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Region Facial expression

Muscle Frontalis Orbicularis oculi Orbicularis oris Levator labii superioris Platysma Mentalis Buccinator

Function Elevate eyebrow and forehead Close eyelid (two parts for light and tight closure) Purses lips (e.g. in whistling) Elevate lip and flare nostril Tense skin of chin and neck Protrude lower lip Press check against molars (e.g. in blowing air through a trumpet) Elevate, rotate, retract scapula Tilt head, flex neck Extend head or laterally flex and rotate head Elevate scapula Laterally flex neck Laterally flex neck Laterally flex neck

Origin Epicranial aponeurosis Bone of medial orbit Median maxilla and mandible, deep skin Maxilla in infraorbital region Superficial fascia of deltoid and pectorals Mandible Pterygomandibular raphe, mandible

Insertion Skin of forehead Skin around orbit Mucous membrane of lips Skin of upper lip, alar cartilage of nose Various around lower face Skin of chin Angle of mouth

Innervation Facial (VII) Facial (VII) Facial (VII) Facial (VII) Facial (VII) Facial (VII) Facial (VII)

Blood Supply

Posterior triangle

Trapezius Sternocleidomastoid Splenius capitis Levator scapulae Scalenus posterior Scalenus medius Scalenus anterior

Superior nuchal line, spinous process C7-T12 Mastoid process Spinous process T1T6 Transverse process C1-C4 Transverse process C4-C6 Transverse process C2-C7 Transverse process C3-C6

Lateral clavicle, spine of scapula Sternum, clavicle Mastoid, superior nuchal line Superior medial scapula Rib 2 Rib 1 Rib 1

Accessory (XI) Accessory (XI) Dorsal rami cervical Dorsal scapular (C5) Ventral rami cervical Ventral rami cervical Ventral rami cervical

Region Eye

Muscle Levator palpebrae superioris Superior rectus Inferior rectus Lateral rectus Medial rectus Superior oblique Inferior oblique

Function Open eyelid Elevate, adduct, intorsion Depress, adduct, extorsion Abduct Adduct Depress, abduct, intorsion Elevate, abduct, extorsion Elevation and retraction Elevation and protrusion Protrusion and mediolateral sliding Elevation, protrusion and mediolateral sliding

Origin Sphenoid Tendinous ring Tendinous ring Tendinous ring Tendinous ring Sphenoid Floor of orbit Temporal fossa Zygomatic arch Lateral pterygoid plate, palatine, maxilla Lateral pterygoid plate and sphenoid

Insertion Tarsus and skin of upper eyelid Sclera Sclera Sclera Sclera Sclera Sclera Coronoid process of mandible Lateral side of ramus of mandible Medial side of ramus of mandible Neck of mandible and TMJ

Innervation Superior oculomotor (III) Superior oculomotor (III) Inferior oculomotor (III) Abducent (VI) Inferior oculomotor (III) Trochlear (IV) Inferior oculomotor (III) Mandibular (V3) Mandibular (V3) Mandibular (V3) Mandibular (V3)

Blood Supply

Temporalmandibular joint (mastication)

Temporalis Masseter Medial pterygoid Lateral pterygoid

Main functions on mandible shown only. See Table 7.4 in Grants (p. 581) or Basicranium/Pharynx lecture (p. 12) for more. Primary depression is gravity and is assisted by infrahyoid muscles.

Region Suprahyoid

Muscle Mylohyoid Geniohyoid Stylohyoid Digastric

Function Elevate hyoid and floor of mouth Pull hyoid anterosuperiorly Elevate and retract hyoid Depress mandible, elevate hyoid

Origin Mylohyoid line of mandible Mental spine of mandible Styloid process Mastoid process to fascial sling

Insertion Body of hyoid Body of hyoid Body of hyoid Mandible

Innervation Inferior alveolar (V3) C1 (via XII) Facial (VII) Anterior: inferior alveolar (V3) Posterior: facial (VII) Ansa cervicalis (C1C3) Ansa cervicalis (C1C3) C1 (via XII) Ansa cervicalis (C1C3) Ventral rami cervical Ventral rami cervical Ventral rami cervical

Blood Supply


Sternohyoid Sternothyroid Thyrohyoid Omohyoid

Depress hyoid Depress hyoid Depress hyoid Depress hyoid

Sternum Sternum Thryoid cartilage Superior border of scapula through fascial sling Anterior tubercle of axis Occipital bone Occipital bone

Body of hyoid Thyroid cartilage Body and greater horn of hyoid Inferior border of hyoid Body T3, C1-C3 Transverse process C3-C6 Atlas

Prevertebral muscles

Longus colli Longus capitis Rectus capitis

Flex neck Flex head Flex head

Medial to lateral: longus colli, longus capitis, rectus capitis

Region Pharynx, external

Muscle Superior constrictor Middle constrictor Inferior constrictor

Function Constrict pharynx during swallowing Constrict pharynx during swallowing Constrict pharynx during swallowing Elevate pharynx and larynx Elevate pharynx and larynx Elevate pharynx and larynx, open auditory tube Tenses vocal folds Abduct vocal folds Adduct vocal folds Loosen vocal fold Adduct vocal folds Adjust vocal folds

Origin Pterygomandibular raphe, hamulus Hyoid Thryoid and cricoid cartilages Hard palate, palatine aponeurosis Styloid process Cartilaginous auditory tube Anterolateral cricoid cartilage Posterior cricoid cartilage Arch of cricoid cartilage Posterior thyroid cartilage Arytenoid cartilage Angle bet. laminae of thyroid cartilage

Insertion Median raphe Median raphe Median raphe Lateral pharynx Thryoid cartilage Blends with palatopharyngeus Inferior thyroid cartilage Muscular process of arytenoid cartilages Muscular process of arytenoid cartilages Muscular process of arytenoid cartilages Other arytenoid cartilage Vocal process of arytenoid cartilages

Innervation Pharyngeal plexus (cranial XI via X) Pharyngeal plexus (cranial XI via X) Pharyngeal plexus (cranial XI via X) Pharyngeal plexus (cranial XI via X) Glossopharyngeal (IX) Pharyngeal plexus (cranial XI via X) External laryngeal (X) Recurrent laryngeal (X) Recurrent laryngeal (X) Recurrent laryngeal (X) Recurrent laryngeal (X) Recurrent laryngeal (X)

Blood Supply

Pharnyx, internal

Palatopharyngeus (see also soft palate) Stylopharyngeus Salpingopharyngeus


Cricothyroid Posterior cricoarytenoid Lateral cricoarytenoid Thyroarytenoid Arytenoids (transverse and oblique) Vocalis

Region Tongue

Muscle Genioglossus Hyoglossus Styloglossus

Function Depress and protrude tongue Depress and retract tongue Retract tongue for swallowing Elevate soft palate (e.g. to swallow) Tense palate (by laterally pulling it), open auditory tube Oppose palate and back of tongue Tense palate, pulls on pharynx during swallowing Elevate uvula

Origin Medial mandible Hyoid Styloid process Auditory tube, temporal bone Scaphoid fossa (hooks around hamate) Palatine aponeurosis Hard palate, palatine aponeurosis Nasal spine

Insertion Tongue Tongue Tongue Palatine aponeurosis Palatine aponeurosis Side of tongue Lateral pharynx Uvula

Innervation Hypoglossal (XII) Hypoglossal (XII) Hypoglossal (XII) Pharyngeal plexus (cranial XI via X) Mandibular (V3) Pharyngeal plexus (cranial XI via X) Pharyngeal plexus (cranial XI via X) Pharyngeal plexus (cranial XI via X)

Blood Supply

Soft palate

Levator veli palatini Tensor veli palatini Palatoglossus Palatopharyngeus Musculus uvulae

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