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1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 10


Latinos in the USA Meeting the World A Warmer World







Helping the World



Espionage and Intelligence The World Wide Web Global Business







Asians Uprooted Food Trends





People and War




Latinos in the USA

IDENTITIES : Lidentit peut tre conue comme une tentative de se dfinir soi-mme par un mouvement
didentification avec un certain nombre de schmas culturels ou de rupture avec les schmas opposs. CULTURE CONTACTS : Le contact des cultures renvoie aux influences, lintgration, lassimilation, lexclusion, le repli sur soi, au communautarisme. (BO hors srie n 5 du 9 septembre 2004.) Ce folder prsente la communaut hispanique et aborde les raisons pour lesquelles elle est si importante aux tats-Unis ainsi que les problmes dintgration, de dfiance voire de rejet quelle rencontre.

CULTURE BLOG An Nation of Immigrants
Les documents prsentent limportance de limmigration aux USA, et en particulier de limmigration dorigine hispanique. Ils mettent en lumire lorigine, les motivations, les spcificits et lintgration des divers groupes qui la composent et les craintes des Amricains.


Document 1 : From Puerto Rico to Congress

Un Porto Ricain qui a russi, Jos Serrano, membre du Congrs, parle de son apprentissage de langlais. Document 2 : Melting Pot. Une chanson facile sur le Melting Pot amricain.


Document 1 : Invaders

Une parodie qui dnonce les strotypes et les clichs souvent associs la communaut hispanique. Document 2 : Crossing. Ce reportage de la BBC prsente le quotidien des milliers dimmigrants clandestins qui tentent tous les jours dentrer aux USA.

WORD BANK Le lexique de limmigration TEXT FILE 1 The Boy Left Behind
Le choix dchirant de Lourdes qui dcide de partir aux USA et de quitter le Honduras et ses enfants pour chapper lextrme pauvret.

GRAMMAR FILE Lexpression du futur

Rvisions : les modaux et leurs substituts, lexpression du moyen.


Les relations houleuses dune mre profondment cubaine et de sa fille trs amricanise.

STRATEGY FILE Comprendre et utiliser les mots drivs ORAL EXAM FILE Journey to the Promised Land
Un reportage sur le rve amricain qui attire tant de Sud-Amricains. 4

Folder 1 Latinos in the USA


La composante culturelle est un lment fondamental des programmes de lyce et dImpact, mais elle ne constitue pas un objet denseignement isoler de lapprentissage linguistique. linverse, elle justifie lapprentissage de la langue en lui donnant du contenu. tous les niveaux, cette approche se fera en situation de communication de manire donner toujours la priorit au dveloppement des comptences linguistiques et lacquisition par llve dune plus grande autonomie. Lexistence dun contenu culturel ne doit donc, en aucun cas, tre un prtexte un cours de civilisation. (BO, hors srie n 5 du 9 septembre 2004 Cadre gnral.) Lobjectif du Culture Blog est damener les lves construire eux-mmes des repres culturels et se familiariser avec les outils langagiers fondamentaux qui vont leur faciliter lentre dans la thmatique et lapprhension des documents proposs. Les documents courts et faciles font appel la lecture et lcoute. Les textes ne dpassent pas 150 mots et ne prsentent pas de difficult syntaxique. Le professeur pourra, au choix, les faire lire la maison pour une exploitation en classe, les faire lire en classe par groupes de deux ou trois pour faciliter lentraide et amliorer lefficacit, faire lire seulement lun des textes par la moiti de la classe et lautre par lautre moiti pour donner lieu des changes. Les tches proposes sont simples, essentiellement de reprage, et conues pour tre ralises dans des dlais trs courts. Elles ciblent les points essentiels. Le Pod lecture est une mini-confrence, document facile et court, lu vitesse mesure, pour un premier contact avec la comprhension de loral. Ici aussi, les tches sont destines cibler la comprhension des points essentiels. LAction propose la fin du blog permet llve de synthtiser les informations et ainsi de se les approprier dans une dmarche personnelle. Cette tche correspond lapproche de type actionnel prconise dans le CECR : llve doit accomplir des tches dans des circonstances et un environnement donns. Les actes de parole se ralisent dans un contexte social qui leur donne leur pleine signification. Il y a tche dans la mesure o les lves mobilisent stratgiquement leurs comptences en vue de parvenir un rsultat dtermin.

CULTURE BLOG A Nation of Immigrants


Manuel p. 12/13

CECR niveau B1 Reprer le droulement des vnements voqus, mme quand leur chronologie nest pas respecte. Comprendre lessentiel dun texte rdig dans une lngue courante, sans trop de phrases complexes.

Le professeur peut choisir de : faire lire les textes aux lves la maison et de leur faire faire lAction en classe; faire travailler les lves en groupes en classe de faon encourager le travail en quipe pour ce qui concerne la comprhension et ensuite crer une situation dchange dinformation entre les groupes; faire faire le travail individuellement pour entraner les lves la lecture en temps limit en vue des preuves du baccalaurat et, plus long terme, une comptence qui leur sera utile dans leur vie professionnelle.

1 Immigrants, New and Old

Ce texte voque limmigration : sa nature, son importance, son implantation, les problmes quelle gnre et laccueil quelle reoit. Les connaissances apportes ici seront enrichies par celles du folder 8 qui traite de la diaspora indienne.

Folder 1 Latinos in the USA

1. The number of immigrants is nearly the same as the number of babies born in the US. As a consequence,

immigration accounts for 50% of the populations growth.

2. Some people fear immigration because it may cause unemployment and a rise in energy consumption. It may

also increase the amount of rubbish generated by the fast-increasing population. They may also fear they will have to share state benefits. They are afraid immigration will burden already stretched social services such as Medicare, hospitals, surgeries, day-care centres and school. For more information, you can refer to these websites: or or 3. Dark-skinned immigrants now settle in areas that had remained immigration-free so far. This causes an anti-immigration sentiment because people are not used to mixing with foreign populations and sharing their wealth with them. 4. Paragraph 3 could be entitled Immigration better accepted than before or Immigration less of a problem today or Anti-immigration feelings used to be stronger. For example, this is illustrated by the Italian community who used to be discriminated against and refused state contracts at the beginning of the 20th century. Today immigrants of Italian origin have managed to fight their way up the social ladder and to obtain the same rights as the WASPs as proves the case of the ex-mayor of New York, Rudolph Giuliani.

2 The Most Dynamic Minority Group

Le second texte se concentre sur limmigration dAmrique Centrale et dAmrique du Sud. 1. 1: A dynamic and diverse minority group. 2: The fastest growing minority group. 3: The Mexicans and Puerto Ricans: the poorest of the group. 4: The Cubans and other Latino groups. 2. 1900: nineteen hundred first count of Hispanics. 500,000: five hundred thousands number of Hispanics at the beginning of the 20th century. 25%: twenty-five percent the Latinos could represent a quarter of the whole US population. 2050: year two thousand and fifty year when the Latino population could reach 25% of the US population. 65%: sixty-five percent proportion of Hispanics of Mexican origin. 10%: ten percent proportion of Hispanics of Puerto Rican origin. 1848: eighteen forty-eight date when California, New Mexico, Arizona, Texas and Colorado ceased being Mexican territory and became American territories. 1898: eighteen ninety-eight date when Puerto Rico became a US territory. 3. On pourra faire localiser les pays mentionns sur une carte rtro-projete. 4. The Mexicans and Puerto Ricans seem to have menial jobs and to make less money than other Latino groups. The Cubans came to the States for political reasons. Other Hispanic immigrants settled in the US because their countries were plagued by political and economic instability. They seem to be more successful and better-off than Mexicans and Puerto Ricans.

POD LECTURE Latino Culture Is In

CECR niveau B1 Reprer et comprendre des informations spcifiques dans un document informatif. Comprendre les informations essentielles dun document sonore. Comprendre la trame des vnements raconts.

Le professeur demandera aux lves de prendre connaissance des amorces de phrases avant lcoute de faon mieux cibler leur effort de comprhension. Aprs la premire coute le professeur laissera un temps suffisant pour permettre aux lves de complter les phrases puis repassera lenregistrement autant de fois que ncessaire selon la demande. Il pourra envisager la correction sous forme de chainspeaking et sappliquera ce que la mise en commun soit loccasion dchanges oraux authentiques (entranement linteraction). Pour entraner les lves la prise de parole en continu il pourra leur demander de construire un rsum articul et structur de lenregistrement partir des rponses faire la fin de la restitution ou pour le contrle des connaissances du cours suivant. 6

Folder 1 Latinos in the USA

1. Spanglish refers to the mixing of English and Spanish. The word Spanglish comes from the combination

of the words Spanish and English.

2. Spanglish is a vivid and exuberant language. 3. Spanglish is spoken by Hispanic Americans. 4. When they speak Spanglish, people show they belong to a particular social group. 5. Spanglish is also used in the media: radio and TV. 6. Spanish is mainly spoken in Southern cities like Miami and San Francisco. 7. Other aspects of Latino culture that influence the USA are: food, youth styles, entertainment and media. 8. Young Americans think Latino teens are cool and unique. 9. Older people choose to retire to Mexico. 10. Some famous Hispanics are: Riki Martin, Jennifer Lopez or Christina Aguilera. Transcription

A recent headline in the magazine Latina read, When He Says Me Voy, What Does He Really Mean? I think youve understood the headline except perhaps for the two Spanish words me voy which mean Im leaving. Mixing English and Spanish together is so common in the U.S.A. today that it is referred to as Spanglish. It is used by a growing number of Hispanic Americans. Spanglish has very few rules, many variations and is vivid and exuberant. The speakers choose expressions from both languages and sometimes invent entirely new words. Latinos borrow words from English and adapt them to their pronunciation. By speaking Spanglish, people show that they belong to a particular social group they have something to share. Even some radio DJs speak Spanglish and some TV networks are bilingual. The Latinos have not just influenced the language that is spoken in Southern cities like Miami or San Francisco. Latino food, youth styles, entertainment and media are changing the American way of life. Latino culture is influencing all ages. American teenagers think Latino teens are cool and unique. Even senior citizens want to retire to Mexico. Latino stars like Riki Martin, Jennifer Lopez or Christina Aguilera have stolen many hearts. Action Make a one-minute presentation
CECR niveau B1 Faire un expos prpar sur un thme familier en mettant en relief les points qui semblent essentiels. Parler de manire comprhensible et sans trop dhsitations, mais en faisant des pauses pour planifier ce que lon dit.

La tche propose ici, un expos rapide de la situation des Latinos aux USA, exige des lves quils synthtisent les informations et ainsi se les approprient. Ce travail peut tre prpar par deux ou en groupe. Nous insistons sur lintrt de faire travailler les lves ensemble, lobjectif tant de favoriser les changes afin de parvenir une plus grande rapidit dexcution. Cette activit devrait tre conduite en temps limit, le temps lui-mme tant un levier de motivation. Le professeur encouragera les lves ne prparer que des notes et demandera un lve de rendre compte du travail du groupe. Il pourra aussi choisir que les lves senregistrent individuellement comme entranement lpreuve orale du baccalaurat.


Lentranement comprendre loral est essentiel de par limportance de cette activit langagire au quotidien mais aussi dans le cadre des nouvelles preuves du baccalaurat qui devraient intgrer lvaluation de cette comptence. Selon les recommandations du programme de Terminale, nous proposons aux lves une varit de documents enregistrs accessibles et courts. Les lves abordent des documents varis. Ils peuvent en reprer les points les plus importants en sappuyant sur la plus grande autonomie quils ont acquise.

Folder 1 Latinos in the USA

Document 1 :


Ils sont capables de comprendre, en fin de cycle, une langue orale standard. (BO, hors srie n 5 du 9 septembre 2004 Cadre gnral.) Les documents authentiques impliquent une langue soumise lalatoire de la langue orale : accents divers, registres de langue divers, rythme du flot sonore vari. Nous proposons dans le Workbook un guidage qui tient compte des difficults spcifiques de chaque document et, selon les recommandations des programmes, ils commencent par une perception des donnes les plus immdiates, explicites et ponctuelles puis, par coutes successives, construisent une comprhension plus globale, et enfin plus fine donnant accs limplicite. Cest pourquoi nous entranons les lves fragmenter la chane sonore, reprer les lments porteurs de sens, les intonations et le ton, de faon leur apprendre construire du sens. Nous exposons les lves des accents, intonations et rythme de dbit diffrents car si la langue standard reste la norme de rfrence, les lves sont toutefois confronts des documents trs varis, dans leur forme, leur style, leur niveau de languepar leur origine gographique et sociale La variation porte sur le lexique, dune part, mais aussi sur des traits phonologiques Pronounce Les exercices ont pour objectif de prparer les lves lcoute et de leur faire reprer certaines spcificits de la langue anglaise reproduire en phase de production. Selon les instructions officielles, on continuera dinsister dune part sur limportance des traits suprasegmentaux de langlais - accentuation, rythme et intonation, dautre part sur la rgularit accentuelle et graphophonmatique qui caractrise la plupart des mots anglais. On notera de manire systmatique les exceptions, souvent des mots trs frquents (politics, television, any, pretty, give, love, etc.). Comme en classe de premire nous utilisons lalphabet phontique pour faire rflchir les lves aux phonmes de langlais et les entraner bien les raliser. Nous proposons aux lves des exercices visant leur faire reprer et imiter le rythme de langlais avec sa particularit de stress-timed language : ils lisent et rptent des courts extraits du document quils viennent dtudier. Grce ce travail de prononciation, nous aidons les lves non seulement mieux sexprimer et tre rellement comprhensibles mais surtout mieux reprer les mots dans la chane sonore de langlais oral. (BO, hors srie n 5 du 9 septembre 2004 Anglais Langue vivante 1 et Langue vivante 2.) Before You Listen Grce aux documents iconographiques et aux tches donnes dans cette rubrique, le professeur fait mettre des hypothses aux lves, leur fait anticiper le contenu du document et cre des attentes et un cadre de rfrences qui aident les lves mieux accder au sens du document. Cette phase doit tre courte mais le professeur cherchera nanmoins faire produire des noncs complets et encouragera la classe les complexifier. Le professeur anticipera les rponses des lves et leurs difficults linguistiques, lexicales en particulier. On pourra le plus souvent introduire du vocabulaire indispensable partir des images. Now Listen Le guidage, qui figure dans le Workbook, tient compte des caractristiques spcifiques de chaque document. Il est conu pour un travail en classe, avec des pauses et des changes, mais il peut aussi tre utilis en autonomie si ltablissement dispose dune salle multimdia. Action Comme dans le Culture Blog, nous proposons une Action la fin de lactivit de comprhension dans le but non seulement dintgrer les nouvelles comptences acquises, mais aussi de mettre les lves en situation dacteurs sociaux ayant des tches accomplir .

Manuel p. 14

From Puerto Rico to Congress

Jos Serrano explique dans cet extrait de son rcit autobiographique intitul How I Learnt English comment Frank Sinatra a berc sa jeunesse dans le Bronx son arrive aux USA. Il exprime le bonheur quil a eu apprendre cette deuxime langue grce aux chansons qui lui ont permis de se familiariser avec langlais, de se lapproprier et dapprendre bien le prononcer. Tout ceci explique sa volont actuelle dencourager ses compatriotes devenir bilingues. 8

Folder 1 Latinos in the USA

Jos Enrique Serrano is a New York politician, currently representing the states 16th congressional district in the United States House of Representatives. Serranos district has a large Hispanic majority. Serrano is regarded as one of the most liberal members of Congress.
CECR niveau B1 Mettre en relation les lieux cits avec les informations donnes. Comprendre les informations essentielles dun document portant sur un thme qui mintresse et dans une langue standard. Comprendre la trame des vnements raconts.


1. This photo is an old black and white photo in which we can see four children listening to a record being played

on a gramophone. They seem to be Latino children and to be enjoying the music they are listening to. This scene probably goes back to the nineteen fifties or sixties and the children could be listening to a famous singer of the period. 2. This recording may deal with Serranos arrival in the States and his difficulties adapting this new kind of life. It could also be about the hobbies Serrano had when he was a boy. We could say he was fond of music. Liste ouverte; on pensera utiliser le tableau pour valoriser les suggestions de la classe. Cette tape sera un moyen de faire rebrasser lexpression des gots (likes and dislikes) et de la supposition laide des modaux ou adverbes (voir prcis grammatical n 168). 3. It seems that the little boy has become a politician who has to make speeches and express himself in English. On encouragera les lves ne pas sen tenir des indpendantes. Le tableau sera dune grande aide pour les amener complexifier leurs phrases.

Comprehension Transcription

Guidage dans le Workbook.

Its latino USA. The complaints abound Why dont immigrants want to learn English? Why do they have to keep on speaking Spanish? Well, learning a new language is not easy. In fact, the immigrants journey is not only to a new country but also to English. Today, we hear stories for the new book, How I learned English. Congressman Jos Serrano grew up in the Bronx. In 1974, he was elected to the NY State Assembly and hes been a member of Congress since 1990. *** My father served with the US military in World War Two. When he was discharged he came home with a stack of Frank Sinatra 78 RPM records. Im blue every Monday thinking over Sunday / That one day when Im with you Like many Puerto Ricans music was a huge part of our lives. I spent hours listening to those records and sometimes singing along. Little did I know that those records were teaching me the language of the mainland where my family would soon move. *** Listening to Sinatra I learned to pronounce every world distinctly. He never swallowed a syllable. From him I learned rhythms, inflections and the sounds of a language that were so different from the one I spoke everyday. Soon we moved to New York where my education in English continued. I went to a school where everyone spoke English and began to fill out my vocabulary. From Sinatra records I learned to say Tuesday like he did, not Toosday like everyone else did. *** As I look back on learning a second language I always think about the doors that opened for me. I can communicate with people from so many different backgrounds and personal experiences in their native tongues. I often think what my life would have been like if I had never heard Sinatra as a kid. Without those 78s there was no way of knowing where I would have gone or what I would have done. But it is safe to say that my life would have been far different.

Folder 1 Latinos in the USA


Make a one-minute presentation

CECR niveau B2 Construire un raisonnement logique et enchaner mes ides. Expliquer mon point de vue sur un sujet dactualit, en donnant les avantages et inconvnients de diverses opinions. Relever mes erreurs habituelles et surveiller mon discours afin de les viter ou de les corriger. Parler relativement longtemps avec un dbit assez rgulier, en vitant de trop longues pauses.

Nous proposons aux lves de se dcentrer et dadopter le point de vue de leur professeur danglais. Il leur faut trouver par deux des arguments en faveur de lapprentissage de langlais. En prolongement des propos et arguments de Jos Serrano, ils devront eux-mmes chercher de bonnes raisons dapprendre cette langue, sil tait encore besoin de les convaincre de la ncessit du bilinguisme dans notre monde contemporain! Nous insistons nouveau sur la ncessit de faire jouer lentraide et de fixer des dlais courts et stricts pour raliser cette tche dont la restitution orale ne doit durer quune minute. Document 2 :

Melting Pot

Une chanson facile comprendre (et chanter) de Schoolhouse Rock sur le Melting Pot. On pourra trouver la vido sur le site de Youtube ladresse suivante : Une version karaok figure sur le DVD. Gageons que les lves la rclameront ! Ce support permettra un travail prcis sur le rythme et sur laccentuation.

My grandmother came from Russia A satchel on her knee, My grandfather had his fathers cap He brought from Italy. Theyd heard about a country Where life might let them win, They paid the fare to America And there they melted in. Lovely Lady Liberty With her book of recipes And the finest one shes got Is the great American melting pot. The great American melting pot. America was founded by the English, But also by the Germans, Dutch, and French. The principle still sticks; Our heritage is mixed. So any kid could be the president.

You simply melt right in, It doesnt matter what your skin. It doesnt matter where youre from, Or your religion, you jump right in To the great American melting pot. The great American melting pot. They brought the countrys customs, Their language and their ways. They filled the factories, tilled the soil, Helped build the USA Go on and ask your grandma, Hear what she has to tell How great to be an American And something else as well. Lovely Lady Liberty With her book of recipes And the finest one shes got Is the great American melting pot The great American melting pot. The great American melting pot. The great American melting pot.

10 Folder 1 Latinos in the USA


Le programme de Terminale fait explicitement rfrence au support vido : Les supports sont des documents de toute nature : textuels, iconographiques, audio, vido, etc. Cette priorit et le choix de ces supports induisent des activits principalement discursives destines raconter, reformuler, dcrire, expliquer, analyser, commenter, argumenter, dbattre. La comprhension du support vido est facilite par limage et le contexte. Les avantages de la vido sont grands : nous apprcions sa richesse au plan culturel en raison de limmdiatet du contact quelle offre avec la ralit quotidienne, son authenticit linguistique qui tient au fait quelle prsente des situations de communication dans lesquelles les individus interagissent. Comme le voyage ltranger, la vido est une source irremplaable dinformations car elle expose nos lves la ralit quotidienne des pays. Nous apprcions aussi la complmentarit entre limage et le son, outil pdagogique que nous exploitons. Before You Watch Lanticipation partir de lillustration suit les mmes principes que pour les documents oraux. Now Watch Le guidage qui figure dans le Workbook tient compte des caractristiques spcifiques de chaque document avec, par exemple, une part plus ou moins grande de comprhension ou dexpression. Les documents vido sont prdcoups en squences (ou steps) pour faciliter la tche du professeur. Le guidage est conu pour pouvoir tre utilis en autonomie si ltablissement dispose dune salle multimdia. Action Enfin, et pour les mmes raisons que cites prcdemment, nous invitons les lves raliser lAction figurant dans le cadre color. Sur la mme page, la Word Bank est une liste du vocabulaire minimal dont les lves auront besoin pour comprendre les diffrents documents du folder ou en parler. Les exercices visent aider les lves sapproprier le lexique ou construire des savoir-faire. Le programme officiel aborde clairement la ncessit de travailler le lexique : La varit des supports abords mobilise une grande richesse lexicale, principalement en reconnaissance. Lacquisition du vocabulaire ne consiste pas en lapprentissage de mots isols. Le vocabulaire est tudi en contexte, ce qui permet llve de comprendre comment les mots sinsrent syntaxiquement dans lnonc. En outre, ce vocabulaire est mis en rseaux par le moyen de la drivation morphologique, et par le recours aux champs smantiques que le programme culturel fournit. Lensemble de ce travail suppose un maniement rgulier du dictionnaire bilingue, voire parfois monolingue. Cest dans cet esprit que nous proposons aux lves des exercices pour les aider sapproprier le lexique ou construire des savoir-faire et le recours au dictionnaire pour vrifier leurs dductions, travailler sur la polysmie de certains mots, etc.

Document 1 :


Manuel p. 15


CECR niveaux B1-B2 Comprendre les informations essentielles dun document portant sur un thme qui mintresse et dans une langue standard. Comprendre la trame des vnements raconts. (B1) Comprendre le point de vue de lauteur. (B2)

Ce document, une parodie de la bande-annonce du film 300, a t ralis par le Latino Comedy Project, une troupe de comdiens amricains dorigine hispanique dont le but est de dnoncer, par le biais de lhumour, les strotypes et les clichs souvent associs leur communaut.

Folder 1 Latinos in the USA 11


1. The video is going to be about Mexicans crossing the border illegally and maybe the reasons why they flee

their country and the risks they run by doing so.

2. Reasons: poverty, unemployment.

Step 1 : on fera dfinir, en insistant sur la pancarte marquant la frontire, les protagonistes de ce clip. Laspect parodique de ce document napparat pas vraiment, les Mexicains sont prsents comme une menace. Step 2 : en faisant dcrire le dferlement de larme de travailleurs hispaniques, on fera verbaliser par les lves les strotypes souvent associs aux travailleurs immigrants. Laspect caricatural du document leur fera prendre conscience de laspect drisoire de la peur quils engendrent parfois. Document entier : le document se termine par une note dhumour qui reprend un autre strotype associ aux immigrants hispaniques. On pourra ensuite demander aux lves de faire des comparaisons entre ce qui est prsent ici et la situation en France (un rapprochement avec le fameux plombier polonais , par exemple).

Comprehension Document 1 lcran Step 1

Guidage dans le Workbook.

Invaders Son

Dbut : ciel menaant. Deux incrustations : Incrustation 1 : The worlds mightiest army could not defeat them. Incrustation 2 : An entire nation could not stop them. Vues de la ville poussireuse. Gros plan sur le Mexicain. Dferlement de Latinos. [Document entier]

A new age is dawning. Well never retreat, Well never surrender. Mexicans! Tonight we dine in San Diego!

Step 2 Step 3

Cris et rugissements musique [Document entier]

Document 2 :


CECR niveaux B1-B2 Comprendre les informations essentielles dun document portant sur un thme qui mintresse et dans une langue standard. (B1) Comprendre la plupart des journaux et des documentaires tlviss, dans une langue standard. (B2)

Ce reportage de la BBC prsente le quotidien des milliers dimmigrants clandestins qui tentent tous les jours de franchir la frontire et dentrer aux USA. La dernire phrase du reportage rsume clairement la problmatique pose : America cant live without them, but can it live with them?

Lintrt de ce document rside essentiellement dans les informations quil apporte sur un aspect de la problmatique du folder. On guidera progressivement les lves en leur faisant faire des reprages quils mettront en 12 Folder 1 Latinos in the USA

relation pour recrer le sens et en les amenant saider de limage pour percevoir ce qui peut leur sembler difficile au premier abord. Ce travail pourra tre suivi par une rflexion plus large sur limmigration en gnral, aussi bien aux tats-Unis quen France, bien sr.

Comprehension Document 2 lcran Step 1

Guidage dans le Workbook.

Crossing Son

Vues de la ville poussireuse. SUV. Des gens qui attendent le ciel orageux.

Sasibil, on the US Mexican border, a town thriving on a certain kind of travel industry. The dusty air is sick with anticipation. And every day, as the shadows gets longer, the travellers gather in the departure lounge, a disused brick factory. Meet the people who travel between worlds, the third and the first. On foot, in fear, and equipped with nothing more than the water they can carry. Did your son try and stop you from coming?, I asked Enrique. Of course, he did, hes 10, he told me. But what can you do? I need the work, we need the money. Even he understands that. Theyre called walkers, and there are over 10,000 of them each week. It will take at least four days and nights to cross the desert and reach the nearest town in the US. According to the law of averages, one in a thousand will die of exhaustion and one in three will get caught. Take Pasqual, until a few minutes ago, hoping to work on a farm in California. He and the others will now be deported back to Mexico, but most will try again, probably tomorrow. Arizona is now ground zero in the whole battle over illegal migration. Theres even a growing number of citizens and politicians who want to turn this flimsy fence into a permanent wall along the whole border between the US and Mexico. And yet the face of the nation is changing because of economics, whether its Miguel from Argentina blowing leaves or Jose from El Salvador preparing lunch. 60% of workers in the service industry are migrants. There are now many more Hispanics than blacks in this country. America cant live without them, but can it live with them?

Step 2

Un homme se retourne. Gens qui marchent. Enrique.

Step 3

Plans de gens qui marchent dans le dsert.

Gros plan sur Pasqual qui fume.

Step 4

Gros plan sur le fil barbel. Journaliste prs de la frontire barbele.

Step 5

Gens qui travaillent : btiment, feuilles, cuisines). Gens qui marchent dans la rue.

Folder 1 Latinos in the USA 13


Write your own story

CECR niveau B1 Raconter des expriences en dcrivant ses sentiments et ses ractions dans un texte simple et articul. Raconter une histoire.

h. love; i. move to; j. reside in; k. settle in.
4. a. border / frontier; b. features; c. settled; d. caught between two worlds.

Manuel p. 15

1. a. foreigner; b. settled; c. fit in; d. mother tongue; e. dark-skinned. 2. a. from; b. into; c. with; d. against. 3. a. be assimilated in; b. be born in; c. be excluded from; d. feel an urge to go to; e. hate; f. leave; g. live in;


Lire est, parmi les cinq activits langagires fondamentales, celle que lon peut dvelopper le plus rapidement condition de rendre les lves conscients des stratgies mettre en uvre. Cette comptence, dont le dveloppement est capital pour tous les lves, ncessite un entranement systmatique. Le prambule commun aux programmes de Terminale dcrit la dmarche : La dcouverte de chaque nouveau document mobilise toutes les capacits ncessaires, dans un premier temps, une comprhension des lments les plus immdiats. Lcrit permet le retour en arrire, la relecture, la rvaluation des donnes, ce que loral ne permet pas. Il offre donc la possibilit dun travail en profondeur o mmoire et logique sont fortement sollicites. Toutes les stratgies de dcouverte du sens sont mises contribution pour construire une comprhension globale, affine progressivement pour donner accs limplicite. La richesse et la longueur croissantes des textes conduisent entranement mthodique, en distinguant la lecture analytique et la lecture cursive La lecture analytique permet dentrer dans la complexit dun texte, den analyser et den interprter les significations explicites et implicites. Elle est applique principalement des textes courts, sans vouloir mobiliser toutes les ressources de lexplication littraire, en se gardant dune technicit excessive qui naurait pas sa place dans un cours de langue vivante trangre, et en se gardant galement de toute exploitation exhaustive. Before you read Nous introduisons le thme et proposons des activits danticipation qui crent des attentes chez les lves et un cadre de rfrence leur permettant de mieux entrer dans la lecture. Read Les tches de reprage permettent aux lves de construire le sens du document et de parvenir percevoir limplicite (ce qui est lobjet de la dernire tche ou question). Words Nous dveloppons leurs capacits dinfrence et de dduction, capacits minemment transfrables qui se rvleront utiles pour dvelopper leur autonomie. Nous mettons les lves sur la voie mais ne faisons jamais le travail leur place. Compo-dicto Cet exercice est une articulation entre la comprhension de loral et une premire approche de lcrit. Il consiste demander aux lves de reproduire un rsum entendu en utilisant les mots-cls qui lui sont donns. Nous conseillons de passer lenregistrement autant de fois que les lves le demandent pour permettre au plus grand nombre de russir. Action Cette tche permet aux lves de sapproprier le contenu du document en le transposant dans une tche dordre social.

14 Folder 1 Latinos in the USA


Lenregistrement Nous avons enregistr les textes car ils contiennent presque tous un point de vue

mis en relief par linterprtation des acteurs. Ceci ne signifie pas quune approche audio-orale soit toujours souhaitable mais lcoute peut favoriser la comprhension. Les enregistrements pourront tre exploits de manires diverses. Par exemple, on pourra faire entendre un court passage pour faire deviner la suite ou ce qui prcde; ou bien faire couter un extrait pour faire sentir limplicite. Lenregistrement sera toujours utile pour le travail de lecture haute voix en fin de squence. Nous conseillons de faire travailler les lves sur un court passage, et de les inviter obtenir un rsultat aussi proche que possible du modle propos, plutt que de faire lire lensemble du texte.

TEXT FILE 1 The Boy Left Behind

Manuel p. 16/17

CECR niveau B1 Comprendre lessentiel de tout texte (+/- 30 lignes) traitant dune thmatique familire, rdig dans une langue courante, sans trop de phrases complexes. Comprendre, dans un texte rdig dans une langue standard, les descriptions de sentiments ou de souhaits.

Sonia Nazario, a projects reporter for The Los Angeles Times, has spent more than two decades reporting and writing about social issues, earning her dozens of national awards. Nazario, who grew up in Kansas and in Argentina, has written extensively from Latin America and about Latinos in the United States. She has worked for The Wall Street Journal and The Los Angeles Times. She has a masters degree in Latin American studies from the University of California, Berkeley. She lives in Los Angeles with her husband. In this astonishing true story, Sonia Nazario recounts the unforgettable odyssey of Enrique, a Honduran boy, who braves unimaginable hardship and peril to reach his mother in the United States. For further information go to

Before you read
1. The scene may take place in a poor country in South or Central America, judging by the look of the charac-

ters in the photo on page 21. This little boy may remain illiterate if his parents cant afford to send him to school / to pay for his schooling. Like his parents, he may be poor all his life and live below the poverty line. 2. They could think of emigrating or abandoning him so that he can be adopted by a rich family who will provide him with a better future. 3. If the boy is left behind, it means he is abandoned. This is because his parents have emigrated and left him with some other members of the family or because his parents have given him away to an orphanage to have a better future.
Read the text
4. Lourdes: aged 24 has two children, Belky and Enrique her huband has left her.

Belky : 7 years old, Lourdess daughter and Enriques sister has never had a toy or a birthday cake. Enrique: 5 years old very small, tiny Belkys brother deeply attached to Lourdes, his mother plays on the sidewalk while his mother sells cigarettes, etc. 5. Honduras and the USA. Lourdes lives outside Tegucigalpa, in Honduras, and wants to emigrate to the States where she hopes to make money and have a better future. 6. Lourdess. 7. Lourdes earns her living doing odd jobs jobs. Although she does her best to make money and is ready to take on any job she finds she cant always buy food for her children. She is very poor / finds it hard to make ends meet / lives below the poverty line. She has never been able to buy her children a toy or a birthday cake / to treat them to a birthday cake or a toy. She has a bleak future. A good job is out of the question.

Folder 1 Latinos in the USA 15

Il est naturel davoir recours lexpression de la concession. Cette notion fait lobjet dun exercice de rvision page 148. 8. The three adjectives used in paragraph 7 to describe the United States: spectacular, shimmering, magic. It represents a place that offers hope, a brighter future, money, and affluence. It is the way to get out of poverty. Selon le niveau de la classe on pourra travailler lopposition : Unlike Honduras, the US is synonymous with money, affluence, hope 9. The terror she is about to inflict: Enrique will feel panicky, terrorized when he finds out she has abandoned him, she has gone and left him behind. It seems that there is nobody else to take care of him / he cant live without her. She is going to inflict this suffering on her son to offer him a better future and especially to give him a proper education and schooling. She can think of no other solution. 10. The other two nouns used to describe the feelings Enrique will go through are ache and emptiness. 11. What will become of him? Lourdes loves him so much she cannot say a word. She cannot carry his picture. It would melt her resolve. She cannot hug him. He is five years old. These elements show that she worries about him and that her decision is a very difficult one. She is afraid her courage may fail if she speaks to her children or kisses them goodbye. On pourra utiliser lexpression de la crainte. 12. The sentence It is for them she is leaving, she tells herself, but still she feels guilty shows that she is not doing it for her own sake and that she feels heart-broken and guilty at the idea of making her children suffer. But she hopes she will be able to offer them a better future. She is making a sacrifice by leaving them. 13. Its up to the pupils to discuss. Here are a few suggestions: she should explain to him that she is going away for some time, that she is doing this for his good because she loves him and wants his happiness. He should be able to understand. One should never lie to children! She should take them with her.

1. a. terror: intense fear; b. scrub: rub hard with a brush; c. hug: clasp tightly in your arms; d. outskirts: area

at the border of a town; e. afford: have enough money to buy; f. laundry: articles of clothing that have to be washed; g. crackers: thin crisp biscuits; h. squat: sit on her heels close to the ground; i. glimpsed: had a quick look at sth. or s.o.; j. guilty: at fault. 2. a. ache; b. deeply; c. bathe; d. tiny; e. resolve; f. wooden; g. muddy, dusty; h. bleak ; i. wealthy; j. shimmering.


Lourdes lives in Honduras; she struggles to earn a living. She scrubs other peoples laundry or goes door to door selling tortillas and cigarettes but she can barely afford food for her children. They have a bleak future here, so Lourdes has decided to leave for the United States to make money and send it home. She will only be gone for one year and she knows she is leaving to help her children, but still she feels guilty. Enrique is so young and he needs her so much! Action Convince your mother
CECR niveau B1 Participer activement une conversation dans des situations familires, prsenter et dfendre mes opinions.

Nous proposons aux lves de se mettre dans la peau de Lourdes et de sa mre, cest--dire de montrer quils ont compris le contexte dans lequel elles se trouvent et ce que les USA reprsentent pour certains Honduriens. Les lves utilisent les connaissances acquises et, en changeant de rle, construisent des comptences culturelles qui, selon A. Cain et C. Briane, sont la capacit dinterprter des phnomnes sociaux auxquels (on se trouve) confront dans les contacts avec la culture trangre en fonction du systme de rfrence partag par les membres de la socit trangre. 16 Folder 1 Latinos in the USA


Les programmes de Terminale excluent le cours de grammaire en tant que tel mais invitent les professeurs toujours aborder la grammaire partir des documents proposs et en contexte dutilisation. Les avances sont accompagnes de rvisions et de rcapitulations rgulires dont les lves garderont la trace sous forme de documents crits; ainsi les nouvelles connaissances sont intgres aux connaissances antrieures, et llve comprend mieux la cohrence de lorganisation linguistique. Cest grce cette approche que llve chappe au sentiment de redite et limpression de stagnation. Les structures mises en place sont retravailles dans le cadre de lexploitation des documents en faisant appel un lexique plus large. (BO, hors srie n 5 du 9 septembre 2004.) Dans chaque unit, nous avons choisi un fait de langue que nous faisons observer dans son contexte selon une dmarche dobservation raisonne de la langue. Le professeur pourra enrichir ce corpus par dautres noncs, si possible produits en situation au cours de lexploration du document, pour mettre en vidence les invariants dans le fonctionnement de la langue et montrer comment tout nonc est en relation dtroite dpendance avec la situation dnonciation. On sefforcera de toujours relier intimement la forme au sens et dviter les explications abstraites auxquelles on prfrera toujours des mises en situation concrtes. Observe Cette phase dobservation de la langue est mener en classe aprs la lecture du texte et avant les exercices qui permettent des remplois destins fixer les rgles pralablement dcouvertes. Notre objectif est de dlimiter les concepts clairement par contraste avec dautres structures de la langue anglaise ou les structures du franais. Nous avons utilis les apports de la grammaire nonciative lorsque nous avons pens quelle contribuait rendre la grammaire plus comprhensible. Son principe essentiel est que tout nonc se justifie par le choix de lnonciateur. Il est donc important de faire comprendre aux lves les valeurs des structures afin que leurs propres choix soient le mieux informs possible. Practise Les exercices en contexte permettent une mise en uvre systmatique du point de langue observ dans des phrases en contexte. Ces exercices sont destins principalement au travail la maison. La traduction aide parfois llve prendre conscience des spcificits les plus marques de la langue quil tudie. Il a t aid en cela par une approche contrastive qui lui a permis de reprer ressemblances et diffrences avec le franais et avec la ou les autres langues tudies. Un travail de traduction, parmi dautres exercices, permet den affiner les donnes. Le recours au thme ou la version pour de courts extraits est un moyen efficace pour assurer les connaissances et dissuader llve de calquer une langue sur lautre. Ce dernier comprend que grammaire et lexique sont les deux facettes dun systme de reprsentation et que chaque langue utilise des moyens grammaticaux et lexicaux propres pour exprimer telle ou telle notion. Cette activit mrite rigueur et rflexion; elle est loin de lapproximation bcle dont les lves se satisfont volontiers la fin du cours puisquils ont compris . Cela nous permet aussi de mieux cerner certains aspects de la grammaire en contrastant les deux langues. Action Le jeu propos la fin de la dmarche permet de mettre le point de langue en action, dans une situation de communication ludique. Rvisions Nous proposons un ou deux exercices en contexte permettant de rebrasser des points de grammaire ou des tournures grammaticales dont le support cre le besoin. Des renvois au prcis grammatical permettent aux lves de revoir les points concerns avant de raliser ces exercices.


Folder 1 Latinos in the USA 17

GRAMMAR FILE Lexpression de lavenir

La phrase a exprime une prdiction rsultant dune dcision de lnonciateur. La phrase b insiste sur limminence de lvnement annonc. La phrase c exprime une prvision lie des indices prsents.

Manuel p. 18

1. a. he will feel miserable.

b. She is going to sell gum... c. Lourdes will also have to work... d. she is about to leave / is going to leave / is leaving. 2. a. Lourdes is about to do the most difficult thing she has ever done. b. Judging from what she has seen on TV, she knows she will have a better life in the USA. c. How will Enrique and Belky react to her departure? d. She has got money. She is going to send her children a present. 3. a. she would not be able to give her children a brighter future. b. Lourdes has not been able to make ends meet. c. she will be able to save money to send home. d. So the children will be able to finish high school... e. if she does, she wont be able to leave them. f. She expects she will be able to get out of poverty... 4. a. Lourdes makes some money by scrubbing other peoples laundry. b. She is confident she will succeed in the States by working hard. c. Lourdess mother keeps awake by drinking strong coffee. d. Enrique and Belky keep their teeth sound by avoiding drinking Coca-Cola. e. Some people make fortunes by taking illegal immigrants across the border. Action Be a fortune-teller!
CECR niveau A2 Dcrire ce que jai lintention de faire et dans quel but.

Dans ce jeu nous demandons aux lves de se prdire lavenir.


Lobjectif de cette page est dentraner les lves sexprimer loral et lcrit. Actions Pour loral, auquel les lves sont entrans tous les stades du cours, nous proposons ici un entranement plus spcifique et plus exigeant grce des activits varies et stimulantes permettant de cibler soit la prise de parole en continu, soit linteraction orale : problem-solving tasks, dbats, jeux de rle, rcitation dun pome, flash publicitaire, histoire conter, discours, reportage radio, prsentation dun document visuel, court expos Toutes visent, comme le stipulent les programmes, rendre llve capable de : utiliser bon escient les noncs dclaratifs, interrogatifs, injonctifs, avec une bonne correction phontique et morpho-syntaxique, et produire un discours structur fonction descriptive, narrative, explicative, argumentative; prendre et garder la parole en produisant un discours structur en raction une sollicitation; prendre la parole en continu pour exposer, en temps limit, un sujet prpar;

18 Folder 1 Latinos in the USA

Action 1 Vote for or against the wall


participer une conversation sur un sujet connu, en ragissant rapidement; demander linterlocuteur de fournir aide, explications ou prcisions; reformuler ce que dit linterlocuteur de faon assurer la comprhension mutuelle et lever toute ambigut; mettre des points de vue et apprciations personnels, exprimer des ides complexes, en apportant dtails et justifications, rfuter le point de vue de linterlocuteur; contrler son expression a posteriori en se reprenant; recourir des stratgies de compensation efficaces (reformulations, dfinitions, paraphrase). Le guidage propos dans le manuel permet aux lves dorganiser leurs actes de parole et le travail de groupe. Rappelons que la mtalangue ncessaire la gestion du travail fait partie intgrante des objectifs poursuivre, comme le signale le CECR. Les lves pourront tirer le meilleur profit de ce travail en se rfrant aux grilles dvaluation qui se trouvent dans le rabat de la couverture. Action La tche de production crite est articule avec lune des activits orales : en classe de Terminale, il convient de prendre en compte plus spcifiquement larticulation entre discours crit et discours oral, en insistant en particulier sur des activits de transfert dun code lautre. Les activits proposes (rdaction dun scnario, dun article de presse, dune affiche, dun essai, dune narration) sont en troite complmentarit avec celles de production orale. Elles visent faire dcouvrir aux lves divers types dcrit et leur permettre den cerner sa spcificit. Comme le rappelle le Prambule commun aux langues des programmes de Terminale, elle suppose un temps de rflexion plus long et une organisation plus labore des noncs. Ceux-ci se complexifient en incorporant les outils propres lorganisation chronologique et argumentative (par exemple, avant que, aprs que, bien que) qui ncessitent selon les langues des ramnagements temporels, modaux. Ils sorganisent en paragraphes, puis en brefs textes autour dun thme de rflexion. Les enchanements sont plus cohrents, le vocabulaire le plus prcis possible. Dans le Workbook, on trouvera le guidage qui indique clairement les tapes du travail. Nous invitons les lves observer un modle pour y reprer les lments significatifs (Observe), organiser leurs ides et effectuer les choix linguistiques qui simposent en fonction du sujet (Think), puis rdiger (Write up). Notre objectif est que les lves acquirent graduellement une plus grande autonomie.

Manuel p. 19

CECR niveau B1 Dvelopper une argumentation suffisamment bien pour tre compris sans difficult la plupart du temps. Donner brivement les raisons et explications relatives des opinions, projets et actions.

Cette activit sera loccasion de rebrasser le contenu du folder. On incitera les lves sappuyer sur les lments quils ont acquis en travaillant les divers documents, en particulier des vidos (ides et lexique). On ne ngligera pas ltape 5 (The class votes.) qui est le propre mme dune activit authentique et de lapproche actionnelle. Action 2 Present a famous Hispanic American

CECR niveau B1 Parler de manire comprhensible et sans trop dhsitations, mais en faisant des pauses pour planifier ce que lon dit. Faire un expos prpar sur un thme familier en mettant en relief les points qui semblent essentiels.

Folder 1 Latinos in the USA 19

Les lves devront ngocier le choix de la clbrit amricaine dorigine hispanique quils prsenteront la classe aprs des recherches soit sur Internet soit dans une encyclopdie. Le professeur veillera ce que les lves ne fassent pas de copier-coller et reformulent les informations trouves. Ce travail pourra tre fait en salle multimdia ou la maison pour un gain de temps. Lentraide sera utile pour la mise en forme de lexpos, sa formulation et la prparation des notes. Action 3 Write an interview script

CECR niveau B1 Exposer et expliquer son opinion sur des thmes gnraux ainsi que ses gots particuliers. Relater des vnements, des expriences et dcrire ses impressions dans un texte dau moins 10 lignes, sans utiliser trop souvent le dictionnaire.

On renverra les lves au Workbook pour le guidage. On pourra aussi les renvoyer au Tips for Success du folder 2, la page 41. Les lves auront complexifier et rorganiser le travail fait lAction 2.



Le texte qui figure sur cette page a un statut quivalent celui qui est intitul Text File 1. Il offre au professeur la possibilit de faire un choix : il peut soit faire le texte 1 puis faire lire le texte 2 en autonomie, soit choisir ce texte au lieu du texte 1. Grammar (in Workbook) Le texte peut servir de support ltude du point de grammaire puisque, dans le Workbook, nous proposons une page avec des exercices correspondant aux deux tapes de la grammaire : Observe (exercice 1 et ventuellement 2) et Practise (les autres exercices).

TEXT FILE 2 Cubanita

Manuel p. 20

CECR niveau B1 Comprendre lessentiel de tout texte (+/- 30 lignes) traitant dune thmatique familire, rdig dans une langue courante, sans trop de phrases complexes. Comprendre, dans un texte rdig dans une langue standard, les descriptions de sentiments ou de souhaits.

Born and raised in Miami, Florida, Gaby Triana began her writing career as a child. She studied at Florida State University and spent the next seven years teaching 3rd and 4th grades in Miami. She wrote numerous stories for children and then for young adults. Cubanita was acclaimed. It is about a Cuban-American girl who wants to be a regular American teenager, something her Cuban immigrant mother definitely does not understand. The more Isa (Cubanita) tries to detach herself from her roots, the more tangled she becomes. Will she ever find the normal American life she dreams of? Or is she destined to become a Cubanita after all? 1. Information: cf. for example and the Culture Blog. Many Cubans emigrate to the USA for political and economic reasons. They mainly settle in Florida. 2. The narrator: Isabel Diaz, or Isabelita as her mother calls her, of Cuban origin, lives in Miami and has just graduated. Arent seniors supposed to feel liberated after graduation? so she must be about 18. 3. Her mother is a real Cubanita: she listens to Guantanamera all the time, she still uses a lot of Spanish, she does not try to take on American habits, to Americanize herself, she cooks Cuban food, she praises her home country all the time. The only thing she talks about is Cuba. 4. Isabelita is looking forward to teaching art at the Everglades National Park camp for the summer and to beginning her life at the University of Michigan. She cant wait to leave Miami and her mother to be free! 5. Isabelitas mother seems to be overprotective. If her husband did not interfere she would not let Isabel 20 Folder 1 Latinos in the USA

leave home: If it werent for Dad, Id never get to experience college away from home. She thinks girls should be trained to be good housewives (as in Cuba). Isabel says: If it werent for Dad, () Id be taking classes locally, learning to cook and sew the holes in my brothers underwear, cultivating my domestic skills. Because thats what a good Cubanita does, you know thinks of nothing but home. Isabelitas mother sticks to her Cuban traditions. She cant imagine that a young lady can be independent. 6. Isabelita feels suffocated because her mother is overprotective, narrow-minded and domineering. She keeps looking back on the past and sort of idealizes Cuba. She tries to enforce her views and does not show much understanding. Although she has become an American citizen she refuses to adjust to the American way of life, to integrate into American society, which embarrasses and annoys Isabel who is and feels American. She says: Cant you try to act like the American citizen you are? 7. Isabelitas father must be modern and open-minded. He probably supports his daughter and wants her to make the most of life / to enjoy life / to make her dreams come true and be happy in life. He wants her to succeed and become independent. 8. Personal answers. Just a few ideas: acting like an American citizen does not mean you deny your roots. Isabelitas mother should make the most of life in the USA without forgetting her previous life and her past. She could stick to her eating habits, some of her traditions and listen to the music she likes without preventing the other members of the family from enjoying the American way of life which means freedom, happiness, independence, success, mobility She should want her daughters happiness and understand that Cuba does not mean anything to her daughter who has never even been there. Action Act out the scene
CECR niveau B1 Exprimer son opinion pour trouver une solution un problme ou pour prendre une dcision pratique. Exposer poliment un dsaccord sur un avis formul par son interlocuteur.

Ce jeu de rle permet aux lves de sidentifier aux personnages du texte et de dvelopper des argumentations bien cibles (ge, point de vue). Le professeur circulera dans les rangs pour aider, mais il ne relvera pas trop les erreurs car le but de lexercice est de travailler sur la fluency plutt que laccuracy.

GRAMMAR (in Workbook) Les modaux et leurs substituts

1. a. She cant go back to Cuba. > She is not able go back

to Cuba. > Incapacit. b. She must go back to Cuba. > She has to go back to Cuba. > Obligation. c. She may go back to Cuba. > She is allowed to go back to Cuba. > Autorisation. d. She may go back to Cuba. > She is likely to go back to Cuba. > ventualit. e. She mustnt go back to Cuba. > She is forbidden to go back to Cuba. > Interdiction. f. She neednt go back to Cuba. > She doesnt have to go back to Cuba. > Absence dobligation. 2. a. I cant concentrate on my book. b. I wont need to spend my life at home like my mother. c. She had to leave Cuba to live in the US. d. Her mother may return to Cuba in a few years time. e. I wont need to learn how to make sofrito. 3. a. If it werent for my mother, I would be working already. b. If my parents had more money, I might have a better life. c. If I dont find a job, Ill have to stay at home longer. d. If my mother had known, she wouldnt have allowed me to go. e. If I were Cuban, Id have to marry and stay at home all my life. 4. a. Her mother tries to make her feel Cuban by cooking her Cuban food and teaching her Cuban songs. b. She is confident she will succeed in the States if she works hard. c. Cubanita will gain her independence by studying hard at school and getting a good job far from her mother.

Folder 1 Latinos in the USA 21

STRATEGY FILE Comprendre et utiliser

les mots drivs

Manuel p. 24

Il nous a sembl utile de proposer des pages de mthodologie pour aider les lves qui nauraient pas acquis les stratgies ncessaires pour comprendre ou produire de langlais. Les corrections se trouvent en page 157 du manuel.


Nous avons inclus dans ce manuel un entranement la comprhension de loral qui fait partie des preuves du baccalaurat partir de la session 2008. Mme si les lves de certaines sections ny sont pas soumis, cet lment nous semble indispensable et dcouler naturellement la fois des recommandations qui figurent dans le programme de terminale et dans les indications du CECR. Les questions poses sont uniquement des questions de reprage et ne donnent pas lieu des interprtations pour que lon ne confonde pas la comprhension et lexpression. Pour la prparation lpreuve dexpression orale nous proposons diffrents types de documents : sujets dimagination, questions ouvertes ou affirmations souvent polmiques pour aider les lves ragir, dessins humoristiques et documents iconographiques. Le Prambule commun des programmes de Terminale souligne limportance du document iconographique vecteur immdiat et privilgi du rapport au monde et de sa reprsentation. Plus que tout autre support, limage peut, par limmdiatet de sa perception, favoriser une prise de parole spontane. Cette raction premire ne prjuge pas de la comprhension du document quil faudra approcher avec des exigences mthodologiques et linguistiques propres pour passer de la description lanalyse. Celle-ci permettra le cas chant de faire ressortir une problmatique, ou tout le moins, des aspects qui posent problme. Voil pourquoi nous avons jug utile de proposer des fiches mthodologiques et des Tips for Success apports de faon progressive dans le manuel et des questions de guidage dans le Workbook.



The Promised Land


Manuel p. 22

CECR niveau B1 Reprer et comprendre des informations spcifiques dans un document informatif.

1. The four countries mentioned are: El Salvador, Nicaragua, Guatemala, and Honduras. They are located in

Central America.
2. The hundreds of people are hoping to find the American dream, and money since they think American cities

are paved in gold.

3. The scene takes place in the outskirts of Mexico City. The noise we can hear in the background is the noise of

the migrant train across the border.

4. 15 to 20% of the population has left and moved to the States. 5. Orlando came from Nicaragua. He was waiting to catch a train North. 6. In 1998, Hurricane Mitch flattened the area from Guatemala to Panama. 7. Hondurass clothing sector has been under some stress from competition from China, Vietnam and Nicaragua. 8. These people leave their sons, daughters, fathers, mothers, homes and culture behind. They believe there are

enough jobs in the US / they will get jobs. 22 Folder 1 Latinos in the USA

9. The guards task is to beat immigrants from the train. 10. The company is under pressure from the Mexican Government / to contain the migration. Transcription Presenter They come from Central America: San Salvador, Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala. Thousands

of deliberately faceless, nameless men and women on their way to the US. They walk or hitch rides. Some hop trains. Many end up here. More than 16,000 miles of train tracks that line the mountains and valleys of Mexico meet at this train yard in Lecheria on the outskirts of Mexico City. This is the last point in Mexico on the migrants trip to the border. They are in search of the American Dream. The old stories that American streets are paved in gold persist in the poor villages and cities of Central America. Jeff Purcell is with the Pew center for Hispanic studies. Purcell Were seeing 15 to 20 percent of the population that move to the United States. The percentage is among the highest of any of the countries that we get immigrants from. Presenter Orlando was one of dozens of migrants I met who were waiting to catch a train north. Orlando Im Nicaraguan. From Nicaragua I crossed through Honduras, San Salvador, Guatemala, and I still have a way to go through Mexico. Presenter As we talk, Orlando ducks under a bridge to protect his sun-blistered skin. Hundreds of men and women arrive here daily. They wait quietly in groups. Clusters of grey bodies covered in dust kicked up by the trains. The steady flow of immigrants from Central America has sped up in the last decade especially after 1998 when Hurricane Mitch flattened the area from Guatemala to Panama. Honduras still hasnt recovered. Its economy is in shambles. Denise Stanley In the last 4 years the Honduran Maquila clothing manufacturing sector has been under some stress from competition from China, Vietnam and their neighboring country, Nicaragua. Presenter Denise Stanley is a professor with California Sate University. Denise Stanley In other areas you just have rural decline its gotten worse and a big issue about labor market imbalances in which many people will graduate with certificates or degrees and there will not be enough jobs available for them. Presenter But they hear there are enough jobs in the US. So they leave their sons and daughters, their mothers and fathers, their homes and their culture behind. Hector Elandro Mero Garcia is a guard for the train company. Hector (translated) Basically, the company hires us to perform several tasks. For instance the operators ask that we bring them down you know the immigrants, from the train. Presenter The guards often beat the migrants from the trains. The train companies are under pressure from the Mexican Government. Its pressured by the US to contain the migration.

Les lves trouveront des questions de guidage dans leur Workbook pour sexprimer sur les deux documents iconographiques proposs en pages 26 et 27 du manuel.

Folder 1 Latinos in the USA 23


Meeting the World

IDENTITIES : Lidentit peut tre conue comme une tentative de se dfinir soi-mme par un mouvement
didentification avec un certain nombre de schmas culturels ou de rupture avec les schmas opposs. En ce sens, le rapport au monde, quil soit celui de lindividu avec son environnement immdiat, avec la communaut culturelle laquelle il appartient, ou transpos plus grande chelle, celui de la communaut avec le reste du monde, ne peut gure senvisager sans tenter de cerner quelle reprsentation chacun a de soi. INTERDEPENDENCE : On aura intrt mettre en lumire les relations dinterdpendance que gnrent les changes conomiques entre pays. (BO hors srie n 5 du 9 septembre 2004.) Nous abordons dans ce folder un thme proche de la vie des lves : celui des stages ltranger. Nous les amenons prendre conscience de la relativit des usages. Nous attirons leur attention sur la ncessit de connatre les codes socioculturels et la culture des pays daccueil pour tre mme de comprendre les natifs et de bien communiquer avec eux.

CULTURE BLOG Studying Abroad. Le premier texte montre limportance des sjours ltranger comme composante de lducation et le second prsente le culture shock, savoir les tapes par lesquelles on passe lors de la dcouverte dune nouvelle culture. SOUND FILE Interview with a Young Nigerian.
Damilola raconte son arrive en Grande-Bretagne.


Document 1 : To Know or not to Know

Une publicit pour un magazine destin faire apprendre les langues.

Document 2 : Can You Speak English?

Un document humoristique qui joue sur labsurde et le non-sens.

WORD BANK Le lexique de lexprience ltranger TEXT FILE 1 I Would Do It All Again
Une jeune Amricaine raconte comment et pourquoi elle a dcid de passer une anne ltranger, tout dabord au Npal puis en Ecosse, et dresse le bilan de ces deux expriences.

GRAMMAR FILE Les formes V-ing

Rvisions : lexpression de lopposition et de linfluence.

Des activits de production orale et crite en relation avec les sjours ou stages ltranger.

TEXT FILE 2 Cross Cultural Blunders. Ce texte amusant met en lumire les problmes qui naissent de la mconnaissance de la culture de ses interlocuteurs.

PRACTICAL FILE At the Employment Agency. Parler de ses capacits. WRITTEN EXAM FILE At the Restaurant. Un sujet en relation avec le thme
du folder (les bonnes manires table) pour sentraner lcrit du baccalaurat. 24 Folder 2 Meeting the World

CULTURE BLOG Studying Abroad

Manuel p. 30/31

CECR niveau B1 Reprer le droulement des vnements voqus, mme quand leur chronologie nest pas respecte. Comprendre lessentiel dun texte rdig dans une langue courante, sans trop de phrases complexes

1 Student Mobility
Comme lindique le titre de ce premier texte il est ici question de la mobilit des jeunes au cours des sicles et des opportunits offertes aujourdhui par les programmes europens. 1 et 2. In the18th century students started travelling to learn. In the last two centuries (19th and 20th) wealthy American families have also sent their children to Europe to study and learn social manners. Today more and more youngsters travel to learn or gain professional experience, especially European students who can benefit from special programmes that are part of The Lifelong Learning Programme. 3. The Erasmus program concerns university students whereas the Comenius program is meant for secondary school pupils and their teachers. Thanks to the third program called The Leonardo da Vinci program, young workers can go and train abroad. This program concerns professional education.

2 Culture Shock in Five Stages

Ce second texte explique aux lves en quoi consiste le choc culturel, processus dont ils risquent de faire lexprience sils sont amens effectuer des stages ou travailler ltranger. 1. Words with positive connotations: you may feel excited, stimulated and curious / a healthy reaction / Differences and similarities are accepted / You may feel relaxed and confident / you become more familiar with situations and feel able to cope with new situations / Differences and similarities are valued and important / Most situations become enjoyable Words with negative connotations: you may feel confused, isolated or inadequate / You may feel angry or frustrated, or hostile to the new culture. 2. The 1st, 4th and 5th stages are positive and the 2nd and 3rd negative. 3. At first, you feel intrigued, excited and curious. Then you feel confused, isolated and inadequate. Then, you feel angry, frustrated and hostile. Later, you feel relaxed and confident and finally you find your stay abroad enjoyable. 4. Daily habits, ways of life and rules of tiquette (greetings, eating habits, manners) can cause culture shock.


CECR niveau B1 Reprer et comprendre des informations spcifiques dans un document informatif. Comprendre les informations essentielles dun document sonore. Comprendre la trame des vnements raconts.

Le professeur demandera aux lves de prendre connaissance des questions avant de passer lenregistrement pour aider les lves cibler leur coute sur les points essentiels. Aprs la premire coute, le professeur laissera un temps suffisant pour permettre aux lves de complter leurs notes puis repassera lenregistrement autant de fois que ncessaire selon la demande. Il pourra envisager la correction sous forme de chainquestioning, les lves sinterrogeant mutuellement et le professeur seffaant sauf pour des demandes de prcision ou de correction. Pour entraner les lves la prise de parole en continu, lenseignant pourra proposer aux lves de construire un rsum articul et structur de lenregistrement partir des rponses la fin de la restitution ou de le prparer pour le contrle des connaissances du cours suivant.

Folder 2 Meeting the World 25

1. If a student decides to have a break for a year to work or travel abroad, he/she takes a year off. This is

called a gap year.

2. Many students do a gap year straight after secondary school, before going to university. 3. More and more students take gap years. 4. Students say that they do not study and that a gap year broadens the mind. 5. At university students attend classes and study for their exams whereas during a gap year they study in the

real world and learn what real life is like.

6. Doing a gap year is not an easy thing to do because students often have to adapt to a new culture and work

hard to pay for their expenses.

7. They do volunteer work and help poor people. 8. Universities like students taking a year off. 9. They feel that students become more mature, learn foreign languages and discover new cultures. Transcription Lecturer More high school graduates these days take a year off before going to university. This, as you

know, is called a gap year. Gap years have become so popular that, today, consultants can help you decide what to do. Why do you think gap years are so popular? Students You dont have to study. They broaden the mind. Lecturer I dont know if I agree with you that you arent studying when you take a gap year. You are studying in the real world not at school. You are learning what real life is like. Gap years are not easy you often have to adapt to a new culture and work hard to pay your way. Some students say they take a gap year to escape the stress of studying exams at school. Others say they want to see new cultures. Others do volunteer work and help poor people. The important thing is to choose the right gap year for you. Students Dont universities hate students taking time off? Lecturer On the contrary they encourage it. They feel you come back a better person more mature. You learn a foreign language and see what its like to live in other cultures. Gap years are part of the university experience and some universities will think more highly of you if you take one. Action Share your ideas
CECR niveau B1 Exprimer des sentiments tels que la surprise, la joie, la tristesse, la curiosit et lindiffrence. Commencer, soutenir et terminer une conversation en tte--tte, sur un sujet familier ou qui intresse, mme si lon est parfois oblig de demander son interlocuteur de rpter.

Nous demandons aux lves de se projeter dans une situation qui pourrait tre la leur dans un avenir proche. Ils exprimeront le doute, lenvie et linquitude. Le professeur leur demandera de se reporter aux adjectifs relevs lors de ltude du second texte et / ou pensera vrifier quils possdent les outils linguistiques ncessaires lactivit (Id love to, Id rather + V, Id be keen to go and, I fancy V-ing, I doubt if, wouldnt it be too hard for you to). Une bote outils pourra tre prpare lavance sur transparent et tre rtro projete ou propose aux lves les moins laise. Les groupes peuvent aussi tre organiss de faon favoriser lentraide.

SOUND FILE Interview with a Young Nigerian

Manuel p. 32

Dans cette interview authentique, Damilola Ajekbomba, jeune Nigrian qui assume maintenant des responsabilits dans le monde ducatif britannique et au sein de lUNICEF, revient sur les difficults quil a rencontres son arrive en Grande-Bretagne. Il raconte son tonnement et ses difficults dadaptation.

26 Folder 2 Meeting the World

CECR niveau B1 Comprendre les informations essentielles dun document portant sur un thme qui mintresse et dans une langue standard. Comprendre la trame des vnements raconts.


1. The left-hand photo shows a very large class, probably in Africa. The children are crammed in the room and

some are even sitting on the floor. They dont have enough room to open their notebooks and write properly. They look very quiet and serious whereas, in the other photo, we can see a young man and two teenage pupils who are laughing, sitting in front of a computer. The atmosphere is totally different. 2. Damilola is either coaching / mentoring black boys. He is helping them to do their work or giving them advice on how to do their work and learn. He seems to be friendly and close to the boys. 3. It must be hard for a boy to change schools because the teaching methods are totally different and in the school on the right he has to be more autonomous, more independent. However it is probably more attractive to work in this modern and well equipped school.

Comprehension Transcription BBC Since coming to Britain, Damilola Ajekbomba has become an ambassador for a once failing school in London. He mentors young, inner-city black boys. Hes won a place at Cambridge University and he has advised UNICEF. He arrived in Britain when he was 11. Let me take you back to when you arrived here, at the age of 11. Damilola Yeah. BBC Young boy, little boy lived all your life in Nigeria. What was it like when you first got to Britain? Damilola It was quite it was completely new and it was quite shocking. Everything was different. I had come from a school where we there was about 50 of all of us in the class and we used to sit there with our little chalk boards and write as the teacher wrote too, you know this lovely classroom where we sat on the floor, on the carpet BBC And so you came here and found what? Damilola And so I found it quite difficult to adjust at first it was a major jump a social change. But I did everything I could to change because, you know, I completely threw myself into it and, you know, when I when I first came, I didnt sound like this I couldnt talk as good English or I didnt speak with this accent I do now. But I made the necessary changes. I sort of adopted it and I did everything I could to become English as it were. BBC Was it easy to make friends? Damilola At first it wasnt. It wasnt easy at all because I was, you know, the foreigner. I mean my the people at my primary school used to call me FGN which is short for foreigner and they used to tease me about it and it was quite difficult at first.

Guidage dans le Workbook.


Act out the interview

CECR niveau A2 Poser des questions et rpondre sur des thmes familiers quand ces rponses nexigent pas des interventions longues ni des prises de position personnelles.

Les lves doivent jouer linterview et ont peu dinitiative. Cependant cette activit donnera loccasion de travailler le rythme (accents de mots, formes pleines et formes rduites), les intonations et laccent de phrase. Les exercices de phontique auront permis aux lves de dcouvrir la prononciation des mots les plus difficiles de lentretien.

Folder 2 Meeting the World 27

Document 1 :

Manuel p. 33

To Know or not to Know

Cette publicit pour un magazine dapprentissage des langues se prsente au premier abord comme un reportage au cours duquel on pose des questions des passants apparemment choisis au hasard des questions de culture gnrale. Lobjectif de ce document est de ddramatiser lapprentissage des langues et sintgre tout fait, de ce fait, dans un chapitre dont lobjectif est justement louverture au monde et le contact entre les peuples.

Step 1 : on commencera par faire travailler les lves en leur faisant reprer les mots cls des questions poses

afin de les amener les formuler.

Step 2 : les rponses ces questions seront apportes soit par llve lui-mme, soit au cours dune activit

communicative qui lamnera aller chercher une information manquante et comparer ses rponses avec celles donnes par ses camarades. Il met donc des hypothses. Step 3 : llve pourra vrifier ses hypothses. Labsurdit des rponses proposes lui apparatra alors. La chute du document amnera les lves vers une rflexion plus large sur la notion de culture et de savoir, et bien entendu sur lapprentissage dune langue.

Comprehension Document 1 lcran Step 1

Guidage dans le Workbook.

To Know or not to Know Son

[No pictures]

Name a country that begins with U. Who is Fidel Castro? How many Eiffel towers are there in Paris? Buenos Aires is the capital of Argentina, true or false? The language they speak in Latin America is Latin, true or false? Whats the currency in the USA? How many sides does a triangle have? Who is Mozart? Have you ever heard about Dostoyevsky? What religion are Buddhist monks?

Step 2

Diffrentes personnes Name a country that begins with U. Utah ? Yugoslavia ? Utopia? interviewes Who is Fidel Castro? A singer? Hes that painter? An actor? How many Eiffel towers are there in Paris? Four? Buenos Aires is the capital of Argentina, true or false? Isnt it a river? The language they speak in Latin America is Latin, true or false? ??? Whats the currency in the USA? Currency? You mean like Indian food? How many sides does a triangle have? How many? No sides. Who is Mozart? Hes a politician. Have you ever heard about Dostoyevsky? Its a vodka, isnt it? What religion are Buddhist monks? Buddhist monks? What? Id say Islamic. [Document entier] [Document entier]

Step 3

28 Folder 2 Meeting the World

Document 2 :

Can you Speak English?

This is an extract from a very popular BBC comedy program, The Big Train a comedy series that started off the careers of many famous comedians like Simon Pegg, famous for one of the funniest recent British films, Sean of the Dead.

Aprs avoir vrifi que la situation prsente est claire, on amnera les lves imaginer et formuler les parties dialogues qui ont t enleves. La dcouverte du vritable dialogue et la chute humoristique du document, dont la comprhension est assure par le guidage propos dans le Workbook, motiveront certainement les lves.

Comprehension Document 2 lcran Step 1

Guidage dans le Workbook.

Can You Speak English? Son Girl Excuse me! Excuse me! Sorry. Do you speak English? Boy 1 Girl Hum My car has broken down, and I wondered if you could tell me

Dbut: la jeune fille arrte un garon et lui pose des questions. Un deuxime garon arrive.

where to find a garage.

Boy 1 Girl You dont speak English at all? Boy 1 Boy 2 Boy 1 Girl My car has broken down, and I need to find a garage. Boy 2 Girl All right, thanks. Girl Excuse me! Excuse me! Sorry. Do you speak English? Boy 1 No I dont, sorry. Girl Hum My car has broken down, and I wondered if you could tell me

Step 2

Mme passage

where to find a garage.

Boy 1: You know, thats wasted on me I dont understand what youre

saying. Girl You dont speak English at all? Boy 1 Not a word, No Its one of those things, really. I wish I had paid more attention in school, but (to Boy 2) Excuse me, Excuse me, sorry, do you speak any English? Boy 2 English? No. Whats the problem? Boy 1 I dont know, I cant understand her. Girl My car has broken down, and I need to find a garage. Boy 2 No, Im sorry I didnt understand that at all. Girl All right, thanks.
Step 3

Ils continuent discuter, la fille finit par partir.

Boy 1 Tell you what. If you go down that way for about half a mile,

theres a village, there might be somebody there that speaks English.

Girl Ich speake bisschen Deutsch. Sprechen Sie Deutsch? Boy 1 Deutsch, nein. Sprechts du Deutch?

Folder 2 Meeting the World 29


Son Boy 2 Nur zwei oder aber Ich bin nicht flieend. Boy 1 Sorry we couldnt help. Boy 2 Sorry about that. Hey, you never know, next time youre over

maybe well have learnt a bit of English for you

Boy 1 Yeah, oder Deutsch, vieleicht. Boy 2 Ja, das ist sehr teuer. Girl Thanks anyway. Boy 1 I can speak English. Boy 2 So can I. Step 4

[Document entier]

[Document entier]


Make a Trivial Pursuit game

CECR niveau A2 Faire une description brve et lmentaire dun vnement, dactivits passes et dexpriences personnelles. crire une suite de phrases et dexpressions simples sur sa famille, ses conditions de vie, etc.

1. a. I went on a trip.

Manuel p. 33

b. I did a lot of sightseeing. c. I feel it broadens my horizon. d. they dont have a taste for adventure. e. They did not have the opportunity to travel. f. you need to apply for a visa. 2. a. My best friend is biased. b. I find that a lot of people are narrow-minded. c. When he goes and stays with his cousins he feels welcome. d. We often travel abroad. 3. a. suddenly it widens. b. it will redden your back and arms. c. we had to shorten our camping holiday. d. to whiten them.

TEXT FILE 1 I Would Do It All Again

Manuel p. 34/35

CECR niveau B2 Comprendre dans un texte narratif ce qui est dit des raisons des personnages et des consquences de leurs actes.

This text from is an essay written by a student on returning from a year abroad. Kate Gustafson won the 2004 Student Writers Contest. Kate, originally from Silver Spring, MD, recently graduated from Amherst College, where she studied anthropology. She is presently a candidate for an MA in International Relations and Religion at Boston University. In this extract, she compares the Nepali and the Scottish programs she went on. 30 Folder 2 Meeting the World

Before you read
1. This photo may have been taken in India or in Nepal. 2. We can expect Kate to talk about her experience,

the difficulties she encountered but also what she enjoyed. She may also relate some incidents or events that happened and describe the Nepali and Scottish customs and ways of life. She will probably talk about the people she met and friends she may have made abroad. Finally she may explain what profit she drew from these two semesters spent in foreign countries. Cette question pourra tre loccasion de rebrasser lexpression des degrs de probabilit.

Read the text

3. The black girl went to Japan where she spent four months. She reports that she felt terribly homesick and

that this stay was one of the most terrible experiences she had ever had because everybody would stare at her and make fun of her. Apparently, she was discriminated against and shown no respect. On pourra ventuellement, selon le niveau de la classe, rebrasser ou prsenter du vocabulaire relatif la discrimination (be discriminated against, be treated unfairly, be looked down on, not to be courteous, to be impolite to) et la moquerie (mock somebody, laugh at, make fun of, be ridiculed, jeer at, snigger). 4. This story did not discourage Kate at all. In fact she applied for the Nepali program just after reading this black girls report because she felt she would learn a lot; she thought this stay would be enriching / would be a fruitful experience even if it was difficult. 5. Her experience in Nepal was challenging, enriching, alarming, enlightening, and thrilling. 6. Her stay was: enriching and challenging: Designing my own research project to learn about Nepali marriage customs by interviewing women in a newly-learned language taught me so much. alarming: she had to to boil water before drinking it, enlightening: Coming face to face with global inequality as strange men proposed to me in the hopes of getting a visa to the US was far more eye-opening than a fun trip with a new boyfriend. thrilling: Dancing in a sari in front of a group of 200 Nepali women singing on a festival holiday was more remarkable than dancing 20 nights away in clubs. 7. To sum up her experience in Scotland she says I had the time of my life because she did not do much work for university, she went out and travelled a lot and everything was familiar and clean. She felt comfortable in this new environment that was so much like home. There was no culture shock, so to speak. 8. In Nepal Kate may have missed her friends and family, the comfort of her home, American food, her car She may have been concerned by the lack of hygiene and safety (no drinking water, vagrant animals, snakes). Cette question pourra tre loccasion de rebrasser lexpression de la probabilit. 9. She found the Nepali program the more enriching and worthwhile. She says the experiences she went through were remarkable and eye-opening. She also mentions that her stay was not fun. She explains she dressed and danced like the Nepali, which was new and far more interesting than going to discos as she did in Scotland. Some words like global inequality took full meaning when men proposed to her in the hope to obtain a visa to the US. She became fully aware of a certain number of things that had remained abstract to her when she realized how poverty drove people out of their country and how lucky women in the western world were. She discovered a world that was totally foreign to her (mentalities, ways of life, customs) and got first-hand experience of the gap between Western and Asian cultures. Learning a foreign language was also a remarkable experience as it means adopting another way of thinking, having a different approach to life, and adopting new social codes and ways of relating to other people. 10. The black girl says, Wherever I went people stared and pointed at me. Children laughed at me: she experienced colour discrimination. She probably could not communicate easily and she was probably left aside because of the language barrier and her race. The Japanese are often fairly quiet and reserved and do not mix easily with foreigners. Their rules of etiquette regarding everyday manners especially greeting and addressing other people are very different so she may have shocked or have been shocked if she was not prepared.

Folder 2 Meeting the World 31

She learnt about another culture and about herself (for instance how sensitive or touchy she is, how hard it is for her to adjust to such a different culture, how inadequate and isolated she can feel when away from her own environment, how frustrated she can get, how easily she can get angry too, how easy it is to become racist and to pass negative judgements, how unbearable intolerance can be, how relative customs are, that she is quite able to get over hardships and fend for herself / cope with difficult situations/ go beyond her limits). On pourra faire travailler les lves par deux ou trois pour faciliter la recherche dides et les renvoyer au second texte du Culture blog. Le professeur pourra prvoir des aides lexicales pour les lves en difficult. Une recherche personnelle sur le Japon permettrait aux lves de se renseigner sur cette culture pour dpasser les strotypes. Nous recommandons les sites ou www.japan-zone. com/new/etiquette.shtml. Dans les pistes proposes, on voit la tournure how + adjectif ou adverbe, elle pourra ventuellement tre apporte ou rebrasse.

1. a. browsing; b. homesick; c. enlightening; d. thrilling; e. sampling; f. sights. 2. a. account (1): report; b. application (2): request; c. remarkable (4): that is surprising and worth

mentioning; d. propose to someone (4) : to ask someone in marriage.


After reading a students travel account, Kate Gustafson decided to go on a student exchange program. She suspected the experience might be hard but she knew she would learn a lot. She first went to Nepal and then to Scotland. She did not regret her decision because she did learn a lot. She said that her stay in Nepal was far more enriching and worthwhile than the one in Edinburgh. In Nepal, she got first-hand experience of the gap between Western and Asian cultures. Action Make a two-minute presentation
CECR niveau B2 Construire un raisonnement logique et enchaner mes ides. Rsumer oralement de courts extraits dun document quon vient dentendre et/ou de voir et qui contient opinions, arguments et discussion. Rapporter oralement et de faon simple de courts passages dun texte crit, en utilisant, si besoin est, la formulation et lordre du texte original. (B1)

Cette activit vise entraner les lves la prise de parole en continu mais galement les ouvrir sur une autre culture et leur faire mieux apprhender ce que raconte Kate de son exprience au Npal. On sefforcera de veiller ce que les lves reformulent les informations trouves et prparent leur intervention sous forme de notes.

GRAMMAR FILE Les formes V-ing


Manuel p. 36

1. Browsing vient de browse. Fait partie du prtrit be + V-ing. 2. Challenging, enriching, alarming viennent de challenge, enrich et alarm. Ce sont des adjectifs attributs

sens actif.
3. Drinking vient de drink. La forme verbale est impose par la prposition before : une prposition ne peut

introduire un verbe que si celui-ci est sa forme nominale (V-ing).

4. Coming vient de come. Cest la forme nominale du verbe (qui a cependant des complments). Il est sujet de

was. Eye-opening est un adjectif compos. La terminaison -ing indique un sens actif. 32 Folder 2 Meeting the World

1. a. Before going to Nepal Kate was more self-centered.

b. While she was staying in Nepal she met a lot of fascinating people. c. Researching into Nepali marriage customs was most interesting. d. After living in Nepal Kate became more open-minded and tolerant. e. Ignoring the customs of the country youre visiting can lead you to make blunders. 2. a. Kates French boyfriend had good looks, he was good-looking. b. He never got upset or worried, he was easy-going. c. These days Kate works hard, she is a hard-working student. d. Kate loves having fun, she is a fun-loving girl. e. Kate was deeply upset when she saw a young Nepali child die; it was a heart-breaking moment. 3. a. Kates stay in Nepal was disorientating whereas her stay in GB was not. / Kates stay in Nepal was disorientating, unlike her stay in GB. b. Unlike Nepali students, Western students behave in a carefree way. / Western students behave in a carefree way whereas Nepali students do not. c. The Nepalese take off their shoes when entering a sacred place whereas the Americans dont. / Unlike American students, the Nepalese take off their shoes when entering a sacred place. d. The Nepalese bargain when shopping whereas the Americans do not bargain. / Unlike the Nepalese, the Americans bargain when shopping. 4. a. Reading a black students report made her decide to go to Nepal for a semester. b. Her choice of two different countries made her understand what culture shock is. c. Her semester in Nepal made her face global inequality. d. Her research into Nepali marriage customs made her realize how lucky she was. Action Make up as many lies as you can!
CECR niveau B1 Raconter, sans prparation, un vnement en donnant des dtails. Transmettre, sans note, une information simple, et rendre vident le point qui me semble le plus important.

Ce jeu offre loccasion aux lves de manipuler les formes V-ing et dutiliser leur imagination. On pourrait demander chaque groupe de rapporter la classe le meilleur mensonge mis.

Action 1 Decide on where you will spend a year

Manuel p. 37

CECR niveau B1 Exprimer mon opinion pour trouver une solution un problme ou pour prendre une dcision pratique. Prendre part sans prparation une conversation sur des sujets familiers ou dintrt personnel. Exposer poliment un dsaccord sur un avis formul par mon interlocuteur.

Cette tche met les lves en situation de rsoudre un problme, dargumenter et de ngocier, situation hautement authentique et minemment sociale. La discussion entre les lves se passe en anglais. Le professeur circulera dans les rangs et mettra en place des rgles pour la ralisation de toutes les Actions. Il est remarquer que la priode de travail individuel (tape 1) est obligatoire pour que chaque lve simplique et rentre dans lutilisation de langlais ce qui facilitera les phases 2 et 3 et la ralisation globale de la tche.

Folder 2 Meeting the World 33

Action 2

Prepare for the selection

CECR niveau B2 Construire un raisonnement logique et enchaner mes ides. Expliquer son point de vue sur un sujet dactualit, en donnant les avantages et inconvnients de diverses opinions.

Ce travail est le prolongement de la tche prcdente et requiert de la part des lves une rflexion un peu plus pousse. Elle leur permet de se projeter et dimaginer les apports dun tel sjour. Ne serait-ce pas loccasion de les encourager partir quelque temps ltranger dans un avenir proche? Action 3 Build up a file

CECR niveau B2 crire un essai ou un rapport en transmettant une information ou en exposant des raisons pour ou contre une opinion donne. Mettre en vidence dans un texte ou un courrier ce qui est important.

Le guidage est dans le Workbook.

TEXT FILE 2 Cross Cultural Blunders

Manuel p. 38

After many years travelling and studying in the Middle East, Neil Payne completed an MA in Middle Eastern Studies in London. After spending some time as a linguist and trainer he founded Kwintessential Ltd, one of the UKs most up-and-coming intercultural consultancies. The company supports businesses working internationally through a range of key cross cultural communication services. These include cultural awareness training, brand/concept analysis, translation, interpreting, language tuition and multilingual website design. ( 1. blunders = gaffes. Cross cultural blunders are gaffes that happen when people belonging to different cultures work or live together. 2. Differences in values and etiquette, in language or non-verbal communication lead to cross cultural blunders. 3. They may cause misunderstandings, fights, or even more serious problems such as diplomatic problems, delays in negotiations, poor image of a country, poor marketing and loss of markets. 4. Kellogg had to change the name of a type of cereal because it was insulting to Swedish farmers. 5. For the advertiser come alive means cheer up whereas the Taiwanese thought it meant come back to life, rise from the dead. 6. To the advertiser drop meant leave but, in Bangkok, they understood it meant take off. 7. The zoo sign literally means : feed the guard with the food youve got if it is suitable. 8. This article stresses the paramount importance of knowing about your foreign partners culture: today you have to know about differences in values and etiquette, in language or non-verbal communication when travelling or doing business with foreign people. You must get cross cultural awareness training. Action Make up a quiz
CECR niveau B1 Exposer et expliquer son opinion sur des thmes gnraux ainsi que mes gots particuliers.

Cette activit conduira les lves rflchir sur eux-mmes et sur leur propre culture. Il serait intressant de pouvoir envoyer ce document une cole britannique ou amricaine partenaire ou, dfaut, dinviter lassistant anglophone de ltablissement et de lui demander comment il/elle ragit cette liste.

34 Folder 2 Meeting the World

GRAMMAR (in Workbook) Les formes V-ing

1. a. Le deuxime lment dune forme en be + V-ing : 5. The animals were wearing

b. La forme nominale dun verbe : 1. Poor cultural understanding c. Le deuxime lment dune construction deux verbes: 3. He could hear them shouting d. Une forme induite par une prposition: 2. by emphasizing e. Un participe prsent qui remplace une proposition de cause: 6. Being translated f. La forme adjectivale dun verbe: 4. No self-respecting Thai 2. a. Before advertising a product in a foreign country b. Feeding the animals is forbidden in Budapest zoo. c. On the poster, the animals were lying on beds. To the Thais, this was absolutely disgusting. d. When they saw the dry cleaners sign in Bangkok, they could not stop laughing. e. Berating an employee in public is considered improper in Indonesia. f. For the job, they wanted a hard-working and easy-going person 3. a. Unlike the Europeans, the Asians find black teeth very attractive. b. The Japanese think it is rude to make a direct request while it is quite normal for Americans. c. Unlike the French, the English do not kiss each other to say good morning. d. In the USA people use first names whereas, in France, it is more polite to use family names. e. In India, animals are respected, whereas in Thailand, they are considered inferior.

PRACTICAL FILE At the Employment Agency

Action Make a job ad

Manuel p. 39

CECR niveau B1 Apporter de linformation sur des sujets abstraits et concrets. crire des notes pour demander ou transmettre des informations dintrt immdiat et faire comprendre les points que lon considre comme importants.

Lobjectif est de prparer les lves aux tches sociales authentiques qui lui incomberont lors dune recherche de stage en pays anglophone.

WRITTEN EXAM FILE At the Restaurant

Un texte amusant en prolongement du Text File 2.

Manuel p. 40/41

1. a. Four: the father, the mother and the 2 children (boy and girl).

b. The daughter. c. The fathers promotion at work. d. Chinese. e. An expensive American restaurant. 2. f; c; d; b; a; e. 3. a. Wrong Although my brother and I were becoming fond of hamburgers, my parents didnt care much for western food. b. Right The soup arrived in a plate. Now, how do you get soup up from a plate? c. Wrong I glanced at the other customers, but the ones at the nearby tables were not on their soup course, while the more distant ones were invisible in the darkness. d. Right Fortunately my parents had studied books on western etiquette before they came to America. e. Wrong As any respectable Chinese knows, the correct way to eat your soup is to slurp.

Folder 2 Meeting the World 35

4. a. etiquette b. slurp c. freeze (froze in the text) 5. a. 3: When a large shloop reached him, he froze.

f. Right The bottle continued to pour, and red wine flooded the tabletop and into the lap of a customer. d. the ladies room.

b. 2: Even the customer didnt notice anything at first, being also hypnotized by the shloop. c. 3: In this perfumed ladies room, with its pink and silver wallpaper and marbled sinks, I looked completely out of place. d. 2: What was I doing here? What was our family doing in the Lakeview restaurant? In America? 6. a. 2: I moved uncomfortably and died at least fifty times. b. 1: What was I doing here? In America?

36 Folder 2 Meeting the World


A Warmer World

INTERDEPENDENCE : On aura intrt mettre en lumire les relations dinterdpendance que gnrent
les changes conomiques entre pays Les effets de la mondialisation du commerce sont souvent nfastes (destruction de lenvironnement, dsquilibre commercial et guerre conomique entre les pays riches et les pays mergents, etc.). Leurs retombes peuvent cependant avoir des rsultats positifs qui permettent la survie dconomies locales ou la prise de conscience du dveloppement durable et du commerce quitable. (BO hors srie n 5 du 9 septembre 2004.) Nous avons choisi le thme de lenvironnement, sujet minemment actuel qui touche de trs prs la notion de monde global en raison des effets conjugus du dveloppement technologique et dun enrichissement global indniable.

CULTURE BLOG Global Warming Alert
Les trois documents prsentent les donnes releves par les experts concernant le rchauffement climatique.

SOUND FILE Global Warming Blues

Une chanson de Lenny Solomon sur la responsabilit des hommes dans le domaine de lcologie.


Document 1 : Save Our Home

Un spot de Greenpeace dont lobjectif est de sensibiliser le public aux consquences de la dforestation.
Document 2 : Greenhouse


Une publicit marquante sur les gaz effet de serre.

WORD BANK Le lexique de lenvironnement TEXT FILE 1 The Rain

Un extrait de roman qui voque des grandes pluies en Afrique.

GRAMMAR FILE Discours direct et discours indirect

Rvisions : say et tell, la consquence.


Un article de Newsweek vient en contrepoint des autres documents pour montrer que lhomme sait parfois sadapter de nouvelles conditions.

STRATEGY FILE Ponctuer pour donner du sens ORAL EXAM FILE Gas Emissions Folder 3 A Warmer World 37

CULTURE BLOG Global Warming Alert

Manuel p. 44/45

CECR niveau B1 Reprer le droulement des vnements, mme quand leur chronologie nest pas respecte. Comprendre lessentiel dun texte rdig dans une langue courante, sans trop de phrases complexes.

Comme ces textes sont simples au plan syntaxique, les lves pourront se concentrer sur le relev et lchange dinformations. Le professeur pourra choisir de faire lire les textes par groupes de deux pour entraner les lves lire plus rapidement en favorisant les changes.

1 Our Planet is Warming Up

6F: the earths average temperature rise in the next 100 years. 1F: the earths average temperature rise in the past 100 years. 1 million: number of species of plants and animals that are in danger of becoming extinct by the year 2050 if global warming continues. 1,103 : number of species in Australia, Brazil, Europe, Mexico and South Africa studied by British researchers. 20% : area of the Earths land covered by Australia, Brazil, Europe, Mexico and South Africa. 37% : percentage of the worlds plant and animal species on Earth that could be destroyed. 14 million : number of plant and animal species on Earth. 2. 1: The earths climate is changing 2: If global warming continues, one million species of plants and animals are in danger of becoming extinct by the year 2050 and humans are partly to blame. 3: A few climate experts say that changes in climate are part of nature. But there will be changes in the climate. 4: Scientists all agree on the fact that the Earths climate is changing; but some say that humans are partly to blame whereas others consider that changes in climate are part of nature and that, over the ages, there have been cold periods and warm periods. 3. They use computer models to make predictions and study plant and animal species.

2 The Human Factor

1. A greenhouse is a heated room made of glass in which you grow plants thanks to heat and light. In French,

une serre.
2. The greenhouse gases are carbon dioxide, created by burning wood and other fuels, chlorofluorocarbons

used in air conditioners and refrigerators, methane gas from rotting garbage and animal waste and nitrogen oxides from car exhaust and power-plant smokestacks. 3. Because of the greenhouse effect, the earths temperature may rise, which may cause the polar ice and glaciers to melt, raising ocean levels which would lead to the flooding of low-lying land along seacoasts. Entire islands may disappear, and many people may have to move to higher ground. It could also lead to climatic disasters and change the type of crops the farms would be able to grow.

POD LECTURE Your Carbon Footprint

CECR niveau B1 Reprer et comprendre des informations spcifiques dans un document informatif. Comprendre les informations essentielles dun document sonore. Comprendre la trame des vnements raconts.

Le professeur demandera aux lves de prendre connaissance des questions avant de passer lenregistrement pour quils puissent cibler leur coute. On laissera un temps suffisant aprs la premire coute que les lves compltent leurs notes puis on repassera lenregistrement autant de fois que ncessaire. 38 Folder 3 A Warmer World

On pourra demander aux lves de prparer une restitution pour le contrle des connaissances au dbut du cours suivant afin de les entraner la prise de parole en continu. 1. a. This is called a footprint. b. Three types of energy: coal, petrol and electricity c. The problem with electricity is that it produces carbon emissions d. you add to the greenhouse effect and cause global warming. e. the amount of carbon dioxide you leave behind you. 2. To reduce your carbon footprint, you can turn off the lights when you leave home, turn down the heating at home, walk instead of using the car, wash in cold water, recycle your rubbish, buy local products.
Transcription Lecturer What happens when you walk in the snow? Students You get cold? You leave marks in the snow? Lecturer Yes. You leave footprints behind you. And the same thing happens when you use energy energy

like. When you use energy, you leave a footprint behind you. Did you know that electricity is one of the biggest producers of carbon emissions? Every time you make a cup of coffee or turn the television on, you are adding to the greenhouse effect and causing global warming. The size of your footprint does not depend upon the size of your shoes but on the amount of carbon dioxide you leave behind you; thats why it is called your carbon footprint. Today, developed and developing countries are producing more and more carbon emissions and our footprints are getting bigger and bigger. We have to reduce the size of our carbon footprints. How can we do this? Students Turn off the lights when we leave home Turn down the heating at home Walk instead of using the car Wash in cold water Recycle our rubbish Buy local products Lecturer Exactly! Right! I can see you all know what to do. But do you do it? Students Yes, yes (fading out) Action Calculate your carbon footprint
CECR niveau B1 crire un essai ou un rapport en transmettant des informations ou des donnes.

Nous plaons les lves dans un contexte compltement rel puisque les rponses pourront tre faites en direct sur lun des sites dont nous donnons la rfrence avant de prparer le rapport de synthse.

SOUND FILE Global Warming Blues

Manuel p. 46

CECR niveau B1 Mettre en relation les lieux cits avec les informations donnes. Comprendre les informations essentielles dun document portant sur un thme qui mintresse et dans une langue standard. Comprendre la trame des vnements raconts.

This is a song by Lenny Solomon. Lenny Solomon is a professor and researcher at Harvard University. He leads a research program about ozone depletion in the Earths stratosphere. With his team, he has been increasingly involved with global warming issues. In his spare time, he enjoys music, singing, playing guitar and harmonica, and writing material for his band. They regularly perform at venues in the Greater Boston area and their albums have been played on over 100 radio stations.


1. The picture on the left shows a white bear, on a block of ice. White bears are endangered because of the

Folder 3 A Warmer World 39

melting ice fields. The photo symbolizes Nature in its purest form (all white). The photo on the right shows a large five-lane road with heavy traffic. 2. The photos are in sharp contrast with each other: the purity of Nature and the pollution caused by heavy traffic. 3. Obviously we are going to hear a song about the effect of car gas emission on Nature. The title of the song mentions blues.

Comprehension Transcription

Guidage dans le Workbook.

He loves to go out shopping in his SUV A car that large is rocking, fits him to a tee When he gets behind the wheel, hears that engine whine He doesnt think of the gasoline hes burning all the time Will it be now or later, when he gets a clue Global warmings coming, babe, its gonna get you I make so much money I could buy me a continent Gonna build me a trophy house with every complement A fridge as big as Venus, a stove as big as Mars With all the modern conveniences, you see Im a star Will it be now or later, when he gets a clue Global warmings coming, babe, its gonna get you Glaciers are all melting, the Arctics turning green Polar bears have seen their lairs go floating down the stream Harp seals have changed color, theyre no long white Theyre now bronze complected and extremely uptight Will it be now or later, when we get a clue Global warmings coming, babe, its gonna get you Words & music Lenny Solomon - 2002, L. Solomon

Document 1 :

Manuel p. 47

Save Our Home

CECR niveaux B1-B2 Comprendre les informations essentielles dun document portant sur un thme qui mintresse et dans une langue standard. (B1) Comprendre la plupart des journaux et des documentaires tlviss, dans une langue standard. (B2)

Ce spot, dont lobjectif est de sensibiliser le public aux consquences de la dforestation, est propos par Greenpeace. La premire partie, construite la faon dun film dhorreur, et les donnes chiffres ramenes une ralit clairement perceptible par le public (lquivalent dun stade dtruit toutes les deux secondes) sont mme de frapper nos lves et de les amener ragir.

40 Folder 3 A Warmer World

La premire partie sera traite sparment de faon permettre aux lves dexercer leur imagination et dmettre des hypothses. Ils seront ainsi mieux mme de ragir aux parallles et aux contrastes voulus par le ralisateur de ce spot. Le reste du document est trait en comprhension, les lves tant invits oprer des reprages pertinents pour crer du sens.

Comprehension Document 1 lcran Step 1

Guidage dans le Workbook.

Save Our Home Son

Des gens qui regardent la TV. Les gens sinquitent. La maison est coupe la trononneuse. Panique. Images de fort et de singes. Arbre qui tombe. Transport de bois. Fort dcime. Forestiers

The white shark has a body language of its own which were only beginning to recognize. This inquisitive shark uses (brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr) Go away!!! Noooo! Aaarh!!! Scary, isnt it? Having your home destroyed around you. But your home can be rebuilt. Ours has taken thousands of years to grow. Without our forest home, we, apes will become extinct. In your life time. And its not just us. Thousands of other species will also disappear. An area of ancient forest the size of a football field is destroyed every two seconds, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Thats bigger than France and Spain in the last ten years. Rain forest timber like this is used on building sites, sometimes only once, and then thrown away. These doors were trees in Africa, our forest home, much of it chopped down illegally by international logging companies. Thousand-year-old trees in Canada are destroyed, just for stuff like this. Why destroy ancient forests for wood and paper, when it could all come from responsibly-logged timber? He cant stop his ancient forest being destroyed, but we can. To keep the worlds ancient forests safe, for the animals and people that live in them, make sure wood and paper products you buy have been certified by the Forest Stewardship Council. [Document entier]

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Step 5

Le singe qui regarde. Logo FSC

Step 6

[Document entier]

Document 2 :

Greenhouse Gas

CECR niveaux B1-B2 Comprendre les informations essentielles dun document portant sur un thme qui mintresse et dans une langue standard. (B1) Comprendre la plupart des journaux et des documentaires tlviss, dans une langue standard. (B2)

Ce spot fait partie dune campagne tlvise propose par le gouvernement de Melbourne dans le but dinciter la population rduire les missions de gaz effet de serre produites par lutilisation dnergie domestique et

Folder 3 A Warmer World 41

diminuer ainsi leur impact sur les changements climatiques. Ce spot permet de visualiser trs facilement la quantit de gaz effet de serre dverse dans latmosphre par chaque foyer (plus de 12 tonnes par an).

On partira des images trs visuelles pour amener faire des hypothses et ainsi faciliter la comprhension des donnes que les lves seront ensuite amens reprer.

Comprehension Document 2 lcran Step 1

Guidage dans le Workbook.

Greenhouse Gas Son

Machine laver. Cafetire. Ballon qui sort de la TV et senvole vers lescalier. Plein de ballons sortent de la machine laver, du rfrigrateur. Ils senvolent dans le ciel. [Document entier]

[No sound]

Step 2

Each one of these balloons represents 50 grammes of greenhouse gas. You cant see it, but you produce greenhouse gas every time you use energy. The average home produces over 240,000 balloons every year. Save energy. Youll also save money and reduce your impact on climate change. You have the power to make a difference.


Make a poster
CECR niveau B1 Rsumer avec une certaine assurance des informations factuelles sur des sujets familiers courants et non courants dans son domaine, en faire le rapport et donner son opinion.

2. a. flooded; b. barricaded; 3. atmospheric: atmosphrique

Manuel p. 47

1. man-made: deforestation fumes greenhouse effect gas leaks depletion of the ozone layer waste

natural: drought hailstorms hurricanes landslides floods. c. damaged; d. wasted. chemical: chimique climatic: climatique environmental: environnemental foggy: brumeux leaky: perc disastrous: disastreux. 4. a. danger, risk; b. victims, sufferers; c. incriminate, charge.

TEXT FILE 1 The Rain

Manuel p. 48/49

This text is an excerpt from Fish, L.S. Matthewss first book. The focus and simplicity of this tale make it appealing to a broad range of readers. Tiger narrates the book. It is never clear whether Tiger is a boy or a girl, which makes it easier for the reader to identify with Tiger, the child of humanitarian aid workers living in a country torn by famine and war. 42 Folder 3 A Warmer World

Before you read
1. The picture shows the feet of an African woman on a very dry land. It illustrates one of the worst problems of

many African countries, drought. Because of this drought, people cannot grow cereal or vegetables, which leads to hunger and starvation. 2. The picture on the right-hand page shows a group of villagers carrying their belongings on their heads because of a flooding. When the soil is too dry, it cannot absorb heavy rain, which causes floods.
Read the text
3. See lines 18 and 19. 4. People are having a hard time. It is boiling hot. Even bushes and grass have disappeared. People have run

out of food and water.

5. There is a war going on: many of the childs friends have been killed. 6. The family is from Europe or America. They are teachers. Their country sends them food and water. 7. The child is excited and happy. He/she does not understand why the parents look worried and does not

realize that there may be danger.

8. The father feels very bad because some people have not been rescued. He feels guilty. The mother thinks

only sleep can help him. The child only notices the father looks into his cup and does not understand the situation.

1. a. a bush; b. nibble to sneak. 2. a. soak in: sinfiltrer; b. flood: inonder; c. rescue: secourir; d. nod: hocher la tte; e. on the edge: la lisire;

f. a landslide: un glissement de terrain.


The narrator and his parents live in a country plagued by drought and fighting. As a result, the living conditions are very hard and the people are dying of hunger and thirst despite the help the family is giving them. Then one day, the rain comes and falls too heavily for the soil to absorb it. Floods and a landslide ensue, killing some villagers. After rescuing some of the victims, the narrators father seems to be exhausted and deeply upset. Action Write a diary entry
CECR niveau B1 Raconter des expriences en dcrivant ses sentiments et ractions dans un texte simple et articul.

Ce travail est une simple restitution. On encouragera les lves crire de mmoire, sans recopier le texte. Le Compo dicto ci-dessus sera une prparation utile.

GRAMMAR FILE Discours direct et indirect


Manuel p. 50

1. La phrase b est au discours direct. On utilise des guillemets. La forme verbale est celle qui a t employe

par le locuteur.
2. a. Why dont the animals visit any more? Le verbe visit au prsent est mis au pass.

Folder 3 A Warmer World 43

c. Its time for you to sleep again. Le verbe be au prsent est mis au pass; you devient him. d. Ill try to. Le modal will devient would. I devient he. 3. Les verbes introducteurs sont ask, tell et say. Diffrence entre say et tell : voir Prcis grammatical 40.

1. a. She said that the rain had come down so fast that it hadnt soaked in.

b. She explained that it had made rivers c. Finally she added that Dad was going to try d. Dad told me the entire hill had just fallen away e. Dad added that it was called a landslide. 2. a. What is happening? b. I have a new baby brother. c. We need help. d. Id enjoy going to England. e. If I could go abroad, I would bring back a lot of things to improve my life. 3. a. Some scientists say that Greenland ice cap b. Inuipat told the researchers c. At the conference the experts told us that d. climate experts say that changes e. Nigel Calder said the global warming scare 4. a. The narrator was too young to understand the risks. b. The narrators mother was too considerate to frighten her child. c. The narrators father was too tired to stay up. d. The earth was too dry for the rain to soak in. e. The vegetation was too scarce for the animals to feed on it. f. The truth was too hard for the mother to tell her son. g. The climatic change is too visible for us to ignore it. Action Report what you learnt
CECR niveau B1 Dvelopper une argumentation suffisamment bien pour tre compris sans difficults. Faire un expos simple et direct, prpar, sur un sujet familier qui soit assez clair pour tre suivi sans difficult la plupart du temps et dans lequel les points importants soient expliqus avec assez de prcision.

Action 1 Should the factory be closed?

Manuel p. 51

CECR niveau B2 Expliquer un point de vue sur un problme en donnant les avantages et les inconvnients doptions diverses. Exprimer, justifier et dfendre son opinion, valuer dautres propositions ainsi que rpondre des hypothses et en faire.

Cette tche met les lves en situation de communication car ils doivent arriver une dcision la suite de lchange darguments. La discussion sera loccasion de rebrasser les connaissances acquises dans le folder. Il est important aussi de laisser aux lves la responsabilit de lorganisation de la tche.

44 Folder 3 A Warmer World

Action 2

Raise the villagers awareness

CECR niveau B2 Dvelopper mthodiquement une argumentation en mettant en vidence les points significatifs et les lments pertinents.

Cette tche est lie la prcdente. Linteraction prpare la prise de parole en continu. Action 3 Make a poster

CECR niveau B1 crire des rapports trs brefs de forme standard conventionnelle qui transmettent des informations factuelles courantes et justifient des actions.

Cest la troisime tape des tches articules entre elles. Le guidage est dans le Workbook.

TEXT FILE 2 Changing Fortunes

Manuel p. 52

1. Rponses libres. 2. It is commonly said that global warming will be bad for farmers, that vast stretches of arable land area will

be submerged or overrun by desert. But some people believe that new opportunities will appear, that the warming can be changed to their advantage and that the civilizations future rests largely on their ability to adapt to the climate of tomorrow. 3. Formerly arid lands got three times their usual rainfall, plants that did not grow there appeared and Barmer enjoyed a wonderful harvest 90 per cent above the norm. Green places have turned into deserts but also deserts have turned into green fields. Canada now harvests cranberries and has lobster. 4. Siberia will soon grow potatoes, apples and grapes. British Columbia could produce vintage wines, Argentina will produce another sort of coffee. Costa Rica and Kenya which produce biofuels are making profits. Mexican corn farmers are expanding their production. And in Brazil, the production of sugar cane ethanol is booming. 5. In India, farmers have started collecting water to grow fruit and fish. They are adapting to the monsoon changes. 6. The journalist wants to demonstrate that, contrary to what is commonly said, global warming could be something positive. Action Interview a specialist
CECR niveau B1 Conduire un entretien prpar, vrifier et confirmer les informations, bien quil lui soit parfois ncessaire de demander de rpter si la rponse de linterlocuteur est trop rapide ou trop dveloppe.

GRAMMAR (in Workbook) Discours direct et indirect

1. La phrase a est au discours direct. Les autres sont au discours indirect.

Le verbe tell peut tre suivi immdiatement par un nom ou un pronom et a plutt le sens de donner des instructions . Le verbe say nest jamais suivi par un nom de personne complment. Si linterlocuteur est mentionn, il est prcd de to. Il peut aussi servir introduire une phrase au discours direct. 2. b. Youll revive the economy of your area. c. Replant Barmer. d. A warming planet will be bad for farmers. e. Global warming could be used to your advantage.

Folder 3 A Warmer World 45

3. a. Subir Kumar said we cant / couldnt change a natural phenomenon.

b. S. Kumar told the farmers to adapt to the monsoon changes. c. A scientist said he was afraid even a small rise in the temperature could have a big impact. d. A farmer asked Mr Joshi if he thought their country could benefit from global warming. 4. a. When the climate gets warmer, Antarctica will be a green area. b. We must save the planet before it is too late. c. If we do not act now, the ice cap will have disappeared in 30 years. d. But the USA will not sign the treaty until a new form of energy is discovered. e. As soon as the ice cap disappears / has disappeared, the polar bears will be extinct.

STRATEGY FILE Ponctuer pour donner du sens

Les corrigs des exercices sont en page 157 du manuel.

Manuel p. 53

ORAL EXAM FILE Gas Emissions


Manuel p. 54

1. First means of transport mentioned: air travel 2. Its contribution is small but significant. 3. It represents 3% of the world total. 4. An airline flying across the US produces about three tons of carbon dioxide per passenger. 5. Cars double your emissions. Trains can cut your carbon footprint in half. 6. a. The system which is used to heat our homes. b. The system which is used to keep our homes cool. 7. The one which produces more green house gas is the heating system. 8. It amounts to two thirds of the energy used in the home 9. It produces five or six thousand pounds of carbon dioxide per year. 10. The situation depends on the temperature. Transcription

A lot of you asked about something lofty air travel. Specifically, how much do we contribute to green house gas emissions by flying? The experts say the answer is that aircraft are a small but significant source of the warming gases created by humans about 3% of the world total. Still, a typical airline flying across the US produces close to 3 tons of carbon dioxide per passenger. So is it better to drive? Im so glad you asked that because I have an answer right here from researchers at green guide. com. Their answer is no its not better to drive. Youll roughly double your emissions if you take the car. Ride a train, however, and you can cut your carbon footprint in half. *** What produces more green house gases: cooling a home or keeping it warm? Oh, Im glad you asked because we have an answer right here according to researchers at the National Geographic, The Green Guide. The answer is that Americans typically use more energy to heat their homes than to keep them cool. At least under the climate as it is right now. In colder parts of the country, experts say that staying warm accounts for up to two thirds of the energy used in a home. And heating a typical house can produce 5 or 6,000 pounds of CO2 a year. Of course CO2 is a major warming gas. It turns out no surprise in hotter areas the calculation changes. Air conditioners become the bigger energy users and can also produce about 6,000 pounds of CO2 a year.

Les lves trouveront des questions de guidage dans leur Workbook. 46 Folder 3 A Warmer World


Helping the World

INTERDEPENDENCE : On aura intrt mettre en lumire les relations dinterdpendance que gnrent
les changes conomiques entre pays Les effets de la mondialisation du commerce sont souvent nfastes (destruction de lenvironnement, dsquilibre commercial et guerre conomique entre les pays riches et les pays mergents). Leurs retombes peuvent cependant avoir des rsultats positifs qui permettent la survie dconomies locales ou la prise de conscience du dveloppement durable et du commerce quitable. (BO hors srie n 5 du 9 septembre 2004.) Cest dans cet esprit que nous proposons ce folder qui apporte une lueur doptimisme en rappelant les objectifs des Nations Unies pour ce XXIe sicle, en montrant le rle des ONG et des exemples de solidarit.

CULTURE BLOG A Divided World
Le premier texte dresse un portrait du monde actuel et des buts fixs par les Nations Unies. Le second texte traite des ONG et de leur implication dans la lutte contre la pauvret.


Document 1 : Its an Emergency Document 2 : Mandela Against Poverty

Deux discours forts, de Bono puis Nelson Mandela, dans le cadre dune journe organise par la Make Poverty History Coalition.


Document 1 : Survivors

Un spot, qui dbute comme une mission de tlralit, montre que la course la survie nest pas un jeu dans certains pays. Document 2 : Childrens Games. Ce spot de Save the Children a pour but de permettre aux enfants du monde de vivre en scurit.

WORD BANK Le vocabulaire du dveloppement conomique TEXT FILE 1 Microfinance for Africa
Un texte qui explique le systme des microcrdits qui permettent aux femmes africaines de sortir leurs familles de la misre et de scolariser leurs enfants.

GRAMMAR FILE Lexpression du but

Rvisions : lhypothse et les noms composs.


Cet article prsente le rle de Bill Gates engag dans la lutte pour le dveloppement de lAfrique.

PRACTICAL FILE Writing a Cover Letter. crire une lettre de motivation. WRITTEN EXAM FILE One Day at School. Un sujet dentranement au baccalaurat dans lequel les lves dcouvriront le dnuement des coles africaines. Folder 4 Helping the World 47

CULTURE BLOG A Divided World

Manuel p. 58/59

CECR niveau B1 Reprer le droulement des vnements voqus, mme quand leur chronologie nest pas respecte. Comprendre lessentiel dun texte rdig dans une langue courante, sans trop de phrases complexes

1 A Blueprint for a Better World

Ce texte fait le portrait de la situation actuelle dans les diffrentes parties du monde et prsente les objectifs des Nations Unies pour aider le Tiers-monde, en particulier lAfrique, sortir de la misre. 1. The main goals set by the UN in 2000 are: halving extreme poverty and starvation, providing access to drinking water for all, halting the spread of AIDS and providing universal primary education, all by 2015. 2. Global poverty is declining but not in Africa, especially Sub-Saharan Africa. 3. China and India have evolved positively. 4. What is worrying is that Sub-Saharan Africa is getting poorer and poorer. Hunger, illiteracy, and disease are still plaguing the African continent. Inequality is increasing / is on the rise. Twelve million children die each year from poverty, famine and disease. One billion people in the world earn less than a dollar a day, and Africa spends more on debt repayment to the West than on basic education.

2 Non-Governmental Organizations
Ce texte rpond deux questions : quest-ce quune ONG et que font les ONG? 1. An NGO is a non-governmental organization, that is to say a private institution that is independent of the government. 2. NGOs address issues such as emergency aid or humanitarian affairs (they bring their support and help when disasters happen). They mobilize public support and voluntary contributions (they sensitize people to humanitarian disasters and collect money / raise funds); they often work in areas where government-togovernment aid is not possible (they help in places where diplomatic relations are so tense, not to say nonexistent, that governments cannot bring their help, send rescue teams or act to save the local population from genocides, wars, persecution). 3. Some NGOs probably refuse government funding to be free to do whatever they feel suitable and necessary. 4. The NGOs quoted are: Oxfam, Mdecins Sans Frontires (MSF). Here are other examples of NGOS: the Red Cross, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, Action Against Hunger, Greenpeace, World Learning, Women Leaders On Line, United Students Against Sweatshops, Peace Brigades International, WWF, Artisans du Monde, Mdecins du Monde, Cyclamed On pourra ventuellement demander aux lves de faire une recherche personnelle.

POD LECTURE Make Poverty History

Cette mini-confrence aborde le problme de la pauvret en Afrique, les besoins des fermiers et des solutions possibles comme le commerce quitable. Le professeur demandera aux lves de prendre connaissance des lments reprer puis, aprs la premire coute, laissera un temps suffisant pour permettre aux lves de complter leurs notes. Il repassera lenregistrement autant de fois que ncessaire selon la demande. Il encouragera les lves faire des phrases entires lors de la correction au cours de laquelle il seffacera le plus possible. En cas de litige entre les lves, il ne donnera pas la correction mais reviendra lenregistrement. Pour entraner les lves la prise de parole en continu, lenseignant pourra proposer aux lves de construire un rsum articul et structur de lenregistrement partir des lments reprs ou de le prparer pour le contrle des connaissances du cours suivant. 48

1. Number of poor people in the world: 1.2 billion. 2. Proportion of poor people who depend on natural resources: half of them. 3. The four natural resources mentioned: cocoa, coffee, cotton or rubber. 4. Annual amount of money generated by global trade each year: 4.7$ billion. 5. General problem: producers are poor because prices are too low. 6. Fair trade is not always possible because fair trade organizations are not found everywhere or because the

farmers cannot afford the labels they have to put on their products.
7. Its better to have several entrepreneurs bring the products to market because they get a better price for

them then.
8. They need environment education and business education. Transcription

There are 1.2 billion poor people in the world. Half of them depend on natural resources like cocoa, coffee, cotton or rubber. Global trade of these products is estimated at 4.7$ billion annually. Yet, producers are poor because prices are too low. What can be done? One solution is fair trade. But some farmers have no fair trade organization where they live and the labels they need to put on their products are expensive. Another idea is to have several entrepreneurs bring their products to market when producers depend upon one entrepreneur to market their products, they dont get a fair price for their products. Farmers need special help in several domains. Of course, they first need to protect the natural sources they depend on. They must be taught how to do this, they need environment education. Then, they have to learn about marketing how to market their products well. For that, they need business education. It is our duty to provide this education if we want to eliminate poverty. Action Be a fair trade ambassador
CECR niveau B1 Exprimer son opinion pour trouver une solution un problme ou pour prendre une dcision pratique Prendre linitiative dans une conversation, par exemple aborder un nouveau sujet. Exposer poliment un dsaccord sur un avis formul par mon interlocuteur.

Cette activit a pour objectif damener les lves utiliser les connaissances abordes dans le Culture blog, et en particulier dans le Pod lecture, et argumenter. On veillera ne pas prolonger cette activit indment. La brivet des dlais impartis est un moteur de motivation.

Document 1 :

Manuel p. 60

Its an Emergency

Bono explique les causes de son engagement dans la lutte contre la pauvret en Afrique et encourage ses auditeurs participer la campagne lance par la coalition Make Poverty History ( dont lobjectif tait daider lAfrique surmonter son extrme pauvret et dradiquer le Sida. Cette campagne avait t organise par DATA, une association fonde par Bono, Bobby Shriver et dautres leaders engags en 2002 (cf. article page 53).


1. Bono, born Paul Hewson on May 10, 1960, Dublin Ireland has been lead singer of the band U2 since 1976. U2

has won 22 Grammy Awards to date, and was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2005. Considered an outstanding performer and song-writer, Bono has been praised by world leaders as an accomplished activist for his power of persuasion and knowledge of the issues. He travels extensively to

Folder 4 Helping the World 49

give speeches and lobby politicians. Bonos career as a socially conscious musician has been shaped by childhood experiences in Ireland as well as volunteer work in Africa and South America. He married his childhood sweetheart Ali Hewson in 1982. They live in Dublin with their four children. 2. This coalition wants the global trade policies (at the WTO) to be changed and made fairer, some poor country debts to be cancelled and the African continent to be helped more efficiently. ( 3. Rponses personnelles des lves. Ne pas passer trop de temps cette phase qui veut seulement introduire le thme, crer des attentes chez les lves et un cadre de rfrences qui va les aider dcrypter le document sonore.

Comprehension Transcription

Guidage dans le Workbook.

Hello my name is Bono, but you can relax Im not asking you for your money. I want here to talk to you about something that turned my life upside down. Around the world, 30,000 people are still dying of extreme, stupid poverty every day. Im talking about children losing their lives because of diarrhoea or because they havent had an injection that costs 25p. This means someone dying every 3 seconds. Click, thats someones mother, click, thats someones daughter, click, another one. Here is Khalki, beautiful, beautiful girl. Now her mothers no longer with us because she couldnt get the drugs that you and I could find at any chemists. Its an emergency. And this year is the best opportunity were gonna get to do something about it. World leaders are meeting in Scotland in July, the G8 and theyre gonna discuss debt cancellation, more and better aid. Theyre gonna discuss making trade rules fairer for everybody so that these people can earn their own way out of poverty. Its a real chance to do something not just for Khalki but for millions like her. What will our generation be remembered for? The Internet ? Yes, the war against terror? Yes, wouldnt it be great if we were also remembered as being the ones that set about making poverty history. Sometimes you cant make it on your own. Action Be a radio reporter
CECR niveau B1 Transmettre, sans note, une information simple, et rendre vident le point qui semble le plus important.

Il sagira de rapporter lintervention de Bono. Les lves devront passer au style indirect, ce qui permettra aux lves de rebrasser le point de langue trait dans le folder 3.

Document 2 :

Mandela Against Poverty

On February the 4th, 2005, Nelson Mandela came and addressed over 22,000 people in Trafalgar Square on behalf of the Make Poverty History coalition. He gave a group of school children a white band which was delivered with thousands of others to the leaders of the G8. Le guidage de la comprhension est dans le Workbook.

Sometimes it falls upon a generation to be great. You can be that great generation. Millions of people in the worlds poorest countries are trapped in the prison of poverty. It is time to set them free. Poverty is not natural. It is man-made and can be overcome by the action of human beings. 50 Folder 4 Helping the World

The G8 leaders, when they meet in Scotland in July, have already promised to focus on the issue of poverty, especially in Africa. The steps that they must take are very clear: the first is ensuring trade justice; the second is an end to the debt crisis for the poorest countries; the third is to deliver much more aid and make sure it is of the highest quality. I say to all those leaders: do not look the other way; do not hesitate. Recognize that the world is hungry for action, not words. Act with courage and vision. Let us work to make poverty history this year. And then we can all stand with our heads held high.

Document 1 :

Manuel p. 61


Ce spot dbute comme la bande-annonce dune mission de tlralit amricaine, Survivors (lquivalent de Koh-Lanta en France), dans laquelle des quipes tentent de survivre dans des conditions hostiles en trouvant de la nourriture. La chute de ce spot, trs dure, permet de prendre conscience que cette course la survie nest pas un jeu dans certains pays.

Les questions danticipation propose dans le manuel ainsi quun travail de reprage partir de la bande-son et des premires images de la vido permettent damener les lves faire des hypothses concernant le contenu du document. On les emmne l o le ralisateur du spot voulait les emmener, et ils seront dautant plus frapps et sensibiliss au message que celui-ci voulait faire passer.

Comprehension Document 1 lcran Step 1

Guidage dans le Workbook.

Survivors Son

[Sound only]

The ultimate reality show is coming soon. Men, women and children alone, in another world. Deprived of food, of water, they will endure the cruelest conditions. In the end, there will be no survivors. The ultimate reality show is coming soon. Men, women and children alone, in another world. Deprived of food, of water, they will endure the cruelest conditions.

Step 2

Arbres morts. Vautour. Cdre + incrustation Survivors . Dsert : crne, serpent, insectes, vautours + incrustations : no food , no water , in the cruelest conditions . Ciel tourment. Noir.

In the end, there will be no survivors. Unless you decide otherwise. Vote now. [Document entier]

Step 3

[Document entier]

Folder 4 Helping the World 51

Document 2 :

Childrens Games

Save the Children est une organisation non gouvernementale, cre en 1919 en Grande-Bretagne, dont le but est de permettre aux enfants du monde de vivre en scurit dans les meilleures conditions possibles. Le spot prsent ici a pour but dinciter le public financer les actions de lassociation.

On partira des images pour faire verbaliser aux lves la ralit de la vie de certains enfants dans le monde quils compareront la leur. Ils pourront ainsi plus facilement ensuite comprendre le message dlivr par la voix off.

Comprehension Document 2 lcran Step 1 Step 2

Guidage dans le Workbook.

Childrens Games Son

Enfants qui jouent . [Pas de son] Mmes images. For these children, there are no fun and games. Just fear, hunger, pain and endless poverty. We dont think its right. If you dont either, call Save the Children on 0800 093 10 13, and pledge 3 a month.

Step 3

La petite fille par terre. 3 a month can get food, water and shelter to children who desperately need it. 3 a month could give some of the worlds poorest and most vulnerable children the chance to be children again. So please, pick up the phone and call Save the Children on 0800 093 13 13 and pledge 3 a month. [Document entier] Act out a scene
CECR niveau A2 Prendre part une discussion formelle courante sur un sujet familier conduite dans une langue standard clairement articule et qui suppose lchange dinformations factuelles, en recevant des instructions ou la discussion de solutions des problmes pratiques.

Step 4

[Document entier]



Manuel p. 61

1. poverty line infant mortality life expectancy growth rate third-world country spur growth. 2. a. destitution; b. infant mortality; c. shortage of; d. shanty towns; e. starvation wages; f. contribute funds. 3. a. shortage of food and water.

b. funds for humanitarian help. c. Africa is lagging behind. d. lives below the poverty line. e. catch up with industrialized nations. 4. development, under-developed life expectancy, expectation shortage, shorten starvation wages, starving poverty healthy, unhealthy.

52 Folder 4 Helping the World

TEXT FILE 1 Microfinance for Africa

Manuel p. 62/63

CECR niveau B2 Reconnatre dans tout article de presse le point de vue de son auteur. Comprendre dans un texte narratif ce qui est dit des raisons des personnages et des consquences de leurs actes.

This text was found on DATA (Debt AIDS Trade Africa) was founded by U2 lead singer Bono and other activists in 2002 to eradicate poverty and AIDS in Africa. DATA calls on the governments of the wealthy nations to adopt new trade and aid policies that will help Africans get access to long-term prosperity and stability. They call on Africas leaders to strengthen democracy. In 2005, DATA and campaigners around the world helped persuade the G8 donor nations US, UK, Germany, France, Canada, Italy and Japan to reach an agreement that included 25$ billion in development assistance for Africa by 2010, broad debt cancellation, universal access to education, near universal access to AIDS and malaria treatment and prevention. The aim was to save millions of lives and mark a turning point in the Wests relationship with Africa. DATA has worked closely with politicians, the media and celebrities. Through high-profile events and campaigns like Live 8 or Make Poverty History, DATA reaches millions of people in schools, shopping malls, business parks, football fields and churches.

Before you read
1. The pictures illustrate life in Africa. 2. The woman is sewing so she may be a seamstress. She does not seem to be very poor unlike the little boy in

the other picture. We can say that the two pictures show two faces of Africa. Some Africans still live in dire poverty, in slums where they do not even have the bare necessities, whereas some others manage to improve their standards of living thanks to their ambition and their spirit of enterprise. 3. The title Microfinance for Africa probably refers to the micro loans Third World people, Africans here, can apply for to start businesses. A lot of women seem to take out such loans so that their families can make ends meet and can have better living conditions. 4. When you need money, you can borrow money from a bank : you take out a loan. The bank will lend you money in exchange for a percentage of this sum, the interest. Each month, you have to reimburse or pay back part of the sum of money: this is called an instalment.
Read the text
5. Grace Essel lives in Ashaiaman, Ghana, is married to Enoch, has two children aged four and six. She works as

a seamstress, has a stall with two walls but no roof. She has to buy fabric and other materials to make the clothes / clothing products she sells. She would like to get a proper store to lock and protect her goods at night. Her family had a poor standard of living but it is better now thanks to the money she makes. 6. A microfinance loan consists in NGOs lending small amounts of money (250 in Essels case) to poor people, especially women who pay back the money over a very short period (four months for Essel). 7. A trust group is a group of 15 to 35 women who borrow money. The advantages of a trust group are that the women borrow collectively, they co-guarantee to pay back, they offer support to each other and a safety net for those who would be unable to reimburse the money. 8. Grace could not have borrowed / she would not have been entitled to a loan from a commercial bank because she had no money or property (no asset) to guarantee the bank she would pay them back. As to borrowing money from a black market money lender, this was just impossible for her to do because the interest rate would have been far too high, so she would not have been able to reimburse the money. Selon le niveau de la classe, on pourra envisager dutiliser would have-en pour exprimer lventualit, lhypothse.

Folder 4 Helping the World 53

9. Grace says that her loan has helped (her) a lot. Indeed she declares that she can pay to send their

children to school and buy books and uniforms. Her income also helps the family to pay for health care when they need it. 10. Opportunity Internationals goal is to lift millions more out of poverty. They also hold weekly meetings which give them the opportunity to provide health education. On pourra envisager de rebrasser lexpression du but et de lintention. 11. It is a smart investment for donors because they get their money back quickly. They do not run any risks. This investment is profitable too. 12. Opportunity International may address women only because families cannot cope without a second breadwinner / a second income. The main reason may also lie in the fact that Opportunity International aims at providing health education and it is more useful to approach women than men because they are in charge of the children.

1. 1 to 3: a. she joined a group of people.; b. she would have a safety net.; c. no insurance was available

where she lived. 7 and 8: d. A tremendous number of families have benefited from the loans; e. they have been able to improve their living conditions. 2. support borrow, take out a loan pay back, repay income money lender - purchase, buy save improve supply. 3. a. seamstress; b. assets; c. deny; d. stall; e. health care.


Graces job as a seamstress was not sufficient to support her family, send her children to school or pay for health care. With her neighbours, she formed a trust group and took out a loan from Opportunity International. She borrowed 250$ to buy fabric and other material to make her clothing products. She repaid the loan weekly over four months and was able to raise her income and improve her life conditions. Like Grace, hundreds of thousands of women benefit from microfinance across Africa. Action Make a radio ad
CECR niveau B1 Expliquer son opinion en donnant des arguments. Transmettre, sans note, une information simple, et rendre vident le point qui semble le plus important.

Cette tche permet aux lves de faire la synthse de ce quils ont appris et de sessayer lart de la formule et de la persuasion. Le professeur fera ventuellement mobiliser les formulations de la persuasion, de la suggestion avant la mise en route du travail (sure, for sure, why not + V, how about + V-ing, what about + V-ing, do join).

GRAMMAR FILE Lexpression du but


Manuel p. 64

Les mots qui servent introduire une notion de but sont to, in order to et so as to. Le mot pour se traduit par for quand il est une prposition et par to, in order to ou so as to quand il est une conjonction. 54 Folder 4 Helping the World

1. a. She set up her own business to make money.

b. NGOs hold weekly meetings to help the ladies run their businesses/ to provide health education, including AIDS prevention, and adult education/ to support the ladies. c. NGOs lend people money in order to help them start their own businesses. d. The Essels needed a second salary to support their children / pay for health care. 2. a. Opportunity International offers lessons to help women manage their businesses. b. These NGOs were created to fight poverty and hunger. c. On Red Nose Day, British pupils collect money for needy children. d. They are saving money to buy a small shop for their children. e. Why do Ghanaians borrow money together? To co-guarantee paying back their debts. 3. a. If women werent helped by NGOs, they would all still be farming. b. If the Essels had not had a second income, they wouldnt have sent their children to school. c. If Grace had not joined a womens group, she would not have had a microfinance loan. d. If Grace could buy a store, she would be able to protect her goods. 4. a. If micro-credits did not exist, a lot of families would never escape poverty. b. If interest rates were higher, the women would not be able to take out loans. c. If Grace hadnt started to work, her family would continue to fight for survival. d. NGOs would not be able to give health education is they didnt organize regular meetings. 5. a. a 250-dollar loan; b. a four-year old child; c. a two-hour walk; d. a six-month loan; e. a two-meter-high wall; f. a three-meter-deep river. Action Prepare your survival list
CECR niveau A2 Sinspirer de phrases connues pour construire dautres noncs, tout en respectant la syntaxe.

Un exercice simple et amusant pour essayer dancrer une structure souvent difficile matriser pour les lves.

Action 1 Decide on the best way to help a poor village

Manuel p. 65

CECR niveau B2 Participer activement une conversation dans des situations familires, prsenter et dfendre ses opinions. Interrompre une discussion pour rsumer les prises de parole des participants et mettre en relief les avantages et inconvnients des diffrentes positions reprsentes.

Les lves sont mis en situation dargumenter et de parvenir un compromis. Lorganisation sociale du groupe leur incombe et la dmarche dlargissement progressif du groupe de rflexion permet limplication individuelle de chaque membre du groupe. Cette technique du jeu de lhritage nous parat extrmement efficace pour impliquer tous les lves. Action 2 Present a charity for Africa

CECR niveau B1 Rapporter oralement et de faon simple de courts passages dun texte crit, en utilisant si besoin est la formulation et lordre du texte original. Faire un expos sur un thme familier en mettant en relief les points qui me semblent essentiels, quand je peux me prparer.

Folder 4 Helping the World 55

Cette activit aboutira des rsultats satisfaisants si les lves reformulent les informations trouves sur le site indiqu. Les recherches peuvent se faire la maison mais lorganisation et la mise en forme des informations trouves par plusieurs lves pourront se faire en classe. Si tout le travail se fait en classe pensez proposer aux lves des dictionnaires en ligne. Action 3 Write an application letter

CECR niveau B1 Rdiger des lettres personnelles dans lesquelles je rends compte de ce que jai vcu et de mes sentiments.

Cette tche prolonge la tche 2 dans la mesure o les lves pourront utiliser leur connaissance de lorganisation caritative dans laquelle ils simulent vouloir sengager. Le guidage est dans le Workbook.

TEXT FILE 2 Seeds of Hope

Manuel p. 66

CECR niveau B1 Lire des articles sur des questions contemporaines dans lesquels les auteurs adoptent un certain point de vue. 1. The man on the magazine front page is Bill Gates, the well-known multimillionaire Microsoft chairman. He is

holding a black baby and smiling.

2. The headline Billanthropy is a pun on the word Philanthropy (the act of donating money, goods, time, or

effort to support a charitable cause): the beginning of the word has been replaced by Bill Gatess name. The headline refers to Bill Gatess commitment to the fight against hunger, poverty and AIDS in Africa. He said his long term vision was to improve the lives of millions of people across the globe. 3. Every year, Africas farms yield fewer and fewer crops. 4. They are charities whose aim is to fight hunger in Africa by boosting / improving and developing farming methods on the continent. 5. The AGRA is a program that aims to help researchers find and develop new varieties of crops that can grow in Africa. From these they will get seeds for the farmers to grow. They expect that, in the long run, farmers will not only meet their own needs but will be able to sell some of their crops. They also hope that children will spend fewer hours in the fields and will be able to go to school / devote more time to their schooling. 6. Between 1960 and 1984 food production doubled in Asia and Latin America thanks to a green revolution. 7. The main difficulty they will have to solve is that growing conditions are very different across the African continent and they have to find several crops to revolutionize African agriculture. 8. The Gates and Rockefeller Foundations have started by planting a small seed of hope that is to say a reason to think that the future will be better / that a brighter future lies ahead. Here there is also a play on words as the Gates Foundation provides the farmers with seeds or small plants. The seeds will grow into crops that will feed the population and eradicate poverty and starvation. 9. They must have been horrified by the pictures and the scenes they witnessed. They know that Africa is the only continent where there is no visible progress and where misery endures. They know that it is the challenge of the 21st century. They probably dream of a world in which the gap between the rich and the poor has been bridged and feel it their duty to reduce the gap between the way that we live and the way that the people of the developing world live.

56 Folder 4 Helping the World


Make a leaflet
CECR niveau B1 Exposer et expliquer mon opinion sur des thmes gnraux ainsi que mes gots particuliers. Sexprimer sans que les quelques erreurs de langue encore prsentes dans ses textes gnent la comprhension du message. Rendre compte par crit et de faon structure et claire dinformations transmises oralement ou par crit.

Nous invitons les lves rutiliser leurs connaissances la fois linguistiques et culturelles; la lecture prend donc une autre dimension. On indiquera les dlais impartis la ralisation de la tche qui ne doit pas senliser. Pour gagner en efficacit peut-tre serait-il bon que le professeur demande la classe ce que doit contenir ce prospectus et sous quelle forme il peut se prsenter. On pourrait aussi leur en montrer un et leur en faire analyser le contenu. Vous pouvez par exemple utiliser un modle de prospectus tel que celui de demande de financement de Sports Aid trouv sur le site : Le vocabulaire de la persuasion sera l encore utile.

GRAMMAR (in Workbook) Le but

1. Quelle phrase nexprime pas le but? Phrase d.

Les mots grammaticaux qui expriment le but : to so that in order to. b. Ils vont planter une nouvelle varit de graines pour/afin d obtenir de meilleures rcoltes. c. La Fondation Gates a annonc quelle salliait la Fondation Rockefeller pour lutter contre la faim en Afrique. d. Lan prochain, 1,5 million de dollars seront envoys en Afrique pour les fermiers. Pour = to ou in order to devant une base verbale et for devant un nom. 2. a. Bill Gates created his foundation in order to help the African continent. b. They train the farmers so that they can improve their agricultural techniques. c. For Bill Gates, it is no use sending money to the farmers; its better to help them improve their production. d. I called Mr Bako so that he would meet with S. Kumar. e. These seeds are not for Mr Richmond. I have kept them so that the farmers of the area can use them. 3. a. Africas farms yield less and less crops. b. We want to help more and more people in Africa lift themselves out of extreme poverty. c. These new rice plants have a shorter and shorter growing cycle and are more and more resistant to weeds. d. The children can spend less and less time in the fields and more and more time at school. e. Thanks to these new weeds, the harvests will get better and better.

PRACTICAL FILE Writing a Cover Letter

Manuel p. 67

Le questionnaire permet de faire merger les reprsentations des lves et de les prparer la rdaction dune lettre de motivation en anglais. Les rponses sont la page 157 du manuel. Les lves suivent le guidage qui peut ensuite aussi leur servir dauto-valuation.


1. a.1; b. 3; c. 4; d. 5; e. 2. 2. a. The word noise refers to the repetitions.

Manuel p. 68/69

b. The children dont have any books to learn: The din of several hundred voices chanting the repetitions necessary because of no school books.

Folder 4 Helping the World 57

3. The classes are very large; there are 50 pupils. (line 14)

The pupils have no books and nothing to write on or with, they ask the inspector for exercise books and pencils. (lines 14-15) The school has not had any books or exercise books for three years. (lines 19 and 22/23) The classrooms are always dirty because of the dust, even if the children sweep them. (lines 33, 35 and 36) 4. This story may take place in Africa. Indeed we know that all the children had been thirsty for weeks, and some were hungry (lines 3/4), they have no books The school has not had any books or exercise books for three years (lines 19 & 22/23), there are 50 children per class fifty exuberant children chorused (line 14), there is a lot of dust as in very hot countries There is so much dust (line 33). 5. They expect the inspector to give them books, exercise books and pens. 6. a. why do they not have (line 17): the children. b. but he was nervous (line 19): Mr Mandizi, the headmaster. c. Mr Phiri stared at him (line 24): Mr Mandizi. d. There were shortages there (line 29): out of town. 7. a. Right: We send in the requisition forms, but we have not been sent exercise books or textbooks. It had been three years (lines 18/19) b. Right: It has been three years since this school received any books or exercise books. (lines 22 /23) c. Wrong: it is hard without any books. (lines 25/26) d. Wrong: The Inspector felt trapped. (line 26) He exploded into rage. (line 31) e. Wrong: he rarely went out of the towns, made sure the schools he inspected were urban. (lines 28/29) 8. The Inspector felt trapped. He exploded into rage. And look at your floors. How long since they were swept? Speak up. Stand up when you speak to me. 9. The inspector feels ashamed and guilty because the school has not received anything for three years and he has not done his duty. He doesnt visit schools out of town because he does not want to face the poverty and destitution of some areas. We may think that the system is corrupt and that he can be partly held responsible for the state some schools are in. We could also think he is a weak man and he flies into a temper because he feels helpless, he is at a loss what to do to improve the schools situation and wants to conceal his powerlessness.

58 Folder 4 Helping the World


Espionage and Intelligence

CULTURE CONTACTS : Le contact des cultures renvoie aux influences, lintgration, lassimilation, lexclusion, au repli sur soi, au communautarisme. CONFLICTS : On privilgiera ainsi ltude des reprsentations des conflits, plutt que lhistoire de ces conflits, dans le monde anglophone. (BO hors srie n 5 du 9 septembre 2004.)
Ce folder emmne les lves la dcouverte dun monde secret par dfinition, celui de lespionnage et des agences de renseignements. Phnomne global sil en est, puisque lactivit des services secrets touche lensemble du monde. De la guerre froide dhier la lutte contre le terrorisme ou les grands rseaux de traficants aujourdhui, lespionnage na rien perdu de son ampleur. Une chose est sre : lespionnage est un bon exemple de rsolutions de conflits, mais il implique aussi une relle connaissance des contacts des cultures : un bon espion doit ncessairement connatre intimement les autres cultures pour pouvoir sy infiltrer avec succs.

CULTURE BLOG US Secret Services
Un regard sur lhistoire du renseignement aux tats-Unis dans le premier texte, une prsentation du mtier despion dans le second et quelques agents secrets qui ont marqu lhistoire dans le Pod Lecture.


Document 1 : Welcome to Precrime Headquarters

Une mini-pice qui pose un problme intressant : peut-on dceler par avance quun individu commettra des crimes et dlits?
Document 2 : Why

Are You Here?

Un vtran de la CIA accueille les nouvelles recrues.


Document 1 : Latham, my name is Latham Document 2 : Working for MI7

Deux publicits pour la carte de crdit de Barclays.

WORD BANK Le lexique de lespionnage TEXT FILE 1 Captured. Un extrait du roman de Rober Littell, The Company, qui montre deux otages aux prises avec une situation dramatique trs proche de la ralit. GRAMMAR FILE Le passif. Rvisions : les adjectifs composs, la contrainte. EXPRESSION FILE TEXT FILE 2 Couple Spent Years At CIA. Deux anciens agents de la CIA viennent
parler de leurs missions des tudiants de luniversit de Miami.

STRATEGY FILE Enrichir son expression ORAL EXAM FILE Valerie Plame. Lhistoire vcue par une femme agent de la CIA au cur dune affaire qui a secou la Maison Blanche. Folder 5 Espionage and Intelligence 59

CULTURE BLOG US Secret Services

Manuel p. 72/73

Everyone thought that, after the end of the Cold War, the need for the USA and Soviet Union to spy on each other would end. However, espionage has never ended it has just evolved. Today, terrorism and the globalisation of the drug trade mean espionage is needed more than ever. TV programs like Spooks and films like The Bourne Identity have made being a spy even more glamorous than it ever used to be. M16 and the CIA are inundated with requests to join. Our blog goes back over the history of spying and touches upon its future. We even show you what you need to do to become a spy.

1 Intelligence Agencies
1. The Cold War was a time of conflict after World War II between the US and the Soviet Union. They were both

spying on each other to decide upon foreign policy. It was called the Cold War because the two countries didnt speak to each other. Their relationship was cold. 2. Renseignements is the French for intelligence. 3. The Intelligence Community is a group of agencies including the CIA that the US government uses in decision making in foreign policy. 4. Today the secret services work to infiltrate terrorist cells and uncover terrorist plots.

2 Want to Become A Secret Agent?

1. Some people dream of being spies because it is a good way to travel, have adventures and meet superb

exotic girls. You are also helping your country.

2. You cannot be recruited unless you are prepared to be spied on, are under 35, are American and married to a

US citizen. all CIA officers serve as spies. Some are economists, foreign policy experts, researchers and psychologists. 4. The pros are: it is exciting work, you can travel abroad, you serve your country, and you have long holidays and a good pension. The cons are: it is dangerous and you might get killed. The pay is not good and you cant talk to anyone about your job.
3. Not

POD LECTURE Famous Spies

CECR niveau B1 Reprer et comprendre des informations spcifiques dans un document informatif. Comprendre les informations essentielles dun document sonore. Comprendre la trame des vnements raconts.

Le professeur demandera aux lves de prendre connaissance des affirmations de lexercice avant de passer lenregistrement afin daider les lves cibler leur coute sur les points essentiels. Aprs la premire coute on laissera un temps suffisant pour permettre aux lves de dire si les phrases sont vraies ou fausses puis on pourra passer lenregistrement autant de fois que ncessaire, selon la demande. 1. False. Benedict Arnold lived in the 18th century. 2. False. He was an American revolutionary general. 3. True. He betrayed (trahit) the American revolutionary forces. 4. True. He received money from the British. 5. True. He joined the British army. 6. True. He led an attack against Virginia and Connecticut. 7. True. Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were communist leaders. 8. False. Only Julius Rosenberg worked on the atomic bomb project in Los Alamos. 60 Folder 5 Espionage and Intelligence

9. True. Ethels brother worked on the atomic bomb project in New Mexico. 10. True. Julius and Ethel were executed. 11. False. Aldrich Ames was a CIA counterintelligence official for 31 years 12. True. He betrayed the American government. 13. True. He became a spy for the Soviet Union. 14. False. He was arrested in 1994. Transcription

Spies have always existed and they all seem to have come to a bad end at least those that were discovered! Lets go back to the 18th Century. Benedict Arnold was an American Revolutionary General, fighting against the British. Because he was not promoted, he was devastated. He betrayed the American revolutionary forces in exchange for money and a British commission. After joining the British service, he led two savage raids against Virginia and New London, Connecticut. He was convicted and exiled in England and Canada. In 1953 it was the Cold War then Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, two communist leaders, were convicted with passing on nuclear weapon secrets to the Soviet Union. They had got this information from Ethels brother, who worked on the atomic bomb project at Los Alamos, New Mexico. They were executed. The most shocking of all was the case of Aldrich Ames. He was a CIA counterintelligence official for 31 years. His mission was to uncover Soviet spies. But he became a spy for the Soviet Union and sold out American operatives. Ames was arrested in 1994 and sentenced to life in prison. In the same period, twelve double agents were executed within the Soviet Union because of their betrayal. There are and always have been traitors on all sides! Action Make a poster
CECR niveau A2 crire une note ou un message simple et bref, concernant des ncessits immdiates.

Cette tche permet aux lves de reprendre les connaissances prsentes dans la double page et de mieux se les approprier. Si on le peut, on apportera des affiches en classes pour montrer des exemples.

Document 1 :

Manuel p. 74

Welcome to Precrime Headquarters

This is an extract from Minority Report, a science fiction film directed by Steven Spielberg, based on Philip K. Dicks short story of the same name. It is set in Washington, D.C. in the year 2054, where a special police department called Precrime apprehends criminals based on foreknowledge, provided by three psychics termed Precogs. The film stars Tom Cruise and was won several awards.


1. Because of the prefix pre-, which means before, the word Precrime probably means before crime.

The word Welcome, together with the photo that shows tourists looking at a collection of firearms, seems to imply that a group of tourists is visiting Precrime headquarters. 2. This agency could be something like the FBI, an investigation agency that looks into precrime. 3. We are going to hear a story that takes place in the future. Perhaps it is science fiction.


Guidage dans le Workbook.

Folder 5 Espionage and Intelligence 61

Transcription Tour Guide Welcome to the main headquarters of Precrime. Smaller Precrime branches are scattered

throughout the United States. The group follows the guide slowly through the lobby. Tour Guide Precrime was established in 2030, with the harnessing of the remarkable talents of the Precognitive mutants. Tour Guide Mr Harris, can you tell me how many Precogs there are? Mr Harris Three. Uh, right? Tour Guide Thats exactly right! A lot of people assume there are Precogs in every branch office. But there are only three Precogs, right here in this building. And the information they give us, we send out to all the other branches. And what is that information what do the Precogs do? Timmy They protect us. Tour Guide Thats right, Timmy. Because of the Precogs, youre going to grow up murderfree. Isnt that something? Mr Harris They ever wrong? The Precogs ever screw up when they predict a murder? Tour Guide Never, sir. Its an infallible system. The Precogs predict a homicide, and our Precrime police then apprehend the future murderer before the event occurs. And right next door is the Judicial Center, where we prosecute the future murderers. Timmy Can we see the Precogs? Tour Guide No, Im sorry. That part of the building is not open to the public. Now, if youll just step this way Minority Report, Aug 15th 1997, rewrite by Jon Cohen Action Warn the class
CECR niveau B1 Dvelopper une argumentation suffisamment bien pour tre compris sans difficult la plupart du temps. Donner brivement raisons et explications relatives des opinions, projets et actions.

Document 2 :

Why Are You Here?

Dans cet extrait du film The Recruit, ralis en 2003 par Roger Donaldson, Al Pacino, alias Walter Burke, un vtran de la CIA, accueille les nouvelles recrues de la CIA. Ce document permet une rflexion sur les motivations qui poussent des hommes et des femmes sengager dans une carrire trs spciale.

So, why are you here? Why are you here? It aint the money. A GS-15 pay grade officer, yours truly I rake in about, what, 70 grand a year? You cant buy a decent sports car for that. It aint sex. Hey, being here wont get you laid. Oh, youre a dental hygienist? Im a member of the CIA, Moscow Station chief. Hello?! What about fame? Our failures are known. Our successes are not.

Thats the company motto. You save the world, they send you to some dusty basement at Langley, give you a little lemonade and cookies, and show you your medal. You dont even get to take it home. *** So it aint money, it aint sex, it aint fame. What is it? I say we are all here in this room because we believe. We believe in good and evil, and we choose good. We believe in right and wrong, and we choose right. Our cause is just. Our enemies everywhere.

62 Folder 5 Espionage and Intelligence


Manuel p. 75

Document 1 : Ce document, comme le document 2, est une publicit visant promouvoir la carte de crdit propose par la banque Britannique Barclays, cre en 1690 par un groupe de Quakers dans le but de faciliter la circulation des devises pour les gouvernants et les commerants. La banque est aujourdhui implante dans plus de 50 pays, couvre plus de 3600 succursales et emploie 123000 personnes. Ces deux spots qui datent de la fin des annes 80 mettent en scne le clbre acteur Rowan Atkinson dans le rle de Robert Latham, un espion dune maladresse dsarmante, et sappuient sur les clichs en vigueur pendant la priode de la guerre froide. Ce rle lui aurait ensuite inspir le personnage de Johnny English dans le film de Peter Howitt sorti en 2003.

Latham, my name is Latham

La rapidit dlocution et laspect absurde de la situation amneront le professeur sappuyer sur les images pour permettre aux lves den percevoir progressivement le sens. Ils pourront ensuite reprer les lments strotyps typiques des films et romans despionnage, avec leur lot dagents doubles et de gadgets incroyables.

Comprehension Document 1

Guidage dans le Workbook.

Latham, my name is Latham lcran Son

Step 1

Lofficiel chinois arrive, excitation du service dordre qui interpelle Latham au centre de contrle. Le patron de la scurit et deux officiels chinois flicitent Latham. Latham au tlphone, fait un signe Goff. Discussion au tlphone.

Sector C status? Condition green. Sir Brian. Excellent work, Latham. Sir? Sir? Its your Mum, Sir. Hello, Mother? Our man in Shanghai. Of course, I remembered Happy birthday! Flowers. You havent got them yet? Sector C status? Latham! Green. Daffodils or tulips, Sir? Tulips. Mother, Im a little Sir, what kind, sir? What? Yes, mother, I know. Latham? She needs to know what kind of tulips, Sir. Sector C status? Red, you idiot, red. Its an emergency! Go, go, go. Yes, mother? Yes I love you too. We were in Cambridge together

Step 2

Step 3

Goff au tlphone. Latham lui prend le tlphone. Panique dans le service dordre. On emporte lofficiel chinois en catastrophe. Latham se retourne et voit la catastrophe dclenche.

Folder 5 Espionage and Intelligence 63

lcran Step 4


[Document entier]

Idem + Single to Dover, please.

Document 2 :

Working for MI7

Guidage dans le Workbook.
Working for MI7 lcran Son

Comprehension Document 2

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

Latham devant une assemble qui discute. Raction cure de Latham.

So theres no better way of serving your Queen and your country than to choose a career in MI7. Are there any questions? Yes. Whats the financial package? Financial package?

Rponse de lacolyte. You do get issued the Barclays Card, Sir. Ractions des stagiaires. Oh, yeah, with Barclays Card, cant you get medical help abroad? Latham se retourne. And legal advice? And some sort of purchase insurance? Oh yes, both at home and abroad. Back off!! Latham parle et prsente son stylo. These people will have to survive in locations rather more dangerous than a record shop! Can I ask about Eastern Europe? Ah! Do they take Barclays Card? Well, most countries actually take it. I remember when all an agent had was his charm, his cunning and if he was lucky a biro! No ordinary biro. So theres no better way to serve the Queen and your country than to choose a career in MI7. Are there any questions? Whats the financial package? Financial package? You do get issued the Barclays Card, sir. Oh, yeah, with Barclays Card, cant you get medical care abroad? And legal advice? And some sort of purchase insurance? Oh yes, both at home and abroad. Back off!! These people would have to survive in locations rather more d angerous than a record shop! Can I ask you about Eastern Europe? Ah! Do they take Barclays Card?

Step 4

Step 5

[Document entier]

64 Folder 5 Espionage and Intelligence



Well, most countries actually take it. I remember when all an agent had was his charm, his cunning and if he was lucky a biro! No ordinary biro. Two clicks of the cap could render any assailant immobile Very dangerous in the wrong hands. Take over for a bof, will you, for a moment? The Barclays Card is widely accepted. In fact you can use it in over 2,000 countries around. Action Write a note
CECR niveau B1 crire des rapports trs brefs de forme standard conventionnelle qui transmettent des informations factuelles courantes et justifient des actions.

1. a. negotiating; b. disarm; c. fake; d. reached a deadlock; e. double agent. 2. a. snoop around; b. agreement; c. disguise; d. sleuth; e. bug a room. 3. a. in; b. issued; c. set; d. strengthen; e. concealed.

Manuel p. 75

TEXT FILE 1 Captured

Manuel p. 76/77

(From The Company by Robert Littell.) Robert Littell was born in New York in 1935. He gleaned a great deal of information about espionage whilst working for Newsweek in Europe at the height of the Cold War. This was a tense time and his storytelling is based on real facts he uncovered thanks to his curious nature and valuable contacts within the modern intelligence community. Littell is a legendary figure among his peers, and a master of the Cold War thriller. The Company is a riveting novel mole hunt involving such rivals and allies as the MI6, KGB, and Mossad. The Company tells a thrilling story of agents imprisoned in an engrossing, multigenerational, wickedly nostalgic yet utterly candid saga, bringing to life over 40 years of the CIA, the Company to insiders. A really good read!

Before you read
1. In the photo we can see Mujaheddin they are probably in Afghanistan judging from the arid mountains we

can see in the background. They are armed and very dangerous.
2. Judging from the title and photo, the story might be about hostages taken by terrorists in a country like

Afghanistan. Many of these terrorists take hostages from the West to help in their negotiations.
Read the text
3. The sentences show that Anthony and Maria have been captured by the Mujaheddin. Anthony is a CIA officer. 4. Ibrahim is a terrorist probably from Afghanistan. Anthony and Maria are American hostages. 5. Maria is a journalist who has probably come to cover the war in Afghanistan and Anthony is working

undercover in Afghanistan for the CIA.

6. They are in a compound surrounded by a mud wall. It is night. They are being kept in an attic. There is no

running water. The conditions are very rough. There is no proper toilet or privacy.

Folder 5 Espionage and Intelligence 65

7. This indicates that the interrogation could be horribly painful to make the hostages tell the truth about

8. Anthony is shaken by the thought of the interrogation. He wondered how much pain he could stand before

he cracked.
9. Maria has a tough exterior and is a feisty female journalist who can hold her own. 10. Maria was probably writing an article about the Mujaheddin and Anthony was trying to find out about


1. a. band; b. shelter; c. canvas; d. track; e. compound; f. mud; g. attic. 2. a. scornfully; b. soaked with sweat; c. shivering in her damp clothes; d. Maria shed her rough exterior; e. She

said they fooling themselves.


A female journalist and a CIA officer have been taken prisoner in Afghanistan. Some Mujaheddins want to exchange them for American missiles. After a long hard journey, they have just arrived at the place where they are to be detained. Maria has always proved very strong but now, she is exhausted and pessimistic. Anthony fears the prospect of being interrogated. He wonders if he will be able to hide for long that he is a CIA officer and he knows a lot about the CIAs operations in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Action Write an ending
CECR niveau B1 Raconter des expriences en dcrivant ses sentiments et ses ractions dans un texte simple et articul. Raconter une histoire.

On encouragera les lves se reporter la rubrique Tips for Success, page 69 du manuel.


1. Les verbes au passif :

Manuel p. 78

a. were led : prtrit. b. will be brought : modal will expression du futur. c. will be permitted : modal will expression du futur. d. have been spotted : present perfect. e. was asked : prtrit. 2. Lauteur choisit le passif quand lauteur de laction est sans importance ou inconnu. On renverra les lves au paragraphe 32 du prcis grammatical. 3. On a demand Anthony de descendre. Le passif anglais se traduit souvent par une forme impersonnelle avec on .

1. a. Anthony and Maria were captured three days ago.

b. Anthony and Maria were taken to Yathrib. c. Anthony and Maria were held hostage in an attic cell. 66 Folder 5 Espionage and Intelligence

d. The two prisoners were given food and drink everyday. e. Anthony will be interrogated the next day. 2. a. The prisoners were transported in canvas-covered trucks. b. They were offered shelter in the villages. c. War reporters are sometimes kidnapped or killed when they go on missions. d. Small beepers should be given to spies to avoid their being discovered. 3. A canvas-covered truck is a truck that is covered with canvas. 4. tongue-tied She was tongue-tied when she met her hostage taker face to face and couldnt say a word. horse-drawn There are horse-drawn carriages in countries like Afghanistan. home-made Terrorists use home-made bombs to kill their enemies. mud-covered She was happy to get out of her mud-covered clothes. snow-capped The terrorists were hidden in the snow-covered mountains of Afghanistan. 5. a. Ibrahims men made Anthony and Maria sit on the ground b. Ibrahims men will make their prisoners live in a very small room. c. Ibrahims men will make Anthony work for them. d. Ibrahims men have made the CIA pay a ransom. Action Test your friends memory!
CECR niveau B1 changer avec une certaine assurance un grand nombre dinformations factuelles sur des sujets courants ou non, familiers son domaine.

Action 1 Apply for a job as a secret agent

Manuel p. 79

CECR niveau B1 changer avec une certaine assurance un grand nombre dinformations factuelles sur des sujets courants ou non, familiers son domaine.

Cette tche met les lves dans une situation de fiction qui, cependant, se rapproche de lentretien dembauche. On pourra leur conseiller de se reporter aux pages 39 et 67 qui leur fourniront des ides et des mots ncessaires pour faire face cette situation. Action 2 Reveal the truth

CECR niveau B1 Dvelopper une argumentation suffisamment bien pour tre compris sans difficult la plupart du temps. Donner brivement raisons et explications relatives des opinions, projets et actions.


Write an article
CECR niveau B2 crire des descriptions labores dvnements et dexpriences rels ou imaginaires en indiquant la relation entre les ides dans un texte articul et en respectant les rgles du genre en question. crire des descriptions claires et dtailles sur une varit de sujets en rapport avec son domaine dintrt.

Le guidage est dans le Workbook.

Folder 5 Espionage and Intelligence 67

TEXT FILE 2 Couple Spent Years at CIA

Manuel p. 80

This is an article about a lecture that was sponsored by the School of Business and the Intelligence Awareness Organization, a student organization on the University of Miami campus whose stated mission is the discussion and education of intelligence gathering and espionage. Is this a good way to recruit new spies? See what your students think. 1. The person in the photograph could be a photographer for a newspaper. But it is night and he has professional equipment. Judging from the title of the folder he is probably a spy. 2. The two ex-spies are Tony and Jonna Mendez. They worked for the CIA for 30 years. Tony invented incredible rescue plans and Joanna trained officers on how to disguise themselves. 3. To go unnoticed you have to forget some of your common American habits, like the way you smoke or eat. You mustnt slouch and you must wear local clothing. 4. Their craziest plan was rescuing six US diplomats from Iran during a 444-day hostage crisis. They pretended to be a Hollywood film scouting party. 5. To be a good spy you need to be an expert in disguising yourself, in blending in with your surroundings and in keeping a secret. You have to be good at solving problems and speaking languages. 6. Spies cannot reveal any information about themselves in case they are caught. 7. There is no real academic training but you must have language skills and have a knack for logic and problem solving, and a passion for the job and your country. 8. They understood both the exciting and tedious sides to the job of being a spy. 9. This is a free question for the student but for example they could say: I was surprised to find out the job could be so boring. Action Invent a gadget
CECR niveau B1 Dvelopper une argumentation suffisamment bien pour tre compris sans difficult la plupart du temps. Expliquer comment faire quelque chose en donnant des instructions dtailles.

GRAMMAR (in Workbook) La contrainte

1. Les deux constructions :

sujet + make / get / allow + nom ou pronom (sujet de linfinitive) + V; sujet + persuade + nom + not to V. 2. a. Bill let the terrorist phone his wife. b. The bomb made the boat sink. c. The revelation made Suzan cry. d. He did not let Joanna see her husband. 3. a. He got Julie to wear sun glasses. b. Jonna did not get Eric to make a fake ID card. c. She got the spy to test their new gadget. 4. a. A European usually does not lean against a wall. b. You should always shop for clothes locally. c. They transformed men into women and vice versa. d. He told them about his job. e. He was really interested in the conference.

68 Folder 5 Espionage and Intelligence

STRATEGY FILE Enrichir son expression

Manuel p. 81

Une approche mthodologique de lcriture pourra mener les lves rflchir sur les techniques qui sont par ailleurs mises en uvre dans les guidages du Workbook. Lobjectif est de les rendre autonomes en vue de lexamen.

ORAL EXAM FILE Valerie Plame


Manuel p. 82

1. Valerie Plame was a CIA agent. 2. Three elements quoted in the ad: serve your country, have you travelled abroad and do you speak any

foreign languages?
3. The Farm is the CIAs training camp. 4. It is in rural Virginia. 5. She learnt how to recruit foreign agents, or assets, the actual spies. 6. You can be killed / lose your life. 7. The scandal broke out after her husband, Joe Wilson, criticized the White House about the Irak war. 8. She had had her job for 20 years. 9. She had a good position: rising to top level positions. 10. It consisted in gathering information, recruiting spies and working under cover. 11. Her mission was to prevent the bad guys from getting nuclear weapons. 12. Her name being public will have a chilling effect on the ability to recruit other agents. Transcription

Valerie Plame, the CIA agent at the centre of a White House scandal spoke out for the first time. Plame talks about the sensitive nature of her work. She says a classified ad led her to the CIA right out of college. Plame The ad said things like serve your country, and have you travelled abroad and do you speak any foreign languages? Narrator At The Farm, the CIAs training camp in rural Virginia, she learnt how to recruit foreign agents, or assets, the actual spies. Plame Yes, I am a spy but within the agency, we would never call ourselves spies. We are the spy masters, if you will, the operations officers, we are the ones who are directing Interviewer What are some of the risks for the agents you recruit? Plame Oh, in the most extreme case, its their life of course. And that is the real damage. Interviewer When Valerie Plames identity was published in a newspaper column four years ago, she was an undercover agent for the CIA. And when an investigation traced the leak of her name all the way to the White House, it became apparent that this was no ordinary spy story. Her cover was blown after her husband, a former ambassador named Joe Wilson, criticized the White House about the Irak war. Narrator We met the most famous spy in America in Santa Fe New Mexico, where she moved with her family. In fact, she spent 20 years at the CIA rising to top level positions. Her assignments took her all over the world where she gathered information, recruited spies and worked for many years deep under cover. In 1998 she was working at headquarters spying for the newest CIA division, Proliferation. Plame Our mission was to make sure that the bad guys did not get nuclear weapons. Interviewer You believe your name being public will have a chilling effect on the ability to recruit other agents? Plame Indeed. That is the true damage done by this affair.

Les lves trouveront des questions de guidage dans leur Workbook.

Folder 5 Espionage and Intelligence 69


The World Wide Web

INTERDEPENDENCE : Le dveloppement des transports tend unifier espace et peuples, car les contacts entre les personnes sont facilits, donc plus frquents. [] Lusage de plus en plus prpondrant de langlais dans ces changes influence directement les autres langues, et ce, dans des domaines varis. [] Dautres dangers menacent la libert des citoyens avec les hackers qui sintroduisent dans les fichiers informatiques pour en dtruire les donnes ou obtenir des informations personnelles. Dun point de vue plus positif, ct de ce piratage informatique, il existe des campagnes de mobilisation internationale grce lInternet. (BO hors srie n 5 du 9 septembre 2004.)

CULTURE BLOG A Global Network
Le premier texte et le Pod Lecture soulignent les changements sociaux induits par la mondialisation des communications virtuelles. Le second texte montre les ingalits dans laccs cette communication.


Document 1 : Petite Anglaise

Linterview dune jeune anglaise habitant Paris. Document 2 : Youve Got Mail. Une mini-pice qui montre la dpendance dune jeune femme envers sa messagerie lectronique.


Document 1 : The Internet Is Bad Document 2 : The Internet Is Good

Deux spots complmentaires qui font partie dune campagne publicitaire pour AOL.

WORD BANK Le lexique des technologies de linformation TEXT FILE 1 A Success Story
Un extrait dun livre de David Vise qui raconte comment deux jeunes tudiants ont invent Google.

GRAMMAR FILE Les formes have V-en

Rvisions : les verbes deux constructions, lobligation.

EXPRESSION FILE TEXT FILE 2 Its a Wonderful Internet

Un pome en vers libres imagine la vie dun jeune homme soudain priv dInternet.

PRACTICAL FILE On the Internet

Les outils linguistiques pour pouvoir parler des ordinateurs.


Un extrait de Thinks, roman de David Lodge (2001), qui porte sur une forme nouvelle dordinateur miniaturis. 70 Folder 6 The World Wide Web

CULTURE BLOG US Secret Services

Manuel p. 86/87

CECR niveau B1 Reprer le droulement des vnements voqus, mme quand leur chronologie nest pas respecte. Comprendre lessentiel dun texte rdig dans une langue courante, sans trop de phrases complexes.

1 Power to the People

1. You can share knowledge, social contacts, computing power, etc. The key verb is share. 2. cooperation (1); peer to peer (2); feedback (3); join (3). 3. Some companies benefit from the Internet because they get feedback from their customers. Entertainment

publishing and advertising companies are at risk because of the Internet.

4. Global refers to the whole world (plantaire in French). Network (rseau in French) suggests that things

and people are interconnected.

2 The Digital Divide

1. deep difference: gap problem: issue getting lower: decreasing are not able to buy: cant afford

people who cannot read well: low-literacy users search characteristics: search features choose: select
2. Practicality Divide: 4 Mastery Divide: 3 Economic Divide: 2.

POD LECTURE Social networks

1. In the past, to make new friends, you could go to parties to meet just a few people. 2. Now you can join a networking site on the Internet and meet hundreds of people. 3. Facebook and Myspace each have 200 million members. 4. In your profile, you put your age, your hobbies, your favourite music, your job or school, your pets, etc 5. You can interact with people by messaging, email, video, voice chat, file sharing, blogging, discussion

groups, and so on.

6. You may need a password to shop online and access bank accounts. 7. You must not reveal too many indiscretions about yourself because some employers check on employees

profiles by looking on social networking sites.

Transcription Lecturer How many friends do you have? Students Two good ones. Iv got about ten. Four. Lecturer Whether you have 2, 4 or 10 friends, that group of friends is your own personal network. But how

can you extend your network and get more friends? Students Go to parties. Join a dating agency. Lecturer Right. In the past we depended upon parties to meet just a few people. Today we can join a networking site on the Internet and meet hundreds of people. Facebook and Myspace are presently the most popular networking sites over 200 million members on each site. You post your profile on the Internet and invite your friends to join. What do you put in your profile? Students Your age. Hobbies. Favourite music. Job or school. I put my pets. Lecturer Yes. This is how you can choose your friends among your friends friends and your friends friends friends. You can interact with all these people by messaging, email, video, voice chat, file sharing, blogging, discussion groups, and so on. Youd better be careful what secrets you give away. Some passwords that people use to shop online and access bank accounts are easy to guess. And some employers check on employees profiles by looking on social networking sites. So, do not reveal too many indiscretions about yourself!

Folder 6 The World Wide Web 71


Convince your parents

CECR niveau B2 Exprimer ses ides et ses opinions avec prcision et argumenter avec conviction sur des sujets complexes et ragir de mme aux arguments dautrui. Exprimer et exposer ses opinions dans une discussion et les dfendre avec pertinence en fournissant explications, arguments et commentaires.

Document 1 :

Manuel p. 88

Petite Anglaise

Since we interviewed Catherine for our Sound File she has become a real star in the UK and USA. She has been heard on every BBC radio station promoting her book, Petite Anglaise. It was recently serialized in The Sunday Times. 1. One can see on the blog page that Catherine lives in Paris. She is an expat (short for expatriate). 2. People write about blogs about all kinds of subjects. Everything depends on what they are interested in. We can guess that Catherine talks about her life in Paris; she probably mentions what she likes and dislikes about the way Parisians live. 3. Blogs are probably becoming more and more popular because people need to communicate with people. More and more people have access to the Internet and they realize that the possibilities are infinite. People tend to get interested in personal reactions and positions on what is going on.

Comprehension Transcription J So, Catherine, thank you for speaking to us. Now I get the feeling that the Internet has completely changed your life, Catherine. Is that right? K Absolutely. Yes. I started writing a blog back in 2004, and since then, I Ive met a man through my blog, so its changed my relationships, Ive changed career completely from being a secretary, now, to being a writer full-time, with a book coming out So it has its changed every single aspect of my life, I think. *** J Why did you start a blog? Why did you think Oh, my life is interesting for everybody in the world? K I started by reading a few other blogs, and realizing that you dont have to have some amazing lifestyle to be interesting you just have to write about it in a way which is funny or interesting, so that people want to read it. When I started, it was mainly because I was working as a secretary, so I had a computer in front of me every day. I had a young child at home, so I was often at home in the evenings. Again, with a computer. And so it seemed like a hobby which would give me something to do when I was bored, at home or at work, and its writing was something which I hadnt done for a very, very long time since I was at school but which I remembered enjoying and I thought that the thing about my life which might be interesting to other people would be the the fact that I lived in Paris, and that so many English or American people dream about living in Paris. So I started writing the diary of an ex-pat, you know, about life in Paris as seen through the eyes of an English girl. *** J And when did you realize that people were reading your blog? K When you have a blog, you can track who is actually reading it, so you can see how many readers you have. And so I saw it growing steadily over the first couple of years, and I could see that lots of other people who wrote blogs were putting a link back to my blog, and it got mentioned in a couple of newspapers, so I could see that I could see that people were interested in it, and when I started writing more personal things not just about how I saw Paris, but about my own life, my relationship, my work, my daughter

Guidage dans le Workbook.

72 Folder 6 The World Wide Web

I could tell that that was something which made people more interested in following it a little bit like if they were following a favorite TV show, and reading you know, following somebodys life. I got a book deal with a publisher in England, a publisher in the US, and I have to write two books now. So Im writing full-time. J You finished the first book, which is called La Petite Anglaise K I finished the first book, which is Petite Anglaise. *** J So how else has the Internet changed your life it has changed your life in many ways I can see youve won money, youve won a book deal, and also, youve met people K Ive met a lot of people through the blog. First of all, I met a man, who first who was leaving comments on my blog for many months, and who I eventually met just as a friend, but fell in love with. Document 2 :

Youve Got Mail

Une mini-pice qui met en scne une jeune femme et son rapport avec sa messagerie lectronique. Elle est adapte de Youve Got Mail, comdie romantique avec Meg Ryan et Tom Hanks. Il est propritaire dune chane de librairies. La scne est au dbut de leur histoire damour ; ils ne savent pas quelle tient la librairie quil a lintention de fermer.
Transcription Act 1: Kathleens home 07:30 a.m. Kathleen Ill see you tonight, Frank. Hes gone. Good. Computer Youve got mail. Kathleen, reading Dear Shop Girl. Brinkley is my dog. He loves the streets of New York as much as I do,

although he likes to eat bits of pizza off the sidewalk, and I prefer to buy them. Brinkley loves playing ball but he really prefers staying at home with me and spending 18 hours a day sleeping on a large green pillow. Joe Dont you love New York in the fall? It makes me want to buy books and pencils, like I used to when I was a kid. I would send you a bouquet of new pencils if I knew your name and address. On the other hand, this not knowing has its charms. ***
Act 2: Joes home 09:00 am. Voice Joe darling, Im late, see you tonight! Joe Shes gone, good. Computer Youve got mail. Joe, reading Dear New York 152, I like to start my notes to you as if were already in the middle of a

conversation. I pretend that were the oldest and dearest friends as opposed to what we actually are, people who dont know each others names and met in a Chat Room where we both claimed wed never been before. ***
Act 3: Kathleens home 07:30 pm. The next day. Kathleen Bye, Darling!

What will he say today, I wonder. I turn on my computer, I wait impatiently as it starts, I go on line, and I hold my breath until I hear three little words: Youve got mail. I hear nothing, not even a sound on the streets of New York, just the beat of my own heart. I have mail. From you. Action Tell a bloggers story

CECR niveau B2 Raconter lintrigue dun livre ou dun film et dcrire ses propres ractions. Raconter une histoire.

Folder 6 The World Wide Web 73


Manuel p. 89

CECR niveaux B1-B2 Comprendre la plupart des journaux et des documentaires tlviss, dans une langue standard. (B2) Participer une discussion sur un thme prpar. (B1)

Document 1 :

The Internet Is Bad

Ce spot, comme celui qui constitue le document 2, fait partie dune campagne publicitaire pour AOL qui encourage le public dbattre des aspects positifs et ngatifs du dveloppement de lInternet dans une socit o tout est surveill en permanence. Les questions suivantes illustres par ces spots pourront faire lobjet de dbats en classe. Pour que lInternet reste une bonne chose , faut-il permettre un contrle constant de ce qui y apparat et donc accepter de renoncer certaines liberts pour permettre la surveillance des mauvaises choses ? Laccs illimit linformation vaut-il la peine de renoncer certains aspects de notre vie prive? La libert dexpression promise par lInternet est-elle toujours une bonne chose?

Ces deux documents gagneront tre traits simultanment, puisquils prsentent deux aspects dune mme question. Les images illustrent des ides largement rpandues dans lopinion propos de lInternet. Aprs avoir verbalis ces ides et discut de leur validit, les lves pourront en classe dfendre leur point de vue et rpondre la question : Is the Internet a good thing or a bad thing?

Comprehension Document 1 lcran Step 1

Guidage dans le Workbook.

The Internet Is Bad Son

Des circuits, un il, [Pas de son] des cases, un scanner, des gens dans un caf, un plan darchitecte, une maison qui scroule, une antenne avec lies, images de SS et du KKK, Ben Laden, fille qui se dshabille, etc. Incrustation 1 : mmes images jusquau plan darchitecte. Incrustation 2 : de la maison qui scroule la fille qui regarde. Some people think the Internet is a bad thing. Some way your identity can be stolen, your home invaded and your savings robbed without anyone setting foot inside your door. It is one of the most dangerous weapons ever created. A way for the unhinged to spread evil, free of supervision or censorship. A place for mankind to exercise its darkest desires.

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Incrustation 3 : du tuyau An open market where you can purchase anything you want. au bb avec une pancarte.

74 Folder 6 The World Wide Web

lcran Step 5


Incrustation 4 : de lil la fin. [Document entier]

Orwell was right. The Internet has taken us to a place where everything we do is watched, monitored and processed without us even realizing it. Some people think the Internet is a bad thing. What do you think? [Document entier]

Step 6

Document 2 :

The Internet Is Good

Guidage dans le Workbook.
The Internet Is Good lcran Son

Comprehension Document 2

Step 1

Incrustation 1 : du dbut jusqu la fille avec une toile juive en noir et blanc.

Some people think the Internet is a good thing. The most powerful educational tool the world has ever known. Its preserving our history, making sure that in the future well never forget the past.

Step 2

Incrustation 2 : du When disasters struck Asia, the volume of aid donated by ordinary tsunami au dernier billet people through websites outweighed that of their own governments. de banque. Incrustation 3 : The Internet is a place that is free of state regulation, censorship and des manifestations control. The only place where freedom of speech truly exists. aux chars de Tien An Men. Incrustation 4 : de lil la fin. [Document entier] Debate
CECR niveau B2 Prendre des initiatives dans un entretien, largir et dvelopper ses ides, sans grande aide ni stimulation de la part de linterlocuteur.

Step 3

Step 4 Step 5

Orwell was wrong. It is not the state that holds all the power. It is us. Some people think the Internet is a good thing. What do you think? [Document entier]



Manuel p. 89

1. a. laptop; b. delete; c. save; d. save, hard-disk, mobile disk, USB key. 2. a. file; b. hard disk; c. plug it in (boot up too is useful); d. computer science; e. a virus; f. screen. 3. a. an insect; b. a fried potato; c. a device to open or lock a door; d. control; e. a showcase in a shop. 4. a. unload dcharger; b. debugging nettoyage; c. programmer programmateur; d. computerize informatiser.

Folder 6 The World Wide Web 75

TEXT FILE 1 A Sucess Story

Manuel p. 90/91

Ce texte prsente les inventeurs de Google. David Vise a crit The Google Story sur ce quil considre tre le plus extraordinaire et fascinant succs de notre poque, tant conomique, mdiatique que technologique. Il estime que le gnie technologique sapparente de la magie. On pourra trouver quantit dinformations supplmentaires sur Sergey Brin et Larry Page sur le Net.

Before you read
1. Google originated in the USA. It is an information retrieving system. We use Google to find information on

any topic. We enter one or several key words and we get results in no time.
2. Cette tape permettra dharmoniser les connaissances lexicales.

Read the text

3. Sergey Brin and Larry Page are visiting a crowd of young people, probably in a university. 4. Sergey Brin and Larry Page studied at Stanford University. They invented Google when

they were PhD students in computer science. 5. A heroes welcome involves roars and excitement. 6. Their project started as a student project, when they wanted to download the entire Web onto their computers. 7. Their invention is compared to several great inventions in the past, inventions which have changed something in peoples lives, like the electricity or the telephone. The big difference is that their invention was meteoric compared to the others which took years of research. 8. We can say that Google is a revolution because it brings free instant access to information. 9. Brin and Page are fundamentally optimistic. They are hard-working, ambitious young men. They enjoy the hearty welcome. They are dressed casually and behave like normal young men. Probably their aim is to give young students a desire to start projects, as they did, and to believe in the endless possibilities of the future. 10. Thanks to their crazy optimism, they have contributed to changing the world.

1. a. shouts: roars; b. wearing: dressed; c. informally: casually; d. very fast: meteoric; e. it is made incandescent

by electricity: light bulb; f. worked : labored; g. a person with a university degree: graduate
2. On invitera les lves se reporter au Strategy File page 25 du manuel, qui porte sur la drivation.

a. excitement: excite + -ment, noun; b. casually: casual + -ly, adverb; c. powerful: power + -ful, adj; d. advisor: advise +-or, noun; e. invention: invent + -ion, noun; g. meteoric: meteor + -ic, adj; h. comparable: compare + -able, adj; i. computer: compute + -er, noun. 3. develop, development create, creation inform, information, informer, informant conclude, conclusion modern, modernity, modernism. history, historical thank, thankful optimism, optimistic write, written read, readable. excited, excitedly powerful, powerfully entire, entirely day, daily free, freely.


Sergey Brin and Larry Page, the creators of Google, are greeted like heroes by their teenage audience. They explain how they turned their university research project into a multibillion-dollar enterprise. Their invention gives everybody free instant access to any type of information. It can compare with the invention of the light bulb, the telephone, the assembly line or the computer. What is remarkable is that it took them less than five years to make it! 76 Folder 6 The World Wide Web


Post an article on your school site

CECR niveau B1 Rsumer avec une certaine assurance une source dinformations factuelles sur des sujets familiers courants et non courants dans son domaine, en faire le rapport et donner son opinion. Collationner des lments dinformation issus de sources diverses et les rsumer pour quelquun dautre.

On entranera les lves rdiger, dune manire personnelle, le compte rendu de ce quils ont lu et leurs impressions.

GRAMMAR FILE Les formes have V-en

1. a. had been waiting; past perfect be V-ing. Le moment de rfrence est pass (arrived).

Manuel p. 92

b. had turned : past perfect. Le moment de rfrence est le pass (arrived). c. have changed : present perfect. Le moment de rfrence est le prsent. 2. Dans la phrase a, lnonciateur sintresse lactivit du sujet grammatical (the students). Dans la phrase b, lnonciateur sintresse plutt au rsultat (turned a graduate school project). 3. For est une prposition qui introduit une indication de dure (ten minutes).

1. a. Google has made finding a piece of information far easier.

b. Brin and Page have revolutionized our access to information. c. When Brin joined Page, Page had already started downloading the Web. d. Bill and Melinda Gatess foundation has brought innovations 2. a. The students have been listening to Brin and Page for over an hour. b. Brin and Page have contributed to the advance of science and technology. c. The students are interested because they have used Google 3. a. During the talk you could have heard a pin drop. b. The students would very much like to be as successful as their guests. c. Brin and Page do not regret working so hard for five years. d. The advisor said, Page, I regret to tell you your project is unrealistic. 4. a. To make Google, Brin and Page had to work many, many hours a day. b. To pass their exams, the students have to work steadily. c. To create the assembly line, Ford had to practise for years. d. Brin and Page had to ask them to calm down / wait until they were quiet. Action Be the most imaginative!
CECR niveau A2 Raconter une histoire par une simple liste de points. Faire une description brve et lmentaire dun vnement ou dune activit. Dcrire des activits passes et des expriences personnelles.

Plutt que de renvoyer les lves la page 155, nous suggrons de reproduire les cartes page suivante pour les distribuer aux lves.

Folder 6 The World Wide Web 77

You look tired.

Your father looks very happy.

A student is waiting outside the headteachers office.

Your boyfriend comes back home on foot and not by car.

Brin and Page are late.

A car alarm is ringing.

Your younger brother is crying.

Your girlfriend hasnt sent you any text message today.

Your teacher is shouting.

Your uncle looks different.

Action 1 Debate in class

Manuel p. 93

CECR niveau B2 Exposer ses ides et ses opinions et argumenter avec conviction sur des sujets complexes et ragir de mme aux arguments dautrui. Exprimer, justifier et dfendre son opinion, valuer dautres propositions ainsi que rpondre des hypothses et en faire.

Nous proposons de faire voluer les groupes au cours de la tche afin dimpliquer le maximum dlves et de prparer les interventions pour les rendre plus efficaces. Action 2 Expose your groups arguments

CECR niveau B1 Dvelopper une argumentation suffisamment bien pour tre compris sans difficult la plupart du temps. Donner brivement raisons et explications relatives des opinions, projets et actions.

Cette activit est directement lie la prcdente : linteraction a prpar la prise de parole en continu. Elle demande toutefois une organisation et une planification. Action 3 Make a web site

CECR niveau B1 crire des rapports trs brefs de forme standard conventionnelle qui transmettent des informations factuelles courantes et justifient des actions. Transmettre une information simple et immdiatement pertinente des amis, des professeurs et autres personnes frquentes dans la vie quotidienne, en communiquant de manire comprhensible les points qui lui semblent importants.

Le guidage est dans le Workbook. 78 Folder 6 The World Wide Web

TEXT FILE 2 Its a Wonderful Internet

Manuel p. 94

Dans quel monde vivrions-nous sans Internet? Its a Wonderful Internet est un conte de fes moderne revisit par des mordus du multimdia. On pourra inviter les lves consulter le site ponyme o lhistoire est raconte au travers dun vieux livre anim, nostalgie des rcits magiques de lenfance : 1. Rponse libre. 2. George was playing an online role game when, suddenly, his character died. 3. He roars dismay : he cant believe what happens. Im the best: he is offended and hurt and bitterly disappointed he cried a frown: he is very upset and very angry. 4. He must be an online game addict. He probably gets angry very easily. His characters are very important to him. He is personally involved in them. 5. Suddenly his modem stopped working. His angry wish had come true: the Internet stopped. He felt elated; his happiness grew. 6. He tried to call his friends but he did not have any phone numbers (he only communicated with them through email). He tried to call his girl friend but she had disappeared he had met her on-line. He tried to listen to music but he only gets very old music. He non longer has his online music. He tried to watch movies but could not get them because he had bought them through the Internet. He tried to watch TV but the power stopped because he could no longer pay his electricity bill. The same happed with water. 7. The verb chill means hang out (se promener, traner). 8. At the very end of the poem, George is expelled from his home by the landlord because he has not paid the rent. 9. Obviously, he is a very angry young man. He has lost track of reality. He had certainly not anticipated all the consequences of the realisation of his wish. 10. Is the Internet really wonderful? The author is not so sure. People should not be too dependent on it. Action Read the poem aloud
CECR niveau A2 Prononcer dune manire suffisamment claire pour tre compris malgr un net accent tranger mme si des erreurs de prononciation proviennent occasionnellement.

GRAMMAR (in Workbook) Les formes have V-en

1. a. It was holiday time, and George sat in his den. Suddenly he got shot and his character died.

b. He looked all around him: Theres just one explanation my wish has come true! c. He called for his girlfriend, but she had disappeared. d. Before online music began, he had been a Phil Collins fan. La plupart des verbes sont au prtrit car il sagit dun rcit. has come est au present perfect : on constate que quelque chose vient darriver. had disappered et had been sont des past perfect. Ils font rfrence des actions passes antrieurement au point de rfrence qui est lui-mme au pass (called et began). 2. a. I cant find my Phil Collins records, I suppose I have lost them. b. When he looked around him, he realized all the objects in his flat had been bought on the Internet. c. The Internet has revolutionized the computer and communications world like nothing before. d. In 1962, J.C.R. Licklider imagined a globally interconnected set of computers. 3. a. I wish the Internet had not been born. b. George wishes his character had not been killed.

Folder 6 The World Wide Web 79

c. I wish my girlfriend were with me. d. I wish my landlord understood my situation. e. I wish my CDs had not disappeared!

PRACTICAL FILE On the Internet

Action Explain how to use a software program

Manuel p. 95

CECR niveau B1 Transmettre, sans notes, une information simple, et rendre vident le point qui me semble le plus important. Effectuer une description, en en numrant les diffrents points.


1. a. The text is about computers that you can dress with.

Manuel p. 96

b. These computers might be used in the future. c. Ralph Messenger is the journalist. 2. a. The narrator heard the entire programme. Wrong - I switched on in the middle of the discussion. b. Computers are becoming cheaper and cheaper. Right - computers get smaller and cheaper in the future / theres no reason why wearables shouldnt become cheaply available in the not-too-distant future. c. The information given by wearable computers would be kept secret. Wrong - anyone with access to this information on their own wearable computers could tell from it what you were thinking and feeling. d. Computer technology isnt changing quickly. Wrong - Theyre improving faster than any other machine in history. e. These computers would know in advance what you need. Right - domestic appliances could anticipate your needs. f. They could be imposed on some people. Right - wearables could also be made compulsory in certain contexts. 3. Two things that wearable computers could do for you at home: make you a cup of tea; find you a suitably relaxing TV programme. 4. So theres no reason why wearables shouldnt become cheaply available in the not-too-distant future. 5. Wearable computers could control angry drivers: suppose there was a wearable that triggered a red light on the roof of your car when your blood-pressure and pulse rate went above a certain level. A sort of roadrage meter? 6. a. sort: kind. b. from what I understood: as far as I could gather. c. machines used at home: domestic appliances. d. activated: triggered. e. avoid: prevent. 7. a. I happened: the narrator. b. your pulse rate: the reader. c. on their own wearable computers: anyone. d. he was asked: Ralph Messenger. e. wearing one: a wearable computer.

80 Folder 6 The World Wide Web


Global Business

INTERDEPENDENCE : Les effets de la mondialisation du commerce sont souvent nfastes. Leurs retombes peuvent cependant avoir des rsultats plus positifs qui permettent la survie dconomies locales ou la prise de conscience des dfis du dveloppement durable et du commerce quitable. (BO hors srie n 5 du 9 septembre 2004.)
Il est courant de critiquer la mondialisation. Dans ce folder, nous avons essay de dvelopper les deux aspects de cette question sensible et tellement actuelle. Le monde daujourdhui devient de plus en plus interdpendant. Ce nest quen grant au mieux cette interdpendance que le monde peut se dvelopper harmonieusement.

CULTURE BLOG International Trade
De tout temps les tres humains ont commerc mais aujourdhui plus que jamais. Dans ce contexte, la garantie du commerce quitable a t cre pour viter que les producteurs les plus pauvres ne soient par trop lss.


Document 1 : Union Sundown

Dans cette chanson, Bob Dylan dnonce lhypocrisie des syndicats et du public eux-mmes qui se plaignent de la disparition des emplois dans leur pays mais prfrent acheter les produits bon march en provenance des pays du tiers-monde. Document 2 : My Day and Yours. Ce pome oppose la vie de deux jeunes femmes de 18 ans : lune vivant dans le tiers-monde et lautre en Amrique.


Document 1 : Just Do It

Un extrait de The Big One, un film de Michael Moore.

Document 2 : Hotlines

Un programme humoristique dnonant la dlocalisation des hotlines tlphoniques.

WORD BANK Le lexique de la mondialisation TEXT FILE 1 The Story of my T-Shirt

Pietra Rivoli pse le pour et le contre de la mondialisation.

GRAMMAR FILE La drivation

Rvisions : les noms composs, les questions.

EXPRESSION FILE TEXT FILE 2 Globalization Is Nothing New

La mondialisation est un phnomne ancien. Quelles en sont les origines?

STRATEGY FILE Parler en continu ORAL EXAM FILE An Interview with Jonathan Watts
Les augmentations des denres alimentaires affectent le monde entier.

Folder 7 Global Business 81

CULTURE BLOG International Trade

Manuel p. 100/101

CECR niveau B1 Reprer le droulement des vnements voqus, mme quand leur chronologie nest pas respecte. Comprendre lessentiel dun texte rdig dans une langue courante, sans trop de phrases complexes.

Will we just become one big McWorld? We have tried to show the history of global trade in this blog, because yes, global trade has always existed. Perhaps it is on a bigger scale today than it used to be, but surely that can be put down to a more interdependent world. As with all movements there is always a counter movement that pops up and this time Fair Trade is trying to show us the right way forward.

1 A World of Traders
1. International trade is the exchange of goods and services across international nations. 2. The four steps that have so affected global trade are: ancient times (camel caravans), the 19th century

(the postal service), the twnetieth century (the telegraph and telephone), and today (the Internet).
3. Commerants : traders soie : silk pices : spices vapeur : steam tre en augmentation : be on the rise

revenu : income alimenter : fuel aux dpens de : at the expense of.

2 The Fair Trade Certification

1. Fair trade certification: garantie du commerce quitable farm workers: ouvriers agricole certification

system: systme de certification child labor: travail des enfants soil fertility: fertilit du sol farming methods: mthodes de culture fair trade certified label: tiquette (label) garantissant le commerce quitable fair trade products: produits du commerce quitable developing world farmers: paysans des pays en voie de dveloppement poverty cycle: cycle de la pauvret. 2. Fair trade certification guarantees that the farmers get the best prices. It assures that the farmers work in safe conditions and it does not involve child labour. 3. Some people think fair trade products are a good idea but there are critics too. 4. Critics say that the sysem does not promote modern methods that would help farmers escape living in poverty.


CECR niveau B1 Suivre une confrence ou un expos dans son propre domaine condition que le sujet soit familier et la prsentation directe, simple et clairement structure. Suivre le plan gnral dexposs courts sur des sujets familiers condition que la langue en soit standard et clairement articule. 1. The world is turning into some consumer colony of America. 2. The companies mentioned are: McDonalds, Levis, Nike, Coca-Cola, Disney. 3. The only non-American company is Sony. 4. This company is mentioned because When people buy Sony products they do not believe its part of a plan

to turn the world into Japan.

5. Much of the worlds economy has become integrated. 6. The total value of world exports has risen from 2$ trillion in 1980 to 5$ trillion in 1995 and up to over

12$ trillion in 2006.

7. The critics argue that a sort of cultural cloning will result. They are convinced that the world will become one

big McWorld.
8. Two positive side effects of global trade are: exports have risen and global exchanges have permitted organ

transplants. 82 Folder 7 Global Business


Global trade Lots of people seem to think it means that the world is turning into some consumer colony of America. Coke, CNN, McDonalds, Levis, Nike if they havent taken over the world yet, they think, they will soon. (Strange! Ive never heard of anyone who buys Sony believing that its part of a plan to turn the world into Japan.) Whether we like it or not, much of the worlds economy has become increasingly integrated in the last thirty years. The total value of world exports has risen dramatically from 2$ trillion in 1980 to 5$ trillion in 1995 and up to over 12$ trillion in 2006. Not everyone is happy. How people feel about this depends on where they live and how much money they have. Some people believe that a sort of cultural cloning will result from the development of McDonalds, Coca-Cola, Disney or Nike. These critics are convinced that Westernoften understood as American influences will produce one big McWorld. But global exchanges have also permitted organ transplants to save people and computers to let us communicate. Action Make a one-minute presentation
CECR niveau B1 Dvelopper une argumentation suffisamment bien pour tre compris sans difficult la plupart du temps. Donner brivement raisons et explications relatives des opinions, projets et actions.

SOUND FILE Union Sundown

Manuel p. 101

CECR niveau B1 Comprendre linformation contenue dans la plupart des documents enregistrs ou radiodiffuss, dont le sujet est dintrt personnel et la langue standard clairement articule.

Union Sundown is on Dylans album, Infidels, his 22nd studio album, released in 1983 by Columbia Records. Infidels gained much attention for its focus on more personal themes of love and loss, in addition to commentary on the environment and geopolitics. It is another political protest against lowest bidding sweatshops overseas. He not only attacks the hypocrisy of Americans who complain about the lack of American jobs while not paying more for American-made goods, but also the Unions who are more concerned about their own interests than improving the lot of American workers generally. He refers to them as dinosaurs who are unable to adapt to the modern world.


1. The people are demonstrating because they dont want to lose their jobs. Perhaps their company has started

manufacturing in Dubai and many workers have been made redundant.

2. The other picture shows a factory in China or Korea where labor is cheap. 3. These pictures illustrate the fact that when manufacturing is outsourced people lose their jobs.

Comprehension Transcription

Guidage dans le Workbook.

You know, this shirt I wear comes from the Philippines And the car I drive is a Chevrolet, It was put together down in Argentina By a guy makin thirty cents a day.

Well, my shoes, they come from Singapore, My flashlights from Taiwan, My tablecloths from Malaysia, My belt buckles from the Amazon.

Folder 7 Global Business 83

Chorus Well, its sundown on the union And whats made in the USA. Sure was a good idea Till greed got in the way. Well, this silk dress is from Hong Kong And the pearls are from Japan. Well, the dog collars from India And the flower pots from Pakistan. All the furniture, it says Made in Brazil Where a woman, she slaved for sure Bringin home thirty cents a day to a family of twelve, You know, thats a lot of money to her. Chorus Well, you know, lots of people complainin that there is no work. I say, Why you say that for

When nothin you got is US-made? They dont make nothin here no more, You know, capitalism is above the law. It say, It dont count less it sells. When it costs too much to build it at home You just build it cheaper someplace else. Chorus Well, the job that you used to have, They gave it to somebody down in El Salvador. The unions are big business, friend, And theyre goin out like a dinosaur. They used to grow food in Kansas Now they want to grow it on the moon and eat it raw. I can see the day coming when even your home garden Is gonna be against the law. Bob Dylan

Document 2 :

My Day and Yours

CECR niveau B1 Comprendre linformation contenue dans la plupart des documents enregistrs ou radiodiffuss, dont le sujet est dintrt personnel et la langue standard clairement articule.

This poem written by Deidre Barry, an 11th grade student at Franklin High School in Portland, appeared in the magazine Rethinking Globalization: Teaching for Justice in an Unjust World, edited by Bill Bigelow and Bob Peterson. This comprehensive 402-page book from Rethinking Schools helps teachers raise critical issues with students in grades 4-12 about the increasing globalization of the worlds economies and infrastructures, and the many different impacts this trend has on our planet and those who live here. Ce pome est propos en version karaok sur le DVD. Avec ce support, nous esprons aider les lves mieux sapproprier le rythme et lintonation spcifiques de langlais.

Im 18, and years older than that. Im 18, and I cant believe Im that old. I get up before sunrise, because I have to be at work. I get up at 6, because I need time to do my hair and makeup before school. I walk two miles to work, the blisters on my feet open from wear. I drive to school, and walk carefully, because I need to keep my shoes clean. I spend my day inside a factory, with hundreds of other girls, unable to take breaks, and unable to leave. I spend my day in classes, wanting only to get out. I would give anything to go to school, to learn, to be able to get somewhere in life. I would give anything to be done with school. Who cares anyways? I would quit, but I cant. I have parents, brothers and 84 Folder 7 Global Business

sisters to support and jobs are hard to find. Id drop out, but then my parents would be angry. At 4:00, we get a five minute break for water, and then its back for more work. At 3:30, we get out, and I head for basketball practice. I sew the Swoosh on, time after time, hour after hour, until my fingers bleed and my knuckles ache. I earn barely enough to live, and not even near enough to help my family. I lace up my Nikes, my new ones. These cost me only 130$, and everyone has a pair. I sew pair after pair, trying to earn enough to buy food and clothes. I want out. But its such a vicious cycle. I want to get out. But I need to work a little more before I have enough. These shoes hurt my feet. I think Ill buy a new pair. Deidre Barry

Document 1 :

Manuel p. 103

Just Do It

Ce document est extrait du film de Michael Moore, The Big One, dans lequel il pose la mme question plusieurs grands patrons des multinationales amricaines : Pourquoi licencier quand on fait du profit? Dans cet extrait, Michael Moore sentretient avec Phil Knight, patron de Nike, qui a accept de le recevoir et qui il propose dinstaller une usine Flint, petite ville amricaine en proie un fort chmage. travers ce documentaire, les lves seront amens sinterroger sur les rpercussions parfois douloureuses induites par la mondialisation et son cortge de dlocalisation.

On commencera par faire travailler le petit reportage sur la situation de lentreprise Nike en Indonsie. On abordera laspect politique induit par linstallation dusines amricaines dans des pays rgimes totalitaires avant daborder la question principale pose Phil Knight : Pourquoi ne pas installer une usine Flint? Les lves seront amens rflchir dune part sur lvident parti-pris des questions de Michael Moore, mais aussi sur les rponses parfois surprenantes du milliardaire amricain.

Comprehension Document 1 lcran Step 1

Guidage dans le Workbook.

Just Do It Son

Reportage sur Nike en Indonsie.

Nike makes most of their shoes in Indonesia, using teenage girls and paying them less than 40 cents an hour. The company has the backing of Indonesias brutal military regime which has just committed genocide in East Timor. Nike makes no shoes in America. I couldnt believe the chairman of Nike was granting me a visit.

Contre-plonge sur les tours en verre, Swooch. Porte qui souvre. Mr Moore entre. Phil Knight. Mr Moore.
Step 2

Basically, youve got, you know, an underdeveloped country with a repressive regime and the way they pull themselves out of this thing is by having I think trade helps.

Phil Knight qui boit. Thats a separate discussion from an American company going into Gros plan sur son visage. Indonesia and working with a regime that killed 200,000 people! Thats almost a form of genocide. I know that thats got to bother you, I dont know you personally, but I know you have a conscience. Well, I certainly wouldnt approve of any of that sort of thing, but basically, I mean, how many people were killed in the Cultural Revolution? Mr Moore. Phil Knight la main sur le cur. I simply have a basic belief, having been burnt out once, and I really believe in this very strongly that Americans do not want to make shoes. They dont want to make shoes. Film-maker Michael Moore is urging the worlds largest athletic shoe company to open a factory. A factory in Flint.

Step 3

Journaliste la TV.

Folder 7 Global Business 85



Reportage Flint, manifestation. Moore et Phil Knight debout devant un cran de TV.
Step 4

So Moore has come home to convince Nike. Hes staging an event tomorrow in front of City Hall. We need jobs. (x4) Very impressive. So. What do you think?

Interview de Phil Knight. I think that a lot of people that dont have jobs will take any job but that, given choice, the Americans really dont want to work in shoe factories, I still believe that. But Ive just No, No, they say they did, but I think any unemployed person would say that: I would like any job. [Document entier] [Document entier]

Step 5

Document 2 :


Ce sketch de la Royal Canadian Air Farce, un programme humoristique canadien diffus toutes les semaines par CBC Television, dnonce les problmes soulevs par la dlocalisation. Une femme, en Inde, tente, distance, de venir en aide aux clients des trois socits pour lesquelles elle travaille.

On commencera par faire travailler les lves partir de la situation de dpart : une femme qui appelle au secours car elle entend quelquun tenter de sintroduire chez elle. On fera anticiper les lves sur laide que peut apporter dans pareils cas une socit de gardiennage. Les lves dcouvriront ensuite progressivement labsurdit de la situation : dabord lloignement de la socit de gardiennage situe dans un pays o la mainduvre est bien moins chre et qui ne peut donc bien videmment intervenir, puis la multiplicit et la diversit des entreprises pour laquelle cette socit de service doit travailler pour assurer un salaire convenable ses employs. Ce sketch pose bien videment, par le biais de lhumour, la question de la sous-traitance et de la dlocalisation des services.

Comprehension Document 2 lcran Step 1

Guidage dans le Workbook.

Hotlines Son

Fille dans son lit. Fille dans son lit. Se lve et va appuyer sur linterphone. Fille qui saffole. La fille chez elle qui appelle.

I woke up in the middle of the night, terrified. But no, it was an intruder trying to get into our house. Fortunately we had an ADG security system. They were immediately in communication from their home office. Someone is trying to break in! I can hear them on the roof. I think they just got the cat, send help! I woke up in the middle of the night, terrified. But no, it was an intruder trying to get into our house. Fortunately we had an ADG Security system. They were immediately in communication from their home office.

Step 2

86 Folder 7 Global Business



La hotline en Inde. La fille chez elle qui appelle. La hotline en Inde.

Mrs. Parker, this is ADG, Goodness Gracious, we are receiving an alarm, are you all right? Yes, were all right, but were quite frightened. One moment, please hello? Oh, Im so sorry you are in Jamaica in your underpants, but we are doing our very best to locate your luggage thank you for choosing Air Canada! So, Mrs Parker, ADG is monitoring your emergency situation Someone is trying to break in! I can hear them on the roof. I think they just got the cat, send help! Can you hold again? I have another call. Hello??? Yes, that includes the high speed modem and Bluetooth capability. Thank you for choosing Dell Computers. Mrs Parker, are you still alive? Im afraid, you have to help me. Ill be most happy to help you, but first I have to answer the other line. Hello? Oh my word, yes, we can have it to you in less than one hour. And thank you for choosing Big Pepperoni Pizza! I woke up in the middle of the night, terrified. But no, it was an intruder trying to get into our house. Fortunately we had an ADG security system. They were immediately in communication from their home office. Mrs. Parker, this is ADG, Goodness Gracious, we are receiving an alarm, are you all right? Yes, were all right, but were quite frightened. One moment, please hello? Oh, Im so sorry you are in Jamaica in your underpants, but we are doing our very best to locate your luggage thank you for choosing Air Canada! So, Mrs. Parker, ADG is monitoring your emergency situation. Someone is trying to break in! I can hear them on the roof. I think they just got the cat, send help! Can you hold again? I have another call. Hello??? Yes, that includes the high speed modem and Bluetooth capability. Thank you for choosing Dell Computers. Mrs. Parker, are you still alive? Im afraid, you have to help me. Ill be most happy to help you, but first I have to answer the other line. Hello? Oh my word, yes, we can have it to you in less than one half hour. And thank you for choosing Big Pepperoni Pizza! Are you still there, Mrs. Parker? Yes, I think hes gone; everything is all right, now. I dont need help. OK, we will send someone over right away. No, no, I dont need help anymore. Bang! Youre safe now, Maam! We got him. ADG Security. Were just a continent away.

La fille qui saffole. La hotline.

La fille. La hotline.

Step 3

[Document entier]

Folder 7 Global Business 87


Make a spoof ad
CECR niveau B2 crire un essai ou un rapport qui dveloppe une argumentation en apportant des justifications pour ou contre un point de vue particulier et en expliquant les avantages ou les inconvnients de diffrentes options.

1. compete: tre en comptition consume: consommer globalize: mondialiser. 2. a. Coca-Cola has conquered markets all over the world.

Manuel p. 103

b. A firm that does not make profit will go bankrupt. c. Western firms invest in countries where labour is cheaper. d. When there is overproduction, fruit producers cut prices. e. China supplies us with a lot of cheap products. f. Some European firms cannot compete with Chinese firms 3. a. multinational; b. branch; c. purchasing power; d. wholesale; e. shareholder; f. conquer a market. 4. a. invest: investment, investor; b. profit: profiteer, profitable, unprofitable; c. merchandise: merchant, merchandiser; d. market: marketshare, world market, upmarket.

TEXT FILE 1 The Story of My T-Shirt

Manuel p. 104/105

CECR niveau B1 Parcourir un texte assez long pour y localiser une information cherche. Runir des informations provenant de diffrentes parties du texte ou de textes diffrents afin daccomplir une tche spcifique.

We fell in love with this text from a book by Pietra Rivoli who writes in an easy-to-understand, engaging way. We were struck by the fairness of the author who denounces both the wild accusations against globalization and the dangers engendered by not paying attention to how we globalize. The Travels of a T-Shirt in the Global Economy takes the reader on a fascinating, around-the-world journey to reveal the economic and political lessons from the life story of a simple product in a highly competitive global marketplace. Over a five-year period, business professor Pietra Rivoli travelled from a Texas cotton field to a Chinese factory. She looks closely at the lives of Texas cotton farmers, Chinese textile producers, and uses her T-shirt to illustrate crucial lessons in the globalization debate. This important narrative reveals surprising secrets of success in world markets and its price for individuals and communities around the world. It is perfect for showing our students the two sides to the debate.

Before you read
1. The photos show cheap T-shirts and the women who make them in China or another Asian country. These

women are badly paid.

2. We are probably going to find out how our T-shirts were made: who made them, where they were made and

how much they cost in the shops.

Read the text
3. The story says that perhaps it was made in Vietnam or India by a young girl who was paid nothing and who

lives in very bad conditions.

4. Students think globalization is the fault of the bad guys who treat workers badly around the world. 5. The young woman is giving a speech on globalization and wants to tell people how bad it is. 6. Pietra Rivoli travelled round the world to see if what the woman was saying was true or not.

88 Folder 7 Global Business

7. She doesnt side with anyone. She understands the fors and againsts. 8. Refer to lines 28 to 35. 9. Personal answers.

1. a. crowd: large number of people; b. cheered: applauded, acclaimed; c. ruthlessly: pitilessly; d. crush:

destroy; e. unionize: join a trade union; f. filth: dirt; g. argue: defend ones opinion; h. not integrated: excluded; i. enhancing: improving. 2. a. globalization; b. International Monetary Fund (IMF); c. World Trade Organization (WTO); d. globalizers; e. a cant win situation.


Pietra Rivoli reports she witnessed demonstrations of anti-globalization activists on her campus. She decided to investigate to test the validity of their arguments and to make up her own mind. She found out that both globalizers and anti-globalization activists are right. Indeed, thanks to globalization some countries have improved their economic situation. But some others still remain poor. She also says that, in fast-growing countries, prosperity does not concern the whole population. ACTION Speak out in a demonstration

CECR niveau B1 Faire de brves annonces prpares sur un sujet proche des faits quotidiens dans son domaine, ventuellement mme avec un accent et une intonation trangers qui nempchent pas dtre clairement intelligible.

GRAMMAR FILE La drivation


Manuel p. 106

overtime (n) > racine : time (n) > effet : change le sens : over- indique lexcs. sickness (n) > racine : sick (adj) > effet : change la nature : -ness, nom > adjectif. cheerful (adj) > racine : cheer (n) > effet : change la nature : -ful, nom > adjectif. hopeless (adj) > racine : hope (n) > effet : change la nature : -less, nom > adjectif. obviously (adv) > racine : obvious (adj) > effet : change la nature : -ly, adjectif > adverbe. globalization (n) > racine : globalize (v) > effet : change la nature : -ation, verbe > nom. workers (n) > racine : work (v) > effet : change la nature : -er, verbe > nom. widens (v) > racine : wide (adj) > effet : change la nature : -en, nom > adjectif. Exemples : overpopulation sadness hopeful moneyless quickly standardization employer broaden, etc.

1. a. They were trying to be helpful.

c. They are defenceless. d. Their determination was obvious. e. Their heartlessness is evident. f. They had a lot of followers. h. She works carefully.

Folder 7 Global Business 89

j. It has revolutionised our lives. k. Our ways of life have become standardised. 2. a. a washing machine; b. developing countries; c. a salary increase; d. a shopping centre; e. a sports shop; f. a goal keeper; g. United Nations Organization (UNO). 3. a. Where were the students demonstrating? b. Who seized the microphone? c. What did the young woman seize? d. What did Pietra Rivoli follow? e. Who followed the life of a T-shirt? f. How many developing countries did she visit? g. What will new countries benefit from? Action Play the hangman game
CECR niveau B1 Prparer et essayer de nouvelles expressions et combinaisons de mots et demander des remarques en retour leur sujet.

Exemples de phrases : He is hard-working and interested. They set up a demonstration to denounce the bosses unfairness. The students invited the passers-by to a noisy demonstration against globalization. They cheered and shouted very noisily to celebrate their graduation.

Action 1 Debate

Manuel p. 107

CECR niveau B2 Exprimer sa pense sur un sujet abstrait ou culturel comme un film ou de la musique. Expliquer pourquoi quelque chose pose problme. Commenter brivement le point de vue dautrui.

Cette tche sera loccasion de tirer parti de lensemble des documents tudis. Action 2 Make a slideshow

CECR niveau B1 Prvoir et prparer la faon de communiquer les points importants quil/elle veut transmettre en exploitant toutes les ressources disponibles. Raconter une histoire.

Cette tche est directement lie au document 2 du Sound File. Il sagit denrichir ce pome par des images. Action 3 Write a poem

CECR niveau B1 Peut crire des biographies imaginaires et des pomes courts et simples sur les gens. Peut raconter des expriences en dcrivant ses sentiments et ses ractions dans un texte simple et articul.

Le guidage est dans le Workbook.

90 Folder 7 Global Business

TEXT FILE 2 Globalization Is Nothing New

Manuel p. 108

1. The history of globalization. 2. Rponses libres: les lves vrifient leurs hypothses. The text deals with the issue of globalization: is it

positive or negative? 3. According to Nayan Chanda, globalization has always existed. 4. He started reflecting on the subject when an electrician told him that globalisation was responsible for the destruction of the rain forest. He realized that, for the man in the street, globalization was synonym with evil and was considered responsible for all the problems in the world. 5. Traders, preachers, adventurers and warriors started the process of globalization when they left their countries to find a better life or to fulfil their ambitions. Perhaps they were driven by a desire for adventure or curiosity. Perhaps they wanted to promote their culture and way of life in the world. Or they wanted to escape from their native country. Or they were just pursuing a desire for money. 6. Today the process of globalization is supported by multinational companies, nongovernmental organizations, activists, migrants, and tourists who travel all around the world. 7. Rponses individuelles. Action Fill in a map of the world
CECR niveau A2 Parcourir un texte pour y localiser une information cherche et peut runir des informations provenant de diffrentes parties du texte afin daccomplir une tche spcifique.

GRAMMAR (in Workbook) Les questions

1. Question ferme : a. Isnt it true

Structure : inversion verbe/sujet et prsence dun auxiliaire. Cest lauxiliaire qui porte la marque du temps ou de laspect. 2. a. Who was this car manufactured by? Where do the Japanese workers live? How far is Kashiwa from Tokyo? b. Why did the firm outsource production? c. Who denounced globalization for the destruction of cultural identities. d. Who did you visit the firm with? What company does Mr Himisho work for? 3. a. People accuse globalization of damaging the rain forest. b. People are clearing forests to meet the growing demand... c. Christopher Columbus found chilli pepper plants in the New World. 4. global-ization: mondialisation; damage-ing : endommage/abmer; clear-ed: rases/abattues; global-ly: mondialement; grow-ing : grandissante; origin-ated: est n; preach-ers : prcheurs; war-riors: guerriers.

STRATEGY FILE Parler en continu

Manuel p. 109

Cette fiche sera lobjet de discussion en classe. Les changes seront loccasion damener les lves prendre du recul par rapport leurs pratiques.

Folder 7 Global Business 91


with Jonathan Watts


Manuel p. 110

CECR niveaux B1-B2 Comprendre les points principaux des bulletins dinformation radiophoniques et de documents enregistrs simples, sur un sujet familier, si le dbit est assez lent et la langue relativement articule. (B1) Comprendre les ides principales dinterventions complexes du point de vue du fond et de la forme, sur un sujet concret ou abstrait, dans une langue standard. (B2) 1. The products mentioned: wheat rice corn soya dairy products. 2. The countries: Italy, Mexico, India. 3. The populations were concerned about the price of: pasta tortillas onions. 4. The first reason for the rise in food prices is global warming. 5. Agricultural products are in competition with fuel and their prices are driven by fuel prices. 6. The final reason is the increasing consumption in fast developing countries like China and India. 7. Jonathan Watts focuses on China. 8. The rise in the prices of vegetables and grains is around 30%. 9. The rise in the price of pork is around 50%. 10. Some of the poorest farmers feel happy about the rise in prices because they get more money for their

11. When there are reduced prices in supermarkets, there can be disturbances. 12. Three customers were killed in a crush. Transcription Interviewer In the past year, there has been a sharp rise in the cost of wheat, rice, corn, soya and dairy

products. As a result, we have seen protests in Italy about the price of pasta; in Mexico its tortillas and in India its onions. Jonathan Watts is in Beijing for the Guardian and hes been speaking to one of the worlds leading agricultural researchers about the forces pushing up food prices. Jonathan Watts He identified what he described as a perfect storm a number of factors that have all come together. The first one is global warming, which is affecting crop yields across the planet. The second one is the increase in uses of bio fuels which means that agricultural products like maize are now in competition with fuel and the prices are driven by fuel prices and the final one is that consumption in fastdeveloping countries like China and India is increasing very fast and putting demand pressures on prices. Interviewer John, you are in Beijing. Whats been the impact of rising food prices in China? Jonathan Watts Over all, I think there is some unease that is adding to inflation. The price rises of vegetables and grains and some other foods is around 30% and in the case of some items like pork which is, you know, the most important meat here, its closer to 50%. And some of the poorest of the poor, some of the farmers in the countryside are not too unhappy because it means that they get more money for their crops. When people feel that the prices have gone too high weve seen two big disturbances caused by supermarkets offering half price vegetable oil. It sounds quite funny but in one of the stampedes it was anything but that when 3 people were killed in the crush.

CECR niveau B2 Construire un raisonnement logique et enchaner mes ides. Expliquer mon point de vue sur un sujet dactualit, en donnant les avantages et inconvnients de diverses opinions.

92 Folder 7 Global Business


Asians Uprooted

IDENTITIES : Lidentit peut tre conue comme une tentative de se dfinir soi-mme par un mouvement
didentification avec un certain nombre de schmas culturels ou de rupture avec les schmas opposs. En ce sens, le rapport au monde, quil soit avec la communaut culturelle laquelle il appartient, ou, transpos plus grande chelle, celui de cette communaut avec le reste du monde, ne peut gure senvisager sans tenter de cerner quelle reprsentation chacun a de soi. CULTURE CONTACTS : Le contact des cultures renvoie aux influences, lintgration, lassimilation, lexclusion, le repli sur soi, au communautarisme. On peut se demander quels sont les modes de pense, traditions et coutumes que tout migrant apporte, non pas tant pour se dmarquer du pays dadoption que pour lenrichir et voluer avec lui, do les notions de multiculturalisme et dintgration qui semblent plus propres aux pays anglophones, que la notion dassimilation ou de promotion positive la franaise. Le multiculturalisme, que lon peut comprendre comme la coexistence pacifique et pacifie des cultures, sexprime dans le pluralisme des religions, des traditions culinaires et des communauts gographiquement visibles. (BO hors srie n 5 du 9 septembre 2004.)

CULTURE BLOG Non-Resident Indians
Un bref panorama de lhistoire de lInde et de la diaspora indienne.

SOUND FILE An Interview with Sardool

Le tmoignage de Sardool, un jeune Pakistanais de Derby, mari de force.

MOVIE FILE Just Accept It!

Un extrait de Ae Fond Kiss, un film de Ken Loach (2004) qui met en scne la relation amoureuse entre un jeune Pakistanais et une Irlandaise catholique.

WORD BANK Le lexique de lmigration et de limmigration TEXT FILE 1 Jasmine

Jasmine, jeune veuve hberge par sa famille installe aux tats-Unis, dcrit la vie de la communaut indienne replie sur elle-mme et ses propres aspirations.

GRAMMAR FILE Les propositions subordonnes

Rvision : lhabitude dans le prsent.


Jess et ses co-quipires comparent leurs coutumes et laissent transparatre leurs prjugs.

PRACTICAL FILE Getting Information

Comment se renseigner larrive dans une ville inconnue.


Un sujet en lien avec le thme de ce folder : une famille indienne installe en Angleterre part la dcouverte de Londres, juste avant de repartir en Inde.

Folder 8 Asians Uprooted 93

CULTURE BLOG Non-Resident Indians

Manuel p. 114/115

Un bref panorama de lhistoire de lInde et de la diaspora indienne va permettre aux lves de comprendre la cause de la prsence massive des immigrants dorigine indienne aux tats-Unis ou en Grande-Bretagne.
CECR niveau B1 Reprer le droulement des vnements voqus, mme quand leur chronologie nest pas respecte. Comprendre lessentiel dun texte rdig dans une langue courante, sans trop de phrases complexes.

1 A Brief History of India

1. 2,000 BC : first Indian civilisation and empire. 1288: Marco Polo visits the subcontinent.

1498: Vasco de Gama establishes trade with India. 1858: India comes under British rule. 1947: the Indian Empire becomes independent and is partitioned into two states: India and Pakistan. 1971: Bangladesh becomes an independent state. 1,200,000,000: population of India today. 2. Portugal (Vasco-de-Gama opens up India to European enterprise and starts the colonization of India), France, Holland and Great Britain establish outposts in various parts of the territory. India comes under British rule in 1858. 3. flourished: se sont panouies millennia: millnaires outposts: avant-postes crowned: couronne partitioned: divis expected: prvu.

2 The Indian Diaspora

The word diaspora means the dispersion of a people from their original homeland (here of the Indians from India.) 1. Guyana, Surinam, Malaysia, South Africa, East Africa, Europe (Britain, Holland, Germany), the US, Canada. (possible categories: chosen countries / non-chosen countries). 2. Business owners: South Africa. Curry restaurants: UK and US. Professions: many Indian doctors in the UK because of the shortage of medical staff.

POD LECTURE The Reverse Brain Drain

CECR niveau B1 Reprer et comprendre des informations spcifiques dans un document informatif. Comprendre les informations essentielles dun document sonore. Comprendre la trame des vnements raconts.

Le professeur demandera aux lves de prendre connaissance des questions avant de passer lenregistrement, cela pour aider les lves cibler leur coute sur les points essentiels. Aprs la premire coute, le professeur laissera un temps suffisant pour permettre aux lves de complter leurs notes puis repassera lenregistrement autant de fois que ncessaire selon la demande. Les questions 2, 6 et 7 ne sont pas proprement parler des tches lcoute (elles nont pas leurs rponses dans lenregistrement, ce dont on pourra prvenir les lves) mais elles permettent de faire des mises au point utiles sur le lexique utilis ou les notions qui sous-tendent le document. Lenseignant pourra envisager la correction sous forme de chainspeaking, les lves prenant la parole la suite les uns des autres. Le professeur seffacera, sauf pour des demandes de prcisions ou de corrections. En cas de litige, le professeur ne tranchera pas mais renverra lenregistrement. La question 7 vise mettre en exergue les ides principales retenir et entraner les lves la prise de parole en continu. 1. brain drain refers to the migration of bright, talented scientists or engineers from all over the world to the United States. 94 Folder 8 Asians Uprooted

2. brain drain = fuite des cerveaux. 3. They are attracted by the worlds best universities, the most dynamic companies, the freest economies and

the highest standard of living.

4. The new brain drain is the migration of hundreds of young talented Indians from Silicon Valley to India,

hoping to make a fortune there.

5. Bangalore, Hyderabad and the suburbs of Dehli attract the new returnees with what they had in Los Angeles

or Boston: their Western-style work environment, generous salaries and quick career opportunities.
6. A first-generation expatriate is a person who has personally immigrated into a country the US here for

example. A second-generation expatriate is a person whose parents were immigrants.

7. Recap. Transcription

Until recently, if Americans heard the words brain drain, they knew what that meant: bright, talented scientists or engineers from all over the world were migrating to the United States. They were attracted by the worlds best universities, the most dynamic companies, the freest economy and the highest standard of living. That is changing. Hundreds of young talented Indians are leaving Silicon Valley for India, hoping to make a fortune there. They are going home, attracted by the surging Indian economy and technology industry. As many as 35,000 technology professionals moved back to India in 2006. Bangalore, Hyderabad and the suburbs of Delhi are becoming magnets for a number of Indians. With their Western-style work environment, generous salaries and quick career opportunities, these cities offer the returnees what they had in Los Angeles or Boston. Most returnees are first-generation expatriates, but second-generation Indians living in the US are also returning. They like the idea that they are going to help make their home country a country to be proud of. They also appreciate being able to raise their children in Indian culture and care for their aging parents. Action Draw a timeline
CECR niveau A2 Rdiger un texte simple relatant un vnement entendu ou lu racontant la succession des vnements, leurs causes et leurs effets.

Cette tche permet aux lves de reprendre les connaissances prsentes dans la double page et de mieux se les approprier. Si on le peut, on affichera une frise chronologique dans la classe.

SOUND FILE An Interview with Sardool

Manuel p. 116

Dans cette interview authentique, un jeune Sikh, Pakistanais de deuxime gnration compltement adapt lAngleterre, raconte comment sa famille la emmen au Pakistan pour quil pouse une jeune femme quils avaient choisie pour lui.


1. This young man is of Indian or Pakistani origin. His turban shows he is a Sikh.* 2. I expect to hear about his life in the UK: how he feels, how well integrated he is, what he feels about being

torn between two cultures, Indian customs * Sikhism, founded in fifteenth century Northern India, is the fifth largest religion in the world. Sikhism originated from the word Sikh, which comes from a Sanskrit root meaning disciple or instruction. Sikhism advocates the pursuit of salvation through disciplined, personal meditation. Sikhs number over 23 million across the world. Most Sikhs live in the state of Punjab in India. Sikhs are bound to wear the Five Ks (articles of faith) at all times. The 5 items are: uncut hair, a small comb, a circular heavy metal bracelet, a ceremonial short sword, and special undergarment.

Folder 8 Asians Uprooted 95

Comprehension Transcription Judy Tell our listeners about yourself. You are sitting there in a lovely blue turban, dressed in jeans but where are you from? Sardool Im from Derby originally, which is near Nottingham in the Midlands. My father is from Lahore which is now Pakistan and my mother was from Rajasthan which is towards the north of India. *** Judy Do you feel that you are Pakistani or do you feel that you are English? Sardool Thats a very good question. I feel that I am me!! Im in this culture with so many different identities and cultures around me so its impossible to categorize myself. What I am by religion is a Sikh. Judy Thats why you have your turban on, isnt it? Sardool Thats why I have my turban on and I have this look! Judy And you went to art school didnt you in England? Sardool Well the only Asian of course I mean most Asians do medicine, business, computers, IT. Judy Now coming from a traditional Sikh family I believe the marriages are arranged arent they? *** Sardool Sikh families yes they are arranged - most marriages but now arrange is not the right word to use. You get introduced and you start to see each other - if you take off, you take off if you dont, you dont. However, there are some families where its not as easy as that. Some families are more strict than others. Judy So what happened to you? You got married? Sardool I got married. I got forced into the corner and they said, what do you think weve come all the way here and its time to speak. Judy All the way where? Sardool All the way from UK to India. Judy They took you to India? Sardool For five days Judy To find a lady? Sardool Under the condition that I dont need to say yes or no its just a flying visit. *** But when I got there got to the girls house, it was a different story. Because once youd had a cup of tea from the girls house, once you had a biscuit from the girls house, youve bought yourself into them. Judy With a biscuit? I gave you two biscuits before. Sardool In their territory, the pressure comes on quite drastically and, from there, its about yes or no. You just took a biscuit from my plate youve come to see my daughter all the way from the UK you must be serious. So from there things got heavy! Judy And so you got married Sardool I ended up getting married within a short space of three or four months

Guidage dans le Workbook.


Write a break-up letter

CECR niveau B1 Rdiger des lettres personnelles dans lesquelles je rends compte de ce que jai vcu et de mes sentiments.

Les lves doivent imaginer les arguments et les sentiments de Sardool. Il sera prfrable que la forme de la lettre ait t revue auparavant. Ce travail peut se faire individuellement ou en groupe. Le professeur pourra slectionner les meilleures lettres et les lire ou les faire lire la classe et leur demander de chercher pourquoi ce travail est satisfaisant. 96 Folder 8 Asians Uprooted

MOVIE FILE Just Accept it!

Manuel p. 117

Just a Kiss (Ae Fond Kiss) est un film britannique ralis par Ken Loach en 2004. Il met en scne la relation amoureuse de deux personnes dorigines culturelles diffrentes. Cassim, que ses parents, dorigine pakistanaise, ont prvu de marier une jeune fille quils ont choisie pour lui, tombe amoureux de Roisin, une jeune Irlandaise catholique. Il nose pas parler ses parents de cette relation, tandis que Roisin, de son ct, doit obtenir un certificat auprs dun prtre catholique pour pouvoir tre titularise dans lcole dans laquelle elle travaille. Dans lextrait prsent ici, Rukhsana, la sur ane de Cassim, tente de convaincre Roisin de quitter son frre pour le laisser vivre selon les traditions de sa communaut.

Cet extrait est constitu dun long monologue de Rukhsana, les ractions de Roisin ce discours tant essentiellement visuelles. Les lves seront donc guids progressivement vers le sens, de faon percevoir les arguments dvelopps par Rukhsana pour convaincre lamie de son frre. Ils seront ensuite amens ragir ces arguments, puis largir le sujet la difficult que peut parfois crer le choc de deux cultures et au dilemme auquel est confront Cassim, divis entre les traditions de sa famille et le mode de vie occidental.

Comprehension Document lcran Step 1

Guidage dans le Workbook.

Just Accept it! Son

Roisin et Rukhsana dans un bar.

Roisin, you must be wondering why Ive asked to well, Ive come to see you, I suppose. You must think its very odd Basically I feel that I had to talk to you because of whats going on just now with my family. Cassims left home and hes living with you and as far as my family is concerned, and my community is concerned, that has brought a great deal of shame on all of us. You see, we have this concept called izzat which I guess is family honor and thats really important to people, and my parents have very, very hard worked all their life to maintain that, to keep that, and theyve built up respect and trust in the community, and what Cassim has done has basically taken that away. And not only that I dont know if then Cassim told you but I met Amar through my family and we got on rather well, our families got on rather well, were very fond of each other. In the short time that weve known each other, we feel very strongly and we both want to get married. And because of what Cassims done, his mother phoned up and cancelled the wedding. I love your brother and Why cant you accept that? Cant you understand what is going on? Cant you understand that because of your love, theres so many peoples lives that are being destroyed? Roisin, Im just going to ask you straight. Will you leave my brother? Please, will you leave my brother! [Document entier]

Step 2

Roisin et Rukhsana dans un bar.

Step 3

Roisin et Rukhsana dans un bar.

Step 4

Roisin et Rukhsana dans un bar.

Step 5

[Document entier]

Folder 8 Asians Uprooted 97


Act out a scene

CECR niveau B1 Exprimer sa pense sur un sujet abstrait ou culturel. Faire comprendre ses opinions et ractions pour trouver une solution un problme. Exprimer poliment ses convictions, ses opinions, son accord et son dsaccord.

down upon someone; f. mix with the others.
2. a. obedient; b. look up to; c. ethnic makeup; d. fit in; e. look down on. 3. a. sacred; b. claim; c. relatives; d. customs; e. look up to.

Manuel p. 117

1. a. keep up with the Jones; b. face a problem; c. stand up for your rights; d. fit into a group of people; e. look

TEXT FILE 1 Jasmine

Manuel p. 118/119

Erratum : p. 118, question 9 : answer to question 8 (et non 5). Bharati Mukherjee was born on July 27, 1940 to wealthy parents. At the age of eight, she moved to Britain with her family and lived in Europe for three and a half years. By the age of ten, she had already written numerous short stories. After getting her B.A. and her M.A. in English and Ancient Indian Culture from the University of Baroda in 1961, she came to the USA. While studying at the University of Iowa, she married a Canadian student from Harvard, Clark Blaise, on September 19, 1963. Mukherjee has taught all over the United States and Canada. Currently she is a professor at the University of California, Berkeley. The novel Born in India, Jyoti is the most beautiful and clever girl in the family. Her life is controlled by her father and brothers. But, in spite of traditions, Jyoti seeks a modern and educated husband and finds a US based modern-thinking man, Prakash, who gives Jyoti a new name, Jasmine, and a new life. Jasmines happiness is short-lived: she is widowed and returns to India to her family. She now has to choose between the rigid traditions of her family, or continue to live the life of Jasmine in America. She sets off on an agonizing trip and thus begins her trip of transformations, displacement, and search for identity. Jasmines journey is a tale of moral courage, a search for self-awareness and self-assertion.

Before you read
1. The scene may take place in the UK or in the USA because of the houses and the model in the sari shop. 2. Some women are dressed Western style. One woman is wearing a sari which may mean that the text is about

Indian and Western women, about heir habits and ways of life or lifestyles. We can wonder if they get on well (as it seems to be the case in one of the pictures) or if they live in different worlds. Le professeur mettra au tableau les propositions des lves et ne prendra pas position si elles divergent. Il renverra ensuite les lves lintroduction en faisant bien apparatre les points de divergence pour quils tranchent. 3. I would feel lost, disorientated and sad. I would probably miss my family, my friends and what I am used to (food, customs, way of life, favourite music or literature, hobbies). I might feel happy to be away from my home country and their attitude to widows. Perhaps I would feel less unhappy after my husbands death because of my new surroundings and the attractiveness of life in New York.
Read the text
5. There are four adults in the Vadhera family: Nirmala, Professorji and Professorjis parents. They apparently

come from India, Punjab in particular, and they speak Punjabi at home. They live in Flushing, a New York district, in an apartment that is not very big since Jasmine has to sleep in the living room. Their flat is in a building of 50 apartments. They find everything they need in their neighbourhood. 98 Folder 8 Asians Uprooted

6. Nirmala and Professorji work all day whereas their parents seem to stay at home and have a nap in the

afternoons. They have a big dinner together in the evenings (line 3) and watch Hindi films on the VCR after dinner, from around nine till midnight (lines 2/3). They do not watch American television except on Saturday mornings when the Indian shows are on (line 8). They never go out at night because they feel it would be a waste of money (lines 19/20). There is no need for them to go into town since they can get everything they need including food, films, papers and magazines (lines 21/22/23). Nirmala, who works in a sari store, brings Jasmine saris because Professorjis parents would be offended if Jasmine wore American Tshirts (they cant stand Jasmine dressing like Americans), which shows they are very traditional. On Sundays they visit their friends in the same building and spend their time eating, talking (lines 30/31) and watching videos. They are helped by a servant they pay in kind (they give her food and saris line 24). Le professeur pourra faire ractiver le lexique vu dans le folder 2 et faire utiliser lexpression de linutilit et des dislikes. 7. When Jasmine says: I felt the Vadheras lived behind ghetto walls she means that although they live in the States they do not mix with American people and form a close community that is cut off from the world around. They stick together. Theres so much English out there, why do we have to have it in here? which shows they refuse to integrate, they are not curious or interested in the world outside their block. Le professeur pourra introduire ou faire rebrasser un certain nombre de fonctions langagires telles : linutilit, le dgot, la dsapprobation, la concession (voir lexercice du Grammar File, folder 10 page 148), lopposition (voir lexercice du Grammar File, folder 2 page 36). 8. Jasmine does not agree with them / does not approve of the way they live. She says I wanted to distance myself from everything Indian. (lines 17/18) 9. Jasmine also writes I felt my English was deserting me, I could not admit that I had accustomed myself to American clothes in a T-shirt and cords, I was intrigued by the city and the land beyond the rivers. On the contrary, the Vadheras do not want to leave their block, to speak English, to break their habits, to dress the American way. 10. Jasmines life seems to be boring, secluded and to follow strict rules. As a widow she is not allowed to take part in some things. (line 32) 11. Rponses personnelles.

1. Root word: artificial; -ly is a suffix turning the adjective into an adverb - artificiellement.

Root word: Indian; -ness is a suffix which makes the adjective Indian into a noun referring to a state or condition le caractre indien. Root word: grateful; -ly is a suffix turning the word into an adverb avec gratitude. Root word: prompt; -ly is a suffix turning the word into an adverb rapidement. Root word: leg; - ed is a suffix turning a noun into an adjective. The word cross-legged is a compound adjective avec les jambes croises. 2. un magasin de saris natte (pour dormir) une sieste un mur de ghetto un magasin dalimentation un magazine de cinma un kiosque journaux. 3. a. sari; b. cast-off; c. I had accustomed myself to; d. cords; e. at hand; f. siblings; g. a widow.


The Vadheras and their neighbours lived in a very Indian district. On the block, there were stores selling Indian food, saris and Punjabi newspapers. The family watched Hindi films on the VCR. Jasmine had to wear saris so she wouldnt offend the old people. But, in fact, she had accustomed herself to American clothes and was very happy when she was taken for a student. She was intrigued by America and wanted to distance herself from everything Indian.

Folder 8 Asians Uprooted 99


Write a letter to your friend

CECR niveau B1 Rdiger des lettres personnelles dans lesquelles je rends compte de ce que jai vcu et de mes sentiments.

Les lves pourront rutiliser beaucoup dlments du texte. Ce sera loccasion de revoir rapidement quelle forme donner une lettre anglaise si cela na pas t fait et de la contraster avec la lettre de candidature ou de motivation demande dans le folder 4 (formules, niveau de langue).

GRAMMAR FILE Les propositions subordonnes

Manuel p. 120
Subordonnes circonstancielles de temps :

a. until the film was over. e. when she is no longer in mourning. Le verbe de la subordonne est au prsent alors quil est au futur en franais. On nemploie pas le futur aprs les conjonctions de temps comme when, until, as soon as.
Subordonnes compltives :

b. that I had accustomed myself to American clothes. d. the Vadheras lived behind ghetto walls. That est omis.
Subordonnes relatives :

c. who had every reason to fear America. Who reprend un antcdent humain. La subordonne est prcde et suivie de virgules car elle est appositive ou non dfinissante : elle nest pas indispensable au sens de la phrase. f. who gratefully took her pay in food and saris. Who reprend un antcdent humain. g. which houses thirty-two Indian families. Which reprend un antcdent non humain. h. whose husband has died. Whose est un relatif indiquant une relation de possession ou de parent.

1. a. Jasmine is a young Indian widow who has been given shelter by relatives.

b. Jasmine, whose family is traditional, is a modern girl. c. They live in Flushing, which is a New York district. d. Jasmine is sorry that / she cant mix e. The flat in which they live is overcrowded f. She sleeps on a mat which / that she unfolds 2. a. I think that Jasmine would like to go out with people her own age. b. She has to wear the saris that Nirmala brings her from the store. c. She watches soap operas while Nirmalas parents are having an afternoon nap. d. As soon as she can, Jasmine goes out to meet Americans. e. The Vadheras, who have money, do not like to spend too much. f. The Vadheras, whose apartment is quite small, invited Jasmine to live with them. 3. a. Jasmine is accustomed to wearing American clothes. b. She is used to being taken for a student. c. Jasmine is not accustomed to living behind ghetto walls. d. Professorji and Nirmala are not accustomed to going out at night. e. They are accustomed to shopping in the Indian-food stores on the block. f. The Vadheras are used to visiting other Punjabi families on Sundays.

100 Folder 8 Asians Uprooted


Guess what it is
CECR niveau B1 Parler de manire comprhensible et sans trop dhsitations.

La liste des mots dont les lves doivent crire les dfinitions se trouve en page 156 du manuel. Cette activit dont lobjectif principal est damener les lves utiliser les propositions subordonnes peut aussi tre envisage comme un entranement compenser linconnu, les lves pouvant avoir besoin de faire des priphrases.

Action 1 Win the speaking competition

Manuel p. 121

CECR niveau B2 Construire un raisonnement logique et enchaner mes ides. Expliquer mon point de vue sur un sujet dactualit, en donnant les avantages et inconvnients de diverses opinions.

La liste de sujets se trouve en page 156 du manuel. Action 2 Arrange a marriage

CECR niveau B1 Interrompre poliment mon interlocuteur quand je ne suis pas daccord ou quand je nai pas compris. Exprimer mon opinion pour trouver une solution un problme ou pour prendre une dcision pratique.

Nous suggrons de reproduire les cartes ci-dessous pour les distribuer aux lves plutt que de les renvoyer la page 156.
Mr Azad (Salahs father) Mrs Azad Salah, 18

You intend to go back to India in two years. Your elder daughter, Jasmina, is to marry her cousin Chanu in Dehli. You know Haythams father is a VIP in the Asian community and Haytham Koreesh, has a good job.

You know you must be obedient towards your husband. You have a job in England and you dont want to go back to India. You know your daughter, Salah, is in love with a British boy.

You are in love with Nick Johnson, the boy next door, who has promised to marry you. You want to go and study at Leeds University to become a teacher.

Morindher, 21

Jasmina, 19

You are Haytham best friend and you secretly plan to marry his sister, Neelima. You were born in England, but you feel more Indian than British.

You are studying to be a hair dresser and intend to open a salon in London with your best friend Suzy Brown. You are in love with Haytham.

Folder 8 Asians Uprooted 101

Nous proposons aux lves de se dcentrer pour adopter le point de vue dun personnage ayant une autre culture et des opinions ou sentiments bien marqus. Cette activit nous semble intressante pour essayer de dvelopper des comptences culturelles chez les lves. La dmarche propose et les dlais imposs sont ncessaires au bon droulement de cette activit, son intrt et limplication de tous les lves. Lorganisation sociale du groupe (choix du porte-parole, du gardien du temps , du modulateur) fait partie intgrante de lapproche actionnelle . Action 3 Write a dialogue

CECR niveau B2 crire un essai ou un rapport en transmettant une information ou en exposant des raisons pour ou contre une opinion donne. Prendre position par crit sur des vnements ou propos davis diffrents, en faisant apparatre clairement les prises de position.

La tche de production crite est articule avec lactivit orale 2 : loral prpare lcrit en particulier pour ce qui est de la recherche des ides et largumentation. Les lves pourront donc faire porter leffort sur la forme et la langue. Ils trouveront de laide dans les Tips for Success du folder 2, page 41, en plus du Workbook.

TEXT FILE 2 In the Changing Room

Manuel p. 122

CECR niveau B1 Comprendre lessentiel de tout texte traitant dune thmatique familire, rdig dans une langue courante, sans trop de phrases complexes. Comprendre dans un texte rdig dans une langue standard, les descriptions de sentiments ou de souhaits.

The novel by Narinder Dhami, Bend it like Beckham, is based on the original screenplay of the film. Narinder Dhami says she wanted to write the book because it mirrors the struggle many young Asians face, trying to live their lives caught between two cultures. Its also a very personal story about one girls determination to follow her dream. The scene is set in England. Jess loves football, which clashes with her conservative Indian culture. One day she joins an all-girl football team without telling her parents. Eventually, the grand final is Jesss sisters wedding day, when her father lets her play and she gets spotted by a talent scout. 1. The girls are football players. One of them is Asian. 2. Jesss little secret is that she plays football but hasnt told her parents. 3. She hides this from her parents because Indian girls arent supposed to play football. 4. Mel thinks they have backward ideas and that Indian marriages are always arranged. 5. Thats a bit backward, innit? (line 10) So, are you like, promised to someone, then? (lines 13/14). 6. Jess says that being backward is not just an Indian thing (Yeah, but it aint just an Indian thing, is it?). She admits that her culture is different (Its just my culture, thats all.), and finally she adds that marrying a boy in your community (a boy your parents agree on) is better than sleeping around with boys youre not going to end up marrying. 7. Jess is likely to marry an Indian boy because she says White, no. Black, definitely no, Muslim Indian parents want their daughters to marry within the community. 8. Jess and her family probably think that British girls are easy girls who have sex with a lot of boys before getting married. To them they have loose morals. 9. This text shows that people have prejudices, whatever their ethnic group. Although these girls play football together they do not know each others cultures very well and they stick to their prejudices, to the stereotypes that are conveyed by their parents or society at large. Erratum : p. 122 Action, lire Jesss et non Jesses. 102 Folder 8 Asians Uprooted


Act out a scene

CECR niveau B1 Commencer, soutenir et terminer une conversation en tte--tte, sur un sujet familier ou qui mintresse, mme si je suis parfois oblig(e) de demander mon interlocuteur de rpter. Exposer poliment un dsaccord sur un avis formul par mon interlocuteur.

Les lves doivent imaginer une conversation entre Jules, Jess et les parents de cette dernire. Le folder leur aura permis davoir des arguments et dtre en mesure dadopter le point de vue dun Indien traditionaliste. On encouragera les lves ne pas rdiger le dialogue et apprendre ragir spontanment au cours dune conversation.

GRAMMAR (in Workbook) Les formes en -ing

1. a. Tes parents ne se rendent pas compte que tu joues depuis tout ce temps?

b. Cest un peu arrir, non? remarqua Mel en ramassant sa serviette. c. Toutes les autres filles dans les vestiaires coutaient maintenant. d. Alors, si tu peux choisir, dit Charlie lair intress, tu peux pouser un garon blanc? e. Mel secouait la tte. f. De toute faon, cest mieux que de coucher avec des garons que tu ne vas jamais pouser. g. Elles clatrent toutes de rire. h. Cest trs intressant, dit-elle. 2. On fera identifier les formes partir de la traduction. 3. a. When she entered the room, she was crying. b. I heard the girls laughing. c. I love playing football, Mamma. d. After winning her first match, Jess went home. e. Being Indian, she is supposed to obey her parents. f. In the Indian tradition, playing football is not fit for girls. 4. a. I pulled off one of my boots. b. Funny, isnt it? Mel remarked, picking up her towel. c. Mel ignored her and grinned at me. d. I drew my finger across my throat. e. So youll marry him. f. I dont know how you put up with it. g. They all burst out laughing. h. I turned pink, and bent down to do up my trainers.

PRACTICAL FILE Getting Information

Manuel p. 123

Tout nouvel arrivant, touriste ou immigrant, doit pouvoir se renseigner. Cest pourquoi nous avons pens quil tait utile de rebrasser cette fonction langagire. Les lves suivent le guidage qui peut ensuite aussi leur servir dauto-valuation. Les rponses sont la page 157 du manuel. Action Question competition

Cette activit peut se faire dans le cadre de groupes restreints (3 ou 4 lves) ou en divisant la classe en deux quipes adverses. La comptition est facteur de motivation et est un lment important garder.

Folder 8 Asians Uprooted 103


Manuel p. 124/125

Monica Ali (born October 20, 1967) is a British writer of Bangladeshi origin. She is the author of Brick Lane, her debut novel, which was shortlisted for the Man Booker Prize for Fiction in 2003. Brick Lane was named after the street at the heart of Londons Bangladeshi community. It tells about the life of Nazneen, a Bangladeshi woman who moves to Tower Hamlets in London in the 1980s, at the age of 18, leaving her beloved sister and home behind, for an arranged marriage and a new life. She feels trapped within the four walls of her flat in East London, and in a loveless marriage with middle-aged Chanu. Her sister, Hasina, continues to live a carefree life in Bangladesh. Nazneen struggles to accept her lifestyle, but she soon discovers that life cannot be avoided and is forced to confront it the day that the hotheaded young Karim comes knocking at her door. 1. When Chanus family decided to leave England in the early 2000s, he wanted to take them to see the sights in London. They went on a bus with a packed lunch. As he bought the bus tickets, he asked the conductor which tourist attraction to visit. The man asked him where he was from and Chanu admitted he actually lived in London. 2. a. Chanu is an immigrant to England. b. Apparently, Chanu wants to visit London because he has lived there for years and never visited it. c. The best title for this text is A Day Out in London. 3. a. Wrong line 6; b. Wrong line 14; c. Right line 20; d. Right line 26; e. Right line 16; f. Wrong lines 38/39; g. Wrong line 36/37; h. Right line 42. 4. a. Chanu: enthusiastic / organised. b. Nazneen: supportive / caring. c. The conductor: uncooperative / embarrassed. 5. a. Chanu is probably about 60 years old. Line 1, Thirty or so years after he arrived in London and line 13, Ive spent more than half my life here. b. Chanu would like to ask a Londoners viewpoint. Line33/34, To your mind, does the British Museum rate more highly than the National Gallery? Or would you recommend gallery over museum? c. Nazneen wanted to please Chanu. Lines 27/28, Nazneen decided she would make this day unlike any other. She would not allow this day to disappoint him. 6. a. struggling: working hard; b. bother: make an effort; c. hum: sing softly; d. fares: ticket money; e. rating: evaluation; f. local: inhabitant from the neighbourhood.

104 Folder 8 Asians Uprooted


Food Trends

IDENTITIES : Lidentit peut tre conue comme une tentative de se dfinir soi-mme par un mouvement didentification avec un certain nombre de schmas culturels ou de rupture avec les schmas opposs. CULTURE CONTACT : Le contact des cultures renvoie aux influences, lintgration, lassimilation, lexclusion, au repli sur soi (BO hors srie n 5 du 9 septembre 2004.)
Ce folder abordera les effets de la mondialisation sur la nourriture et les habitudes alimentaires, qui sont aussi des phnomnes didentit culturelle. De la restauration rapide aux restaurants ethniques , des produits bio aux OGM, nous examinerons tous les aspects des questions qui touchent la nourriture.

Lhistoire de lexpansion mondiale de McDonalds. Comment ont-ils fait et comment vontils faire pour sadapter aux nouvelles tendances?

SOUND FILE For or Against GMOs

Deux points de vue divergents sur les avantages et inconvnients of des OGM.


Document 1 : Its a Compliment

Cet extrait de Anita and Me, film ralis en 2002, traite du choc des cultures de faon humoristique.
Document 2 : Store


Store Wars est une parodie du film Star Wars. La galaxie est un supermarch, les personnages sont des fruits ou des lgumes.

WORD BANK Le lexique de la nourriture TEXT FILE 1 Chew on This

Un extrait de lessai dEric Schlossers Chew on This : Everything You Dont Want to Know About Fast Food.

GRAMMAR FILE Prpositions et particules adverbiales

Rvisions : la comparaison, les noncs deux verbes.


Whole Foods est une chane de magasins trs connue par les amateurs de bio. Encore fautil quils aient les moyens de se payer ces produits.

STRATEGY FILE Parler en interaction ORAL EXAM FILE In Defense of Food

Un tmoignage de Michael Pollan, auteur dun livre dont le titre est particulirement adapt au thme de ce folder : In Defense of Food.

Folder 9 Food Trends 105


1 A Short History of Fast Food

Manuel p. 128/129

In this text, we show how McDonalds started and how they have survived by adapting to local tastes and respecting government demands to respect health criteria. It is easy to criticize McDonalds, but surely most companies would like to expand so successfully. 1. hamburgers, hot dog, restaurant, fast food, drive-throughs, vending machines, franchise outlets, cafeterias. 2. Doey Ingram: the founder of White Castle hamburger restaurant. California: a state in the USA. McDonald: the name of the brothers who founded the most famous of all fast food restaurants. Ray Kroc: the person who brought automation to the fast food industry. Henry Ford: the founder of Ford automobiles. McDonalds: the name of fast food restaurants. 3. Henry Ford is quoted in this text because he revolutionized the automobile industry with automated chain production and this was copied by Ray Kroc. 4. propret cleanliness vaisselle china stendre spread distributeur vending machine magasins outlets.

2 One World, One Taste

1. One world, One taste, was an advertising slogan used by McDonalds. Here it implies that the whole world

will be eating the same food.

2. McDonalds fast food restaurants have spread all over the world and are now growing especially fast in

developing countries affecting both consumers and producers lives.

3. People buy fast food because its cheap, quick and heavily promoted. 4. Healthwise, fast food is one reason for obesity. Fast food has also changed farming practices as farmers

have to grow uniform fields of crops. There is less diversity.

POD LECTURE From Local to Glocal

1. The most popular dish now in the UK is chicken-tikka-masala and curry. 2. Traditional English dishes are fishn chips, roast beef, steak and kidney pie. 3. The British taste for Indian food started in the 16th century 4. In 1809, the first curry house in Britain opened in London. 5. There are about 10,000 Indian restaurants in the UK. 6. Glocal means both global and local. 7. You can order a McAloo Tikki in India. 8. In a Japanese McDonalds, you can find Teriyaki McBurger. 9. The McCalabresa is inspired by popular Brazilian street food. 10. McDonalds has understood the importance of adapting to local tastes. Transcription Lecturer What is the most popular dish in the UK? Students Fishn chips? Roast beef? Steak and kidney pie? Lecturer No, no, no! Its chicken-tikka-masala and curry. Students But they are Indian dishes! Lecturer Yes they are or were, originally. But the British taste for Indian food started in the 16th century

when the British went looking for spices. The first curry house in Britain opened in London in 1809. Today, with more and more Indian immigrants, there are about 10,000 Indian restaurants in the UK. Recently, the British army even replaced its traditional steak-and-kidney-pie lunch with chicken-tikka-masala! Immigrants have brought their own food with them and adapted it to local tastes they have made it glocal both global 106 Folder 9 Food Trends

and local. The concept of glocal food has also been adopted by global chains like McDonalds. In India, McDonalds menu includes: a McVeggie, a McAloo Tikki, and a Veg McCurry Pan. In a Japanese McDonalds, you can eat a Teriyaki McBurger. In a Brazilian McDonalds, you can order a McCalabresa inspired by popular Brazilian street food. McDonalds has understood the importance of adapting to local tastes. Action Make a one-minute presentation
CECR niveau B1 Collationner des lments dinformation issus de sources diverses et les rsumer pour quelquun dautre. Faire un expos simple et direct, prpar, sur un sujet familier dans son domaine qui soit assez clair pour tre suivi sans difficult la plupart du temps et dans lequel les points importants soient expliqus avec assez de prcision.

SOUND FILE For or against GMOs

Manuel p. 130

CECR niveau B2 Comprendre les enregistrements en langue standard que lon peut rencontrer dans la vie sociale, professionnelle ou universitaire et reconnatre le point de vue et lattitude du locuteur ainsi que le contenu informatif.

Comme lindique son titre, ce document audio comporte des tmoignages contradictoires. Nous esprons montrer aux lves que rien nest blanc ou noir et leur donner des outils pour se faire leur propre opinion.


1. The photo on the right shows a person demonstrating against GMOs. 2. It is probably a field where GMO crops are grown. It is large, round and uniform. It is being irrigated. 3. The person on the right could say that food like this is not natural. It is destroying farm land. 4. The company who owns the field on the left could say it costs less to produce food like this. It can help poor

countries develop. These plants cannot be destroyed by insects.

Comprehension Transcription Journalist Now eighty million acres of genetically modified crops are being grown worldwide, mainly in

Guidage dans le Workbook.

Canada, the USA and Argentina. So where does the GM debate stand at the moment? Tim Herst is BBC radios environment correspondent and he joins us. Tim, we have no GM crops at all being grown in the UK. Is this a direct result of public hostility? Tim Herst No, there are some who continue to see GM crops as the future and I think maybe the thing to point out there is that what has been tried out in this country so far is the first generation of genetically modified crops, all of which were simply altered to make them resistant to particular types of herbicide particular types of weed killer. Now the next generation where you are looking perhaps at adding nutritional values to crops making them drought resistant there is a prospect that they may become more attractive to farmers and possibly in some cases be more acceptable to consumers if they perceive there are more benefits. *** Journalist Professor Vivian Moses is emeritus professor of microbiology at the Queen Mary University of London. Professor Moses, you believe GM is a useful and safe technology. Why are you convinced its safe when so many people say that it hasnt been adequately tested? Prof Moses Well, I am a scientist and as a scientist therefore I have to work on evidence. The evidence we have for GM foods is that we know that they have been consumed by hundreds of millions of people for more

Folder 9 Food Trends 107

than ten years and there hasnt been a single recorded case of any health effect whatsoever. Now, thats not bad. *** Journalist Also with us is Michael Meetcher, MP and former environment minister. Michael Meetcher, with 80 million acres of GM crops or hectares sorry of GM crops being grown worldwide isnt it inevitable that the UK will have to accept this technology to remain competitive? Michael Meetcher Absolutely not if people dont want it. People want safe food and, despite what Professor Moses said, there has been no testing It is a risky and potentially dangerous technology. Why are they not tested? The reason they are not tested is because the biotech companies persuaded the US that they were substantially equivalent to ordinary food. They are clearly not.


Manuel p. 131

Document 1 : Anita and Me est un film ralis en 2002, tir du roman ponyme publi en 1996 par Meera Syal. Ce film traite de la vie de Meena, une jeune fille de 12 ans dorigine indienne dans un village ouvrier des West Midlands dans les annes 70, et des difficults quelle rencontre concilier ses origines et le mode de vie des personnes au milieu desquelles elle vit. Dans cet extrait, Anita, une amie de classe de Meena, est invite dner chez celleci et dcouvre la cuisine indienne. Ce document traite du choc des cultures de faon humoristique.

Its a Compliment

Les lves suivent progressivement Anita dans sa dcouverte des traditions et de la cuisine indiennes par une srie danticipations et dmissions dhypothses.

Comprehension Document 1 lcran Step 1

Guidage dans le Workbook.

Its a Compliment Son

Arrive de Anita qui a lair dubitatif. La mre laccueille. Conciliabules mre et Meena.

Guess whos coming to dinner? Hi Anita Wench: Are you wearing blusher? Might be. Hello Anita, darling, where is Stacey? Our Trace didnt want to come. Oh, OK. I dont know whats happened to your papa. Take Anita through to the dining room. Wheres that? TV room. Whats that? Mattar paneer. Its cheese with peas. Cheese and peas? Together? Go on, try it. This is Bhuna chicken. Youve had chicken before, havent you? Whats that stuff round it? Its a Daljit? With a Gravy. Tomatoes, onions, garlic Whats garlic?

Step 2

Gros plan sur lassiette. Discussion table.

108 Folder 9 Food Trends

lcran Step 3


Les gens mangent avec leurs doigts. Air dgot de Anita. Discussion autour de la table. Anita mange avec ses doigts. Le pre rote. Discussions. Anita rote aussi.

Heah! Havent you got knives and forks? Actually, in all the top restaurants, this is how they eat, with their fingers. Only common people use knives and forks. Honest? Oh yes. Cutlery is square now in London. And so, it finally happened. Anita and me broke bread together Well, fish fingers, anyway. God! Darling! You know, there are some places in the world, where, if you do a burp, it shows that youve really enjoyed the meal. Absolutely, its a compliment, really. Youre welcome, Anita. [Document entier]

Step 4

Step 5

[Document entier]

Document 2 :

Store Wars

Store Wars est une parodie du film Star Wars. La galaxie est un supermarch, les personnages sont des fruits ou des lgumes. Ce court-mtrage, ralis par la Organic Trade Association en collaboration avec Free Range Studio, a pour but de modifier le comportement des consommateurs, de les inciter consommer des produits issus de la culture traditionnelle et de les alerter contre la qualit de produits industrialiss et contre la malbouffe .

Les lves sont amens, par une srie de reprages dinformations, reformuler la situation de lindustrie alimentaire dcrite par Obi Wan Canoli, ainsi que les solutions prnes par la rbellion biologique.

Comprehension Document 2 lcran Step 1

Guidage dans le Workbook.

Store Wars Son

Carton : not so long ago, in a supermarket not so far way. Course de chariots. Dans le supermarch, Cuke et Obi-Wan Canoli discutent. Arrive des armes dufs et de bananes. Pesticides, pollution et piqre chimique. Pommes tiquetes. Titre Store Wars .

These are dark times, young Cuke. What do you mean, Obi-Wan Canoli? For over 1,000 generations, organic food like us lived in harmony with the ways of the farm. The Farm? Yes, Cuke. The Farm is what gives us our power. Its a kind of field that creates all edible things. Waou! But alas, the market has been taken over by the dark side of the farm. An empire of pollution and pesticides has ruthlessly conquered the market, nearly wiping out our organic birth right with unsustainable short-sighted practices like genetic engineering, irradiation, and massive chemical pesticide use. Seduced by artificially lower prices, people dont even want to know where their food comes from. The true ways of the farm are now almost forgotten.

Step 2

Folder 9 Food Trends 109



Lutte des artichauts contre les ufs.

Step 3

Ah! But there is a new hope. A growing resistance called the organic rebellion is fighting back. Learn about the farm, Cuke. Help the rebels expose the Dark Sides technological shortcuts and their true costs. We must win this battle. Use the farm, Cuke. Stretch out with your peelings Its up to you, Cuke. Youre the rebels last hope. Isnt that right, Yoghurt? Strong with the farm he is, but our last hope, Cuke, is not. There is another. You! When a market you visit, you can keep your family and the planet safe from the dark side by choosing organic. May the farm be with you! Always. [Document entier]

Lutte de vaisseaux . Destruction du melon. Discussion Obi-Wan Canoli, Cuke et le yoghourt. Incrustation : Join the organic rebellion.

Step 4

[Document entier] Write a leaflet


CECR niveau B1 crire de brefs essais simples sur des sujets dintrt gnral. crire des rapports trs brefs de forme standard conventionnelle qui transmettent des informations factuelles courantes et justifient des actions.

salty, tasty; g. fattening, salty, tasty, unhealthy; h. healthy, well-balanced, low-fat.
4. a. overweight; b. lose; c. low-fat, slimming, healthy; d. sugar-free.

Manuel p. 131

1. a. overweight; b. lose weight; c. spicy; d. is greedy; e. sugar-free. 2. a. unhealthy; b. put on weight; c. balanced; d. starved; e. tasty. 3. a. spicy; b. sugar-free; c. slimming, healthy; d. tasty, fattening; e. boring, slimming, healthy; f. fattening,

TEXT FILE 1 Chew on This

Manuel p. 132/133

Eric Schlosser follows up on his success with Fast Food Nation with an inside look at what fast food actually is in his new book, Chew on This Everything You Dont Want to Know About Fast Food. He also takes a look at the effects on the environment and the highly topical issue of obesity. Meticulously researched, lively and informative, with first-hand accounts and quotes from children and young people, Eric Schlosser presents the facts in such a way that allows readers to make up their own minds about the incredible fast food phenomenon. It is aimed for young and old readers.

Before you read
1. Nouns: McDonalds, global foods, junk food, fast food restaurants, hamburgers, chips, brownies, apple

pies, French fries, coke, Happy Meals, presents, drive-in. Verbs: eat, drink, drive-in, sit, play, order, choose, enjoy. Adjectives: cheap, greasy, fat, quick, fast, nice. 2. Rponses personnelles. They are great, convenient, pleasant, cheap 3. The customer goes in, goes to the counter, queues / stands in line / gets in line, looks at the menu, places an 110 Folder 9 Food Trends

order / orders, pays, takes his/her change, takes his/her tray, sticks the plastic straw into the lid of his/her drink, goes and sits down, opens the box, unwraps the burger, puts (squirts) ketchup on the chips / fries, starts eating. On introduira les mots qui manquent pour rpondre aux besoins des lves.
Read the text
4. The imperative. The writers are talking to the reader. 5. Renvoyer aux rponses donnes en 3 par la classe. Noter les diffrences, faire reprer les synonymes ventuels. 6. It refers to the experience of eating at a fast-food restaurant. The problem is that fast-food restaurants

have become so much part of our existence that we go and eat there without thinking, without being aware that fast food is not very healthy / that it can make us put on weight / impair our health. 7. 1/14: number of Americans who eat at a McDonalds every day. 9/10: number of American children who visit a McDonalds every month. 1,000: number of McDonalds restaurants in 1968 - all of them located in the States then. 31,000: number of McDonalds restaurants today 120: number of countries where you can find McDonalds restaurants today 8. 3: the most popular, the most powerful 4: more than 31,000 McDonalds, buy more processed beef than any other company, more money on advertising, Americas most famous brand, more widely recognized than the Christian cross. All the comparatives and superlatives used in these paragraphs give an effect of superiority, of abundance, greatness. The aim of these two paragraphs is to emphasize the power, the popularity and the supremacy of the company. 9. Elements describing the initial situation: people are just walking down the sidewalk or driving down the road Elements describing the disruptive element: And then they see a great big fast-food sign. Elements describing the final situation: So they stop to eat fast food. 10. It seems that people are attracted by the big fast-food signs and decide to stop and have fast food even if they had not intended to do so in the first place: they are made to enter fast-food restaurants, they are trapped, they are lured into going in to buy something to eat. Fast-food restaurants are just like magnets. 11. Personal answers.

1. a. entrer: step inside; b. passer une commande: (place an) order; c. trouver que cest normal: take it for

granted; d. investir dans la publicit: spend money on advertising; e. tre press: be in a hurry.
2. McDonalds is very popular and very famous. Their golden arches are widely recognised. 3. a. you can keep the extra coins/change.

b. He suddenly took/grabbed my arm c. When he opened or took the paper off/unwrapped his present d. You should not pour/squirt so much syrup e. Dont forget to put a cap/lid on the bottle f. Children are often more attracted to a trademark/brand g. keep to the pavement/sidewalk.


Going into a fast food restaurant, placing our order, paying for our meal and leaving with a tray covered with food has become so routine that we take it for granted. Every day, about one out of fourteen Americans eats at McDonalds. It has become the most popular and powerful fast-food chain in the world. Most customers do not plan to eat there, but when they see the Golden Arches, they just cant resist the impulse.

Folder 9 Food Trends 111


Mime and guess

CECR niveau A2 Raconter une histoire ou dcrire quelque chose par une simple liste de points. Dcrire les aspects de son environnement quotidien tels que les gens, les lieux, lexprience professionnelle ou scolaire.

GRAMMAR FILE Prpositions et

particules adverbiales
1. Les mots en gras sont des prpositions. Ils introduisent un complment circonstanciel. 2. Les mots souligns modifient le sens des verbes. Ce sont des particules adverbiales.

Manuel p. 134

b. Donner de largent. c. Remettre la monnaie dans sa poche. e. Prendre le hamburger et lengloutir.

1. a. they could not listen to each other.

b. Look at that child! c. I couldnt resist entering the place. d. I addressed the young lady behind the counter and asked for a burger and fries. e. I looked for my purse in my bag 2. a. I had to take off my jumper b. I have just found out that theres a new McDonalds c. they are badly brought up. 3. a. McDonalds is by far the largest fast food chain in the world. b. Fast food is said to be more fattening than traditional food. c. Schlosser says that the Golden Arches are more famous than any other symbol. d. McDonalds is more environmentally aware than I thought. e. They say foam packaging provides the safest and most sanitary way to serve hot, fresh food. 4. a. Eating too many burgers will make you put on weight. b. I cant help being sorry about the death of small traditional restaurants. c. Children love eating chips with their fingers. d. She cant stand watching teenagers working live slaves. e. Incredible! Just imagine a McDonalds opening in such a small Chinese town! f. She spends her time cooking chips in the kitchen. Action Plan a Simon says game
CECR niveau A2 Sinspirer de phrases connues pour construire dautres noncs, tout en respectant la syntaxe.

Action 1 Organize a picnic

Manuel p. 135

CECR niveau B1 Faire comprendre ses opinions et ractions par rapport aux solutions possibles ou la suite donner, en donnant brivement des raisons et des explications. Communiquer dans le cadre dune tche simple et courante.

112 Folder 9 Food Trends

Cette tche place les lves dans un contexte concret et proche de leur ralit quotidienne. Elle sera loccasion de rvisions lexicales utiles. Action 2 Defend your client

CECR niveau B2 Exposer ses ides et ses opinions et argumenter avec conviction sur des sujets complexes et ragir de mme aux arguments dautrui. Participer activement des discussions formelles habituelles ou non. Exprimer, justifier et dfendre son opinion, valuer dautres propositions ainsi que rpondre des hypothses et en faire.

Cette tche invite les lves prendre part un dbat formel. On veillera ce que chacun prenne la parole en respectant le temps de parole de lautre. Sur un plan pratique, on encouragera la classe se rpartir harmonieusement dans les deux rles prvus. Action 3 Make a poster

CECR niveau B1 crire un essai ou un rapport qui dveloppe une argumentation en apportant des justifications pour ou contre un point de vue particulier et en expliquant les avantages ou les inconvnients de diffrentes options. Synthtiser des informations et des arguments issus de sources diverses.

Le guidage est dans le Workbook.

TEXT FILE 2 Whole Foods

Manuel p. 136

Whole Foods is the 2.85bn organic American superstore whose famous slogan is Whole Foods, Whole People, Whole Planet. It has recently opened its first European outlet in London, and judging by the crowds, it could be as big in Britain as in the States. Mike Adams has a rather amusing point of view on buying organic and spending so much money on something we are not sure is worthwhile! This can apply to all of us all over the world not just in the USA. 1. Whole Foods is a chain of stores that sells health food. 2. Adjectives qualifying the type of food Whole Foods stores are supposed to be selling: healthy, good, natural. 3. Mike Adams declares he loves Whole Foods. 4. Paragraph 1: I cant seem to leave the place without spending at least two hundred dollars on health food. Paragraph 2: I ended up buying a hundred dollars worth of raw food snacks. Paragraph 7: The price of that fruit, notably, was enough to pay an entire crew of Southern California agricultural workers a weeks wages. These remarks imply that Whole Foods products are terribly expensive; yet he buys them. Mike Adams makes fun of himself as a customer of Whole Foods stores. He is humorous but also ironical. 5. He bought a potato salad in which there was bacon. He was horrified because this was supposed / meant to be a vegetarian dish but it was not since it contained bacon, i.e. meat. 6. No, he does not really believe that some anti-vegetarians are conspiring against Whole Foods. He thinks these stores mainly want to make profit and cheat on / deceive people. 7. He is amused and enthusiastic. He thinks this store rocks, that is to say it is a great success, with lots of people coming all the time. It is especially good for you if you own shares that is to say if you are one of the people who have invested in the corporation and get some of the profits the firm makes. 8. Mike thinks that Whole Foods stores sell good but very expensive food. The customer has to be careful because the stores are supposed to sell natural food but it is not always the case; there are a lot questionable ingredients. So customers should be cautious / should beware.

Folder 9 Food Trends 113


Advertise a product
CECR niveau B1 crire des textes clairs et dtaills sur une gamme tendue de sujets relatifs son domaine dintrt en faisant la synthse et lvaluation dinformations et darguments emprunts des sources diverses.

GRAMMAR (in Workbook) Les noncs deux verbes

1. Les verbes se rfrant une action venir sont la forme to + V (to indique une vise) tandis que les verbes

termins par -ing se rfrent une action dj vcue. On comparera, notamment les phrases e et f : Remember to ask et I remember entering. a. I found myself chewing on a piece of bacon. b. I decided to purchase some potato salad. c. When I visit Whole Foods, I cant help spending 200 dollars of my money on health food. d. Im a vegetarian, I refuse to eat meat. e. Remember to ask them questions about the ingredients in their salads. f. I remember entering Whole foods for a simple salad, and coming out with g. I ended up throwing away four dollars worth of Whole Foodss potato salad. 2. promise: to + V; prefer: deux formes; cant help: V-ing; miss: V-ing; decide: to + V; want: to + V; agree: to + V; begin: deux formes; continue: deux formes; enjoy: deux formes; hope: to + V; regret: deux formes. 3. a. In a shop, I cant bear waiting. b. I asked him to advise me. c. He refused to reimburse me d. I love buying their products. e. I dont remember buying this salad. 4. a. There must be an anti-vegetarian food pervert hidden behind the shelf. b. Their food cant be GMO-free. c. Their fruit must be the most expensive food in the world. d. The food they sell may be healthy, but Im not sure.

STRATEGY FILE Parler en interaction

Manuel p. 137

Il serait souhaitable que le professeur invite les lves tudier cette fiche ds le dbut de lanne afin, notamment, de leur donner les structures utiles pour toutes les activits dinteraction qui sont nombreuses dans le manuel.

ORAL EXAM FILE In Defense of Food


Manuel p. 138

Michael Pollan is a contributing writer to The New York Times Magazine. In his book, Defense of Food, he says most of what were consuming today is not food. He points out how were consuming it in the car, in front of the TV, and increasingly alone. He contends this is not really eating. 1. Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants. 2. b. It is processed.; c. It is often the product of food science, it is imitation food. 3. We should eat food that our great-grandmothers would recognize as food. 4. Go-gurt is a form of yogurt which is sweetened and enhanced in various ways, that you are supposed to squirt into your mouth. Yogurt is a very simple food but Go-Gurt has dozens of ingredients. 5. Michael Pollan refers to France and Japan. 114 Folder 9 Food Trends

6. a. eat low-fat food, not mentioned; b. eat small portions, France; c. eat one meal a day, not mentioned;

d. do not have seconds, France; e. do not snack, France; f. eat your full, not mentioned; g. eat until you are 80% full, Japan; h. eat rice, not mentioned. 7. People should eat vegetables and fruit. 8. They prevent cancer. They are good for weight control. They prevent diabetes and all the Western diseases that afflict us. 9. No, because meat is very nutritious food (the problem with meat is we eat way too much of it).
Transcription Presenter If your New Years resolutions include eating better, you might want to consider the following advice. It comes from Michael Pollan author of a book called In Defense of Food. When he spoke with Steve Inskeep he was able to summarize his advise in 7 words. Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants. Pollan Thats it. That is the short answer to the supposedly incredibly complicated and confusing question of what we humans should eat in order to be maximally healthy. Inskeep Now wait a minute. If your advice is eat food, the implication of that is that whatever were eating now is not food. Pollan Very often, it isnt. We are eating a lot of edible food-like substances, which is to say highly processed things that might be called yogurt, might be called cereals, whatever, but in fact are very intricate products of food science that are really imitations of foods. Inskeep How can I tell the difference between food and fake food? Pollan Well thats where it gets challenging. Thats why I needed a whole book and not that one sentence. Distinguishing between food and food products takes a little bit of work. So I came up with a couple of rules of thumb. One and the simplest is, dont eat anything that your great-grandmother wouldnt recognize as food. Lets say Go-Gurt portable yogurt tubes. Inskeep Would you explain that for people who, maybe, havent had Go-gurt lately. Pollan Well Go-gurt is a form in which yogurt is sweetened and enhanced in various ways that you are supposed to squirt into your mouth or children are supposed to squirt into their mouth on the school bus or whenever they somewhere other than a table. Its a convenience food. And its a fun food. But is it food? And thats the question. You know, yogurt is a very simple food. Its milk inoculated with a bacterial culture. But Go-Gurt has dozens of ingredients. Inskeep So, eat food you go on to say not too much which is easy to say and hard to do. Pollan Once upon a time, there was scarcity. We dont have that anymore; we have abundance. But if you go around the world, you find very interesting tricks and devices. For example, small portion size. You know, the French manage to eat extravagantly rich food, but they dont get fat, and the reason is that they eat it on small plates, they dont have seconds, they dont snack. Or you go to Japan. You go to Okinawa. They have a very interesting rule which is called, Hara Hachi Bu and basically they tell themselves eat only until you are 80 percent full. You know, if you do that, you will actually reduce your caloric intake quite a bit. Inskeep So eat food, not too much and then you say mostly plants. I want to ask about mostly. You dont say only plants, you dont say try to include a few plants. Mostly plants. Pollan Thats right. Yeah, plants are really important. Eating your fruits and vegetables is probably the best thing you can do for preventing cancer, for weight control, for diabetes, for all the different all the Western diseases that now afflict us. But must you not eat meat? No, I think meat is very nutritious food. I think the problem with meat is we eat way too much of it.

Les lves trouveront des questions de guidage dans leur Workbook.

Folder 9 Food Trends 115


10 People and War

IDENTITIES : Lidentit peut tre conue comme une tentative de se dfinir soi-mme par un mouvement
didentification avec un certain nombre de schmas culturels ou de rupture avec les schmas opposs. CULTURE CONTACTS : Le contact des cultures renvoie aux influences, lintgration, lassimilation, lexclusion, le repli sur soi, au communautarisme. Le multiculturalisme, que lon peut comprendre comme la coexistence pacifique et pacifie des cultures, sexprime dans le pluralisme des religions, des traditions culinaires et des communauts gographiquement visibles. CONFLICTS : Lhistoire de lhumanit depuis au moins le XVIe sicle est jalonne de rvolutions, de conflits, ou de dsaccords dans lesquels lAngleterre et les tats-Unis tiennent une place essentielle. (BO hors srie n 5 du 9 septembre 2004.)

CULTURE BLOG World War II Landmarkss
Le premier texte prsente en quelques traits la Seconde Guerre mondiale et le second lentre en guerre des tats-Unis aprs le choc de lattaque de Pearl Harbour.

SOUND FILE Tim, a War Journalist

Le tmoignage de Tim, journaliste intgr une unit britannique pendant la guerre du Golfe.

Document 3 :

Document 1 : Feet Up Document 2 : Child Soldiers Sign. Trois spots pour nous alerter propos des mines antipersonnelles

(, des enfants soldats au Soudan (UNICEF) et des pays qui ne respectent pas les droits de lhomme (Amnesty International).

WORD BANK Le vocabulaire relatif la guerre TEXT FILE 1 A Hard Decision

Un texte mouvant dans lequel un fils parle de son pre, soldat amricain abattu en territoire ennemi pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Grivement bless, il est recueilli et soign par un prtre allemand malgr les menaces des autorits militaires.

GRAMMAR FILE Lexpression du pass

Rvision : la concession.

La vie dun petit garon seul avec sa mre pendant la Premire Guerre mondiale, les visites et le retour perturbant du papa parti au front. Un sujet en relation avec le thme du folder pour entraner sa classe aux preuves du baccalaurat. 116 Folder 10 People and War

CULTURE BLOG World War II Landmarks

Manuel p. 142/143

CECR niveau B1 Reprer le droulement des vnements voqus, mme quand leur chronologie nest pas respecte. Comprendre lessentiel dun texte rdig dans une langue courante, sans trop de phrases complexes.

Une prsentation de lengagement des diffrentes nations dans la seconde guerre mondiale et de ltendue du conflit dont le monde garde encore des traces aujourdhui.

1 A Titanic Conflict
1. The Axis (German allies): Germany, Italy, Japan.

The Allied forces: Britain, France, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, South Africa, Norway, Poland, the Soviet Union, the USA. 2. Germany: German Britain: British France: French Australia: Australian Libya: Libyan Burma: Burmese Poland: Polish (the Poles) Italy: Italian America: American Japan: Japanese Russia : Russian New Zealand: New Zealand Canada: Canadian. 3. World War II : the second World War September 1st 1939: the first of September nineteen thirty-nine September 3rd: the third of September September 2nd, 1945: the second of September nineteen forty-five 120,000 civilians : one hundred and twenty thousand civilians 55 million people: fifty-five million people.

2 Pearl Harbor
1. Japans ambitions: conquering and controlling South-east Asia which was rich in minerals and oil that

Japan needed. Japan had signed treaties with Nazi Germany in the late 1930s and attacked an American naval base on Sunday, 7 December 1941. Numbers of casualties for Japan: less than 100 Japanese. Numbers of casualties for the USA: more than 2,400 Americans were killed and 1,178 American troops were injured. The name of the American president: President Roosevelt. 2. The attack on Pearl Harbor shocked the country and united it behind Roosevelt and the war. 3. Some people think it is impossible that secret services did not inform the American government that the Japanese intended to attack Pearl Harbor almost three years after the beginning of WWII?

POD LECTURE Britain at War

CECR niveau B1 Reprer et comprendre des informations spcifiques dans un document informatif. Comprendre la trame des vnements raconts. Mettre en relation les personnages ou les lieux cits avec les informations donnes.

Avant de proposer le Pod Lecture aux lves, on pourrait envisager un brainstorming autour de la vie quotidienne des civils dans les pays en guerre pour ractiver ou introduire des mots tels que bombs, bombers, bombings, gas masks, air raids, air raid shelters que les lves vont devoir reconnatre lors de lcoute et qui pourraient leur poser problme (sens ou prononciation). Il ne sagit pas de dresser une liste exhaustive mais de se focaliser prioritairement sur les mots reprer. Le professeur demandera ensuite aux lves de prendre connaissance des tches proposes pour quils ciblent leur coute sur les lments principaux et de recopier les noms des vnements quils vont classer (ex. 1) pour quils naient quun chiffre (1, 2, 3 ou 4) mettre au lieu de perdre le fil en copiant les noms au fur et mesure. On prvoira la mme chose pour lexercice 4.

Folder 10 People and War 117

Aprs la premire coute, le professeur laissera un temps suffisant pour permettre aux lves de complter les phrases puis repassera lenregistrement autant de fois que ncessaire selon la demande. La correction pourra donner lieu un change entre les lves et en cas de litige le professeur reviendra lenregistrement. Il pourra envisager de mettre les lves en interaction au cours de la correction. Comme entranement la prise de parole en continu, les lves pourront laborer un rsum articul et structur de lenregistrement partir des rponses. 1. I. The Battle of Dunkirk II. The Battle of Britain III. D-Day IV. Victory in Europe Day. 2 and 3. See the transcription. 4. Before the war in Britain, gas masks were given out, children were evacuated, and air shelters were built. 5. 338,000: number of soldiers rescued after the Battle of Dunkirk 5,000: tons of bombs dropped on Hitlers coastal defences 5,300: number of ships involved in D-Day 10,000: number of planes involved in Operation Overlord 107,000: number of soldiers landed on the beaches of Normandy.

When World War II began on the 3rd September 1939, Britain was prepared for war: gas masks had been given out, children had been evacuated and air raid shelters had been built. At first, allied troops were unable to stop the Germans invading France. On May 18th 1940, the British and French armies retreated to Dunkirk in the North of France. Fishing boats and pleasure boats came from England to rescue 338,000 troops and bring them home. During the summer of 1940, Hitler ordered his air force to destroy British air bases and aircraft factories. But the Royal Air Force defeated the Germans. The Battle of Britain saved Britain from invasion. On June 6, 1944, a date known as D-Day, the R.A.F. bombers dropped 5,000 tons of bombs on Hitlers coastal defences. This was Operation Overlord. Meanwhile, 5,300 ships and over 10,000 planes were on the way. 107,000 troops were landed on the beaches to reclaim France and drive on to Germany. British, American and Canadian troops invaded France to free Europe from Nazi control. By May 7th, 1945, Germany surrendered. Victory in Europe was celebrated with street parties, bonfires and fireworks. Action Draw a timeline
CECR niveau A2 Rdiger un texte simple relatant un vnement entendu ou lu racontant la succession des vnements, leurs causes et leurs effets.

Une tche simple permettant aux lves de mieux sapproprier les connaissances et de faire des liens avec le cours dhistoire.

SOUND FILE Tim, a War Journalist

Manuel p. 144

CECR niveau B1 Mettre en relation les personnages ou les lieux cits avec les informations donnes. Comprendre les informations essentielles dun document. Comprendre la trame des vnements raconts.


1. We can see the desert with tanks in the background. Theres a war going on. This could be a photo taken

during the Gulf War. In the foreground some cameramen are interviewing a war journalist.
2. Is your job a difficult one? Are you scared? Do you run a lot of risks? Do you lead the same life as the troops?

Are you free to say what you like, what goes on, what is planned, what you think, how the soldiers feel? Are your articles or interviews censored? Are you free to go or behave as you like? Where do you stay when you are attached to an army? Do you live in the barracks or in the tents with the soldiers? Why did you choose to be an embedded journalist or did your TV channel ask you to go and report on the war? How did your family 118 Folder 10 People and War

react when you told them you wanted to be a war reporter? Cette question pourra tre loccasion de retravailler le questionnement. 3. Cette question pourra tre loccasion de rebrasser certaines fonctions langagires telles que likes, dislikes, fear, uncertainty.

Comprehension Transcription Judy So, Tim, what exactly is an embedded journalist? Tim A journalist whos embedded is embedded with an army. In this case, it was the British Army for me.

Guidage dans le Workbook.

And what that means is that youre attached to a unit of the army. In my case, it was with the headquarters of the British Land Forces, in other words, the soldiers who were travelling up from northern Kuwait into southern Iraq. I spent my time entirely with the army, for five or six weeks. *** Judy How difficult was it for you? Were you afraid out there? Tim There were a couple of times when I was afraid. There was one moment where we came under fairly sustained mortar attack. This was just outside Basra, and the mortars landed pretty close to us. And, in a way, at that sort of time, you dont really have time to be that frightened because, youre just diving for cover. But, looking back on it, you realize that it was quite a frightening experience. *** So, there was a lot of training with that. There were also, we were told, certain rules that we had to follow. An awful lot has been said about how we operated under very strict control from the army, that they only allowed us to say certain things. And, while its true that the army did not allow us to jeopardize, to put at risk, any of their operations by predicting exactly where they were going to strike next, for example, they never censored my words or told me that I could only behave in a certain way. Action Act out a job interview
CECR niveau B2 Participer activement une conversation dans des situations familires, prsenter et dfendre ses opinions.

Le professeur pourra faciliter la ralisation de cette action sil garde (au tableau ou sur transparent) les questions imagines au 1 du Before you listen et demande aussi aux lves de se reporter la fiche de comprhension de leur Workbook.

Document 1 :

Manuel p. 145

Feet Up!

Ce spot a pour objectif de sensibiliser le public au problme pos par lutilisation des mines antipersonnelles. Sur le site de cette association (, diffrents chiffres sont donns qui pourraient intresser les lves : 58 : nombre de pays dans lesquels des dgts ont t occasionns par des mines entre 2005 et 2006. 90 % : pourcentage de civils parmi les victimes des mines antipersonnelles. 100000000 : nombre de mines toujours enterres dans le sol dans le monde. 1 : cot du nettoyage de 1 m2 de sol. 384 : nombre moyen de victimes causes par les mines chaque semaine. 40 : nombre de pays qui refusent encore de signer le trait antimines. 1/3 : proportion denfants parmi les victimes des mines antipersonnelles. 30 : une personne est tue ou blesse par une mine toutes les 30 minutes.

Folder 10 People and War 119

Les lves travaillent dabord sur la premire partie du document, dans laquelle des personnes sont amenes avoir un comportement trange et font des hypothses quant la nature du document et au comportement des acteurs. Ils vrifient ensuite leurs hypothses dans la suite du document et analysent le problme soulev par ce spot.

Comprehension Document 1

Guidage dans le Workbook.

Feet Up! lcran Son

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

Dbut : personnes en hauteur qui circulent dans la ville. Enfant suspendu un panneau de basket. Incrustation : For millions of people the ground is a dangerous place to be. [Document entier]

[Musique] [Musique] [Document entier]

Document 2 :

Child Soldiers

Ce spot vise informer le public sur laction mene par lUNICEF en faveur de la dmobilisation et de la rinsertion des enfants soldats au Soudan. Mont partir dune srie de photos, il sert de support au rcit dun membre de lUNICEF. LUNICEF, Fonds des Nations Unies pour lenfance, cr en 1946, fait partie des agences de lONU. Son rle est dassurer chaque enfant sant, ducation et protection. LUNICEF intervient dans prs de 157 pays et territoires.

Les lves travaillent dabord uniquement sur certaines des photos utilises dans le spot, en dduisent le thme du document et font des hypothses quant ce quils vont entendre. Ils vrifient ensuite leurs hypothses et reprent un certain nombre dinformations pertinentes. Ils peuvent ensuite reformuler le message que cherche faire passer lUNICEF, et largissent leur rflexion aux consquences des conflits sur les individus.

Comprehension Document 1 lcran Step 1

Guidage dans le Workbook.

Child Soldiers Son

Dbut: des enfants qui marchent en rang. Fin: des fusils sur le sol. Incrustation 1 : des enfants font la queue devant un avion. Incrustation 2 : des enfants se tiennent la main pour monter dans lavion.

[No sound]

Step 2

In February of 2001, UNICEF airlifted thousands of child soldiers out of conflict areas to safety zones. It was the largest effort of its kind ever undertaken in Southern Sudan.

120 Folder 10 People and War



Incrustation 3 : des enfants en rang avec des fusils sur lpaule. Incrustation 4 : un enfant dans la foule. Incrustation 5 : des enfants sloignent, les fusils derrire eux.
Step 3

Since 2001, 20,000 Sudanese child soldiers have been removed from various rebel groups. And the process continues. Here boys and girls, former child soldiers, take part in a child demobilizing ceremony in Western Upper Nile in Southern Sudan.

T-shirt UNICEF. UNICEF provides counseling for these children, reunites them with Fille la machine coudre. their families, helps them return to school and receive vocational training, like this girl, recently demobilized who was learning to operate a sewing machine. Fin du document There are still thousands of children enlisted in various rebel factions in Sudan. But as demobilization continues, tens of thousands of children are now able to lay down their weapons instead of their lives. This is Maya Dolehad, reporting for UNICEF. For every child, advance humanity. [Document entier]

Step 4

Step 5

[Document entier]

Document 3 :


Amnesty International, fond en 1961, est une organisation internationale caractre non gouvernemental. Cest un mouvement mondial comptant plus dun million de membres bnvoles qui uvrent dans 140 pays la dfense des droits de lhomme. Amnesty intervient en faveur des personnes emprisonnes pour des raisons de conscience ( cause de leurs croyances, opinions, origine ethnique ou appartenance politique ou religieuse). Parmi ses objectifs : la libration des prisonniers politiques; lobtention de procs quitables; labolition de la peine de mort, de la torture et de tout traitement cruel, inhumain ou dgradant. Cette organisation est indpendante et finance ses activits exclusivement partir des donations de ses membres. Le but du spot prsent ici est de sensibiliser le public et damener les citoyens faire pression sur les gouvernements pour faire respecter les droits de lhomme partout dans le monde.

Les lves travaillent dabord sur les scnes illustrant les atteintes aux droits de lhomme dans plusieurs pays diffrents. Ils dcrivent ces scnes et verbalisent les problmes soulevs, puis tentent de rflchir aux moyens daction quils ont leur disposition. Le moyen daction propos par Amnesty International nest propos quensuite.


Page suivante. Guidage dans le Workbook.


Make a poster
CECR niveau B1 crire de brefs essais simples sur des sujets dintrt gnral. Rsumer avec une certaine assurance une source dinformations factuelles, en faire le rapport et donner son opinion.

Folder 10 People and War 121

Document 3 lcran Step 1

Sign! Son

Carton : No Sound sur fond noir Incrustation 1 : un prisonnier dans sa cellule. Incrustation 2 : une femme dans un pays arabe. Des hommes lagressent. Elle remet son tchador et est accule dans un coin. Incrustation 3 : un homme tortur. Incrustation 4 : un homme devant un peloton dexcution. Incrustation 5 : des tanks dans la jungle. Un soldat dans un trou. Un prisonnier dans sa cellule. Une signature apparat, il sen sert pour ouvrir une porte dans le mur et senfuit. Une femme dans un pays arabe. Des hommes lagressent. Elle remet son tchador. Une signature apparat, elle sen sert comme dun fouet pour se dfendre et senfuir. Un homme tortur. Une signature apparat, il sen sert pour faire un trou dans le sol et senfuir. Un homme devant un peloton dexcution. Une signature apparat, il sen sert pour se faire un bouclier et senfuit. Des tanks dans la jungle. Un soldat dans un trou. Une signature apparat, il sen sert pour faire un ballon et senfuir. [Document entier]

[No sound]

Step 2


Step 3

[Document entier]

1. declare The government declared war on their neighbouring country.

Manuel p. 145

wage The country waged war on the terrorists that were destroying the peace. break out War broke out between the two nations. fight They fought the war in terrible conditions. go They went to war over water. 2. a. human toll; b. suspension of hostilities; c. battleground; d. missing in action; e. conscientious objector; f. doge the draft 3. a. A lot of Londoners lost their houses, they were bombed out during WWII. b. All the young men aged 18 were called up to go to war. c. The priest said he would try to deter the soldiers from coming back. d. In 1940 a lot of European countries were torn by war. 4. a. enlisted; b. nuclear deterrent; c. military power; d. surrendered; e. sustained.

TEXT FILE 1 A Hard Decision

Manuel p. 146/147

The author, Pat Conroy, was born on October 26th, 1945, in Atlanta, Georgia. He wrote his first book, The Boo, at the age of 18, while he was attending Citadel Military Academy in Charleston, South Carolina. Conroy became a teacher. Several of his books (The Water is Wide, The Great Santini, The Lords of Discipline) earned wide critical praise. 1986s The Prince of Tides remains Conroys most celebrated work with more than five million copies in print. The novel was made into a film. It tells the story of Tom Wingo, a teacher and football coach who is reluctant to see his dysfunctional familys secrets.

122 Folder 10 People and War

CECR niveau B2 Comprendre dans un texte narratif ce qui est dit des raisons des personnages et des consquences de leurs actes.

Before you read
1. Renvoyer les lves la frise quils auront faite lors de ltude du Culture Blog si les rponses ne viennent pas

2. He may be spying on the enemy country, or he may have to drop bombs on a German city. He is taking a lot of

risks and he may wonder whether he will return home safely or whether he will be attacked by enemy planes and shot down. On pourra rebrasser lexpression de la probabilit.
Read the text
3. The two main characters are a German priest, Father Kraus (line 1 The priest trembled violently when he

saw the pistol lines 12, 14, 16, 18, 21 the priest was bent over him, administering the last rites of Extreme Unction) and an American pilot (lines 31/32 the countryside was alerted that an American pilot moved among them). The narrator is the pilots son. He refers to the pilot as my father (line 3 My father lowered the pistol, line 8 My father laughed, etc.). 4. The scene takes place in a German village, in a Catholic church, in the bell tower to be more precise (lines 12/13 Father Kraus helped my father rise to his feet and walked him to the vestibule leading to the bell tower and line 36 Did they come to the church?). 5. These remarks show that the pilot is badly hurt / injured: Are you badly hurt? the priest asked. My father laughed, then said, Badly. Father Kraus helped my father rise to his feet They struggled up the narrow stairs. Then the priest tore (his chasuble) into long strips, and tied them tightly around my fathers head. (lines 16/17) I must get water to clean the wound.(line 18) The priest knew that the wounded pilots injuries were grievous. (line 22) I think you are dying, the priest said. (line 26) 6. His plane has been shot down and the pilot has managed to escape from the wreck / to jump out of the plane with his parachute before the crash. 7. At first the priest is scared because the pilot is threatening him with a pistol. Then he closed his eyes, folded his hands against his chest, and blessed (the narrators) father in Latin (lines 2/3) as if he was getting ready to die and wanted to forgive the pilot for the abominable act he was going to carry out. 8. Them refers to the German soldiers who are looking for the American pilot. The priest has decided to go and tell the German authorities he has found the pilot because he is an enemy. 9. No, the priest did not do what he had decided: the narrator writes I told them that if I found you I would kill you with my own two hands.(lines 37/38). This remark shows he does not denounce him. The priest does as if he had not seen the pilot / as if he had never met the pilot / as if he had not saved the pilot On voit comme la question 7 la ncessit dutiliser la structure as if + prtrit modal. 10. We know the priest is taking a risk: (lines 32/33) There was a reward for his (the pilots) capture and anyone found helping him would be executed. He risked being executed if the soldiers found out he was hiding the pilot. On pourra revoir lutilisation des formes en V-ing qui sont traites au folder 2 et dans le paragraphe 16 du prcis grammatical. 11. The narrator writes: Years later, my father would describe with undiminished wonder the taste of that dark German bread, that precious butter on that bread, and the red wine the priest gave him from the bottle (lines 28/29), which proves that the pilot survived. Although he was very badly injured, the narrators father survived.

Folder 10 People and War 123

12. The priest is very courageous, sympathetic and humane. He does not consider the pilot as an enemy but as

a man who needs help and protection. He acts according to his faith and looks after the pilot although they are not on the same side. On pourra travailler lexpression de la concession (dj possible la question 11) qui fait lobjet dun exercice page 148 du manuel.

1. a. pistol; b. weakly; c. struggled; d. tore; e. ruined; f. wound, injury; g. grievous; h. wrecked; i. reward;

j. search.
2. a. blessed the assembly; b. could not shoot at a priest.; c. the priest removed them; e. I always need

a pillow; e. The pilot had very serious wound. But he was just injured


My fathers plane had been shot down by the Germans during the war. He was seriously wounded and found shelter in a church. The priest thought my father was dying and applied the oils of sacrament. A German patrol found the wrecked plane and declared that there would be a reward for the pilots capture. Anyone found helping him would be executed. When the patrol came to the church, the priest told them he had not seen the pilot, but that he would kill him with his own hands if he did. Action Act out the scene
CECR niveau B1 Exprimer des sentiments tels que la surprise, la joie, la tristesse, la curiosit et lindiffrence. Exprimer mon opinion pour trouver une solution un problme ou pour prendre une dcision pratique. Commencer, soutenir et terminer une conversation sur un sujet familier.

GRAMMAR FILE Lexpression du pass


Manuel p. 148

Les formes verbales exprimant le pass : a. helped walked; b. would describe; d. had found; c. used to be. Le prtrit (helped, walked) permet de narrer des vnements coups du prsent. La structure used to permet dopposer le pass au prsent : Jadis, mon pre tait pilote. Would (would describe) montre que le sujet grammatical avait un comportement caractristique : Mon pre dcrivait Le past perfect (had found) marque une antriorit par rapport au moment de rfrence.

1. a. The pilot managed to crawl as far as the vicarage although he had been severely wounded.

b. When the American soldier saw the priest, he felt relieved. c. After the German patrol had left, the priest went up the church tower to see the pilot. d. As soon my dad had recovered, he decided to leave and fled through the woods. 2. a. comportement caractristique; b. comportement caractristique; c. hypothse; d. comportement caractristique; e. hypothse. 124 Folder 10 People and War

3. a. The Germans used to be our enemies.

b. Before the war, my father used to work with Germans. c. There used to be an air-raid shelter here during the Second World War. 4. a. The men were enemies, yet the priest hid the American pilot. Although the two men were enemies, the priest hid the American pilot. b. The priest ran the risk of being executed, yet he fed and looked after my dad. Although the priest ran the risk of being executed, he fed and looked after my dad. c. The Germans searched the area, yet they never found my dad. Although the Germans searched the area, they never found my dad. d. My dad knew he might die, yet he never lost hope. Although my dad knew he might die, he never lost hope. Action How much have we changed?
CECR niveaux A2-B1 Sinspirer de phrases connues pour construire dautres noncs, tout en respectant la syntaxe. (A2) Raconter des expriences en dcrivant ses sentiments et ses ractions dans un texte simple et articul.

Une action sous forme de jeu de devinettes pour rebrasser lopposition pass/prsent. Le jeu ne doit pas durer plus de 10 minutes.

Action 1 Debate in class

Manuel p. 149

CECR niveau B2 Participer activement une conversation dans des situations familires, prsenter et dfendre ses opinions.

La dmarche propose nous semble devoir tre respecte dans toutes ses phases car elle permet aux lves de simpliquer individuellement puis dchanger. Action 2 Record a story

CECR niveau B1 Raconter sans difficult une histoire ou effectuer une description, en en numrant les diffrents points. Raconter une histoire avec un rythme suffisant pour maintenir lattention de mes auditeurs.

Les lves peuvent rinvestir les lments du texte 1 mais aussi y ajouter des lments personnels. Le professeur pourra exploiter les enregistrements raliss par la classe sil le souhaite. Par exemple, il pourra : slectionner les meilleurs enregistrements pour les faire couter la classe et faire reprer ce qui est bien russi; choisir un seul enregistrement pour retravailler un certain nombre de points de phonologie; choisir plusieurs enregistrements de diffrents niveaux de faon les faire analyser par la classe et faire prendre conscience aux lves de ce qui rend une intervention intressante et russie. Le professeur pourra renvoyer les lves la fiche mthodologique de la page 109 et ensuite leur demander de sauto-valuer.

Folder 10 People and War 125

Action 3

Write an article

CECR niveau B2 crire un essai ou un rapport en transmettant une information ou en exposant des raisons pour ou contre une opinion donne. Mettre en vidence dans un texte ou un courrier ce qui est important. crire en faisant peu derreurs de syntaxe et les corriger en me relisant.

Le guidage est dans le Workbook (structure dun article et contenu des paragraphes).

TEXT FILE 2 Then Everything Changed

Manuel p. 150

The writer, Jessica Paige, is a 17-year old girl from New Jersey. She says she is an American minority and loves showing people she is not a stereotype. Her short story, found on, is about the Japanese internment camps in the States in the 1940s. The title is a Japanese word, which means memories. Historical background President Roosevelt declared that the day of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, would live in infamy. The attack launched the United States into the World War. Prior to Pearl Harbor, the United States had been involved in the European war only by supplying England and other antifascist countries with weapons. The attack on Pearl Harbor also launched a rash of fear about national security, especially on the West Coast. In February 1942, 2 months after Pearl Harbor, President Roosevelt decided to relocate all the people of Japanese ancestry. His objectives were to prevent espionage and to protect people of Japanese descent from strong anti-Japanese attitudes in the population. Roosevelts order affected 117,000 people of Japanese descent, two-thirds of whom were native-born citizens of the United States. People were sent to relocation centers, which were often situated in remote and desolate areas (see map of relocation centers on htm). Families had to share tar-papered barracks. The internment of people of Japanese ancestry during World War II sparked constitutional debate. Some people refer to the relocation centers as concentration camps; others view internment as an unfortunate episode, but a military necessity. (Adapted from education/lessons/japanese-relocation)
CECR niveau B1 Reprer le droulement des vnements voqus, mme quand leur chronologie nest pas respecte. Comprendre dans un texte rdig dans une langue standard, les descriptions de sentiments ou de souhaits. 1. Personal answers. 2. They may have been expelled or imprisoned or sent to camps. 3. The main character is called Miki Kashio (line 1). She is 16. She is of Japanese descent (line 14). She lives in

California (line 25). Her best friend is Liz.

4. Before Pearl Harbour she used to go to high school and to be very close to her friend, Liz. 5. After Pearl Harbour everybody began to stare at (Miki) all the time. They would talk about her not just

behind her back but when she could clearly hear them; Her locker would have nasty things written on it, the worst part was Liz called her names, her friend backed away from her. The girls started being rude, rejecting her and insulting her because she was of Japanese descent. 6. The girls attitude made Miki feel terrible (line 13). Miki was confused (line 17) and Lizs words slapped her across the face and it still stung thinking about it (line 17), which shows that she was deeply hurt and did not really understand Lizs hostility since she personally had not changed. 7. The family has decided to pack, to get ready and to leave. It was not time to go yet (line 4). They were packing their belongings. her mom ran off to pack up what else she could fit into suitcases. (line 27) 126 Folder 10 People and War

Le professeur a, nous semble-t-il, deux options : ou il donne les informations concernant les camps dinternement mis en place aux tats-Unis aprs lattaque de Pearl Harbor ou il fait mettre des hypothses aux lves sur ce que la famille a dcid de faire et, si aucun lve ne parle des camps dinternement, rvle ou fait chercher cette information. 8. Miki is feeling very sad indeed. She has cried and still feels like crying but cant any more. Mikis own tears had dried up and she couldnt cry even though she wanted to (lines 3/4). Miki is heart-broken at the idea of leaving her room and her house, Miki had already finished packing and did not want to go to her room again (line 28) but she tries to put on a brave face and lies to her mother who asks her if she is worried. Im not worried, Miki lied (line 27). Action Put on a short play
CECR niveau B1 Exprimer des sentiments tels que la surprise, la joie, la tristesse, la curiosit et lindiffrence. Commencer, soutenir et terminer une conversation en tte--tte, sur un sujet familier, mme si lon est suis parfois oblig de demander mon interlocuteur de rpter.

Une activit qui permet aux lves de sapproprier le texte et de mettre en mots les sentiments qui y sont dcrits. On pourra les renvoyer la fiche mthodologique de la page 137.

GRAMMAR (in Workbook) Parler du pass

1. Used to fait rfrence un pass en insistant sur le fait que la situation est diffrente aujourdhui.

Le prtrit simple renvoie une action ponctuelle passe, sans commentaire. Would + V indique que laction sest droule plusieurs fois. 2. Suddenly Miki saw Liz in the garden. When Miki arrived in the hall, all the girls turned around and stared at her. Miki used to love living in the USA but today she would like to leave. Every year, Miki and her family would spend 2 weeks in Japan. Liz used to take the bus with Miki but today Miki goes to school alone. 3. a. Il y avait des insultes crites sur son casier et Miki narrivait pas les effacer. b. Liz tait la meilleure amie de Miki mais ctait avant que le sentiment anti-Japonais ne se dveloppe en Californie. c. la cantine, Miki sasseyait toute seule une table et regardait ses anciennes amies qui lvitaient et continuaient leur vie. 4. a. Miki felt very bad then, but a few days later she felt even worse. b. Jan was a good friend, but Liz was her best friend. c. New York was very far, but Japan was even further. d. Miki and her sister were born in the USA. Miki is the elder. d. After Pearl Harbor, for the Japanese life was more difficult.


Action Prepare your CV

Manuel p. 151

La correction de la reconstitution du CV est la page 158 du manuel. Lactivit intressera particulirement les lves qui font des stages. Sinon on pourra la transformer pour la lier lAction de la page 144 et demander aux lves le CV que le jeune journaliste a envoy la BBC (Vacancy for an embedded journalist at the BBC).

Folder 10 People and War 127


Manuel p. 152/153

Frank OConnor (September 17, 1903 March 10, 1966) was an Irish author. His early life was marked by his fathers alcoholism, indebtness and ill-treatment of his mother. In 1918 he joined the Irish Republican Army in its resistance to British rule. He took the anti-treaty side in the Irish Civil War which followed. He worked in a small propaganda unit in Cork City. He was consequently among the twelve thousand anti-treaty Irish Republicans who were interned by the Irish Free State forces between 1922 and 1923. Following the war, OConnor took various positions including that of Irish teacher and librarian. He died from a heart attack in Dublin, Ireland on March 10, 1966. He was perhaps Irelands most complete man of letters, best known for his varied and comprehensive short stories but also for his work as a literary critic, essayist, travel writer, translator and biographer. My dipus Complex is a story about a young boy, Larry, who grows up in his own safe world with just himself and his mother. The whole short story can be read on 1. the narrator is a small child. The action takes place during World War One. 2. 1. c. His father was away at war. 2. e. He occasionally came to visit his family. 3. h. The boy enjoyed playing with war souvenirs. 4. a. In the morning when his father was away, the boy went to his mothers room. 5. b. Every morning he went shopping with his mother in town. 6. g. The war was over and his father came back. 7. d. He took the little boy to town and only cared about fellow soldiers. 8. f. The boy would have liked his father to go back to the war. 3. a. Right. Father was in the army all through the war. (line 1) b. Right. Sometimes I woke and there was a big figure in khaki peering down at me in the candlelight. (line 3) c. Wrong. The war was the most peaceful period of my life. (line 12) d. Wrong. I always woke with the first light After that I went into Mothers room and climbed into the big bed. (lines 15/16) e. Wrong. Each time he left a trail of souvenirs. (lines 7/8 ) f. Wrong. She didnt seem to think so highly of them as he did. (line 11) g. Wrong. Every night, going to bed, I asked God to send him back safe from the war to us. (lines 20/21) h. Right. No, dear, she said with a smile. (line 33) 4. a. he took him for a walk in the countryside. : This time we went into town. b. He talked enthusiastically about ships, trams and horses. : He had no proper interest in trams, ships and horses. c. He let him decide where to go and what to see. : When I wanted to stop he simply went on, dragging me behind him by the hand. d. That evening when they had dinner, the boy : that night when she was tucking me up e. She replied the war was going to end. : Because there isnt a war any longer, dear. 5. a. stored away. b. had curtained it. c. having settled my plans for the day. d. dragging somebody behind him.


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