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UK OpenLRS Setup Guide

Introduction As we know, the UK legal frequency for long range RC control is 459 Mhz. The only legal UHF devices I know are the ezUHF (great piece of kit but very ) and the newly found OpenLRS, an open source RC link from our Turkish friends, This is a crash course guide to get you start using your new and shiny LRS system Please post any questions regarding this guide (maybe I missed something haha) in the UK OpenLRS Guide and Future Development thread found here:

STUFF YOU NEED: 1. OpenLRS system - get it from 2. FTDI Usb adaptor Google is our friend :D 3. 4 wire cable - I used male pin headers on my LRS, FTDI cable etc and made myself a 4 wire female to female cable (See pic) 4. Soldering Iron + basic soldering skills needed for header soldering on your Rx, Tx 5. Arduino SDK - 6. Custom OpenLRS Firmware 7. 20 mins of your time

Preparing the Arduino Environment After unzipping the Arduino SDK, connect your FTDI cable to ur PC and let the drivers install. If for some reason (Bill Gates ?) windows doesnt find drivers, select manual install and navigate in the Arduino SDK folder and you will find needed drivers there. In the SDK, selecd the default board as shown in the picture below

After that, select yout FTDI cables Serial Port. If you see multiple ports listed, go into Device Manager Com ports Serial device something.

Uploading the code. Now its time to connect our OpenLRS and load up our custom firmware. Lets start with the Receiver Board. 1. Load up the OpenLRS_RX.pde in the arduino SDK. 2. Just to be safer, be sure to change the HEADER to whatever you want:

So for example change from O, L, R, S to L, M, A, O. BE SURE TO CHANGE THIS IN BOTH THE RX AND TX FIRMWARE !!!!! 3. Click on the Verify button (the play button) to compile your code. This should go without any errors. 4. Connect an ESC to your RX. Any channel will do . I usually use the throttle channel. BE SURE TO CONNECT THE SERVO WIRE CORRECTLY!!! (from top to bottom: WHITE ; RED ; BLACK) 5. Now connect your FTDI adapter and RX as shown in the CONNECTIONS section. 6. Have you LIPO close. 7. READ THE NEXT THREE STEPT CAREFULLY 8. Now press the UPLOAD button (button with arrow pointing right) 9. Wait for the Binary sketch size bla bla message to appear on the bottom of the SDK. 10. Now Connect your Lipo. 11. If you did all correctly, the LEDs on the FTDI adapter should go nuts. 12. Youre done with the RX. Now follow exactly the same steps for the TX module. Instead of connecting a LIPO, you will power the TX on when the Binary sketch message appears. Now add some servos to the RX and see if everything is working properly. If everything works, congrats! You now have a legal long range system muhaha

CONNECTION DIAGRAMS Basic Rule of thumb: TX pin always to RX pin RX pin always to TX pin GND always to GND DO NOT CONNECT THE V+ WIRE !


> Modified my TX for easy port access > > >

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