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China must build a strategic training carrier, or super heavy aviation carrier to bolster the countrys air defences.

Such a carrier must be very large in size with a flight deck stretching up to 600 metres long. A very long flight deck will allow small cargo craft to land on the vessel. This includes small to moderate-sized Red Cross rescue aircraft. However, the most important benefit gained by operating a very large carrier is making it possible for the naval air defence groups to conduct intensive training far, far away from all kinds of densely populated areas. A very large carrier can anchor far away from the coasts and still not worry about rough seas. The long flight deck also provides a greater margin of safety for new pilots. Remember, the carrier is FOR TRAINING purposes and not for committing aggression against other people. China is not the US ! Intensive and round-the-clock training is vital to the defence of China as the US and its minions are forever waiting for the chance to attack the country. They are never tired of war and bloodshed. They really love killing humans and wreaking unbridled destruction. The US, as an artificial creation can never ever exorcise its innate desire to sow total havoc or unrestrained madness on other people. Always be on guard. China MUST build up an air defence that is second to none. It must never be forgotten that the aggressors in the Pacific are totally merciless and they are eternal slaves to wars and killings. They are also lovers of grand falsehoods, terrible evil lies and untold deceit. The US is now building super carriers more powerful than the Nimitz carriers, yet makes a hell of a noise about an obsolete second-hand carrier and even at the now obsolescent Sovremenny destroyers (some years back). The aggressors are not only merciless and full of falsehoods, they are also full of terribly evil great hypocrisy. The Sovremenny has been superseded by the Type 052C+/52D which can provide far better fleet defence. Yet it is not any superior to the Aegis-class warships of even the Jap navy. Thus China must always need to rely highly on its naval air power. Because of this, naval air power JUST CANNOT be neglected. Always remember it. The US Navy is now developing unmanned drones capable of carrying powerful rockets designed to wipe out Chinas naval assets in a future conflict. Therefore China must not neglect its naval air power. Naval fighter strength must be complemented by land-based aircraft / UAVs. This is the only path to take in the face of unbridled US wickedness ! !

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