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Isaac Newton expressed himself to his gravity formula like this:

"That gravity should be innate, inherent, and essential to matter, so that one body can act upon another at a distance through a vacuum without the mediation of anything else, by and through which their action and force may be conveyed from one to another, is to me so great an absurdity that I believe no man, who has in philosophical matters a competent faculty of thinking, can ever fall into it."

The G F M I 1 ( Patent 699632) for the first time measures gravitation as S G R 2 , thus demonstrating the qualitative substance-relevant vortex forces in the universe

The famous and everywhere trained formula calculates from observed movements of interdependent celestial bodies a qualitatively unknown force (K), which over a distance (r) compels 2 masses (m) from an imagined straight to an observed curved line. This force is said to have its origin in the so-called Gravity (G), the cause of inherent mass attraction. The formula is valid for only 2 bodies, a 3 or even multibody problem remains just as insoluble as the qualitative, energetically effective force has never been found since Newton. Accordingly the measuring fails of the so-called Gravitational Constant, allegedly dominating the entire universe. Digits fake Eternity! Newtons drastic warning, that the formula could never replace the qualifying energy of the force, was lost with astronomys requirement of mathematics bringing about the dawning of the sciences with theories quantifying nature and history: although after the discovery of electricity of which Newton had known nothing the first Electricians had at once realised that here might be the force that Newton had been looking for, after the qualifying final Erklrung der universellen Gravitation aus den

statischen Wirkungen der Elektricitt (Zllner 1882) reactionary new physicists began to paper over the conclusions (which included the first ever description of nuclear forces!) with mass attraction, calculated laws of nature ie constants to a totally quantified universe defying all vivid ie qualified testimonies.
Thus in teaching and research the GFMI through direct observation of the SGR mediates the basis for judging nature-given qualified gravitation against unnatural quantified mass attraction:

A substance (S) on a balance beam with its centre of gravity on its turning point and thus lifted into dynamic equilibrium, is energetically stirred by bipolar SGR vortex forces relevant only to this substance.
Initial Observation Each substance is subject to its own specific and variable SGR. A relative average may be perceived as current faintly variable gravitation Embedded between the bipolar SGR is the relatively stable own-weight Illusory remains a self-sufficiently the Universe controlling Gravitational Constant Dinos could not exist under quantified Gravity: ERGO for this reason alone Gravitation is variabel! The first instructive and investigative instrument for the knowledgeable ie qualifying assessment of Natural and Human History, including also the clarification of the scientific ie quantifying and thus supposedly constant parameters of chronology. An equally innovative as inexpensive singularly promoting researching, learning and thinking about Nature and History! pedagogic equipment.

) GFMI = Gravitational Field Measuring Instrument

) SGR = Substance-relevant Gravitational Resonance


What is SGR assuring for research & teaching?

Toward the end of the 1920ies the traditional assignment by the alchemists of certain elements to specific planets was confirmed by chemical experiment.1 In 1962 with the EVU2 arrived the physical proof; and from 2004 the GFMI-exploration3 was published together with first ideas and attainments of applications.
Aircraft accidents in the course of a gravitation anomaly

Qualifying observation of reality

zone between the energetic core of the earth and the earth mantel, as a rule apparently triggered by SGR (not by tectonic plate shift!). This insight permitted the installation of 5 GFMI in a square of some 250500 km2 locating and temporal earthquake prediction.
5 1 4 < 500km 3 2

metals to celestial objects it cannot be ruled out that the Sun<>GoldSGR might have beamed the ICBM straight into the sun.

SGR drives and stabilizes the celestial objects (or substances) embedded in variable bipolar vortices. Seemingly and at least system-wide SGR is immediately ie in any case at multiple speeds of light! transporting energy and momentum and, moreover, shows of immanent capacities for life processes.

The obviously non-electrical but even immediate effect of SGR-Vortices in

With just one GFMI the moon<>water SGR was measured some 2 km from the site of the 5000 metres geothermal bore in Basel, Switzerland, the (monthly decaying) tremors could be predicted.6

26.07.98 19:08 Alaska 28.07.98 11:43 England 29.07.98 05:35 Israel 29.07.98 05:35 Canada 30.07.98 23:?? France

all probably also was the cause of the Dancing Bridge in Volgograd on 21st May 2010 which, indeed, is built like a line-up of GFMI balance beams.5

For years the increase of accidents during gravitational anomalies or in exceptional situations has been observed as, eg, with the so-called Bermuda

Basel earthquake March 21 2007


Triangle phenomena. Or: June 21st, 2005 ie exactly at solstice and even coinciding with full moon4 the Russian ICBM along with the huge gold plated American sunsail disappeared without a trace in the sky. Based on the assignment of
1 2 3 4

The GFMI today promises the evolvement of up to now unknown causes of such processes.

Geo-events like earthquakes according to the EVU are owed to processes (like, eg, substance formation) in the dynamic equilibrium

But here, too, the theories of the natural sciences as opposed to the LQS (Logical Qualifying System) analysis of natural lore remained misleading because of the symptomatic repression of a quite easily reproducible water anomaly7; just as the quantification of nature and of history (the latter by chronology) is preventing independent research and observational learning.
6 7

Vgl etwa;art752,321614

Surely in these bipolar SGR vortices a great number of yet unknown and enigmatic processes are to be found and to be made use of, which neither philosophies nor religions nor exo- and esoteric sciences could ever decipher. Memory or even thinking processes may operate there if only we recognize phenomena known from the animal kingdom.

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