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September 12, 2011 VIA Certified Mail AND HAND DELIVERY Certified Mail # ___________________________

Delta Democrat Times Darryl Bell, Journalist, Reporter Katie Nichols, Journalist, Reporter 988 N. Broadway Dr. Greenville, Mississippi 38701 Re:Formal Notice and Demand to Cease and Desist Media and Internet Defamation

Greetings Delta Democrat Times and Representatives; Recently, tribal members of the Chakchiuma Sektchi were detained on unsubstantiated claims by the Greenville, Mississippi Police Department, and it is obvious that your media publication and staff have elected to make defamatory, unsubstantiated claims against the NAME Chakchiuma Sektchi Clan and its derivatives in violation of protected name and members, which are property of Chakchiuma Sektchi Washitaw Tribal Trust; original documents on file with United States Department of Energy, Greenville, Mississippi County Clerks Office and the White House. Please be advised: 1. The Chakchiuma Sektchi Tribe and Tribal Trust have been alerted to comments printed publicly damaging reports in your newspaper and on the internet, which have labeled, identified, associated, and publicly linked our peaceful indigenous nation as an institution connected with TERRORISM. 2. Your tactics of gathering news on, but not limited to, September 5TH,6TH,7TH, 8TH and/or 9th 2011 were careless, inconsistent with truth or fact, as well as prejudicial, inconsiderate, and dangerous; your actions have created a volatile and dangerous environment for clan families and children; 3. No news is important enough to endanger our families placing them in jeopardy; publicly assassinating the character, intent, and peaceful existence of the Chakchiuma People in the region.

4. You have published unauthorized images of tribal members thereby targeting them, their family, and other Chakchiuma Sektchi Tribal citizens. Your media actions identify lawful internationally recognized and protected Turtle Island Autochthons as SOVEREIGN- a term which is associated with localized United States terrorism. Your publications have fostered and encouraged police harassment and unnecessary unlawful public and covert interactions initiated by your careless, illinformed printed material. 5. Chakchiuma Sektchi Tribe has initiated steps for lawful claims against your Media Corporation and staffers for SLANDER, RECKLESS ENDANGERMENT, UNAUTHORIZED USE OF PROPERTY, and other commercial and civil rights violations. Chakchiuma Sektchi Tribal Members are descendants of Chakchiuma, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Aniyunwiya (Cherokee), Creek, and other indigenous bloodlines; Autochthons registered internationally as American Indigenous in accord with United Nations Declaration of Rights of Indigenous Peoples with dual citizenship. Chakchiuma Sektchi Tribe will continue, in our lawful fashion, to uplift those who are deprived, neglected, abused, and mis-identified as AFRICAN AMERICAN by those who intentionally distort truth as a means to perpetuate subjugation of dark peoples who have existed on Turtle Island for thousands of years before colonization. Your unsubstantiated actions and baseless accusations in attempt to assassinate the Chakchiuma Sektchi People have caused enough damaged to the reputation of the Clan and must CEASE IMMEDIATELY. Examples of your defamatory statements include: Sovereigns believe the government has no authority to control their lives; Experts say most of the paperwork sovereigns file is harmless, but sometimes their actions escalate to violence; (Memphis 5/25/2010) Dozens of people in the Memphis area have filed paperwork, made "official" claims, and sent letters to government agencies claiming they don't have to follow the laws because they're "sovereign"; and According to the police report from Memphis Police, MPD didn't know they were dealing with a sovereign citizen when they pulled Benson over for speeding in February. We hereby demand that Delta Democrat Times, Darryl Bell and Katie Nichols do the following: 1. Immediately cease and desist in publishing and printing statements about Chakchiuma Sektchi Tribe and its citizens without valid proof or facts; and 2. Issue an immediate apology and retraction of false statements made by your newspaper. Please note that Chakchiuma Sektchi Tribe and Tribal Trust does not attempt to restrict legitimate free speech, and we believe that the media and internet are important mediums for dissemination of accurate and truthful information and for fair comment on issues of interest; however, your actions, and those of the executives at Delta Democrat Times attempting to identify DAWES ROLL protected American Indians and indigenous people as terrorist are unlawful and unacceptable.

This memo is LAWFUL NOTICE seeking redress and remedy immediately. Please conduct yourselves accordingly: REDRESS SHALL BE ACCEPTED WITHIN FIVE DAYS. Failure to act shall cause immediate District Court actions and other commercial claims against all parties to this NOTICE. Please be aware that this NOTICE is copyrighted by the Chakchiuma Sektchi Tribal Trust and NOAAH Institute, and you are not authorized to republish this letter in any manner, in-full or partially.


Phone (901)265-0347

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