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Allah Almighty, Jibrail Alaihis Salaam, Abu bakr and Umar RadiAllaho Anhuma are helpers Verse 36:

Then undoubtedly, Allah is his helper, and Jibrail and the righteous believers and after that the Angels are his helpers. (Al-Tahrim 66:4) The Prophet commenting on this ayah said: The righteous believers are meant by Abu Bakr and Umar RadiAllaho Anhuma. (Tabrani narrates in al-Kabeer, Ibn Mardawiyya and Khateeb narrate from Ibn Masud RadiAllaho anhu).1 Actually, this was how it was read in the Qirat of Sayyiduna Ubai Ibn Kaab RadiAllaho anhu,Wa Saalihul Mumineena Abu Bakrin wa Umaru Wal Malaikatu Bada Thalika Zaheer . Allah, together with His blessed name, calls His beloved servants as helpers Jibrail, Abu Bakr and Umar are all helpers! Verse 37: The Hudhud bird said to Prophet Suleiman Alaihis Salaam, I saw a woman reigning over (Tamlikuhum) them and she has got of everything and she has a great throne (Al-Naml 27:23) The Quran has called the queen as the Malik, the owner of her subjects, thus the freemen and slaves are all her possessions. However, when a person calls the beloved of Allah, the Prophet as his Malik (owner) then the sect of Wahhabis begin issuing verdicts of Shirk.

Verse 38: And whoso gave life to one soul, then it is as if he has given life to all mankind. (al-Maida 5:32) This verse is an indication to the fact that those who prevented himself killing unjustly or did not retaliate for blood against the killer (as it is in Maalim Sharif2) then he is as if he has given the victim a life, and him alone, then this results in as if he has given life to a whole mankind. I ask those Wahhabiswhich one is of greater significanceto remove calamites or to spare a life? Verse 39: Prophet Yusuf Alaihis Salaam said to his brothers do you not see that I give full measure I am the best host to those who disembark? (Yusuf 12:53)meaning those who come under my protection then I give him such a comfort which cannot be found anywhere else. And Allah said to Prophet Nooh Alaihis Salaam, (When you sit comfortably in the ship then say), O my Lord, disembark me to a blessed land and You are the best of those who disembark (Al-Muminoon 23:29) One can see from the two verses how Allah proved His specific Attributes to His beloved Prophets and when our Prophet is the best of those who disembark, who give shelter and protection, then he is more than just Dafiul Bala.

Al-Mujam al-Kabeer, Hadith# 10477, (Al-Maktabat al-Faisaliyya, Beirut), vol. 10, p. 253. Al-Dur al-Manthur, under verse 66:4, (Dar Ihya al-Turath al-Arabi, Beirut), vol. 8, p. 208.

Maalim al-Tanzeel (Tafseer al-Baghawi), under the verse 5:32, (Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyya, Beirut), vol. 2, p. 25.

Verse 40: Only Allah is your friend and helper and His Messenger and the believers that they establish prayer and pay the poor their due and are bowed down before Allah. (Al-Maiada 5:55) I say When Allah Almighty has limited the help to Himself, the Messenger and the believers then it necessitates that this help is of some specific help which is not found among others. The general help is related to every other Muslim, The Muslim Men and Muslim women are friends/helper of each other Whereas at the other place Allah Almighty has said clearly, There is no helper besides Allah. [It is in Malim, (There is no), in the heavens and earth, (Besides him), meaning besides Allah, (Any friend and helper)3] O Wahhabis! How much Shirk is this in your eyes?! The Quran specifically has attributed the characteristic of helping to the Prophets and the righteous believers and on the other hand, the Quran said that this Attribute is of Allah alone. However, with the grace of Allah, the people of Ahlus Sunnah Wa al-Jamaah have faith on both of the verses and understand the distinction between Dhati (Innate) and Atai (bestowed). In other words Allah Almighty is the ultimate helper, independently, whereas the Prophets and the Awliya have been bestowed this power of helping by Allah Almighty. Now I ask as to why is help needed. It is needed to remove the calamities (Daful Bala). Now when through the light of the Quran, the beloved servants of Allah are the helpers of the Muslims then ultimately they are also Dafiul Bala. The only difference is that Allah is Dafiul Bala independently whereas His Prophets and beloved servants are Dafiul Bala through the grace and bestowment of Allah Almighty. Now we include five verses from the Torat (Torah), Injeel (Bible) and Zaboor (Psalms): Verse 41: Torat Sharif (Imam Bukhari narrates from Abdullah bin Umar RadiAllaho anhuma, Darmi, Tabrani and Yakub bin Sufyan narrate from Abdullah bin Salaam RadiAllaho anhu that the description of the Prophet in the Torah was as follows)

Maalim al-Tanzeel (Tafseer al-Baghawi), under the verse 8:26, (Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyya, Beirut), vol. 3, p. 132.

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