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SKINNER 1. 2. Stimulus for Skinner is any object or situation that brings out a response from an organism.

As for reinforcement He defined it as any object or situation that would strengthen, or increase the occurrence of behaviour. It presented after the organism produces the desired response A response, as Skinner defines it, is a overt behaviour that an organism produces as a reaction to a stimulus, which in turn would be followed by either a reinforcement or a punishment Example: Osang hears the introductory tune of wakawaka, upon hearing this, she responds by dancing to the beat of the song, the people who saw her dance praises her efforts, these praises then serve as a reinforcement which makes her dance to waka-waka more often.
Karaoke 3. party (Environmental situation)


PAVLOV Stimulus is categorized into two: unconditioned stimulus is anything that would evoke a reflexive response from an organism, and the conditioned stimulus, which is a previously neutral stimulus that has, through conditioning, acquired the capacity to evoke a reflexive response that was originally evoked by a conditioned stimulus. Reinforcement: Pavlovs reinforcement is otherwise known as the unconditioned stimulus, which elicits the response that is desired. It is presented Example: The sight/smell of food will make you hungry. Since food is made in the kitchen Soon every time you go into the kitchen, you will feel hungry too.

The nurse says Now this wont hurt a bit

(conditioned stimulus)

Singing wildly out of tune (learned effective behavior)

nurse stabs you with a needle


Cheers and applause accompanied by laughter (reinforcement)

The next time you hear This wont hurt you cringe in fear. (conditioned response)

4. with skinner, the elicitation of behaviour is categorized into two different types: the first is the reflexive type of behaviour which he termed as the respondent behaviour. This type of behaviour is brought about by a stimulus that the organism is aware of. slapping your forehead because you feel a mosquito biting you is an example. The other type of behaviour is what he called as operant behaviour which is evoked by a stimulus that an organism is not aware of

Pavlov believed that unconditioned stimuli evoke natural responses from an organism such as the heat which causes the organism to feel pain. If that response evoking stimuli is repeatedly paired with a stimuli that does not necessarily evoke a response, the organism then associates the neutral stimuli with the unconditioned stimuli. When this happens, the neutral stimuli, now called the conditioned stimuli, have the power to elicit the same response from the organism as the unconditioned stimuli.

5. through shaping or chaining where the organism is reinforced until the desired behaviour is performed 6. Skinner used reinforcements to increase the occurrence of behaviour, and punishment to decrease it. 7. Skinners theory does not emphasize the pairing of stimuli with stimuli, but rather, emphasizes the reinforcement of desired behaviours. When an organism performs a desirable behaviour in a certain situation, then his behaviour is reinforced. the reinforcement then is dependent on whether the behaviour performed is desirable or not. 8. 9. 10. 11.

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