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Convenio de Medelln 2011-2

Grupo 42 Level: 1 Date: __________________

Prof.: Ivn D. Flrez G.

Teacher students name: ___________________________________

Rubric for Journal # 1 Qu tan importante es para mi aprendizaje de una lengua extranjera, el tener que presentar un test o examen de habilidad lingstica? Qu aprend? Qu debo mejorar? Criteria It responds to the question: The journal includes a response to each and every part of the question. (max. 15) It shows deep reflection on the topic: The journal responds reflectively to each part of the question in a relevant and concise way (max. 15) It is well structured and clearly written: The journals structure is neat and easy to follow. It is cohesive and fluent. (max. 10) Punctuation and spelling: The use of punctuation and the spelling are correct. (max. 5) It follows specified format: It is no longer than two pages; written in double space; times new roman 12; with 2.5cms of margin. (max. 5) TOTAL POINTS: /50 GRADE: Needs improvements Approaching success Meets expectations Comments

Convenio de Medelln 2011-2

Grupo 42 Level: 1 Date: __________________

Prof.: Ivn D. Flrez G.

Teacher students name: ___________________________________

Rubric for Journal # 2 Cmo hacer del ingls una herramienta de trabajo pedaggico y cmo puedo implementarlo en mi aula de clase? Criteria It responds to the question: The journal includes a response to each and every part of the question. (max. 15) It shows deep reflection on the topic: The journal responds reflectively to each part of the question in a relevant and concise way (max. 15) It is well structured and clearly written: The journals structure is neat and easy to follow. It is cohesive and fluent. (max. 10) Punctuation and spelling: The use of punctuation and the spelling are correct. (max. 5) It follows specified format: It is no longer than two pages; written in double space; times new roman 12; with 2.5cms of margin. (max. 5) TOTAL POINTS: /50 GRADE: Needs improvements Approaching success Meets expectations Comments

Convenio de Medelln 2011-2

Grupo 42 Level: 1 Date: __________________

Prof.: Ivn D. Flrez G.

Teacher students name: ___________________________________

Rubric for Journal # 3 Cul ha sido mi avance lingstico durante las sesiones de clase en el Convenio? Qu he aprendido y qu requiero seguir mejorando? Qu quiero alcanzar al terminar el curso? Criteria It responds to the question: The journal includes a response to each and every part of the question. (max. 15) It shows deep reflection on the topic: The journal responds reflectively to each part of the question in a relevant and concise way (max. 15) It is well structured and clearly written: The journals structure is neat and easy to follow. It is cohesive and fluent. (max. 10) Punctuation and spelling: The use of punctuation and the spelling are correct. (max. 5) It follows specified format: It is no longer than two pages; written in double space; times new roman 12; with 2.5cms of margin. (max. 5) TOTAL POINTS: /50 GRADE: Needs improvements Approaching success Meets expectations Comments

Convenio de Medelln 2011-2

Grupo 42 Level: 1 Date: __________________

Prof.: Ivn D. Flrez G.

Teacher students name: ___________________________________

Rubric for Journal # 4 Cul es mi compromiso real y especfico con mis estudiantes despus de haber estado en el Convenio este semestre? Qu me aport este proceso a mi vida profesional? Criteria It responds to the question: The journal includes a response to each and every part of the question. (max. 15) It shows deep reflection on the topic: The journal responds reflectively to each part of the question in a relevant and concise way (max. 15) It is well structured and clearly written: The journals structure is neat and easy to follow. It is cohesive and fluent. (max. 10) Punctuation and spelling: The use of punctuation and the spelling are correct. (max. 5) It follows specified format: It is no longer than two pages; written in double space; times new roman 12; with 2.5cms of margin. (max. 5) TOTAL POINTS: /50 GRADE: Needs improvements Approaching success Meets expectations Comments

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