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Inside a sunflower lay a tiny seed. His name was Sunny.

It was warm and cozy and he had other friend seeds too. In the same sunflower lived Sunnys two friends, Fleur and Dandy. All day long they lay on their soft, fluffy bed, in the heart of the great sunflower. They soaked up the sun, and sometimes had a nice shower from the rain. They were so happy.

En un girasol haba una pequea semilla. Su nombre era Esnufi. Su hogar era clido y acogedor, y adems tena otras semillas que eran sus amigas. En el mismo girasol vivan dos amigas de Esnufi, se llamaban Pufi y Dufi. Se la pasaban todo el da en su suave y esponjosa cama en el corazn del girasol. Absorban el sol y a veces se tomaban una buena ducha con la lluvia. Eran muy felices.

Entonces un da el sol no brillo con intensidad. El viento se puso frio, las gotas de lluvia eran cada vez ms pesadas. Esnufi supo que haba llegado el otoo. Los calurosos das del verano se haban acabado y pronto todas las pequeas semillas del gran girasol iban a tener que irse y encontrar un nuevo hogar.

Then one day the sun didnt shine so brightly. The wind grew cold. The raindrops fell harder and harder. Sunny knew that autumn had come. The warm summer days had ended, and soon all the little seeds were going to have to leave the big sunflower and find new homes.

One day a big gust of wind blew. It blew harder and harder on the big sunflower, sending all the little seeds flying out of their warm bed and tumbling to the ground. The wind blew Sunny out, and Fleur, and Dandy too.

Un da, soplo una gran rfaga de viento. Soplaba cada vez ms fuerte sobre el gran girasol, enviando a todas las semillitas fuera de sus clidas camas hacia el suelo. El viento hizo caer a Esnufi y tambin a Pufi y a Dufi.

Tumble, tumble, they went. The winds made them spin and twirl, blowing them here, and then sending them there. They landed in a patch of soft grass. Sunny, Dandy, and Fleur were all near each other. Are you okay? Sunny asked his friends. Yes! said Dandy. Were okay! But its so cold, and the wind is still blowing. I know, Sunny said. Lets dig deep, deep into the ground. Then well be warm! So the little sunflower seeds buried themselves in the warm earth. And as they slipped beneath the soil, they were warm. The ground covered them, and they slept and slept and slept for a very long time.

Cayeron y el viento las hizo girar, soplndolas de un lado a otro. Fueron a parar a una parte blanda del pasto. Esnufi, Dufi y Pufi estaban todas juntas. Estan bien? les pregunto Esnufi a sus amigas. Si! Dijo Dufi Estamos bien! Pero hace tanto frio y el viento sigue soplando. Ya s que haremos dijo Esnufi. Hagamos un hueco bien profundo en el suelo. Ah estaremos abrigadas! Las semillitas de girasol se enterraron en el clido suelo. Se sintieron abrigadas al introducirse debajo de la tierra. El suelo las cubra y se quedaron dormidas durante mucho, mucho tiempo.

Then one day, Sunny felt a little tendril starting to poke out of his side. Stretch! Stretch! Stretch! Soon a little sprout, a tiny shoot, started growing from the little seed. The soft rain came, and the sun shone warm on the little plant that now poked its head out of the ground. After many days had passed, a little flower bud began to appear. When the bud opened up, Sunny realized he had become a beautiful little sunflower! I buried myself in the ground when I was just a little seed, he said, and then I grew, and I grew. And now Ive become a sunflower! But I still can grow more! Im going to grow taller and taller, and bigger and bigger.

Luego un da, Esnufi sinti que un pequeo tallo empezaba a salir de uno de sus costados. Se estiraba ms y ms, y al poco tiempo, un pequeo retoo comenz a salir de la semillita. Llego la suave lluvia y el sol brillo clidamente sobre la plantita que ahora emerga de la tierra. Luego de muchos das, apareci el botoncito de una flor. Al abrirse el capullo, Esnufi se dio cuenta que se haba convertido en un hermoso y pequeo girasol! Me enterr en el suelo cuando apenas era una semillita dijo. Luego crec y crec. Y me he convertido en un girasol! Y todava puedo crecer ms! Voy a crecer cada vez ms alto y ms grande.

He soon saw Fleur. Fleur was a sunflower too! And there was Dandy.He was also a sunflower! The three friends were all together again. They were so happy! They smiled and laughed and Sunny said, We didnt know what was going to happen when we had to leave our happy home, but we found a brand new place, and were bigger and happier than ever, and were still all together. Just like God takes care of His creation, so will He always take good care of us all!

Al poco tiempo vio a Pufi. Pufi tambin se convirti en un girasol! Y tambin Dufi! Las tres amigas se reunieron de nuevo. Estaban tan felices! Sonrean y se rean y Esnufi dijo: No sabamos que iba a pasar cuando abandonamos nuestro amado hogar, pero encontramos un nuevo lugar. Estamos ms grandes y felices que nunca, y seguimos juntas. As como Dios cuida de Su creacin, siempre nos cuidara bien!

Adventure aventura Sunflower girasol Seeds semilla Warm clido Cozy acogedor Friends amigas Sun sol Rain lluvia Summer verano

Autumn otoo Wind viento Ground suelo Covered cubra Tendril tallo Flower bud botoncito de flor Grow crecer Home hogar

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