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VENUS FLY TRAP The leaves of Venus' Flytrap open wide and on them are short, stiff hairs

called trigger or sensitive hairs. When anything touches these hairs enough to bend them, the two lobes of the leaves snap shut trapping whatever is inside. The trap will shut in less than a second. The trap doesn't close all of the way at first. It is thought that it stays open for a few seconds in order to allow very small insects to escape because they wouldn't provide enough food. If the object isn't food, e.g., a stone, or a nut, the trap will reopen in about twelve hours and 'spit' it out. When the trap closes over food, the cilia. finger-like projections, keep larger insects inside. Fold your hands together lacing your fingers to see what the trap looks like. In a few minutes the trap will shut tightly and form an air-tight seal in order to keep the digestive fluids inside and bacteria out SUNDEW The master of sticky fly paper, Drosera (sundew), is a slow trap compared to the one in Venus Flytrap. However, the sundew relies on first trapping its prey with its sticky, glandular hairs, as shown in Figure 1, before it slowly rolls up the edges of the leaf. It does not fold like the Venus fly trap, but it can effective enclose small flies with the numerous hairs. Pitcher plant

Pitcher plants entice insects to their traps using fragrant nectar. Any insects that encroach the trap are at risk from a ribbed, widely protruding rim known as the peristome. This is coated with a waxy film which when dry is not much of a threat, but after a period of rainfall the rim becomes covered with a film of water which confounds the surest of insect feet. Inevitably any insect stepping onto the peristome will slip down past the inner walls of the pitcher but these too are coated by a flaky waxy surface that peels off and clogs the feet of insects so that they lose all chance of adhesion. Mushroom Since fungi has no chlorophyll, it can not make its own food. Some types of fungi lives off of other organisms and are parasites, but other fungi species feed off of dead and decaying matter. A third kind of fungi lives with other organisms and neither the fungi or the organism is hurt. This kind of relationship is called positive symbiosis. WATER WHEEL PLANT The actual traps consist of two lobes which fold together to form a snap-trap similar to that of the Venus fly trap, except that they are smaller and underwater. These traps, which are twisted so that the trap openings point outward, are lined on the inside by a fine coating of trigger hairs, snapping shut in response to contact with aquatic invertebrates and trapping them. The closing of this trap takes a mere 10-20 milliseconds making it one of the fastest examples of plant

movement in the kingdom. This trapping is only possible in warm conditions (20 C). Each trap is surrounded by between four and six 68 mm long bristles which prevent triggering of traps by debris in the water.

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