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Materials List Beginning Watercolor Class Instructor: Bruce Porter If this is your first experience with watercolor painting,

welcome. You are about to enter a whole world of exciting possibilities. I have put together a list of materials that I feel you absolutely must have to begin your journey. Some of the materials arent cheap, and so I have kept those things to the absolute minimum. There are some things that you can skimp on and other things that must be quality products. I have tried to indicate those things where possible. The prices I have listed are approximate and will give you an idea of the cost. I am not familiar with the art stores in the Phoenix or Tucson areas, so unfortunately you are on your own. I have included links to on-line stores that carry some or all of the material. The total cost of the material will be about $80. Because we have a very limited amount of class time, please have all materials with you for the first class. We can order more as we get going if the need is there. If you have any questions about the materials, give me a call at 520-723-0809.

BrushesBrushesYou will need at least two; a #10 round and a flat (a #8 or #12 round will do and a or 1 flat will serve). These should be synthetic brushes. Robert Simmons, Septre Gold, and Daniel Smith series 23 are three brands you might look at. Expect to pay about $15 to $20 for the two. Please do not mortgage the house for Kolinsky sable brushes. MAKE SURE THE BRUSHES ARE LISTED AS WATERCOLOR BRUSHES AND ARE OF ARTIST QUALITY! Kids watercolor brushes are worse than worthless.

PaintsPaintsMy recommendation is to buy the best paints you can afford-and please buy the tube paints. Though both acrylic paints and guache can be diluted with water, do NOT buy these. We will be using aquarelle or transparent watercolors. The best paints are listed as artist watercolors and vary considerably in their characteristics. I prefer Winsor & Newton (W & N- about $12 per 14 ml tube) with some Daniel Smith colors

(D.S.-about $8 per 15 ml tube). There are other brands as well. Quality watercolors now have the pigment code printed somewhere on the label. I have listed the code as well as the name used by W & N, D.S., and Grumbacher. Here is a place you can save IF you are careful. Grumbacher student and Cotman student watercolors will work well (theses are about $3 per 8ml tube). The Van Gogh line of student watercolors is even cheaper ($2.10 per tube). Also, one small tube will go a long way. You and a friend could buy and share tubes to get started. Please do NOT taking skimping too far-dont get a kids set of watercolors in a pan! Please buy ONE of each color (i.e. one purple-based blue, one green based blue, etc., total of 6 colors) Purple(PB29): Purple-biased Blue (PB29): Ultramarine Blue or French Ultramarine, Daniel Smith French Ultramarine 263, Winsor & Newton Artists' Ultramarine Blue 219, Grumbacher Academy Green15:3): Green-biased Blue (PB15 or PB 15:3): Phthalo Blue (GS), Daniel Smith Winsor Blue (green shade), Winsor & Newton Artists' Thalo Blue, Grumbacher Academy Green(PY3): Green-biased Yellow (PY3): Hansa Yellow Light, Daniel Smith Winsor Lemon, Winsor & Newton Artists' Lemon Yellow, Grumbacher Academy OrangePY154): Orange-biased Yellow (PY97 or PY150 or PY154): Hansa Yellow Medium, Daniel Smith Transparent Yellow, Winsor & Newton Artists' Golden Yellow, Grumbacher Academy PurplePV19): Purple-biased Red (PR206 or PR176 or PV19): Carmine, Daniel Smith

Quinacridone Red, Daniel Smith Permanent Alizarin Crimson, Winsor & Newton Artists' Thalo Crimson, Grumbacher Academy OrangePR108): Orange-biased Red (PR188 or PR253 or PR108): Organic Vermilion, Daniel Smith Scarlet Lake, Winsor & Newton Artists' Vermilion Hue, Grumbacher Adademy

PaintsOptional PaintsAureolin, Cobalt Blue, Burnt Sienna, Quinacridone Gold (Daniel Smith only)

PaperPaperNext to brushes, quality paper is the most important item on the list. I dont recommend student grade paper. Buy either of the following: 140lb, 22in x 30in, Cold Press, 5 sheets ($4.85/sheet) ...OR... Arches watercolor block, 20 sheets, 140 lb. cold pressed, 10 x 14 (about $30) The single sheets are more versatile and a bit cheaper, but there is usually a 10 sheet minimum. You can go in with a partner and split a 10 sheet order.

PalettePaletteA plastic palette with at least 2 mixing areas and plenty of pigment wells. The Robert E. Wood palette is nice and not too expensive (Dick Blick-about $12). I have a Webb palette and a Cheap Joes palette and both work fine.

SuppliesGeneral Drawing SuppliesA sketchbook 8 x 11 or larger, HB artist pencil, and kneadable eraser.

Miscellaneous and Stuff-You-Can-ScroungeStuff-You-Can-ScroungePaper towels

Two water containers (8 oz. capacity-old coffee cups or margarine containers will do) Coarse grain salt (kosher works well) Small spray bottle 14x18 (aprox.) 1/8 plywood or fiberboard

onLinks to on-line Art Supplies

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