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Japan still retains its lead in engineering Japan is a country that conquered the world market together with

China, U.S. and other developed countries. When the western-market authorities are overwhelmed, which can be seen with the collapse of those giant companies, Japan remains standing upright against these shocks. In terms of human character, the Japanese have some extraordinary characters. In telligent, fast learner, creative and hardworking is the key success of this cou ntry out of backwardness in comparison to the western world at that time (before Meiji s Restoration) and out of the devastation after the second world war Japan is a developed country that has not forgotten its cultural roots. This is an excess of this country when compared to other countries that consumed the doc trine of modernization. Japan can be a role model civilized east countries. This country still darted forward in many fields, but still keeping its cultural roo ts. A broad vision and long term, and oriented to the process are keys for Japanese in the work and develop the country. This vision has become a philosophy held by the Japanese since ancient. The Japanese scientists and philosophers continue t o emphasize this character for the nation. This character which encourage Japan to continue to be patient in the proceeds. Any process that they passed, they ta ke the lesson and recorded in detail for sustainability information. All of that lifestyle will produce good effect if they are still maintaining the spirit of learning. Japan s population is in danger, and the composition of the country s population cla ssified as elderly. It means that, the sustainability of Japan can be said isn t g uaranteed. This occurs because the population of young Japanese are smaller than the population of old age. Compared with other countries in the world, Japan be come a country which is very doubtful sustainability with such proportion of the population. Today, increasing numbers of companies around the world are partnering with Japa nese companies to develop products and services, create innovative technologies, and conduct R&D projects. The scale of the economies of the country s individual regions rivals that of some countries. Japan s regions also offer an attractive market and extensive business opportunities. Japanese consumers are early adapters and move quickly to stay on the cutting ed ge of the latest technologies. Japanese customers are very well educated, so they understand the difference bet ween a product that s high-performance and low-cost rather than the opposite. Japan offers foreign companies extensive opportunities. The following is a brief introduction to four sectors which are seen to have significant potential for f uture growth, and which have attracted considerable interest from companies in J apan and overseas. In addition to representing an enormous market for their products, Japan also of fers foreign companies the chance to collaborate with these Japanese companies, which can lead to further expansion of their business overseas and provide consi derable opportunities for innovation. Japan s industries offer extensive business opportunities for foreign companies th

at seek to establish partnerships with Japanese firms. As their volume of overseas sales increases, Japanese companies are actively inv esting resources in research and development Japan hosts a large number of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) which, w hile perhaps small in scale, are tremendously innovative. Many of these SMEs wor k in areas of basic production that support the international competitiveness of major companies, supplying, for example, equipment and parts that rely on highprecision machining technologies. Other SMEs may possess unique technologies, en abling them to occupy niches that major companies find difficult to enter. For foreign companies seeking to enter the Japanese market, partnerships with co mpanies of this type have numerous merits, including offering them the ability t o develop products that fit the market, to boost their technological capacity, a nd to open up markets and sales channels. Research and development supports industry, is the wellspring of future competit iveness, and is an area of vigorous activity in Japan, involving extensive coope ration between the government, businesses and universities. Japan s expenditure on R&D as a percentage of GDP is the highest of any advanced n ation. Amid the ongoing globalization of business activities, efforts to create new products and services and increase added value through business alliances th at transcend the borders between nations and the boundaries between different in dustries will be vital to business enterprises. With its world-leading technolog ies and commitment to R&D, Japan possesses the ideal conditions to be a center o f innovation. I sense a HUEG list comming.... Likes: - Animu/Manga - Culture - Politeness - History - Sights and Seeings - Open Mindness on some subjects - Food - How they treat tourists - Diligency - Cleaniness - Security, and sense of security Dislikes (though mainly, those are not my complaints): - Extremely rigid working hours - Prejudice with foreigners who lives there (I heard this is becoming less of a problem nowadays)

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