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OREGON ORCHESTRAS Grades 4 through 12 MUSIC FOR LIFE Academic Philosophy Oregon Orchestra students are welcomed into

class with a curriculum that is modeled on the National Standards, district outcomes and trusted methodology. Strong literature is chosen by experienced teachers whose analytical skills are matched with their creative classroom strategies to help students become independent musicians. Teachers keep current with music education practice through workshops and conventions. Oregon string students have access to their teachers for technical assistance, solo and ensemble study, alternative style groups and extra-curricular opportunities. Oregon orchestra students perform, write, compose, improvise, analyze, assess, reflect, conduct, listen, research, create, investigate, problem solve, collaborate and teach! Small Group Instruction and Large Ensemble Rehearsal In Oregon, string students receive instruction on their instrument in small and large groups. As recommended in the DPI State Music Curriculum Guide, orchestra classes are offered daily in large settings and weekly in a 20-30 minute small group session. Class size in the string music classroom is maintained at a number that corresponds to other academic areas. Based on available teacher time and space, class size is ideally kept to 30 or less in the classroom. Small groups are most effective at grades 4-8 with an average of three to four students in a 2230 minute session. At the high school level where solo and ensemble study is more intense, small group size is maintained at three to four students in a 45 minute session. Small group instruction is best presented in a rotational schedule at all levels. Students who leave other academic classes to study their instrument learn organizational and focus skills along with the musical benefits. Integration There are few other places in the school environment in which students are engaged cognitively, physically and emotionally 100% of the time. String study provides students with a way to make connections in their lives. String students at the elementary level participate in Pioneer Days. Students at the middle levels study folk music and learn about history. Students at the high school use technology to write their own music. Students in music composition have studied fractal theory in physics and written pieces based on their own heartbeat. Art exhibits appear on concert night. Students perform in and around the community. Oregon High School musicians from orchestra have gone on to become conductors, teachers, composers, jazz musicians, performers....doctors, lawyers, professors, researchers, clergy. The best thing a public school can do for our children is to help them discover who they are and where they can go. String education brings the self into focus. It is not just for the talented, the wealthy and the brilliant. String players come from all backgrounds, grade points and interests.

Leyla Sanyer -- Oregon High School 608-835-4403 Wendy Buehl -- Oregon Middle School 608-835-4819 Margaret Fenske -- Rome Corners Intermediate School 608-835-4721 Rebecca Eggerichs -- Netherwood Knoll and Brooklyn Elementary Schools 608835-4195 Adele Mann -- Prairie View Elementary and Rome Corners Intermediate Schools 608835-4262

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