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The Test

Read Genesis 21: 1 – 22:19

Karen Makishima

It doesn’t seem fair. How can God miraculously give this elderly couple, Abraham and Sarah,
the most awesome gift of all, a child, and now take him back? Wasn’t it God who said in
Genesis 21:12 “that Isaac is the son through whom your descendants will be counted”? And now
He is telling Abraham to take his son and offer him up as a sacrifice.

The scripture does not tell us what went on in the mind and heart of Abraham, but we can
only imagine. The three day journey was about 50 miles from Beersheba to Mt. Moriah. It had
to have been the hardest and longest three days of Abraham’s life. I am sure he wondered
“how can this be, Lord? Isaac is the long awaited promise seed. Your future is planned around
my son”. I am sure at times Abraham would look over at his son and want to snatch him up,
hug him, and try to hide him from God. He probably wanted to stop this nightmare. But
Abraham feared God. And as a result he trusted God implicitly and obeyed. He was given the
real test – the test that completely defied logic and he passed.

A true worshiper of God gives Him everything and holds nothing back, just as Abraham did.
When we can truly lay it ALL down for Him: our spouse, our children, our employment, our
home… it is then He knows we are completely His. God wants our heart for that is where our
treasure is. He wants to be our treasure.

Abraham called the place on that mountain Yahweh-Yir’eh (which means “the Lord will
provide”). And He did. God provided a substitute for Abraham’s son in a ram. I bet the three
day journey back home was a blast!

P r ay e r
Heavenly Father, Your ways are so much higher than ours. As we have experienced through
times of testing, this is when our faith is strengthened. Help us to be obedient to You as
Abraham was even when we cannot see the outcome. Thank You for being Yahweh-Yir’eh –
our provider. Most of all we thank You for providing Your one and only son for us as a sacrifice
for our sins. It is in your Son’s name that we pray – Amen.

When have you gone through a test in your life that didn’t make sense?

Share how the Lord provided after you yielded to His will.

Abraham was given a true test to prove his faith. Would you pass the test if the Lord asked you
to give back your life’s prized possession?

MY Reflections
Does any particular verse (SCRIPTURE) in today’s reading speak to you?

OBSERVE what this verse is saying to you:

How can you APPLY this verse to your life today?

My PRAYER for today is:

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