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Co rr upto r s ho uld be s en ten ced d eat h

Opening : Good …. Ladies and Gentlemen, first of all let us pray to the God, because of
His blessing and marry we can able together here. And in this opportunity let me
deliver to you all about a simple speech by the title of Corruptor Should be
Sentenced Death

Fir st : Ladies and gentlemen, we know that the situation of our country in this era is
not good. There are a lot of problem that Indonesia faces specially this year.
Started by a lot of disasters every where, the proverty problem, the
transportations problem and the others. One of the most famous problem that
Indonesia has today is about corruption.

Se cond : When there are a lot of people in this country suffering and death because of
proverty, there are a lot of people who live in a modern life style without lack of
any things. Some times they called there selves is a hero for the poor people but
some times they called there selves is the leader who can take every things from
the citizens. They are the corruptors, some persons who can live and happy like
a king on the suffering and crying of their people.

Thi rd : Ladies and Gentlemen, today corruptions is not a new problem but it have
become a life style in a some high officials or people life. Corruption it self
mean all activity to enrich our own selves by taking some violence way and
because of that our national financial will be harming. And beside that actually
there are a lot of bad effects that source from corruption activities, first is
demoralization, demoralization is the situation when the people do not believe
in the government or the officials again, if this situation have been done I
believe that our country will be broken because there is no people who want to
heard the voices of the leader and also constitution. Second is the poor people
will be poorer and the rich people will be richer because of the corruption funds.
This situation will be happened when the fund from the government to the
citizen have been corrupted by some people for example is the corruption that
have been done by a high official in Nanggroe Aceh Darusalam who took the
contribution funds from the World Organization that actually it will be given to
the victims of Tsunami Disaster.

Four : Ladies and Gentlemen, now that be problem and a hot issues is what is the best
sentence that should be given to the corruptor. Well, according to this motion
death sentence is the good punishment for the corruptor. But in this chance I
would like to say that I do disagree with this opinion. There are some factors
that make me take this statement. First we have known that only the God who
can take our life in this world so in my opinion we will do a sin if we take the
others people life. Second, as a human being we have ever done a mistake, and
also the corruptor. Maybe when they are in the present they realize about their
mistake and want to change their self and life better than before, so what about
if we give them the death sentence, it is same like we do not want to see a man
life be better and repair there mistake. The third, I think if we take a person life
it same like we violent the Human Right that is the right to live in this world.

Five : So ladies and gentlemen I think it is better if we change our desire to give the
death penalty to the corruptor. I have some choice punishments that it is enough
to make the corruptor scary replaying their mistake. Okey first is, all money that
has been taken before should be given back as much as first. We need to
emphasize it because when I see in our constitution number 34 year is 1999
about Combating Corruption, a people who has taken money from national
financial should give back at least 250 jt and at the latest is 1 billion, so what
about the corruptor that have taken more than 1 billion fund, it is mean that they
still get profit from their mistake. Second giving a special cloth and special KTP
for the corruptor in a present also is a good idea, it is informed by Indonesian
Legislative Assembly. Third is giving a chance for the corruptor to can close
their sins by dedicate their selves in a general services like be the sweeper on
the road, be a laborer for making a road or break the rock and the others job that
so closer with the life of the common people.

Conc lusion
Ladies and gentlemen the conclusion of my speech is we need to give a chance
for the corruptor to can repair their mistake and don’t forget also that corruption activity
can be done if there is a chance without a strong law.

Cl osing : Thank you for your time and I’m sorry if I have done some mistakes on
my speech. Good …..
Mai n po int


1. Berbagai masalah di Indonesia

2. Koruptor

3. Pengertian korupsi
Dampak korupsi Demoralisasi
Bertambahnya kemiskinan

4. Factor-factor tak setuju

- Tuhan lah yang berhak mengambil hidup seseorang
- Coruptor juga manusia yang bisa berbuat salah
- Melanggar HAM untuk hidup

5. Hukuman bagi koruptor

- Mengembalikan semua uang negara
- Dibuatkan baju khusus dan KTP
- Mengabdikan diri kepada pelayanan publik (tukang sapu, kuli, dll)
Nat io na l Ex am Evect ive o r No t

Opening : Good …. Ladies and Gentlemen, first of all let us pray to the God, because
of His blessing and marry we can able together here. And in this opportunity let
me deliver to you all about a simple speech by the title of National Exam
Evective or Not.

Fir st : Since used to Indonesia had been a power of South East Asia. Every thing in
Indonesia be a good example for the others country. That thing include
education sector. Used to there are a lot of students and teachers from abroad
come to Indonesia for studying better. Our country be a teacher for them to built
their country. But that is a memory only, today we are get a lot of problem in
our education sector. And the others country be a teacher for Indonesia now.

Se cond : Ladies and Gentlemen, our government have done a lot of things to
build our education sector better like used to, start from the chance of
curriculum, giving a lot of fund like BOS and DOP and also that be a hot news
now is about 20% of APBN fund will be given to education sector.

Thi rd : Ladies and Gentlemen beside that things, carrying out the National Exam every
years also be one of the government activity. National exam, it is an academic
test that will be faced when we are in the third grade of a school. For elementary
student, they will face National exam in the six grade class, and for junior and
senior high school students they will face it in the third grade class.

Four : Some of the student in Senior High School Nine they said that The National
Exam make them scary. It’s because of the high standard score and also the
count of lessons that more than few years ago. Actually if we think more about
National Exam we will see there are a lot of bad effects. And I will deliver them
for you all.

Five : First, the clever student in a specific lesson some times can not graduate
because do not have enough knowledge about the other subject like what have
ever done in 2007 where there is a student who have given a medal for
Indonesia in a specific lesson competition but he can not graduate from his
school because his score in the others objects isn’t enough. Second, some times
as a human being we don not know what will happen in our future, maybe when
the national exam comes closer we get sick so we can’t study correctly to
prepare our selves and because of that we can not pass the national exam. Third,
because of national exam all students and teachers, realize or no, they make
studying activity just for facing the national exam only, every day just study
about how to answer a number of questions that guessed will be same with the
National Exam test. It makes the students just emphasis about how to answer
the question fastly and correctly without taking and understanding the
knowledge. Four, if we correctly listening the news in the TV we will find that
there are a lot of students who can’t graduate the National Exam be stress and
always stay at home, and that be a serious problem is because of can’t pass the
national exam there is a student who suicide her self. And the others effect

Si x : Ladies and gentlemen for my explanation above I can conclude that national
exam in not effective to mention a student can graduate or not from their school,
because that have this right is the teacher in the school only and I believe that
the teacher will give the best decision for their student.

Cl osing : Thank you for your time and I’m sorry if I have done some mistakes on my
speech. Good …..
Main point


1. pendidikan dulu dan sekarang

2. berbagai upaya meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan

3. UN dan pengertiannya

4. Pendapat siswa

5. berbagai dampak buruk dari ujian nasional

- siswa pintar di 1 pelajaran gak bisa lulus
- siswa sakit gak bisa lulus
- belajar hanya untuk menjawab soal UN
- siswa tdk lulus stres dan bunuh diri
6. kesimpulan UN tdk evektik

7. closing
The e ffect ive ne ss o f us ing n atu ra l r es ou rc e

Opening : Good …. Ladies and Gentlemen, first of all let us pray to the God, because of
His blessing and marry we can able together here. And in this opportunity let me
deliver to you all about a simple speech by the title of the effectiveness of using
natural resource.

First : Ladies and gentlemen, we live in a planet that we call earth. The situation of this
earth used to and now have changed so far for a long time ago. Used to the
situation was so dangerous, the climate was perfectly extreme, the animal body
was so big and dangerous. But every thing have been better now, today the earth
can be our partner in this life.

Second : To pass this life, the earth has helped the people life by giving every thing that
the human need from it’s natural resource. There are two kinds of natural
resource, they are the natural resource that could be repaired like the trees, and
the natural resource that couldn’t be repaired like the gold, and the others

Third : For human life the natural resource has a lot of functions, first specially from
the trees, tree can save the water under ground correctly, avoid us from the
disaster like float and landslide, giving a good air around us and specially the
population from the trees that we can see in a jungle has an important function
to absorb the population and keep the good climate for the earth. The others
natural resource is the oil from the mine activity. It’s an important case also in
the human life. The oil from the ground can be used for the modern tools
technology like car, motor cycle, air plane, machine in a company and so on.

Four : ladies and gentlemen beside as a friend some times the earth also can be our
enemy. This situation can be seen in this era. When the human in this world
think of their ambition and desire only, when there are a lot of natural resource
that have been broken by the human activities. We can see the facts around us
specially about the climate, the changes of climate today make all of farmers
confused and scary about their rice field, changes climate that make some area
be dry for a long time but the others get float a lot, the climate that make the
water surface in the ocean up and up and make the small island go down under
the see. An also make the temperature in the air higher than before.

Five : Ladies and gentlemen we also have known correctly about the global warming
and also the serious problem in all over the world is the reduction of amount oil
in the ground. All of this problem actually can be happened because all people
can’t use the natural resource effectively. Cut the trees a lot without grow a new
one, use the abundant oil without measuring, take the mangrove over beach for
making a modern tool like in Jakarta and the others activity that damage the
natural resource.
Six : And know that be the problem is how to use the natural resource effectively.
First I think it’s better for the people who want to open the forest or jungle by
cutting the trees for making it be a new field or the others to try grow a new
trees after they finished using the field, second we need to emphasize the
development in this country in a green situation, it mean that although we have
built an residence a lot but we still have a beautiful place with a lot trees that
can keep the ground water and climate correctly, third be economize for using
the oil in this world that we know it can’t be repaired, try to use every natural
resource continuously, I mean that we don’t take all for this time but a little by
little with the repairing activity.

Ladies and gentlemen the conclusion from my speech today is we still can use
the natural resource effectively, so that a lot disaster and trouble face us one by
one but if we want to change it just a simple point that we should remember that
is we live in this earth not alone or just with the others people but we live
together with the natural. We need the natural to continue our life and don’t
forget that the natural also need us for keeping the earth balanced.

Ladies and gentlemen so let’s start to use the natural resource effectively and I
expect that our generation later still can feel this world friendly with them.

Closing : Thank you for your time and I’m sorry if I have a lot mistakes in my speech

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