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Interest Groups WORKSHOPS (Day 2 and 3) 1. Hand Mime Worship God with glowing hands!

Through hand mime, we will learn the value of cooperation, coordination and unity. Every hand is important in hand mime. Together, we can make images that can reflect the wonders of the Lord Accepts: 1 group (15-20 delegates) Facilitator: Kathlyn Talapian

2. Liturgical Dancing

Dance with grace and praise to the Lord! Liturgical Dancing will not just crack your sleeping joints; it will also enable you to worship God without words. Reflective movements alone are more than enough when glorifying the Lord. Remember, this group is not only for girls. Accepts: 1 group (10-15 delegates) Facilitators: Camille Agpaoa and TBA

3. Tambourine Dancing

Make a joyful noise and dance with tambourines! Move your hands and feet, and learn how to dance and throw a tambourine in the air and catch it perfectly. Just like liturgical dancing, tambourine dancing is not just for girls. Accepts: 1 group (15-20 delegates) Facilitators: Kazelyn Talapian and TBA

4. Modern Dancing

God is everywhere, and people always find ways to worship him, such as dancing in modern music. Groove to upbeat and smooth beats while praising God. You can glorify Him, even in break dances or swaying and clapping your hands. You just have to put your heart in it, and offer to Him every movement. Accepts: 2 groups (15-20 delegates) Facilitators: J.R. Ellasos and Pamela Villaflor

5. Choir Sing Christian songs and harmonize with your fellow delegates. In one voice, you can make heavenly music that can touch peoples hearts, and make God smile. Sessions of the choir groups will feature quick lessons on the ABCs of reading notes. Dont worry, you will not sing boring or complicated classical songs here. You will simply sing for God. Accepts: 2 groups (15-20 delegates) Facilitators: Jared Esguerra and Celinne Mencias

6. Improvisation/Drama

Explore your creativity and talent in acting! The drama workshop is open to anyone who wants to be part of a presentation that shows the spiritual warfare we are all going through. Each role is unique and significant. Accepts: 2 groups (15-20 delegates) Facilitators: Danelle Baroja and Abe Recile, and TBA

7. Juggling

Learn how to juggle almost anything! This fun and challenging workshop will test your gifts of concentration and body coordination from God. The juggling groups will also learn basic acrobats. Accepts: 2 groups (15-20 delegates) Facilitators: Mico Tepora and Dan Edward Baroja

8. Arts and Crafts

Pour out your heart and mind in paper and create a magnificent work of art dedicated to God. Learn how to blend colors and draw with style through this workshop. Finished art works will be displayed in an exhibit during the Talent Night. Accepts: 1 Group (10-15 delegates) Facilitator: TBA and Joash Mencias

9. Photography

Capture the amazing wonders of the Lord with lenses through this workshop. With tips and techniques from your facilitator, produce pictures that do not only reflect the agape love of God, but also show skill and quality. Please bring your own camera if you are interested in taking this workshop. Personal camera is required. Accepts: 1 Group (15-20 delegates) Facilitator: Adrian Farrales

SEMINARS (Day 4) 1. Society Issues The church and the world are facing grave issues that affect many people. These issues include poverty, immigration, environmental injustice and many others. Learn about your role in these issues and what you can do to help find a solution. We can be hands and feet of the Lord, but we have to let Him use us first. 2. Social Principles Do you know the stand of the United Methodist Church on pressing concerns of the society such as gambling, war and divorce? What exactly is gambling? Find answers to these questions through this seminar on the Social Principles of the UMC. 3. Mission Initiatives Share ideas on what you can do to give back to your community, and know of the mission initiatives are out there that needs you. This seminar also features information on mission trips and internships open in the UMC. We cannot do everything, but we can always do something. 4. Church Anatomy Ever curious on what those General Boards of something mean and do? Why do we have bishops and how many UMC bishops are out there in the world? What is really the role of our pastors, and how long do they averagely stay in local church? Learn about the church anatomy and how the United Methodist Church works through this seminar. 5. The Book of Discipline The Book of Discipline contains all the laws that govern the United Methodist Church. In this seminar, delegates will learn how and why the Book of Discipline was written, and what exactly are its contents. Find answers on questions like what can you do and not do as members of the UMC? 6. The Four Areas of Ministry Focus The United Methodist Church does not create ministries randomly. Our church programs, missions and operations are guided by the Four Areas of Ministry Focus. Discover what areas these are and how your local church ministries fits into these. Furthermore, learn how the UMC acts on these areas of focus. 7. NAFAUM and NFAAUM What are the National Association of Filipino-American United Methodists (NAFAUM) and the National Federation of Asian American United Methodists (NFAAUM)? They sound kind of the same, arent they similar? Learn about the mission and programs of NAFAUM AND NFAAUM and discover how NCJ-SEJ CI fits in these national organizations. Many of our CI leaders take active roles in these organizations; do you know who they are?

8. Bible 101 (for delegates that are 10 years old and younger) Come across a problem that you just cant solve? How does God speak to you? The Bible is your answer. Get to know deeper the great gift of the Lord and its rich information and lessons. Explore and know people in the Bible who are just like us today: They were also called to action by God. And as they surrender themselves to the power of God, they achieved amazing things they never thought they could.

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