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Young Beth Jacob!

Groups Begin @ 10:30am, Parents please tend to your children beforehand

Rabbi Avram Bogopulsky Shabbat Mevorachim, August 27 2011 t"ga, ctC Z"f Parshat Reeh, pg. 998, Haftorah pg. 1199

President Rand Levin

Rabbi Blooms Class:

Ein Yaakov OFF

Groups with the Weisers @ 5:30PM

Note: Shabbat Torah Reading is divided into 7 sections. Each section is called an Aliya [literally: Go up] since for each Aliya, one person goes up to ake a bracha [blessing] on the Torah Reading.

Youth Morning Groups Tots: Below 1st Grade with Morahs Faye & Shayna Group 2: Active and Educational Programs with our Middle School Helpers Junior Cong: The Classic Reborn with Mr. Weiser

Teen Morning Groups Pre-Teen Girls: Torah Learning w/Bobbe Reitman -10:30am-OFF Tweeners Groups Shalosh Seudos in classroom B

1st and 2nd Aliyot: Moshe instructs the Chosen People to eradicate any remnant of idolatry and strengthen all aspects of service to G-d. All offerings must be brought to the Chosen place, the Bais Hamikdash, so that worship is an act of humility and selflessness, rather than a self-indulging need. An even greater danger to our uniqueness is the innate desire to compromise and assimilate Torah values with other forms of worship. (the Chanukah bush syndrome) 3rd and 4th Aliyot: Moshe forewarned the Jews against incorporating any pagan practices, and against the false prophet, idolatrous missionaries, and the Ir Hanidachas - the Apostate City. These must be destroyed along with their material belongings. When using the world in accordance with the wishes of the Creator, we declare the existence of a Creator who has a divine purpose for creating the material world. When we

misuse the physical in the service of gods who are not G-d, we negate the Creators purpose for creating the universe. Therefore, they and all their belongings must be destroyed. 5th, 6th, and 7th Aliyot: The remainder of the Parsha, details those Mitzvos that set us apart from all other nations: Kashrus; Maasros - Tithes; the Shmitah - sabbatical year; the laws regarding lending money; the Eved Ivri - a Jew who is a slave; the consecration of the first born animal, and a review of the main Yomim Tovim - holidays: Pesach, Shavouth, and Succoth. Haftorah ReehIsaiah 54:11 - 55:5 This weeks Haftorah is the third Haftorah of Consolation. Yishayuhu Hanavi described the utopian times of Mashiach when the veiling values of societal assumptions and norm will be lifted and the reality of our absolute dependency on Hashem will be realized and accepted. Money and other assumed values and goals will

Get Excited!
Girls and Boys Mishmar-Wednesday @ 6:15-7:30pm-This week: off Bloomberry Pancakes-Sundays at 8:50am-9:20am- Back & Bigger Contact Mr. Weiser for details on Youth 619.933.6740

be replaced by the currency of Avodas Hashem and Yiras Shamayim. G-d will be recognized by all as the ony Provider of sustanance in contrast to our present assumed self-sufficiency and independence.

To all guests and visitors here for Shabbos. Please feel free to ask us if you need anything. Special Welcome back to Shoshana & Shimon Frenkel. Yoni Sprecher from Chayalim Bodedim and IDF soldiers. Jeff & Gayle Wysocki from LA Mr. & Mrs. Michael Isaacs from England. Rabbi Ariel & Tzirel Maik who moved here from Israel.

Coming Up!!
Shabbat Kallah for Esther Green, Shabbos 6:00pm at 5017 54th st.

Mincha...................................6:45pm Candlelighting......................7:03pm Shacharis Beis Midrash............7:45am Daf Yomi............................ .... 7:45am Shacharis Main Shul ...............8:45am Latest Shema..........................9:34am Youth Groups............................5:30pm Ladies Class..................................OFF Open Beit Midrash...................5:15pm



Rabbis Class..........................5:45pm Mincha..................................6:45pm Shabbos ends..........................8:01pm Candles Next Week.................6:54pm


Sun Shacharis..........................8:00am Mon, Thu,Fri......................6:20/7:15am Tue, Wed Rosh Chodesh....6:10/7:15am Sun-Fri Mincha/Maariv.............6:55pm Late Maariv..............................9:15pm


Mazal Tov!!!
Alan & Elisheva Green on the upcoming wedding of their daughter Esther.

Our community offers a wide range of learning opportunities, from Classes, to One-on-One Learning, to Guided Learning. Every night from 8:00pm-9:15pm Halacha Yomi 9:00pm followed by Maariv. Daf Yomi: Mon-Fri at 6:15 am, Sunday at 7:00 am, Shabbos at 7:45 am CLASSES Mr. Weiser Whats on Weisers mind? call him to find out: 619.550.5954 Open Beis Midrash Sunday after Shacharis&Monday-Thursday 8:15pm-9:15pm Beis Midrash Learning: Bagel and cream cheese, fresh brewed coffee every Sunday @ 8:45am. Come and get a chavrusa and study.

Learning In Your Community...

Tzetcheim LShalom!!
All students who are leaving for Schools, Seminaries & Yeshivas in the U.S & Israel.


Thank You!!
Kiddush is sponsored by Shmuel Schad IMO his wife Chazna Solomon on her Yartzheit. Seuda Shlishit is sponsored by Yehuda Steiman IMO his father Morrie on his Yartzheit.

Refuah Shleimah
| Doni Lepor | Beno Hirschbein | Goldie Masliah | Marcie Maisel | Harold Gold | Jay Jaffe | Henry Delatoba | Baby Breskin | Lottie Schraer | Bill Bloom |

Come and support our mouth watering service to the community!!!

Prophets with Rabbi Marks 6:45-7:30pm

Summer Grille at Beth Jacob!!!!

Open Sunday-Thursday 5:00-9:00pm
Come and taste our specials!!!

Taste of Talmud with Rabbi Adatto 8:00-9:00pm


In order to obtain your seats, it is necessary to be a member in good standing. According to the by laws dues must be paid in full by Aug 31, 2011. Tickets Prices:
Family member or relative of member: $50 Non-Member: $150 To purchase seats, please call the office.

Rabbis afternoon Class: Firing & Severance @ 5:45pm

Looking for a Room-Mate!!!
26, male, orthodox, keeps Shabbos and Kosher. Works in Qualcomm. call 310 623-7592

Shul Mission Trip to Israel!!!! January 29-February 8 Info Night Monday, August 29th, 7:30pm in Library
Shmirat Halashon Women Chavruta!! Saturday @ 4:45pm A shabbaton for singles is coming up, for more info pls contact Racheli Nissim

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