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Study Guide Chapter 2 1. Who traveled through China and inspired Europeans to find a westward water route to Asia?

Marco Polo 2. Who paid for Columbus voyage west and what did he discover? Where did he think he was? King and queen of Spain; Ferdinand and Isabella The Americas; the New World Near China 3. What is meant by the term Columbian Exchange? The exchange of people, food, and germs between Europe and the Americas. 4. What part of the Columbian Exchange had the greatest impact on Native Americans (**Hint: what followed the Europeans where ever they settled?)? What are some of the things the New World gave to the Old World and vice-versa? Disease Squash, pumpkins, turkeys, potatoes, tomatoes, corn. Disease (smallpox, influenza), horses, pigs, sheep, wheat, rice, peaches, olives 5. Why did African slaves come to the New World? What were Europeans trading for the African Slaves? Where were they taken in the New World? Natives were dying off and they could run away. Guns Caribbean 6. Who conquered Mexico and what empire did he conquer? Hernan Cortes Aztec 7. Who conquered Peru and what empire did he conquer? Francisco Pizarro Inca 8. After the conquests of Peru and Mexico, Spain had taken control of Central America and most of what? South America 9. What does the term Spanish borderland refer to? The far edges of Spains North American Empire (southern border of U.S.) 10. Why did Ponce de Leon travel to Florida? He was looking for the Fountain of Youth 11. Why did Coronado travel through Mexico and the greater Southwest? He was looking for the 7 cities of Cibola (gold) 12. Which type of people settled in the borderlands? What type of settlements did they build and what were they used for? Soldiers and Catholic missionaries (priests) 13. Why did the French send Jacquez Cartier west? What did he claim once he was there? What did he discover after he had claimed it?



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To look for the Northwest Passage Canada Beaver, beaver pelts What settlement did Samuel de Champlain establish? Which type of people mainly settled in the area? Quebec Fur trappers and traders; also missionaries, soldiers Describe the unique relationship between the Huron and the French. Business partners in the fur trade French intermarried, learned their language, and lived with them Which tribe did Champlain help the Huron to defeat? Iroquois Which man claimed the Louisiana Territory for France and how did he do it? Robert de La Salle He sailed down the Mississippi River What was the first English colony in the Americas and what happened to it? Lost Colony of Roanoke It vanished; not sure what happened to it. The colonists disappeared leaving only the words CROATOAN carved onto a post, and CRO carved into a tree. Who became the leader of the Jamestown colony and what happened to him regarding the Natives? Captain John Smith He was welcomed with a feast by the Powhatan Indians, and was then sentenced to death. Pocahontas came to his rescue and saved him. Who brought peace between the Powhatan tribe and the colonists at Jamestown? Pocahontas Describe the Starving Time at the Jamestown colony. Captain J. Smith had to return to England (with Pocahontas) due to an injury. The remaining colonists then faced the worst winter on record, and the worst drought in 700 years. The local Indians would not trade with them in the absence of Pocahontas. Only 60 colonists of 500 survived. What 2 major developments saved Jamestown? John Rolfe introduced tobacco to the colony He then married Pocahontas creating peace between the Indians and the colonists. Who made the first territorial claim for New Netherland and what was he looking for? Where was the land that he claimed? Henry Hudson Modern-day New York How did the Dutch begin making money? In the fur trade With which powerful tribe did the Dutch prosper by trading guns for furs?

Iroquois 26. How did New Netherland become New York? The English wanted the colony, so they sent an invasion fleet to take it. The Dutchs store of gunpowder was wet, and essentially useless. Stuyvesant handed the colony over to the British without firing a single shot. English renamed it New York

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