suffered by women in the home in Saudi Arabia. Saudi television aired a talk show that discussed this issue. The sample rods that husbands may use to hit their wives are well described. The Quran says:

4:34 . . . If you fear highhandedness from your wives, remind them [of the teaching of Allah ], then ignore them when you go to bed, then hit them. If they obey you, you have no right to act against them. God is most high and great. (MAS Abdel Haleem, the Qur'an, Oxford UP, 2004) The hadith says that muslim women in the time of Muhammad were suffering from domestic violence in the context of confusing marriage laws: Rifa'a divorced his wife whereupon 'AbdurRahman bin Az Zubair Al Qurazi married her.

'Aisha said that the lady (came), wearing a green veil (and complained to her (Aisha) of her husband and showed her a green spot on her skin caused by beating). It was the habit of ladies to support each other, so when Allah's a postle came, 'Aisha said, "I have not seen any woman suffering as much as the believing women. Look! Her skin is greener than her clothes!" (Bukhari) This hadith shows Muhammad hitting his girl bride, Aisha, daughter of Abu Bakr: Muslim

no. 2127: 'He [Muhammad] struck me [Aisha] on the chest which caused me pain.' It is claimed that islamic societies have fewer incidents of fornication and adultery because of strict laws or customs, for example, women wearing veils over their faces or keeping separate from men in social settings. But these results of fewer incidents of sexual 'crimes' may have unanticipated negative effects in other areas, such as the oppression of women. Generally, sharia restricts women's social mobility and rights, the more closely sharia is followed. For example, in conservative Saudi Arabia women are not allowed to drive cars. In Iran, the law oppresses women. For example, women's testimony counts half that of men, and far more women than men are stoned to death for adultery. 8. Islam allows an injured plaintiff to exact legal revenge physical eye for physical eye.

In 2003, in Saudi Arabia a man had two teeth extracted under the law of retaliation. In 2003, a court in Pakistan sentenced a man to be blinded by acid after he carried out a similar attack on his fiance

In 2005, an Iranian court orders a man's eye to be removed for throwing acid on another man and blinding him in both eyes. The Quran says: 5:45 And We ordained therein for them: Life for life, ey e for eye, nose for nose, ear for ear, tooth for tooth and wounds equal for equal. But if anyone remits the retaliation by way of charity, it shall be for him an expiation. And whosoever does not judge by that which Allah has revealed, such are the Zalimun (polytheists and wrongdoers . . .). (Hilali and Khan, The Noble Qur'an, Riyadh: Darussalam, 1996) This passage allows for an indemnity or compensation instead of imposing the literal punishment of eye for an eye. No one should have a quarrel with this option. According to the hadith, the plaintiff also has the option to forgive, and this is legitimate, provided a judge oversees the process. The problem is the literal law of retaliation. The hadith and later legal rulings demonstrate that this excessive option was actually carried out, as do the three modern examples linked above. Islamic law calls all of humanity to march backwards 1,400 years BC and to re old law of retaliation impose the

literally, and the evidence suggest that the Torah never intended the

law to be carried out literally, as the supporting article demonstrates. 7. Islam commands that a male and female thief must have a hand cut off. The reader should never lose sight of the fact that this punishment is prescribed in the Quran, the eternal word of Allah. It does not exist only in the fevered imagination of a violent and sick radical regime like the Taliban, which once ruled in Afghanistan.

The Quran says: 5:38 Cut off the hands of thieves, whether they are male or female, as punishmen t for what they have done a deterrent from Allah: Allah is almighty and wise. 39 But if anyone

repents after his wrongdoing and makes amends, Allah will accept his repentance: Allah is most forgiving and merciful. (Haleem) At first glance, verse 39 seems to accept repentance before the thief's hand is cut off. But the hadith states emphatically that repentance is acceptable only after mutilation. Muhammad himself says that even if his own daughter, Fatima, were to steal and then intercede that her hand shou ld not be cut off, he would still have to cut it off (Bukhari, Punishments, no. 6788) 6. Islam commands that highway robbers should be crucified or mutilated. In September 2003, Scotsman Sandy Mitchell faced crucifixion in Saudi Arabia. He was beaten and tortured until he confessed to a crime he did not commit: a bomb plot masterminded by the British embassy. The article says of this punishment that it is the worst kind of execution and that two have been carried out in the last twenty years. In 2002 Amnesty International reports that even though Saudi Arabia ratified the Convention against Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (Convention against Torture) in October 1997, amputation is prescribed under both Hudud (punishments) and Qisas (law of retaliation). AI has recorded thirty amputations and nine cross The Quran says: 5:33 Those who wage war against God and His Messenger and strive to spread corruption in the land should be punished by death, crucifixion, the amputation of an alternate hand and foot or banishment from the land: a disgrace for them in this world, and then a terrible punishment in the Hereafter, 34 unless they repent before you overpower them: in that case bear in mind that God is forgiving and merciful. (Haleem) It may be difficult to accept, but the hadith says that Muhammad tortured these next people before he executed them. This scenario provides the historical context of Sura 5:33 34. The explanations in parentheses have been added by the translator: three

amputations where the alternate hand or foot is mutilated.

Narrated Anas: Some people . . . came to the Prophet and embraced Islam . . . [T]hey turned renegades (reverted from Islam) and killed the shepherd of the camels and took the camels away . . . The Prophet ordered that their hands and legs should be cut off and their eyes should be branded with heated pieces of iron, and that their cut hands and legs should not be cauterized, till they died . (Bukhari, Punishments, no. 6802) The next hadith reports that the renegades died from bleeding to death because Muhammad refused to cauterize their amputated limbs. Then the hadith after that one reports that the renegades were not given water, so they died of thirst. They probably died of both causes: thirst and loss of blood. Muhammad's used of torture was wholly islamic. Islamic law says that these punishments are imposed for highway robbery, and in some cases crucifixion does not need a murder before it is imposed. Muhammad used brutality and barbarism to instill islamic sense into the people . 5. Islam commands that homosexuals must be executed. In February 1998, the Taliban, who once ruled in Afghanistan, ordered a stone wall to be pushed over three men convicted of sodomy. Their lives were to be spared if they survived for 30 minutes and were still alive when the s tones were removed. In its 1991 Constitution, in Articles 108 sodomy. In April 2005, a Kuwaiti cleric says homosexuals should be thrown off a mountain or stoned to death. On April 7, 2005, it was reported that Saudi Arabia sentenced more than 100 men to prison or flogging for 'gay conduct.' These homosexuals were lucky. Early Islam would have executed them, as these hadith demonstrate. 113, Iran adopted the punishment of execution for

Ibn Abbas, Muhammad's cousin and highly reliable transmitter of hadith , reports the following about early Islam and Muhammad's punishment of homosexuals: . . . 'If you find anyone doing as Lot's people did, kill the one who does it, and the one to whom it is done' (Abu Dawud no. 4447). This hadith passage says that homosexuals should be burned alive or have wall pushed on them: Ibn Abbas and Abu Huraira reported God's messenger as saying, 'Accursed is he who does what Lot's people did.' In a version . . . on the authority of Ibn Abbas it says that Ali [Muhammad's cousin and son in law] had two people burned and that Abu Bakr [Muhammad's chief companion] had a wall thrown down on them. (Mishkat, vol. 1, p. 765, Prescribed Punishments) Though this punishment of a wall being toppled on them is extreme, the Taliban were merely following the origins of their religion. 4. Islam orders unmarried fornicators to be whipped and adulterers to be stoned to death. Fornication: In 2001, Iranian officials sentenced three men to flogging for illicit sex. The Quran says: 24:2 The fornicatress and the fornicator, flog each of them with a hundred stripes. Let not pity withhold you in their case, in a punishment prescribed by Allah, if you believe in Allah and the Last Day. And let a party of the believers witness their punishment. [This punishment is for unmarried persons guilty of the above crime (illegal sex), but if married persons commit it (illegal sex), the punishment is to stone them to death, according to Allah's law]. (Hilali and Khan). The additions in the brackets, though not original to the Arabic, have the support of the hadith. These command flogging only of unmarried fornicators: Bukhari, Punishments, nos. 6831 and 6833.

The classical legal rulings follow the Quran and the hadith closely, so we do not need to analyze them here. According to this report, in Iran a teenage boy broke his Ramadan fast, so a judge sentenced him to be lashed with eighty five stripes. He died from the punishment. Though his sad case does not deal with fornication, it is cited here because it shows that lashing can be fatal. Adultery: In December 2004, Amnesty International reports: An Iranian woman charged with adultery faces death by stoning in the next five days after her death sentence was upheld by the Supreme Court last month. Her unnamed co defendant is at risk of imminent execution by hanging. Amnesty International members are now writing urgent appeals to the Iranian authorities, calling for the execution to be stopped.

She is to be buried up to her chest and stoned to death. This gruesome hadith passage reports that a woman was buried up to her chest and stoned to death: And when he had given command over her and she was put in a hole up to her breast, he ordered the people to stone her. Khalid b. al Walid came forward with a stone which he

threw at her head, and when the blood spurted on his face he cursed her . . . (Muslim no. 4206) The prophet prayed over her dead body and then buried her. Truthfully, though, how effective was the prayer when Muhammad and his community murdered her in cold blo od? The rest of the hadith says that Muhammad told Khali d not to be too harsh, but the prophet's words drip with irony. Perhaps Muhammad meant that Khalid should not have cursed her. However, if they really did not want to be harsh, they should have forgiv en her and let her go to raise her child.

Later islamic legal rulings follow the Quran and the hadith closely, so we do not need to analyze them here. 3. Islam orders death for muslim and possible death for non Muhammad and the Quran and even sharia itself. muslim critics of

In 1989, Iran's Supreme Leader issued a fatwa (legal decree) to assassinate Salman Rushdie, a novelist, who wrote Satanic Verses, which includes questions about the angel Gabriel's role in inspiring the Quran. Now the extremists in th e highest levels in Iran have recently renewed the fatwa. In 2005, The Muslim Council of Victoria, Australia, brought a lawsuit against two pastors for holding a conference and posting articles critiquing islam. Three muslims attended the conference and felt offended. The two pastors have been convicted based on Australia's vilification law. While on trial, one of t hem wanted to read from the Quran on domestic violence (see 9, above), but the lawyer representing the Council would not allow it. The pastors are appealing their conviction. In 2005, British m uslims have been campaigning to pass a religious hate speech la w in England's parliament. They have succeeded. Their ability to propagandize has not been curtailed. Opponents of the law say that it stifles free speech that may crit icize Muhammad, the Quran, and islam. Here are the classical legal rulings. First, the muslim deserves death for doing any of the following ( Reliance of the Traveler pp. 597 98, o8.7): (1) Reviling Allah or his Messenger; ( 2) being sarcastic about 'Allah's name, His command, His interdiction, His promise, or His threat'; ( 3) denying any verse of the Quran or 'anything which by scholarly consensus belongs to it, or to add a verse that does not belong to it'; ( 4) holding that 'any of Allah's messengers or prophets are l iars, or to deny their being sent'; (5)

reviling the religion of i slam; (6) being sarcastic about any ruling of the Sacred Law; (7) denying that Allah intended 'the prophet's message . . . to be the religion followed by the entire world.' It is no wonder that critical investigation of the truth about the claims of islam can never prevail in islamic lands when the sword of Muhammad hangs over the scholars' head. The non muslims living under islamic rule are not allowed to do the following (p. 609, o11.10(1) (5)): (1) Commit adultery with a muslim woman or marry her; (2) conceal spies of hostile forces; ( 3) lead a muslim away from islam; (4) mention something impermissible about Allah, the prophet . . . or i slam. According to the discretion of the caliph or his representative, the punishments for violating these rules are as follows: (1) death, (2) enslavement, (3) release without paying anything, and (4) ransoming in exchange for money. These punishments also execute free speech even repulsive speech and freedom of religion or conscience. Ultimately, censorship testifies to a lack of confidence in one's position and message. If the message of islam were truly superior, one could trust in the power of truth. As it stands, sharia with its prescribed punishment s for questioning Muhammad, the Quran, and sharia itself testifies to their weakness since sharia threatens those who dare to differ. How confident was Muhammad (and today's muslims) in his message that he had to rely on violence and force to protect his m essage, besides reason and persuasive argumentation? 2. Islam orders apostates to be killed. In Iran an academic was condemned to death for criticizing clerical rule in Iran. The rulers assert that he was insulting Muhammad and Shi'ite laws. He was charged with apostasy. This analysis tracks the application of apostasy laws around the world, citing many examples.

Apostates are those who leave islam, like Salman Rushdie, whether they become atheists or convert to another religion. They are supposed to be killed according to the Quran, the hadith, and later legal rulings. See the previous point no. thre e for acts that entail leaving islam according to islamic law. Here are the articles that support reason no. two. This is a short, but full article on apostasy, citing Quranic verses and hadith passages. Sayyid Maududi, a respected islamic scholar, in this booklet argues that Sura 9:11 12 refers to apostates and that they should be p ut to death. They should be given time to repent, but if they refuse, they must be killed. And the number one reason why sharia is bad for all societies are put as follows: 1. Islam commands offensive and aggressive and unjust jihad. Muhammad is foundational to i slam, and he set the genetic code for i slam, waging war. In the ten years that he lived in Medina from his Hijrah (emigration) from Mecca in AD 622 to his death of a fever in AD 632, he either sent out or went out on seventy expeditions, or full four raids,

scale wars. They range from small assassination hit squads to kill

anyone who insulted him, to the Tabuk Crusades in late AD 630 against the Byzantine Christians. He had heard a rumor that an army was mobilizing to invade Ara bia, but the rumor was false, so his 30,000 jihadists returned home, but not before imposing a jizya tax on northern Christians and Jews. Money flowed into the i slamic treasury. So why would Muhammad get a revelation to dry up this money flow? What are some of the legalized rules of jihad found in the Quran, hadith, and classical legal opinions? (1)Women and children are enslaved. They can either be sold, or the muslims may 'marry' the women, since their marriages are automatically annulled upon their ca pture. (2)

Jihadists may have sex with slave women. Ali, Muhammad's cousin and son

in law, did

this. (3) Women and children must not be killed during war, unless this happens in a nighttime raid when visibility was low. ( 4) Old men and monks could be kille d. (5) A captured enemy of war could be killed, enslaved, ransomed for money or an exchange, freely released, or beaten. One time Muhammad even tortured a citizen of the city of Khaybar in order to extract information about where the wealth of the city was hidden. ( 6) Enemy men who converted could keep their property and small children. This law is so excessive that it amounts to forced conversion. Only the strongest of the strong could resist this coercion and remain a non-muslim. (7) Civilian property may be confiscated. (8) Civilian homes may be destroyed. (9) Civilian fruit trees may be destroyed. ( 10) Pagan Arabs had to convert or die. This does not allow for the freedom of religion or conscience . (11) People of the Book (Jews and Christians or non-muslims) had three options (Sura 9:29): fight and die; convert and pay a forced 'charity' or zakat tax; or keep their Biblical faith and pay a jizya or poll tax.

y y y

The last two options mean that money flows into the Islamic treasury, so why would Muhammad receive a revelation to dry up this money flow? Thus, jihad is aggressive, coercive, and excessive, and Allah never revealed to Muhammad to stop these practices. Therefore, islam is violent unjustly and aggressively. Conclusion The nightmare must end. Sharia oppresses the citizens of islamic countries. How can the non-muslim ever escape the wrath of islam in the disguise of sharia then? It is impossible once the bid is swallowed! That is exactly what the deadly jihadist Sanusi Lamido Sanusi and cohorts/collaborators/willful accomplices and the dhimmis have made up their evil hearts to do even all Nigerians should die in attempts to resist IBS!



As I write I am most troubled about Plateau State. The evil on ground against the Plateau man everywhere is better imagined. There are currently heavy terrible frightening disturbing bedevilling machinations against the Plateau people , emanating from the caliphate and sponsored by foreign lands such as Sudan, Libya, Iran, Saudi, Pakistan, America, Egypt, and many others; besides societies, organizations, NGOs, individuals, machineries in the federal government of Nigeria, states here in Nigeria, etc. The time to sleep is over! All moves under whatever disguise initiated by the jiadists(for every muslim is a jihadist) aims at destroying Plateau State. Should Plateau people all become muslim, it will never stop muslims wiping them away. The only solution left is for the Plateau people to unite and build their own financial system hence economy. This is what I must tell the Plateau people in this booklet. XII. O! NIGERIAN NON-MUSLIMS

Islam does not fit even an evil religious system . It is practically and wholly irreligious and works against humanity. It worth to bear this in mind: muslim means slave while islam means submission . From these most precise definitions it is clear muslim and islam are supposedly worlds apart. The muslim needs to be constantly informed that he/she is a slave to islam. Now, when you already have a slave who must submit ( islam) to this draconian/tyrant ideology, it summarily means every muslim who must practice islam has completely lost his/her individuality, personality, will, sensibility, and human values. Thus , the production of suicide bombers, the pogroms, massacre, gangsterism, etc. among muslims/islamists is on the increase with no end in view. Muslims/islamists suffer from what is called inferiority complex hence these obvious signs and symptoms: parasitic, possessive, subversion, depression, repressive, suppressive, vindictive, fear, aggressive, enslavement of others, torture against non -muslims, coercion, hypocrisy, deceit and lying(taqiyya), among others. Nigeria is in deep waters, being drowned by islam and nobody seems to join the knots and dots together. We have always thought Nigeria belongs to all of us without knowing thatthe average muslim views politics, democracy, Nigeria, etc not only aghastly but with contemn. No one muslim believes in anything good about the Country until only muslims rule

economically, spiritually, culturally, politically, educationally, militarily, etc. That is how the IBS is forced to come in!


Back Cover(inside) Muslims have taken this so-called country to hostage. The security, education, economy, judiciary, agriculture, information, health, culture, politics, etc. have been maligned, spoiled, and misdirected by islam. Even the child in the womb is negatively aff ected by islam. Among the top signs and exhibits of islam toying with everybody in Nigeria are the sharia courts where grand khadis are recognized and paid by the taxpayers fees, the adverts that portray islam in the good light, the resounding recognition the media give to islam, the arabic words/terms on our national currency, the islamic insignia being used by the Nigerian military, the Nigeria flag is completely an islamic issue, etc. And now the IBS that is set to cripple and finally bring the non -muslim to enslavement, torture, and death! Accept IBS accept death: sooner or later! Back Cover(outside): Every muslim practices taqiyya(deception of the non-muslim). Only the dhimmi(useful idiot ) believes what any muslim says. Islam is not a religion but has formed a party of muslims tagged: INTERNATIONAL REVOLUTIONARY PARTY, AND USING JIHAD which must be sponsored by all, IBS has come into the limelight! 1) IBS is not a financial institution but a n ideological(the so-called religious) obligation. 2) IBS is irreligious therefore it will endeavour to stop all kinds of religious offerings such as church offerings, tithes(for those who depend on such), etc. as all moneys will be conveyed to jihadistic activities.

3) IBS considers all profits and interest-making haram(hateful and taboo) meaning all multipurpose cooperatives, societies, groups, organizations, etc. where profits/interests are generated to sustain their operations while helping their members will be snuffed out. Just think on the repercussions of this. 4) IBS will kill all financial freedoms leaving only one option to expend one s money: that is jihadism. 5) IBS will provide employment to only sharia-endulged, sharia-compliant, willing accomplices, and dhimmis(useful idiots) leaving the non-muslim majority to end in enslavement, torture, and death. 6) IBS will ensure that only businesses that are 100% islamic and 0% non-muslim will appreciate. 7) IBS will spell the doom to our economy when fully on. 8) IBS will put the non -muslim to the edge of the sword when on stage finally. 9) IBS has done it elsewhere and is posed to do it again , right here in Nigeria. 10) IBS has raised islamothugs, narcissists, imperialists, tyrants, and shahids(suicide bombers) globally. This will be reinvigorated once on. 11) IBS has certainly opened our economy to fraudulent activity and it is ready to sustain it. 12) IBS intends to make the muslim twice more superior than the non -muslim. 13) IBS will intensify poverty in the land, especially among the non -muslim communities, for rapid manipulation and easiness to enslave, torture, and death. 14) IBS in place, persecution, bloodshed, and hatred of the non -muslim will indubitably intensify. 15) IBS targets the greedy non-muslim generally but more specifically the wealthy ones doubtlessly. 16) IBS surely plays effectively the game monkey de work baboon de chop . The monkeys are actually the non-muslims and the baboons are the muslims headed by caliphacy. 17) IBS eyes with hateful greed the wealth of the non -muslim, no matter how small and at what level, and as a parasite with defiant possessive nature, wants to not only monitor it but also ruin it through deliberate diversion to quell the bloody thirst of every muslim on earth.

18) IBS can only deceive the ignorant, foolish, stupid, useful idiot( dhimmis), brainwashed, and gullible non -muslims that it is a non-interest banking system when it is obvious that PROFIT and INTEREST mean the same thing. And that is impossible to run any banking without generating the interest to sustain it! 19) IBS is an excellent bait to the greedy non-muslims. Once the hook is swallowed it will then be too late to reject it. All IBS countries are the worst off in everything. Saudi Arabia, Iran, Indonesia, Pakistan, Iraq, Dubai, among so many islamic lands treat women lower than animals, use children as human shields, and remain permanently wicked to humanity ! Never be carried away by their deceptive smiles, handshakes, open shows, the remote controlled-curtains, etc. we see always. Non-muslim Nigerians be warned! Plateau people save yourselves! The pending doom over Nigeria is becoming real now and then. Shomer Ishmol


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