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OPM: Prerequisite for OPM: 1) Inventory Organization used for an OPM should be Process Manufacturing Enabled organization.

2) All the ingredients to be used for the production, products and by-products are defined as inventory items and process manufacturing enabled.

1] Defining Resources: Resources are the assets that are required to produce batch of an product such as production equipment, machinery, labors etc. 1) Go to Process Engineer Setup Generic Resources. Click on Open button.

2) It will open Resources Window.

3) Enter following values. 1) Resources: 2) Description: 3) Usage UOM: resource. 4) Cost Component Class: In Capacity Region, 5) Minimum: 6) Maximum: 7) Capacity UOM: Click on Save.

Name of the resource you need to use. Brief description of resources. Enter UOM by which you measure amount of time used for this Enter cost component class. Enter minimum capacity for this resource. Enter maximum capacity for this resource. Enter capacity UOM for this resource.

2] Defining operations: Operations are nothing but combinations of activities that are required to perform production. Resources are used to perform these activities. 1) Go to Process Engineer Process Operations.

Click on Open button.

2) It will open Process Operation Details Activities window.

3) Enter following values. 1) Operation: 2) Version: 3) Description: 4) Valid From: 5) Owner Organization: 6) Process Qty UOM: In the Activities, 7) Activity: 8) Activity Factor: Click on Save button.

Enter name of the operation. Enter the version number for the operation. Enter brief description for the operation. Enter valid start date for operation Enter process by UOM. Enter activity required for this operation. Enter number of time this activity to be performed in operation.

4) Select the Activity and click on Resources button.

5) It will open Process Operation Activity name, Activity window. Enter following values: 1) Resources: Select the Resource that you want to assign to activity. 2) Process Quantity: Enter the process quantity for resources. 3) Usage: Enter planned usage this is usually expressed in HRs. 4) UOM: HR.

6) Now Go to Actions

Change Status.

7) It will open Change Status window. Change Status To: Select the option Approved for General Use. Click on OK button.

8) It will Change the Status from New to Approved for General Use.

3] Defining Routing: The steps involved in productions of products/finished goods are defined in routing. 1) Go to Process Engineer Process Routings. Click on Open button.

2) It will open Process Routing Details window. Enter following values. 1) Routing: Enter name of the routing process. 2) Routing Version: Enter version for the routing process. 3) Routing Description: Enter brief description for routing. 4) Quantity: Enter process qty for routing. This is total qty of material for routing. 5) UOM: Enter process qty UOM for this routing. In the Routing Steps region, 6) Step: Enter step number to associate operation with routing. 7) Operation: Enter operation performed in routing. 8) Step Quantity: Enter qty of material associated with this step. Click on Save button.

3) Now change the status for approving the material for generation. That will allow Go to Actions Change Status.

4) It will open Change Status window. Select, Change Status To: Approved for General Use Click on OK button.

5) It will change status form New to Approved for General Use.

4] Defining Organization Type as Plant or Laboratory:Switch to Product Development Security Manager Responsibility. Go to Organization Parameters.

2) It will open Product Development parameters window. Select the Organization i.e. inventory organization. Select the Organization Type Plant [Manufacturing facility], Laboratory [Lab facility].

3) In the Formula, enter UOM class name in the Yield UOM field. This is UOM of final output product.

Now switch to OPN All responsibility. 1) Go to

5] Defining Formula: Defines the components required to make the product and can be considered the
equivalent of a BOM structure

Go to Formulator

Formulas. Click on Open button.

2) It will open Formula Details window. Enter following values. 1) Formula: Enter the code or name formula 2) Version: Enter the version for the formula. 3) Description: Enter brief description that explains the formula. 4) Organization: Enter code of an organization that is responsible for formula. In the Product tab, 1) Product: 2) Quantity: 3) UOM:

Enter the product name that is produced by this formula. Enter the qty of product that formula is supposed to be yield. Enter UOM for product.

3) In the Ingredient tab, 1) Ingredient: Enter ingredient name for each item required by this formula. 2) Quantity: Enter qty of ingredient required for this formula. 3) UOM: Enter unit of measure for ingredient. If you are producing any by product then go to By-products tab, 1) By-products: Enter name of by product that is produced by this formula. 2) Quantity: Enter qty of by-product that is produced by this formula. Click on Save.

4) Now go to Actions

Change Status.

5) Change Status to : Click on OK button.

Approved for general Use.

6) It will change formula Status from New to Approved for General Use.

6] Defining Recipe: 1) Go to Process Engineer

Recipes. Click on open button.

2) It will open Recipe Details Window. Enter following values. 1) Recipe: Enter code or name for the recipe. 2) Version: Enter the version for recipe. 3) Description: Enter brief description about the recipe. 4) Product: Enter main/final product for the formula associated with recipe. 5) Formula: Enter the formula that you want to associate with recipe. 6) Routing: Enter the routing process for the recipe. 7) Planned Loss: Loss of process material during the prodtction using the recipe. 8) Therotical Loss: 9) Fixed loss: In the Plant/Laboratory tab, 1) Organization: Enter code of an organization for which the process loss is defined for. 2) Type: Plant/Laboratory. 3) Planned Loss: Loss of Material during the process.

Click on Save button.

3) Now go to Actions Use. Click on OK.

Change Status. Change the recipe status form New to Approved for General

4) now click on Validity Rules button.

5) It will open Recipe: Validity Rule Details window. It will show the Formula, Routing and their versions use for the recipe.

6) Enter the Oragnization Code for the validity rule. It will automatically display organization name. Click on Save.

7) Now go to Actions on OK button.

Change Status. Change the Status from new to Approval for General Use. Click

8) Go to Production Supervisor Setup Parameters. Click on Open button. It will open Organization Find window. Select the organization for which you want to set the batch parameters.

9) It will open Process Execution Parameters window. In Document Numbering tab, select the Batch Numbering as Automatic/manual. This will set the parameters for the numbering production batch.

10) Go to Production Supervisor

Create Document. Click on Open button.

11) It will open Create Batch/Firm Planned Order window. It will show the Organization name and document type as Batch.

12) In the Recipe tab, select Recipe for which you want to generate batch.

13) In the Product Output tab, select Product that is produced by the recipe. Enter Product quantity that is to be produced.

14) Click on OK button. It will generate the Document Number for the batch.

15) Go to Production Supervisor

Batch Details. Click on Open button.

16) It will open Find Batches window. Enter the batch document number and click on Find button.

17) It will open the window that will display 18) Go to Actions Release. This will release the batch for production.

19) It will open Release Batch window. Enter the Start date for batch production. Click on Ok button.

20) It will open Material Exception window. It will list the entire ingredient, their Targeted Qty as zero, Exception Qty for production. 1) Click on Transact checkbox. It will show the Transaction Type as WIP Issue. That means you have to release the required qtys of selected ingredient to WIP. 2) Enter the Subinventory, Locator and Quantity value for material issue.

3) Click on Proceed button.

21) Select the next item i.e. Ingredient and Click on Transact Material window.

22) It will Material Transaction window. It will show Exception Qty as zero for previous item for which you have release the qty i.e. Targeted Qty. 1) Click on Transact checkbox. It will show the Transaction Type as WIP Issue. That means you have to release the required qtys of selected ingredient to WIP.

2) Enter the Sub inventory, Locator and Quantity value for material issue. 3) Click on Transact button. Do the same step for all the ingredients listed.

23) Once material transaction for all the ingredient item is done, then go to Actions complete the batch.

Complete to

24) It will open Complete Batch window. Enter the Actual Completion Date for the batch completion. Click on OK button.

25) It will open Material Exception window. It will show the final product, its Targeted Qty that is produced by the batch. 1) Click on Transact checkbox. It will show the Transaction Type as WIP Completion. That means batch production for the final product is completed and issue the product from WIP to inventory. 2) Enter the Subinventory, Locator where the final product is kept and Quantity value for final product. 3) Click on Proceed button.

26) It will show the Status as Completed.

Once batch is completed you can see the material availability of final product.

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