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Error Testing Checklist - (Sample Checklist) Sr.

A) B)

Check Point / Defect Statement

Were functional errors identified by the brainstorming session with end users / customers? Were structural error conditions identified by the brainstorming session with project personnel? Were functional error conditions identified for the following cases: C1) Rejection of invalid codes? C2) Rejection of out-of-range values? C3) Rejection of improper data relationships? C4) Rejection of invalid dates? C5) Rejection of unauthorized transactions of the following types: C5.1) Invalid value? C5.2) Invalid customer? C5.3) Invalid product?

Check Mark () the Appropriate Column Yes N/A


C5.4) Invalid transaction type? C5.5) Invalid price? C6) Alphabetic data in numeric fields? C7) Blanks in a numeric field? C8) An all-blank condition in a numeric field? C9) Negative values in a positive field? C10) Positive values in a negative field? C11) Negative balances in a financial account? C12) Numeric in an alphabetic field? C13) Blanks in an alphabetic field?


C14) Values longer than the field permits? C15) Totals that exceed maximum size of total fields? C16) Proper accumulation of totals (at all levels for multiple- level totals)? C17) Incomplete transactions (i.e. one or more fields missing)?

C18) Obsolete data in the field (i.e. a formerly valid code no longer valid)? C19) A new value that will become acceptable but is not acceptable now (e.g. Assigning a new district code for which the district has not yet been established)? C20) A postdated transaction? C21) Change of a value that affects a relationship (e.g. if the unit digit is used to control year, switching from 9 in 89 to 0 in 90 can still be processed)? D) Does the data dictionary list of field specifications generate invalid specifications? Are tests performed for the following architectural error conditions: E1) Page overflow? E2) Report format conformance to design layout? E3) Posting of data to correct portion of reports? E4) Printed error messages representative of the actual error condition? E5) All instructions executed? E) E6) All paths executed? E7) All internal tables? E8) All loops? E9) All PERFORM type routines? E10) All compiler warning messages? E11) The correct version of the program? E12) Unchanged portions of the system revalidated after any part of the system is changed?

How to use the Above Checklist: 1) We record the conditions or observed results by marking a checkmark in either of the 2 - data columns against various check points or defect statements on the checklist.

2) A checkmark in the Yes column against an item indicates that the checkpoint or the defect statement is True. 3) A checkmark in the N/A column against an item indicates that the checkpoint or the defect statement is not applicable. 4) The checklist can be customized & additional columns like Comments etc. may be added which could provide useful assistance during analysis.

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