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A bedpan is a small container used for people who are unable to get out of bed to urinate and have bowel movements. Whether it is due to injury, illness, age or surgery, some people are unable to walk to the bathroom and need help. A bedpan resembles a toilet seat with a basin and can be made of metal or plastic and is approximately 4 inches high. Some bedpans are reusable after washing and disinfecting, while others are disposable. OTHER ITEMS NEEDED:
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A basin with warm water. Disposable gloves. Toilet paper. Towels. Wash cloths. Note: The above items should be place within the patient reach.

PATIENT WHO CAN RAISE HIPS Step 1 Close the examination room door or screen the patient to ensure privacy. Always place a sheet over the patient. Step 2 Put on disposable gloves, and then ask the patient to raise her hips. Roll the patient onto his side gently, and place a waterproof pad under her buttocks to protect the bed from spills Step 3 Support her lower back with one hand, and slide the edge of the bedpan under her buttocks with the other hand. Be sure the patient is covered with a sheet or linen. Place the toilet tissue where patient can reach it. Leave the area to give privacy if the patient is strong enough to be left alone. Step 4 When the patient has finished using the bedpan, ask her to raise her hips, and remove the pan from under her. Cover it with a towel and place it on a chair, not on the bed or bedside table.Empty the bedpan in the lavatory and rinse it with clean cold water.

Step 5 Offer the patient a washcloth to wash the hand and a dry towel to dry them. Step 6 The radiographer must then remove his or gloves and wash the hand thoroughly.

PATIENT WHO CANNOT RAISE HIPS Step 1 Close the examination room door or screen the patient to ensure privacy. Always place a sheet over the patient. Step 2 Put on disposable gloves, and then ask the patient to raise her hips. Roll the patient onto his side gently, and place a waterproof pad on the bed under his buttock to protect the bed from spill. Step 3 Support her lower back with one hand, and slide the edge of the bedpan under her buttocks with the other hand. Be sure the patient is covered with a sheet or linen. Step 4 If the patient is unable to sit up, assist the patient to a sitting position. Do not leave a patient sitting on a bedpan he or she is poorly balance and may fall. Let the patient be alone as much as possible by turning around and facing away from the patient or leave the area to give privacy if the patient is strong enough to be left alone. Place the toilet tissue where patient can reach it.

Step 5 When the patient is done, help the patient off the pan. Have the patient lie back, place one hand under the lumbar spine and have the patient raise the hip. Step 6 Remove the pan, cover it and empty it in lavatory (damp the water in toilet, not the sink) and then discard the disposable bedpan in the trash receptacle. Step 7

Offer the patient a wet paper towel or washcloth together with soap if necessary to wash hands and a dry towel to dry them. Step 8 The radiographer must then remove his or her gloves and wash he hand thoroughly.

CLEANING Step 1 Roll the patient onto her side and clean her buttocks with toilet paper. Step 2 Wash the area with a wet washcloth using soap and water if necessary or wipe the patients perineum with a tissue folded into pad. Clean from front to back if the patient is female. Step 3 Dry the area with a towel or tissue. Check for any redness or sores around the buttocks or genital region. Step 4 Remove the gloves and wash hand thoroughly/correctly.



Urinalis made of plastic and is shaped so it can be used by a patient who is supine, lying on the right or left side, or in Fowler position


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A basin with warm water. Disposable gloves. Toilet paper. Towels. Wash cloths.

IF THE PATIENT IS ABLE TO HELP HIMSELF Step 1 Simply hand an aseptic (disease-free) urinal and allow him to use it, providing privacy whenever possible. Step 2 When he has finished, put on clean, disposable gloves, remove the urinal, empty it, and rinse it. Step 3 Offer the patient a wet paper towel or washcloth together with soap if necessary to wash hands and a dry towel to dry them. Step 4 The radiographer must then remove his or hr gloves and wash he hand thoroughly.

IF THE PATIENT IS UNABLE TO HELP HIMSELF Step 1 Put on clean disposable gloves, raise the cover sheet sufficiently to permit adequate visibility, but do not expose the patient unduly. Step 2

Spread the patients leg and put the urinal between them. Step3 Put the penis into the urinal far enough to it does not slip out, and hold the urinal in place by handle until the patient finishes voiding. Step 4 Remove the urinal, empty it, discard it, remove the gloves and wash hand.


Enrique V. Bautista Leader


DominadorLasquite Osei Tutu Richard Cayme Edward Salinas Albert De Guzman

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