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away the top layer of the soil. This leads to soil erosion.

The eroded soil is carried away by water and may be deposited into the river. During heavy rains, rainwater flows quickly into rivers because there is no retention of water by plant roots as well as water catchment areas. Due to silting in the rivers, the water flows is blocked. Thus, water flows inland and causes flash flood in low areas. Soil erosion also leads to DEPLETION OF MINERALS for the land. The land cannot be used for cultivation. Extinction of flora and fauna Deforestation leads to the loss of habitats for many species of flora and fauna. This will cause an increased rate of extinction of plants and animals . As a results, it reduces biodiversity and the source of food and valuables medicines for humans.

Greenhouse effect and global warming. Deforestation causes weather and climatic changes. When a large scale of trees are destroyed by cutting and burning, it will reduce rainfall, transpiration rate and the rate of using carbon dioxide during photosynthesis by plants. Clearing and burning of forests also release vast amounts of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Deforestation is believed to contribute about 20-30% of all carbon dioxide in the atmosphere for every year. Carbon dioxide can prevent heat from escaping from the atmosphere. Thus, the level of carbon dioxide increases and global temperature

also increases. This leads to greenhouse effect and global warming . Increasing global temperature may change the ecosystem. b ) F A R M I N G Excessive use of land for farming and stock rearing lead to infertile land and may expose soil to erosion by wind. Use of inorganic fertilisers in farming also leads to eutrophication . c ) U R B A N I S A T I O N

Dumping of domestic waste as well as sewage discharge from houses causes pollution. The waste materials in landfills act as toxic

substances which pollute nearby water sources. INDUSTRIALISATION Industrial plants discharge industrial and heated waste water causing water pollution and thermal pollution. Toxic gases released by industries contribute to air pollution. e ) B U R N I N G Open burning of rubbish, farms and forests release more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere which aggravates the greenhouse effect. Burning of fossil fuels causes air pollution as well as increase the carbon dioxide content. As a result, it causes the greenhouse effect and global warming.

Biology Form 4 by CHONG JIA PING Download this Document for Free Print Mobile Collections Report Document Info and Rating Follow Jia Ping Jia Ping

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left a comment hei!!! english not bad hah!?good presentations... 10 / 07 / 2010

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