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The Very Second Bible Translation: The Very Second Bible Translation: The Very Second Bible Translation: The Very Second Bible Translation:
Containing the Real Name of the Savior
Sid & Barbara Williams Sid & Barbara Williams Sid & Barbara Williams Sid & Barbara Williams

Double-Whammy on Monotheism

God Divided Himself into Father and Son to Come to Earth and Save Man; Lord,
The God, The [One] [keeping] The All Power [and] Time Reunited Himself into
One Name, in AD 77, when Israel was Resurrected and New Jerusalem was
Founded on Earth ZECHARIAH 14.9 AND

and Au:c, |:i Au:c, |:i Au:c, |:i Au:c, |:i
Lord, The God, The [One] [keeping] The All Power [and] Time Lord, The God, The [One] [keeping] The All Power [and] Time Lord, The God, The [One] [keeping] The All Power [and] Time Lord, The God, The [One] [keeping] The All Power [and] Time

You Add Not to Words of Him You Add Not to Words of Him You Add Not to Words of Him You Add Not to Words of Him


The Very Second Bible Translation: Containing the Real Name of the Savior

He Is ( ) AND He Is (Au:c, |:i Au:c, |:i Au:c, |:i Au:c, |:i)
Lord, The God, The [One] [keeping] The All Power and Time Revelation 4.8
The Real Words Bible Edition

Copyright 2011 CD-Rom: Seven Lamps Library, Expanded and Improved Bible Pack A;
Sid & Barbara Williams, 2532 Northbridge Court, Granite City IL 62040-6140

Copyright 2007 CD-Rom with 9 Books and 2,000+ pages.
Includes: A Real Words Miii-Bible and commentaries on the books of Joel, Matthew, Romans,
Revelation, and other Bible subjects.

Copyright Hebrew & Greek fonts:


Type I and True Type fonts Copyright
1994-2006 BibleWorks, LLC. All rights reserved. These
Biblical Greek and Hebrew fonts are used with permission and are from BibleWorks, software for
Biblical exegesis and research,

IMPORTANT NOTE TO READER: The Very First Bible Translation; Including the Names of the (2)
Gods, c. 2007 was a misrepresentation of the Facts. I had exposed many fake words from the Jews
Greek Septuagint, but I had missed these words (from the Jews); the left column = Greek words:
loap Israel Hebrew :s: English He (Y) [is] Prince (RS) of (Y) God (LA)
lcuap Judah Hebrew English He (Y) The (H) [One] Praising (HDY)
la-a3 Jacob Hebrew :r English He (Y) [caught] Heel (BQY)
lpocuapa *** Hebrew ::: English He (Y) [is] Prince (RS) [of] Peace (MLS)
*** Jerusalem



INTRODUCTION ...................................................... 4
1. Eighteen Names of the God Banned ........................ 5
2. The 7 Spirits of God ................................................ 8
3. Rules For Translating Hebrew ................................ 10
4. Genesis (1-5); "Two Creations"; Parabolic & Lit. .. 12
Outline: Parable of 7 Days of Creation ........... 15
5. Songs (Psalms) ........................................................ 27
6. Selected Old Testament Verses . 46
7. Assembly (Ecclesiastes is an Error) ......................... 52
8. Interpretation of Assembly 11 ................................. 66
9. Interpretation of Assembly 12 .................................. 72
10. Isaiah, Chapter 11 ............................................... 86
11. Ezekiel, Chapter 38 & 39 ..................................... 90
12. Ezekiel 47.12 and Revelation 22.2 ......................... 95
13. Joel with Strong's Numbers..................................... 96
14. Joel without Strong's Numbers .............................. 104
15. Twenty-five Prophecies Dating New Jerusalem 113
16. Malachi .... 165
17. History of Bible Blasphemy .... 169
18. Matthew ......................................,...................... 187
19. The Greatest Mystery in the Bible .. 215
20. New Name of One Reunited God .... 229
21. Luke; Verses from Chapters 3 & 11 & 15 ............. 231
22. Selected Verses 233
23. Romans ................................................................ 235
24. First Corinthians (13) ........................................... 260
25. IWANNOU A: First Letter of John: ............. 263
26. Revelation .......................................................... 270
Last Page 314 Words 191,467


He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob


In the pursuance of the original languages of Hebrew and Chaldee and Koine Greek, we have run
across thousands of words corrupted by the Bible translators, and many of them also corrupted in the
lexicons. We have trained ourselves, while reading the erroneous translations, to substitute the real
words as we read along. However, this has proved stressful, and at the same time incorrect in some
cases. Therefore, we have decided to print our own translation with the real words. These real words
are frequently found in lexicons, but not in any Bible translation. The guidance of the Spirits of the God,
Knowledge and Wisdom (received by prayer), had multiplied further the number of errors found.
These errors in translation come from three sources: 1) Reading From The Wrong Manuscripts;
and: 2) Intentional Errors; and: 3) Unintentional Errors.
INTENTIONAL ERRORS include, 5 Names of the God Banned in the Bible Translations and
Churches. We are promised miracles, in the name of the Lord. So then, Why are the Names of the
Gods Banned? The Israelites, described to have been blinded (Isa 6.9-13), and also, divorced (Isa
50.1), took it upon themselves to edit three names of the God out of the Hebrew manuscripts, then
they compiled their Greek, Septuagint, in about 250 BC.
These three banned names were: Gods plural (::s; MYHLA), and, He Is (;
HWHY). He Is was changed to, The Lord; and, Gods plural was changed to, God singular.
The third corrupted word was, :s = God (LA) [of] Her (). The suffix H is the fenimine singular
suiffix. You will note here that Hebrew reads from right-to-left. The Jews ignored the suffix,
translating, God only 92 times.
But, Satans troops were not through by any means. Later in time, the Roman Catholics changed,
^He-Saving^ (lpcu,) to read: "Iesus." Jerome's Latin Vulgate, from AD 405, removed the letter "O"
producing this phony name, "Iesus." Later, when the British invented the letter "J' in about AD 1738,
they removed the letter "I"; and substituted their newly invented letter "J"; producing, Jesus. Also,
^Anointed^ (Christos, Xoi:c,), was transliterated to read: Christ -- which is not a Bible word; or,
the translation of a Bible word.
The Hebrew origin of the Greek name, ^Iesous^ was from Joshua (falsely so-called), who was
the Savior of *Israel driving the seven nations out of Canaan (but not competely, for which they were
condemned). This human savior was spelled: r:. [Joshua saved Rahab (Joshua 6.25).]
^He (Y) The (H) [One] Saviing^ = lpcu, which I have shortened to, ^He-Saving^ to keep the
brackets [] out of our English text, and make the Hebrew form of speaking closer to English
grammar. But then, the reader is the final judge in this matter, except that you should accept the majority
opniion in the Body (New **Jerusalem), and strive not to stir up strife heed to the Antichrist Jews.

Then, From Calling (:--pia) was changed to Church; and dip (3ar:i,a) was changed to
baptize; and messengers (a,,:c,) were changed to angels; and Spirit (r:uaa) was changed to
wind; and on and on the list continues.
UNINTENTIONAL ERRORS are mostly, the traditions of men; condemned by the ^Son [He-
Saving] of the Man (Adam). It is remarkable how well the Dark Ages Translation has been preserved in
our Johnny-come-lately Bible translations. It is as if there had been no laborers for the last 1500 years.
WRONG MANUSCRIPTS are the Codex Vaticanus and Codex Sinaiticus. When the Pope
pushes for their acceptance, we know something is wrong. These were written by the condemned
Essenes (Jews)) who taught no marriage.
Shall we keep the, Living Water bottled up; and the Bread of Life on the shelf; or, shall we
feed the hungry and give drink to the thirsty? We have decided on the latter course of action.
We pray that the reader will be enlightened.
NOTE: Our translation is not directed to recreational readers, but to "miners" digging for "jewels
rich and rare", as the hymnist had stated the operation. In order to learn, the reader must have pen and
paper, and an Interlineansar Hebrew English Old Testament, and an Exhaustive Concordance. The Gods
had described wisdom and knowledge to be of more value than silver or gold. Therefore the "mining"
operation is absolutely necessary.
But do not be discouraged about this great challenge; for, after the servant of the Gods has
accomplished the task, then even children may learn by merely listening. Your Maker desires the
message to be clear "to the Body", although it is hidden to "those wise according to the world."
Therefore, we have the best of two realms: mystery to the world, and knowledge to the believer.

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob


Eighteen Names of the Gods Banned.

The single word "God" is LA (:s) in the Hebrew found 350 times.

1) MYHLA (::s) = plural "Gods"; Genesis 1.1, and 2,492 times -- banned! These plural names were
translated, singular "God" (:s) really hard to tell the difference isnt it? And -- recorded 220 times
as plural "gods," when referring to plural pagan "gods." See: Judges 10.6.

2) HWHY () = "He Is"; Genesis 2.4, and 6,735 times -- banned! "He Is" was translated, "the Lord";
which would be "s" in Hebrew; but the words, "lord" (:.s) and "of lord" (:s) were only
connected to the definite article "" (H) in Hebrew Scripture 5 times (Deut 10.17, Isa 1.24, 3.1, 10.33,
19.2.) Lord without the was recorded 634 times. . Added to that fact, does not equal s.
3) ::s = He Is Gods 967 times.

4) HLA (:s) = God of Her (H). This was translated, "only God"; ignoring the suffix, "her" - 92 times.

NOTE: The Greek letter, "Omega" is "a" (oo) in the Greek, and long "oo" in English.

5) ^He-Saving^ (lpcu,) - 977 times -- banned! NOTE: There is no letter "J" in either the Greek
alphabet, or in the, "1611 Authorized Version," or in the Geneva Bible, 1599; or in the Douay Old
Testament, 1609, or the Rheims NT of 1582 and 1733. The Roman Catholic Bishop Richard Challoner,
in London, in the 1738 who Revised Rheims New Testament was the inventor of the name Jesus. At
that time, they changed all Greek names beginning with the letter l (Iota), to fake names beginninmg
with the letter J. Not content therein, they also changed all the Hebrew names beginning with the letter
(Yod) to names beginning with the letter J which is fake!

6) ^"Anointed" (Xoi:c,) - 490 times -- banned! NOTE: Also recorded, "The ^Anointed" (0 Xoi:c,).
NOTE: Because there is no "christ" in the Bible, then logically, there are no "christians" (Acts
11.26; Strong's #5546) in the Bible; and there is no single "christian" (Acts 26.18, 1Pet 4.16) in the Bible.
Strong's #5546: Xoi:iac,. "Christos" is "Anointed"^; identified in all lexicons. Mr. Mounce
recorded no noun declension compatible with an "-IANOS" case ending; and also no adjective declension
was listed, "-IANOS." This would indicate the chance of a compound word.
Possibly this second word of the compound word is: "ia" (#3029), being translated,
"exceeding" and "great" 5 times each was intended. In the second declension of nouns, "- OS" would
indicate a male, nominative, singular noun; producing, "man [of] Great Anointed."
So then, CHRIST^ + [L]IAN + OS = man of great anointed" - masculine, singular, nominative.
But whether this is right or wrong or close, the letters composing, "christ" do not belong in the
English definition of, "christianos." But, the letters composing, "anointed" do belong in the English

7) "The God" (0 :c,) - corrupted over - 777 times, omitting, "the." NOTE: This name was recorded 70
percent of the time, in Romans, with the definite article, "the"; and 30 percent of the time without it.

8) Matthew 3.17: "... This is The (0) Son^ (Yic,) of Me (acu), The (0) [One] of Extreme Loving
(a,arp:c,), in (:) whom (a) I think good (:uc-pa). NOTE: :u is always good.
NOTE: "Agape love" is Extreme Love (both good and evil), and the case ending (-TOS) is
sometimes defined to be a "genitive participle" (of Extreme Loving). See: Mounce's Analytical Lexicon
to the Greek New Testament, 1993, page 42. The prefix, "be-" in the word of the translators, "beloved"
has no corresponding prefix in the Greek.
NOTE: These names for "The Anointed"^ (Mt 3.17) were recorded 9 times -- Mt 3.17, 12.18,
17.5 -- Mk 1.11, 9.7 -- Lk 3.22, 9.35, 20.13 -- 2Pet 1.17.

9) Acts 17.29. :ic = : -/c/ - /a,/ - ic = holy God; and "deity" and divine are a Latin words, and
not Greek words. Holy (agion) God (Theon).

10) Rom 1.20: :ic:p, = own power of him (aiic, au:cu uaai,), and ot the (-ai :p,) holy God
(:ic[u])." The[ou] [ag]io[u]. These two combined abbreviations were employed several times. See:
Rev. 20.10: : iicu, + THE[OU] [AG]IOU.
Reading: both the only power of him [man] and of the God. And, "divinity" is a Latin word, and is not
a Greek word.

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob

:c, :p, ,a:c, aaa:i-a,; God (Theo[s]) of the (Ths) living (zoontos) body (soomatikoos).
NOTE: There is no justification for the word "godhead" in the Bible translations. Consider, "the Head of
Anointed." See: 1 Cor. 11.3 God is head of Anointed^. leaves no room for the Popes, trinity.

"... The Anointed^ is Head of all man, and Head of woman, the man; and Head of Anointed^, the God" -
1Cor 11.3.

So then, we have no "three-headed" God.

12) Heb 7.11: :cac::p:c = of the (:p-/,/) of new (: -/cu/) of law (cac -/u/) [to] the (:c) God (: -

"received the law" (KJV), omits "of God" (: -/cu/). The NKJV also omitted "of God" (: -/cu/).
Of the (ths) of new (neou) of law (nomou) [to] the (to) God (Theon)."

13) Heb 8.6: :cac::p:ai = new (: -/c,/) law (cac //) of the (:p -//) of God (: -/cu/) He Is
He Is (tai) new (neos) law (nomos) of the (tes) of God (Theou).

14) 2Pet 1.3: :ia, = of power (uaa:a) of Him (au:cu) of the (:p,) of holy (/a,/ - ia,) God (: -
/ia,/ ).
Of power (dunameoos) of Him (autou) of holy (/a,/ - ia - /,/) of God (: -/ia,/). Feminine God (ia,)
refers to of soul (u,p,) of God (: -/ia,/) See: Isaiah 1.14, soul is feminine; (:e: s::); soul of
[Me] she (H) hates feasts, "Divine" (KJV, NKJV) is a Latin word. It is not a Greek word.

15) Rev 20.10: into the lake of the fire and (-ai) of God (: -/cu /) of holy (/a,/ - icu ); combined as
And (kai) of holy (agiou) God (Theou).
See: Daniel 7.9-10; where God is described to be, "fire."
It is my opinion, that almost all "one-time-only definitions" are wrong.

16) Rev 14.10: "And they will be tormented with fire and 'in holy God' (: -/a/ - /a,/ - ia ) before [face]
of the holy messengers (a,,:a) and before [face] of the Lamb^ (:cu aoicu).`
NOTE: :a translated, "brimstone" is an error. "The[oo]" is God in the dative case; and
"[ag]ioo" is holy in the dative case; producing, "in holy God." OO = long letter O = Omega (a).

17) Rev 19.20: The two were thrown 'living' into the Lake of the Fire of the burning in holy God (: Qe
-/ a / - /a,/ ia)*.
NOTE*: "The[oo][ag]ioo" = God - dative, holy - dative = in holy God.

18. Rev 9.17: "And thus I saw the horses in the vision, and ones sitting on them, having breastplates [of]
red and blue and 'of no holy Gods'." NOTE: Muslims have, No holy Gods.
/ap/ - :i, (no) - /a,/ -ia - // (of holies) : - /a/ (of Gods).
:ia:i,; Strong's #3367 (MNDEIS) and #40 (AGIWN) and #2316 (THEWN).

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob



The receiving of the Spirits by Prayer, and the operations of the Spirits have been discussed in
another file. Now we will look at various lists of the holy seven, from the Bible, in side-by-side
columns. This will demonstrate the fact that each one of the seven Spirits of the God has a multifaceted
personality. For instance, Faith is represented as the Teaching of He-Saving^ (One Faith), and as
the answer to Prayer (Counsel), and as Trust and Prayer (Faith). The other seven Spirits will be
seen in different lights also.

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob

ISAIAH: (1) Wisdom and Understanding, (2) Counsel, (3) Might, (4) Knowledge, (5) Fear of "He Is"
(; HWHY), (6) Judge (-ment), (7) Righteousness.

EPHESIANS: One - (1) Body, (2) Spirit, (3) Hope, (4) Lord (Kuoic,), (5) Faith, (6) Dipping, (7) God

EZEKIEL: Face of; (1) Man, (2) Lion, (3) Ox, (4) Eagle; (5) Holy Spirit before the throne; (6) He-
Saving^ (lpcu,) on the throne; (7) The God (0 :c,) on the throne.

GALATIANS: (1) Love, (2) Joy, (3) Peace & Self-control [lpcu,]^, (4) Longsuffering [Holy Spirit], (5)
Kindness & Goodness [the God; 0 :c,], (6) Faith, (7) Meekness [Dipping].

1) The Spirit of Love is represented as the Face of a Man, and as One Body, and we (the Body) are
the Righteousness of God in Him (lpcu,) (He-Saving^). If we do not Love man whom we have seen,
how can we Love the God (:c :c) whom we have not seen?

2) The Spirit of Faith is represented as the answer to Prayer (Counsel), and as being Lion-hearted, in
our Belief in the God (7a :ca), and as One Teaching.

3) The Spirit of Knowledge is pictured as the Ox plowing to sow the Seed, and represented by the Joy
of sowing the Seed, and as the Hope of the message of the Seed sown, which was the resurrection in
AD 77. Our Hope today is in the promised resurrection at the End of the Time.

4) The Spirit of Forgiveness is the result of Meekness, and the Fear of "He Is" (); for many are too
proud to submit to the One Dipping. The Eagle is the symbol of Urgency in the Old Testament, for the
God and the pagan nations, are predicted to swoop down like an Eagle destroying the enemies of the God.
He-Saving taught that unless you forgive your brother, you will not be forgiven.

5) The One Spirit of the Body represents Obedience to One Lord and One God; this is the Spirit of
Obedience on earth. The seven Spirits before the throne are from the God in Third Heaven; and also,
the Spirit is Longsuffering and Wisdom.

6) He-Saving^ on the throne is the One Lord, and He is our Peace, and He demonstrated Self-control in
going to the cross, for He opened not His mouth. Then, all Judgment is committed to the Son, and in
a general list (which follows), He-Saving^ is our Atonement.

7) Our Heavenly Father is One God on the throne with The Lamb (Rev 22.3), and He has the Spirit of
Might, or Strength, to destroy nations and individual men; or to deliver nations and men, and Body and
Soul. The new Body of man is immortal; or, incorruptible. The God is also the Spirit of Adoption; this
is into the Body on earth first, and then, into Third Heaven finally.
We have been aided in our labors by 25 translations of previous men, and by a fine collection of
Hebrew and Greek lexicons, and analytical lexicons, and by the 7 Spirits of, Lord, the God, The [One]
[keeping] the all Power [and] Time (Rev. 4.8), and by the mercy of the Lamb.

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob



We will list our General Rules of Interpretation with a couple of special rules applying to the Assembly
Rule #1. The Fear of Gods (::s) as a Killer-King is the Beginning of the path to Knowledge and
Wisdom and Understanding. Proverbs 1.7 and 9.10.
Rule #2: Do not be deceived by the lying Bible translators that would not be "in boundage to them (words
or syllables)"; for their love of false synonyms had produced a host of single Hebrew words with 25
definitions, or more; and a lesser number with 50 definitions for a single Hebrew word. [This means do
not believe any alleged translations and lexicographers. If Genesis 1.1 does not read: [plural] Gods
(::s) and Matthew 1.1 does not read: of Anointed, He-Saving^ - then they are liars, and you can
learn nothing from them.]
Rule #3: s: Genesis 1.1 is mistranslated in every English Bible translation, instead of "creating." the
Jews substituted, God [He] made. The participle described continuing creation until the New
Heavens and a New Earth was created in AD 77-78; or, in one day (Isa 66.8).
Rule #4: The Jews, and the Christian translators and lexicographers, do not know what constitutes a
"participle." The Living God loves participles. Bible translators hate participles. A participle is a lexical
form of a verb, such as (ARB) s: in Genesis 1.1, reading, "creating" (ptcp), without a Person Indicator
prefixed. When a Person Indicator is prefixed to a participle, then it becomes a verb, such as, "And Gods,
He created" (::s s:) in Genesis 1.21. So then, we have the participle (1.1) contrasted with the
verb (1.21); s: and s:.
Rule #5: lpcu,^ There is no letter "J" in any of the Bible names. Hebrew has no letter "J." Greek has
no letter "J." The Geneva Bible had no letter "J." He-Saving^ is the proper name of the Savior.
[However, corruptions have been added. Both "Iesus" and "Jesus" are found in Matthew, Chapter One of
the Geneva Bible; but Jesus is only once, and Iesus was recorded several times om this page.]
The Authorized Version of AD 1611 had no letter "J" in the names. Even, "King Iames" had no
letter "J." The Douay Old Testament had no letter "J." The British did not invent the letter "J" until about
AD 1738.
Rule #6: Ignore the vowel pointing of the Jews; does not equal "Yahweh" for there are no vowels in
the Hebrew language. The correct translation is, He (Y) Is (HWH).
Rule #7: Translate :s to read (singular) "God";. [Recorded about 395 times.]
Rule #8: Translate ::s to read (plural) "Gods"; [Recorded about 2,492 Xs.]
Rule #9: Translate ::s to read: "He Is Gods"; about 967 times.
Rule #10. Translate :s to read "Lord of [me]"; [NOTE: "Lord"= has the prefix "H" (only 5 times) to
read "the Lord." This is a lie of the Jews. It is recorded 634 times without the article.]
Rule #11: The names lp,u, Xoi:c, (Anointed, He-Saving^) have been banned worldwide;
Rule #12: In the Greek Scripture, the lexicographers had identified the "Removable N" as the last letter of
a verb. SAMPLE: "n-3f(2b) ... op:oi - / /, page 9, William D. Mounce Analytical Lexicon. The
word is translated the same with, or without, the letter "N." n
In the Hebrew we have the "Removable Waw" (W); and the word is translated the same with, or
without, the "Waw" (W). ::s, Strong's #582, is the same as ::s, Strong's #606. #582 is "man" and "men"
463 times. #606 is "men" 9 times; from Daniel 2.38 to Daniel 5.21;
Rule #13: : Prefixes, in this case "H" (the) and "M" (from), suppress the first letter of a noun, and
the letter "Y" was changed to an "Internal W." You very seldom find a "YY" combination. The first
letter "Y" was changed to an internal "Waw"; and HRW[Y] is "teaching." So then, "the from teaching"
was changed to "rain" (KJV). But, "Young's Literal Translation to the HOLY BIBLE" had corrected that
(Joel 2.23 - HRWMH), in 1862. The phrase, "the from teaching"; is: :. "the" (H) "from" (M)
teaching (HRW[Y]). Hebrew is rough reading at times.
Rule #14: :s Nouns ending with the letter "Y ", have the preposition "of" (Y) as a suffix, which has an
"Implied Object." This "Y" is the "Dangling Preposition" (Y; "of"). The translator must supply the
"missing object" from the text. :s = Lord (NWDA) of (Y) [me]. However, sometimes, the following
word is the object, Lord of (:s) He is Prince of God (:s:).
RULE #15: Age (:). The Hebrew nouns frequently have the first letter suppressed (unwritten) by a
prefix or the first word of a compound word. The translator must recognize the word without the "first
letter"; in this case "(CH) ". Also the translator must recognize the words without the "last letter";
which had been suppressed (unwritten) because of a suffix; or, the following word in a compound word'
in this case "(D) ." So then "(L) :" alone represents the word "DL[CH] :." Strong's #2465, "age" or
"world. Note: I lost my notes of the book, chaoter, and verse.
:-: We have many examples of these two cases: (1) First letter suppressed, (2) Last letter supressed,
(3) Both the First and Last letters suppressed - from one word.
-: -) To (L) giving (T) them (W). W [N]T[N] L.
Daniel 7.9: :- (1) and this means nothing in Hebrew. (1) So we remove He (Y) and search for
BT[?]. Then we find #3789 (::) meaning, wrote. B(CH)Y = He wrote..
Psalm 87.6: :: : e: He Is, He wrote (Dan. 7.9), and this is confirmed by another
verse about the Judgment Day; B(CH)[K]Yill write [different verb] he was born there. And, this
harmonizes with God writing on the Judgment Day in Daniel, Seven, verse Nine.
These rules of suppressing letters als applies to the Greek Scriptures.
(1) (2) Ephesians 6.12: : :ci, :rcuoaici, translated, in the heavenly realms. NKJV.
But there is no case ending like that for, heaven. So we divide the word in three pieces :r cuoa
ici, and we find: ep in (2) cuoa[is] heavens (1) [ag]ici, holies = in heavens holies.
So these Hebrew Rules (sometimes; especially about suppressed letters) also apply to Greek translating.
: No Hebrew word like that. Psalm 89.7. Rendered, he is like. But, :s is the word, saying,
producing, Who he will compare to He Is, he will say her (1) (:s ) HMR[A]Y.
- Isaih 8.3, she conceived. (1) HR[H] T.
Again the first letter was suppressed and had to be searched out, after removing the prefix, T.
::- Isaiah 8.3, and she bore. But, once again, there is no Hebrew word like that.
The reader should realize by now, that God was speaking in mysteries, dicernable only to the servants
of the Living God. Borm
:: - #3205 born. DL[Y]T = she bore; or, she gave birth.
: : : : :: : group of words miscollected, and should read:
:: :: : s = this ([H]Z)* counting BS(CH) LL[H]S that praising WMS naming him ARQ
calling Isaiah 8.3. NOTE: Hebrew reads right-to-left.
KJV: Call his name, Maher shalal-hash-baz. AND this is nonsense. They missed the wrong-
grouping, ZB SH instead of, [H]Z BSH. They also missed, that praising, LL[H]S**
The original manuscripts have been reported to have been all letters with no gaps or commas, or
periods. So then, that was an impossible task to get all of the words spaced properly, without the
interpretation to guide them. But today, the Spirits of God have guided us to a much better
interpretation, than was possible then without the interpretation. And so with this added
information we have a much better translation.
ADDED NOTE: The Hebrew and Greek names were all intended to be translated, and not rendered,
name. Maher-shalal-hash-baz.
All of these fake vowels were added by the Masoretes, from AD 750 to AD 950.

Rule #16: MAJORITY RULE: Accept the KJV definition of AD 1611 which was recorded most
frequently. For example, Strong's #5414 was translated "give" 1,023 times; and it was translated ""take"
(which means exactly the opposite of "give:) only one time. So then, the odds are 1,023 to 1 against the
definition, "take." A second example is Strong's #559: :s. This was translated, "saying" - 2,768 times;
and, "said" - 2,944 times; and, "declare" - 2 times. So then, the odds are 5,712 to 2 against the definition,
NOTE: The KJV translators vowed not "to be bound by them" (words and phrases); and they
were true to their word. They published 46 definitions of #559. No one could have communicated in a
language like that.
Rule #17. Treat all definitions recorded less than 10 times with great suspicion.
Rule #18. Watch out for variations of spelling of one Hebrew word being given separate definitions. Also
know that variations of one Hebrew word are not equal. For example: #113 - s and #136 - :s are
NOT equal, as James Strong had defined them both, "lord." NWDA is "lord" and YNDA is "lord of
[me]." Another example is: #3340 - s translated, "Isri" by Strong, and from #3335: s translated,
"form" 28 times. So then, s = "formed of [earth]." The translators goal is CONSISTENCY.

Rule #19: Emphasize the root word. #6950: : - assemble - 28 times, gather - 27 times; #6951: : -
congregation - 84 times; #6953 - -: - preacher - 7 times.
NOTE: James Strong identified a "female congregation" -- which is right; and then said it meant a
[male] "preacher." But there is no word "preacher" in the Bible, neither in the Greek nor in the Hebrew.
The root word - : - makes that point clear.
Rule #20: In cases of doubt, it is better to be "partially right" than to be "totally wrong." Sometimes
identifiable root words have uncertain prefixes and suffixes attached. The root word is the most
important part, even if some of the phrase must be ignored.

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob


GENESIS 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5

God singular is ":s" (LA), 395 times in Old Testament.
Lord :s without the definite article, the; is Lord and Lord of., 412 times in Old Testament.
The Lord (s) is found only four times, and is probably a copists error See: Isaiah 1.24, 3.1, 19.4,
Deut 10.17.
Lord and Lord of were recorded 634 times without the definite article.
Gods plural is "::s" (MYHLA), about 2,492 times in Old Testament.
He Is from the Hebrew word "" (HWHY), is recorded about 6,735 times in Old Testament.
He-Saving lpcu, is the Son of God, 977 times in New Testament.
Anointed Xoi:c, is God in the flesh, 490 times in New Testament.


1.1. Creating, laying (-: s:) Gods (::s), creating (s:) of the Heavens and of the Earth.
1.2. And the Earth (ss), she was without form, and emptiness; and Darkness on face of Deep (Sea).
And Spirit () of Gods (::s) [was] hovering on the face of the Waters (Nations).
1.3. And He said, Gods, He will be Light; and he was Light.
1.4. And Gods saw the Light, for [it was] good; and Gods, He divided between the Light between the
1.5. And He called, Gods, to Light, Day, and to Darkness calling Night. And he was Evening and he
was Morning: first Day.
1.6. And He said, Gods (::s), He is Spreading between the Waters (Nations), and he is Dividing
between Waters (Nations) to Waters (Nations).
1.7. And He made, Gods, the Spreading (r - firmament, KJV), and He divided between the Waters
that from [place] under (subject to) to Spreading and between the Waters (Nations) that from above (ruled
over) to Spreading (Government); and he was so.
1.8. And He called, Gods, to Spreading, Heavens (Governments). And he was Evening and he was
Morning: second Day.
1.9. And He said, Gods (::s), They will be gathered, the Waters (Nations) from [place] under the
Heavens to one place, and she appeared, the dry ground; and he was so.
1.10. And He called, Gods, to dry [ground], Earth, and to gathering of her the Water (Nations), He
called, Seas. And He saw, Gods, for [it was] good.
1.11. And He said, Gods (::s) She will bush, the Earth: bushhing Grass, from seeding seed, fruit of
(e) Tree doing Fruit of [him] to kind of him that seed of him in him on the Earth; and he was so.
1.12. And she brought out, the Earth (s) bushing Grass, from seeding seed to kind of him, and Tree
doing Fruit of [him] that seeding him in him to kind of him. And God seeing for good.
1.13. And he was Evening, and he was Morning: third day.
1.14. And He said, Gods (::s), He will be Lights in Spreading [of] the Heavens to dividing between
the Day and between the Night; and being him to Signs and to Seasons, and to Days and Years.
1.15. And being him to Lights in Spreading [of] the Heavens to the lighting on the Earth. And he was so.
1.16. And He made, Gods, of two of the Lights, the great one of the great Light (Sun) to ruling of the
Day, and the lesser Light (Moon) to ruling of the Night; and with the Stars.
1.17. And Gods, He gave them in Spreading (r:) of the Heavens to the Light on the Earth,
1.18. and to rule in the Day and in the Night, and to dividing between the Light between the Darkness.
And Gods (::s) seeing for good.
1.19. And he was Evening and he was Morning: fourth Day.
1.20. And He said, Gods (::s), They will Creep [in] the waters, living, creeping soul and Bird
(Nations) he will fly above the Earth (Israel) over face of Spreading [of] the Heavens (Governments).
1.21. And He created (s:), Gods, of the Dragons [Serpents; Egypt], the great ones, and of all of the
living soul, the Creeping that Creep them [in] the Water to kind of him; and of all of Bird of wing
(Nation) to kind of them. And Gods seeing for good.
1.22. And He blessed them, Gods, to saying, Fruitful them and multiplying them, and filling them of the
[Earth] from Water (Nation; ::) in Waters (:::), and the Bird (Nation) he will multiply in Earth
1.23. And he was Evening, and he was Morning: fifth Day.
1.24. And He said, Gods (::s), The Earth (Israel s), she will bring forth living soul [of] Beast to
kind of her, and Creeping, Living him, [on] Earth (Israel), to kind of her; and he was so.
1.25. And Gods, making Living (-) [of] the Earth (Israel) to kind of her, and the Beast to kind of her,
and of all of Creeping the ground to kind of him. And Gods seeing for good.
1.26. And He said, Gods, We will do (:r:) man in image of Us (:::s:), as likeness of Us; and they
will rule in Fish of Sea, and in Bird of the Heavens, and in Beasts, and in all of the Earth, and in all of the
Creeping, the Creeping (Thing) on the Earth (Israel).
1.27. And He created, Gods, of the man in image of Him, in image of Gods (::s), creating him male
and female creating them [Head = Male; Body = Female].
1.28. And He blessed them, Gods, and He said, Gods, to them, Fruitful them and multiplying them, and
filling them of the Earth (Israel), and subduing her, and ruling them in Fish [of] the Sea (Gentiles), and in
Bird of the Heavens and in all of the living () Creeping (Thing) on the Earth (s).
1.29. And He said, Gods, Look, giving of me to you of all of Grass seeding seed that [are] on face of all
of the Earth, and of all of Fruit of Tree that in him [is] Fruit of Tree seeding seed to you, he will be to
eating her.
1.30. And to all of Beast [on] the Earth, and to all of Bird [of] the Heavens (:::), and to all of
Creeping (Thing) on the Earth that in him [has] soul of life, from all of green Grass to eating her. And he
was so.
1.31. And He saw, Gods, of all of that doing (:r). And look [it was] very good. And he was Evening,
and he was Morning: sixth day.


2.1. And they ended (::); the Heavens (:: Governments) and the Earth (s Israel & New
Jerusalem), and all Host of them (Suns, Moons, Stars, Trees, Vines, etc.).
2.2. And He ended (::s ::), Gods, in the seventh Day from all of work of Him that doing, and He
rested in the seventh Day from all of work of Him that doing (:r :s).
2.3. And Gods (The God and The Word - Jn 1.1) He blessed of the seventh Day and He made holy of
him, for in him Gods resting from all of work of him that Gods creating (s:) to doing (-:r:).
2.4. These generations of the Heavens and of the Earth in the creating them (:s::) in day He Is Gods
(::s ) doing (-:r) Earth and Heavens.
2.5. And all of bush (2 Xs meditation 8 Xs; :) of the Field before he will be in Earth, and all of
Grass (::r) [of] the Field before he will grow, for He Is Gods [sent] not rain on the Earth, and man
[there] not to serving of the ground.
2.6. And mist he profited her (:r s) from the earth, and the watering (:) of all of face of the
2.7. And He Is Gods (::s ), He formed the man from dust of the ground, and He blew (e) in
nostrils of him breath of life (: -:::); and the man being [changed] to living soul.
2.8. And He Is Gods, He planted (r:: r:) a garden in Eden from east; and He put (::) there with
the man whom He had formed.
2.9. And He Is Gods (::s ) He made to grow from the ground all of tree he is pleasant (: :)
to sight, and good to [taste] from eating; and Tree of the Lives in middle of the garden. And Tree of the
Knowledge: Good and Evil.
2.10. And a river went out from Eden to the watering of the garden; and from there he parted, and being
to four heads.
2.11. Name of first: Pison; this one compassing of all of earth of the Havilah where there the gold.
2.12. And gold of the earth, the-this good; there the bedolach (bdellium) and the shoham (onyx) stone.
2.13. And name of the second river this Gichown (Gihon); this one compassing in all of earth of Kush
2.14. And name of the third river, this Chiddeqel (Hiddekel); this one going east [of] Asher (Assyria).
And the fourth river; this Perat (Euphrates).
2.15. And He Is Gods, He took of the man, and He put him in Garden Eden to serve her and to do her.
2.16. And He Is Gods, He brought the man to saying, From all of tree of the garden eating, you will eat .
2.17. And from tree of the Knowledge: good and evil, you will not eat from him, for in-day you eating
from him dying, you will die.
2.18. And He Is Gods, He said, Not good, man, you living to alone him; I will do (:r) to him helper,
as telling him; [talking to him] .
2.19.* And He formed (s: s:), He Is Gods, from the ground all of Beast of the field, and all of Bird
of the heavens; and He brought (s:) to the man to seeing, what he would call to him, and all of that the
man he called to him, being soul ( :e:), this name of him. NOTE: soul: means flesh and breath.
2.20. And the man, he called names of her (- ::), to all of the Beasts and to Bird of the heavens; to all
of life of the field; and to Man (Adam) there was not finding a helper, as telling him; [talking to him].
2.21. And He Is Gods (::s ), He made fall you sleep her on the man, and he slept; and He
took brother her ( s) from side of me to Him (Gods) ( - r:s :) and He shut flesh under [place
of] her.
2.22. And He built, He Is Gods, of the side that to taking (:) from the man; to woman (:s:), and
He brought her to the man.
2.23. And the man, he said, This the-time (:re) bone from bones of [me], and flesh from flesh of
[me]; to this the precious (s) Woman (:s) for from man to this taking of her.
NOTE: bone plus flesh equals side.
2.24. For this a man, he will leave from father of him and from mother of him, and clingiing (fast 29
Xs) in wife of him; and they will be to one flesh.
Mark 10.8: And the two (uc) shall be into (:i,) one flesh.
2.25. And they were both of them naked ones (::r), the man and wife of him, and they were not
them ashamed.
NOTE* (1) man formed first, verse 2.7; and: (2) beast formed later, verse 2.19; and: (3) man
named the beast, verse 2.19; and: EVOLUTION IS SIN. And (4) woman formed last verse 2.23.
NOTE: "Rib" is recorded "one-time-only"; and is recorded "side" 19 times; and is an obvious
error. Added to that, Man (Adam) was recorded to have said that woman was his "flesh and blood"; and
not a rib only.
SUMMARY: Two "creations" have been recorded, one literal (Gen 2.4-25), and one is a parable
(Gen 1.1-2.3). The determining factor is "before the herb of any field had grown" (2.5); "in the day that
'He Is Gods' (::s ) made the earth and the heavens." In Chapter One "seven days" are used to
describe "creation." But in Verse 2.4, "the day" was employed to picture a second "creation." The
Hebrew words are different, ":" (2.4), for a singular word for day; and "::" (1.14) for plural
"days." Added to this, in Chapter One, the "bush" was created on the "third day" (1.11); but in Chapter
Two (2.4), "Gods" made the earth and the heavens, BEFORE any bush was in the field. An Atheist writer
pointed this out to me. So I wrote a book, "The Parable of the 7 Days of Creation." Since then, another
Atheist on the Internet has shared this knowledge. But the "servants of God" (self-proclaimed), do not
receive these facts. Below is an outline of these seven days.


1) THE FIRST DAY: LIGHT (Gen 1.1-5).
The generations of Man (Adam), began the creation of the Heavens and the Earth. This was The
Beginning of Time in 4139 BC, according to the Hebrew manuscripts.
Man (Adam) and Eve ate of the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, and were cast out of
the garden of Eden. They died in the-day, which was the 1656 years until the Flood (4,148 to 2492
BC). Man (Adam) lived to be 930 years old (4148 BC; Gen 5.3). Man (Adam) died in the-1656 years.
Men began to call on the name of He Is () [3913 BC; Gen 4.26, 5.24].
2) THE SECOND DAY: THE HEAVENS (Gen 1.6-8; Gen 37.9-10).
A) THE EVENING (DARKNESS); Heavens = Governments; Sun, Moon, Stars = kings, priests,
prophets. Men became continually wicked; He Is () destroyed them in a Flood (2492 BC; Gen
Gods* (::s is plural*; :s is singular) revealed Himself to Abram (2056 BC; Gen 12.1-7). This was
one of many new religions from Gods.
Jacob and 70 souls went into Egypt (1841 BC), and were later mistreated (1841 BC; Gen 46). This was
punishment for selling Joseph into slavery.
603,550 men of war came out of Egypt (1626 BC; Num 1).
4) THE FOURTH DAY: SUN, MOON, STARS (Gen 1.14-19).
The Israelites forsook He Is () and followed Him no more (1258 BC; Judg 10.6).
David was declared by He Is () to be king of He is Prince of God (Israel) (1043 BC; 2Sam 7).
David = Sun, Levitical Priesthood = Moon, Nathan = Prophet = Star.
Sea creatures; Babylon, Persia ... were created to punish Israel (601 BC; Dan 7.1-7).
Babylon was fled from by the Israelites; and the second temple was begun (518 BC; Hag 2).
Antiochus Epiphanes polluted the tabernacle; tried to destroy the law (167 BC; Dan 11).
B) THE MORNING (LIGHT). See: John 9.4-5, Day & Night.
He-Saving(lpcu,) confirmed the New Covenant with many for one Week (AD 28-35; Lk 3).
A) THE EVENING (DARKNESS). See: John 9.4-5 & Rom 13.12, Night & Day.
The servants of the Lord He-Saving (0 Kuoic, lpcu,) were persecuted (AD 35-77; Acts 8).
The coming of the Lord with multitudes of His messengers (AD 77; Jude 14).
The firstfruits were resurrected to Third Heaven and became priests and kings over the Earth (He is
Prince of Peace; New Jerusalem - Rev 5.10). New Jerusalem was founded, being 1500 miles square, with
a Street of Gold from Egypt to Assyria (Rev 21, Isa 19 & 35). Isaiah named this Street, the Highway of
Holiness, and the declared that the nation was born in One Day (Isa 66.8; AD 77-78).
New Jerusalem is the New Covenant congregation.


3.1. And the Serpent being naked [vs 2.25; :r] more than all of living (-) of the field [meaning
without hair or a pelt] that 'He Is Gods' (::s ) making. And he said to the woman, also, For
Gods (::s)' saying, 'You will not eat him from all of tree of the garden.'
3.2. And the woman, she said to the Serpent, 'From fruit of tree of the garden we will eat;
3.3. and from fruit of the tree that is in middle of the garden, Gods (::s), He saying 'You will not eat
from him, and you not touch in him that you die of him.'
3.4. And the Serpent, he said to the woman, 'Not dying, you will die of him.
3.5. For Gods (::s) knowing that in day, eating of you from of us [Devil and Tree], and eyes of you,
they will be opened, and you will be as Gods (::s) knowing of good and evil.'
3.6. And the woman, she saw that the tree [was] good to eating from [appearance], and that this, desirable
to eyes and he [Devil] desired the tree to the understanding [of her], and she took from fruit of him, and
she ate, and also she gave to husband of her, and with her he ate.
3.7. And she opened her (: e - ) eyes of both of them, and knowing them that: 'naked ones them.'
And they sewed coming up (:r) fig of her, and they did them girdles.
3.8. And they heard them of voice of He Is Gods (::s ) from you-walking-you in garden to
spirit [of] the day, and he/she hid, the man and wife of him from face of He Is Gods (::s ) in
among tree of the garden.
3.9. And He Is Gods (::s ); He called to the man and He said, 'Where you?'
3.10. And he said, 'Hearing of me voice of You in garden, and I feared, for I nakedness of [me] and I hid.'
3.11. And He said, 'Who the telling to you that nakedness of you? The from the tree that commanding of
Me you, to not of Me eating from of him (::: ::s - :: :) eating you.'
NOTE: Gods both asked and answered the question here.

3.12. And the man, he said, 'The woman that You gave standing of this, giving her to me from the tree
and I ate.'
He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob

3.13. And 'He Is Gods', He said to [the] woman. 'What this, doing of you?' And she said, the woman,
'The Serpent, desolating me, and eating.'
3.14. And 'He Is Gods' (::s ), He said to the Serpent, 'For this doing of you, you cursing from
all of the beasts, and from all of living of the field. On belly of you, you will go* (:-), and dust you
will eat all of days of lives of you.'
NOTE: Herman Melville, who wrote, "Moby Dick"; a story based on his personal experiences on
a whale fishing ship; expressed his doubts in the Bible, because the whales had "hip sockets." [From
another source, the python snake has "hip sockets."] In the Bible, "beasts" are four-legged animals, such
as, lion, leopard, ox, donkey, sheep, horses, bears, and so forth. The Serpent was a four-legged animal
until he was cursed to go on his belly. Therefore, pythons and whales with "hip sockets" confirm this
Scripture. Mr. Melville's faith should have been increased by his discovery, instead of promoting

3.15. And I put enmity [being an enemy] between you* and between the woman, and between of you, and
between Seed of her [He-Saving; lpcu,]. This [lpcu,], He will crush head of you* [by His
resurrection], and you will bruise heel of Him [meaning, the crucifixion].
3.16. To the woman saying, 'The increasing [child birth], I will increase sorrow of you, and begetting of
you in sorrow. You will beget sons, and to husband of you; this, you will desire of you, and he will rule
in you.'
NOTE: When women vowed to, "Love, honor, and obey"; the church membership had very little
divorce. When the preachers began their "Women's Lib" programs in the churches, divorce became
common. This has come about in my lifetime. My parents, and aunts and uncles, and fellow church
members did not divorce. Today the church membership is plagued with divorce; and this "curse of the
woman" is the reason for divorce. Formerly, women "bore" the curse, and stayed married. Today they
laugh at the "curse" and are divorced.

3.17. And to Man (Adam) saying, 'For hearing you to voice of wife of you, and you ate from the tree that
commanding of Me to you to saying you will not eat from; [I am] cursing her, the ground,* in passing of
you, in sorrow of you. In sorrow you, in sorrow of her, eating [of] her [ground] all of days of lives of
3.18. And she will grow thorn and thistle she will produce to you, and eating her of bush of the field.
3.19. In sweat [of] face of you, you will eat to them until returning you to the ground, for taking of you
from her [the ground], for dust of her (-s) and to dust you will return.
3.20. And he, the man, called name of wife of the man 'Being'* for this, she was mother of all living.
NOTE*: ( = being; "Eve" is mythical), The Jews had translated her name to be, "Living."

3.21. And 'He Is Gods', doing (:r) to Man, and to wife of him coats of skins, and He clothed them.
3.22. And He said, 'He Is Gods'; 'See, the man being as one from Us (Father & Son), to knowing good and
evil, and now lest he send* hand of him, and taking also from Tree of the Lives, and eating, and living to
3.23. And He sent* him, 'He Is Gods', from Garden of Eden to serve of the ground that [he was] to taking
from there.
3.24. And He drove out against the man, and He placed from east to Garden of Eden with Cherubims, and
with flame of the sword, the [stopping] you from turning her, to keeping of way [the] Tree of Lives.
NOTE *: These "three curses"; the Serpent, the Woman, the Man, are covenants of God. They
are still in effect today. The "head of the Serpent" was crushed by the fulfillment of the 6 Propositions of
the 70 Weeks (Dan 9.24). These read:
A) To finish the transgression [crucify He-Saving (r:) (lpcu,)].
B) To make an end of sins [Rom 10.8-11; faith in Iesous saves from sin].
C) To make reconciliation for iniquity [Heb 2.17-18; 2Cor 5.21].
D) To bring in everlasting righteousness [1Pet 2.24-25; being dead to sins, should live unto
righteousness; 2Cor 5.21; we might be made the righteousness of God in Him].
E) To seal up the vision and prophecy [Jn 11.49-52; Caiaphas was the last Jewish prophet, in AD
F) To anoint the most holy (place); [He-Saving's Jewish students were anointed with the Gift of
the Holy Spirit in AD 32; Cornelius, and his Gentile friends, were anointed with the Gift of the Holy
Spirit. This was probably in AD 35. This was Spirit poured on all flesh Jew & Gentile.]
By these 6 Propositions "the head of the Serpent was crushed", in AD 35. [And so,
Premillennialism is a bunch of lies.]
God had 12 Covenants. Here is a list of them.

1. OLD COVENANT. Israel received the covenant with Moses as a mediator - Ex 19.5, 24.7.
2. NEW COVENANT. Israel promised a New Covenant by Jeremiah (31.31-34).
3. CURSE OF SERPENT - Gen 3.14-15. [Note: Curses are covenants just as blessings are.]
4. CURSE OF WOMAN - Gen 3.16.
5. CURSE OF THE MAN (::s) - Gen 3.17-19.
6. COVENANT WITH NOAH - Gen 6.18, 9.9-17.
10. STATUTE WITH AARON AND HIS SONS - Ex 28.43, 29.9; Lev 6.18, 7.36.
11. COVENANT WITH PHINEHAS - Num 25.11-13.
12. COVENANT WITH DAVID - 2 Sam 7.5, 12-16. [Covenant is #1285, Statute - #2708.]


4.1. And the man knowing with 'Being' [Eve ], wife of him, and she conceived, and childed out (-s
:-) Cain (), and she said, "Cain of me (-:) a man from 'He Is' ()."
4.2. And she added to childing out* of her (-s -::) brother of him, of the* Mourning. And the*
Mourning was keeper of flock, and Cain being servant of ground.
4.3. And he was in process of days, and Cain brought from fruit of the ground an offering to 'He Is'
4.4. And the* Mourning (::) the bringing this also from firstborn of flock of him, and from meat (fat -
KJV) of them. And 'He Is' had respect to the* Mourning and on offering of him.
4.5. And not Cain, and not offering of him, no respect to Cain. And he was very angry, and faces of him,
they were fallen.
NOTE: "For the life of the flesh [is] in the blood; and I have given it to you upon the altar to
make an atonement for your souls. For it [is] the blood [that] makes atonement for the soul" - Lev 17.11.

4.6. And he said, 'He Is' to Cain, 'To why anger to you? and to why faces of you they are fallen?
4.7. If this, you do well [then] accepting of you; and if you do not do well, sin lies to the door, and curse
of you [is] desire of him [sin]; and [on the other hand] you will rule in him [rule in sin].
4.8. And he said, Cain to the* Mourning, brother of him, 'We will go [to] the field.' And he was, in lives
of them (: - :) in field, and he rose up, Cain against the* Mourning, brother of him, and he slayed
4.9. And He said, 'He Is' to Cain, 'Where [is] the* Mourning, brother of you?' And he said, 'Not knowing
of me. I, the keeper of brother of [me]?'
DIGRESSION: This is a message from God to you, that you should not believe Jewish Bible translations,
or the men today maintaining Jewish Bible translarions.
Mourning = ::s. the Mourningl = ::.
Hebrew reads right-to-left. The prefix H is on the rigjht.
The prefix in Hebrew suppresses the first letter of the noun, in this case, the letter - s.
The man of the Spirit must remove the prefixes (in this case H), and then go treasure-hunting for the
missing first letter.
:s was translated, mourning 68 times. In Hebrew, Abel is not a name; but the phrase, the
mourning is a name. Look at Ecclesiastes 1.2: :: :: = the (H) all (K) of (L) the (H) mourning.
After all of the schooling in Genesis, Chapter Four of the Mourning (::), the Jews missed it,
translating, A3: in Genesis; and translating, Ma:aic :p, in Ecclesiastes, reading, vanity of the
(tees) for, the Mourning (::). THE JEWS VOWELS ARE SINS AGAINST GOD! as, Abel.
NLT, 2008, reads in Ecclesiastes, meaningless.
ESV, 2008, reads, vanity.
CEV, 1995, reads, nonsense.

Sid Williams, The Very First Bible Translation Including the Names of the Gods; 2007, Seven Lamps
Library, 2532 Northbridge Court, Granite City, Ilinois 62040-6140 is probably the only translation with
the mourning for the Abel.

4.10. And He said, 'What doing you? Voice [of] blood of brother of you, ones crying to Me from the
4.11. And now, cursing you from the ground that opening her mouth of her to receive of blood of brother
of you from hand of you.
4.12. For you serving of the ground, she will not continue giving strength of her to you. Wandering and
bemoanng, you will be in earth.'
4.13. And he said, Cain to 'He Is' (); 'Punishment of [me] [is] greater; more than (M) bearing [that I
am able].
4.14. Look, driving You me today from [all] against face of the ground, and from face of You. I will be
hid, and lives of me bemoaning and wandering in earth. And all of being finding of [me], he will
slay of me.'
4.15. And He said, 'He Is' () to him: 'White (#3836*; 34 times). All of [those] slaying Cain, he will
[suffer] vengeance seven times.' And 'He Is' put on Cain a sign, 'To in* All* of Me (- :: :); waiting
with him' (-s -:) [for] all finding him. [NOTE: a possible transliteration of, :: = to heart of Me.]
NOTE *: Meaning, "no bloodshed."
4.16. And Cain came out from [place] to face of 'He Is' () and dwelling in earth east of Eden.
4.17. And Cain knew with wife of him, and she conceived and she childed out* (-s :-) Enosh, and
he [Cain] was building a city, and he called name of the city of name of son of him, Enoch.
Note: : = Enoch = favor (N[CH]) of (Y) you (K).
4.18. And he chiled out* (-s :) to Enoch of Irad. And Irad childed out* (-s :) Mehujael, and
Mehujael childed out* Methushael, and Methushael childed out* Lamech.
4.19. And Lamech married to him two of wives; name of the one, Adah; and name of the second, Zillah.
4.20. And Adah childed out* Jabel, the father of [ones] dwelling [in] tent, and from bush (::).
4.21. And brother of him, Jubal. This being father of all of [ones] handling the harp and flute.
4.22. And Zillah also, she childed out* Tubal-Cain, hammering all of craftsmen of bronze and iron, and
sister of Tubal-Cain; pleasing her (:r:).
4.23. And Lamech said to wives of him, Adah and Zillah, 'Hearing her, voice of [me], wives of Lamech!
Earing (Hear) saying of me, for killing of me a man, for wounding of [me] and a child to hurt of me.
4.24. If seven times Cain is avenged, and Lamech seventy and seven.
4.25. And Man (Adam) knowing again with wife of him, and she childed out* a son, and she called name
of him Six (-:)**; for Gods seed*** (r ::s) to me Six (-:) (Seth), another under [in place
of] the* Mourning (Abel), for Cain slaying him.
** Six (Seth) = [Dan 3.1] which would be Man (Adam), Being (Eve), Cain, Abel, Lamech, Seth.
*** (r) is seed, rendered, child (-:) by some of the alleged Bible translators. .
4.26. And to Six also, this, child* (:) a son, and he called name of him, Enosh [man], then the
beginning [men] to calling in name 'He Is' ().
NOTE: The Parable of the first day was the Evening and the Morning, and this began the Morning, the
Evening was the first murder of Mourning.


5.1. This scribing of generations of Man in day Gods (::s) creating man, in likeness of Gods doing
(:r) him.
5.2. Male and female creating them (:s:), and He blessed them, and He called to name of them, 'Man'
in day, the creating them (:s:).
5.3. And Man lived thirty and hundred year, and he childed out* in likeness of him, and in image of him,
and he (Man) called to name of him, 'Six' (Seth).
5.4. And they were, days of Man after the birthing out* him Six (Seth), eight hundred of year, and he
childed* sons and daughters.
5.5. And they were all of days of Man (Adam) that living nine hundred year and thirty year, and he died
NOTE: "And from tree of knowledge [of] good and evil you will not eat from him, for in-day
(Heb.) you eat from him you will die, die" - Gen 2.17.
DENIERS OF LORD, THE GOD, THE [One] [keeping] the all Power [and] Time Rev. 4.8.
A) Matthew Poole (1680).
"With a threefold death. 1. Spiritual, by the guilt and power of sin: at the instant you shall be
dead in trespasses and sin, Eph 2.1. 2. Temporal, on the death of the body which shall BEGIN in you,
by decays, infirmities, terrors, dangers, and other HARBINGERS [signs] of death. 3. Eternal, which
shall immediately succeed the other."
Mr. Poole denied the Bible message of, "dying in-day you eat." Although Man (Adam) lived 930
years after rebelling against God, still he died in-day that he ate. We will explain this later.
B) Geneva Bible (1599).
"By this death he means the separation of man from God, who is our life and chief fidelity; and
also that our disobedience is the cause thereof [death]."
Like Mr. Poole, he denied God. The "separation from God" was the Beginning of Mans
(Adam's) 930 years; and not, his death.
C) Matthew Henry(1704).
In the day you eat, you shall die, that is, 'You shall become mortal and CAPABLE of dying; the
grant of immortality shall be recalled, and that defense shall depart from you. "You shall become
obnoxious to death, like a condemned malefactor that is dead in law" (only, because Man (Adam) was
to be the lot of mankind, he was REPRIEVED); "nay, the harbingers and forerunners of death shall
immediately seize you, and your life, THENCEFORWARD, shall be a dying life; and this (surely), it is
a settled rule, 'the soul that sins, it shall die.'
Did God mention a "reprieve" for Man (Adam)? God had declared, "You will die!" Mr. Henry
wrote, "You will live a dying life." Who was right in this dispute between God and man?
D) Robert Jamieson (1848).
(1) for in the day you eat thereof, you shall die -- Hebrew, 'dying you shall die'; which the
Septuagint translates, 'You shall die the death.'
(2) "So long as you continue obedient and faithful, I shall give you an exemption from death, but
in the event of transgression, this privilege shall be withdrawn, and you shall be LIABLE TO DIE like
the lower animals."
Once again, "death" is changed to merely a "liability." Solomon was inspired to write, "In many
words sin is not lacking, and restraining lips of him [is] from wisdom" (Prov 10.19).
These writers all failed to learn from Man (Adam)'s sin to death. Man was told, "Do not eat!"
These men were commanded, "Do not add to the Word of God!" God's example of Mans
rebellion (Adams) did not impress them.
"... for words of you will be few ones" (Eccl 5.2).
Where was their common sense?
Knowledge and Wisdom "begin" with the "fear of 'He Is'" () (Prov 1.7, 9.10). But these
writers were very bold to deny the words of the Gods. The commandment to Man (Adam) and 'Being'
(Eve) is easy to comprehend. It speaks of "one day" bringing death. Our quoted expositors all denied
this without any justifying arguments. So then, they were right that Man (Adam) died 930 years later.
However, they were wrong in opposing "the day that you eat brings death." The proper interpretation
was less to be desired, to them, than denying God to achieve a false answer was to be feared.
But, the "first day" of the Parable of the Seven Days of Creation was from the Beginning of Time
(Gen 5.1 4,138 BC to 2,483 BC was the, First Day.), until the Flood (Gen 7); which was 1,656
years later. Man (Adam) died at the age of 930 years. So then, Man (Adam) and 'Being' (Eve) died "in-
day" they ate of the fruit of the forbidden tree. Both Man and Being died in the, First Day.

5.6. And Seth lived five years and a hundred year, and he childed out (-s :) Enosh.
5.7. And Seth lived after the childing out (-s :) Enosh seven years and eight hundreds year, and
he brought sons and daughters.
5.8. And they were, all of day of Seth two ten year (20) and nine hundreds year, and he died (920).
5.9. And Enosh lived ninety year and he childed out* Cainan.
5.10. And Enosh lived after the childing out* of him Cainan five ten year (50) and eight hundreds year,
and he childed* sons and daughters.
5.11. And they were, all of day of Enosh five years and nine hundred year, and he died (905).
5.12. And Cainan lived seventy year and he childed out* Mahalalel.
5.13. And Cainan lived after the childing out* Mahalalel forty year and eight hundreds year, and he
childed* sons and daughters.
5.14. And they were, all of day of Cainan ten years and nine hundreds year, and he died (910).
5.15. And Mahalalel lived five years and sixty year, and he childed out* Jared.
5.16. And Mahalalel lived after of the childing him out* (-s : s) Jared thirty year and
eight hundreds year, and he childed* sons and daughters.
5.17. And they were, all of day of Mahalalel five and ninety year and eight hundreds year, and he died
5.18. And Jared lived two and sixty year and hundred year and he childed out* Enoch.
5.19. And Jared lived after he childed out* Enoch eight hundreds year and he childed* sons and
5.20. And they were, all of day of Jared two and sixty year and nine hundreds year, and he died (962).
5.21. And Enoch lived five and sixty year and childed out* Methuselah.
5.22. And (:-) he (Y)/(she T) going (#8418), Enoch (Y & soul of Enoch- T) with the Gods
after of the childing of him out*, Methuselah, three hundreds year, and he childed* sons and daughters.
"He" (-)/She-going" (:-).
5.23. And he was, all of day of Enoch five and sixty year and three hundred year (365).
NOTE: Enoch was the first of "Six Particular Resurrections."
(1) Enoch was the "type" of the "General Resurrection of the Old Heavens" to the people in the
Pre-flood Age. The story of him going to Gods (::s) instilled hope of the resurrection to the other
(2) Elijah (:s God [LA] of [Y] her [H]; meaning, "Israel") was the "type" of the "General
Resurrection of the Old Heavens" to the people of the Post-flood Age. Their "hope" was increased by
the story of Elijah going to Heavens.
(3) The Lamb of God, Anointed, He-Saving (lpcu, Xoi:c,), was, and still is, the sin offering
for all people of all ages.
"Heavens", where Elijah was carried by a whirlwind's breath, was a symbol for the "Sky"
frequently, as when men raised their hands to the Heavens in prayer. "Paradise" (Lk 23.43) and
"Abraham's bosom" (Lk 16.19-31) were symbols for the holding place of the dead holy ones until the
General Resurrection (AD 77). Then, "Grave" (Sheol) and (a lp, without (a) own [place]) was, and
still is, the holding place for the dead lost souls awaiting the Lake of Fire. "Hell" is temporary. The
"Lake of Fire" is everlasting.
(4) "The resurrection of the Dead and the Living" (Mt 16.27-28, 1Thes 4.16-17) was in AD 77.
This is the Pre-flood, and Promise to Abraham, and Law of Moses resurrection. The New Covenant
Resurrection is contrasted unmistakable as the "Resurrection of the Dead Only." See: Rev 20.11-15.
Note that all of the subjects (Rev 20) were declared to be "Dead." So then, there will be no Rapture at
the End of Time!
(5) The First Resurrection (Martyrs) was the "type" of the Final Resurrection to us in the New
Covenant Age. This is linked to the American Revolution; or in AD 1775. The Previous "ges" were
not as fortunate as we are today. The Pre-flood Age only had one resurrection. The "Old Heavens" had
three resurrections before their "General Resurrection." But we have been blessed with five (5)
previous resurrections, so that, we should never doubt the Final Resurrection of "The Dead Only."

5.25. And Methuselah lived seven and eighty year and a hundred year, and he childed out* Lamech.**
* Different from Lamech from Cain and Enoch; Gen 4.17-18.
5.26. And Methuselah lived after of the childing him out* Lamech two and eighty year and seven
hundred year, and he childed* sons and daughters.
5.27. And they were, all of day of Methuselah, nine and sixty year and nine hundreds year, and he died
Oldest person in the Bible, besides the Gods.
5.28. And Lamech lived two and eighty years and hundred year, and he childed* son.
5.29. And he called to name of him, Noah, to speaking this, 'He will comfort us from work of hands of
us, and from sorrow from ground that 'He Is' () cursed her.
5.30. And Lamech lived after of the childing him out* Noah five and ninety year and five hundreds
year, and he childed* sons and daughters.
NOTE: The sons, and their wives, were saved from the Flood, but the daughters were possibly

5.31. And he was all of day of Lamech seven and seventy year and seven hundreds year, and he died.
5.32. And he was, Noah, son of five hundreds year and he, Noah, childed out* Shem with Ham and
with Japheth.
NOTE: Noah was 600 years old at the time of the Flood (Gen 7.11). In the New Testament, it
was recorded that he was "a proclaimer of righteousness" (2Pet 2.5). But it had never rained on the earth,
and there had never been a Flood, therefore he could not convince anyone of the doom ahead.
"... but a mist went up from the earth and watered all of face of the ground" - Gen 2.6.
Therefore, Noah's possibility of convincing anyone of a "rain and a Flood" was greatly limited.
He could not even save his own daughters!
For the reason for the wrath of Gods, see: Gen 6.1-5. The phrase, "sons of God came in to the
daughters of men" meant that the male descendents of Seth were breeding with the female descendents of

Genesis 6.7: So He Is (), He said, I will blot out (:s) of the man whom creating of Me (YT)
from on face of the ground (:s), from man to beast, to creeping things and to bird of the heavens,
for comforting of Me (YT) (-::) for doing of Me (YT) them (:-:r).
[The Flood declared by Gods.\

Genesis 6.4-5, 11: The giants being them () in Earth in days, the-those, and also after of [them], there
that the sons of the Gods (progeny of Six/Seth) they came to daughters of The Man (ancestors of Cain)
and they childed* to them. The What (:), The Mighty ones who from of old, men of The Name. And
He Is (), He saw for great wickedness of the Man in Earth, and all of form of thoughts of heart of
him was only Evil all of the day ... And the Earth she was destroyed to face of the Gods, and the Earth
was full of violence."

Genesis 8.22: While all of days of the earth [remain], seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, winter and
summer, and day and night will not remaining you (mankind) [in] them ( - :: s:)."
No man will see, or experience the End of the Earth, but all will be resurrected to Judgment before then.

Genesis 13.16: And doing of Me (YT) of Seed of you (Abram) as dust of the Earth; that if a man can
number dust of the Earth (literal) then Seed of you, he will be numbered."

Genesis 15.13, 16: And He said to Father Exalting (Abram), 'Knowing, you will know for that Seed of
you, he will be a stranger in Earth, and serving them (Israel) to them (Egyptians), and afflicting them 400
years ... And four of generation they will return here, for iniquity of the Amorites not full to here.

Genesis 37.9-10: "And he (Joseph) dreamed again, dreaming one, and he told with him (-s) to brother
of him, and he said, Look, dreaming of me (YT) another dream. And look, the Sun, the Moon, and one
and ten (11) Stars bowing them to me. And he told to father of him (Jacob) and to brother of him; and
father of him, he rebuked him, and he said to him, What the dream, the-this, that dreaming you? The
coming, we will come, I (Sun), and mother of you (Moon), and brother of you (11 Stars) to the bowing of
Her (Assembly) to you [to] ground?

Exodus 1.8, 11: And he rose a new king over Egypts [Always plural], who not knowing of Joseph ...
And they named over him (Israel) prince of taxes in order to afflict him (Israel) in burden of them, And
building them cities from treasure of her (Egypts) to Pharaoh; of Pithom and Raames.

Exodus 19.5-6: And now, if obeying, you obey him, in voice of [Me], and keeping them, of creating
(-:) of Me, and lives of them (:-) to Me peculiar from all of the peoples (Nations); for to Me
[in] all of the Earth. And with them (:-s) you will be them to Me from 'kinging of Her' (kingdom;
::::) of Priests and a holy Nation." [1 Pet. 2..9; Rev. 1.6, Rev. 5.10, Rev. 14.1-5.

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob

Exodus 34.12, 16-17: The keeping to you, lest you will cut a covenant to dwellers of the Earth (Canaan)
... and taking you from daughters of him to sons of you, and daughters of him, they prostitute [to] one of
(s) gods of them (:s) and the prostituting them of sons of you to gods of them (:s). The
doing to you not gods of her of (:s) from Seba.

Lev 10.8-11: "And He said, 'He Is' () to Aaron (and, logically to his followers in office of high
priest), to saying, 'You drink not wine ... and to the separating between holy and unholy ... and to the
teaching of sons of He is Prince of God (Israel) ...'":

Leviticus 23.6-6: In month, the first, in four and ten of month, between the Evenings [or, at twilight],
Passover to He Is (). And in (B) five and ten day, to month, the-this, Feast the Unleavened Bread to
He Is () ...

Lev 23.4, 10-11: These Feasts of He Is (), holy assemblies which you will proclaim them, of them, in
(B) from (M) time [of] them (M) .... speaking to sons of Israel, and saying you to them, for you will come
them to the Earth that I giving to you and reaping you (T) them (M) of harvest of Her, and (W) the (H)
coming you (T) them (M) (:-s:) of sheaf of beginning of her, harvest of you [coming you] to the
priest at their appointed Seasons ... then you shall bring a sheaf of the firstfruits of your harvest to the
Priest. And the waving of the sheaf to face of He Is () ..."

Numbers 1.45-46: And they were all of numbering of sons of Israel, to house of father of them (:-:s),
from son 20 years old and from above, all of bringing host in He is Prince of God (Israel); and they were
all of the numberings 603,550.

Num 10.8-10: "And sons of Aaron, the priests, they will blow in trumpets ... And for you going them to
war ... And in day of gladness of you, and in your feasts of you, and in beginning of months of you (New
Moons), and you sound in trumpets of you over burnt offerings of you ..."

Deuteronomy 6.10-12: And being () for He will bring you, He Is Gods of you (:s ) to
the Earth of that He swore to fathers of you ... to giving to you, cities large ones, and good ones, that you
did not build ... and Olive Trees that not planting you ... the keeping to you, so not you forget of He Is
() who the bringing of you from Earth, Egypts, from house of servants.

Deuteronomy 7.11, 13: And keeping you of the commandment, and of the statutes, and the judgments
that as (K) I (::s) from (M) commanding you (K) the-day, and to doing you (T) them (M) (:-:r:).
And being (HYH) for you will hear them, of the judgments, the-this, and keeping them, and doing pf
them (:-:r), with them (M) (:-s) and keeping; He Is Gods of you (:s ) to you of the
covenant and with the mercy that He swore to father of Me (YT) [of] you (K) (-:s:). And loving
you, and blessing you, and multiplying you; blessing fruit of womb (Seed) of you, and the fruit of ground
of you ...

Deuteronomy 8.6: An Earth of wheat and barely, of Vines and Fig Trees and Pomegranates, an Earth of

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob

Olive Oil and Honey.

Deuteronomy 11.15: And giving of Me (YT) Grass in field of you for to beast of you, and eating you
and filling Her (He is Prince of God [Israel]).

Deuteronomy 32.1-3: The you will hear, the Heavens (Government), and I will speak her; and you will
hear, the Earth (Subjects), sayings of mouth of [Me]. He will drop as rain to taking of [Me] (:), she
will flow as dew, saying of Me (YT) as showers on bush, and as showers on Grass. For name of He Is
(), I will call the coming greatness to Gods (::s:) of us."

Deuteronomy 34.1, 4 And Moses came up from the plains of Moab, to Mount Nebo ... that [is] across
from face of Jericho. And He saw Her (H; Jericho) with him (W; Moses) (s), He Is (), of all
of the Earth of Gilead to Dan ... And He said, He Is () to him, This the Earth that swearing of Me
(YT) to Father of Many of Them (Abraham), to He will Laugh (Isaac), and to He [catching] Heel
n(Jacob), to saying, To Seed of you I will give Her the seeing of Me
(YT) of (Y) you (-s) in (B) eyes of you, and that (S) there (MH) you will not go over.

Joshua 24.2-3: ... this saying He Is Gods of (:s ) Israel: Fathers of you, beyond the river
(Euphrates) they lived, from long ago, Terah, father of Abraham and father of Nahor, and they served
other gods (::s). And I took of father of you, of Father of Many of Them (Abraham) from beyond the
River, and I walked with him in all the of Earth of Canaan, and I multiplied seed of him, and I gave to
him of He wil Laugh (Isaac)."

Judges 2.17: And yet that (S) judging of (Y) them (MH) (:-e:) listening them not to prostituting
them one of gods (::s), [other] ones, and they bowed them (W) [to] him (W) (-:).

Judges 8.27: And Gideon, he doing with him to ephod and setting him in city of him, in Ophrah
(er:). And all Israel prostituted before him there, and he was to Gideon and to house of him to

Judges 8.33: And he was as (K) that (-:s: ), Gideon dying and they turned, sons of He is Prince
of God (Israel), they prostituted [to] one of the Baals, they named to them Baal Berith to gods (::s)."

Judges 10.6: And they increased, sons of He is Prince of God (Israel), to doing the evil in eyes of He Is
(), and they served of the Baals, and of the Ashtoreths, and of the gods (::s; see: Gen 1.1) of
Syria, the gods of Sidon, the gods of Moab, the gods of sons of Ammon, and the gods of the Philistines;
and they forsook of He Is () and not serving of (W) Her (H; Israel) [of] Him (W) (:r).

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob

1Sam 2.10: He Is (), He will dismay him striving of him against Him (He Is), from Heavens He will
thunder, He Is (), He will judge end of Earth. And, He will give strength to King of Him, and He
will exalt Horn (Kingdom) of Anointed (Xoi:c,) of Him (He-Saving; Iesous)."

1Sam 5.12: And (W) the (H) men of (Y) them (M) (:::s) who not dying-them, striking them in (B)
strong (LP') of (Y) them (M), and the cry of the City (on Earth) She (cry) went up to the-Heavens."

1Sam 10.6-7: And coming her on of you, Spirit of He Is (), and (W) the (H), She (T) prophesying
of (Y) Her (T) (-::-) will come upon you (Saul = King), and you will prophesy, hiding, and He will
turn you to one (another) man. And being (HYH), for She will come of (Y) them (HN) (:s:-) the-
these, the Signs doing (:r) to you, that She finds hand of you for the Gods (::s) of people of

2Sam 6.21: And he said, David to Michal (Sauls daughter), To face of He Is (that he danced naked),
who chosing [me] for more than (M) father of you, and more than (M) all of house of him, to
commanding with of me Ruler over people of He Is (), over He is Prince of God (Israel), and
Laughing of Me (Isaac) to face of He Is ().

2Sam 7.8: And now, this shall you will say (Nathan the prophet) to servant of [Me] to David, This
saying He Is () of hosts: I, to taking of Me (YT) [of] you from sheepfold, from [going] after the
sheep, to lives of you (-:) Ruler over people of [Me], over He is Prince of God (Israel).

2Sam 8.15-17: And he kinged, David (Sun), over all He is Prince of God (Israel) ... And Zadok son of
Ahitub and Ahimelech son of Abithar ["doing" - vs 15) [over] priests (Moon).

1Kings 6.1: And he was in eighty year and four hundreds year to coming out (1487 BC; Josh 14.10),
sons of Israel* from Earth of Egypts (plural) in the fourth year (1007 BC) ... to kinging of Solomons over
Israel* ...

1Kings 8.54: And he was, as finishing Solomon to the praying to He Is.() ... the-this rising ... from
kneeling on knees of him (on Earth) and mouth of him (e:) spreading of (Y) her (T) (-:e) [to] the-

1Kings 11.4: And he was, to time of old age, Solomon was old; (pagan) wives of him stretched of heart
in (B) him (W) (:::) after of gods (::s), one of them, and being (HYH) to (L) heart in (B) him (W)
(:::),[at] peace to He Is Gods of him (:s ), as heart of David father of him..
Note: This means, at peace to Gods, (although not stated clearly) that Solomon repented of his
paganism. This was predicted to his father, David; 2 Sam 7.15:
And love of Me, he wii not be taken from him (Solomon) as that the taking of Me (YT) from [doing]
with Saul whom removing of Me (YT) from face of you.

1King 14.25: And he was in year, the fifth, to kinging of Rehoboam ... (594 BC).

1King 15.25: ... in year two to Asa king of Judah ...
2Kings 2.6, 11: ... and two of them, they crossed over in (B) dry Ground (Earth) ... and looking a chariot
of fire appeared and horses of fire, and they separated between (:) two of them (Elijah & Elisha); and
Elijah, he went up in (B) a whirlwind [into] the-Heavens."

2King 25.2: And she came in siege, the city until doing of ten year to King Zedekiah (589 BC).

Ezra 4.14: In looking (s:), ceasing her (-:::) work of house of the God of Her that in Jerusalem,
and being () the ceasing (529 BC; reign of Cambyses II), until second year to kinging of Her
(-::::), Darius king of Persia (518).

Job 38.4, 8, 12: Where lives of you (-) (Job) in founding of [Me] (::) Earth? ..... And increasing
(::) in door of (Y) them (M) (:-:) [the] Sea, in (B) bursting him (W) (.:) coming from womb?
..... The from days of you, commanding of (Y) hers (T; "days") (-s), Morning, knowing She (T; days)
(-r) Morning of Her (H; days)?

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob


"Songs" (Psalms)

2.1. To why assembly of them (:. - them [W] assemble [:. - #7284), nations [12 Tribes] and peoples
[Judah and Israel], they talk empty [thing].
2.2. Kings of Earth [*Israel], and rulers, they stand, they will be found them together against 'He Is'
(HWHY; ) and against Anointed (Mt 12.14, 26.3-4) of Him [He-Saving^].
2.3. We will burst Her [*Israel] from instruction of Me of them, and we will cast away (Lk 19.14) all Her
from us of [Remnant Saved,] chains [wreathen] from them.
2.4. He sitting in Heavens [Stratopheres, or Governments], He laughs, Lord of [me] (.:), He laughs to
2.5. Then, He will speak against [folly] of them, in wrath of Him, He will kindle from trouble of them,
from [deeds of] them.
2.6. And, pouring of Me, King of Me ^[lpcu,], on Mount Zion (Rev 14.1), holiness of* Me.

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob

DANGLING PREPOSITIONS: The preposition, "of" with no object, has the "Implied Object" of the
speaker (usually, "me, him, her"; but sometimes, "them". We will note implied objects with (*) after the
preposition "of", and print the object unmarked.

2.7. I will scribe to statute, 'He Is' () saying to Me [^lpcu,], 'You [the] Son of Me with You, I going
of Me [to] You [in] the-day.' [Mt 3.17, Mk 1.11, Lk 3.22, Jn 1.34.]
2.8. Ask from Me and I will give Her [*Israel] nations [12 Tribes] [for] inheritance of You ^[lpcu,], and
ends of Earth* [for] possessions of You.
NOTE *: New Jerusalem = pagan Roman Empire in AD 77. The Earth [*Israel] = 1600
Furlongs; Rev 14.20; and "Ends of Earth" = 12,000 Furlongs [New Jerusalem]; Rev 21.16.

2.9. You will do them evil, with Rod of Iron, as he making pottery, You will break them (Rev 2.26-27).
2.10. And therefore, kings, judges of Earth [*Israel], wisdom of **God (:s) [is to] them, the chastening
of them. NOTE **: Here is one of only 395 times the single "God" is found in Hebrew Scripture.

2.11. Serving Him, of 'He Is' () in fear, and rejoicing them in trembling [of] Her [*Israel].
2.12. Kissing [of] them, Son, lest He is angry, and You perish them [from the] Way, for as a little wrath
of Him, He will burn; that of [mercy] of all sparing of [them] in Him.
NOTE: "In beginning Gods (plural; ::s) creating (participle) of the Heavens and the Earth"
(Gen 1.1).
The Israelites corrupted the name of "Gods" in the very first verse in the Bible, and consistently
for about 2,492 times. "God" (singular; :s) was recorded 395 times. There is a big difference between
"::s" and ":s." And a huge difference between "Two Gods" and "one God." The Bible consistently
recorded "Two Gods" from beginning to end. But the Christians preferred the Jews' blasphemy to the
truth, and have supported their lies for about 1900 years. However, there were exceptions. Matthew
Henry (1706), and Robert Brown (1848), wrote commentaries on Genesis, translating "::s" to be
"Gods" (plural). Then James Strong's Exhaustive Concordance, which has been world-famous for
centuries, defined "::s" to be "plural Gods."
[He said, plural gods was general meaning pagan gods. Specific plural Gods meant one supreme
God if you believe liars against the Living Gods (Father & Son; The God & The Lamb; One Lord &
One Cod. That is an awful lot of messing with the Bible.]
However, the churches and Bible translations have all; banned 5 names of God for over 1900 years.
These "Two Gods" were identified with several names. The Second Song (Psalm) lists them: "He Is"
() and "His Anointed" (2.2). Again they are listed: "He Is" () and "Son of Me" (2.7). Again
they are named: "He Is" () and "a Priest to ever after the order of Melchizedek." In the New
Testament they are: "Father and Son" (Mt 28.19; and the Holy Spirit is the messenger of the Two Gods).
Again they are named: "One Lord" and "One God" (Eph 4.5-6). Once more they are named: "For unto us
a Child is born, unto us a Son is given ... and name of Him will be called, 'Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty
God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace'" (Isa 9.6). And again, "And look, [One] like the Son of Man,
coming with the clouds of heavens. He came to the Ancient of Days and they brought Him near [Rev
11.15] before Him. Then to Him was given rule and glory and a kingdom [Millennium]" (Dan 7.13-14).
Finally, "the throne of the God and of the Lamb" (Rev 22.1, 3).
Then the writer mentioned ^Iesous (Anointed) as the King of Zion. The Lord broke His enemies
(*Israel) with cruel punishments. "Kiss the Son..." What does this say about monotheists?
CONTRA: Zoroaster was a pagan from Media, writing from about 650 BC to 575 BC. He was
the "father of monotheism." He named his newly invented god, 'AhuraMazda.' The Israelites, who wrote
the Greek Septuagint, must have been "converts" of Zoroaster, for they changed all of the records of
"plural Gods" to the single word, "God" in the Septuagint. Next the Papacy and the Pope took the
responsibility to promote "monotheism"; but they threw in the "trinity" for added attraction. Muhammad
followed hard on their heels, teaching, "Allah is one God." [So then, the world had Medians, Jews,
Roman Catholics, and Muslims teaching "monotheism." But the Bible teaches, "Two Gods."] Later,
Jehovah's Witnesses joined the club of "monotheists." Then the Christadelphians joined their ranks.
Barton W. Stone (Caine Ridge Revival) denied the "preexistence of Jesus." Finally, the Armstrong
Disciples denied that, "Jesus is God." [But after Mr. Armstrong's death, the new president wrote a book
apologizing to the world for their errors.]

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob

3.1. 'He Is' (), why many them troubling of* Me? many of them rising against [life] of* Me?
3.2. Many of them, ones saying to soul of* Me, 'There is no salvation of her [life] to Him ^[lpcu,] in
Gods [::s]. Rock (::).
3.3. And with her [soul of Me], 'He Is' [are] a shield about [life] of* Me, glory of* Me, and from lifting
them head of* Me.
3.4. I cry to 'He Is' (), voice of* Me, and He will give account of Me from Mountain of holiness of*
Him. Rock (::).
3.5. I, laying down of Me^, and I will Sleep [be buried], the waking of [Sleeping] of ^Me, for 'He Is' is
leaning of* Me. See: Mt 27.46, 50; 28.6.
3.6. I will not fear from multitudes of Her [*Israel] people [Israelites], that setting them around against
[life] of* Me.
3.7. Arise, 'He Is' (), the saving of ^Me, Gods of* Me (:s), for You struck to all enemies of* Me
[on] cheek, You broke teeth of wicked ones.
3.8. To 'He Is' [belongs] the salvation (Rev 7.10); over people of You [is] blessing of You. Rock (Selah).
NOTE: The crucifixion and resurrection of He-Saving^ were predicted, "I laid down and slept; I
awaked" (3.5).

4.1. In calling from where, hearing of Me, Gods of (:s) righteousness; the enlarging You to Me from
distress [is] mercy of* Me, and hearing prayer of Me.
4.2. When sons of man [war] against glory of* Me [turns] to shame, will You love emptiness of them?
will You seek lies of them? Rock (Selah; ::).
4.3. And knowing Him that 'He Is' () [is] the wonders to Him [^Iesous], 'He Is' the mercy, He will
hear in calling of* Me; God [of] Him (:s).
4.4. Tremble [of] Him, and you [will] not sin [against] Him (Eph 4.26), speak to Him in heart of you, on
bed of you; and still [wrath of] Him.
4.5. Offering Him sacrifices of righteousness and trusting Him, on 'He Is.'
4.6. Many ones saying, 'Who, he will see [for] us good? 'He Is' () lifting light [of] face of You on
4.7. You will give Her [*Israel] rejoicing in heart of* Her [*Israel] more than a time [of] many them;
grain and wine.
4.8. I will lay her [down] together, I will sleep them, for 'He Is', to You alone, You will dwell with me to
NOTE: Again the crucifixion and resurrection were mentioned: "I will lay down; You will dwell
to My salvation."

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob

16.1. Mark to David [added title]. God (:s) keep [soul] of* Me, for trust of* Me [is] in You.
16.2. I said to 'He Is' (), 'Lord (:s) of* [Me], good of* Me [is] not against [will] of You.
16.3. To holy ones who, they in Earth (*Israel), and nobles of* [Me], all of delight of* [Me]* [is] in them.
16.4. They will multiply sorrows of them, speeding them [to] other [gods], I (^Iesous) will not offer drink
[offering] of blood, and I will not take up names of them on lips of Me.
16.5. 'He Is' [being] number of portion of* [Me] and cup of* [Me]; You holding lot of* [Me].
16.6. Pledges, they will fall to Me, in pleasant [things], yes, inheritance of Her (Israel), good of Her will
fall to Me [New Jerusalem].
16.7. I will bless of 'He Is' (), who [is] He will counsel ^Me, even nights, He will instruct ^Me as
nights of ^Me.
16.8. Like of Me [to set] 'He Is' to face of* [Him] always, for [He is] from right [hand] of* Me, I will not
be moved.
16.9. Therefore heart of* Me [is] glad, and glory of* Me he rejoices, also flesh of* Me, he will rest to
16.10. For, You will not leave soul of* Me to Grave [no Hell, but, everlasting fire] You will not give
Holy [One] of You to seeing decay [corruption - KJV].
16.11. You will make known [to] ^Me Path of lives; fullness of joys with faces of You, pleasures of Her
[Path] in right of You [to] ever (Acts 2.25-28).
NOTE: Again, the crucifixion and resurrection were foretold: "You will not leave My soul in
Grave ."

47.1. All of nations [12 Tribes] blow (clap) them hand, shout them to Gods [::s] in singing voice.
47.2. For 'He Is' () most High, He is great, fearful King over all of the Earth [*Israel].
47.3. He will subdue nations under us [New Jerusalem], and peoples under feet of us (Rom 16.20).
47.4. He will choose to us [glory] of inheritance of us, of excellency of Jacob [*Israel] whom [He is]
loving. Rock (Selah).
47.5. Gods (::s) going up in shouting, 'He Is' in sound of trumpet (1Cor 15.52).
47.6. Singing them, singing them [to] Gods [::s], singing them, singing them to King of us.
NOTE: Quite frequently the Bible emphasizes a message by repetition.

47.7. Gods [::s] [is] King [of] all of the Earth [*Israel], singing them from wisdom.
NOTE: Wisdom is necessary for proper singing to God.

47.8. Gods 'Kinging' (::) over nations (12 Tribes), Gods (::s) dwelling on throne [of] holiness of
47.9. Princes of nations, they will gather them, people, those of Father of Many of Them (Abraham)
[meaning, "of faith"], for to Gods [belong] shields of Earth [*Israel]. He will go greatly.

DIGRESSION. Song 98 and Isaiah 55.12 will be inserted out-of-order to compare the phrase "clap them

98.1. From singing forth, songs of them to 'He Is' a new song (Rev 5.9; Rev 14.3; AD 77), for He did
wonders of Her, doing the salvation of Her to Him, right of us, and arm of holiness of Him.
98.2. The knowing 'He Is' saving them [From Word; elect] to eyes of the nations [12 Tribes], uncovering
righteousness of Him.
98.3. Remembering mercy of Him and faithfulness of Him to those of *Israel, seeing them all of ends [of]
Earth [*Israel] of salvation [of] Gods [::s] of us.
NOTE: Those "left behind" (in AD 77), would see their neighbors gone, and they would
remember the teaching of the "resurrection"; and figuratively speaking, "they would see the resurrection."
98.4. The Neighboring* of Him, to 'He Is' [], all of [True] Earth [*Israel] opening [mouth of] them,
and singing them, and singing them.
NOTE: * In this verse the saved are identified as "neighbor" of "He Is." In Deuteronomy 6.4,
"He Is" was identified as "Brother of you" [s]. The Jews made a clumsy attempt to change the letter
"K" () to a letter "D" (); which would read, "'He Is' one." The letter written over the "K" was twice as
thick as any other letter, and extended beyond the highest letter on the line. The Jews are the Antichrist
for denying the Blessed Son.
NOTE: "He Is" was "Brother of you" [*Israel]; and *Israel was "Neighboring of Him."

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob

98.5. Rejoicing them to 'He Is' with harp, with harp, and voice of rejoicing.
98.6. With trumpet and voice of trumpet, the 'neighbor' [Elect = from speaking] to face of the King, 'He
98.7. The Sea (Gentiles), he will roar and fullness of him, dwellers of World (Gentiles) in Her [Third
98.8. Rivers of Her [Third Heaven; = 7 Spirits of God; Rev 4.5], they will clap hand together, Mountains
[12 Tribes; Rev 7], they will rejoice them (Rev 7.10, 15, 17),
98.9. to face of 'He Is' (); for coming to judging the Earth [*Israel ss]; He will judge World
[Gentiles] in righteousness, and peoples in uprightness.
NOTE: Who are "rivers clapping hands of them"? This symbol, "rivers" is ambiguous. A)
"Egypts [always plural in Hebrew] rises up like a Flood, and [Her] Waters move like Rivers; and he says,
'I will go up [and] cover the Earth [*Israel]" (Jer 46.8). In this example, Rivers represented "invading
armies." B) "Look, I will do a new thing, now she Springs forth, you will not know Her, also I will make
Rivers in the desert" (Isa 43.19). These words indicated the "Living Water" (Holy Spirit) on the Day of
Pentecost. Song 98 is all about praising Gods, and so, the "Rivers clapping hand" would be the Seven
Spirits of God; or, the "Living Water." A literal interpretation would have no meaning.

ISAIAH 55.12.

For you will go [from] them in singing, and you will be led forth in peace, the Mountains [*Israel &
^^Judah] and the Hills [12 Tribes] will open, singing to faces of you, and all of Tree of the Field, they will
clap hand.
NOTE: "Tree" is a symbol for a "king." Judges, Chapter Five, listed several "trees" asked to be
"king" in a parable. Nebuchadnezzar (King), in a vision, was a "Tree" cut down (Dan 4.14). These "trees
clapping their hands" were "kings of the *Earth bringing their glory and honor into Her [New
**Jerusalem]" (Rev 21.24). So then, "trees" and "rivers" clapping their hands were "kings" and "7 Spirits
of God."

18.1. And He said, 'I will love You, 'He Is' (), strength of Me ^[lpcu,].
He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob

18.2. 'He Is', Rock of* Me, and Fortress of ^Me, and Deliverer of* Me, God (:s) of* Me, Rock of* Me, I
will trust in Him, Shield of* Me, and Horn [of] salvation of* Me, Defense of* Me.
NOTE: Remember the "dangling preposition." * When the preposition "of" has no object, then
the speaker is implied to be the object; in this example, this implied object is, "Me."

18.3. I will call [on] 'He Is' from praising, and I will be saved from enemies of* Me..
18.4. The Sorrows of death angering of us, and Brook of 'without profit'; he will make us afraid.
18.5. Coals of Grave (Hell) compassing about [feet] of us, Snares of Death prevented [hope] of us.
18.6. In distress to Me, I will call 'He Is' (); and I will cry to God (:s) of* Me. He will hear voice
of* Me, and cry of Me from temple of Him, to face of Him, she will come in ears of Him.
18.7. And the Earth [*Israel], she will shake, and she will shake (Mt 27.51), and foundation of mountains,
they will tremble, and they will shake, for kindling [of anger] to them.
18.8. Smoke went from nostrils of Him, and fire from mouth of Him, and you [*Israel] ate coals, them
burning from Him.
18.9. And He will stretch heavens, and coming down, and darkness under feet of Him (1Cor 15.27, Eph
1.22, Heb 2.8).
18.10. And He rode on cherub (cf. - 2Sam 22.8-12), and He did fly, and He did fly, on wing of wind.
NOTE: Repetitions are common in the Hebrew Scriptures.

18.11. He made darkness secret place of Him, about of ^Me (Iesous) [in] Him (Gods), dwelling [tent] of
Him [is] dark waters, clouds of skies.
18.12. From brightness before Him, clouds of Him passing Him [with] hail and coals of fire.
18.13. And, He thundered in heavens, and Most High, 'He Is' giving voice of Him; hail and coals of fire.
18.14. And He sent arrows of Him, scattering them hastily, and great lightnings, and He roared them.
18.15. And they were seen, river of waters, and they were made captive, foundations of the earth, from
rebuke of You, 'He Is' (); from blast of breath of nostrils of You.
18.16. He sent from [on] high, He took [hold] of Me, He drew Me from many Waters (Nations).
18.17. He delivered Me from strong enemy of us, and from hater of* Me, for strong them from [against]
18.18. They prevented Me in day [of] calamity of* Me, and 'He Is' () was stay to Me.
18.19. And He brought Me to large place, He delivered Me, for [His] delighting in Me.
18.20. 'He Is' rewarded Me in righteousness of* Me; He compassed about as cleanness hand of* Me to
of* Me.
18.21. For keeping of Me, way of 'He Is' (); and not evil of Me from God (:s) of* Me.
18.22. For all of judgments of Him before of [Him*], and statutes of Me (God) [to] them, I will not depart
[^Iesous] from God (:s) of* Me.
18.23. And I was without blemish with Him, and I kept from evil of us (*Israel).
18.24. And 'He Is' dwelling to righteousness of* Me, as cleanness [of] hands of* Me to before eyes of
18.25. With merciful, You [will be] merciful, and with man without blemish, You [will be] without
18.26. With pure, You will be pure, with man [of] disobedient nature, You will have a disobedient nature.
18.27. For You, You will save afflicted people, and You will bring low [ones with] exalted eyes.
18.28. For You, You will light lamp of* Me, 'He Is' (); God (:s) of* Me, He will shine [on]
darkness of* Me.
18.29. For in You, I will run [through] a band, and in Gods of* (:s:) Me, I will leap a wall.
He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob

18.30. Way of Him, the God (:s) [is] without blemish, sayings of 'He Is' [being] tested, this, a shield to
all of ones trusting in Him.
18.31. For who [is] God of Her [*Israel] (:s) but 'He Is' ()? And who [is our] Rock besides Gods
of us (::s)?
18.32. The God (:s) [is] the [one] from girding Me [with] strength, and He gives a perfect way of* Me.
18.33. From making (:[r]:) feet of* Me as a deer, and He is standing on high [realms] of Me,
18.34. from teaching hand of* Me to war, and he will stick fast [to] bow of bronze [in] arms of Me.
18.35. And You will give to Me a shield of salvation of You, and right [hand] of You, she will hold Me,
and delights of You, You made Me great.
18.36. You enlarged path of* Me under [going] of* Me and [You did] not slip them, feet of* Me.
18.37. I will pursue enemies of* Me, and I will overtake them, and I will not return them till consuming
18.38. I will wound them, and not able them [to] rising, they will fall under feet of* Me.
18.39. And You will gird Me [with] strength to battle, You will bow 'rising of [against Me*]'. under [feet]
of* Me.
18.40. And You giving her, neck of enemies of* Me to ^Me, and I will destroy them [who come] from
hating of* Me.
18.41. They cried, and none [came] from saving against 'He Is' (); and not [any] answering them.
18.42. And I beat them as dust on face of wind, as dust of streets I cast them out.
18.43. You delivered ^Me from strivings of people; You made ^Me to Head nations, a people not
knowing of Me [Anointed, He-Saving] will serve Me.
18.44. To hearing ear, they will obey to [words] of* Me, sons of strangers, they will submit to [command]
of* Me.
18.45. Sons of strangers will fade away, and they will be them afraid from border of Me [to] them.
18.46. 'He Is' () living and [is] blessed Rock of* Me, and this of salvation of* Me; He will be
18.47. The God, the giving vengeances to of* Me, and He will subdue peoples under [rule] f* Me.
18.48. From deliverance of* Me from enemies of* Me, also You will lift Me from violent man rising
[against] of* Me; You will deliver ^Me.
18.49. Against this, I will thank You, 'He Is' (), in nations, and I will sing to name of You.
18.50. From great savings [to] king* of Him, and doing mercy to anointed* of Him, to David, and to seed
of him to ever.
* "David" may be a symbol for "Iesous Anointed."

19.1. The Heavens* declaring them glory of God (:s), and 'the Broad Spreading' (r) [Firmament -
Gen 1.7] showing from working [of] hands of Him.
* Heavens = Governments = Sun, Moon, Stars = King, Priesthood, Prophets.

19.2. Day (Sun = King) to Day (King), he pours out speaking, and Night to Night**, he is knowledge.
** Night = Moon (Priesthood) and Stars (Prophets).

19.3. There is no speech, and no language [where] voice of them, he is not heard.
19.4. In all of Earth [*Israel] line of them going, and words of them (Sun, Moon, Stars), and in end of
World [Roman Empire], In them setting dwelling [tent] to Sun [Anointed, He-Saving].
NOTE: The apostle Paul interpreted verse four in Romans 10.15-21. The critical point was
expressed in Verse 10.17,
He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob

"So the faith from hearing, and the hearing through word of God."
The "limiting factor" in this verse is the word, "world." This was a symbol for the Roman
Empire, as "earth" was a symbol for Israel. Both the Bible and secular history confirmed that "all the
Earth (*Israel)" was spread to the "ends of the world" (Roman Empire).
The Israelites in Egypt translated the Old Testament into Greek in about 250 BC. Paul wrote to
Jews in Rome, Macedonia, Achaia, and Asia Minor; and Paul even mentioned Cyprus.
CONCLUSION: The kings of Israel and Judah [Peter quoted David - Acts 2.25; and Joel - 2.16],
declared the glory of God. The Priesthood (Moon) was quoted by Paul, 2 Samuel 22.50; Rom 15.9. The
Prophets (Stars) were quoted by Paul, Romans 10.15, 10.18, 10.19, 10.20, 10.21. So then, figuratively
speaking, the Sun, Moon, Stars declared the glory of God.
THE GREAT COMMISSION (Mt 28.19), reads, "Go therefore and make students of all nations
[12 Tribes] ..."
This was addressed to the apostles to the Jews (who were resurrecteded in AD 77), and the phrase
"all nations" was limited to the persons being addressed [1`2 Tribes of *Israel]. Then, in the Book of
Acts, Saul (later, named Paul) was commissioned to be the apostle to the Gentiles. These verses in
Romans (10.16-21) proclaim that the "Great Commission" (go to all nations) had been completed.
"But they have not all obeyed the good message. For Isaiah says, 'Lord, who has believed our
report?' So then faith from hearing, and the hearing through word of God. But I say, have they NOT
HEARD? Yes indeed, "Their sound has gone out to all the *Earth, and their words to the ends of the
World' [quoting Song 19.4]. But I say, DID *ISRAEL NOT KNOW? First Moses says, 'I will provoke
you to jealousy by those who are not a nation, I will move you to anger by a foolish nation.' But Isaiah is
very bold, and says, 'I was found by those who did not seek Me; I was made evident to those who did not
ask for Me.' But to *Israel he says, 'All day long I have stretched out My hands to a disobedient and
contrary people'" - Rom 10.16-21.
The Great Commission had been fulfilled in AD 58, when Romans was written.
DEISM is a fake religion teaching that men learn of God by looking at the "literal" heavens. [But
then, pagans worship the sun, and moon, and stars and know not God.] This fake religion goes on to add
that man is saved by his own righteousness, and needs no law or commandment or covenant. The Bible
contains about 1,125,000 words; and is almost entirely denied by Deists. "Deism" was dated to have
begun in the 1600s. Therefore, it is not based on the Bible. Writers promoting "Deism" included
Matthew Tindal (England), and Voltaire (France), and Thomas Paine (United States). BUT THEN, even
church men, who taught, and believed the "good message" of Anointed, He-Saving also taught Deism in
their commentaries on Song 19.
(1) "The heavens declare the glory of God ... The Heavens: these visible heavens, so vast and
spacious, richly adorned with stars, so various and admirable in their course or station, so useful and
powerful in their influence declared (not properly, but objectively, as the earth, and trees, and stars are
said to speak: Job 13.8 [12.8], 38.7, Isa 55.12); they demonstrate or make it evident and undeniable to all
men of sense or reason; they are as a most legible book; wherein even 'he that runs' [Hab 2.2] may read it"
- Matthew Poole's Commentary of the Holy Bible, Vol. 2, pp. 28-29.
(2) "He reproaches to man ingratitude, seeing the heavens which are dumb creatures, set forth
Gods' glory" - Geneva Bible, 1599, Psalm 19.1.
Paul's interpretation, "the good message speaks" is better, and not so insulting to man's
intelligence. The kings (Sun) and priests (Moon) and prophets (Stars) were quoted by Paul in his "good
(3) "From things that are seen every day by all the world the psalmist, in these verses, leads to the
consideration of the invisible things of God, whose being appears incontestably evident and whose glory
shines transcendently bright in the visible heavens ..." - Matthew Henry, 1710, Vol. 3, p. 301.
He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob

The Lord He-Saving^ (Iesous) taught that the rising and the setting of the sun were a sign of the
living God, but this was addressed to men who already knew about God. The Lord had not a word that
the "heavens" would convince anyone of the existence of the God.
(4) "The book of nature (vv 1-6), and that of Revelation (vv 7-10), alike have as their theme the
glory of God ... Day unto day utters speech. The testimony of the heavenly luminaries is an unceasing
one, and is transmitted by each one day and each one night ... The speech of the day is the echo of the
speech or testimony of the heavens" - Jamieson-Fausset-Brown, 1889, Vol. w, p. 142.
No Atheist could better state his position than these teachers of the "good message had done
concerning these verses. They had all overlooked the recorded periods of darkness, in which only the
"remnant" believed in God. If their vain ramblings were true once, they should continue true as the
Heavens had continued. But this has never happened.
When you do not understand the Bible, "let your words be few." These should all have kept their
mouths shut.

19.5. And they as a bridegroom coming from covering [canopy] of him, he will rejoice as mighty
[man] to run a path.
19.6. From rising of him [bridegroom] [is] from end of the heavens, and circuit of him to ends of them;
and nothing hid from [sight] of him [king, priest, prophet].
19.7. Law of 'He Is' () [being] perfect. from returning Her [*Israel's] soul; testimony of 'He Is', he
will be sure from [hearts] [of] wise of men [to] simple.
NOTE: This makes obvious the folly of Deism from verses 1-4.
19.8. Commandments of 'He Is' [are] Right one, from rejoicing heart; command of 'He Is' [being] clean,
lighting eyes.
19.9. Fear of 'He Is' () cleansing, enduring to ever. From judgments [of] 'He Is' [comes] truth,
righteous [to] them, together [to] them;
19.10. the 'he is pleasant of them [Judgments]' more than gold, and more than much gold, and sweet ones,
more than honey, and honey (5316) combs (6688).
19.11. Also servant of You, he is warned in them; in keeping them [is] great reward.
19.12. Who, he can understand errors of her* [his mind], from 'he will be secret of her (mind)'' provide
innocence of Me. NOTE *: Soul of God and man is recorded to be feminine. Isaiah 1.14, soul of Me,
hating her (feasts).
19.13. Also keeping servant of You from pride, they will not rule in [soul] of* me, then I will be without
blemish, and I will be fatherless [no "sins of the fathers"], and I will be innocent of me from great
transgression [of Man (Adam)].
19.14. Words of mouth of* me, and meditation of heart of* me, they will be acceptable to face of You,
'He Is' (), Rock of [me*], and Redeemer of* me.

20.1. 'He Is' hearing you in day of trouble, name of Gods of (:s) Jacob, He will defend you.
20.2. He will send help of you from holy [place], and from Zion He will strengthen you.
20.3. He will remember all of offerings of you, and He will accept burnt offering of you.
20.4. He will give (-) to you as heart of you [deserves], and all of counsel of you, He will fulfill.
20.5. We will rejoice in salvation of You, Gods of us (::s), and name of You we will [lift] banner,
'He Is' () fulfill all of desire of Me [in] you.
20.6. Now, knowing of me, that 'He Is' saves anointed of Him [probably, David], He will hear him from
heavens, [which is] holiness of Him, in saving strength, in right [hand] of* Him.
20.7. These [believe] in chariot, these in horses, and sighing of us in name [of] 'He Is' (); we
He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob

remember Gods of us (::s).
20.8. They (: - #1992), bowing them, and falling them [to idols], and sighing of us (::s - #584 -
13 Xs), rising of us (:: - #6965 - 314 Xs) and we testify (r-: - #8584 & #5715 testinony - 55 Xs)
20.9. The saving Her [*Israel], 'He Is' () the King, He will hear us, calling of us, in day.

22.1. God of* (:s) Me (Anointed, He-Saving^; Mt 27.46), God of* (:s) Me, to why forsaking You,
Me? [Why] far from saving of Me; [far from] words of roaring of Me?
22.2. Gods of* (:s) Me, I cry [in] day, and You hear not, and [in] night, and silence [is] not to Me (I
am not silent).
22.3. And with Her [soul of Me] (-s), Holy [One], He dwells [with] praises of Israel.
22.4. Fathers of us trusting them in You, and You delivered them;
22.5. crying them on You, and they were delivered in You, trusting them in You, and not confounding*
[of] them. * Confused, or Damned.
22.6. And I [will be] a Worm, and not a Man (:s); a Reproach of man (:s), and being despised of
22.7. All of [ones] seeing of* Me, they will laugh to ^Me, they let out in lip, they shake head [saying],
22.8. 'Trusting on 'He Is' (), He will deliver Him, He will deliver Him, for delighting in Him.'
22.9. For with her (-s) taking [Me] from womb, from hoping of* Me on breasts of mother of* Me.
22.10. On You the casting of Me (-) from broadening from womb [of] mother of* Me; God of* Me
with her (-s).
22.11. You will not be far from ^Me, for trouble [is] near, for there is not [one] helping.
22.12. Many bulls [will be] compassing about Me, strong [ones] of Bashan suffering ^Me;
22.13. opening them, mouth of them against of* Me, [as] a lion tearing and roaring.
22.14. As waters [is] pouring out of Me (-), and all of bones of ^Me, 'the You separating them'; heart of*
Me being () as wax, he will melt in midst of bowels of* Me.
22.15. Strength of* Me drying up as an earthen [pot], and tongue of* Me from sticking from [when]
taking of* Me [eating of Me]; and You will lip [speak] ^Me to dust [of] death.
22.16. For dogs encompassing ^Me, congregation from evil ones, 'the encompassing ^Me', as a lion [they
pierced] hand of* Me and feet of* Me.
22.17. I will number all of bones of Me (-), 'the what', they will stare them, fearing them in [state] of*
22.18. They will part clothes of* Me to them, and on clothing of* Me, they will cast a lot.
22.19. And You, 'He Is' (), You will not be far, Strength of* Me, speed to [be] help of ^Me.
22.20. The delivering Her from sword soul of* Me, from power of dog, only [One] of ^Me (-).
22.21. The saving of ^Me (:r:), hearing of ^Me (:-:r) from mouth of lion, and from horns of
him, buffalo.
22.22. I will declare name of You to Brother of* [#251 s:] Me in midst [of] congregation, I will
praise You.
22.23. Fear of* Me [being] 'He Is'; praise Him all of seed of Jacob, She [*Israel] [will] honor Him from
us, and sojourning [temporary dwelling] [with] Him all of seed of *Israel.
22.24. For not despising, and not abhorring affliction of afflicted, and not 'the hiding face' from us, and
hearing in crying to Him.
He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob

22.25. From [being] with You [-s:], praise of* Me in great congregation, I will pay vows of* Me
[with] fearing Him.
22.26. Meek, they will eat, and they will be satisfied, they will praise 'He Is' (); seeking Him; he
[Meek] will live to ever.
22.27. All of ends of Earth [*Israel], they will remember, and they will turn to Him, to 'He Is'; all of
*Earth they will worship before You, all of families of nations.**
** Nations = 12 Tribes of Israel. "All Israel will be saved" (Rom 11.26; future tense verb in AD 58),
"For they are not all Israel who are of Israel" (Rom 9.6). In other words, "the remnant saved" (also
stated, "few are saved") were divided from, "I will slay you [*Israel]" (Isa 65.15).

22.28. For to 'He Is' () [being] the kingdom and ruling in nations.
22.29. They will eat all of meat (fat) of Earth, and they will worship all of 'they will go down to dust',
and 'soul of him not being' ( s:) [meaning, "the resurrection of the dead"; AD 77], they will all bow
to before Him (Rom 14.4, Php 2.10).
22.30. A seed, they will serve Him, He will scribe to Lord of* (':s) [Me] a generation.
22.31. They will come, and He will declare, doing righteousness of Him, to people that 'he will be born'
[meaning, the kingdom is to ever; or, it will also be in the future].

24.1. The Earth [*Israel] [belongs] to 'He Is', and fullness of Her (), and dwelling of* [ones] in Her ().
24.2. For this, on Seas**, He founded Her (), and on Flooding** of Her (-), He established Her ()
NOTE: The letters "H" and "T" are both prefixed and suffixed to indicate the pronouns, "She"
and "Her." ** "Seas" and ** "floods" are symbols for "Gentiles." See: Isa 60.5. Often "invading
Gentiles" are intended.

24.3. Who will go up in Mountain [of] 'He Is'? And who will stand in place of holiness of Him?
NOTE: A) "Then I looked, and look, a Lamb [Anointed, He-Saving^] 'standing' on Mount Zion,
and with Him 144,000 [Firstfruits - vs 4] having name [of] Father of Him written in their Foreheads
[Minds]" - Rev 14.1.
And so, sometimes "Zion" and "Mountain of 'He Is'" are symbols for "Third Heaven"; the eternal
abode of God; and also the "resurrection." However, the prophecies of "New Jerusalem", which is the
kingdom of God on earth, also seem to describe "Third Heaven" sometimes.
B) "And he [angel] carried me away in the Spirit to a great and high Mountain, and showed me
the Great City, New Jerusalem, descending OUT OF heaven FROM God" - Rev 21.10.
"Her gates will not be shut at all by day (there will be no night there)" - Rev 21.25.
NOTE: The (Morning of) "Seventh Day" of the Parable of Creation was from AD 77 to End of
Time. The "Evening of the Seventh Day" was from AD 32-77. See: Jn 9.4-5.
"And he showed me a pure River of Water of Life, clear as crystal, proceeding from the throne of
the God and of the Lamb ... And there will be no more Curse [of the Law; Gal 3.13]; but the throne of the
God and of the Lamb will be in Her, and His servants will serve Him" - Rev 22.1, 3.
So then, this statement was ambiguous. Both the Rapture to Third Heaven, and the converts to
New Jerusalem on earth went up to "Mountain (Kingdom) of 'He Is'". And "the God and the Lamb 'came'
to New Jerusalem."

24.4. [Those of] clean hand and pure of heart, who not lifting soul of* him to idol, and he will not swear
to deceit.
24.5. He will lift blessing from Him with (-s:) 'He Is', and righteousness from God of* him; saving him.
He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob

24.6. This [is] generation [of] Jacob seeking Him, from seeking of* face of You. Rock (Cela).
24.7. Lifting them, head of you, gates, and the lifting them ever, door of* Zion, and King of the glory, He
will come.
24.8. Who [is] this? King of the glory, 'He Is' () strong and mighty, 'He Is' mighty [in] battle.
24.9. Lifting them, heads of you, gates, and lifting them ever, door of* Zion, and King of the glory, He
will come.
24.10. Who [is] this? The King of the glory, 'He Is' () of Hosts, this King of the glory. Rock (::).

We will examine parallel passages to confirm the meaning of "gates" and "door." These will be
Song 118.17-24, Isaiah 26.2, Isaiah 60.11, 18; Revelation 22.14, John 10.9, John 14.6; Heb 9.8, Heb
10.19-22; Revelation 22.14.

(1) SONG 118.
118.17. I will not die [permanently], for I will live, and I will declare works of 'He [of] Her' ().
NOTE: There is no name, "Yah" because there are NO VOWELS in Hebrew.

118.18. 'He [of] Her' () chastening, chastening Me, and to death He did not give Me [permanently].
118.19. Opening to Me Gates of righteousness, I will come in them, I will praise 'He Is.'
118.20. This the Gate to 'He Is' (), righteous ones, they will come in him.
118.21. I will praise You for hearing Me, and You are [Way] to salvation to ^Me.
118.22. Stone^, the ones building refusing Him, and She* is to head of corner.
NOTE: * "She" was Peter's proposition that ^(Iesous) is the Anointed, the Son of the living God"
Mt 16.16). "Testimony" (aao:u,) is a feminine noun in the Greek, and so, this testimony (She) is the
head of the corner.
118.23. From [^Anointed] with 'He Is' this, she will be, this, we will be marveled in eyes of us.
118.24. This the day [of] 'He Is' doing ( :r), we will rejoice, and we will rejoice in Him.
NOTE: Song 24 reads: "Lift up your heads, gates, and the King of glory [^Iesous] will come in."
But then, what is a King without a kingdom? ^Iesous was the "firstfruits" of them that slept (1Cor 15.20).
Now, this Song (#118) added that the "righteous ones will come in 'him'"; meaning the Gate. The King
came in, in Song 24, and the From-speaking (Elect) came in, in Song 118.

(2) ISAIAH 26.
26.1. In day, the-this [meaning, "this one"], he will be sung the song, the-this, in Earth of Judah, 'He does
(-:) salvation [for] Walls and Armies.'
NOTE: In Isaiah 60.18, 'You will call your walls salvation.' The 12 Messengers at the 12 Gates
of the Holy City were the 12 Tribes of *Israel (Rev 21.12). The "nation was built in one Day" (12
Months; Isa 66.8). The Wall was 144 Cubits (Rev 21.17) of "Salvation."
12 Tribes X 12 Months = 144 Cubits of Salvation.

26.2. Opening them, Gates, and he will come, righteous nation keeping faiths.
26.3. Potter (God), You will keep upholding peace, peace for [ones] trusting in You.
26.4. In trusting them in 'He Is' (:) to ever, for in "He' [to] Her' (), 'He Is' () Rock of Ages.
26.5. For bowing down dwelling of High City [Holy City was **Jerusalem], He (God) is high. He lays
Her [**Jerusalem] low, He lays Her low to earth, He brings Her down to ground.

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob

NOTE: The Gates of New **Jerusalem were opened for "ones trusting in You." And, this was
connected to the destruction of **Jerusalem, in AD 70. The resurrection followed in AD 77; or, in "this
generation" (Mt 24.34).

(3) ISAIAH 60.
60.1. Rising of* you [*Israel], shining of* you, for light of you [^Iesous[ coming, and glory of 'He Is' on
you rising.
NOTE: Remember the "Dangling Preposition; 'Of'". There is no object for the preposition, and so
an "implied" object is supplied by the translator. Usually the "Implied Object" is "me" or "Me." But
sometimes it is "him, her, them." The word "of*" is in the manuscripts, but the following word is added
unmarked, although we have explained that this is not to deceive, but to keep the text from becoming too

60.2. For look, the darkness, he will cover Earth [*Israel], and darkness to peoples, and on you He will
rise, 'He Is', and glory of Him on you; ^He will see Her [*Israel].
60.3. And Gentiles (Nations), they will come to light of you [^Iesous], and kings to brightness of rising of
you [New **Jerusalem].
60.4. Rising of you, eyes of you round about, and seeing you all of them (Gentiles; Rev 21.24), they will
gather, coming them to you [New **Jerusalem], sons of you [*Israel] from far, they will come, and
Daughter of Me [New **Jerusalem] [to] you on side; She [*Israel] will believe Her [New **Jerusalem].
60.5. Then you will see of* them, and River [Living Water] [in] Her (Rev 22.1); and fearing, and
enlarging to heart of you, for He will bring to you multitude of Sea [Gentiles], strength of Nations
[Gentiles]; they will come to You [New **Jerusalem; Rev 21.24].
60.11. And opening Gates of You [New **Jerusalem] continually day and night (Rev 21.25), they will
not be shut to the bringing to you multitudes of nations, and kings of them leading them.
60.12. For the nation and the kingdom of Her [*Israel; meaning the 12 Tribes] that will not serve You
[New **Jerusalem]; they will perish, and the nations wasting [12 Tribes of *Israel], they will be wasted.
NOTE: Early on, the Gates were to Third Heaven; the Eternal Abode of the God. See: Rev 4 & 5
& 7. A) Iesous entered the Gates first. B) The Old Heavens Resurrection entered the Gates after their
King, ^Iesous. C) But in this Song, and throughout the Bible, God introduces other Gates for "those left
behind." And these 12 Gates are to New **Jerusalem on earth. Even while they were denying the Lord
Anointed, He-Saving^ God was testifying that He would save the Jews in the future. See: Rom 8.19-23
("Creation" = Heaven & Earth; which is an epithet for *Israel); Rom 11.23, 26-27.

(4) JOHN.
10.9. I am the ^Door. If anyone enters by ^Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture.

14.6. ^Iesous said to him, 'I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except
through ^Me.

9.8. the Holy Spirit indicating this, that the Way [^Iesous] into the Holiest of All [Third Heaven] 'is not'
[present tense] yet made manifest while the first tabernacle standing (pres. Ptcp.).
NOTE: Here we have encountered a "limited generality" (and, there are many of them in the
Bible). Paul was writing to the "lost Jews." They would not know the Way until the tabernacle was
destroyed in AD 70 This was written about AD 66. But many, who were not of "the lost Jews" being
addressed, had known the Way since ^Iesous' ministry in the flesh.

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob

10.19-22. Therefore brothers, having boldness to enter the Holiest [Third Heaven] by the blood of He-
Saving (lpcu,), by a new and living Way which He made holy for us, through the Veil, that is, His flesh,
and having a High Priest over the house of the God (:cu :cu), we will draw near with a true heart in full
assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure
NOTE: The flesh of ^He-Saving was a Veil; or, a temporary Door to enter the house of the God.

22.14. Blessed are those who do His commandments, that they [New **Jerusalem; vs 21.2] will have the
right to the Tree of Life [^Iesous], and will enter through the [12] Gates into the [Holy] City.


32.1. That of (:s) bearing away of us (::) of transgression (r:e - #6588 - 104 Xs)), covering him
of sin (s: - sin - 473 Xs).
32.2. That of man 'He Is'() will not think iniquity against him, and no deceit in spirit of him (Rom
32.3. For the silence of me, bones of* me age [old] them, in roaring of me all of the day.
32.4. For day and night she was heavy on [body] of* me, and hand of You [on me], moisture of* me, he
was turned into drought of summer. Rock (::).
32.5. I, knowing of ^Me sin of me, and iniquity of* me, not hiding of me. Saying of ^Me, 'I will praise to
'He Is' [for] transgression of* Me, and with her [soul of ^Me], You lifting iniquity [of] sins of* ^Me.'
Rock (::).
32.6. Against this, he she-praying (::e- - he [Y]) - she [T] - praying - LLP), all of merciful [pray] God
of you (:s) to time [of] finding [You]. Surely to rising Waters (Nations), mighty ones, God of him
(:s), they will not breath the last [breath] (r. - #1478 - 14 Xs). "She = soul of man.
NOTE: Anointed, ^He-Saving is God. See: Jn 20.21, Jn 1.1, 11; Mt 1.23; Eph 4.5 (One Lord and
One God). ^Iesous prays to Lord, the God, The [One] [keeping] the all Power [and] Time (Rev. 4.8), for
His servants.
So then, "He [righteous man; Y] and she (soul of man) [T]- praying all of merciful God - LA - of
- Y - You - K - to time finding but ..."
"He" (Y) is the Person Indicator of the verb. "She-praying" is a verbal phrase indicating prayer.
We have run across several double-prefixes of two Person Indicators. The first one identifies the
"person" while the second one is part of a "phrase" describing an action. Enoch was described this way in
Genesis 5.22, :- = and (W) he (Y) she-going (KLHT). James Strong identified, "she-going"
(#8418) as, "proceeding." Here, "she-praying" possibly refers to "the soul of man" (she).

32.7. [come] over (-s) Her [ = *Israel]. You will preserve me, hiding to [soul] of* me from trouble,
You will compass about me [with] song of deliverance. Rock (::).
32.8. I will instruct you, and I will teach you in way that you will walk, I will counsel Her [*Israel], eyes
of Me [will be] on you.
32.9. You will not be him (them) as horse, as oxen, not understanding to holding in bit and bridle, ever of
him (horse) not coming to you.
32.10. Many sorrows to wicked, and the trusting in 'He Is' (); He surrounds us [with] mercy.
32.11. Rejoicing them in 'He Is', and rejoicing them, righteous ones, and singing of us, all of upright of
He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob


33.1. Rejoicing them, righteous ones in 'He Is' (), praise [is] comely to upright ones.
33.2. Glorying them to 'He Is' in harp, singing them in psaltry [with] ten [strings],
33.3. that sing to Him, to Him, a new song, the playing well of them in noise.
33.4. For word of 'He Is' () [being] right, and all of works of Him [are done] in truth.
33.5. To [one] loving righteousness and judgment, the Earth [*Israel] filling Her [with] mercy [of] 'He Is.'
33.6. In word of 'He Is', heavens, He made them, and in breath of mouth of Him [He made] all of host of
33.7. gathering waters of the sea, as fleeing, He gave in depth of Her (Sea) in treasure [house].
33.8. They will fear 'He Is' (), all of the Earth [*Israel], from habitation [of] all of dwellers of world,
they will fear.
33.9. For this, speaking, and he was, this, commanding and he stood [treasure house].
33.10. 'He Is,' the breaking counsel of nations, the disallowing [of] devices [of] people.
33.11. Counsel of 'He Is', she will stand to ever, thoughts of heart of Him to generation and generation.
33.12. That of (:s) the body of (. - #1460 - 11 Xs) [believers] who 'He Is Gods' of them (:s
), the people choosing to inheritance to Him.
33.13. From heavens 'He Is', the looking down, seeing Her [*Israel] of all of sons of the Man (Adam).
33.14. From place, You again [look to] Him [+Jacob], the error on all of [ones] dwelling of the Earth
33.15. The forming together heart of them, the [mind] from understanding to all of [works] from doings
of them.
33.16. There is no [occasion], the king, he will be saved in multitude of host; a mighty [man], he will not
be delivered in great strength.
33.17. The horse [is] a vain thing to safety, and in great strength of him, he will not deliver.
NOTE: A parallel Scripture with this thought is, Assembly (Eccl.) 9.11: "... the race is not to the
swift, nor the battle to the strong ... but time and chance happen to them all."
In other words, God determines the victory. Mary Slaney was in a 16 Kilometer international
race, and she led from the start until 110 yards from the finish line, and a man leaned out on the race track
and knocked her down.

33.18. Look, eye of 'He Is' () on 'fearing of Him' (s), to hoping ones to mercy of Him;
33.19. to the delivering soul of them from death, and to keeping them alive in famine.
33.20. Soul of us, waiting her to 'He Is' help of us, and this, shield of us.
33.21. For in Him heart of us, he will rejoice for trusting us in name [of] holiness of Him.
33.22. He will be, mercy of You, 'He Is' on us as that we will hope to You.

Song 52.8: And I (David) as a Green Olive Tree in the house of Gods; trust of me (YT) in the mercy of
Gods to ever and ever.

79.1. Gods (::s), nations coming them in inheritance of You (^^Judah), defiling them temple of
holiness of You, laying them to heaps, **Jerusalem;
NOTE: King Nebuchadnezzar, and his Babylonian army destroyed **Jerusalem and the temple,
and carried off ^^Judah to Babylon, in 588 BC.

79.2. giving them carcass of servants of You from eating Bird (Nation) of the Heavens (Governments),
He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob

flesh of holy [ones] of You to Beast (Nation) of *Earth;
NOTE: Babylon and Egypts were two "eagles" in Ezekiel 17.3, 12-15.

79.3. shedding them blood of them as water round about them, **Jerusalem. And there is no burying.
79.4. Lives of us (:) a reproach to neighbors of us. A scorn and derision to round about of You, of us.
79.5. Until when, 'He Is' (), You will be angry? To ever jealousy of You, she will burn like fire,
79.6. pouring wrath of You on the nations that they have not knowledge of You, and on kingdoms that
call them not in name of You.
NOTE: While in captivity, and begging for an end to the wrath of Gods, the writer recites his
belief in the prophecies of God. Some of these prophecies were: Isa 13 & 14 (fall of Babylon and
Belshazzar; see: Dan 5.30), and Jer 51.42-57, and Eze 39.6; (Gog is king of Babylon).

79.7. eating of +Jacob and habitation of him, desolating them.
79.8. You remember not against us hasty iniquities [of] heads of us, them; mercies of You, they will
prevail us, for bringing low of us [is] great.
NOTE: ^^Judah had hope in the prophecies of God. There would have been no hope without
prophecy. [The same thing is true today. ^Iesous had prophesied the punishment of the Beast (Papacy)
and False Prophet (Pope; Rev 20.10), which is happening today, and will be concluded in AD 2015.]

79.9. Helping us, Gods (::s) of saving of us, for speaking [911 Times] of glory of name of You, and
deliver us, and purging against sins of us to sake of name of You.
NOTE: We should be speaking of the present glorious works of God against the Pope, and of
future glories of God.

79.10. To why the nations saying, 'Where [is] Gods of them (::s)? He will [be] know[n] in nations
to eyes of us; revenging blood of servants of You. The shedding,
79.11. she will come to face of You, [and] sighing of prisoner, preserving sons of death [^^Judah] [by]
greatness [of] arm of You.
79.12. And give back to neighbors of us [Babylonians] seven-them into bosom of them, [and] reproach
them that [were/are] reproaching You, Lord of [Me] (:s).
NOTE: Cyrus the Persian was named (before he was born) by Gods, and titled, "My shepherd"
and "My anointed" (Isa 44.28-45.1). He took Babylon in 539 BC. They rebelled in 519 BC, and the king
of Persia, Darius I, subdued them.

79.13. And sighing of us (::s #584 - 13 Xs), people of You, and sheep of pasture of You, praising to
You to ever, to generation and generation. We will scribe praise of You.

Song 89.
Introduction: We will remind the reader once again, that Hebrew reads from right to left, unlike English,
which reads from left to right. So then, when we present the Hebrew word: "LBA" (Mourning); you will
remember how to read it. And "LBH" is "the Mourning"; where the prefixed letter "H" suppresses the
letter "A" in Mourning, and represents the word "the."

Also, we will remind the reader once again that, "There are no vowels in Hebrew."

Here is a list of the names of "Gods" (Plural).
He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob

1. Adonay (:s); Strong's #136, "Lord of"; found 410 times.
2. Adown (s); Strong's #113; found 218 times. Total (#1 & #2) = 628 times.
3. "God" (Singular); Strong's # 410 (:s) found 395 times.
4. "God" (Singular); Strong's #426 (:s ; God of her), found 92 times.
5. "God" (Singular); Strong's # 433 (:s; God of her), found 46 times.
Total Bethel (house of God 66 times; plus #s 3 & 4 & 5) = 599 times.
* The "Removable Waw (W)" is ignored.
6. "Gods" (Plural); Strong's #430 (::s); found 2,492 times.
NOTE: "Gods" (Plural) is 80.62 percent of all of these references to God.

7. "He Is"; Strong's #3068 (), found 6,735 times. ( = participle, "being"; prefix "" = "He").

89.1. I will sing to Her [*Israel] mercy of 'He Is' to ever, to generation and generation. I will know
faithfulness of You in mouth of me.
89.2. For saying of me, mercy He builds to ever. You establish [mercies], in them, heavens.
89.3. Making of Me (Gods) covenant to chosen of Me, swearing of Me to David, servant of Me.
89.4. Seed of you [David] I will establish to ever, and building of Me, throne of you [^Iesous; Rev 3.7 -
key of David] to generation and generation. Rock (::).
89.5. And Heavens [Governments] will praise wonders of You, 'He Is'; also faithfulness of You in
assembly of holy ones.
89.6. For who in Cloud [Heaven] can compare to 'He Is', [who] in sons of God of them, he is like 'He Is'
89.7. God (:s), He will [be] dreaded in assembly of holy ones, and greatly He will [be] feared against all
of round about him.
89.8. "He Is Gods' of hosts (-s:s :s ), who as from You, mighty 'He Is'? And faithfulness of
You round about of me [are] You.
89.9. You ruling in the surging Sea [Gentiles], in waves of him, You scattered enemies of You [Seven
nations of Canaan - Deut 7.1, Josh 3.10].
89.10. You, in arm of strength of You, You broke Rahab [Egypts], You scattered enemies of You.
89.11. To You [belong] Heavens [Governments], also Earth [*Israel], World [Gentiles], and fullness of
Her. You, You founded them.
89.12. You, You created them, north and south, Tabor and Hermon; they will rejoice in name of You.
TABOR: Mountain (Kingdom) - Jer 46.18. HERMON: Mountain (Kingdom) - Deut 3.8. Note: They
rejoiced when ^Iesous' "good message" was brought to them.

89.13. To You, arm with might, hand of You; she is strong, right [hand] of You, she is high.
89.14. Righteousness and judgment place of throne of You, mercy and truth, they go [to] face of You.
89.15. That of (:s) the people knowing of shouting [to] 'He Is' (); they will walk in light of face
of You.
89.16. In name of You they will rejoice all of the day, and they will offer in righteousness of You.
89.17. For You [are] glory of strength of them [assembly], and in favor of You, You will exalt Horn
[Kingdom] of us.
89.18. For to 'He Is' [being] Shield of us, and to Holy [One] of ^David [is] King of us.
89.19. Then speaking You in vision to faithful ones, and You said, 'Laying of Me help on mighty; the
exalting of Me in chosen [one; ^David] from people.
He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob

89.20. From finding of Me, servant of Me, with oil of holiness of Me, from anointing ^Him of Me.
89.21. That hand of Me, she will establish people of him [David,/Iesous^], anger of Me, she will
strengthen him.
89.22. Enemy, he will not deceive him, and son of wickedness, he will not afflict him.
89.23. And beating down of Me, from face of him [David/Iesous^], foes of him, and I will plague from
hating of him.
89.24. And faithfulness of Me, and mercy of Me with ^Him, and in name of Me, Horn [Kingdom] of
^him, she will be established.
89.25. And setting of Me, in Sea [Gentiles], hand of ^Him, and on right [hand] of ^him in Rivers
89.26. This [is] calling of ^Me (:s David/Iesous^), 'You, Father of ^Me (:s) with Her (-s), God
of ^Me (:s), Rock of salvation of ^Me.
89.27. Also I will give ^Him [My] firstborn [^Iesous], higher than to kings of Earth [*Israel].
89.28. I will keep to ^Him to ever mercy of Me and covenant of Me. We will stand her to ^Him. ["We"
= Gods and mercy and covenant.]
89.29. And keeping of Me to ever, Seed of ^Him [^Anointed - Gal 3.16], and throne of ^Him [Rev 3.7] as
days of Heavens [Governments].
89.30. If sons of him, they forsake law of Me, and they walk not in judgments of Me;
89.31. if they break statutes of Me, and they keep not commandments of Me;
89.32. and visiting of Me, transgressions of them with rod, iniquity of them with stripes;
89.33. and, I will not take mercy of Me from people of him (*Israel), and I will not lie in faithfulness of
89.34. I will not break covenant* of Me, and I will not alter going out of lips of Me.
* Jer 31.31-34; *Israel broke the covenant, and 'He Is' made a New Covenant with a New People.

89.35. Once, swearing of Me, in holiness of Me, I will not lie to David [1Sam 15.28-29].
89.36. Seed of him [^Anointed], He will be to ever, and throne of ^Him as sun before Me [Rev 3.7].
89.37. He will be established [House of David/Anointed^] as Moon [^Priesthood] to ever, as a faithful
Witness in Sky [Heavens = Governments]. Rock (::).
89.38. And You, You cast off, You hated, and wrath of You [against] 'anointed people' [*Israel] of You.
89.39. You made void covenant of servant of You, the profaning of You crown of him (*Israel) to *Earth.
NOTE: Either 588 BC, when Babylon destroyed **Jerusalem; or else, AD 70 when Rome
destroyed **Jerusalem.

89.40. You broke [down] all of hedges of *him, setting You strongholds of *him [to] destruction.
89.41. All of [those] passing our way, speaking *him, the reproach to dwelling of *him.
89.42. You exalted right [hand] of adversaries of *him, the rejoicing all of enemies of *him.
89.43. You also turned [away] edge of sword of *him, and not [supporting] the standing of *him in battle.
NOTE: These reproaches are not against David, but against his *throne after he died.

89.44. The ceasing of You from splendor of *him, and You cast throne of *him to earth.
89.45. The shortening of You [of] day of youths of *him [588 BC], the covering on *him [was] shame.
Rock (::).
89.46. What more [how long?] 'He Is' (), You will hide to ever? Wrath of You, she will burn as
more than fire?
89.47. Remember how short I [am], against what creating of You, vanity [to] all of sons of Man (Adam).
89.48. What man, he will be and not see death? -- he will deliver soul of ^Him from hand of the grave
(:s:)? Rock (::).

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob

THE ANSWER TO: "What man?" is Anointed, He-Saving^ the Son of the God.

89.49. Where the mercy of You, the to ever ones? -- [those] You swore to David in truth of You?
89.50. Remember Lord of [Me] (:s), the reproach of many nations, [against] servants of You, bearing
of me in bosom of ^Me.
89.51. that the reproaching them, enemies of You, 'He Is' () that reproaching them footsteps of
'anointed'* [*Israel] of You.
* God 'anointed' a New People: Zec 12.10-14; Rev 22.1.

89.52. Bless 'He Is' () to ever. Truth and truth.

Song 92.12-14: Just as Palm Tree, he will flourish, he will grow as a Cedar in Lebanon. Planting of
them in the house of He Is () they will flourish in the court of Her, Gods of us (::s). They will
still bear Fruit in old age ...

Song 60.14-15: Gods (::s) of hosts, returning now, speaking from Heavens and seeing, and visiting
this Vine (*Israel) and building that planting Her, right hand of You, and ^Son strengthening You (T) Her
(H) (-s:s).

Song 96.4-5: For He Is [being] great, and greatly praising; he (man) will fear this, above all of (Pagan)
gods (::s; see: Gen 1.1). For all of gods of the Peoples (Gentiles) are idols, and He Is doing (:r)

Song 128.1, 3: That of all of [one] fearing He Is (), the going in ways of Him ... Wife of you as
fruitful Vine in sides of Me (YT) house of you; sons of you as Olive Plants all around table of you.

Song 135.15: The idols of the Nations (Gentiles) silver and gold, from doing her (:r:) hands of man."

Song 148.13: They will praise of name [of] He Is (), for He will return (:::) name of Him to (L)
alone of him (W) (::) glory of him above Earth and-Heavens."

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob

Selected Old Testament Verses.

Prov 25.2: Glory of Gods (::s) the concealing a speaking (Scripture), and glory of kings searching
out a speaking (interpretation of Scripture).

Jer 3.4: The-not, from now, calling of ^Me (-; New **Jerusalem), to ^Me, Father of [^Me], You guided
[from] youth of [^Me].

Jer 3.19. And as (:) I (::s), saying of Me (-), How I will set ^You in sons and I will give to ^You,
*Earth [New **Jerusalem], a pleasant inheritance, glorious hosts of nations, and [*Israel] saying, Father
of [Me], you will call him (+Jacob) to Me, and from after of [Me] you will not return him.
NOTE: This is deep! Possibly, it is a warning to New **Jerusalem not to return to Judaism.

Jer 6.18-19: Therefore hearing him, the nations, and knowing congregation of that in them. The *Earth
hearing of [them]. Look, as (K) I (::s) from (M) bringing evil on the-this, the *people.

Jer 14.2-3: ^^Judah, mourning her (::s), and gates of her languishing them; and commanding Her to
*Earth blackening them against You of Her, **Jerusalem, and nobles of them, sending them, servants of
them to waters, going them against pits, finding them no waters; returning them, vessels of them empty

Jer 16.4: From deaths of [me] [from] sicknesses of them, they will die; they will not be mourned and not
they will be buried, to dung on face of the ground they will be, and in sword and in famine they will be

Jer 31.12: And coming them, and singing them in heights of Zion, He will cleanse him in goodness of
He Is () on wheat, and on wine and on oil and on *sons of flock and herd ... and they will no more to
sorrowing again.

Jer 31.32: covenant of Me (YT), not as (K) I (::s), Man of Me (YT) (-:r:) [Husband] to them,
saying He Is () NOTE: This phraseology means, not as the first covenant.

Jer. 31.33: giving of Me (YT) (- -:) of law of Me in midst (: : :) of **them, and on to heart
of them (: :: :r ), I will write her (: :-: s), and lives of Me (YT) (- ) to Gods (::s:)
to them, and, the-them (:), *they will be them to Me to people.
NOTE: Promise of New Covenant to New **Jerusalem after annihilation of *Israel.

Jer 49.19: See, as a Lion, he (Babylon) will come up (:r) from pride of the Jordan against habitation
of strong

Jer 51.16: You giving him* ( - -) to voicing multitude of waters in the heavens, and He is over

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob

(:r) clouds from end of her, *Earth, doing (:r) lightnings to rain, He brings wind from store of Me
(YT) to him*. NOTE *: him = Babylon.

Lam 5.17: On account of this heart of us being () faint; on account of these things eyes of us
dimming them. (See also: Ps 6.7, 31.9.)

Eze 1.9: Touching ones (T) each to other of her, as wings of them not they turned in to move them, each
to ahead face of them to going them.

Eze 1.24-25: And I heard of voice (Spirit?) in wings of them as voice (Spirit?) of many Waters (Nations
and King of kings). I heard the noise of their wings, like the noise of many Waters (Nations), as voice
(Spirit?) of Might of (:) [Him], in going them, voice (Spirit?) of tumult, as voice (Spirit?) of camp
(Body), in standing of them, she weakened [lowered KJV] her, wings of them. And he was a voice
from [there[ against to expanse (firmament = Heavens = Governments) that against Head (God?) of them
in standing of them, she weakened [lowered] her wings of them - Eze 1.24-25.

Eze 1.27: And I saw, as eye, amber, from seeing her [sight], fire housing to her [sight], around from
seeing her [sight] waist of him, and to upward, and from seeing her [sight] waist of him and to down, and
I saw as from seeing her [sight] the amber that he is in cloud in day of the rain, so, from seeing her [sight]
the brightness around, this from seeing her [sight] likeness of glory of He Is (), and I saw her [sight],
and falling on face of [me], and I heard voice from speaking - Eze 1.27.

Eze 3.14: And Spirit, lifting You (T) of me (YN) (:-s::), and You took me, and against You (near
You) bitterness in wrath of her (Spirit of me) hand of He Is () strong her (hand) on me.

Eze 6.7: The slain shall fall in your midst, and you shall know, for I [am] He Is ( :s).

Eze 8.3: He sent pattern of a hand, and He took me in fringe of head of [me]; and she (hand) lifted me
and spirit of me between the earth and between the heavens, and she (hand) brought me to **Jerusalem,
in from seeing of her of Gods (::s) to door of gate, the inner one, the facing to north that name from
dwelling of image of the jealousy, the one making jealous.

Eze 14.21: How much more it shall be when I send My four severe judgments on **Jerusalem -- the
sword and famine and noisome beasts and pestilence -- to cut off man and beast from it?

Eze 16.9-10: And I washed you in waters, and I overflowed you from blood on you, and I covered you in
oil. And I (God) clothed you (*Israel) in embroidered cloth and I shod you with badger skin ...

Eze 37.22: And doing of Me (YT) with them to one nation in Earth (*Israel), in Mountains (Kingdoms)
of *Israel; and one King (^Iesous) he will be King to all of them to King, and they will not be again to
two nations and they will not be divided to two kingdoms again.
NOTE: Prophecy of New **Jerusalem after the annihilation of *Israel.

Eze 40.2: In seeing of Her, Gods (::s), the bringing of me to Earth of *Israel and He rested me on a
very high Mountain (Kingdom); and against him, as frame of city on south. (See: Isa 33.20-23a.)

Dan 2.44: And in the days of Her (H) of them (N), that of these kings (Babylon, Persia, Greece, Rome)
God of Her (:s), the Heavens, He will raise a kingdom of them to hiding, which she will not be
destroyed; and kingdom of her to other people, she will not be left; she will break and she will consume
all of those, the kingdoms (Rev 11.15), and this standing to the evers.

Dan 3.17: If where of me (YT) the Gods of us (s::s) whom, the sighing us (s::s) serving of Him,
[He is] able to the (A) delivering of Her (T) of us (s:-::::) from he will fear (.) furnace, the
(A) burning Her (T), and from hand of you, the (A) king, He will deliver.

42 MONTHS. The 1260 Days has been foretold by Daniel:

Dan 7.25: He will speak words to side of The (A) High (s:r), and He [spoke] to holy ones of them of
(::) Most High of us (YN) (::r), he will make the old, and he will burden to changing time
and law, and he will be () in (B) [control] of (W) them (N) (::) in hand of him for a time and times
and half a time.

Dan 7.27: And kingdom of them and the (A) rulers of us (s::::) and the (A) greatness of Her which
kingdoms of Her under all of the (A) heavens, He (Y) will be [give] Daughter (-:) to people, holy
of Most High, she will kinging her, kingdom of her (T) Everlasting and all of the (A) rulers of [her]
(s::::) to Him they will serve Him, and they she (T) will obey them (W) (r:-:).
* Possibly, the daughter (which symbolizes a new government frequently) was the Millennium.

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob

Dan 8.26-27: And after (s) the 62 sevens ^Anointed will be cut off, but not for Himself. And the
prince of the people who is to come (Titus) will destroy the city and the sanctuary (AD 70). And end of
him as a flood, and till (r) the end of battle (AD 73) he will determine desolations of her. And He (the
^Anointed) will confirm a covenant to many [for] one seven (AD 28-35); and middle of the seven (AD
32) dwelling of her, sacrifice and offering (Col 2.14). And on wing of abominations of them from
desolate and until (r) consummation and he will determine her, she is given on desolate ones.

Dan 11.44-45: And rumors, he will trouble her and him, from east (Egypts) and from north (Rome), and
he will come in great fury to destroy and to kindle many ones. And he will plant dwelling (tabernacle) of
palace of him between seas to mountain of glorious holiness [Zion], and coming to end of him and no
helping to him.

Dan 12.8-9: Although hearing of me (YT), and not I did understand. And I said her [soul of me], Lord
of [me], what after of her (T), these? And he said, Go Daniel, for the sayings of them, closing of them,
and sealing of them until time of end.
NOTE: Daniel confessed he did not understand his vision. Peter and Paul wrote the Jewish prophets did
not understand their messages. BUT THEN we have a host of fools on the Internet teaching, thought
for thought is a better method of translation than literal translation. They all despise the very words of
the Living God.

Hosea 1.9: And He said: Calling name of *him, Not people of [Me] (:r s:), for with them not
people* of [Me], and as (K) I (::s), I Am not to *you.
Hosea 1.10: And being () number of sons of *Israel as sand of the sea that he will not be measured
and he will not be numbered, and being () in place (*Israel) that he was said to them, You not
people of [Me], he will be said to them, Sons of living God ( :s).

Hosea 2.20m 23: I will betroth you to Me in faithfulness, and knowing of you (YT) of He Is () ...
Then I will say to those who were not My people, You are My people! And they shall say, Gods of
[**me] (:s)! - Rev 21.3.

Hosea 8.1: To lips of you trumpet! As an Eagle against the house of He Is (), because they have
transgressed them covenant of Me (YT) and trespassed them against law of Me (YT).

Hosea 13.12, 14: The iniquity of Ephraim is bound up, his sin is stored up ... Pity is hidden from eyes of

Joel 2.27: And you will know them, for in midst of *Israel I (:s), and I (:s), He Is Gods of you
(:::s ) and no other, and they will not be ashamed, **people of [Me] to ever.

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob

Micah 3.4: and He will hide face of Him from them ... as that the evil of them from doings of them.

Zeph 3.9: For then I will restore to the **peoples a pure language, that they all may call on the name of
He Is (), to serve Him with one accord.

Hag 2.6-7: For this saying He Is of Hosts (-s:s ). Ones [plural] more, soon this, and I from
shaking of the Heavens and of the Earth and of the Sea (*Israel & Gentiles), and of Dry, and the
shaking of Me (YT) of all of the Nations (*Israel & Gentiles), and coming Him (^Iesous), Desire of Hers,
all of the nations, and filling of Me (YT) of the house, the-this, glory, saying He Is of Hosts (-s:s
). Heb 12.25-29.

Zec 4.6: What are these, my lord? [The answer is sealed in symbols until the days of the apostles] ...
not by might and not by power, for rather in Spirit of Me saying He Is of hosts (-s:s ).

Zec 4.10: For who despising to day of small [things], and they will rejoice them, and seeing them of the
plumb line, the [one] in [hand] of God (::*) in hand of Zerubabbel. These seven eyes of He Is
(), the-them, from (M) turning of them (-MY) in all of the Earth (*Israel). * () = the in God.

Zec 4.14: These Two of sons of The Anointing, the standing ones against Lord (s) of all of the Earth
(*Israel). NOTE: Meaning the two covenants.

Zec 5.9: And I lifted eyes of me and I saw, and look, two Women (Covenants) appearing hers and wind
in wings of them, as wings of the stork, and lifting her of the basket (with Babylon inside) between the
Earth and between the Heavens. NOTE: Physical Babylon fell: 539 & 518 BC. Spiritual Babylon
founded by #666 in AD 600.

Zec 6.5: And he answered, the angel of me, and he said to me, These four Spirits of the Heavens
(Governments), they coming her (H) from the standing against Lord (s; ^Iesous) of all of the Earth

Zec 6.6-7: That in Her (Babylon) the Black horses, they coming them (MY) to north earth, the White
(horses) they coming after of them (:s), and the Dappled (Grisled) they coming to the south earth.
Then the (4) strong ones they coming, they sought to going Her, to the proceeding (#8418) in Earth, and
he said to all them, The proceeding them in earth, and she proceeded them in earth (Babylon/Israel).
NOTE: Rev 6 = White (conquering), Red (civil war), Blak (famine), Green (death in graveyard).

Zec 11.1-3: Open doors of you, Lebanon, and fire, she will eat cedars of you. The howling, cypress, for
cedar he fell, that noble ones, spoiling him. The howling of to him, oaks of Bashan, for praising forest of
the fenced. Voice of the howling, the shepherds of them! For that (S) mantle of Her (H) (:)
manteling them (MT) (:-s). Voice of roaring lions for that (S) mantle (:) pride of the Jordan.
NOTE: These trees represent kingdoms in *Israel destroyed by Tiberius and the Eagles (legions).

Zec 11.17: Woe shepherding of idol leaving of the flock, the sword to arm of him, and to right eye of
him, arm of him, drying up, she will dry up, and right eye of him darkening, she will be darkness.
NOTE: This identified the, right eye plucked out (Matthew 5.29) being shepherds of *Israel, and also,
the left eye of the healthy body (*Israel), which was the apostles. See: First John 1.1.

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob

Zec 12.3: And it shall happen in that day that I will make [Spiritual] **Jerusalem [The From-calling of
^Iesous] a very heavy stone for all peoples; all who would heave it away will surely be cut in pieces,
though all (12) nations [Tribes of *Israel] are gathered against it.
Zec 12.4: In DAY, the-this, saying He Is (), I will strike all of horse in (B) wonder of Her (N), and
riding them in (B) madness; and I will open eyes of [Me] against house of ^^Judah, and will strike all
of horse of the *peoples in blindness. NOTE: Titus from AD 66 to AD 73.

Zec 12.5: And saying them, leaders of thousand of [physical] ^^Judah in heart of them, Strength of
Her to me dwellers of [Spiritual] **Jerusalem [equals From-calling of ^Iesous] in He Is Gods of hosts of
them (::s -s:s :). NOTE: This was the foreknowledge of God of what *Israels leaders
would think. They thought that the students of ^Iesous (who fled to the mountains) would fight with

Zec 12.6: IN THAT DAY I will make the governors of ^^Judah like a firepan in the woodpile ... but
**Jerusalem shall be inhabited again in her own place -- [New] Jerusalem.

Zec 12.7: And the saying, He Is () will save the tents of ^^Judah first [Rapture in AD 77], so that
the glory of the house of David (^Iesous: Rev 3.7) and the glory of [New] **Jerusalem shall not
become greater than that of ^^Judah [to be resurrected at the End of Time without a Rapture we will all

Zec 12.9: It shall be IN THAT DAY that I will seek to destroy all the (12) Nations (Tribes) that come
against **Jerusalem.

Zec 12.10: And pouring of Me (YT) on the house of David [^Iesous; Rev 3.7] and on he will dwell [in]
[New] **Jerusalem, Spirit of Favor and Supplications; the bringing them to Me whom piercing them.
And mourning them against ^Him, as mourning of the only, and bitterness on ^Him as bitterness of the

Zec 13.8: And being () in all of the Earth (*Israel), saying He Is (), portion of two in her, they
will be cut off, they will die, and the third of her, he will be left in her.
NOTE: 1,100,000 died and 97,000 sold into slavery Josephus.

Zec 14.6-7: And being () in day, the-this, he will not be precious light, and he will [not] be dark
(congealed). And being () one day, this, he will be known to He Is () to day and to night, and
being () to evening time, he will be [clear] Light (Millennium: June 1859).
NOTE *: [The Protestant Reformation Movement, in AD 1520, is pictured as unclear light.]

Zec 14.8: And being () in day, the-this, they will be come Waters (Holy Spirit), Living Ones from
(New) **Jerusalem, half of them to the Sea. the eastern (Pacific Ocean; to England), and half of them to
the Sea, the western (Pacific Ocean; to Australia), he will be () in summer and in winter.
NOTE: God used the United States and part of Britain to bring in the Millennium. [Later, the United
States and all of Britain brought in the Second Dark Ages (Satan Loosed A Little: AD 1959-2004*).]
NOTE *: This means that your captivity to the Pope since AD 2004 is voluntary.

Zec 14.-15: And so, she will be plague of the Horse, of the Oxen, of the Camel and of the Donkey, and
on all of the Beast (Nation) that he will be in camps of her. The-this, as plague, the-this.
NOTE: This pictured Armageddon (including the First World War), and only the Fall of the Ottoman
Empire is pictured in this verse. Osama bin Ladin referred to the Muslim defeat, by saying, [so many
years ago] everyone conspired against the Arab people. This dated back to AD 1923, and the Lunneville
Treaty [in Switzerland] which set the permanent borders for Turkey. [Of course, Mr. bin Laden did not
mention that all their woes were for trying to capture the world, being a member of the Triple Alliance
with Kaiser Wilhelm and Austro-Hungary.]

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob

Malachi 2.10. The-not, one Father to all of us, the-not, one God (:s) creating us ?

This is in a list of 11 sins of *Israel.

Malachi 3.14: Saying of you (Jews), Vain serving [plural] Gods (MYHLA) and what gain for keeping
them, from keeping them, and for going us mourning me to You, face of He Is of Hosts? (-s:s


Gods cited the Jews sin of declaring, One God.
Gods quoting the Jews as knowing Plural Hebrew Gods and saying that it was vanity
to serve them.
Once again, He Is was recorded 6,735 times.
[Plural] Gods was recorded 2,492 times.
The phrase, He Is Gods was recorded 967 tiomes.

AND SO God destroyed *Israel.
^^Gods = MYHLA He-Saving = ^Iesous He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem
He is Prince of God = *Israel


Assembly; or, The Mournings


1. Sun = ^^Gods, kings; or is to be taken literally.
2. He Is (Strongs #3068) = = being (in all forms: is, was, will be); Prefix (Y) = He. .
He Is; not found in Ecclesiastes.
3. God singular = LA (Strongs #410; :s); not found in Ecclesiastes.
4. ^^Gods = MYHLA (::s); plural; He Is and His Anointed - Psalm 2.2, 2.7; 110.4; MYHLA found
39 times in Ecclesiastes, and about 2,294 times in entire Old Testament.
5. Mourning(s) = mistranslated, Abel. There is no word, Abel because Hebrew has no vowels; in this
case, E. Strongs #59 & 62 = Mourning (::s). The mistranslated word, Abel should be translated,
"Mourning" 66 Times, because Mourning (Abel) was murdered.
#1893 = the Mourning (Abel) (::). When the prefix H is added, the first letter "A" is suppressed. So
then, Mourning (Abel) was not vanity or meaningless or worthlessness; but he was The Mourning,
when his brother Cain murdered him. See: Heb 11.4. The Mourning(s) found 33 times in Ecclesiastes.

1.1. Words of son of David, king in **Jerusalem, [to] Assembly (*Israel - -:).
1.2. The mourning (The Abel: ::) of the mournings, saying assembly; the mourning of the mournings;
the all of [is] the mourning.
1.3. What excellency to man in all of his labor, that he labors under the Sun? ["Sun" is God, King; or,
1.4. Generation going, and generation coming; and the Earth (*Israel) she stands to ever. [Verse 3.2
stated that "she" (*Israel) had "a time to die."]
1.5. The Sun [king; or, literal] rising, and the Sun comng, and swallowing place of him this rising there.
["this rising there" could mean the next king.]

1.6. The wind going to south, and turning about to north; turning about, turning about, and on turning
about of him, this rising there.
1.7. All of the rivers, the ones going to the sea; and the sea not of him full. To place that the rivers going,
there they returning them to taking of her.
1.8. All of the things full of labor; he can not [find] a man, to saying [on this matter]. Eye is not satisfied
to seeing; and ear not filled from hearing.
1.9. What that being (: :), this that he will be (: s), and what that he doing (:r::
:), this that he will do (:r: s); and there is not any of new thing under (the) Sun. [Sun = God,
or King.]
1.10. Is there (any) thing that he can say, See, this (is) new? They already being to ever, that being from
[past] to face of us (::e:: :s).
1.11. There is no remembrance to former (things); and neither to ones after, that they will not be; he will
be [King = Solomon] to them remembrance by that they will be to ones after. [In other words, Solomon
was a prophet of God, to restore the faith of the people.]

^^Gods = MYHLA He-Saving = ^Iesous He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem

1.12. I, lives of me, king over *Israel in **Jerusalem; [to] Assembly (-:).
1.13. And giving of me to heart to seek and to search out in wisdom to all of (things) that he is done under
the heavens. This evil affliction Gods giving to the sons of the man to afflict in them.
1.14. Seeing of me of all of the works that they are done under the Sun. And, Look, the all of [is] the
mourming (::) and feeding [on the] wind ( -r).
1.15. (That which) [is] crooked he can not to straighten; and (that) lacking he can not be numbered.
1.16. Speaking of me, myself, with my heart, I to saying, Look, growing up of me and gathering of me
wisdom above all of that being before me over Jerusalem, and heart of me seeing much seeing of wisdom
and knowledge.
NOTE: This was not idle boasting, for the Word confirms that Solomon was wiser than all.

1.17. And I gave her, heart of (::) [me], to knowing wisdom and knowing praise and folly. Knowing of
me, that also this, this feeding [on the] wind ( r).
1.18. For in much wisdom [is] much anger, and he [that] increases knowledge, he increases sorrow.
[Daniel "was faint" over his new wisdom.]

2.1. Saying of me (-:s), myself, in my heart, Go now! I will prove her in rejoicing and see in good
and Look also this [is] the mourming.
2.2. Saying of me to laughter, praise, and to rejoicing, What this doing?
2.3. Searching of me, in heart of me to draw out in wine in prince of me (::) and heart of me, leading
in wisdom; and to hold in folly, till that I saw what this good to sons of the man that they do under the
heavens number of days of lives of them.
2.4. The making great of me (-:.), works, building to me houses; planting of me vineyards.
2.5. Doing of me (YT) to me (: -:r), gardens, and forests, and planting of me trees in them of all
NOTE: Notice that ^^God loves participles! Bible translators hate participles. God^^ loves
variety; "making of me" and "I made," Bible translatrs love boredom!

2.6. Making of me pools to me of waters, to make to drink from them; forest growing trees.
2.7. Buying of me servants and handmaidens, and had sons being born in house to me; also cattle, oxen,
and flocks the more being to me than all of [those] who were before me in **Jerusalem.
2.8. Gathering of me to me also silver and gold, peculiar [treasure] of kings and the provinces. Making of
me to me; men singers, and women singers, and delights of sons of the man, musical [instruments], and
musical [instruments] of her.
2.9. And becoming great of me, and the increasing of me more than all of [those] who being before him in
**Jerusalem; also wisdom of me, this remained to me.
2.10. And all of that desiring of eyes of me, not denying of me, from them. Withholding not heart of me
from all of joy for heart of me rejoiced from all of labor of me; and this being portion of me from all of
labor of me.
2.11. And facing of me (-:e) [looking], myself, in all of works that his hands had done, and in labor
that he had labored to do; and Look the all of [it] [was] the mourming and feeding [on the] wind, and
[there is] no excellency under the Sun.
2.12. And turning of me, myself, to see wisdom, and praise, and folly; for what [can] the man [do] who
comes after the king? -- that already they had done.
2.13. And seeing of me, myself, that there is excellency to the wisdom more than the folly, as the light
more than the darkness.
2.14. The wise, [his] eyes [are] in his head; and the fool walks in darkness; and he knew, myself, also that
one from-happening happens to all them.

Gods# = MYHLA He-Saving = ^Iesous He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace =
2.15. And speaking of me (-:s), myself, in my heart as happens [to] the fool, also he happens [to]
me, and to what [or, why] he should be wise more [than] me, and speaking of me in my heart that this
also [is] the mourming (::).
2.16. For there is no remembrance to wise like the fool to ever, in that already the days, the coming ones,
the all of, he is forgotten. And how he dies, the wise? -- with the fool.
2.17. And hating of me to the lives for evil, the work that, he is done against me under the Sun; for the all
of [is] the mourming and feeding [on the] wind ( -r ::).
2.18. And hating of me, myself, to all of labor of me that myself laboring under the Sun that I must leave
him to man that he will be after me. [He wanted to take it with him.]
2.19. And who knowing [whether] he will be the wise, or a fool? And he will rule in all of labor of me
that laboring of me, and that wisdom of me under the Sun. This also [is] the mourming. [Rehoboam was
a fool; despising the advice of the elders.]
2.20. And going about of me, myself, to no hope for heart of me [saddened] over all of the labor that
laboring of me under the Sun (::: --).
2.21. For there is man that labor for him in wisdom, and in knowledge, and in good; and to man who has
not laboring in him, giving of him [for] portion of him. This also [is] the mourning and great evil.
[Solomon's son inherited his blessings.]
2.22. For what being ( : :) [comes] to man in all of laboring of him and in feeding of heart of
him, that this shepherding under the Sun?
2.23. For all of days of him from sorrows and affliction; anger of him also in night; resting not heart of
him. This also; he the mourning.
2.24. Nothing good in man [than] that he will eat and drinking and [that] the seeing of soul of him
[enjoying] good in laboring of him. This also seeing of me, myself, for this from hand of Gods ( :
::s: s).
2.25. For who he will eat, and who he will hasten from without [the] number of?
NOTE: The number of the children of *Israel is intended to receive God's blessing.

2.26. For to man who [is] good to face of Him [Gods], giving wisdom and knowledge, and joy; and to
sinner giving affliction to gathering; and to gathering to giving to [one] good to face of the #Gods
(::s). This also [is] the mourming and feeding [on the] wind.
3.1. To all of a time, and a time to all of pleasure under the heavens.
3.2. A time to be born, and a time to die; and a time to plant, and a time to make barren the planted;
NOTE: Matthew Henry, and Andrew Fausset, and we, interpret this to refer to the birth of the nation of
*Israel and the death of the nation of *Israel. Therefore all of Solomon's prophecies were fulfilled in the
resurrection in AD 77; and in New **Jerusalem.
3.3. a time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build;
3.4. a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;
3.5. a time to cast out stones, and a time to gather stones; a time to embrace, and a time to remove far
from embracing;
3.6. a time to seek, and a time to perish; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;
3.7. a time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to hold peace, and a time to speak;
3.8. a time to love, and a time to hate; a time [of] war, a time [of] peace.
3.9. What excellency the doing from [labor] what he [is] laboring?
3.10. Seeing of me, of the affliction that #Gods (::s) giving to sons of the man to answering in him.
#Gods = MYHLA He-Saving = ^Iesous He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace =
3.11. The all of doing beautiful in time of him; also of the everlasting setting in heart of them, from of
without that the man can not find out of the from doing the #Gods doing from beginning and to end.
NOTE: God is beyond complete comprehension by man.

3.12. Knowing of me, that there is nothing good in them [works of #Gods - vs 11], but if to rejoice, and to
doing good in lives of him.
3.13. And also all of the man should he will eat present [blessings], and drinking, and seeing good in all
of labor of him; this [is] gift of #Gods (::s).
3.14. Knowing of me, for all of that He does, the #Gods, this, he will be to ever; to him [works] nothing
to to increasing, and from him, nothing to taking; and the #Gods (:) doing (:r) that He sees
them from [past] to before Him. [Meaning: #Gods is eternal.]
3.15. What that being (: :), being this (s ); and that (:s) to being of her (-:),
already being (:: ); and the #Gods (::s) doing (:r) that He will see them (s:) from
[bowing] to face of Him (:e::).
3.16. And seeing of me, more under the Sun, [in] place of the judgment; that what there the evil; and
place of the righteousness; that what there the wickedness.
3.17. Saying of me, myself, in heart of me, the #Gods, He will judge the righteous and the wicked for
[there is] a time to all of delight [reward] and against all of the work there [punishment].
3.18. Saying of me, myself, in heart of me, against sayings of her#, of sons of the man [nation is
feminine#]; the #Gods (::s) to pit of them (:::) and to seeing them that they [are] beasts, tulmut
to them..
3.19: For from happening of sons of the man (Adam) and from happening of the beast; and from
happening one to them; as death of one, so [is] death of other; and breath [is] one to all of [them]. And
from rest (remnant) of the man no more [breath] than of the beast; for the all of [loss breath is] the
mourning (The Abel; ::).
3.20: The all of [man & beast] the going to one place; the all of [man & beast] being (HYH) from the
dust, and the all of [man & beast] returning to the dust.
3.21: Who, he will know breath of sons of the man (Adam); the one rising, this, to upward (#1), and
breath of the beast, the one, the down of her (#2), this, to the down, to earth? - Eccl 3.19-21
NOTE: In this age of perversity, we read poems of dogs going to heaven; but this verse condemns
such a thought. But foolishness ruled long ago. The Protestant expositors all quoted (from a source
before them; (the Dark Ages), that: There is no preeminence of the man over the beast for they both
die. [no breath.]
But the Word says, The man goes up, the beast goes dowm.
The message is, at the time of death, There is no more breath in the man than in a dead dog.
But still, The man goes up, the dog goes dowm.
And that makes the man preeminent. Added to that is the declaration of #Gods,
Genesis 1.26: And #Gods (::s), He said, We (Father & Son) wiil do man in image of Us (Father &
Son meaning, posessing the Spirit of God Day of Pentecost), as likeness of Us, and they will rule in
fish of the seas and in bird of the heavens and in cattle and in all of the earth and in all of the crawler the
[one] crawling on the earth.

And if that is not preemnence then there is no such thing.

3.22. And seeing of me, for there is nothing good more than that the man, he rejoice in works of him, for
this [works is] portion of him; for who he will bring him to seeing her in what that he will be after
[breath] of him?
#Gods = MYHLA He-Saving = ^Iesous He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem

4.1. And returning of me, myself, and I will see her with all of the oppressions of them that He will do
under the Sun; and Look, tear of the oppressed ones, and there was no from comforting to them, and from
hand oppressing them [was] strength and there was no [one] from comforting to them.
4.2. And praising, myself, of the dead who already died them more than the living who [are] the they, still
living ones.
4.3. And better more than both of them [good and evil] among who not yet being [born], who not seeing
the evil doing that he is done under the Sun.
4.4. And seeing of me, myself (:s), to all of labor and with all of Sharon-like; the from doing; for this
envy of man, from (one who is) neighbor of him (r:); this also (is) the mourming (::) and feeding
[on the] wind ( -r).
4.5. The fool embracing of hands of him, and eating of flesh of him.
4.6. Better (one) hand [full] with bowing down more than (two) hands [full] with labor and feeding [on the]
wind ( -r).
4.7. And returning of me, myself, and I saw the mourming (:: = the Abel = the mourning) under the
4.8. One being (:), and there was no second, also [no] son and brother; none to him. And there was no
end to all of [the] labor of him. But [the] eye of him [was] not satisfied with riches. And, [he said], To
whom I am laboring, and [suffering] from lack of (-s) from good in her (soul of me)? This also [is] the
mourming (::) and this [is] evil affliction.
4.9. The two, good ones [came] from the one, that being (:) good reward in laboring of them.
4.10. For if they fall the one help (:) to the companion of him; and strength [or, pity] to him, the
one that he will fall and there is no second to the helping him.
NOTE: Lot was carried captive, and Abraham and his servants rescued him. The two (Lot &
Father (BA) of Many (R[a]) of them (MH) [Abraham]) were from one line (Terah - Gen 11.31).
4.11. Also if two they will lie down (:::), and heat to them; and to one -- how he is warm?
4.12. And though they may overpower the one, the two of them they will stand before him, and the cord,
the [one] being tripled, he will not be broken in quickness.
4.13. Better a poor child and wise child more than an old and foolish king who knowing not to be
admonished [any] longer.
4.14. For, from house of the ones departed , he came to [be] king, for also in kingdom of him, he was
born poor.
4.15. Seeing of me, with all of the ones alive, the [ones] from going of them (::::) (^^Judah went
from *Israel) under the Sun, with the child (David) who stood under [throne] of him (Saul) (--).
4.16. There was no end to all of the people, to all of who being () to face of them (::e:); also the
after of us of them (::s), they were not happy with him. For, this is also the mourning (:: = the
Abel = the mourning) and feeding [on the] wind ( r).
4.17. Keep foot of you as that you go to house of the #Gods, and offering to hearing more than gift,
sacrifice of the fools, for they not know to [not be] doing evil.

5.1. You trouble (#926) not with mouth of you and heart of you, he will not be hasty (#4116) to the going
(#3318), speaking (:) to face (:e:) of the #Gods (::s) for the #Gods in heavens and you
(*Israel -s) on the earth, against this, he will be him (), speaking of you (:) few ones.
5.2. For the dream coming in many afflictions, and voice of fool in many speakings.
5.3. As that [when] you vow a vow to #Gods, you delay not to pay him, for there is no pleasure
in fools; of what you vow, pay!
#Gods = MYHLA He-Saving = ^Iesous He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem5.4.

Good that you not vow from [sin] that you vow and not you pay.
5.5. You will not give mouth of you to sin of flesh of you, and not you saying to face (:e:) [of] the
messenger; For this ignorance. To why the #Gods, He will be angry at voice of you and destroying of
work [of] hands of you?
5.6. For in many dreams and mournings of them (:::) and speakings of them, the many (:
::), for of the #Gods (::s), fearing!
5.7. If you will see oppression of [the] poor and violence of judgment and righteousness, you will see
province (#4082 - 54 Xs) [of God], you will not marvel at the pleasure for High [One] (#1361) from
above highest [is] keeper (:: - #8104 - keep - 340 Xs), and [in] higher chamber of Him (::r -
#5944 - 12 Xs).
5.8. And the excellency of earth in all of this [kingdom]; king to field he is served.
5.9. (One) loving silver he will not be full with silver; and who loving in the more [will] not increase
(#8393) . This [is] also the mourning (::).
5.10. In [the] many [things] of you, the good [then] increasing them, eaters of her; and what 'as Sharon'
(good) [is there] to men of her, for if [unless] seeing of you [with your] eyes, of him?
5.11. The sleep of the servant (:r) [is] sweet, whether he eat little or whether much; and the many
[things] of rich not permitting him to sleep.
5.12. Evil being (:) sick [which] seeing of me under the Sun [namely] riches keeping to men of him to
evil of him.
5.13. And the riches, destroying the this in evil affliction; and the fathering a son, and there is not
anything in hand of him.
5.14. As that coming out of womb of mother of him, naked; he will return to goings as that coming; and
that he takes [with] not anything from labor of him that going in hand of him.
5.15. And also this [is] a sick evil all of peoples that coming so he will go, and what excellency to him
that laboring to [the] wind?
5.16. Also all of days of him he eats in darkness, and [he has] much anger and wrath with sickness of him.
5.17. Look, seeing of me, myself (:s), that good and that he will say (e - literally, "He will mouth";
#6310 -349 Xs ) to eating and to drinking, and to seeing good in all of labor of him that he will labor
under the Sun a number of days of lives of him, that the #Gods giving to him (-: : ::s), for this
[is] portion of him.
5.18. Also all of the man that the #Gods, giving to him power, riches and wealth, and to eating from him,
and to taking portion of him, and to rejoicing in labor of him; this [is] the gift of #Gods; this.
5.19. For he will not remember the much of [evil] days of lives of him, for the #Gods answering [him] in
joy of heart of him.

6.1. Seeing of me that evil being (: r) under the Sun (God/King), and she is great, this (s) against
the man.
6.2. A man that the #Gods giving to him riches, wealth, and glory, and not lacking of him to soul of him
(:e::) from all of that he will desire, and the #Gods, He will not empower him to eating from him, for a
strange man he will eat him; this the mourning (::), and this is sick, evil [Babylon ate Judahs labor.]
6.3. If a man he has an hundred children, and he will live many years and that many, he will live them,
days of years of him, and soul of him (:e:), she is not filled from good of her, and also [that] she will
not be (-) burial; saying of me, A fallen [birth is] good more than him.
6.4. For in the mourning (:::) coming, and in darkness he will go, and name of him he is covered in

#Gods = MYHLA He-Saving = ^Iesous He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem

6.5. Also not seeing Sun [#Gods], and not knowing [Him]. Rest to this [fallen birth] more than that [not
seeing the Sun].
6.6. And not him being ( :s) a thousand years twice, and not seeing good of her this [life], the all
of [dead] going to one place.
6.7. All of laboring of the man to mouth of him, and also the soul (:e:), she [is] not filled.
6.8. For what he will rest to wise more than the fool, what to poor, he will know to going before the lives
of them?
6.9. Good sight of eyes more than the going of soul: this [is] also the mourning and feeding [on the] wind
( r- ::).
6.10. What that being already (:: : :), he was called name of him, and he was known that this
[is] man: and he could not to judging of them against who strong more than he.
6.11. For speakings being them (:: : :) the many (:) from many of them the mourning;
what [is] excellency to man?
6.12. For who he will know what good to man in lives of them; number of days of the mourning of him;
and he doing as a shadow, that Who he will tell to man what he will be after him (s :),
under the Sun? Note: ^He-Saving told *Israel what he would be after the resurrection.

7.1. A good name [is] good more than good oil; and day of the death, more than the day the birth of him.
7.2. Good to going her, to house of mourning (Abel ::s) more than going her to house of feasting: in
that, this [is] end of all of men; and the living, he will give [it - death] to heart of him.
7.3. Anger [is] good more than scorn: for in evil [look] of faces he is good heart.
7.4. Heart of wise [is] in house of mourning (::s); and heart of fools [is] in house of joy.
7.5. Good to hearing rebuke of wise, more than man hearing song of fools.
7.6. For as sound [of] the thorns under the pot, so is laughter [of] the fool; and also, this [is] the mourning
7.7. For the oppression, he praises a wise [man], and a gift (bribe), he destroys of [pure] heart.
7.8. The end of a speaking (:) good more than, beginning of him: slow [to anger] of spirit is good,
more than pride of spirit.
7.9. You be not hasty in spirit of you to angering, for anger rests in the bosom of fools.
7.10. You will not speak, Why being ( :) that the days the former ones, being them good ones
more than these? For not from wisdom that [speaking] these about this.
7.11. Wisdom is good with an inheritance: and rest to seeing of the Sun [#God].
7.12. For in the shadow of the wisdom, in the shadow of the silver and rest of them, knowledge [is] the
wisdom, she will be in chamber (:r: - #5944 - 12 Xs).
7.13. Seeing of works of the #Gods (::s); for who, he can straighten of what [He] making crooked
7.14. In the day of good being () in good, and in the day of evil seeing, also of this to doing this doing
the #Gods (::s :r) on speaking of her that the man will not the man will bring after him
7.15. Seeing of me of the all of [things] in days, the mourning of me (::): A righteous [man] being
perishing in righteousness of him, and an evil [man] being "light of You" (s: - #3974) in evil of him.
7.16. You will not be righteously multiplied, and you will not be "she-wise": You will rest (-) To why
you desolate them ("them" meaning, the people that you are, "light of you" to them).

#Gods = MYHLA He-Saving = ^Iesous He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem

7.17. You will not be wickedly multiplied and you will not be fool: Why you will not die in time of you?
7.18. [It is] good that you take hold in this; and also from [awareness] that you will not take hold of hand
of you for fearing #Gods he will come from [shame] all of them.
7.19. The wisdom of her, she is strength to wise more than ten captains of them who they are in city.
7.20. For not a righteous man in earth, who he does good, and he sins not.
7.21. Also you will not give heart of you to all of the speakings of them, they speaking; that you will not
hear servant of you cursing you.
7.22. For also times many , knowing, heart of you, that you also cursed ones.
7.23. All of this proving of me in wisdom: saying of me, I will be wise; and this was far from me.
7.24. What, that being far off, and consuming, consuming, who can find him out?
7.25. Turning of me, myself, and heart of me, to knowing, and to searching, and to seeking wisdom, and
device of them, and to knowing wickedness of folly, and the foolishness of [singing] praises.
7.26. And finding, myself, measure (: - #4060 - 80 Xs,) more than death of the woman who, [measure
of] this, heart of her, holds, and [is] cursed; her hands [as] a prison; [he who is] good to face of the Gods,
he will escape her; and the sinner will be taken in her. [The Strange Woman = Prostitute.]
7.27. Seeing this, finding of me, Assembly, saying her, One to one to finding out the devices,
7.28. which yet soul of me (:e:), seeking her (Wisdom vs 7.23), and not finding of me: one man from
a thousand, finding of me [upright]; and not a woman in all of these not finding of me.
7.29. Seeing this only finding of me, that the #Gods doing of the man upright; and the them [they]
seeking them many devices.

8.1. Who [is] as the wise? And who, he will know interpretation of a speaking? Wisdom of man, she
lightens face of him and strength of face of him, he is changed.
8.2. I (:s) [counsel], Keeping commandments of king! -- for speaking her, of oath of #Gods (::s:).
8.3. You will not be hasty, you going from face of Him, you will not stand in an evil speaking; for He will
do all of [evil] that delights him.
8.4. In that speaking of a king ruling them, and who, he saying to him, What do you?
8.5. [One] keeping commandment, knowing no evil speaking, and heart of wise knowing time and
8.6. For to all of delight being (:) time and judgment, for evil of the man is great upon him.
8.7. For not knowing of him what that he will be(:) for as that he will be ( :s:), who,
he can tell to him?
NOTE: Several times Solomon alluded to life after the resurrection with these words, "not
knowing what that he will be"; and sometimes he added, "after him."

8.8. No man ruling in breath to imprison [life] of the breath, and there is not ruling in day of death; and no
sending in war, and evil he will not deliver [him] in marriage to him.
NOTE: #God "snuffs out" the breath of man and beast, at the appointed time, and man has no
power to "imprison the breath"; or, to "prolong his life." The phrase, "no sending in war," was
demonstrated by these words:
"He who is unrighteous, let him be unrighteous still; he who is filthy, let him be filthy still; he
who is righteous, let him be righteous still; he who is holy, let him be holy still" - Rev 22.11.
In other words, Iesous' Revelation was the "final warning" to the seven From-callings in Asia;
and there was no "sending of prophets" after that time, for the house of #Israel. They were resurrected, or
destroyed, or added to New **Jerusalem, after "tribulation of 10 Days" (AD 67-77).
8.9. To all of this seeing of me, and giving of heart of me to all of work that, he is done under the
Sun, [there is] a time that the man ruling in man to evil of him.
8.10. And in all of seeing of me, wicked ones buried and coming of them and they going (::) from
the holy place of them, and they were forgotten in city that working of them, this, also this [is] the
mourning (:: = The Abel = the mourning; because Abel was murdered).
8.11. That He did (:r:) not sentence (:.-e - #6599 & #6600), the evil working speedily, for heart of
son of the man [filled] from filling in them to doing evil.
8.12. That a sinner doing evil a hundred (times), and (days are) prolonged to him, for also he will know,
myself (:s), that he will be () good to fearing of the Gods, they will fear from [law] to face of Him,
8.13. and he will not be ( s:) good to wicked and he will not prolong [his] days, (which are) as a
shadow; that not of him fearing not from [law] to face of Him; the #Gods.
8.14. The mourning being (:) that he is done on the earth, that being (:) righteous that touching to
them as working of the wicked, and there are wicked ones that touching to them like from working of the
righteous. Saying of me that this also [is] the mourning. [Good and evil men share good and evil.]
8.15. And praising of me, myself, to the rejoicing that to man nothing good under the Sun, for if to eating,
and to drinking, and to rejoicing and this, he is joined in laboring of him [in] days of lives of him that the
#Gods giving to him under the Sun.
8.16. As that [When] giving of me (-), of heart of me to knowing wisdom, and to seeing her, of the
affliction that he will be done on the earth for also in day and in night, with eyes of him, he not seeing
sleep. [More wisdom promotes more grief because you see more men doomed.]
8.17. And seeing of me all of working of the #Gods that the man, he can not [come] to finding the
working that, he will be done under the Sun, in cause (::: - #7945 - 1 X) that the man, he labors to
seeking (it) and he will not find, and also if a wise (man), he saying to knowing (it), he can not to finding.

9.1. For to all of this, giving of me (--:) of heart of me, and to clearing of all of this that the righteous
ones and the wise ones and service of them [are] in the hand of the #Gods (::s); also the man not
knowing love also hate, [in] the all of [law] to face of him [without the word of the #Gods.].
9.2. The all of (things come) as that to all of (there is) one event [death] to righteous and to evil, to good
and to clean, and to unclean (s::: - #2930 - 169 Xs), to sacrificing [one], and to [one] that he not
sacrificing, as [the] good, [also] as sinner; the taking an oath as that fearing an oath.
9.3. This (is) an evil in all of (things) that he is done under the Sun, for (there is) one event to all of [man]
[meaning, "death"]; and also heart of sons of the man (Adam) filling of evil, and praise in heart of them in
lives of them, and after of them (they go) to the dead ones.
9.4. For who that, he chooses to all of the living being (:) trust; for to live dog, this (is) good more than
the dead lion. [The live dog may find #God. The dead lion will find nothing.]
9.5. For the living ones he will know them that death of him, and the dead not them knowing anything,
and not yet to them reward, for memory of them, he is forgotten.
9.6. Also love of them also hate of them, also envy of them she already perished, and not to them (is a)
portion yet to ever in all of that, he is done under the Sun.
9.7. Going, eating bread of you in joy, and drinking wine of you in a glad heart, for already the #Gods
(::s) accepting of works of you.
9.8. In all of time garments of you, they be white ones, and oil on head of you, he will not be lacking.
9.9. Seeing, lives with wife whom loving you, all of days of lives of the mourning of you (::) that
giving to you under the Sun all of days of the mourning of you for this (is) portion of you in lives of them
[days] and in laboring of you that with her [wife] laboring under the Sun.
9.10. All of that hand of you, she finds to doing, doing in might of you; for no working, and device, and
knowledge, and wisdom in Hell where with her (-s) going that-them (::).
9.11. Returning of me, and seeing under the Sun, for not [race] the from running (:) [is] to swift
ones, and not the battle to mighty ones, and also bread [is] not to wise ones and also riches not to ones of
understanding and also favor not to ones of knowledge; for time and falling happen [to] all of them.

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

9.12. For also the man knowing not time of him, [is] as fishes, that, he being held of them in an evil hold,
and [is] as birds, the being held of her in a snare, so they, the sons of the man, he will be snared to an evil
time, as that she will fall suddenly upon them.
9.13. This also seeing of me, wisdom under the Sun and this great to me.
9.14. (There was) a little city, and few men in her, and a great king coming up against her and compassing
by her, and building (: - #1129 - 383 Xs) against her great holds.
9.15. And finding in her a man wise [one] from poverty, and he escaped (rescued) this, of the city, in
wisdom of him, and man, remembering not of the man, the-this from poverty.
NOTE: This referred to Jerusalem being made a small city when Nebuchadnezzar took the
nobles, and craftsmen, and warriors off to Babylon, in 601 BC. King Zedekiah continued to defy God
and Nebuchadnezzar, and Jerusalem was destroyed, in 588 BC. However, the prophet Jeremiah found
favor with the captain of the army, and he appointed a Jewish governor over Jerusalem; even though it
was devastated. Then the Jews killed the governor, and wanted to run to Egypt to hide. Jeremiah told
them to stay. They would not listen to the "deliverer" of the city. Even Jeremiah was carried captive to

9.16. And saying of me, myself, wisdom (::) [is] good more than might, and the wisdoms (-::)
of the [one] from poverty [was] despising and speakings of him, not they he was heard.
9.17. Speakings of wise ones, he is heard in rest, more than cry from ruler among fools.
9.18. Wisdom [is] good more than weapons of battle; and one sinning he will destroy much good.

10.1. Fly of death, he speaking bad [smell] [in] precious oil [of] perfumer; [stink] more than a little folly
[with] wisdom [and] honor.
10.2. Wise [man] heart to right of him; and heart [of] fool to left of him.
10.3. And also, as that the fool (:::::) walking [in] heart of him [is] lacking, and saying to all of
[life]; this [is] foolish.
10.4. If the spirit of the ruler she will come up against you, leaving not place of [peace] [of] you, for
health leaves (allows) great offenses,
10.5. Seeing of me (-) evil being (:) under the Sun, as an error that (:) bringing from to face of the
10.6. The folly giving in many high ones [rulers], and rich ones they will sit in low (places).
10.7. Seeing of me, servants upon horses, and princes going them as servants upon the earth.
10.8. [One] digging a pit will fall in him, and [one] breaking through a wall will , a snake will bite him.
10.9. [One] removing stones, he will be sorry in them; [one] cleaving wood, he will be endangered in
10.10. If the iron [is] blunt, and this, not whetting the edge, and forces he will prevail. And excellency as
the song [of] wisdom.
10.11. If the serpent, he will bite when not charmed, and no excellency to owner of the tongue.
10.12. Speaking of mouth of wise [is] gracious; and lips of a fool, she swallows up himself.
10.13. Beginning of speaking of mouth of him as folly, and end of mouth of him [is] evil praise.
10.14. And the fool, he will speak sayings, the man, knowing not what that he will be (: :) 'and
that he will be from after him' (s: :s), who can tell to him?

NOTE: Solomon repeatedly reminded his readers that they did not know what "they would be" after

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

10.15. Laboring of the fools, she wearies him, that knowing not [how] to going her to city.
NOTE: Now that described being extremely tired; of else, extremely foolish; or both. But this is
a parable about an event in the hstory of *Israel. Look it up!

10.16. Woe to you, Earth [*Israel], that king of you is a child, and princes of you, they will eat in
NOTE: This is the "double-whammy." The leaders should be "elders"; and the princes should be
"fasting and praying" in the morning. Another "double-whammy" was: "Women and babes will rule over
you." The leaders were to be "men" and "elders." The prophetess Deborah was raised up by Gods when
the "men" led *Israel into "affliction from the Philistines"; and this was not intended to set a preferred
pattern, but was to insult the nation and her rebellion against "He Is Gods."

10.17. That of you (:s) Earth, that king of you is son of nobles, and princes of you, they will eat in
time, in might, and not in drunkenness.
10.18. In laziness of them, he is poor, and the happening in idleness [of] hands of them, the house [is]
10.19. To laughting; doing them a feast; and wine, he is merry lives; and the silver, he answers of the all
of [things].
10.20. Also in knowledge of you, you curse not a king; and in rooms of you, from lying down of you, you
curse not a rich (one), for a bird of the heavens, he will go with the voice, and owner of the wings, he will
tell saying.

11.1. Sending bread of you upon face of the waters for you will find him in many of the days.
11.2. Give (- - NT[N] = imperative) a portion to seven and also to eight for you know not what evil, he
will be () upon the earth.
11.3. If the clouds, they are full of rain, they empty [rain] upon the earth. And if a tree, he falls in south
and if in north place that he will fall, a tree, there he [is] same.
11.4. [One] keeping wind [in mind], he will not sow; and [one] seeing [rain] in clouds, he will not reap.
11.5. As that [when] you not knowing what way [of] the Spirit, [and] as bones [grow] in womb of the full
[one], so you know not of [things] from doing of the #Gods that He will do of the all [things].
11.6. In morning sowing seed of you, and to evening, you leave not hand of you, for you not you, He will
know, whether this, he as Sharon [will be good] the this [or] if that, and whether both of them as equal
ones good.
11.7. And the light [is] sweet (-: - #4966 - 13 Xs) and good to eyes of them to seeing of the Sun
[#Gods, King, Literal].
11.8. For if the man he will be the many years, and rejoice in all of them, and he will remember of days of
darkness, for they will be the many. All of that coming (s::) [is] the mourning (::).
11.9. Rejoicing, young [man] in childhood of you, and heart of you he will do good to you in days in
youth of you, and going in ways of heart of you, and in sight of eyes of you, and knowing for [law] of all
of these the Gods, He will bring you into judgment.
11.10. And depart anger from heart of you, and pass evil from flesh of you, for the childhood and the
morning [of life] [are] the mourning (::). [The young are fools age brings wisdom.]

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

12.1. And remembering of [fact] 'in creating you' (s:) in days in choosing of you, ever that days of
the evil and the labor of them; years that you will say, No delight in them to me (e :: : :s);
12.2. ever that the Sun [King; Antipas], she is not darkened [the office is feminine], and the light, and
the Moon [Levitical Priesthood], and the Stars [Prophets of the Law] [they also are not darkened] and
the Clouds [Glory of #God] returning them after the rain [10 Days Tribulation];
12.3. in day that keepers of the house, they tremble; and men of the strength, and they bowing them; and
the grinders in ceasing them, for little of them; and the seeing her in windows of her, darkening of them;
12.4. and doors shutting of them in street; the sound of the grinding in laying low; and he rises to voice of
the bird [Babylon & Egypts = Eagles], and all of daughters of the song, they will be brought low.
12.5. Also they fear from [that which is] high, and terrors in way; and the almond [tree = old age], he is
despised; and the grasshopper, he is a burden, and the will, she is broken. For the man [is] going to
perpetual house of him [grave], and the mourners turning in way [funeral].
12.6. time that the money cord,* he is not far,** and the golden bowl, she is broken, and pitcher, she is
broken at the spring, and the wheel, he is broken at the well. *Isa 55.1,free favor; **soon.
12.7. And the dust, he will return to the earth as that being (::) [before]; and the spirit, she returns to
the #Gods (::s) that, giving her.
12.8. The mourning of the mournings (::: ::), saying the assembly the all of [is] the mourning.
12.9. And [the] rest (- - #3498 - 71 Xs) that being, (:) Assembly [was] wise, also teaching
knowledge to the people; and giving ear, and searching; she bought proverbs the many.
12.10. Assembly seeking to finding speakings of delight, and written upright, speakings of truth.
12.11. Speakings of wise [are] as a generation understanding Her (- []:: [] = #1755 - R[W]D +
#995 - N[Y]B + T [Her]), and as charges (-:::: = #4931 - T[W]RMSM k), [as] plants [by] masters
of assemblies of her [when] giving them from one Shepherd (s r: :-:).
12.12. And rest from her, from her (: :), son of me [Rehoboam], the warning, doing the many
books, no end; and the much meditation [is] labor [of] her; flesh.
12.13. He was heard, end of the all of speaking of the #Gods (::s); and fearing commandments of
Him keeping, for this [is] all of the man.
12.14. For of all [judgment] of from doing, the #Gods (::s), He will bring (s:) into judgment,
with all of hidden [things], if good and if evil.

Solomon related the history of the nation of Israel, past, present, and future. The record, "A time
to be born, and a time to die" (3.2) refers to the "birth" and the "death" of the nation of Israel. The nation
was born in 1626 BC, at the Exodus from Egypt. They died in AD 77, at the resurrection of "this
generation" (Mt 24.34). The resurrection was alluded to: "Man knows not that he will be after him"


"And I heard a voice of a Man [angel] between [banks of river] Ulai; and he said, 'Gabriel, [tell]
the-what of the vision" - Dan 8.16.

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

An angel [messenger] from heaven said with Daniel and Zechariah and Jacob. This was to explain; or,
leave unexplained, in the case of Daniel (12.7-9). Then "seers" (later named prophets), also were
instructed by visions from the Gods. Isaiah is peppered throughout with phrases like this: (1) "'He Is'
() saying" (Isa 22.25); and: (2) "He called, Lord (:s) 'He Is' of hosts" (22.12), and: (3) "Lord 'He
Is' of hosts saying" (22.14).
Therefore, the writers of the Bible, who talked with "Gods Himself", and with "angels" constitute
our "link" to the Lord God Almighty. But then, the True and Living God is more personal than these
examples indicate; and so He said that He would, "put my law in the midst of them, and write it on the
hearts of them" (Jer 31.33; describing New Jerusalem). What this means is that the servants of the God
have indirect contact [linked by the Spirit of #God] with the Maker of them. Jeremiah was referring to
New Jerusalem, founded in AD 77; and to the "new covenant" (31.31).
The spirit of man soars to the high heavens when this happens. This is a blessing beyond
compare. Bible translation, and Bible interpretation, are parts of the "operation of the Holy Spirit."
The #God had described this to be: "darkness for some"; and, "enlightenment for others."
"For you see your calling, brothers, that not many wise according to the flesh, not many mighty,
not many noble [have been called]. But the God has chosen the foolish things of the world to put to
shame the wise, and the God has chosen the weak things of the world to put to shame the things which are
mighty" - 1Cor 1.26-27.
Initially, this referred to fishermen being wiser than priests and Pharisees. And pacifists were
mightier than the Jewish "royalists" seeking a kingdom by fighting the Roman empire. [Their shame is
recorded in infamy.]
Today, the servant of Iesous Anointed is wiser than the seminary professors; and, once again, the
pacifists are mightier than "Gog and Magog" whose doom is sure; and the feeble is mightier than "The
Beast and the False Prophet"; who are suffering continual defeats today. But the man of God is safe.
We will present a few more Scriptures about selective "light"; and restricted "wisdom."
"But the natural man [unsaved] does not receive the things of the Spirit of the God, for they are
foolishness to him; nor can he know, because they are spiritually discerned" - 1Cor 2.14.
"Therefore, since we have such hope [the resurrection in AD 77], we use great boldness of
speech; unlike Moses, who put a veil over his face so that the sons of *Israel could not look steadily at the
end of what IS [present tense] passing away. But their minds were blinded [Isa 6.9-13]. For until this day
the same veil remains unlifted in the reading of the Old Covenant, because the veil is taken away in
Anointed" - 2Cor 3.12-14.
The apostle Paul referred to being saved in ^Iesous Anointed as "predestination." See: Eph 1.7-
14. The men of the God today were also "predestined." See: Rev 1.3; 21.1ff. ^Iesous was a Teacher of
dogmatism. You are either "in" or "out" of New Jerusalem. See: Rev 22.14-15. Either you had
received, "The Three Blasphemies of the Beast" (Rev 13.6); or else, you had not received them; or,
possibly, you had received them, and then had them purged from your "Forehead" (Mind).
"Therefore He has mercy on whom He wills, and whom He wills He hardens" - Rom 9.18.
Consider the apostle Peter's declaration concerning the Old Covenant prophets:
"Of this salvation the prophets have inquired and searched carefully, who prophesied of the favor
[that would come] to you, searching what, or what manner of time, the Spirit of Anointed who was in
them was indicating when It [Spirit is neuter gender] testified beforehand the sufferings of Anointed
and the glories that would follow" - 1Pet 1.10-11.
Peter said the prophets were writing about the First Century AD. This included Isaiah and
Jeremiah and Ezekiel and Solomon.
"Nor we will commit sexual immorality, as some of them did, and in one day 23,000 fell; nor let
us tempt Anointed, as some of them also tempted, and were destroyed by serpents; nor complain, as
He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

some of them also complained, and were destroyed by the destroyer. Now all these things happened to
them as examples, and they were written for our instruction, upon whom the ends of the ages have
come" - 1Cor 10.8-11.
So then, even when the message was not for the First Century AD only; they still benefited from
the message. But then, what Scriptures from Solomon's book of Assembly applied to the First Century
"... and no sending in war ..." - Assembly 8.8.
The Son of God taught this message to the seven From-callings of Asia, in AD 67, in these
"He who is unrighteous, let him be unrighteous still; he who is filthy, let him be filthy still; he
who is righteous, let him be righteous still; he who is holy, let him be holy still" - Rev 22.11.
NOTE: The apostles' letters usually had a "Hello, salutation"; and also, a "Goodbye salutation."
^Iesous' "Hello salutation" was in Revelation 1.1-8. This "Goodbye salutation" is from Verse 22.11-21.
"You shall have tribulation 10 days" (Rev 2.10); and, "I come quickly" (6 times), was the final
prophecy to the Israelites. Then Verse 22.11 equates to: "no sending [of prophets] in war."
"... that who can tell to man what he will be after him ..." - Assembly 6.12.
The apostle John taught this message in these words:
"Beloved, now we are children of the God; and it has not yet been revealed what we will be, but
we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is" - 1Jn 3.2-3.
What this phrase, "we shall be like Him" means, is: "We will be eternal spirits; and, we will have
no more temptation to sin; and all our sin spots will have been permanently cleansed."
Then the Bible expositor must remember symbolism, and types and antitypes. The Lord ^Iesous
compared Himself to Noah who was "three days and three nights" in the belly of the great fish. The
Lord was "three days and three nights" in the belly of the earth; and Good Friday is blasphemy,
teaching "three days" was only "one and one-half days."
The Son of Man taught that the coming of the Roman legions to destroy Jerusalem would be as
The Flood; "so also will the coming of the Son of Man be" (Mt 24.39).
Our system of interpretation has been to cross-reference words found in Assembly with the same
words in other Scriptures. The James Strong Concordance has numbered the words in the entire Bible.
When we encounter a word in Assembly, then we research the other Scriptures containing this word.
Most of them do not fit the context of Solomon's message. However, some of them do embellish the
same context. And, with that condensed explanation, we will present our interpretation of Chapter
Eleven, of Solomon's Assembly book.


He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA



1) "I am the Bread of Life" - Jn 6.48.
2) "Waters" = "Sea" = "Nations";
a) "... because the Abundance (A) of the Sea (B) will be turned to you [New **Jerusalem], the
Wealth (A) of the Gentiles (B) will come to you" - Isa 60.5.
This is what we have named, "the double-definitive." The symbolic message is defined first;
Abundance and Sea; and then the statement is repeated using commonly known words; Wealth and
Gentiles. This recognizing of "double-definitives" is the key to establishing the meaning of numerous
symbols in the Bible. So then, Waters = Sea = Nations = Gentiles. Following are two examples of this
symbol in the Bible;
b) "The Nations (A) will Rush (B) like the Rushing (B) of many Waters (A); but [He] will rebuke
them and they will flee away ... This is the portion of those who plunder us [Israel], and the lot of those
who rob us" - Isa 17.13-14.
And so, Damascus will cease from being a city (17.1). The "nations" and "rushing" and "waters"
referred to invading armies of "nations" (waters);
c) "Then he said to me, 'The Waters (A) which you saw, where the Prostitute sits, are peoples,
multitudes, Nations (A), and tongues'" - Rev 17.15.
The 10 Horns were the 10 Papal States which overthrew Papacy and Pope in the Italian
Revolution (1848 - 1870 AD). See: Encyclopedia, "Italy."


(1) "'He Is' will answer and say to His people, 'Look, I will send you Grain (Bread of Life) and
New Wine (sayings of Iesous - Mt 9.17), and Oil (Holy Spirit - Mt 25.1-9, Zec 4, Rev 11.2-11), and you
[Israel] will be satisfied by them ... Do not be afraid of the Beasts of the field (Nations); for the open
pastures are Springing up (Bread), and the Tree (King = Iesous) He bears fruit to Him; the Fig Tree
[*Israel} and the Vine [Israel] yield their strength ..." - Joel 2.19, 22.
NOTE: This is the defining of the "Bread."
(2) "But the Lord (lpcu,) said to him, 'Go, for he [Paul] is a chosen vessel of Mine to Bear
(being sent) My name before the Gentiles (Waters), and kings, and the sons of *Israel ..." - Acts 9.15.
NOTE: Paul was "one sent" (apostle) to the Gentiles (Waters). This commission of Paul was
repeated .
(3) "Then He said to me, 'Depart, for I will Send you far from here [with the "Bread"] to the
Gentiles (Waters)'" - Acts 22.21.

"From there we circled round and reached Rhegium. And after one day the south wind blew, and
the next day we came to Puteoli, where we FOUND brothers, and were invited to stay with them seven
days" - Acts 28.13-14.
He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

a) "Then he said to them, 'Go your way, eat the meat (fat), drink the sweet [wine], and send
Portions to those for whom nothing is prepared; for this day [is] holy to Lord of us (:s). ... 'And all the
people went their way to eat and drink, to send Portions and rejoice greatly, because they 'understood the
words' [Bread] that were declared to them ... Also day by day, from the first until the last day, he read
from the Book of the Law of #God [Bread]. And they kept the feast seven days, and on the eighth day, a
holy assembly, according to the manner" - Neh 8.9-12, 18.
This was a Portion to seven and eight (days). They had both literal and spiritual food;
b) "Then Zedekiah the king commanded that they should commit ... to ... prison ... and that they
should give him daily a piece of Bread from the baker's street ..." - Jer 37.21.
So then, Zedekiah gave a Portion to seven (daily). Jeremiah got literal food only;
c) "And the ^Lord (0 Kuoic,) said, 'Who then is that faithful and wise steward, whom the Lord
(Kuoic,) will make ruler over His household, to give [them their] Portion in due season?" - Lk 12.42.
"In due season" means daily in our opinion, and was a Portion to seven.

a) "You will eat the fruit of your own body, the flesh of your sons and your daughters whom 'He
Is Gods' of you' (::s ) has given you, in the siege ..." - Deut 28.53-54;
b) The tender and delicate woman among you ... she will eat them secretly ..." - Deut 28.56-57.
And, Josephus documented this event; and the mother's name was, "Mary"; her father was
Eleazer, of the village of Bethzebub" - Wars of Jews - 6.3.4.

"And it came to pass ... that the Cloud filled the house of 'He Is' (); so that the priests could
not continue ministering ..." - 1Ki 8.10-11. Compare: Eze 1.28;
"So 'He Is' () said, 'I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth ... But
Noah found favor in the eyes of 'He Is' ..." - Gen 6.21-22;
"'I will call for a sword against Gog [King of Babylon] throughout all the Mountains of Me [12
Tribes of *Israel]'; says 'He Is Gods' (::s ), 'Every man's sword will be against his brother. And
I will bring him to judgment with pestilence and bloodshed; I will Rain down on him ... flooding Rain,
great hailstones, fire and sulfur" - Eze 38.21-22.
NOTE: "Hail" is a symbol for death (Ex 9.25).
Media and Persia were members of the Babylonian empire, and God addressed them as, "brother
against brother." The details of the slaying of Belshazzar are found in Daniel 5, and Isaiah 13 & 14, and
Jeremiah 50 & 51. The expression "fall on the Mountains" meant to "kill the 12 Tribes of Israel. For
this employment of the word "fall on him"; see: 2Sam 1.15; 1Ki 2.29, 31.
The glory of #Gods (Clouds) produced death (Rain & Hail).

"The Tree that you saw, which grew and became strong, whose height reached to the Heavens
(Governments) and which could be seen by all the Earth (Subjects of the Government) ... it is you, King
Nebuchadnezzar, who have ... strong ..." - Dan 4.20, 22;

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

"that you keep this commandment without spot, blameless until the appearing of our Lord
Anointed, ^He-Saving (lpcu, Xoi:c,), which He will manifest in His own time, the blessed and only
Sovereign, the ^King of kings and ^Lord of lords" - 1Tim 6.14-15;
"In the middle of the Street [of gold], from here and from there, the Tree of Life, making twelve
fruits, according to a month, each yielding the fruit there. And the leaves of the ^Tree (lpcu,) into
healing" - Rev 22.2;
"Look, I will stir up the Medes against them ... Also their bows will dash the young men to pieces
... And Babylon (Belshazzar), the glory of kingdoms ... will be as when #Gods overthrew Sodom and
Gomorrah ..." - Isa 13.17-20;
"I will set Egyptians against Egyptians; everyone will fight against his brother, city against city,
kingdom against kingdom ..." - Isa 19.2-4.

(1) "Six years you will sow your land and gather in its produce; and the seventh you release her,
and leave her that the poor people of you eating them, and what they leave, the beasts of the field will eat"
- Ex 23.10-11.
(2) "Now when they had gone through Phrygia and the region of Galatia, they were forbidden by
the Holy Spirit to proclaim the word [Sowing] in Asia" - Acts 16.6.
Therefore, whether Old Covenant or New Covenant, the keepers of the law did not sow.
[However, they were led by the Spirit to Asia later];
"Mercy of You, 'He Is' () [being] in the Heavens [Stratosphere]; faithfulness of You
[reaches] to clouds" - Ps 36.5;
(1) Ruth reaped in the corners of the field of Boaz, because she was poor. Boaz did not reap his
own field because he kept the law (Glory). They became husband and wife, and ancestors of Iesous (Mt
1.5). See: Ruth 2.3, 8-9.
(2) "I robbed other From-callings, taking wages to minister to you" - 2Cor 11.8.
The apostle Paul saw "the glory of God' in the Clouds, and did not reap from the Corinthians.

We will compile a limited list of the works of God, revealed by the prophets;
a) "Kingdom of Him, power of Him, upholding all who fall, giving food of them in season, near
to all who call, fulfilling the desire of those who fear Him, preserving all who love Him" - Ps 145;
paraphrased and condensed;
b) "Mercy of Him endures to the long age; making the heavens; laying out the Earth (*Israel)
above the Waters (Nations); making great lights: Sun (King), Moon (Levitical Priesthood), Stars
(Prophets); striking firstborn of Egypt; bringing out *Israel; dividing the Red Sea; making Israel pass
through [the Sea]; overthrowing Pharaoh's army in Sea; leading the people of Him in the wilderness;
slaying Sihon of the Amorites, and Og of Bashan; giving Israel an inheritance; remembering us in our
lowly estate; rescuing us from our enemies; giving food to all flesh (meaning Jews and Gentiles and
Beasts)" - Ps 136; paraphrased and condensed;

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

c) "Anointing ^Iesous (lpcu,) with 7 Spirits of God (:cu); making Wolf (Benjamin) and Lamb
(Israel) dwell together; they shall not hurt or destroy in all My holy Mountain (New **Jerusalem);
Gentiles seeking Him; setting His hand the second time to recover the remnant of the people of Him
who are left (New **Jerusalem) from Assyria, Egypt, Pathros, Cush, Elam, Shinar, Hamath, islands of
the Sea (meaning Europe); envy of Ephraim departing, adversaries of ^^Judah will be cut off; 'He Is'
utterly destroying the tongue of the Sea of Egypt, and making men cross over in sandals (figuratively
speaking); there will be a Highway for the remnant of His people (Street of Gold) as it was for Israel ...
coming up from the land of Egypt" - Isa 11; paraphrased and condensed.
NOTE: In other words, the Street of Gold (from Egypt to Assyria - Isa 19.23) crossed the Nile
River; and this agrees with the measurement of 12,000 furlongs square; which included all of these
nations. Solomon was trying to impress on the minds of his readers how little they knew about "the
works of the #Gods (::s)."

(1) "He who sows the seed is the Son of Man. The field is the world; the good seeds are the sons
of the kingdom, but the tares are the sons of the wicked" - Mt 13.37-38.
NOTE: "Morning" was not mentioned, but our "Outline of the Parable of the 7 Days of Creation"
dated Iesous' ministry [AD 28-32] to be the "Morning of the Sixth Day";
(2) "#Iesous answered ... 'I must work the works of Him who sent Me while it is Day [Morning];
the Night [Evening] is coming when no one can work. As long as I am in the world, I am the light of
the world' - Jn 9.3-5;
(1) "No one having put his hand to the plow, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of the God
(:cu :cu)" - Lk 9.62;
(2) "Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life" - Rev 2.10.

ARE GOOD (11.6).
So then, we are instructed to sow in the morning, and do not leave your hand to evening. Also we
are informed that we do not know if it will do any good. Anyone who has seeded a lawn is familiar
with this lack of knowledge on our part. But the #Gods knows!;
a) Matthew 13.16-23: The Lord ^Iesous (0 Kuoic, lpcu,) describes four types of soil,
representing men's hearts. (1) Seed by the wayside; men heard, did not understand; the Devil snatched
the seed away; (2) Stony places; on shallow ground, grew quickly, but roots had no depth, the sun
burned up the wheat; (3) Among the thorns; love of riches choked the word; (4) Good ground; brought
forth good crops;
b) "Whom shall I send, and who will do for Us?' Then I said, 'Here am I. Send me.' And He
said, 'Go, and tell this people: Keep on hearing, but do not understand; keep on seeing, and do not
perceive'" - Isa 6.8-9.
NOTE: This was predestination. Most of Israel was blinded, but a remnant were saved. Iesous,
our Lord, taught the same message in different words:
c) "No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him; and I will raise him up at
the last day [AD 77]" - Jn 6.44;
He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

d) "He has mercy on whom He wills, and whom He wills He hardens" - Rom 9.18.

(1) "And he seeing name of Me, ^Sun of Righteousness (lpcu,), she will rise, and from healing
in wings of her, and them going out, and growing them as calf of stall" - Mal 4.2.
(2) "The land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali, by the way of the sea ... the people who sat in
darkness have seen a great Light [Iesous], and upon those who sat in the region and shadow of death,
Light has dawned" - Mt 4.15-16.

"The days of our lives are threescore and ten (70), and if by reason of strength they are fourscore
years (80), yet their boast is only labor and sorrow ..." - Ps 90.10.
The hymnist seemed to be complaining about the punishment of man, and the grief God had in
store for all men. This psalm was selected to represent "man will be old"; by telling exactly how old.
However, "life is as a shadow"; more so for those cut off in the prime of life than for those spared. The
length of life is to be applied to the other propositions of the law of Moses; commanding men to rejoice.
a) ... and you swill rejoice before 'He Is' () for seven days" - Lev 23.40;
b) "... and you will rejoice in all to which you put your hand" - Deut 12.7;
c) "And you will rejoice in your feast ..." - Deut 16.14.
a) "Remember! Do not forget how you provoked 'He Is #Gods' (::s ) of you to wrath
in the wilderness ..." - Deut 9.7;
b) "You will remember that you were a slave in Egypt, and 'He Is #Gods' of you redeemed you
from there ..." - Deut 24.18;
c) "Do not remember the sins of my youth, nor my transgressions ..." - Ps 25.7.
We should recall our days of sin, and remember our guilt, and praise Lord, the God, The [One]
[keeping] the all Power [and] Time (Rev 4.8), and the Lamb, for forgiveness. Also this meditation
helps us to remember how the sinners we know now are in darkness and condemnation; and that they
need a guide.
a) "The Earth [*Israel] quakes before them [Babylonians], the Heavens [Governments] tremble;
The Sun [Zedekiah] and Moon [Levitical Priesthood] grow dark, and the Stars [Daniel, Ezekiel,
Jeremiah] diminish their brightness" - Joel 2.10; 588 BC;
b) "The Sun [Antipas] will be turned to darkness [AD 66], and the Moon [Levitical Priesthood;
AD 69] into blood ..." - Joel 2.31.
The reader is reminded that the phrase, "the mourning" is literally, "the Abl" (LBH). Ab[e]l was
murdered by his brother Cain; and his parents, and #Gods, mourned.

* "These" equal childhood, do well, walk in heart, [walk] in sight of eyes.
a) keep commandments - Deut 4.40;
b) honor father and mother - 5.16;
c) do not eat blood - 12.23-25;
d) do not pity a murderer - 19.11-13;
e) let fallen bird go - 22.6-7.
In other words, obey the law and it will go well with you."

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

a) "You ... observe My judgments, keep My ordinances, walk in them" - Lev 18.4;
b) "Then if you walk contrary to Me ... I will bring you seven times more plagues, according to
your sins" - Lev 26.21.
a) "And they will be ready for the third day. For the third day 'He Is' () will come down
upon Mount Sinai in the Sight of all the people" - Ex 19.11;
b) "The Sight of the glory of 'He Is' was as a consuming fire on top of the mountain in the Eyes of
the sons of *Israel" - Ex 24.17.
"He Is #Gods" (::s ) of Israel was repeatedly, "in sight." He led David and Solomon to
establish the kingdom. He divided the kingdom. He sent the kingdom into captivity. He destroyed the
kingdom; and the nation, of Israel. Each of these events was foretold by the prophets.
a) "I watched till the thrones were cast down, and the Ancient of Days was seated. His garment
was white as snow, and His head was like pure wool. His throne was a fiery flame, its wheels a burning
fire. A fiery stream issued forth from before Him, a thousand thousands ministered to Him; many
manys stood before Him. The Judge was seated, and the books were opened" - Dan 7.9-10;
b) "And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake, some to everlasting life,
some to shame and everlasting contempt ...And from the time that the daily sacrifice was taken away,
and the abomination of desolation set up, will be 1290 Days. Blessed [resurrected] is he who waits, and
comes to the 1335 Days" - Dan 12.2, 11-12.
"The thrones cast down" (Dan 7.1-7) were Babylon (539 BC), and Persia (331), and Media and
Greece (323), and the resurrection was during the Roman Empire.

CHILDHOOD AND IN THE MORNING [of life] [is] THE MOURNING (::) (11.10).
a) "A wrathful man stirs up strife, but he who is slow to anger allays contention" - Prov 15.18;
b) 'All bitterness, wrath, anger, and clamor, and evil speaking he will be put away from you, with
all malice" - Eph 4.31;
c) "The highway of the upright is to depart from evil; he who keeps his way preserves his soul" -
Prov 16.17.
a) "And to man He said, 'Look, the fear of 'He Is' (); that is wisdom, and also to depart from
evil is understanding" - Job 28.28;
b) "Depart from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it" - Ps 34.14;
c) "Depart from evil, and do good, and dwell to ever" - Ps 37.27.
a) "... He watches the man ... And why do you not pardon my transgression, and take away my
iniquity? For now I will sleep in the dust; and You will seek me in the Morning, but I [will] not [be]"
Job 7.21; KJV;

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

b) ... for soon I will sleep to dust and Morning of me, and [man will find] not of me" - Our
c) "Then your Light will break forth as the Morning, your healing will spring forth speedily, and
your righteousness will go before you; the glory of 'He Is' () will be your rear guard, Then you
will call, and 'He Is' () will answer; and you will cry, and He will say, 'Here I am ... those from
among you will build the old waste places ...'" - Isa 58.8-9, 12.
The first two quotes (a) and (b) referred to the Rapture in AD 77. The other quote (c) pictures
those, "Left Behind"; as Tim LaHaye has been writing about, to the interest of many. These Israelites
were used by Gods to found New Jerusalem on earth, in AD 77.
So then, some were "raised up to Third Heaven to be with the God (0 :c,) and the Lamb (0
aoic)." As Paul predicted in Romans, others were "grafted into their own Olive Tree, on earth" (in
the future in AD 58, when Romans was written). But then, "Few are saved." 1,100,000 Israelites died
in the war with Rome, and 97,000 were sold into slavery; and some were spared who still did not accept
the Lord ^Iesous (0 Kuoic, lpcu,).
What does this mean: "The childhood and morning [of life] [is] the mourning"?
Our conclusion: "You are born to die."



(1) "And Moses said to the people, Remember this day in which you came out from Egypt, out of
the house of bondage; for by strength of hand 'He Is' () brought you out from this place ... This day
you came out in the month of Abib" - Ex 13.3-4.
(2) "And remember that you were a servant in the land of Egypt, and that 'He Is' brought you out
from there through a mighty hand and by a stretched out arm ..." - Deut 5.15.
NOTE: The "exodus" from Egypt was associated with the "creating" of *Israel.

(1) "But it will come to pass, if you will not listen to the voice of 'He Is #Gods' (::s ) of
you, to observe and to do all his commandments ... that all these curses will come upon you, and
overtake you" - Deut 28.15.

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

(2) "'He Is' will cause you to be struck before your enemies: you will go out one way against
them, and flee seven ways before them; and will be removed into all the kingdoms of the earth" - Deut
(3) "Moreover all these curses will come upon you, and will pursue you, and overtake you, till
you are destroyed ..." - Deut 28.45;

(1) "And 'He Is' () said to you out of the midst of the fire; you heard the voice of the words,
but you saw no similitude; only a voice. And He declared to you His covenant, which He commanded
you to perform; Ten Commandments; and He wrote them on two tablets of stone" - Deut 4.12-13.
(2) "This day 'He Is #Gods' (::s ) of you has commanded you to do these statutes and
judgments: you will therefore keep and do them with all your heart, and with all your soul" - Deut
(3) "To whom I speak her, and I warn her, and they will hear? See, ear is uncircumcised, and
they cannot to hear; see, word of 'He Is' being to them a reproach, they delight not in him" - Jer 6.10.
(4) "... also they have chosen in ways of them, and soul of them, she delights in abominations of
them" - Isa 66.3.
Therefore, #Gods (::s) had documented that they "had no delight in His law."

(1) "And the Moon [Priesthood], will be confounded, and the Sun (King) will be ashamed, for 'He
Is' of hosts 'Kinging' (-s:s ::) [reigning] in Mount Zion, and in **Jerusalem, and before
elders of Him [in] glory" - Isa 24.23.
Judah was destroyed in 588 BC, by Babylon; and *Israel was destroyed, in AD 70, by Rome. We
believe that this chapter refers to the last event.
(2) "The Sun [Antipas], he will be turned to darkness, and the Moon [Priesthood} to blood before
the great, and the terrible Day of 'He Is' () coming [AD 77]" - Joel 2.31.
(3) "For where the carcass is [dead body of *Israel], there the Eagles will be gathered together
[standards of Roman legions had an eagle atop them]. Immediately after the [great - vs 21] Tribulation
of those days, the Sun will be darkened, and the Moon will not give light of her; the Stars [Prophets]
will fall from Heaven [Government], and the powers of the Heavens will be shaken" - Mt 24.28-29.
NOTE: Solomon instructed "meditation" before this would happen. But look what followed all
of this woe and grief.

"Then the Sign [Heb 9.8; fall of temple] of the ^Son of Man will appear in Heaven [Government],
and then all the [12] tribes of the Earth [*Israel] will mourn, and they will see [figuratively speaking]
the Son of the Man (:c Yic :cu aoarcu) coming on the Clouds of Heaven with power and great
glory" - Mt 24.30.
COMPARE: Rev 1.7, Zec 12.10-14, Heb 9.8.

"Pilate said to them, 'You have a watch; go your way, and make it sure as you can' ... And, look,
there was a great earthquake; for the angel of the ^Lord (:cu Kuoicu) descended from heaven, and
He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

came and rolled back the stone from the door ... And for fear of him the keepers did shake (tremble),
and became as dead" - Mt 27.65; 28.4.
"And when they had placed a crown of thorns, they put it on His head, and a reed in His right
hand, and they bowed the knee before Him, and mocked Him, saying, 'Hail, King of the Jews!'" - Mt
"Two grinding at the mill, the one will be taken, and the other left" - Mt 24.41.
This verse is separated from the "coming of the Son of the Man"; Verses 29-31; and is grouped
with admonitions about "waiting for this glorious event." Therefore, it appears to refer to the
"lightning" speed with which Rome, and her allies, filled the land, to assault the temple and
**Jerusalem. And, in the initial assault, some died, and others were spared.
a) "And there sat in a window a certain young man named Eutychus, being fallen into a deep
sleep [darkened]; and as Paul was long discoursing, he sunk down with sleep, and fell down from the
third loft, and was taken up dead [darkened]" - Acts 20.9;
b) "The ^Lord of that servant will come in a day when he looks not for [Him] [darkened], and in
an hour when he is not aware of [Him] [darkened]; and will cut him apart, and appoint him his portion
with the hypocrites; there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth" - Mt 24.50-51.
"Then the same day at evening, being the 'one of sabbaths' [Sunday], when the doors were shut
where the students were assembled for fear of the Jews, came ^Iesous (lpcu,) [through the wall] and
stood in the midst, and said to them, 'Peace to you'" - Jn 20.19.
"Saying, 'The prison truly we found shut with all safety, and the keepers standing without before
the doors; but when we had opened, we found no man [Peter] within" - Acts 5.23.
"And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they went in with him to the marriage;
and the door was shut. Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, 'Lord, ^Lord, open to us.' But he
answered them, 'Truly, I say to you, I know you not'" - Mt 25.10-12.
"Then one of them, named Agabus, stood up and showed by the Spirit that there was going to be
a great famine throughout all the World [Roman Empire], which also happened in the days of Claudius
Caesar" - Acts 11.28.
So then, the "grinding" (of teeth) was "laid low" because of a lack of food. Josephus was also
very graphic about the starvation in **Jerusalem during the siege of the Roman legions.
a) "... they shall see the Son of the Man (:c Yic :cu aoarcu) coming on the Clouds [Glory
of God] of Heaven [Government] with power and great glory [the Early Departing]. And He will send
His messengers with a great sound of a trumpet, and they will gather together From Speaking (elect) of
Him [New Jerusalem] from the four winds, from one end of Heaven [Government] to the other [on
earth]" - Mt 24.30.
NOTE: Here is described for us Salvation through the "resurrection"; and Salvation for some
"Left Behind" [Tim LaHaye]. This had been announced 500 years before by the prophet Zechariah:
b) "'He Is' () will save the tents of Judah first [resurrection], so that the glory of the house of
David [lpcu,] and the glory of the inhabitants of [New] Jerusalem will not become greater than that of
Judah [resurrection]" - Zec 12.7;

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

c) "And being all of that he will call in name of 'He Is' (), he will be delivered; for in Mount
Zion [Third Heaven - Rev 14.1], AND in [New] Jerusalem she will be deliverance, as that saying 'He Is'
(), and in the Remnant whom 'He Is' () will call" - Joel 2.32.
Two Salvations of a different nature were pictured. ^^"Judah" had immediate Salvation (Zec
12.7); and [New] **Jerusalem had a Salvation by faithfulness until death;
d) "... the dead in ^Anointed will rise first. Then WE [you and me] which are alive and remain
will caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the ^Lord (0 Kuoic,) in the air ..." - 1Thes
4.16-17 [we = First Century believers];
e) "Look, I show you a mystery; we will not all sleep, but we will all be changed, in a moment, in
the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump; for the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised
incorruptible, and WE [you and me] will be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and
this mortal put on immorality" - 1Cor 15.51-53 [we = First Century believers.]
And 'he' (man) rises at the Voice [Trumpet] of the Early Departing; or the rapture; and New
**Jerusalem was founded on earth. See: Rev 21.1, '"coming Down, Out of Heaven, from God." If
these words do not describe "earth"; then it is impossible to describe.
Compare: Rev 21.3,"... Look, the dwelling (tabernacle) of the God (0 :c,) is with men [of
earth], and He will dwell with them [on earth], and they will be His people, and God Himself will be
with them, and be their God."
God has always been on earth, as He is today. He said to Man (Adam) and Eve, and to Noah, and
to Abraham, and to Moses, and the other prophets; and, God in the flesh spoke to men and women of
earth for three and one-half years. Then Iesous spoke to Paul. The Spirit spoke to all the apostles. God
had recorded in His word that He never changes; also that He is eternal. In light of these facts, it is
blasphemy to believe that God does not dwell on earth today.

"... Wherefore come out from among them, and be you separate, says the Lord (0 Kuoic,) ... and
I will receive you, and will be a Father to you; and you will be My sons and daughters, says Lord, the
God, The [One] [keeping] the all Power [and] Time (Rev 4.8)." - 2Cor 6.17-18.
"And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled in Spirit (: r:uaa:i),
speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs [meaning, singing in Tongues], and
making melody in your heart to the Lord" - Eph 5.18-19.
Compare: Col 3.16, Jas 5.13.
"Therefore the God (0 :c,) also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is
above every name; that at the name of ^Iesous every knee should Bow [Brought Low], of those in
heaven, and of those on earth, and every tongue should confess that Lord ^Iesous Anointed (c:i
Kuoic, lpcu, Xoi:c,), into the glory of God; Father" - Php 2.9-11.
Compare: Rom 14.11.


He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

"When he [a demon - vs 27] saw ^Iesous (lpcu), he cried out, and fell down before Him, and with a
loud voice said, 'What have I to do with You, ^Iesous, Son of the God (Yi: :cu :cu), of the Most
High? I beg You, do not torment me" - Lk 8.28.
a) "Blessed are you when men will revile you, and persecute you, and will say all manner of evil
against you, for My sake" - Mt 5.11;
b) "For we must all appear before the judgment seat of the ^Anointed (:cu Xoi:cu); that every
one may receive, each one the [things] through the body, in accordance with the [things] he did,
whether good or bad" - 2Cor 5.10-11.
We are taught to fear the God, then we do not have to fear the Judgment (1Jn 4.17-18).;
c) "But and if you suffer for righteousness' sake, blessed are you, and be not Afraid of their
Terror, neither be troubled; but make holy ^Lord of the God (Kuoic :cu :c) in your hearts; and be
ready to give an answer to every man that asks you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness
and fear" - 1Pet 3.14-15.
a) "Moreover the word of 'He Is' () came to me, saying, 'Jeremiah, what see you?' And I
said, 'I see a rod of an almond tree.' Then said 'He Is; to me, 'You have seen well, for I will hasten My
word to perform it" - Jer 1.11-12.
So then, the almond rod was for whipping;
b) "My son, despise not the chastening of the Lord, nor faint when you are rebuked of Him. For
whom the Lord loves He chastens, and scourges every son whom He receives. If you endure
chastening, the God deals with you as with sons; for what son is he whom the Father chastens not?" -
Heb 12.5-7.
Therefore, in our opinion, the "almond rod" was a switch to punish Israel, in Jeremiah's day. It
was employed by the God to chasten ^Iesous' students in the first century. Another verse, of similar
intent, "I prune the branches so that they will produce more fruit." So, when the hammer falls, do not
despise the chastening of the Lord.
a) "... it is He that sits upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof [men] are as
grasshoppers; [He] that stretches out the Heavens [Stratosphere] as a curtain, and spreads them as a tent
to dwell in ... He gives power to the faint [Grasshoppers], and to [ones with] no might He increases
strength. Even the youths, shall Faint and Be Weary, and the young man will utterly Fail; but they that
wait upon 'He Is' () will renew strength; they will mount up with wings as eagles; they will run,
and not be weary; they will walk, and not faint" - Isa 40.22; 29-31.
Isaiah had identified man as the "Grasshopper"; and the trials of life as the "Burden." But
Jeremiah was more specific in describing the "Burden";
b) "And when this people, or the prophet, or a priest shall ask you, saying, 'What is the Burden of
"He Is"?'; you will say to them, 'What Burden?' I will even forsake you, says 'He Is.' And the prophet,
and the priest, and the people [Grasshoppers] that will say, 'The Burden of "He Is"'; I will even punish
that man and his house. Thus will you say, everyone to his neighbor, 'What has "He Is" answered?'
And, 'What has "He Is" spoken?' And the Burden in 'He Is' will you mention no more; for every man's
[Grasshopper's] word will be his Burden; for you have perverted the word of living #Gods (::s
:), of 'He Is #Gods of hosts of us' (::s -s:s ). Thus you will say to the [false] prophet,
'What has "He Is" answered you?'; and, 'What has "He Is" spoken?' But since you say, 'The Burden of
"He Is"'; therefore thus 'He Is' says, 'Because you say this word, "The Burden of 'He Is'"; and I have sent
to you, saying, "You will not say, 'The Burden of 'He Is'"; therefore, look, I, even I, will utterly forget
you, and I will forsake you, and the city that I gave you and your fathers, and cast you out of My
presence, and I will bring an everlasting reproach on you, and a perpetual shame, which will not be
forgotten"'" - Jer 23.33-40.
SUMMARY: "Man" [Grasshopper] is a "Burden." And the "Burden" of man [Grasshopper] is his
fear of "word" of Gods.

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

(5) THE WILL BROKEN (12.5);
a) "For finding fault with them, He says, 'Look, the days coming,' says the Lord, 'when I will
make a New Covenant [Will] with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah'" - Heb 8.8;
b) "In that He says, 'A new'; He has made the first old. Now that which decays and grows old is
ready to vanish away" - Heb 8.13; written about AD 66;
c) "This is the Covenant [Will] that I will make with them after those days, says the Lord, 'I will
put My laws in their hearts, and in their minds I will write them, and their sins and iniquities I will
remember no more" - Heb 10.16-17.
The anointing of New **Jerusalem with the Spirit of God is found in vss: Zec 12.10; Rev 221-5;
d) "Then He said, 'Look, I come of the doing the Will of You; the God.' He takes away the first,
that He may have made stand the second" - Heb 10.9.
The New Covenant [Will] is the "Book with seven seals", that the God the Father gave to the
Lamb (Rev 5.7). "The Will" (OT) was broken. The Lamb opened the seven seals for us, from Chapter
6 to Chapter 11 (verse 15). And, "the mystery of the God (:cu :cu) was finished" (Rev 10.7, 11.15).
a) "Your hearts will not be troubled; you believe in the God, believe also in ^Me. In My Father's
house are many others [besides the apostles]; if not, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for
you [and, not a "mansion"]. And if ^I go and prepare a place for you, ^I will come again [in "A Little" -
vs 16.16], and receive you unto Myself, that where ^I am you may be also. And where ^I go you know,
and The Way you know" - Jn 14.1-4;
b) "For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of
the God (:cu :cu), a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens" - 2Cor 5.1.
a) "And #I will bring the Blind [Lost] by a Way [Street] that they knew not; #I will lead them in
Paths [Streets] that they have not known; #I will make Darkness "Light" before them, and crooked
things straight. These things I will do to them, and not forsake them. They will be Turned Back
[Repent], they will be Greatly Ashamed [Repent], that trust in graven images, that say to the molten
images, 'You are our #gods (::s)" - Isa 42.16-17;
b) "Yes, truth fails; and he that Departs from Evil [Turns] makes himself a prey; and 'He Is'
() saw, and it displeased Him that there was no judgment. And He saw that there was no man, and
wondered that there was no intercessor; therefore His arm brought Salvation [Turning] unto Him; and
His righteousness, it sustained Him ... And the Redeemer will come to Zion, and unto them that Turn
from transgression in Jacob, says 'He Is' (). As for Me, this is My Covenant [Will] with them, says
'He Is'; My Spirit that is upon you [Isaiah], and My words which I have put in your mouth will not
depart out of your mouth, nor out of the mouth of your seed [*Israel], says 'He Is'; from here on, and to
the long age" - Isa 59.15-16, 20-21;
c) "Truly, truly, I say to you, that you will Weep and Lament [Turn], but the world will rejoice;
and you will be sorrowful, but your sorrow will be Turned into joy [in AD 77]" - Jn 16.20.

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

a) "When you take the sum of the sons of Israel after their number, then they will give every man
a ransom for his soul to 'He Is' () ... This they will give, every one that passes among them that are
numbered, half a shekel after the shekel of the holy (place); half a shekel will be the offering of 'He Is'"
- Ex 30.12-13. [a shekel is 20 gerahs];
b) "If a soul commit a trespass, and sin through ignorance ... then he will bring for his trespass
unto 'He Is' a ram [in your estimation] of shekels of silver, after the shekel of the holy (place), for a
trespass offering" - Lev 5.15;
c) "So King Solomon was king over all Israel. And these were his officials ... and Adoniram ...
over the tribute" - 1Ki 4.1, 6;
d) "Now Pharaoh Necho put him [Jehoahaz] in prison ... and he imposed on the land a tribute of
100 talents of silver and a talent of gold" - 2Ki 23.33.
a) "Ho! Everyone who thirsts, come to the [living] Waters; and you who have no silver, come,
buy and eat. Yes, come buy Wine [^Iesous' teaching in new bottles] and Milk [of the Word] without
silver and without price" - Isa 55.1;
b) "Then Peter said, 'Silver and gold I have none; but such as I have I give you [free]. In the
name of ^Iesous Anointed (lpcu Xoi:cu) of Nazareth rise up and walk'" - Acts 3.6;
c) "But not as the offense, so also is the Free Gift. For if through the offense of one many are
dead, much more the Favor [Free Gift] of God, and the Gift by Favor, by one Man; ^Iesous Anointed
has abounded to many. And not as it was by one who sinned is the Gift. For the judgment was by one
to condemnation, but the Free Gift [is for] many offenses unto righteousness" - Rom 5.15-16..
a) GOLDEN BOWL IN THE MOST HOLY PLACE: "And you will set the altar of gold for the
incense before the ark of testimony; and put the hanging of the door to the holy (place)" - Ex 40.5.
This was the altar of incense, of gold, in the Most Holy Place;
b) GOLDEN BOWLS TO DEDICATE SOLOMON'S TEMPLE: "And the princes offered for
dedicating of the altar, in the day that it was anointed ... And he that offered his offering first was
Hahshon ... of Judah ... one bowl of ten shekels of gold, full of incense ... of Issachar ... one bowl of ten
shekels, full of incense ..." - Num 7;
c) GOLDEN BOWLS BROKEN: "... and the king of Babylon, in the eighth year of his reign [599
BC], took him [Jehoiachin] prisoner. And he carried out from there all the treasures of the house of 'He
Is' () and the treasures of the king's house, and he cut in pieces all the articles of gold which
Solomon, king of Israel, had made in the temple of 'He Is' (); as 'He Is' had said" - 2Ki 24.12-13;
d) THE GOLDEN BOWLS BROKEN (Open): "And ^He (the Lamb) came and took the book out
Creatures, and the 24 Elders fell down before the ^Lamb, having every one of them harps, and Golden
Bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the holy ones" - Rev 5.7-8.
NOTE: Four Living Creatures = Lion (Faith). and Calf (Knowledge), and Man (Love), and Flying
Eagle (Urgency; or, One Dipping).
NOTE : 24 Elders = Writers of Old Testament: Moses, Joshua, Judges, Samuel, David, Solomon,
Jonah, Amos, Hoshea, Isaiah, Micah, Zephaniah, Joel, Nahum, Habakkuk, Jeremiah, Daniel, Ezekiel,
Obadiah, Haggai, Zechariah, Ezra, Nehemiah, Malachi.
a) THE TYPE: "Then I went down to the potter's house, and look, he worked a work on the
wheels. And the vessel that he made of clay was marred in the hand of the potter; so that he made it
again another vessel, as seemed good to the potter to make it. House of *Israel, cannot I do with you as
the potter?; said 'He Is' (). Look, as the clay is in the potter's hand, so are you in My hand, house
of Israel. At moment I will speak concerning a nation, and concerning a kingdom, to pluck up, and to
pull down, and to destroy ... Thus said 'He Is'; 'Go and get a potter's earthen Bottle [Pitcher], and take of
the elders of the people, and of the elders of the priests ... Then you will Break the Bottle [Pitcher] in
the sight of the men that go with you; and say to them, 'Thus says 'He Is' () of hosts; even so, I will
break this people and this city ... and they will bury them in Tophet, till there is no place to bury" - Jer
18.3-7; 19.1, 11-12. [Fountain = Pool of Siloam, by Tophet.]

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

b) THE FIRST ANTITYPE: "And they burnt the house of the #Gods (::s) and broke down
the wall of **Jerusalem, and burnt all the palaces thereof with fire ..." - 2Chr 36.19. [The Pool of
Siloam was still the Fountain];
c) THE SECOND ANTITYPE: "So Titus retired into the tower of Antonia, and resolved to storm
the temple the next day, early in the morning ... but, as for that house, God had for certain long ago
doomed it to the fire; and now that fatal day was come ..." - Wars of the Jews - 6.4.5. [The Pool of
Siloam was still the Fountain.]
"Now I will sing to My beloved touching his vineyard ... Therefore is the anger of 'He Is' ()
kindled against His people, and He has stretched forth His hand against them ... He will lift up an
ensign to the nations from far ... None will be weary nor stumble among them; none will slumber nor
sleep ... whose arrows are sharp, and all bows bent, their horses' hoofs will be counted as flint, and their
Wheels as a whirlwind" - Isa 5.1, 24-28.
Compare Joel's description of the "Wheel" (2.1-6);
"In ^^Judah #Gods (::s) is known; His name is great in Israel, in Salem [Peace] also is His
tabernacle, and His dwelling place is Zion. There He Broke the arrows of the bow, the shield and
sword of battle ... At Your rebuke 'He Is' of Jacob, both the Chariot [Wheel] and horse were cast into a
deep sleep ... the Earth [*Israel] feared and was still, when #Gods arose to judgment, to deliver all the
oppressed of the Earth [*Israel]" - Ps 76.1-9.
Compare: Isa 2.2-4;
being my strength and my song; He also has become my salvation. Therefore with joy you will draw
[Living] Water out of the Wells of salvation" - Isa 12.2-3.
NOTE *: The Jews word, "Yah" is phony for Hebrew has no vowels. "He [of] Her" (*Israel) is
recorded many times.
NOTE: "Salvation" means "deliverance"; both bodily [from the Wheel], and spiritually [from
sin]. Compare: Rev 21.4; 22.1-4.

"Now, 'He Is #Gods' (: ), let your promise to David my father be established, for You
have made me king over a people (*Israel) as the Dust of the earth in multitude" - 2Chr 1.9.
"For He brings down those who dwell on high [Heavens = Israel], the lofty city (**Jerusalem),
He lays it low ... He brings it down to the Dust" - Isa 26.5;
a) "... all were dipped into Moses in the cloud and in the sea; all ate the same spiritual food;

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

all drank of that Spiritual Rock ... and that Rock was ^Anointed (Xoi:c,)" - 1Cor 10.2-4;

b) "Then the Glory [Spirit?] of 'He Is' () departed from the threshold of the temple and stood
over the Cherubim" - Eze 10.18;
c) "See! Your house is desolate to you; for I say to you, you will see ^Me [lpcu,] no more till
you say, 'Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord (:cu Kuoicu)'" - Mt 23.38-39.
So then, the Spirit returned to the Gods, in 591 BC, and again, in AD 32. Israel was turned to
Dust both times; in 588 BC, and in AD 77.

MOURNING (12.8).
(1) "For we have been consumed by Your anger, and by Your wrath we are terrified. You have
set our iniquities before You, our secret sins in the light of Your face. For all our days have passed
away in Your wrath; we finish our years as a sigh. The days of our lives are threescore and ten; and if
by reason of strength they are fourscore, yet their boast is only labor and sorrow; for it is soon cut off,
and we fly away. Who knows the power of Your anger? For as the fear of You, so is Your wrath" - Ps
(2) "A voice was heard in Ramah, lamentation, weeping, and great mourning; Rachel weeping for
her children, refusing to be comforted because they are no more" - Mt 2.18.
(3) "For you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the ^Lord (:cu Kuoicu) so comes as a
thief in the night. For when they say, 'Peace and safety!'; then sudden destruction comes upon them, as
labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they will not escape" - 1Thes 5.2-3.
(4) CONTRA: "For His anger is for a moment, His favor is for life; weeping will endure for a
night, but joy comes in the morning" - Ps 30.5.

The reader may be entertained, even amused, by the Dark Ages interpretation of Assembly 12.3-6.

"Keepers of the house tremble" = hands and arms shake in old age. "Strong men bow down" =
thighs and legs are stooped in old age. "Grinders cease because they are few" = loss of teeth in old men.
"Lookers at the window are darkened" = dim eyes of old men. "Doors shut in the streets" = the two lips
are the door to the body of old men. "Sound of grinding is low" = noise in eating is low because teeth are
few. "Rise up at voice of bird" = insomnia in old men. "Daughters of music brought low" = decay of
senses or parts of the body employed in song. "Afraid of heights" = danger or dread of falling. "Fears in
the way" = stumbling while walking or fear of mischief. "Almond tree flourishes" = gray or hoary head
[they ignored the rod] "Grasshopper a burden" = symbol of weakness in old age. "Desire fails" = loss of
appetite for food and sex. "Man goes to his long home" = future life is everlasting. "Silver cord loosed"
= pith of the marrow of the backbone. [Poole sounds like the county coroner.] "Golden bowl is broken"
= membranes of the brain. "Pitcher broken" = veins and ortertia aorta. "Pitcher broken at the fountain" =
the right venticle of the heart. [How is that for perfection?] "Wheel broken at the cistern" = when the
great arteries do not perform their office.
Very thorough, and imaginative. This required much research on anatomy. [But then, children
growing up become familiar with the infirmities of old age. Would God write a prophecy on a subject
that is common knowledge to all?] And the other expositors pretty much agree. But everyone loves the
verse, "before the Silver Cord is loosed, or the Golden Bowl is broken." We will quote a few opinions.
No. 2; Matthew Henry: "silver cord" = by which soul and body are held together.
No. 3; Henry: "golden bowl broken" = which held the waters of life.
No. 4; Andrew Fausset; "silver cord" = connected to "Remember Creator."
No. 5; Fausset; "golden bowl" and "pitcher at fountain broken" = death.
No. 6; Geneva Bible; "silver cord" = marrow of the backbone.
No. 7; Geneva Bible; ""golden bowl" = membrane.
Physical, physical, physical! But the Bible has a spiritual message.

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

(1) [The] REST, THAT BEING (12.9);
a) THE TYPE: "Therefore it will be, when 'He Is #Gods of you' (:s ) has given you
'Rest from enemies of you' (:s ::) all around, in the land [Canaan] which 'He Is #Gods' of
you is giving you to possess as an inheritance ..." - Deut 25.19; compare: Deut 3.20, 12.10; Josh 1.3;
b) THE ANTITYPE: "'They will not enter My Rest (Ps 95.11).' Since therefore it remains that
some enter it, and those to whom it was first proclaimed did not enter because of disobedience; again
He designates a certain Day, saying in David, 'Today'; after such a long time, as it has been said:
'Today, if you will hear His voice, do not harden your hearts (Ps 95.7-8).' For if ^Iesous [Joshua] had
given them Rest, then He would not afterward have spoken of another Day. For he who has entered His
Rest has himself also ceased from his works, as the God from His" - Heb 4.5-10.
NOTE: *Israel's Rest was only temporary, but the Resurrection is permanent Rest.
TYPE: "Therefore be careful to observe; for this is your Wisdom and your Understanding in the
sight of the people who will hear all these statutes, and say, 'Surely, this great nation is a Wise and
Understanding people" - Deut 4.6.
ANOTHER TYPE: "Now all the earth sought the presence of Solomon to hear his Wisdom that
#Gods (::s) put in his heart" - 1Ki 10.24.
ANTITYPE: "And they were not able to resist the Wisdom and the Spirit by which he spoke
[Stephen]" - Acts 6.10.
(3) [Assembly] GIVING EAR (12.9).
No. 1: "Give Ear, Heavens [Governments of 12 Tribes], and I will speak; and Hear, Earth
[*Israel], the words of my mouth. Let my teaching drop as the rain, my speech drop as the dew ..." -
Deut 32.1-2.
No. 2: "Hear this, all peoples; Give Ear, all inhabitants of the world ..." - Ps 49.1.
(4) [Assembly] SEARCHING (12.9).
No. 1; "And I gave to heart to Seek and to Search out in wisdom concerning all of (things) that
are done under the heavens" - Assemb 1.13.
No. 2: "in the first year of his reign, I, Daniel, understood by the books the number of the years ,
by the word of 'He Is' () through Jeremiah the prophet, that He would accomplish seventy years in
the desolations of Jerusalem [588-18 BC]" - Dan 9.2; written 520 BC.
(5) SHE BOUGHT MANY PROVERBS [also, parables] (12.9).
No. 1; "Ho! Everyone who thirsts, come to the [Living] Waters. And you who have no silver,
'Come, But and eat. Yes, come, Buy Wine [Iesous' "wine in new bottles"] and Milk [of the Word]
without silver and without price. Why do you spend money for [that] not bread, and your wages for
[that which] does not satisfy?'" - Isa 55.1-2.

No. 2; "And with many such parables He spoke the word to them as they were able to hear.
But without a parable ^He did not speak to them [a multitude - vs 4.1]. And when they were alone, He
explained all things to His students" - Mk 4.33-34.

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

TRUTH (12.10).
No. 1; "I will speak of Your testimonies also before kings, and will not be ashamed; and I will
Delight myself in Your commandments, which I love" - Ps 119.46-47.
No. 2; "I long for Your salvation, 'He Is' (); Your law Delights me" - Ps 119.174.
No. 1: "The words of the wicked [are]: 'Lie in wait for blood.' But the mouth of the Upright will
deliver them" - Prov 12.6.
No. 2: "He who walks righteously and Speaks Uprightly ... He will dwell on high" - Isa 33.15-16.
No. 1: "And it shall come to pass in that Day [that] the remnant of *Israel, and such as have
escaped of the house of +Jacob, will never again depend on him who defeated them [Assyria and
Babylon], but will depend on 'He Is' (); the Holy One of *Israel, in Truth" - Isa 10.20.
No. 2: "Give Ear, Heavens ... For I proclaim the name of 'He Is' (); ascribe greatness to
#Gods of you (::s:); the Rock. Work of Him [is] without blemish; for all ways of Him [are]
judgment, God [LA] of truth and without iniquity; righteous and upright, this" - Deut 32.1-4.

(1) AS A GENERATION (12.11).
"As for Me, says 'He Is' (); 'This is My covenant with them; My Spirit who is upon you
(Isaiah), and My words which I have put in your mouth will not depart from your mouth, nor from the
mouth of your descendants, nor from the mouth of your descendants' descendants,' says 'He Is'; 'from
this time and to the long age [AD 77]'" - Isa 59.21.
Isaiah prophesied from 756 BC to 698 BC; or, "a generation." Moses prophesied from 1635 BC
until his death in 1594 BC. Jeremiah spoke from 611 BC until 562 BC. Ezekiel witnessed from 594
BC until 574 BC. But, Daniel, like Isaiah had done, spoke from 599 BC until 520 BC. And so, the
words of wisdom were "as a generation."
Antiochus Epiphanes tried to burn up all copies of the Law of Moses. See: 1 Maccabees;
Chapters 1-4. But the covenant of "He Is" was enforced, and the words remained. The Popes tried to
keep the Bible away from the people; killing anyone, besides priest, with a copy. However, men were
willing to die to translate and circulate the word of God.
No. 1: "And he [Solomon] appointed, according to the order of David his father, the courses of
the priests to their service, and the Levites to their Charges ..." - 2Chr 8.14.
So then, Solomon was acquainted with "charges"; but not "nails" (as some translate this verse).
No. 2: "Moreover Josiah kept a Passover ... he set the priests in their Charges" - 2Chr 35.1-2.
(3) AS PLANTINGS (12.11).
No. 1: "Also your people will all be righteous; they will inherit the land to ever [New
**Jerusalem]; the Branch of My Planting, the works of My hands; that I may be glorified" - Isa 60.21.
No. 2: "To proclaim the acceptable Year of 'He Is' (); and the Day of Vengeance of #Gods of
us; to comfort all who mourn; to console those who mourn in Zion, to give them beauty for ashes, the
oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they may be called, 'Trees
of Righteousness, The Planting of "He Is"'; that He may be glorified" - Isa 61.2-3.

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

"As the cold of snow in time of harvest is a faithful messenger to those who send him; for he
refreshes the soul of his masters" - Prov 25.13.
No. 1: "Give ear, ^Shepherd of *Israel ... Restore us #Gods (::s); cause Your face to shine,
and we will be saved" - Ps 80.1, 3.
No. 2: "Look, 'He Is #Gods' (::s ) will come with a strong hand, and His arm will rule
for Him ... ^He [Iesous] will feed His flock as a ^Shepherd; He will gather the lambs with His arm, and
carry in His bosom ..." - Isa 40.10-11.
No. 3: "But you do not be called, 'Rabbi'; for One is your Master; the Anointed (0 Xoi:c,), and
you are all brothers ... And do not be called, 'teachers'; for One is your Teacher; the Anointed (0
Xoi:c,)" - Mt 23.8, 10.
No. 3: ""I am the good ^Shepherd. The good Shepherd gives His life for the sheep" - Jn 10.11.

MEDITATION [is] LABOR [to] FLESH (12.12).
(1) THE WARNING (12.12).
No. 1: "But the prophet who presumes to speak a word in My name, which I have not
commanded him to speak, or who speaks in the name of other #gods (::s), that prophet will die.
And if you say in your heart, 'How will we know the word which "He Is" () has not spoken?';
when a prophet speaks in the name of 'He Is'; if the thing does not happen or come to pass, that is the
thing which 'He Is' has not spoken; the prophet has spoken it presumptuously; you will not fear him" -
Deut 18.20-22.
NOTE: The prophets of #Gods all spoke "short-term" prophecies; fulfilled in the lifetimes of the
hearers, so that the hearers could have confidence in their "long-term" prophecies. The "Ten Plagues on
Egypt" were Moses' "short-term" prophecies. The death of the nation of *Israel (Deut 28) was one of
Moses' "long-term" prophecies. The Lord ^Iesous Anointed (0 Kuoic, lpcu, Xoi:c,) predicted
His death and resurrection; which was "short-term"; and then hearers could have confidence in His
promise to destroy the temple, and take the kingdom from *Israel; and to come again, "Quickly."
No. 2: "The law of 'He Is' () [being] perfect, converting the soul ... making wise the simple.
The statutes of 'He Is' are right, rejoicing the heart ... Moreover by them Your servant is warned, and in
keeping them [is] great reward" - Ps 19.7-8, 11.
No. 3: "The simple believes all of speaking, but the prudent looks well to his going" - Prov 14.15.
No. 4: "Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are
ravenous wolves" - Mt 7.15.
(2) MANY BOOKS (12.12).
"Also, many of those who had practiced magic brought their books together and burned them in
the sight of all. And they counted up the value of them, and it totaled 50,000 pieces of silver" - Acts
No. 1: The servants of God will continue to explain prophecies until the End of Time. This work
is aided by the Holy Spirit. They do not present new prophecies, for the Word of the God was
completed in AD 67. Commentators today must agree with correct interpretations in centuries past.
He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

No. 2: "Now I, John, saw and heard these things. And when I heard and saw, I fell down to
worship before the feet of the angel who showed me these things. Then he said to me, 'See you do it
not! For I am your fellow servant, and of your brothers the prophets, and of those who keep the words
of this book. Worship the God!" (0 :c,). - Rev 22.8-9.
No. 3: "For I testify to everyone who hears the words of this book: 'If anyone adds to these things,
the God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book; and if anyone takes away from the
book of this prophecy, the God will take away his part from the Book of Life, and from the Holy City
[New Jerusalem], and from the things which are written in this book: - Rev 22.18-19.
(4) LABOR OF THE FLESH (12.12).
No. 1: "For there is man that labor for him in wisdom, and in knowledge, and in good; and no
man who has not laboring in him, he will give him his portion. This also [is] the mourning and great
evil" - Assemb 2.21.
No. 2: "And seeing of me all work of the #Gods that the man can not find out, the work that is
done under the Sun, because that the man labors to seek [it] out and he will not find it, also though a
wise [man] speak to know [it], he can not find [it]" - Assemb 8.17.

(1) THE END HEARD (12.13).
No. 1: "'I am Alpha and Omega; Beginning and End,' says the Lord (0 Kuoic,), 'Who Is and
Who Was and Who Is To Come; the Almighty'" - Rev 1.8.
No. 2: "I am the Alpha and the Omega; the First and the Last ..." - Rev 1.11.
No. 1: "Blessed is he who Reads and those who Hear the words of this prophecy, and Keep those
things which are written in it; for, the time is near [AD 77]" - Rev 1.3.
No. 2: "We thank You, Lord, the God, The [One] [keeping] the all power [and] time ... And that
You have given the reward to the servants of You, the prophets, and to the holy ones Fearing the name
of You, to the small and to the great" - Rev 11.17-18.
No. 3: "Then a voice came from the throne, saying, 'Praise the God (:a :c) of us all you
servants of Him, and those who Fear Him, both small and great'" - Rev 19.5.
(3) THE ALL OF THE MAN (12.13).
No. 1: ""Only take heed to yourself, and diligently keep yourself, lest you forget the things your
eyes have seen, and lest they depart from your heart all the days of your life. And teach them to your
sons and to sons of sons of you" - Deut 4.9.
No. 2: "Set your hearts on all the words which I testify among you today, which you will
command sons of you to be careful to observe; all the words of this law" - Deut 32.46.
No. 3: "For whoever will keep the whole law, and yet stumble in one point, he is guilty of all" -
Jas 2.10.
NOTE: In other words, you cannot pick and choose which part of the law you will obey. [But
then, Iesous is our righteousness. He paid the price for our sins.]

EVIL (12.14).
No. 1: "I will restore your judges as at the first, and your counselors as at the beginning.
Afterward [AD 77] you will be called the 'City of Righteousness'; [and] 'The Faithful City' [New
**Jerusalem]. Zion will be redeemed with righteousice, and her returners with righteousness. The
destruction of transgressors and of sinners will be together; and those who forsake 'He Is' () will be
consumed" - Isa 1.26-28.

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

No. 2: "And we had known and we had believed the extreme love (a,arp) which the God (0
:c,) has in us,. The God is extreme love, and the [one] remaining in the extreme love, he will remain
in the God, and the God will remain in him. In this He had perfected the extreme love with us, in order
that we have confidence in the Day of Judgment, for as He is, we are also in this world. It is not fear in
the extreme love, but the perfect love, having cast out fear; for the fear has punishment. But the [one]
fearing [the judgment - vs 17] has not been perfected in the extreme love (a,arp)" - 1Jn 4.16-18.
NOTE: In other words, you can fear the God during your lifetime; or, fear the God at the
(2) HIDDEN THINGS (12.14).
No. 1: "For nothing is secret that will not be revealed, nor anything hidden that will not be known
and come to light" - Lk 8.17.
No. 2: "He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned
already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of the God (:cu Yicu :cu
:cu)" - Jn 3.18.
No. 3: "Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the ^Lord comes [AD 77], who will both
bring to light the hidden things of darkness and reveal the counsels of the hearts. Then each one's praise
will come from [mouth] of the God" - 1Cor 4.5.
(3) GOOD AND EVIL (12.14).
No. 1: "For we must all appear before the judgment seat of the ^Anointed (0 Xoi:cu), that each
one will receive the things [done] in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad" -
2Cor 5.10.
No. 2: "Do not be deceived, the God (:c,) is not mocked, for if a man sows, this also he will
reap" - Gal 6.7.

Isaiah 1.21. How the faithful city has become a *Harlot!"

Isaiah 3.8: For **Jerusalem stumbling her, and ^^Judah falling, for tongue of them, and from doings of
(Y) them (MH) (:::r:) against He Is (), to rebellions eyes of glory of Him."

Isaiah 6.9-13: And He said, Go and tell this people: Keep on hearing, but do not understand; keep on
seeing, but do not perceive. Make the heart of the people dull and their ears heavy, and shut their eyes;
lest they see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and return and be
inhabitant, the houses are without a man, the land is utterly desolate ... But a tenth will be in it, and will
return and be taken away [Safely] ... So the holy Seed shall be pillar of her.


He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA



11.1. And He will come out a Rod [David] from Stock of Jesse, and a ^Branch (lpcu, Xoi:c,) from
roots of him. He will bear fruit.
11.2. And Spirit of He Is (), she [Dove = fem.] will rest on ^Him; Spirit of Wisdom and
Understanding (#1), Spirit of Counsel (#2) and Might (#3), Spirit of Knowledge (#4) and of Fear of He Is
(#5) ().
11.3. And the Spirit of Him, Fear of He Is (#5); and ^He will not Judge (#6) to sight [of] eyes, and not He
reproving to hearing [of] ears of Him.
11.4. And Judging (#6) the poor in Righteousness (#7), and reproving in rightness to meek of earth; and
^He will strike earth with rod of mouth of Him, and in breath of lips of Him; He will slay wicked.
Note: These are the 7 Spirits of God.
11.5. And Righteousness will be harness from sides of ^Him, and the Faithfulness harness of waist of
11.6. And Wolf (Benjamin) stranger with Lamb (*Israel), and Leopard (Gad & Rueben) he will lie down
with troop of [...] (*Israel & ^^Judah), and Calf ((Ephraim) and Lion (^^Judah) and Fatling (Joseph)
together; and a little Child (Peter - newborn) shall lead them.
[...] Goats or Ramah, east of Jordan River agrees with our interpretation.
11.7. Cow (*Samaria) and Bear (^^Judah) they will graze together, and they will lie down, young ones of
them, and Lion (^^Judah) he will eat straw as Ox (*Israel).
11.8. And sucking [child] will delight on hole of Asp [*Israel - Deut 32.15, 33], and weaned [child] will
put hand of him from light [of den] of Adder [*Israel - Isa 59.5]; [cf., cockatrice].
11.9. They will not hurt, and they will not destroy in all of Mountain [New **Jerusalem] of Holiness of
Me; for filling her, the Earth, of knowledge of He Is (), as waters to sea, ones covering.
11.10. And in Day being the-that, ^Root of Jesse (lpcu,), who standing to banner [to] peoples, these of
Him; Gentiles they will seek ^Him, and she will be resting place of Him; glory.
11.11. And in Day being the-that, Lord of [me] (:s) hand of him, He will do second time to recover of
remnant of people of Him, that, he that [is left] from Assyria, and from Egypt, and from Pathros, and
from Kush, and from Elam, and from Shinar, and from Hamath, and Islands of the Sea [European
11.12. And He will set up a Banner [Possibly, the cross] to nations, and gathering [New **Jerusalem -
AD 77] ones being outcasts of *Israel, and He will gather ones being fallen of ^^Judah, from four corners
of the earth.
11.13. And envy of Ephraim departing her, and adversaries of ^^Judah they will be cut off; *Ephraim not,
he will envy ^^Judah, and ^^Judah not, he will harass against *Ephraim.
11.14. And flying them on shoulders of Philistines [to] west, them together; they will spoil of peoples of
east; sending hands of them [to] Edom and Moab; and sons of Ammon [among] ones obeying [them].
11.15. And the destroying of them [by] He Is () against tongue of Sea of Egypt; and [with] boiling
Spirit of Him, the waving hand of Him over the river, and the destroying of them to seven rivers; and the
treading of you in shoes.

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

11.16. And she will be a Highway [Street of Gold] to remnant [of] people of #Him, that he who [is left]
from Assyria, as that she will be to *Israel in day, coming him [+Jacob] from land [of] Egypt.
NOTE: Ancient maps have identified the Seven Rivers of the Nile River in the Delta, at the
Mediterranean Sea. However, they have silted and are undefinable today. But this is symbolism for the
ease of traveling from Assyria to Egypt [Street of Gold in AD 77], and back. See: Isa 19.23-25. The
River is still in the Delta, though not so clearly defined as before.
The Spirit of God; or, the Holy Spirit is the messenger of God. In the Greek it is only in the
neuter gender. ^Iesous (lpcu,) was "anointed" with the 7 Spirits of God. Luke described the
"anointing" of ^Iesous to have been with the Holy Spirit. See: Lk 3.22.
"Things equal to the same thing are equal to each other."
For example: 3 + 2 = 5. And: 4 + 1 = 5. Therefore: 3 + 2 = 4 + 1.
In like manner, "the anointing of Iesous" = the 7 Spirits of God (Isa 11).
And, "the anointing of Iesous" = the Holy Spirit (Lk 3.22).
Therefore, because "the anointing" = "the anointing"; it follows that: the 7 Spirits of God = the
Holy Spirit.

Isaiah 13.1, 10, 13.Burden [against] Babylon that looking Isaiah the son of Amoz .....For Stars of the
Heavens (Astrologers) and Constellations of them (Soothsayers) not praising them (:), light of them;
the Sun (Belshazzer) darkening in coming her (T) [to] him (W; day) (-ss:) and Moon (Thousand
Lords) will not give light of him ..... For this I will shake Heavens (Sun, Moon, Stars), and the Earth
(Babylon) she will move from place of her, in the wrath of He Is of hosts (-s:s ) and in Day of
fierce anger of Him."

Isaiah 19.23-25: In that Day there will be a Highway from Egypts@ into Assyria, and the Assyrian will
come into Egypts* and the Egyptian into Assyria, and the Egyptians will serve with the Assyrians. In that
Day *Israel will be one of three with Egypts@ and Assyria -- a blessing in the midst of the Earth, whom
He Is () of hosts shall bless, saying, Blessed is Egypts@ My people, and Assyria the work of My
hands, and Israel My inheritance.
NOTE @: Egypts is always plural because of Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt. This is similar to
Heavens is always plural because of Day (Sun) and Night (Moon Stars).

Isaiah 24.23: And shaming her, the Moon (Levitical Priesthood), and confounding her, the Sun (Antipas)
ashamed; for the He Is of hosts (-s:s ) 'kinging' in Mount Zion (Third Heaven - Rev 14.1) and in
(New) **Jerusalem and before His (24) Elders, gloriously." [See: Elders - Rev 4.4, 10.]

Isaiah 25.7-9: And He will destroy on this mountain the surface of the covering cast over all people, and
the Veil that is spread over all (12) Nations (Tribes). He will swallow up death into the age, and He Is
() will wipe away tears from all faces (Rev 21.4); the rebuke of His people He will take away (the
war with Rome) from all the Earth (New **Jerusalem; Rev 22.1-3); for He Is () has spoken. And it
will be said in that day: Look this is #Gods of us (:::s; Rev 22.1); we have waited for Him, and He
will save us. This is He Is (); we have waited for Him; we will be glad and rejoice in His salvation
(Rev 21.3-4; 22.4-5, 17).

Isaiah 26.1: We have a strong city; He will appoint Salvation for our Walls and Bulwarks.

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

Isaiah 30.26: Moreover the Light of the Moon (^Iesous) will be as the Light of the Sun (^Iesous), and
the Light of the Sun (^Iesous) will be sevenfold, as the Light of seven Days (of the Old Sun), in the Day
(AD 77) that He Is () binds up the bruise of His people (*Israel) and heals the stroke of their

Isaiah 34.4-5: And they will pine away all host of the Heavens (Sun, Moon, Stars), they will be rolled up
as a book, the Heavens (Governments), and all of host of them, he (host) will fall as leaf from vine, and as
fading from fig tree. For she will fill (-) in Heavens (Governments); sword of Me, looking on Edom,
coming down, and on people of destruction of [Me], to judgment."

Isaiah 35.8: A Highway (Street) shall be there, and a Road, and it shall be called, The Highway of

Isaiah 40.6-7: Voice saying, 'Cry'; and saying, 'What I will cry?' All of the flesh [is] Grass, and all of the
mercy of him as Flower of the field. The Grass, he withers, Flower fading, for breath of He Is ()
blowing her in him; surely the people [are] Grass.

Isaiah 50.1. Where is the certificate of your mothers (Zions) Divorce, whom I have put away? ... For
your iniquities you have sold yourselves, and for your transgressions your mother has been put away."

Isaiah 57.4-5: Of whom you, She will delight him? Against whom you broaden of (Y) him (W) mouth
(e :-), you lengthen of him, tongue? The-not with them (:-s) children of transgression ... for on
all of high hill and under all of green tree of prostituting ... *Israel going her, this, on all of high hill and
at under all of green tree, and She fornicated there.

Isaiah 57.20: But the Wicked
are like the troubled Sea
, when it cannot rest, whose Waters
cast up
mire and dirt." NOTE
: Wicked = Sea = Waters = Nations.

Isaiah 60.5: and your heart will swell with joy; because the Abundance
of the Sea
shall be turned to
you, the Wealth
of the Gentiles
shall come to you (New **Jerusalem)."
Sea = Gentiles.

Isaiah 60.18: But you shall call your Walls, Salvation, and your Gates, Praise.

Isaiah 66.8: Who has heard such a thing? Who has seen such things? Shall the Earth (*Israel) be made
to give birth in One Day? [12 Months.] Or shall a Nation (New **Jerusalem) be born at once? For as
soon as Zion was in labor, she gave birth to her children.

Isaiah 65.9, 11, 15, 17: And the bringing of Me (YT) Seed from +Jacob, and ^^Judah, he will possess
(12) Mountains of Me (Tribes); Chosen of Me, they will possess her, and servants of Me, they will dwell
that-there (::) .... But you are those who forsake He Is, who forget My holy Mountain ... And with
them, forsaking of He Is (), the forgetting of them of Mountain of holiness of [Me] ... And the
leaving you (*Israel) them (New Jerusalem) name of you (*Israel) to curse to chosen of [Me] (From-
calling); and Lord of [me] He Is ( :s) will [be] the death of you (*Israel), and to servants of Him
burning one name (New **Jerusalem) ... For looking of [Me], creating (s:; see: Gen 1.1) Heavens,
new ones, and a New Earth (New **Jerusalem); and not She (New **Jerusalem) will remember Her
(*Israel), the first [state] of Her (*Israel), and not She (*Israel) will come Her (*Israel) to heart."

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

Isaiah 66.19: And naming of Me (YT) a sign in them; and sending of Me (YT) from them escapees to
the nations: to Tarshish, Pul and Lud, drawing of [them] bow; Tubal and Javan, the islands, the far ones,
who not hearing fame of [Me] and not seeing them of glory of [Me]. And the binding them of glory of
[Me] in nations."

Isaiah 66.23: And it shall come to pass that from one New Moon to another [New Moon is understood],
and from one Sevens (Sabbaths) to another [Sevens is understood}, all flesh [Jews & Gentiles] shall come
to worship Me, says He Is ()." NOTE: From AD 28 to AD 32 one Sabbath.

Jeremiah 4.23, 29: I saw of the *Earth (Jeremiah speaking), and look, it was vain, and empty; and of the
Heavens (Governments of *Israel), no light of them ... From the voice of horsemen and casting archer in
city of Her, all of city coming them in thickets and they come up in rocks all of city forsaking Her, and
none, he will dwell in there."

Jeremiah 11.16: He Is () calling name of you Green Olive Tree, Lovely and of Good Fruit. With
the noise of a great tumult He has kindled fire on her, and breaking them, branches of (W) [] of Me
(YT) [to] Him (+Jacob; -:). [Green Tree].

Jeremiah 25.11: And she will be all of *Earth, the-this, to waste, to astonishment and an astonishment,
and the-these, the Nations (12 Tribes) they will serve of king of Babylon seventy years."

Jeremiah 31.34: And they will not any longer of neighbor of him and man of brother of him, to saying,
'Know of He Is (), for all of them, they will know desire of [Me] (-s) to from least of them and to
greatest of them, saying He Is () for I will forgive to iniquity of them and to sins of them I will
remember no more."

Eze 17.3, 6-7: And saying you this, saying Lord of me, He Is ( :s), 'The great Eagle (Babylon)
powerful of the wing, long the feather, full the plumage ... coming to *Lebanon and he took of top of the
Cedar (King) of highest twig of (W) [] of Me (YT) of him (W) (-:) ... And he grew and he was
to spreading Vine of low stature (*Israel); to turning branches of Me (YT) of him (W) toward him
(Babylon) ... And he was one great Eagle (Egypts) ... and looking, the-this Vine bending roots of her
toward him ... NOTE: highest twig of (W) [*Israe] of Me (YT)

Ezekiel 25.12-13: So saying Lord of [me], He Is (): Because Edom doing to house of ^^Judah in
vengeancing vengeance, and they trespassed, trespassing, and avengeancng them in them, therefore so
saying Lord of [me] He Is (): And stretching of Me, hand of [Me] against Edom, and the cutting off
of Me (YT) from her man and beast, and giving of Me [to] Her (--:) wasting from Teman and Dedan
they will fall in sword.

Ezekiel 29.18-19: Son of man, Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, the servant (:r) of army of him,
serving her great against Tyre ... yet neither he nor his army received wages from Tyre ... Therefore so
saying Lord of [me] He Is (:s ), The seeing of [Me], giving to Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon
of Earth of Egypts (plural) ... lifting the numbering, and spoiling spoiling of her, and despising despising
of her; and she will be hire to army of him.

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

Ezekiel 32.2, 7-8: Son of man, lift (s:) a lamentation for Pharaoh king of Egypts [always plural in
Hebrew], and saying Her (Lamentation) [to] God of (Y) him (W) (:s) .... And covering of Me (YT) in
(B) quenching of (W) Her [of] you (K) (-:::), and the blacking of Me (-) of Stars
(Magicians) of them; I will cover him, Sun (Pharaoh), in clouds, and Moon (Sorcerers & Wise Men), he
will not lighten light of him. All of [place] from shining of light in Heavens (Governments), I will darken
them, over [place] of [Heavens] of you, and giving of Me darkness over Earth of you, saying Lord of [us],
He Is ( :s)."


EZEKIEL 38 & 39

1. God singular (:s); 4 times in Ezekiel; 395 times in Old Testament.
2. Gods plural (::s); 32 times in Ezekiel; 2,492 times in Old Testament.
3. He Is (), 193 times in Ezekiel; 6,735 in Old Testament.
4. Lord (s); 215 times in Ezekiel; Lord of [me] (:s) 628 times in Old Testament.
* Although Strongs concordance reads: the Adonay; Kohlenbergers Interlinear produces
Adonay without the definite article, the. So then, THE LORD in the KJV is faulty workmanship,
and possibly, blasphemy against the name of God; which is one of the Three Blasphemies of the
Beast (Rev 13.6).
5. Xoi:c, is "Anointed"; 490 times.
6. lpcu, is ^"Iesous"; 977 times.
7. 0 :c, is "the God." "God" is found 1,283 times; however, sometimes, "of God" does not
have the definite article. But then, at other times it reads, "of the God."
So then, Numbers 2 & 3 & 5 & 6 & 7, are banned in the Bible translations and in the churches.

INTRODUCTION: Gog is identified by Parallel Prophecies. Isaiah, and Jeremiah, and Ezekiel
wrote three Parallel Prophecies. They all condemned these nations:

1) ^^Judah - Isa 3.1-3; Jer 24.5-10; Eze 6.1-7.
2) Assyria - Isa 10.5, 24-27; Jer 50.18; Eze 23.5-7, 12-13.
3) Egypts [always plural] - Isa 19.1-4; Jer 25.17-19; Eze 29.3-7.
4) Tyre - Isa 23.15-18; Jer 47.4; Eze 26.3-4.
5) Edom - Isa 11.14; Jer 49.17; Eze 25.11.
6) Moab - Isa 25.10; Jer 48.4; Eze 25.11.

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

But then, Babylon and Gog are treated differently. Isaiah and Jeremiah condemned Babylon. But they
did not mention Gog. On the other hand, Ezekiel condemned Gog, but he did not condemn Babylon.
Therefore, because these three prophecies are Parallel on all these other subjects, we believe that they are
Parallel on Babylon and Gog. And so, Gog would equal the king of Babylon, and the land of Magog
would be Babylonia. The victorious Gog was Nebuchadnezzar. The defeated Gog was Belshazzar. See:
Daniel 5. And all three books of prophecy were completely fulfilled in AD 77-78 -- the Rapture and the
founding of New **Jerusalem, in "one day" (Isa 66.8).

38.1. And word of He Is () he was sent to me, saying,
38.2. Son of man, setting face of you against Gog, of the land of Magog, a chief prince of Meshech, and
Tubal, and prophesying against him,
NOTE: "He Is #Gods of *Israel" declared Himself against Gog, but then, he immediately told that
Gog would have military success against ^^Judah.
38.3. and you saying, so saying He Is #Gods (::s ): Look, [I am] against of you, Gog, a chief
prince of Meshech, and Tubal.
38.4. I turning you around, and giving of Me (--:) hooks into jaws of you, and the bringing of Me
(-ss) against you, and with all of army of you, horses and horsemen, all of them clothed of [things]
from perfect [armor], a great company [with] bucklers and shields, all of them handling swords,
38.5. Persia, Kush (Ethiopia), and Put (Libya) are with them, all of them [with] shield and helmet;
38.6. Gomer and all troops of her, house (-:) of Togarmah [from] side of north with all of troops of
him; many people [are] against you.
38.7. Preparing, and preparing to you and all of companies of you, the He assembling them against you,
and you will be to them to guard.
38.8. Who from many days, you will be visited. In after years of her, you will come into [the] *land from
*ones brought back from the sword (:: -::::) [Egypts] and from gathering of her from many
nations to Mountain [Kingdom] of *Israel that being them to waste [for] a long time, and this [*Israel],
she was brought from nations, and they dwell (::) to safety, all of them [594 BC].
38.9. And you will come up as a storm, covering the land as a cloud, you and all your troops, and many
peoples with you.
NOTE: Compare Joel's description of this same event; "They will run like mighty men; they will
climb the wall like men of war; they will march every one on his ways; and they will not break ranks;
neither will one thrust another [Friendly Fire]; they will walk every one in his path; and [if] they fall on
the sword they will not be wounded" - Joel 2.7-8.

38.10. This saying Lord of [me] He Is (:s ): And being in Day; the-this, they will come,
speakings will arise against, to heart of you, and the devising of you an evil plan;
38.11. and you will say, I will go against a land of unwalled villages, I will come to the ones at rest, ones
dwelling safely, all of them dwelling in no wall, and gates are not to them,
38.12. to plundering, plundering and to booty, booty, and to the turning [of] hand of you against the waste
places, he [Jacob] inhabited her, and against a people gathered from the nations [Israel from Egypt], doing
He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

cattle [Ex 12.38] and goods, dwelling in middle of the land.
38.13. Sheba, and Dedan, the merchants of Tarshish, and all of lions of her, they will say to you, Coming
with her (s: -s) the [one] to plundering, plundering (::: ::::), the [one] to spoiling, spoiling?
The [one] you gathered company of you to carrying away silver and gold, to taking cattle and goods, to
plundering , plundering, much?
38.14. Therefore son of man (:s :), the prophecy, and you say to Gog, this saying Lord of [me] He Is
(:s ); In day, the-this, when people of Me, *Israel dwell to safety, you will not know?
38.15. And you will come from place of you, from parts of north [Babylon; cf. Joel 2.2, 6-10]; You and
many nations with you, all of them riding horses; a great company and a mighty army,
38.16. you will come up against people of Me, *Israel as a cloud to cover the land in end, she will be of
the days, and the bringing you against *Earth of Me (ss), so that, the [12] Nations [Tribes] to know
Me [by fulfilled prophecy], in holiness of Me, in you, Gog, before the eyes of them.
38.17. This saying, Lord of [me] He Is (:s ), whom speaking of Me, in former days in hand of
servants of Me, prophets of *Israel [Deut 28], the ones prophesying in days from former the-those, two
[tablets of the law] to bringing you against them?
38.18. And being in days, the-this (s), Gog, coming against land of *Israel says Lord of [me] He Is
(:s ), she will come, wrath in anger of [Me] (es:).
38.19. And in jealousy of Me, in fire of wrath of Me, speaking of Me (-:): If not in day, the-this, he
will be a great Earthquake [Doom of a Nation; see: Isa 13.13] in the land of *Israel,
38.20. And shaking of them, from face of Me, Fish
of the Sea [Gentiles], and Birds
of the heavens
[skies], and Beasts
of the field, and all of the Creeping things
; the creeping on the ground, and all of the
men who [are] on face of the *Earth. And the [12] Mountains [Tribes] will be thrown down, the steep
places [**Jerusalem] will fall, and all of wall, she will fall to earth - 38.20.

Fish, Bird, Beast, Creeping Thing are symbols for nations; see: Gen 49.8-12. 14, 17, 21, 27.
38.21. And calling of Me (-s), [for] a sword against him to all of Mountains of Me [12 Tribes],
says Lord of [me] He Is ( :s :s:) Sword of man, she will be in brother of him [Civil War in
Babylonian Empire].
38.22. And I, judging of Me, on him, saying, 'I will rain, and in man, turning you, and stones of fiery hail
and sulfur, I will pour on him, and on troops of him, and on many people with him.
38.23. And the making great of Me on him, and the making holy of Me, and I, making known of Me [by
fulfillment of prophecy; 588 BC] to eyes of many [12] Nations [Tribes]. And they will know [by woe]
that I [am] He Is ()..
NOTE: The rule of Gog over Judah is recorded in the second book of Kings, Chapters 24 and 25.
The king of ^^Judah, Jehoiakim, became the servant of Nebuchadnezzar for three years (601, 600, 599
BC). And in the third year (599 BC), he rebelled.
"And 'He Is' () sent against him bands of the Chaldee, and bands of the Syrians, and ...
Moabites, and ... sons of Ammon, and sent them against ^^Judah to destroy it ..." - 2Ki 24.2.
The king (Jehoiakim) was sent bound to Babylon. Jehoiachin was made king of ^^Judah. He
only lasted three months, and followed Jehoiakim's error of rebellion.
"(the king), he, and his mother, and his servants, and his princes, and his officers [went out], and
the king of Babylon took him in the eighth year of his reign" - 2Ki 25.12 (599 BC). [606 BC - 7 Years =
8th Year = 599 BC.]
"And all the men of might, seven thousand, and craftsmen and smiths, a thousand, all strong, apt
for war, even them the king of Babylon brought captive to Babylon" - 2Ki 25.16.

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

39.1. And you, son of man (:s ::), the prophesying against Gog, and saying of you, 'This saying Lord
of [me] He Is ( :s): Seeing of Me, I am against you, Gog, the chief prince of Meshech, and
39.2. and turning of Me, and that desolation of you, of Me, and coming up of you, of Me, from the far
north, and the coming of you, of Me, against Mountain [Kingdom] of *Israel.
NOTE: Verses 39.1-2 are a repeat of Verse 38.1-3. Gog was predicted to "kill" the [12]
Mountains [Tribes] of *Israel.

39.3. And the striking of you of Me (-:), bow from left hand of you, and arrows of you from right
hand of you, I will make fall [to the ground]. [God controls the kings of the earth].
The Gods (::s) tells that He will strike down Gog.
39.4. You will fall [killed - #5307] on [12] Mountains [Tribes] of *Israel, you and all of troops of you,
and the peoples who [are] with you; giving you of Me, to Birds
[and] Goat
; Winged
and Living

[Beasts] of the field, to her [*Israel] eating [539, 518 BC]. Note
: Animals = Nations.
39.5. You will fall (#5307 - kill) on face of the field you will fall [kill], for I, speaking of Me, saying Lord
of [me] He Is (:s ).
NOTE: The Birds and Beasts are identified to be symbols for nations. *Israel was a Lion, and
Judah a Young Lion, and Israel was also an Ox; Napthali was a Deer, Benjamin was a Wolf, and Dan was
a Serpent. Now the story returns to the subject of killing ^^Judah (from Verse 2). In the Hebrew
language the expression, "fall on them" means to "kill them." See: Strong's #5307; 2Sam 1.15 (an
Amalekite killed), and 2Chr 25.8 (Amaziah killed); and Strong's #6293; 1Ki 2.29 (Joab killed). Verse 6
will return to the story of Gog being punished. And, this switching of subjects from verse to verse is
common throughout the Bible, and also in English literature, and movies. [In fact, Hollywood does so
much switching of subjects, that often I cannot follow the plot.]

39.6. And sending of Me (-::), fire in Magog and in the ones living in the coastlands to safety, in the
coastlands, and they will know that I [being] He Is ( :s :).
39.7. And I will make known of name holiness of Me in midst of people *Israel, and I will not [let them]
profane of name of holiness of Me [any] longer. And the nations will know for I [being] He Is ( :s
:), Holy One in *Israel.
39.8. Look coming, and wailing of her, saying of Lord of [me] He Is ( :s), this the-day that
speaking of Me.
39.9. And going of them, ones dwelling in cities of *Israel, and they will burn them, and burning them,
and shields and [large] shields, in bows and in arrows, and in hand rods and in spears; and they will burn
them in fire Seven Years [539-18 BC].
NOTE: Periods of prophecy have numbers that are "symbols" sometimes. The beginning and the
end of the prophecy are determined grammatically. Then the beginning and ending dates are supplied by
biblical, and/or secular history. So then the "actual" period of time is divided by the number that is the
"symbol" for the period of prophecy; and this produces a "multiplier." Daniel's "Seventy Weeks" was
from 455 BC to AD 35; or, "490 Years." Therefore the "multiplier" for each day would be "360." In
prophecy one year is represented as 360 Days; which agreed with the Egyptian calendar.
Revelation's "1260 Days" also has a multiplier of "360." 1260 Days = 1260 Years. The Lord
^Iesous' statement "today, tomorrow, and the third day I will be perfected (resurrected)" [Lk 13.32] was
"three years"; producing a multiplier of "360." This was referring to AD 30, AD 31, AD 32 when Lord
^Iesous was raised from the dead.
Cyrus defeated Belshazzar and Babylon in 539 BC. They rebelled during the reign of Darius I,
and were subdued again in 518 BC. [539 - 518 BC = 21 Years.] So then, the "Seven Years" of Ezekiel
were actually "21 Years"; and we have a multiplier of "three."

39.10. And they will not take wood from the field and they will not cut down from the forests for in
burning, and they [put] fire in forest; and they will plunder of plunderers of them, and they will rob of
robbers of them says Lord of [me] He Is.

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

39.11. And being in day, the-this, giving to Gog a burial place there in *Israel, the valley of Ones-passing
by east of the sea; and sparing her [*Israel], this of Ones-passing, and burying them there of Gog, of all of
the multitude of him, and calling him, Valley of Multitude of Gog.
39.12. And house of *Israel burying them Seven Months [AD 28-35] to the end of cleansing the Earth
39.13. And burying them, all of people of the *earth, and being to them to name a day, glorifying of [Me],
says Lord of [me] He Is ( :s). NOTE: Hebrew verb stems ending with "Y" (Yod), are translated
"of"; and it is implied that "me" should be added.

39.14. And they will separate men of continual [employment] passing ones in [the] *earth from burying
ones with the he-passing ones, remaining ones on face of the *earth to cleansing her, from end of Seven
Months they will search.
39.15. And passing the ones passing in [the] *earth, and [when] seeing bone of man , and building a Zion
[Marker] beside him until the burying him; the ones from burying under Valley of Multitude of Gog,
39.16. and also name of city, Multitude. And cleansing them the *earth.
39.17. And you son of man this saying Lord of [me] He Is, Speaking to all of Winged Bird
[Nation] and
to all of Living
[Beast] of the field [Nation]; The gathering them and coming them, and gathering
together them from about to sacrifice of [Me] that I sacrificing to you, sacrificing on great Mountain
[Kingdom] of *Israel and you eating them, flesh, and drinking of you, blood. of them
39.18. You will eat them, flesh of mighty, you will drink them, blood of princes of the Earth (*Israel),
of rams, lambs and goats; bulls, all of them fatlings of Bashan.
39.19. You will eat them, meat (fat) to full, and you will drink them, blood to drunk from sacrifice of
[Me]; that sacrificing of Me to you (::: -:).
39.20. And sevenfold at table of Me (:::), [you will eat] horse and rider, mighty man, and all of men
of war, says Lord of [me] He Is ( :s).
39.21. And giving of Me (--:) of glory of Me in nations [12 Tribes]; and all of the nations seeing
39.22. And, knowing of them (r), house of (-:) *Israel [from fulfilled prophecy in 601, 598, 588
BC; and AD 28-35; AD 70; AD 77] that I [am] He Is Gods of them from the day, the-this, and beyond.
39.23. The nations, they will know, that in heaping iniquities on house of *Israel, that trespassing of them
in Me, and I hid face of [Me] from them, and I gave them into hand of enemies of them, and they fell by
sword, all of them.
39.24. According to uncleanness of them, and according to trespasses of them, [so was] dealing of Me
with them, and hiding of Me, face of [Me] (:e) from them.
39.25. After this saying Lord of [me] He Is ( :s), now I will bring again of captivity of +Jacob [to
New **Jerusalem; AD 77], and mercy of Me on all of house of *Israel; and jealousy of Me to name of
holiness of [Me].
39.26. And forgetting them of shame of them, and with all trespasses that were trespassing of them in
Me, to rest (:::) on ground of them, to safety, and there were no tomorrows.
39.27. In captives of [Me] from the peoples, and gathering of Me them from earth of her, enemies of
them, and making holy of Me in them to eyes of the nations, many ones,
39.28. and they will know [AD 77] that I He Is #Gods of them (::s :s), in the heaping them
of Me them, among them, the nations, and as I will gather them on land of them, and I will not leave any
from them there.
39.29. And I will not hide face of [Me] from them anymore that pouring of Me of Spirit of [Me] on house
of *Israel, says Lord of [me] He Is.
NOTE: For pouring of Spirit on New **Jerusalem, see: Zec 12.10, and Rev 1.7, and Rev 22.1-2.

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

SUMMARY: "He Is" () declared, "I will save the tents of ^^Judah first ..." (Zec 12.7). So
then, ^^Judah was raptured in "this generation" (Mt 24.34); and the "remnant" of *Israel; meaning "few";
received the Spirit of God (Zec 12.10), and founded New **Jerusalem. This was dated (from AD 67) to
be in "Ten Days" (Rev 2.10); and also to be "Quickly" (6 times). The "sacrifice" (Eze 39.17); or, "The
supper of the great God" (Rev 19.17); which was the same prophesy repeated; was the "treading of the
grapes in the winepress" (Rev 19.15); which was the destruction of the nation of *Israel; and the End of
the religion of *Israel. Forgiveness of sins was through the law, and the priesthood, and the temple; but
these were all permanently destroyed.



And on the river, He goes on lip of him; from this and from that (: :), all of Tree, from eating leaf
of him, he will grow old, fruit of him not fatherless to months of them, for he will bring waters of him
from the holy (place), them going out, and he will serve fruit of him to [those] from eating, and leaf of
him to healing - Eze 47.12.
Compare: Revelation 22.2. "from here and from there" (:::u: -ai :-::). These are both
the same prophecy of the Tree of Life [Iesous (He-Saving)] in New **Jerusalem, founded in AD 77.
And there are no Greek words reading, "on either side." One Tree cannot be, "on either side."
And he showed me a clean River of Water of Life (Spirit), bright as crystal, proceeding from the
throne of the God and of the Lamb. In the midst of Street (of Gold) of her (au:p,), and of the River
(Spirit), from here and from there, a Tree (sing.) of Life (^Iesous) producing twelve fruits according to the
one month, each yielding its fruit. And the leaves of the Tree (^Iesous) were for healing of the (12)
Nations (Tribes) - Rev 22.1-2.

Dan 2.44: And in days of Her (H) of them (N) (::) that of the (A) kings (s:::) (Babylon,
Persia, Greece, Rome), 'I of them' (.s) God of Her (:s); kingdom of the (A) Heavens (s::), He
will raise up to ever of them, She will not be destroyed, and kingdom of Her and She will not be left to
other people; She will break [in pieces] and She will consume all of God of him (:s) the (A) kingdoms
(s-:::), and this, She will stand to ever."

Daniel 7.2-7: Daniel speaking, saying, I was looking in vision of [me] by night, and I saw them,, four
winds of Heavens from stirring up to Great Sea (Mediterranean or simply Gentiles). And four Beasts
(Nations), great ones, coming them from the Sea, one different from other. The first as a Lion and wings
of eagle to her; I was looking until ... And seeing another Beast, a second, like a Bear ... In (B) after this
looking [at] lives of Her, and seeing him after of as another as a Leopard ... In after that, looking [at] lives
of her, in vision of night, and see him, fourth Beast, dreadful and terrible, exceedingly strong. It had huge
iron teeth ...
He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

Daniel 9.24: Seventy Sevens [Weeks] are determined for your people [Daniels], and for your holy city
[Jerusalem], (1) to finish the transgression, (2) to make an end of sins, (3) to make reconciliation for
iniquity, (4) to bring in everlasting righteousness, (5) to seal up vision and the prophet, (6) and to anoint
the Most Holy [Ones]."

Daniel 9.26: And after 62 Sevens the Anointed [Messiah is untranslated] shall be cut off ....

Dan 11.31-36: And forces from him they will stand, and they will pollute the sanctuary, the strength, and
the turning them [from] the continual (daily) [sacrifice], and giving them the abomination of desolation
(altar to Zeus) ... And the king (Antiochus Epiphanes) doing as acceptable to him. And He/She
will exalt (::-) them (abominations) and he/she will make great (:.-) above all of god (:s),
and he will speak against God (:s) of gods (::s), he will say, 'We are wonders of Her'; and the
prospering indignation for He determining her, He doing her.

Daniel 12.6-7, 11-12: And he said to the man clothing [in] the linens (Priest), who from above to waters
of the river, Until when fulfillment of the wonders of Her (Prophecy)? And I heard of the man clothing
[in] the linens , who from above to (L) waters from (M) [place] of the river (on Earth), he held up right
hand of him and left hand of him to the-Heavens, and swore in (B) living (:) [Him] to ever for to
[event] from time, from times, and half (42 Months; Rev 11.2); and as (K) all of (LK) of (W) Her (T)
breaking hand [of] holy people (Israel), She (Breaking) will end Her (Israel) all of God of Her (:s) ...
And from time the the daily sacrifice is taken away, and to giving Her, abomination of desolation there
shall be 1290 Days. 'That of' (:s) the [one] from (M) waiting (::), and he will move to
[Resurrection] 1335 Days (AD 77)



INTRODUCTION: Strong's Numbers are included for the following reasons: 1) So that the
reader may check our work; 2) So that the reader may check his or her Bible translation; 3) So that the
reader may learn to translate the Hebrew Scriptures.
For those not interested in Strong's Numbers, the translation of Joel without Strong's Numbers
will follow immediately.

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

1.1. Speaking (1697) of He Is ( - #3068) that (834) being ( 1961) to (413) Joel (:s - He (Y)
of* (W) God (LA) - 3100) son (1121) of Pethuel (6602). * The Internal Yod (Y) is changed to Waw (W).
1.2. Hearing (8085) them (W), this (2063) the (H) elders (2205), and (W) the (H) earing (241) of them
(W), all of (3605) he will dwelling of (:: - 3427) the (H) earth (776); the (H) woe (1929) of (Y) her
(HT) , this (2063) in (B) days (3117) of you (MKY), and (W) if (518) the (H), She (T) had happened
(HYH), this, in (B) days (#117) of fathers (1) of you (MKY), [so what]?
1.3. Scribing (5608) them (W) to (5921) [sons] of (Y) her (H) [woe] to (L) sons (1121) of you (MKY);
and (W) sons (1121) of you (MKY) [telling] to (L) sons (1121) of them (MHY), and (W) sons (1121) of
them (MHY) to (L) generation (1755) after (312)..
1.4. Rest (- - 3499) [left] [of] the (H) palmerworm (1501) eating (::s - 398), the (H) locust (697)
[eating], and (W) rest (3499) [left] of the (H) locust (697) eating (398) the (H) cankerworm (3218)
[eating], and (W) left over (3499) of the (H) cankerworm (#218), the (H) caterpillar (2625) eating (398).
NOTE: Four Bugs = Pul 769 BC, and Tiglath-Pileser 750 BC, and Shalmeneser in 729 BC, and
Shalmaneser again, in 721 BC. And, Samaria ceased to be a people (Isa 7.8).

1.5. The (H) awakening (6974) them (W; s), drunkards (7910), and (W) weeping (1058) them (W),
and (W) the (H) howling (3213) them (W); all of (3605) drinking (8354) of (Y) wine (3196) over (5921)
[to] new wine (6071); for (3588) he (N) is cut off (3772 - -::) from (M) mouth (6310) of you (MKY).
1.6. For (3588) a nation
(1471) coming (5927) on *earth (776) of [Me], strong (6099), and (W) without
(369) number (4557), teeth (8127) of them (WY) [like] teeth (8127) of a
lion (738), and (W) cheek teeth
(4973) of her (TW) [like] a great lion (3833) to them (WL).
1.7. Naming (8034) vine of [Me] (1612 : e.) to (L) desolation (8047); and fig (8384) [tree] of Me (YT)
to (L) wrath (7111), striping (2834), striping (3824) her (H), and the (H) casting (7993) branches (8299)
of (Y) her (H) the (H) whitening (3836) of (Y) them (WN).
1.8. God (410) of (Y) [her] (:s) as (K) virgin (:-:; 1330), clothing (2296; girding KJV) her (T)
[with] sackcloth (8242) to (5921) man (1168; Baal) [of] youth (5271) of (Y) her (H).
NOTE: Hebrew verbs with suffix "Y"; (being the preposition, "of") are implied to read, "of Me."
The suffix "YT" is not implied, but explicitly translated, "of me."

1.9. The (H) cutting off (3772), [grain] offering (4503) and (W) drink (5257) [offering] from (M) house
(1004) [of] He Is (; 3068); eating (308) them (W), the (H) priests (3548), from (M) princing (8269)
of Me (YT), He Is ();
1.10. Eating (398) her (H) spoiling (7703) field (7704) [of] her (H); for (3588) spoiling (703) (H) [grain]
offering (4503), he (Y) is dried up (3001) wine (8492), weakening (535) oil (3323).
1.11. The (H) drying (3001) them (W); farmers (406; husbandmen KJV); the (H) howling (3235) them
(W), vines (3755) against (5921) wheat (2406) and against (5921) barely (8184), for destroying (6; perish
KJV) reaping (7114) [of] field (7704).
1.12. The (H) vine the (H) drying (3001) [of] her, and (W) the (H) fig (8384) weakening (535) her;
pomegranate (746) also (1571) palm (8558), and (W) apple (8598); all of (3605) trees (6086) of (Y) the
(H) field (7704), they are dried up (3001; ::); for (3541) the (H) drying up (3001) joy (8342)) from
(NM) sons of (YNB) man (MDA).
1.13. Clothing (2296) them (W), and (W) mourning (5524) them (W), the (H) priests (3548); the (H)
howling (3213) of (Y) [them] from (M) princing (8261) of (Y) [them] [to] altar (4196); coming (935)
them (W), lodging (3885) in (B) sackcloths (8242) from (M) princing (8261) of me (YT) Gods (430;
:s) of (Y) [me]; for (3588) he (N) is withheld (4513) [grain] offering (3772) (W) and drink (5262)
He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

[offering] from (M) house (1004) [of] Gods (430) of you (MK)
1.14. Holy (6914) [to] them (W) fast (6684); calling (7121) them (W) a solemn assembly (6116);
gathering (622) them (W), elders (2205) [and] all of (3605) [ones] dwelling (3427) of (Y) the (H) earth
(776 = *Israel) [into] 'house (1004) [of] He Is (3068) #Gods (430) of you (MK),' (:::s -:)
and (W) crying (2199) them (W) to (5921) He Is (3068; ).
1.15. Alas (162) to (L) day (3117)! For (3588) day (3117) [of] He Is (3068) nearing (7138), and (W) as
(K) a Prince (8269) from (M) mighty of (7706) [me], He (Y) will come (935).
1.16. The (H) this (1931), food (398), he (N) is cut off (3772) before (5048) [the] eyes (5869) of us (WN);
rejoicing (8057) and (W) rejoicing (1524) from (M) house (1004) [of] #Gods (430) of us (WN).
1.17. Separating of her (= seeds; 6504), drying (5685) them (W) under (8472) from (M) sweeping
(1640) of Me (YT) them (MH); capturing (7617) them (W) store (686) of (W/Y) her (T), they are
destroyed (2041); from (M) destroying (4460) them (TW), for (3588) the (H) shaming (::; #954) for
::) [of] corn (1715).
1.18. How (4100) beast (:: - #929), she (N) sighs (584) her (H)!; springing (5033) them (W) flock
(5739) of (Y) oxen (1241) for (3588) there is no (369) pasture (4829) to (L) them (MH); also (1521)
flocks (5739) [of] the (H) sheep (6629), He (N) is desolating (816) them (W).
1.19. He Is (; 3068); to (413)You (K) I (A) call (7121); for (3588) fire (784) eating (398) her [H;
Earth = *Israel], habitations (4999) [of] from (M) speaking (1697), and wilderness (4057) and flame
(3852) firing (3857) all of (3605) tree (6086) of (Y) the (H) field (7704).
1.20. Also (1520) beasts (929) [of] field (7704), she (T) pants (6165) to (413) You (K); for (3688) river
(650) [of] water (4325), and (W) fire (784) eating (398) her (H), pastures (4999) [of] the (H) [Earth =
*Israel] from (M) speaking (1697).

2.1. Blowing (8628) them (W), trumpets (7782) in (B) Zion (6726), and (W) the (H) shouting (7321) in
(B) Mountain (2022) [of] holiness (6944) of (Y) [Me]; all of (3605) dwelling (3427) of (Y) the (H) Earth
(776; ^^Judah), they (W--Y) tremble (7264); for (3588) day (3117) [of] He Is ( - 3065) coming (935)
near (7126).
NOTE: Jeremiah began to teach ^^Judah to submit to Babylon in 611 BC.
2.2. Day (3117) [of] darkness (2822) and darkness (653), day (3117) of clouds (6051) and
(W) darkness (6205), as (K) morning (7836) spreading (:e - 6566) on (5921) the (H) Mountains (2022)
[12 Tribes of *Israel]; people (5971), great (7227) and (W) mighty (6099) as (K) who (4100) him (W)
never (3808) he (N) was (1961) from (4481) the (H) ever (5769) and (W) after (310) of him (WY) never
(3808) again (3254) until (5704) captivity (7617/22/33); generation ( - 1755) and (W) generation
2.3. To face of (6440) him (W; :e:) fire (784) eating (398) her (H), and (W) after (310) him (NY),
flame (3851), she (T) burns (3857) as (K) Garden (1588) [of] Eden (5731) the (H) Earth (776; ^^Judah) to
face of him (6440) him (W), and (W) also (1571) nothing (413) she (T) will (1961) escape (6412) her (H)
to him (WL) .
2.4. As (K) from (M) seeing (4758; s::) [of] horses (5483), from (M) seeing (7200) them (W), and
(W) as (K) horsemen (5671) so (3651) they (W--Y) run (s - 7323).
2.5. As (K) a noise (6963) [of] chariots (4818) on (5921) tops (7218) of (Y) the (H) Mountains (2022)
they (W--Y) dance (7540), as (K) noise (6963) [of] flame (3851) [of] fire (7841), eating (398) her (H)
stubble (7179), as (K) mighty (6099) people (:r: 5971) making naked (6168) of you (KW) from (M)
wounding (3859).

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

2.6. From (M) faces (6440) of them (W; :e:), they (W--Y) are pained (2342); people (5971), all of
(3605) faces (6440) , gathering (6908) them (W) blackness (6289).
2.7. As (K) mighty (1368) [men] they (W--Y) run (7323), as (K) men (582) of (Y) war (4421) they (W--
Y) come up (5927) a wall (2346), and (W) man (376) in (B) way (1870) of him (WY), they (W--Y) go
(3212), and (W) not (3808) they (W--Y) break (5670) path (734) of them (M).
2.8. And (W) man (376; :s) another (250) of him (WY) they (W--Y) thrust (1766) not (3808), they
(W--Y) go (3212) [each] man (1399) in (B) course (4546) of him (W), they will go (3212; ::), and
(W) through (1157) the (H) sending (7971; ::), they (W--Y) fall (5307) not (3808), they (W--Y)
covet (1214/15) [blood].
2.9. In (B) city (5892); they (W--Y) run (8264), in (B) wall (2346) they (W--Y) roll (1556), in (B) houses
(1005) of them (M), they (W--Y) [go] against (5921) through (1151) the (H) windows (2474) of them
(MY) they (W--Y) come (935) as (K) a thief (::.: - 1590).
2.10. Earth (776; ^^Judah) to (L) face of (6440) him (W; :e: - Babylon) raging (7264) [of] her (H;
^^Judah); Heavens (8064; Governments) shaking (7493) them (W); Sun (8121; King) and (W) Moon
(3394; Priesthood) darkening (2821) them (W), and (W) Stars (3556; Prophets) gathering (622) them (W)
shining (5051) of them (M).
NOTE: The Sun, Moon, and Stars = Heavens. These three also constitute the Government. So
then, Heavens = Governments. Sun = King Zedekiah of Judah. Moon = Levitical Priesthood. Stars =
Prophets Daniel, and Ezekiel, and Jeremiah. Jerusalem fell in 588 BC.

2.11. And (W) He Is (3068; ) giving (5414; -:) voice (6963) of Him (W) to (L) faces (6440) of (Y)
army (2428) of Him (W); for (3588) many (7227) hundred (3967) pitch tents (2583) [with] him (W), for
(3588) mighty (6099) doing (6213; :r), speaking (1697; :) of Him (W), for (3588) great (1419)
[is] day (3117) of He Is (3068; ), and (W) hundred (3967) [are] fearful (3372), and (W) who (4100),
they (W--Y) can sustain (3557) him (WN)?
2.12. And (W) also (1571) now (6258), saying (5001) [of] He Is (3068; ), Turning (7725) him
(W; +Jacob) to (5705) [will] of (Y) [Me] in (B) all of (3605) heart (3820) of you (MK), and (W) in (B)
fasting (6685), and (W) in (B) weeping (1065), and (W) in (B) mourning (4553).
2.13. And (W) rend (7167) them (W) heart (3820) of you (MK), and (W) not (408) clothing (899) of you
(MKY), and (W) turning (7725) them (W) to (413) He Is #Gods" (3068, 430; :::s ) of you
(MK); for (3588) mercy (2603) and (W) mercy (7344/55/56/59); this (1931) slow to (750) anger (639),
and (W) comforting (5162) against (5921) the (H) evil (7462).
2.14. Who (4100) he (Y) knows (3045) [if] He (Y) will return (7725) and (W) comforting (5162), and
(W) the (H) remnant (7604/11) after (310) of Him (WN) a blessing (1288; ::); a [grain] offering
(4503) and (W) a drink (5262) [offering] to (L) He Is #Gods" (3068, 430; :::s :) of you
2.15. Blowing (8628) them (W) trumpets (7782) in (B) Zion (6726). Make holy (6942) a fast (6685),
calling (7121) them (W) an assembly (6116).
2.16. Gathering (622) them (W; e:s), people (1471), making them (W) holy (6942) congregation
(6951), gathering (6908) them (W; e:s), elders (2205) of them (YM); infants (5768), and (W) sucking
(3243) of (Y) breasts (7699); bridegroom (2860) going (3318) from (M) parlor (2315) of him (W), and
wounding (3859) (W) bride (3618) from (M) cover (2645) of her (HT).

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

2.17. Between (996) the (H) porch (197) and (W) to (L) altar (4196) the (H) priests (3548), they (W--Y)
weep (1058) from (M) ministering (8334) of (Y) He Is (3068; ), and (W) they (W--Y) say (559),
'Sparing (2347) her (H), He Is (3068; ), to (L) people (5971) of You (K), and (W) You (T) will give
(5414; :--) not (413) inheritance [5159] of You (K)) to (L) reproach (2781) to (L) ruling (4910) of (B)
them (M), To (L) why (4100) they (W--Y) will say (559), nations (1471) in (B) peoples (5971); Where
(346) [is] #Gods (430; ::s) of them (MH)?
2.18. And (W) He (Y) will be jealous (7065), He Is (3068; ), will be jealous to (L) Earth (776;
^^Judah) of Him (W), and (W) He (Y) will spare (2550) on (5921) [punishment of] people (5971) of Him
2.19. And (W) He (Y) will answer (6030), He Is (3068; ), and (W) He (Y) will say (559) to (L)
people (5971) of Him (W), Looking (2009) of (Y) [Me], sending (7971) to (L) you (MK) of (854) the
(H) grain (1715), and (W) the (H) wine (8492), and (W) the (H) oil (3323), and (W) filling (7646) them
(MT) by (854) him (W), and (W) I (A) will never (3808) give (5414) to (854) you (MK) again (5750) a
reproach (2778) in (B) nations (1471).
2.20. And (W) of (854) the (H) northern (6830) [One][Babylon] I (A) will remove (7368) from (M) on
[^^Earth] (5921) of you (MKY) and (W) the (H) driving (5080) of him (W) of Me (YT) to (413) Earth
(776; ^^Judah), and (W) desolation (8077) of (854) face (6440) of him (W) to (413) the (H) east (6931) of
(W) them (YN) sea (3220; Mediterranean Sea), and (W) end (5490) of him (W) to (413) the (H) sea
(3220) behind (310) of (W) them (N; Persian Gulf); and (W) she (T) will come (5927), stench (6709) of
him (W), for (3588) [sign] to (L) doing (6213) her (H), making great (1431).
2.21. You (T) not (413) fear (3372) them (W), land (127) rejoicing (1523) of (Y) [you], and (W) rejoicing
(8055) of (Y) [you], for (3588) He Is (3068; ) to (L) doings (6213; -:r:) the (H) great (1413).
2.22. You (T) not (413) fear (3372) them (W), Beasts (929) of (Y) field (7704) [Lion, Bear, Leopard -
Dan 7.1-5], for (3588) pastures (4999) [of] wilderness (4057); bush (1876) them (W), for (3588) tree
(6086) bearing (5375) fruit (6529) of him (W), giving (5414) them (W) hosts (2428) [of fruit].
2.23. And (W) sons (1121) of (Y) Zion (6726), rejoice (1523) them (W), and (W) rejoice (8055) them
(W), in (B) "He Is #Gods" (3068, 430; :::s ) of you (MK), for (3588) giving (5414) to (L) you
(MK) of (854) the (H) [Joy] from teaching (3384; ::) to (L) Righteousness (6666), and (W) He (Y)
will subdue (3381; ) to (L) you (MK) rain* (1653) from teaching (3384; :) from (M) gathering
(3950; :::), in (B) beginning (7223; :s:). * Rain = blessing.
^Iesous Anointed (lpcu, Xoi:c,) - Mal 4.2 = ^Sun (King) of Righteousness. He began public
teaching - AD 28.]

Be glad then, you sons of Zion, and rejoice in 'He Is #Gods' of you; for He has given you from
teaching (former rain)
of righteousness (moderately/faithfully)
; from teaching (former rain);
gathering (latter rain);
and He will subdue rain
from teaching and from gathering in beginning (in the
first month).

(1) HRWM - #4175; rain (3 Xs only); and teaching is supported by HRY (#3384) being
recorded HRWM. See: Isa 9.15. Kohlenberger's Interlinear Old Testament. Then, HRY is teaching 46
Xs. The prefix "M" (from) had changed the first letter "Y" (Yod) to the internal letter "W" (Waw); which
is consistently done throughout the Old Testament. Therefore, we remove and translate the prefix "M"
(from), and change the "W" (Waw) back to "Y" (Yod), producing: HRY (#3384), "teaching" 46 times.
He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

(2) HQD(TS) - #6666; righteousness (204 Xs); and moderately (1 X only).
(3) SWQLM - #4456; rain (4 Xs only); we remove the prefix, M, meaning from, and, SWQL
remains. This is Strongs #3953 (SQL), translated gather (2 Xs only), but derived from 3950 (::),
rendered gather/glean (39 Xs). Consistency would dictate the purging of the Waw (W), producing:
(4) MSG - #1653; rain (25 Xs).
(5) NWSAR - #7223; beginning (19 Xs); first (130 Xs; but there is no month here). There
is no word of any kind with which to associate the definition, first found in the manuscript, and so,
beginning seems more appropriate.

And rejoice them, you sons of Zion, and rejoice them in 'He Is #Gods' of you; for He giving to
you of the [joy] from teaching to righteousness, and from teaching, and from gathering (assembly), and
He will subdue rain to you in beginning - Joel 2.23.

Our translation appears (in our eyes) to be better because we do not have 4 rains in one
sentence. This reading -- 4 rains -- is unreasonable. Sometimes we must apply a little common sense.
Besides these points, our translation agrees with the interpretation, for ^Iesous came before the Holy
Spirit was poured out on all flesh, in Joel 2.28. As if this were not enough, 'He Is #Gods' declared that
He would be in the midst of *Israel, and that, Then you shall know ...; Joel 2.27.

2.24. And filling (4390) them (W), the (H) floor (1637) [with] grain (1250), and (W) the (H) streets
(7784) them (W) [also], the (H) [wine] presses (3342), wine (8452) and (W) oil (3323).
2.25. And (W) paying (7999) of Me (YT) to (L) you (MK) of (854) the (H) years (7686) that (834) the
(H) locust (697) eating (398), the (H) cankerworm (3218) [eating], and (W) the (H) caterpillar (2625)
[eating], and (W) the (H) palmerworm (1501) eating (398); the (H) great (1419) army (2428) of (Y) [Me]
that (834) sending (7971) of Me (YT) in (B) you (MK).
2.26. And (W) eating (398) of you (MT), eating (398), and (W) being satisfied (7648), and (W) praising
(1984) you (M) of (854) name (8034) "He Is #Gods" (3068, 430) of you (MK) who (834) doing (6213;
:r :s) to (L) the (H) wonders (6381), and (W) never (3808) they (W--Y) will be ashamed (954);
people (5971) of (Y) [Me] to (L) ever (5769).
NOTE: We will remind the reader again, that verbs ending with the letter "Y" (of), imply "of me"
(the speaker). This is consistent throughout.

2.27. And (W) He (Y) will know (3045) her (MT), for (3588) in (B) midst (7130) [of] *Israel (3478), I
(589), and (W) I (589), "He Is #Gods" (3068, 430; :::s :s) of you (MK), and (W) there is
no (369) [other] congregation (5712), and (W) never (3808) they (W--Y) will be ashamed (954), people
(5971) of (Y) [Me].
2.28. And (W) being (1961) after (310) of (Y) this (3652), I (A) will pour (8210) of (854) Spirit (7307) of
(Y) [Me] on (5921) all of (3605) flesh
(1320) and (W) prophesying (5012) of them (W), sons (1121) of
(Y) you (MK), and (W) daughters (1121 - TW) of (Y) you (MK); eldest (2205) of (Y) you (MK), they
(W--Y) will dream (2492) dreams (2472); chosen (972) of (Y) you (MK), they (W--Y) will see (7200)
visions (2384).

God had divided "flesh", through the Law of Moses, into Israelites and Gentiles. The Israelites
received the Spirit of God on the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2); and, Cornelius, and other Gentiles, received
the Spirit later (Acts 10). And, this was "all of flesh."
2.29. And (W) also (1571) on (5921) the (H) men servants (5650), and (W) on (5921) the (H) women
servants (8198), in (B) days (3117) the (H) making a noise (1993); I (A) will pour (8210) of (854) Spirit
(7307) of (Y) [Me].

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

2.30. And (W) giving (5414) of Me (YT; --:) wonders (4159) in (B) Heavens (8064; Governments)
and (W) in (B) Earth (776; *Israel), blood (1818) and (W) fire (784) and (W) billows (8490) of (W) her
(T; **Jerusalem), [and] smoke (6227).
2.31. The (H) Sun (8121; Antipas - Rev 2.13) he (Y) will be turned (2015) to (L) darkness (2822), and
(W) the (H) Moon (3394; Levitical Priesthood) to (L) blood (1818), to face of [Me] (3942; :e:) coming
(935) [of] the (H) great (1419) Day (3117) [of] He Is (3068; ), and (W) the (H) 'he (N) is terrible'
2.32. And (W) being (1961) [the] all of (3605) who (834) He (Y) will call (7121) in (B) name (8036) [of]
He Is (3068 ); he (Y) will escape (4422), for (3588) in (B) Mount (2022) Zion (6726; Third Heaven),
and (W) in (B) [New] **Jerusalem (3389); she (T) will be (1961) escaped (6413) as (K) that (834) saying
(559) He Is (3068; ), and (W) in (B) remaining (8300) of (Y) them (M) whom (834) He Is (3068;
) [will be] calling (7121).


3.1. For (3588) looking (2009) in (B) days (3117), the (H) making a noise (1993), and (W) in (B) time
(6256), the-this (H, 1931) when (834) I (A) will return (7725) of (854) captivity (7622) [of] ^^Judah
(3063) and (W) **Jerusalem (3389).
[Begins New Covenant message of ^Iesous Revelation.]

3.2. And (W) gathering (6908) of Me (YT; -s:), of (854) all of (3605) the (H) nations (1471) and
(W) going down (3381) of them (M) of Me (YT) to (413) Valley (6010) [of] Jehoshaphat (3092), and (W)
he (N) will judge (8199) of Me (YT) against (5973) them (M) there (8033) concerning (5921) people
(5971) of (Y) [Me], and (W) inheritance (5159) of Me (YT; -::), *Israel (3478), that (834) scattering
(6340) them (W) in (B) nations (1471) and (W) against (854) Earth (776; **New Jerusalem) of Me (YT),
portioned (2505) them (W).
3.3. And (W) to (413) people (5971) of (Y) [:r( [Me], and casting (3032) [lot for] them (W) greatly
(1431), and (W) they (W--Y) gave (5414) the (H) child (3206) in (B) prostitution (2181), and (W) the (H)
child (3207), female (H), selling (4376) them (W) for (B) wine (3196), and (W) they (W--Y) will drink
3.4. And (W) also (1571) what (4100) [doing] with (854) them (W) to (L) [people] of (Y) Tyre (6865)
and (W) Sidon (6721), and (W) all of (3605) Galilee (1551) Philistia ((6429), the (H) reward (1580) with
(854) them (W) from (M) paying (7999) [charge] of (Y) them (M) on (5921) [charge] of (Y) [Me}; and
(W) if (518) rewarding (1580) of (Y) them (W) on (5921) [charge] of (Y) [Me] swiftly (7031) [and]
hastily (4116 - 4120); I (A) will return (7725) the (H) reward (1580) of you (MK) in (B) head (7218) of
you (MK; :::s:).
3.5. That (834) silver (3701) of (Y) [Me], and (W) gold (2091) of (Y) [Me], taking (3947) of Me (YT),
and (W) the (H) coming (935) of them (MT) to (L) temples (1964) of you (MK). [Bible banned by the
Pope. Wisdom = Gold and Silver = Knowledge Proverbs.]
3.6. And (W) sons (1121) of (Y) ^^Judah (3063) and (W) sons (1121) of (Y) **Jerusalem (3389), you (T)
sold (4376) them (M) to (L) sons (1121) of (Y) the (H) Greeks (3125) to (L) from (M) answer* (4616) the
(H) far (7368) them (M) from (M) on (5921) border (1366) of them (M). * - Micah 3.7, Joel 2.19.
He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

3.7. Looking of [me] (2009; ::), of them (YN) raising (5782) of them (M) from (4481) the (H) place
(4725) that (834) selling (4376) of them (MT) with (589) them (M), an astonishment (8047); and (W) the
(H) returning (7725) of Me (YT) [the] reward (1576) of you (MK) on (B) head (7218) of you (MK).
3.8. And (W) selling (4376) of Me (YT) of (854) sons (1121), and (W) with (854) sons (1121; T -
feminine) of you (MK) in (B) hand (3027) [of] sons (1121) of (Y) ^^Judah (3063), and (W) selling (4376)
of them (MY) to (L) Sabeans (7614) to (L) nation (1471) of (Y) far away (7368), for (3588) He Is
(3068; ) speaking ((1697).
3.9. Calling (7121) them (W), and (W) this (2063; -s s) in (B) nations (1471), 'Unclean (6945)
them (W! :) The (H) stirring up (5782) war (4421), the (H) mighty (1368) ones (MY), they (W--Y)
be multiplied (7680), they (W--Y) over (5921) all of (3605) men (376) of (Y) the (H) war (4406) from
(M) her (H).
3.10. Beat (3807) them (N) plowshare (855) to (L) sword (2719) of (W) them (T), and (W) pruning hooks
(4211) of you (MK) of Me (YT; ::-::) to (L) spears (7420) of (Y) them (M); the (H) weak (2522),
he (Y) will say (559), 'I (589) [am] mighty (1368).
3.11. Doing (6213) them (W), and (W) coming (935) them (W) all of (3605) the (H) nations (4171), from
(M) about (5437), and (W) they will (WN) gather (6908) there (8033), the (H) resting (5183) her (T),
He Is (3068; ), men (1397) of (Y) You (K; ::.).
3.12. The (H) nations (1471), they (W--Y) will be stirred up (5782), and (W) they (W--Y) will burn
(5927) to (413) Valley (6010) [of] Jehoshaphat (3092), for (3588) there (8033) dwelling (3427) to (L)
judging (8199) of (854) all of (3605) the (H) nations (1471) about (5439).
3.13. Sending (7971) them (W; ::) rolling (4039), for (3588) harvest (7105) [is] seething (1310),
coming (935) them (W), ruling (7287) them (W), for (3588) press (1660), she (H) is full (4390); the (H)
presses (3342) of (Y) them (M) [flow into] the (H) street (7784), for (3588) evil (7451) of them (MT) [is]
great (7227).
3.14. The (H) many (1995), the (H) many (1995) in (B) Valley (6010) [of] the (H) Gold (2742; vs 5), for
(3588) Day (3117) [of] He Is (3068; ) in (B) Valley (6010) [of] the (H) Gold (2742).
3.15. Sun (8121) and (W) Moon (3394) darkening (6937) them (W), and (W) Stars of them (3556) gather
(622) them (W), shining (5051) [of] them (M).
3.16. And (W) He Is (3068; ), He (Y) will roar (7580; .s:) from (M) Zion (6726), and (W) from
(M) **Jerusalem (3389) He (Y) will give (5414; -) voice (6963) of Him (W), and (W) shaking (7493)
them (W), Heavens (8064) and (W) *Earth (776), and (W) He Is (3068; ) [will be] refuge (4268) to
(L) people (5971) of Him (W), and (W) strength (4581) to (L) sons (1121) of (Y) [Me]; *Israel (3478).
3.17. And (W) knowing (3045) of you (MT), for (3588) I (589) [am] "He Is #Gods" (3068, 430; :::s
:s :) of you (MK) dwelling (7931; ::) in (B) Zion (6726), Mountain (2022) [of] holiness
(6944) of (Y) [Me], and (W) she (H) will be (1961) holy (6944) [New] **Jerusalem (3389), and (W)
strangers (2114) they (W--Y) will never (3808) pass (5674) them (W) in (B) her (H) any more (5750).
3.18. And (W) being (1961; ) in (B) day (3117) the-this (H, 1931), they (W--Y) will drop down
(5197) new wine (6071) [on] the (H) Mountains (2022) and (W) the (H) hills (1389), she (T) will go
(3212) of her (HN) new wine (6071) [and] milk (2461), and (W) all of (3605) river (5158) [of] ^^Judah
(3063) going (3212) them (W) waters (4325) and (W) fountain (4599) from (M) house (1005) [of] He Is
(3068; ), going (3318; ss), and (W) the (H) drinking (8248) of (854) stream (5158) [of] the (H)
Shittim (7851; :::).
3.19. Egypts (4714; Upper & Lower), she (T) will be (1961; -) to (L) desolation (8077), and (W)
He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

Edom (123), she (T) will be (1961) to (L) desolate (8077) wilderness (4057), from (M) violence (2555)
[to] sons (1121) of (Y) ^^Judah (3063), that (834) shed (8210) them (W) innocent (5355) blood (1818) in
(B) Earth (776) of them (W).

3.20. And (W) ^^Judah (3063), she (T) will dwell (3427) to (L) ever (5769), and (W) [New] **Jerusalem
(3389) to (L) generation (1755) and (W) generation (1755; :).
3.21. And (W) making innocent (5352) of Me (YT), [guilt of] blood (1818) [of] them (W), [that I had] not
(3808) made innocent (5352) of Me (YT), and (W) He Is (3068; ) dwelling (7931; ::) in (B) Zion

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA



INTRODUCTION: Joel is the story of, "Four Suns Darkened." This is strict linear prophecy,
from 769 BC to AD 1923, when the boundaries of Turkey were established, after the First World War.
The Old Covenant ended with Chapter Two. Chapter Three was a Parallel Prophecy to the Revelation of
^Iesous (lpcu,). "Suns" are symbols for "Kings"; as ^Iesous is the "Sun of Righteousness" and "The
King of kings." The first "Sun" (King Hoshea II of Samaria) was not identified by the word "Sun"
because it was past history when Joel wrote. But "The Four Bugs" tell the story of the "darkening of the
Sun" (Hoshea II). Matthew Henry, and Andrew Fausset, and others, agreed that Chapter Three pictured
the Millennium.


1.1. Saying (:) of He Is () that being to 'He of God' (Joel; :s) son of 'Enticed of God' (Pethuel
1.2. Hearing them, this, the elders, and the earing [hearing] of them, all of he will dwell of the Earth
(776; ^^Judah); the woe of her, this in days of you, and if the, She had happened, this, in days of fathers
of you, [so what]?
1.3. Scribing them to of her [woe] to sons of you; and sons of you [telling] to sons of them, and sons (of
them to generation after.
1.4. Rest (-) [of] the palmerworm eating, the locust [eating], and rest (-) of the locust eating, the
cankerworm [eating], and left over of the cankerworm, the caterpillar eating.

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

NOTE: Four Bugs = Pul 769 BC, and Tiglath-Pileser 750 BC, and Shalmeneser in 729 BC, and
Shalmaneser again, in 721 BC. And, Samaria ceased to be a people (Isa 7.8).

1.5. The awakening of them (s), drunkards, and weeping them, and the howling them; all of drinking
of wine over [to] new wine; for he is cut off from mouth of you (::e: -::).
1.6. For a nation coming on Earth (776; ^^Judah) of [Me], strong, and without number, teeth of him [like]
teeth of a lion, and cheek teeth of her [like] a great lion to them
NOTE: "Him" would refer to the king, while "her" would designate the nation.

1.7. Naming* vine of [Me] to desolation; and fig [tree] of Me to wrath, striping, striping her, and the
casting branches of her the whitening of them..
1.8. God of [her] (:s) as virgin (:-:), clothing her [with] sackcloth to man [of] youth of her.
NOTE: Hebrew verbs with suffix "Y"; (being the preposition, "of") are implied to read, "of Me."
The suffix "YT" is not implied, but explicitly translated, "of me."

1.9. The cutting off, [grain] offering and drink [offering] from house of He Is (); eating them, the
priests from princing of Me (YT), He Is ().
1.10. Eating her, spoiling field of her, for spoiling [grain] offering he is dried up; wine, oil weakening.
1.11. The drying them farmers [husbandmen KJV]; the howling of them, vinedressers; against wheat
and against barely, for destroying [perishing - KJV] reaping of field.
1.12. The vine, the drying her, and the fig [tree] weakening her; pomegranate, also palm, and apple; all
of trees of the field, they are dried up; for drying up joy from sons of man.
1.13. Clothing them, and mourning them, the priests; the howling of them, from princing them [to]
altar; coming them, lodging in sackcloths from princing of Me (YT) #Gods (430; ) of you; for
offering and drink, he is withheld, [grain] offering and drink [offering], from house of #Gods (430;
::) of you.
1.14. Holy fast to them; calling them a solemn assembly; gathering them, elders [and] all of [ones]
dwelling of the earth [into] 'house of He Is #Gods of you,' (:::s -:) and crying them to He
Is ().
1.15. Alas to day! For day of He Is nearing, and as a ^Prince from mighty of [me], he will come.
1.16. The-this, food, he is cut off before eyes of us; rejoicing and rejoicing from house of #Gods of us.
1.17. Separating of her (seeds), drying them under from seeping of Me (YT) them, capturing them,
store of her, they are destroyed from destroying them, for the shaming of corn.
1.18. How beast (::), she sighs her! Flock of oxen springing them; for there is no pasture to them;
also flocks of sheep He (N) is desolating them.
1.19. He Is (); to You I call; for fire eating her [Earth = *Israel] habitations [of] from speaking, and
wilderness and flame firing all of tree of the field.
1.20. Also beasts of field she pants to You; for river of water, and fire eating her pastures; the from


2.1. Blowing them, trumpets in Zion, and the shouting in Mountain [of] holiness of [Me].; all of
dwelling of the Earth (Judah; ss ::), they tremble; for day [of] He Is () coming near.
NOTE: Jeremiah began to teach ^^Judah to submit to Babylon in 611 BC.

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

2.2. Day [of] darkness and darkness, day of clouds and darkness, as morning spreading on the Mountains
[12 Tribes of *Israel]; people, great and mighty as who him, never he was from the ever and after of him
never again until captivity; generation and generation.
2.3. Before him [Babylon] fire eating her (^^Judah), and after him, flame, she burns; as Garden [of] Eden
the Earth (#776; ^^Judah) before him, and also nothing she will escape her from him.
2.4. As appearance [of] horses, [will be] appearance of them, and as horsemen so they run.
2.5. As a noise [of] chariots on tops of the Mountains they dance, as noise [of] flame [of] fire, eating her
stubble, as mighty people making naked of you from wounding.
2.6. From faces of them, they are pained; people, all of faces gathering them blackness.
2.7. As mighty [men] they run, as men of (::s:) war they come up a wall, and man (:s) in way of
him, they go , and not they break path of them.
2.8. And man (:s) another of him they thrust not, they go [each] in course of him, going of them, and
through the sending, they fall not, they covet [blood].
2.9. In city; they run , in wall they roll, in houses of them, they [go] against through the windows of them
they come as a thief.
2.10. Earth (^^Judah) to face of him (Babylon; :e:) raging [of] her (^^Judah); Heavens (Governments)
shaking them; Sun (King) and Moon (Priesthood) darkening them, and Stars (Prophets) gathering them
shining of them.
NOTE: The Sun, Moon, and Stars = Heavens. These three also constitute the Government. So
then, Heavens = Governments. Sun = King Zedekiah of Judah. Moon = Levitical Priesthood. Stars =
Prophets Daniel, and Ezekiel, and Jeremiah. **Jerusalem fell in 588 BC.

2.11. And He Is () giving voice of Him to faces of army of Him; for many hundred pitch tents [with]
him, for mighty doing, speaking of Him, for great [is] day of He Is , and hundred [are] fearful, and who,
they can sustain him?
2.12. And also now, saying [of] He Is, Turning him (+Jacob) to [will] of [Me] in all of heart of you, and
in fasting, and in weeping, and in mourning.
2.13. And rend them, heart of you, and not clothing of you, and turning them to He Is #Gods" of you
(:::s ); for mercy and mercy; this slow to anger, and comforting against the evil.
2.14. Who he knows [if] He will return and comforting, and the remnant after of Him a blessing; a [grain]
offering and a drink [offering] to He Is #Gods" of you?
2.15. Blowing them trumpets in Zion. Make holy a fast, calling them an assembly.
2.16. Gathering them, people, making them holy congregation, gathering them, elders of them; infants,
and sucking of breasts; bridegroom going from parlor of him, and bride from cover of her.
2.17. Between the porch and to altar the priests, they weep from ministering of He Is (), and they
say, 'Sparing her, He Is (), to people of You, and You giving her not inheritance of You to reproach
to ruling of them, to why they will say, nations (in peoples; Where [is] #Gods of them? (::s).
2.18. And He will be jealous, He Is (), will be jealous to Earth (^^Judah) of Him, and He will spare
on [punishment of] people of Him.
2.19. And He will answer, He Is, and He will say to people of Him, Looking of [Me], sending to you of
the grain, and the wine, and the oil, and filling them by him, and I will never give to you again a reproach
in nations.
He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

2.20. And of the northern [One; Babylon] I will remove from on [earth] of you and the driving of him of
Me to Earth (^^Judah), and desolation of face of him to the east of them sea (Mediterranean Sea), and end
of him to the sea behind of them (Persian Gulf); and she will come, stench of him, for to doing her,
making great.

2.21. You not fear them, land rejoicing of [you], and rejoicing of [you], for He Is () to doing the
great (-:r: :.).
2.22. You not fear them, Beasts of field [Lion, Bear, Leopard - Dan 7.1-5], for pastures [of] wilderness;
bush them, for tree bearing fruit of him, giving them hosts [of fruit].
2.23. And sons of Zion, rejoice them, and rejoice them, in "He Is #Gods" of you, for giving to you of the
from teaching to Righteousness, and He will subdue () to you rain* from teaching and from
gathering, [as] in beginning. * Rain = blessing.
^Iesous Anointed (lpcu, Xoi:c,) - Mal 4.2 = Sun (King) of Righteousness. [He began public
teaching - AD 28.]

Be glad then, you sons of Zion, and rejoice in 'He Is #Gods' of you; for He has given you from
teaching (former rain)
of righteousness (moderately/faithfully)
; a Teacher (former rain);
from gathering
(latter rain);
and He will cause the rain
to come down to you in beginning (in the first month).

(1) HRWM - #4175; rain (3 Xs only); and teacher is supported by HRY being recorded
HRWM. See: Isa 9.15. Kohlenberger's Interlinear Old Testament. Then, HRY is teacher 46 Xs.
The prefix "M" (from) had changed the first letter "Y" (Yod) to the internal letter "W" (Waw); which is
consistently done throughout the Old Testament. Therefore, we remove and translate the prefix "M"
(from), and change the "W" (Waw) back to "Y" (Yod), producing: HRY, "teacher" 46 times.
(2) HQD(TS) - #6666; righteousness (204 Xs); and moderately (1 X only).
(3) SWQLM - #4456; rain (4 Xs only); we remove the prefix, M, meaning from, and, SWQL
remains. This is Strongs #3953 (SQL), translated gather (2 Xs only), but derived from 3950,
rendered gather/glean (39 Xs). Consistency would dictate the purging of the Waw (W), producing:
(4) MSG - #1653; rain (25 Xs).
(5) NWSAR - #7223; beginning (19 Xs); first (130 Xs; but there is no month here). There
is no word of any kind with which to associate the definition, first found in the manuscript, and so,
beginning seems more appropriate.

And rejoice them, you sons of Zion, and rejoice them in 'He Is #Gods' of you; for He has given
you the Teacher for righteousness, and a Teacher from gathering (assembly), and he coming down the
rain to you [as] in beginning - Joel 2.23.

Our translation appears (in our eyes) to be better because we do not have 4 rains in one
sentence. This reading -- 4 rains -- is unreasonable. Sometimes we must apply a little common
sense. Besides these points, our translation agrees with the interpretation, for Iesous came before the
Holy Spirit was poured out on all flesh, in Joel 2.28. As if this were not enough, 'He Is #Gods'
declared that He would be in the midst of *Israel, and that, Then you shall know ...; Joel 2.27.

2.24. And filling them, the floor [with] grain, and the streets them [also], the [wine] presses, wine and
2.25. And paying of Me to you (::: -:::) of the years that the locust eating, the cankerworm
[eating], and the caterpillar [eating], and the palmerworm eating; the great army of [Me] that sending of
Me in you (::: -::).

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

2.26. And eating of you, eating, and being satisfied, and praising you of name "He Is #Gods" of you who
doing to the wonders, and never they will be ashamed; people of [Me] to ever.
NOTE: We will remind the reader again, that verbs ending with the letter "Y" (of), imply "of me"
(the speaker). This is consistent throughout.

2.27. And He will know her, for in midst [of] Israel, I, and I, "He Is #Gods" of you (:::s :s
-:s), and there is no [other] congregation, and never they will be ashamed, people of [Me].
2.28. And being after of this, I will pour of Spirit of [Me] on all of flesh
and prophesying of them, sons
of you, and daughters of you; eldest of you, they will dream dreams; chosen of you, they will see visions.
* God had divided "flesh"
, through the Law of Moses, into Israelites and Gentiles. The
Israelites received the Spirit of God on the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2); and, Cornelius, and other Gentiles,
received the Spirit later (Acts 10). And, this was "all of flesh."

2.29. And also on the men servants, and on the women servants, in days the making a noise; I will pour of
Spirit of [Me].
2.30. And giving of Me wonders in Heavens (Governments) and in Earth (Israel), blood and fire and
billows of her (**Jerusalem), [and] smoke.
2.31. The Sun (Antipas - Rev 2.13) he will be turned to darkness, and the Moon (Levitical Priesthood) to
blood , before coming [of] the great Day [of] He Is, and the 'he is terrible' (s: :. :).
2.32. And being [the] all of who He will call in name [of] He Is; he will escape, for in Mount Zion (Third
Heaven), and in [New] **Jerusalem; she will be escaped as that saying He Is, and in remaining of them
whom He Is [will be] calling.

3.1. For look in days, the making a noise, and in time, the-this when I will (::s) return of captivity [of]
^^Judah and **Jerusalem.
[Begins New Covenant message of ^Iesous Revelation.]

3.2. And gathering of Me (-s:), of all of the nations and going down of them of Me (:-)
to Valley [of] Jehoshaphat, and he will judge of Me (-:e::) against them there concerning people of
[Me], and inheritance of Me (-::), *Israel, that scattering them (e) in nations and against Earth
(New **Jerusalem) of Me, portioned them.
3.3. And to people of [Me], praising them greatly, and they gave the child in prostitution, and the child,
female, selling them for wine, and they will drink.
3.4. And also what [doing] with them to of Tyre and Sidon, and all of Galilee Philistia, the reward with
them from paying of them on of [Me]; and if rewarding of them on of [Me] swiftly [and] hastily; I will
return the reward of you on head of you.
3.5. That silver of [Me] (e:: :s), and gold of [Me] (:), taking of Me, and the coming of them
(:-s:) to temples of you (:::::).
3.6. And sons of ^^Judah and sons of **Jerusalem, selling of you to sons of the Greeks to the end the
sending far of them from on border of them.
He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

3.7. Looking of me (::), of them raising of them from the place that selling of them with them, an
astonishment; and the returning of Me (-::) [the] reward of you on head of you.
3.8. And selling of Me of sons of you (-:: -s ::::), and with sons of [] of Me of you
(::-::) in hand [of] sons of ^^Judah, and selling of them to Sabeans to back of far away, for He Is
speaking (: ). Note: with sons of (W) [Tyre vs 3.4] of Me (YT) of you (MK; sellers vs
NOTE: This section of Chapter Tree (3.1-8) referred to the "42 Months" in Iesous' Revelation; or, the
"1260 Days (Years), when the "Woman (New Covenant) was hidden in the wilderness" (Rev 12.14). The
Apostate Church ruled Europe with an iron hand. The Bible was banned to all but priests of Babylon, and
violators were killed. God cursed Europe-only with mental retardation producing the Dark Ages. [Today
the former definition of the Dark Ages is banned in our dictionaries. In fact, they do not even have a
definition today, but only the dates.]

3.9. This calling them in nations, 'Unclean them, the stirring up war, the mighty ones, they be multiplied,
they over all of men of the war from her.
3.10. Beat them plowshare to sword of them, and pruning hooks of you of Me (::-::) to spears of
them; the weak, he will say, 'I [am] mighty' (:s :. :s).
3.11. Doing them (:r), and coming them (s:) all of the nations, from about, and gather them there,
rest her (-:), He Is (), men of You.
3.12. The nations, they will be stirred up, and they come up to Valley [of] Jehoshaphat, for there I will
dwell to judge with all of the nations about.
3.13. Sending them (::) roll, for harvest [is] seething, come them, ruling them, for press, she is full;
the presses of them [flow into] the street, for evil of them [is] great.
NOTE: This section (3.9-13) referred to Armageddon in ^Iesous' Revelation. This was the
overthrow of the Ottoman Empire, which was symbolic for all of the First World War. Matthew Poole
identified this in AD 1680, and Albert Barnes in AD 1851, and B. W. Johnson in AD 1551. It began with
the liberation of part of the Greek Peninsula (1820-30), and then Egypt declared their independence
(184X), Russia gained Armenia, and other territories on the Black Sea. The Ottoman Empire allied
themselves with Kaiser Wilhelm, of Germany, and Austria-Hungary; and they took on the whole world. --
and, they lost! On October 29, 1918 the Ottoman Empire surrendered unconditionally to the British
General, Edmund Allenby.
3.14. The many, the many in Valley [of] the Gold (vs 5), for Day [of] He Is () in Valley [of] the
Gold ().
3.15. Sun (Pope Gregory IX; September 20, 1870) and Moon (Papacy) darkening them, and Stars
(Elevated Priests) gather them, shining [of] them.
3.16. And He Is (), He will roar from Zion (Third Heaven - Rev 14.1), and from [New] **Jerusalem
giving voice of Him, and shaking them (:r), Heavens (Governments) and Earth (Papal States), and
He Is () [will be] refuge to people of Him, and strength to sons of [Me]; *Israel [New **Jerusalem].
NOTE: This section (3.14-16) related to the "Fall of Babylon" in Iesous' Revelation. The Italian
Revolution was from 1849 to 1870. As predicted by the Lord, "the Ten Horns (Papal States) gave their
power to the Papacy for "1260 Days (Years)"; and then, "they burned Her (Babylon), and ate Her flesh"
(Rev 17.12-18). Pope Gregory IX was run out of Rome, with the Papacy, and he declared himself, "The
prisoner of the Vatican." And, the world rejoiced!

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

3.17. And knowing of you (Millennium; Rev 11.15), for I [am] "He Is #Gods" (::s ) [The God
and the Lamb; Rev 22.1] of you dwelling in Zion (Rev 14.1), Mountain [of] holiness of [Me], and she
will be holy (Rev 21.10) [New] **Jerusalem, and strangers they will never pass them in Her [New
**Jerusalem] any more..
3.18. And being in day, the-this, they will drop down New Wine (^Iesous' Teaching) [on] the Mountains
[Kingdoms] and the Hills [Satrapies], she will go of her New Wine [^Iesous' Teaching in New Bottles]
[and] Milk (of the Word; Heb 5.12), and all of (3605) River [of] ^^Judah going them Waters (Holy Spirit)
and Fountain (Living Waters) from house [of] He Is, going, and the drinking of stream [of] the Shittim
3.19. Egypts (Upper & Lower), she will be to desolation, and Edom, she will be to desolate wilderness,
from violence [to] sons of ^^Judah, that shed them innocent blood in Earth of them [New **Jerusalem].
3.20. And ^^Judah, she will dwell to ever, and [New] **Jerusalem to generation and generation.
3.21. And making innocent of Me, [guilt of] blood [of] them, [that I had] not made innocent of Me, and
He Is () dwelling them (N) in Zion (s: ::).
NOTE: This section (3.17-21) related to the "Thousand Year Reign" (Rev 20.4-6) in ^Iesous' Revelation.
The date is defined, "The Two Witnesses (Old and New Testaments) were raised up to Heaven
(Government of the Congregations), and a Tenth of the City (Babylon) fell, and 7,000 were slain" (Rev
11.11-13). The Papal State of Lombardy was "one of ten" that fell in June 1859. Austria lost 22,000
men, while France allied with the ex-Papal State of Lombardy lost 17,000 men. These loses were in the
battle of Magenta (June 4), and Lombardy (June 24). Therefore, figuratively speaking, because these
events happened "in the same hour"; God had named the exact hour when the Millennium began. And,
we had witnessed the murder of the Millennium, by Gog, in 1959. So then, "the thousand years" equaled
"one hundred years" in public view, and to ever (Dan 7.27) after Satan loosed a Little (AD 1959-

SUMMARY. "Four bugs" = Fall of Samaria in 721 BC (Verse 1.4). King Hoshea II of Samaria
was the "Sun darkened." King Zedekiah, of Judah, was the "Sun darkened" by Babylon (Verse 2.10), in
588 BC. Antipas, of the royal lineage (Josephus) was the "Sun darkened" (Verse 2.31) in the Fall of
Jerusalem in AD 70. Resurrection (AD 77) and founding of New **Jerusalem in Verse 32. Chapter 3 is
a parallel prophecy to ^Iesous Anointed's "Revelation." Babylon fell in AD 1870 (3.15). The "Sun
darkened" was Pope Gregory IX.

Amos 3.7: For Lord of [me] He Is ( :s) does no speaking, for if (unless) He reveals secret of
Him to servants of Him, the prophets.
Hag 2.18-19: Name them now heart of you, from this day, the-this, and from bringing (:r:) from
24th day to 9th [month] (of 519), to from the day that founding of the temple of He Is () -- Name
them heart of you ... from the day, the this, I will bless.

Zec 1.7, 16: In 24th day of the 11th month ... in the second year to Darius (518) ... Returning of Me
(YT) to **Jerusalem with mercies; house of Me, he will be built in her, saying of He Is of hosts (-s:s


He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

Zec 4.2-3, 11, 14: And he said to me, What with her (-s) seeing? And he said, Seeing of me (YT),
and looking [at] Lampstand all of her gold and a bowl at top of her, and seven Lamps of her, seven
chanber (:r) and seven pipes to Lamps that at top of her. And Two Olive Trees one chamber from
right of the bowl amd one on left of her ... And I answered, and saying to him, What the-these two Olive
Trees -- on right of the Lampstand and on left of her? ... And he said, These two of sons of the
Anointing the standing ones to Lord (s) of all of the Earth (Israel).

Zecariah 5.8-9: And he said, This the Wickedness! And he cast with her into inside the basket, and he
cast of cover of the lead over mouth of her (basket). And I lifted eyes of [me] and I saw, and looking,
Two Women they coming Her (Wickedness) and wind in wings of them; and (W) to (L) looking (HNH)
wings as wings [of] the stork, and She (Stork = Two Women) lifted Her (Wickedness) of the basket
between the-Earth and-between the-Heavens."

Zec 11.7-9: ... and I fed the Flock (*Israel). I dismissed three shepherds in One Month (30 Days). My
soul reaped them and also she (Flock) detested Me. Then I said, I will not feed you. The dying die, She
will die; and the "he perishing; You will perish. The, he will be left of Her, you will eat Her, each of
other of Her.

Zechariah 11.17: Woe to the worthless Shepherd, who leaves the flock! A sword shall be against his
Arm and against his Right Eye; his Arm shall completely wither, and his Right Eye shall be totally

Zec 12.10: And I will pour on the house of David and on the inhabitants of (New) **Jerusalem the Spirit
of Favor and Supplication; then they will look on Me whom they pierced. Yes, they will mourn for Him
as one mourns for his only son, and grieve for Him as one grieves for a firstborn.


For I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard [seed], you will say to this Mountain
(Kingdom), Be moved from here [to] there, and he will move; and nothing will be impossible to you
Mt 17.20.

In prophecy, a Mountain is a Kingdom; and here the kingdom was *Israel.

(A) For these are two covenants which is speaking allegorically, one in fact from Mount Sinai [The Law]
into slavery* bearing [children] which is Hagar. For the Hagar is Mount Sinai in the Arabia, but
corresponds to the **Jerusalem now, and is in slavery with [host] of the (:a) children of her. But the
**Jerusalem above [Resurrection in AD 77] is free, who is Mother of all of us Gal 4.24-26.

Paul said to the Mountain, Move! And, The Wars of the Jews, by Josephus, gives graphic, bloody,
details of *Israel moving.

(B) Martin Luther said (by his writings, as Paul had done), that, The Pope is the Antichrist, and also,
That salvation is by faith only (which is sinful), and not by papal works of penance.

And He will bring, He Is (), and He will fight in nations, the-them, the fighting Him in day of
battle. They will stand feet of Him in day, the-that, over Mount of the Olives [represents captivity
because ^Iesous taken captive there] that faces to **Jerusalem from east, and he will be split, Mount of
the Olives in two of him, from east and west, [causing] very great valley, and moving half of [him], the
Mountain (Kingdom) to north [Protestant Europe], half of him to south [Catholic Europe]. And you will
flee to valley of Mountain of [Me New **Jerusalem] for he will extend valley of Mountain to near, you
will flee as that you fled from face of the earthquake in day of Uzziah, King of ^^Judah, and He Is #Gods
of [Me] (::s ), all of holy ones with you. And being () one day, he is known to He Is
() no day and no night, and being () to time of evening, he will be Light (Millennium: AD
1859-1959). And being () in day, the-this, they will come Living Waters (Holy Spirit) from [New]
**Jerusalem half of them to the western sea [Pacific Ocean], and half of them to eastern sea [Atlantic
Ocean], he will be in summer and in winter [One Year: AD 1859-60] Zec 14.3-8.

Together, the Protestant Reformation [beginning with Martin Luther in AD 1520], and the Millennium
[beginning with Alexander Campbell in AD 1859] are pictured for us.

NOTE: The KJV, from a different manuscript [this is from the Popes Egyptian Manuscripts, NU], reads:
the light not clear (precious) or dark (congealed); meaning that the Protestants only had one foot out of
popery. Their light was semi-darkness.

Luther said and half of Papal Rome (Babylon) was moved.
Alexander Campbell interpreted Revelation 13.10: If anyone he will lead captivity, he will go
[captivity]. If anyone in sword, it is necessary [for] him to be killed.

Campbell identified this as Babylon (Papal Rome), and concluded: The sword shall play no humble part
in the overthrow of Babylon. And he said with many similar words. He even asked his readers to pray
that this would happen, along with an end to Judaism and paganism.

On September 20, 1870, the Papacy and Pope Pius IX were run out of Rome, and Babylon was found
no more (Rev 18.21).

SUMMARY: Neither Paul, nor Luther, not Campbell had power to move Mountains (Kingdoms), but
figuratively speaking, when they announced the doom of *Israel and Babylon before the historical event
happened, then the Living God was glorified when the prophecy was completed.

Sid Williams said against the Vatican and the Roman Catholic Church for many years.

CBS Evening News, Katie Couric, March 13, 2009, The Catholic Church is suffering in settlements of
lawsuits. In 2008, the Catholic Church paid 463 million dollars. Settlements in 2008 were up from 2007.
6.3 billion dollars have been paid to date.

The fulfillment of prophecy is a miracle of God Unknown.
And the Devil*, the [one] deceiving them [Nations, verse 8 is symbol for churches} was thrown into
the lake of the fire and of holy God (:icu = The[ou] [ag]iou) where also the Beast (Papacy) and the
False Prophet (Pope) are. Rev 20.10.

These are evidences of the presence of the Holy Spirit.

Malachi 4.2: And rising her (A) to you (*Israel; B), fearing name of [Me] Sun of Righteousness (C), and
from the healing in wings of her (A), and going (T; B) them (M; D), and growing you (T; B) them (M;
D) as calves of stall."
NOTES: A) "Her" is probably the "good message." B) "You" was Israel. C) "He" was ^Iesous
Anointed. D) "Them" were the mission fields, first in *Israel, and then in the Roman Empire.

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA


Twenty-five (25) Prophecies Dating New **Jerusalem

The Bible contains over twenty-five (25) prophecies dating the founding of New **Jerusalem. It
was even specified to be in "One Day" (which is usually "One Year" in prophecy; see: Isa 66.8). This
dating was done in two ways: 1) New **Jerusalem was pictured to follow (or, to replace) the destroyed
nation of *Israel. The city of **Jerusalem and the temple were destroyed by the Emperor Vespasian's
stepson, Tiberius, in AD 70. The war was renewed in Masada, which was taken in AD 73. 2) New
**Jerusalem was pictured to be the New Covenant kingdom of God on earth. See: Revelation, Chapters
21 & 22. "The tabernacle of God is with men" (Rev 21.3).
NOTE: The Pope denies New **Jerusalem, which is one of the, "Three Blasphemies of the
Beast" (Rev 13.6; blaspheme the tabernacle of God).

DIGRESSION: Hebrew Names of God Banned.

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

God singular: "LA :s"; Strong's #410; 395 times; this name was not banned by the Jews.
(1) "Gods" plural: "MYHLA ::s"; Strong's #430, banned 2,492 times by the Jews.
"Lord" (#113: NWDA s) = 218 times; not banned by the Jews.
(2) "Lord of [...] :s." [Strong's #136: YNDA :s; is #113 plus the "Dangling Preposition" (Y
) equaling, "Lord of [me]." This was mistranslated by the Jews.
(3) "He Is " - 6,735 times. [The Jews changed this name to, "the Lord."]
(4) Ezekiel = He will hold God (:s): :s. LXX: l:,:-ip. KJV: Ezekiel.
(5) Daniel = Judge of God (:s): :s:. LXX: aip. KJV: Daniel.
(6) Joel = He of God (:s): :s. LXX: lap. KJV: Joel.
(7) God (:s) of Her (:s); 92 times, and corrupted to leave off the suffix, her..
LXX: rppc - lament - rp:a. KJV: lament.
(8) God (:s) of Her (:s). KJV: adjure - 1Sam14.24. LXX: ara:ai - curse.
(9) God (:s) of Her (:s). KJV - curse; Num 5.27 and 18 times.
LXX: :ri-a:araa:c = curse = :ri-a:aoa:c.
(10) God (:s) of Her (:s). KJV = execration 2 times. LXX: the verses are numbered
different than our Bible translations, and these two verses (Jer 42.18 and 44.12) could not be located.
(11) God (:s) of Her (:s). KJV - oath 14 times and Eze 16.59. LXX: iap-p - covenant.
CONCLUSION: The names of #Gods were systematically corrupted by the Jews and the King
James translators.

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

1) Moses' Dating of New Jerusalem.

A) The Death of Israel.
(1) "And being (), if you will not hear in voice of 'He Is #Gods' (:::s ) of you to
observe [and] to do of (-s) all of commandments of Him ... that I command you this day, and coming
them [Romans] against you, all of the curses the-these, and the taking against you [by] them" - Deut
28.15; written about 1594 BC.
(2) "'He Is' () having a nation from afar against you, from end of the Earth (Israel), as that
the Eagle (Rome; Mt 24.28) flies; a nation whom tongue of him you hear not" - Deut 28.49.
(3) "... tender [woman] in you, and the delicate who would not venture setting foot of her on the
earth ... the afterbirth of her, the he-coming from between feet of her, and in children of her whom she
bears, for she will eat them in great want, in secret, in siege and in distress ..." - Deut 28.56-57.
NOTE: The Jewish historian, Josephus, identified this event in the war with Rome, and named the
woman, "Mary of Eleazer of Bethezub, who ate her son." See: Wars of Jews 6.3.4. The interpretation of
Moses' prophecy is as certain as any other in the Bible.

B) The Promise of New Jerusalem.
(1) "And being () for they will come against you all of the speakings of them (Laws;
::), the-these, the blessing [New **Jerusalem] and the curse [Fall of *Israel], that giving of Me
(--:) to face of you, and the bringing you against heart of you, in all of nations where 'He Is #Gods'
(:s ) of you The [One] driving of you (:)" - Deut 30.1.
COMMENTARY: A writer of a book I read; or else, a prolonged article, wrote:
"Look at these promises of God, who never lies, to the Jews that have never been fulfilled yet."
But he ignored the many verses that stated that God would destroy *Israel. See: Psalm 2.7-9; Ps
3.7-8; Ps 5.9-10; Ps 9.3-8; Isa 65.15-17; Isa 66.22-24; Joel 2.30-31; Mt 24.28-29; Mk 13.24-25; Lk 21.22-
26; and dozens more.
Here is New **Jerusalem promised:
"... the Bringing of you against heart of you, in all of the nations where 'He Is #Gods' of you The
[One] driving out of you" - Deut 30.1.
(2) "And Returning you to 'He Is #Gods' (:s ) of you, and Obeying you, and
sons of you in all of Heart of you and in all of Soul of you. And 'He Is #Gods' of you (:s )
Returning of Captivity of you, and Mercying you, and Returning [you]. And Gathering you from all of
the people of them where 'He Is #Gods' (::s ), that the Opening (Strong's #6475) you (:s
se) If He will be driving you in the end of Heavens (Governments) from there. He wil garther you,
He Is #Gods' of you, and from there He will Take you [home]. And the Bringing you, 'He Is #Gods' of
you to the Earth (*Israel) that fathers of you will possess them, and the wellness of you (::), and the
multiplying of you more than fathers of Me (-:s:) of you" - Deut 30.2-5.
NOTES: (1) New **Jerusalem was "7.5" times as big as *Israel.

(2) New **Jerusalem was built on "the ruins of the tabernacle of David."

(A) "... the light of the Sun (^Iesous) will be sevenfold" - Isa 30.24.
(Note: *) *Israel was 1600 furlongs" - Rev 14.20.
(Note: **) New **Jerusalem was 12,000 furlongs - Rev 21.16.
(Note: ***) 12,000 divided by 1600 = 7.5.

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

C) "After this I will return and will rebuild the tabernacle of David, which has fallen down (AD
70); I will rebuild her ruins and I will set her up; so that the after-others of the men of the Lord will seek
(Me) out. And all the nations on whom has been called the name of Me on them, says Lord (0 Kuoic,),
The [One] doing all these" - Acts 15.16-17.
NOTE: *"Israel" was a physical and semi-worldly kingdom. But, New **Jerusalem is a spiritual
kingdom, described in these words: "And you will call your walls, 'Salvation' and your gates, 'Praise'" (Isa
60.18). So then, the spiritual kingdom was built on the ruins of the physical kingdom. But it was, in AD
77, "7.5" times as big as *Israel had been in the days of Solomon. This was 1500 miles square, from
southern Egypt to Macedonia, and over to Assyria, and down to Persia, and back to southern Egypt.
SUMMARY: A) The Death of the nation of *Israel.
B) Promise of New **Jerusalem.
C) New **Jerusalem 7.5 times as big as *Israel.

2) The Second Psalm Dating New Jerusalem.

2.1. To why Nations (12 Tribes) assemble them, and peoples, they mediate an empty [thing]?
2.2. Kings of Earth (*Israel), 'He (Y) you (T) standing [them]' (:s-), and princes they will be found
together against 'He Is' () [God #1] and against Anointed [God #2] of Him (::).
NOTE: "He (#Gods) you (*Israel) standing them" means that #Gods established their kingdom.

2.3. "We will break her (-::), of [foolishness] from chastening of Me from him (:-::) ["him" =
Jacob+], and we will cast her from us, chastening of Me from him (:-:r).
2.4. He will dwell in heavens, He will laugh Lord of [me] (:s), He will laugh to them.
2.5. Then He will speak (:) against them in anger of Him, and in lighting (:: kindling - KJV)
of Him, He will trouble them.
2.6. And I, pouring (anointing) of Me (-::), ^King of Me on Zion (Rev 14.1), Mountain (Kingdom) of
Holiness of [ME].
NOTE: his "mountain" pictured the rapture in AD 77. "And I looked, and see, a ^Lamb stood on
the Mount of Sion, and with Him 144,000 having the name of Him and the name of the Father of Him
having been written on [Conscience] of the (:cu) Foreheads (Minds) of them ... firstfruits to the God and
to the ^Lamb" - Rev 14.1, 4.

2.7. I will declare to statute, saying, "'He Is' () to Me, 'You ^Son of Me the day I (:s),* He will go
of Me [to] You (-:).'" NOTE *: God described, I as He will go.
NOTE: KLH was consistently translated, "going." 332 times, Strong's #1980.
He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

2.8. Ask from Me and I will give Nations (12 Tribes) [as an] inheritance of ^You, and ends of *Earth
(*Israel) [as] possession of ^You.
2.9. ^You will thunder (:r-) in rod of iron (:: ::::), as vessel he will form (s :::), ^You
will dash them.
2.10. And now, kings the chastening of them, the barrenness of them (lack of children), judges of Earth
2.11. Passing them of (-s) 'He Is' () in fear, and rejoicing in trembling.
2.12. Kissing them ^Son lest ^He will be angry and You will perish them (children, barrenness - vs 10),
for He will burn into 'few in number' (:r::) [in] wrath of Him, that of (:s) [mistranslated,
"blessedness" often] all of [ones] trusting in Him [will be spared].

(1) The plural #Gods (::s Gen 1.1) are here defined to be: "He Is" and "Anointed" of Him. This is
"one Lord and one God" (Eph 4.5-6), and "the throne of the God and of the ^Lamb" (Rev 22.1, 3).
(2) God anointed (poured) His ^King on Mount Sion (Third Heaven).
(3) God anointed ^Iesous on earth, Mt 3.16.
(4) You (^Iesous) murdered (dashed) the nation of *Israel.
(5) "He will burn" refers to 1,100,000 Jews dying in their foolish war with Rome. And 97,000 Jews were
sold into captivity. See: Josephus' 'Wars of the Jews' - 6.9.3.
(6) "All of those trusting in Him" became New **Jerusalem in AD 77. This date is confirmed, "you will
have tribulation 10 days" (Rev 2.10). AD 67 + 10 Years = AD 77.
1258 BC to AD 77 = 1335 Days; Dan 12.12.
AD 32 to AD 77 = A Little; Jn 16.16.
"some standing here will not taste death" (Mt 16.28) agrees with AD 77.
"he (John) will remain till I come" (Jn 21.22) agrees with AD 77.
"the night is far spent, the day is at hand" (Rom 13.12) agrees with AD 77.
"it is the last hour" (1Jn 2.18) agrees with AD 77.

3) The Third Psalm Dated New **Jerusalem.

3.1. 'He Is' (), how many them troubling of ^Me, many ones rising up against [life] of ^Me.
3.2. Many sayings (::) to face of ^Me, 'No salvation to ^Him in #Gods of them.' (::) Rock
(::) (Mt 27.42-43).
3.3. And You, 'He Is' () shielding in ornament (human body) glory of ^Me and lifting head of ^Me.
3.4. I cry, voice of ^Me to 'He Is' (), and He answered [prayer] of ^Me from Mountain (Zion) of
holiness of Him. Rock!
3.5. Voice of [Me] to 'He Is' (), I will cry (ss) and He will answer ^Me from Mountain of
holiness of Him. Rock.
3.6. I,^ lying down of ^Me (-::: :s), and I^ slept Her* (::s), the waking [Resurrection] of ^Me
(-s), for 'He Is' (), He is upholding of ^Me.
Note: * "Soul" of men is recorded as feminine.
3.7. I will not fear (ss :s) from many of Her (*Israel's) people who setting them around against ^Me.
3.8. Arise, 'He Is' (), God of Her of [Me] (:s), the saving of ^Me, for the striking Her (*Israel) of
all of enemies of Me [on] cheek, You broke teeth of *wicked ones.
He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

3.9. To 'He Is' () [belongs] the salvation on people of You in Blessing of You (-::) (Mt 25.34;
Judgment Day in AD 77).

(1) Again, the crucifixion of ^Iesous Anointed, by the *Jews, was recorded (vs 6). New **
Jerusalem is closely associated with Iesous' death and resurrection.
(2) The phrase "striking Her (*Israel)" refers to the death of the nation of *Israel as a result of their
foolish war with Rome (vs 8).
(3) The "Blessing" is used to describe the resurrection (vs 9). See: Dan 12.12, Mt 25.34, Rev 1.3.
(4) This psalm mentioned the "resurrection" contrasted with the other psalms of New **Jerusalem; see:
"inheritance" (Ps 2.8).
(5) New **Jerusalem replaced *Israel. "Look, I create a new heavens and a new earth (New
**Jerusalem), and the former (*Israel) will not be remembered nor come to mind" - Isa 65.17.

4) The Fourteenth Psalm.

14.7. Who He will give from Zion salvation of *Israel, in returning, 'He Is' (), captivity of people of
Him. Jacob+, he will rejoice, * (New **Jerusalem) *Israel, he will be glad.

(1) Jacob+ = *Israel.
(2) New **Jerusalem was "returning from captivity." See: Isa 66.20, "And the bringing of them of all of
brothers of you from all of the nations an offering to 'He Is' () in horses and in chariots and in carts
and in oxen and in camels to Mountain (Kingdom) of holiness of Me, [New] **Jerusalem, 'He Is' saying,
'As that they bring sons of *Israel (12 Tribes of *Israel were gate-keepers in [New] **Jerisalem) with
(-s) the grain offering in clean vessel [to] house of "He Is.'''"
(3) Both "workers of iniquity (vs 4) and "righteous" (vs 5) were addressed about the "salvation of

5) The Forty-sixth Psalm (46.5-11).

46.5. #Gods (::s) in midst of Her (*Israel), she will not be moved. #Gods will help Her to looking
[for] Morning [of the Seventh Day; AD 77].
46.6. Nations [12 Tribes] roaring, moving them, giving (-:), in voice of Him, Earth (*Israel), she melts.
46.7. 'He Is' () of hosts with us, #Gods of Jacob+ defence to us.
46.8. Go them (::) [:: is imperative of :: - #1980], see from works of Her (*Israel) that 'He Is'
() naming (::) desolations to *Earth.
46.9. From ceasing wars ever [to] end of Earth (*Israel; AD 66-73), He will break bow and cutting spear,
He will burn carts in fire.
46.10. The healing them and knowing them, for as I, #Gods (::s [:]:s) [The letter "K" is an
embeded adverb, "as"; and "YNA" is "I"; together they read, "as I."] I will be exalted in Nations
(Gentiles), I will be exalted in Earth (*Israel).
46.11. 'He Is' () of hosts [is] with us, defence to us, #Gods of Jacob.+ Rock!

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

(1) Paul wrote of two *"Israels." The children of the "flesh"; and the sons of "Promise" (Rom 9.6-8).
(2) Here two *"Israels" are pictured: one is "defended" (vs 11) and the other is "naming desolations" (vs
(3) "Ceasing wars ever" was in New **Jerusalem (AD 77).
(4) "[to] end of Earth (*Israel)" was at the resurrection in AD 77.
(5) The 12 messengers at the 12 Gates of New **Jerusalem were the 12 Tribes of *Israel (Rev 21.12).
(6) "And the Nations (Gentiles) of those who are saved will walk in Her light, and the kings of the Earth
(*Israel) will bring the glory and honor of them into Her" - Rev 21.24.
(7) "Few were saved" - Lk 13.23, 28.
(8) "A remnant were saved" - Rom 11.5.

6) Isaiah (2.1-4).

2.1. The speaking that (:s :) Isaiah, son of Amoz, seeing () against ^^Judah and
2.2. And being () in last days, he will be established, Mountain (Kingdom) of house of 'He Is' ()
in head of the Mountains (12 Tribes), and he will be lifted from Hills (Satrapies), and River-them (:)
(Rev 22.1), God (:s) of them, all of the Nations (12 Tribes).
2.3. And the coming-them, many peoples, and saying-them, 'Heart [of] Him, and we will come to
Mountain (Kingdom) of 'He Is' (; Zion) to house of #Gods (::s) of Jacob+, and He will teach us
Way of Him, and we will walk her (Body) in Paths of Him, for from Zion, she will go law and speaking
of 'He Is' ( :). [(Revelation) from [New] **Jerusalem.]
2.4. And judging between Nations [12 Tribes], and the reproving to many peoples, and beating-them,
swords of them to plowshares and spears of Her (Israel) of them to [tools] from pruning of Her. Nation
[New **Jerusalem], he will not lift sword against Nation [New **Jerusalem], and they will not teach war
to ever.

(1) The Last Days (End of Law of Moses and *Israel):
"Now this is the will of the Father having sent Me [^Iesous], so that all the [one] He will give to
Me, I might not lose from there, but I might Raise him Up the Last Day" - Jn 6.39.
"... in the Last Days ..." - 2Tim 3.1.
NOTE: The "last days" were the service to the God of ^Iesous in the flesh, and the work of the
apostles of Him after ^Iesous Anointed, the Lamb of God, ascended to heaven. But, the "last day"
(singular) referred to the Resurrection, in AD 77.
(2) "He will River-them":
"And I will Pour on the house of David (^Iesous, Rev 3.7), and on the inhabitants of [New]
**Jerusalem, the Spirit of Favor and of Supplications and they will look on Me (^Iesous) whom they
pierced ..." - Zec 12.10.
"And he showed me a pure River of Water of Life, clear as crystal, Proceeding out of the throne
of the God and of the ^Lamb (:cu :cu -ai :cu aoicu)" - Rev 22.1.
(3) "The Law from [New] **Jerusalem":
The Book with Seven Seals (Rev 5.1, 7) is the New Covenant Law. When the "last seal" was
opened, then "the mystery of the God was finished, on September 20, 1870. (Rev 10.7, 11.15).
(4) "Teach War No More":
He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

The "students" of King ^Iesous Anointed "fled to the mountains" (Asia Minor) to avoid being caught up
in the foolish war of the Jews with Rome (Mt 24.16). The apostles are the "12 foundations of the Wall of
New Jerusalem" (Rev 21.14). The Wall was recorded, "You will call your Walls, 'Salvation,' and your
Gates, 'Praise'" (Isa 60.18). And so, as the apostles were "pacifists", so the dwellers in New **Jerusalem
have been "pacifists."

7) Isaiah (4.1-6).

4.1. And the strengthening-them full, He will name in one Man (^Iesous) (s :s: :::) in day, the-
this, to saying, 'We will eat bread of us, and clothes of us we will wear, only He (^Iesous) will call name
of You against of us (::r).' Gather reproach of us (:-e e:s).'
4.2. In day, the-this, He will be Branch of 'He Is' ( :s ) to glory, to honor, and fruit of the
Earth (*Israel), to pride, and to glory to escapees of Israel [New **Jerusalem].
4.3. And being () the, 'He will be left' (s::) in Zion, 'and the He will rest' (-:) in holy
**Jerusalem,' He (^Iesous) will say to him (*Israel), 'All of the written (Book of Life) [will be changed]
to lives of them (::) in [New] **Jerusalem.'
4.4. When Lord of [me] (:s) washing of filth of Daughters of Zion (possibly, "cities") and blood of
**Jerusalem, and washing from midst of Her (*Israel) in Spirit of judgment and in Spirit of burning
(Jews' war with Rome).
4.5. And, 'He Is' () CREATING (Gen 1.1, Isa 65.17; s: - all three are participles) on all of place
of Mount (Kingdom) Zion, and on from crying-her (*Israel; an assembly) a Cloud (Glory) and Smoke
(Anger of #Gods) of day, and Shining of Flaming Fire [of] night, for cover on all of glory.
4.6. And She will be tabernacle (- ::) shading of day from heat and to refuge, and to from secret
[place] from storm and from rain.

(1) "He will call name of You (God) to us":
"Therefore like this pray you, 'Father of us, The [One] in the Heavens (Governments)" (Mt 6.9).
"Lord, the God, The [One] [keeping] the all Power [and] Time" (Rev 4.8).
The Son of God, ^Iesous Anointed, "called out" the name of God to *Israel.
"He is new name of the God - Heb 8.6 - :cac::p:ai = ne[os] [o]nomo[a] The[os] te[s] tai (He
Is). ^Iesous Anointed, "He is new name of the God."
(2) "He will be Branch to escapees":
^Iesous Anointed was the "link" to God. He brought "forgiveness of sins" which was only
symbolized, and promised, by animal sacrifices. He founded the "From-calling" (:- -pia) from
*Israel and from pagan nations to a new religion. He declared Himself to be God [I Am Egw eim
John 7.29, 8.24, 8.28, 8.59, 9.9, 10.9] (Mt 9.6, Mt 28.18).
(3) "He will be left in Zion":
Those "left behind" after the Rapture, were the "branches broken off" (Rom 11.20-23); or,
"divorced from #Gods" (Isa 50.1), and would be "grafted in" (Rom 11.23), after the Rapture.
(4) "Washing filth in judgment and in burning":
"Righteousness without law" was recorded (Judged) to provide "forgiveness of sins" (Rom 3.21-
26). "Burning" would also "wash the filth of Zion." This was the "dipping in fire" (Mt 3.11).
(5) "CREATING on all of place of Mount Zion":
New **Jerusalem was created, in AD 77-78 (in one day; Isa 66.8, Jer 31.31), and sent "down" to
He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

"men" of earth (Rev 21.1-3).
"The, 'He will hope' (#3176), Earth (New **Jerusalem) in one Day (Year:, AD 77-79); or, 'He
will go sick, Nation (*Israel) [in] one Time (Year), for then She will [let] go, Zion of sons of Her
(*Israel)" - Isa 66.8.
NOTE: "Earth" and "Nation" were employed ambiguously for both *Israel and New **Jerusalem.
When these are pictured "wickedly" they refer to *Israel. On the other hand, when they are pictured in
pleasant terms, they refer to New **Jerusalem.
(6) "She will be tabernacle":
"Look, the dwelling [tabernacle] of the God is with [dwelling] of the men, and He will dwell
with them (-ai -pa:i a:: au:a), and they will be people of Him (-ai au:ci ac, au:cu
:c:ai), and the God, He will be with them (-ai au:c, 0 :c, a:: au:a ::ai)" (Rev 21.3).

8) Isaiah (9.6-7).

9.6. For Child (: : - ^Iesous) born to us, Son giving to us (:: -:), and She* will be, the
Government* (- ::) on shoulder of Him, and He (^Iesous) will call name of Him (-self) (::
s), Separate (s:e), He Will Counsel (sr), God of Might (:. :s), Father of Ever (r :s),
Prince of Peace (::: :).
9.7. To increasing the government, and to peace no end. On throne of David (Rev 3.7), and over
kingdoms of Him (-::::), to establishing with Her (-s ::) [New **Jerusalem], and to
preparing Her (r::) in judgment and in righteousness of Her (s:), from now and to ever.
Zeal*** of 'He Is' (-s:s ) of hosts, She*** will do this (-s :r-).

(1) The Holy Child was born in 4 BC (Mt 2.7).
(2) "The Government on His shoulder":
^Iesous was the King (Sun; Mt 27.11, Rev 3.7), and He was the new High Priest (Moon; Heb
6.20), and He was "The Prophet" (Star; Deut 18.15); or, "The Bright and Morning Star" (Rev 22.16).
(3) "He will call Himself, 'God'":
^Iesous declared Himself, "I Am" (s, Ex 3.14; |,a |iai, Jn 4.26, Jn 8.28).
Peter declared ^Iesous, "You Are" (`u :i) (Mt 16.16) related to, I Am.
Paul and Peter declared Iesous, "Who Is" (0 ::i; Col 1.15, Col 1.18, 1 Pet 3.22).
Moses recorded the name of God, 6,735 times, to be, "He Is" (; Gen 2.4, and others).
^Iesous is "The Word of the God" (Jn 1.1k); and He inspired the words of Peter and Paul.
SUMMARY: Hebrew God = "I Am" and "He Is," depending on who was speaking; God or man.
^Iesous = "I Am" and "Who Is,"depending on who was speaking; God or man.
So then, "He Is" in the Hebrew related to "Who Is" in the Greek. And, ^Iesous declared Himself
to be God.
(4) "On the throne of David":
"These [things] says The Holy [One], The True [One], The [One] having the key of David (0
:,a :p -:i :cu a3i) (throne of David) ..." - Rev 3.7.
(5) "To establishing Her (New **Jerusalem)":
"Zeal* of 'He Is' of hosts, She* will do this" - Isa 9.7.

9) Isaiah 11.
He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

11.1. And He will come out a Rod [David] from Stock of Jesse, and a Branch [^Iesous Anointed] from
roots of him. He will bear fruit.
11.2. And Spirit of He Is, she [Dove = fem.] will rest on Him; Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding
(#1), Spirit of Counsel (#2) and Might (#3), Spirit of Knowledge (#4) and of Fear of He Is (#5).
11.3. And the Spirit of Him (), in Fears of He Is (-s:) (#5); and He will not Judge (#6) to
sight [of] eyes, and not He reproving to hearing [of] ears of Him.
11.4. And Judging (#6) the poor in Righteousness (#7), and reproving in rightness to meek of earth; and
He will strike earth with rod of mouth of Him, and in breath of lips of Him (-e: :); He will
slay wicked (r: -:).
Note: These are the 7 Spirits of God. See also: Ephesians 4.4-6 and Revelation 5.12 and 7.12.

11.5. And Righteousness will be harness from sides of Him, and the Faithfulness harness of waist of
11.6. And cub of Wolf (Benjamin) with Lamb (*Israel), and Leopard (Gad & Rueben) he will lie down
with troop of [...] (*Israel & Judah), and Calf ((Ephraim) and Lion (^^Judah) and Fatling (Joseph)
together; and a little Child (Peter - newborn) shall lead them.
[...] Goats or Ramah, east of Jordan River agrees with our interpretation.
11.7. Cow (Samaria) and Bear (^^Judah) they will graze together, and they will lie down, young ones of
them, and Lion (^^Judah) he will eat straw as Ox (*Israel).
11.8. And sucking [child] will delight on hole of Asp [Israel - Deut 32.15, 33], and weaned [child] will
put hand of him from light [of den] of Adder [*Israel - Isa 59.5]; [cf., cockatrice].
NOTE: ^Iesous is the Prince of Peace (Isa 9.6), and He reconciled the warring 12 Tribes of

11.9. They will not hurt, and they will not destroy in all of Mountain [New **Jerusalem] of Holiness of
Me; for filling her, the Earth, of knowledge of He Is, as waters to sea, ones covering.
NOTE:"Pacifism" is a trait of the servants of ^Iesous.

11.10. And in Day being the-that, Root of Jesse (^Iesous), who standing to banner [to] peoples, these of
Him; Gentiles they will seek Him, and she will be resting place of Him; glory.
NOTE: The prophets foretold ^Iesous adding the Gentiles to the kingdom of God (Ps 18.49, Deut
32.43, Ps 117.1).

11.11. And in Day being the-that, Lord of [me] (:s) hand of him, He will do second time to Recover
of remnant of people of Him [= New **Jerusalem], that, he that [is left] from Assyria, and from Egypt,
and from Pathros, and from Kush, and from Elam, and from Shinar, and from Hamath, and Islands of
the Sea [European Nations].
11.12. And He will set up a Banner [Possibly, the cross] to nations, and gathering [New Jerusalem - AD
77] ones being outcasts of *Israel, and He will gather ones being fallen of ^^Judah, from four corners of
the Earth (*Israel).
11.13. And envy of Ephraim departing her, and adversaries of ^^Judah they will be cut off; Ephraim
not, he will envy ^^Judah, and ^^Judah not, he will harass against *Ephraim.
NOTE: Again, the Prince of Peace is described.

11.14. And flying them on shoulders of Philistines [to] west, them together; they will spoil of peoples of
east; sending hands of them [to] Edom and Moab; and sons of Ammon [among] ones obeying [them].
NOTE: Missionary work is intimated.
He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

11.15. And the destroying of them [by] He Is against tongue of Sea of Egypt; and [with] boiling Spirit of
Him, the waving hand of Him over the river, and the destroying of them to seven rivers; and the treading
of you in shoes.
11.16. And she will be a Highway [Street of Gold] to remnant [of] people of Him, that he who [is left]
from Assyria, as that she will be to *Israel in day, coming him [+Jacob] from land [of] Egypt.
NOTE: Ancient maps have identified the Seven Rivers of the Nile River in the Delta, at
the Mediterranean Sea. However, they have silted and are undefinable today. But this is symbolism for
the ease of traveling from Assyria to Egypt [Street of Gold in AD 77], and back. See: Isa 19.23-25.
The River is still in the Delta, though not so clearly defined as before.
The Spirit of God; or, the Holy Spirit is the messenger of God. In the Greek it is only in the
neuter gender. ^Iesous was "anointed" with the 7 Spirits of God. Luke described the "anointing" of
^Iesous to have been with the Holy Spirit. See: Lk 3.22.
"Things equal to the same thing are equal to each other."
For example: 3 + 2 = 5. And: 4 + 1 = 5. Therefore: 3 + 2 = 4 + 1.
In like manner, "the anointing of ^Iesous" = the 7 Spirits of God (Isa 11).
And, "the anointing of ^Iesous" = the Holy Spirit (Lk 3.22).
Therefore, because "the anointing" = "the anointing"; it follows that: the 7 Spirits of God = the
Holy Spirit.
Isaiah 19.23-25 also pictured this "Highway of Holiness."
"In that day there will be a Highway from Egypt to Assyria, and the Assyrian will come into
Egypt and the Egyptian will serve with the Egyptians. In that day (AD 77) *Israel will be one of three
with Egypts and Assyria, a blessing in the midst of the Land (New **Jerusalem), whom 'He Is'
(HWHY) of hosts will bless, saying, ' Blessed is Egypts My people, and Assyria the work of My hands,
and *Israel My inheritance.'"
A Highway from southern Egypt to northern Assyria would be a diagonal line in the City
Foursquare, in AD 77, which was 12,000 Furlongs (1500 Miles) square, and high. But then, the
messengers at the 12 Gates to the Holy City were the 12 Tribes of *Israel (Rev 21.12). For this reason,
I believe that Egypts and Assyria represent Israelites in those two nations. And, "the nations" (Gentiles)
were introduced into the Holy City later (Rev 21.24). So then, all three of these groups were Israelites.
NOTE: Instead of the Jews returning to Jerusalem, as is stated in prophecy, it seems that New
**Jerusalem went to the Israelites in Egypts and Assyria. So then, this journey was not a physical trip,
but a spiritual journey back to God and His will.

10) Isaiah (10.17-23).

10.17. And being () Light of *Israel to fire, and Holy [One] of him (*Israel) to flaming and burning
Her (*Israel), and devouring Her, thorns of him and brier of him in one day (s ::).
10.18. And He will consume Forest of him [Trees = Kings], and fruitful [field] of him. He will consume
from soul [breath of life] and against flesh. And being () as melting away standard (symbol,
10.19. And remnant of Trees (Kings) of Forest of him (Jacob+), they will be a number, and young [man],
he will write them.
10.20. And being () in day, the-this, he will not yet again, remnant of *Israel and escapees of house
of Jacob+, [serve] to the leaning on [one] from striking him, and he will lean on 'He Is' ( :r), Holy
[One] of *Israel, in truth.
10.21. Remnant [New **Jerusalem], he will return, remnant of Jacob+ to God of Might (.: :s).
He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

10.22. For though people of You, *Israel, he will be as sand of the sea [Rom 9.27], remnant, he will
Return in him (Jacob+).
10.23. For eating [consumption - KJV], and He will determine Her (Israel), 'He Is' (-s:s :.s)
of hosts, doing in midst of all of the Earth (*Israel).
NOTE: These verses in the middle of Chapter Ten are a different subject than was the rest of the
chapter. This phenomenon is frequent throughout the Bible. The destruction of *Israel is graphically
described here, whereas the rest of the chapter is about Assyria carrying the Ten Northern Tribes away
into captivity, and threatening Hezekiah in **Jerusalem; and finally, Gods destruction of Assyria (612
BC - 609 BC).
NOTE: The words "Earth" and *"Israel" and +"Jacob" are used ambiguously in these prophecies
of destroying *Israel and founding New **Jerusalem. New **Jerusalem "inherited name the Earth"
(*Israel; Mt 5.5; kleroj
cac,). Therefore, statements of "victory" and "salvation" are about New
**Jerusalem. But records of "burning" and "eating" are about *Israel.

(1) "Being ... to fire ... and burning Her": God destroyed *Israel.
(2) "He will consume a Forest":
"Trees" are "kings" in prophecy (Nebuchadnezzar; Dan 4.20-22), and a "forest" would be many
"trees." Josephus recorded Antipas and Levias and Sophas "of the royal lineage" to have been killed by
John, son of Dorcas. Wars of Jews - 4.3.4/5.
"The Sun (Antipas) was darkened, and the Moon (Priesthood) to blood" (Joel 2.31, Mt 24.29,
Acts 2.20).
Then, ^Iesous was declared to possess the "key of David" (Rev 3.7).
(3) "*Israel will not again lean on those striking him":
This was not true of physical *Israel, for history records their captivity among the nations of
Europe for 1800 years. But, the kingdom of God, New **Jerusalem, leaned on 'He Is' ().
(4) "He will determine Her" (*Israel):
So *Israel died, and New **Jerusalem replaced her as the New Covenant kingdom of God.
"For looking of Me, creating New Heavens and a New Earth [New **Jerusalem], and the Former
[*Israel], She will not come Her to heart" - Isa 65.17.

11) Isaiah (24.1-5, 20-23).

24.1. Look, 'He Is' () emptying the Earth (: s) (Israel), and wasting Her (::), and
perverting face of Her, and the scattering of dwellers of Her.
24.3. The emptying (:) She will be emptied (:-), the Earth (*Israel), and the Plundering, She will
be Plundered, for 'He Is' () speaking (prophesying) of the speaking [before hand], the-this.
NOTE: Josephus recorded 1,100,000 Jews killed, and another 97,000 Jews sold into slavery,
"emptying the Earth."

24.4. The Earth (*Israel) mourning (::s = mourning) Her, carcase of Her (Mt 24.28) weakening, he
(*Israel) mourning (:::) her world, weakening them, from high people [to be resurrected people] of the
Earth [New **Jerusalem].
NOTE: New **Jerusalem was in both Third Heaven and on earth. The Raptured are in Third
Heaven, and those "left behind" became the New Covenant kingdom of God, New **Jerusalem.

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

24.5. The Earth (*Israel) hypocritical Her under dwelling of Her, for passing them laws, altering them
statute, the breaking them everlasting covenant.
NOTE: God said that *Israel had broken the covenant, and not Himself (Jer 31.32).

24.20. Moving, She will move (r:- r:), *Earth as drunkard, and the 'She mourning Her' (:-)
as from lodging, and transgression of Her, and grievous on Her, and he [transgression] (*Israel) will fall
(:e:), and She will end, not rising (: e:- s:).
NOTE: +Jacob was named *"Israel" by God. The nation was named *"Israel" by God. So then,
"he" and "She" both refer to *Israel.

24.21. And being () in day, the-this (s), He will Visit to host of the Heavens (Governments), 'He
Is' () in Heavens and to Kings of the land on the land.
NOTE: Heavens = Sun (King), Moon (Priesthood), Stars (Prophets).

24.22. And gathering them (e:s), gather Her (e:s) (*Israel) prisoner in pit, and shutting them in
from shutting, and from many days they will be Visited.
NOTE: *Israel had been in captivity since 588 BC, when Nebuchadnezzar destroyed
**Jerusalem. Then in 539 BC, Media and Persia ruled over them. In 331 BC, Alexander the Great, and
the Greeks ruled over them. In 67 BC, Rome made *Israel a state of Her empire.

24.23. And the White (Moon = Priesthood) shaming Her (e), and the Sun (Antipas, d. AD 66)
shaming *Her (::), for 'He Is' () of hosts Kinging in Mount Zion (Rev 3.7, Rev 14.1), and in
[New] **Jerusalem (Rev 21.22-23; Rev 22.1, 3), and before old [ones] of Him [in] glory.

(1) *Israel (Earth) was "emptied" of Her inhabitants. "Two-thirds in all the land were cut off and died"
(Zec 13.8).
"144,000 firstfruits" were Raptured to Third Heaven (Rev 7.4; Rev 14.1-4).
97,000 Jews were sold into slavery. 1,100,000 Jews were killed in their foolish war with Rome.
(2) "*She will be plundered":
"Relief of the Spoils of **Jerusalem" in Rome, is an artistic rendering of the spoils of Tiberius.
The scene depicts the triumphal procession with the booty from the temple at **Jerusalem--the
sacred Menorah, the Table of the Showbread shown at an angle, and the silver trumpets which called the
Jews to Rosh Hashanah. The bearers of the booty wear laurel crowns and those carrying the candlestick
have pillows on their shoulders. Placards in the background explain the spoils or the victories Titus won.
These few figures, standing for hundreds in the actual procession, move toward the carved arch at the
right, complete with quadriga at the top.
The photographs of the reliefs I took in May 2005 and have substituted them for the older images. See
also the new detail*."
Search on Internet: "Titus Arch Triumph Rome."
NOTE: "New detail" pictured the Lampstand with seven lamps. To the victor go the spoils."
(3) "Breaking the covenant":
^Iesous said the temple was "a den of thieves" (Mt 21.13).
The Sadducees denied the resurrection (Lk 20.27).
The Pharisees taught that a Gift to them relieved men of "honor your father and mother" (Mt
He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

(4) "*Israel will end, not rising":
Historians have documented the fall of *Israel. The nation of *Israel today has no "Israelites."
This is obvious.
A) Israelites were in the genealogy, modern *Israel has no genealogy.
B) Forgiveness of sin was by "animal sacrifices"; modern *Israel has no animal sacrifices.
C) Israelites were commanded to kill sinners (Lev 20.10); but modern *Israel does not kill
D) All males were to meet at the tabernacle three (3) times every year (Ex 23.17); modern *Israel
has no tabernacle and no gathering of all males.
E) Israelites had prophets; but modern *Israel has no prophets..
(5) "And the "White" (Moon) shaming Her":
The "priesthood" was "turned to blood" by "civil war" within the city of **Jerusalem, while
under siege from without. Josephus testified in dogmatic terms that the Jews were insane!
(6) "The Sun (King) shaming Her". Antipas (of the royal lineage) was killed in AD 66.
(7) "'He Is' () Kinging (:::) in Mount Zion (Third Heaven) and in [New] **Jerusalem (on earth)":
The continuous fulfillment of ^Iesous' prophecies, in every century, is dogmatic proof that He is
"Kinging" in New **Jerusalem. The noun, "King" (::) was employed as a participle, but translated by
others, "reigning."

12) Isaiah 25.

25.1. 'He Is #Gods' of (:s ) [me\ with Her (-s), *Israel], 'I will exalt You, I will praise name
of You for doing You wonderful [things]. Belief of us, belief [in] counsels of You from far [long ago].
25.2. For doing You from City to heap, City fenced in to ruin, palaces of Strangers (Gentiles) from City;
he will not be built to ever (Babylon - Isa 14.21).
25.3. Against this they will glorify You, strong people of City of terrible nations; they will fear You.
25.4. For lives of You (- :) [are] strength to poor, strength to needy in distress of him, refuge from
storm, a shadow from heat, for [You are] as wall [against] storm.
25.5. As heat in dry [place] You will humble noise of Strangers (Gentiles), [You are] 'heat in shadow of
cloud' (meaning, relief from heat). Singing of terrible ones; he will give answer.
25.6. And 'He Is' () doing (:r) to all of the peoples in Mountain (Kingdom), the-this, drinking
[and] oil [for cakes - Ex 29.2], drinking of [wines] kept from blotting out, destroying from refining them.
Oils [for cakes].
NOTE: The phrase with verbs "blotting out" and "destroying" refer to removing impurities from
the wines and oils. This does not relate to any group of men.

25.7. And swallowing in Mountain (: r::) (Kingdom), the-this (), face of wrapping ("vail" - 2
Cor 3.14); wrapping (:: :: :e) over all of the people, and the [covering] from dwelling
[tabernacle] (::: ::r:), the, 'He will dwell' over all of the nations.
25.8. Swallowing the Death (-: r::) to ever, and wiping, Lord of [me] 'He Is' (:s ) tear
from all of faces [Rev 21.4; meaning New **Jerusalem], and reproach of people of Him He will take
away from on all of the **Earth; for 'He Is, speaking' (: ).
25.9. And saying in day, the-this, 'Look! #Gods of us (::s) 'this waiting us to Him' (: :). And
He will save us, this 'He Is' waiting us to Him (: ). We will rejoice (#8055) Her [New
**Jerusalem], and we will rejoice (#1523) Her in salvations of Him.
He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

25.10. For She will Rest (:- :); hand of 'He Is' ( ) in Mountain (Kingdom), the-this, and
Moab*, he will be threshed (::) under Him (--) (God), as the threshing of straw; [threshing] from
dung of Her (:::). NOTE: Moab = *Israel.

25.11. And spreading hands of Him in midst of them as that the [one] bowing down, he will spread to
bowings; and lowering prides of them with waiting of Her (*Israel) in hands of Him (God).
25.12. And high fenced [City = **Jerusalem], walls of you, the bowing, the lowering, the touching of
Him (God) to Earth (*Israel) to dust.

(1) "Belief of us in Counsels of You from Far":
Isaiah, and the true Israelites, Believed in the advice from #Gods in the law of Moses.
(2) "From City to heap":
These counsels Believed also included Belief in prophecies. Babylon's "palaces of
Strangers (Gentiles)" was recorded in Isaiah verses 14.21 and 21.9; and were described to become a heap.
(3) "Strong people of terrible nations will fear You":
Balak, king of Moab, feared *Israel after hearing of the Ten Plagues of #Gods on Egypts. In the
same manner, rulers would fear #Gods and *Israel when they learned of the predicted fall of Babylon.
(4) "Strength to poor":
#Gods can deliver the poor from oppressive governments; as the Cubans were delivered by Fidel
(5) "You will humble Strangers (Gentiles)":
God set up, and then cast down, the "seven Mountains (Kingdoms)" (Rev 17.9-10). These were:
Egypts, 1635 BC, and Assyria, 612 BC, and Babylon, 539 BC, and Persia, 331 BC, and Greece, 164 BC,
and Rome, AD 476, and the Eastern Roman Empire, AD 1453.
(6) #Gods had prepared a feast (vs 25.6) of the Bread of Life (also called the Word of the #Gods) and of
the Living Waters (7 Spirits of Gods). This was spiritual food and drink.
(7) "Swallowing the wrapping of the people":
#Gods had "blinded" *Israel. See: Mt 13.14-15. They were described to have a "vail" on their
hearts. See: 2 Cor 3.14. The removal of the "vail" was recorded: "No one is able to come to Me
(^Iesous), if not The Father, The [One} having sent Me should draw him" (Jn 6.44).
(8) "Swallowing Death to ever; Wiping all Tears":
"And He will wipe away from them all tears from the eyes of them, and the Death will not be any
longer ..." - Rev 21.4.
New **Jerusalem (Rev 21.1-2) was being described. The "Great Tribulation" (Mt 24.21, Rev
2.10; AD 67-77) was over.
(9) "We will rejoice Her (New **Jerusalem)":
This was recorded again: "Rejoice you with [New - vs 8] **Jerusalem, and be glad with Her ..."
(Isa 66.10).
(10) "She will Rest; *Moab will be threshed":
In Hebrews, the writer described entering into the Rest of God on the Seventh Day [AD 77-78;
"One Day" - Isa 66.8].
"There remains therefore a Rest to the people of the God. For he that is entered into the Rest of
Him, he also has ceased from the work of him, as the God from [labor] of His own" - Heb 4.9-10.
NOTE: God had the prophets address a portion of a category of people to represent a message for
the entire category. [This is playing "mind games" with the students of the Bible.] Here is an example:
"You children of Benjamin, gather yourselves to flee out of the midst of **Jerusalem ..." - Jer 6.1.
He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

Benjamin was the smaller of two tribes of ^^Judah. The warning was actually for all of ^^Judah. For the
city of **Jerusalem is in ^^Judah.
Moab was one of seven nations driven out of Canaan by *Israel. Here, "Moab would be
threshed" meant "*Israel would be threshed." Because Moab was a component of *Israel, when *"Israel
was threshed" then *"Moab was threshed."
(11) "Spreading hands of Him":
The great spiritual power of #Gods was often described to be in "His hand" or "His right arm."
(12) "Walls bowing; Earth (*Israel) to dust":
The nation, and the religion of the Jews was destroyed by "Lord, the God, The [One] [keeping]
the all Power [and] Time" (Rev 4.8).
Kuoic, c :cr, c :c ra Koa: ao.
Kurios o Theos o [One] [keeping] the all (to pan) Power (Krat[os]) [and] Time (ao[a]).
NOTE: Much of the Bible has these missing words; One and keeping and all; and missing
letters; [os] and [a]. This is why Paul wrote, The natural man (not possessing the Spirit of God)
cannot understand the Bible (1 Cor. 2.14). Translating this name required many years and much prayer
for the Spirirt of Wisdom and Understanding.

13) Isaiah 26.

26.11. 'He Is' hand of You ( : ) casting; they will not see; [but] they will see, and they will
be confounded, also jealousy of Her people (*Israel), She will eat them, fire of enemies of You (Gentiles).
NOTE: Here are pictured two terms for *Israel; Hand of you (against *Israel); and she will eat
fire of them. (persecution against *Israel).
26.12. 'He Is,' You lippings peace to us (:: ::: -e:-), for also all of works of us, working You to
NOTE: Peace to New **Jerusalem, Woe to *Israel.
26.13. 'He Is #Gods' (::s ) of us, lords besides You lording of us, in You only we remember
name of You.
26.14. Dead ones, they live not, healing ones* they rise not, thus visiting them, and You destroyed them,
and You perished all of memory of [them = *Israel].
NOTE *: (1) "... the Former (*Israel) will not be remembered nor come to mind" - Isa 65.17.
(2) "And he (*Ephraim) saw of sickness of him and ^^Judah; of Strange [idols] of him, and
walking *Ephraim to Assyria, he sent to King Jareb; [but] he was not able to heal you, and he can not heal
from you [your] wounds" - Hos 5.13.
(3) "For I seeing, raising up Shepherd (^Iesous) in Earth (*Israel), the, 'He will hide of Her;' He
will not command the young, and He will not seek the, 'he was broken of Her'; and He will not heal the,
'he will stand [in] Her'; and He will not eat all of flesh of Her (remnant saved), the plump of Her; [but] He
will eat and He will break hoof of them" - Zec 11.16.
(4) "The unrighteous, unrighteous still; and the filthy, filthy still; and the righteous, righteous still;
and the holy, holy still" - Rev 22.11.
These verses describe "the healing ones" of *Israel. And they are described not to have been
healed at all.

26.15. He will increase to Nation (.: -e:) [New **Jerusalem; "sevenfold" - Isa 30.26], 'He Is'
(HWHY) increasing You (-e: ) (*Israel) to Nation [New **Jerusalem]; He glorified Her, far
[away] you all of end of Earth (*Israel).

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

26.16. 'He Is' (), in besieging them, You visiting them, whispering instruction of You to them (::
:: ::), chastening to them.
26.17. As conceiving (:: ) [is] precious [of] Father (:-), to birth of Her (-::) [*Israel to
New **Jerusalem], She (birth) will strengthen (:-), She (mother) will cry, She is sorrowful, She will
have strength in sorrow of Her; so [are] lives of us from face of You, 'He Is' ().
26.18. Conception of us far from us, but birth of us [is] spirit, we do not salvations [in] Earth (Israel), and
we will not be wonderful, dwellers of world.
26.19. They will live, dead of You (:-:), Body of You [New **Jerusalem], they will rise them
(::), the awakening them (s), and sing them dweller of us [in] dust (:er .::), for dew of
lights (-s ::) (Heavens) [will be] dew of You (::), and Earth (*Israel), She will be stronghold of
dead ones.
NOTE: *Israel was the mother of New **Jerusalem. The dead Body of [True] *Israel was resurrected to
New **Jerusalem in AD 77.

26.20. To you, people of Me, coming in chamber of you (: s:) (From-calling of ^Iesous), and
shutting doors of You about you (r: :-: .:) (flee to mountains; Asia Minor), hiding of you
(:r:: :) as little moment until Indignation ("great tribulation" - Mt 24.21, Rev 2.10), he will pass
(:r :r).
26.21. For looking, 'He Is' () bringing from place of Him (Heaven) to punishing iniquity of dwellers
on him, Earth (*Israel); and revealing Her, the *Earth, of blood of Her, and She will cover over no more
the slain of Her.
NOTE: (1) "And they will go forth and look, upon the corpses of the men who have transgressed
against Me. For their worm does not die, and their fire is not quenched, and they will be an abhorrance to
all flesh- Isa 66.24.
(2) "And the winepress was trampled outside the City (Jerusalem), and blood came out of the
winepress, up to the horses' bridles, about 1600 Furlongs (200 Miles; Dan to Beersheba)" - Rev 14.20.

(1) "Jealousy of Her people (*Israel), She (Jealousy) will eat them (*Israel)":
*Israel's jealousy of the "From-calling of ^Iesous" caused them to promote an Inquisition against
the "children of Promise" (Rom 9.8). God punished them severely for this act of hatred.
(2) "all of works of us, working You to us":
The glory of the saved was due to the works of God in them.
(3) "You perished all memory of them (*Israel)"; in AD 66-73:
Repeatedly, the prophets of the #Gods declared that He would kill *Israel.
"The Sun (Antipas) darkened and the Moon (Priesthood) turned to blood" (Joel 2.31, Acts 2.20)
predicted the death of *Israel.
[The Salvation of *Israel was also repeatedly recorded. This is Pauls Two *Israels (Romans
9.6) sons of the flesh (died) and sons of Promise (resurrected).
The Jews were scattered all over Europe and Africa and the Middle East, and ceased to be a
nation. Until recently, about 1985, everyone was familiar with these facts. The Jews were restored to
modern *Israel, illegally, beginning in 1948. But they are not a race of people! They are not Israelites!
(4) "Increasing You to Nation":
*Israel was "1600 Furlongs" (Rev 14.20), and New **Jerusalem was "sevenfold" (Isa 30.26).

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

1600 Furlongs X 7.5 = 12,000 Furlongs (Rev 21.16).
(5) "You visiting them ... distresses, chastening them":
And *Israel died a miserable death. 1,100,000 died and 97,000 were sold into slavery.
(6) "as conceiving [is] precious [to] Father ... to birth of Her (*Israel)":
New **Jerusalem was born of *Israel, and the mother died giving birth.
(7) "We will not be wonderful, dwellers of world":
*Israel was for death, and New **Jerusalem was life.
NOTE: The Bible is not to be understood by, men of earth. Believers are the New Creation (2
Cor. 5.17) being in ^Anointed (: Xoi:a) and possessing the Spirit of Anointed. This means that we
are supernatural. Our bodies will die, but our spirits will go immediately to Paradise to await the
resurrection. We do not translate the Bible, but the Spirit of the Living God in us reveals the message.
I can do nothing without the Spirit. Sometimes I try neglecting to solicit God in prayer but the
confusion that follows quickly reminds me that I need the Spirit. So then, imagine the stupidity of
sending pagan [without names of the Gods] Bibles around the globe, and thinking that you are glorifying

So the Faith [comes] from Hearing [and, not reading], and the Hearing through word of God Rom
Originally, Hearing was by Prophets. Then Hearing was by Prophets annd Priest. Then Hearing was by
He-Saving^ and His apostles. Then the Priesthood and the Prophets were resurrected, in AD 77.
TODAY The Faith comes from Witnesses that God and the Lamb are alive Today on Earth in
New **Jerusalem.
The Old Testament Prophets, and the New Testament Prophets (including ^He-Saving) and Witnesses
Today all had or do have 3 Basic Traits:
(1) Interpret past tense prophecies.
(2) Identify the Present Tense Prophecy.
(3) Interpret Future Tense Prophecies.

The Lamb of God explained, Abraham and Issac and Jacob are alive today (AD 28-32), and, The
Third Day I will be raised (AD 30, 31, 32), and The temple will be destroyed (AD 70).

The apostle Paul quoted, and added to, 23,000 died in the battle in one day (1 Cor. 10.8; Num 25.8).
One Day = One Year. The United States Presidents reign is from January 20 in one calenday year to
January 19 in the following year. In like manner, Bible years are from the first month of the reign of a
king or high priest or the Exodus from Egypts inside a calendar year for 12 months.
In Numbers the total dying was 24,000. 23,000 died in one day (one year) and the extra thousand
died in the following year. And this is eaily reconciled. [However, some translators had changed Pauls
23,000 in one day to 24,000 (Num 25.8) to force a fake harmony. But then, Moses (Deut 4.2) , and
Solomon (Prov 30.5-6), and ^He-Saving (Rev 22.18-19) had all condemned such an Act.

14) Isaiah 27.12-13.

27.12. And being () in day, the-this, 'He Is' (), He will beat from that without of Her (Assyria),
the River (Euphrates) to River Egypts*, and You, You will gather them to one [by] one, sons of *Israel.
NOTE: * "Egypts" is always plural in Hebrew, meaning "Upper Egypt" and "Lower Egypt."

27.13. And being () in day, the-this, He will blow in great trumpet, and coming them, the perishing
ones in Earth (Israel) of Assyria, and the ones driven away in Earth of Egypts, and the she will bow
them to 'He Is' () in the holy Mountain (Kingdom) in [New] **Jerusalem.

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

(1) "In day, the-this" ():
This phrase was recorded repeatedly to represent New **Jerusalem. However, this phrase is also
used for emphasis in picturing other significant days of prophecy, such as the destruction of **Jerusalem
in 588 BC.
(2) God punished (beat) *Israel from the River Euphrates to the River Nile. This was a hint about the size
of New **Jerusalem, This was also the "Great Tribulation" (Mt 24.21, Rev 2.10). These "10 Days"
began when Revelation was written, in AD 67. Revelation was written after "Antipas died" (Rev 2.13),
which was dated to have been in AD 66, by Josephus. See: Wars of the Jews - 4.3.4/5.
10 Days = AD 67-77.
10 Days = "I come quickly" (6 times).
(3) The "trumpet" is symbolic for the "gathering" of New **Jerusalem (above and on earth).
"... of the Son of the Man (:cu Yicu :cu Aoarcu) (Man (Adam)) coming on the clouds with
power and great glory. And He will send messengers of Him with a great sound of a Trumpet, and they
will gather together Elect of Him from the four winds, from one end of Heaven (New **Jerusalem) to the
other ..." - Mt 24.30-31.
(4) The Earth (Israelites) of Assyria, and the Earth (Israelites) of Egypts made up New **Jerusalem -- in
*"Israel [literal] will be third with Egypts and with Assyria, blessing in midst (*Israel) of the
Earth (New **Jerusalem)" - Isa 19.24.
So then, Isaiah 27.13, about "two-thirds", cannot be understood without the other "third"; which
was *Israel (Isa 19.24).

15) Isaiah 30.23-26.

30.23. And giving (-:) rain of seed of you that you seed of the ground, and bread of increase of the
ground, and being () rich and fat, in day, the-this, ^He will Shepherd (r) cattle of you in large
30.24. And the oxen, and the donkeys, [those] serving of the ground, they will eat leavened corn, and they
will eat that scattering in wind [of] Her (New **Jerusalem), and in from scattering (::).
30.25. And being () on all of high Mountain (Kingdom), and on all of lifted Hill, Rivers bringing of
[Living] Waters in day of great slaughter (*Israel), in falling of towers (::.: :e::).
30.26. And being () light of White (Moon) as light of Heat (: s:) (Sun), and light of Heat
(: s), he will be sevenfold (:-r:: ), as light of the seven days (:: -r:: rs:),
in day 'He Is' binding ( ::) of breaking of people of Him, and He will heal wounding [of] Him,
and wound.

(1) "On all of high Mountain (New **Jerusalem) ... Rivers bringing of [Living] Waters (Holy Spirit)":
New **Jerusalem was anointed with the Spirit of God, also called, "Living Water" (Jn 4.10).
This "anointing" was recorded:

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

"And pouring of Me (-) on house of David (^Iesous; Rev 3.7) and on dwellers of [New] ***Jerusalem
spirit of Favor and Supplications and the looking them on [face] of Him (^Iesous) of whom piercing
them, and mourning them for Him as from mourning for the only [^Son] ..." - Zec 12.10.
"And he showed me a River of Water of Life, bright as crystal, proceeding from [place] of the
throne of the God and of the Lamb (:cu :cu -ai :cu Aoicu)" - Rev 22.1; cf Rev 22.3.
NOTE: There were two (2) Gods on the throne.

(2) "day of great slaughter (*Israel) in falling towers":
**New Jerusalem was consistently linked to the fall of the nation of *Israel.
(3) "light of Moon as light of Sun":
The ^Moon was a symbol for the Priesthood. ^Iesous was the new High ^Priest (Heb 9.11).
^Iesous = light of ^Moon.
The Sun was a symbol for the king. ^Iesous was the new King of ^Israel (Mt 27.11, 37; Acts
17.7; 1Tim 1.16-17). ^Iesous = light of Sun.
(4) "He will be sevenfold as light of seven days":
*Israel was 1600 Furlongs (Rev 14.20).
New **Jerusalem was 12,000 Furlongs (Rev 21.16).
1600 Furlongs X 7.5 = 12,000 Furlongs.
(5) "In day 'He Is' () binds breaking of people of Him":
So then, the Old Covenant was fulfilled at the Resurrection, and at the founding of New
**Jerusalem. A "remnant" were saved (Joel 2.32).
All of the prophecies of the ^Savior and ^King were fulfilled in AD 77.
A huge number of prophecies of the "death of *Israel" were ended.

"... the Former (*Israel) will not be remembered nor come to mind" (Isa 65.17).
"... there was no more Sea (Gentiles because there were no more Jews. " (Jews were non-
Gentiles) (Rev 21.1).
The "Sea" was a symbol for the "Gentiles." See: Isa 60.5. Gentiles were "non-Jews."
Because there were no more "Jews"; then there were no more "non-Jews" (Gentiles).

16) Isaiah 33.
This prophecy contains predictions of doom and bliss. Isaiah had done this consistently
throughout his book of prophecies. So then, the emphasis of some on "positive thinking only" is contrary
to the word of God. In order to possess the Spirit of "the fear of 'He Is'" (), one must learn that God
is a Killer. Murder and mayhem are highlighted throughout the Bible from the Flood, in 2492 BC, to
Armageddon in AD 1923. We consider the messages of "doom" to apply to *Israel, and the messages of
"bliss" are regarding New **Jerusalem.

33.1. Woe spoiling [one], and with Her [one] not spoiling; and treacherous [one], and [one] not
treacherous them to him (Jacob+); as the consuming of You (*Israel), spoiling, You will be spoiled as
habitation of Her (*Israel) [to] You (New **Jerusalem), to treachery, they will be treachery to You (New
Both *Israel (wicked), and New **Jerusalem (not wicked) are pictured together in the "Great
Tribulation of 10 Days" (Mt 24.9, 21; Rev 2.10; AD 67-77).

33.2. 'He Is' mercy to us (:: ), waiting of us to You being arm of them to mornings also salvation
of us in time of trouble.
God was with His faithful in the Tribulation.

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

33.3. They fled (*Israel) from voice of roar of them (New **Jerusalem), peoples from lifting up of You
(-:::), they breaking Nations (*12 Tribes).
"Lifting up of You" could refer to the Resurrection in AD 77. New **Jerusalem was "lifted" to
Third Heaven, and also, established on earth.

33.4. And gathering spoil of them (e:s :::::) (*Israel), as gathering of the caterpillar, as drinking
locusts sacking in him (Jacob+).
New **Jerusalem was, "rebuilding of the tabernacle of David, which has fallen down" (in AD 70;
Acts 15.16). And so, the "spoiling" of *Israel was the taking possession of Her land and cities. But New
**Jerusalem was "sevenfold" (Isa 30.26), and included Egypts and Assyria (Isa 19.23-25).

33.5. For 'He Is' (: ), He will be high, dwelling from high Zion [with] judgment and righteousness.
33.6. And being () faith of times of You, wisdom and knowledge, riches of salvations, fear of 'He Is'
(), this [is] treasure of Him.
33.7. Looking, lion to them, crying them without Her (**Jerusalem; Rev 14.20), messenger of peace, they
weep bitterly.
33.8. Highways, they will be desolate, passing [limits of] path, breaking covenant, despising cities,
counting not man.
33.9. Earth (Israel*) mourning, mourning Her* (:s :s); Lebanon, the shaming, withering, the
Sharon being () as a plain, and Bashan and Carmel [as] shaking [of fruits].
33.10. Now I will rise, 'He Is' (), He says, now I will be exalted, now I will be lifted up.
33.11. You will conceive them, chaff; you will bear chaff; spirit of them [will be] fire, she will eat them.
33.12. And being them plaster, peoples from burning of Her (*Jerusalem), they will be burned in fire [as]
thorns having been cut down.
33.13. Hearing them, far [ones], what is doing of Me (-), and fearing them might of Me (-), near ones.
33.14. Fearing them, sinners in Zion, trembling possessing Her hypocrites. Who he will sojourn to us
from burning ever?
33.15. The [one] walking [in] righteousness, and speaking rights, refusing in coveting oppressions,
servant [keeping from] hand of him in gift, stopping ear of him from hearing bloods, and boning eyes of
him from seeing in evil.
33.16. He will dwell (::), this from high, from strength of him, bread of him giving, waters of him, he
will believe of us [to] them (:::s:) (Living Water = 7 Spirits of God).
33.17. You will see Her* (:-), King in beauty* of Him (e: ::), eyes of you, you will see Her*
Earth* (s :s-) [New **Jerusalem] far ones.
33.18. Heart of you, he will meditate terrors [of Israel]. Where [is] scribe? Where [is] weigher [of
taxes]? Where [is] number of towers?
Those to become future citizens of New **Jerusalem will "meditate" on these subjects.

33.19. You will not see [army] of fierce people, and you will not see her*, people of deep lip* [113 Xs],
from hearing derisive tongue without understanding.
33.20. Look Zion! (s ). City from congregation of us, eyes of you, you will see Her [New]
He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

**Jerusalem, habitation of ease, tent (tabernacle), he will not take down, and stakes of him, he will not
journey, stakes of him to ever, and all of cords of him, they will not be broken.
33.21. For when noble 'He Is' () [giving] place to us of rivers, rivers not broad of hands (of men),
galley [with] oar, she will not go in him (river), and navy oar and mighty ship, he [river] will [not;
repeating from before] pass them.
33.22. For 'He Is' () judging us, 'He Is' () from statute of us, 'He Is' King of us (:::: ),
this [One], He will save us (:r:).
33.23. Forsaking them (Heb 13.13), cords of you, they strengthen not most of them, therefore not
spreading them standard, then dividing to from great spoil; lame ones in preying them (Israelites);
The "lame" of #Gods are pictured as physically superior to the troops of *Israel.

33.24. And he will not say, neighbor [of you], 'Sickness of me (-:)'; the people, the [ones] dwelling in
Her (New **Jerusalem), lifting iniquity.

1) New **Jerusalem; Verses 1-6.
2)These are three of the Seven Spirits of God: Wisdom, Knowledge, Riches.
3) *Israel; Verses 7-9.
4) New **Jerusalem; Verse 10.
5) *Israel; Verse 11-14.
6) New **Jerusalem; Verses 15-24.
NOTE: Ezekiel 34.11-15, "strengthen the sick."

17) Isaiah 35.

35.1. He (#Gods) will rejoice them, wilderness and dry [land*], and she* will rejoice, a plain, and she*
will flourish as hiding shadows [flourish at sundown].
35.2. Flourishing, she will flourish (e- e), and she will rejoice, also rejoicing her (-:. es
::-), and singing; glory of the Lebanon [He] giving to her, honor of the Carmel and the Sharon; roaring,
they will see glory of 'He Is' (), honorable #Gods of us (::s ).
NOTE: Lebanon, and Carmel, and Sharon are repeatedly referred to as the "beauty" of *Israel.
The physically desolate land was spiritually beautified when the ^Son of God came to earth.

35.3. Strengthen them, hands of them, [being] feeble ones, and strengthen weak knees [now] falling.
Heb 12.12: "Wherefore lift up the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees."
These verses meant "lift up your hands in prayer" (Ps 28.2), and "bend your knees in prayer."

35.4. Saying them, to hasting heart, 'Strengthen! You will not fear them (Jews). Look! #Gods of you
(:::s), He will come [bringing] vengeance; This #Gods (s ::s), He will come rewarding, and
He will save you.
35.5. Then eyes
of the blind, opening her
(Mt 11.5), and ears
of deaf ones, she
will open her.
The Hebrew words, "eyes" (NY') and "ears" (NZA) are identified as "feminine plural" because
they end with the letter "N." [Hebrew reads from right to left.]

35.6. Then lame, he will leap as a deer, and tongue
of mute, she
will sing (Mt 12.22), for waters, they
will break forth in wilderness, and rivers in plain.
This described ^Iesous' healing ministry, and the "Living Waters" (Holy Spirit; Jn 4.10).

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

35.7. And being () the heating [ground] to pool, and thirsty [land] from [driness] to uttering of
waters (Spirit) in habitation of dragons*, lying down of her*, [eating] grass to reed, and drinking.
35.8. And being () there a Highway and a Way (^Iesous; Jn 14.6), and he will be called, 'And Way,
and Way, the Holy Way' (: ) [New **Jerusalem; or, Street of Gold, Rev 21.21]. An
unclean [one], he will not pass; and this to [those] from them walking Way ( : ::); and [ones]
not desiring them #Gods, they will err.
35.9. Lion (Satan), he will not be there [New **Jerusalem], and living Ox (*Israel; Num 22.4), he will not
come up, she (*Israel) will not be found there; and the redeemed ones walking them.
35.10. And redeemed ones of 'He Is' (), they will return [to **Jerusalem], and they will come to Zion
in singing; and everlasting joys on head of them; they will take joy (#8050) and joy (#8342); and sorrow
and sighing fleeing them (Rev 21.4; New **Jerusalem).

The land of *Israel rejoiced (figuratively speaking), when the ^Son of God came to earth. "Dryness" was
turned to a "flourishing field." Prayer was "strengthened" in the lifting of hands and the bending of knees.
Hope was declared, and instruction not to fear the Jews. ^Iesous' physical healings were graphically and
poetically described. The "Living Water" beautified the land. ^Iesous was "The Holy Way." The
redeemed walked the "Street of Gold"; but the Ox (*Israel) was not found there. Sorrow and sighing fled

17) Isaiah 43.25-28.

43.25. I, I as, This [One] (s ::s ::s Y[K]NA Y[K]NA = as (K) I (YNA) blotting out transgression
of you (*Israel; producing New **Jerusalem), to sake of Me, and remembering not sins of you.
43.26. The remembrance** of us (::), **We will judge *Her together ( :e::), scribing with
Her (-s e:), to sake, you are righteous (New **Jerusalem).
43.27. Father of you, the beginning, sinning, and from scorning you (*Israel), transgressing them in
[word] of Me.
43.28. And I will kill princes of holy [place*] (: : ::s), and I will give her** to destruction,
Jacob+ and *Israel to blasphemies.

18) Isaiah 65.13-20.

65.13. Therefore so saying Lord of [me] 'He Is' ( :s), 'See! Servants of Me, they will eat, and
you (*Israel), you will hunger them; servants of Me, they will drink, and you, you will thirst them.
See! Servants of Me, they will rejoice, and you (*Israel), you will confound them.
65.14. See! Servants of Me, they will sing them from beauty of heart, and you, you will cry them from
grief of heart and from breaking spirit; you will howl them.
65.15. And the leaving Her (*Israel) them (New **Jerusalem), name of you (*Israel) to satisfying Her
(New **Jerusalem), to young (new) of Me; and the killing you (*Israel) [by] Lord of [me], 'He Is' (
:s), and to servants of Him, He will call another name (New **Jerusalem) (s :: s).
65.16. Who, the [one] blessing in Earth (New **Jerusalem), he/you* blessing in Gods of faith (:s
:s:); and the [he] 'swearing' in Earth (New **Jerusalem) (:-:), he will swear in #Gods
(MYHLA) (:s :s: r::) of faith; for they will be forgotten, the first troubles, and all of [these -
sins], they will be hidden from eyes of Me.

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

65.17. For, looking of Me, creating new ones, Heavens and new Earth, and you will not remember Her
(*Israel), the first of Her; and She will not come Her (*Israel) to heart.
65.18. For if rejoicing (:: :s :) them, and rejoicing (:.) them ever to evers; that I creating for
seeing of Me, creating [New] **Jerusalem a rejoicing Her (:.), and people of **Her from rejoicing
65.19. And rejoicing of Me (-:.) in [New] **Jerusalem, and rejoicing of Me (-::), and he will not
be heard in Her (New **Jerusalem) ever of weeping of [them], and voice of crying [in] Her (New
**Jerusalem; Rev 21.4).
65.20. He will not be from there ever an infant of days, and an old [man] who he will not fill of days of
him. For the young [man], he will die son of hundred year; and the [one] filleting [space between two
joints] hundred year, he will be cursed.

(1) New **Jerusalem was spoken by 'He Is' to have eaten, and to have drank, and to have sung.
If there was ever any historical record of New **Jerusalem, it has been thoroughly and successfully
suppressed. Peter wrote that the servants of the Lord ^Iesous would be glorified on earth.

"... among the Gentiles [figurative speech for "unbelievers"], that when they speak against you as
evildoers, they may by good works which they observe, glorify God in the Day of Visitation" - 1Pet 2.12.

The "Day of Visitation" was probably the "visitation" of the Roman Legions in AD 66.
Or, it could have been the Resurrection of the Dead and the Living in AD 77.
But whichever one it was, the "Gentiles" (Unbelievers) glorified God.
This act of "glorifying God" would include praise, and prayer, and possibly, "the writing of books about
what was prophesied, and the writer seeing the fulfillment of the prophecy."
The second half of this prophecy was well documented, being the destruction of the nation of
*Israel. Jews and Gentiles and Catholics and Muslims would all have been eager to suppress any
historical record of the Resurrection.
But imagine living in a village or town where all the Christians disappeared at the same time!
Those "Left Behind" would recall their testimony of the imminent Resurrection.
Some of those "Left Behind" would become "New **Jerusalem."
New **Jerusalem most probably wrote of their spiritual experience.
But the apostate religions are numerous and powerful.
(2) "You (*Israel) will leave your name as a curse, "to satisfying Her, young of Me" (New **Jerusalem).
*Israel has been a curse wherever they have been scattered. One major problem has been "over-
populating." Jews have more children than other religions.
Another curse has been, "their success in business." The nations that they had invaded did not
like their financial successes.

(3) "He/you* blessing (:-; blessing #1288 - :) in #Gods of faith" (Isa 65.16).
* Other verses have the double prefix, "Y" and "T"; which is "He" and "She" or "You."
The Jews corrupted the Septuagint translation to remove the word, "::s; plural Gods."
This was done about 2,086 times.
The Jews had no "faith" in ^Iesous Anointed's prophecies.

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

(4) "Creating new ones, Heavens and new Earth."
I believe that the most frequent prophecy in the Bible was, "the death of *Israel."
This was followed by Scriptures about the ^Savior of the World.
And then, I believe that the third most often recorded group of prophecies were about, "New

(5) "No voice of weeping" (Rev 21.4).
This is only about New **Jerusalem.

(6) "No infants there."
Look how the Pope's writers have changed this verse:

"No longer shall there be from there an infant who lives but a few days ..." - NAB; Isa 65.20; p. 890.

So then, #Gods says, "no infants"; and the Pope says, "all the infants lived."
And, the Johnny-come-lately Bible Translations have almost all copied the Pope's words.
The male Israelites were added to the "physical kingdom" when they were circumcised on the eighth day.
The "believers" were added to New **Jerusalem when they were Dipped.
Jeremiah foretold that "they" (New **Jerusalem) would not teach, "Know "He Is'"; for they would all
know Him. This was because, "No one could enter the kingdom without first learning about the ^Savior.
See: Jer 31.34.

19) Isaiah 66.12-24.

66.12. For this, saying 'He Is' (), looking of Me, stretching to Her [New **Jerusalem] peace as a
river (#5104), and as river (#5104) overflowing glory of Nations (Gentiles), and sucking them at side; you
will be lifted, and you will delight them on knees of them.

(1) New **Jerusalem has "peace as a river" (Rev 21.4-5).
(2) The Gentiles (Rev 21.24) will have glory as an overflowing river.
(3) New **Jerusalem will have "the abundance of the Sea (Gentiles)"; Isa 60.5; or, stated differently, they
"will be nourished by the riches of the Gentiles converted to the ^Lamb of God.
(4) The Gentiles will be delighted to be "nursing" New **Jerusalem; Isa 49.23.

66.13. As men whose mother, she comforts him, so I, I will comfort him, and in [New] **Jerusalem you
will comfort him.
66.14. And seeing of You (Rom 8.19; Creation = Heaven & Earth = *Israel) them (:-s), and
rejoicing heart of you, and bones of Me of You (*Israel - Rev 21.12); You will flourish Her [New
**Jerusalem] as grass, and hand of 'He Is' ( ), He will make Her known to servants of Him, and
indignation with enemies of Him.
66.15. For looking, 'He Is' (), He will come in fire, and as chariots of Him consuming Her (*Israel)
to the bringing in fury [and] wrath of Him, and rebuking of *Him in flames of fire.
He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

(1) "A Remnant saved of *Israel" was both the "firstfruits of the kingdom of Israelites" (Rev 7.4-8), who
were Raptured in AD 77, and "the dwelling (tabernacle) of God is with men" (Rev 21.3).
NOTE: Romans 11.23-27, recorded that "*Israel would be grafted back into their own Olive Tree."
(2) #Gods is "love" and "Hate" (Malachi 1.2-3), and He came with fire to destroy the "unbelieving" Jews.

66.16. For in fire 'He Is' ( :s: :), He will judge, and as with sword [He will judge all of flesh,
and many them slain of 'He Is' ( ::).
66.17. The 'From she will be holy of them,' and the 'From cleansing them,' after ["behind" - KJV] one
[tree] in midst, those [in] the gardens, eating of flesh of the hog (Mt 8.28-34), and the abomination
(unclean foods - Lev 7.21), and the mouse; they will be consumed together them, saying 'He Is' ().

(1) Here the prophecy left New **Jerusalem momentarily, and described the reason for the destruction of
*Israel. The man in "the tombs" living near "the hogs" was saved by the Lord ^Iesous.
(2) The phrase, "From she will be holy of them" meant that the condemned were "removed from" the
Body (She) that was holy; which was ^Iesous' "From-calling."

66.18. And I, coming to gathering, from work of them, and from thoughts of them, of all of the Nations
(12 Tribes) and tongues of Her (*Israel), and coming them, and seeing them of glory of Me.
66.19. And setting of Me (-::) in them a Sign, and sending of Me (-::) from them escapees to
the Nations (12 *Tribes) [in] Tarshish, Pul, and Lud, drawing of bow, Tubal and Javan, the islands, the
far ones that hearing not them of hearing of Me, and seeing them not of glory of Me, and the binding
them of glory of Me in Nations (12 *Tribes).

(1) All Nations (Tribes of *Israel) saw the glory of #Gods in the destruction of *Israel.
(2) They were gathered from all over the Roman Empire for the Passover feast. Josephus documented
this fact. The "gathering", according to the law of Moses, was a "gathering from work and from
(3) The "sign" (Mt 24.15) was "the abomination of desolation (Roman Gentiles) standing in the Holy
Place." Josephs named the numbers of the Roman legions gathered in *Israel.
(4) The "escapees" (who were few) were sent back to the Gentile nations from which the Israelites had
gathered for the Passover.
(5) "The far ones" (geographically speaking) did not see this "gory of #Gods" in the fulfillment of
^Iesous' prophecy (Mt 24). Because they did not "see" they were "bound" away from the glory of #Gods.

66.20. And the bringing them of all of brothers of You (*Israel) from all of the Nations (12 *Tribes) an
offering to 'He Is' (); in horses and in chariot, and in covered [litters], and in oxen, and in camels to
Holy Mountain of Me [Kingdom; New] **Jerusalem, saying 'He Is' (), as that they will bring sons of
*Israel with offering in clean vessel [in] house of 'He Is' ().
NOTE: This is deep symbolism, for New **Jerusalem was "sevenfold" (Isa 30.26) the size of
Israel. *Israel was 1600 Furlongs (Rev 14.20), but New **Jerusalem was 12,000 Furlongs.
1600 X 7.5 = 12,000.
So then, they did not return to **Jerusalem geographically; but in whatever nation they lived,
they returned to New **Jerusalem spiritually. Matthew 24.31 reads, "And ^He will send ^His
messengers with a great sound of a trumpet, and they will gather together His From Speaking (elect) ..."

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

(1) The "clean vessel" was the soul of the forgiven sinner, who had been blinded "not willingly."
(2) The "house of 'He Is'" was His kingdom.

66.21. And also from them I will take priests of them, to Levites, saying 'He Is' ().
66.22. For as that the Heavens (Governments), the new ones, and the new Earth that I doing, standing
ones to face of Me (Rev 22.4), 'He Is' saying, 'Establishing, "He will stand, seed of you, and name of you
(New **Jerusalem)."
66.23. And being () from which New [Moon] in New [Moon] of them, and from standing Sabbath of
them, all of flesh [Jews & Gentiles], he (flesh) will come to the, 'That She will bow Her' to face of Me,
saying 'He Is' ().

(1) A "Moon" is 30 Days or Years. This was a component of the 1335 Days (Dan 12.12). This period of
prophecy had three components.
1260 Days = 1258 BC (Judges 10.4) to AD 2.
"I dismissed the three shepherds in one Moon ..." - Zec 11.8.
Augustus Caesar exiled his stepson, Tiberius, in 6 BC. In AD 2, he examined his son, Agrippa
Posthumus, as a possible replacement for himself at his death.
But Agrippa was "cut off" and Tiberius was recalled from exile (#1).
Augustus died in AD 14 (#2).
The ^Lamb of God, ^Iesous Anointed was cut off in AD 32.
1260 Days = 1258 BC - AD 2.
One Moon = AD 2 - AD 32 = 1290 Days; 1258 BC - AD 32.
^Iesous Anointed "returned" in A Little (45 Years; Jn 16.16);
1335 Days = 1258 BC - AD 77.
10 Days (Rev 2.10) = AD 67 - 77.

(2) Daniel's 70th Sabbath.
"^He will confirm the covenant with many for one Sabbath, but in the middle of the Sabbath ^He will
bring an end to sacrifice and offering ..." - Dan 9. 27.
(3) ^Iesous was Dipped and Anointed with the Holy Spirit and praised by God from heaven in AD 28.
This was the 15th year of Tiberius, Luke 3.1.
AD 14 + 14 Years = 15th Year = AD 28.
AD 28 + 3.5 Years = AD 32.
AD 28 + 7 Years = AD 35, and the End of the 70 Sabbaths.

Daniels' 1335 Days and his 70 Sabbaths are coupled together to date all of these events.
"Then the children of *Israel again did evil in the sight of 'He Is' (HWHY), and served Baals and the
Ashtoreths, the #gods (::s*) of Syria, the #gods of Sidon, the #gods of Moab, the #gods of the people
of Ammon, and the #gods f the Philistines, and they forsook 'He Is' and did not serve Him" - Judges 10.6;
1258 BC. Note w: See: Genesis 1.1, MYHLA = [plural] #Gods.

"And from the time the daily is taken away, and the abomination of desolation is set up, one thousand two
hundred and ninety days" - Dan 12.11.

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

All three components of the 1235 Days were successive, and began in 1258 BC.
* The Jews translated ::s as "plural gods" 220 times. These were pagan gods.
They translated the same word, when applied to the "Living Gods" as a "single God."
^Iesous condemned the Septuagint, teaching that He is #Gods, saying, "I Am" -- just as 'He Is' (HWHY)
had declared, "I Am."

66.24. And going them, they will see in dead [bodies], the men, the ones transgressing in [law] of Me, for
she will be scarlet [31 times] them, she will not die; and fire of them, she will not be quenched, and lives
of them abhorrances to all flesh [Jews & Gentiles].

The nation of *Israel was "killed by #Gods" (Isa 65.15), and New **Jerusalem took *her place as the
kingdom of #Gods.
(1) "Scarlet" represents "blood-red." The slaughter of the Jews was unbelievable. They had three armies
fighting for the supremacy inside the city walls, when they were not defending the walls from the Roman
siege. They were killing the old people for their gold and food, and even for suspecting that they had
some. "Mary" ate her son See: Deut 28.56-57; Wars of Jews 6.3.4.
(2) Many nations "abhorred" the Jews for over-population, and for their successful business skills. They
were killed in many countries.
(3) The Jews had been spoken of degradingly, by some, all of my life. Even novels and movie pictures
depicted them as disgusting people. The 1964 Civil Rights Act has changed that to a large degree.

20) Jeremiah 30.10-17 and Jeremiah 31.31-34

30.10. And you, you will not fear, servant of Me, Jacob+, saying 'He Is' (), and you will not be
dismayed Israel. For looking of Me [is for] from saving you from far [away from *Israel; as Egypts and
Babylon], and with seed of you from earth of captivity of them, and Returning Jacob+, and Resting, and
Easing Her, and no trembling of them.

(1) This is a limited prophecy of the future. ^Iesous stated the limitation in these words:

"No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him ..." - Jn 6.44.

(2) Paul stated the limitation in these words:

"But it is not that the word of the God has taken no effect. For they [are] not all *Israel who [are] of
*Israel, nor [are] they all children because they are the seed of Abraham, but, 'In Isaac your seed will be
called.' That is, those who [are] the children of the flesh, these [are] not the children of the God, but the
children of promise are counted as the seed" - Rom 9.6-8.

(3) Paul stated the "division of man" again, in these words:

"Therefore He has mercy on whom He wills, and whom He wills He hardens ... Does not the potter have
power over the clay, from the same lump to make one vessel for honor and another for dishonor?" - Rom
9.18, 21.

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

30.11. For I [will be] with you, saying 'He Is' (), to the saving you, for I will do consuming in all of
the Nations (12 *Tribes) that, 'The breaking of Me [of] you' (-se) [will be] there. I will not do you
consuming, and chastening of Me [of] you (-:) to judgment, and [those] not innocent, I will [make]
you innocent.

(1) "I will do consuming" and "I will not do you consuming." These contradictory statements refer to the
"division of Israel" stated by Paul (Rom 9.6-8).
(2) This is Calvin's teaching of "Irresistible grace." According to him, the Holy Spirit saved men against
their will, and shook men until their teeth rattled. But the "good message" confirmed that it WAS NOT
against their will, but to men who repented.

30.12. For this, saying, 'He Is' (), wound of you, he will be sick, incurable to breaking of you.
30.13. There is no judging judgment of you, to wound, you will not go up to healings of you.

(1) #Gods repeatedly stated that *Israel was hopeless, being blinded and divorced from the #Gods. These
words describe their state before, "I will [make] you innocent" (vs 11).

30.14. All of [those] from lovers of you [meaning, your pagan lovers, and their idols], forgetting of you,
they seek not [to be] with you. For from strikings of enemy, the striking of you [meaning, you got what
My pagan enemies got]. Cruelty of instruction against greatness of iniquity of you, bones of them [a man
touching a bone was unclean until sundown] [are as] sins of you.

(1) #Gods was trying to cheer them up. #Gods was giving hope for the future. But first, He wanted them
to know how unworthy they were. [This is true of anyone who is saved.]

30.15. Why you will cry over breaking of you? Incurable sorrow of you [is] for greatness of iniquity of
you, bones of them [uncleanness; vs 14], the sins of you; these [are] (breakings are) doing of Me (-:r)
to you.
30.16. And so, all of eating of you, they will eat [your agricultural products], and all of enemy of you, all
of them, they will go in captivity, and being them that gathering you to spoil, and all of [ones] spoiling
you, I will give to spoil.

(1) Egypts (which is always plural) was destroyed many times; by Nebuchadnezzar, and by Cambyses II,
and by Antiochus Epiphanes, and on and on.
(2) Assyria was destroyed by Media and Babylon, from 612 BC to 609 BC.
(3) Babylon was destroyed in 539 BC, and again in 518 BC.
(4) Persia was destroyed in 331 BC, by Alexander the Great.
(5) Greece was destroyed by Rome. *Israel became a Roman State in 67 BC.
(6) Rome was destroyed later in AD 411 and in AD 476.

30.17. For I will come up (#5927) health to you; I will heal you, saying 'He Is' ( :s:). For, calling
them to you, 'Driven away. This Zion there is none seeking to Her.'

God brought "health" to a nation considered forsaken.

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

31.31. Look, days, coming ones, saying 'He Is' ( :s:), and making of Me with house of *Israel and
with house of +Judah new* covenant, her.
31.32. Not as covenant that making of Me with fathers of them in day 'The strengthening of Me in hand
[of them]', to 'The going of them from earth of Egyptians', that the-them, 'The breaking them of covenant
of Me (-:)', and I, Man of Me to them (Wife), saying 'He Is' ( :s:).
31.33. For the covenant I will covenant (-:s) with house of *Israel after the days, the-them, saying 'He
Is' (), giving of Me (--:) of law of Me (-- -s) [in] midst of them, and I will write her on heart
of them, and lives of Me (-) to them to Gods (::s:); and the-them, they will be to Me as
31.34. And they will not teach [any] longer man with neighbor of him, and man [not teach] of brother of
him, to saying, 'Know Him of "He Is" (), for all of them, they will know desire of Me (-s) to
from least of them and to greatest of them', saying 'He Is'; for I will forgive to iniquity of them, and to sins
of them I will not remember [any] longer.

The Jews were born into the "physical kingdom", and they were taught about #Gods later.
But New **Jerusalem was taught about God first, and "Dipped into ^Anointed" later.
The Jews had priests on earth.
But in New *Jerusalem, our priests are all in Third Heaven; see: Rev 5.10; Heb 8.4.
The Jews were saved by the blood of animal sacrifices.
But New **Jerusalem is saved by the blood of the ^Lamb of God.

NOTE: The blood of the ^Lamb flowed backwards from the cross, being substituted for the blood
of the animal sacrifices which were offered in the proper state of mind. This is established by the verses
in Hebrews about, "^Anointed was offered Once." The blood of the ^Lamb also flowed forwards from
the cross to the end of time.
The Jews were under the Law of Moses.
New **Jerusalem is under, "The Book with Seven Seals"; and also, under, "The Everlasting Good
Message" (Rev 14.6) which was completed when, "The mystery of God is finished" (Rev 10.7, Rev
11.15); which was in AD 1870.

"#Gods is the #Gods of the living, and not the dead."

21) Jeremiah 33.18-26.

33.18. And priests, the Levites, He will not cut off a man from [**Jerusalem] to face of Me [temple],
from going up, going up [from *Israel to **Jerusalem], and from burning offering and doing sacrifice all
of the days.
33.19. And he came, speaking of 'He Is' () to Jeremiah to saying,
33.20. so saying 'He Is' (), 'If you will break him, of covenant of Me (-:) [with] the Day and the
covenant of Me (-:) [with] the Night, and heart [of them] to of Me (-:::), being of her, Day and
Night, in time of them,

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

33.21. then covenant of Me, she will be broken with David, servant of Me, from being her to him, son [of
David] 'kinging' on throne of him, and with the Levites, the priests, from ministering of Me.
33.22. that he will not be scribed star of the heavens, and he will not be measured sand of the sea, so I will
multiply of seed of David, servant of Me, and with the Levites, from ministering of Me (-::).
NOTE: The Son of God was born of the "seed of David" (Mt 1.1), and He inherited the, "key of
David" (Rev 3.7); meaning, "the throne of David." When *Israel was destroyed by God and New
**Jerusalem took her place, then, "the throne of the God and of the ^Lamb was in Her [New **Jerusalem;
Rev 22.3]." So then, no one was able to break this covenant with David and the covenant with Day and
The message is, "It will be easier to number the stars and to measure the sands of the sea, than to find a
time when a son of David does not sit on the throne of David."

33.23. And he came, speaking of 'He Is' () to Jeremiah to saying,
33.24. The-this seeing of you? (-s s:). What the people, the-this (), speaking them to saying,
'Six*, the families of Her (*Israel) that 'He Is' () choosing in them, and He will refuse them, and with
people of Me, they despise them from being** Her (*Israel) [any] more a nation to face them.
NOTE *: Six sons of David, eligible to inherit the throne, were Ammon, Daniel, Absalom, Adonijah,
Shephatiah, and Itheam (1Chr 3.1-3).
NOTE **: Frequently the twelve tribes of *Israel are described as "enemies" of the #Gods, and of
[true] *Israel, and of [true] **Jerusalem. Here the #Gods was saying that they even denied that *Israel
was a nation any more.

33,25. So saying, 'He Is' ( :s :), 'If covenant of Me (-: s: :s) [is] not [with] Day and
[with] Night, doing of Me (-::) ordinances of heavens and earth,
33.26. then seed of Jacob+ and David, servant of Me, I will refuse them taking Her (*Israel) from seed of
him [as] rulers over seed of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob+, for I will restore of captivity of them, and mercy
of Me (:-:) [will be with] them.
NOTE: #Gods was declaring that it was just as hard to deny His covenant with David, as it would
be to deny His covenant with the Day and with the Night.

22) Ezekiel 39.17-29.

INTRODUCTION: Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon was "Gog." Babylonia was "Magog."
These two were the "type." In Revelation, Chapter 20 is the "antitype." "Gog" is the seminary professor,
and the Bible College professor. "Magog" is the seminary and the Bible College. The "Devil that
deceived the Nations (Churches)" was the Ecumenical Movement "preacher." The "Seven Years" (Eze
39.9) was the "Two Falls of Babylon" in 539 BC, and in 518 BC. So then, "Seven Years" is a symbol for
"21 years."
"Seven Months" (Eze 39.12) was "confirming the covenant for one week" (Dan 9.27), which was
from AD 28 to AD 35. "The supper of the great God" (Rev 19.17-18) is a repeat of this prophecy in
Ezekiel. The reader should take the time to compare Revelation.

39.17. And with Her (*Israel), son of man (Ezekiel), so saying Lord of [me], 'He Is' ( :s :s
:), 'Saying to bird, all of winged [creatures] and to all of beast of the field; The gathering them and
coming them. The gathering them from about to sacrificing of Me, that I, sacrificing to you, a great
sacrifice on the Mountain (Kingdom) of *Israel, and eating you them, flesh and drinking of you blood of

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

BIRDS AND BEASTS. We have encountered the feast of #Gods before in verse four. At that
time, Gog and Magog were the Birds and the Beasts to devour the "(12) Mountains (Tribes) of *Israel.
Jeremiah uses the phrase often to depict the ordeal of Judah at the hands of Nebuchadnezzar. (See: Jer
7.33, 15.3, 16.4, 19.7, 34.20.) The result of Jeremiahs use of the terms Birds and Beasts verifies the
significance of the words in Ezekiels prediction. However, the subject, or subjects, to be devoured are
yet to be determined. What happened after AD 35?

39.18. You will eat them, flesh of mighty [ones], and you will drink them, blood of prince of the Earth
(s s::) (*Israel), of rams of them, of lambs of them, of goats of them, and of bulls of them, all of
them fatlings of Bashan.
39.19. And eating you them, fat to full, drinking you them, blood to drunkenness from sacrifice of Me,
that sacrificing of Me (-:: :::) to you.
39.20. And filling you of them, at table of us, [with] horses and riders, [with] mighty [ones] and [with] all
of man of war, saying Lord 'He Is.'
NOTE: This "supper for the birds" pictured the "murder of the nation of *Israel." Paul pictured
Israel "divided into flesh and promise" (Rom 9.6-9). Ezekiel had also pictured *Israel as "doomed" and
"returned" (meaning, New **Jerusalem). So then, New **Jerusalem was linked to the "death of *Israel."
39.21. And giving of Me (--:), of glory of Me in nations; seeing them, all of the nations of judgment of
Me that doing of Me (-:r), and with hand of Me that [glorified] name of Me (-::) in them.
39.22. And knowing them, house of *Israel that I, He Is #Gods (::s ) of them from that day,
the-that, and this of her (*Israel).
39.23. The nations knowing them that for iniquity of them, house of *Israel [went in] captivity of them,
because that trespassing them in [neglect] of Me, and I hid face of Me from them. And with them in hand
of enemies of them, and they fell in sword, all of them.
39.24. As uncleanness of you [in] them, and as transgressions of them, doing of Me (-:r) with them,
and hiding face of Me from them.
39.25. And so, this saying Lord of [me], 'He Is' ( :s :s), 'Now I will bring back of captivity of
Jacob+, and mercy of Me (-:) [on] all of house of *Israel; and jealousy of Me (-s:) to holy
name of Me,
39.26. and lifting them of shame of them, and with all trespasses of them that trespassing them in
[neglect] of Me, in dwelling you [in] them in land of them to safety, and none from making afraid,
39.27. in bringing of Me with them from the peoples and gathering of Me (-s:) with them from
Earths of Her (*Israel), [from] enemies of them, and 'he (:) will be holy of Me (-::)' in them to
sight of the many nations.
NOTE: This "Great Gathering" was recorded to have been "in Third Heaven (Rev 5 & 7) and on
Earth (Rev 21 & 22)." The Rapture and Resurrection of the dead "holy [ones]" was in "10 Days."
"You will have Tribulation 10 Days" (Rev 2.10).
Also, "I come quickly" was recorded 6 times.
So then, "quickly" = 10 Days.
Revelation is dated by the death of Antipas (Rev 2.13); and was written in AD 67.
AD 67 + 10 Days = AD 77.

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

39.28. And knowing them, for I, 'He Is #Gods' (::s :s :) of them, in [sending] the captivity
of Me (YT) with them to the nations, and gathering of Me [to] them (:-:::) to land of them, and I will
leave any [more] from them there.
39.29. And I will not hide face of Me from them [any] more; that pouring of Me (-:e:) of Spirit of Me
on house of *Israel, saying Lord of [me], 'He Is' ( :s :s:).

23) Hosea; Chapter One.

I. Translating the Text.


1.2. 'He Is' () beginning speaking to Hoshea, and He said, 'He Is' to Hosea, 'Go*! Take*! to you
woman of prostitutes of them, and a child of prostitutes, for prostituting, she will prostitute the Earth
(*Israel) [departing] from after [Way] of 'He Is.'
NOTE *: In our opinion, participles in an abbreviated form, with the first letter missing, but not
"suppressed" (unwritten) due to a prefix, are similar to the "imperative mood" in the Greek.
Strong's #1980 = KLH; the text is abbreviated: KL.
Strong's #3947 = (CH)QL; the text is abbreviated: (CH)Q.

1.3. And going, he took of Gomer, daughter of Diblaim, and she bore a son to him.
1.4. And 'He Is' (), He said to him, 'Calling name of him, "Jezreel", for with little [time], and
avenging of Me (-:e) of blood of Jezreel [Jezebel, wife of King Ahab, had Naboth of Jezreel stoned
to death to steal his vineyard - 1Ki 21] on house of Jehu, and ceasing of Me (-::) from kingdom of
her, house of *Israel.'
1.5. And being () in day, the-this, and breaking of Me (-::) of bow of *Israel in Valley of
1.6. And she conceived again, and she bore a daughter, and He said to him, 'Calling name of her, 'No
mercy to her' (Strong's #7355); for I will no more* (e:s s:) [any] longer, I will have mercy (#7355)
on house of *Israel, for lifting, I will lift to them' (:: s:s).
NOTE *: The word "more" is used as a verb with the prefix, "A" for "I."

1.7. And with house of +Judah I will have mercy, and the saving of Me of them* (:-r:) in 'He Is
Gods' (::s :) of them, and I will not save them with bow, and with sword, and in battle, in
horses, in horsemen.
NOTE *: MYT is a double-suffix, reading, "of Me [of] them."

1.8. And she weaned with 'No mercy to her', and she conceived and she bore a son.
1.9. And He said, 'Calling name of him, 'Not people (Strong's #5971) of* [Me]' (:r s:) for with them
not people (#5971) of Me; and as I [YKNA = as (K) I (YNA)], not of [you] (s: ::s), I Am [not] to
you (::: s).'
NOTE *: "Of*" is the Dangling Preposition, ending with the letter "Yod" (Y); which is the
preposition, "of." The missing object of the preposition is, "[Me]." This is because "He" (#Gods) was
He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

1.10. And being () number of sons of *Israel as sand of the sea that he can not be measured, and he
can not be numbered; and being () in place that he was said to them, 'People of Me not with you'; He
will say to them, 'Sons of Living God ( :s ::).'
1.11. And they will be gathered together, sons of ^^Judah and sons of *Israel, and naming them one Head
to them, and over them from the Earth (*Israel), for great day of Jezreel.
NOTE: The Greek Septuagint recorded these two names to be: "Unpitied" (No mercy to her) and
"Not my people" (Not people of Me).

The Geneva Bible of 1599 read: "Lo-ruhamah" and "Lo-ammi."
In the text, "Lo" is "LA" (Not); and "HM(CH)R" is "mercy of her."
In the text, "Lo" is "LA" (Not) and "YM'" is "people of* [Me]."
NOTE *: "Of*" is the Dangling Preposition, and [Me] is the implied object of the preposition.

Biblia Hebraica Leningradensia, edited by Aron Dotan, Hendrickson Publishers, Peabody MA 01961,
agrees with John R. Kohlenberger III's Interlinear Old Testament.

We could not find the origin of the names: "Lo-ruhamah" and "Lo-ammi."
But they are phony, for the Hebrew alphabet has no letters "O" and "U"; and they have no vowels "A" and
"A" and "I." [Some translators render the letter "Yod" (Y) as an "I." But there is no letter "Yod" either.]

II. Interpreting the Prophecy.

Some expositors consider the book of Hosea to be a parable. This is because of the commandment of
#Gods against prostitution. And, the Bible is full of parables.
1. The avenging of the blood of Jezreel (vs 4) was accomplished by Jehu (2Ki 10.11). This happened
about 885 BC, near the 11th year of Joram (2Ki 9.29).
2. All of the house of Ahab, all males, were killed by Jehu.
3. The "Valley of Jezreel" (Hos 1.5) is recorded the "field of Naboth" (2Ki 8.25); but the history in
"Kings" mentioned no "Valley of Jezreel." However, a "field" can be in a "valley." The message was
about the "sons of Ahab" being exterminated at Jezreel.
4. The "Breaking of the bow in Valley of Jezreel" (vs 5) was the lost of military power by *Israel when
the "sons of Ahab" were killed. If any power had remained, then they would have lived.
5. "Calling name of her, 'No mercy to Her (*Israel).'"
*Israel had been divided into the Ten Northern Tribes (*Israel), and the Two Southern Tribes (^^Judah).
In 721 BC, Shalmaneser, King of Assyria, carried away King Hosea II, of *Israel (10 Tribes); into
captivity. #Gods had declared:

"... and within threescore and five years [65 Years] will *Ephraim (10 Tribes) be broken, that it be not a
people" - Isa 7.8.

This would be about 675 BC. After captivity in 721 BC, and with no temple, priest, king, prophet, or law,
the ex-Israelites would have forgotten who they had been. And, this amounted to, "No mercy!"

6. "Not people of Me" were later declared to be, "Sons of Living God."
A) Israel was Divorced, not by God, but by their iniquities.

"Thus says 'He Is' (), 'Where is the bill of your mother's divorcement, whom I have put away? Or,
which of My creditors is it to whom I have sold you? Look, for your iniquities have you sold yourselves,
and for your transgressions is your mother put away" - Isa 50.1.

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

This was addressed to *Israel, verse 49.3.
B) New **Jerusalem was declared to be "people of the God."

"... Look, the Dwelling (Tabernacle) of the God [is] with [dwelling] of the men, and He will dwell with
them, and they will be people of Him, and He will be the God with them" - Rev 21.3.

C) New Jerusalem is on earth.

"And I saw a New Heaven and the New Earth, for the 'First Heaven and the First Earth' (*Israel) went
away. And the Sea (Gentiles) is not [any] longer. And the Holy City, New **Jerusalem, I saw coming
down [Down #1], out of the Heaven [Down #2], from the God [Down #3], having been prepared as a
Bride having been adorned [for] the Husband of Her" - Rev 21.1-2.
NOTE: The Pope teaches that New **Jerusalem is "Up!"

"21, 1--22: A description of God's eternal kingdom in heaven under the symbols a new heaven and a new
earth, cf. Is 65, 17-25; 66, 22; Mt 19, 28" - New American Bible, 1986; p. 407.

D) The Date of the Founding of New **Jerusalem.
A) "... you will have tribulation 10 Days ..." - Rev 2.10.
B) "Repent, or else I will come to you quickly ..." - Rev 2.16 (and 5 other times).

SUMMARY: "Ten Days" = "Quickly."
Revelation was dated by the death of Antipas (2.13), which was dated AD 66 by Josephus. But it was
described to be in the recent past, and so we judge AD 67 to be the date of the writing of Revelation.
10 Days: AD 67-77.
NOTE: The Pope teaches that after 1900 years, "Ten Days" and "Quickly" are still in the future.

24) THE SUN DARKENED (Joel 2.30-31)

2.30. And I will deliver wonders in the 'Heavens
and in the Earth' (*Israel), blood and fire and pillars of
2.31. The Sun (King) will be turned into darkness, and the Moon (Priesthood) into blood, before the great
and the terrible Day coming of 'He Is' - Joel 2.30-31.
NOTE : The Hebrew words, "Heavens" is always plural because there is a daytime "Heaven"
(Sun), and a night time "Heaven" (Moon & Stars).

In mathematics things equal to the same thing are equal to each other.
The mathematical maxim, cited above, is also true in Logic.
^IESOUS = Sun of Righteousness - Mal 4.2.
^IESOUS = King of kings - 1Tim 6.14-15.
Therefore: SUN = KING.

Belshazzar was the king of Babylon (Dan 5.30), and the Sun darkened was the burden of
Babylon (Isa 13.1, 10). Zedekiah was the king of ^^Judah, and he was also the Sun darkened on the
Day of 'He Is' (Joel 2.10, 2Ki 25.2, 7).
Even ^Iesous was the Sun darkened (Rev 9.2), when Muhammad and the Arabs persecuted, and
murdered, and drove the holy ones out of the Middle East, and into Europe. Of course, this was only
figuratively speaking, for ^Iesous light still reached the faithful; and only the Arab nations were in
darkness. [This was regional "darkness."]

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

(a) Also in the day of your gladness, in your appointed feasts, and at the beginning of your
moons (New Moons - Ezra 3.5), you shall blow the trumpets over your burnt offerings - Num 10.10.
The sons of Aaron, the priests, were named here to blow the trumpets; see: verse 8. Therefore,
by association, the priesthood is seen to be represented by the Moon. Our little school children are still
taught to make identifications by associations. But this is not the only example of this relationship
between the priesthood and the Moon.
(b) The Heavens declare the glory of #Gods ... Day unto Day utters speech, and Night unto
Night reveals knowledge ... Their line has gone out through all the Earth (*Israel), and their words to the
end of the world - Ps 19.1-4.
Though it is unbelievable that the Heavens and Day and Night should speak; still this is
heard in the churches frequently. The Bible commentators declare these facts, about the Universe
speaking to glorify #Gods. In the last month, we have received a brotherhood monthly magazine, in
which the editor could not suppress his exuberance over the joy of Nature speaking to men of earth.
But then, the reader knows that this is nonsense! We have explained enough Bible symbolism to disprove
such an old Dark Ages myth.
Paul, the servant of ^Iesous, interpreted this Psalm for us to understand.

(a) But I say, have they (unbelieving Jews) not heard? Yes indeed: Their sound (line) has gone
out to all the earth, and their words to the ends of the world - Rom 10.18.

Although Paul did not bother to mention the Heavens and Day and Night, still the From-
calling at Rome had copies of the Scriptures; and men taught by Paul in Asia Minor and Greece, who are
named in Chapter 16, would most probably have been schooled in symbolism. Otherwise, why would he
speak to them in symbolism?
Paul was equating the good message, in the first century AD, to the sound of Heavens
(Governments), and Day (Sun), and Night (Moon & Stars). Certainly, the Deists who teach that this
was Mother Nature talking are disproved by Pauls words.
Then, Day unto Day would relate to Sun unto Sun; or, King unto King.
On the other hand, Night unto Night would relate to Moon unto Moon, and Stars unto
Stars. These would be from one Priesthood to another Priesthood (Moon). And also from one
Prophet to another Prophet (Stars).
Paul had posed the question earlier, What advantage then has the Jew? (Rom 3.1). The answer
was: the sayings of God (3.2). And, these sayings had been preserved by kings, and priests, and
prophets. Collectively then, Sun, Moon, and Stars would constitute the Heavens. And, King,
Priesthood, and Prophets would constitute the Governments of *Israel. Any attempt to interpret this
psalm literally would result in Deism, and be directly opposed to Gods revealed religion.

(a) Then he dreamed still another dream and told it to his brothers, and said, Look, I have
dreamed another dream. And this time the Sun, the Moon, and the eleven Stars bowed down to me. So
he told it to his father and his brothers; and his father said to him, What is this dream that you have
dreamed? Shall your mother (Moon) and I (Sun) and your brothers (Stars) indeed come to bow down to
the earth before you? - Gen 37.9-10.

Did the reader notice? There was no discussion about the meaning of the symbols. Jacob
understood them just as well as his son, Joseph. Therefore, Jacob+ was one of the fathers of the
nations; represented by the Sun. They would not have a king for several hundred more years. The
mother was one of the mothers of the nation, represented by the Moon. The brothers were to become
princes of the nation, represented by the Stars. The family constituted the Heavens (Government-
only) at this time. The Earth (Subjects of the Government) would be born later while *Israel was
captive in Egypt. 70 Souls entered Egypt, and 603,550 Israelites came out. See: Gen 46.27, Num 1.46.
So there are slight variations in the symbols during different periods of time.

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

(b) I see him, but not now; I Look him, but not near; a Star shall come out of Jacob+; a scepter
shall rise out of *Israel, and batter the brow of Moab, and destroy all the sons of tumult. And Edom shall
be a possession - Num 24.17-18a.

Balak, the king of Moab, requested the prophet, Balaam, to curse *Israel, because they were
marching toward the Promise Land; and he had heard of the miracles of their #Gods in Egypts, and at the
Red Sea. However, Balaam replied, I could not go beyond the word of 'He Is', to do good or bad of my
own will (24.13). As was the case with the other prophets of #Gods, Balaam was speaking in the Spirit
the words of #Gods, and not his own ideas. The fact that the prophet later fell away into sin, and became
infamous for teaching the Moabites to commit fornication with the Israelites to bring condemnation on
*Israel, was immaterial at this point in the story. See: Rev 2.14, Num 25.1-3; 31.8.
But this prophecy was from #Gods, and was fulfilled in these words:

After this it came to pass that David attacked the Philistines and subdued them ... He then
defeated Moab (2Sam 8.1-2).

And so, David was the Star in the prediction. The record continued:

He also put garrisons in Edom; throughout all Edom he put garrisons, and all Edom became
Davids servants (8.14).
The words, batter the brow of Moab, and Edom became a possession, had been fulfilled.
Although David was a king (Sun), this prediction was about a Star (Prophet), and Peter declared David to
be a prophet on the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2.29-30). The symbol Stars represents prophets, and
princes of the kingdom (Gen 37.9-10). The context makes the two different meanings clear.

(a) The burden against Babylon ... For Stars of the Heavens and Constellations of them will not
give their light; the Sun will be darkened in its going forth, and the Moon will not cause its light to shine
... Therefore I will shake Heavens, and the Earth will remove out of her place - Isa 13.1, 10, 13.

These symbols were all identified in the account, without imagery, of the downfall of Babylon,
in Chapter Five, of Daniel. Belshazzar was the king of Babylon (Sun), until 539 BC, and his thousand
lords (Dan 5.1) would be the Moon in this story; or, a type of Senate. Then, the astrologers, the
Chaldeans, and the soothsayers (5.7) were the counterpart of the Jewish prophets (Stars).

(b) Heavens (Governments) they shake, Earth (*Israel) she trembles before him (Babylon); Sun
(Zedekiah) and Moon (Priesthood) are darkened, and Stars (prophets Daniel & Ezekiel & Jeremiah), they
withdraw their shining (in **Jerusalem) - Joel 2.10.

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA


After this everyone who shall call on name of 'He Is' shall be escaped; for in Mount Zion and in
**Jerusalem shall be those escaped, as 'He Is' has said, and as who the remnant 'He Is' calls - Joel 2.32.

DIGRESSION: Greek Names of the Gods Banned.
1) ^Iesous (lpcu,) was changed to Iesus in Jeromes Latin Vulgate (AD 405). Then the
Bishop Challoner, in 1738, invented the letter J, changed Iesus to Jesus. - 977 times. See: "NKJV
Greek English Interlinear New Testament"; Matthew 16.13, p. 62. See: "The Interlinear Bible"; The
Trinitarian Bible Society; Matthew 16.13, p. 47.
2) ^Anointed (Xoi:c,) was corrupted to read Christ, which is not a Bible word; probably
by the early church fathers, or by the False Prophets (popes) that followed. The word Christos was
anglicized by striking off the letters os, and inserting the corrupted Greek word -- untranslated -- into
the Bible translation - 490 times.
See: William D. Mounce Lexicon, p. 484. See: Walter Bauer Lexicon, p. 887.
This is similar to the corrupted, and untranslated word -- baptize, from the Greek word
baptizo - 115 times. This replaced the translated Greek word dip. See: Luke 16.24, John 13.26,
Revelation 19.13; all to be rendered dip.
^Iesous From-calling (Ekklesia; :--pia) was corrupted to read church - 114 times.

["Ek" (:-) = from, out of; and "Klesias" (-pia,) = called. The "From-calling" was raptured in AD 77;
or, "10 Days/Years" (Rev 2.10). The God and the Lamb founded New Jerusalem (Rev 21.22-23, Rev
22.1, 3); and the Pope founded the "church."]

3) In the Greek, "God" for "the God." "The God" (O Theos [0 :c,])." is recorded consistently
throughout the New Testament, except in the possessive case, "of God" (Theou). The article "the" (O) is
the difference between "The True and Living God" and "a pagan god." But then, the definite article, "the"
is also found frequently with the genitive word, "God" = :cu :cu; Rev 22.1 and Rev 22.3, and others.
So then, the churches do not KNOW or USE the names of THE GOD!
But the age of perversity (Satan loosed a little) has run its course (1959-2004).
* Iesous^ (lpcu,) taught the name of the God of Me, and the name of the city of the God of
Me, the New **Jerusalem which comes down out of heaven from of the God of Me. And the name of
Me, the new (Rev 3.12);
a) Gods new name = Lord, the God, The [One] [keeping] the all Power [and] Time -
(Kuoi: 0
:c, 0 ua:c-oa:ao
) Rev 11.17, and others;
c) ^Iesous (lpcu,) new name = The Word of the God (0 Ac,c, :cu :cu) (Rev 19.13), and
King of kings (Bai:a 3ai:a) (19.16), and of the Lamb (:cu Aoicu) (22.1); and:

"For where two or three are gathered together in the name of Me, I am there in the midst of them
- Matt 18.20; ^Iesous (lpcu,); verse 18.1.
AND -- What happens to those gathered together in the False Prophets name for God, Christ?
HOW ABOUT --those gathered together in Britains name for God, Jesus?
There is no letter J in the Bible, neither in the Greek, nor the Hebrew?

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

4) Colossians 2.9: "of the God of the living body"; translated, "godhead." 7p, :c[u]:p[,] [,a]
:c, aaa:i-c, = of the - :p,, God - :cu, - of the - :p,, living - ,a:c, - body - aaa:i-a,.
These abbreviated words, "of the" and "God" and "living" are not to be ignored. They stand out
like a sore thumb. The word " of body" is not to be ignored.
5) "of the holy God" (Rom 1.20); translated, "godhead"; or, "divinity." :[cu][a,]ic[u]:p, = of
the (:p,) God (:cu) holy (a,icu) = of the holy God.
NOTE: The Greek manuscripts frequently have the definite article ("the") follow the noun.
6) "the holy God" (Acts 17.29); translated, "godhead" and "deity." :c :[c][a,]ic = the - :c -
holy - a,ic - God - :c.
NOTE: In Hebrew the "letters are unwritten" when suppressed by a prefix or a suffix. The best
example is the letter "T." YT - T - L (--:) (Num 22.13) = to (L) giving ([n]T[n]) of me (YT). So then,
both letters "N" were unwritten. But -- the translators all got it right. Pretty impressive work!
In the Greek manuscripts the "unwritten letters" are due to abbreviations of words; such as
"Theos" was spelled "The." And "agion" was spelled "ion."
But whether Hebrew or Greek, the translators must be able to read the "unwritten letters."
7) "He is new name (ccaa) of the God" (Heb 8.6); translated, "established" (one time only).
Almost all "one time only" definitions in the Bible are errors; and there are hundreds of them.
N:[c,][c ]ca[a]:[cu] :p[,] :ai = new (:c,) name (ccaa) of the (:p,) God (:cu) case
endings (:ai) = "He is." He is (tai) new (neos) name (onoma) of the (ths) God (Theou).
Hebrew 7. 11, same as Hebrews 8.6.
8) "into the lake of fire and of holy God" (Rev 20.10); translated, "of fire and brimstone."
:[cu][ag]icu = of holy (a,icu) of God (:cu).
NOTE: #Gods is fire (death).
"His throne is a fiery flame. Wheels of him (throne) a burning fire. A river of fire issued and
came forth from before Him (God) ..." (Dan 7.9-10).
"Brimstone" was listed eight (8) times, and should be translated, "holy God."
9) Matthew 3.17: "The [One] of extreme loving"; c a,arp:c,. The word, "agape" represents
"extreme love." The word, "philadelphos" (]ia:]c,; Strong's Greek #5361) means, "love of brother."
But, "extreme love" (a,arp) is a more intense love of both good and evil. The intense love of the God
and of the Lamb for men of earth was, and still is, good. The intense love of man for the Gods, and for
their fellowman is good. This word is Strong's Greek #25 and #26. But men also "extremely loved"
(p,arpa) "darkness" (Jn 3.19), which was evil. And, Demas "extremely loved" (a,arpa,) the present
world (2Tim 4.10) which was evil. Some have mistakenly identified "agape" as "spiritual love", which is
an error because sometimes it was recorded to have been against the Spirit.
The William D. Mounce Analytical Greek Lexicon had identified the case ending, "-TOS" to be a
present active genitive singular participle, page 42; producing for "a,arp:c," (Mt 3.17) the translation,
"of extreme loving."
The reader is not to be confused by the fact that the "-TOS" case ending could possibly also has
other meanings, one of which might be, "God of wheat" (:p, :cu :p, [i]:c,), Colossians 2.9.
The title, "The [One] of extreme loving" (a,arp:c,) referred to the Lord ^Iesous Anointed
(lpcu, Xoi:c,) nine (9) times. See: Mt 3.17, Mt 12.18, Mt 17.5, Mk 1.11, Mk 9.7, Lk 3.22, Lk 9.35,
Lk 20.13, 2Pet 1.17.
But then, the students of ^Iesous (lpcu,) were imitators of Him, and this title was also recorded
when referring to them, "the [one] extremely loving brother" (0 a,arp:c, a:]c,); Ephesians 6.21,
and many other places.
NOTE: The word "beloved" is not legal, for "agapetos" has no Greek prefix to "agape" as "love"
was prefixed by "be-" in the English translations. This word, "beloved," is a violation of basic Greek

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

What is the difference between Mount Zion and **Jerusalem? Analyzing this Scripture
without any prejudices, and in accordance with the grammatical construction of the system, and
substituting A and B (as is the proper procedure in Logic); we find that there were two (2) places of
escape! We will print the solution first, and the proper explanation will follow:
(b) Then I looked, and Look, a Lamb (aoic) standing on Mount Zion, and with Him 144,000
(Rev 7.4, 9-12), having the name of the Father of Him written in the Foreheads (Minds) of them. And I
heard a voice from Heaven, like the voice of many waters, and like the voice of loud thunder. And I
heard the sound of harpists playing their harps. They sang as it were a new song before [place] of the
throne, before [place] of the four Living Creatures, and the (24) Elders; and no one could learn that song
except the 144,000 who were redeemed from the Earth (*Israel) - Rev 14.1-3.
Here we have Mount Zion and the Jewish resurrection graphically pictured for us. But then,
What is **Jerusalem? The firstfruits of the kingdom (144,000) were raised up to Third Heaven to be
with God; or, before [place] of the throne, and with the four Living Creatures, and the (24) Elders.
John saw a vision of **Jerusalem coming down out of Heaven from [place] of the God (:cu :cu)
(Rev 21.2).
(c) And I heard a loud voice from Heaven saying, Look, the Dwelling (Tabernacle) of the God
(-pp :cu :cu) is with [dwelling] of the men, and He will dwell with them, and they will be people of
Him. And the God (0 :c,), He will be with them - Rev 21.3.
So then, Mount Zion was up; and **Jerusalem was down! When we produce the biblical
numbers dating this wondrous event, then the story will seem even more glorious. Remember our
axioms: Up and Down!

(a) For looking of Me (:: :), creating [ptcp., Gen 1.1] (s:) New Heavens and a New
Earth; and the 'first of Her of Me' (-::s) shall not be remembered or come to mind - Isa 65.17.
(b) For as the New Heavens and the New Earth which I doing (ptcp.) standing to face of [Me],
saying (ptcp.) 'He Is' (), so he will stand seed of you and name of you - Isa 66.22.
(c) Nevertheless we, according to His promise, look for New Heavens and New Earth in which
righteousness dwells - 2Pet 3.13.
Heavens is always plural in the Hebrew, and Peter wrote it plural in the Greek. However, the
division of the two New Heavens was not made known at that time. In fact, there was no reason to
confuse the Old Testament servants of God about this subject.

(a) Now I saw (:ic) a New Heaven and a New Earth, for the first Heaven and the first Earth
(*Israel) had passed away (arpc). Also there was no more Sea (Gentiles) - Rev 21.1.

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

Revelation is the New Covenant book of the Bible. Now one New Heaven and one New
Earth had been founded, and anointed with the Holy Spirit. See: Zec 12.10, Rev 1.7.
This Nation (Heaven & Earth) was pictured to be on Terra Firma (physical earth), and to have a
resurrection in the future. See: Rev 21.7-8. But then, Where is the other New Heaven?
(b) Come up here, and I will show you things which must take place after this. Immediately, I
was in the Spirit, and Look, a throne (occ,) set in heaven (sing.), and One sat on the throne. And He
who sat there was like a jasper and a sardius stone in appearance; and there was a rainbow around the
throne, in appearance like an emerald. Around the throne were 24 thrones (occi), and on the thrones I
saw 24 Elders (ro:3u::ocu,) sitting, clothed in white robes; and they had crowns of gold on their heads
... the 24 Elders fall down before The [One] who sits on the throne and worship Him who lives into the
ages of the ages* (:i, :cu, aiaa, :a aiaa), and cast their crowns before the throne ... - Rev 4.1-
4, 10.
NOTE: There are no words, forever, and, forever and ever* in the Bible.
We have determined that the 24 Elders were the 24 principal writers of the Old Testament. They
had ruled over the earth through the words of inspiration which they had received from God. But now the
Heaven and Earth had passed away (Mt 5.18), and so, the Law of Moses and the Prophets had ended.
Therefore, because their reign was ended, the 24 Elders cast their crowns before the throne of God.

These were men of earth raised up to stand, and bow, before the throne of God in Third Heaven.
The story continues in Chapter 5, and more people are identified in the resurrection.
(c) And they sang a new song ... for ^You were slain, and have redeemed us to God (:a :a)
by ^Your blood out of every tribe and tongue and nation, and have made us kings and priests to our God
(:a :a); and we shall reign over [face] of the Earth (:ri :p, ,p,) (New **Jerusalem) - Rev 5.9-10.
The priesthood had been appointed, and named, twice before this verse. See: 1Pet 2.5, 9-10; Rev
1.6. These were the firstfruits of the kingdom of God on earth (Rom 8.23, Jas 1.18) who were later
raised up to Third Heaven to fulfill their duties as priests of God. And, they reigned over the [face] of
the Earth (New **Jerusalem). The great High Priest, ^Iesous the Son of God, had promised the
priesthood the right to sit on His throne with Him. This alludes to; or, implies to reign with Him.
(d) To him who overcomes I will give to him to sit with ^Me in the throne of Me, as I also
overcame and sat down with the Father of Me in the throne of Him - Rev 3.21.
The inspired message continued to include other people in Third Heaven.
(e) And every creature which is in the Heaven and in the Earth (*Israel) and down under the
*Earth (Gentiles) and such as are in the Sea (of Glass), and all that are in them, I heard saying ... - Rev
The Israelites were the chosen people of God, and so, the Gentiles were named down under
the *Earth. The implication is that the Jews were preferred first. This Heaven was righteous and had
been described, We shall rule over the **Earth (New **Jerusalem) (5.10); and so, this is One New
Heaven -- without an Earth. This is how God divided the Two New Heavens in Isaiahs and Peters
prophecies. Compare: Rev 7.9-12.

(a) Then I heard a holy one speaking; and another holy one said to that certain one who was
speaking, How long will the vision be, concerning the daily sacrifices and the transgression of
desolation, the giving of both the sanctuary and the host to be trampled underfoot? And he said to me,
For 2300 days (mornings and evenings), then the sanctuary shall be made righteous (cleansed) - Dan

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

John Calvin (1553), and the Geneva Bible (1599), and the Matthew Poole Commentary (1680),
and Matthew Henry (1710), and Albert Barnes (1851), and Andrew Fausset (1878) all attempted to solve
this mystery. Why do the churches today not talk about the Bible?
All of these sources were agreed, by common consent, that this related to the Little Horn,
which was Antiochus Epiphanes. John Calvin had pointed out, and we have confirmed, that the
sanctuary shall be cleansed is an error! The proper word is "made righteous"; but it means the same
The error of those suggesting a literal 2300 days is that they do not understand that only God
can make righteous (cleanse) the temple. The writer of 1 Maccabees describes the men of earth
cleansing the sanctuary, and these expositors believed it! But this is opposed to the entire New
Testament story. Salvation is recorded to be in favor (,aoi) of God through [gift] of the faith.
Then, faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. Moses dedicated the tabernacle with
the sprinkling of blood. But he was a prophet of God. The men recorded in Maccabees were not
prophets of God, and so, could not make righteous (cleanse) the tabernacle.
Now we will consider the making righteous (cleansing) of New **Jerusalem; or, the New
Covenant Body; which was the intended message.
Mathematics is the most exact science known to man.
(b) Because the Creation (Heaven & Earth = *Israel) herself (au:p) also will be delivered from
the bondage of corruption (cleansed) into the glorious liberty of the children of God (New *Jerusalem) -
Rom 8.21.
In Chapter 11, of Romans, Paul wrote that the Israelites would be grafted into their vine again, if
they did not continue in unbelief. See: Rom 11.23. ^Iesous taught that all these things would come about
in this generation (AD 32-77; Mt 24.34). Never mind the Popes story to the opposite effect. ^Iesous is
brighter. The making righteous (cleansing) is also explained in a vision to John:
(c) Look, I make all things new ... It is done! I am Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the
End. I will give of the fountain of the Water of Life (Holy Spirit) freely to him who thirsts - Rev 21.5-6.
Then, after announcing that all things are new, the New Covenant resurrection of the righteous
is described (Rev 21.7), and also the New Covenant resurrection of the unrighteous (21.8). These both
follow the Old Heavens raising of the dead and the living in AD 77.
Dogmatists always limit you to only two choices. But we can beat their game. However, first we
must learn to count to three. Alexander Campbell (1843) stated dogmatically, as was his habit, that the
2300 days were either literal or symbolic for one year. Aha! This is the problem. A symbol in
prophecy may have a multiplier that can equate it to anything that God so desires. God is not limited
by the dogmatism of Campbell, or any other man. The Wisdom of God surpasses that of man. Consider
these samples.
(d) Those who dwell in the cities of *Israel will go out and set fire and burn the weapons ... for
seven years - Eze 39.9.
Anyone who has not entirely interpreted both Chapters 38 & 39, of Ezekiel, should be hesitant to
offer any criticism of our opinion. However, we present it only as an opinion. No dogmatism is intended.
Gog is the king of Babylon, Belshazzar; while Magog is the thousand lords (Dan 5.1). Cyrus the
Great, captured Babylon in 539 BC. In the days of Darius I, Babylon rebelled against the Persians and
was defeated again in a year long battle (522-21). The 70 Years Captivity was ended in 518, as
announced by both Haggai and Zechariah.
Seven Years (above) = 539-518; or, 21 Years, literally.
Therefore, one year in the prophecy equals three literal years. And so, we are not limited to
either a literal year, or a prophetic year of 360 days, with each day being equal to one year; and
totaling 360 years. Campbells dogmatism of, Either/Or is nonsense. We will try again.
(e) It will come to pass in that day that I will give Gog a burial place there in *Israel ... For seven
months the house of *Israel will be burying them, in order to cleanse the land - Eze 39.11-12.
Chapter 39 ends with the resurrection in AD 77, and the establishment of New **Jerusalem on
earth. These seven months were ^Iesous confirming the covenant with many for one week (Dan
9.27). Therefore, seven months equaled seven literal years, and we have a multiplier of 12. Each
month is multiplied by 12, producing seven years from seven months. Another example is:
(f) And they will tread the holy city underfoot for 42 months (apa, ::aoa-c:a -ai
uc)(A) ... Now after three and a half days (B) ... they stood on their feet , and great fear fell on those who
saw them - Rev 11.2, 11. NOTE: A = B.
Many men (including this writer), have wasted a lot of time, and produced foolish
interpretations of these verses, by trying to limit three and a half days (:o:i, pa:oa, -ai paiu) to
exactly three and one-half literal years.
[Any attempt for three and one-half literal days would have been extremely foolish.]
When they had finished their exercises in futility, they had no end of the 42 Months to show for
their efforts; that is, no end from the text in Chapter Eleven. We learn from mistakes, and then, we loosen
up and equate three and a half days to 42 Months; which is 1260 Years. This would result in a
multiplier of 360 years for each day. 3 X 360 = 1080 Years. 1/2 X 360 = 180 Years. 1080 Years + 180
Years = 1260 Years.
Now we have a beginning 42 Months and an ending 42 Months, and the message is easily
discerned. 42 Months is: AD 600-1860.
The reader will note that the multiplication always ends in round numbers. The multiplier is
almost always a round number.* And this is how we solve the 2300 days (Evening and Morning)
First we accept the Bible as true, that there are three general resurrections.
The two resurrections in the first century were documented: 1 Cor 15.22-24, Rom 13.12, Mt
16.27-28, and others. These were: "Anointed the firstfruits (); afterwards those who are of Anointed (:cu
Xoi:cu) at coming of Him." [These two were Old Covenant resurrections.]
Then the New Covenant Resurrection at the End of Time was recorded: Rev 20.11-15; Rev 21.7-
8. NOTE: 2 + 1 = 3 General Resurrections.
But the Pope does not have a New Covenant! He teaches that the Old Covenant Resurrection
(AD 77) will be the First Resurrection (souls of the Papal Inquisitions) and the Final Resurrection
The Pope teaches that 3 = 2. We do not deny any of the Bible with our interpretation. All of the
churches deny much of the Bible. ^Iesous can count to three, and so, any valid interpretation must agree
with these three resurrections.
Now, let us identify the sanctuary. Moses tent, and Solomons temple, and Zerubabbels
temple, and Herods temple, and the congregation at Corinth are all possibilities. But ^Iesous words
from John (4.21, 23), eliminate all but the last suggestion.
Then Pauls coming of the Lord erases this choice, and the only alternative that we have left is:
New **Jerusalem; or, the New Heavens and a New **Earth, as the temple made righteous/cleansed.

B) THE 2300 DAYS (Evening and Morning) SUMMED.
Antiochus Epiphanes defiled the temple by erecting an altar to Zeus in it, and by offering swine
on the altar.
The lunar years of prophecy (360 Days) adjusted to the solar years (365-1/4 Days) without any
tampering by men of earth. This was demonstrated for us by Robert Fleming. He and the Matthew Poole
Commentary dated the 42 Months from AD 606. Poole added 1260 years producing an end in AD 1866.
Fleming adjusted the lunar years to conform to the solar years, and found an answer in AD 1849.
(Both men started at the wrong point, AD 600 beginning the Primacy of the Pope, and May 1860
the fall of Babylon. But this is confirmed, by us, by looking back on history, whereas they were both
looking forward into the future.)
But, if Poole had started at AD 600, he would have agreed with the historical event; meanwhile
Fleming would have been even farther away (AD 600-1843). Although we do not comprehend how this
works, because it has been demonstrated in the Bible and the history book to work, accordingly we
believe it! Therefore we consider most years in biblical prophesy to contain 360 days.
The year of the beginning of Syrias calendar was 312 BC. The date for the defilement of the
sanctuary is recorded in 1 Maccabees (1.54) to be, the 15th day of the month Chislev, in the year 145.
(312 BC - 145 Years = 167 BC.) However, the entire year is not included in the defilement of the
sanctuary, but only the last 15 days. The month Chislev determines this fact for us. Then also, the entire
year is not consumed before the resurrection in AD 77. We have dated the resurrection to be 49 years
after the beginning of Iesous ministry, which is estimated to be October 1, 28 AD.
[This is an estimation; or, if you will, it is speculation, to provide an approximate date.] This was
three and one-half years removed from the crucifixion, about April 1, 32 AD.
166 BC to AD 76 = 242 Years. [242 Years X 360 Days = 87,120 Days.]

Therefore, the adjustments made are: 270 days until October 1, 77 AD. And then,
15 days in the year the sanctuary was defiled, in 167 BC. 87,120 + 270 + 15 = 87,405 Days. The
multiplier is found by dividing by 2300.
*** 87,405 divided by 2300 = 38.0021.

This is too far from being a round number, and so, it is adjusted to come out even.
*** 87,400 divided by 2300 = 38!
Adjusting the five days removed from our period, we have this "speculative" period: ***
About Dec 16, 167 BC to approximately Sept 26, 77 AD.

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

The common agreement that the temple was defiled by Antiochus, in 167, and the numerous
proofs of the resurrection in AD 77, determine the limits of the 2300 days for us. The multiplier of
38 was almost exact in the first sample presented. The adjustment provides a speculation for the
beginning and ending days of this period of prophecy. Emphasis must be placed on the record, in the
Bible, of defiling the temple, and also of, cleansing the temple. This process is in agreement with the
other samples of multipliers listed for the reader.

Max King and Don Preston are teaching (today) that the Bible, and not church traditions, should
be the authority in the church today. Here is one point stressed by these two:
(a) For the Son of the man (Man (Adam)) (Yic, :cu aoarcu) will come in the glory of His
Father with His messengers (saints), and then He will reward each according to his works. Truly, I say to
you, [their] are some standing here (:ii :i:, a: ::a::,) (AD 31) who will not taste death (ci::,
cu ap ,:ua:ai aa:cu) till they see the Son of the man coming in His kingdom - Mt 16.27-28.
Many church doctors have written that this verse means that the apostles expected the return of
^Iesous in their own lifetimes. Then they add, nonchalantly, But they were wrong! (The apostles
King and Preston, and we, are in favor of a literal interpretation. ... the generation of her will by
no means pass away ... Literally interpreted, included in the things this generation (p ,::a au:p)
would see is, and they will see the Son of the man coming on the clouds (:o,ca:c :ri :a He is
Paul writes, We which remain, and are alive ... will meet Him in the air. Would this involve
seeing Him? The three of us agree that this is literal also:
Look, I am coming to you quickly (:o,caai ci :a,u) (Rev 2.5, 2.16, 3.11, 22.7, 22.12,
22.20). In fact, the symbol quickly is defined for us:
(b) Indeed, the devil is about to throw some of you into prison, that you may be tested, and you
will have tribulation ten days (:a:oa, :-a) (Rev 2.10).

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

(a) For the Son of the man will come in the glory of His Father with His messengers (Dead), and
then He will reward each according to his works. Truly, I say to you, there are some standing here (AD
331) who shall not taste death till they see (Alive) the Son of the man coming in His kingdom - Mt
16.27- 28.
The Pope teaches that verse 27 described the End of the World, and verse 28 pictured the Day of
Pentecost. But that is total nonsense. If you believe that corrupt system of interpretation, then the entire
Bible would be without meaning. The Pope could change as much as he wished, and you would never
learn anything.
(b) Then the sign (-ai :c:: ]ap::ai :c pa:ic = Heb 9.8) of the Son of the man will
appear in Heaven (Government), and all the tribes of the Earth (*Israel) will mourn, and they will see the
Son of the man coming on the clouds of Heaven with power and great glory ... Truly, I say to you, this
generation will by no means pass away till all these things take place - Mt 24.30-34.
^Iesous was answering the students question, Tell us, when will these things be? And what will
be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age? (u:::ic, :cu aiac,) (24.3). ^Iesous
answer was addressed to His students, and to no one today. But the Pope teaches that this message was
about the End of the World. If ^Iesous had been discussing the End of the World, the message would
have been clearer, and would not have had this 1900 year gap in it.
(c) The Night is far spent, the Day is at hand - Rom 13.12.
This Night of darkness was foretold by the Lord ^Iesous in these words: I must work the
works of Him who sent Me while it is Day; the Night is coming when no one can work. As long as I am
in the world, I am the Light of the world (Jn 9.4-5).
(d) You also be patient. Establish your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is at hand. Do not
grumble against one another, brothers, lest you be condemned. Look, the Judge has stood (::p-:)
before [place] of the doors! (roc :a ura) - Jas 5.8-9.
(e) Little children, it is the Last Hour (:,a:p aoa); and as you have heard the Antianointed is
coming, even now many antianointeds (a:i,oi:ai) have come, by which we know that it is the Last
Hour - 1Jn 2.18.
(f) I am coming (:o,caai) quickly! - Rev 3.11.
These messages all indicate the coming of the Son of the man (Man; Adam) in the first century.
We have dated this glorious event: AD 77!

25) Matthew, Chapter 24.
Then Iesous ^(lpcu,) went out and departed from the temple (i:ocu), and the students of Him
(ci aap:ai au:cu) came to show Him the buildings of the temple. And ^Iesous said to them, Do you
not see all these things? Truly, I say to you, not one stone shall be left here upon another (cu ap a]:p
a: ic, :ri ic), that shall not be thrown down ... the students came to Him privately, saying,
Tell us, when will these things be? (rc:: :au:a ::ai). And what will be the sign of your coming, and
of the end of the age? - Mt 24.1-3.


He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous

For as the lightning comes from the east and flashes to the west, so also will the coming of the
Son of the man (Man (Adam)) be - Mt 24.27.
Iesous had already described His coming, earlier in the book of Matthew, to consist of two parts;
sometimes the two are described together, as though they were one event; and at other times the two are
described separately. This is the cause of confusion for some, but that does not necessarily have to be the
case. Here the two parts of ^Iesous coming are related together:

For the ^Son of the man will come in the glory of the Father of Him with the messengers (a,,:a) of
Him (saints - Jude 14), and then He will reward each (:-ac:a) according to his works - Mt 16.27.

The righteous, and the unrighteous, are described together in this place. The reward of the righteous is to
be resurrected to heaven. Then, to further confuse the matter, the reward of the unrighteous is divided
into two groups: the living and the dead. The dead, of the unrighteous, are resurrected with the living
From Speaking (Elect), and the dead of the righteous. This is made certain in Matthew and Hebrews that
the living and dead servants of God are resurrected together:

And all these, having obtained a good testimony through the faith (ia :p, ri::a,), did not receive
the promise, God having provided something better for us, that they should not be made perfect
(:::iaai) apart from us - Heb 11.39-40.

What is necessary, in order to comprehend the Bible, is to associate components of a whole picture, and
to integrate them together in the proper manner. This relates to the little children assembling picture
puzzles. God expects us to have the wisdom of little children, in order to understand His message. He
has not stated everything dogmatically, as you should know, from our study of symbolism. (See: Chapter
2, Heaven and Earth, and Elements.) The writer of Hebrews connects all of the children of Faith, from
Abel to us, in one grand resurrection. (But remember the Three General Resurrections, Chapter 4.)
The word us limits the resurrection being discussed here to the First Century AD, with more to follow
in a subsequent resurrection. (The Pope has invented a lie, long ago, that there are only two resurrections;
but Paul lists three of them; see: 1Cor 15.23-24; and Rev 20.11-15.)
This resurrection of dead and living servants of God would lead to total darkness by itself.
Therefore, we must put other pieces of the puzzle with this one. The other pieces make clear that the
righteous and unrighteous are resurrected together, from the dust of the earth (Dan 12.2).
When the ^Son of man comes in His glory ... then He will sit on the throne (-ai:i :ri occu) of the
glory of Him. All the nations will be gathered (ua,:::ai) before ^Him, and he will separate them
one from another, as a shepherd divides his sheep from the goats - Mt 25.31-32.

Now we have two pieces of the puzzle: A) From Abel to us will be resurrected at the same time; and:
B) The righteous and unrighteous will be raised together. However, this is still a partial picture. We must
add another piece to the puzzle. Think of the childrens picture puzzle with only one piece remaining
unconnected. That should not be too difficult for an adult, should it? What is left? Some people are left
behind, and are recorded to be witnesses of this resurrection.

Then the Sign of the Son of man will appear (]ap::ai) in Heaven ... He will send His messengers ...
and they will gather His From Speaking (elect) from the four winds (::aoa a:aa) - Mt 24.30-31.
See also: Rom 8.19.

6Iesous dead and living servants are resurrected, along with the dead sinners, and the living lost of the
He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob Gods = #MYHLA

world are left behind. This is how we know that there is another resurrection for the New Covenant era,;
or, for New **Jerusalem. Paul lists the three primary resurrections (1Cor 15.23-24), which are: ^Iesous,
in AD 32; and the Old Heavens, in AD 77; and then the New Heavens, at the end of the world. But
^Iesous coming with rewards is also described for the men of earth, who are to be left behind. God will,
call His servants by another name (New **Jerusalem - Isa 65.15, 17-19).

He will destroy those wicked men miserably, and lease his vineyard to other vinedressers who will
render to him the fruits in their seasons - Mt 21.41. (Others are the Left Behind who be anointed
New **Jerusalem; Zechariah 12.10; Revelation 22.1-2.)

Now we have three pictures of comings of the Son of the man described. One is all glory for the
faithful servants (Heb 11.39-40). The second is glory and wrath for the righteous and unrighteous (Mt
16.27). The third description of the coming of the Son of the man is wrath for the lost and those left
behind with Hope! (Mt 21.41). And all the pieces fit! Then the New Covenant Final Resurrection, at
the End of Time (Rev. 14.13, Rev. 20.11-15, Rev. 21.7-8) is the End of the Bible message.

We have a couple of possibilities for the meaning of the lightning. The first option would be how
swiftly the armies of Rome, and her satrapies, all came together on such short notice. This has been
quoted: Vespasian with the 15th legion, and Titus with the 5th and 10th legions, and kings Antiochus and
Agrippa and Sohemus and Malchus, all assembled together at Ptolemais. Like lightning from the east to
the west they came together from all over the Roman Empire in no time at all. [This was graphically
described by the Jewish historian, Josephus, in Wars of the Jews.]
The second option would be the rapid conquest of Galilee.
Japha - 15,000 destroyed, and 2,130 captives; on Nov. 10, 66 AD - Wars.

Samaritans taken on Mount Gerizzim - on Nov. 12, 66 AD (3.7.32).
Jotapata - 40,000 slain, and 1200 captives; on June 15, 67 AD (3.7.35).
Ptolemais - received Rome gladly on June 18, AD 67 (3.9.1).
Joppa - 4,200 died at sea; no date (Wars).

Taricheae - 6,500 killed, 36,400 slaves; on Aug. 23, 67 AD (Wars).

Could this be what ^Iesous meant by the coming of the Son of the man? When we consider that some
cities, in our history of war, required two or three years to overcome, this could represent lightning to the
Jews in **Jerusalem. Josephus tells of the great mourning in the city of **Jerusalem when his command
at Jotapata was defeated. In September, the cities of Gamala and Gischala, just a little over 100 miles
north of **Jerusalem, were taken with ease.
Then we have a third option for the lightning when the ^Son of man came with rewards.
Vespasian went to Alexandria, Egypt, after the murder of the emperor, Vitellius, on about Nov. 18, 69
Titus returns from Alexandria, with his army ... to Raphia ... to Gaza ... to Ascalon ... to Jamnia ... to
Joppa ... to Caesarea ... Titus ... resolved to set his forces in order at that place (Caesarea) before he began
the war - Wars.

Josephus pictures a rapid movement of the troops, from Egypt to Israel, with an urgency which might be
compared to a lightning movement. One of these options, or all of them combined, could possibly be
the meaning of the prophecy. But the time frame in which we find it, almost insures that it was some
event during this span of history.

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous

For wherever the carcass (:c r:aaa) is, there the eagles (ci a::ci) will be gathered together
(ua,pc:ai) - Mt 24.28.

Daniel, the prophet, has foretold this event in 562 BC, with these words:

Seventy sevens (weeks) are determined for your people and for your holy city ... And on the wing of
abominations shall be one (Rome) who makes desolate, even until the consumption ... is poured out on
the desolate - Dan 9.24, 27.

The apostle, James, also helps describe the carcass:

For as the Body (:c uaa) without [presence] of Spirit (r:uaa:c, - geniitive) is dead, so Faith without
works is dead (:-oa ::i) also - Jas 2.26.

*Israel has been the Body without the Spirit for a long time. Ezekiel describes the Spirit of God leaving
^^Judah, before 588 BC, which was a type of ^Iesous leaving them.
And the glory of He Is () went up from the midst of the city and stood on the mountain, which is on
the east side of the city - Eze 11.23.

(See the stages of the Spirit withdrawing from **Jerusalem: Eze 9.3, 10.4, 10.18-19, 11.23.)
This was the departure of the Spirit of God leaving the first temple, but then, He put His Spirit
into the second temple also; which was ^Iesous. (See: Hag 2.7.) ^Iesous is the brightness of His glory
and the express image of His person (Heb 1.3). The antitype to Ezekiels story is told by Matthew, and
occurred in AD 32.

See! Your house is left to you desolate; for I say to you, you shall see ^Me no more till you say,
Blessed is ^He who comes in the name of the Lord! (: ccaa:i Kuoicu). Then ^Iesous went out and
departed from [place] of the temple (arc :cu i:ocu) - Mt 23.38-24.1.

Luke tells us about the antitype, ^Iesous, being on the mountain, which is on the east side of the city
(Mount of Olives), and then ascending to Heaven (Acts 1.10-12). The expression, till you say, implies
that they will see Him again. This is basic grammar. But, the churches do not teach this message. Paul
teaches this message in Romans (8.19-23, and Chapters 9-11). This is the message of Revelation, and
does not apply to Matthew 24, but is a series of prophecies until the End of Time. So then, the message in
Matthew is limited to AD 77-78, and the founding of New **Jerusalem. But the message in ^Iesous
Revelation goes unrestricted to the End of Time.
We have the carcass pegged, but what is the eagle?

... when at a crisis in the fighting, the standard-bearer of his legion was seriously wounded, Augustus
himself shouldered the Eagle and carried it for some time - Seutonius

Josephus goes into more detail:

Then came the ensigns encompassing the eagle, which is at the head of every Roman legion, the king,
and the strongest of all birds, which seems to them a signal of dominion, and an omen that the
army shall conquer all against whom they march ... - Wars.

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous

Historians tell us that they worshipped the standards of Eagles as gods, and also the emperor. This is
the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel, the prophet.

And now the Romans, upon the flight of the seditious into the city, and upon the burning of the holy
house itself, and of all the buildings round about it, brought ensigns (Eagles) to the temple, and set them
over against its eastern gate; and there did they offer sacrifices to them, and there did they make Tiberius
imperator, with the greatest acclamations of joy - Ibid.

^Iesous had predicted the future in the most detailed manner, and Josephus has recorded the fulfillment of
His prophecy, as though he were a religious fanatic, out to search for a fulfillment of every detail of
^Iesous prediction. What comes next? Did it happen as described?

Immediately after the tribulation of those days the Sun (0 pic,) will be darkened, and the
Moon (p :pp) will not give its light; the Stars (a::o:,) will fall from Heaven, and the powers of
Heaven will be shaken - Mt 24.29.

The Pope and the Papacy have a very unique definition of immediately. The fact that men have
believed it for centuries is both amazing, and disgraceful. This is called, Rationalization.
The answer to the question of verse 3b, What will be the sign of your coming?
Immediately after ... those days: the reducing of time between the tribulation mentioned, and the rapture
has been demonstrated to be Matthews use of literary effects of the Old Testament prophecy by which
the assurance that a prediction is true may be emphasized through indications that the time is near at hand.
While it is debatable that this is a trustworthy way of interpreting the Old Testament prophecies, we will
use it here, for Matthew knew that the resurrection had not come immediately after the fall of
**Jerusalem, and therefore we doubt that he is accusing Jesus of an error in calculation - Mt 24.29; New
American Bible, Archbishop of Washington, 1986. [The papist writers love to deny the words of Iesous.]

(The Protestant church doctors also write, frequently, The apostles expected ^Iesous to return in
their lifetimes. But they were wrong.) What does immediately [Strongs #2112] mean in the other
verses of the New Testament? Here are two samples:

(1) Then ^Iesous put out His hand and touched him, saying, I am willing, be cleansed. And
immediately (:u:a,) [#2112] his leprosy was cleansed - Mt 8.3.
(2) Brother Saul ... receive your sight ... Immediately [#2112] there fell from his eyes something like
scales, and he received his sight at once [#2112] - Acts 9.18.

The New Testament does not employ the word euqeos [#2112], which is defined, immediately, to
mean after 1900 years. This is preposterous!
But John employed the word hour (1 Joh 2.18), and it is always to be taken literally. Isaiah
frequently prophesies about that day. But then, he is referring to a 24 hour day, or else, a prophetic day of
one year; but only once, to the best of my knowledge, does a day represent 1900 years, or more. This is
in, The Parable of Creation, where the Seventh Morning is from the resurrection in AD 77, until the
End of Time.
But then, this is after the resurrection, and not before it, as the Popes writers contend. Now God
identifies the prophetic day equaling one year for us, in Ezekiel:

For I have laid on you the years of their iniquity, according to the number of the days, 390 days; so you
shall bear the iniquity of the house of *Israel ... I have laid on you a day for each year - Eze 4.5-6.

Gods = MYHLA He-Saving = ^Iesous He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem

The reader can readily see that immediately does not mean 1900 years anywhere in the book of
Matthew; or, in any other New Testament book. Only the Parable of the Seventh Day will last for over
1900 years. Why then does everyone believe the Pope? ^Iesous the Anointed is who you should believe!
An hour in prophecy is sometimes 15 days, and it is even expanded to 15 years at times. However,
an hour is not immediately! (See: Rev 3.10, 8.1, 9.15. The hour is either 15 days or 15 years in these
verses, but this is determined by history.)

Four propositions are predicted to occur immediately after the tribulation, and these are: A) The Sun will
be darkened, B) The Moon will not give its light, C) The Stars will fall from Heaven, D) The Powers of
Heaven will be shaken. Josephus has recorded three of these propositions, and the apostle John recorded
the other to have been completed in AD 32.
The Sun is the king of Judah, even though he was not reigning at that time. ^Iesous tells us:

I know (0ia) the works of you (:a :o,a cu) ... and you hold fast to the name of Me, and did not deny
the faith of Me even in the days in which Antipas (a:ira,) was the faithful witness ("martyr" is an error)
of Me, (0 aao:u acu), who was killed among you, where Satan (`a:aa,) dwells" - Rev 2.13.

^Iesous described unbelievers as faithful, when they fulfill His prophecies; but, this does not necessarily
mean that they believed in Him. However, we are not to judge Antipas as either faithful to the teaching,
nor as unfaithful; but only as faithful to the prophecy.
(1) ... for the first man they meddled with was Antipas, one of the royal lineage, and the most potent man
in the whole city (besides the Romans), insomuch that the public treasures were committed to his care ...
him they took and confined, as they did in the next place to Levias, a person of great note, with Sophas ...
both of them were of royal lineage also - Wars 4.3.4.

(2) ... and so they cut the throats of those that were in custody there - Ibid., 4.3.5.

Now *Israel was without a king, and so, the Sun was darkened, in about October, 67 AD.
... for those darts that were thrown by the engines came with that force, that they went all over the
buildings, and reached as far as the altar, and the temple itself, and fell upon the priests ... - Ibid.

The Levitical priesthood was the Moon. Heaven and Earth, equals *Israel, and othewr nations.
Josephus dates this event about Nov., 69 AD. This is the prophecy in Joel and Acts, the Moon to blood.
Here it is further fulfilled:

... Eleazer and his party opened the gates of this temple and admitted such of the people as were desirous
to worship God into it. But John [an unbeliever] made use of this festival as a cloak for his treacherous
designs ... while the people that stood trembling at the altar, and about the holy house, were rolled on
heaps together, and trampled upon, and were beaten with wooden and with iron weapons without mercy.
Such also, as had differences with others, slew many persons that were quiet ... - Ibid..

Amid all of the hatred, and Civil War, Eleazer remembered his God, and had hopes that others would
remember Him too. The persons that were quiet, who were in the temple, possibly; nay, probably,
included some of the priests; or, the Moon. This is dated about April, 70 AD.
The Stars of Heaven (Government), were the Jewish prophets of God. The vision and prophecy
were sealed during the 70 Sevens (Weeks). The last Jewish prophet is described:

And one of them, Caiaphas (Kaia]a,), being high priest that year, said to them, You know nothing at
all, nor do you consider that it is expedient for us, that one man should die for the people, and not that the
whole nation should perish. Now this he did not say on his own; but being high priest that year he
prophesied that ^Iesous (lpcu,) should perish - Jn 11.49-51.

Gods = MYHLA He-Saving = ^Iesous He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem

^Iesous prophesied that the Stars would fall immediately after the tribulation, but we have no record of
any Stars in Heaven (Government of Israel) at that time. The intent of the statement could possibly mean
that there would never be a Jewish prophet again. And, we know that this is true. Another option is that
immediately was concerned with the completion of the entire process, and not necessarily each
component of the process, all at the same time. The third possibility is that the Stars refer to princes of
the kingdom, in this case. This is improbable, because we have no similar use of the symbol, Star with
^Israel. The first two seem more probable to us. Now, we should consider, Is this rationalization? The
Pope has been accused of rationalization; and the Protestant church doctors; but are we guilty of the same
thing? We hope that the difference is obvious to all. The Pope, and his boys, mess around with the words
in the Bible to prove that the message is wrong. We are hypothesizing to see how the message can be
true. Quite a difference!
The Heavens are the Governments of ^Israel. The plural word is used to represent the
transition of the Government from one king to the next through the length of time since David became the
king of Judah, in 1050 BC. ^Israel petitioned him to become their king also, in 1043 BC. During the
Babylonian captivity, the prophets of God, and the priesthood, ruled the congregation of *Israel; moreso
the prophets than the priests. At times the elders of the congregation are mentioned to have some input
into the Government of the people. But now, all the powers of the Heavens have been removed. The
New Heaven and a New Earth will replace them. But that is a story for Revelation.


Then the sign of the ^Son of man will appear in Heaven, and then all the (12) tribes (]uai) of the Earth
(*Israel) will mourn (repent), and they will see the ^Son of man coming on the clouds of Heaven with
power and great glory (c,p, rcp,) - Mt 24.30.

The present Heaven (Government) of *Israel was singular in verse 29, while the sequential Heavens
(Governments), from the beginning, were in the plural. Now we are back to the singular and present
Government. Josephus continues his account of the rebellion against Rome until the 15th day of the
month Xanthicus [Nisan] (Wars 7.9.1); which was about April 1, 73 AD, or 74 AD. And he even goes
beyond this event without mentioning a date. Therefore immediately following the tribulation would
seem to be after AD 74. We have three historical events described in this verse (30), under consideration:
A) The Sign of the Son the of Man, B) Earth Mourning, and: C) Son of the Man Coming on the Clouds.

... the Holy Spirit indicating this (:cu:c pcu:c,), that ^The Way (cc) (lpcu,) into the Holiest of
All (Heaven) is not yet made manifest while the first tabernacle holding standing (:,cup, :ai) -
Heb 9.8.

The first tabernacle is described in verse 2, For a tabernacle was prepared: the first part, in which is the
lampstand, the table, and the showbread, which is called the sanctuary; and behind the veil, the part of the
tabernacle which is called the Holiest of All- Heb 9.2-3. The writer describes the Holy Place to be the
first tabernacle, and the Holiest of All to be the second tabernacle. This message from the Holy Spirit
relates to ^Iesous prophecy, Not one stone shall be left here upon another, that shall not be thrown
down (Mt 24.2). ^Iesous is The Way, The Truth, The Life (Jn 14.6). The entire nation of *Israel,
located over the whole world, or Roman empire, had heard ^Iesous prophecies against **Jerusalem and
the temple. When the temple fell, then some would know ^Him, if they did not continue in unbelief
(Rom 11.23).

Gods = MYHLA He-Saving = ^Iesous He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem


For the earnest expectation of the Creation (-:i:a,) (Heaven and Earth = *Israel) eagerly waits for the
revealing (resurrection) of the sons of the God (:a uia :cu :cu). For the Creation (*Israel) was
subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it in hope; because the Creation
herself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty (:i, :p,
::u:oia :p, c,:,) of the children of God. For we know that the whole Creation (*Israel) groans and
labors with birth pangs together until now. Not only they, but we (Holy Ones) also who have the
firstfruits of the Spirit, even we (Holy Ones) ourselves groan within ourselves, eagerly waiting the
Adoption (resurrection), the redemption of our (plural) Body - Rom 8.19-23.

Paul had prophesied that some of *Israel would be saved by the resurrection, if they continue not in
unbelief. ^Iesous and His apostles had been publicly teaching the resurrection was at hand for 49 years
(AD 28-77). The scoffers, who had heard the message, and laughed it off, would now see the resurrection
for themselves.
The second of Three General Resurrections was in AD 77. The prophecies that some, who
were living with the From Speakig (elect), would see the resurrection, besides Romans 8.19-23, are:
(1) They may, by your good works, ..., glorify God in the Day of Visitation - 1Pet 2.12.
(2) Look, He is coming with clouds, and every eye will see Him, even they who pierced Him (Romans).
And all the (12) tribes of the Earth (*Israel) will mourn because of ^Him. Even so, So let it be - Rev 1.7.
Revelation was written in AD 67, and the resurrection was in ten days (Rev 2.10), which in prophecy is
sometimes ten years. The Sadducees did not believe in eternal life, but the Pharisees did. When they
saw the resurrection with their own eyes, who were away from *Jerusalem and in areas populated with
the children of the God, and realized that they were left behind; this would promote mourning.
Zechariah tells us the Spirit of God was involved:

And I will pour on the house of ^David ( -:) and on the inhabitants of [New] **Jerusalem the
Spirit of Favor and Suppplications; then they will look on ^Me whom piercing them ( :s). And,
mourning them (e) for ^Him as one mourns for the only (), and grieve for Him as one grieves
for the firstborn () Zec 12.10.

The Jews had heard the message of ^Iesous, and even tried ^Iesous witnesses in their synagogues, so
that, they were familiar with the words that save the soul. The Dipping of the Holy Spirit had anointed
the Body, as it had the Jewish Christians on the day of Pentecost; and as it had Cornelius, and the
Gentiles, when they were added to the kingdom. And a **New Covenant was instituted! ^Iesous had
told it:

For truly, I say to you, till Heaven and Earth (*Israel) pass away (AD 66-73), one jot or one tittle will by
no means pass from [reading] of the law (arc :cu cacu) till all, they might have come themselves
(,:p:ai) (Middle Voice) - Mt 5.18.

He-Saving = ^Iesous He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem

But, what about the remnant of *Israel that was to be saved?

For the Lord Himself (0:i au:c, 0 Kuoic,) will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of
an archangel, and in trumpet of God (: ari,,i :cu). And the dead in ^Anointed (: Xoi:a) will
rise first, then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds into
meeting of the ^Lord into air (:cu Kuoicu :i, a:oa). And thus we shall always be with the Lord -
1Thes 4.16-17.
(For parallel accounts see: Dan 7.9-10, 13-14; 1Cor 15.23-24, 50-58; Rev 5.13, 7.9-12, 14.14-
20, 19.11-18. Especially read Revelation [14.14-20], and take note that ^Iesous did not return to earth,
but only to the clouds; and there the saved of earth met Him in the air.)

And he will send His angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they will gather His From
Speaking (elect) from the four winds, from farthest parts of Heavens (Governments) as far as farthest
parts of them - Mt 24.31.

The reader must avoid the mistake of trying to interpret this literally, in order to have any understanding.
Iesous is a Teacher of parables, and a Prophet of symbolism. We will compare the Old Testament
prophecies of The Great Gathering.

It shall come to pass in that day that He Is () will set His hand again the second time to recover the
remnant of His people who are left, from Assyria and Egypt, from Pathros and Cush, from Elam and
Shinar, from Hamath and the Islands of the Sea - Isa 11.11.

Chapter 11, of Isaiah, begins with the anointing of ^Iesous, when He was dipped by John the Dipper, and
the Heavens opened and the Holy Spirit descended like a dove and lit upon Him. Then the message of
peace is pictured, which the Prince of Peace came to earth to publish abroad. The time is the First
Century AD, and nothing like this happened in Judea. But ^Iesous was teaching a resurrection, and this
describes The Great Gathering in Heaven, at the resurrection -- in part! The New **Jerusalem would be
the congregation of the Lord -- on earth! The Jews would be converted in all of these lands, and their
return to **Jerusalem would be to spiritual **Jerusalem, and not, to the land of Canaan. A change of
state is described, and not a change of geographical location. They had been servants of sin, and
turned to become servants of the living God.

Then they shall bring all brothers of you (::s) for an offering to He Is () out of all nations, on
horses and in chariots and in litters, on oxen and on camels, to My holy mountain {New] **Jerusalem,
says He Is ... - Isa 66.20.

Again, this is dated to be in the First Century AD, by the words, New Heavens and a New Earth, in
verse 22. However this did not happen physically; but rather, it was fulfilled spiritually. Heavens is in
the plural to denote that some went to Third Heaven, to be with God; while others became the New Earth,
under the Government of the New Heaven; which is ^Iesous. ^Iesous is the New Sun (King), and the
New Moon (High Priest) and the Morning Star (Living Prophet).
Therefore, The Great Gathering was partially accomplished by the raising up of the spirits of
the men of earth to Third Heaven; which is the Eternal Abode of God. The additions of the spirits of man
changed the Eternal Abode of God into the New Third Heaven. [Although earth is also the abode of the
God, it is not eternal.] The remainder of The Great Gathering was realized in one day; or, in twelve
months. See: Isa 66.8. Therefore, one day is the equivalent of one year in this prophecy. This
year began in AD 77, and was completed the following year; or, in AD 78. The leaves of the Tree of
Life were for healing the nations; meaning, *Israel. The leaves probably also heal today. See: Rev

He-Saving = ^Iesous He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem

And, this is the preterist method of interpreting the coming of the ^Son of man on the clouds of
the Heaven in power and great glory (Mt 24.30). This was announced by Iesous, in AD 32, and every
detailed step along the way was accurately foretold, being the establishment of the Kingdom of God.




He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous

Part One: Double-Whammy on Monotheism

1.1. Burden of speaking of He Is () to He is Prince of God* in hand Messenger of [] (Malachi).
1.2. Loving with you of Me (-) saying He Is, and saying them, In how loving You us? The not Esau
brother to He [catching] Heel, saying He Is and saying and loving of He [catching] Heel
1.3. and of Esau hating of Me (YT) and I turned of the Mountain (Kingdom) of him desolation and of
inheritance of him to sea-serpent of wilderness.
1.4. For she will say, *Edom, And we will return rejoicing of them and building waste of her, saying,
He Is of Hosts (-s:s ), The-what, they will build and I (:s), I emptying. And calling
them, to them coast of wickedness, and the people that [will have] indignation [against] He Is to
He-Saving = ^Iesous He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem

1.5. And the eyes of you (He is Prince of God*) you will see her and with them you saying them, He Is
great from against [her = *Edom] to border of He is Prince of God*.
1.6. Son, he honors father and servant lord of him, and if I (:s) [am] Father, where [is] honor of Me?
And if I [am] Lord of them, Where [is] the respect of [Me]? saying He Is of Hosts. To you, the
priests contempting name of Me, and saying them, In how contempting of us? -- of name of You?
1.7. From placing them on altar of [Me] from defiling food and saying them, In how we defiling You?
in saying them, This sending them [to] He Is; we contempting her, this (emphasis).
1.8. And for you donkey of Goshen of (:::- r) to sacrifice there is not evil and for you sacrifice them
passover (:e) and sick (:) there is not evil, the offering them. Now to govetnor of you [this]
the he running you [off] (s s) or the without being faces of you -- saying He Is of Hosts.
Note: The donkey was not a specified offering, as the sheep and ram and goats were.

1.9. And now sicken them (:), face of [you] (:e), now God (:s) He will show mercy [to] us (::)
from hand of you, she being (-), this, the being from you (::: s:) face of them saying
He Is of Hosts (-s:s ).
1.10. Who also in you, and He will shut doors of them and you will not [light] fire of them, altar of Me
(YT) in vain, there is not to [heart] of [Me] pleasure in you saying He Is of Hosts, and from leading
(::) I will not accept from hand of you.
1.11. For from rising of sun and to from going of him, name of Me [is] great in nations and in all of
places [where] incense being brought to name of [Me] and pure offering for great [is] name of [Me] in
nations, saying He Is of Hosts (-s:s ).
1.12. And you, profaning ones with Him, in saying of you, sending her (::) [to] Lord of [me] from
defiling, this [emphasis], and fruit of Him, he is contemptible food of Him.
1.13. And saying them until from trouble of her, and the snare of them with Him, saying He Is of Hosts,
and the coming of them robbing and with the passover and with the sick of [you] and the bringing
her of the sacrifice of the earth with [robbing] of her from hand of you saying He Is ().
1.14. And being (:) cursing of and deceiving in male flock of him, and threshing floor , and sacrificing
blemished to Lord of [me] (:s :) for I (:s) great King, saying He Is of Hosts and he will fear
name of Me in nations.

2.1. And time [of] her with you, the going her (s: ss), the-this (emphasis), the priest of them.
2.2. If not you hearing him and if not you naming him on heart to giving you honor to name of [Me],
saying He Is of Hosts (-s:s ), and sending of Me (YT) on you of the from cursing ([R]RA)
her (H = nation*) and cursing of Me (YT) of blessing of Me (YT) [to] you (MK). And if cursing of
Me her* for you not naming of them [names of He Is Gods (::s Genesis 2.4) on heart.
2.3. Looking to you young of the seed (r ) and strange of [people] of Me (- ) spreading on
faces of you, spreading feast of you and lifting of you, god of him (:s).
2.4. And knowing them, for sending of Me (YT) of the from going her, the-this, to lives of you (- :)
in creating of [Law] of Me (- : s:) with Gift (Levi; : - #3880 - ornament), saying He Is
of Hosts (-s:s ).
Note: [covenant should read, creating of [Law] of Me, and, creating of [people] of her Mal. 2.8.
Covenant is a Latin word.]

He-Saving = ^Iesous He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem

2.5. Creating of [Law] of Me (Covenant) she was with them [seed] the lives of them (:) and the
peace, and I gave them (::-s) to him (seed) from seeing of (s:) [miracles = 10 plagues] and he will
fear Me and from face of [Me] [bow] down (-: 15 times; #5182), this.
2.5. You teaching truth (-:s), she was in mouth of him (priest) and unrighteousness he was not found in
lips of Me (YT) [or] him(W), in peace and in equity, walking with Me, and the turning many ones
from iniquity.
2.6. For lips of priest, they keeping knowledge and searching, they will seek them from mouth of Him
(priest) for ]he is] messenger of He Is of Hosts, this!
2.7. And with them, rebelling them from the Way, the stumbling them (:- ::: ), many of them in
you teaching, destroying them creating of [people] of her* (-: s:) the Gift (Levi 3880
ornament = gift), saying He Is of Hosts (-s:s ).
2.9. And also, I (:s), giving them with you, despised ones and humiliated ones to all of the people, as
mouth that (:s e :) you not following them, of Ways of [Me], and lifting them, faces of them, in
wine of her.

B) NOTE: Malachi 2.10. The-not, one Father to all of us? The-not, one God (:s) in creating us ?
The Creators (Father and Son), are recorded [plural] Gods (MYHLA) in Genesis 1.1 and throughout.

I do not understand this statement -- yet. Alexander Campbell, a reformer in the 1800s, defined this as
the Popes textuary preaching, from the deep, Dark Ages. Mr. Campbell said, They would pull one
verse out of context, and in the process lose the message.
[And, this is still prevalent today. Campbell was one of my many dead teachers.]
Possibly, this is one lie in a paragrah of charges that He is Prince of God* was continually deserting He
Is (), and lying against Him. We will ry to interpret this line in context with the entire paragraph.

[2.10]. The-not one Father to all of us? The not one God in creating us? From knowing (r:) we
garment (.:) man (:s) in brother of him (s:) to polluting creating of her (-:) of fathers of
Me (YT) of us. Note
Double Prepositional phrase, of Me of us means, of Gods of *Israel.
2.11. Garment of her ( .::) The [One] Praising^^. And you Man of her, we doing her in He is Prince
of God* and He is Prince of Peace**, for He The [One] Praising (Judah) polluting holy [place] that He
Is loving, and married daughter [of] strange god (:s).

NOTE: Malachi 2.11; NKJV note: Ezra 9.2. [This is the condemnation of the modern Bibles they
have cast away all the wisdom of the previous centuries and generations found in their Notes.]

Ezra 9.1-2: And as all of them, these (:s - : : : ), God of her ( :s), they named to Me,
the princes of them to saying, The people not separating of *Israel and the priests and the
Levites [not separating] from people of them [from] the earths of thern, as abominations of Me

of them (: - :r- :) to Caananite, the Hittite, the the Perizzite, the Jebusite, the Amorite,
the Moabite, the Egyptian, and the Amorite. Note
: Abomination of Me (Gods) means defined by
9.2: For they [Jews] draw from daughters of them to them and to son of them [pagans], and the
you (Jews) mingling them of the holy seed in peoples of them [pagans], the earth of her and
hand of the princes of them and the rulers of them. She [holy seed] was leader of her [land] in

He-Saving = ^Iesous He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem

Isaiah 3.6-7: For he will hold a man in brother [hood] of him [from] house of father of him, clothing to
you, you being ruler to us and the stumblingblock, the-this, [be] under hand of you. Being in day, the-
this, to saying I am not binding and in house of me there is no food and there is no clothing you not doing
me ruler of people.

So then, we have the condemnation of the Jews, reported by Messenger of (Malachi) repeated by
Isaiah. But we still do not have a record of this offering of the rule by the Two tribes to the Ten tribes.
Isaiah goes on to date this event in 588 BC when He is Prince of Peace** fell to Babylon.

Isaiah 4.1- . And the strengthening them () full* [number] of women in one man in day the-this,
to saying, We will eat to food of us, and garment of us we clothe, only He will call name of You
(Anointed, He-Saving^) to us, gather the reproach of us.
NOTE*: The full [number] of women were of the 144,000 firstfruits resurrected in AD 77.
He-Saving was, The door of the sheep (John 10.7). They were saved by calling on the names of
Anointed, He-Saving.
Note: Rev. 3.9: [To From Calling of Brotherly Love (Philadelphia)]. Look, I am giving from [those]
of the synagogue of Satan (Jews), the [ones] saying themselves to be Jews and they are not, but they are
lying Look, I will make them so that they they will come and do worship before feet of you
and they
will know that I loved you. NOTE
: You refers to: From Calling of He-Saving.^

C: Axiom: The Three Ages of Man from Rock (u::oc,).
Pre-flood: by which the world then (2481 BC) being flooded in water perished 2 Pet 3.6.
Old-Heavens: But the now heavens and earth (Including *Israel) in the Word of Him storted up are
being reserved into day of judgment and destruction of the ungodly men But the day of Lord, as a thief
in night, in which the heavens (Governments) will pass away in a hissing noise, the elements [Sun =
Antipas; Moon = Levitivcal Priesthood; Stars = Jewish prophets, of whom Caiphas was the last in AD 32]
being burned up will be destroyed, both Earth (*Israel) and the woks in her (au:p) will be completely
burned uo 3.7-10; AD 70.
New Heavens: But we [First Century] look for New Heavens and a New Earth according to the promise
[Isaiah 65.17, Matthew 24.30] of Him in which dwells Righteousness (^He-Saving) 3.13.

Axiom: Tents of Judah saved first. And the saving ([vw), He Is () of tent of He The [One]
Praising^^ first to from answering, she will not be great glory of house of David (He-Saving^ - Key of
David; Rev 3,7) and glory of dwellers of [New] He is Prince of Peace [**Jerusalem] Zechariah 12.7.
Note *: The Hebrew origin of the name He-Saving^ (lpcu,) is: r:
= He (Y) The (H) [One] Saving
(SW*) corrupted to read: Joshua.
Internal Yod (Y) was consistently written Waw (W).

NOTE: The first fruits of the resurrection (Rev 14.1-4) met Him in the air (never having tasted death;
Matthew 16.28, 1 Thes 4.16-17) but New **Jerusalem will be resurrected at the End of Time, having all
died (Rev 20.13).
So then house of Davids glory cannot compare to Judahs.

D) Digression for Hebrew Translators.
He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous

We will now share some of the tricks of the trade for anyone interested. 1) The most common errors are
in the simplest matters. These include personal noun prefixes and suffixes and stand alone pronouns.
We can browse through Interinear Hebrew-English Bibles and spot these errors without any lexicon
(1) Malachi 2.1: -r = And (W) time (T) [of] her (H). KJV = And now (#6256 4Xs - -r - time
245 Xs).
(2) Ezra 9.1. : : : = and (W) as (K) all (K) of (L) them (W). KJV Now when these. The word
Waw () is the most common word in the entire Bible. But the revisionist writers corrupt it more
than they translate it. And the other little words are abused in similar manner.

Rule #1: So then, your very first rule is to memorize these little words and stick to them diligently.
Rule #2: I was lost for a while, searching the lexicon for a definition than a bolt from heaven hit me!
Hey, that has already been done hundreds of years ago. Why are you wasting your time on a task that
has been accomplished?
Always refer to the KJV first. Then refer to Strongs Concordance to get the number for that word. The
definition is usually wrong, but the number reference is usually right. The translators were the best! But
they had promised in their Preface, We will not be bound by words and syllables. And they kept their
word. But then, the following translators also believed that they had the right to lie! Therefore, they
retained most of the KJV lies, and added a pile of their own. [This solved my problem. KJV did not have
the definition, but their reference nunber was right. From this point you must develop your own

Rule #3: Correct all Latin words. [The Dark Ages did nothing right!]
Rule #4: In clusters of words work from the inside out! The root word is in the middle! It is
surrounded by prefixes and double prefixes and suffixes and double suffixes and Internal
Prepositional Phrases and compound words. I have never run across an alleged Bible translation
whose compilers could handle word-clusters of this description. All of them ignore the Internal
Prepositional Phrase, of Me (-). [This almost always refers to God. So then, God is ignored an awful
Rule #5: Partial words are very common. The word, mouth is spelled, e. But in our text today it
was merely, e (Verse 2.9 mouth of.).

E: 2.12. He Is, He will cut off to man who he doing [this] against [holy place, vs. 2.11] and answering
f r om t ent s of He [ cat chi ng] Heel ( Judah) and br i ngi ng of f er i ng t o He Is of Host s.
2.13. And this another of her, she doing them in flood of tears on altar of He Is, weeping and wailing
from not longer opening her to the offering to accept pleasure from hand of you Malachi 2.7-13.

:s = single God (3Xs). ::s = plural Gods (6 XS in Malachi).

CONCLUSION: This message in Chapter Two (one God) was all condemnation against He The
[One] Praising^^ and He is Prince of God.* Sun of Righteousess, (Anointed He-Saving), had only
plural Gods (#430) in verses 2.16, 2.17, 3.8, 3.14, 3.15, 3,18. Single God was recorded 395 times,
plural Gods was recorded 2,492 times. This verse about, one Father and one God (2.10), seems to
be a list of sins against He is Prince of God* and He The [One] Praising^^. They had changed, He Is
brother of you (s ) to read: Kuoic, c :c, paa Kuoic, :i, ::i (Lord the God of us,
Lord is one.)
The Jews changed the Hebrew to read: (by overwriting the final letter) to read: s (He
Is one) changed from: s [He Is brother ([CH] A) of you (K)].

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous

F) List of 11 Sins against *Israel and ^^Judah.
We will number the charges of sin from, He Is for verses around Malachi 210.
Sin#1: Turning them from the Way Malachi 2.8.
Sin#2: You teaching stumbling 2.8.
Sin #3: You violated the creating of people of her (-:) covenant] 2.8.
Sin#4: Condemnation; despised and humiliated ones 2.8.
Sin#5: You have not kept My Way 2.9.
Sin#6: You lifting them, faces of you in wine (feast) 2.9.
Faces to the earth established in these verses: Leviticus 9.24; Numbers 20.6; Judges 13.20; 1
Kings 18.38-39; Proverbs 30.13.
Sin#7: Not one father to all of us? [Abrahan, Isaac, Judah (*Israel) were fathers.]
Sin#8: The not one God creating us? [He Is Gods Gen. 2.4.]
Sin#9: From knowing (Knowledge) we clothing one in brother of him to pollute creating of people of
her* of fathers of us. She clothing, He The [One] Praising^^, she laboring her, we doing in He is Prince
of God* and He is Prince of Peace**, for ^^He The [One] Praising polluting sanctuary [of] He Is
() that loving, and married daughter of a strange god (Ezra 9.1).
Sin#10: And this and another (#11) of her, she doing in flooding of tears to altar of He Is weeping and
wailing from not longer opening her to the offering to accept pleasure from hand of You.

Now then sins #7 and #8 are in the middle of a list of 11 sins, they could not be a true statement, except
that it is a true statement of sin. A) One Father was sin. B) One God was sin.

(A & B) And if [it is] evil in eyes of you to serve [words] of He Is ( -s), choosing them to you
the day (this) of whom you will serve them, if of Gods (::s) that serving of them, that father of Me
(-)* [of] you (:: - :s) that beyond the river (Euphrates) and if gods (:s) of the Amorite that
you dwelling of them in earths, and as I and house of [me] we will serve of [house] [of] He Is ()
Joshua 24.14.

Here we have multiple gods and Gods (Two = Father and Son) served; and multiple fathers (men &
the Supernatural plural Gods (::s 2,492 times.)
NOTE: The Internal Prepositional Phrase (YT; referring to Gods directing the fate of men) is universally
ignored by the alleged lexicographers and the alleged Bible translators. So then, creating of people
of her* of father of Me (YT) of us (:-:s) is universally corrupted to read, [No God (of Me - YT)]

G: List of 11 Pagan (no names of God) Bible Translations.

:-:s = fathers of us (1). [No God (of Me; YT)]. The Interlinear NIV Hebrew-English Old
Testament, 1987, John R. Koheberger III, Zondervan Publishig House, Grand Rapids, Michigan.
:-:s = of our fathers (2). [No God (of Me - YT)]. The PARALLEL BIBLE HEBREW-
ENGLISH, 2O03, Dotan Aaron, 1928--, Hendrickson Publishers
:-:s = :p iap-p :a ra::oa uaa = the covenant of the fathers of you (3). [No God (of
Me - YT)]. The Septuagint, Originally published by Samuel Bagster & Sons, Ltd., LONDON,
:-:s = of our fathers (4). [No God (of Me - YT)]. KJV, 1611.
:-:s = ***of God with our fathers (5). ***Who said that all men must continue illiterate? The
Amplified Version, 1965.
:-:s = of our fathers (6). [No God (of Me - YT)]. New American Standard, 1960.
:-:s = of our fathers (7). [No God (of Me - YT)]. New International Version, 1978.
:-:s = covenant of the fathers (8). [No God (of Me - YT)]. New King James Version, 1982.
:-:s = covenant of our fathers (9). [No God (of Me - YT)]. New Amercan Bible, 1986.
:-:s = covenant of our ancestors (10). [No God (of Me - YT) and No Father (BA)]. New Living
Translation, 2008.
:-:s = covenant of our fathers (11). [No God (of Me - YT)]. English Standard Version, 2008.

So then, the mention of God (of Me) is universally banned!
Note: Exception, The Very First Bible Transation; Including the Names of the Gods, c. 2007,
Sid and Barbara Wiliams.

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous

H) The Father of Monotheism.

Father of Monotheism = Father of Jews and Judaism.
Ariyaramnes had presented AhuraMazda as one god among many, but to Zoroaster he was
sole God. He was taught to have seven Spirits which were: 1) Holy Spirit, 2) Righteousess, 3) Good
Thought; or, Best Thought, 4) Divine Kingdom, 5) Divine Wisdom, 6) Salvation 7) Immortality.
Then were added: Destiny, Obedience, Fire. History of the Persian Empire, 1948, A.T.
Olmstead, The University of Chicago Press, page 96.
Zoroaster wrote from about 650 BC to about 575 BC. He was the father of monotheism, and
thus the father of the Jews and Judaism, which was founded on monitheism. They denied their
plural Hebrew Gods, named specifically, He Is () and Anointed of Him(::) (Psalm 2.2),
and also, He Is () and Son of [Me] (::) (Psalm 2.11-12). The Septuagint denied these Two
Gods and the specific names of these Two Gods He Is and Son.

Part Two: Whammy Part Two: Whammy Part Two: Whammy Part Two: Whammy - -- - #1 #1 #1 #1 Monotheism (see: 3.14 for #2) Monotheism (see: 3.14 for #2) Monotheism (see: 3.14 for #2) Monotheism (see: 3.14 for #2)

Zoroaster plagarized the beautiful phrases of Moses, describing Gods and did not give him credit.
Compare Isaiahs list of the, Seven Spirits of God (11.1-4.)
Wisdom and Understanding (One Spirit; #1), 2) Counsel (One Faith; #2), 2) Might (One God;
#3),Knowledge (One Hope; #4), Fear of He Is (One Dipping; #5), Judg (-ment; One Lord; #6), 7)
Righteousness (One Body) Isaiah 11.1-4 and Ephesians 4.4-6.

1. The Jews Are Self-confessed Liars.

"David Biven ... 1. God's name is not 'Jehovah' or 'Yehovah.' In my article I explained that this term
originated due to a lack of Christian awareness of Jewish custom. The Masoretes superimposed (1) the
vowel signs (2) of the word adonai upon the four consonants of God's name. Thus YHWH would be read
as adonai ... The American Standard Version and The Living Bible use 'Jehovah' (4) for YHWH
JerusalemPerspective :: View Topic - Jehovah and Jeshusa

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous


(1) Moses pronounced a curse on anyone adding to his words (Deut 4.2; - this included Masoretes and
vowels); Solomon instructed men to avoid being a "liar" by not adding to the "words of Gods"
(MYHLA); see: Prov 30.5-6.
Anointed, He-Saving^ (Jesus Christ to the Pope) cursed anyone adding to His prophecy (Rev 22.18-19).
So then, Mr. David Biven, and the Masoretes, were "cursed" and "liars."

(2) The Hebrew language is defined in the Modern Reference Encyclopedia, and others, as having 22
consonants, AND - no vowels! [Only religions add vowels to the Hebrew language.]

(3) The word of Gods does not restrict the "uttering" of the name of Gods, but on the contrary, it teaches,
"Whoever calls on the name of 'He Is' (HWHY, ) will be saved" (Joel 2.32).

(4) "But the American Revisers, after a careful consideration, were brought to the unanimous conviction
that a Jewish superstition, which regarded the Divine Name as too sacred to be uttered, ought no longer to
dominate in the English or any other version of the Old Testament ..." - ASV, 1901, Preface, p. iv.

J) Verse 2.14: And saying [to] them, On account of why, on account of that He Is () the testator
between you and between wife of youth of you that you being removed in her, and this, partner of you
and wife in creating of her [and] you (-:),
2.15 and not one doing, and resting in spirit to him, and why the one from seeking seed of Gods (::s)
and he keeping them in spirit of you and in wife of youth of you, and he will not garment (her).
2.16: For hating divorce, saying, He Is Gods of (:s ) He is Prince of God* (*Israel) and
violence against clothing of him, saying, He Is of Hosts (-s:s ), and He will keep them (wives)
in spirit of you, and not you will garment them.
2.17. The laboring of them (:- r. ), He Is in speakings of You, and saying them, In what, the
laboring of us? In saying them All of doing evil [is] good in eyes He Is and in them, this, delighting,
or, where [is] Gods of the from judgment (:e::) [burden].

Chapter Three:

3.1. Looking of [Me], sending the messenger of [Me] (:s::) and opening her Way to face of [Me =
He-Saving^], and suddenly, He will come (He-Saving^) to temple of Him, the Lord whom you from
seeking them and Messenger of creating the son of her (- : s:) whom (He-Saving^) you, the
opening ones looking [at] coming saying He Is of Hosts (-s:s ).
3.2. And who from daughter (:::::) of day of coming Him (He-Saving^) and who [will be] the
standing (:r) in the seeing of her [daughter = new generation] [and] them for this, as fire from
refining and as soap from washing them.
3.3. And dwelling from refining and from purifying silver and purifying of son of Gift (Levi) and
refining of them as gold and as silver and being them to He Is () from clod of (:.:) in
righteousness of her.

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob

3.4. And ever in her to He Is from habitation of her (- : :), He The [One] Offering^^ and He is
Prince of Peace* as day of long ones and as year of them east (:) of me (:) of you (-) (- : :)
[meaning, as year of dawns, or, time past.]
3.5. And nearing of Me to you to judgment (AD 77) and lives of Him () Testifier from hasty (::)
in [judgment] from sorcerers (:e:: : :) and in [judgment] from adulterers (: es: : : ) and in
[judgment] [of] he will be full of them to falsehood and from [judging] oppressing hire of wage [earner],
widow, and fatherless, and from turning aside (:: ::) of stranger and not you fear me, saying He Is
Hosts (-s:s ).
3.6. For, I (:s), He Is not year of Me (-:: sleeping of Me), and with them son of He [catching]
Heel+ not vessel of them.
3.7. To [time] from days of [you], father of her of you (:: - :s) turning them from decree of [Me],
and not keeping of them. Returning them to [fold] of [Me] and I will return to you, saying, He Is of
Hosts; (-s:s ) and saying of them, In how we will return?
3.8. Man, The He will rob Gods (::s), for you robbers of Me, and saying them, In how robbing us
You? The tithe and the offering (:-).
3.9. In [judgment] from cursing you, He will curse [deeds] of them (: s :) and with Me, you robbers
of the nation, all of them.
3.10. The bringing them of all of the tithe into house of the treasure, and he will be prey in house of Me,
and proving of Me now! in this, saying He Is of Hosts (-s:s ), if I not snare to you of window
of the heavens and the spitting of Me to you, blessing her (nation) until not enough.
3.11. And rebuking of Me to you in eating, and he will not destroy to you of fruit of the Syria, and she
will not cast [fruit] of you, the vine in field, saying He Is of Hosts.
3.12. And blessing them with you all of the nations, for you will be them, you Earth of delight (New
Jerusalem = New He is Prince of Peace**), saying He Is of Hosts.
3.13. Strenghtening them against Me, speakings of you, saying He Is; and saying them, What we
speaking us against You?
3.14. Saying them, Vain serving Gods (::s), and What gain, for keeping us from keeping them
[words of Gods] and for going us mourning me her [to] face of He Is of Hosts.

K) WHAMMY #2 Monotheism (see: vs. 2.10 for #1)

First God condemned Israel for, saying, Not one God (:s) creating us? (Malachi 2.10).
Note: This is God quoting, and condemning Jews [and not, the real name of Gods (::s Genesis 1.1
Second God condemned Israel for saying, You said, Vain serving Gods (::s).
Note: The Jews knew the name of, Gods but they slandered this name.


3.15. And sighing her, morning us from that of them, arrogant ones, also prophesying them doing of evil
also trying them Gods (::s), and He ruling them.
3.16. Then, they speaking, fearing of He Is man with evil of them, and He Is, He was hearing, and he
was written scroll of remembrance to face of Him to fearing of He Is and to esteeming of name of him.
3.17. And being [ ] them ( ) to [Me], saying He Is of Hosts to day that I (:s) doing
peculiar [people], and the sparing of Me against [rebellion] of them as that he will spare, a man, to son of
him, the [one] serving with him.
3.18. And restoring them, and seeing them, between rightous to wicked, between serving Gods (::s)
to that not serving Him.

4.1. For looking the day coming [AD 66-73, Jews were annihilated], burning, suffering. And being them
() all of arrogant ones, and all of [one] doing evil, stubble and to the fire with them (:: :-s :
:) the day the [one] coming, saying He Is of Hosts that he will not be left in them root and branch.

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob

4.2. And rising her (kingdom) to you fearing of name of [Me] Sun of Righteousness (He-Saving^) and
from healing in wings of her (kingdom) and going them, and growing them as calf of stall.
4.3. Treading them wicked ones for they will be ash under binding [of] (-e:) foot of you in day that I
(:s) doing, saying He Is of Hosts.
4.4. Remembering them Law of Moses servant of [Me] that commandment of Me with him in Horeb
against all of He is Prince of God* statute of them and from judgment of them.
4.5. Looking as I (::s) sending to you with Elijah the prophet to face of [you] coming the great day of
He Is and the we fearing (s: s :).
4.6. And the returning heart of father of them, and heart of son of them to father of them, that I will come
and the striking of Me (- : ) for of Me (- :) destroying of the earth (: s -s -:).
LXX: 2.10; cu,i :c, :i, :-:i: uaa, = Not one God from whom of us.
Malachi 3.14; |ira:: aa:aic, c cu:ua :a = You said, Worthless the serving of [us] to God.
*** Here is the root of the problem! The Hebrew word is [plural] Gods (::s).

Basics of Biblical Hebrew Grammar, 2001, Gary D. Pratico, Miles V. Van Pelt, described the Hebrew
suffix, : to be translated, Plural, Masculine case, page 29. They gave these exanples: :::
:: :: :: = seas, children, speakings, kings.
And there are many other examples of the suffix (MY-) being translated, masuline, plural Two that
jump to mind are: Egypts and Heavens :s: :::. Egypts are always plural because Upper
and Lower Egypts were one kingdom. Heavens are always plural because of, Night & Day and
because of Seven Stratospheres. Now see how they translated, Plural Gods (::s) after
translating, Single God for :s. Strongs #430: God, god, the high God El (317*), page 214.
NOTE *: 317 is an error, and should read, 410.



History of Blaspheny of the Word

We will now give a brief history of the blasphemy against the name of [plural] Gods from my personal

Hebrew, Genesis 1.1 [Hebrew reads riight-to-left; Greek reads left-to-right.]
s -s ::: -s ::s s: -: s:= creating, laying [foundation], creating Gods of the
heavens and of the earth.
NOTE: No words, In the. The sentence begins with, creating.

LXX: |N ar,p :rcip: c :c, :c cuoac -ai :p ,p = In [the] beginning, He had made the
Theos, the heaven and the earth.

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob

ERRORS: 1) No word, in, 2) No word, the [even the Greek Septuagint did not contain the word,
the. This translation is from a parallel Greek-English Septuagint], 3) No word, made (it is,
creating in the Hebrew [s:]), 4) Laying omitted. 5) No second word, creating, 6) Gods is
plural in the Hebrew (::s), 7) of (-s) was omitted, 8) Heavens is always plural in Hebrew
(:::), 9) of the was mistranslated, the [only], 10) of the ( -s) was translated :p, reading,
the only.
Summary: Of eleven Hebrew words, and ten Greek words the Jews got only three words right ton
(the) and thn (the) and ghn earth).

HISTORY: Matthew Henry, 1706, and Robert Brown, 1848, in their commentaries on Genesis, both
translated, ::s as [plural] Gods. However, they had not completely purged the Mark of the
Beast from their Foreheads (Minds), and so, they had defined plural Gods as the, Trinity.

This was the beginning, in writing, about 250 BC, of Jews [and all other churches] corporate war against,
the names of the Two Hebrew Gods.

Hebrew: Genesis 2.4; ::: s: ::s :r :: = in day doing He Is Gods* in
earth and heavens.
NOTE *: Recorded 967 times.

LXX: Genesis 2.4: Kuoic, c :c, = Lord the God, translated, the Lord God.
From: The Septuagint with Apocrypha: Greek and English, 1998, Sir Lancelt C.L. Brenton,
Hendrickson; and:
The Parallel Bible Hebrew-English Old Testament with the Biblia Hebraica Leingradensia and the King
James Version, 2003, edited by Aaron Dotan Hendrickson Publishers, Inc.

Now we will compare the English alleged Bible Translations in my personal library.

1) Selections From English Wycliffe Writings [in 1380s], 1978, Ioon Wiclef (John Wyciffe, p.
Isaiah 53.1; and pe arm of pe Lord [ = He Is] Hooli Goost
John 10: .. and fynde Iesewis ^Iesu Crist, page 55.
2) Tyndales New Testament, 1526, Matthew 1.1; CYSIS [this] is the bo [picture of scribe] ke off
the generacion off ^Ihejus chrift Note: Interior letter S in Old English was similar to our
letter f today. Also flowery letter I with wings is identified when translated as personal
pronoun, I.
3) Matthews Bible, 1537, Genesis 1,1: In the beginnyg God created heaven and erth.
Genesis 2.4. in the tyme whe Lord God created
Matthew 1.1: This is the boke of the generation of Iefus Chrift [Should read: Anointed, ^He-Saving.]

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob

4) Geneva Bible, 1599; Genesis 1.1; In the beginning God created
Genesis 2.4: that the Lord God made
Matthew 1.1: This a booke of the generation of ^Iefus Chrift

5) Authorized Version, 1611; Genesis 1.1; In the beginning God created
Genesis 2.4: in the day that the LORD God made
Matthew 1.1: The booke of the generation of ^Iesus Christ .

6) Douay/Rheims Bible, 1609 and 1582; Genesis 1.1; In the beginning God created
Genesis 2.4: in the day that the Lord God made
Matthew 1.1: The book of the generation of ***^Jesus Christ [printed in 1971].
Note ***: The Roman Catholic Bishop of London, in AD 1738, invented: 1) The letter J, and: 2) The
name, Jesus. Neither the Greek nor the Hebrew alphabets contain the letter, J. 3) Bishop Richard
Challoner went on to change all names beginning with the letter, I [in the Greek] to begin with the
letter, J. 4) Not content with this massive corruption of the word of God, he then went on to change all
Hebrew names beginning with the letter, Y to begin with the letter, J. And this was the fulfillment of
the prophecy against the, Beast (Papacy).
Revelation 13.6: And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against the God, to blaspheme the name of
Him (Anointed, ^He-Saving) and the dwelling of Him (New **Jerusalem on earth), the [ones] dwelling in
the heaven (Rapture AD 77).

7) Robert Youngs Concordance, 1862; 4. God, gods, objects of worship, ::s, elohim Gen.
1.1 Gen 2.4
Matthew 1.1: ^JESUS CHRIST, lpcu, Xoi:c,.

8) Youngs Literal Translation of the Holy Bible, 1862; Genesis 1.1; In the beginning of Gods
preparing the heaven, the heavens and the earth
Genesis 2.4: in the day of Jehovah Gods making
Matthew 1.1: A ROLL of the birth of ^Jesus Christ

9) The Living Oracles, 1826, Alexander Campbell; Matthew 1.1; History of ^Jesus Christ

10) Revised Version, 1881, contained in, The Peoples New Testament, 1891, B.W. Johnson.
Matthew 1.1: The book of the generation of ^Jesus Christ .

11) The Worrell New Testament, 1904, A.S. Worrell; Matthew 1.1; A book of the lineage of ^Jesus
Christ .

12) Revised Standard Version, 1946, Genesis 1.1; In the beginning God created .
Genesis 2.4: in the day that the Lord God made
Matthew 1.1: The book of the genealogy of ^Jesus Christ .

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob

13) Amplified Version, 1964, Genesis 1.1; In the beginning God (prepared, formed, fashioned)
Genesis 2.4: . In the day the Lord God made
Matthew 1.1: The BOOK of the ancestry (genealogy) of ^Jesus Christ .

14) NAS, 1971, Genesis 1.1; In the beginning God created
Genesis 2.4: in the day the Lord God made
Matthew 1.1: THE BOOK of the genealogy of ^Jesus Christ

15) NIV, 1978: Genesis 1.1; In the beginning God created .
Genesis 2.4: when the Lord God made
Matthew 1.1: A RECORD of the genealogy of ^Jesus Christ .

16) Holy Bible from the ancient Eastern Text, 1933, George M. Lamsa Genesis 1.1; God created the
Genesis 2.4: in the day that the Lord God made
Matthew 1.1: The book of the genealogy of ^Jesus Christ

17) The New Testament of the, **Jerusalem Bible, 1969; Matthew 1.1; A geneology of ^Jesus Christ

18) The Way, 1973, Genesis 1.1; When God began creating
Genesis 2.4: in the creation which the Lord God made
Matthew 1.1: THESE ARE THE ancestors of ^Jesus Christ
NOTE: This paraphrase is just as close to being, A literal translation, as are any of the other entries.

19) The New Testament, Recovery Version, 1991, Living stream Ministry, Witness Lee; Genesis
1.1; OUTLINE A. called Christ B. named ^Jesus

20) Good News for Modern Man, Matthew 1.1: This is the family record of ^Jesus Christ

21) The Interlinear NIV Hebrew-English Old Testament, 1979, John R. Kohlenberger III; Genesis
1.1; In beginning, He created, God NOTE: [:s ::s] = single God (LA) and plural God
(MYHLA). The Jews, and all these other fake lexicographers and fake Bible translators had
translated ::s to read, plural [pagan] gods 220 times. Besides that they had accepted
Anointed, ^He-Saving in His transation of, Jewish gods; Psalm 82.6: :-s ::s -:s
:s I, saying of Me, gods you. Also, cu- ::i ,:,oaaa:c : :a caa uaa |,a :ira
:ci ::: = Is it not written in the law of you, I said, You are gods? John 10.34.

WISDOM: You cannot trust a man who CONTRADICTS the translation [meaning, MYHLA Plural
Gods] by the, Savior of the World.

This is a Whammy against monotheism! All of these quotes are Whammies against monotheism.

22) The NKJV Greek English Interlinear New Testament, 1994, Thomas Nelson, Inc.; Arthur L.
Farstad [& otherts] Matthew 1.1; l:cu Xoi:cu = of ^Jesus Christ.
23.The Interlinear Bible/Greek English, 1994: Interlinear Bible Society, Jay P. Green, Sr., Matthew
1.1; lpcu Xoi:cu = ^Jesus Christ.

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob

23) [James] Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, 1895; Hebrew word #430: ::s
elohym; plur. of 433; gods in the ordinary sense [meaning, pagan gods]; but spec. used (in the
plural thus, esp. with the art.) of the supreme god, occasionally applies by way of deference to
magistrates; and sometimes as a superlative x (very) great, judges x mighty.
NOTE: Whew! If that does not confuse the meaning of the word, then, nothing will. The Jews were
more forthright, writing, When we come to the name of god, THEN WE CHANGE IT to adonai Paul
Biven, Mr. Strong listed plural Gods - #430 (::s) to be, single God -
#410 (:s) 2,492 times.
All of our Hebrew writers quoted, have supported this lie!

Everybody is out to get you!
This is the message of God through the apostle, Paul:

*For the struggle in me (pai) is not against blood and flesh, but against the dominion
(principalties KJV), against the powers, against the world rulers of the darkness of this age,
against the spiritual [forces] of the evil in the [ones] in holy heavens (: :ci, :r cuoa ici,) [=
in the [ones] in heavens (EP [AG]IOIS OURAN[OIS).

TRANSLATION RULE: Compound words (Holy heavens) consistently lose letters that should
be written (AG and OIS) in the lexical forms of the words, in both the Hebrew and the Greek.
The reader, or the translator goes on a treasure hunt in a lexicon searching for the missing letters,
producing, a,ici, cuoai,.

Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you
Matt 7.7.

This sounds simple but it has a challenging associated verse.

And if any of you lacks wisdom, he will ask from [wisdom] of the God giving to all generously
and not reproaching and it will be given to him. But he will ask in faith, nothing doubting, for
the [one] doubting is as a wave of sea being moved by wind and being blown. For that man not
to think he will receive anything from the Lord. Double-minded man, unstable in all the ways of
him James 1.5-7.

Now then, anyone unschooled in the miracles of God in raising up and casting down kingdoms
will not have this faith. You must know (meaning to believe) that God destroyed the world
(excepting 8 souls), and God plagued Egypts, and delivered Israel, and founded the house of
David to sit on the throne, and Babylon (through Gods control of their minds) carried off Judah
into 70 years of Captivity, and Cyrus, the Persian, overthrew Babylon, and Greece defeated
Persia, and Rome defeated Greece, and on and on till the End of Time. Besides all this, God
predicted all these events 100 years before they happened. [I was predestined to be taught
these historical facts before the Gog and the Magog (Ecumenical Movement) banned the
Bible message, in 1959. So then, I was taught, Satan loosed a little when I was 10 years old.
And, I saw it happen in 1959. And this is how faith is developed by, predestination
meaning, You gotta be in the right place at the right time!

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob

In my many years of Bible translatioin, I have experienced many answers to prayer; because
there are a host of illegal words in your alleged Bible translations (such as, denying the names
of the Gods). So then, I began translating Ephesians 6.12 last night. I completed all but the last
compound word. Last night I asked God to lead me to the correct translation tomorrow.
This morning I was asking continuously during three hours of research. This was a Miracle
of God that He led me to these words, EP [AG] IOIS OURAN[IS] when all I had to go one
was, EP OURAN IOIS. This demonstrated the power of the Supernatural God in my mind.
[These communications with the Living God are scriptuiral and thrilling!]

*INTERPRETATION: 1) Dominion referred to the Pagan Roman Empire then. [Today it is the US
federal government. You cannot serve The Living God and the Government for she is founded on
murder.] 2) Powers referred to the kingdoms making up the Empire. [Today it is the 50 States.] 3)
The Word Rulers of Darkness were the pagan religions. [Today it is churches which are all outside
the kingdom of God.] 4) The Spiritual Forces of Evil in the holy heavens, refers to heretices in the
Body, such as Nikolaos and Alexander and Hymaneas and Philetas, and the Man of Sin (Ignatius), and
[Today, as then, The Devil comes to church with you. He is in your midst at every assembly.
God has His saviors in the Body.
For, also it is necessary factions (heresies KJV) to be among you in order that the approved (ones) may
become clear among you 1 Cor. 11.19.
However, the trend today is to send the approved ones packing, and to worship the heretics.]
The US federal and state and city governments are unconstitutional for they all break the First
Article of the Bill of Rights;

CONGRESS shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise
thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peacefully to
assemble [in buildings or at homes or universties but not in the public buildings or in the streets which
is insurrection; this is the opinion of this writer]; and to petition the Government for a redrerss of
grievances [by mail, or a limited number of ambassadors again, the opinion of this writer.]

A) The Federal Government demands the teaching of Evolution which is Atheism which is a sin. They
bar the private Universities from teaching, Bible religion. But they demand the teaching of Judaism
and Islam religion [even at the time of war with Islam]. They passed a law making, The Pope a
Head of state and assigned him a US Ambassador in 1982. They teach in our public schools,
Homosexuality is an alternate life style. And Homosexuality is a style of religion with political
action committees. They teach, in the public schools, Pluralism that all the pagan gods are equal
to the American God.
B) A college course in, Comparative Religion, in a State College, the professor presented pagan
religions without comment, but brought hard verses to ridicule, Christianity.
C) The press is not umabridged. They present every demons date of the end of the world, but refuse
to print rebuttals.

24) English Standard Version, 2008, Genesis 1.1: In the beginning God created
Genesis 2.4: in the day that Lord God made the earth
Matthew 1.1: The book of te genealogy of ^Jesus Christ ..

25) New Living Translation, 2008, Genesis 1.1; In the beginning
God created
Genesis 2.4: When the Lord God made
Matthew 1.1: This is a record of the ancestors of ^Jesus the Messiah* .
Note*: Wow! Of all the translations presented, this one is the worse on this verse. There is no,
Messiah in either the Old or New Testaments. Strongs Hebrew word #4899 :: = anointed 103
times, and Messiah* 2 times. [But then, there are no vowels in Hebrew, and so, this was a bastard word
of the Jews. It was translated into Greek as, M:ia, two times; but then, ,oi:c, was rendered,
Anointed 490 times.]

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob

We will expose the Ridiculous Lie of the Jews Once Again.

Hebrew: Genesis 1.1; s -s ::: -s ::s s: -: s: = Creating, staying [of]
creating, [plural] Gods of the heavens and of the earth.

LXX: |N ao,p :rcip: c :c, :c cuoac -ai :p ,p = In the beginning God made the
heaven and the earth.

ERRORS: 1) No word, in. 2) Even in their Greek, there is no word, the. 3) creating, staying
creating (ARB TYS ARB), they left out two words. 4) :c, :ci = the number of their [single]
God does not match the number of the Hebrew, Gods [plural]. 5) Their translation omitted,
of (TA), 6) Their singular, heaven does not match the Hebrew [plural], heavens, 7) and
of omitted before, earth.
That is about as bad as anyone else can do. But now we will compare the New Living

Hebrew: Genesis 1.1; s -s ::: -s ::s s: -: s: = Creating, staying [of]
creating, [plural] Gods of the heavens and of the earth.

New Living Translation, 2008, Genesis 1.1; In the beginning God created
ERRORS: All but three words are wrong, the, earth, the! 1) No, in, 2) No, the. 3) No,
beginning, 4) No single, God, 5) Creating is a particple, and not a verb. Genesis 1.21, s: =
And (W) He (Y) created (ARB).
None of the alleged lexicographers and alleged Bible translators that I have read know,
What constitutes a participle? God loves participles, but church men hate participles. [This, by itself,
promotes much darkness.]


Saying fool in heart of him, There are no [plural] Gods (::s), the corrupting them, and the
abomination of them [to] ever, there is no [one] doing good: - Psalm 53.1.

CONCLUSION: This message in Chapter Two (one God) was all condemnation against He The
[One] Praising^^ and He is Prince of God.* Sun of Righteousess, (Anointed ^He-Saving), had only
plural Gods (#430) in verses 2.16, 2.17, 3.8, 3.14, 3.15, 3,18. Single God was recorded 395 times,
plural Gods was recorded 2,492 times. This verse about, one Father and one God (2.10), seems to
be a list of sins against He is Prince of God* and He The [One] Praising^^. They had changed, He Is
brother of you (s ) to read: Kuoic, c :c, paa Kuoic, :i, ::i (Lord the God of us,
Lord is one.)
The Jews changed the Hebrew to read: (by overwriting the final letter) to read: s (He
Is one) changed from: s [He Is brother ([CH] A) of you (K)].

A & B) And if [it is] evil in eyes of you to serve [words] of He Is ( -s), choosing them to
you the day (this) of whom you will serve them, if of Gods (::s) that serving of them, that father
of Me (-)* [of] you (:: - :s) that beyond the river (Euphrates) and if gods (:s) of the
Amorite that you dwelling of them in earths, and as I and house of [me] we will serve of [house] [of]
He Is () Joshua 24.14.

Here we have multiple gods and Gods (Two = Father and Son) served; and multiple fathers (men &
the Supernatural plural Gods (::s 2,492 times.)
NOTE: The Internal Prepositional Phrase (YT; referring to Gods directing the fate of men) is universally
ignored by the alleged lexicographers and the alleged Bible translators. So then, creating of people
of her* of father of Me (YT) of us (:-:s) is universally corrupted to read, [No God (of Me - YT)]
He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem He-Saving = ^Iesous
He The [One] Praising = ^^ Judah He [catching] Heel = +Jacob



1. Substitute ^"Iesous" (lpcu,) for "Jesus."
2. Substitute "Anointed" (Xoi:c,) for "Christ."
3. Substitute "From-calling" (:- -pia) for "church."
4. Substitute "teacher of law" (cacia-ac,) for "doctor" (Acts 5.34; KJV).
5. Substitute "dip" (3ar:i,a) for "baptize."
6. The Spirit (pneuma) is neuter gender, therefore, substitute "Itself" (au:c) for "Himself" (Rom 8.26; and
7. Substitute "Spirit" (r:uaa) for "wind" wherever "pneuma" is found (Jn 3.8; and others).
8. Substitute "breathes" (r:i) for "blows" (Jn 3.8).
9. Substitute "into the age" (:i, :cu, aiaa,; Rev 5.13) and "into the ages for "forever."
10. Substitute "into the ages of the ages" (:i, :cu aiaa, :a aiaa) for "forever and ever."
NOTE: You cannot understand the Bible chronology without applying Rules #9 and #10.
11. Substitute "breath" (rcp,) for "wind" (Acts 2.2).
NOTE: "The Spirit breathes" describes a spiritual operation; while "the wind blows" has no meaning.
12. Consult analytical Greek lexicons.
13. Study Greek grammar books.
14. Study Conservative Bible Translations.
15. Precede Bible study with the prayer for wisdom and understanding and knowledge.
16. Be constantly editing your false beliefs from the past, but now made known to you. If you have
compiled much writing, this is a tedious and continuing chore. But the results are bliss!
17. If you are not discovering "false beliefs" -- something is wrong! You need to stop writing, and begin
earnest prayer.

#Gods = MYHLA He-Saving = ^Iesous He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem


1.18. But the birth of the ^Iesous Anointed (lpcuu Xoi:cu) was [like this]; for of the (:p,)
being betrothed to the Joseph (lap]), Mary (Maoia,), mother of Him before 'the to have them come
together (p u:-:i au:cu, [sexual intercourse], she was met in womb (:uo:p : ,a:oi), being
(:,cua) from [person] of Holy Spirit (u:uaa:c, a,icu).
1.19. But Joseph, the husband of her, being righteous, and not being willing to make of her an example
[have her stoned for adultery], he was willing to put her away secretly.
1.20. But thinking about these [things] of him, look a messenger of Lord (a,,:c, Kuoicu) down from a
dream appeared to him, saying, Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take along Mary the wife of you
for the [One] in her being begotten (,:p:) from Holy Spirit.
1.21. And she will bear a Son, and you will call the name of Him, ^Iesous (lpcu), for He will save the
people of Him from [guilt] of the sins of them.
1.22. And this whole [thing] has happened so that the [thing] might be fulfilled spoken under [power] of
the Lord through the prophet, saying,
1.23. Look, the virgin in womb will have son [of Isaiah], and will bear; and they shall call the name of
him, Immanuel (|aaacup); the [thing] is being translated, ^The God with us (M: paa 0 :c,).
NOTE: Isaiah married a virgin, and had a son named by the God. Joseph did not know Mary,
and she had the Lord ^Iesous, conceived from Holy Spirit, who was, The God with us.
1.24. And the Joseph being raised from [deadness] of the sleep did as the messenger of Lord ordered to
him, and he took along the wife of him,
1.25. and did not know her till in what place she bore the Son of her, the firstborn. And he called the
name of Him, ^Iesous (Greek translation of, Joshua; r: = He (Y) The (H) [One] Saving (S*W;
SY* Interior Yod [Y] written, Waw (*W).


#Gods = MYHLA He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem
r: (He The [One] Saving) = Au:c, c `a:poia (He The [One] Saving = ^lpcu, (Iesous) = He-

2.1. And [news] of the ^Iesous (:cu lpcu), having been born in Bethlehem of the Judea, in the days of
Herod (loacu) the king; look, wise men (aa,ci) from east arrived into **Jerusalem,
2.2. saying, Where is the [One] having been born King of the Jews? (Bai:u, :a lcuaia). For we
saw the star of Him in the east, and we came to worship to Him.
2.3. And Herod, the king, hearing; he was troubled and all **Jerusalem with him.
2.4. And having gathered together all the chief priests and scribes of the people, he inquired from them
where the ^Anointed (0 Xoi:c,) might have been born (,:a:ai).
2.5. And the [ones] said to him, In Bethlehem of Judea, for so it is written through [words] of the
2.6. And you, Bethlehem, land of Judah, you are by no means least in the governors of Judea; for out of
you will come forth governing One, who will ^Shepherd (0:i, rciaa:i) the people of Me, the
2.7. Then Herod secretly having called the wise men inquired from [knowledge] of them the time of the
appearing of star.
2.8. And sending them into Bethlehem, he said, Going, search diligently concerning [birth] of the ^Child
(:cu uaiicu), and as soon as you find [Him], you bring back word again to me, so that I also coming
[am able] to worship Him.
2.9. And the [ones] having heard the king, they departed, and look, the star which they saw in the east
went before them till coming, it stood over where the ^Child (uaiic) was.
2.10. And, seeing the star, they rejoiced [with] exceeding great joy.
211. And having come into the house, they saw the ^Child (uaiic) with Mary, the mother of Him, and
falling down they worshipped Him, and opening to Him gifts, gold and frankincense and myrrh.
2.12. And being warned of God (,opaa:i:::,) by a dream not to return to Herod, they departed
through another way into the country of them.
2.13. And departing them, look, a messenger of Lord (a,,:c, Kuoicu) appears in a dream to the
Joseph, saying, Take along the ^Child (:c uaiic) and the mother of him, and flee into Egypt, and be
there until ever I tell you, for [purpose] of the Herod (:cu loap,) is about to seek the ^Child (uaiic)
and the mother of Him, destroying it (au:c).
COMPARE: Rev 12.2-5; which is the same story in different words.
2.14. And the [one = Joseph] took along the ^Child (uaiic) and the mother of Him of [the] night and
departed into Egypt.
2.15. And [he] was there until [time] of the death of the Herod, so that the [thing]] spoken under
[authority] of the Lord (:cu Kuoicu) through saying of the prophet might be fulfilled: Out of Egypt I
called the ^Son of Me (:c Yic acu).
2.16. Then, Herod, seeing that he was deceived under [disobedience] of the wise men, became
exceedingly angry, and sending, he killed the sons in the Bethlehem, in all the territories of her from two
years old and under, according to the time which he determined from the wise men.
NOTE: In matters of this much importance there is always a Safety Factor of five or more.
Preachers have taught that this meant ^Iesous was born two years earlier. This is illogical. Five months
earlier would be more practical.
2.17. Then the [thing] spoken under [authority] of the (:cu) prophet of Jeremiah (l:o:aicu) was fulfilled,
2.18. A voice was heard in Ramah, lamentation and weeping and much mourning; Rachel weeping [for]
the children of her. And she did not desire to be comforted, for they are not.
2.19. And life having ended of the Herod, look, a messenger of Lord appears by a dream to the Joseph in
2.20. saying, Rising, take along the ^Child (uaiic) and the mother of Him, and journey into [the]
Earth, *Israel, for the [ones] seeking the life of the ^Child have died.

#Gods = MYHLA He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem
r: (He The [One] Saving) = Au:c, c `a:poia (He The [One] Saving = ^lpcu, = He-Saving

2.21. And the [one] having been raised took along the ^Child and the mother of Him, and came into
[place] of Earth, *Israel.
2.22. But hearing that Archelaus is reigning over [region] of the Judea instead of Herod the father of him,
he was afraid to go there, being warned of God (,opaa:i:i,, and by a dream; he departed into the
region of the Galilee.
2.23. And coming, he settled into the city being called, Nazareth, so that the [thing] spoken through
[words] of the prophets might be fulfilled, that, He will be called. A Nazarene (Naoaic,).
NOTE: The "Nazarite vow" was to shave your head and Separate yourself from wine and other
things for seven days. See: Acts 21.26, Num 6.18, Isa 9.6 ("Wonderful" = "Separate.")


3.1. And in those days, the John of the Dipping (Bar:i:p, the (Ths) dipping (baptis[ma])]; came
publishing in the wilderness of the Judea,
3.2. and saying, Reform, for the kingdom of the heavens has drawn near.
3.3. For this is the [one] spoken under Isaiah the prophet, saying, A voice of crying in the wilderness,
Prepare the way of Lord (:p cc Kuoicu), make straight the paths of Him.
3.4. But the John, himself, had the clothing of him from hairs of camel, and a leather belt around the waist
of him, and the food of him was locusts and wild honey.
3.5. Then they were departing themselves toward him, **Jerusalem and all the Judea and all the
surrounding region of the Jordan,
3.6. and they were being dipped (:3ar:i,c:c) in the Jordan (: :a lcoap) under [authority] of him,
confessing the sins of them.
3.7. And, seeing many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming on the dipping of him, he said to them,
Offspring of vipers! Who showed you to have fled from the coming wrath?
3.8. Therefore produce fruit worthy of the reformation,
3.9. and do not think to say in yourselves, We have the Abraham [as] father. For I say to you that the
God (0 :c,) is able from these stones [hard hearts] to raise up children to the Abraham.
3.10. And even now the ax is being laid toward the root of the Trees [Kingdoms = 12 Tribes]. Therefore
all Tree not producing good fruit is cut down and is cast into fire.
3.11. Indeed, I dip you in water into reformation; but the [One] coming after [time] of me (acu) is
stronger [than strength] of me (acu), whose the sandals I am not worthy to carry. He [^Iesous] will dip
you (Au:c, uaa 3ar:i:i) in Holy Spirit (u:uaa:i A,ia).
3.12. where the winnowing shovel is in the hand of ^Him, and He will thoroughly clean out the threshing
floor of ^Him, and He will gather the wheat of ^Him (:c i:c au:cu) into the barn, and the chaff He
will burn up [with] unquenchable fire.
3.13. Then the ^Iesous (c lpcu,) came from [place] of the (:p,) Galilee upon the Jordan toward the John
(roc, c llaap) [for] of the dipping (:cu 3ar:ipai) under [authority] of him (au:cu).
3.14. But the John would prevent Him, saying, I have need to be dipped under ^You, and You are
coming toward me?
3.15. But the ^Iesous (c lpcu,) answering said to him, Permit [it] now, for thus it is fitting for us to
fulfill all righteousness. Then he permitted Him.
3.16. And having been dipped, the ^Iesous (0 lpcu,) came immediately from [burial] of the water (:cu
ua:c,); and look, the heavens were opened to Him, and he (John) saw the Spirit of the God (:c u:uaa
:cu :cu) descending like a dove and coming upon ^Him.
3.17. And look, a voice [came] from [place] of the (:a) heavens, saying, This is the ^Son of Me (0u:c,
::i 0 Yic, acu), The [One] of extreme loving (0 a,arp:c,) in whom I thought good (i a

#Gods = MYHLA He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem
r: (He The [One] Saving) = Au:c, c `a:poia (He The [One] Saving = ^lpcu, (Iesous) = He-


4.1. Then the ^Iesous (c lpcu,) was led up into the mountain under [authority] of the Spirit (urc :c
u:uaa:c,) to be tempted of the Devil (:cu ia3ccu).
4.2. And having fasted forty (40) days and forty (40) nights; afterwards He was hungry.
4.3. And approaching Him, the [one] tempting said, If You are ^Son of the God (Yic, :cu :cu), say
that these stones may become loaves of bread.
4.4. But the [One] answering said, It is written, man, he will not live on bread alone, but on all saying
coming out through mouth of God (:caa:c, :cu).
4.5. Then the Devil (c ia3cc,) takes Him along into the Holy City [**Jerusalem], and sets Him upon
the extremity [pinnacle] of the temple (:cu i:ocu),
4.6. and says to Him, If You are ^Son of the God (Yic, :cu :cu), throw Yourself down, for it is
written that, He will give orders concerning You to the messengers of Him, and on hands they will lift
You up, lest You strike the foot of You against a stone.
4.7. The ^Iesous (c lpcu,) said to him, Again, it is written, You will not tempt Lord, the God of you
(Kuoic :c :c cu).
4.8. The Devil again taking Him along into a very high mountain, and shows Him all the kingdoms of the
World [*Israel in Roman Empire], and the glory of them.
4.9. And he says to Him, All these [things] I will give to You, if, falling down, You will worship me.
4.10. Then, the ^Iesous (c lpcu,) says to him, Go away behind Me Satan (`a:aa), for it is written,
Lord, the God of you (Kuoic :a :c cu), you will worship; and to Him alone you shall serve.
4.11. Then the Devil leaves Him, and look, messengers approached and were serving to Him.
4.12. Now, the ^Iesous (c lpcu,) hearing that John was given over, He departed into the Galilee.
4.13. And leaving behind the Nazareth, He settled down, coming into the Capernaum alongside the sea, in
regions Zebulun and Napthali,
4.14. so that, the [thing] spoken through Isaiah [words] of the (:cu) prophet might be fulfilled, saying,
4.15. Earth (lp) of Zebulun and earth of Napthali, way of sea, beyond Galilee of the Gentiles, of the
4.16. the people the [one] (0) sitting in darkness (-apa:c : -c::i) they saw a great ^Light (|i:
1a, a:,a), and to the [ones] (:ci,) sitting in country (,aoa), and shadow of death, ^Light sprang up
(1a, a:::i: au:ci,) on them.
4.17. From there the ^Iesous (c lpcu,) began publishing (po,a:c -pou:i), and to say, Reform, for
the kingdom of the heavens has drawn near (p,,i-: ).
4.18. And He saw two brothers walking alongside the sea of the Galilee, Simon (`iaaa), the [one]
being called, Rock (u::oc), and Andrew (Ao:a) the brother of him, casting a circular net into the
sea, for they were fishermen.
4.19. And ^He says to then, Come after [way] of Me (acu), and I will make you fishers of men.
4.20. And the [ones] immediately, leaving the nets followed Him.
4.21. And having gone from there, He saw two other brothers, James (la-a3c) the [son] of the Zebedee
(:cu Z:3:aic), and John (laap) the brother of him, in the boat with Zebedee the father of them.
4.22. And the [ones] immediately leaving the boat, and the father of them, followed Him.
4.23. And the ^Iesous (c lpcu,) went about the whole Galilee teaching in the synagogues of them, and
publishing the good message of the kingdom, and healing all disease and all sickness in the people.
4.24. And the report of ^Him went forth into the whole Syria. And they brought to Him the [ones] having
grievous various diseases and suffering torments, and being possessed of devils (iaaci,ca:cu,), and
being moon-smitten (aiaci,ca:cu,) [lunatics[, and palsy. And ^He healed them.
4.25. And large crowds followed ^Him from [area] of the (:p,) Galilee and of Decapolis and of
**Jerusalem and Jordan beyond [plain] of the Jordan.

r: (He The [One] Saving) = Au:c, c `a:poia (He The [One] Saving = ^lpcu, = He-Saving


5.1. And seeing the crowds, ^He went up into the mountain, and sitting down Him (au:c), the students
of Him approached ^Him.
5.2. And opening the mouth of ^Him, ^He was teaching them, saying,
5.3. Blessed the [ones] poor in the (:a) spirit, for the kingdom of the heavens is of them.
5.4. Blessed the (ones) mourning, for they will be comforted.
5.5. Blessed the (ones) meek, for they will inherit name (0:i -po cca[a] pui) the Earth (:c ,p)
(New **Jerusalem).
NOTE: I have never seen an alleged Bible translation with the word, name.
5.6. Blessed the (ones) hungering and thirsting for the righteousness, for they will be filled [with the
5.7. Blessed the (ones) merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.
5.8. Blessed the (ones) pure in the heart, for they will see the God (:c :c cc:ai).
5.9. Blessed the (ones) peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God (uici :cu).
NOTE: The Jews chose war instead and were annihilated.
5.10. Blessed the (ones) having been persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for of them (c:i au:a) is
the kingdom of the heavens (::i :a cuoaa).
5.11. Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and they say all evil word (opaa) against you,
lying because of Me (::-: :acu).
5.12. Rejoice and exult, for the reward of you (c:i c aic rcu,) is great in the heavens; for so they
persecuted the prophets, the (ones) before you.
5.13. You are the Salt (:c aa,) of the Earth (*Israel); but if the Salt loses its flavor (aaoap), in what
will it be salted? For it is good for nothing (cu: i,u:i) anymore, if not to be thrown out and trampled
under [feet] of the men.
5.14. You (believers in He-Saving) are the Light of the world (]a, :cu -cacu). A city that is set on a
hill (cocu, -:ia:p) is not able to be hidden.
5.15. Nor do they light a Lamp and put it under the basket (urc :c acic), but on the Lampstand (:p
u,c), and it shines all the (things) in the House (Congregation).
5.16. So, shine the light of you before [presence] of the men, so that they may see the good works of you,
and they may glorify the Father of you (:c ua::oa uaa), The (One) in the Heavens (Governments)
5.17. Do not think that I come to destroy the law (:c Ncac) or the prophets. I came not to destroy but
fulfill (rpoaai).
5.18. For truly, I say to you, until ever (av) the Heaven and the Earth (*Israel) should pass away
(rao:p) (AD 77), one iota (letter I) or one tittle (apex) no, will not pass from [body] of the (:cu) law
until ever (an) all it should come itself (,:p:ai).
5.19. Whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches men so, will be
called least (:a,i:c) in the kingdom of the heavens; but whoever does and teaches [them] (ia,p),
this (one) will be called great in the kingdom of the heavens.
5.20. For I say to you (*Israel), if the righteousness of you is not in abundance more [than] of the scribes
and Pharisees, no, you will not enter into the kingdom of the heavens.
5.21. You heard that it was said to the ancients, You shall not kill, and whoever kills will be subject to
the judgment (:p -oi:i).

#Gods = MYHLA He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem
r: (He The [One] Saving) = Au:c, c `a:poia (He The [One] Saving = ^lpcu, = He-Saving

5.22. But I say to you that all the (one) getting angry with the brother of him (:a a:]a au:cu) without
a cause will be subject to the judgment. And whoever says to his brother, Empty one! shall be in danger
of the council. But whoever says, You fool! shall be subject into the Valey of Hinnom (:i, :p l::a
:cu ruoc,) (Gehenna) of the fire.
5.23. Therefore if you offer the gift of you on the altar, and there you remember that the brother of you
has something against you,
5.24. leave there the gift of you before [presence] of the altar, and go, first be reconciled to the brother of
you, and then coming, offer the gift of you
5.25. Be friends to the adversary of you quickly, while of where ever you are in the road with him, lest
you hand over the adversary to the judge, the judge hand you over to the officer, and you be thrown into
5.26. Truly I say to you, no, you will not get out of there until ever (a) you pay the last kodran.
5.27. You heard that it was said, You shall not commit adultery.
5.28. But I say to you that all the (one) looking at a Woman (*Israel divorced from God Isaiah 50.1)
in order to the lusting of her already committed adultery of her in the heart of him..
5.29. But if the right eye of you causes you to sin, you pluck it out and cast [it] from you; for it is more
honorable [for] you that one of the members of you perish (of the Body), and not the whole body of you
(*Israel) be cast into Valley of Hinnom (Geenan).
NOTE: This story is about, "the left eye." The "right eye" was the "shepherds of *Israel," to be
destroyed. See: Zec 11.17. The "saved" were guided by the "left eye"; which was the apostles. See: First
John 1.1.

5.30. An d if the right hand of you cause you to sin, cut it off and throw [it] from you; for it is more
honorable for you in order that one of the members of you be lost, and not the whole body of you be
thrown into Valley of Ginnam (Geenan).
5.31. And it was said, For whoever divorces the wife of him, give her a certificate of divorce.
5.32. But I say to you that whoever divorces the wife of him except for any a matter of sexual immorality
he makes her to commit adultery; and whoever marries a woman who is divorced (*Israel) commits
5.33. Again you heard that it was said to the ancients, You shall not swear falsely, but you shall perform
the oaths of you to the Lord.
5.34. But, I say to you, not to swear at all; neither by the heaven, for it is the throne of the God,
5.35. nor by the earth, for it is [the] footstool of the feet of Him, nor by **Jerusalem, for it is [the] city of
the great king;
5.36. nor by the head of you will you swear, for you are not able to make one hair white or black..
5.37. But the word of you be, Yes, yes, (ai ai) [and] No, no (cu cu); but the more [than] these is
from [tempting] of the evil (:- :cu rcpocu).
5.38, You heard that it was said, An eye in place of an eye and a tooth in place of a tooth.
5.39. But I say to you not to resist the evil. But whoever will he will slap you on the right cheek of you,
turn the other to him also.
5.40. And to the (one) desiring in you to have a judgment, and take the tunic of you, send him the cloak
5.41. And whoever will compel you [to go] one mile , go with him two (uc).
5.42. Give to the (one) asking you, and the (one) desiring to borrow from you do not turn away.
5.43. You heard it was said, You shall Extremely Love (a,arp) the neighbor of you, and you shall hate
the enemy of you.
5.44. But I say to you, you will Extremely Love the enemy of you, bless the (ones) cursing you, do good
to the (ones) hating you, and pray under [oppression of] the (ones) mistreating you and persecuting you;
5.45. so that you may become sons of the Father of you in the Heavens; for He makes the sun of Him to
rise on evil and good, and He makes it rain on righteous and unrighteous.

#Gods = MYHLA He-Saving = He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem
r: (He The [One] Saving) = Au:c, c `a:poia (He The [One] Saving = ^lpcu, = He-Saving

5.46. For if you Extremely Love the (ones) Extremely Loving you, what reward have you? Do not even
the tax collectors do the same?
5.47. And if you greet the friends of you only, what more do you? Do not even the tax collectors so?
5.48. Therefore you be perfect (sinless), just as the Father of you in the heavens is perfect.


6.1. Take heed the loving giving of you, not to be doing before [presence] of the men, so as to have been
seen by them. But if [you do], not indeed you have not a reward from the Father of you The [One] in the
6.2. Therefore, when you do loving giving, do not sound a trumpet before you, just as the hypocrites do in
the synagogues and in the streets, so that they may be glorified under [the sight] of the men. Truly, I say
to you, they will receive in full the reward of them.
6.3. But you doing love giving, do not know the left [hand] of you what the right [hand] of you is doing,
6.4. so that the [one] of you, the love giving of you [will be] in the secret. And Father of you, The (One)
seeing in the secret will Himself reward you in the open.
6.5. And when you pray, do not be righteous like the hypocrites. For they love to pray standing in the
synagogues and in the corners of the streets, standing to pray, so that they will ever appear [to] the men.
Truly (Amen), I say to you, that they receive in full the reward of them.
6.6. But you, when you pray, enter into the room of you, and having shut the door of you, pray to the
Father of you, in The (One) seeing in the secret. And the Father of you, The (One) seeing in the secret
will reward you in the open.
6.7. But praying, do not babble just as the Gentiles. For they think that by the many words of them they
will be heard.
6.8. Therefore do not be like them. For the Father of you knows what [things] of the need of you before
you ask Him.
6.9. Therefore, pray you like this: The Father of us, The [One] in the Heavens (Governments), it was
made holy, the name of You!
6.10. The kingdom** of You (New **Jerusalem) had come! The will of You, I had done, as in (Third)
Heaven, and on [face] of the earth. NOTE *: Matthew 12.28, firstfruits kingdom; AD 29 or 30.
6.11. Give us the daily bread of us to us today.
6.12. And you send away the debts of us as also we send the debtors of us.
6.13. And do not bring us into (:i, ) one (:i,) temptation, but deliver us from [power] of the evil. For of
You is the **kingdom , and the power and the glory into the ages. Truly!
6.14. For if you forgive the men the trespasses of them, the heavenly Father of you will also forgive you.
6.15. But if you do not forgive the men the trespasses of them, neither will the Father of you forgive the
tresspasses of you.
6.16. But, when you might be fasting, do not become righteous like the hypocrites, sad. For they
disfigure the faces of them so that they will appear to the men fasting. Truly, I say to you, that they
receive in full the reward of them.
6.17. But when you fasting, anoint the head of you and wash the face of you,
6.18. so that you do not appear to the men fasting, but to the Father of you in the secret. And The (One),
seeing in the secret; will reward you.
6.19. Do not treasure up to you treasures on [face] of the earth, where moth and rust destroy and where
thieves dig through and steal;
6.20. but treasure in for you treasures in heaven where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves
do not dig through nor steal.
6.21. For where the treasure of you is, there will be also the heart of you.
6.22. The Lamp of the Body is the Eye. If therefore Eye of you is off riches, the whole Body of you
(From-calling) will be shining.

#Gods = MYHLA He-Saving = ^Iesous He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem
r: (He The [One] Saving) = Au:c, c `a:poia (He The [One] Saving = ^lpcu, = He-Saving

6.23. But if the Eye of you is evil, the whole Body of you (Judaism) will be Dark (Death). If therefore
the light, the [thing] in you, is darkness; great the darkness.
6.24. No one is able to serve two lords; for either he will hate the one and he will Extremely Love the
other, or he will be devoted to one, and he will despise the other. You are not able to serve in God and
6.25. Because of this, I say to you, do not worry [about] the life of you, what you will eat and what you
will drink, not [about] the body of you, what you will put on. Is not the life more [than] the food and the
body [more than need] of the clothing?
6.26. Look at the birds of the heaven, for they do not sow nor do they reap nor do they gather into barns,
and the heavenly Father of you feeds them. [Are] you not more, do [you not] differ from them?
6.27. But which of you worrying is able add on the stature of him one cubit?
6.28. And why do you worryabout clothes? Notice the lilies of the field, how they grow; they do not
labor nor do they spin.
6.29. But, I say to you, that not even Solomon in all the glory of him was clothed as one of these.
6.30. But if the grass of the field, today being, and tomorrow being thrown into [the] oven, the God
clothes like this, not much more [clothe] you; of little faith?
6.31. Therefore do not worry, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, What shall we
put on?
6.32. For after all these [things] the Gentiles seek. For the heavenly Father of you knows that you need
all of these [things].
6.33. But seek first the kingdom of the God and the Righteousness of Him, and all these [things] will be
added to you.
6.34. Therefore do not worry into the tomorrow, for the tomorrow will worry [about] the [things] of itself.
Sufficient in the day the badness of her (p -a-ia au:p,).


7.1. Do not judge (ap -oi:::), in order that you be not judged.
7.2. For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure you measure, it will be
measured to you.
7.3. And why do you see the speck (:c -ao]c,) the (one) in the eye of the brother of you, but you do not
consider beam (c-c) in eye of you?
7.4. Or, how will you say to the brother of you, Permit [that] I throw out the speck from [corner] of the
(:cu) eye of you; and look, the beam in the eye of you.
7.5. Hypocrite! First throw out (:-3a:) the beam from [center] of the (:cu) eye of you, and then you will
see clearly to throw out (:-3a:i ) the speck from [corner] of the (:cu) eye of the (:cu) brother of you
(a:]cu cu).
7.6. Do not give the holy (:c a,ic) [Holy City =New **Jerusalem] to the dogs (:ci -ui); nor throw
the pearls of you (:cu aao,ari:a, au:cu,) [12 Gates of the Holy Spirit] before [the path] of the hogs
(:a ,cioa), lest they trample them with the feet of them, and turning, tear you to pieces.
INTERPRETATION: The Lord ^Iesous Anointed was addressing the Israelites, who would be
the branches broken off (Rom 11.19) because they did not believe in ^Iesous; but after the war with Rome
(Heb 9.8), and after the Rapture in AD 77; they would be grafted in (Rom 11.23), and they would become
the "12 messengers at the 12 Gates of the Holy City; New **Jerusalem (Rev 21.12). "Give not the holy
to dogs," meant not to allow unworthy candidates into the Holy City.
#Gods = MYHLA He-Saving = ^Iesous He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem

"Cast not your pearls before hogs," meant not to allow unholy persons to enter "the gates of pearl" (Rev

7.7. Ask (aii::i::), and it will be given to you; seek (,p::i::), and you will find; (-ocu:::) knock, and it
will be opened to you.
7.8. For all the (one) asking receives (-aa3a:i), and the (one) seeking finds (:uoi-:i), and to the (one)
knocking, it will be opened (aci,:p::ai).
NOTE: This is how I translate the Bible. This requires great faith to believe that God will answer your

#Gods = MYHLA He-Saving = ^Iesous He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem
r: (He The [One] Saving) = Au:c, c `a:poia (He The [One] Saving = ^lpcu, = He-Saving

7.9. Or what man is out of you (*Israel), whom if the son of him should ask for bread, he will not give to
him a stone;
7.10. And if he should ask for a fish, will he not give to him a serpent? (c]i).
7.11. If you then, being evil, know to give good gifts to the children of you, how much more the Father of
you (c ua:po uaa), The (One) in the Heavens will give good (a,aa) [things] to the (one) asking
7.12. Therefore, all [things] as many soever you want that the men should do to you, this also you do to
them, for this is the law and the prophets (c cac -ai c roc]p:ai).
7.13. Enter in through [place] of the (:p,) narrow Gate (::p, rup,); for wide (ra::ia) [is] the Gate
(up) and Euros north west (:uou,aoc,)* the Way (p cc,) the (one) leading into the destruction, and
many are the (ones) entering in through it.
NOTE *: Euros Greek Mythology God of northwest wind of Mediterranean Sea. Strongs #5566:
,aoc,; north west. Acts 27.14: |uoc-ia; = Wave (-ua) (StrongS #2830; James 1.6) of

7.14. How narrow is the Gate and confined the Way, the (one) leading into the life, and few the (ones)
finding her
7.15. But beware from [words] of the false prophets, who come to you in clothing of sheep, but inwardly
they are ravenous wolves.
NOTE: Notice! Verse One says, Do not judge. Verse Fifteen says judge! What is the differencne?
Verse one, and following = do not judge a persons faults. Verse Fifteen is to judge a mans words.

7.16. You will know them from [quality] of the fruits of them. They do not gather a grape cluster from
thorns or figs from thistles..
7.17. Thus all good tree produces good fruits, but the rotten tree produces evil fruits.
7.18. A good tree is not able to produce evil fruits, nor a rotten tree to produce good fruits.
7.19. All Tree not producing good fruit is cut down and thrown into fire.
7.20. Therefore you will know them even from fruts of them.
NOTE: This refers to the false prophet and his students. ^Iesous is the only prophet today, and so, only
the simple believe false prophets today. However, I have observed this teaching fufilled by the false
teachers and their students since the Great Apostasy in AD 1948. The original deceivers (Gog) were
more careful to guard their words, and to blaspheme God on only a few subjects. However, their students
had no discipline and self-control, and gave themselves away by their careless speech. However, God
had already blinded the nations (churches; Rev 20.7-8) for their worship of the original Gogs. The Living
God will lift the veil from the hearts of men (soon), as He had lifted the veil from the hearts of the Jews to
found New **Jerusalem. See: 2Cor 3.13-16; Isa 25.6-9.
The dead giveaway of Gog and Magog is that they teach that, God is dead; onlt past and future

#Gods = MYHLA He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem
r: (He The [One] Saving) = Au:c, c `a:poia (He The [One] Saving = ^lpcu, = He-Saving

7.21. Not all the (one) saying to Me, Lord, Lord, will enter into the kingdom of the heavens, but the
(one) doing the will of the Father of Me, The (One) in the heavens.
7.22. Many will say to ^Me in that day (AD 77), Lord, Lord, did we not prophesied in the name of You,
and in the name of You we cast out demons, and in the name of You we did many mighty works.
7.23. And then I will declare to them, That (c:i)* I never knew you; depart from Me, the (ones) working
the lawlessness! NOTE *: Oti was consistently ignored by translators.

7.24. Therefore all who hears these words of ^Me and does them, I will liken him to a prudent man who
built the house of him on the Rock.
7.25. And the rain came down and the floods came (Roman legions), and the winds blew (fortunes) and
fell against that house (From Calling); and she [Bride of Anointed] did not fall for she had been founded
on the Rock (^Iesous).
7.26. And all the (one) hearing these words of ^Me and not doing them, he will be likened to a foolish
man who built the house of him on the sand.
7.27. And the rain came down and the floods came and the winds blew and fell against that house (Israel)
and she [*Israel] fell (AD 70). And the fall her was great.
7.28. And it happened, when the ^Iesous finished these words, the crowds were astonished at the teaching
of Him,
7.29. for He was teaching them as having authority, and not as the scribes.

CHAPTER NINE (Eight was skipped)..

9.16. But no one puts on a patch of a piece of unshrunk cloth [NC] on an old garment [Law of Moses], for
she takes away the completeness of him from the garment, and the tear becomes worse.
9.17. Nor do they put new wine into old bottles; but if (they) not (listen), at least, the bottles burst, and the
wine spilled out, and the bottles will be ruined. But they put new wine [^Iesous teaching] into new
bottles, and both* are preserved.
NOTE *: Both refers to new wine and new bottles.
NOTE: ^Iesous was calling students out of Israel, and out of temple worship, and out of the law,
as a means of righteousness. However, the ones sent (apostles) were commanded to keep the law
of Moses. In his letters to Corinth and to Rome, Paul made all of this clear. I have become under the
law to some ... and without law to others (1Cor 9.19-23). Then Paul mentioned the future salvation of
the branches broken off (Rom 11.17-23). All the prophets mentioned the God blinding *Israel (Isa
6.9-13; Mt 13.14-15). The nation of *Israel, who was blinded, was intended to remain under the law until
the Resurrection in AD 77; then they were anointed with the Spirit of God, and became New
**Jerusalem. See: Zec 12.10, Rev 22.1.
CRITICAL: Imagine your sorrow if the messengers of God told you, You must give up your religion.
But the prophets and the apostles told the Jews that their religion was vain. Martin Luther (AD 1520) told
the Roman Catholics to give up their religion. Alexander Campbell (Writer: AD 1823-66) told the
Protestants to give up, denominationalism. Now the reign of the Gog and the Magog (Ecumenicalism)
is ended (AD 2004), and only citizens of New **Jerusalem will be saved. See: The Last Battle:
Revelation 20.9b: And fire (death) came down from heaven from [place] of the (:cu) God and ate them.
Now we are only saved by, The Final Religion (and the First New Covenant Religion) New


10.32. Therefore all who will confess (cacc,p:i) in ^Me before [faces] of the men, I also will confess
(cacc,pa -a,a) before [face] of the Father of ^Me, The (One) in Heavens (Governments).

#Gods = MYHLA He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem
r: (He The [One] Saving) = Au:c, c `a:poia (He The [One] Saving = ^lpcu, = He-Saving

10.33. But who ever denies ^Me (aop:p:ai) before [faces] of the men, I also will deny (aopcaai
au:a -a,a) him before [face] of the Father of Me, The (One) in Heavens (Governments).
10.34. Do not suppose that I came to bring peace (:iopp) on the earth. I came not to bring peace but a
sword (aa,aioa).
10.35. For I came to divide man (i,aai aoarc),
10.36. against [religion] of the (:cu) father of him, and a daughter against [love] of the mother of her, and
a daughter-in-law against [love] of the mother-in-law of her. And enemies of the man, the [ones]
household members of him.
10.37. The (one) loving father or mother above (ur:o) ^Me is not worthy of ^Me (acu a,ic,); and the
(one) loving son or daughter above Me is not worthy of Me.
10.38. And who does not take the cross (:auoc) of him and follow after ^Me is not worthy of ^Me.
10.39. The (one) finding the life of him will lose her*, and the (one) losing the life of him because of ^Me
will find h er*. NOTE *: Soul of God and man is recorded feminine.
10.40. The (one) receiving you receives ^Me, and the (one) receiving ^Me receives The (One) having sent
10.41. The (one) receiving a prophet into name of a prophet will receive reward of prophet; and the (one)
receiving a righteous (one) in name of a righteous (one) will receive reward of a righteous (one).
10.42. And who ever gives to drink one of these little (ones) a cup of cold (water) only into name of a
student, truly, I say to you, no, he will not lose the reward of him.
NOTE: The beginning of the message, about being hated by father and mother, condemns
theEcumenical Movement. For they teach the love of everyone, even the Pope! And, they stand for:


12.43. And when the unclean spirit goes from [body] of the (:cu) man, he goes through dry places
seeking rest, and does not find.
12.44. Then he says, I will return into the house of me from where I came. And coming, he finds her
(soul) (:uoi-:i) empty, swept, and put in order.
12.45. Then he goes and takes along with himself seven other spirits more evil [than] of himself; and
going in he dwells there, and the last [things] of the man that worse [than] of the first [things]. Like this
the evil it will also be [for] this generation. [This parable describes "dipping" without receiving the Spirit
by prayer. This is stated dogmatically by John, Jn 6.50, 66. The students (disciples) did not like the
message of ^Iesous (6.60); and they walked with Him no more (6.66).]


13.1. And in that day, the ^Iesous (0 lpcu,) going out from the house, ^He was sitting beside the sea.
13.2. And many crowds were gathered together towards ^Him, so that stepping Him into the boat, sitting
Himself down, and all the crowd had stood on the shore.
13.3. And ^He spoke many [things] to them in parables, saying, See, the (one) went out sowing of the
[seed] to sow.
13.4. And in the sowing him, some [seeds] from with; fell alongside the way; and the birds came and
devoured them.
13.5. But others fell on the stony ground, where it did not have much earth.
13.6. But the sun rising, it was scorched, and through the [process] not to have root, it was withered up.
13.7. But others fell on the thorns, and the thorns came up and choked them out.
13.8. But others fell on the good ground and it was giving fruit, the one, a hundredfold, the other sixty,
the other thirty.

#Gods = MYHLA He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem
r: (He The [One] Saving) = Au:c, c `a:poia (He The [One] Saving = ^lpcu, = He-Saving

13.9. The (one) having ears to hear, he will hear.
13.10. And the students approaching said to Him, On account of what do You speak to them in
13.11. And ^The (One) answering said to them, For to you it has been given to know the mysteries of the
kingdom of the Heavens (Governments), but it has not been given to those.
13.12. For whoever has, it will be given to him, and he will have abundance; but whoever does not have,
even what he has will be taken away from him.
13.13. On account of this, I speak to them in parables, that seeing, they do not see; and hearing, they do
not hear nor do they understand.
13.14. And in them is fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah, the (one) saying, In hearing you hear, and no! Not
understand! And seeing you shall see, and no! Not perceive!
13.15. For the heart of this people [has] become dull; and in the ears, they heard heavily. And the eyes of
them they closed; lest they should see in the eyes; and in the ears, they should hear; and in the heart they
should understand, and turn back, and I shall heal them.
NOTE: *Israel was blinded until the Resurrection in AD 77 except for those called by God.

13.16. But blessed the eyes of you, for they see, and the ears of you, for they hear.
13.17. For truly, I say to you, that many prophets and righteous (ones) desired to see what you see, and
they did not; and to hear what you hear, and they did not hear.
13.18. Therefore, you hear the parable of the Sowing [One].
13.19. All hearing the word of the kingdom, and not understanding, the evil (one) comes and snatches
away the [thing] sown in the heart of him. This is the [seed] being sown beside the way.
13.20. But the [seed] sown on the stony ground, this is the (one) hearing the word, and immediately
receiving it with joy.
13.21. But he does not have root in himself, but is short-lived. But trial or persecution coming through
the word, immediately he is offended.
13.22. The [seed] sown into the thorns, this is the (one) hearing the word, and the cares of this age, and
the deceitfulness of the riches chokes out the word, and it becomes fruitless.
13.23. But the (seed) sown on [places] of the good ground; this is the (one) hearing the word, and
understanding; who indeed bears fruit and produces, the one, a hundred [fold], the other, sixty, the [other]
13.24. Another parable ^He set before them, saying, The kingdom of the Heavens (Governments) was
compared to a man sowing good seed in the field of him.
13.25. But in the sleep of the men, while the enemy of him came and sowed tares in the midst of the
wheat and went away.
13.26. But when the stalk sprouted, and produced fruit, then appeared also the tares.
13.27. But the servants of the master of the house approaching, said to him, Lord, [was it] not good seed
you sowed in the field of you? From where then does it have tares?
13.28. But ^The (One) said to them, A hostile man did this. And the servants said to him, Do you
wish then, we going, shall gather them?
13.29. But The (One) said, No, lest gathering the tares, you may uproot with them the wheat.
13.30. Leave both to grow together until the harvest; and in time of the harvest, I will say to the reapers,
Gather first the tares, and bind them into bundles for the [purpose] to have
burned them, but the wheat
gather into the barn of Me. NOTE
: A picture of Hell.
13.31. Another parable ^He set before them, saying, The kingdom of the Heavens (Governments) is like
a grain of mustard, which taking, a man sowed in the field of him;

#Gods = MYHLA He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem
r: (He The [One] Saving) = Au:c, c `a:poia (He The [One] Saving = ^lpcu, = He-Saving

13.32. which is indeed smaller [than] all the seeds, but whenever it might have grown, it is greater [than
size] of the garden vegetables, and it becomes a tree, so that, the Birds (Nations) of heaven coming, and
nesting in the branches of it.
13.33. Another parable ^He spoke to them, The kingdom of the Heavens (Governments) is like yeast,
which a woman taking hid into three measures of meal until [the] whole was leavened.
13.34. The ^Iesous spoke all these [things] in parables to the crowds, and without a parable He would not
speak to them,
13.35. so that the speaking through [words] of the prophet might be fulfilled, saying, I will open the
mouth of ^Me in parables, I will speak Myself [things] having been hidden from foundation of world.
13.36. Then, having dismissed the crowds, the ^Iesous went into the house. And the students of Him
approached Him, saying, Explain to us [the meaning] of the parable of the tares of the field.
13.37. And ^The (One) answering, said to them, The (One) sowing the good seed is the Son of the Man
13.38. And the field is the world, and the good seed, these are the sons of the kingdom; and the tares are
the sons of the evil [one].
13.39. And the enemy, the (one) sowing them, is the Devil. The harvest is completion of the age, and the
reapers are messengers.
13.40. Therefore, just as the tares are collected and are burned in fire, like thus it will be, in the
completion of this age.
13.41. The ^Son of the Man (Adam) will send forth the messengers of Him, and they will collect out of
the kingdom all the offensive things and the (ones) doing the lawlessness,
13.42. and they will throw them into the
furnace of fire. There will be the weeping and the gnashing of
the teeth. NOTE
: A pictre of Hell.
13.43. Then the righteous will shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of the Father of them. The (one)

having ears to hear, he will hear.
13.44. Again, the kingdom of the Heavens (Governments) is like a treasure having been hidden in the
field, which a man finding hid, and from [gladness] of the joy of him he goes and sells all [things], as
many as he has, and buys that field.
13.45. Again, the kingdom of the Heavens (Governments) is like a man, a merchant, seeking beautiful
13.46. Who, finding one very valuable pearl, going, he has sold all [things], as many as he had, and
bought it.
13.47. Again, the kingdom of the Heavens (Governments) is like a dragnet having been thrown into the
sea, and from [those] of all kind gathering,
13.48. which, when it was filled, they pulling it up on the shore and they sitting down, they had collected
the good into vessels, but the
rotten they threw out. NOTE
: A picture of Hell.
13.49. Like this it will be in the completion of the age. The messengers will come forth and will separate
the evil out of [the] midst of the righteous,
13.50. and they will throw them into the
furnace of the fire. There will be the weeping and the gnashing
of the teeth.
13.51. The ^Iesous says to them, Did you understand all these [things]? They say to Him, Yes, Lord.
13.52. Then ^The (One) said to them, On account of this, all [the] scribe having become a student into
the kingdom of the Heavens (Governments) is like a man, a lord of a house, who brings from [place] of
the treasury of him, new and old [things].
13.53. And it happened, when the ^Iesous (0 lpcu,) finished these parables, He went away from there.
13.54. And coming into the hometown of Him, He was teaching them in synagogue of them, so that He
struck from them [amazed them], and to say, From where to this [man] the wisdom in her [in where], and
the miracles?
[NOTE: Wisdom is feminine; her is feminine.]

#Gods = MYHLA He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem
r: (He The [One] Saving) = Au:c, c `a:poia (He The [One] Saving = ^lpcu, = He-Saving

13.55. Is not this the son of the carpenter; not the mother of Him is called, Mary; and not the brothers
of him, James and Joses, and Simon, and Jude?;
13.56. and the sisters of him, are they not all with us? From where then to this [one] [come] all these
13.57. And they were offended in Him. But the ^Iesous (0 lpcu,) said to them, A prophet is not
without honor, if not in the hometown of Him, and in the house of Him.
13.58. And ^He did not do there many miracles, through the unbelief of them.


16.27. For the ^Son of the Man (Adam) (c Yic, :cu Aoarcu) is going to come in the glory of the
Father of Him (:cu ua:ocu au:cu) with [ten thousands] of the messengers of Him.
16.28. Truly, I say to you, some are standing here
who no! - will not taste [bitterness] of death till they
see the ^Son of the Man (c Yic, :cu Aoarcu) coming in the kingdom of Him.
: This means that those walking the earth with ^Iesous in the flesh [in AD 30 or AD 31], would
NEVER DIE. This is what it says; this is what it means.

THE POPE teaches coming in the kingdom meant the Day of Pentecost, in AD 32. Did they not all
know that some of them would live for two more years? Did the ^Son of God prophesy that some of
them would live two more years? We know better.
THE CHARISMATICS teach coming in the kingdom meant the Mount of Transfiguration. This was
even before the Day of Pentecost; and is just as silly. ^Iesous taught, in, A Little [45Days/Years; Jn
16.16] you will see Me. ^Iesous taught, Ten Days (Rev 2.10) [from AD 67 to AD 77.] you will have
tribulation. ^Iesous taught, I come quickly (6 times; in Revelation).


17.20. And the ^Iesous (0 lpcu,) said to them, Through the unbelief of you [they could not heal - vs
19], For, truly, I say to you, if you have faith as a grain of mustard, you will say to this Mountain
[*Israel], Be moved from here [to] there, and it will move, and nothing will be impossible to you.
NOTE: Mountain = Kingdom. See: Zion - Isa 10.32; New **Jerusalem - Isa 11.9; Rev 21.10;
Babylon - Isa 13.2; **Jerusalem - Dan 9.16. SAY TO THIS MOUNTAIN meant to prophesy the death
of the nation of *Israel. Paul did this: Gal 4.21-31; Rom 11.13-27; Heb 12.22-20. Peter did this: 2Pet
3.7-11. John did this: 1Jn 2.17. ^Iesous also did this: Mt 21.33-45.
And the mountain was unseen from AD 70 until AD 1948. It was moved from here
(Kingdom of God) to there (The Sea = Gentiles). *Israel that now is, does not qualify as any part of the
kingdom of God.


19.4. And ^The (One) answering, ^He said to them, Did you not read that The (One) making from [the]
beginning, made them male and female?
19.5. And ^He said, On account of this, a man shall leave the father and the mother; and he shall be
joined to the wife of him; and the two shall be into one flesh.
19.6. So then, they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what the God joined together, man, he will
not separate.

#Gods = MYHLA He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem
r: (He The [One] Saving) = Au:c, c `a:poia (He The [One] Saving = ^lpcu, = He-Saving

NOTE: Man does not commonly leave father and mother for his wife. In fact, usually righteous the
opposite is true. Did you ever wonder about that? Iesous left His heavenly Father. See: Php 2.5-11.
Iesous also left His earthly mother, Mary, and traversed back and forth across Judea seeking His Bride.
Jacob was the type, and Iesous was the antitype. Jacob left Canaan for Haran, and labored 20
years for his wife, Rachel. Paul explained the mystery of the Bride and the Groom to be, The
^Anointed is the Head of the Body (Eph 5.22-33).


20.1. For the kingdom of the Heavens (Governments) is like a man, a lord of the house, who went out at
the same time in [the] morning to hire workers into the vineyard of him.
20.2. And having agreed with a [group] of the workers from a denarius the day, he sent them into the
vineyard of him.
20.3. And going out about third hour he saw others standing in the marketplace idle.
20.4. And he said to those, You go also into the vineyard, and what ever may be righteous I will give
you. And the (ones) went off.
20.5. Again, going out about sixth, and ninth, hour he did likewise.
20.6. And, going out about the eleventh hour [12 hours in a day], he found others standing idle, and he
says to them, Why do you stand here the whole day idle?
20.7. They say to him, For no one hired us. He says to them, You go also into the vineyard, what ever
may be righteous, you will receive.'
20.8. And, evening having come, the owner of the vineyard says to the foreman of him, Call the workers
and pay them the wage, beginning from the last to the first.
20.9. And, the (ones) coming about the eleventh hour received each a denarius.
20.10. And, the first (ones) coming, they supposed that they will receive more; and they also received
each a denarius.
20.11. And, receiving, they were grumbling against [judgment] of the lord of the house,
20.12. saying, For these, the (ones) last did one hour, and you made them equal to us, the (ones) having
borne the burden of the day, and the heat.
20.13. But, the (one) answering, said to one of them, Friend, I am not wronging you, did you not agree a
denarius with me?
20.14. Take the (thing) yours, and go. But I want to give, to this, the last, as also to you.
20.15. Or, is it not lawful in me to do what I want in the [things] of me? Since the eye of you is evil
because I am good.
20.16. Like this the last shall be first, and the first last. For many are called, but few chosen.
NOTE: *Israel was first; Judah was last. King Saul drove David, the shepherd psalmist, and
warrior, out of *Israel with his followers. But then, the God had Zechariah write:

'He Is' () will save the tents of Judah first, so that the glory of the house of David and the glory of
the inhabitants of **Jerusalem [New **Jerusalem] shall not become greater than that of Judah - Zec
Judah was a symbol for ^Iesous From Calling. They were Called-from *Israel, and the
law of Moses, and sin. The From Calling was resurrected in AD 77; but *Israel was left behind to be
saved later. Judah was raised up to Third Heaven to be with the God. But, some of *Israel was saved
on earth in New **Jerusalem. The last was first; and the first was last. And, the glory of the
inhabitants of [New] **Jerusalem -- on earth -- could not compare with the glory of Judah in Third

20.17. And the ^Iesous, going up into **Jerusalem, He took aside the twelve students privately, in the
way, and He said to them:

#Gods = MYHLA He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem
r: (He The [One] Saving) = Au:c, c `a:poia (He The [One] Saving = ^lpcu, = He-Saving

20.18. Look, we are going up into **Jerusalem, and the ^Son of the Man (Adam) will be handed over to
the chief priests and scribes, and they will condemn Him to death;
20.19. and they will hand Him over to the Gentiles into the mocking and scourging, and crucifying. And
on the third day ^He will rise. [Third day = AD 30, AD 31, AD 32. See: Luke 13.32.]
20.20. Then the mother of the sons of Zebedee approached Him with [two] of the sons of her, bowing and
asking something from Him.
20.21. And ^The (One) said to her, What do you desire? She says to Him, Say that these two sons of
me they might have sat, one from right of You, and one from of left of You, in the kingdom of You.
20.22. But the ^Iesous, answering, said, You do not know what you are asking. Are you able to drink the
cup which I am about to drink, or the dipping, the (one) I am being dipped, [you also] to be dipped?
They say to Him, We are able.
20.23. And ^He says to them, On the one hand, cup of Me you will drink, and the dipping, the (one) I am
being dipped, you will be dipped; on the other hand, to have sat from right of Me, and from of left of Me,
is not of Me to give, but in whom he has been prepared under [authority] of the Father of Me.
NOTE: Look, I see the Heavens [Stratospheres] having been opened, and the ^Son of the Man
standing from right of the God - Acts 7.56.
So then, God the Father was at the left of the ^Son of the Man in the kingdom.

20.24. And hearing, the ten, they were indignant about [selfishness] of the two brothers.
20.25. But the ^Iesous, having summoned them, said, You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it
over them, and the great ones exercise authority over them.
20.26. But, it will not be so in you; but who ever desires to become great in you shall be servant to you.
20.27. And who ever desires to be first among you, in being servant of you;
20.28. just as the ^Son of the Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give the life of Him a
ransom in the place of many.
20.29. And going them out from Jericho, a large crowd followed ^im.
20.30. And look, two blind sitting along the way, hearing that ^Iesous is passing by, cried out, saying,
Have mercy on us, Lord, ^Son of David.
20.31. But the crowd warned them that they should be silent. But the (ones) cried out the more, saying,
Have mercy on us, Lord, ^Son of David.
20.32. And, having stood still, the ^Iesous called them and said, What do you desire I should do for
20.33. And they said to ^Him, Lord, that the eyes of us may be opened.
20.34. And, the ^Iesous, having compassion, touched [lids] of the eyes of them, and immediately, they
received sight of the eyes, and they followed ^Him.


21.18. And in early morning, returning into the city, ^He became hungry.
21.19. And, seeing one fig tree by the way, ^He had come on it and found nothing on her, if not leaves
only. And ^He says to it, No longer may fruit come from you into the age [New **Jerusalem - AD 77].
And the fig tree [symbol for *Israel - Joel 1.7] was withered immediately.
21.20. And, the students, seeing, marveled, saying, How the fig tree dried up immediately.
21.21. But the ^Iesous, answering, said to them, Truly, I say to you, if you have faith and do not doubt,
you will do not only the [sign] of the Fig Tree (*Israel), but even if to this Mountain [Zion], you should
say, Be taken up and thrown into the Sea (Gentiles), it will happen.
21.22. And all [things], as many as you may ask, if in the prayer, believing, you will receive.
NOTE: This writer is continuously praying that Papacy and Pope will be cast into the lake of fire
(Revelation 20.9b-10) in Revival 2015. I have no doubt that this will happen. On September 20, 1870,
the Papacy and Pope Pus IX were run out of Rome by the, Italians (Revelation 19.20). The founding
of Italy was the doom of the Ten Papal States (10 Horns). See: Italy in encyclopedia.

NOTE: All the prophets of old, and John, and Paul, and Peter, spoke to the Mountain [Kingdom of Zion],
and to the Fig Tree [*Israel], and the physical kingdom of *Israel was replaced by the spiritual kingdom
of New **Jerusalem. See: Moses (Deut 28), and Isaiah (65.17), and Joel (2.28-32), and Zechariah (13.8).

#Gods = MYHLA He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem
r: (He The [One] Saving) = Au:c, c `a:poia (He The [One] Saving = ^lpcu, = He-Saving

21.33. Hear another parable, A certain man was being a lord of the house, who planted a vineyard, and
set a hedge around it, and dug in it a winepress, and built a tower. And he gave it out to farmers and went
on a journey.
21.34. And when the [harvest] time of fruits drew near, he sent the servants of him to the farmers to
receive the fruits of him.
21.35. And, the farmers taking the servants of him, they beat one with [rods], and they killed one, and
they stoned one.
21.36. Again, he sent other servants more than the first (ones), and they did likewise to them.
21.37. And later, he sent to them the son of him, saying, They will respect the son of me.
21.38. But the farmers, seeing the son, said in themselves, This is the heir. Come, we will kill him, and
we will take possession of the inheritance of him.
21.39. And taking him, they threw [him] out of the vineyard and killed [him].
21.40. Therefore, when the owner of the vineyard comes, what will he do to those farmers?
21.41. They say to ^Him, Bad, He will destroy them badly; and the vineyard he will give out to other
farmers New **Jerusalem), who will render to him the fruits in the seasons of him.
21.42. The ^Iesous says to them, Did you never read in the Scriptures, A ^Stone which the (ones)
building rejected, this [Stone - ^Iesous] became into head of a corner'; this came to be from [will] of Lord.
And it is marvelous in eyes of you.
21.43. On account of this, I say to you, that the kingdom of the God will be taken away from *you, and it
will be given to a nation producing the fruits of her [New **Jerusalem].
21.44. And the (one) falling on this ^Stone will be broken to pieces; but upon whom ever it falls, it will
crush him.
NOTE: The God prophesied of a new people with another name (Isa 65.15). In fact, there was
more than one new name mentioned. New Heavens and a New Earth (Isa 65.17, 66.22; 2Pet 3.13)
was one new name. [This is equated to New **Jerusalem (Rev 21.1-2). And, "The City of 'He Is'",
"Zion of the Holy One of *Israel" (Isa 60.14) is a second new name. And, But you shall be called,
My Delight (Hephzibah) and your land, Married (Beulah (Isa 62.4).
So then, the God had named, New Heavens and a New Earth (New **Jerusalem) to be the new
nation replacing *Israel in this parable.


22.29. And the *Iesous, answering, said to them, You are mistaken, not knowing the Scriptures nor the
power of the God.
22.30. For in the resurrection neither do they marry nor are they given in marriage, but they are like
messengers of the God in heaven.
22.31. But, concerning the resurrection of the dead, did you not read the (words) spoken to you under
[authority] of the God, saying,
22.32. I am the God of Abraham and the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob? The God is not a god of
dead [people], but of living [people]. NOTE; In verse quoted (Exodus 3.6), Gods of is plural;:s.
This is recorded 2,492 times.

#Gods = MYHLA He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem
r: (He The [One] Saving) = Au:c, c `a:poia (He The [One] Saving = ^lpcu, = He-Saving

22.33. And, hearing, the crowds were astonished at the teaching of Him.
NOTE: The Ecumenical Movement, and the Pope, have silenced the teaching of, The Living
God -- in my lifetime. Men were not this dumb in my youth. They could understand the difference
between, a dead god, and, The Living God. And, by the way, Why do you stop in the middle of
the Bible? THIS IS FROM THE POPE. In my youth, we had the entire Bible. You must leave the
last 10,000 words off to support your, Death of God Theology.


24.1. And going out the ^Iesous was departing from the temple, and the students of Him approached to
show to Him the buildings of the temple.
24.2. And the ^Iesous said to them, Do you not see all these [things]? Truly, I say to you, no, not a
stone will be left here upon a stone, which will not be thrown down.
24.3. And sitting of ^Him on the Mount of the Olives, the students approached to ^Him privately, saying,

Tell us, when these [things] will be? And what the Sign* of the [approach] of your coming, and of the
end of the age? [* Sign = destruction of the temple; * Time = Heb 9.8 present tense verb form.]
24.4. And answering, the ^Iesous said to them, Watch out lest anyone deceive you.
24.5. For many will come on the name of ^Me, saying, I am the ^Anointed, and they will deceive
24.6. And you will be about to be hearing of wars and rumors of wars. See you be not disturbed, for it is
necessary all [things] to happen; but the end is not yet.
24.7. For nation will be raised up on nation, and kingdom on kingdom, and [there] will be famines,
pestilences, and earthquakes according to places.
24.8. But all these [things] [are the] beginning of birth pangs [of New *Israel producing New
24.9. Then they will deliver you up into tribulation and they will kill you, and you will be hated by all the
nations on account of the name of Me.
NOTE: All churches have always denied the name of the Lamb, ^Iesous Anointed.

24.10. And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another.
24.11. And many false prophets will be raised up and they will deceive many.
24.12. And through the lawlessness to have been muliplied, the love of the many will grow cold.
24.13. But the (one) enduring into the end, this (one) will be saved.
24.14. And this, the good message of the kingdom will be published in the whole inhabited earth into a
testimony toward all nations, and then will come the end.
NOTE: See: Romans 10.18: But I say, have they not heard? Yes, indeed: Their sound has gone
out to all the earth (12 Tribes; AD 58). Romans 13.12: The Night advanced, and the Day (AD 77) has
drawn near.

24.15. Therefore when you see the abomination of the desolation, the [thing] spoken through Daniel the
prophet, standing in holy place [*Israel] (the [one] reading, he will understand),
NOTE: This means the eagles (idols) on the standards of the Roman Legions

24.16. then the (ones) in the Judea, they will flee on the mountains.
24.17. The (one) on the housetop, he will not go down to take the [things] from [inside] of the house of
24.18. And the (one) in the field, he will not turn back to take the clothes of him.

#Gods = MYHLA He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem
r: (He The [One] Saving) = Au:c, c `a:poia (He The [One] Saving = ^lpcu, = He-Saving

24.19. But woe to the [women] having [babe] in womb, and [woe] to the [women] giving suck in those
24.20. But pray that the flight of you, he will not take place [in] winter or on a Sabbath.
24.21. For then he will be great tribulation, such as has not been from beginning of world until [time] of
the now, no! - nor ever shall be!
24.22. And if those days were not cut short, all flesh would not be saved; and through [saving] the From
Speaking (elect) those days will be cut short.
24.23. Then if someone says to you, Look, here [is] the ^Anointed! (0 Xoi:c,). Or, There! do not
believe [him].
24.24. For false-anointeds (corrupted to read: Antichrists) and false prophets will be raised up and
they will show great signs and wonders, so as to deceive, if possible, even the from speaking* [elect.]
24.25. See, I have told you in advance.
24.26. If therefore, they say to you, Look, He is in the desert, do not go out; See, in the secret rooms;
do not believe [them].
24.27. For as the lightning comes out from [the] east, and shines until [the] west, like this will be the
coming of the ^Son of the Man.
NOTE: The Roman legions came from Egypt and *Israel, and kingdoms of the Roman Empire
from all four winds.

24.28. For wherever the Carcass [dead *Israel] will be, there the Eagles [Roman Legions] will be
gathered together.
24.29. And immediately after the tribulation of those days the Sun [King = Antipas] will be darkened, and
the Moon [Levitical Priesthood] will not give the radiance of her; and the Stars [Prophets] will fall from
[place] of the Heaven [Government], and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.
24.30. And then the Sign* of the ^Son of the Man [*Heb 9.8] will appear in the Heaven [Government],
and then all the (12) Tribes of the Earth (*Israel) will Mourn (Repent), and they will see the ^Son of the
Man coming on the clouds of the heaven with power and much glory.
[* Sign = destruction of the temple Heb 9.8.]
24.31. And *He will send the [human] messengers of Him with a great sound of a trumpet, and they will
gather together the from speaking [eklektous]* of ^Him from the four winds, from farthest parts of
heavens* as far as farthest parts of them.
[* Heavens = Governments of Rome from Egypt to Asia Minor and from Macedonia to Arabia.
Verse 30 is about meeting the Lord in the air 1 Thes 4.17. Verse 31 is about the light of the Sun
(= ^Iesous) being sevenfold on earth Isaiah 30.26.]
24.32. Now learn from the parable of the fig tree: When the branch of Her [*Israel] already becomes
tender and She puts forth leaves, you know that summer [harvest = resurrection] [is] near.
24.33. Like this you also, when you see all these [things], know that it is near, on [the] doors.
24.34. Truly, I say to you, this generation no! - she will not
pass herself away till all these [things] they
might have passed themselves away. NOTE
: = AD 77 resuirrection.
24.35. The Heaven and the Earth (*Israel) she will have passed herself [*Israel] away, but the words of
Me will no! they might not have pass away.
24.36. But concerning [time] of that day and hour no one knows, not even the messengers of the heavens
(Body of the ^Anointed), if not the Father of Me alone.
24.37. But just as the days of the Noah, so also will be the coming of the ^Son of the Man.
24.38. For just as they were in the days, the (ones) before the flood, eating and drinking, marrying and
giving in marriage, until which day Noah entered into the ark,
24.39. and they did not know [anything] until the flood came and took [them] all away, so also will be the
coming of the ^Son of the Man.
24.40. Then two will be in the field; the one is taken; and the one is left.
NOTE: This is about death, or escape, when the Romans invaded Judea. This does not refer to the

#Gods = MYHLA He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem
r: (He The [One] Saving) = Au:c, c `a:poia (He The [One] Saving = ^lpcu, = He-Saving

24.41. Two grinding in the mill; one is taken and one is left.
24.42. Therefore you be ready, for the Lord of you is coming in what hour you do not know.
24.43. But know this, that if the lord of the house knew in what watch the thief is coming, he would have
ever kept watch and not have allowed the house of him to be dug through.
24.44. On account of this, you also be ready, for in which hour you do not expect, the ^Son of the Man is
24.45. Who then is a faithful and prudent servant, whom the lord of him made lord over [care] of the
servants of Him, of the (one) to give them the food in season?
24.46. Blessed the servant that, whom coming, the lord of him, will find so doing.
24.47. Truly, I say to you, that he will appoint him [servant] over all the [things] belonging of him.
24.48. But if that bad servant should say, in the heart of him, the lord of me (c -uoic, acu) is delaying to
have come;
24.49. and should begin to beat the fellow servants, and to eat and drink with [crowd] of the (:a) (ones)
being drunk,
24.50. the lord (c -uoic,) of that servant will come in a day which he does not expect, and in [an] hour
which he does not know.
24.51. And he will cut him in two, and will appoint the share of him with the hypocrites. There will be
the weeping and the gnashing of the teeth.


25.1. Then the kingdom of the Heavens (Governments) will be likened [to] ten virgins, who taking the
lamps of them, went out into meeting of the bridegroom.
25.2. But the five from them were prudent, and the five foolish.
25.3. Those foolish, taking the lamps of them, did not take oil with them,
25.4. but the prudent took oil in the vessels of them with the lamps of them.
25.5. And the delaying of the bridegroom, they all dozed and slept.
25.6. And, of part of night, there has been a cry, Look, the bridegroom is coming. Go out into meeting
of him.
25.7. Then, all the virgins were raised, and those trimmed the lamps of them.
25.8. And, the foolish (ones) said to the prudent, Give us from [supply] of the oil of you, for the lamps of
us are going out.
25.9. But, the prudent answered, saying, [No], lest not be enough to you and to us; but rather go towards
the (ones) selling, and buy to yourselves.
25.10. But, going away of them to buy, the bridegroom came, and the ready (ones) went in with him into
the marriage feast, and the door was shut.
25.11. But later, the remaining virgins also came, saying, Lord, lord, (Kuoi: Kuoi:) open to us.
25.12. But the (one) answering, said, Truly, I say to you, I do not know you.
25.13. Therefore, you watch, for you do not know the day nor the hour in which the ^Son of the Man (0
Yic, :cu Aoarcu) (Adam) is coming.
25.14. For, just as, a man going on a journey, called the servants of him, and handed over to them the
(things) belonging of him [= like the kingdom of the Heavens (Governments)].
25.15. And, to the one () he gave five talents, to the other () two, to the other () one, to each
according to his own power, and he went on a journey immediately, and was going (pco:u:i).

#Gods = MYHLA He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem
r: (He The [One] Saving) = Au:c, c `a:poia (He The [One] Saving = ^lpcu, = He-Saving

25.16. And, the (one), the (one) receiving five talents worked in them and made five other talents.
25.17. Likewise also, the (one) [receiving] the two, he also gained two others.
25.18. But, the (one) receiving the one, going off, dug in the ground, and hid the silver of the lord of him.
25.19. Then, after much time, the lord of those servants comes, and settles word with them.
25.20. And, the (one) receiving the five talents, approaching, brought five other talents, saying, Lord,
five talents you handed over to me; look, I gained five other talents besides them.
25.21. And, the lord of him said to him, Well [done], good and faithful servant, you were faithful over a
few (things), I will appoint you over many (things). Enter into the joy of the lord of you.
25.22. And also, the (one) receiving the two talents, approaching, said, Lord, you handed over two
talents to me; look, I gained two other talents besides them.
25.23. The lord of him said to him, Well [done], good and faithful servant. You were faithful over a few
(things), I will appoint you over many (things). Enter into the joy of the lord of you.
25.24. And also, the (one) having received the one talent, approaching, said, Lord, I knew that you are a
hard man, reaping where you did not sow, and gathering where you did not scatter.
25.25. And, being afraid, going off, I hid the talent of you in the ground; look, you have the (thing) of
25.26. But, the lord of him (c -uoic, au:cu) said to him, Evil and lazy servant, you knew that I reap
where I did not sow, and I gather where I did not scatter.
25.27. Therefore, it was necessary [for] you to put the silver of me to the bankers, and coming, I would
have received the (thing) of me with interest.
25.28. Therefore, take the talent from him, and give to the (one) having the ten talents.
25.29. For, to the (one) having all, will be given [more], and he will have abundance; but from the (one)
not having, even what he has will be taken away from him.
25.30. And, the useless servant throw out into the darkness, the outside. There will be the weeping and
the gnashing of the teeth.
25.31. And when the ^Son of the Man (0 Yic, :cu Aoarcu) comes in the glory of Him, and all the
holy messengers with Him [10,000], then He will sit on [the] throne of the glory of Him.
25.32. And all the nations will be gathered before Him, and he will separate them from one another, just
as the shepherd separates the sheep from the goats.
25.33. And He will set on the one hand ( ) sheep from right of Him, the on the other hand ( )
goats from left.
25.34. Then the King (0 Bai:u,) will say to the (ones) from right of Him, Come the [ones] blessed of
the Father of Me (:cu ua:oc, acu),
inherit the kingdom prepared for you from [the] foundation of
world. NOTE
: Resurrection.
25.35. For I was hungry and you gave Me to eat; I was thirsty and you gave drink to Me; I was a stranger
and you took Me in;
25.36. naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and you visited Me; I was in prison and you came to Me.
25.37. Then the righteous will answer to Him saying, Lord (Kuoi:), when did we see hungering and we
fed [You], or thirsting we gave drink?
25.38. And, when did we seeYou a stranger and we took in, or naked and we clothed [You]?
25.39. And, when did we see you ill or in prison and we came to You?
25.40. And answering, the King (0 Bai:u,) will say to them, Truly, I say to you, inasmuch as you
did [it] to one of the least of these the brothers of Me, you did [it] to Me.
25.41. Then He will also say to those from left, Go from Me, the (ones) having been cursed, into the
everlasting fire, the (one) having been prepared for the Devil and the messengers of him.
- Hell.
25.42. For I was hungry and you did not give Me to eat, I was thirsty and you did not give Me to drink;

#Gods = MYHLA He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem
r: (He The [One] Saving) = Au:c, c `a:poia (He The [One] Saving = ^lpcu, = He-Saving

25.43. I was a stranger and you did not take Me in, naked and you did not clothe Me, sick and in prison
and you did not visit Me.
25.44. Then, they also will answer, saying, ^Lord (Kuoi:), when did we see You hungering or thirsting
or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and we did not minister to You?
25.45. Then ^He will answer them, saying, Truly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did not do [it] to one of
the least of these, neither you did not do [it] to ^Me.
25.46. And these will go away into everlasting
punishment, but the righteous into
everlasting life.
NOTE: EAT = Bread of Life, DRINK = Living Water, CLOTHED = in Anointed, PRISON = *Israel.

#Gods = MYHLA He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem
r: (He The [One] Saving) = Au:c, c `a:poia (He The [One] Saving = ^lpcu, = He-Saving


26.1. And it occurred when the ^Iesous (0 lpcu,) finished all these words, He said to the students of
26.2. You know that after two days the Passover coming herself, and the ^Son of the man (0 Yic, :cu
aoarcu) is handed over into the to have been crucified.
26.3. Then the chief priests and the scribes and the elders of the people, they were brought together into
the court of the high priest, the [one] being called Caiaphas,
26.4. and they counseled themselves in order that they might seize the ^Iesous (:c lpcu) in deceit and
they might kill [Him].
26.5. But, they said, Not in the feast, in order that a disturbance does not take place in the people.
26.6. But of the ^Iesous (:cu lpcu) being in Bethany in house of Simon of the leperousy,
26.7. a woman came to ^Him having a very expensive alabaster [box] of perfume and she was pouring [it]
on the Head of ^Him [as] reclining [to eat].
26.8. But the students of ^Him, seeing, they were indignant, saying, Into what [purpose] the waste of her
26.9. For this perfume was able to be sold for much and to be given to pour.
26.10. But the ^Iesous (0 lpcu,), knowing, He said to them, Why are you causing troubles to the
Woman? For she worked a good work to Me.
26.11. For you have with yourselves the poor always, but you do not have Me always.
26.12. For she (au:p) having cast this perfume on [head] of the (:cu) body of Me toward the burying of
Me she did [this].
26.13. Truly, I say to you, where ever this good message should have been proclaimed in the whole
world, also he will be spoken the doing her into a memory of her.
26.14. Then going one of the twelve, the [one] being called Ioudas (Judas) Iscariot to the chief priests.
26.15: He said, What you are willing to give me, and I will hand him over to you? And the [ones] set to
Him thirty silver [coins].
26.16: And from then, he was seeking an opportunity so that he might hand Him over.
26.17. But the first [day] of the Unleaveneds [Bread] coming the students to the (:a) [place] of ^Iesous,
(lpcu) saying to Him, Where do You will we will prepare to You to eat the Passover?
26.18. And ^The [One] said, You go into the city toward the such a one and say to him, The Teacher
says, The time of Me is near, I am doing the Passover with you with [twelve] of the students of Me

NOTE: The exact year of the Last Supper is dated:
But in fifteenth of the rule of Tiberius Caesar, Pontius Pilate governing the Judea Now it happened in
the Dipping all the people, and the having been Dipped of ^Iesous (lpcu), and Praying, the heaven to be
opened, and the Holy Spirit (:c a,ic u:uaa; neuter gender) to come down in bodily form like a Dove
on Him (Lk 3.1, 21-22).
A) Many sources, such as encyclopedias, date Tiberius first year as emperor to have been AD 14. AD
14 plus 14 years plus one day equals the fifteenth year; which equals AD 28. The rule of kings of the
earth almost always begins in the middle of one of our calendar years, and continues for 12 months
into the middle of our next calendar year. Therefore, one year and one day after the beginning
day of Tiberius rule, in AD 14, would begin the second year, in AD 15; and 14 years and one day
would begin the fifteenth year of his rule in AD 28.
B), Added to this, the approximate time of Passover has been dated by William Whiston, in his
Appendices to his book, Josephus. This was thought to be about April the First.
C) The covenant confirmed in one seven (Daniel 9.27) would have been: AD 28-35 (when Cornelius
was added to the kingdom).
D) Bring an end to sacrifice and offering in the middle of the seven would have been: April, AD 32.
E) The sample for being saved was: Dipping, Prayer, Receiving the Spirit. Remember the parable in
Chapter Twelve of being cleansed [Dipped], and remaining empty [no Spirit], and being Lost.

26.19. And the students did as the ^Iesous (0 lpcu,) directed them, and they prepared the Passover.
26.20. And evening having come herself, to be going to recline ^Himself with the twelve.
26.21. And eating them, ^He said, Truly, I say to you that one from you will hand Me over.
26.22. And becoming exceedingly sorrowful, they began to say to ^Him, each of them, Not I am (:,a
:iai), Lord (Kuoi:)?
26.23. And ^The [One] answering, said, The [one] having dipped (:a3aa,) the hand with Me in the
bowl, this [one] will hand Me over.
26.24. On one hand (0 a:), the ^Son of the man (0 Yic, :cu aoarcu) goes just as it is written
about Him, on other hand (:) woe to that man through whom the ^Son of the man is handed over. It was
good to him if he was not born, that man.

#Gods = MYHLA He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem
r: (He The [One] Saving) = Au:c, c `a:poia (He The [One] Saving = ^lpcu, = He-Saving

26.25. And the Ioudas (Judas) answering, said, The [one] handing Him over, Not I am, Rabbi? He says
to him, You said.
26.26. And eating them, the ^Iesous (0 lpcu,) taking the bread and giving thanks. He broke and gave
to the students and said, Take, eat, this is the body of Me!
26.27. And taking the cup and giving thanks, He gave to them, saying, Drink from it all.
26.28. For this is the blood of ^Me, the [one] of the new covenant*, the [one] being shed into forgiveness
of many sins.
26.29. But I say to you that no, I will not drink now from [cup] of the fruit of the vine until [time] of that
day [Acts 10.41] when I will drink it with you new in the kingdom of the Father of Me (:cu ua:oc,
26.30. And having sung hymns, they went into the Mount of the Olives.
26.31. Then, the ^Iesous (0 lpcu,) says to them, All of you will be made to stumble in ^Me in this
night, for it is written, I will strike the ^Shepherd, and the sheep of the flock will be scattered.
26.32. But after the, to be raised ^Me, I will go before you into the Galilee.
26.33. But the Rock (0 u::oc,; Peter) answering, If all will be made to stumble in You, but I never will
be made to stumble.
26.34. The ^Iesous (0 lpcu,) said to him, Truly, I say to you that in this night, before a rooster [comes]
to sound, you will deny Me three times.
26.35. The Rock (0 u::oc,; Peter) says to ^Him, And [if] it is necessary me to die me with You, no, I
will not deny You. And likewise all the students said.
26.36. Then comes the ^Iesous (0 lpcu,) with them into a place being called, Gethsemane, and He
says to the students, Sit here while then going on, I pray there.
26.37. And taking along the Rock (:c u::oc) and the two sons of Zebedee, ^He began to be sorrowful
and to be distressed.
26.38. Then the ^Iesous (0 lpcu,) says to then, My soul is deeply grieved unto death. Stay here and
watch with Me,
26.39. And approaching [God] a little, ^He fell on face of Him, praying and saying, Father of Me, if it is
possible, he will pass from Me, this cup, nevertheless, not as I will but as You.
26.40. And ^He cones to the students and them sleeping. And He says to the Rock (:a u::oa), So you
were not strong one hour to watch with Me?
26.41. Watch and pray in order that you not enter into temptation. On the one hand (7c a:) Spirit
(r:uaa) [is] eager on the other hand (p :) flesh [is] weak.
26.42. Again from a second going away, ^He prayed, saying, Father of Me (ua::o acu), If this cup he is
not able to have passed from Me, [or] if I will not drink it, the will of You be done.
26.43. And coming, ^He finds them sleeping again, for the eyes of them were weighed down.
26.44. And leaving them, going away again, ^He prayed from a third [time], saying the same word.
26.45. Then ^He comes to the students of Him, and says to them, Sleep the remainder and rest. See the
hour has come near, the ^Son of the man (0 Yic, :cu aoarcu) is being handed over into hands of
26.46. Rise up, we might be going. See, the [one] handing over of ^Me has come near.
26.47. And from Him speaking, look, Ioudas (Judas), one of the twelve came, and with him a large crowd
with swords and clubs from chief priests and elders of the people.
26.48. But the [one] handing ^Him over gave them a sign, saying, Whom ever I will kiss, He is [the one],
seize Him.
26.49. And immediately, coming to the ^Iesous (0 lpcu,), he said, Rejoice Rabbi! And he
affectionately kissed him.
26.50. But the ^Iesous (0 lpcu,) said to him, Friend, you are here upon what? Then approaching, they
laid hands on the ^Iesous (:c lpcu) and seized Him.
26.51. And look, one of the [ones] with [company] of ^Iesous (lpcu), stretching out the hand, drew the
sword of him, and striking the servant of the chief priest, he cut off the ear of him.
26.52. Then the ^Iesous (0 lpcu,) says to him, Put back the sword of you into the place of her (au:p),
for all the [ones] taking a sword, in a sword he will die.
26.53. Or, do you not think that now I am not able to call upon the Father of Me (:c ua::oa acu) and
He wil place besides ^Me more than twelve legions of messegers (angels)?
26.54. How then would be fulfilled the Scriptures for thus it is necessary to happen?
26.55. In that hour, the ^Iesous (0 lpcu,) said to the crowds, As against a band, you did come with
swords and clubs to arrest Me. As a day toward you I was sitting teaching in the temple and you did not
seize Me.
26.56. But this whole [thing] has happened in order that the Scriptures of the prophets will be fulfilled.
Then the students all fled leaving ^Him.
26.57. But the [ones] having seized the ^Iesous (0 lpcu,), led away toward Caiaphas the chief priest,
where the scribes and the elders were assembled.
26.58. But the Rock (0 u::oc,) was following Him from a distance up to [place] of the court of the chief
priest. And entering in he with [many] of the (:a) attendants to see the end.
26.59. But the chief priests and the elders and the whole council were seeking false witnesses against
[guilt] of the ^Iesous (:cu lpcu) so that they might put Him to death.
26.60. And they did not find. And of many false witnesses coming forward they did not find [their need].
And later two false witnesses coming forward
26.61. said, This [man] said, I am able to destroy the temple of the God (:cu :cu), and after three days
to build it.

#Gods = MYHLA He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem
r: (He The [One] Saving) = Au:c, c `a:poia (He The [One] Saving = ^lpcu, = He-Saving

26.62. And standing up the chief priest said to ^Him, Do You answer nothing? What these are
[testifying against You?
26.63. But the ^Iesous (0 lpcu,) was silent. And the chief priest answering, said to him, I put You
from oath down from [authority] of the living God (:cu :cu :cu ,a:c,) in order that You will tell us
if You are the ^Anointed (0 Xoi:c) the ^Son of the God (0 Yic, :cu :cu).
26.64. The ^Iesous (0 lpcu,) says to him, You saying. But I say to you from now you will see the ^
Son of the man (:c Yic, :cu aoarcu) sitting Himself [Middle Voice] from right of the Power (God)
until coming Himself [Middle Voice] on [glory] of the clouds of the heaven.
26.65. Then the chief priest tore the clothes of him, saying, For* he blasphemed! What we still have
need of witnesses? Look, now you heard the blasphemy of ^Him!
NOTE *: All the Bible translations have omitted the word c:i (for) repeatedly. Alexander
Campbell, in his Living Oracles New Testament, First Edition in 1826, was the hero of the word c:i,
translating it where all other translators had ignored it. But, sad to tell, Campbell had joined the
maddening crowd in this chapter.

26.66. What does it seem to you?? But the [ones] answering said, ^He is deserving of death.
26.67. Then they spit into the face of ^Him, and beat Him with fists. But the [ones] slapped Him.,
26.68. saying, Prophesy to us ^Anointed! (Xoi::). Who is the [one] having struck You?
26.69. But the Rock (0 u::oc,; Peter) sat outside in the court. And one female servant approached him,
saying, You also were with [students] of ^Anointed (lpcu) of the Galilee (:cu laiaic).
26.70. But the [one] denied before them all, saying, I do not know what you are saying.
26.71. And going him out into the gateway, another (female) saw him and says to them there, He also
was with [students] of ^Iesous (lpcu) of the Nazerene.
26.72. And again he denied with an oath, For* I do not know the man!
26.73. But after a little, the [ones] standing by, approaching said to the Rock (:a u::oa), Truly you
also are from them, for indeed the speech of you makes you evident.
26.74. Then he began to curse and to swear, For (c:i) I do not know the man! And immediately, a
rooster sounded.
26.75. And the Rock (0 u::oc,; Peter) remembered [words] of the (:cu) sayings of the ^Iesous (:cu
lpccu), having said to him, For (0:i) before a rooster to sound, three times you will deny Me. And he
going out wept bitterly (c:i).
NOTE *: The war against c:i was continued by the translators,


27.1. And coming early morning all the chief priests and elders of the people took counsel down from
(-a:a) [case] of the ^Iesous (:cu lpcu) so as to put Him to death.
27.2. And having bound ^Him, they led away and handed Him over to Pontius Pilate, to the governor.
27.3. Then Ioudas (Judas), the [one] handing ^Him over, seeing that (c:i) He was condemned, feelong
regret, returned the thirty silver [coins] to the chief priests and to the elders,
27.4. saying, I have sinned by handing over innocent blood. But the [ones] said, What [that] toward
us? You [did it] in seeing!
27.5. And casting the silver [coins] into the temple ( aa), he departed, and going away, he hanged
27.6. But the chief priests, taking the silver [coins], said, It is not lawful to cast them into the treasury,
since they are price of blood.

#Gods = MYHLA He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem
r: (He The [One] Saving) = Au:c, c `a:poia (He The [One] Saving = ^lpcu, = He-Saving

27.7. And taking counsel, they bought from [money] of them (au:a) the field of the potter, for one
burial to strangers.
27.8. Therefore that field was called, Field of blood until of the [time] today.
27.9. Then was fulfilled the [saying] spoken through [words] of Ieremia (Jeremiah; l:o:aiicu), the
prophet, saying, And they took the thirty silver [pieces], the price of the [one] having been priced from
the sons of *Israel, whom they pierced.
27.10. And they gave them for the field of the potter just as Lord (Kuoic,) directed to me (Jer 33.35; Zec
27.11. But the ^Iesous (0 lpcu,) stood before [place] of the (:cu) governor. And the governor asked
Him, saying, You are the king (0 3ai:u, :a lcuaiaa) of the Jews? And the ^Iesous (0 lpcu,)
said to him, You are saying.
27.12. And in the ^Him to be accused under [authority] of the chief priests and the elders, He answered
27.13. Then the Pilate says to ^Him, Do you not hear many [things] they testify against you?
27.14. And ^He answered him not toward one word, so that the governor [began] to marvel much.
27.15. But at a feast the governor was accustomed to release one prisoner to the crowd, whom they were
27.16. And then they had a notorious prisoner being called, Son of Father (Barabbas).
27.17. Therefore, gathering them together, the Pilate said to them, Whom do you wish I should release to
you, Son of Father (Bao A33a,) or Iesous (lpcu), the one being called, ^Anointed (Xoi:c)?
27.18. For he knew through envy they handed ^Him over.
27.19. And sitting him on [throne] of the judgment seat, the wife of him sent to him, saying, Nothing to
you and to that righteous [Man], for I have suffered much today in a dream through Him.
27.20. But the chief priests and the elders persuaded the crowds that they will ask for the Son of Father.
(Bao A33a), but the ^Iesous (:c lpcu) they should destroy.
27.21. And the governor answering, said to them, Which from the two do you wish I should release to
you. And the [ones] said, Son of Father (Bar Abbas).
27.22. The Pilate says to them, What then will I do with ^Iesous (lpcu), the [one] being called,
^Anointed (Xoi:c)? They all say to him, He will be crucified!
27.23. But the governor said, For what evil did he do? But the [ones] were crying out even more,
saying, He will be crucified!
27.24. But Pilate, seeing that nothing is being gained, but rather a disturbance is becoming, taking water,
he washed the hands clean in front of the crowd, saying, I am innocent from [guilt] of the blood of this
righteous [one]. You will see yourself [Middle Voice].
27.25. And all the people answering, said, The blood of Him on us and on the children of us.
27.26. Then he released to them, Son of Father (Bar Abbas), but the ^Iesous (0 lpcu), having
flogged, he handed over so that ^He might be crucified.
27.27. Then the soldiers of the governor, having taken the ^Iesous (:c lpcu) into the Praetoriun,
gathered together the whole cohort on Him.
27.28. And having stripped ^Him, they put around Him a scarlet cloak.
27.29. And having plaited a crown from thorns they put on the head of ^Him, and a reed on the right of
Him, and kneeling before ^Him, they were mocking ^Him, saying, Rejoice, the King of the Jews!
27.30. And spitting into ^Him, they took the reed and were striking into the head of Him.
27.31. And when they mocked ^Him, they stripped Him the cloak, and the clothes of ^Him they dressed
Him. And they led ^Him away into the to have crucified.
27.32. And going out, they found a man, a Cyrenian, Simon in name, this [one] they pressed into service
in order that he might carry the cross of ^Him.

#Gods = MYHLA He-Saving = He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem
r: (He The [One] Saving) = Au:c, c `a:poia (He The [One] Saving = ^lpcu, = He-Saving

27.33. And coming into a place being called, Golgatha, which is being called, Place of a Skull,

27.34. they gave ^Him sour wine, having been mixed with gall, to drink. And having tasted, ^He was not
wanting to drink.
27.35. But having crucified ^Him, they divided among themselves the clothes of ^Him, casting [the] lot.
27.36. And sitting down, they guarded ^Him there.
27.37. And they put over [top] of the (:p,)* head (-:]ap,)* of ^Him the charge (ai:ia) of ^Him,
having been written:

0Y70` |`7lN ll`0Y` 0 BA`lA|Y` 7CN l0YAlCN;

27.38. Then they crucify ^Him with two bandits into [middle], from right and into [middle] from left.
27.39. But the [ones] passing by were blaspheming ^Him, shaking the heads of them
27.40. and saying, ^The [One] destroying the temple and in three days building, save yourself! If You
are ^Son of the God (Yic, :cu :cu) come down from [place] of the (:cu) cross.
27.41. And likewise also the chief priests with [crowd] of the (:a) scribes and elders and Pharisees
mocking, said,
27.42. ^He saved others, ^He is not able to save ^Himself. If He is King of Israel, He will come down
from [place] of the (:cu) cross and we will believe on (:r) Him.
27.43. ^He trusted on the God (:c :c), if ^He wants Him, He will save Him now. For He said that, I
(:iai) ^Son of God (Yic, :cu).
27.44. And even the bandits, the [ones] having been crucified to ^Him, they were reviling ^Him the thing
(:c au:c).
27.45. And from Sixth Hour (Noon) darkness came on all the Earth (,p = Israel) until Ninth Hour (3
27.46. And about the Ninth Hour the ^Iesous (0 lpcu,) cried out of great sound, saying, Eli, Eli, lima
sabachthavi, (li li iaa a3a, ai) this is, God of me (:: acu), God of me (:: acu), why
(ia:i) You did forsake (:,-a::ir:, ) Me (a:)?

#Gods = MYHLA He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem
r: (He The [One] Saving) = Au:c, c `a:poia (He The [One] Saving = ^lpcu, = He-Saving


At this time it is critical to show that: GOD DID INTENTIONALLY INSPIRE THE NEW


The quote in Matthew 27.46 (above) is incorrect.
1) The Jews Brag about Changing the Name of God.

David Biven 1, Gods name is not Jehovah or Yehovah. In my article, I explained that this term
originated due to a lack of Christian awareness of Jewish custom. The Masoretes superimposed [1] the
vowel sign [2] of the word adonai upon the four consonants of Gods name [HWHY; Heb. Sid; Gen
2.4]. This was to remind the reader he should not attempt to pronounce the unutterable [3] name. Thus
YHWH (English) would be read adonai [4] The American Standard Version and The Living Bible use
Jehovah for YHWH throughout; from JerusalemPerspectives web site.

The American Standard Version preferred, Jehovah but this is also from Jewish Superstition and
the Roman Catholic introduction of the letter, J in AD 1738.

Hebrew is a language with 22 consonants (including the letter, Aleph [A]), and NO VOWELS.
But the word, Jehovah has these FAKE LETTERS [J][E]H[O]V(W)[A]H. Real letters = HWHY.

#Gods = MYHLA He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem
r: (He The [One] Saving) = Au:c, c `a:poia (He The [One] Saving = ^lpcu, = He-Saving

So then, the divorced from God Jews (Isa 50.1), and the blinded by God Jews (Isa 6.9-13) began their
translating by denying the name HWHY. This is translated, He (Y) Is (HWH).
The lying Jews (per David Biven), also changed the name [plural] Gods (::s; Genesis 1.1, and
2,492 times) to read [single] God (:s).
And the condemned Jews changed God of her (:s) to read, God (:s) only!

Later, from AD 750 to AD 950, the Jews added illegal vowels.
Then God (:s; Hebrew) was changed to God (El, in English)). A was changed to E. This was
done again from, myhla too Elohim.

[1] The Masoretes superimposed the vowel sign This was, and still is, sin! Moses had condemned
adding to or diminishing from (Deut 4.2). Solomon had condemned adding to (Prov 30.5-6). He Is
() condemned devising plans (Isa 30.1), like adding vowels. ^Iesous Anointed (lpcu,
Xoi:c,) condemned adding and taking from (Rev 22.18-19).
[2] Mr. David Biven has demonstrated his ignorance of Hebrew on the Internet! Adonai (:s) is
translated, lord of []. This is the Dangling Preposition with no object for the preposition. The man
of the Spirit must supply the missing object, which is usually, me; reading, lord of [me]. On the
other hand, s is the Hebrew word for, lord.
[3] The unutterable name. A) Genesis 4.26: and he called to name of him, Enosh then the
beginning to calling in name l: l, (). B) Joel 2.32: And being all of that he calls in name He Is
() he will be saved They pronounced (uttered) He Is in beginning and in end, although several
books, including Ecclesiastes only recorded the name, Gods (::s).
[4] Thus YHWH would be read adonai. A) Mr. Biven had noted that this is for Jews only with their
superstition. B) adonai is possessive case only, and He Is Gods (::s ) is the proper
translation for the Jewish phrase, Lord God.

The Christian lexicographers have worshipped the divorced from God Jews, as experts in Hebrew
translation, even teaching their corrupted alphabet.

Hebrew Alphabet Jewish Alphabet

Aleph = A Aleph = the Evil E.
Waw = W Waw = W or V.
Cheyth CH CH
Teyth = T T
Yod = Y Y
Camek = C C
Ayin =
P = P P = P and PH
Tsadey = TS TS
S = S S = S and SH
T = T T = T and TH
Greek vowels added: A, long E, short E, I, long O, short O, U.

These English lexicographers promoted the Jews crooked alphabet of 32 letters:
Dr. Robert Youngs Concordance, 1860s.
Ben Davidsons Lexicon, 1851.
James Strongs Exhaustive Concordance, 1895,
William Sanford LaSor Handbook, 1978,
John R. Kohlenberger III, 1988.
William L. Holladay Lexicon, 1998,
Gary D. Pratico Hebrew Grammar, 2001.

#Gods = MYHLA He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem
r: (He The [One] Saving) = Au:c, c `a:poia (He The [One] Saving = ^lpcu, = He-Saving

1. Pratico, DENYING GODS: ::s God, gods, page 24. Promoted fake vowels.
2. Holladay had denied [plural] Gods; ::s 1. a God/god, page 16. Promoted fake vowels.
3. Kohlenberger denied [plural] Gods, page xxii. Promoted fake" vowels.
4. LaSor had a table with 17 vowels, Part Two, page 221. Denied [plural] Gods; Part Two, page 182.
5. Strong had 26 letter alphabet, and denied [plural] Gods, Hebrew # 430. Promoted fake vowels.
6. Davidson had 24 letter alphabet. Defined [plural] Gods, page 28. Promoted fake vowels.
7. Young was both lexicographer and translator of the entire Bible. Denied [plural] Gods; Genesis 1.1.
Promoted fake vowels.


The Hebrew words cannot be pronounced because they have NO VOWELS. Try to pronounce these
words: HYH, TA, RSA, LBH.

But then, that is the beauty of the Hebrew language! We do not translate pronounciations but words.
HYH = being. TA = of, with, etc, RSA = that. LBH = the mourning (the Abel).

The Jewish Masoretes wanted to revive Hebrew as a spoken language. In order to do this they had to
invent vowels. The lexicographers wanted to pronounce Hebrew words, and so, they accepted the
fake vowels of the Jews, and lost the translation in the process. This is ONLY my speculation as to
why the Christians followed the Jewish lies. BUT THAT THEY ARE LIES is indisputable.
In my opinion, God was more concerning with saving souls than with purifying speech. And so, the
wise and Living God used false quotes of the Old Testament to save the Jews. They were familiar with
the Jews corruptions, and so, it was easier to talk to them using phony quotes, then to have had to reform
their Bible translation first.

#Gods = MYHLA He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem
r: (He The [One] Saving) = Au:c, c `a:poia (He The [One] Saving = ^lpcu, = He-Saving

However, Anointed, ^He-Saving DID CONDEMN THE SEPTUAGINT.
1. The Jews changed, He Is brother of you (s Deut 6.3) to read, The Lord is one. But
^Iesous taught, The Father of you in the heavens (Governments), and also, I Am (God: Jn 8.24), and,
He gave authority and judgment to ^Him for He is ^Son of man (Jn 5.27), .and ^Iesous taught that
Peters confession, You are the ^Son of the Living God was true (Mt 16.16-18); doubting Thomas said,
My Lord and my God (Jn 20.28); and Thomas was not rebuked, as John was rebuked for bowing to an
angel, and ^Iesous taught the ^Son of the Man has power on earth to forgive sin paraphrased (Mt 9.6;
and only God can forgive sins). The Prophet Isaiah condemned the Septuagint when he wrote, a Son is
given and He will be called Mighty God, Father Everlasting (Isa 9.6).
So then, the Jews one god teaching is Atheism.
2. The apostles also condemned the Septuagint. (1) Paul wrote, One Lord, one God equals Two Gods;
Eph 4.5-6. (2) much more the favor of the God AND the gift in the favor of the one Man ^Iesous
Anointed (lpcu Xoi:cu) Rom 5.15. [equals Two Gods]
NOTE: And is the all inclusive connector; meaning No A without B, and no B without A.
In this verse, favor of the God (A) AND the gift in the favor of the one man ^Iesous Anointed (B)
means no God without ^Iesous and no Iesous without God. In other words, The team of two is
Bible commentators and creedmakers consistently violate this rule of grammar, and separate God AND
^Iesous into God only.
(3) But because you are sons the God (0 :c,) sent forth the Spirit of the Son of Him (:cu Yicu
au:cu) into the hearts of you Gal 4.6 [God and Son]. (4) For there is ONE GOD AND ONE
MEDIATOR of God (:cu) AND men (aorca) - 1 Tim 2.5 (equals Two Gods). (5) so that
you might know and might believe that the Father (0 ua:po) in ^Me and I in Him John 10.38.
(6) so that they might all be one just as You, Father (ua::o) in ^Me and I in you; so that they also might
be one in US (pai) - John 17.21.
All these verses, and many more, condemn the Septuagint, which reads: single God (:s) when plural
Gods were recorded (::s; Genesis 1.1 and 2,492 times)
Also these verses condemn Deuteronomy 6.4, Lord is one even though, the Lord ^Iesous Anointed
quoted this verse (Mark 12.29).
CONCLUSION: The all wise God determined that it was best to quote from the corrupt Septuagint in
order to reach the most people, while at the same time inspiring, and speaking some of these verses listed
above, to condemn the Septuagint. This is hard to grasp, and can only be understood by faith in all the
Word of the God. So then, on the one hand, when the ^Lamb of God quoted the fake Septuagint to the
Jews, He was truly citing the Septuagint. On the other hand, when ^Iesous, and the apostles of Him,
taught of Two Gods they were condemning the Septuagint. The best verse for Two Gods is, The
Dividing of God:

For, this mind might be in you, which also in anointed* [Body] of ^Iesous (Xoi:a lpcu), who
existing in THE FORM OF GOD (Qeou) did not consider robbery, The [One] TO BE EQUAL TO GOD
But emptied Himself in taking a form of a servant coming to be in likeness of men - Php 2.5-7.
NOTE *: Anointed is dative case, while of Iesous is genitive case. It was a colossal blunder to render
this, in Christ Jesus NKJV.

#Gods = MYHLA He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem
r: (He The [One] Saving) = Au:c, c `a:poia (He The [One] Saving = ^lpcu, = He-Saving

Even more convincing is the record of reuniting God!

But when the all is subjected to Him (^Iesous Rev 11.15), then the ^Son Himself will also be subjected
to The [One] subjecting to Him (*Iesous) the all in order that THE GOD [singular], HE MIGHT BE THE
ALL IN ALL 1 Cor 15.28.

AND SO we have the story recorded of: 1) God dividing Himself, and: 2) The God reuniting Himself.
AND ALSO -- 3) THE GOD BEING PLURAL (::s) in Genesis 1.1.

And where did the Jews monotheism come from? Have you read of Zoroaster? He was a pagan, from
Media, who wrote between 650 BC and 575 BC. And, what did he write? He created monotheism;
opposing the Hebrew Scriptures, and he named his imaginary god AhuraMazda. The Jewish translators
of the corrupted Septuagint seem to have been students of Zoroaster.

Enough! Enough! We will now return to the translation of Matthew.

27.47. And some of the [ones] standing there, hearing said, For (c:i) Elijah is calling Him.
27.48. And immediately, one of them running and taking a sponge, and having filled in sour wine, having
put it around a reed was giving drink to ^Him.
27.49. But the rest said, Leave alone, we will see if Elijah is coming, saving ^Him.
27.50. But the ^Iesous (0 lpcu,) crying out again in great voice, gave up the spirit (r:uaa).
27.51. And look, the veil of the temple was split into two from above to bottom, and the earth was shaken,
and the rocks were split,
27.52. and the tombs were opened and many bodies of the holies having fallen asleep [having died] were
27.53. and coming forth from [inside] of the (:a) tombs with the rearing* (#1453) of ^Him, they entered
into the city and appeared to many.
Note *: the rearing of Him is described in Chapter 28.

27.54. But the centurion and the [ones] with him, guarding the ^Iesous (:c lpcu), seeing the
earthquake and the [things] having happened, they were exceedingly afraid, saying, Truly, this was ^Son
of God (Yic, :cu).
27.55. And there were many women observing from a distance, who followed to the ministering to Him,
to the [needs] of ^Iesous (:a lpcu) from [dwelling] of the (:p,) Galilee;
27.56. in whom was Mary (#1) (Maoia) the Magdalene [of Magdala] and Mary (#2) the mother of the
(:cu) Iakoobos* (la-a3cu; of James) and Ioose (lap; Joses) and the mother (#3) of the sons of Zebedee
NOTE *: Iakobos = mythical King James, 1611; also recorded, Prince Iames on Front Pages of Bible.
Luke 19.25: His mother (#1), Mary the wife of Clopas (#2), Mary Magdalene (#3) plus mother of sons
of Zebedee (verse 27.56).

27.57. But now evening having come, a rich man came from Ariimathea, the name, Joseph, who also
himself became a student in the anointed (,oi:a) [Body] of Iesous (:a [Body] lpcu).
27.58. This [man] approaching to Pilate, asked for the body of the ^Iesous (:cu lpcu). Then the Pilate
commanded the body to be given.
27.59. And taking the body, the Joseph wrapped it in clean linen,

#Gods = MYHLA He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem
r: (He The [One] Saving) = Au:c, c `a:poia (He The [One] Saving = ^lpcu, = He-Saving

27.60. and placed it in the new tomb of him, the [one] he cut in the rock. And having rolled a great stone
in door of the tomb he went away.
27.61. And there was Mary the Magdalene and the other Mary [Mother of ^Iesous] sitting opposite [door]
of the grave.
27.62. But in the morrow [Thursday], which is after the Preparation [Wednesday], the chief priests and
the Pharisees were gathered together toward Pilate,
27.63. saying, Lord, for (c:i) we remember that the deceiver (0 rac,) said still living, After three
days I am rising.
27.64. Therefore command the grave to be secured until [time] of the (:p,) Third Day*, lest coming, the
students of ^Him might steal Him by night, and they might say to the people, ^He was raised from the
dead, and the last deception will be worse [hoax than] of the (:cu) first.
NOTE: The Lord ^Iesous rose on the third day (Luke 24.46), and also, He rose for as Jonah wa in (:)
the belly three days and three nights, so will the ^Son of the man be (Mt 12.40). In (after) three
days were literal days: Thursday, Friday, Saturday. On the third day referred to prophetic days; or

And ^He said to them, Going tell the Fox (Herod) this, Look, I cast out demons and I perform cures
Today (AD 30), and tomorrow (AD 31), and in the (:p) Third [Day] (AD 32), I will be perfected;
Luke 13.32.

27.65. And the Pilate said to them, You have a guard, go, secure, as you know.
27.66. And the [ones] going secured the grave, sealing the stone with [help] of the (:cu) guard.


28.1. But after Sabbath, in the dawning of Sevens (Sabbaths; `a33a:a) into one of Sevens (:i, aia
a33a:a) came Mary the Magdalene and the other Mary [mother of ^Iesous] to see the tomb.
28.2. And look, a great earthquake occurred, for a messenger (angel) of Lord (Kuoicu) having come
down from [place] of heaven (cuoacu), having approached, he rolled back the stone from [front] of the
(:p,) door, and sat over [place] of him (au:cu).
28.3. And the appearance of him was as lightning and the clothing of him white as snow.
28.4. But from [terror] of the (:cu) fear of him the [ones] guarding were shaken and they became as dead.
28.5. But the messenger (a,,:c,) said to the women, You do not fear, for I know that you seek the
^Iesous (:c lpcu), having been crucified.
28.6. ^He is not here! For ^He was raised just as ^He said. Go, see the place where the Lord (0 Kuoic,)
was lying.
28.7. And going swiftly, tell the students of ^Him that ^He was raised from [place] of the (:a) dead
[ones], and look, He^ is going before you into the Galilee, you will see ^Him there. Look, I have told
28.8. And going out swiftly from [door] of the (:cu) tomb with fear and great joy, they ran to report to the
students of ^Him.
28.9. But as they were going to report to the students of ^Him, and look, ^Iesous (lpcu,) met them,
saying, Rejoice! But the [ones] approaching, held the feet of ^Him, and worshipped ^Him.
28.10. Then the ^Iesous (0 lpcu,), ^He says to them, Do not be afraid. Go, report to the brothers of
^Me in order that they should go away into the Galilee, and there they will see ^Me.
28.11. And going them (The women), look, some of the guard coming into the city reported to the chief
priests all the [thing] having happened.
#Gods = MYHLA He-Saving = ^Iesous He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem

28.12. And being assembled with [company] of the (:a) elders, and taking counsel they gave to the
soldiers sufficient silver [coins],
28.13. saying, Say, for the students of ^Him stole ^Him by night, coming, sleeping of us (paa).
28.14. And if this is heard before the governor, we will persuade him and we will make you worry free.
28.15. And the [ones] taking the silver [coins], did as they were instructed. And this word was spread
widely through Jews until [time] of the (:p,) today
28.16. But the eleven students went into the Galilee into the mountain the ^Iesous (0 lpcu,) appointed
28.17. And seeing ^Him, they worshipped ^Him, but the [ones] doubted.
28.18. And approaching, the ^Iesous spoke to them, saying, All authority in Heaven (Government) and
on Earth (Congregations) was given to ^Me.
28.19. Going, you make students all the Nations [12 Tribes], dipping them into the name of the Father
(Mighty God) and of the ^Son (The Word, The Lamb) and of the Holy Spirit (The Advocate),
28.20. teaching them to keep all [things] as many as I commanded you, and look, I with you all the days
until [time] of the (:p,) completion of the Age (AD 77). Truly.
NOTE: The Great Commission declared over, by Paul, in AD 58.

But I say, have they not heard? Yes, indeed: Their sound has gone out to all the Earth (*Israel), and
their words to the ends of the World (Roman Empire, where *Israel was scattered) Rom 10.18;
written in AD 58.

Mt 23.36-39: Truly, I say to you, all these things will come upon this generation (AD 32). **Jerusalem,
Jerusalem, the one who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her! ... See! Your house is left
to you desolate; for I say to you (those living in AD 32), you shall see ^Me no more till you say, Blessed
is He (^Iesous; He-Saving) who comes in name of Lord! (Kuoicu).

Mark 3.28: Truly, I say to you, all sins will be forgiven the sons of men, and blasphemies as many as
they might blaspheme."
Mark 3.29: "But who ever blasphemes the Holy Spirit he does not have forgiveness into the Age (New
Jerusalem) but is under sentence of eternal judgment."

#Gods = MYHLA He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem
r: (He The [One] Saving) = Au:c, c `a:poia (He The [One] Saving = ^lpcu, = He-Saving


#Gods = MYHLA He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem
r: (He The [One] Saving) = Au:c, c `a:poia (He The [One] Saving = ^lpcu, = He-Saving


The Greatest Mystery in the Bible (Why Did God Misquote His Name? When Did He End This
The ^Son of man and the ones sent (apostles) of Him quoting the corrupt Septuagint instead of the
Hebrew scripture.
(1) Matthew 22.37: And the He-Saving (^Iesous) said to him, You will love Lord the God of you in
whole heart of you and whole soul of you and in the whole mind of you .
(2) The Hedbrew reads: s: ::: :e: ::: ::: ::: :s -s -:s
Deuteronomy 6.5; reads: And loving you of He Is Gods of you in all of heart in you and in all of soul of
you and in all of greatness of you .
NOTE: ^He-Saving quoted, in Matthew, He Is Gods (Deut. 6.4) as the Lord God (Matt 22.37).

Now then, ^He-Saving (Iesous) claimed Himself to be, The Way, the Truth, the Life (John 14.6).
What was going on then? Why did the Savior of the world give the name of the Living God wrong?

Why did He-Saving (^lp:cu,) quote His^ name as, Iesous? This, Iesous is a Jewish corrupt
translation of the Hebrew name, He (Y) The (H) [One] Saving (SW) Strongs #3091 (r:).
Hebrew reads right-to-left; He (Y) The (H) [One] Saving (SW).
The Internal Yod (Y) is written Waw (W) = SY.
This is the name, Joshua in Hebrew and saving without the prefix, Y.

Joshua 6.25: r: : :s :: = as all (LK) that (RSA) to her (HL) the being (HWH H) He
The [One] Saving (SWHY).

LXX: Joshua 6.25: And Joshua saved Rahab, the harlot alive, and all that she had and she dwelleth in

Joshua 1.1: the Lord (He Is; HWHY) spake unto Joshua (He The [One] Saving.
KJV: the Lord (He Is; HWHY) spake unto
Ioshua (He The [One] Saving).
: There was no letter, J until AD 1738.

Joshua 1.16: And they answered to He The [One] Saving (r:).
LXX: And they answered Joshua.
NKJV: So they answered Joshua.

Joshua 10.6: And men, they will rest [in] Hill of The [One] Saving her, r:: (Zion) of the wrath of
her, the Galilee to saying, Image of God from hand of You, from servant of You coming God of
them, these, and The (H) [One] Saving (SW) her (H) to us and Helper of us.
NOTE: One must be well-advanced to comprehend these clusters of words, which suppress the writing
of some letters.
#Gods = MYHLA He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem
r: (He The [One] Saving) = Au:c, c `a:poia (He The [One] Saving = ^lpcu, = He-Saving

Saving: SW was lengthened to HYSW = Saving of (Y) Her (H).
Internal Yod (Y) was written, Waw (W). SW = SY.
But it all works out in the end.
SWH = The [One] Saving. SWHY = He The [One] Saving in the Greek lpcu,.

The Jews translated Hebrew (r:) to Greek (lpcu,).
Y (He) to I (tenth).
H (The) [Common definite article, the to Eta (p) [feminine definite article].
: r saving to cu, of them.

Au:c, c `a:poia = He The [One] Saving.

But ^He-Saving did not translate the Hebrew but quoted the corrupted Septuagint. Why did ^He do that?

As with all important questions of spiritual inportance, the answer is in the Bible! We will share that
answer with you, but first we must demonstrate to you how widespread this Problem was at that time.

(3) And, look, one approaching said to ^Him [He-Saving, verse 14], Good Teacher what good will I
do so that I will have eternal life? And ^The [One] said to him, Why do you call Me good? No one is
good if not one, the God Matthew 19.16-17.
4) The Hebrew reads: ::: s ::s -:r :: Genesis 2.4, reads right-to-left, in
day doing He Is Gods earth and heavens.
NOTE: Name of Gods changed from He Is Gods to one God by the Jews and the Christians.

Again, the ^Son of the man appears to be a heretiic! ^His names for God contradicted thousands of
different names for He Is Gods in the Hebrew Scripture. We cannot underdstand the Bible message
UNTIL we solve this mystery. That will follow, but we need to present several more verses of the
problem. Before we can solve the mystery we need to become familiar with the problem.

(5)And it will be all who ever call on the name of Lord will be saved- Acts 2.21.
Hebrew: (describing the same subject; same time and place): ::: ::: s :s ::
Joel 2.32. Reading: And being all of [one] who he will call in name He Is, he will be escaped.
NOTE: He Is changed to Lord.

The Septuagint changed Genesis 2.4, He Is Gods (::s ) to, Lord the God (Kuoic, c :c,),
translated, the Lord God.
Note: God quoted the corrupt Septuagint instead of the pure Hebrew text. The mystery is why?

(6) If not Lord of Sabaoth left us a seed we would have become as Sodom; Romans 9.29.

(7) To them, to me, He Is of Hosts, the He will rest, to us remaining little as Sodom Isaiah 1.9.
::: :r:: : :: - -s:s :: translated above; Isaiah 1.9.

So then, we have another Hebrew name of God mistranslated by Paul. This should convince anyone of
the vast extent of, The Problem.
Now we will document the, Mystery.


Psalm 74.10-11: Until when (how long?) Gods (::s), enemy, he will mock [and] foe, he will revile
name of You to ever? To what (why), You will be captive (:: -), hand of You, even right (hand) of
You from fold of bosom of You? Destroy!
NOTE: Gods is described to be a prisoner. [This is due to the spoken word that *Israel would be
blinded until AD 77. God would not speak a word against these many prophecies. However, He did
declare, The Death of *Israel since 1585 BC (Deut. 28).

Psalm 79.5-6: Until when, He Is (), You will be angry? To ever? She will burn, jealousy of You, as
what fire? Pour wrath of You on the nations (:2 Tribes) that not knowing (Jews) You and on kingdoms
that calling not them in name of You.
NOTE: The enemy (Jews) are described to be ruling in darkness.

Psalm 78.4-5: We will not hide from sons of them to next generation from telling them praise of her
(nation), He Is (), and strength of them (r) and He did wonders of Me to him (nation) that
doing. And He cried testimony in He [caught] Heel (Jacob) and law naming (::) in He is Prince of God
(*Israel) that charging of father of me of us to the teaching of people to son of them.
NOTE: This period of captivity is noted to have witnesses for Gods.

Psalm 82.5-8: They know nothing, they understand nothing (referring to First Century Jews), in darkness
of her, They/She will walk (:: -).* They are shaken all of foundations of *Earth (Judea). I (:s),
saying of Me, Gods (::s) of them and son of Highest all of you Jews), BUT you will die with her
(nation) as a man, and the princes of them as other [Gentile nations], you will fall. Rise up Gods, judge
the Earth (He is Prince of God [*Israel]) for with her you will inherit in all of the nations (12 Tribes).
Paraphrased: saying of me [Gods], They are gods and son of Highest, but you will die as a man
[though I have called you, gods].
NOTE*: This is a, Double Person Indicator [He (Y) She (T). I have a new Analytical Lexicon to
the Septuagnt, 2009, Bernard A. Taylor, and this is the first publication that I have seen with this
knowledge of Double Person Indicators.


The psalmists have pronounced the doom. Now the prophets will name the date.

Isaiah 6.9-13: And He said, Go! And telling you to people the-this, Hearing them hearing, and not
understanding them, and seeing them, seeing them (s) and not you knowing them. The naming her
(teaching) heart of the people, the-this, and ear of him, the sleeping, and eyes of him, the heaviness and
eyes of him the delighting, turning he will see in eyes of him and in ear of him he will hear and heart in
him he in oppressing (:) and turning to Him [conversion!], He (:s; God of Her) will heal. And
saying, UNTIL WHEN OF (You) LORD OF [me]? [Sounds familiar doesnt it?]

#Gods = MYHLA He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem
r: (He The [One] Saving) = Au:c, c `a:poia (He The [One] Saving = ^lpcu, = He-Saving

And saying, Until that when wasting them, cities, from, He will not dwell, and from, No houses

from, No one man in the field, she lies wasted, desolate. And He Is far from the man, and many her,
the forsaking her in near (::) the Earth (*Israel). And yet tenth in her, and returning her, and she will
be to burning *as God of her* (:s:) *and as God of them* (:s:) that *in casting her* (-::::)
pillar in them seed of holiness [is] pillar of her.

Note**: God is fire Daniel 7.9-10.
Looking, woe of her, until which thrones [Babylon, Media-Persia, Greece], casting^ of them [down], and
Ancient of Days, He will write, He had answered (:- :-: = BTKY, BT[K[Y):

Rule Prefix (Y) suppresses first letter of participle (K), = BT[K]Y.
Strongs #3789: BTK = write. BT[k]Y = He (Y) will write (BTKY, BT[K]Y),

He Is (), He will scribe (e:), in writing (:-::), Peoples, this, he was born there. Rock
Psalm 87.6.]

Garment as snow and white hair [on] head of Him [as] innocent wool. Throne of her (kingdom) [was]
flames of fire [and] wheels of blazing fire. River of fire flowing and coming from before [place] of her
[heavenly judgment] thousand thousands [millions] ministering and ten thousand ten thousands [100
million] before [place] of (W) the (H) He (Y) ( :) [meanig, God] and they stood them
Daniel 7.9-10.

#Gods = MYHLA He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem
r: (He The [One] Saving) = Au:c, c `a:poia (He The [One] Saving = ^lpcu, = He-Saving


Wars of the Jews, AD 75, Josephus, 6.9.3: Now the number of those that were carried captive during the
whole war was collected to be 97,000, as was the number of those that perished during the whole siege
was eleven hundred thousand (1,100,000).

Now God was getting specific! One million killed, and 97,000 into captivity, one tenth retuirned, and
was burned and was cast [down]. This was written in the days of Uzziah (807-756 BC).

So then, The Problem was, How long He Is Gods until the haters of your name are punished?
Then the Problem was restated, How long will the Jews be blinded?
The first answer was, Until Judea and **Jerusalem are destroyed!
But we have a string of similar answers many with dates!

For the suffering that the enemy of you will inflict on you during the siege, you will eat the fruit of the
womb, the flesh of the sons and daughters He Is Gods of you (:s ) has given you Deut.

Josephus was careful to date this event too; Wars of the Jews 6.3.4.
There was a certain woman that dwelt beyond Jordan, her name was Mary; her father was Eleazer, of the
village of Bethezub She
then attempted a most unnatural thing; and snatching up her son, she said, O thou miserable infant! For
whom shall I preserve thee in this war, this famine, and this sedition? As to the war with the Romans, if
they preserve our lives, we must be slaves! This famine will also destroy us [This is a jolly good
example of, embellishment! But that is an entertaining amount of speculation from the mere fact that a
woman had cooked her son.]

#Gods = MYHLA He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem
r: (He The [One] Saving) = Au:c, c `a:poia (He The [One] Saving = ^lpcu, = He-Saving

But this is a grotesque picture of the siege of **Jerusalem. Our friend, Josephus, had many similar
graphic accounts of paganism by the Jews.

Psalm 74.10-11: Until when (how long?) Gods (myhla), enemy, he will mock [and] foe, he will revile
name of You to ever? To what (why), You will be captive (byv t), hand of You, even right (hand) of
You from fold of bosom of You? Destroy!

The question seems to have been answered clearly.

(2) Isaiah 24.1: Looking He Is (hwhy) in wasting the Earth (*Israel), and in devastating her and ruining,
and scattering the face of her, dwelling [ones] of her. And being (hyh) [frequent word but always
mistranslated] as people as priest dwelling [ones] of her. And being as people as priest, as servant as lord
of us, as maid as mistress of her, as buying her, as selling, as lending, as borrowing, as creditor, as that
crediting in him. [This is a picture of universal destruction.]
For this, in eastern [parts] give glory to He Is. In islands of the sea name of He Is Gods of He is
Prince of God (*Israel) from end of the Earth (*Israel), songs hearing of us, Glory to Righteous, and
saying, Wasting away to Me, wasting away to Me! Betraying ones, betraying them, and treachery in
treacherous ones betraying them. [Sounds like dirty people.]

And breaking, the she will break, overturning the Earth (*Israel), splitting, the she splitting many [of] her
(hr). Earth (*Israel) shaking, the she shaking Earth (*Israel). Moving, she moves, *Earth as drunkard,
and the she removing her from lodging and heavy on her rebellion of her, and she falls and never again to
rise. And being () in day, the-this, He Is will punish to host of the Heavens (Governments) in
Heavens and to king of the land on the *land. And herding them, herd of her, prisoner in dungeon, and
shutting them in prison and from many days (Romans had **Jerusalem encircled: AD 66-70) they will be
punished. And shaming the Moon (Levitical Priesthood killed at the altar in AD 69) and confounding the
Sun (Antipas killed in AD 66) for He Is of Hosts (twabc hwhy) kinging in Mount Zion and in He is
Prince of Peace (**Jerusalem) and before glory [of] elders of Him (24 Elders Rev. 4 = writers of OT).

The Problem was God quotig the corrupt Septuagint, and using the fake names of gods.
The Reason was a period of prophecy blinding *Israel and *Israel being divorced from God (Isaiah
Had the Son of God, Anointed, ^He-Saving, quoted the real names of God, then He would have been
killed before He could teach the people.

Luke 211. For was born to you today a Savior (`a:po), who is [similar to, I Am].

John 4.42: . .. for this is truly the Savior (`a:po) of the world, the Anointed (c Xoi:c,).

Ephesians 5.23: the Anointed (c Xoi:c,) is Head of the From Calling (:- -pia,) and He is Savior
(`a:po) of the Body.
2 Peter 2.20: knowledge of the Lord (:cu Kuoic) and Savior (`a:poc,), of Anointed ^He-Saving
(Xoi:icu lpcu).
These verses and many others confirm our definition, He-Saving (Au:c, c `a:poia); He (au:c,)
The (O) [One] Saving (`a:poia).

#Gods = MYHLA He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem
r: (He The [One] Saving) = Au:c, c `a:poia (He The [One] Saving = ^lpcu, = He-Saving


Psalm 145 tells of men, not specified to be in one period of time, rejoicing and praising He Is ().
Then he discusses, but all of the wicked He will destroy! Our other quotes from the Psalms were of
men hating the name He Is Gods. So then, the Bible message is: God allows the evil men to rule the
world, and His servants are described as prisoners. Many writers had called out, Lord how long?

Glory of King of you [of] them ( - ::), they will tell, mighty [deeds] of You [to] them, and
honor honor [of] King of them. King [of] them, You. - ::), King of you (- ::) all of
everlastings and from rule of You in all of generation and generation

He Is watching all of lovers of Him and with all of the wicked ones He will destroy! Near End of
Psalm 145.

The New Covenant has a similar, general, statement of the servants of God being protected prisoners
during the Papal Inquisitiosns.

And the Woman (New Covenant) fled into the wilderness* where she has there a place having been
prepared under [authority] of the God, so that there they will nourish her for 1260 Days/Years Rev.
NOTE *: Zechariah (Chapter 14) tells of dividing the [Papal] Mountain (Kingdom) from east to west, and
half moving to the north (Protestants) and half moving to the south (Papists). And the saved were
near in the valley (wilderness) between these two mountains (kingdoms). What these two stories
indicate is, unobserved, for both Protestants and Catholics had Inquisitions, but men who heeded God
and stayed away from both could be undetected.


Babylon fell in 1870, but God determined to let Satan have another go at it, and Satan was loosed in 1959
a Little (Rev. 20.3 - 45 Years). So then, we had another captivity for the servants of, The Living
God. And, this described the life of this writer, Sid Williams.

Since 1943, I have never personnaly known a man who believed that, God lives today on earth.
I have challanged preachers to speak on this subject, but they were all afraid to speak these words. [All
they had to do was read a verse about, God is eternal.

All good gift and all perfect gift from above is coming down from [place] of the (:cu) Father of the
lights (Spirits) with whom is variation or turning shadow James 1.17.

^Iesous Anointed, the same yesterday and today and into the ages of the ages (means, into New
**Jerusalem and on to Third Heaven) Heb 13.8.
I Am the First and the Last, the [One] living, and I became dead, and look, I am living into the the
ages of the ages (New **Jerusalem and Third Heaven; Rev 5 & 30.11-15) - Revelation 17-18).
And they [The Gog and the Magog = Ecumenical Movement] went up on the breadth of the Earth and
surrounded the the Camp of the holy [ones] and [=] the City of Extreme Loving [New **Jerusalem]
Rev. 20.9a.

The Great Censorship of 1948 lead to, Satan Loosed a Litte (1959), and the banning of the Bible
message worldwide. We had no Bible churches, and book publishers, and no magazines, and no news
reports of the kingdom of God until AD 2004.
[But they could not take the Bible message out of the hearts and minds of those who had already heard
the, Everlasting Good Message. But today! (AD 2004) the Second Dark Ages of Popery has

However, I have heard no news of God, lifting the veil from the hearts of men.

This is how the Jews period of blindness was ended by the Spirit of God bringing in, New

a) And not as Moses was putting a veil over the face of him for the not to look intently [on] the sons of
*Israel into the end of the [law] passing away. But the minds of them were hardened, for until [time] of
the today (AD 57) the same veil remains, not being unveiled during the reading of the Old Testament for
in Anointed it passes away. But when ever he (man) turns to Lord the veil is taken away 2 Cor. 3.13-
Note: This was both present prophecy and future prophecy. The ones sent (apostles) were winning
Jews now! But, The Great Gathering (Isaiah 66.18-24) would be the founding of New **Jerusalem
after the resurrection in AD 77.

B) The Veil Lifted: Isaiah 25.6-8.
And doing, He Is of Hosts
The Great Gathering (Isaiah 66.18-21) is actually a parable about bringing them back.
For ^He-Saving (lpcu,) taught, Go to them!

#Gods = MYHLA He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem
SWHY = Au:c, c `a:poia Au:c, c `a:poia Au:c, c `a:poia Au:c, c `a:poia = He The [One] Saving = ^Iesous = He-Saving

H) GO TO THEM (Matthew 24.31).

For where ever may be the carcass [dead body of *Israel], there will be gathered there [**Jerusalem] the
[Roman legions had eagles on their standards which they worshipped as gods.]
And immediately after the tribulation of those Days/Years [AD 66-77], the Sun (Antipas) will be
darkened (Joel 2.30-32], the Moon [Levitical Priesthood killled at the altar; in AD 69]; will not give the
shining of her (au:p,) [major sign of Dark Ages translation is, it for her] and the Stars [Jewish
Prophets] will fall from [place] of the (:cu) Heaven [Government of the Jews] And the powers of the
Heavens [depicts succeeding governments] will be shaken. And then will appear the SIGN of the Son of
the Man (Heb. 9.8) in the Heaven [Jewish Government], and they will mourn [Rev. 1.7], all the (12)
Tribes of the Earth (*Israel) and they will see the Son of the Man coming on the clouds (glory) [1 Thess.
4.17] of the Heaven (Government) with power and much glory. And He will send the messengers of Him
with a great sound of a trumpet, and they will gather them together [into one Body] the from
speaking [elect KJV] from the four winds, from farthest parts of the Heavens [Governments
of Roman Empire] as far as farthest parts of them [Egypt to Assyria; Isaiah 19.23-24] Matthew 24.29-

Hebrew 9.8: This indicating [message] of the (:cu) Holy Spirit, not yet to have been revealed [to New
**Jerusalem] the Way [He-Saving^ the Way, the Truth, the Life] of the Holies, still [presence] of the
(:p,) first tabernacle (vs. 2) having standing.

So then, the destruction of the temple in AD 70 would convince, the future New **Jerusalem citizens
that, Anointed, ^He-Saving, (lpcu, Xoi:c,) was a prophet of God and the Savior of *Israel. For
He had predicted the death of the city and the nation in parables. See: Matthew 21.31-44, Matthew 24.28-


But then! Words of wisdom are trifles to men of earth. Therefore God anointed New Prince of Peace
(**Jerusalem) with His spirit to make them wise.

And pouring of Me (YT) on House of David (^He-Saving Rev. 3.7) and on inhabitant of He is Prince
of Peace ([New] **Jerusalem) Spirit of Favor and Supplications, and the bringing them to Me of whom
piercing them (Jews) and mourning them against of him as mourning for the child, and grieving against
him as the grieving for the firstborn Zechariah 12.10.

This is equal to the, From-calling (:- -pia) being anointed on the Day of Fiftieth (Pentecost).
Those who are saved are, Called by God.

And with this agree the words of the prophets, just as it is written, After these [things] I will return, and
I will build again the tabernacle of David (in **Jerusalem), the [one] having fallen [AD 70]. And the
[things] having been ruined of her (au:), I will rebuild and I wil restore her (au:p) Acts 15.15-16;
quoting Amos 9.11-12.

SOUNDS FAMILIAR! Lord, how long?

#Gods = MYHLA He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem
SWHY = Au:c, c `a:poia Au:c, c `a:poia Au:c, c `a:poia Au:c, c `a:poia = He The [One] Saving = ^Iesous = He-Saving

Hebrew: In day the-this, I will bring near of tent of Lover (David), the one fallen, hedging of Me (YT),
of broken [pieces] of them, and ruins of Me [of] them ( se) and ruins of them, I will restore, and
building of Me [of] her ( - :: ) as days of former time Amos 9.11-12.

And he (messenger) showed to me, A River of [Living] Water, bright as crystal, proceeding from
[place] of the throne of the God and of the Lamb and the throne of the God and of the Lamb will be in
her (au:p) and the servants of Him (?) serve to Him (au:a) Revelation 22.1-3.


All of these quotes empasize the nearness of the annihilation of *Israel, and the building of New
Prince of Peace (**Jerusalem); and a few of them date the, coming of the Son of the Man on the clouds.
But then, God was more specific than these verses.

And the leaving them, name of you (*Israel) to curse of her to chosen of [Me], and the death of You
(*Israel), Lord of [me Isaiah] He Is, and to servants of Him, he will cry, Name One. That , The
From You Breaking in Earth (*Israel), you breaking in Gods of faith, and the taking oath in Earth
(*Israel), he will swear in Gods of truth, for we will forget them, the troubles, ones, and for We forgetting
them, the first [ones], and for hiding them from eyes of [Me]. For, looking of Me, creating of Heavens,
New Ones, and New Earth, and She (New) will not remember Her (Old) -- the First of Her (**Jerusalem)
and not She (First) will come Her (First) to mind Isaiah 65. 15-17.

K) THE 2300 DAYS (Evening and Morning) SUMMED.

Antiochus Epiphanes defiled the temple by erecting an altar to Zeus in it, and by offering hogs on the

The lunar years of prophecy (360 Days) adjustment to the solar years (365-1/4 Days) without any
tampering by men of earth. This was demonstrated for us by Robert Fleming. He and the Matthew Poole
Commentary dated the 42 Months from AD 606. Poole added 1260 years producing an end in AD 1866.
Fleming adjusted the lunar years to conform to the solar years, and found an answer in AD 1849.
(Both men started at the wrong point, AD 600 beginning the Primacy of the Pope, and May 1860
the fall of Babylon. But this is confirmed , by us, by looking back on history, whereas they were both
looking forward into the future.)
But, if Poole had started at AD 600, he would have agreed with the historical event; meanwhile
Fleming would have been even farther away (AD 600-1843). Although we do not comprehend how this
works, because it has been demonstrated in the Bible and the history book to work, accordingly we

#Gods = MYHLA He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem
SWHY = Au:c, c `a:poia = He The [One] Saving = ^Iesous = He-Saving

believe it! Therefore we consider most years in biblical prophesy to contain 360 days.
The year of the beginning of Syrias calendar was 312 BC. The date for the defilement of the
sanctuary is recorded in 1 Maccabees (1.54) to be, the 15th day of the month Chislev, in the year 145.
(312 BC - 145 Years = 167 BC.) However, the entire year is not included in the defilement of the
sanctuary, but only the last 15 days. The month Chislev determines this fact for us. Then also, the entire
year is not consumed before the resurrection in AD 77. We have dated the resurrection to be 49 years
after the beginning of ^He-Savings ministry, which is estimated to be October 1, 28 AD.
[This date, AD 28, is an estimation; or, if you will, it is speculation, to provide an approximate
date.] This was three and one-half years removed from the crucifixion, about April 1, 32 AD.
166 BC to AD 76 = 242 Years. [242 Years X 360 Days = 87,120 Days.]

Therefore, the adjustment made: 270 days until October 1, 77 AD. And then, 15 days in the year
the sanctuary was defiled, in 167 BC. 87,120 + 270 + 15 = 87,405 Days. The multiplier is found by
dividing by 2300.
*** 87,405 divided by 2300 = 38.0021.

This is too far from being a round number, and so, it is adjusted to come out even.
*** 87,400 divided by 2300 = 38!
Adjusting the five days removed from our period, we have this "speculative" period: ***
About Dec 16, 167 BC to approximately Sept 26, 77 AD.
The common agreement that the temple was defiled by Antiochus, in 167, and the numerous
proofs of the resurrection in AD 77, determine the limits of the 2300 days for us. The multiplier of
38 was almost exact in the first sample presented. The adjustment provides a speculation for the
beginning and ending days of this period of prophecy. Emphasis must be placed on the record, in the
Bible, of defiling the temple, and also of, cleansing the temple. This process is in agreement with the
other samples of multipliers listed for the reader.

LORD How long?


1260 and 1290 Days.
Judges 10.6: And they increased, son of He is Prince of God (*Israel) to doing the evil in eyes of He Is
( Genesis 2.4), and they served of the Baals and of the Astoraths and with gods of (:s
Genesis 1.1) Aram, and with Gods of (:s Genesis 1.1) Sidon and with gods of (:s Genesis
1.1) Moab and with gods of (:s Genesis 1.1) son of Ammon and with gods of (:s Genesis
1.1) Philistines, and they forsook of [Way] of He Is () and they served Him not.

This dates Daniels prophecy, And from time abolishing them the daily [sacrifice Morning and
Evening Judges 10.6 1258 BC] was a thousand two hundred ninety (1290) days. We believe that all
three periods, 1260, 1290, 1335 were beginning from this date. They served Him not and abolishing
the daily seem to be synonomous.
This was dated by counting back from the Seventy Years of Captivity (588-518 BC), ending in
the second year of Darius (518 BC).
70 Years: 588-518 BC.
Kings of Israel and Judah (1090-588 BC).
Eli judged 20 Years: 1110-1090).
450 Years of Judges (1160-1090).
Judges 10.6: 1259-1258. NOTE: Years of kings and judges were two calendar years, as the president of
the United States is January 20 of one calendar year to January 19 of the following year.
A "Moon" is 30 Days or Years. This was a component of the 1335 Days (Dan 12.12). This period of
prophecy had three components.
1260 Days = 1258 BC (Judges 10.6) to AD 2. [*Israel followed He Is no more, but preferred all the
pagan gods (::s Genesis 1.1).

#Gods = MYHLA He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem
SWHY = Au:c, c `a:poia = He The [One] Saving = ^Iesous = He-Saving

M ) "I dismissed the three shepherds in one Moon ..." - Zec 11.8. [AD 2 32.] 1258 BC AD 2 = 1260
Augustus Caesar exiled his stepson, Tiberius, in 6 BC. In AD 2, he examined his son, Agrippa
Posthumus, as a possible replacement for himself at his death.
But Agrippa was "cut off" and Tiberius was recalled from exile (#1).
Augustus died in AD 14 (#2).
The ^Lamb of God, Anointed, ^He-Saving was cut off in AD 32 (#3).
A) 1260 Days = 1258 BC to AD 2. [Beginning with Judges 10.6, Jews followed God no more.]
B) 1290 Days: One Moon = AD 2 - AD 32 = 1290 Days; 1258 BC - AD 32.
C) 1335 Days/Years: [Anointed, ^He-Saving] "returned" in A Little (45 Years; Jn 16.16);
Note: A Little; AD 32-77. [See: John 16.16]. ^He-Saving left in 45 Days, and He retrned in 45 Years.
AD 32 + 45 Years AD 77.
1335 Days = 1258 BC to AD 77.

M) The Son of Man Returned in 45 Prophetic Days.
AD 32 + 45 Days/Years = AD 77.

N) 10 Days (Rev 2.10) = AD 67 - 77.


The Jews were the Force of Evil keeping the names of the Gods from the world in the Old Testament
which was fulfilled in Resurrection AD 77.

P) Death to Jews and Judaism.
And the 24 Elders (Rev. 4), the [ones] before [place] of the (:cu) throne of the God who sat on the
thrones of them 24 Elders [these ruled Old Testament period with their words] fell on the faces of them
(Rev 4.9 introducing New Covenant Period] and worshipped to the God, saying, We thank You Lord,
the God, the [One] [keeping] the all Power [and] Time; The [One] Being and The [One] He was Being,
for You have taken the great Power of You and had Ruled and the Time the Nations (12 Tribes) were
angry and the wrath of You came, and the Dead have been judged, and to have given the reward to the
servants of You, the prophets. And [to] the holy and to those Fearing the Name of You, to the small and
to the great, and to destroy the [ones = Jews] destroying the Earth (*Israel). And the temple of the God in
[place] in the heaven, and the ark of the covenant, she was seen [in place] of the Lord in the temple of
Him. And [there] occurred lightenings* and voices* and thunders* and great Hail* (Death).
NOTE *: Signs of presence of God.

[Due to extreme laziness, the world today is still in captivity to the Jews who had been annihilated! The
perverted Jews were not full of being murdered and being sold as slaves. You dirty Romans, give us
more! So they moved to the city of Masada, and renewed the war. But this did not last past AD 73. In
AD 135, again the cry was heard, You dirty Romans, give us more! The Emperor Adrian rersponded
quickly and thoroughly . Since AD 632, the Muslims had ruled, Palestine until US President, Harry
Truman unconstitutionally sent the US Marines to invade and occupy modern, *Israel.]

#Gods = MYHLA He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem
SWHY = Au:c, c `a:poia = He The [One] Saving = ^Iesous = He-Saving

The Beast and the False Prophet (Papacy & Pope) replaced the Old Testament Jews as the, Source of
Evil and they too banned the names of the Gods. But then, as with the Jews, the Catholics had been
prophesied for doom (Revelation 19.20, 20.10). This last verse will usher in, Revival 2015.

We have nothing but Victory and Blessing to look forward to today.

Q) The New Name of One [Reunited] God.

The Bible went to great lengths to convince you that, God Divided Himself.

The very first verse (Genesis 1.1) is about plural Gods (::s) repeated 2,492 times.
Next it was declared (Genesis 2.4), He Is Gods (::s ) repeated 967 times. [How much does
it take to convince you?].
Then the Two Gods were named: He Is and ^Anointed of Him (:: :r ) Psalm 2.2.
Then the Two Gods were repeated with two new names, He Is () saying to Me, You ^Son of Me
(-s ::) Psalm 2.7.
Then the ^Child/Son was announced to be, God of Might, Father of Ever Isaiah 9.6.
A) Gods (::s) said, I Am - Exodus 3.14.
B) The ^He-Saving (lpcu,) said, I Am^ (|,a :iai) John 8.24.
C) Gods taught Moses to say, He Is () Exods 3.15.
D) Paul taught, He Is* Savior, referring to, Lord (au:c, ::i)* Ephesisas 5.23.
Then the Savior was named, Immanuel translated, God with us on earth. So then, one God on
earth, who taught of, The Father in heaven = Two Gods! Matthew 1.23.

The Word was with God and was God And He came to His own [on earth] (John 1.1 and
1.11) and His own (Jews) received Him not. [Again, one God in heaven, and one God on earth = Two

One Lord and One God = Two Gods Epesians 4,5-6.

Philippians 2.5-8: For this mind be in you, the [one] also in anointed (,oi:a)* [Body] of ^He-Saving
(lpcu) who existing in form of God did not consider the being equal with God robbery, but he emptied
[Himself] taking a form of a servant in likeness of men coming to be. And in appearance being found as a
man, He humbled Himself becoming obedient unto death, death and [suffering] of a cross.

Once again, we have two Gods, one in Heaven and one on earth. The consistencies of these records
demands that men accept them.
NOTE: The Dative case [Body] (,oi:a) and the Genitive case ^He-Saving (lpcu) cannot refer to the
same person. The Greek grammar will not allow it. One of the iron-clad rules of grammar is:
Adjectives and nouns must always be in the same case, when applying to one person.

The Popes writers translated this, Christ Jesus 53 times.
NLT and ESV, in 2008, translated this, Christ Jesus 53 times.

#Gods = MYHLA He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem
SWHY = Au:c, c `a:poia = He The [One] Saving = ^Iesous = He-Saving =He-Saving

Now we come to the exciting part of the message. As the division of God was thoroughly documented,
in like manner, The Reunion of God is similarly documented.




A) Zechariah 14.9: s :: s s :: s :: ::: .

Hebrew reads right-to-left.

And being, He Is to kinging all of the *Earth in days, the-this, He Is He will be One and name of Him

Genesis 2.4: He Is [plural] Gods.

So then, Something had to give! Is it One God or is it Two Gods.
Both answers are correct! Time and place determine which answer is correct at one specific time and

B) First Corinthians 15.28: Now when the all [things] are subjected to Him (^Son), then also the Son
will be subjected to The [One] (Father) subjecting to Him (^Son) the all [things] in order that the God, He
might be The All in All.

This stated that ^Son the God was temporary. The subjection is recorded in the picture of the
resurrtection in AD 77:

(1) all I heard saying, To The [One] sitting on the throne, and to the ^Lamb be [7 Spirits of God]
Rev. 5.13.

(2) The salvation to the God of us, to The [One] sitting on the throne, and to the ^Lamb Rev. 7.10.

(3) And he showed to me a river of water of life, bright as crystal, proceeding from [place] of the throne
of the God and of the ^Lamb Rev. 22.1.

(4) And all curse [of the Law] will not be any longer, and the throne of the God and of the ^Lamb, he
will be in her (au:p) and the servants of Him will serve to Him Rev. 22.3.

Now then do you see the difference between (#1 and #2) and (#3 and #4?)


(#1 and #2) are the resurrection (in Third Heaven) in AD 77. The [One] sitting on the throne, and
[saying] to the ^Lamb pictures the ^Lamb in subjection to the One God in Third Heaven after the
resurrection in AD 77.

(#3 and #4) are in New **Jerusalem on earth. The ^Lamb was recorded to have a throne on earth in
New Jersalem.

#Gods = MYHLA He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem
SWHY = Au:c, c `a:poia Au:c, c `a:poia Au:c, c `a:poia Au:c, c `a:poia = He The [One] Saving = ^Iesous = He-Saving

C)Revelation 3.12: The [one] overcoming I will make him a pillar in the temple of the God of ^Me, and
no, he will not go out [any] longer. And I will write on him the name of the God of ^Me and the name of
the city of the God of ^Me, the New **Jerusalem which comes down from [place] of the heaven, from
[place] of the God of ^Me, and the new name of ^Me.


Now we are getting somewhere! We need to locate these new names which will be one if you
believe Zechariah.


God and the ^Lamb was recorded five times.

(1) Rev. 14.4: firstfruits to the God and to the ^Lamb.
(1) Rev. 21.22 Lord the God, The [One] [keeping] the all Power [and] Time is temple of her
(au:p,) also the ^Lamb.
(2) Rev. 21.23: glory of the God illuminated her (au:) and the ^Lamb is the Lamp of her
(3) Rev. 22.1. from the throne of the God and of the ^Lamb.
(5) Rev. 22.3 the throne of the God and of the ^Lamb
Note (1): About firstfruits resurrection which was the 144,000 Jews of the First Century, in AD 77.
These firstfruits were first on earth (James 1.18) and then (AD 77) in Third Heaven (Rev. 14.1) but
neither God nor any thrones are mentioned.
Note (2): About New **Jerusalem on earth.
Note (3) & (4) & (5): Also about New **Jerusalem on earth. So then, the ^Lamb had a throne on earth.

Finally, the scenes in Third Heaven, The Eternal Abode of God, are pictured for us:

Revelation 1.8: Lord, the God, The [One] Being, The [One] He was, and The [One] Coming
Himself, The [One] [keeping] the all Power [and] Time. Note: says Lord, the God (from Heaven).

0 [One] :c ra Koa:[os] [and] ao[a].

#Gods = MYHLA He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem
SWHY = Au:c, c `a:poia = He The [One] Saving = ^Iesous = He-Saving

Revelation 4.8: Lord, the God, The [One] [keeping] the all Power [and] Time. NOTE: says Four
Living Creatures (from heaven).

Revelation 11.17: Lord, the God, The [One] [keeping] the all Power [and] Time. NOTE: from 24
Elders (from heaven).

Kuoic, c :c, c [One [keeping] :c ra Koa:[os] [and] ao[a].

Revelation 15.3: Lord, the God, The [One] [keeping] the all Power [and] Time. NOTE: the [ones]
overcoming the Beast (Papacy) (in heaven)..

Kuoi: c :c, c [One] [keeping] :c ra Koa:[os] [and] ao[a].

Revelation 16.7: Lord, the God, the [One] [keeping] the all Power [and] Time. NOTE: And I heard [from
place] of the altar (in heaven).

Kuoi: c :c, c [One] [keeping] :c ra Koa:[os] [and] ao[a].
Revelation 16.14: of the God of the [One] [keeping] the all Power [and] Hill. NOTE: And I saw from
[place] of the mouth of the Dragon (Egypt under protectorate of Great Britain) and from [place] of the
mouth of the Beast (Papacy) and from out of mouth of the False Prophet (Muhamud represents Ottoman
Empire Turkey) (scene in Heaven).

7cu :cu :cu [One] [keeping] :c ra Koa:[os] [and] coc,.
NOTE: Hill refers to the battle of Mount Megiddo which was the overthrow of the Ottoman
Empire. They surrendered to the British General, Edmund Allenby, in 1918. The final treaty setting the
permanent borders of Turkey was in Switzerland in 1923. The Matthew Poole Commentary, in 1680; and
Albert Barnes, in 1851; and B.W. Johnson, I 881 all predicted this event in history.

Revelation 19.15: of the God of the [One] [keeping] the all Power [and] hill. NOTE: And from of the
mouth of Him (^Iesous) (scene from heaven).

7cu :cu :cu [One] [keeping] :c ra Koa:[os] [and] coc,.

This hill was Mount Zion, and the annihilation of the Jews. This was a flashback to Revelation

Revelation 21.22: Lord, the God, The [One] [keeping] the all Power [and] Time. NOTE: And I did not
see a temple in her (New Jerusalem) for the -

Kuoic, c :c, c [One] [keeping] :c ra Koa:[os] [and] ao[a]
Is her temple also the ^Lamb. NOTE: scene from heaven. So then, this New Name of God was only
spoken from heaven or from characters in visions from heaven. This name was not identified on earth
except in the Bible, in Revelation.

And this is, The new name of God in my vast research I have never happened upon a writer who
knew this name.

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem
r: (He The [One] Saving) = Au:c, c `a:poia (He The [One] Saving = ^lpcu, = He-Saving



3.21. Now it happened in the to have all the people been dipped (aor., pass.. inf.), and of ^Iesous (-ai
lpcu) also, of having been dipped (3ar:i::c,), and of praying (roc:u,ca:cu), the heaven to have
been opened (aor., pass., inf.),
3.22. and the Holy Spirit to come down in bodily form like a dove on ^Him, and a voice from [place] of
heavens (cuoacu), to be saying, You are the ^Son of Me (0 Yic, acu), The [One] of Extreme Loving
(0 A,arp:c,), I thought good in ^You.
NOTE: This title for ^Iesous is recorded nine (9) times: "The [One] of extreme loving." The case
ending, "-TOS" is sometimes defined, "a genitive present participle": but it also has other uses. The
servants of the Living God were also tagged with this title; such as, "Paul" (2Pet 3.15; 0 a,ar::c, ).
The false translation, "beloved" is exposed by the fact that there is no Greek prefix to, "love"; as "be-" is
prefixed to "love" in the false translations
NOTE: ^Iesous (lpcu,) mourned (Mt 4), and was dipped (here; Lk 3.21), and then, He
prayed (Lk 3.21) before receiving the Spirit; and then, The Spirit and the Voice confirmed ^Iesous as
the ^Son of God. Many other Scriptures instruct men to pray for the 7 Spirits of the God -- by their
individual names. See: Jas 1.5-8, instructing to pray for, Wisdom.

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem
r: (He The [One] Saving) = Au:c, c `a:poia (He The [One] Saving = ^lpcu, = He-Saving

11.13. If you then, you being evil, know to give good gifts to the children of you, how much more the
Father, The [One] from [place] of heaven (cuoacu) will give [the] Holy Spirit to the (ones) asking Him?


Long, long ago, in the deep, deep Dark Ages a Bible commentator entitled this parable of, Two
Rebellious Sons, the, Story of The Prodigal Son. He was proud of himself for having changed two
to one. As you read, note that the second son was in the Field (World - Mt 13.38), and the Father
entreated him, Therefore his father came out and pleaded with him. But the son remained lost.
However, the father predicted, Son you are always with me. Now the great shame is not that a fool in
the Dark Ages could not count to two; but rather, the shame is that the preachers have been telling this lie,
about "one prodigal son" for 1400 years.

15.11. And He (^Iesous - vs 14.3) said, A certain man had two sons.
15.12. And the younger of them said to the father, Father, give to me the falling to share of the (:p,)
wealth. And he divided to them the means of subsistence.
15.13. And, after not many days, having gathered together all (things), the younger son went on a journey
into a distant country, and there he squandered the wealth of him living loosely.
15.14. But, having spent all (things) of him, a severe famine came throughout that country, and he began
to be in need.
15.15. And going, he was joined to one of the citizens of that country. And he sent him into the fields of
him to feed hogs.
15.16. And, he was longing to fill [hunger] of the belly of him with the little horns [pods] which the
hogs were eating; and no one was giving to him.
15.17. But, having come into himself, he said, How many hired servants of the father of me have
abundance of bread? But I am perishing in hunger.
15.18. Rising, I will go to the father of me, and I will say to him, Father, I have sinned into the heaven,
and before you.
15.19. and I am no longer worthy to be called son of you. Make me as one of the servants of you.
15.20. And, rising he went toward the father of him. But still being far [from place] of him (au:cu)
[father], the father of him saw him, and felt compassion, and running he fell on the neck of him, and
affectionately kissed him.
15.21. And, the son said to him, Father, I have sinned into the heaven and before you, and I no longer
worthy to be called son of you.
15.22. But, the father said to the servants of him, Bring out the first robe and put on him, and give a ring
into the hand of him, and sandals into the feet.
15.23. And, bringing in the fatted calf, slaughter, and eating, we will be joyful,
15.24. for this, the son of me was dead, and came to life; and he was lost and was found. And they began
to be joyful.
15.25. And the older son of him was in [the] field. And, while coming, he drew near the house, he heard
music and dancing.
15.26. And, having summoned one of the servants, he was inquiring what these (things) might be,
15.27. And, the (one) said to him, For the brother of you has come, and the father of you slaughtered the
fatted calf for him being in good health, he received back.'
15.28. But, he was angry, and did not want to go in. Then, the father of him coming out, was pleading
with him.
15.29. But, the (one), answering, said to the father, Look, so many years I am serving you, and never
transgressed command of you, and you never gave a young goat to me, so that I might be joyful with the
friends of me,
15.30. But when this son of you, the (one) having eaten up the subsistence of you with prostitutes came,
you slaughtered the fatted calf to him.
15.31. And, the (one) said to him, Child, you are always with me, and all (things), the (ones) of me, are
15.32. But be joyful, and rejoice, for it was necessary because this brother of you was dead and came to
life, and was lost and was found.

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem
r: (He The [One] Saving) = Au:c, c `a:poia (He The [One] Saving = ^lpcu, = He-Saving

NOTE: This prophesy was paralleled by Zechariah:
He Is () will save the tents of Judah first, so that the glory of the house of David [^Iesous Rev
3.7, key of David] and the glory of the inhabitants of [New] **Jerusalem will not become greater than
that of Judah - Zec 12.7.

Judah is a symbol for the 144,000 firstfruits of the kingdom of the God, which were raised up to
Third Heaven, in AD 77. Judah also represents the younger son in this parable.

The house of ^David and the inhabitants of **Jerusalem are a symbol for the Israelites that were,
blinded unwillingly (Rom 8.2), and lived through the war with Rome (AD 66-73; or, 74) and also
through the great tribulation of 10 Days (Rev 2.10; AD 67-77). These did not believe in the ^Son of
God before the resurrection, but were convinced by the fulfillment of ^Iesous prophecy of the doom of
the temple (Heb 9.8), and were anointed with the Spirit of God as, New **Jerusalem. See: Zec 12.10-
14, Rev 21.1-3; 22.1.


He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem
r: (He The [One] Saving) = Au:c, c `a:poia (He The [One] Saving = ^lpcu, = He-Saving



John 1.1: In beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and God (:c,) was the Word.

Jn 4.32, 34: But saying to them, 'I have Food to eat of which you do not know ... ^My food is that I may

do the will of The [One] having sent Me, and to finish the work of Him.
Jn 5.28-29: Do not marvel at this; for the Hour is coming in which all who are in the graves will hear
^His voice and come forth -- those who have done good to the resurrection of life, and those who have
done evil to the resurrection of condemnation.

Jn 6.44: No one can come to ^Me unless the Father (0 ua:po) who sent Me draws him; and I will raise
him up at the Last Day (AD 77).

Jn 6.48, 51: I Am^ (|,a |iai; Ex 3.14) the Bread of the Life ... I Am^ the living ^Bread, The [One]
having come down from [place] of the Heaven. If anyone eats from [sacrifice] of this Bread, he will live
into the age (:i, :c aiaa); but indeed, the ^Bread which I will give is the flesh of ^Me, which I will
give in behalf of the life of the world.

Jn 7.38-39: If anyone thirsts, he will come to ^Me and drink. The [one] believing in ^Me, as the
Scripture has said, out of his belly will flow Rivers of living Water. But this ^He spoke concerning the
Spirit ...

Jn 9.4-5: I must work the works of Him who sent ^Me while it is (the sixth) Day: the (seventh) Night is
coming when no one can work. As long as I am in the world, I am the ^Light of the world.

Jn 11.25-26: ^Iesous (lpcu, ) said to her, I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in ^Me,
though he may DIE, he shall live. And whoever LIVES (to the resurrection) and believes in ^Me shall

John 11.49-50: And a certain one of them, Caiaphas, being high priest that year, said to them, You
know nothing, nor do you consider that it is expedient for us that one man should die in behalf of the
people, and not that the whole nation should perish..

Jn 15.1-2, 4: I Am^ ( |,a :iai; Ex 3.14; s) the true Vine, and the Father of ^Me is the vinedresser.
All Branch in ^Me not bearing Fruit He takes it away; and all the [one] bearing Fruit He prunes it, so that
it may bear more Fruit ... Remain in ^Me, and I in you. Just as the Branch is not able to bear Fruit from
itself, if not it remains in the Vine, so you neither if not you remain in ^Me.

Jn 16.16: A Little, and you will not see ^Me, because I go to the Father (roc, :c ua::oa); and again a
Little and you will see ^Me.

John 17.4: I have glorified You on the earth. I have finished the work which You have given ^Me to

John 19.30: So when ^Iesous had received the sour wine, He said, It is finished! And bowing His
head, ^He gave up the spirit."

Jn 19.37: And again another Scripture says, They shall look on ^Him whom they pierced.

Jn 21.17: ^He says to him the third [time], 'Simon of Jonah, you (Peter) love ^Me? ... You feed the sheep
of Me.

Jn 21.21-22: Peter, seeing him, said to ^Iesous, But Lord (Kuoi:), what about this man? [Meaning,
John.] ^Iesous said to him, If I will that he remain till I come, what is that to you? You follow Me.

Acts 2.8-11: And how is it that we hear, each in our own language in which we were born? Parthians and
Medes and Elamites, those dwelling in Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, Phrygia
and Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of Libya adjoining Cyrene, visitors from Rome, both Jews and
proselytes, Cretans and Arabs -- we hear them speaking in our own tongues the wonderful works of the
God (:cu :cu).

Acts 10.44-45, 47: While Peter was still speaking these words, the Holy Spirit fell upon all those who
heard the word. And those of the circumcision who believed were astonished, as many as came with
Peter, because the gift of the Holy Spirit had been poured out on the Gentiles also ... Can anyone forbid
Water, that these should not be Dipped who have received the Holy Spirit just as we?

Acts 13.33: You are the Male (^Son) of Me, today (AD 32) I have begotten You - Heb 1.5, 5.5; Ps 2.7.

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem
r: (He The [One] Saving) = Au:c, c `a:poia (He The [One] Saving = ^lpcu, = He-Saving



DIGRESSION: Greek Names of the Gods Banned.
1) ^Iesous (lpcu,) was changed to Iesus in Jeromes Latin Vulgate (AD 405). Then the
British Bishop, Richard Challoner, in AD 1738 invented the letter J, and changed Iesus to Jesus -
977 times. See: "NKJV Greek English Interlinear New Testament"; Matthew 16.13, p. 62. See: "The
Interlinear Bible"; The Trinitarian Bible Society; Matthew 16.13, p. 47.
2) ^Anointed (Xoi:c,) was corrupted to read Christ, which is not a Bible word; probably
by the early church fathers, or by the False Prophets (popes) that followed. The word Christos was
anglicized by striking off the letters os, and inserting the corrupted Greek word -- untranslated -- into
the Bible translation - 490 times.
See: William D. Mounce Lexicon, p. 484. See: Walter Bauer Lexicon, p. 887.
This is similar to the corrupted, and untranslated word -- baptize, from the Greek word
baptizo - 115 times. This replaced the translated Greek word dip. See: Luke 16.24, John 13.26,
Revelation 19.13; all rendered dip.
^Iesous From-calling (Ek klesia; :- -pia) was corrupted to read church - 114 times.

#Gods = MYHLA He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem
SWHY = Autos o `a:poia `a:poia `a:poia `a:poia = He The [One] Saving = ^Iesous

["Ek" (:-) = from, out of; and "Klesias" (-pia,) = called. The "From-calling" was raptured in AD 77;
or, "10 Days/Years" (Rev 2.10). The God and the ^Lamb founded New Jerusalem (Rev 21.22-23, Rev
22.1, 3); and the Pope founded the "church."]

3) God for "the God," in the Greek. "The God" (O Theos [0 :c,])." is recorded consistently
throughout the New Testament, except in the possessive case, "of God" (Theou). The article "the" (O) is
the difference between "The True and Living God" and "a pagan god." But then, the definite article, "the"
is also found frequently with the genitive word, "God" = :cu :cu; Rev 22.1 and Rev 22.3, and others.
So then, the churches do not KNOW or USE the names of GOD!
But the age of perversity (Satan loosed a little) has run its course (1959-2004).
^Iesous (lpcu,) taught the name of the God of Me (#1), and the name of the city of the God of
Me (#2), the New **Jerusalem which comes down from [place] of the (:cu) heaven from [throne] of the
(tou) God of ^Me. And the name of ^Me (#3), the new (Rev 3.12);
a) Gods new name = Lord God Almighty - (Kuoi: 0 :c, 0 ua:c-oa:ao) Rev 11.17, and:
The Father of us, The [One] in the Heavens (ua::o paa c : :ci, cuoacu,; Mt 6.9), and others;
c) ^Iesous (lpcu,) new name = The ^Word of the God (0 Ac,c, :cu :cu) (Rev 19.13), and
King of kings (Bai:a 3ai:a) (19.16), and of the ^Lamb (:cu Aoicu) (22.1).

"For where two or three are gathered together in the name of Me, I am there in the midst of them
- Matt 18.20; ^Iesous (lpcu,); verse 18.1.
AND -- What happens to those gathered together in the False Prophets name for God, Christ?
HOW ABOUT --those gathered together in Londons bishops name for God, Jesus?
There is no letter J in the Bible, neither in the Greek, nor the Hebrew?

4) Colossians 2.9: "of the God of the living body"; translated, "godhead." = :p, :c[u]:p[,]
[,a]:c, aaa:ia, = of the :p,, God :cu, - of the :p,, living - ,a:c, - of body aaa:i-a,.
These abbreviated words, "of the" and "God" and "living" are not to be ignored. They stand out
like a sore thumb. The word "of body" is not to be ignored.
NOTE: The word, "of body" is confirmed in the William D. Mounce Analytical Greek Lexicon.
The word "Genesis was identified: ",::i,, :a,, :a"; and the second term "EOOS" is the "genitive
singular" form of the word, as "SOOMATIKOOS" is the genitive singular form of "body." This is found
on page 124.
"rc:a," is the genitive singular for declension "n-3e(5b)" found on page 8, translated, of city..
":ar:ia:a," is the singular genitive feminine on page 444, translated, of low estate..
5) "of the holy God" (Rom 1.20); translated, "godhead"; or, "divinity." :[ic][a,]ic[]:p, = of
the (:p,) God (:ic) holy (a,ic) = of the holy God.
NOTE: The Greek manuscripts frequently have the definite article ("the") follow the noun.
6) "the holy God" (Acts 17.29); translated, "godhead" and "deity." :c :[ic][a,]ic = the - :c
- holy - a,ic - God :c.
NOTE: In Hebrew the "letters are unwritten" when suppressed by a prefix or a suffix. The best
example is the letter "T." YT - T - L (--:) (Num 22.13) = to (L) giving ([n]T[n]) of me (YT). So then,
both letters "N" were unwritten. But -- the translators all got it right. Pretty impressive work! T = giving
In the Greek manuscripts the "unwritten letters" are due to abbreviations of words; such as
"Theos" was spelled "The." And "agion" was spelled "ion."
But whether Hebrew or Greek, the translators must be able to read the "unwritten letters."
7) "He is new law of the God" (Heb 8.6); translated, "established" (one time only). Almost all
"one time only" definitions in the Bible are errors; and there are hundreds of them.
:[c,][o]cac[a]Qe[cu]:p[,]:ai = new (:c,) law (ccaa) of the (:p, ) God (:cu) case endings
(:ai) = "He is." He is (tai) new (neos) law (onoma) of the (ths) God (Theou).
Hebrew 7. 11, same as Hebrews 8.6.
8) "into the lake of fire and of holy God" (Rev 20.10); translated, "of fire and brimstone."
:[cu][ag]icu = of holy (a,icu) of God (:cu).
NOTE: God is fire (death).
"His throne is a fiery flame. Wheels of him (throne) a burning fire. A river of fire issued and
came forth from before Him (God) ..." (Dan 7.9-10).
"Brimstone" was listed eight (8) times, and should be translated, "holy God."
9) Matthew 3.17: "The [One] of extreme loving; c a,arp:c,. The word, "agape" represents
"extreme love." The word, "philadelphos" (]ia:]c,; Strong's Greek #5361) means, "love of brother."
But, "extreme love" (a,arp) is a more intense love of both good and evil. The intense love of the God
and of the ^Lamb for men of earth was, and still is, good. The intense love of man for the Gods, and for
their fellowman is good. This word is Strong's Greek #25 and #26. But men also "extremely loved"
(p,arpa) "darkness" (Jn 3.19), which was evil. And, Demas "extremely loved" (a,arpa,) the present
world (2Tim 4.10) which was evil. Some have mistakenly identified "agape" as "spiritual love", which is
an error because sometimes it was recorded to have been against the Spirit.
The William D. Mounce Analytical Greek Lexicon had identified the case ending, "-TOS" to be a
present active genitive singular participle, page 42; producing for "a,arp:c," (Mt 3.17) the translation,
"of extreme loving."
The reader is not to be confused by the fact that the "-TOS" case ending also has other meanings,
one of which is, "God of the living body" (:c, :p, ,a:c, aaa:i-a,), Colossians 2.9; which was
reciorded in abbreviated form: :c [,] :p [,] [,a] :c, aaaa:i-a,.
God (theo[s]) of the (th[s]) living ([zwn]tos) of body (soomatikoos). AND THAT IS CLEAR AS
MUD! This is why the Supernatural Holy Spirit is required to translate the Bible!
The title, "The [One] of extreme loving" (a,arp:c,) referred to the Lord ^Iesous Anointed
(lpcu, Xoi:c,) nine (9) times. See: Mt 3.17, Mt 12.18, Mt 17.5, Mk 1.11, Mk 9.7, Lk 3.22, Lk 9.35,
Lk 20.13, 2Pet 1.17.
But then, the students of ^Iesous (lpcu,) were imitators of Him, and this title was also recorded
when referring to them, "the [one] extremely loving brother" (0 a,ap:c, a:]c,); Ephesians 6.21, and
many other places.
NOTE: The word "beloved" is not legal, for "agapetos" has no Greek prefix to "agape" as "love"
was prefixed by "be-" in the English translations. This word, "beloved," is a violation of basic Greek

#Gods = MYHLA He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem
SWHY = Au:c Au:c Au:c Au:c, ,, , c `a:poia c `a:poia c `a:poia c `a:poia = He The [One] Saving = ^Iesous = He-Saving

God (:c,) is correct 1,283 times.
Christ (Xoic,) is wrong 490 times; literally reading, Anointed - See: Isa 11.1-4.
Jesus(lpcu,) is wrong 977 times; ^Iesous being meant to be translated.
Church (From-calling; :- -pia -pia,) is imaginary.
Baptize (Dip; 3ar:i,a) is blasphemy against the word of the God.
Preach (Proclaim, :ua,,:i,a -a:a,,:a -poua ia,,:a ::; declare, teaching the good
message) was invented long after the Bible was sealed up.
Gospel (Good Message; :ua,,:ic) is hideous.


1.1 Paul a servant of ^Iesous Anointed (lpcu, Xoi:c,), a called one sent (apostle), separated to the
good message (:ua,,:ic) of God (:cu)
1.2. which He promised before through [words] of the (:a) prophets of Him (au:cu) in Holy Scriptures,
1.3. concerning coming of the ^Son of Him of the [One] from seed of David (a3i) according to flesh,
1.4. of ^The [One] being declared ^Son of God (Yic, :cu) in power according to Spirit of holiness
(u:uaa a,iaup,), from resurrection of dead [ones].
1.5. Through ^Him we received Favor and a sending (apostleship) into obedience of faith in all nations
on behalf of [glory] of the (:cu) name of Him,
1.6. in whom you also are the called of ^Iesous Anointed (lpcu Xoi:cu);
1.7. To all the [ones] being in Rome, in the (:ci, ) Extreme Love (a,arp) of God (:cu), in holy ones
called: Favor to you and peace from [mercy] of God Father of us (:cu ua:oc, paa) and of Lord
^Iesous Anointed (Kuoic lpcu Xoi:cu).
1.8. First indeed, I thank the God of me (:a :a acu), through [mercy] of ^Iesous Anointed (lpcu
Xoi:cu) for you all, that the faith of you is proclaimed in the whole world (Roman Empire).
1.9. For the God (0 :c,) is witness of me, whom I serve in the spirit of me in the good message of the
^Son of Him (:cu Yicu au:cu), how without ceasing I make mention of you always on the prayers of
1.10. requesting if, by some means, now at sometime I will suceed in the will of the God (:cu :cu) to
come to you.
1.11. For I long to see you, in order that I may impart to you some spiritual gift into the setting fast you.
1.12. And this is, to be encouraged together in you through [harmony] of the faith in one another, both of
you and me.
1.13. But I do not want you to be unaware, brothers, that I often planned to come toward you (and I was
hindered until [time] of the [:cu] present), in order that I might have some fruit in you also, just as also in
the remaining Gentiles.
1.14. I am a debtor (one bound) to Greeks and to sons of burden* both to the wise and to unwise I am a
NOTE *: [meaning taxes to Greece barbarians = BAR, son BAROS, of burden]

#Gods = MYHLA He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem
SWHY = Autos o `a:poia `a:poia `a:poia `a:poia = He The [One] Saving = ^Iesous

1.15. So the according to eager me, to have announced the good message myself [:a,,:iaai] to
the (:ci,) [ones] in Rome also.
NOTE: Gospel is unfounded. This is aorist middle infintve mood.

1.16. For I am not ashamed [proclaiming] the good message of the ^Anointed (:cu Xoi:cu), for it is
power of God (:cu) into (:i,) salvation to the all believing, both in Jew first, and in Greek.
1.17. For in it (good message) righteousness of God (:cu) is revealed from () Faith into (:i,) Faith; as
it is written, And the rightous shall live by Faith.
1.18. For wrath of God (:cu) is revealed from [throne] of Heaven (cuoacu) against all ungodliness and
unrighteousness of men, of the (:a) [ones] suppressing truth in unrighteousness,
1.19. on account of the [thing] may be known of the God (:cu :cu) is made evident in them (Jews), for
the God (0 :c,) manifested to them (*Israel).
1.20. For the invisible [things] of Him from Creation of world* are clearly seen, being understood in the
things made, both the power without own** (:: p aiic,) of him (World), and of the holy God
(:ic:p,)***, so that they (Jews) are without excuse,
NOTE *: (Heaven & Earth = Israel)
NOTE **: Prefix A = without, iic, = Stromgs #2398, own. This means that the world; -cac,
has a power without own of him (world). In other words, God is the power of Nature.
NOTE ***: :[cu][a,]ic[u]:p, = of God (Theou) of holy (agiou) of the (tes). This is translated: "of the
holy God."

1.21. on account of that, knowing the God (:c :c), they did not glorify as God (a, :c), nor were
thankful, but became futile in the thoughts of them, and the foolish heart of them was darkened.
1.22. Professing to be wise, they became fools,
1.23. and changed the glory of the incorruptible [Nature] of God (:cu) in a likeness of an image of
corruptible man -- and of birds and of four-footed animals and of creeping things.
1.24. Therefore the God (0 :c,) also gave them up into uncleanness in the lusts of the hearts of them of
the (:cu) [desire] to dishonor the bodies of them in themselves [mutilation],
1.25. who exchanged the truth of the God (:cu :cu) in the lie, and worshipped and served the creature
rather than The [One] having created, who is blessed into the ages. Truly (aaa).
1.26. On account of this the God (0 :c,) gave them up into passions of dishonor. For even the females
of them exchanged the natural use into the [bestiality*] against nature.
NOTE *: beastiality is figurative, meaning sexuality with Eagles (Babylon & Egypt; Eze 17.3, 7).

1.27. Likewise also the males, leaving the natural use of the female, burned in the lust of them in one
another, males with males [Homosexuality] committing shamelessness, and getting back in themselves
the penalty of the error of them which was fitting.
1.28. And just as they did not see fit to have the God (:c :c) in knowledge, the God (0 :c,) gave
them over into a disapproved mind, to do the [things] not being proper,
1.29. being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, evil, covetousness, malice, full of envy,
murder, strife, deceit, misfortune, whisperers,
1.30. evil speaking, haters of God (:c:u,:i,), violent, proud, boasters, inventors of bad [things],
disobedient to parents,
1.31. undiscerning, untrustworthy, unloving, unforgiving, unmerciful,
1.32. who, having known the righteous judgment of the God (:cu :cu), that the (ones), the such
practicing are deserving of death, not only do them but also approve of the (ones who) practice (them).

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem
r: (He The [One] Saving) = Au:c, c `a:poia (He The [One] Saving = ^lpcu, = He-Saving

The writers of the Pope, in the deep Dark Ages, interpreted Romans 1.18-32, to apply to the Gentiles.
However, the Gentiles were not introduced into the conversation until Verse 2.9. All of these traits of
rebellion against the God are confirmed by the prophets to refer to the nation of *Israel.
A) Mutilation: Leviticus 19.28: And cutting to dead, you will not give them in body of you, and print
mark you will not give them in you, I, He Is ( s:).
B) Adultery with Pagan Idols: Have you seen what backsliding *Israel has done? She has gone up on
every high mountain and under every green tree, and there played the prostitute ... So it came to pass,
through her casual prostitution, that she defiled the land and committed adultery with stones and trees
(wood) - Jer 3.6, 9.
C) Beastiality: Ezekiel 23.20: And she (*Israel) loved against lovers of her whose flesh [as] donkeys of
them, flesh of them, and emission [as] horses emission of them.
NOTE: This is figurative speech graphically detailing the symbolic beastiality of *Israel.
D) Homosexuality: Now son of man will you judge, will you judge the bloody city? (**Jerusalem is
intended.) ... In you men uncover their fathers nakedness ... - Eze 22.2, 10.

The message from God is that all these signs of depravity refer to the nation of *Israel. This fact is
evident from the Jewish prophets quoted on these subjects.
However, the writers of the Pope, in the deep Dark Ages, declared that this section, Romans 1.18-32, is
about the Gentiles.
And, sad to tell, the Protestant expositors were too lazy to make any effort to interpret these verses, but
simply copied the Roman Catholic mis-interpretation. Here is the history of ths mess:
(1) Rheims New Testament, 1582, Roman Catholic, Romans 1.18-32; The philosophy of the
(2) Geneva Bible, 1599; Romans, Chapter One, ... it does signify a Gentile.
(3) Matthew Poole, 1680, Revelation, Chapter One, He begins with the Gentiles.
(4) Reason and Revelation, 1868, Robert Milligan, Romans, Chapter One, state of Gentile world.
(5) Peoples New Testament, 1891, B.W. Johnson, Romans, Chapter One, The world (the pagan world).
(6) Halleys Bible Handbook, 1945, Henry H. Halley, Romans 1.18; Depravity of man, the Jews
included (2.1-29).
NAB, 1986, Roman Catholic, Romans 1.18-32; to indit especially the non-Jewish people.
NLT, 2008, Romans 1.18, Uniiversal sinfulfness. Gentilles (1.18-32) and Jews (2.1-3.8).
ESV, 2008, Romans 1.18-32, The unrighteousness of the Gentiles.

There you have it! Everyone against the Living God and for the Pope (except me).


2.1. Therefore you are inexcusable, every one judging in what [you judge], for all the [one] judging, in
what you judge the other you condemn yourself; for you are practicing the same [thing], the [one]
2.2. And we know that the judgment of the God (:cu :cu) is according to truth on the [ones] practicing
2.3. And this, do you think in man, the [one] judging the (ones), the such practicing, and doing them, that
you will escape the judgment of the God? (:cu :cu).
2.4. Or do you despise [Favor] of the (:cu) richness of Him (au:cu), and of the (:p,) goodness, and of the
forbearance, and of the (:p,) longsuffering, not knowing that the goodness of the God (:cu :cu) leads
you (Jew) to reformation?
2.5. And through [evil] of the (:p) hardness of you and impenitent heart you are treasuring up to yourself
wrath in day of wrath and of revelation (appearing of the Son of man) of righteous judgment of the God
(:cu :cu),
2.6. who, will render to each according to the woks of him (Ps 62.12);
2.7. one the one hand (men), to the [ones] by endurance of good work, glory and honor, are seeking
incorruption and eternal life.
2.8. On the other hand (:) to the [ones] from [evil] of self-seeking and disobey the truth, some (a:)
obeying the unrighteousness, others (:) wrath and anger,

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem
r: (He The [One] Saving) = Au:c, c `a:poia (He The [One] Saving = ^lpcu, = He-Saving

2.9. tribulation and anguish, on all soul of the man both (::) of working evil, of the Jew first, and also of
the Greek.
2.10. But glory, honor, and peace to all the [one] working the good, both (::) to the Jew first, and to a
2.11. For there is no partiality with the God (raoa :a :a).
2.12. For many sinned without law and they will perish without the law, and many sinned in law, they
will be judged through law.
2.13. For not the hearers of the law are righteous with the God (raoa :a :a), but the doers of the law
will be made righteous;
2.14. for when Gentiles, the [ones] not having law, by nature do the things of the (:cu) law, these, not
having law, are a law to themselves,
2.15. who show the work of the law written in the hearts of them, witnessing of them of the conscience of
them, and between themselves the thoughts of them accusing or even excusing [them].
2.16. in day when the God (0 :c,) will judge the secrets of men through [judgment] of ^Iesous
Anointed (lpcu Xoi:cu), according to good message of me.
2.17. Look, you are named a Jew, and rest on the law, and make your boast in God (: :a),
2.18. and know the will, and approve the [things] excelling, being instructed from [word] of the (tou) law,
2.19. and you have been persuaded and yourself to be a guide of blind; a light of the [ones] in darkness,
2.20. an instructor of foolish [ones], a teacher of babes, having [word] of the (twn) form of the (:p)
Knowledge and of the Truth in the law.
2.21. The [one] therefore teaching another, do you not teach yourself? The [one] publishing not to steal,
do you steal?
2.22. The [one] saying, Not to commit adultery, do you commit adultery? The [one] abhorring the idols,
do you rob temples? (See: Acts 19.37.)
2.23. You who boast in law, do you dishonor the God (:c :c) through transgression of the law?
2.24. For the name of the God (:cu :cu) is blasphemed in the Gentiles through you (Isa 52.5), just as
it is written.
2.25. For, on the one hand (a:), circumcision profits if you practice [the law]; on the other hand (:) if
you are a transgressorer of law, the circumcision of you has become uncircumcision.
2.26. Therefore, if an uncircumcised [man] keeps the righteous requirements of the law, will not the
uncircumcision of him be counted into circumcision?
2.27. And He will judge the uncircuncision from nature (physically) [as] fulfilling the law, [judge] you
through letter and circumcision [as] a transgressor of law?
2.28. For the [one] not in the open, he is of Judea, nor the [one] in the open flesh in circumcision [is not of
NOTE: in the open means flesh opened by circumcision.

2.29. but the [one] in the secret of Judea, and circumcision [is] of heart, in Spirit (: r:uaa:i), not in the
letter; the praise of whom [is] not from men but from [Spirit] of the God (:cu :cu).
NOTE: in the secret Judea means Gentiles uncircumcision counted into circumcision.


3.1. What then the advantage of the Jew, or what is the excellency of the circumcision?
He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem
r: (He The [One] Saving) = Au:c, c `a:poia (He The [One] Saving = ^lpcu, = He-Saving

3.2. Much according to all way! For first, on the one hand (a:) that to them were committed the words
of the God (:cu :cu).
3.3. For what if some did not believe? Will the unbelief of them nullify the Faith of the God (:cu :cu)?
3.4. He would not have come himself! On the other hand (:), the God (0 :c,) will come Himself
[Middle Voice] true, all man a liar, just as it is written, So that You may be righteous in the words of
You, and You will overcome in the, To judge Myself you (Ps 51.4).
3.5. But if our unrightousness of us demonstrates righteousness of God (:cu), what will we say? The
righteous God (0 :c,) not The [One] bringing wrath? (I speak according to a man.)
3.6. He would not have come himself!! When (:r:i) the God (0 :c,), how (ra,), He will judge the
3.7. For if the truth of God (:cu :cu) has increased through to the lie of me into, to the glory of Him,
why I also still judged as a sinner?
NOTE: This disproved the lie that, God is good only. The Bible is a story of sinful man, and of the
punishment from the God for his sins. There is more Scripture describing God as Hate, and as a
Killer, than pictures of God being Good and Loving and Forgiving. This verse (3.7), stated, The
truth of God is increased by the sins of man, because these sins were predicted by God, and the
punishment of these sins was also predicted by God. God is glorified by the fulfillment of predicted sin.
The truth of our Proposition about God being represented as evil more than good, can be confirmed by
word studies of the wrath of God and everlasting fire and cast into outer darkness. The Living God
hates and punishes sin.

3.8. And not according as (-aa,), we are slandered and not according as (-aa,) some say us to say,
We will do the bad in order that the good will come. Of whom, the judgment is righteous.
3.9. What then? We (Jews) will excel? Not at all. For we have previously charged both Jews and Greeks
to all be under sin.
3.10. As it is written: For a righteous is not, not even one;
3.11. there is not the [one] understanding, there is not the [one] seeking the God (:c :c).
3.12. All from [sin] of bowing down; they were without use; there is not [one] doing good, is not until
(:a,; :.; even) one (Ps 14.1-3).
3.13. The throat of them an open tomb; they deceived in tongues of them (Ps 5.9); the poison of asps
under the lips of them (Ps 140.3);
3.14. the mouth of whom (a) is full of cursing and of bitterness (Ps 10.7).
3.15. The feet of them swift to shed blood;
3.16. destruction and misery in the ways of them;
3.17. and way of peace they did not know (Isa 59.7-8).
3.18. No fear is of God (]c3c, :cu) before [sight] of the (:a) eyes of them (Ps 36.1) - 3.9-18.
3.19. Now we know that as many [things] as the law speaks, to the [ones] in the law, so that all mouth
will be stopped, and all the world will become under righteousness to the God (7a :a).
3.20. Therefore friom works of the law not all flesh will be made Righteous before [sight] of Him, for
through the law [is] Knowledge of sin.
3.21. But now Righteousness of God (:cu) has been revealed apart [from works] of law, being
witnessed under [authority] of the Law (:cu) and of the (:a) Prophets.
3.22. And a Righteousness of God (:cu) through [receiving] of Faith (ri::a,) of ^Iesous Anointed
(lpcu Xoi:cu), into all and on all the [ones] believing. For there is no difference;
3.23. for all have sinned and fall short of the Glory of the God (c,p, :cu :cu),
3.24. being made Righteous in the gift (:p ao:a) of Him through [mercy] of the (:p,) Redemption

(arcu:oa:a,; genitive), of the (:p,) [Extreme Love] in anointed (,oi:a) [Body] of ^Iesous (lpcu),

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem
r: (He The [One] Saving) = Au:c, c `a:poia (He The [One] Saving = ^lpcu, = He-Saving

3.25. whom the God (c 0 :c,) set forth through a sin offering the Faith in Blood of Him, into a
demonstration of the Righteousness of Him, through the passing over of the previously ocurring sins in
the Forbearance of the God (:cu :cu),
3.26. for a demonstration of the Righteousness of Him, in the now season, into the, Him to be Righteous
and The [One] declaring Righteous the [one] from [hope] of Faith of ^Iesous (ri::a, lpcu) - 3.19-26.
NOTE: The capitalized words are the seven Spirits of God.

3.27. Where then the boasting? From it was shut out (:,:-:ip). Through what law? Of the Works?
No, but through law of Faith.
3.28. Therefore we conclude that a man [is] made Righteous in Faith apart from Works of law.
3.29. Or, the God (0 :c,) of Jews only? But not also of Gentiles? Yes, of the Gentiles also,
3.30. since the God [is] one (:i, 0 :c,) who will make Righteous circumcision from Faith (Rom
1.17) and uncircumcision through [introduction] of the (:p,) Faith (235 Xs).
[Meaning, two salvations; the Jews from faith, and the Gentiles through [introduction] of
the faith. There are many supporting Scriptures for two salvations; see: Zec 12.7.]
3.31. Therefore do we nullify law through [introduction] of the faith? He would not have come himself!
We establish other* [new] law.
NOTE *: Other gods were cursed by our Creator (Ex 23.13). Moses recorded this about 1599 BC.
Muhammad named his fake god, Allah (other; aa), after AD 620. This proves the Living God is
God of gods (Deut 10.17).


4.1. What then will we say [about] Abraham (A3oaaa) our father, according to flesh, to have found?
4.2. For, if Abraham from works was made Righteous, he has not a boast, other (a) [than] toward the
God (:c :c).
4.3. For what does the Scripture say? And (:; and, Heb.) Abraham Believed in the God (:a :a),
and it was accounted to him into Righteousness (Gen 15.6).
4.4. And to the [one] Working, the wages are not accounted to Favor but according to debt.
4.5. And to the [one] not Working, but Believing on The [One] making Righteous the ungodly, the Faith
of him is accounted into Righteousness,.
4.6. just as David (a3i) also, he says the Blessing of the man to whom the God (0 :c,) imputes
Righteousness apart from [deeds] of Works:
4.7. Blessed [are those] the lawless deeds whom were forgiven, and the sins whom wekre covered;
4.8. Blessed is the man to whom Lord (Kuoic,) shall not impute sin - 4.6-8; Ps 32.1-2.
4.9. The Blessedness then, this on the circumcision, or upon the uncircumcision also? For we say that the
Faith was accounted to Abraham into Righteousness.
4.10. How then was it accounted? In being circumcised, or in uncircumcision? Not in circumcision, but
in uncircumcision.
4.11. And he received the sign of circumcision, a seal of the Righteousness of the Faith of the [one] in
uncircumcision, into the, Him to be father of all the [ones] believing; through uncircumcision (Gentiles),
into the, The Righteousness also to be imputed to them.
4.12. And a father of circumcision to the [ones] not from the circumcision only (Jews), also the other
(aa) [ones] following in the steps of the faith of the [one] in the uncircumcision of the father of us,

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem
r: (He The [One] Saving) = Au:c, c `a:poia (He The [One] Saving = ^lpcu, = He-Saving

4.13. For the promise not through the law to Abraham, or to the seed of him, him to be the heir of the
world through other (aa)* righteousness of faith.
NOTE *: Other righteousness meant other than the law, which was also mentioned by Paul.
4.14. For if the ones from law [are] heirs, the Faith has been emptied, the promise has been nullified,
4.15. for the law produces wrath; for where there is no law, neither is their transgression.
4.16. On account of this, this is from (:-) faith in order that [it is] according to Favor, into the, The
promise to be sure to all the seed, and not to the [one] from [works] of the (:cu) law only, also other
(aa) to the [one] from [promise] of faith [of] Abraham, who is father of all of us;
4.17. (just as it is written; For [c:i] a father of many nations I have appointed you); before whom he
believed [promise] of the God (:cu :cu), giving life to the dead and calling the [things] not being as
though being,*
4.18. who beyond hope** believed on hope, into the, To become him a father of many nations, according
to the [word] having been spoken: So will the seed of you be.
NOTE *: Cyrus was named My shepherd before he was born.
NOTE **: Who beyond hope means that Abram was a pagan when he received the promise: and
turn away from gods (::s) that fathers of Me (YT) of you (::-:s) served them in serving
[beyond] the River^ and in Egypts^^ and serve Him of He Is () Joshua 24.14.
NOTE ^: This referred to the Euphrates River where Abram came from, who served pagan gods. See:
Gen 11.31, reading from, Haran. For this reason, the Promise to Abram (Gen 12.1ff), has been termed,
Revealed Religion. He was a pagan until God spoke to him.
NOTE ^^: Egypts is always plural in Hebrew because of Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt.

4.19. And not weakening to the Faith he did not consider the body of him, already having been worn out
(being about a hundred years) and the deadness of the mother(hood) of Sarah.
4.20. And into the Promise of the God (:cu :cu) he did not waver to the [point] of unbelief, was other
(aa)* empowered in the Faith, giving glory to the God (:a :a),
NOTE *: Other empowered means the opposite of unbelief.

4.21. and being fully convinced that what He had promised He is also able to do.
4.22. And therefore it was accounted to him into Righteousness.
4.23. Now it was not written on account of him alone, that it was accounted to him,
4.24. And through other (aa) [persons] of us to whom it is about to be imputed, to the [ones] believing
on The [One] having raised the ^Iesous, Lord of us (lpcu :c Kuoic paa) from the dead,
4.25. who was delivered up on account of the transgressions of us, and was raised on behalf of the
Righteousness of us.


5.1. Therefore having been made Righteous from ]gift] of Faith, we have Peace toward the God (:iopp
roc, :c :c) through [sacrifice] of the Lord ^Iesous Anointed (:cu Kuoicu paa lpcu Xoi:cu),
of us.
5.2. through whom also we have had the access in the faith into this favor in which we stand, and we
boast on hope, the glory of the God (:p c,p :cu :cu).
He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem
r: (He The [One] Saving) = Au:c, c `a:poia (He The [One] Saving = ^lpcu, = He-Saving

5.3. And not other (aa) only,* we also boast in the Tribulations, knowing that the Tribulation works
NOTE: *: Other (Promise) had been consistently contrasted with Faith.
5.4. and the Endurance, Proof, and the Proof, Hope.
5.5. And Hope does not put to shame for the Extreme Love of the God (p a,arp :cu :cu) has been
poured out in the hearts of us through [receiving] of Holy Spirit (ia u:uaa:c, a,icu) of The [One]
having been given to us.
5.6. For ^Anointed (Xoi:c,) died according to a season on behalf of the ungodly -- of us yet being
5.7. For scarcely on behalf of a Righteous will anyone die, for on behalf of the Good perhaps someone
will have died.
5.8. But the God (0 :c,) demonstrates the Extreme Love into us, that ^Anointed (Xoi:c,) died on
behalf of us while yet being sinners.
5.9. Much more then, having been made Righteous in the blood of Him, we will be saved through Him
from [death] of the (:p,) wrath.
5.10. For if we were reconciled to God (:a :a) through the death of the ^Son (:cu Yicu) of Him,
being enemies, much more having been reconciled, much more we will be saved in the Life of Him.
5.11. And, not other (aa)* only, also boasting in the God (: :a :a) through [sin offering] of the
Lord of us, of ^Iesous Anointed (:cu Kuoicu paa lpcu Xoi:cu) through whom we have now
received the reconciliation.
5.12. On account of this, just as through one man the sin entered into the world, and through [curse] of the
(:p,) sin, the death, and thus the death passed into all men, on all he [that] sinned;
5.13. for until law sin was being in world, but sin is not imputed, not being [judgment] of law.
5.14. The other (a) death reigned from Adam until law of Moses even over the ones not sinning
according on the likeness of the transgression of Adam, who is a type of The [One] coming.
5.15. Other (a) not as the offense, so also [is] the Gift (,aoiaa). For if to the (:a) offense of the one
[man] the many died, much more the Favor of the God (,aoi, :cu :cu) and the Gift () in the
Favor of the one Man (:c, aoarcu), of ^Iesous Anointed (lpcu Xoi:cu) abounded into the many.
5.16. And not as through one sinning (Adam) [is] the Gift, on the one hand (a:), for Judgment from one
into condemnation, on the other hand (:), [is] the Gift () from many offenses into
5.17. For if by the offense of the one the death reigned through [sin] of the one, the ones receiving much
more of the abundance of the Gift (ao:a,) of the Righteousness in Life will reign (AD 77) through
[offering] of the one [Man] (:cu :c,), of ^Iesous Anointed (lpcu Xoi:cu).
5.18. So therefore, as through [death] of the one offense [Judgment] came into all men into condemnation,
so also [the Gift] through one Righteous act [came] into all men into Righteousness of Life.
5.19. For just as through [rebellion] of the Disobedience of the one man the many were caused to be
sinners, so also through of the (:p,) Obedience of the One (^Iesous), the many will be (future) caused to
be Righteous.
5.20. On the one hand (:) law came in alongside (the sin and the death) so that the offense might abound.
On the other hand (:) where sin should have abounded, the Favor was more than enough.
5.21. So that just as the sin ruled in the death, so also the Favor should have reigned through
Righteousness into eternal Life through [sin offering] of the Lord ^Iesous Anointed of us (:cu Kuoicu
pcu Xoi:cu paa).

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem
r: (He The [One] Saving) = Au:c, c `a:poia (He The [One] Saving = ^lpcu, = He-Saving


6.1. What then will we say? Will we continue in the sin so that Favor should have been enough?
6.2. He would not have come himself! How will we yet live in her (sin) who died to the sin?
6.3. Or, do you not know that as many as were Dipped (:3ar:ipa:) into Anointed ^Iesous (:i,
Xoi:c lpcu) were Dipped into the death of Him?
6.4. Therefore we were buried with Him through [act] of the (:cu) Dipping into the death so that just as
^Anointed (ar:o Xoi:c,) was raised from [tomb] of dead ones through [power] of the (:p,) glory of
the Father (c,p, :cu ua:oc,), so also we should have walked in newness of Life.
6.5. For if we have become planted together in the likeness of the death of Him, also [we shall be in the
likeness] other (aa) of the resurrection;
6.6. for knowing this, the old man of us was crucified so that the body of the sin, of the (:cu) [man] the
sin no longer to have served us.
6.7. For the [one] having died has been made made righteous from [guilt] in the (:p) sin.
6.8. And if we died with ^Anointed (u Xoi:a), we believe that also we will live with Him,
6.9. for we knowing that ^Anointed (Xoi:c,) having been raised from [tomb] of dead ones, dies no
more; death he is no longer lord of Him..
6.10. For the [death] He died to the sin, He died once for all. But the [life] He lives, He lives to the God
(:a :a).
6.11. Thus also you consider yourselves, on the one hand (a:), to be dead to the sin, on the other hand
(:), you are living to the God in (: ,oi:a) of ^Iesous (Ihsou), in the Lord of us (:a Kuoia paa).
6.12. Therefore do not allow the sin to be reigning in the mortal body of you into the obeying her in the
desires of him;
6.13. nor present the members of you [as] instruments of unrightousness to the sin, you present yourselves
other (aa) to the God (:a :a) as living from [separation] of dead ones, and the members of you as
instruments of Righteousness to God (:a :a).
6.14. For sin will not be lord of you, for you are not under law, under other (a), Favor.
6.15. What then, We will sin, for we are not under law but under Favor? It would not have been!
6.16. Do you not know that to whom you present yourselves servants into Obedience, you are servants to
whom you Obey whether of sin into death or of Obedience into Righteousness?.
6.17. But thanks to the God (:a :a) that you were being servants of the sin, but you obeyed from heart
of you into the form of teaching into which you were delivered.
6.18. But having been freed from [curse] of the (:p,) sin you became servants to the Righteousness.
6.19. I speak as a man on account of the weakness of the flesh of you. For just as you presented the
members of you as servants in the uncleanness and in the lawlessness into the [more] lawlessness, so now
you presented the members of you, servants in the Righteousness into Holiness.
6.20. For when you should have been servants of the sin you were being free [without] of the [cleanness]
in Righteousness.
6.21. So what fruit then you were having over [things] which you are now ashamed? For the end of those
[things] is death.
6.22. Now, on the one hand (:), having been freed from [things] of the sin, on the other hand (:) having
been servants to the God (:a :a), you have the fruit of you into Holiness, but the end, eternal Life.
6.23. For the wages of the sin is death, on the other hand (:) the (:c), Gift of the God (:cu :cu) eternal
Life in anointed (: ,oi:a) [Body] of ^Iesous the Lord of us (lpcu :a Kuoia paa).

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem
r: (He The [One] Saving) = Au:c, c `a:poia (He The [One] Saving = ^lpcu, = He-Saving

7.1. Or do you not know, brothers (for I speak to knowing ones [from] law), that the law, he is lord of the
man for [as] long a time [as]he lives?
7.2. For the woman under [law] man, to the living husband, has been bound in law. But if the husband
should die, she is released from [bondage] of the (:cu) law of the husband.
7.3. So then, the husband living, she will be revealed an adulteress if she should have become [married to]
a different husband; on the other hand (:) if the husband should have died she is free from [binding] of
the law, to the (:cu) [freedom] not to be her an adulteress, she having been [married to] another husband.
7.4. Therefore, brothers of me, you also were delivered to death to the law through [crucifixion] of the
body of the ^Anointed (:cu Xoi:cu) into the, you to have become to another, to the [One] having been
raised from [land]of dead ones (:-oa), so that we should have borne fruit to God (:a :a).
7.5. For when we were in the flesh, the sufferings of the sins, the [works] through [fulfilling] of the law
were being moved in the members of us, into the, to have borne fruit to the death.
7.6. And now we were released from [the power] of the law, having died in that to which we were held
fast, so that to serve us as servants in newness of Spirit (u:uaa:c,) and not [in] oldness of letter.
7.7. What then shall we say? [Is] the law sin? It should not have been! The other (aa) sin I did not
know, if not through the [reading] of law (cacu), for also I had not known covetousness if not the law, it
was saying, You will not covet!
7.8. And the sin, she having taken opportunity through [use] of the commandment, she produced herself
in my [members] all covetousness. For apart from [commandment] of law, sin [is] dead.
7.9. But I was living apart from [reading] of law once; but coming of the commandment, the sin, she
revived, but I was put aside.
7.10. And the commandment, she was found in me, the [one] into Life, this [led me] into death.
7.11. For the sin, she having taken opportunity through [use]of the commandment, she deceived me, and
through her (commandment), she [sin] killed [me].
7.12. Therefore, on the one hand (a:), the law [is] Holy, and the commandment [is] Holy and Righteous
and Good.
7.13. Then has the Good to me become death to me? It should not have been! On the other hand (aa),
the sin, so that it should have appeared sin [was] through [the use] of the Good producing herself death to
me, so that the sin, she should have produced herself according to [the] extremely sinful through [use] of
the commandment.
7.14. For we have known that the law is spiritual, but I am fleshly, having been sold under the sin.
7.15. For the [thing] I produce in myself, I do not know, for the [thing] I will, this I do not practice, on the
other hand (a), the [thing] I hate, this I do.
7.16. On the one hand (:), if the [thing] I do not will, this I practice, I agree in the law that [it is] Good.
7.17. On the other hand (:), now [it is] no longer I producing myself but the sin dwelling in me.
7.18. For I know not what good does dwell in me, this is in the flesh of me. For the [urge] to will lies
near in me, but the, [Power] to produce myself the Good, I do not discover.
7.19. For the Good I will, I do not do, on the one hand (a), the evil I do not will, this I perform.
7.20. On the other hand (a), if the [evil] I do not will, this I do, [it is] no longer [what] I produce
myself, but the sin dwelling in me.
7.21. Then I find the law to the [one] willing to have created the Good in me, that the evil in me lies near
7.22. For I delight myself in the law (:a caa) of the God (:cu :cu) according to the inner man.
7.23. On the other hand (:), I see a different law in the members of me warring to the law of the mind of
me and leading me captive in the law of the sin, to the [one] being in the members of me.
7.24. I wretched man!! Who will deliver me from [curse] of the body of this death?
He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem
r: (He The [One] Saving) = Au:c, c `a:poia (He The [One] Saving = ^lpcu, = He-Saving

7.25. I [give] thank to the God (:a :a) through [mercy] of ^Iesous Anointed (ia lpcu Xoi:cu) of
the Lord of us! (:cu Kuoicu paa). So then, myself, on the one hand (a:), I serve in mind to law of God
(caa :cu), on the other hand (:), in flesh to law of sin..


8.1. Nothing therefore now [no] condemnation to the [ones] in anointed (: ,oi:a) [Body] of ^Iesous
(lpcu), [to those] not walking according to [the] flesh, on the other hand according to Spirit (u:uaa).
8.2. For the law (masculine) of the Spirit of the Life (:cu u:uaa:c, :p, ,ap,) in anointed (: ,oi:a)
[Body] of ^Iesous (lpcu), He set me free from [condemnation] of the law of the sin (feminine) and of the
death (masculine).
8.3. For the impossible [thing] of the law in that it was being weak through [fraility] of the flesh, the God
(0 :c, ) sending the ^Son of Himself (Yic :au:cu), in likeness of sin [-ful] flesh, and concerning [the
power] of sin, He condemned the sin in the flesh,
8.4. so that the Righteous act of the law, He should have filled up in us, the [ones] not walking according
to [the] flesh, but according to Spirit (u:uaa).
8.5. For the [ones] according to flesh, they being the [ones] think on the [things] of the flesh, but the
[ones] according to Spirit (u:uaa), the [things] of the Spirit (:cu u:uaa:c,).
8.6. For the mind of the flesh [is] death, but the mind of the Spirit (u:uaa:c, ) [is] Life and Peace.
8.7. Therefore the mind of the flesh [is] enmity into God (:i, :c), for it does not submit to the law of
the God (:cu :cu), nor then it is able [to submit].
8.8. But the [ones] in [the] flesh not being able to have being pleasing to God (c::, ao:ai :a).
8.9. But you are not in flesh, but in Spirit (: u:uaa:i) if indeed Spirit of God (u:aa :cu) dwells in
you. But if anyone does not have Spirit of ^Anointed (u:uaa Xoi:cu), this [one] is not of Him.
8.10. And ^if Anointed (Xoi:c,) [is] in (:)*** you, on the one hand (a:), the body [is] dead through
sin, on the other hand (:), the Spirit [is] Life through Righteousness.
8.11. But if the Spirit of the [One] (:c u:uaa :cu) having raised from ^Anointed (Xoi:c) from
[tomb] of dead ones (:-oa) dwells in you, The [One] having raised the ^Anointed from [tomb] of dead
ones, He will make alive also the mortal bodies of you through the indwelling of Spirit of Him in (:)***
you (au:cu u:uaa : uai).
8.12. So then, brothers, we are debtors not to the flesh, to live according to flesh.
8.13. For if you live according to flesh, you are about to die, but if you put to death, in Spirit (u:uaa:i),
the deeds of the body, you will make yourself alive.
8.14. For as many [as] are led in Spirit of God (u:uaa:i :cu), these are sons of God (uici :cu).
8.15. For you did not receive a spirit of servitude again into fear, but you received Spirit of Adoption
(u:uaa ui:ia,) in whom we call, Abba, the Father! (A33a 0 ua:po).
8.16. The Spirit itself (au:c :c u:uaa), it bears witness to the spirit of us (:a r:uaa:i paa) that we
are children of God (::-a :cu).
NOTE: This verse meant that in the Old Testament, with the apostles (see: 1Cor 9.20-21), the
believers had, "the Gift of the Holy Spirit," which included, "speaking in tongues." Pail described this to
be, "speaking without your understanding" (1Cor 14.19). I understand this to mean that, "The Holy Spirit
wagged their tongues." But Paul predicted that, "tongues will cease" (1Cor 13.8-10).

8.17. On the one hand (:), if children also heirs: heirs of God (:cu), on the other hand (:), fellow heirs
of ^Anointed (Xoi:cu) if indeed we suffer together so that also we should have been glorified together.
He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem
r: (He The [One] Saving) = Au:c, c `a:poia (He The [One] Saving = ^lpcu, = He-Saving

8.18. For I consider that the sufferings of the not worthy [to be compared] toward the coming glory to
have been revealed into us.
8.19. For the earnest expectation of the *Creation (:p, -:i:a,), she looks for herself [to see] the
manifestation (resurrection) of the sons of the God.
8.20. For the Creation (*Israel), she was subjected to the futility not willingly (Isa 6.9-13) but on account
of The [One] subjecting [her] upon Hope.
8.21. For even the *Creation (p -:ii,) herself will be set free from [curse] of the servitude of the
corruption into the freedom of the glory of the children of the God (:a ::-a :cu :cu).
8.22. For we did know that all the *Creation (p -:ii,) groans together and labors in birth together until
[the days] of the present time.
8.23. And not only [so], but ourselves having [Gift] of the (:p) firstfruit of the Spirit (:cu u:uaa:c,),
and we groan in ourselves expecting in ourselves adoption, the redemption of the body of us.
INTERPRETATION: The words, "the Creation" are symbols for the nation of Israel (meaning the
unbelievers, as contrasted with, "we"). The Creation = Sun, Moon, Stars, Earth.
Sun = King. And, King Belshazzar was the, "Sun darkened" when Babylon was overthriown in
539 BC, detailed in Isaiah 13.1, 10, 13. And, King Zedekiah was the, "Sun darkened" when Babylon
destroyed **Jerusalem, in 588 BC. The "Moon" was the Levitical Priesthood. And, the Stars were the
Prophets. Then, "the Sun, Moon, Stars, Earth" were the nation of *Israel, which was annihilated by Titus
and his Roman legions
In this prophecy, Antipas was "the Sun darkened" (Rev 2.13). Josephus recorded him to have
been murdered in AD 66, by John of Gischala, and to have been, "the royal seed."
And, "the Moon" was the Levitical Priesthood, again.
And, the last "Star" (Prophet) of *Israel was Caiaphas, who predicted that "one" would die for the
nation (Jn 11.49-52).
Paul continued his story, linking the "resurrection" (the redemption of the body of us) with the
destruction of *Israel.
New **Jerusalem was founded by those surviving the war with Rome, and the "great tribulation"
(Mt 24.21) of "ten days" (Rev 2.10; AD 67-77).
Paul will describe this "conversion of the Jews" again in Chapter 11, as "being grafted in again"
(Rom 11.23).
NOTE: The Pope teaches that there was no First Century Resurrection. This was condemned by
^Iesous describing, "The Three Blasphemies of the Beast"; which included, [to blaspheme] "the dwellers
in Heaven" (Rev 13.6). The ^Son of the God taught, "Yes!" The Pope teaches, "No!"

8.24. For in the Hope we were saved, but Hope being seen is not Hope, for what one sees, [why] anything
[else] he does Hope?
8.25. But if we Hope [for] what we do not see through [practice] of endurance we expect [it] ourselves.
8.26. And likewise also the Spirit (neuter; :c u:uaa), it takes hold of with the weaknesses of us. For
we do not know the ( - neuter) [thing] we should have prayed for as it is necessary, but the Spirit itself
(au:c - neuter), it is interceding in behalf of us [in the] groanings unable to be spoken (tongues).
8.27. But the ( - masculine = God) [One] searching the hearts, He did know what the mind of the spirit
(:cu u:uaa:c,; neuter gender) [of man is] because according to God It intercedes (::u,,aa:i) on
behalf of [the] holy ones.
8.28. But we know that to the [ones] Extremely Loving the God (:ci, a,arai :c :c) all [things]
work together into good, to the [ones] being called according to [His] purpose.
8.29. For whom He foreknew, also He predestined [to be] conformed [to pattern] of the image (:p,
:i-cc,) of the ^Son of Him (:cu Yicu au:cu), into the being Him, firstborn [of] many brothers.
He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem
r: (He The [One] Saving) = Au:c, c `a:poia (He The [One] Saving = ^lpcu, = He-Saving

8.30. And whom He predestined, these He also called, and whom He called, these He also made
righteous, but whom He made righteous, these He also glorified.
8.31. What then shall we say to these [things?] For if the God [is] above (ur:o) us, who [can be] against
8.32. Who indeed did not spare [life] of the own ^Son (:cu iicu Yicu); but above us all gave Him up,
and how will He not freely give the all to us?
8.33. Who will bring a charge against [innocence] of from speaking ones* (:--:-:a) of God? God
(:c,) [is] The [One] making righteous.
NOTE *: ia:-:c is defined, through (dia) speaking; and so, :-:-:c is from (ek) speaking

8.34. Who [is] the [one] condemning? ^Anointed (Xoi:c,) [is] The [One] having died, and rather also
having been raised, who also is in right [hand] of the God (:cu :cu), who also intercedes above of us.
8.35. Who will separate us from [the Favor] of the Extreme Love (:p, a,arp,) of the ^Anointed? (:cu
Xoi:cu). [Will] tribulation or distress or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword?
8.36. For just as it is written, For sake of You we are put to death the whole day, we are being counted as
sheep of slaughter.
8.37. But in all these [things] we are prevailing mightily through [the Power] of the [One] Extremely
Loving (a,arpa:c,) us.
8.38. For I have been persuaded that neither death nor Life nor messengers nor principalities nor powers
nor [things] present nor [things] about to be,
8.39. nor height nor depth nor any other created thing will be able to separate us from [the Power] of the
Extreme Love (:p, a,arp,) of the God (:cu :cu), of the (:p,) [ones] in anointed (: ,oi:a)
[Body]of ^Iesous (lpcu) in the Lord of us (:a Kuoia paa).


9.1. I say [the] truth in*** ^Anointed (: Xoi:a), I do not falsify myself, witnessing in me, of the
conscience of me in a holy Spirit,
9.2. that there is great sorrow in me and unceasing pain in the heart of me.
9.3. For I wish myself, I, to be cursed again (aa:aa)* from [the Favor] of the ^Anointed (:cu
Xoi:cu) on behalf of the brothers of me, of the countrymen of me according to flesh,
NOTE *: This cursed again means that Paul would have forfeited his glory as an apostle, and his status
as an elder in the faith, and would have been saved again, as a babe, for the salvation of his countrymen.
But God does not work like that. And Paul knew it. But he was trying to express his agony over Israel
being blinded by God.

9.4. who are [of the] Israelites, of whom [are] the Adoption and the Glory and the Covenants and the
Law-giving and Service and the Promises,
9.5. of whom [are] the fathers and from whom the ^Anointed (a 0 Xoi:cu,) [came] The [One]
according to flesh, The [One] being over [the Governments] of all, God (:c,) blessed into the ages (:i,
:cu, aiaa,). Truly (aap).
9.6. But [it is] not as though the word of the God (:cu :cu) had failed, for not all the [ones] from Israel,
these [are] of *Israel,
9.7. neither because they are [the] Seed [of] Abraham [are they] all children, but In Isaac, he shall be
Called [the] Seed to you.
He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem
r: (He The [One] Saving) = Au:c, c `a:poia (He The [One] Saving = ^lpcu, = He-Saving

9.8. This is, not the children of the flesh these [constitute] children of the God (::-a :cu :cu), but the
children of the Promise, he counts himself into a Seed.
9.9. For this [was] the word of Promise, According to this time, I will come, and [there] he will be to the
Sarah [a] son,
9.10. and not only [so], but also Rebekah having conception from one [man], [even] the father of us,
9.11. for [the children] not yet being born nor practicing anything Good or Evil, so that the from word
(:-c,p) [Election] purpose of the God (:cu :cu), he should continuously* remain, not from Works
but from [the will] of The [One] Calling,
NOTE *: Lexicographers teach present tense, active voice, subjunctive mood shoul have continuous

9.12. He said to her, For the greater will serve to the lesser,
9.13. just as it has been written, The Jacob I loved, but the Esau I hated (lau :aipa).'
9.14. What then, will we say? [Surely there is] not unrighteousness with the God (raoa :a :a). He
would not have created it.
9.15. For to the Moses He says, I will have Mercy [on] whom ever I should have mercy, and I will have
Compassion [on] whom ever I should have Compassion (Ex 33.19).
9.16. So then [it is] not of the [one] willing, nor of the [one] running, but of the God (:cu :cu) having
9.17. For the writing to the Pharaoh, it says, For into this [thing] itself, I raised you up that I might show
in you the power of Me, and that the name of Me, it should have been proclaimed in all the earth (Ex
9.18. So then [on] whom He wills He has Mercy, [on] whom He wills He hardens.
9.19. Then you will say, to me, Why does He still find fault to the [one]? For to the will of Him who
[ever] resisted?.
9.20. But indeed, O man, Who are you, the [one] answering back to the God? (:a :a). [Surely] the
[thing] formed will not say to the [One] having formed [it], Why did You make me of this [nature]?
9.21. Or, does not the Potter have [the] right of the clay, from [mass] of the (:cu) same lump to have
made on the one hand (a:), the one into honor, and on the other hand (:), the [one] into dishonor?
9.22. But if the God (0 :c,), willing to have shown the Wrath and to have made known the Power of
Him; He bore in much longsuffering Vessels of Wrath having prepared [them] into destruction,
9.23. and so that He should have made Known the riches of the Glory of Him on [the] Vessels of Mercy
whom He should have prepared beforehand into Glory,
9.24. and us whom He Called not only from [assembly] of Jews (lcuaia), but also from [those] of
Gentiles [nations]?
9.25. And as in [words] to the Hosea, He says, I will Call the [children] not people of Me, [now] People
of Me, and the [Woman], You were not Extremly Loved, [now] You were Extremely Loved. (Hos
9.26. And it shall be in the place where it was said to them, You [are] not people of Me, there they will
be Called, Sons of living God (uici :cu ,a:c,) (Hos 1.10.)
9.27. And Isaiah cries out concerning [the sons] of the *Israel, If the number of the sons of *Israel might
have been as the sand of the sea, [nevertheless] the remnant will be saved (Isa 10.22-23.)
9.28. For [He] finishing a matter, and cutting [it] off in Righteousness, because [the] matter having been
cut off, Lord (Kuoic,) will make [a remnant] on [face] of the (:p,) Earth (*Israel).
9.29. And just as Isaiah predicted, If Lord of hosts (Kuoic, `a3aa) [had] not left a Seed in us, we
would have ever (a) been as Sodom, and we would ever have resembled as Gomorrah (Isa 1.9.).

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem
r: (He The [One] Saving) = Au:c, c `a:poia (He The [One] Saving = ^lpcu, = He-Saving

9.30. What then will we say? That Gentiles, the [ones] not pursuing Righteousness, they obtained
Righteousness, on the one hand (:), a Righteousness from the Faith.
9.31. On the other hand (:), Israel pursuing a law of Righteousness, into [a new] law of Righteousness,
[they] did not obtain.
9.32. On account of what? For [they did] not [seek it] from [the Belief] of Faith but as from
[Righteousness] of Works of law. For they stumbled in the Stone (lpcu,) of stumbling.
9.33. Just as it has been written, Look I place in Zion a Stone of stumbling and a Rock of offense, and all
the [ones] Believing on Him (lpcu,)* will not be put to shame - 9.30-33; Isa 8.14, 28.16, 26.
NOTE *: My wife, and I, know no one believing in this precious name


10.1. Brothers, on the one hand (a:), the good pleasure of the heart of mine, and the prayer, the (p) [one]
toward [throne] of the God above (roc, :c :c), of the Israel is into salvation.
10.2. For I bear witness in them, that they have a zeal of God (:cu), but not according to Knowledge.
10.3. For they being ignorant of the Righteousness of the God (:cu :cu) and seeking to establish the
Righteousness of own, have not submitted to the Righteousness of the God (:cu :cu).
10.4. For ^Anointed (Xoi:c,) [is the] end of the law [of Moses] into Righteousness to all the [ones]

DIGRESSION: The Bible has many Limited Generalities. This is found to be true by running into
other Limited Generalities with an opposing message. And, many verses oppose
this verse. Matthew 5.18, the Savor, ^Iesous Anointed; the Son of the man, taught,

For I say to you, until The Heaven and the Earth (*Israel) ever will pass away (AD 77), no, not one
iota or one tittle will pass away from [words] of the (:cu) law until ever all [things] come to be.

There are many similar verses about the apostles being under the law of Moses.
So then, How do we know the truth? These opposing verses must be reconciled. And, the
reconciliation is found by considering to whom each verse was addressed to.
Then the law was for Israelites. The verses confirming that the law is now, and in the future, were
addressed to Israelites.
The verses about the law ending at the cross (Eph 2.14-15; were addressed to a congregation mixed
with Jews and Gentiles), and (Col 2.14-16; addressed to Gentiles only).
Therefore, the Pope is only half-right.
Half a truth is a lie!

10.5. For Moses writes [about] the Righteousness, the [one] from [works] of the law, For [c:i] the man
having done [them] will live in them (Lev 18.5).
10.6. And the Righteousness from [believing] of Faith speaks in this way, Do not say in the heart of you,
Who will ascend into Heaven? [Deut 30.12.] (This is to bring ^Anointed down);
10.7. or, Who will descend into the without depth (a3uc)? [30.13.] (This is to bringing up
^Anointed from [tomb] of dead ones.)
10.8. But what does it say? The word is near you, in the mouth of you and in the heart of you. [30.14.]
He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem
r: (He The [One] Saving) = Au:c, c `a:poia (He The [One] Saving = ^lpcu, = He-Saving

(This is the word of the Faith which we proclaim):
10.9. for if you Confess in the mouth of you Lord ^Iesous (Kuoic lpcu), and you Believe in the heart
of you that the God (0 :c,) has raised Him from [tomb] dead ones, you will be saved.
10.10. For in heart he is being made to believe into Righteousness, but to [the] mouth he is being
made to Confess into Salvation.
10.11. For the Scripture says: All the [one] Believing on Him will not be shamed. [Joel 2.32.].
10.12. For there is no distinction [between] Jew and also Greek, for the same Lord of all (au:c Kuoic,
ra:a) being Rich into all the [ones] calling on Him.
10.13. For, whoever calls on the name of Lord (Kuoicu) will be saved. [Joel 2.32.]
10.14. How then shall they call into [One] whom they have not Believed? And how shall they Believe
whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without one proclaiming?
10.15. And how shall they proclaim if they are not sent? As it is written: How beautiful [are] the feet of
the [ones] announcing good news [of] Peace, of the [ones] announcing good news (:ua,,:i,caa), the
Good (:a a,aa). [Isa 52.7, Nahum 1.15.]
10.16. But they have not all Obeyed the good news. For Isaiah says, Lord (Kuoi:), who has Believed
the report of us? [Isa 53.1.]
10.17. So the Faith [comes] from hearing, and the hearing through [proclaiming] of word of God
(opaa:c, :cu).
10.18. But I say, No, *Israel did not know? Yes indeed: The sound of them* has gone out into all of
the Earth, and the words of them into the ends of the world. [Ps 19.4.]
NOTE *: Them refers to Heavens in Psalm 19, which are Sun (King), Moon (Priests), Stars

10.19. But I say, not [that] *Israel did not Know? First Moses says: I will provoke you to jealousy on
[those] not a nation; I will move you to anger by a foolish nation. [Deut 32.21.]
10.20. But Isaiah is very bold and he says: I was found in the [ones] not seeking Me; I was manifest to
the [ones] not asking for Me. [Isa 65.1.]
10.21. But to the *Israel He says: The whole day I have stretched out the hands of Me to a people,
disobeying and denying [Isa 65.2.].


11.1. I say then, No, The God (0 :c,) did not throw away the people of Him. He would not have come
himself! For I also am [an] Israelite, from the Seed of Abraham, of [the] tribe of Benjamin.
11.2. The God (0 :c,) did not cast away the people of His whom He Foreknew. Or, did you not know
in Elijah what the Scripture says? How he pleads to the God (:a :a) against [the sins] of the *Israel,
11.3. Lord (Kuoi:), they killed the Prophets of You, and they tore down altars of You, and I am left
alone, and they are seeking the life of me. [1 Ki 19.10, 14.]
11.4. But what He did say to him [in] the response? I have left behind [for] Myself 7000 men who did
not bend [the] knee to the Baal! [Ibid., 19.18.]
11.5. So then also, in the now season, He had been coming a remnant (:iaaa) according to from word
(:-c,p) [Election] of Favor.
11.6. And if, in Favor, [it is] no longer from Works, since the Favor no longer becomes Favor. But if,
from Works, it is no longer Favor, since the Work is no longer Work.
11.7. What then? What Israel seeks this she did not obtain, but the from word (:-c,p) [Election], she
He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem
r: (He The [One] Saving) = Au:c, c `a:poia (He The [One] Saving = ^lpcu, = He-Saving

did obtain; but the rest were hardened.
11.8. Just as it had been written, The God (0 :c,) gave them a spirit of stupor: [vision] of the (:cu)
eyes, not to see; and [hearing] of the (:cu) ears, not to hear until day of the today. [Isa 29.9-10, Deut
11.9. And David says, Become, the table of them into a snare and into a trap and into an offense and into
a recompense in them;
11.10. The eyes of them be darkened of the [point] not to see, and You had bowed down the back of them
through all [time]. [Ps 69.22-24.]
11.11. I say then, no, they did not stumbled in order that they might fall. He would not have come
himself! But in the transgression of them the Salvation [came] in the Gentiles into the provoking of
them to jealousy.
NOTE: The Jews were saved by the example of faith of the Gentiles. First, the Jews were disowned (Mt
23.35-39, Mt 8.12, Mt 21.31, Mt 21.43, Isa 50.1). Secondly, the Gentiles were saved. Finally, the
"branches broken off were grafted back in" (Rom 11.23).

11.12. But if the transgression of them [is the] Riches of World, and the defeat of them [is the] Riches of
Gentiles, how much more the fullness of them?
11.13. For I say to you, to the Gentiles, on the one hand (a:),in as much as, I am one sent [apostle] of
Gentiles, I glorify the service of me,
11.14. if somehow I will provoke to jealousy the flesh of me [brothers], and I will save some from them.
11.15. For if the casting off of them [became a] reconciliation of World, what [will be] the acceptance [of
them], if not Life from [the Curse] of dead ones (:-oa)?
11.16. On the other hand (:), if the Firstfruit [is] holy, also the Lump [Num 15.20]; and if the Root [is]
holy, also the Branches.
11.17. On the one hand (:), if some of the Branches were broken off, on the other hand (:), you
[Gentiles], being a wild Olive Tree were grafted in them, and became a partaker of the Root and of the
fatness of the Olive Tree,
11.18. do not boast of the Branches [broken off]. But if you do boast, [bear in mind] you do not support
the Root, but the Root [supports] you.
11.19. You will say then, [The] Branches were broken off so that I could be grafted in.
11.20. [Said] well. To the unbelief they were broken off, but you did stand in the Faith. Do not be
haughty, but fear.
11.21. For if the God (0 :c,), He does not spare [men] of the [12] Branches according to nature,
perhaps He will spare you neither.
11.22. Therefore see: Kindness and Severity of God (:cu); on the one hand (a:), severity on the [ones]
having fallen; on the other hand (:), you [received] Kindness, if you remain in the Kindness, as soon as
[if not faithful] you also will be cut off.
11.23. And also, if those do not remain in the unbelief, they will be grafted in, for the God (0 :c,) is
11.24. For if you were cut from [root] of the (:p,) wild Olive Tree, according to nature, and against
nature, you were grafted into a cultivated Olive Tree, how much more those, the [ones] according to
nature will be grafted in the own (:p iia) Olive Tree?
11.25. For I do not wish you to be ignorant, brothers, [the answer of] this mystery, in order that you not
being wise in yourselves, for the hardening from part to the *Israel has happened not [ending] until the
fullness of the Gentiles should have come in [New **Jerusalem, AD 77].
11.26. And thus all *Israel will be saved, just as it had been written, The [One] delivering will come
from Zion, and He will turn away ungodliness from Jacob,

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem
r: (He The [One] Saving) = Au:c, c `a:poia (He The [One] Saving = ^lpcu, = He-Saving

11.27. and this [is] the covenant from [mouth] of Me, to them, when I should have taken away the sins of
them. [Isa 59.20-21].
11.28. On the one hand (a:), according to the good message, [they are] enemies through you [to God],
on the other hand (:), Extremely Loved Ones (a,arp:ci) through [mercy] of the from word (:-c,p)
[Election] of the fathers.
11.29. For the Gifts and the Calling of the God (p -pi, :cu :cu) [are] irrevocable.
11.30. For just as you also once had disobeyed to the God (:a :a), but now you had received Mercy in
the disobedience of these,
11.31. so also these now had disobeyed, to the Mercy shown to you, in order that they also should have
been shown Mercy.
11.32. For the God (0 :c,) had shut up the all the [ones] into disobedience so that He should have had
Mercy to the [forgiving] all.
11.33. The depth of Riches and of Wisdom and of Knowledge of God! (:cu). How unsearchable [are]
the Judgments of Him, and untraceable the Ways of Him!
11.34. For, Who had known [the] mind of [the] Lord? (Kuoicu). Or, Who had became [the] counselor
of Him? [Isa 40.13, Jer 23.18.]
11.35. Or, Who did give beforehand to Him, and it shall be repaid to Him? [Job 41.11].
11.36. For from Him, and through Him, and into Him [are] the all; to Him [be] the Glory into the ages.
Truly (aap)

12.1. I urge you therefore, brothers, through [hope] of the Mercies of the God (:cu :cu), to present the
bodies of you a living sacrifice, holy, well-pleasing to the God (:a :a), the reasonable service of you.
12.2. And do not be conformed to this [Jewish] Age, be other (aa) transformed in the renewing of the
mind of you, into the you will prove what [is] that Good and Well-pleasing and Perfect will of the God
(:cu :cu).
12.3. For I say, through the Favor given to me, of the [one] being in the all of you, not to think more
highly in what it is proper to think, to think other (aa) into the sound mind, as the God (a, 0 :c,)
has dealt to each a measure of Faith.
12.4. For just as we have many members in one Body, but all the members do not have the same function
12.5. so the many, we are in Body in*** ^Anointed (: Xoi:a), and the [gifts] down into members of
12.6. And having Gifts differing according to the Favor the [one] having been given to us: whether
Prophecy, according to the proportion of the Faith;
12.7. whether Service, in the Serving; whether the Teaching, in the Teaching;
12.8. whether the [one] Exhorting, in the Exhortation; the [one] Giving, with liberality; the [one] Leading,
with diligence; the [one] showing Mercy, in cheerfulness.
12.9. The Extreme Love (p a,arp) [be] without hypocrisy. Abhor what is evil. Cling to the Good.
12.10. The brotherly love into others [with] brotherly Love (:p ]ia:]ia), the Honor giving
preference to others;
12.11. the Diligence, not lagging, boiling in Spirit, Serving to the Lord (:a Kuoia);
12.12. rejoicing in the Hope, bearing up in the tribulation, continuing steadfastly in the Prayer;
12.13. Sharing to the needs of the holy ones, pursuing in the Hospitality.
12.14. Bless the [ones] persecuting you; Bless and do not curse.
He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem
r: (He The [One] Saving) = Au:c, c `a:poia (He The [One] Saving = ^lpcu, = He-Saving

12.15. To Favor with Favoring ones, and to Weep with Weeping ones.
12.16. Minding the thing (it; au:c) into others, not minding not the high [things], associating other (aa)
in the Humble. Do not become Wise from yourselves.
12.17. Repay in none Evil against Evil. Have regard for Good before [presence] of all men.
12.18. If possible, [as much as] the [thing] of [heart] of in you, keeping peace with all of men.
12.19. Extremely Loving Ones (a,arp:ci), not Avenging yourselves, but [rather] give place to the
Wrath; for it is written, Vengeance [belongs] in Me, I will repay, says Lord (:,:i Kuoic,). [Deut
12.20. Therefore, If the enemy of you hungers, feed him; if he thirsts, give a drink [to] it * (au:c); for
this doing, you will be heaping coals of fire on the head of him. [Prov 25.21-22.]
NOTE *: Auton is neuter gender, meaning that your enemy may be male of female.

12.21. Do not be overcome under [Power] of the Evil, but overcome the Evil in the Good.


13.1. All [of the] soul, he will be subject [to the] authorities above them. For there is not an authority if
not under [authority] of God, and the authorities are being appointed under [power] of God (urc :cu).
13.2. Therefore, the [one] resisting the authority resists the ordinance of the God (:cu :cu), and the
[ones] who will resist will bring Judgment to themselves.
13.3. For rulers are not a feart of the Good Works, but of the Evil ones. On the one hand (:), do you
want not to fear the authority? Do the Good, and you will have Praise from the [rulers] of her (au:p,).
13.4. For he is a servant of God (:cu) to you into the Good. On the other hand (:), if you do the Bad,
you fear of the sword; for he does not bear it in vain; for he is a servant of God (:cu), an Avenger into
Wrath in the [one] the [one] practicing Bad.
13.5. Therefore [you] must be subject, not only on account of of Wrath but also for on account of the
13.6. For on account of this you also pay taxes, for they are ministers of God (:cu) into self, this [thing]
attending continually.
13.7. Render therefore to all the dues: to the [one] the taxes [due], taxes; to the [one] customs [due], the
customs; to the [one] the fear [due], the fear; to the [one] honor [due], the honor.
13.8. Owe nothing in no one, if not the [duty] to Extremely Love (:c a,ara) others, for the [one] to
Extremely Loving (c a,aa) the other has fulfilled law.
13.9. For the [commandments]: You shall not commit adultery, You shall not kill, You shall not steal,
You shall not covet, and if what different commandment, in this word, You will Extremely Love
(a,arp:i,) the neighbor of you as yourself.
13.10. The Extreme Love (p a,arp) in the neighbor; does not work Bad. Therefore fulfillment of law,
the Extreme Love (p a,arp).
13.11. And this [do], Knowing the seaon, for already [now is the] Hour in us to have been awakened out
of sleep already; for now the Salvation of us (Iesous) [is] nearer when the (p) [time] we had Believed.
13.12. The Night had advanced, and the Day has been drawing near. We should have laid off the Works
of the Darkness, and we should have put on the Armor of the Light.
NOTE: Paul was here dating, "the Evening of the Seventh Day" and predicting "the Morning of
the Seventh Day" (New Jerusalem and the Rapture in AD 77). See: Outline of Parable of Seven Days Of
Creation. The Lord ^Iesous also dated this, "Evening of the Seventh Day." And, "I must work the works
of Him who sent Me while it is Day (AD 28-32), Night (AD 32-77) is coming when no one can work. As
long as whom (a) in the world, I Am (:iai) light of the world" - Jn 9.4-5.

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem
r: (He The [One] Saving) = Au:c, c `a:poia (He The [One] Saving = ^lpcu, = He-Saving

13.13. We will walk properly, as in Day, not in revelries and drunkenness, not in lewdness and lust, not in
strife and envy.
13.14. But put on the Lord, of ^Iesous Anointed (:c Kuoic lpcu Xoi:cu), and do not make
provision of the Flesh, into lusts.

14.1. And receive the [one] being weak in the faith, not into judgment through [disagreement]of words.
14.2. On the one hand (a:), who Believes [he may] eat all [things; Gentiles], on the other hand (:), the
[one] being weak [Jews] eats [only] vegetables.
14.3. The [one] eating [Gentile], the [one] not eating [Jew], he will not despise and the [one] not eating
[Jew], he will not judge [Gentile], for the God (0 :c,) has received him.
14.4. Who are you, the [one] Judging the he will dwell (:p ci-:) belonging to another? To the own
Lord (Kuoia), he will stand or he will fall. But, he will stand, for the God (0 :c,) is able to make him
to have stood
14.5. On the one hand (a:), who judges a day above a day [The Jews]; on the other hand (:), who
judges all day [alike - Gentiles]. Each should be fully convinced in own mind.
14.6. The [one] minding the day to (Kuoia) Lord, he will mind and the [one] not minding the day to Lord
(Kuoia) he will not mind; and the [one] eating to Lord, he eats, for he gives thanks to the God (:a :a).
And the [one] not eating to Lord (Kuoia), he does not eat, and he gives thanks to the God (:a :a).
NOTE: The God had two methods of Salvation in the First Century, during the transition from the Old
Covenant to the New Covenant. The Jews were of the Righteousness of Faith in Iesous; but they were
also burdened with the Curse of the law (Gal 3.13) until the nation of Israel (Heaven and Earth) was
destroyed. See: Mt 5.18 and 23.1-4. Paul taught the Gentiles to avoid the law, and be saved by the Favor
of God. The bindings of the law concerning, Food, and Drink, and Festivals, and New Moons, and
Sabbaths, was warned against (Col 2.11-17; 20-23). This separate condition was prophesied to result
in, one new man from the two (Eph 2.13-16). This happened when New Jerusalem was founded, in AD
77. The former [Jew] was remembered no more (Isaiah 65.17), and, there was no more Sea
(Gentile) [Rev 21.1.]
But consider this point, forgiveness of sins was through animal sacrifice (until ^Iesous died), and
through the works of the Law. The teachers of the Ten Commandments today have no forgiveness of

14.7. For none of us lives to himself, and no one dies to himself.
14.8. For whether we live, to the Lord (:a Kuoia) we live; whether we die, to the Lord (:a Kuoia) we
die. Therefore whether we live, whether we die, we are of the Lord (:cu Kuoicu).
14.9. For into (:i,) this ^Anointed (Xoi:c,) also died, and rose and He Lived [again], so that He might
be Lord (-uoi:up) both of "Dead ones and of Living ones."
NOTE: The First Century Resurrection was of the Dead and of the Living." In Matthew, Chapter 16.27-
le it is Day (AD 28-32), Night (AD 32-77) is coming when no one can work. As
long as whom (a) in the world, I Am (:iai) light of the world" - Jn 9.4-5.

For the ^Son of the Man is going to come in the glory of the Father with the messengers of Him; then He
will reward each according to the deed of him (roa,i au:cu). Truly, I say to you, they will be some
standing here (possibly, AD 30) who no, they will not taste of death till they see the ^Son of the Man
coming in the kingdom of Him."

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem
r: (He The [One] Saving) = Au:c, c `a:poia (He The [One] Saving = ^lpcu, = He-Saving

"The messengers with Him" represent the dead resurrected of the Pre-flood Age and the Old Heavens
Age. Those who will not taste death represent "The Living: and the Rapture in AD 77. This was the Old
Covenant resurrection. The New Covenant resurrection will be of "the dead only"; described in
Revelation, Chapter 20; verses 11-15.

"And the Sea (of Glass before the throne of God) gave up the Dead ones in Her, and the Death and the
Hell gave up the dead ones in them. And the Death and the Hell were cast into the lake of the fire ..."

So then, the Living God has gone to much trouble to contrast the Old Covenant Resurredtion (Dead and
Living) and the New Covenant Resurrection (Dead Only). And, one really has to try hard to confuse the
one for the other.
But the Lord ^Iesous Anointed had identified this blasphemy (denying the First Century Resurrection) to
be from "The Beast."

"And he opened the mouth of him in blasphemy against the God (:c :c), to blaspheme the name of
Him, and the dwelling of Him (New **Jerusalem; Rev 21.3), the ones dwelling in the heaven
(Resurrection in AD 77)" - Rev 13.6.

"He (Little Horn = Papacy) thinks to change times and law" - Dan 7.25.

14.10. And why do you Judge the brother of you? Or also, why do you show contempt for the brother of
you? For we will all stand before the Judgment seat of the ^Anointed (:cu Xoi:cu).
14.11. For it has been written, As I Live, says [the] Lord (Kuoic,), for every knee will bow to Me, and
every tongue shall confess in the God (:a :a). [Isa 45.23.]
14.12. So then each of us shall give an account of himself to the God (:a :a).
14.13. Therefore no longer we will Judge anothers, this other (aa) judge more the not to put a
stumbling block or a cause to fall in the brother.
14.14. I Know and have been convinced in Lord of ^Iesous (: Kuoia lpcu; God the Father) that
nothing [is] unclean through itself; if not to the [one] considering anything to be unclean, to that [one it is]
14.15. But if the brother of you is grieved on account of food, you are not walking according to Extreme
Love (a,arp). Do not destroy in food of you that [one] on behalf of whom ^Anointed (cu Xoi:c,)
14.16. Therefore do not be spoken of as Evil to the Good of you.
14.17. For the kingdom of the God (:cu :cu) is not eating and drinking, but Righteousness and Peace
and Joy in Holy Spirit (: u:uaa:i a,ia).
14.18. For the [one] serving in the*** ^Anointed (:a Xoi:a) in these things [is] well-pleasing to the
God (:a :a) and approved in men.
14.19. Therefore then we continuously* pursue the [things] of the Peace, and the [things] of the building
up into others.
NOTE *: The present active subjunctive mood has continuous added.

14.20. Do not destroy in the Work of the God (:cu :cu) for the sake of food. All [things], on the one
hand (a:), [are] clean, other (aa) [hand] Evil to the man, to the [one] eating through offense.

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem
r: (He The [One] Saving) = Au:c, c `a:poia (He The [One] Saving = ^lpcu, = He-Saving

14.21. [It is] Good not to eat the meat nor drink wine, not anything in which the brother of you stumbles
or is offended or is made weak.
14.22. Do you have Faith? According to yourself you hold [it] in the presence of the God (:cu :cu).
Blessed [is] the [one] not condemning himself in what he approves.
14.23. On the one hand (:), the [one] doubting, if he eats, he is condemned for [he eats] not from Faith;
on the other hand (:), the all not from Faith is sin.
14.24.* On the one hand (:), the [one] being able to establish you according to the good message of me,
and the proclaimation of ^Iesous Anointed (lpcu Xoi:cu), according to revelation of mystery in times
eternal, having been kept silent,
14.25.* on the other hand (:), now manifested through the prophetic Scriptures according to
commandment of the eternal God (:cu aiaicu :cu) made known into obedience of faith into all the
14.26. through [mercy] of ^Iesous Anointed (lpcu Xoi:cu) in only wise God, to whom the glory into
the ages. Truly (aap).
NOTE *: Note from, NKJV Interlinear: (14.24) TR puts 14.24-26 after Rom. 16.24; NU brackets it after
16.23, omitting 16.24. This source is Majority Text.


15.1. And we, the strong, ought to bear with the weaknesses of the weak, and not to please ourselves.
15.2. Each of us, he will please to the neighbor into the Good, toward building up.
15.3. For also the ^Anointed (0 Xoi:c,) did not please Himself; but just as it is written, The
reproaches of the [ones] reproaching You fell on Me. [Ps 69.9.]
15.4. For as much as were previously written were previously written into the our teaching in order that,
through [practice] of the Patience and through [faith] of the Comfort of the Scriptures we might have the
15.5. And the God (0 :c,) of the Patience and of the Comfort give the it (au:c) [thing] being minded in
one another, according to Anointed Iesous,
15.6. so that in one accord, in one mouth, you will Glorify the God and Father (:c :c -ai ua::oa)
of the Lord of us, of ^Iesous Anointed (:cu Kuoicu paa lpcu Xoi:cu).
15.7. Therefore receive one another, just as also the Anointed also received you, into Glory of God (c,a
15.8. Now I say [that] ^Anointed Iesous (Xoi:c lpcu) had become a Servant of circumcision on
behalf of Truth of God (:cu), into the to confirming the Promises of the fathers;
15.9. and on behalf the Gentiles Glorifying the God (:c :c) on behalf of Mercy, as it is written,
Through this [reason] I will confess to You among [the] Gentiles, and I will sing praise to the name of
You [Ps 18.49].
15.10. And again He says: Rejoice, Gentiles, with [Body] of the people of Him! [Deut 32.43.]
15.11. And again, Praise the Lord (:c Kuoic) all the Gentiles! And praise Him, all the peoples! [Ps
15.12. And again, Isaiah says: He will be, Himself, the root of Jesse; and the [One] rising Myself, ruling
[Faith] of Gentiles, on Him Gentiles shall Hope.
15.13. And the God (0 :c,) of Hope having filled you [with] all Joy and Peace in the Believing, into the
to abound you in the Hope in Power of Holy Spirit (Pneumatoj agiou).
He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem
r: (He The [One] Saving) = Au:c, c `a:poia (He The [One] Saving = ^lpcu, = He-Saving

15.14. And I have been persuaded brothers of me, even I myself, concerning you, for you also have been
filled of Goodness, having been filled [with] all Knowledge, being able also to Admonish others.
15.15. And, brothers, I have written to you from [matters] of part, as reminding you, through the Favor
the, having been given to me under [direction] of the God (:cu :cu),
15.16. into the, to be me a minister of ^Iesous Anointed (lpcu Xoi:cu) into the Gentiles, ministering
the good message of the God (:cu :cu), so that the offering of the Gentiles will be of good pleasure,
being made holy, in Holy Spirit (: u:uaa:i a,ia).
15.17. Therefore I have a boasting in anointed [Body] of ^Iesous (: ,oi:a lpcu) [in] the [things]
toward the God (:c :c).
15.18. For I will not assume to be speaking anything of which Anointed did not work out through me into
obedience of Gentiles, in word and in work,
15.19. in [the] power of signs and of wonders, in [the] power of Spirit (u:uaa:c,) of God (:cu), so
that from **Jerusalem and around, as far as Illyricum I (a:) to have fulfilled the good message of the
^Anointed (:cu Xoi:cu);
15.20. and so brother (]ic)* Timothying (]ic:iacua:c) to Good Message myself, not where
^Anointed (Xoi:c,) was named, in order that I should not build upon a foundation belonging to another.
NOTE: A compound word containing the word, ]ic (brother) must contain the word brother in the

15.21. But just as it is written, To whom it was not declared about Him, they will see; and the [ones],
they have not heard, they will understand [Isa 52.15].
15.22.. And therefore I was being hindered the many [things] of the [opportunity] to have come to you.
15.23. And now no longer having a place in these regions, and having a great desire these many years to
come to you,
15.24. whenever I journey into the Spain, I will come toward you. For I Hope to see you travelling
through, and to be sent forward there under [authority of] you, if first I may be filled of you from part.
15.25. But now I am going into **Jerusalem, ministering to the holy ones.
15.26. For Macedonia and Achaia thought it good to make some fellowship into the poor of the holy ones
who are in the **Jerusalem.
15.27. For they thought it good, and they are debtors of them. For if the Gentiles have been partakers of
their spiritual [things], their duty is also to minister to them in the fleshly [things].
15.28. Therefore, having finished, and having sealed this fruit to them, I will go away through you into
the Spain
15.29. And I know that coming toward you, coming in [the] fullness of blessing of the good message of
the ^Anointed (:cu Xoi:cu) I will come.
15.30. And I beg you, brothers, through [Faith] of the Lord of us, of ^Iesous Anointed (:cu Kuoicu
paa lpcu Xoi:cu) and through of the love of the Spirit to strive together in me in the prayers on
behalf of me toward the God (:c :c),
15.31. in order that I will be delivered from the [ones] disbelieving in the Judea, and that the service of
me the [offering] into Jerusalem will become acceptable to the holy ones.
15.32. So that I will come to you in joy through will of God (:paa:c, :cu), and I may be refreshed
together with you.
15.33. And the God of the Peace (0 :c :p, :iopp,) [be] with all of you. Truly (aap).


He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem
r: (He The [One] Saving) = Au:c, c `a:poia (He The [One] Saving = ^lpcu, = He-Saving

16.1. And I commend Phoebe in you, the sister of us, being a servant of the From-calling (:- -pia, ),
of the [Body] in Chenchrea. [Acts 18.18],
16.2. so that you will receive her in Lord (: Kuoia), worthy of the holy ones, and you will stand by her
in what ever thing she may need from you, for indeed, she became a helper of many, and of me myself.
16.3. Greet Prisca and Aquila, the fellow workers of me in anointed [Body] of ^Iesous (: ,oi:a
16.4. who risked the neck of [their] own under [threat] of the life of me, to whom not only I give thanks,
but also all the Fromcallings (:- -piai) of the Gentiles,
16.5. and the From-calling at house of them. Greet Epaenetus, the Extreme Love (a,arp:c) of me, who
is firstfruit of the Achaia into ^Anointed (:i, Xoi:c).
16.6. Greet Mary, who labored many [things] into us.
16.7. Greet Andronicus and Junia, the countrymen and fellow captives of me, who are notable in the
apostles, the [ones] [who] had come before me in*** ^Anointed (: Xoi:a; in AD 35).
16.8. Greet Amplias, the Extreme Love (:c a,arp:c) of me in Lord (: Kuoia).
16.9. Greet Urbanus the fellow worker of us in Anointed, and Stachys of the Exreme Love (:c
a,arp:c) of me.
16.10. Greet Apelles the [one] made righteous in*** ^Anointed (: Xoi:a). Greet the [ones] from
[household] of the [ones] of Aristobulus.
16.11. Greet Herodian the countryman of me. Greet the [ones] from [Faith] of the [household] of
Narcissus, the [ones] being in Lord (: Kuoia).
16.12. Greet Tryphena and Tryphosa, the [ones] laboring in Lord (: Kuoia). Greet Persis the Extreme
Love in Lord (: Kuoia), the [ones] laboring..
16.13. Greet Rufus the from speaking (:- :-:c) [Elect] in Lord (: Kuoia), and the mother of him,
and of me.
16.14. Greet Asugkritos [Asyncritus], Phlegon, Hermas, Patrobas, Hermes, and the brothers with them.
16.15. Greet Philologus (Brother in Word) and Julia, Nereus and the sister of him, and Olympas, and all
the holy ones with them.
16.16. Greet one another in a holy kiss. Greet you the From-callings (:- -piai) of the ^Anointed (:cu
16.17. And I urge you, brothers, to see the [ones] [causing] the divisions and the offenses alongside the
teaching which you had learned, making [sound] and turn away from them.
16.18. For the such [ones] do not serve in the Lord ^Anointed (:a Kuoia Xoii:a) of us, [in kingdom]
of ^Iesous (lpcu), but the belly of own, and through [use] of the smooth words and flattering speech they
deceive the hearts of the innocent.
16.19. For the Obedience of you reached into all. Therefore I rejoice the [more] on you; but I wish you
Wise, on the one hand (a:), to be into the Good, on the other hand (:), Innocent into the Evil.
16.20. And the God of the Peace will crush the Satan under the feet of you in swiftness. The Favor of the
Lord of us (:cu Kuoicu paa), of ^Iesous Anointed (lpcu Xoi:cu a:) with you.
16.21. Timothy, the fellow worker of me, and Lucius, and Jason, and Sosipater, the countrymen of me,
greet you.
16.22. I, Tertius, the [one] writing the letter, greet you in Lord (: Kuoia).
16.23. Gaius, the host of me, and the host of the whole From-calling (:- -pia,), greets you. Erastus,
the treasurer of the city, greets you, and Quartus, the brother.
16.24. The Favor of the Lord of us (:cu Kuoicu paa), of ^Iesous Anointed (lpcu Xoi:cu) [be] with
you all. Truly (aap).
16.25.* But to the [One] being able to establish [you] according to the good message of me, and the

proclamation of ^Iesous Anointed (lpcu Xoi:cu), according to [the] revelation of [the] mystery kept
secret in times eternal,

He is Prince of God = *Israel He is Prince of Peace = **Jerusalem
r: (He The [One] Saving) = Au:c, c `a:poia (He The [One] Saving = ^lpcu, = He-Saving

16.26. but now made evident through prophetic Scriptures to all nations, according to [the] commandment
of the everlasting God (:cu), into Obedience of Faith to all--
16.27. to God (:a), alone Wise, be Glory through ^Iesous Anointed (ia lpcu Xoi:c), to whom
[be] the Glory into the ages. Truly (aap).
NOTE *: Note from, NKJV Interlinear: (14.24) TR puts 14.24-26 after Rom. 16.24; NU brackets it after
16.23, omitting 16.24. This source is Majority Text.

1Cor 2.7-8, 14: But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, the hidden wisdom which God ordained
before the ages for our glory (apostles), which none of the rulers of this (Jewish) age knew; for had they
known, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory ... But the natural man (w/o the Spirit) does not
receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because
they are spiritually discerned.

1Cor 11.7: For with man, he ought not to cover his head, being image and glory of God; but woman is
glory of man.

1Cor 15.49: And just as we bore the image of The [one] of dust, and we will bear the image of the




12.31. But you envy the better gifts! And yet according to a more excellent way, I make known to you.
13.1. If I speak the tongues of the men and of the angels but do have not Extreme Love (a,arp), I did
become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal;
13.2. And if I have prophecy and I might have known mysteries, the all, and all the knowledge, and if I
have all the faith so as to withstand Mountains [Kingdoms] but I do have not Extreme Love (a,arp): I
am nothing;
13.3. And if I should have fed all the [things] belonging of me and if I should have given the body of me
in order that I will be burned, but I do have not Extreme Love (a,arp), I am being honored nothing;
13.4. The Extreme Love (p a,arp) is longsuffering; she is good to herself; the Extreme Love (p a,arp)
does envy not; the Extreme Love (p a,arp) does not boast; she is not being puffed up;
13.5. she is not without form, she seeks not the [things] of herself, she is not provoked, she is not minded
[to do] the bad;
13.6. she does not rejoice over the unrigtheousness, but she rejoices with the truth;
13.7. She bears all, she believes all, she hopes all, she endures all;
13.8. The Extreme Love (p a,arp) she fails never. But whether prophecies, they will pass away,
whether tongues, they will cease themselves, whether knowledge, it will pass away;
NOTE: This described the end of tongues and prophecies and the apostles' inspired messages, and the end
of the law and of the Old Covenant.
13.9. And we know from of part (a:ocu,; genitive, singular, neuter) and we prophesy from of part;
13.10. But when the perfect she will come come, then the [thing] from part, it will pass away;
13.11. When I was being myself childish, I was speaking as a child, I was thinking as a child; I was
minding myself as a child; and when I did become a man, I did put away the [things] of the child;
13.12. For we see now through a glass in praise, but then face to face; now I know from part, but then I
will know myself just as I was known;
13.13. But now it is remaining.* Faith, Hope, Extreme Love (a,arp); these three; but greatest of these --
the Extreme Love (p a,arp).
NOTE *; The word it which remained in AD 58, when Romans was written, referred to Verse 9,
And we (apostles) know from part and we prophesy from part. This it only remained until the
resurrection in AD 77, and now we are under the New Covenant in Iesous Revelation from the God.



Selected Verses

1Cor 15.22-24: For as in the Adam (Man) all die, so also in the Anointed (: :a Xoi:a) all will be
made alive. But each in the own order: Anointed (Xoi:c,) the firstfruits,* then the [ones] of the
Anointed (:cu Xoi:cu) in the coming of Him**; then the end***, when He delivers the kingdom
(Female) to the God (:a :a) and Father (-ai ua:oi) ...
#1* - Male; AD 32
#2** - Female; the Body; AD 77.
#3*** - Female, New Covenant Body at End of Time; Rev 20.11-15, Rev 21.7-8.

2Cor 3.12-16: Therefore having such great hope, we (apostles) use great boldness of speech, and not as
Moses, putting a Veil on the face of him, toward the, the sons of Israel could not look steadfastly at the
end of the [thing] passing away.* But the minds of them were hardened. For [time] of the today the same
Veil remains unlifted on the reading of the Old Testament, for it is taken away in the Anointed (:
Xoi:a). But until today when Moses is read, a Veil lies on the heart of them. Whenever the [one] one
ever (an), he turns toward Lord (roc, Kuoic), the Veil is taken away.
* The law was passing in AD 57.
** AD 57.

2Cor 3.18: And we all, having been unveiled toward seeing the glory of Lord (Kuoicu), according to
seeing the same image, are being transformed from glory* into glory**, just as from [power] of Spirit of
* Glory on earth was the Gift of the Holy Spirit.
** Glory in heaven is a new body and sinlessness and knowing as we are known.

2Cor 4.4: In whom the god of this [Jewish] age has blinded the minds, of the [ones] not believing, into
the, the light of the good message not to shine on them, of the glory of the Anointed (:cu Xoi:cu),
who is image of the God (:cu :cu).

2 Corinthians 5.19: as that God (:c,) was in Anointed (Messiah; : Xoi:a) reconciling (atoning)
world in Himself, not imputing to them the trespasses of them and putting in us the word of the

2 Cor 5.21: For The [One; Iesous] above us not knowing sin, He made (Iesous) to be sin, so that we
might become righteousness of God (:cu) in Him (Iesous)."

Eph 2.14-15: For He is the peace of us, The {One] making the both one*, and the having broken down
dividing wall of the hedge, having abolished the enmity in the flesh of Him, the law of the
commandments in ordinances, in order that He might create the two in Himself into one new man making

Eph 5.23: For husband is head of the wife, as also the Anointed (0 Xoi:c,) (Male) Head of the From
Calling ( :- -pia,, Female); and He is Savior of the Body (Female).

Col 1.15: Who is image of the invisible God, firstborn of all creation.

Col 3.10-11: and having put on the new, the [one] being renewed into Knowledge according to image Of
The [One] Him having created it, where he is not Greek and Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, son of
tribute (barbarian), Scythian, slave, free, but Anointed (Xoi:c,) the all and in all.

1Thes 4.17: Then We (present tense pronoun) the [ones] Living, the [ones] Remaining will be caught up
together with them (Dead) in Clouds into meeting of the Lord (:cu Kuoicu) into air. And thus we will
be always with Lord. - AD 53.

Heb 1.2-3: ... in these last of the [ones] of days spoke to us in a Son (1ic,) whom He appointed heir of
all [things] through whom He made also the ages; who being the brightness of glory and the express
image of the essence of Him, and upholding the all in the word of power of Him, through of Himself
having been made purification of sins of us, sat down in right [hand] of the majesty in high.

Heb 4.9-11: Then remains a Rest in the people of the God. For the [one] having entered into the Rest of
Him also himself ceased from works of him as from the works of Him, the God [rested]. We will
therefore be diligent to enter that, the Rest, in order that not in the same example anyone falls of the

Heb 9.8: This indicating of the Holy Spirit, not yet to have been revealed the Way of the holies (Iesous;
lpcu,) yet (::i) standing of the first tabernacle holding.

Heb 11.39-40: And all These (dead servants of God), having obtained a witness through [practice] of the
faith, did not receive the Promise (Resurrection), concerning us of something better of the God having
been provided, so that They (Dead) should not be made Perfect (Resurrected) apart of Us* AD 66.

James 1.4-8: But let Patience he will have perfect work, in order that you might be perfect ones and
complete, in nothing lacking. And if any of you lacks Wisdom, he will ask from [treasure] of the [one]
giving of God (:cu) to all liberally and not reproaching, and she will be given him. But he will ask in
Faith, nothing doubting, for the [one] doubting is like a wave of sea being moved by wind and being
blown. For the man will not suppose that he will receive anything from [wealth] of the Lord (:cu
Kuoicu); a double-minded man, unstable in all the ways of him."

1 Timothy 1.5: And the end of the commandment is Extreme Love (a,arp) from [goodness of] a pure
heart, and a good conscience and faith without hypocrisy."

1 Timothy 1.15: "Faithful (ri:c,) the word (c c,c,) and worthy of all acceptance that Anointed
(Messiah) Iesous (Xoi:c, lpcu,) came into the world to save sinners of whom I am (:iai :,a) first."

2Pet 3.7, 10: And the [ones] now, Heavens and the Earth in the word of Him (:a c,a au:cu) are
preserved being reserved in fire into day of judgment and destruction of the ungodly men ... But the Day
of Lord will come as a thief in Night, in which the Heavens will pass away with a great noise, and
Elements (Sun, Moon, Stars) being burned up will be loosened; both Earth and the Works in Her (Israel)
will be burned up."

2Pet 3.13: And, We look for New Heavens and a New Earth (New Jerusalem) according to promise in
which Righteousness (Iesous) dwells; AD 66.

Jas 5.8-9: You also be patient. Establish the hearts of you, for the coming of the Lord (:cu Kuoicu) has
drawn near ... Look, the Judge, He was standing before the door!; AD 63.

1Jn 2.18: Little children, it is Last Hour; and as you have heard that the Antianointed (a:iXoi:c,) is
coming,* even now many antianointeds have come,** by which we know that it is the Last Hour.
NOTE *: Man of Sin = Nikolaos released in AD 66.
NOTE **: The teaching of the Nicolaitans.


IWANNOU A; First Letter of John.

1.1. The [One] was being from beginning Who we did hear, The [One] we have seen in the eyes of us,
Who we looked on and the hands of us handled concerning [embodiment] of the Word of the Life (:cu
c,cu :p, ,ap,).
1.2. And the life was made evident and we did see and we bear witness and we declare in you the eternal
life whoever was with the Father (roc, :c u:::oa) and it was made evident in us.
1.3. The [One] we did see and we did hear, we declare in you in order that you also will have fellowship
with us, and also our fellowship [is] with [life] of the Father (a::a :c ua:oc,) and with [life] of the
Son of Him (:cu Yicu a:cu), of Anointed, ^He-Saving (lpcu Xoi:cu).
1.4. And these [things] we write to you in order that the joy of us, she might be having been filling up.
1.5. And this is the message which we did hear from Him and we announce to you that the God (0 :c,)
is light and there is no, none darkness at all in Him.
1.6. If we should have said that we have fellowship with Him, and we should be continuously* walking in
the darkness, we are lying ourselves, and we are not doing the truth.
1.7. But if we should be continuously walking in the light as He Himself is in the light, we have
fellowship with one another and the blood of Anointed, ^He-Saving (lpcu Xoi:cu) the Son of Him
(:cu Yicu au:cu) cleanses us from all sin.
NOTE: The message here is about the need for "perpetual cleansing." Many falsely believe they
do not need continuing forgiveness for their continuing sins. John will state that they are deceived.

1.8. If we should have said that we do not have sin, we are deceiving ourselves, and the truth is not in us.
1.9. If we should continuously* confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous in order that He should have
continually* forgiven the sins in us and He should have cleansed us from all unrighteousness.
1.10. If we should have said that we had not sinned, we make Him a liar, and His word is not in us.

2.1. Little children of me, these [things] I write to you in order that you should not have sinned. And if
someone should have sinned we have a Comforter (uaoa-p:c) with the Father (roc, :c ua::o,),
righteous Anointed, ^He-Saving (lpcu Xoi:c).
NOTE: This is very dogmatic, "the Father, righteous Anointed, ^He-Saving." John repeats this in
verse 5.20, "and we are in the true [One], in the Son of Him, of the Anointed, ^He-Saving. This [One] is
the true God and the life eternal."

2.2. And He Himself is a sin offering concerning the sins of us, and not concerning of the [sins] of us only
but also concerning [sins] of the whole world.
2.3. And in this we know that we did know Him if we should continuously keep the commandments of
2.4. The [One] saying, I did know Him; and not keeping His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is
not in this [one] - 2.4.
2.5. And who ever (an) should continuously* keep the word of Him, truly, in this [one] the Extreme Love
(p a,arp) of the God (:cu :cu) he did bring to completion. In this we know that we are in Him.
2.6. The [One] saying, In Him to remain, he is bound, just as that [One] walked, also himself to walk.
2.7. Brothers, I write not a new commandment to you, but an old commandment which you were having
from beginning. The old commandment is the word which you heard from beginning.
2.8. Again, a new commandment I write to you, the [one] is true in Him and in you, for the darkness is
passing away, and the true light already is shining.
[I must work while it is day, for the night is coming when no one can work - Jn 9.4-5. Therefore
the ministry of ^He-Saving in the flesh was day, and the apostles ministry was night; and the night
was passing away.]

2.9. The [One] saying, To be in light, and hating his brother, is in darkness until now.
2.10. The [One] Extremely Loving (0 a,ara) the brother of him remains in light, and [there] is not a
stumbling-block in him.
2.11. But the [One] hating the brother of him is in the darkness, and he is walking in the darkness, and he
did not know where he is going for the darkness blinded the eyes of him.
[The brother is defined in verse 5.1.]
2.12. I am writing* to you, little children, for the sins in you had been forgiven on through the name of
2.13. I am writing* to you, fathers, because you had known the [One] from beginning. I am writing* to
you, young men, for you had overthrown the evil. I am writing* to you, babes, for you had known the
Father (:c ua::oa).
2.14. I wrote** to you, fathers, for you had known the [One] from beginning. I wrote** to you young
men, for you are strong, and the word of God (0 c,c, :cu :cu) remains in you, and you had
overthrown the evil.
NOTE *: present active indicative verb. NOTE **: aroist active indicative verb. This means that John
had written to fathers and young men previously, but not to little children. Possibly, this refers to
the good message of John.

2.15. Do not Extremely Love (a,ara::) the world nor the [things] in the world. If anyone, he might
Extremely Loves (a,ara) the world, the extreme love (p a,arp) of the Father (:cu ua:oc,) is not in
2.16. For all the [things] in the world -- the desire of the flesh and the desire of the eyes and the pride of
the life -- is not from Him [extreme love] of the Father (:cu ua:oc,) but is from [extreme love] of the
world (:cu -cacu).
2.17. And the world is passing away [12 tribes in Roman empire] and its desire, but the [one] doing the
will of the God (:c :paa :cu :cu) remains into the [next] age (:i, :a aiaa).
2.18. Babes, it is last hour (:,a:p aoa), and just as you had understood that antianointed (0
A:i,oi:c,) is coming himself, and now many antianointeds (a:i,oi:ci) have been created, from
which we know that it is last hour (:,a:p aoa).
2.19. They went from us, but they were not from us. For if they were from us, they had continued ever
with us, but [they went from us] in order that to have been made known that they are not all from us.
NOTE: They were the Man of Sin, and his troops, released when John who restrains (2Thes 2.7) was
banned to Patmos in AD 66.
2.20. And you have an anointing from the Holy [One], and you did know all things.
2.21. I did not write to you because you did not know the truth, but because you did know her, and
because every lie is not from the truth.
2.22. Who is a liar if not the [one] denying himself that ^Iesous (lpcu,) is not the Anointed? (0
Xoi:c,). This is the antianointed (c a:i,oi:c,), for the [act of] denying himself the Father and the
Son (:c ua::oa -ai :c Yic)
NOTE: And the "Original AntiAnointeds" were the Jews. Today many churches are obssessed
with worship of the Jews; or, the AntiAnointed.

2.23. All the [one] denying himself the Son (:c Yic) has neither the Father (:c ua::oa).
2.24. You, therefore, the [One] you did hear from beginning, you He will remain in you! If the [One]
should remain in you [which you] had heard from beginning, and also you will remain in the Son and in
the Father (i :a Yia -ai : :a ua:oi).
2.25. And this is the promise which He had promised Himself to you, the eternal life.
2.26. These [things] I wrote in you concerning [lies] of the [ones] (:a) deceiving you [Man of Sin and
2.27. And you, the anointing, the [one] you did receive away from [presence] of Him remains in you [Day
of Pentecost], and you have no need that anyone should continually* teach you, but as the same anointing
teaches you concerning all [things], and is true, and is not false, and just as it did teach you, you will
remain in it.* [* The Spirit is neuter gender (r:uaa); it].
2.28. And now, little children, you remain in Him in order that whenever He might appear, we may have
boldness and should not have been ashamed away from [love] of Him in coming of Him.
2.29. If you should have known that He is righteous, you know that all the [one] doing [deeds] of the
righteousness had been born of Him.

3.1. Look what manner of Extreme Love (a,arp) the Father has given in us in order that we should have
been called children of God (::-a :cu). On account of this the world does not know you for they did
not know Him.
3.2. Extremely Loving [ones] (a,arp:ci) now we are children of God (::-a :cu), and it had not yet
revealed what we will be. But we did know that if He might have been made to appear [passive voice] we
will be like Him, for we will see Him just as He is.
3.3. And all the [one] having this hope on Him purifies himself, just as that One is pure.
3.4. All the [one] doing the sin also does the lawlessness, and the sin is the lawlessness.
3.5. And you did know that that One appeared in order that He might have taken away the sins of us, and
in Him there is no sin.
3.6. All the [one] remaining in Him is not sinning; all the [one] sinning had not seen Him nor had he
known Him.
3.7. Little children, he will not deceive you, no one, the [one] doing the righteousness is righteous, just as
that One is righteous.
3.8. The [one] doing the sin is from [power] of the Devil (:cu ia3ccu), for from beginning the Devil
(c ia3cc,) sins. For this [reason] the Son of the God (0 Yic, :cu :cu) appeared in order that He
might have destroyed the works of the Devil (:cu ia3ccu).
3.9. All the [One] having been born from [Spirit] of the God (:cu :cu) does not do sin for seed of Him
will remain in him, and he is not being made able [passive voice] to be sinning infinitively* for he had
been born from [Spirit] of the God (:- :cu :cu).
3.10. In this the children of the God (:cu :cu) [are] made evident and the children of the Devil (:cu
ia3ccu). All the [one] not doing righteousness and the [one] not extremely loving the brother of him is
not from [Spirit] of the God (:- :cu :cu).
3.11. For this is the message which you did hear from beginning, that we might Extremely Love
(a,araa:) one another,
3.12. not as Cain, from [power] of the (:cu) evil he was being, and did kill the brother of him. And of
what favor (,aoi) [account] did he kill him? For the works of him, he was being evil, and the brother of
him righteous.
3.13. Brothers of me, do not wonder if the world hates you.
3.14. We had known that we had passed over from [darkness] of the death into [brilliance] of the (:p)
life, for we might Extremely Love (a,araa:) the brothers (:cu, a:,]cu,). The [one] not Extremely
Loving (a,ara) the brother (:c a:]c) remains in the death.
NOTE: We will take this opportunity to define, "Extremely Loving the brother":
"In this we know that we Extremely Love the children of the God, whenever we Extremely Love
the God and we keep the comandments of Him" - First John 5.2.

3.15. All the [One] hating the brother of him is a murderer, and you had known that all (any) murderer
does not have eternal life remaining in himself.
3.16. In this we had known the extreme love (:p a,arp) for that One laid down the life of Him in behalf
of us. And we ought* to be laying down* the lives* (of us) in behalf of the brothers.
NOTE *: This was written during the Great Tribulation (AD 67-77).

3.17. But who should continuously* have the goods of the world and he should continuously see the
brother of him having need, and he had closed the bowels of him from [need] of him, how does the
Extreme Love (p a,arp) of the God (:cu :cu) remain in him?
3.18. Little children of me, we might not Extremely Love (a,araa:) in word nor in the tongue but in
deed and in truth.
3.19. And in this we know that we are from [deeds]of the truth, and we shall be persuading the hearts of
us before [presence] of Him.
3.20. For if the heart of us should continuously* condemn, the God (0 :c,) is greater [than] the heart of
us, and He knows all.
NOTE *: Present tense, Active voice, Subjunctive mood has continuously added to it.

3.21. Extremel Loving ones (a,arp:ci), if the heart of us should not continuously* condemn us, we have
confidence toward the God (:c :c).
3.22. And whatever we are continuously* asking we receive from [mercy] of Him, for we keep the
commandments of Him, and we do the [things] pleasing before [face] of Him.
3.23. And this is the commandment of Him that we should have believed in the name of the Son of Him
(:cu Yicu au:cu), of Anointed, ^He-Saving (lpcu Xoi:cu), and we should Extremely Love one
another, just as He gave commandment.
3.24. And the [One] keeping the commandments of Him remains in Him and He in him [that one]. And
in this we know that He remains in us, from [presence] of the Spirit (:cu u:uaa:c,) whom He did give

4.1. Extremely Loving ones (a,arp:ci), you do not believe every spirit [of prophecy], but test the spirits
if it is from [sending] of the God (:cu :cu), for many false prophets had gone out into the world.
4.2. In this, he will be come the Spirit (:c u:uaa) from [sending] of the God (:- :cu :cu); every
spirit [of prophecy] the [one], he confesses Anointed, ^He-Saving having come in flesh [is] from
[sending] of the God (:- :cu :cu).
4.3. And every spirit [of prophecy], the [one], he does not confess Anointed, ^He-Saving (lpcu
Xoi:c) having come in flesh is not from [sending] of the God (:- :cu :cu). And this is the [spirit]
of the ant-anointed (:cu a:iXoi:cu), which you had heard that it is coming itself, and now* is already
in the world. NOTE *: Now = AD 66.
[And so, Zoroaster (the father of "monotheism"; a pagan from Media, writing about 650 to 575
BC, began the, "One God" heresy), and the Jews, and Muslims, and Jehovahs Witnesses, and
Armstrongs Disciples, and Christadelphians, and all others denying Immanuel (The God with us) are
anti-anointeds today. But this is righteous to define anti-anointeds, and refers to some Jews of the first
4.4. You (ua:i,) are from [confessing] of the God (:- :cu :cu), little children, and you had overcome
them for greater is the [One] in you than the [one] in the world.
4.5. They are from [Evil one] of the world, through this they speak from [Evil one] of the world, and the
world is hearing them.
4.6. We (p:i,) [apostles] are from [sending] of the God (:- :cu :cu), the [one] knowing the God (:c
:c) hears [message] of us. Who is not from [sending] of the God does not hear us. From this we know
the Spirit (:c r:uaa) of the truth and the spirit of the error.
4.7. Extremely Loving ones, we will Extremely Love (a,raa:) one another continuously*, for the
Extreme Love (p a,arp) is from [will] of the God (:- :cu :cu), and the [one] Extremely Loving
(a,ara) has been born from [will] of the God (:- :cu :cu) and he knows the God (:c :c).

4.8. The [one] not Extremely Loving (a,ara) did not know the God (:c :c) for the God (0 :c,)
is Extreme Love (a,arp).
4.9. In this (:c,) did send the only begotten (acc,:p) Son of Him (:c Yic au:cu) into the world in
order that we should have lived through [blood] of Him.
4.10. In this is the Extreme Love (p a,arp), not that we extremely loved (pa:i, p,arpaa:) the God
(:c :c), but that He Extremely Loved us (p,arp: paa,) and had sent the Son of Him (:c Yic
au:cu) a sin offering concerning [guilt] of the sins of us.
4.11. Extremely Loving ones (a,arp:ci), if in this way the God (0 :c,) Extremely Loved us (p,arp:
paa,), and we ought to Extremely Love (a,ara) one another.
4.12. No one has ever seen God (:c). If we might Extremely Love (a,araa:) one another the God
(0 :c,) remains in us, and the extreme love of Him (p a,arp au:cu) had been being perfected, is in us.
4.13. In this we know that we remain in Him and He in us, for He had given us [a portion] from [extreme
love] of the Spirit of Him (:- :cu u:uaa:c,).
4.14. And we (apostles) have seen, and we testify that the Father (0 ua:po) had sent the Son (:c Yic)
[as] Savior of the world (`a:poa :cu -cacu).
4.15. Who ever should have confessed that ^Iesous (lpcu,) is the Son of the God (0 Yic, :cu :cu),
the God (0 :c,) remains in him, and he in the God (au:c : :a :a).
Do not be deceived by these verses, for they are the Old Testament message, written to Israelites under
the Law of Moses. They were described as members of the "pouring out of the Gift of the Holy Spirit" on
the day of Pentecost. See: verse 2.27. Added to that, is the new law under the New Covenant, which
must be obeyed today, which is "the opening of the seven seals"; from Rev 6.1 to Rev 11.15.
The Pope has deceived men and churches not to read the Last Book of the Bible!
This is similar to reading a "murder mystery", but refusing to read the last chapter.
The Pope is evil! He is out to get you!
4.16. And we had known (:,a-aa:) and we had believed (r:ri::u-aa:) the Extreme Loving (:p
a,arp). which the God has in us (p 0 :c, :,:i : pai). The God is Extreme Love (0 :c,
a,arp ::i), and the [one] remaining in the extreme love (:p a,arp), he will remain in the God (: :a
:a), and the God (0 :c,) will remain in him.
4.17. In this He had perfected the Extreme Love with us (p a,arp a: paa), in order that we will have
confidence in the day of the judgment (:p, -oi:a,), for just as that One is (c:i -aa ::i), we also are
(-ai pa:i, :a:) in this world.
4.18. She is not fear in the Extreme Love (: :p a,arp), but the perfect Extreme Love (aa p :::ia
a,arp), she casts out fear, for the fear has punishment. But the [one] fearing [the judgment] has not been
perfected in the Extreme Love (: :p a,arp).
NOTE: Many preachers, and Bible College professors, teach heresy, saying that, "This means that we do
not need to fear God."
But then, the resurrection is for those who "fear the God."

"And to give reward to the servants of You, the prophets and to the holy ones, the [ones] FEARING THE
NAME OF YOU ..." - Rev 11.18.

"Fear the Lord, and give glory to Him ..." - Rev 14.7.

So then, "the fear that is cast out" is the fear of the judgment, mentioned in verse 17. If we "fear God"
while on earth, then we "do not fear" the judgment.

4.19. We Extremely Love Him (pa:i, a,araa:) for Him (au:c,) first had extremely loved us.
4.20. For if anyone should have said, I Extremely Love the God (a,ara :c :c), and he should hate
the brother of him, he is a liar, for the [one] not Extremely Loving (c ap a,aa) the brother of him
whom he had seen, how [is] he able to be Extremely Loving the God (:c :c c a,ara) whom he has
not seen.
NOTE: The brother is defined in 5.1. How can we lay down our lives for the brothers, if all men are our
4.21. And this [is] the commandment we have from Him, in order that the [one] Extremely Loving the
God (c a,ara :c :c) also he is Extremely Loving (a,ara) the brother of him.

5.1. All the [one] believing that ^Iesous is the Anointed (lpcu, ::i 0 Xoi:c,), had been born from
[Spirit] of the God (:- :cu :cu), and all the [one] Extremely Loving (c a,ara) The [One] having
birthed, also he might have continuously Extremely Loved (a,ara) the [one] having been born from
[Spirit] of Him.
NOTE: This verse defines the brother loved.

5.2. In this we know that we Extremely Love (a,araa:) the children of the God (:cu :cu),
whenever we Extremely Love the God (:c :c a,araa:), and we keep the commandments of Him.
5.3. For this is the Extreme Love of the God (p a,arp :cu :cu), that we keep the commandments of
Him. And the commandments of Him are not burdensome.
5.4. For all the [one] having been borne from [Spirit] of the God (:cu :cu) overcomes the world, and
this is the victory, the [one] overcoming of the world, the faith of you.
5.5. Who is the [one] overcoming the world if not the [one] believing that Iesous is the Son of the God?
(lpcu, :a:i 0 Yic, :cu :cu).
5.6. This is the [One] having come through [dipping] of water and of blood, Iesous Anointed (lpcu,
Xoi:c,), not in the water only, but in the water and in the blood. And the Spirit is the (:c u:uaa :c)
[one] witnessing, for the Spirit is the truth (:c u:uaa ::i p ap:ia).
5.7. For three are the [ones] witnessing;
5.8. the Spirit (:c u:uaa) and the water and the blood, and these are into the one [^Iesous].
5.9. If we receive the testimony of the men, the testimony of the God (:cu :cu) is greater, for this is the
testimony of the God (:cu :cu) which He had testified concerning [eternal life] of the Son of Him (:cu
Yicu au:cu).
5.10. The [One] believing into the Son of the God (:i, :c Yic :cu :cu) has the testimony in him
[presence of the Spirit of the God], the [one] not believing in the God (:a :a) had made Him a liar, for
he had not believed into the testimony which the God (0 :c,) had testified concerning [eternal life] of
the Son of him (:cu Yicu au:cu).
5.11. And this is the testimony that the God (0 :c,) gave eternal life to us, and this life is in the Son of
Him (: :a Yia au:cu).
5.12. The [One] having the Son (:c Yic) has the life, and the [one] not having the Son of the God (:c
Yic :cu :cu) does not have the life.
5.13. These [things] I wrote to you, the [ones] believing INTO THE NAME of the Son of the God (:i, :c
ccaa :cu Yicu :cu :cu), in order that you might have known that you have eternal life, and that you
might believe INTO THE NAME of the Son of the God (:i, :c ccaa :cu Yicu :cu :cu)
NOTE: "These things I wrote to you ... in order that you might have known that -- you have eternal life."
"the ones who believe into the name of the Son of the God."

AND -- the churches and Bible translators have always BANNED THE NAMES OF THE SON
The Son is "Iesous Anointed" and "The Lamb" and "King of kings and Lord of lords."
The God is "The God" and "The Father" and "Lord, the Almighty God" (Rev 4.8) and "The Lord
and The God of us, and The Holy" (Rev 4.11).

5.14. And she (au:p) is the confidence which we have toward Him, for if we ask ourselves anything
according to the will of Him, He hears us.
5.15. And if we know that He hears us, the [thing] ever (an) we should ask ourselves, we know that we
have the requests which we did request from Him.
5.16. If anyone should have seen the brother of him sinning a sin not to death, he will ask, and He will
give him life to the [ones] not sinning to death.. There is sin to death, not concerning [forgiveness] of that
[sin] I am saying that he should ask.
5.17. All unrighteousness is sin, and [there] is a sin not to death.
5.18. We did know that all the [one] having been born from [Spirit] of the God (:- :cu :cu) does not
sin infinitively, but the [one] having been born from [Spirit] of the God (:- :cu :cu) keeps himself, and
the evil does not touch him.
5.19. We know that we are from [Spirit] of the God, and the whole lies in the evil.
5.20. And we know that the Son of the God (0 Yic, :cu :cu) has come and has given us
understanding in order that we might know the [Way] the true [One], and we are in the rue [One], in the
Son of Him, of Iesous, in the anointed [Body] (: :a Yia au:cu lpcu Xoi:a). This is the true God
(:c,) and the Life eternal.
5.21. Little children, keep yourselves from [pollution] of the idols!

John identified the Antianointed (Antichrist) to be one denying that Iesous Anointed had come in the
flesh. See: 4.1-3. He also confirmed that there were presently many antianointeds. See: 2.18. Today the
antianointeds are the Jews, the original antianointed, and Jehovah's Witnesses, and other Seventh Day
Adventists, and the Muslims, and the Cristadelphians.

"It is the last Hour" (2.18) of the Evening of the Seventh Day. The Morning of the Seventh Day
(Resurrection) was about to break in AD 77.

John was in prison in Third John, and in Revelation, having been banned to the Isle of Patmos.

You do not need any teachers! This condemns "preachers" and "seminaries." See: 2.27. Paul also wrote
this message to Timothy. See: 2Tim 2.2. The presence of the Spirit of God is frequently repeated. Do
you have the presence of the Spirit o


REVELATION (Written - AD 67)


1.1. Revelation of Anointed, ^He-Saving (arc-aui lpcu Xoi:cu), which the God (O Qeoj) gave to
Him to show the servants of Him the (things) it is necessary to happen in swiftness; and He made known
through sending of the messenger (angel) of Him, to the servant of Him, John (laap).
1.2. Who [John] testified to the word of the God (:c c,c), the testimony of Anointed, ^He-Saving
(lpcu Xoi:cu) [CF 19.10], as many as he saw.
1.3. Blessed [is] the (one) reading, and the (ones) hearing the words of this prophecy, and keeping the
(things) having been written in her (au:p); for the time [is] near.
1.4. John, to the seven From-callings (:- -piai,), in the Asia; Favor to you and peace from [love] of
God (arc :cu), The (One), He Being (a), The [One]He was Being: (p), and The (One), Coming
Himself [Middle Voice] (:o,ca:c,), and from [inspiration] of the seven Spirits which [are] before
[Presence] of the throne of Him.
1.5. and from [sending] of Anointed, ^He-Saving (arc lpcu Xoi:cu), the Faithful Witness, the
Firstborn of the Dead ones, and the Ruler of the kings of the earth. To The (One) Extremely Loving us
(a,ara:i paa,), and having washed us from [guilt] of the sins of us in the blood of Him.
1.6. And He made us kings, priests to the God (i:o:i, :a :a) and Father (ua:oi) of Him.
To Him [be] the glory and the power into the ages; truly.
1.7. Look, He is coming with [glory] of the clouds, and all eye will see Him, and those who pierced Him,
and they will mourn on Him, all the [12] Tribes of the Earth [Israel]. Yes, truly [Zec 12.10].
1.8. I am the Alpha and the Omega, says Lord the God (Kuoic, 0 :c,), The (One) Being (a), and The
(One) He was Being (p), and The One Coming Himself [Middle Voice] (:o,ca:c :,:i Kuoic, c
:c, 0 a -ai 0 p -ai 0 :r,ca:c, 0 :c ra Koa: ao), the Lord, the God, The [One] [keeping]
the all Power [and] Time. [God is eternal.]
1.9. I, John (|,a laap,), the brother of you, and partner in the Tribulation [Rev 2.10] and Kingdom
[Rev 5.11], and Endurance in anointed [Body] of ^Iesous (: ,oi:a lpcu), I came to be in the island,
the (one) being called, Patmos; on account of the testimony of Anointed, ^He-Saving (lpcu Xoi:cu)
[see: Rev 19.10].
NOTE: We have come across this phrase, "in Anointed [Body] of ^Iesous" (: Xoi:a lpcu) several
times now. The "From-calling" (:- -pia, ) was "anointed" on the Day of Pentecost, in AD 32. So
then, the Body was of people "in anointed" (From-calling) of ^Iesous. And so, "in anointed" does not
indicate He-Saving (^Iesous), but the Body of believers. If this were true, it woud remove the awkward
reading of the opposite opinion, that is, that both terms (anointed & ^Iesous; dative & genitive cases) refer
only to ^He-Saving (Iesous).

1.10. I came to be in the Spirit (: u:uaa:i)* in the Day** [Year] belonging to the Lord (: :p
-uo:a-p)], and I heard a voice behind me as a great trumpet,
NOTE *: meaning, receiving visions.
NOTE **: First year of war with Rome: AD 66-67.
1.11 saying, What you see writing into a book, and send to the seven From-callings*; into Ephesus, and
into Smyrna, and into Pergamos, and into Thyatira, and into Sardis, and into Philadelphia, and into
NOTE *: From-calliig = local congregation; and sometimes the Universal Congregation.
NOTE: Day of the Lord = Year of the Lord in the Old Testament prophets. This was darkness and
not light (Amos 5.18). 70 Weeks (Dan 9) was 70 Years; 455 BC - AD 35. Confirm the covenant
for One Week was 7 Years (Dan 9.27). Day of the Lord Anointed, ^He-Saving (1Cor 1.8; and others)
refers to the resurrection in AD 77.

1.12. And there I turned to see the voice which was speaking to me. And having turned, I saw seven
golden Lampstands [see: Zec 4].
1.13. And in midst of the seven Lampstands, [One] like Son of Man (Yic aoarcu) having been
clothed [in a robe] reaching to the feet, and having been belted from the breasts [with] a golden belt.
1.14. And the head of Him, and the hairs white, and as white wool, as snow, and the eyes of Him as a
flame of fire.
1.15. And the feet of Him like fine brass as having been refined in a furnace, and the voice of Him as
sound of many Waters [Nations - 17.15];
1.16. and having in the right hand of Him seven Stars, and out of mouth of Him a sharp, double-edged
sword proceeding, and the face of Him as the Sun shines in strength of him.
1.17. And when I saw Him, I fell at the feet of Him, as dead. And He put the right [hand] of Him on me,
saying, Do not fear, I am the First (0 uoa:c,) and the Last (0 |,a:c,),
1.18. and The (One) Living (0 ,a), and I became Dead, and look, am Living (,a :iai) into the ages
of the ages (:i, :cu, aiaa :a aiaa); truly. And I have the keys of the Death and of the without
of own [place] (A icu). Note: a = negative prefix. #2398 = idios, translated, own.

[Mt 16.18].
1.19. Therefore, write the [things] you saw* and the [things] which are**, and the [things] about to
happen after these.***
NOTE *: on Patmos.
NOTE **: Eternal God and word of the God.
NOTE ***; Prophecies.

1.20. The mystery of the seven Stars which you saw on [place] of the right [hand] of Me, and the golden
Lampstands: The seven Stars are, messengers of the seven From-calings; and the Lampstands are, the
seven From-callings.
NOTE: Messengers and angels are one word. But these were messengers from Patmos to the seven
From-callings. See: 3 Jn 9-10. Lampstand is the seven Spirits of God [Rev 4.5]. The congregation
is implied to have the seven Spirits of God. These are listed: Isaiah 11.1-4; Ephesians 4.4-6; Galatians
5.22-23 (9 fruits =7 Spirits); Rev 5.12, Rev 7.12. They will be identified later.


2.1. To the messenger of the From-calling in Ephesus write, These (things) says The (One) holding the
seven Stars in the right [hand] of Him, The (One) walking in midst of the seven golden Lampstands,
2.2. I know the works of you, and the labor of you, and the endurance of you, and that you are not able to
bear evil (people). And you tested the (ones) saying themselves to be ones sent (apostles), and they are
not, and you found them liars.
2.3. And you have endurance, and you bore patiently through the name of Me, and you did not become
2.4. But I have [this] against you, for you left the first Extreme Love of you (:p a,arp).
2.5. Therefore remember from where you have fallen, and reform and do the first works. But, if not, I am
coming to you swiftly,* and I will remove the Lampstand of you out of the place of it if you do not
NOTE *: Swiftly = quickly (Rev 2.5) = 10 Days (Rev 2.10).
NOTE **: Lampstand = 7 Spirits = Living Congregation.

2.6. But this you have, for you hate the works of the Nikolaitans,* the [ones] I also hate.**
NOTE *: Followers of Man of Sin.
NOTE **: Iesous hates His enemies, as te God hated Esau (Malachi 1.3).

2.7. The (one) having an ear, he will hear what the Spirit (:c u:uaa) says to the From-callings, To the
(one) overcoming I will give to him to eat of the Tree of the Life in the Paradise of the God of Me.
2.8. And to the messenger of the From-calling in Smyrna write, These (things) says The First (0
uoao:c,) and The Last (0 |,a:c,), who became dead and lived (:-oc, -ai :,p:);
2.9. I know the works of you, and the tribulation (Mt 24.21) and the poverty (but you are rich), and the
blasphemy from the (ones) saying themselves to be Jews, and they are not; but a synagogue (assembly) of
the Satan (:cu `a:aa = Jews in Smyrna; cf 2.13).
2.10. Fear nothing [concerning] the (things) which you are about to have suffered. Look, indeed, the
Devil (c ia3cc,) is about to throw from [those] of you into prison, so that, you may be tested, and you
will have Tribulation Ten Days.* Br faithful until death, and I will give you the Crown** of the Life.
NOTE *: AD 67-77. NOTE **: Victory - 15.2.
NOTE: AD 67 was determined by the death of Antipas (vs 13); recorded by Josephus.

2.11. The (one) having an ear, he will hear what the Spirit (:c u:uaa) says to the From-callings, The
(one) overcoming, no, he will not be harmed from [Curse] the Second Death (Rev 20.14).
2.12. And to the messenger of the From-calling in Pergamos write: These (things) says The (One) having
the sharp double-edged sword;
2.13. I know the works of you, and where you are dwelling, where the throne of the Satan* [ no verb
tense]. And you will hold fast to the name of Me, and you did not deny yourself [Middle Voice] the faith
of Me in the days in which Antipas, the faithful witness** of Me, who was killed alongside you, where
the Satan (c `a:aa,) is dwelling.
NOTE: Jerusalem is a present verb tense The two Satans (throne of Satan; Satan dwelling) are contrasted
by the temple built in the past, and Satan in the present tense in Jerusalem..
NOTE *: temple to Zeus in Pergamos.
NOTE **: Antipas was an unbeliever in Iesous, of the royal lineage of Israel, who was faithful to the
prophecy, The Sun (King/Antipas) will be darkened Mt 24.29, and others.

2.14. But I have a few (things) against you, for you have there (some) holding the teaching of Balaam
(Baaaa), who taught the Balak to throw a stumblingblock before [path] of the sons of Israel, both to eat
(things) sacrificed to idols, and to commit fornication.
2.15. Thus you also have (some) likewise holding the teaching of Nikolaitans.
2.16. Therefore, reform! And, if not, I am coming to you swiftly, and I will make war with them in the
sword of the mouth of Me.
2.17. The (one) having an ear, he will hear what the Spirit (:c u:uaa) says to the From-callings: To
the (one) overcoming I will give in him [portions] of the hidden manna. And I will give to him a white
pebble, and on the pebble a new name written, the [one] no one knows, if not, the (one) receiving.
NOTE: Overcoming means passing the Judgment, and the manna was hidden in Third Heaven. The
name written was promised to be, The name of the God of Me, and the City of the God of Me, New
Jerusalem (3.12). The name of the God of Me was recorded to be, Lord The Almighty God (5.8).
New Jerusalem was recorded to be coming down. See: Rev 21.1.

2.18. And to the messenger of the From-calling (:- -pia,) in Thyatira write, These (things) says the
Son of the God (0 1ic, :cu :cu), The (One) having the eyes of Him as a flame of fire, and the feet of
Him as fine brass.
2.19. I know the works of you, and the Extreme Love (:p a,arp), and the faith, and the service, and
the endurance of you; and the works of you, the last greater [than] [works] of the first.
2.20. But I have against you that you tolerate the wife of you, Jezebel (l:,a3:) (Iezebel), the (one)
she says herself a prophetess, and teaches and deceives the servants of Me to commit fornication and to
eat [things] sacrificed to idols.
2.21. And I gave her time in order that she might reform, and she does not wish to reform from
[abomination] of the fornication of her.
2.22. Look, I am throwing her into a bed, and the (ones) committing adultery with her into great
Tribulation (Mt 24.21), if not, they do reform of the works of her.
2.23. And the children of her [followers] I will kill in death. And all the From-callings (:- -piai) will
know that I am The (One) searching sides and hearts. And I will give to you to each according to the
works of you.
2.24. And I say to you, to the rest, the (ones) in Thyatira, as many as do not have this teaching, whoever
knew not the depths of the Satan (:cu `a:aa), as they say, I am not throwing on you [any] other burden.
2.25. But what you have hold fast until, if not [immediately], I will come.
2.26. And the (one) overcoming, and the (one) keeping the works of Me until [the] end, I will give
authority to him on [judgment] of the nations (Rev 5.10*);
2.27. and he will shepherd them in iron rod; as the clay vessels they will be smashed (Ps 2.9);
2.28. as I also have received from [authority] of the Father of Me (raoa :cu ua:oc,). And I will give to
him the Morning Star.**
NOTE *: You made them kings and priests to the God of us, and they will reign on [judgment] of the
Earth [New Jerusalem] - Rev 5.10.
NOTE **: Morning Star = Prophet of the Seventh Morning (AD 77 - End of Time); which is Iesous
Anointed (1.1).

2.29. The (one) having an ear, he will hear what the Spirit (:c u:uaa) says to the From-callings (:ai,
:- -piai,).


3.1. And to the messenger of the From-calling (:- -pia,) in Sardis write, These (things) says The
(One) having the seven Spirits of the God (:cu :cu), and the seven Stars; I know the works of you, that
you have a name, and you live and you are dead.
3.2. Be watching, and keep the (things) remaining, the [ones] you were about to throw away, for I have
not found the works of you having been completed before [face] of the God of Me (:cu :cu acu).
3.3. Therefore, remember how you have received, and heard, and hold fast, and reform. If therefore, you
will not watch, I will come upon you as a thief, and no, you will not know what hour I will come on you.
3.4. But you have a few names in Sardis who did not defile the garments of them; and they will walk with
Me in white [robes], for they are worthy.
3.5. The (one) overcoming, this one will be clothed in white garments, and no, I will not wipe out the
name of him from [names] of the Book of the Life, and I will confess the name of him before [face] of the
Father (:cu ua:oc,) of Me, and before [faces] of the angels (:a a,,:a) of Him.
3.6. The (one) having an ear, he will hear what the Spirit (:c u:uaa) says to the From-callings (:ai, :-
3.7. And to the messenger (:a a,,:a) of the From-calling (:- -pia,) in Philadelphia write, These
(things) says the Holy, the True, The (One) having the key of the David (:cu a3i), The (One) opening,
and no one will shut her (au:p), if not, The (One) opening, and no one will open.
3.8. Look, I know the works of you, I have given before you a door having been opened which no one is
able to shut her; for you have a little strength, and you kept the word of Me, and you did not deny the
name of Me.
NOTE: The Man of Sin did not literally deny the name of Iesous. But he wrote, love the bishop as the
Lord, thereby denying the supremacy of Iesous figuratively.

3.9. Look, I am giving [those] from [members] of the Synagogue of the Satan (:cu `a:aa), the (ones)
saying themselves to be Jews, and they are not, but they are lying. Look, I will make them in order that
they will come and they will bow down before [presence] of the feet of you, and you will know that I
Loved you.
NOTE: We know not what this means, and we will not speculate.

3.10. For you kept the word of the endurance of Me, I also will keep you from [death] of the hour of trial
of the (one) [Rome] being about to come on [population] of the whole house of you to test the (ones)
dwelling on [face] of the Earth [Israel].
NOTE: In other words, they would live through the Tribulation [AD 67-77] and meet the Lord
in the air.

3.11. I am coming swiftly. Hold fast what you have, in order that, no one will take the crown of you.
3.12. The (one) overcoming, I will make him a pillar in the temple of the God of Me (:cu :cu acu), and
no, he will not go out [any] longer. And I will write on him the name* of the God of Me (:cu :cu acu)
and the name of the City of the God of Me, [name] of the New Jerusalem, which comes down from
[height] of the heaven, from [abode] of the God of Me, and the new name of Me.
NOTE *: I Am (s) and He Is (); depending on who is speaking; God or man; and "I Am"
(|,a :iai; John 8,48) and, "Who Is" (c ::i; 1Tim 4.10).

3.13. The (one) having an ear, he will hear what the Spirit (:c u:uaa) says to the From-callings (:-
3.14. And to the messenger (:a a,,:a) of the From-calling (:p :- -pia,) in Laodecia write,
These (things) says The Truly (aap), The faithful and true Witness, The Beginning of the Creation of
the God (:cu :cu),
3.15. I know the works of you, that you are neither cold nor hot. I might wish you were cold or hot.
3.16. Like this, because you are lukewarm, and not hot nor cold, I am about to vomit you from [place] of
the mouth of Me.
3.17. For you say, I am wealthy, and I have become rich, and I have need of nothing, and you do not
know that you are the wretched (one), and the (one) pitiful, and poor, and blind, and naked.
3.18. I counsel you to buy gold (Wisdom), having been heated thoroughly from fire, from Me so that you
may become rich; and so that you may be clothed, and the shame of the nakedness of you may not appear;
and eye salve, in order that you may anoint the eyes of you, in order that you may see.
3.19. As many as I ever Brotherly Love (]ia), I rebuke and chasten. Therefore, be zealous and reform.
3.20. Look, I did stand on the door, and I am knocking. If anyone hears [sound] of the voice of Me, and
might have opened the door, and I will come in toward him, and I might have dined with [spirit] of him,
and he with Me.
3.21. The (one) overcoming, I will give to him to have lowered [sat] with Me in the throne of Me, as I
also overcame and I sat with [presence] of the Father of Me (a::a :cu uaoc, acu) in the throne of Him.
3.22. The (one) having an ear, he will hear what the Spirit (:c u:uaa) says to the From-callings (:-
NOTE: Chapter Three is the last mention of the "From-callings" (corrupted to read, "churches"), except
for verse 22.16, which is a "Goodbye salutation to the First Century Israelites." This is because Chapters
Four and Five are about the resurrection of the "From-callings, in AD 77." Therefore none of the
prophecy after Chapter Three is about the, "From-callings", except for a few repetitions of the


4.1. After these (things), I looked, and look, a door having been opened in the heaven, and the first voice
which I heard as a trumpet speaking with me, saying, Come up here, and I might have shown to you the
(things) it is necessary to happen itself [mid.,voice] after these (things).
4.2. Immediately I came to be in Spirit (: u:uaa:i), and look, a throne was lying himself in the
heaven, and on the throne (One) sitting,
4.3. similar in appearance to a jasper stone, and a sardius (stone), and a rainbow around [perimeter] of the
throne, likewise (there was) appearance of emeralds.
NOTE: The grammar may apply the stones to the God, or to the throne. But the qualities of the character
of the God are still intended either way. See the properties of these stones.

4.4. Around the throne, (were) twenty-four thrones, and on the thrones 24 Elders sitting, having been
clothed in white robes and on the heads of them golden crowns..
NOTE: 24 Elders = 24 Writers of the Old Testament.

4.5. And from [authority] of the throne proceed lightnings and voices and thunders (Ex 19.17-19; 20.18-
19 = Presence of God). And seven lamps of fire burning before [foot] of the throne of Him, which are
seven Spirits of the God.
4.6. And before [foot] of the throne as a glass Sea, similar to crystal. And in midst of the throne, and
around [foot] of the throne 4 Living Creatures being full of eyes in front and in back.
4.7. And the first Living Creature (was) as a Lion, and the second Living Creature (was) as
a Calf, and the third Living Creature having a face of a Man, and the fourth like a Flying Eagle.
4.8. And the four Living Creatures one by one, having six wings in turn (aa), around and within, they
are full of eyes. And they have not rest in day and in night, saying 'Holy, holy, holy; holy, holy, holy,
Lord the Almighty God (Kuoic, 0 :c, 0 ua:c-oa:ao); The (One) was Being (0 p; past tense),
and The (One) Being (0 a; present tense), and The (One) Coming Himself (0 :o,ca:c,; present
middle participle).
4.9. And whenever the Living Creatures might have given glory and honor and thanksgiving to The (One)
sitting Himself on [seat] of the throne; The (One) living into the ages of the ages (:i, :cu, aiaa :a
NOTE: This phrase, "into the ages of the ages" means that the God is Eternal, and has controlled the
kings of the earth in every century.

4.10. the twenty-four Elders will fall down before [face] of The (One) sitting Himself on the throne, and
they will worship to The (One) living into the ages of the ages, and they will cast the crowns of them
before [Presence] of the throne, saying:+
4.11. 'You are worthy, The Lord (Kuoic, ) and The God (:c,) of us, The Holy [One], to have received
the glory, and the honor, and the power, for You created all [things]. And through the will of You they
were being, and they were created.


5.1. And I saw on the right [hand] of The [One] sitting Himself on [seat] of the throne, [was] a scroll
having been written inside and outside, having been sealed with seven seals.
5.2. And I saw a strong angel (a,,:c) proclaiming in a great voice, 'Who is worthy to have opened the
scroll and to loose the seals of Him*?'
5.3. And no one was being able, in the heaven above, nor under [surface] of the earth, nor down under the
[surface] of the earth, to open the scroll nor to look at it (au:c).*
5.4. And I was weeping much, for no one was found worthy to have opened the scroll nor to be looking at
5.5. And one from [Body] of the elders says to me, 'You not [be] weeping. Look, the Lion, The [One]
from [genealogy] of the Tribe of Judah, the Root of David, The (One) had overcome [task] of opening the
seven seals of Him (au:cu).'*
NOTE *: The scroll is identified as neuter gender when it was the object of a verb, but it is recorded
masculine gender when it was recorded, seals of Him. So then, Him refers to God.

5.6. And I looked in midst of the throne, and of the four Living Creatures, and in midst of the elders, a
Lamb (Iesous) standing, as [if] having been slayed, having seven Horns [Kingdoms], and seven Eyes, the
[ones] are the seven Spirits of the God, being sent out into all of the earth.
NOTE: 7 Horns (Kingdoms) are: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.
And the 7 Spirits are listed: Rev 5.12, Rev 7.12; Isa 11.1-4; Eph 4.4-6; and others.

5.7. And He came and has taken from [palm] of the right [hand] of The (One) sitting Himself on [seat] of
the throne.
5.8. And when He took the scroll, the four Living Creatures, and the twenty-four elders, fell down before
[face] of the Lamb, each having a harp, and a golden bowl, being full of incense, the (ones) being prayers
of the holy ones.
5.9. And they sing a new song, saying, 'You are worthy to have received the scroll, and to have been
opening the seals of Him*; for You were slain, and You had bought us to the God (:a :a) in the blood
of You, from all tribe and tongue and people and nation;
5.10. and You had made them kings (3ai:i,; nominative, plural, masculine*) and priests to the God of
us, and they will reign over [kingdom] of the earth [New Jerusalem].'
NOTE*: Since the Millennium has gone into captivity (AD 1959), the "meddlers" have changed plural
kings to read, kingdom.

5.11. And I looked, and I heard, as a voice of many messengers (a,,:a)*; of the throne, and of the
Living Creatures, and of the elders. And the number was being ten thousand** (auoia:,) of ten
thousands (auoiaa), and thousands of thousands;
NOTE * & **: Since the captivity of the Millennium, in 1959, translators have preferred the pagan words,
"myriads." But then, "the number of them myriades" is self-contradictory, for there is no number. Our
translation was preferred until the, "Great Apostasy" of 1948.

5.12. saying, in a great voice, 'Worthy is the Lamb (:c aoic), The (One) having been slayed, to have
received the power (#1), and the riches (#2), and wisdom (#3), and strength (#4), and honor (#5), and
glory (#6), and blessing (#7)*.'
NOTE *: This is only one of many lists of the, Seven Spirits of God.

5.13. And all creature is, the [one] [that] is in the heaven, and on [face] of the earth, and down under
[face] of the earth, and on [surface] of the sea; and the all in them, I heard all saying,
'To The (One) sitting Himself on the throne (#1), and to the Lamb (:a aoia; #2), The blessing (#3), and
the honor (#4), and the glory (#5), and the power (#6), into the ages of the ages. Truly!' (aap).
NOTE: Added to the God and to the Lamb, and to these four Spirits of the God, would be "wisdom" in
the scroll that the Lamb took from the God. This harmonizes the 7 Spirits of the God in Verses 5.12 and
5.14. And the four Living Creatures, saying 'the Truly!' (:c aap). And the elders having fallen down,
and having worshiped.

NOTES: Chapters Four, and Five, and Seven, picture the Resurrection in AD 77. This was
termed, "The coming of the Son of man." This conclusion is confirmed by these facts:
(1) "... in the heaven and on [face] of the earth and down under [face] of the earth."
"Heaven and Earth" is an epithet for the nation of Israel. The "Heaven" was the "Government" of Israel.
The "Earth" was the nation of Israel. Because Israel were "the chosen people of the God"; those "down
under [face] of the earth" represent the Gentiles saved. The Lord Iesous taught "the kingdom of the
heavens is at hand."
(2) "... multitudes of multitudes, and thousand of thousands" related to the other manuscript:
"Look, Lord had come in ten thousand holy ones of Him" - Jude 14.
The phrase, "ten thousand" is not grammatically correct; neither in the Hebrew nor the Greek.
But this phrase, even when mistranslated, confirmed that Revelation, Chapter Five, was about "The
coming of the Son of Man."
(3) The "priests and kings" were Israelites of the First Century AD, named by Peter in First Peter,
2.5-10; and they were declared to be "a single generation."
(4) John, upon receiving Iesous' Revelation, wrote to the Israelites again, that they were "kings
and priests" (Rev 1.6). And, after his vision of the Resurrection, John wrote again that they were "kings
and priests" (Rev 5.10).
(5) Moses had taught Israel this fact in 1634 BC:
"And you will be to Me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation" (Ex 19.6).
(6) Isaiah had repeated this prophecy in about 700 BC:
"And you will be called priests of 'He Is' (); from ministering ones of 'Gods' (::s) of us.
He said to you, 'You will eat the riches of the Gentiles, and you will boast in glory of them'" (Isa 61.6).
Chapter Five describes the second of the, "Three General Resurrections"; see: 1Cor 15.22-24, for
"Anointed the firstfruits," and ,"afterwards those that are of Anointed at the coming of Him"; and the
Final New ovenant Resurrection, "of the Dead Only" (Rev 20.11-15).


INTRODUCTION: Chapter One was the introduction to, "The revelation of Iesous Anointed which the
God gave to Him." Iesous was declared to be "The Beginning and the End"; or, to be eternal. Chapters
Two and Three were letters of warning and of encouragement to the seven From-callings of Asia.
Chapters Four and Five were descriptions of the resurrection in AD 77; and the naming of the Seven
Spirits of the God.
Chapter Six began the New Covenant, during the rule of pagan Rome.
The Papacy is, "he thinks to change times and law" (Dan 7.25). The Beast teaches the New
Covenant began on the Day of Pentecost. Who do you believe?

6.1. And they saw (:ic) that the Lamb (:c aoic), He opened one of the seven seals, and I heard one
of the Four Living Creatures saying as a voice of thunder, 'Come yourself [Middle Voice] and see!'
6.2. And look, a White Horse, and the [one] sitting himself [Middle Voice] on him, holding a bow. And
to him, he was given a crown, and he went out conquering, and in order that he might have conquered.
6.3. And He opened the second seal, for I heard [voice] of the (:cu) second Living Creature saying,
'Come yourself!' [M. V.]
6.4. And another Horse of Fire [Red], and he went out, and to the [one] in sitting himself [M. V.] on him,
he was given to him to have taken the peace from [face] of the earth, in order that to be going to kill each
other; and he was given to him a great sword.
6.5. And when He opened the third seal, for I heard the third Living Creature saying, 'Come yourself [M.
V.] and see!' And look, a Black Horse, and the [one] sitting himself [M. V.] on it holding a balance [pair
of scales] in the hand of him.
6.6. And I heard a voice in midst of the four Living Creatures saying, 'A quart [choenix] of wheat of [for]
a denarius; and three quarts of barely of a denarius, and you might not have wronged the olive oil and the
6.7. And He opened the fourth seal, for I heard the fourth Living Creature saying, 'Come yourself [M. V.]
and see!'
6.8. And look! A Green* Horse and the [one] sitting himself [M. V.] on him; name of him, 'The Death'
d 'The Hell'; he was following in him [Hell]. And he was given to him authority over the fourth [part] of
the earth to have killed in Sword and in Famine and in putting to death, and under [force] of the Beasts**
of the earth [kingdoms].
NOTE*: Green Horse" is indisputably correct. William Tyndale had corrected the "Pale Horse" of the
Dark Ages, in AD 1526. The word "green" represented the green grass on the graves of death. Several
modern translations note "green"; but in their addiction to the Dark Ages, they render it "Pale Green";
which has no foundation.
NOTE**: "Beasts of the earth" are kingdoms, as Media and Persia were "a Ram with Two Horns"; and
Greece was "a male Goat with a great Horn" (Dan 8.3-8).

INTERPRETATION of the Four Living Creatures: Lion = Faith (Lion-hearted),
Calf = Bread (Knowledge) [Prov 14.4; Ox represents plowing],
Man = Love,
Eagle = Urgency = One Dipping = Eternal Life.
But the law of the God is both good and evil. The pagans of the Roman Empire were visited with evil.
Lion (White) = Invading Armies [Rome was predominant; AD 80-182],
Man (Red) = Hate [92 years of Civil War in Rome; AD 182-284];
Calf (Black) = Famine [AD 250-284; the famine was worst in Egypt];
Eagle (Green) = Urgency = Death and Hell [AD 182-284].
Faith, Love, Knowledge, Life were contrasted with War, Hate, Famine, Death..

6.9. And He opened the fifth seal, for they saw (:ic) under [base] of the altar the souls of the [ones]
having been slaughtered through the word of the God (:c c,c :cu :cu), and through the testimony
of the Lamb* (:cu aoicu) which they were having.
6.10. And they cried of great voice, saying, 'Until when, the Lord (0 :rc:p,), the Holy [One], and
True [One], You do not judge and avenge the blood of us from [guilt] of the [ones] dwelling on [face] of
the earth?'
6.11. And he was given to them a white robe, and He said to them in order that they should rest yet a
time, until they should complete [the number], and the fellow servants of them, and brothers of them, and
the [ones] being about to be killed as they also [were killed].

INTERPRETATION: The Martyrs of the First Resurrection were pictured here. The Roman Catholic
Church had documented 13 persecutions by pagan Rome (which agree with history). The last persecution
was by the emperors of the East, Diocletian and Galerius (AD 304-12). Constantine the Great won the
battle of the Milvian Bridge (AD 312), and reported he was saved by a vision of a "cross" in the sky.
Emperor Constantine changed the Empire to a "proclaimed" Christian principality. The pagan Roman
persecutions were ended. The phrase, "your brothers killed" also included the Papal Inquisitions (AD
1198-1820). Men were burned at the stake for refusing to have, "The Mark of the Beast (Papacy) in their
Foreheads (Minds)." See: Rev 15.1-4, Rev 20.4.

6.12. And when they saw (:ic), He opened the sixth seal, and a great Earthquake*, he came himself
[M. V.] and the Sun**, he became himself [M. V.] Black as sackcloth of hair, and the Moon***, he
became himself [M. V.] all as Blood.
NOTE*: Earthquakes are the overthrowing of kingdoms [As the city of David was destroyed by an
earthquake; Isa 29.1, 5-8].
NOTE **: Sun = King = Emperor Thedosius, AD 395.
NOTE ***: Moon = Roman Senate.

6.13. And the Stars* of the Heaven**, they fell into [population] of the earth, as a Fig Tree having cast
out the unripe figs of her, being shaken by a great wind.
NOTE *: Stars = princes or generals of Rome.
NOTE **: Heaven = Government; Sun, Moon, Stars; King, Senate, Princes.

6.14. And the Heaven [Government], he was separated as a scroll being rolled up, and every Mountain
[Kingdom] and Island [Europeans Nation], they were moved from [site] of the places of them.
6.15. And the kings of the Earth [Roman Empire], and great men, and the captains of thousands, and the
rich, and the mighty, and all slave and free; they hid themselves into the caves, and into the rocks of the
6.16. And they say to the mountains, and to the rocks, 'You fall on us and hide us from [doom] of the
wrath of the Lamb! (arc :p, ao,p, :cu aoicu).
6.17. For the great day of the wrath of Him, he came, and who, he is able himself [M. V.] to have been

INTERPRETATION: Theodosius (r. 379-95) was the last emperor with any "real" control over the
Roman Empire. Nomadic tribes took turns sweeping over the Italian peninsula, and "sacking Rome."
These included Goths, and Visigoths, and Vandals, and Huns, and others. In AD 410, Alaric invaded
Rome, and sacked the city seven days. In AD 455, the Vandals sacked the city fourteen days.


INTRODUCTION: This chapter is about the, "144,000 having the name of Him [Lamb], and the name of
the Father' of Him written in their Foreheads (Minds) ... These, under Iesous, were redeemed from [sins]
of the men, Firstfruits to the God and to the Lamb" (Rev 14.1, 4). They were Israelites, named
progressively in the New Testament to be, "priests of the God."

A) "... if indeed you tasted that the Lord (0 Kuoic,) [is] kind, coming toward whom [as] a Living Stone
(ic), before rejected by men, on the one hand (a:), on the other hand (:), [you are] precious, chosen
from God (:a :- :-:c) ... But you are a chosen generation [AD 28-77], a royal priesthood, a holy
nation, a possession, that you might proclaim the excellencies of The [One] having called you from
darkness into the marvelous light of Him, the [ones] not formerly a people [before Day of Pentecost; AD
32], but now a people of God (ac, :a), the [ones] not having received mercy, but now receiving
mercy (in AD 32)" - 1Pet 2.3-5, 9-10.
And these glorious words were addressed to: "to the from saying (elect; :- :-:cu,) sojourners
of the Dispersion [of Israel]."

B) "... to The [One] loving us, and having washed us from the sins of us, in the blood of Him, and He
made us [Israelites] kings, priests to the God (i:o:i, :a :a) and Father of Him (ua:oi au:c); to Him
[be] the glory and the power into the ages of the ages (:i, :cu, aiaaa, :a aiaa). Truly (aap)"
(Rev 1.5-6).
C) "And to the God of us (:a :a paa,), You made us kings and priests, and we will reign over the
earth" (Rev 5.10).

D) In the New Covenant Age, the "martyrs" [resurrected in the First Resurrection; AD 1775; Rev 20.4],
"they lived and reigned with [authority] of the Anointed the thousand years [AD 1859-1959]" (Rev 20.4).

AND SO, there are no priests on the earth!

7.1. And after this, they saw messengers (a,,:cu,) standing on the four corners of the Earth [New
Jerusalem], holding the four winds (a:acu,) of the earth, in order that a wind might not blow on [face]
of the Earth [New Jerusalem], nor on [face] of the Sea [Gentiles] nor on any Tree [King].
7.2. And they saw (:ic) another Messenger [Iesous] coming up* from rising of sun [East**], holding
seal of living God (]oa,ia :cu ,a:c,). And He was crying in a great voice to the four messengers
[angels], to whom he was given to them to have hurt the Earth [Israel], and the Sea [Gentiles],
7.3. saying, 'You might not have hurt the Earth nor the Sea nor the Trees until in what place I [Iesous]
might have sealed^ the servants of the God of us (:cu :cu paa) on [conscience] of the Foreheads
[Minds***] of them.
NOTE*: The temple in Jerusalem was the highest elevation in this area, and, "they ascended from
Caesarea to Jerusalem"; Acts 25.1.; and other places.
NOTE**: Moses was instructed to build the tabernacle with the door to the tabernacle on the East side, so
the Israelites would be away from Egypt [on the West side].
NOTE***: "your face against their faces, and your Forehead [Mind] against their Foreheads" (Exe 3.8);
the symbol, forehead is defined as a mind..
NOTE ^: The [One] also Sealing us and Giving us the Pledge of the Spirit in the hearts of us (2 Cor
1.22), identified the Sealing to be with the Holy Spirit.
NOTE: This was a prophecy (Rev 7.1-3) about "the coming of the Son of the Man (Adam)";
compare: Mt 24. This "sealing of the servants" was before the "Great Tribulation" (Mt 24.21); which
lasted "Ten Days" (Rev 2.10; AD 67-77). Iesous put the "indwelling Spirit" in the Foreheads [Minds] of
them. "I in them, and You [Father] in Me, that they may be made perfect in one" (Jn 17.23).

7.4. And I heard the number of the [ones] having been sealed; one hundred forty-four thousands,
having been sealed from all of Tribe[s] of sons of Israel. [12 Tribes X 12,000 = 144,000.]
7.5-8: All sentences read the same except the names of the 12 Tribes of Israel. We will not repeat this
sentence 12 times. "From tribe of Judah, Rueben, Gad, Asher, Naphtali, Manasseh, Simeon, Levi,
Issachar, Zebulun, Joseph, Benjamin; each 12,000 in number [figuratively speaking, to represent
NOTE: Genesis 46.9-13: Rueben, Simeon, Levi*, Judah, Issachar, Zebulun, Naphtali, Gad, Asher,
Joseph*, Benjamin, Manasseh, Ephraim, Dan. The Levites had no separate inheritance in Canaan, the
priests had a portion of all 12 Tribes, to be near to serve as priests. The Tribe of Joseph had two half-
inheritances; one for each of his two sons; Ephraim and Manasseh.
Dan was disinherited for building two golden calves for the people to worship, in an effort to
keep them from going to Jerusalem three times every year to worship.
Ephraim was disinherited, also for idol-worship.
In this list, Joseph and Levi were added to replace Dan and Ephraim.

The "Ten Northern Tribes" composed the nation of Israel.
The "Two Southern Tribes" (Judah and Benjamin) composed the nation of Judah.
Dan drove the priests out of the north and they joined Judah and Benjamin in the south.
But Shalmaneser, King of Assyria, "carried captive Israel" in 721 BC; and they ceased to be a people (Isa
Therefore, because this Chapter Seven, of Revelation, is true; some of all Ten Northern Tribes
must have moved to the "south" and been preserved.
See: "carried Israel away" (2Ki 17.6); and "foreigners moved to Samaria" (2Ki 17.24).

7.9. After this [people], they saw, and look! A great crowd which no one, he was being able to have
numbered [Gentiles and Pre-flood People], from [those] of all nations and of tribes and of peoples and of
tongues having stood before [place] of the throne, and before [face] of the Lamb (:cu aoicu), having
been clothed in white robes, and palm branches in the hands of them.
7.10. And they cry out in a great voice, saying, 'The salvation [belongs] to the God of us (:a :a paa),
to The [One] sitting Himself [Middle Voice] on the throne, and to the Lamb (:a aoia).
7.11. And all the messengers [men from earth], they had stood themselves [Pluperfect] around the throne,
and [place] of the [24] Elders, and [place] of the four Living Creatures, and fell down [aorist] before
[place] of the throne of Him on the faces of them, and they bowed [aorist] to the God (:a :a),
7.12. saying, 'Truly! The Blessing (#1), and the Glory (#2), and the Wisdom (3), and the Thanksgiving
(#4), and the Honor (#5), and the Power (#6), and the Might (#7) [belong] to the God of us (:a :a
paa) into the ages of the ages (:ia :cu, aiaa, :a aiaa). Truly (aap).'
NOTE: These are the 7 Spirits of the God. Blessing = One Body (Eph 4.4-6), Glory = One Hope
[Knowledge of the imminent Resurrection], Wisdom = One Spirit, Thanksgiving = One Lord
[Atonement], Honor = One Faith, Power = One Dipping [Forgiveness of sins], Might = One God
[Adoption]. Compare Rev 5.12 and Rev 5.13 and Isa 11.2-4.

7.13. And one from [number] of the [24] Elders, he was answered, saying to me, 'These the [ones] having
been clothed [aorist] in the white robes; they are who? [present tense]; and they did come [aorist] from
7.14. And I said to him, 'Lord of me (Kuoi: acu), you did know.' And he said to me, 'These are the
[ones] coming themselves [Middle Voice] from [10 Days] of the Great Tribulation, and they washed
[aorist] the robes of them, and they made [aorist] [them] white in the Blood of the Lamb (:cu aoicu).
7.15. Through this, they are before [place] of the throne of the God (:cu :cu). And they serve [present
tense] Him in day and in night in the Temple* of Him. And The [One] sitting Himself [Middle Voice] on
the throne, He will dwell [future tense] over them.
7.16. They will not hunger [future] yet [again], nor they will not thirst [future] yet [again], nor, no, the
Sun [King], he might not continuously* fall [kill] on them, nor all Heat .**
NOTE *: subjunctive, present tense.
NOTE **: Wrath of the God fall on them.

7.17. For the Lamb (:c aoic), The [One] in midst of the throne, He will shepherd them [future], and
He will be leading [future] them on springs of Waters of Life *, and the God (0 :c,), He will wipe
[future] every tear from [face] of the eyes of them.
NOTE *: Living Water = Holy Spirit.

OUTLINE of Revelation Seven.

1. The winds stilled by the Lord Iesous.
2. The "firstfruits" sealed in their Foreheads (Minds),
3. The number [of Israelites] sealed was 144,000.
4. It was implied that the "winds were loosed." This was the destruction of the nation of Israel.
[Iesous taught, "My kingdom is not of this world."]
5. Servants of the God in Third Heaven with "white robes" made a "great crowd" (Rev 7.9-12).
6. The angel asked John, "Who are they, and from where?" (Rev 7.13).
7. The "who" was taught to be, "coming out of Great Tribulation" [10 Days; AD 67-77; Rev 2.10].
8. The "from where" was taught to be, "they washed their robes [on earth] in the blood of the Lamb."
9. "Through this [#8], they are before [place] of the throne of the God."
10. "The God will wipe away every tear" [in Third Heaven].
11. But this also happened on earth in New Jerusalem (Rev 21.4). New Jerusalem is the kingdom of the
God on earth today!

One of the three blasphemies of the Beast (Papacy) is to blaspheme, "the [ones] dwelling in the heaven"
(Rev 13.6). If you deny the "First Century Resurrection"; then you have the Mark of the Beast on
[Conscience] of the (:cu) Forehead (Mind) of you.


8.1. And when He opened the seventh seal, silence came herself [Middle Voice] in the Heaven
[Government] as a half hour [7-1/2 Days; AD 395-402].
8.2. And they saw (:ic) the seven messengers (a,,:cu,), the [ones], they did stand before [place] of
the God (:cu :cu), and they were given seven Trumpets to them.
8.3. And another messenger came and stood on [place] of the altar holding a golden censer. And he was
given to him many incenses, so that, he will give [with] the prayers of all the holy ones on the golden
altar, the [one] before [place] of the throne.
8.4. And the smoke, of the incenses went up in the prayers of the holy ones, from hand of the messenger
(:cu a,,:cu) before [place] of the God (:cu :cu).
8.5. And the messenger, he did take the censer and he filled it from [some] of the fire of the altar, and he
threw [it] into the earth. And thunders, and voices, and lightnings, they came themselves [Middle Voice],
and an Earthquake.
8.6. And the seven messengers (a,,:ci), the [ones] holding the seven Trumpets prepared themselves in
order that they might sound the Trumpets.
NOTE: The sentence, "And thunders, and voices, and lightnings they came themselves, and an
Earthquake" is used frequently to describe, "the Presence of the God." See: Ex 19.16, and Ex 20.18, and
Rev 4.5, and Rev 8.5, and Rev 11.19, and Rev 19.6. The term, "Earthquake" is employed specifically to
picture the "overthrowing of a nation."

8.7. And the first sounded, and they came themselves [Middle Voice] hail and fire having been mixed in
blood, and they were thrown into the earth, and the third of the Trees [Kings] was burned up, and all
green grass was burned up.
NOTE: "The Third ... was burned." Isaiah 40.6-7: "All flesh is grass ... the grass withers ... because the
breath of 'He Is' () blows on it."
INTERPRETATION: Alaric was king of the Goths, a nomadic tribe. They attacked the Italian Peninsula
in AD 402-03. Honorius was the retarded emperor. Stilicho, from without the Roman Empire, was the
general in charge of defense. "The Third" of the Trees and Grass burned up was one-third of the divided
Empire at that time. Diocletian, in AD 284, had created four divisions, but Britain and Gaul (one
division) had already fallen.

8.8. And the second messenger sounded, and as a great burning Mountain [Kingdom] was thrown into the
[Mediterranean] Sea, and the Third of the Sea became himself [Middle Voice] blood.
8.9. And the Third of the creatures in the Sea, the [ones] having lives, they died. And the Third of the
ships was destroyed.
NOTE: "The Third" of the Sea became ... blood.
INTERPRETATION: Genseric was king of the Vandals. They were driven out of Europe, and
set up a home port in Hippo, Northern Africa, in AD 430. They became dominating pirates, and
controlled Rome's portion of the Sea. In AD 455, they invaded Rome, and sacked the city for 14 days.
[By their own law, the Goths had limited their sack of Rome to 7 days, in AD 410.]

8.10. And the third messenger sounded, and a great Star [Prophet or Prince], burning as a torch fell from
[place] of the Heaven [Government], and he fell on the Third of the Rivers and on the Springs of the
8.11. And the name of the Star [Prince] is called, 'The Wormwood.' And the Third of the Waters, he
became himself [Middle Voice] into wormwood, and many of the men died from [taste] of the Waters for
they were made bitter.
NOTE: "The Third" he became ... wormwood.
INTERPRETATION: Attila the Hun, with an army of 800,000, invaded the Roman Empire north of the
Alps, about AD 434-53. His battles were mainly on the Rivers in the Alps. The Third of the Empire
ruled by Rome was devastated. Attila was named, "the scourge of God."

8.12. And the fourth messenger sounded, and the Third of the Sun [Kingship of Roman Empire], and the
Third of the Moon [Congress of Rome], and the Third of the Stars [Generals] in order that the Third of
them were darkened. And the Third of her (au:p) should not shine; the Day [Sun] and the Night likewise
[Moon and Stars].
NOTE: "The Third" was darkened.
INTERPRETATION: Odoacer was king of the Heruli. They were a nomadic tribe, as the other invaders
had also been nomads. They invaded Rome in AD 472. BUT -- they decided to quit their life style of
wandering, and to settle in Rome. Odoacer was the first emperor from without the Roman Empire. The
Satrapies, whose kings were "Trees" were all overthrown. In AD 476, the Roman Emperor, Romulus
Augustulus, was exiled. And so, only one "Thirds" of the Empire remained. This one were governed
from Antioch and Constantinople; and her demise will be pictured in Chapter Nine.
8.13. And they saw, and I heard one Eagle flying in midheaven, saying in a great voice, 'Woe, Woe, Woe,
in the [ones] dwelling on [face] of the (:p) Earth [Roman Empire], from [woe] of the remaining sounds
of the Trumpet of the three messengers, of the [ones] being about to sound!'
NOTE: (1) Fifth Trumpet (9.1), and Sixth Trumpet (9.13), and Seventh Trumpet (10.7 & 11.15).


9.1. And the fifth messenger sounded a trumpet and they saw a Star* (Prince) from [place] of the Heaven
(Government) having fallen into the Earth (Subjects of the Government). And to him was given the key
of the pit of the without depth** (bottomless).
NOTE *: Muhammad was recorded to have been descended from a line of princes, but he lost his
recognition as a prince.
NOTE **: Strongs Greek #12 is: a (without) 3uc, (depth). This had been translated,

9.2. And he opened the pit of the without depth* and smoke went up from [mouth] of the pit, as smoke
of a burning furnace. And the Sun [Iesous] was darkened, and the air from [thickness] of the smoke of
the pit.
9.3. And out of the smoke came forth Locusts [Arabs] into the Earth [Roman Empire]. And to them
power was given, as the Scorpions [Extreme Pain] of the [natural] earth have power.
9.4. And it was said to them* that they should not harm the Grass [all flesh] of the Earth [New
Jerusalem], nor any Green [things = Olive Tree], nor any Tree [King], if not the men who do not have the
Seal** of the God (:cu :cu) on [Conscience] of the (:cu) Foreheads [Minds] of them.
NOTE *: by the Lord God controlling their minds.
NOTE **: 7 Spirits; Rev 5.12.
NOTE: No one can snatch us out of God's hand [but we can abandon the faith on our own.] So then, the
men of the Roman Empire, being Roman Catholics at that time, will have their deaths described in detail.
Matthew Poole (1680), thought the Turks were here indicated, and wrote that Mr. Mede and John
Napier agreed with him. Albert Barnes (1851) also saw the Arabs pictured as "locusts."
B. W. Johnson (1891) concluded that the "locusts" were a symbol for the Arabs from AD 632-
782. Halley's Bible Handbook (1944) wrote, the locusts represented the rise and spread of
In August of 1948, the Ecumenical Movement Council of Amsterdam, Holland founded the
World Council of Churches. At that time, 128 Protestant denominations were seduced to join the Seven
Old Catholic Churches and the (2) Eastern Orthodox Churches, and the Anglican Church. More
Protestants were steadily added to their ranks in the following years. Their stated goal was: "Unity with
the Pope." By 1999, the Ecumenical Movement lsted 300 member churches.
Foy E. Wallace, Jr. (1966) wrote that the "locusts" represented Nero's war in Jerusalem, AD 70.
Leon Morris (1969): "We are all keyed up for the climax but it does not come." [He should have
stayed in bed.]
M. Eugene Boring (1989) wrote, "evil ... will experience a resurgence just before the end."
D) The Beast: "The Parthians will come back to life" [which they identify as Roman mythology].
The God (Jas 1.17) and the Lamb (Heb 13.8) were declared to be "eternal." The Protestant
writers before 1948 interpreted the Bible to have had prophecies fulfilled in every century. This is
probably due to belief in these verses quoted. On the other hand, the interpretation of the Beast, and the
other writers after 1948, has a "gap" of over 1900 years with "no God!" And this is the message of the
churches today: "No God!"

9.5. And it was given* to them (Locusts) that they should not kill them,** but that they should torment
[them] 5 Months [150 Years]. And the torment of them [was] as torment of a Scorpion [excruciating]
when it strikes a man.
NOTE *: See: NOTE *, verse 4.
NOTE **: Governments of Roman Empire in the Middle East.
9.6. And in those days the men [of Roman Empire] will seek the Death [of the Government], and no, not
find it, and they will desire to have [Government] died, and the Death will flee from them.
NOTE: "5 Months" of torment was from AD 632-782, according to B. W. Johnson. So then, "they will
not find the Death" does not apply to "the Death of the men" for they all died. The expositor, Elliott, had
suggested that they desired the Death "of the Government." Had their wish been granted, then their
"torment" would have ended while they remained alive in the flesh..

9.7. And the appearances of the Locusts [was] similar to horses having been prepared into battle, and on
the heads of them [something] as golden crowns, and the faces of them as faces of men [bearded Jews].
9.8. And they had hairs as hairs of women [shoulder length], and the teeth of them were as [teeth] of
NOTE: The "golden crowns" had been interpreted to mean "turbans." They had beards [faces] as men
[or, as Jews]. This is a contrast with the Romans who were clean shaved. And "teeth" as "lions" is
another feature of the Arabs. The Arab Expansion (632-782) saw the Arabs achieve great conquests, and
conquer the Middle East and northern Africa, and even part of Spain and Portugal, before they were
turned around in Gaul [southern France] by Charles Martel, in about AD 727. While this was going on,
the Arabs went into India and China.

9.9. And they had breastplates as breastplates of iron [Coats of Mail], and the sound of the Wings of them
[was] as sound of chariots of many horses running into battle.
NOTE: The "wings" would seem to refer to bows and arrows and rifles slung over their shoulders, and
flapping around as they rode on horseback, and making a noise.

9.10. And they have Tails and Stings like scorpions. And in the Tails of them they have power to have
harmed the men 5 Months [150 Years],
9.11. having a king [Muhammad] over them, messenger of the without depth (bottomless); name of him
in Hebrew, 'Destroying' (Strong's #11; NWDBA), and in the Greek he has name, 'of Destroyings' (#623).
9.12. The one Woe passed away (Rev 8.13). Look, two Woes are yet coming after these.
NOTE: These "Tails" were cord fuses for cannons. They were transported wound around wooden
spools. When unwound they retained the arc of the spool, and appeared to be as Snakes. These had
"power" to kill men, but not the Government, for "5 Months." These battles were the introduction of
cannons and rifles into warfare in this region. However, China was reported to have used gunpowder at
an earlier time.

9.13. And the sixth messenger (angel) sounded a trumpet, and I heard one voice from [presence] of the
four horns of the golden altar, of the [one] before [face] of the God (:cu :cu),
9.14. The [one] having the trumpet, saying to the sixth messenger, 'Loose the Four [Death] Messengers,
the [ones] having been prepared on the great river, Euphrates.
9.15. And they were loosed, the ones, four messengers, the ones into The Hour, and into The Day, and
Month and Year,* so that they might kill The Third [Government] of the men [Roman Empire].
NOTE *: 391 Years; 15 Days.
The "first Third killed" was, "the Third of the Sun, and the Third of the Moon, and the Third of
the Stars" (Rev 8.12). Or, Sun, Moon, Stars represented the Third of the Government of the pagan
Roman Empire; which was Rome, being permanently occupied by foreigners in AD 476.
The "last Third killed" was described, "by these Three Plagues were killed The Third
[Government] of men [Eastern Roman Empire] (Rev 9.18); which was Constantinople, falling on May
30, 1453.
The "second Third" was not described to have been killed, but to have been "tormented 5
Months" (Rev 9.5); whose capital was Antioch.
In AD 284, the emperor Diocletian divided the Empire, in order to end 92 years of Civil War, in
which the many emperors had been "open game." He made known, "If you get one of us, the other three
will get you." And, it worked! He authorized two Augustii (Rome and Nicomeda), and two Caesars (or,
deputy Augustii; in Gaul and on the Danube River). The Caesar in Gaul was the first to die (in the Half
Hour; AD 395-402), and was driven into Rome by the Goths. Then the Sun (Romulus Augustulus) and
the Moon (Roman Senate), and the Stars (Generals) all went into captivity in AD 476, when Odoacer, and
the Herulii "came to stay."
The Caesar on the Danube River was relocated to Antioch to fight the Arab Expansion. Why his "death"
is not mentioned in the prophecy is a mystery to me.
B) 391 YEARS; 15 DAYS.
Year = 360 Years. Month = 30 Years. Day = 1 Year. Hour = 15 Days.
This is the Year-Day Principle in prophecy, which is common to many prophecies. The "70
Weeks" of Daniel was from 455 BC to AD 35; or, 490 years. The "42 Months" was from AD 600 to May
1860; or, 1260 Years. "Three Days" (Lk 13.32) was AD 30, 31, 32.
The period that the "Death Messengers" were bound ended at the battle of Manzikert, in AD
1071, when the emperor was taken. AD 1071 - 391 Years = AD 680. The Arab assault on
Constantinople was successfully repelled in that year.
These were rulers of Arabia, and later, of the Ottoman Empire. The most successful were: A) Alp
Arslan (1071), B) Urkhan (1326-59), C) Murad I (1359-89), D) Muhammad II (1430-81).
The Arab Expansion covered a huge amount of territory. First they captured the Middle East, and
then began to spread both east and west. They occupied Egypt and northern Africa, and went into India
and China on the east. But the great God limited their movement to the north to the southern area of the
Taurus Mountains, which is the source of the Euphrates River. "A History of the Arabs"; by Hitti,
expressed his amazement that the Arabs had progressed 2,640 miles to the west, but only 800 miles to the
north. This was a demonstration of the power of the God. The wisdom of the God was also demonstrated
by the fact that these events (476, 1071, 1453) had been prophesied by the Lord Iesous Anointed in AD
67, when Revelation was written. So then, Allah had no power against the True and Living God.

9.16. And the number of the 'troops of the horse' [was] 200 thousand thousands (KJV) [or, 200 Million]; I
heard the NUMBER of them
NOTE: Alternatively we have "myriads of myriads"; but then, that is not a number!

9.17. And thus, they saw the horses in the vision and the [ones]* sitting on them, having breastplates in
red having come**, and hyacinth having come*** and no holy Gods. And the heads of the horsemen
[were] as heads of lions, and out of the mouths of them proceed Fire and Smoke and holy God.
NOTE *: "The troops of the horse" are too many [200 million] to be describing men. Several expositors
had remarks about this fact. Xerxes I had 800 million troops from Egypt to Greece, in his effort to take
the peninsula. But 70,000 Greeks won lasting fame for holding them at bay for a few days. There was no
land to support such an army. When we examine the history of the battle described in this prophecy, we
find that the "horse troops" included: men and rifles and bullets, and bows and arrows, and cannons and
huge stones for cannonballs, and gunpowder and swabs and oil and fuses, and swords. So then, the
message was not about "200 million men" (which would have been impossible); but rather about "the
troop of the horse." Muhammad II had three giant canons to fire across the "Sea of Marmara" at the walls
of Constantinople. But they could only be fired twice a day, or the barrel would melt, being brass and not
steel. Even with these big guns, they were still required to build "moles" [peninsulas of dirt] into the Sea
in order to bring the big guns into range of the walls of Constantinople. Despite all this dedicated work,
the walls still withstood the pounding of the 1500 pound stones hurled across the Sea.
So, what happened? A portal in the wall was left opened; or, stormed; and then the battle was
NOTE **: in reds having come (ruoi /,ica:/ cu,), NOTE: compound words have letters
suppressed frequently, and abbreviations are found sporadically.
NOTE ***: ua-i was not found in any Greek lexicon. And we have discovered no definition for the
word, and have inserted hyacinth. The ending [GINOME]NOIS is the same as PURI NOUS.
NOTE ****: and no one who [is] holy God (-ai /ap /:i, /a,/ i/ a,/ a : / ia,/). No one (MHDEIS)
who (W) [is] holy ([AG[I]AS) God (THE[IAS]).
The Koran denied the Son of God. Iesous Anointed taught, he who honors not the Son honors not the
Father who sent Him. So then, the Muslims are without holy God.

9.18. Under [authority] of these Three Plagues were killed The Third [Government] of the men [Roman
Empire], from [death] of the Fire and [death] of the Smoke and of the holy God (:icu)* proceeding out
of the mouths of them [Cannons]. NOTE *: :[cu] [a,] icu
NOTE: The "mouths" represented the muzzles of the cannon, which belched forth Fire (Red) and Smoke
(Blue) and Sulfur (Yellow); representing, holy God.

9.19. For the power of the Horses [and, their "Troop"] is in the Mouth of them [Muzzle], and in the Tails
of them [Cord Fuses], for the Tails of them [Fuses] like Serpents having Heads*, and in them they do
* The "Head" of the "Tail" [Cord Fuse] was the "fire 'when they were lit.

9.20. And the rest of the men [Roman Empire; Catholic Church], the [ones] not killed by these plagues,
did not repent from the works of the hands of them, that they should not worship the demons, and the
idols, the gold, and the silver, and the bronze, and the stone, and the wood, which are neither able to see,
nor to hear, nor to walk. Compare: Isa 44.9, Ps 115.4-7.
NOTE: Despite being exposed as the enemies of the God in many wars and battles lost, the Roman
Catholics today still worship idols. The lawns of the homes in the United States are filled with idols

9.21. And they did not repent from [guilt] of the murders of them, nor from [guilt] of the sorceries of
them, nor of the fornication of them, nor from [guilt] of the thefts of them.
NOTE: The Roman Catholic Church was founded on MURDER. They loved to burn people at the stake.
In an effort to make righteous these mass murders, they say, "We only killed the heretics." But the Lord
Iesous Anointed taught to, "leave the Tares with the Wheat until the Harvest [Resurrection]" (Mt 13.28-
30; paraphrased). The Lord also teaches, "the Woman [Babylon] was drunk with the blood of the holy
ones" (Rev 17.6). The history of the Papal Inquisitions is banned today to protect Papacy and Pope.
Fornication is sexual immorality, and the Roman Catholics had left the Bridegroom, who is the
"Head of the Body" (Eph 5.23), for the "Holy Father" (Pope). A woman can only have one husband, or
she is guilty of fornication.
Thefts were committed against the European nations, when the Papacy and the Pope demanded
the national art treasures be sent to Rome for "Patrimony to the Pope." John Wyclif (1380s) was a
spokesman against these "thefts" in England. And, monks were sent to find and kill him, but they failed.

10.1. And they saw a strong Messenger [Iesous] coming down from [place] of the heaven, having been
clothed in a Cloud,*, and the Rainbow** on [top] of the head of Him, and the face of Him as the Sun, and
the feet of Him as pillars [of] fire***.
NOTE *: Cloud, Mt 24.30.
NOTE **: Rainbow, Rev 4.3.
NOTE ***: Feet of Bronze, Rev 2.18,

10.2. and holding in the hand of Him a scroll, having been opened. And He placed the right foot of Him
on [surface] of the Sea, but the left [foot] on [face] of the Earth;
10.3. and He cried in a great voice, just as a lion [Gen 49.8-12] roaring himself [Middle Voice]. And
when He cried out the Seven Thunders spoke the own voices of them.
10.4. And when the Seven Thunders spoke, I was about to be writing. And I heard a voice from [place]
of the heaven, saying, 'Seal up the [things] the Seven Thunders spoke, and you might not have written
10.5. And the Messenger whom they saw standing on [surface] of the Sea and on [face] of the Earth lifted
up the right [hand] of Him into the heaven
10.6. and made an oath to The [One] living into the ages of the ages, who, He created the Heaven* and
the [things] in him, and the Earth** and the [things] in her, and the Sea*** and the [things] in her***, for
time will be himself [Middle Voice] no longer.
NOTE*: Heaven = Government of Babylon [Papal Rome; died in AD 1870]; the "things" in him are
described in Rev 18.
NOTE**: Earth = 10 Papal States [10 Horns]; and the "things" in her were: "a dwelling place of demons,
a prison for every foul spirit, and a cage for every unclean and hated bird" (Rev 18.2).
NOTE***: Sea = Nations [daughter of the Great Prostitute], and the "things" in her would follow the
examples of the Scarlet Lady.

10.7. But in the days of the voice of the seventh messenger, when he is about to be sounding, and the
mystery of the God (:cu :cu), he was ended, as He told the good message to servants of Him, the
NOTE: The seventh messenger was recorded to be "sounding" in Verse 11.15.
INTERPRETATION: On September 20, 1870, the Papacy and the Pope (Pius IX), called, "The Beast and
the False Prophet", were driven out of Rome, and became "prisoners of the Vatican." See: Rev 13.10
(prophesied, before hand, by Alexander Campbell, in the 1820s). The kingdom of "Italy" replaced the
"Papal States." See: "Italy" in encyclopedia.

10.8. And the voice which I heard from [place] of the heaven, again speaking with me, and saying, 'You
go! You take the little scroll, the [one] having been opened in the hand of the Messenger, The [One]
standing on [surface] of the Sea and on [face] of the Earth.
10.9. And I went to the Messenger, saying to him, 'Give to me the little scroll.' And He says to me, 'You
take and you eat it.! And it will make the belly of you bitter, but in the mouth of you it will be itself
[Middle Voice] sweet as honey.'
10.10. And I took the scroll from [palm] of the hand of the Messenger and I ate it up, and it was in mouth
of me as sweet honey. And when I ate it, the belly of me was made bitter.
10.11. And they say to me, "It is necessary, you to have prophesied again over peoples and over nations
and tongues and many kings."
NOTE: The Seven Thunders were to have followed the Six Trumpets, beginning in Verse 9.13; which
resulted in the Fall of Constantinople on May 30, 1453, to the Ottoman Turks, and to Muhammad II. We
had concluded the "Seven Bowls of the Wrath of the God" (Rev 16) were the Seven Thunders. This
proclamation of future prophecy means that The God is Eternal! Also, The Word of The God is "Living"
(Heb 4.12).


11.1. And a reed was given to me like a rod, saying, 'You rise, and you had measured the temple of the
God (:cu :cu), and the altar**, and the (ones) worshiping in him.
NOTE*: Temple, (ac,) is masculine gender; temple is "of the God and of the Lamb" (Rev 21.22).
NOTE**: We have an altar from which the ones serving in the tabernacle (Israelites) do not have right to
eat - Heb 13.10; compare: Rev 6.9, 8.3, 8.5, 9.13, 14.18, 16.7. For we do not have here [on earth] a
continuing city, but we seek one coming - Heb 13.14; Compare 2Pet 3.13.

11.2. And the outer court of the temple, you had left out, and you should not have measured her, for she
was given to the nations. And the holy City [New Jerusalem] they will trample forty and two months
(1260 Days - Rev 12.6).
11.3. And I will give [power] in the Two Witnesses of Me [OT & NT] and they will prophesy a thousand
[and] two hundred [and] sixty days [42 Months] having been clothed [in] sackcloth.
11.4. These are the two Olive Trees [Zec 4.3, 11] and the Lampstands [Zec 4.2; Rev 1.12, 20] BOTH*,
The [ones] standing before [face] of the Lord (:cu Kuoicu) of the earth.
NOTE *: "Duo" is translated either "two" or "both"; but "two lampstands' are not Scriptural.

11.5. And if anyone wills to have hurt them, fire proceeds themselves from [Spirit] of the mouth of them
and eats up the enemies of them. And if anyone wills to have hurt them, in this way, it is necessary him
to have been killed. See: Num 16.28-35.
11.6. These, they will hold power to have shut up the heaven, in order that, he might not rain continuously
the days of the prophecy of them (Jas 5.17-18), and they have authority over [issuing] of the waters, to be
turning themselves into blood (Ex 7.20), and to have been striking the earth as often as ever they had
willed in all [the] plague (Ex 9.9-15).
11.7. And whenever they would have finished the testimony of them [AD 67], the Beast, the (one) going
up from [depths] of the without depth (bottomless) (Rev 13.1) will make war with then, and he will
overcome them and he will kill them [AD 600].
11.8. And the corpse of them [remains] on [surface] of the street of the great City (Babylon) which is
spiritually being called Sodom (Sexual Immorality) and Egypt (Idol Worship), and where the Lord of us
(0 Kuoic, au:a; Iesous Anointed) was being crucified.
11.9. And they see, from [all] of the peoples, and of tribes, and of tongues, and of nations, the corpse
three [and] half days* of them, and the corpse of them they will not allow to be put into a tomb.**
NOTE *: This begins the description of "the end" of the "42 Months." Therefore: 42 Months = 1260
Days = 3-1/2 Days (in this verse only).
Anyone missing this point has no end to the story. And, we have never read a man who realized
this fact. God had "double-amplified" his symbol, "3-1/2 Days." When "1260 Days" is amplified, God
giving "a day for a year" (Eze 4.4-6); then we have "1260 Years: AD 600-1860.
"3-1/2 Days" amplified once is: 1260 Days. A "year" in prophecy is 360 days; or, twelve thirty day
months. The second amplification changes "1260 Days" into "1260 Years." The Lord God Almighty
loves mysteries. And, only by double-amplification do we find an end to the story; and at the same
time, eliminate the stumbling block of, 3-1/2 days with no explanation.
NOTE **: The Roman Catholics suppressed the word of God, but at the same time, they preserved it to
be translated at a later time. [God controls the minds of His enemies.]

11.10. And the (ones) dwelling on [face] of the earth rejoicing over them, and they will be glad and they
will give gifts [to] one another, for the two prophets* had tormented the (ones) dwelling on [face] of the
NOTE *: Israel & Iesous' From-calling; writing the OT & NT.

11.11. And with the three days and a half day [1260 Years], a Spirit of life (u:uaa ,ap,) from [Breath]
of the God (:- :cu :cu) had entered into them, and they stood on the feet of them, and great fear fell on
the (ones) watching them.
11.12. And I heard a great voice from [place] of the heaven, saying to them, 'You had come here!' And
they went up into the heaven [Government] in the cloud, and the enemies of them watched them.
11.13. In that day a great earthquake occurred, and the tenth of the City (Babylon) fell* and in the
earthquake [the] names of men, seven thousand were killed. And the rest made themselves fearful, and
gave glory to the (:a :a) God of the heaven.
NOTE *: being the Papal State of Lombardy.
NOTE: Babylon is fallen, is fallen - Rev 18.2. "In one day" - Rev 18.8. "In one hour" - Rev 18.10. In
the battles of Magenta [June 4, 1859] and of Solferino [June 24th], 39,000 soldiers of Austria and France
and the Papal State of Piedmont died. "7000" was a symbol for "39,000." Then, "the tenth of the City"
(Lombardy) was taken from the Pope's control. In May of 1860, the battle of the "Two Sicilies" was won
by Garibaldi, and the rebels against the Pope. "Two-thirds' of the Papal territories were lost [in one day].

11.14. The second woe passed away. Look, the third woe is bringing himself swiftly.
11.15. And the seventh angel sounded [his] trumpet, and great voices arose themselves in the heaven,
saying, 'The kingdom of the world he became himself of the Lord of us (:cu Kuoicu), and of the
Anointed of Him (:cu Xoi:cu au:cu), and He will reign into the ages of the ages (:i, :cu, aiaa,
:a aiaa).'
NOTE: Rev 10.7. But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, whenever he is about to be
continuously sounding [his] trumpet, and [then] the mystery of the God had been ended, as He told the
good message [to] the servants of Him, the prophets.
See: Joel 3.14-16; Dan 7.23-28; Zec 14.1-9.

NOTES: Chapter Eleven is a summary of the New Testament Age. Summaries do not include all events.
But in this record, we see the "1260 Days" (Years), when the Two Witnesses [Israel & Iesous' From-
calling; OT & NT} were killed.
This began with #666 (l uoc::oa;I Protera), in AD 600. "I Protera' is translated, "Tenth 'first of two.'"
The Bishop of Rome was the "first" Ecumenical Bishop (which is blasphemy against the name of the
God). The Patriarch of the East also contended for this title, "Ecumenical Bishop"; but his claim came
later in history, and so he was, "Number Two." In the reign of Felix IV (526-530), Amalasuntha, Queen
of the Goths, granted "royal favor" to the Pope. Since the Fall of Rome, in AD 476, the Herulii and Goths
had discontinued the favor shown the popes before the fall. Ten popes after this "royal favor" was the
reign of Pope Gregory the Great (AD 590-604). Although there were actually twelve popes, two had
been stricken from the list.
The Bible was banned from the people, being declared for "priests only"; and anyone with a Bible was
killed. The "1260 Days' included the, "Papal Dark Ages" (AD 500-1000), and the Papal Inquisitions (AD
1198 - 1820). The Lord Iesous Anointed had, in figurative language, named the "exact hour" when the
Millennium began, and the "Two Witnesses" were raised to heaven (Government of the congregations).
Babylon fell in "One Day" (Jun 1859 - May 1860); and in "One Hour" (Sept 20, 1870). And, "the
mystery of the God was finished." For a secular history of these events, see: "Italy" in the encyclopedias.
The "Fall of Babylon" (1870) was also mentioned by William Hurte, 1889; and B. W. Johnson, 1891; and
Henry H. Halley, 1944. Besides these sources, the Roman Catholic Church's records of the Popes also
has a faithful record of Pope Gregory IX, being driven from Rome.

11.16. And the 24 Elders, the [ones] before [place] of the throne of the God (:cu :cu) who sit on the
thrones of them, fell on the faces of them and worshiped the God (:a :a).
11.17. saying, 'We thank You Lord, The Almighty God (Kuoi: 0 :c, 0 ua:c-oa:ao), The [One]
Being (a) and The [One] He was Being (p), for You have taken the great power of You and You had
11.18. And the Nations (12 Tribes) were angry (Ps 2.1-3), and the wrath of You, she had come, and the
Time of the Dead (AD 77; "this generation"; Mt 24.34) to have been judged, and to have given the reward
in the servants of You; the prophets, and the holy ones and the ones Fearing the name of You; in the small
and in the great, and to destroy the ones destroying the Earth (Israel) '
11.19. And the temple of the God (:cu :cu) was opened in the heaven, and the ark of the covenant of
the Lord (:cu Kuoicu) was seen in the temple of Him. And lightnings and voices and thunders, and
great Hail (Death - Ex 9.18-19), they came themselves..
THE INTERPRETATION: The introduction of the 24 Elders (vs 16), which had not been mentioned
before in this chapter, brings about a new subject, and introduces a new time frame. The Judgment was
mentioned (vs 18), and the Reward of the Servants (vs 18). This is the second repetition of the
Resurrection of AD 77. Number One was Revelation, Chapters Four and Five; and Number Two was
Revelation, Chapter Seven. So then, Number Three is Revelation, Chapter Eleven.
And, more repetitions of the First Century Resurrection will follow: Rev 14.12-13, Rev 15.1-4, Rev 13.6,
Rev 14.14-16; Rev 19.6-9.
The Greatest work of the Living God in the Bible was the death, burial, and resurrection of the Lord
Iesous Anointed, which brought about "forgiveness of sins" and "eternal life."
The Second Greatest work of the Living God was the Resurrection and Rapture in AD 77.
To disbelieve this fact is, "blasphemy of the Beast" (Papacy; Rev 13.6). To "blaspheme the dwellers in
heaven" (AD 77) is condemned.

12.1. And a great Sign was seen in the Heaven (Government), a Woman [New Jerusalem] having been
clothed [with] the Sun (God), and the Moon (Levitical Priesthood) under her feet; and on [top] of the head
of her a crown [stephanos] of twelve Stars (12 Tribes of Israel); Rev 3.7).
12.2. And having [Child] in a womb, she was crying, suffering birth pangs, and being in torment to have
given birth.
12.3. And another Sign was seen in the Heaven (Government); and, look, a great Dragon having seven
Heads [Empires] of fire, and ten Horns [Lesser Kingdoms], and on the Heads [Kings} of him, seven
diadems. See: Rev 17.9-13; Rev 13.1-4; Dan 7.1-8.
12.4. And the Tail of him draws the third of the Stars of Heaven [children of Judah; Eze 5.12], and threw
them into the earth [588 BC]. And the Dragon had stood before [face] of the Woman [Virgin Mary], of
the (one) being about to have given birth [4 BC], in order that, whenever she might have given birth, he
might have eaten the Child [Iesous; see: Mt 2.16-18].
12.5. And she gave birth [to] a male Son [Iesous] who being about to shepherd all the nations in an iron
rod. And He [Iesous] was taken away, the Child of her [Mary] to the God, and to the throne of Him [AD
32; Acts 1.9-11; Acts 7.56].
12.6. And the Woman [New Jerusalem; Rev 21.10-11; Isa 65.17] fled into the wilderness where she has
there a place having been prepared under [authority] of the God, in order that there they [angels] will
nourish her a thousand, two hundred [and] sixty days [42 Months: AD 600-1860].
12.7. And he came himself war in the Heaven (Government); the Michael [Constantine the Great] and the
messengers of him having waged war with [forces] of the Dragon [Maxentius], and the Dragon having
waged war, and the messengers of him;
12.8. and he was not strong [enough], nor a place was not found for him any yet in the Heaven [Roman
NOTE: Constantine won the battle of the Milvian Bridge, in AD 312; and Government (Heaven)
persecution against Christians was ended. [A parable is a real story with a hidden, spiritual message.
This is the only place in the Bible telling of the Serpent (Satan) being cast out of the literal Third Heaven
(Abode of the God), to the earth. This would be after the Serpent seduced Eve in the Garden of Eden.]

12.9. And the great Dragon (c oa-a) [now identified] was thrown down, the Serpent (Gen 3.1) (c
c]i,), the ancient (one), the (one) being called, 'Devil' (Mt 4.1) (ia3cc,) and 'Satan' (1Chr 21.1)
(`a:aa,); the (one) deceiving the whole [people] house of you (ci-cu a:p); he was thrown down
into the earth, and the messengers of him were thrown with [place] of him.
12.10. And I heard a great voice in the Heaven (Sky), saying, 'Now came herself, the salvation, and the
power, and the kingdom of the God of us (:cu :cu paa), and the authority of the Anointed of Him
(:cu Xoi:cu au:cu); for the accuser, of the brothers of us, was thrown down; the (one) accusing them
(great men of Anointed [Christians]) before [face] of the God (:cu :cu) of us of day and of night.
12.11. And they had overcome him through the blood of the Lamb (:cu aoicu), and through the word of
(:c c,c :p,) the testimony of them; and did not Extremely Love (pa,arpa) the life of them until
[time] of death (Rev 20.4).
12.12. On account of this, 'Be glad Heavens (Government), and the (ones) dwelling in them [Kings].
Woe in the Earth (Roman Empire) and in the Sea (Nations). For the Devil (c ia3cc,) was fallen to
you, having great wrath, having known that he has a little time.
NOTE: Rome fell in AD 476. We are also informed that the Devil understood the prophecies of the Lord

12.13. And when the Dragon saw that he was thrown into the Earth,* he persecuted the Woman [New
Jerusalem] who gave birth to the male.
NOTE *: the population (earth), as contrasted with the Government (heaven).

12.14. And two wings of the great eagle were given to the Woman, so that she might fly into the
wilderness, into the place of her, that she might be nourished there a Time (One Year) and Times (Two
Years) and Half of a Time (Six Months) from face of the Serpent.
NOTE: Years in prophecy are 360 Days; and these would total 1260 Days (which were symbolic for
"years"). There is no historical record of anyone believing in the Bible during this period: AD 600-1860.
"Infant Sprinkling" replaced, "Reform and be dipped." "The Pope" replaced, "Anointed is Head of the
Body." Then, "Mass" replaced "Communion." Also, "confession to priests" replaced, "confess your sins
to one another." Also, "Idol-worship" replaced, "keep yourself from idols." And church creeds replaced
the "Two Witnesses of the God" who had been killed. Only in the Millennium (AD 1859-1959), were
these ills healed.

12.15. And the Serpent cast from [depth] of the mouth of him, after [children] of the Woman, water as a
river, so that he would have made her [to be] borne by a river.
12.16. And the Earth [Roman Empire] helped the Woman and opened the mouth of her, and swallowed
the river which the Dragon had thrown from [depth] of the mouth of him.
NOTE: The "river" was a flood of blasphemies and heresies.

12.17. And the Dragon was angry over the Woman, and he went to have made war with [children] of the
rest of the seed of her, of the (ones) keeping the commandments of the God, and having the testimony of
NOTES: Chapter Eleven was a summary of the New Covenant Age. In like manner, Chapter Twelve
was a summary of the New Covenant Age. The greatest similarity was the "1260 Days"; or, "42 Months."
Although the "Death of the Two Witnesses" is not specifically named in Chapter Twelve; nevertheless, it
is graphically described in the Dragon's "war" with the Women.
But the highlights of these two summaries vary drastically. There is no "measure the temple and altar" in
Chapter Twelve. Also "The Fall of Babylon" and "The Millennium" are not mentioned in Chapter
Twelve, as they had been in Chapter Eleven. The time span of Chapter Eleven was: AD 67 to AD 1870.
The time span of Chapter Twelve was: 594 BC to the continuance of the 42 Months; after AD 600. So
then, Chapter Twelve began earlier [594 BC-AD 67], and it also ended earlier [Following AD 600-AD

13.1. And he stood on the sand of the Sea [Nations]. And they saw a Beast coming up out of [depth] of
the Sea, having 10 Horns [Small Kingdoms] and 7 Heads [Kingdoms], and on [top] of the Heads of him
10 diadems, and on the Heads of him names of blasphemy.
13.2. And the Beast whom they saw was like a Leopard [Greece], and the feet of him as [feet] of a Bear
[Media & Persia], and the mouth of him as a mouth of a Lion [Babylon]. And the Dragon [Satan; Rev
12], he was giving to him [some] of the strength of him, and the throne of him, and great power.
NOTE: Daniel, Chapter 7, begins with 4 Beasts. These are a Lion, Bear, Leopard, and a Beast with Iron
Teeth. These had been interpreted to be, by many expositors from many centuries, to be: Babylon, Media
& Persia, Greece, and Rome.
NOTE: In this place, and a few other places [Rev 13.4, Rev 13.11], a component of the Seven-headed
Beast is also called, "the Beast." The idea seems to be that the "soul" of the Seven-headed Beast dwelled
in each particular "Head" of the total Beast.
NOTE: "There are also seven kings, five have fallen, one is, the other has not yet come" (Rev 17.10).
Rome is the one who "is." Counting back we have recorded in the Word of the God and in secular
history: Greece, Media & Persia, Babylon, Assyria, Egypt. "Not yet come" was the Eastern Roman
Empire; or, "Divided Rome." In 284, the emperor, Diocletian, divided the Empire into four parts to stop
the "92 Years of Civil War." It had been "open season" for "the heads of the emperors." Diocletian
promised, "If you kill one of us, the other three will get you!" And, it worked!
13.3. And one from [those] of the [Seven] Heads of him was as [if] having been killed to death, and the
Wound of the Death of him, he was Healed. And the whole Earth*, she marveled after [healing] of the
N OTE*: The Bible is filled with "Limited Generalities"; and this is one example. The "Earth" is a
symbol for the geographical rule of the Beast. If these "Limited Generalities" are taken literally, then the
message is lost.
NOTE: "Babylon is fallen, is fallen" (Isa 21.9, and Rev 18.2). Physical Babylon, ruled by
Nebuchadnezzar, had two falls; in 539 BC and in 518 BC.
Spiritual Babylon had two falls; in "One Day" and in "One Hour." One Day was from June 4, 1859 to
May 1860. One Hour was on September 20, 1870. See: "Italy" in encyclopedia.
Zechariah described Physical Babylon as a "Woman called 'Wickedness'"; and she was confined to a
basket and suspended between heavens and earth. She would wait for "a place prepared for her called,
'Shinar'"; see: Zec 5.5-11.

13.4. And they worshiped to the Dragon [Satan], in the [one] having given the authority to the Beast
[Babylon = Papacy], and they worshiped the Beast, saying, 'Who [is] like the Beast? Who strong to have
made war with [army] of him?'
NOTE: And the answer is: "The martyrs."

13.5. And she [authority] was given to him a mouth* speaking great [things] and blasphemy, and she was
given to him to have made war 42 Months [1260 Years; AD 600-1860].
NOTE *: The "Beast" [Papacy] claims that their teaching agrees with the "Early Church Fathers"; and we
believe this was "the Mouth given to the Beast." So then, the blasphemies of the Papacy were given to
him by men who preceded them in time.

13.6. And he was opening the "mouth of him* in blasphemy** against the God, to blaspheme the name
of Him (#1), and the tabernacle of Him [Rev 21.3; #2], and the [ones] dwelling in the heaven (#3) [with
the God].
Note *: Early Church Fathers.
NOTE **: One of the "Early Church Fathers" was the "Man of Sin", named Ignatius. Read his letters to
the "From-callings" in J. B. Lightfoot's book "Apostolic Fathers." Ignatius wrote, "You must love the
bishop [meaning, "me"] as the Lord"; and many similar blasphemies. So then, "so that him into the
temple of the God [congregation; 1Cor 3.16] as God to sit down ..." (2Thes 2.4).

13.7. And she was given to him to have made war with [company] of the holy [ones] and to have
overthrown them. And authority was given to him over every tribe and people and tongue and nation.
13.8. And the ALL [ones] dwelling on [face] of the Earth [mostly, Europe], they will worship him, all the
[ones] of whom the name they have not been written in the Book of the Life of the Lamb (:cu aoicu)
from the foundation of the world*; of The [One] having been killed.*
NOTE*: Hebrews teaches the Lord died "once" (Heb 9.28, 10.10); and so, the translation, "of the Lamb
slain from the foundation of the world" is nonsense.

13.9. If anyone, has an ear, he will hear.
13.10: If anyone he will hold [in] captivity; he will go away [to captivity]; if anyone [live] in sword; it is
necessary [for] him to be killed. Here is the endurance of the faith of the holy [ones; martyrs].
13.10 [TR]: If anyone leads into captivity, into captivity he goes. If anyone will kill with a sword, he
must be killed with a sword.
NOTE: Alexander Campbell interpreted this (about 1833) to apply to Babylon [Papal Rome]. Babylon
fell on September 20, 1870.

13.11. And they saw another Beast (poic) coming up from [face] of the Earth, and he had 2 Horns
[Kingdoms*] like to a lamb (aoia), and he was speaking as a Dragon (a, oa-a) [Satan].
Note *: Rome and Constantinople were the "2 Horns" of the Pope until the Great Schism in AD 1054.

13.12. And all the authority of the first Beast [Papacy] before [time] of him, he does, and he was making
the Earth and the [ones] dwelling in her, that they should worship the first Beast [Papacy = Babylon] of
whom was healed the Wound of the Death of him [539 BC, 518 BC].
13.13. And he does great signs, in order that Fire [Death] from [place] of the Heaven [Government]
should come down on the Earth* before [place] of the men.
NOTE *: Earth = Subjects of Government. Slain Beast = physical Babylon. Healed Beast = spiritual
Babylon; or, Papal States.

13.14. And he deceives the [ones], of Me (:acu,) [God's], the [ones] dwelling on [face] of the (:p,) Earth
through the signs, the [ones] she was given* to him to have made before [place] of the Beast [Papal
Rome], saying, to the [ones] dwelling on the Earth to have made an Image* to the Beast, the [one], he will
hold Wound from the sword, and he came to life.**
NOTE *: Treaties with Kings.
NOTE **: The "Primacy of the Pope" is dated to have been in AD 600. But the "life" of the Papacy
[Babylon] is not easily dated. However, it is pictured to have happened before the "Primacy of the Pope."

13.15. And she was given to him spirit (r:uaa) to have given in the Image* of the Beast, and in order
that he might have spoken and he might have made as many as "ever (:a) they might not have
worshiped" the Image of the Beast, they might have been killed.
NOTE *: Pope Leo III, on December 25, 800 AD, crowned Charles the Great [Charlemagne], and the
crowd claimed him emperor, "and Leo knelt in homage ..."

13.16. And he makes all [people], the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free and the
servants, in order that they might give to them Marks [palm] of the Right Hand [Power & Money] of
them or on the (:c) Forehead* (Mind) of them,
NOTE *: The Pope's writers teach these are brands on slaves, but rich and free are included, and it
is obvious they are wrong. God sealed, in the Forehead (Rev 9.4) with the Holy Spirit. On the other
hand, the Pope seals in the Forehead with fornication (Rev 14.8).

13.17. and in order that anyone would not be able to have bought or to have sold, if not, the [one] having
the Mark (#1), the Name (#2) of the Beast or the Number (#3) of the name of him.
(1) Mark is "3 = 2". The "Three Ages" were reduced to "two ages" by the Pope; Pre-flood and Old
Heavens. New Jerusalem (New Covenant Kingdom; Third Age) was denied.
(2) Then, "Three General Resurrections" [Anointed, AD 32; and His Coming, AD 77, and Final
Resurrection] were reduced to "Only Two Resurrections"; and AD 77 was denied.
(3) The Name = The Pope; or, Roman Catholic.
(4) The Number = 666.

13.18. Here is the wisdom. The [one] holding Understanding, count the number of the Beast [Pope], for it
is number of a man. The number of him 666.*
NOTE*: I Protera (l uoc::oa) = 666. This is translated, "Tenth 'first of two.'" The Pope was the "first"
of two Ecumenical Bishops. The second one was the Patriarch of the East. Pope Gregory the Great (r.
AD 590-604) was the "tenth" first of two since AD 526. At that time, Queen Amalasuntha, of the Goths,
gave rule over the trials of the clergy to Felix IV, and money.
I = 10. P = 80. R = 100. O = 70. T = 300. E = 5.
R = 100. A = 1. Total: 666.

NOTE: We have never run across another suggestion for this puzzle based on the Greek letters and their
numerical equivalents. English letters do not have numerical equivalents. The Pope substitutes Hebrew
letters, and Hebrew numerical equivalents. His answer is: "Nero." But "Nero" in the Greek is spelled
with "Omega" for the letter, O." And, Omega = 800.


14.1. And they saw, and look, the Lamb (:c aoic) standing on the Mount Zion [Third Heaven], and
with [host] of Him a number, 144 thousands [Rev 7] having the name of Him, and the name of the Father
of Him (:cu ua:oc, au:cu) having been written on [center] of the Foreheads of them (Minds).
NOTE: And, what were these names? The "Lamb" was "Iesous Anointed," and the "Father of Him" was
(1) "Heavenly Father", and (2) "The God", and (3) "Lord, The Almighty God" (Rev 4.8).

14.2. And I heard a voice from [place] of the (:cu) heaven as a voice of many Waters [Nations], and as
voice of great thunder. And the voice which I heard as [voice] harpists harping with the harps of them.
14.3. And they are singing a new song before [place] of the throne, and before [place] of the 4 Living
Creatures and [place] of the (:a) [24] Elders, and no one was able to have learned the song, if not the
144 thousands having been redeemed from [men] of the earth.
NOTE: In Chapter 15, this was the "song of Moses [Victory of Israel; Ex 15.1] and of the Lamb (vs 3)."
The reason that no one else could sing this song was that these were all the "saved of Israel in the first
century, who were servants of the Lamb." The others saved were Pre-flood, and Old Heavens, and
Gentiles from the first century.

14.4. These are the [ones], with Women* they were not defiled, for they are Virgins.** These are the
[ones] following in the Lamb (:a aoia) where ever He might lead. These under [rule] of Iesous (urc
lpcu) were redeemed from [sins] of the men, firstfruits to the God*** (:a :a) and to the Lamb (:a
NOTE *: Prostitutes, such as Babylon and Israel.
NOTE **: Virgins = Virgin Corporate Bodies; or, local congregations.
NOTE ***: "The God", and not, "God" as in the Bible translations.

14.5. And a lie was not found in the mouth of them, for they are blameless.
NOTE: What about this verse, "But the God, He will be Himself [Middle Voice] true, but every man a
liar ..." (Rom 3.4).
We all have "sins of ignorance," mentioned in the Old Testament, with specified animal sacrifices for
these sins. John referred to these "sins of ignorance" as "sins not to death." See: First John, Chapter 5.
Every time you do a deep study of Scripture, you should discover "false beliefs" learned from the
"traditions of men." In the meantime, before you discover these "false beliefs", you should consistently
pray for your "sins of ignorance."

14.6. And they saw a messenger (a,,:c; in 1800s) flying in midheaven [Middle of Government]
having an 'eternal good message'* to have good messaged* to the [ones] sitting themselves [Middle
Voice] on [face] of the earth, and on all nation and tribe and tongue and people,
NOTE *: In both the Hebrew and in the Greek nouns with a case ending, in this case,
euaggelos and sai; being translated, to have good messaged, are used as verbs or participles.
Another good example, from the Hebrew is kinging.

14.7. saying in a great voice, 'Feared the Lord! (:c Kuoicu). And Give glory to Him! For the Hour of
the judgment* of Him came, and you worship Him, The [One] having made the Heaven
and the Earth

and the Sea
and Springs of Waters.'

NOTE *: The First Century "good message" was predicted to have been "done away." See: 1Cor 13.8-10.
This referred to the judgment of Babylon (Rev 14.6, Rev 18.8, Rev 19.2).
Heaven: Heaven is both literal, and symbolic for Governments.
Earth: Earthis both literal, and the symbol for nations..
Sea: Sea is both literal, and the symbol for Gentiles, and Nations.
Springs of Waters: Springs are both literal and a symbol for the Holy Spirit = 7 Spirits of the God.
NOTE: These four terms glorify Lord, The Almighty God (Rev 4.8), for His past creations. But then,
New Jerusalem was also a "past creation" of a later date, in AD 77.
Now, replacing the "temporary good message"; or, "the prophecy in part," we have recorded, "His
kingdom [New Jerusalem (Dan 2.44) and later, "The Millennium" (Rev 11.15)] is an everlasting
The Millennium was overthrown, and "Satan loosed a Little." This historical event was recorded:

"They went up on the breadth of the Earth (AD 1959) and surrounded the Camp of the Holy [ones] and
[place] of the City (:p rci) of the [ones[ being Extremely Loved (:p p,arpa:p) (New
Jerusalem)" - Rev 20.9.

So then ,the servants of the God were, and still are, in captivity.
But then, The Almighty God promised The Millennium "is an everlasting kingdom."
Her release from captivity was recorded in these words:

"And Fire [Death] came down from [throne] of the God (arc :cu :cu) of heaven and devoured them" -
Rev 20.9B.

So then, The Millennium will be restored in about AD 2015.


Revelation, Chapter 14. (1) The First Resurrection; AD 1775 (vss 1-5). (2) The Millennium (vss 6-7).
(3) Fall of Babylon in 1870 (vs 8). (4) Mark of the Beast (vss 9-11). (5) The First Resurrection again (vs
12). (6) The Final Resurrection (vs 13). (7) The Rapture in AD 77 (vss 15-16). (8) Annihilation of the
Nation of Israel; AD 66-73 (vss 17-20).
So then, The Millennium began after AD 1775, but before AD 1870.
Revelation, Chapter 11. (1) Two Witnesses (Israel & Iesous' From-calling; OT & NT) to Heaven
[Government of congregations] (vss 11-12). (2) Tenth of City fell [Lombardy], "seven thousand slain"
[39,000]; June 1859. (3) Mystery of the God finished (Rev 10.7, and 11.15); in AD 1870. So then, The
Millennium began in 1859.

Revelation, Chapter 20. (1) Satan bound (vs 2). (2) Seal on Satan (vs 3). (3) Thousand Years have
expired (vs 7); AD 1959. The End of the Millennium was dated by the taking away of the "Seal on
Satan." I was an eyewitness to this event. The "Seal on Satan" was to identify: (A) The Mother of
Prostitutes, and (B) Her Daughters, and (C) The Beast, and (D) The False Prophet, and (E) The Mark of
the Beast. The Protestant and Millennial commentators named these:
(A) Roman Catholic Church, the Woman drunk with the blood of the holy ones; meaning the Papal
(B) Alexander Campbell named the Daughters to be the Protestant Denominations.
(C) Papacy.
(D) The False Prophet was mistakenly named, "The Man of Sin"; but is properly, "The Pope."
(E) The Mark of the Beast was named to be (1) idol-worship, (2) Elevated Priesthood, (3) Worship of
Virgin Mary, (4) Mass, (5) Infant Sprinkling, (6) Bishop-worship, (7) The Rosary, (8) The Catechism, (9)
Holy Wars, (10) Infallibility of the Pope, (11) Riches, (12) Participation in national governments.

The last time I heard this in the congregation of my youth, was in 1943.
After 18 years of boasting, "The liberal denominations believe in church doctors, but we do not because
they are not in the Bible"; they introduced "doctor-worship" in 1960; and it has grown steadily ever since.
In 1959, The Disciples of Christ International Convention, at Denver, passed a motion "to Restructure the
Church." Shortly thereafter, they began to petition the Roman Catholic Church to merge with them. The
Disciples of Christ went to Indiana to seek unity with the Roman Catholic Church. They even went to the
Vatican for "an audience" with the Pope.
They had less than one million members, and the Pope had hundreds of millions of admirers.
Since 1959, the Book of Revelation has been consistently denied by the new Ecumenical Churches.


Matthew Poole (Puritan), 1680, vol 3, p 1002:

"Whether Christ shall be here personally, or none but saints shall be in places of power ... I cannot
determine; but do in my own thoughts most incline to the last, that the thousand years only denote a large
space of time (as yet at a great distance), when the church of God shall freely enjoy their liberty, without
such temptations to idolatry, superstition, or other wickedness, as they have yet all along had, either from
Jews, pagans, or antichrist's party [defined to be Jews, First John 4.3 - sid]."

Matthew Henry (Presbyterian), 1714, vol 6, p 1179; Rev 20.2:

"We have the term of this confinement of Satan -- a thousand years, after which he was to be loosed again
for a little season. The church should have a considerable time of peace and prosperity, but all her trials
were not over yet."

Dr. Adam (Man) Clarke (Methodist), 1826; Rev 20.2.

"Yet there is no doubt that the earth is in a state of progressive moral improvement [AD 1826 - sid], and
that the light of true religion is shining more copiously everywhere, and will shine more to the perfect

Robert Milligan (Christian Church), Jan 1858, Millennial Harbinger [monthly magazine - sid]:

"Truly we live in an age of progress. The reign of Anti-Christ [identified as, "The Pope" - sid] has
passed: the Church is coming up out of the wilderness: the Two Witnesses have been received up into
heaven; and the vials of God's wrath are now being poured out on all the enemies of truth and

B. W. Johnson, The Peoples' New Testament, Part II, p 495; Rev 20.1-3; 1891:

"A man may be drunken and lawless, but if he repents under the influence of the gospel he ceases to serve
Satan. The devil loses his power over that man when that period shall come for which the saints of all
ages have wistfully looked [until 1959 - sid], when the laws of God shall be written upon every heart,
then Satan, bound with a chain, the chain of truth, shall be deprived of influence on the earth."

J. A. Seiss (affiliation and date unknown); Rev 19.19 to 20.3:

"Is this a literal transaction? Certainly it is. The battle is literal [Rev 19.19]; the taking of the Beast and
the False Prophet is literal [Rev 19.20]; the slaying of the kings and their armies is literal [19.21]; Satan is
literal [20.2]; and his binding must be equally literal [20.2]."

William Hurte, 1889, A Catechetical Commentary; Number 93; Rev 20-22:

"When was the Dragon bound? When his secular dominion was taken away, which it most certainly was
when the Italians entered Rome in 1870, and claimed it for Italy. It was the last link of that great chain
which had been gradually enclosing the body of the monster, and with it the binding was complete."

14.8. And another, a second messenger (a,,:c,) followed, saying, 'Babylon the Great fell. From
[pollution] of the wine of the prostitution of Her, she made all nations to drink.
14.9. And another messenger (a,,:c,), a third followed them, saying in a great voice, 'If anyone
worships the Beast (poic) (Papacy) and the Image of him (:i-ca au:cu) (Holy Roman Emperor), and
he takes a Mark on [Conscience] of the (:cu) Forehead (Mind) of him or on the hand of him,
14.10. and he will press down himself from [bitterness] of the (:cu) wine of the wrath of the God (:cu
:cu), [drinking] of the [one] having been mixed undiluted in the cup of the wrath of Him. And they will
be tormented in Fire and in holy God before [place] of the holy messengers and before [face] of the Lamb
(:cu aoicu).
14.11. And the smoke of the torment of them rises up into ages of ages; and they do not hold rest of day
and of night; the [ones] worshiping the Beast and the Image of him, and if anyone takes the Mark of the
name of him (Beast).
14.12. Here is the patience (26 times) of the holy [ones].
14.13. And I heard a voice from [place] of the heaven, saying, 'You write: Blessed the [ones], the dead
[ones], dying in Lord (: Kuoia) from now; yes, says the Spirit (:c u:uaa), so that they may rest [in
Third Heaven] from [burden] of the labors of them, and the works of them, you will follow with them.'
NOTE: Verse 12 pictured the "First Resurrection" of the martyrs. This is dated in Chapter 15 (vss 1-4),
and Chapter Sixteen (vs 2). Chapter 15, "the [ones] overcoming from [persecutions] of the Beast
(Papacy)", means the "martyrs" of the "First Resurrection." Chapter 16, "poured out the bowl of him to
the earth" (vs 2), began with the American Revolution in AD 1776. "no one was able to enter" (15.8) into
Third Heaven, meant the First Resurrection was before 1776; or, possibly in AD 1775.
"dying in Lord from now" (14.13), indicated the saved after 1775 would have a Second
Resurrection; or, Final Resurrection (Rev 14.13, 20.11-15, 21.7-8).
Therefore, we read of, "Three General Resurrections":
(1) "Anointed the firstfruits (1Cor 15.22; AD 32);
(2) "His coming" (Ibid., vs 23; AD 77);
(3) Resurrection of "The Dead Only" (Rev 20.11-15).
TOTAL: 3 General Resurrections. [The Pope only teaches 2 resurrections for the saved; he
teaches that the Final Resurrection is only for the lost, even though there are two groups described (from
the sea; and from Death and Hell).]

14.14. And they saw, and look, a White Cloud,* and on the Cloud, sitting Himself [Middle Voice] [One]]
like Son of Man (1ic aoarcu), having on [top] of the head of him a golden crown, and in the hand
of Him a sharp sickle.
NOTE *: Cloud = Glory of the God; Ex 40.35.

14.15. And another messenger (a,,:c,) came from [place] of the temple, crying out in a great voice to
The [One] sitting Himself [Middle Voice] on [top] of the (:p,) Cloud, 'Send the sickle of You and reap,
for the Hour to reap came, for the harvest of the earth, she was dried up.
[5 times; "ripened" found here only].

14.16. And The [One] sitting on [top] of the (:p) Cloud threw the sickle of Him on [face] of the (:p)
Earth [Israel], and the Earth, she was reaped.
NOTE: "coming of the Son of the Man with power and great glory" (Mt 24.30) was pictured in Verses 14,
15, and 16.

14.17. And another messenger (a,,:c,) came froim [place] of the temple (:- :cu acu) of The (:cu)
[One] in the heaven, he also having a sharp sickle.
14.18. And another messenger (a,,:c,) came from [place] of the altar, having power over [plague] of
the Fire [Death], and he called in a great cry to the [one] having the sharp sickle, saying, 'Send the sharp
sickle of you, and gather the grapes of the vine of the Earth [Israel].'
14.19. And the messenger (a,,:c,), he threw out the sickle of him into the Earth [Israel] and gathered
the vine of the Earth, and he threw [it] into the winepress of the wrath of the Great God (:cu :cu
14.20. And the winepress, she was trampled outside [walls] of the City [Jerusalem], and blood came out
from [place] of the winepress up to [place] of the bridles of the horses, about 1600 stadia [Furlongs -
NOTE: Verses 17, 18, 19, and 20 picture the annihilation of the Nation of Israel in her war with Rome.


15.1. And they saw another sign, great and wondrous, in the Heaven, seven messengers (a,,:cu,)
having the seven last plagues, for in them the wrath of the God (:cu :cu) was completed.
NOTE: Revelation 5.14: "and the Four Living Creatures saying, 'Truly' (aap). And the 24 Elders fell
down and worshiped The [One] living into the ages of the ages (:i, :cu, aiaa, :a aiaa)" - Rev
Revelation 6.1: "And they saw (:ic) that the Lamb (:c aoic) opened one of the seals .."
CONCLUSION: The visions were seen by the "host in Third Heaven" ((Rev 5.14) and by "John" (Rev
6.1); producing, "they saw." The word ":ic" was consistently mistranslated, "I saw" through out
Revelation, to Verse 21.22. The translators did not comprehend the connection between the "host in
Third Heaven" and "John"; and so, they mistranslated Verse 6.1, and the word ":ic" through out the
Book of Revelation. However, ":ic" is translated, "they saw" consistently in the other books of the
New Testament. See: Mt 2.9, Heb 11.23.
So then, both lexicon and Interlinear Bible confirms, they saw" for ":ic."
15.2. And they saw as a Glassy Sea (Rev 4.6) having been mingled in fire, and the [ones] overcoming
from [Mark] of the Beast (:cu poicu) [Babylon] and from [oppression] of the Image of him (:p,
:i-cc,) [Holy Roman Emperor] and from [condemnation] of the (:cu) Number [666] of the name of
him, standing on the Glassy Sea, holding the harps of the God (:cu :cu) (Rev 5.8).
NOTE: The resurrection of "the Dead and the Living" (AD 77) was on a Glassy Sea "clear as crystal"; but
at the time of the First Resurrection, the Sea was mingled with "fire" (which is sometimes a symbol for

15.3. And they sing the song of the servant of the God (:cu :cu), of Moses, and the song of the Lamb
(:cu aoicu), saying: 'Great and wondrous the works of You Lord, the Almighty God! (Kuoi: 0 :c,
0 ua:c-oa:ao). Righteous and true are the Ways of You, the King (Bai:u,) of the nations!
15.4. Who not not (would not) fear You, Lord (Kuoi:) and glorify the name of You? For [You] alone
[are] holy; for all will come and will worship before [feet] of You, for the righteous judgments of You
had been made evident!
NOTE: These verses describe "The First Resurrection of the Martyrs." They were the "type" of "The
Final Resurrection" (antitype; Rev 20.11-15, 21.7-8). This is similar to Enoch (Gen 5.19-23) being the
"type" of the Pre-flood people saved. And Elijah (2Ki 2.1-13) was the "type" of the "Old Heavens"
people saved. They were the samples of the General Resurrection to come (AD 77), to promote "Hope"
for the people of God. These two men were resurrected together at "the Resurrection of the Dead and the
Living" (Mt 16.27-28; 1Thes 4.16-17), which was the "antitype" to these two "types."
The Resurrection of the Martyrs was mentioned 4 times.
A) REVELATION 6.9-11: "And when He [the Lamb] opened the fifth seal, they saw [the ones]
having been slain on account of the word of the God (:c c,c :cu :cu) and on account of the
testimony of the Lamb (:cu aoicu) [Book of Revelation], which they were having. And they cried out
[with] a great voice, saying, 'Until when [how long?] the holy Lord (c :rc:p, c a,ic,) and True
[One], You do not judge and avenge the blood of us from [guilt] of the [ones] (:a) dwelling on [face] of
the earth?' And a white robe was given to them, and it was said to them that they should rest yet a time
until also the fellow servants of them, and the brothers of them and the [ones] about to be killed as they
also [were] should be completed."
NOTE: These verses pictured the persecutions of the children of the God by pagan Rome.
B) REVELATION 14.9-12: "And another messenger (a,,:c,) followed, saying, with a great
voice, 'If anyone worships the Beast [Papacy] and the Image of him [Holy Roman Emperor] and receives
a Mark on [Conscience] of the (:cu) Forehead of him (Mind) and IN the Hand of him [Warfare,
Donations, Service] and he will drink from of the Wine of the Wrath of the God (:cu :cu), of the [one]
having been poured out without mixture in the cup of the Wrath of Him. And they will be tormented with
fire and 'in holy God' (:[a][a,]ia) before [face] of the holy messengers (a,,:a) and before [face] of
the Lamb (:cu aoicu). And the smoke of the torment of them ascends up into ages of ages (:i, aiaa,
aiaa); and they do not have rest of day and of night; the [ones] worshiping the Beast [Papacy] and the
Image of him [Holy Roman Emperor], and if anyone receives the Mark of the name of him."
NOTE: :ia translated, "brimstone" is an error. ":[a]" is God in the dative case; and "[a,]ia" is holy
in the dative case; producing, "in holy God."
NOTE: The servants of the Papacy and the Pope (and those deceived to serve him unknowingly through
traditions of men) are doomed to Hell.
C) REVELATION 14.12: "Here is the patience of the holy ones, the [ones] keeping the
commands of the God (:cu :cu) and the faith of Iesous (lpcu)."
NOTE: This verse was limited to the "First Resurrection of the Martyrs." The "Old Heavens
Resurrection" was recorded before this prophecy (Rev 4 & 5) The "Final Resurrection" was recorded in
the next verse (Rev 14.13), and in Verses 20.11-15, and 21.7-8.
D) REVELATION 14.13: "And I heard a voice from [out] of the Heaven, saying, 'Write, blessed
[are] the dead, the [ones] in Lord (: Kuoia) dying from now, says the Spirit (:c u:uaa), yes, so that
they may rest from [weariness] of the labors of them, and the works of them follow with them."
NOTE: The Final Resurrection was future at the time of the First Resurrection (1775), and it is
still future today (2009). See also: Rev 20.11-15, 21.7-8. A hint that "works" are necessary to salvation,
is contained in this sentence.
E) REVELATION 20.4-6: "And they saw thrones, and they sat on them, and judgment was given
to them (Rev 5.10; AD 77) AND the souls of the [ones] having been beheaded through the testimony of
Iesous (lpcu) [Book of Revelation] and through the word of the God (:c c,c :cu :cu), and
whoever did not worship the Beast (Papacy) nor the Image of him [Holy Roman Emperor], and they did
not receive the Mark on [Conscience] of the (:cu) Forehead (Mind) of them. And they* lived and reigned
with [throne**] of the Anointed (:cu Xoi:cu) the thousand years. And the rest of the dead [Rev 20.11-
15] did not live until the thousand years were finished [Rev 20.7]. This [is] the First Resurrection.
Blessed and holy the [one] having a part in the First Resurrection. On these the Second Death [Rev
20.14] does not have power, but they will be priests of the God (:cu :cu) and of Anointed (:cu
Xoi:cu), and they will reign with Him a thousand years."
NOTE *: They = Rev 5.10 + Rev 20.4.
NOTE **: Rev 3.21.
NOTE: A) The Martyrs joined the "144,000 firstfruits" (who were Jews only; 1Pet 2.5, 9-10) as "priests
of God" with judgment OVER the earth. And no one is described in the Bible to have been resurrected,
and then to return to earth. Even Iesous Anointed did not return to earth, but "we will meet Him in the
air" (1Thes 4.17). So then, the translation of Rev 5.10; "reign on the earth" is a gross error from the Pope.
B) Part of our salvation is recorded, "did not receive the Mark of the Beast on [Conscience] of the
(tou) Forehead (Mind)." Consistently, the Martyrs resurrected to Third Heaven, are described, "did not
receive the Mark of the Beast on [Conscience] of the (:cu) Forehead"; or, "who have the victory over the
Beast." This was pointed out in Rev 14.9-12, and Rev 15.2, and Rev 20.4.
C) The churches taught (in the 1700s & 180s) the "Mark of the Beast" which is spelled out in
Revelation 13.6.
"And he [mouth of the Beast - vs 5] opened the mouth of him in blasphemy against God, to
blaspheme the name of Him (#1), the tabernacle of Him (#2), and those who dwell in Heaven (#3)" - Rev
(1) "Do not call anyone on earth, 'Father ...'" - Mt 23.9.
The Beast (Papacy) teaches that the False Prophet (Pope) is "father."
(2) The Beast denies "His tabernacle" (New Jerusalem ... with men; Rev 21.1-3).
(3) The Beast denies the resurrection in "this generation" (Mt 24.34), and the First Resurrection..

15.5. And after these [things] they saw, and the temple of the tent of the testimony was opened n the
Heaven [Eternal Abode of God].
15.6. And the seven messengers (a,,:ci) went out, the [ones] having the seven plagues, the [ones]
[who] were dressed [in] pure, bright linen, and belted around the chest [with] golden belts.
15.7. And one from [group] of the (:a) Four Living Creatures gave to the seven messengers seven
golden Bowls filling the Wrath of the God (:cu :cu), of The [One] living into the ages of the ages (:i,
:cu, aiaa, :a aiaa).
15.8. And the temple (c ac,) was filled from [presence] of the (:cu) glory of the Smoke of the God (:cu
:cu) and from [strength] of the (:p,) power of Him, and no one was able to enter into the temple until
the seven plagues of the seven messengers (angels) were ended.
NOTE: The First Resurrection (Rev 15.1-4) was before the "seven plagues of the God" (15.6), and no one
entered "the Temple" (Third Heaven) again until the seven plagues were ended which was AD 1923.


16.1. And I heard (p-cua)* a great voice from [direction] of the temple, saying to the seven messengers,
'Go and pour out the seven Bowls of the Wrath of the God (:cu :cu) into the earth.'
NOTE*: Compare, "I heard" to, "we saw" (:ic); Rev 15.1, 14.1, 10.1; and others.

16.2. And the first [one] went and poured out the Bowl of him into the Earth, and it became itself a bad
sore, and evil on the men the [ones] having the Mark of the Beast and the [ones] worshiping the Image of
NOTE: This historical event dated the First Resurrection, for the Martyrs were resurrected "before the
seven plagues" and no one else would follow until "after the seven plagues."
A) The Peoples' New Testament; with Notes, 1891, B. W. Johnson, p. 479, identified this as,
"The French Revolution."
B) Barnes' Notes (Revelation),1851, Albert Barnes, p. 359, agreed that this was The French
Revolution. Mr. Barnes added that Burke, Elliott, Keith, Faber, Lord, Cunningham, "and others"
identified "The First Bowl on the Earth" to have been The French Revolution.
The following Bowls of Wrath described later historical events. While we agree that The French
Revolution was intended, we also concluded that The American Revolution (AD 1776) should be
included. Britain was a "daughter of Babylon." Therefore we have dated The First Resurrection to have
taken place in AD 1775; or, shortly before that time.

16.3. And the second messenger (a,,:c,) poured out the Bowl of him into the Sea, and it became as
blood of a dead [man]; and all life died in the Sea.
NOTE: Britain took control of the Sea from the papal monarchies: Spain, Portugal, Sweden, Denmark. A
series of naval engagements climaxed at the Battle of Cape Trafalgar, near the Rock of Gibraltar near La
Linea, Spain. Oct 21, 1805, Admiral Horatio Nelson, and his British fleet destroyed the fleet of France
and Spain led by Admiral Pierre de Villeneuve. The Catholics lost 20 ships; the British none. However,
Admiral Nelson died in the conflict. Britain built Trafalgar Square in London in memory of this
wonderful military victory.
16.4. And the third [one] poured out the Bowl of him into the Rivers and into the Springs of the waters,
and it became blood.
16.5. And I heard [voice] of the messenger (:cu a,,:cu) of the Waters saying, 'You are righteous, The
[One] being, and The [One] He was being holy, for these [things] You judged.
16.6. For they poured out blood of holy ones and prophets, and You gave blood to them to drink. They
are worthy.
16.7. And I heard [voice] of the (:cu) altar saying, 'Yes, Lord, the Almighty God (Kuoi: 0 :c, 0
ua:c-oa:ao), true and righteous the judgments of You.'
NOTE: These Bowls of the Wrath of the God were against papal monarchies and weakened the power of
the Pope.
A) This was the site of "previous persecutions" (vs 6). Lombardy, in Northern Italy, the home of
the Albigenses, was the site of Papal genocide. The Alps are filled with Rivers and Springs.
B) "The battle of Lodi was fought on the Adda, Arcola on the Adige, Marengo on the Bromida"
(B. W. Johnson, 1891, p. 480).
In 1798, Pope Pius VI was captured and carried to France, where he died. His successor was
named at Venice, because Rome was captured.

16.8. And the fourth [one] poured out Bowl of him on the Sun, and it was given to him to burn in fire the
16.9. And the men were burned [with] a great burn; and the men blasphemed the name of the God (:cu
:cu), The [One] having power over these plagues. And they did not repent to give glory to Him.
NOTE: The "Sun" is a symbol for a "King." Napoleon became emperor of France in AD 1800.
However, before that time, he was an officer of the French army, and was directed to invade England in
1798. He decided that crossing the English Channel was impractical, and chose instead to weaken
Britain's Empire by attacking India, the source of much commerce (especially tea). In July 1798, he
invaded Egypt, to go to India. Horatio Nelson, and his British ships sank the French fleet in the mouth of
the Nile River. Napoleon had an army in Egypt, but no line of supplies, and no transportation to France.
Therefore he deserted his army and returned to France.
At times, Britain, Russia, Austria, Prussia, Sweden, and Spain were allied against him. On May
18, 1804, he was declared emperor, and anointed by the Pope. But Napoleon lacked naval power. The
battle of Cape Trafalgar was disastrous to the French plots. In 1812, Napoleon invaded Russia with
600,000 troops. In October of that year, he returned with less than 100,000 men. But he kept fighting,
and keeping Europe a continuous battle field. In 1814, Napoleon was banned to the island of Elbe. In
1815, he escaped, and began the Hundred Days War. He met his doom at Waterloo, and was banned to
the island of St. Helena off the west coast of Africa, at the Ivory Coast, where he died.
Napoleon was the cause of over one million deaths (as 500,000 lost in Russia), and so, "the men
were burned."

16.10. And the fifth [one] poured out the Bowl of him on the throne of the Beast (Papacy), and his
kingdom became darkened; and they gnawed the tongues of them from the pain.
16.11. And they blasphemed the God (:c :c) of the Heaven from [misery] of the (:a) pains of them,
and from [pain] of the sores of them. And they did not repent [evil] of the works of them.
NOTE: Two of these blasphemies are recorded in the Oxford Dictionary of Popes, page 310:
A) "... enthusiastic expression of celebration of his jubilees as priest (1869), pope (1871 and
1876), and bishop (1873)."
NOTE: Babylon had fallen in "One Day"; from the battle of Magenta (Jun 4, 1859) till the battle of the
"Two Sicilies" (May 1860); and two-thirds of the Papal territories were lost. Babylon fell in "One Hour"
on September 20, 1870, and Papacy and Pope were run out of Rome. Pope Pius IX declared himself, "the
prisoner of the Vatican." And so, was fulfilled the prophecy, "If anyone has captivity, he gathers
[captivity], if anyone in sword, it is necessary [for] him to be killed" (Rev 13.10). Alexander Campbell
interpreted this, in April 1843, in his Millennial Harbinger monthly magazine, "Besides, one prophecy of
Christ remains to be accomplished before he comes in the glory of his Father, viz. -- "All that take the
sword shall perish with the sword." Hence the sword will bear no humble part in the destruction of that
blood-stained harlot, who, with brazen front, notwithstanding all her untold harlotry, has the impudence
to talk of chastity, purity, and faith." Many Protestant expositors agreed that Papal Rome would fall.
B) To have jubilees after such a severe punishment from the Living God is not to repent.

16.12. And the sixth [one] poured out the Bowl of him on the great River Euphrates, and dried up the
water of him, in order that the Way of the kings, the [ones] (:a) from rising of the sun might be
NOTE: Here we are introduced to "substitute symbolism." The Sakarya River, in the northern plain of
Turkey, was from the same source, in the Taurus Mountains, as the River Euphrates. The Euphrates
flowed down the southern slope of the mountains, and the Sakarya River drained down the northern side
of the Taurus Mountains. In the First Century AD, several earthquakes were recorded which raised up
walls around the plain, so that the water could not run off into the Mediterranean Sea. There is a "fault" in
the crust of the earth from Sicily through Turkey and through Asia into the Pacific Ocean. Encyclopedias
contain "geology paragraphs about these nations where this may be confirmed. The rain was "salt
water" from the Mediterranean. During the "wet season" Turkey's plain was flooded. But during the "dry
season" salt flats provided transportation and "prepared the Way for the kings." April through September
was the "dry season."

16.13. And they saw from [depth] of the (:cu) mouth of the Dragon (:cu oa-c:c,) [Egypt ruled by
Britain], and out of the mouth of the Beast (:cu poicu) [Greece], and out of the mouth of the False
Prophet (:cu :ucroc]p:cu) [Muhammad] three unclean spirits as Frogs [Lies].
A) "In that day 'He Is' ... will punish Leviathan [Egypts] the fleeing Serpent, Leviathan that
twisted Serpent; and He will slay the Reptile that is in the sea" - Isa 27.1.
B) "Whatever has no fins nor scales in the waters [Frogs], that [is] an abomination to you" - Lev
C) "Lying lips [are] an abomination to 'He Is'; but they that deal truly [are] delight to Him" - Prov
So then, "frogs" and "lies" are unclean.

16.14. For they are spirits of demons (r:uaa:a aiacia) doing signs, the [ones], he came out on
kings of the whole house of us* (ci-cu a:p,)] to gather them into the battle of the Day, that of the great
God Almighty (:p, a:,ap, :cu :cu :cu ua:c-oa:coc, ).
NOTE *: Ottoman Empire and Europe.
NOTE: Britain, Greece, and the Ottoman Empire (Dragon, Beast, False Prophet) told lies to smaller
nations to build alliances for their side of the war. When the alliances were cemented together, then they
gathered for war. First was the War of the Beast (1820-30), in which part of the Greek peninsula was
restored to Greece. Then the Bey of Egypt declared his independence from the Sultan, in Istanbul. He
even entered into a war in Lebanon, but was defeated. Then Russia regained properties on the Black Sea,
such as Armenia, which the Ottomans had controlled for several centuries. Then the Balkan Wars [1900-
04] ate away more of the Ottoman territories. The First World War followed [1914-18], and the Ottoman
Empire surrendered "unconditionally" in 1918.

16.15. Look, I am coming as a thief. Blessed the [one] watching and keeping the robes of him, in order
that he will not walk naked and they see the shame of him.
A) "Remember therefore how you have received and heard, and hold fast, and repent. If therefore
you will not watch, I will come as a thief, and you will not know what hour I will come upon you" - Rev
B) "Iesous Anointed, the same yesterday, today, and into the ages" - Heb 13.8.
C) Verse 16.15 is contrasted with Verse 3.3, by the word "repent." One group was commanded
to repent; the other was not. [A] Rev 3.3 was about the resurrection in AD 77. [B] Rev 16.15 was about
the First World War.

16.16. And he gathered them into the place, the [one] being called in Hebrew, 'Megiddo' (Ma,:a).
A) Megiddo was in Israel, in the Ottoman Empire.
B) The River Euphrates was in the Ottoman Empire.
C) "The great city" [Istanbul] was in the Ottoman Empire.
For these reasons, Matthew Poole (1680), and Albert Barnes (1851), and B. W. Johnson (1881;
Vision of the Ages) all believed that Armageddon "would be" (future tense) the overthrow of the Ottoman

16.17. And the seventh [one] poured out the Bowl of him on the air, and a great voice came from [place]
of the temple (:cu acu) of the Heaven, from [place] of the throne, saying, 'It was done!' (l:,c:).
16.18. And they came themselves, lightnings and thunders and voices and a great earthquake [First World
War], such as he did not come himself from when the men, he came himself on [face] of the earth, so
great an earthquake.
NOTE: These words were used to picture "the presence of the God." See: Mount Sinai; Exodus 19.16-20;

NOTE: 20.18. An "earthquake" sometimes symbolized the toppling of a nation. See: "I will shake the
Heavens [Governments], and the Earth [Babylon] will move out of her place" (Isa 13.13). Compare: Joel
2.10 (Judah in 588 BC), and Joel 2.30-31; Israel in AD 70). Scientific advancement in warfare, and
transportation, and communication, is the reason that the First World War was, "such as he did not come
himself [till that time]."

16.19. And the great city [Istanbul], he came himself into three parts, and the cities* of the nations fell.
And the great Babylon [Papal Rome] was remembered before [face] of the God (:cu :cu), to give her
the cup of the fierceness of the Wrath of Him.
NOTE*: Istanbul, Megiddo, Izmir, Moscow, Berlin, Vienna, Budapest.
NOTE: A) Two "great cities", Babylon and Istanbul, had the territories that they ruled symbolized by the
phrase, "the great city." Babylon [Papal Rome] ruled the Ten Papal States, while Istanbul ruled the entire
Ottoman Empire (which had been steadily shrinking since 1820). Babylon had already fallen in AD
1870. But, spiritually, they ruled all of Europe. The Papal monarchs of Europe had killed the Martyrs,
when the Pope's monks declared them worthy of death. Having "holy hands", the monks were not
allowed to kill. These monarchs, and their subjects, and the monks, and their "elevated priesthood" are
what was intended by "Babylon" in this verse.
Kaiser Wilhelm and Austria-Hungary and Finland were opposed by Britain, France, Italy, Russia, and
several smaller nations. Almost all catholic nations in Europe were engaged in "killing fellow catholics"
for 4 years. President Woodrow Wilson, of the United States, ended the war by sending General John J.
Pershing, and the US Army to defeat Germany and Austria-Hungary.
B) Istanbul's rule was divided into 3 parts. (1) Greece ruled all of their peninsula, and many
adjacent islands. (2) Britain ruled Palestine, and Arabia, and part of Persia (and Egypt which they had
controlled before the war). [Not mentioned in the prophecy, because it was less important, was France
ruling Lebanon.] (3) The Ottoman Empire was reduced to the nation of Turkey.

16.20. And every island [European Nation] fled, and Mountains [super powers] were not found.
NOTE: Britain and France and Italy had ships off the coast of Turkey. In the Old Testament, the Jewish
prophets possibly considered themselves the only continent, and referred to European nations as
"islands." See: Dan 11.18: "turn his face to the isles" (KJV; meaning Rome). [The Johnny-come-lately
translations have corrupted this to read "coastlands." But then, What have they not corrupted?]
So then, "the allies" encouraged Greece to march inland, and attack the army of Mustafa Kemal [Ataturk],
on the northern plain, during the "dry season." They had been inaccessible during the "wet season." The
"drying up of the Euphrates River [Sakarya River]" prepared the Way for the kings of the East. The
Greeks were defeated at Inonu, in April 1921. In August they were defeated again at the Sakarya River.
In August; or, September (depending on who you read), of 1922, the Turks drove the Greeks out of
Turkey. "The Islands fled, and Mountains were not found." In other words, the "allies" ran away and left
Greek troops deserted. Their final port of departure was Izmir (Smyrna). About one million Greek
immigrants in Turkey fled the country, swamping the tiny Greek peninsula.

16.21. And great Hail, as a Talent (weight of 90 pounds) came down from [place] of the (:cu) Heaven
[Government] on [heads] of the men. And the men blasphemed* the God (:c :c) from [grief] of the
(:p,) plague of the Hail, for exceedingly great is this plague.
NOTE: Exodus 9.23, 25 described God's plague of Hail on Egypt. The weight [90 pounds] indicated
NOTE *: "Six principal ministers and generals were court-martialed and shot on November 28, 1922."
So they caused Greece much grief from all the immigrants from Turkey, and Greece paid the price.
The Treaty of Lausanne, Switzerland, in July 1923 set the permanent borders of Turkey, and kept Greece
and her "allies" away.


Chapter Eighteen detailed the characteristics of the "Great Prostitute"; Babylon, which will, "not be found
anymore" (Rev 18.21). Chapter Nineteen begins with the "joy in Third Heaven over the righteous
judgment of the Prostitute." This is followed by the "Marriage of the Lamb"; which was the
Resurrection of "The Dead and the Living (The Rapture)"; which was in AD 77.
Then there is a diversion about John trying to worship an angel; and being rebuked.
The "armies in Heaven" follow, "The Word of the God," who was also named, "King of kings,
and Lord of lords." This title means that Iesous rules the Kings of the earth.
Then the, "Supper of the God" was mentioned, which was the annihilation of the nation of Israel.
The expression, "there was no more Sea" (Rev 21.1), also indicated the annihilation of the nation of
Israel. In the Law of Moses, Lord, the Almighty God had divided the earth into Israelites (Earth) and
"nations" (Gentiles; Sea). But now the "Earth" (Israel) was gone, and so, there was no need for the
symbol "Sea" (Gentiles). See: "New Heavens and a New Earth": meaning New Jerusalem; Isa 65.17,
66.22, 2Pet 3.13, Rev 21.1-3. The "treading of the winepress" also pictured the destruction of Israel.
Finally, the Beast (Papacy) and the False Prophet (Pope) were cast into the Lake of Fire, in AD 1870.

19.1. After these [things] I heard as a great voice of a large multitude in the Heaven, saying, 'Would [be]
Praising (Hallelujah)! The salvation and the strength and the glory [are] of the God of us (:cu :cu
NOTE: "Salvation" is the "helmet" (Eph 6.17) of the saved; and "strength means God the Father, and
"glory" means the "resurrection" (Mt 25.34).

19.2. For true and righteous the judgments of Him, for He judged the great Prostitute* who corrupted the
Earth in the fornication of her; and He avenged the blood of the servants of Him, of her from Hand [of
NOTE *: Roman Catholic Church.

19.3. And a second said, 'Would [be] Praising [Hallelujah]. And the smoke of her goes up into the ages
of the ages' (:i, :cu, aiaa, :a aiaa).
19.4. And the 24 Elders, and the 4 Living Creatures [in AD 67] fell down and they worshiped the God
(:a :a), The [One] sitting on the throne, saying, 'Truly! Would [be] Praising [Alleluia]!'
19.5. And a voice from [presence] of the throne came out, saying, 'Praise the God of us (:a :c paa)
all the servants of Him, and the [ones] fearing; the small and the great!'
NOTE: Chapter Eighteen recorded, "Babylon is fallen [in One Day], is fallen [in One Hour]" (Rev 18.2,
8, 10). And also was written, "Babylon ...will not be found anymore" (Rev 18.22). "One Day" was from
the Battle of Magenta, on June 4, 1859, until the Battle of the Two Sicilies, in May 1860. Then, "One
Hour" was September 20, 1870, when Papacy and Pope were driven from Rome. This is in all
encyclopedias; see: "Italy." So then, as New Jerusalem replaced Israel, so the kingdom of Italy replaced
Babylon; or, the Ten Papal States [10 Horns].

19.6. And I heard as a voice of a large multitude, and as a sound of many Waters [Nations], and as a
sound of mighty Thunders,* saying, 'Would [be] Praising [Hallelujah]! For Lord, the Almighty God of us
(Kuoic 0 :c, paa 0 ua:c-oa:ao) reigned!
NOTE *: Voice of the Gods - Ps 104.7.

19.7. We will rejoice and we will be glad, and we will give the glory to Him, for the marriage of the
Lamb (:cu aoicu) came, and the Wife of Him prepared Herself!'
19.8. And she was given to Her that She might have dressed Herself [in] fine linen bright and pure, for the
linen is the righteous deeds of the holy ones.
19.9. And he says to me, 'Write: Blessed [Resurrected] the [ones] [coming] into the Supper of the
Marriage of the Lamb (:cu aoicu), having been called.' And he says to me, 'These are the true words of
the God' (:cu :cu).
NOTE: Iesous, our Lord, told a parable of a "marriage" (Mt 25.10) which symbolized the "resurrection
and judgment." So then, we had concluded that these verses in Chapter Nineteen described the "Rapture"
(A; the living) and the "resurrection of the dead" (B), in AD 77. These two subjects; A and B, are
pictured together in Mt 16.27-28 and 1Thes 4.16-17 and 1Cor 15.12-16 (B) and 15.50-58 (A).
Also coupled together are the "resurrection of AD 77" (A), and the "founding of New Jerusalem" (B).
This is recorded in Joel 2.32 (Mount Zion - A), and ([New] Jerusalem - B); and in Zec 12.7 (Judah -A),
and ([New] Jerusalem - B); and Mt 24.30; (Rapture - A), and Mt 24.31 (New Jerusalem - B). This is
repeated in Mk 13.26 (A), and 13.27 (B).

19.10. And I fell before [place] of the feet of him to worship him. And he says to me, 'See not [that] I am
a fellow servant of you, and of the brothers of you, and of the [ones] having the testimony of Iesous
(lpcu) [Book of Revelation]. Worship the God! (:a :a). For the testimony* of the Iesous (:cu
lpcu) is the Spirit (::i :c u:uaa) of the prophecy!
NOTE *: Testimony of Iesous = Interpretation of Revelation.
NOTE: The messengers (angels) are "spirits of Him" [God - Heb 1.7]. So then, in this verse, and another
verse (Rev 22.8), the worship of "the Spirit" was forbidden. And, this is one of many proofs against the
Pope's "Trinity." The phrase, "the testimony of Iesous" meant the proper interpretation of Revelation."
[The Pope teaches that this referred to the, "Jewish Gospel"; which Paul predicted would be "done away"
(1Cor 13.8-10).]
The Bible is dead without the proper interpretation. For this reason, there are no records of anyone being
"saved" by reading the Bible. Saul (later named, Paul), and Nicodemus and friends, were saved by a
"visitation" from an angel or a voice from Heaven AND the instructions of Peter and Ananias. But all
other conversions recorded were by the "witnessing of men and women."

19.11. And they saw (:ic) the Heaven having been opened, and look, a white horse, and The [One]
sitting on it, being called, 'Faithful and True'; and in righteousness He judges, and makes war.*
NOTE*: This condemns the "Love-only" cult.

19.12. And the eyes of Him [as] a flame of fire, and on the head of Him, many crowns, having names
written, and a name written, the [one] no one knows, if not He,
19.13. and having been clothed [in] a robe, having been dipped in blood, and the name of Him has been
called, 'The Word of the God' (0 Ac,c, :cu :cu).
19.14. And the armies, the [ones] in the Heaven, were following Him on white horses, having been
dressed [in] linen, white and pure.
19.15. And out of the mouth of Him, he proceeding himself, a double-edged sword, in order that in her He
might strike the nations. And He will shepherd them in an iron rod. And He treads the winepress of the
Wine of the Fierceness of the Wrath of the Almighty God (:cu :cu :cu ua:c-oa:coc,).
NOTE: "Treading the winepress" was consistently used to picture the God destroying the nations of
Israel. Compare: Isa 63.3, Lam 1.15 [588 BC], Rev 14.19-20. So then, "strike the nations" (vs 15),
referred to the 12 Tribes of Israel. And the symbol, "Earth" was consistently applied to Judah and Israel.
See: Isa 24.1-5; 19-23; and Joel 2.10-13; 2.30-32; and Mt 24.28-29; and Mk 13.24, and Lk 21.25-26; and
2Pet 3.7-12.

19.16. And He has on the robe and on the thigh of Him, a name having been written: 'King of kings
(Bai:u, 3ai:a) and Lord of lords' (Kuoic, Kuoia).
19.17. And they saw (:ic) a Messenger (a,,:c; Iesous) standing in the sun, and he cried out in a
great voice, saying to all the Birds, the [ones] flying in midheaven, 'Come, gather into the great Supper, of
the God (:cu :cu),
19.18. in order that you will eat flesh of kings, and flesh of captains, and flesh of mighty [ones], and flesh
of horses, and the [ones] sitting on them, and flesh of all; both free and servant, and both of small and of
NOTE: For, "Supper of the God", compare Ezekiel 39.17-20. This followed the, "burying of the bones of
Gog" (Nebuchadnezzar), which was "replacement symbolism" for the "sins of Israel." The "Seven
Months" of burying "through dipping" (Rom 6.4) was the beginning of the Lord Iesous' ministry (AD 28),
until "the covenant was confirmed in seven days" (AD 35). See: Dan 9.27. Seven Months = AD 28 to
AD 35. The adding of the Gentiles (Cornelius and friends) to the kingdom ended the Seven Months.
"Two Eagles" were Babylon and Egypt (Eze 17.11-15). So then, "Birds" represented the
"Nations" destroying the nation of Israel in the First Century AD. These were named to be, by the Jewish
historian, Josephus, "3 Roman legions, and 23 cohorts, and kings Antiochus, and Agrippa, and Sohemus,
and Malchus" - Wars of the Jews - 3.4.2. There 1,100,000 Jews were killed in their war with Rome, and
97,000 were sold into captivity. This was even though, the Lord Iesous had taught them to, "turn the
other cheek."

19.19. And they saw (:ic) the Beast (:c poic) (Papacy), and the kings of the earth (Austria, France,
Ten Papal States, Sardinia, Sicily), and the armies of them having been gathered together to make war
with [the army] of The [One] sitting on [back] of the horse, and with [members] of the army of Him.
NOTE: The Italian Revolution was from AD 1848 to AD 1870, when "Babylon was no more"; and "The
Ten Papal States" had "burned her with fire, and ate her flesh" (Rev 17.16), after "giving their power to
the Beast" (Rev 17.13), for 1260 Years; or, "42 Months."
The prophets had recorded that Assyria was "the rod" of God (Isa 10.12-15), and Nebuchadnezzar
was the "servant" of God (Jer 25.9), and Cyrus, the Persian, was the "anointed" of God, and also, the
"shepherd" of God (Isa 44.28, 45.1). The Lord God Almighty had always used pagan kings, and their
armies, to perform the will of Him. These armies, (Rev 19.19), were also pagans, serving the Beast
(Papacy). France, and Piedmont, and Sardinia, and Garibaldi, were now employed to destroy the Papal

19.20. And she was captured, the Beast (:c poic) (Papacy) and the False Prophet, (c :ucroc]p:p,)
(Pope) with him, the [one] having done the signs before [face] of him, in which he deceived the [ones]
receiving the Mark of the Beast (:cu poicu) (Papacy), and the [ones] worshiping the Image of him*,
the two were thrown 'living' into the Lake of the burning Fire, in holy God** (: :a a,ia).
NOTE *: him = Papacy.
NOTE **: ":[a][a,]ia" = God dative (:a), holy - dative (a,ia) = in holy God.

19.21. And the rest were killed in the sword of The [One] sitting on [back] of the horse the [one] having
proceeded out of [the depth] of the mouth of Him. And all the Birds were filled from [abundance] of the
flesh of them.
NOTE: And so, we have observed the fate of the enemies of the God; Jews, and Papacy and Pope, and
"the rest." "War with the Lamb" is a losing endeavor. Only fools would even consider such a thing. This
story of "The Fall of Babylon (Papal Rome; 1870)" had been recorded before by the Jewish prophets of
the God.
A) JOEL 3.14-17.
"The many, the many in Valley [of] the Gold (vs 5), for Day [of] 'He Is' () in Valley [of] the
Gold. Sun (Pope Gregory IX) and Moon (Papacy) darkening them, and Stars (Elevated Priests) gather
(withdraw) them, shining of them. And 'He Is' () will roar from Zion (Third Heaven; Rev 14.1), and
from [New] Jerusalem giving voice of Him, and shaking them, Heavens (Governments) and Earth (Papal
States), and 'He Is' () [will be] refuge to people of Him, and strength to sons of [Me]."
B) ZECHARIAH 14.3-8.
Zec 14.3-8: "Then 'He Is' () will go forth and fight against those nations, as He fights in the
day of battle. And in that day the feet of Him will stand on the Mount of Olives, which faces Jerusalem
on the east. And the Mount of Olives will be split in two, from east to west, [making] a very large valley;
half of the [Papal] Mountain [Kingdom] will move toward the north and half of it toward the south. Then
you will flee [through] a Mountain Valley of Me, for the Mountain Valley will reach to near. Yes, you
will flee as you fled from the Earthquake in the days of Uzziah, king of Judah. Thus 'He Is Gods'
(::s ) of me will come, and all the holy ones with You. And being in day, the-that, light he will
not be clear (precious) [or] dark (congealed). And being one day, this, he is known to 'He Is' (), not
day and not night, and being to evening time, he will be light [Millennium]. And being in day, the-that,
living waters will flow from [New] Jerusalem, half of them to the eastern Sea [Atlantic Ocean], and half
of them to the western Sea [Pacific Ocean], in summer and in winter he will be." Compare: Rev 14.6-8.
NOTE: The "Rapture" (AD 77), was described in Chapter Thirteen, verses 13.8-9; as it was described in
Joel 2.32. Then, in like manner, as Joel, Chapter Three was a parallel prophecy to Iesous' Revelation,
now Chapter Fourteen of Zechariah is also a parallel prophecy to Revelation. The "Mount of Olives",
where the Lord Iesous was taken "captive" to be put to death, represents the "captivity" of the children of
God during the Papal Dark Ages and the Papal Inquisitions. The Papal "Mountain" [Kingdom] was
divided in AD 1520, and the Protestants moved to northern Europe; while the papists had solid control of
southern Europe. The Lutherans were in Germany. John Calvin, and other reformers, were in
Switzerland. John Knox was in Scotland. King Henry VIII declared himself, "Head of the Church" in
opposition to the Pope. They came "part way out of popery," and so, their "light" was neither "clear"
(precious) or "dark" (congealed).
Later, in the United States of America, the Millennium was established by "congregational
autonomy" and by exposing all "creeds" and "creed-makers" as evil.
C) DANIEL 7.21-26.
"I looked, and the same horn made war with the holy ones, and prevailed against them; until the
Ancient of Days came, and judgment was given to the holy ones of the most High; and the time came that
the holy ones possessed the kingdom [of Europe]. Thus he said, 'The fourth Beast [Pagan Rome] shall be
the fourth kingdom upon the earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and will devour the whole
earth, and will tread it down, and break it in pieces. And the "Ten Horns" (Papal States) out of the
kingdom [are] ten kings [that] will arise; and another [#666] will rise after them; and he will be diverse
from the first [Ten Horns], and he will subdue Three Kings [Latium, Tuscia and Umbria, Abruzzi]. And
he [Pope Gregory I] will speak words against the most High, and will wear out the holy ones of the most
high, and 'think to change times and law'; and they will be given into his hand until 'a Time, and Times,
and the Dividing of Time' [42 Months]. But judgment will sit, and they will take away his dominion
[1870], to consume and to destroy it unto the end."
These prophecies all agree about the fortunes of the Papacy and the Pope

Rev 20.7-10a: And with the thousand years, The Satan will be loosed from [fire*] of the prison of him,
and he will come himself to deceive the nations, the [ones] in the four corners of the Earth (New
Jerusalem), The Gog and The Magog, to gather them together into the battle, of whom the number of
them as the sand of the sea. And they went up on the breadth of the Earth (New Jerusalem) and
surrounded the camp of the holy ones and the City, the [one] having been Extremely Loved [perfect,
passive, participle] (p,arpa:p) (New Jerusalem).



(1) A little, and you will not see Me; and again a little, and you will see Me, because I go to the
Father - Jn 16.16.
This seems clearer arranged in this order:
(2) A little and you will not see Me because I go to the Father; and again a little, and you will
see Me - Jn 16.16.
This phrase a little is mentioned several times. See: Jn 7.33, 12.35, 14.19, 16.16 to 16.19.
However, because it is a period of prophecy it begins and ends with an historical event. The date on
which it is mentioned does not change the beginning or the end. For instance, the 430 years is
mentioned in Exodus (12.40 - 1626 BC) and Galatians (3.17 - AD 57?) But Paul interprets the prophecy
for us to begin with the promise to Abram (2056 BC), and end with the law (or, Exodus - 1626 BC). Also
400 years (Gen 15.13) began in 2026 and ended in 1626 BC. Therefore, when the period of prophecy is
mentioned does not determine the date. But it would seem sensible to begin on one of the days in the
quotes above, when this phrase was spoken publicly. We will begin with Jn 12.35, which was the day
before Iesous (lpcu,) was crucified.

The day before the arrest and crucifixion - Jn 12.35 = one day.
A Little quoted, Jn 16.16 = one day.*
Iesous trial and murder -- for our sins - Jn 19.14-30 = one day* (Jn 16.15).
Three days and nights in the grave - Mt 12.40 = 3 days.
Iesous showed Himself alive for 40 days - Acts 1.3 = 40 days.
TOTAL :45 Days. [1 Jn 12.35 + 1 Jn 16.16 + 3 Mt 12.40 + 40 Acts 1.3 = 45 days total.]
A little, when the apostles saw Iesous no more, was after 45 days. Then Iesous returned in 45 prophetic
days; or, in 45 years. [AD 32 + 45 Years = AD 77.] This would agree with some standing here shall not
taste death, and with this generation shall not pass away, and with I come quickly! Consistency!

Then Peters, Three Eras of Man on Earth, written about AD 66, is also in harmony with this
conclusion. These "Three Ages" recorded are: 1) Pre-flood; vs 6; and: 2) Old Heavens, vss 7-10; and: 3)
New Heavens (New Jerusalem); vs 13.

But this is not enough proof. What does Daniel say about the resurrection? Does Daniels date agree
with AD 77?

(1) And the multitude of those sleeping in the dust of the ground do awake, some to life age-
enduring, and some to reproaches ... Till when is the end of these wonders? ... After a time, times, and a
half; and at the completion of the scattering of the power of the holy people, all these are finished ... And
from the time of the turning aside of the perpetual sacrifice, and to the giving out of the desolating
abomination, are 1290 days. That of (blessedness) the [one] waiting, and he comes to 1335 days - Dan
12.2, 6-7, 11-12.
Now we have some numbers to sink our teeth into
[We will inform the reader at this point, that we have not forgotten about Pauls letter to Rome. Although
this may seem to be the case, we will assure the reader that it is not true. Our digression is pertinent to the
goal before us, which is to identify, with proofs, the symbols to be encountered in Pauls letter. And
Daniels 1260 Days, and 1290 Days, and 1335 Days, make known the fullness of the Gentiles (Rom
11.25), and the grafting in of the broken branches (11.23). We would not want to jump right in, not
knowing how to swim. Now we will observe how Daniel counts to the resurrection.]

A) 1260 YEARS (1258 BC - AD 2). This period is described to begin and end like this:
(1) And from the time the daily sacrifice is taken away ... 1290 years - Dan 12.11.
(2) ... and when the power of the holy people has been completely shattered, all these (1260
years) will be finished - 12.7.
We have assumed, logically we hope, that the 1260 (A), and 1290 (B), and 1335 (C) days all have
a common starting point. The point of origin for the 1260 Days is stated when setting the limits for the
1290 Days (1). That the end of the time, times, and an half [see: (3)] was fulfilled by AD 2, is
sufficiently documented by the Bible and secular history. Here is the starting point identified for us.
Does anyone doubt?
(3) Then the sons of Israel again did evil in the sight of He Is (), and served the Baals, and
the Ashtoreths, gods of (:s) Syria, gods of Sidon, gods of Moab, gods of Ammon, and gods of (:s)
the Philistines; and they forsook He Is () and did not serve Him - Judges 10.6.
(See Gods message to Israel at that time: Judges 10.13-14.)
The picture painted is of the daily sacrifice being taken away. Israel worshipped all gods but
their own. (Sounds like the church today!) When did this happen?
This is a matter of grade school mathematics. Are you good at math? We will count backwards
to determine the date:
a) Babylonian captivity of 70 years (588-518).
b) Reign of kings of Israel for 502.5 years (1090-588).
c) Samuel judged Israel for twenty years (1110-1090).
d) Eli judged Israel 40 years (1150-1110).
e) Periods of peace and oppression in the book of Judges, counting backwards:
20 yrs (16.31 & 15.20), 40 yrs (13.1), 8 yrs (12.14), 10 yrs (12.11), 7 yrs (12.9), 6 yrs (12.7), 18 yrs
This is a total of 109 years. 1150 BC + 109 Years = 1259 BC. This is the beginning of the 18
year period (Judg 10.6). We have determined that 1260 YEARS = (1258 BC - AD 2).
The daily sacrifice being ended in 1258 BC, we will calculate our three periods from this time.
The power of Israel was completely destroyed in AD 2.
B) 1290 YEARS: 30 YEARS (1290-1260).
I dismissed the three shepherds in one month. My soul loathed them, and their soul abhorred
Me - Zec 11.8.
Iesous (lpcu,) was one Shepherd, and the other two were probably from the Roman
government, who ruled Israel. Augustus had exiled his stepson Tiberius (6 BC - AD 2) to the island of
Rhodes. After a meeting with his grandson, Agrippa Posthumus, in trying to decide who should succeed
him as emperor, Augustus cut Agrippa off (#1), having determined that he was unsatisfactory, and he then
recalled Tiberius. Then Augustus died in AD 14 (#2). Iesous, Lord of us (lpcu, Kuoicu pap), was
crucified in AD 32 (#3). The three shepherds cut off in one month were Agrippa, and Augustus, and
Iesous, our Savior. The mention of 'He is Gods' (::s ) hating Iesous (shepherds) is in
reference to our sins which He bore in His body. Iesous abhorring our Heavenly Father depicts His fear
of being contaminated with the sins of the world, and also, His dread of being separated from His Father
is signified.
God of Me, God of Me, why have You forsaken Me? - Mt 27.46; Ps 22.1.
Hebrew: :: :s :s = God of Me, God of Me, why? ..."
Aramaic: li li iaa ... Greek: :: acu :: acu ia:i ...
Therefore, One Month = 30 Years = (AD 2 - AD 32).
C) 1335 YEARS: (1335 - 1258 = 77 AD). The Blessing! See: Mt 25.34 for The Blessing.
1335 Years 1290 Years = 45 Years. This is explained in A Little (Jn 16.16, above).
And this is our conclusion for the fullness of the Gentiles (Rom 11.25; in AD 77).

Does the reader have three fingers? Surely you can count on your fingers? Ah me, but then, the
Pope teaches that: 3 = 2!
And all men believe him (The Pope). I must confess that I did not learn to count to three until I
was 59 years old. Therefore, I can understand you being brainwashed by the church of your youth to
believe the Pope instead of the Lord Iesous. The congregation had me in darkness for 59 years! But, if I
was capable of confessing my sin, and coming to the Lord Iesous, why should you not be expected to
equal my feat? It took a miracle of Iesous to convince me that He could count to three. And, Iesous
expected this miracle to benefit the whole world.
O, the glory, and power, and wisdom of the Lord Iesous! He had two preachers who both
believed that: 3 = 2, to convince the world that He can count to three. Who else has such control over the
minds of his enemies? The public announcement of the miracle is below.


Don Preston of the Ardmore Church of Christ in Ardmore, Oklahoma, will defend the proposition, The
Bible teaches that the second, or final coming of Jesus Christ occurred at A.D. 70 in the destruction of
Bill Lockwood of the Marlow Church of Christ in Marlow, Oklahoma will defend the proposition, The
Bible teaches that the second, or final coming of Jesus is yet future and will occur at the end of the
Christian dispensation.
Place: Civic Auditorium in Ardmore, Oklahoma.
Time: November 30 through December 4 (except Wednesday) at 7:00 each night.
A second debate will be held in Marlow on this topic in May, 1993.

On November 2, 1992 I received this announcement, and learned to count to three! And, I now
know that Iesous (lpcu,) can count to three! What these two men did was for Don Preston to prove the
resurrection in the first century AD (Mt 16.27-28, 24.30-34; 1Thes 4.16-17; Rev 2.5, etc.). Both men
believed in Iesous resurrection in the first century AD. Then, Bill Lockwood proved the resurrection at
the End of Time (Rev 20.11-15; 21.7-8).
Therefore, both men believed the Pope that: 3 = 2.
But when their debate is considered in its entirety, they proved that: 3 = 3! O the glory of the
Lord Iesous!
For since by man came death, by Man also came the resurrection of the dead. For as in Man
(Adam) all die, even so in the Anointed all shall be made alive. But each one in his own order:
The Anointed the firstfruits (#1; AD 32),
Afterwards those who are the Anointeds at His coming (#2; AD 77),
Then the end, when he delivers the kingdom to God the Father ...(#3; End of Time) - 1Cor 15.21-24.

"The Sea (of Glass) gave up the dead in her, and the Death and the Hell gave up the dead, the [ones] in
them. And they were judged each one according to the works of them" (#3; End of Time) - Rev 20.13.

And so, my wife, Barbara, and I, do not believe the Pope any longer. We know that Iesous can
count to three. [We both have three fingers.]

Revelation 20.11: Then I saw a great white throne and The [One] sitting Himself [Middle Voice] on it,
from whose face the Earth and the Heaven fled away. And a place was not found for them.

This means that we will all die. And there will be no Rapture at the End of Time as the Pope teaches.
The Rapture was in this generation (Mt 24.34); or, in AD 77.


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