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What is the difference between binomial distribution and poisson distribution?

definition of thes distributions Both the distributions are Discrete probability distributions. But the Binomial distribution is used to express the probability of one set of dichotomous alternatives i.e., success or failure on certain assumptions. The calculation of Binomial probability becomes tedious when n is large and / p is very small. When n is not known or infinity Binomial model cannot be applied. When the probability of occurrence of an event is very small ( p<0.1) and / n is very large (n>20) Poisson distribution is more appropriate for determining the required probabilities.Poisson distribution is used to describe the behaviour of rare and casual events. In fact Poisson distribution is a limiting case of Binomial distribution in case n is very large or not known or infinity. Simplified differences Poisson distribution refers to the number of events occurring in a fixed period of time Binomial distribution refers to number of successes in a series of yes/no experiments.

difference between a singular and non-singular matrix? A singular matrix is a matrix with a determinant of 0. It essentially means that the matrix has no inverse matrix. Geometrically it transforms all points to a lower dimension. I.E transforms points in 3-axis to a plane, or transforms points in 2-axis into a line. A non-singular matrix is one which has an inverse version of itself: e.g. if you have a matrix called X, then it X^-1 exists A singular matrix is simply one which an inverse version of itself does not exist: e.g. For matrix Y: Y^1 does not exist.

difference between elementary event and compound event Simple Event: If an event has one element of the sample space then it is called a simple or elementary event. Compound Event: If an event has more than one sample points, the event is called a compound event .

difference between stastical and operation research


Research is concerned with process modeling and optimisation


Modeling is concerning with describing the socalled 'data generating process': find a model that describes something observed, and then do estimation, inference and possibly prediction.

Differ between maximum criterion and minimux criterion? Minimax (sometimes minmax) is a decision rule used in decision theory, game theory, statistics and philosophy for minimizing the possible loss while maximizing the potential gain. Alternatively, it can be thought of as maximizing the minimum gain (maximin). Originally formulated for two-player zero-sum game theory, covering both the cases where players take alternate moves and those where they make simultaneous moves, it has also been extended to more complex games and to general decision making in the presence of uncertainty.

Diffrence between pure and mixed strategy?

A pure strategy maps each of a players possible information sets to one action. si : i ai. A mixed strategy maps each of a players possible information sets to a probability distribution over actions. si : i m(ai), where m 0 and Z Ai m(ai)dai = 1. A completely mixed strategy puts positive probability on every action, so m > 0. The version of a game expanded to allow mixed strategies is called the mixed extension of the game. A pure strategy constitutes a rule that tells the player what action to choose, while a mixed strategy constitutes a rule that tells him what dice to throw in order to choose an 74action. If a player pursues a mixed strategy, he might choose any of several dierent actions in a given situation, an unpredictability which can be helpful to him. Mixed strategies occur frequently in the real world.
Correlation and linear regression are not the same. Consider these differences:
Correlation quantifies the degree to which two variables are related.

Correlation does not fit a line through the data.

With correlation you don't have to think about cause and effect. You

simply quantify how well two variables relate to each other. With regression, you do have to think about cause and effect as the regression line is determined as the best way to predict Y from X.
With correlation, it doesn't matter which of the two variables you call "X"

and which you call "Y". You'll get the same correlation coefficient if you swap the two. With linear regression, the decision of which variable you call "X" and which you call "Y" matters a lot, as you'll get a different best-fit line if you swap the two. The line that best predicts Y from X is not the same as the line that predicts X from Y (unless you have perfect data with no scatter.)
Correlation is almost always used when you measure both variables. It

rarely is appropriate when one variable is something you experimentally manipulate. With linear regression, the X variable is usually something you experimentally manipulate (time, concentration...) and the Y variable is Correlation analysis only quantifies the relation between two variables ignoring which is dependent variable and which is independent. But before appliyng

regression you have to calrify that impact of which variable you want to check on the other variable.

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