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Ab Initio means Starts From the Beginning. Ab-Initio software works with the clientserver model.

. The client is called Graphical Development Environment (you can call it GDE).It resides on user desktop.The server or back-end is called Co-Operating System. The CoOperating System can reside in a mainframe or unix remote machine. The Ab-Initio code is called graph ,which has got .mp extension. The graph from GDE is required to be deployed in corresponding .ksh version. In Co-Operating system the corresponding .ksh in run to do the required job. How Ab-Initio Job Is Run What happens when you push the Run button? Your graph is translated into a script that can be executed in the Shell Development This script and any metadata files stored on the GDE client machine are shipped (via FTP) to the server. The script is invoked (via REXEC or TELNET) on the server. The script creates and runs a job that may run across many hosts. Monitoring information is sent back to the GDE client. Ab-Intio Environment The advantage of Ab-Initio code is that it can run in both the serial and multi-file system environment. Serial Environment: The normal UNIX file system. MutiFile System: Multi-File System (mfs) is meant for parallelism. In an mfs a particular file physically stored across different partition of the machine or even different machine but pointed by a logical file, which is stored in the co-operating system. The logical file is the control file which holds the pointer to the physical locations. About Ab-Initio Graphs: An Ab-Initio graph comprises number of components to serve different purpose. Data is read or write by a component according to the dml ( do not confuse with the database data manipulating language The most commonly used components are described in the following sections. Co>Operating System Co>Operating System is a program provided by AbInitio which operates on the top of the operating system and is a base for all AbInitio processes. It provdes additional features known as air commands which can be installed on a variety of system environments such as Unix, HP-UX, Linux, IBM AIX, Windows systems. The AbInitio CoOperating System provides the following features: - Manage and run AbInitio graphs and control the ETL processes - Provides AbInitio extensions to the operating system - ETL processes monitoring and debugging - Metadata management and interaction with the EME

AbInitio GDE (Graphical Development Enviroment) GDE is a graphical application for developers which is used for designing and running AbInitio graphs. It also provides: - The ETL process in AbInitio is represented by AbInitio graphs. Graphs are formed by

components (from the standard components library or custom), flows (data streams) and parameters. - A user-friendly frontend for designing Ab Initio ETL graphs - Ability to run, debug Ab Initio jobs and trace execution logs - GDE AbInitio graph compilation process results in generation of a UNIX shell script which may be executed on a machine without the GDE installed

AbInitio EME Enterprise Meta>Environment (EME) is an AbInitio repository and environment for storing and managing metadata. It provides capability to store both business and technical metadata. EME metadata can be accessed from the Ab Initio GDE, web browser or AbInitio CoOperating system command line (air commands)

Conduct>It Conduct It is an environment for creating enterprise Ab Initio data integration systems. Its main role is to create AbInitio Plans which is a special type of graph constructed of another graphs and scripts. AbInitio provides both graphical and command-line interface to Conduct>IT.

Data Profiler The Data Profiler is an analytical application that can specify data range, scope, distribution, variance, and quality. It runs in a graphic environment on top of the Co>Operating system.

Component Library The Ab Initio Component Library is a reusable software module for sorting, data transformation, and high-speed database loading and unloading. This is a flexible and extensible tool which adapts at runtime to the formats of records entered and allows creation and incorporation of new components obtained from any program that permits integration and reuse of external legacy codes and storage engines.

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