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A B 1 2

"The StormUlator"
(Step 1b) If you can not answer 1a then select the county where the project is (Step 1a) If you know the located (click on the cell to the right for 85th percentile storm event drop-down): This will determine the for your location enter it in average 85th percentile 24 hr. storm event the box below for your site, which will appear under precipitation to left. (Step 1c) If you would like a more percise value select the location closest to your site. If you do not recgonize any of these 3 locations, leave this drop-down menu at location. The average value for the County will be used.



User may make changes from any cell that is orange or brown in color (similar to the cells to the immediate right). Cells in green are calculated for you.


Project Information

Runoff Calculations (Step 2) Indicate the Soil Type (dropdown menu to right): (Step 3) Indicate the existing dominant non-built land Use Type (dropdown menu to right): (Step 4) Indicate the proposed dominant non-built land Use Type (dropdown menu to right): Group C Soils Low infiltration. Sandy clay loam. Infiltration rate 0.05 to 0.15 inch/hr when wet.

Project Name:


Waste Discharge Identification (WDID): Date: Sub Drainage Area Name (from map):
Regional Curve Numbers

Optional Optional Optional

Open Space: grass cover <50% A mix of lawn, grass, pasture and tress covering 50-75% of the open space Complete Either Sq Ft Acres 4.00 Acres 4.00 0.00

9 10 11 12 13

Existing Pervious Runoff Curve Number Proposed Development Pervious Runoff Curve Number

(Step 5) Total Project Site Area: (Step 6) Sub-watershed Area: Percent of total project : in


Based on the County you indicated above, we have included the 85 percentile average 24 hr event - P85 (in)^ for your area. The Amount of rainfall needed for runoff to occur (Existing regional curve -P from existing RCN (in)^) P used for calculations (in) (the greater of the above two criteria)
^Available at


15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

(Step 7) Sub-watershed Conditions

Complete Either Sq Ft Acres 0.8 3.2 1 3 Acres 1.65 0.26 0.00

Calculated Acres 0.00 0.80 3.20 1.00 3.00 Square Feet 71,874 11,326 0


Sub-watershed Area (acres) Existing Rooftop Lot Coverage Existing Non-Rooftop Lot Coverage Proposed Rooftop Lot Coverage Proposed Non-Rooftop Lot Coverage (Step 8) Impervious Area Reduction Credits Porous Pavement Tree Planting

Pre-Project Runoff Volume (cu ft) Project-Related Runoff Volume Increase w/o credits (cu ft)



Downspout Disconnection

26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47

Cu.Ft. Impervious Area Disconnection Green Roof Stream Buffer Vegetated Swales Bioretension Area (calculated in step 9) Subtotal
Subtotal Runoff Volume Reduction Credit (Step 9) Impervious Volume Reduction Credits Rain Barrels/Cisterns Bioretension Area Soil Quality Subtotal Runoff Volume Reduction Total Runoff Volume Reduction Credit

Project-Related Volume Increase with Credits (cu ft)


0.50 0.00 1.00 0.00 3.41 0 Cu. Ft.

21,780 0 43,560 0 148,540

Volume (cubic feet) 722 Cu. Ft. 0 Cu. Ft. 722 Cu. Ft. 722 Cu. Ft.


Porous Pavement Credit Worksheet Please fill out a porous pavement credit worksheet for each project sub-watershed. For the PROPOSED Development: Proposed Porous Pavement Area of Brick without Grout on less than 12 inches of base with at least 20% void space over soil Area of Brick without Grout on more than 12 inches of base with at least 20% void space over soil Area of Cobbles less than 12 inches deep and over soil Area of Cobbles less than 12 inches deep and over soil Area of Reinforced Grass Pavement on less than 12 inches of base with at least 20% void space over soil Area of Reinforced Grass Pavement on at least 12 inches of base with at least 20% void space over soil Area of Porous Gravel Pavement on less than 12 inches of base with at least 20% void space over soil Area of Porous Gravel Pavement on at least 12 inches of base with at least 20% void space over soil Area of Poured Porous Concrete or Asphalt Pavement with less than 4 inches of gravel base (washed stone) Area of Poured Porous Concrete or Asphalt Pavement with 4 to 8 inches of gravel base (washed stone) Area of Poured Porous Concrete or Asphalt Pavement with 8 to 12 inches of gravel base (washed stone) Area of Poured Porous Concrete or Asphalt Pavement with 12 or more inches of gravel base (washed stone)

Tree Planting Credit Worksheet Please fill out a tree canopy credit worksheet for each project sub-watershed.

Tree Canopy Credit Criteria Number of proposed evergreen trees to be planted (credit = number of trees x 0.005) Number of proposed deciduous trees to be planted (credit = number of trees x 0.0025)

Square feet under an existing tree canopy, that will remain on the property, with an average diameter at 4 above grade (i.e., diameter at breast height or DBH) is LESS than 12 in diameter.

Square feet under an existing tree canopy that will remain on the property, with an average diameter at 4. above grade (i.e., diameter at breast height or DBH) is 12 in diameter or GREATER. Please describe below how the project will ensure that these trees will be maintained.

Rain Barrel/Cistern Credit Worksheet Please fill out a rain barrel/cistern worksheet for each project sub-watershed. Rain Barrel/Cistern Credit Criteria Total number of rain barrel(s)/cisterns Average capacity of rain barrel(s)/cistern(s) (in gallons) Total capacity rain barrel(s)/cistern(s) (in cu ft) 1

accounts for 10% loss

Runoff Reduction* 0.45 0.90 0.30 0.60 0.45 0.90 0.38 0.75 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00

Fill in either Acres or SqFt In SqFt. In Acres

Equivalent Acres 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00


0.45 0.00 0.00 0.00


1.20 0.00 0.00

*=1-Rv** Return to Calculator **Using Site Design Techniques to meet Development Standards for Stormwater Quality (BASMAA 2003) **NCDENR Stormwater BMP Manual (2007)

Number of Trees Planted

20 45 Square feet Under Canopy

0.005) x 0.0025)

Area Credit (acres) 0.10 0.11

th an average diameter at 4.5 ft eter. 2000

0.05 0.00

h an average diameter at 4.5 ft ATER. ntained.

Return to Calculator

Response 3 2000 722

Return to Calculator

Impervious Area Disconnection Credit Worksheet

Please fill out an impervious area disconnection credit worksheet for each project sub-watershed. If you a to all questions, you may subtract all impervious surface draining to each discharge location. Disconnecte impervious area is entered in Volume Calculator Worksheet.

Non-Rooftop Disconnection Credit Criteria The maximum contributing impervious flow path length is 75 feet. The length of the disconnection is equal to or greater than the contributing length. A storage device (e.g. French drain, bioretention area, gravel trench) may need to be implemented to achieve the required disconnection length. The impervious area to any one discharge location does not exceed 5,000 square feet.

Percentage of existing Percentage of the proposed

3.20 3.00

Acres non-rooftop surface area disconnected Acres non-rooftop surface area disconnected

ect sub-watershed. If you answer yes arge location. Disconnected

Yes No





Return to Calculator

Downspout Disconnection Credit Worksheet Please fill out a downspout disconnection credit worksheet for each project subwatershed. If you answer yes to all questions, all rooftop area draining to each downspout will be subtracted from your total Impervious surface area. Rooftop area is entered Volume Calculator Worksheet.

Downspout Disconnection Credit Criteria Downspouts and any extensions extend at least six feet from a basement and two feet from a crawl space or concrete slab.

The contributing area of rooftop to each disconnected downspout is 500 square feet or less. All roof runoff drains as sheet flow to a planter box or landscaped area. All roof runoff drains onto turf as sheet flow and allowed to spread out over an area large enough to contain the 85th percentile 24 hour rain event.

Percentage of existing Percentage of the proposed

of rooftop surface has disconnected 0.80 Acres downspouts of rooftop surface has disconnected 1.00 Acres downspouts

each project subwatershed. If you downspout will be subtracted from your e Calculator Worksheet.

it Criteria
Yes No

a basement and two feet from a crawl



out is 500 square feet or less.

Yes Yes No No

ped area.

ead out over an area large enough to

p surface has disconnected outs

p surface has disconnected outs

Return to Calculator

Greenroof Credit Worksheet

Please fill out a greenroof credit worksheet for each project sub-watershed. If you answer yes to all quest greenroof area will be subtracted from your total impervious area.

Green Roof Credit Criteria Is the roof slop less than 15% or does it have a grid to hold the substrate in place until it forms a thick vegetation mat? Has a professional engineer assessed the necessary load reserves and designed a roof structure that meets state and local codes? If supplemental irrigation is needed to sustain the green roof during extended dry periods, is the source from recycled, reclaimed, or reused water?

Percentage of existing

0.80 Acres rooftop surface area in greenroof

Percentage of the proposed 1.00 Acres rooftop surface area in greenroof

ch project sub-watershed. If you answer yes to all questions, 70% of the tal impervious area.

Credit Criteria


rid to hold the substrate in place until it forms a

sary load reserves and designed a roof structure



green roof during extended dry periods, is the ?



urface area in greenroof

0% 50%

urface area in greenroof

Return to Calculator

Stream Buffer Credit Worksheet

Please fill out a stream buffer credit worksheet for each project sub-watershed. If you answer yes to all qu subtract all impervious surface draining to each stream buffer. Impervious area draining to a stream buffe Volume Calculator Worksheet.

Stream Buffer Credit Criteria Runoff enters the floodprone width or within 500 feet (whichever is larger) of a stream channel as sheet flow. The maximum contributing length shall be 150 feet for pervious areas and 75 feet for impervious areas? The contributing overland slope is 5% or less, or a level spreader shall be used? Buffer area is protected from vehicle or other traffic barriers to reduce compaction? Stream Buffer will be maintained in a natural state set back from development or other structure?

Percentage of existing

4.00 Acres impervious surface area draining into a stream buffer:

Percentage of the impervious surface area that will drain into a stream proposed 4.00 Acres buffer: Please describe below how the project will ensure that the buffer areas will remain in ungraded and uncompacted condition, and that the overstory and understory vegetation will be maintained in a natural condition.

r each project sub-watershed. If you answer yes to all questions, you may tream buffer. Impervious area draining to a stream buffer is entered in

Credit Criteria


feet (whichever is larger) of a stream channel as all be 150 feet for pervious areas and 75 feet for

a level spreader shall be used?



fic barriers to reduce compaction?



e set back from development or other structure?



us surface area draining into a stream buffer:

us surface area that will drain into a stream

e that the buffer areas will remain in ungraded ry and understory vegetation will be maintained

Return to Calculator

Vegetated Swale Credit Worksheet Please fill out a vegetated swale worksheet for each project subwatershed. If you answer yes to all questions, you may subtract all impervious surface draining to each vegetated swale. Impervious area draining to vegetated swales is entered in the Volume Calculator Worksheet.

Vegetated Swale Credit Criteria All vegetated swales are designed in accordance with Treatment Control BMP 30 (TC-30 Vegetated Swale) from the California Stormwater BMP Handbook, New Development and Redevelopment (available at The maximum flow velocity for runoff for the 85th percentile rainfall event is less than or equal to 1.0 foot per second.

Percentage of existing Percentage of the proposed

4.00 4.00

Acres of impervious area draining to a vegetated swale Acres of impervious area draining to a vegetated swale

ct subwatershed. If you answer yes to all ng to each vegetated swale. Impervious e Calculator Worksheet.

Criteria eatment Control BMP 30 (TC-30 andbook, New Development and ).



le rainfall event is less than or equal to



vious area draining to a vegetated swale

0.00 25.00

vious area draining to a vegetated swale

Return to Calculator

Please fill out a soil quality worksheet for each project sub-watershed.

Will the landscaped area be lined with an impervious membrane? Will the soils used for landscaping meet the ideal bulk densities listed in Table 1 below?1

If you answered yes to the question above, and you know the area-weighted bulk density within the top 12 inches for soils used for landscaping (in g/cm3)* fill in the cell to the left and skip to cell G10. If not select from the drop-down menu in G9.

If you answered yes to the question above, but you do not know the exact bulk density, which of the soil types in the drop down menu to the right best describes the top 12 inches for soils used for landscaping (in g/cm3). What is the average depth of your landscaped soil media meeting the above criteria (inches)?

What is the total length of the landscaped areas meeting the above criteria (in feet)?

What is the average width of the landscaped area meeting the above criteria (in feet)?

Table 1 Sands, loamy sands Sandy loams, loams Sandy clay loams, loams, clay loams Silts, silt loams Silt loams, silty clay loams Sandy clays, silty clays, some clay loams (35-45% clay) Clays (>45% clay)

<1.6 <1.4 <1.4 <1.3 <1.1 <1.1 <1.1

Porosity (%) for

USDA NRCS. "Soil Quality Urban Technical Note No.2-Urban Soil Compaction". March 2000. * To determine how to calculate density see:




Soil Type 0

Return to Calculator
Soil Type 0 cu ft

Mineral grains in many soils are mainly quartz and feldspar, so 2.65 a good average for particle density. To determine percent porosity we use the formula: Porosity (%) = (1-Bulk Density/2.65) X 100

Soil Type Sands, loamy sands Sandy loams, loams Sandy clay loams, loams, clay loams Silts, silt loams Silt loams, silty clay loams Sandy clays, silty clays, some clay loam Clays (>45% clay)

1.6 1.4 1.4 1.3 1.1 1.1 1.1

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