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Hydrological Processes, Hazards and Management

THE HYDROL OG IC AL C YC L E Describe the global hydrological cycle Describe the basin hydrological cycle in terms of inputs, flows, storages, outputs and feedback

Inputs: What are the various types of precipitation? How can precipitation intensity vary? Flows: How does infiltration take place? What are the factors affecting infiltration rate and capacity? o Rainfall characteristics o Soil texture o Vegetation o Soil compaction o Antecedent soil moisture o Urbanization How does infiltration rate vary over the short term? How is saturation overland flow generated? How is Hortonian overland flow generated? What are the sources of channel flow?

What are the types of river channels? o Perennial o Intermittent o Ephemeral Storages: What are the types of interception? What are the factors affecting interception? o Rainfall intensity and duration o Vegetation What are the different types of soil moisture conditions? How does soil moisture storage vary seasonally? How does soil texture affect available water capacity? Differentiate between porosity, primary and secondary permeability What factors affect the form of a water table? What can cause the water table to fluctuate? o Seasonal o Long-term How do springs and artesian wells form?

How does groundwater affect channel flow? What are the problems associated with groundwater utilization and pollution? o Subsidence o Pollution o Saltwater intrusion Outputs: Differentiate between actual and potential evapotranspiration What are the factors affecting the rate of evapotranspiration? o Temperature o Relative humidity o Wind speed o Vegetation cover F L OODS What are the causes of floods? o Rainfall/snow/icemelt o Volcanic action o Landslides o Dam failure What are the flood intensifying conditions o Basin conditions o Channel conditions What are the effects of floods? How are floods managed?

Hydrological Processes, Hazards and Management

o P[P]MR C ATC HM E N T M AN AG E M EN T How are catchments managed with regards the alteration of channel characteristics? What conflicts of interest arise in the process of catchment management? o Upstream/downstream o Political/economics/environ ments/etc. C HAN N E L M ORPHOL OG Y What factors affect river discharge/energy? o Volume of water o Mean velocity Hydraulic radius Channel slope Roughness What factors may affect stream velocity? o Upstream/downstream o Urbanization What are the processes? o Corrasion o Attrition river erosion

o Solution o Hydraulic action What are the components of river erosion? o Vertical downcutting o Lateral erosion o Headward retreat What are the river processes? o Traction o Saltation o Suspension o Solution transport

What features are associated with meandering rivers? How may meandering rivers change in form? How do braided channels form? What features associated with braided channels? How is Strahlers method used in stream ordering? What are the limitations of Strahlers method? How is drainage density calculated? Interpret a storm hydrograph What are the factors influencing the form of a storm hydrograph? o Location of rainstorm o Nature of precipitation o Basin characteristics o Vegetation

Differentiate between river capacity and competence and note how river velocity affects these What are the changes in sediment load downstream? What features are associated with deposition? o Alluvial fans o Point bars o Flood plains Interpret the Hjulstrom curve How do meandering rivers form?

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