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October gtb ,2008

Mondav. October 13

Tuesdav, October 14
900-1:15 Kindergarten Field Trip to
Goebberts Pumpkin Farm
7:30 p.m. Board of Education Meeting at 164 S. Prospect

Wednesdav, October 15
900-10:30 Picture Retake Day

Fridav, October 17
Student Counal Spirit Day "Pajama Day"
3:OC-400 PTAMarket Day Pick Up

Mondav, October 20
8:45 a.m Fifth Grade White Pines Outdoor Education Trip
Students Leaving from Park Ridge Senior Center

Tuesdav, October 21
Fifth Grade White Pines Outdoor Education Trip
11:40-1235 Math Club Meeting in LRC

Wednesdav. October 22
1:45 p.m. Fifth Grade White Pines Outdoor Education Trip
Students Return to Park Ridge Senior Center

Thursdav, October 23
"Cool Thoughts.. ." Take Home Distributed
PTA Cultural Arts Presents Justin and Liam in Aud.
9:00 Gr. Kdg - 2 "Smart Pants"
10:OO Gr. 3-5 "You Write the Songs"

Fridav. October 24
6:30-8:30 PTA Franklin Fun Night in the Gym



From the desk oftbe-brincipal

Preparefor the Weather
1'11 start by quoting a common phrase often heard in our regon, "If you don't like the
weather, stick around it'll change." You all know this is true and our weather changes can be
significant. We have seen temperatures dropping t o degrees from morning to lunch. Please
send your children to school prepared with clothing they can put on in case of a significant
change. It is always wise to be prepared. I also strongly encourage you to put your child's
name on their clothing, especially their coats, boots, gloves, hats, sweatshirts and scarves.
anything they may shed in warmer weather. We have already developed quite an inventory in
the lost and found and the first flake of snow has not even fallen yet.

MorningAwival and Civil Behavim

Students are welcome to arrive at Franklin at 8:35 in the morning, 10 minutes before school
begins. At 8:45 a.m. the first bell rings and students are to line up by their assigned doors.
We ask parents to help support the district's Civil Behavior expectations when it comes to
student behavior. Please help monitor students on the playground and inform a stafFmem-
ber of there is a discipline issue observed so we can address it with the students.

On Thursday, October 23rd we will have our first PTA sponsored Cultural Arts Presentation
for the year. We will have Justin and Liam a performing arts group presenting two programs.
At 9:00 they will be doing "Smart Pants" for the Kindergarten through 2nd grades and at
ro:oo they will be performing "You Write the Songs" for 3rd through 5th grades. Both p e r
formances are in the auditorium and parents are welcome to attend. Thank you PTA and
especially Mrs. Callas and Mrs. Burdelik for arranging these events for the year!

Science Olympiad
Science Olympiad sign up are coming up next month. I encourage as many Franklin stu-
dents as possible to participate in this fun, challenging and competitive went. We will also
need parents as team leaders to help small groups of students in preparing or the events.
The Science Olympiad will be held at Emerson Middle School on Saturday, February 7th
from 9:oo-rr:oo. Thank you to Mr. McGrath for leading the "Egg Drop" event for Franklin
Please see the following page for staff email addresses and voice mail extensions.
Dan Walsh,Principa


While the Lunch Program has been very successful with
an enjoyable break during the day, we are constantly striving
for improvement. Kindly note the following suggestions to continue
and promote a positive lunchroom experience for your child.

Check your child's backpack for a "lunch" before s h e leaves for school.
Pack the necessary eating utensils your child will need to use with
the meal (spoon, straw, napkin, etc.).
Please remember that cans and glass bottles are not allowed.
Note: Several selections ofthe pre-packaged Lunchable
meals include a can ofjuice orpop.
Bring juice boxes or beverage in plastic containers.
Milk is available through the program at an additional fee.
Children must bepre-registeredfor milk.
Children can ask for a milk form during lunchtime or send us a note.
Clearly mark your child's name and room number on the outside of the
lunch box.
If your child attends on a full time basis, parents must send a note on
days when your child will not be attending the Lunch Program.
Note: Parent notes are not necessaryfor an authorized absence
via the school oiftice and for school/grade wide events such as,
PTO sponsored hot Lunch Day,Field Trips, Student Council,
Patrol. Chorus, Battle offheBooks or Jr. Grade Books
If you have questions about the lunch program throughout the year you
may e-mail the head supervisor by: firstinitiallastname@,
example: nblachuthd64.0~
Below are names of your school's head supervisor;
Carpenter- Tem Muszynski
Field- Kathy Piemcci
Franklin- Carol Gonzalez
Roosevelt- Pat Keady
Washington- Kendra Griffin

Thanks for your help and cooperation.

Natalie Blachut
Lunch Program Consultant
District 64 Announcements

Principal Appreciation Day on Friday

District 64 will observe Principal Appreciation Day this Friday, October 10. It's a great
time to send a note or e-mail to your school principal to recognize him or her for their
efforts to promote quality education. Principals are the day-to-day leaders of our
schools, coordinating the activities of students and staff and being the liaison to parents
and the community. A principal's most important role is to be the instructional leader
of their school by working with teachers to plan and implement strategies that will
improve student achievement. Please think of your principal (and assistant principal)
this Friday to thank him or her for inspiring students, teachers and parents by their
positive and enthusiastic leadership every day.

"Risky Business" program on October 15 is series finale

All parents in the community navigating through the 'tween years with their
adolescents are invited to attend the final workshop on Wednesday, October 15 at
Emerson Middle School, 8101 N. Cumberland, Niles, from 7:30-9 p.m. Parents do not
need to have attended any of the previous programs to participate. No registration is
Char Wenc, author of "Parenting - Are We Having Fun Yet?' and "Cooperation -
Learning through Laughter" will speak on "Risky Business" -how to recognize and
respond to your child's at-risk behavior. Sponsored by the Civil Behavior Parent
Committee, the "Raising Good Adolescents" evenings offer strategies to help local
parents maintain communication and stay involved as their students test their
independence and gain maturity moving through grades 5-8.

Grandparents as Caregivers
If you are a grandparent who is babysitting or raising grandchildren, you are invited to
a morning gathering of caregivers. Tlus is an opportunity to meet others, share concerns
and talk about interesting topics that will help you care for the children you love.
Topic: Stress and Having a More Peaceful Life
Date: Wednesday, November 5,2008 (1st Wed. of each month)
Time: 10:OO-ll:30arn
Place: Niles Public Library, 6960 Oakton St. Niles
Free childcare provided. Please call to regster for childcare
Free books each month, refreshments
You are babysitting often, taking care of others and find it hard to find peaceful
moments for yourself. Come and learn how to recognize stress and how to find time for
yourself. Ongoing, monthly meetings. For information, call Linda at 847-640-9590.
Sponsored by Maine Township and Children's Home + Aid.
ATTENTION all Franklin Parents:
The YEARBOOK Committee needs parent volunteers from each grade to
put in 30 minutes online to identify students. You can do this from home.
We have all these great photos but we don't know everyone by name. The
yearbook this year will have an index that tells where you are located in
the yearbook. Thank you in advance for your help.
Please return to the office.
YES, I can help with: (check one)
First Grade -
Second Grade -
Third Grade -
Fourth Grade -
Fifth Grade -
Your Name
Email address
Number to reach you

Justin and Liam

Acamb*ofmmic, coI?wd)ld~rtrI

Thursday. October 23

9:00 am, K-2 'Smart Pants"

10:OOarn. 3 5 "You Write The Songs"

Encouruging dyna!nic audience participation,these hm w a r d - w i ~ i n gm ~ f i c dnd

k edueatm deli&*
children (odadults!) with their uniquestyle of simultacouJ teaching and cntertdning. USi- a
combination of music, comedy md s &, Jlatin & Limn mgq)c y w g minds and help thun diseavv
their w strcnoths ad talents.
Franklin School PTO Meeting Minutes
October 2, 2008
Page 1

Vickie Mellema called the meeting to order at 7 0 4 pm. There were 25 people in attendance. Everyone introduced
themselves. The September 2008 meeting minutes were reviewed and approved.


-Dr. Sally Pryor was in attendance to provide an overview of the district and answer any questions. The board is
working to update the district's goals to continue meeting the needs of the whole child. She encourages parents to
get involved in the process. They are looking at improving academic performance and ways to continue developing
social, emotional, critical thinking and problem solving skills. There is also the goal of maintaining financial health
within the district.
-This is the final year the district is not bound by the tax cap; will be bound by cap next year.
-For 2008-2009, 4.347 students are enrolled in District 64, 11 fewer students than one year ago. Roosevelt, Field
and Washington have the largest enrollments of the elementary schools, respectively. Franklin's enrollment is 466
students. Enrollment at Emerson and Lincoln is around 800. Enrollment is consistent and within 1.5% of the
forecasted number.
-There is a new principal at Carpenter and a new assistant principal at Roosevelt.
-The district has about 30 new teachers. Many new teachers have prior experience, as District 64 is a desirable
place to work.
-At the last board meeting, the budget was approved. The total budget is $64 million, with 80% of costs attributed
to staff.
-Many life safety projects were completed this summer, including new carpeting and tuck pointing at many schools.
-Curriculum is the heart of the district. Curriculum reviews and aggressive action to improve instruction is planned.
EISIRtl is being implemented and holds great promise to improve student goals and help students before falling
-District 64 is working to develop a new strategic plan to guide its schools. All are invited for discussion and input.
The first meeting will be Monday, October 6 at Washington. Small groups will develop action plans and the district
is looking to approve the new strategic plan in spring 2010. Visit the district's website for further information.
-Questions regarding the transition to the electronic take home were answered. Franklin will move to an electronic
take home November 13. Other schools have already gone electronic and the feedback is positive. You must sign
up for Listsew to receive--there is a ListServ for District 64 and a separate ListServ for Franklin. Go to
www.d64,orq to sign up to receive district information and click the link for Franklin to sign up for the take home and
other school notices. For those who do not have internet access, some paper copies of the take home will still be
available in the office or will be mailed to those providing a self addressed stamped envelope.
-Email Dr. Pryor with any other questions or concerns. Find her email at the district's website.


-Mr. Walsh thanked all the dads for coming to Donuts with Dads and the PTO for sponsoring the event. It was a
great turnout!
-The walk-a-thon was a wonderful event. Thanked all involved.
-Thanked all the parents who have helped with the new book room.
-Last week there were a number of drills. The school is clustering them so the kids know what to expect. Q-How
do you approach the kindergartners with lock down procedures? A-Attempt to explain in an appropriate manner
as to not scare them. A police officer commented on how serious the kids took the drills and how well they did.
There was also great feedback from the fire department. The school has the same mindset for a fire as you would
at home with a rendezvous point for each class.
-Tomorrow is CubslSox day-kids are allowed to wear jerseys, shirts and hats.
-Fifth graders will be at White Pines in Oregon, IL October 20-22. The trip is two overnights where they learn about
life, teamwork, the environment, and science and is a great experience for the kids. The paperwork is due


Ms. Benedetti: Thanked the PTO for 3" grade composition nztebooks for writing workshop. The students have
personalized their notebooks and are excited to write. The 3 grade has just finished a Goldilocks trial. All the
students took Dart in various roles and developed their own questions and ideas. DVDs will be available to show
Ms. Fulara: Thanked the PTO for pledges for the "Being a Writer" program. She is working with the district to pilot
the program which promotes writing with confidence. The objective is written communication and developing
individual expression, character, educational goals and social skills through writing. The students respond to other
Franklin School PTO Meeting Minutes
October 2,2008
Page 3

decorations in and outside the school. Further details will be in the next Franklin Flyer and students will receive an
envelope with theme information, a bookmark and tattoo.
-thank you to Cub Scout and Girl Scout troops and the Student Council for making posters. Also, thanks to the
PTO for additional funding.
-Red Ribbon Week is a great opportunity for parents to lead family discussions about smart choices and discourage
the use of alcohol and drugs.


-Nancy Manolis reported on the budget. Fundraising is going well. Pizza day has made money, but not to the
degree the budget reflects. The walk-a-thon numbers do not reflect additional donations. There is a summary on
the last page reflecting what's in the account now and we're on track to finish the year with $15,000.
Q-What ending balance is acceptable within PTA guidelines? A-Need to check with the PTA rep. We are
working to get the remaining balance lower and looking for good ideas to spend money. We have also cut
fundraising. Q-Do funds need to be used for Franklin specifically or can they benefit students in the district that
attend other schools (e.g. special needs)? A-Unsure of restrictions on spending--would be a question for the PTA
rep--and parents raise money with expectations that the money is spent here at Franklin. Q-What are the
incorporation fees listed? A-Money was set aside if the decision was made to become a 501(c)(3) corporation.
There should not be a major expense in joining the PTA.


Crossina Guards: Q-What is the reason for discontinuing crossing guards at lunch time? A-Many of the guards
are not being utilized at that time. It is also difficult to fill the positions due to the time commitment during the day.
Safety is a priority and if you would like bus service, please let the office know. Bus service will be avai!able to
those students currently using the crossing guards at lunch. Most students stay at school for lunch.
School Plavarounds: Q-What time are the playgrounds unavailable to non-students? A-It's not strictly enforced,
but normally around 9:00 am when the PE classes go outside. Q-What is the time students are allowed on the
playground before school? A-The playgrounds are considered a public park outside of school hours. Mr. Walsh
will check what time children may arrive at school. (The Student-Parent Handbook states students may arrive at
school 10 minutes prior to the bell, which is 8:35.)
-A parent expressed concerns that there is not enough parental supervision for the older grades. Foul language
has been heard and a younger sibling was nearly hurt. Mr. LoPresti is out to supervise all the playgrounds, but Mr.
Walsh encourages parents to speak up and let him know of such occurrences.
U-turns on Manor Lane: U-turns on Manor Lane and three-point turns from the teacher's parking lot are not
allowed. Please refrain from doing so! Police are enforcing violations and will ticket.


-Mot~onto adjourn the meetlng, seconded
-Meet~ngaOI0~rnedby Vlck~eMellema at 8 49 pm.

The next PTA meeting is schedule for Thursday, November 6,2008 at 7:00 pm in the LRC

Minutes submitted by Vickie Nelson (Co-Recording Secretary)

Parent(s) or legal guardiws) who must provide transportation to and from school because free transportation is
not available for their children may be eligible to receive money from the state to help offset some of the cost, for
example, bus fares or mileage reimbursement for private automobiles at $0.505 per mile.

If you can answer yes to the following questions for the 2008-09 school year, you may be eligible to receive
reimbursement for providing such transportation.

1) Will the pupil be under the age of 21 at the close ofthe school year?

2) Is the pupil a full-time student in grades kindergarten through 12?

3) Does the pupil either live 1 1/2 miles or more from school or live less than 1 112 miles from school but
must be transported due to a serious safety hazard approved by the Illinois Department of Transportation?
(See following paragraphs.)

4) Does the pupil attend a school within Illinois which meets Illinois compulsory attendance laws?

5 ) Did the parentiguardian incur transportation expenses resulting from transporting the pupil to and from

6) Did the pupil not have access to transportation to and from school provided entirely at public expense?

7) Did the parentlguardian reside within Illinois during the time period expenses were incurred?

If you answered yes to the above questions, lived in Illinois and wish to fde a claim, you must go to the school
where each of your children is enrolled by June 30, 2009, to submit claim information. You may provide claim
information to appropriate school personnel at your child's attendance center until June 30, 2009.

In addition, pareot(s)/guardian(s) who have pupils living less than 1 112 miles from the school attended must verify
that a safety hazard due to vehicular m f i c exists by completing an Application for Determination of Serious Safety
Hazards. Parents can obtain a copy of the Application for Determination of Serious Safety Hazards from the Office
of the Regional Superintendent of Schools for the county in which they reside except parents residing within the
City of Chicago. Chicago residents can receive a copy of the Application for Detemhation of Serious Safety
Hazards from the Illinois State Board of Education, Division ofFunding and Disbursement Senices, 100 North First
Street, Springfield, IL 62777. All applications for Determination of Serious Safety Hazards must be received no
later than February 1, 2009, at the office from which the application was requested. Example: ISBE (Chicago
residents), ROE (Illinois residents other than those residing in Chicago). The Regional Superintendent of Schools is
required to send the Application to the Illinois Department of Transportation within 15 days. The Illinois
Department of Transportation reviews and approves or denies the application and renuns it to the Regional
Superintendent of Schools within 30 days. Upon receipt of the reviewed application, the Regional Superintendent of
Schools will mail it to the parentiguardian who requested the safety hazard be verified. If the safety hazard is
approved. the parenffeuardian must en to the school the ~ u p i attends
l to submit claim information. Parents
who received verification of a safety hazard during and after the 2005-2006 school year, whose children anend the
same school and live at the same address do not have to reapply for safety hazard verification.

Once all claim information is submitted at the school, it will be transmitted electronically to the Illinois State Board
of Education If your claim information is approved, you should receive a check directly fromthe state for the lesser
of the cost of transporting your child/children or the average per pupil reimbursement paid to public schools for
hamortins rcgulsr &catinn p~.rile Tf inrt,ff*c;ic fin& are nppmpriated hy the Gene-1 Acacmhly, nu =lei- will
be prorated.
If you have any q u c s t i o ~please
, call or come to the school as soon as possible

Printed by AFLCIO (AFSCME L d 112811) Empi-








Thank you for your help!

Kindly nore: Any checks returned tor insufticient funds will be charged an add. $25
Thank You! To everyone for their participation in the
Franklin School Walk-a-Thon. It was a great success!

The people who volunteered to help keep our walkers on track:

Sema Guzeldere Nancy Manolis Anna Piotrowski Dana Wessel

Mary Augello Julie Cleary Noreen Hart Vickie Mellema
Anne Stewart Debbie Vaughan Peggy Bukar Vickie Foldvary
Jennifer Hirshmann llyse Brogan Anne Nikolic Kristin Yager
Denise Ginnane Jennifer Meyer Maureen Digan Jill Glockner
Sara Guagliardo Michelle Staerzl Tracy Kaufmann Kristie Bavaro
Lisa Saul Kathleen Gallegos Nancy Torre Marie Buerger

Congrats to Ms. Lally's 1st Grade Class for having the highest percentage of
participating families.

Congrats to Ethan LaVaccare winner of the Principal for the Day raffle prize

Thanks to the many parents who came out joined the walk

Thank you to the Park Ridge Park District, the Rambhajan Family and the Fleita Family
for their prize donations

A huge thanks to the Walk-A-Thon planninq committee members:

Suzie Fleita
Laura McGrady
Anita Rambhajan
Kim Harris
Bill Casey & Judy McCarthy
And a special thanks to Mr. Walsh for his help and support.
OCTOBER 27 31 -
Along with thousands of schools and communities across America, Franklin School will celebrate Red
Ribbon Week as a way to raise awareness of the destructive effects of alcohol and drugs and the positive
alternative life choices available to our youth and adults.
In keeping with the tradiiion at Franklin School, we encourage parents to become involved with the event
along with your children. Activities planned for this year's Red R i W n Week are:

4. Every student who makes a poster will receive a small prize.
.:a Students who make a poster will be entered into a drawing. Five lucky winnets will
receive a $15 gift certificate to Burke's Books of Park Ridge!
4 Using your own theme, make a poster and turn in to Aggie Malin or the school
omce no later than Thursday, October ~ 3 ~ .
6 IMPORTANT! Do not forget to write your name and homeroom number on the back
of your poster!
O Poster theme ideas: "How Would ISay NO to Drugs?", Why IShould Not Use Drugs", There Are
Better Things To Do Than Drugs". 'I Pledge to Be Drug-Free".
* We will proudly display posters in the hallways during Red Ribbon Week.

Each day of Red Ribbon Week, teachers will give students
a 'stickan' red ribbon to wear.


.:a Wear your favorite sports shirt
*' Wear your craziest andlor mismatched socks.
*% Join over 80 million people across the country and wear red to school.
O Wear clothes backwards.
.:. Wear orange and black to school.


According to research, frequently discussing substance abuse and its consequences, beginning in early
childhood, is the most effective deterrent to drug use among youth.

Take tlme to talk wfth your chikl every day.

The more you know about your child, the easier it will be to guide him or her
toward more positive, skill-building activities and friendships. As a result, your
child will be less likely to experiment with alcohol and other drugs.

Get involved in your child's lie.

Spend time doing activities that interest your child. Play games together. Try to
do aornething aperial together at least o m e a mok. Praisc your child for
activities you ordinarily take for granted, such as cleaning his or her room, or
doing homework without being told.
Teech your child how to say "no" and mean it.
It might be easier for that child to do the same when he or she is offered
alcohol or other drugs.

Teach your child how to resist peer pnrssure.

Peen can have a powerful influence on even the youngest child. In fact,
some youth say that wanting to be accepted is a major influence regarding the use of alcohol, tobacco,
and illegal drugs. Your child may make friends to help tit in, to bolster his or her self-esteem, or to
overcome anxiety. Make it clear that you do not want him or her to use alcohol, tobacco, or illegal drugs.
In addition, you might want to share with your child how you resisted peer pressure when you were his or
her age.

'Walk the walk"-lead by example.

If you want honesty, courage, discipline, and kindness from your children, exhibit these qualities in your
own life.

Be aware of your child's acthrities.

Get to know your chikl's friends and their parents. Know where your child is going, whom he or she will
be with, and what he or she is doing. Establishing relationships with your child's friends and their parents
will put you in closer touch with his or her daily life.

Contact the Park Ridge Community Health Commission

The Commission deals with substance and alcohol abuse with teens and adults in Park Ridge and tries to
spread awareness and educate the community. There are 10 Board Members, and they meet on the 4th
Thursday of each month. They are a resource if any parent has a question or concern. They are
interested in presenting to smaller groups of parents by having 'coffees". Parents invite a small group of
other parents to their home and have the Commission make a presentation and fieM questions. Dr. John
Bello emphasized that you can never start teaching children early enough about drugslalcohol and
parents need to empower themselves. If anyone is interested in hosting a coffee, please contact Dr.
Bello directly (office) 773-775-9755 or (cell) 847-877-9914.

To find help for yourself or mquest free publlcatlomi designed to help parents connect with their
children to discourage substance abuse, please reference the below Information. Please note that these
sites are only a snapshot of resources that may be available.

6 A great site for parents to keep current: ~r~v.v.TheAniiDruq.coni

Fhd excellent information for parents
of pre-teens and teenagers. Subscribe to the Anti Drug Parenting Newsletter.
+ Locating informationon prevention, treatment, and substance abuse (Substance Abuse and Mental
Health Services Administration Devartment of Health):
+ K i n e Townshlo residents rnav find resources for recoverv. bv. callina- Maine Center: 847-696-13376 or
by contacting a resource at the following site: !ii:~:iinc\!i:t~iiI:~-esources,h;!~iI
+ To find a treatment facilitv near vw:
+ Online Treatment Program:
~vmveqefc;111~1 corn
+ A site for hetpinq our youth understand the risks of substance abuse:

Be the AntiiDrug.
Parents are Powerful.

Thank you for your participation!

For any questions, please contact, Aggie Malin (847) 384-0519

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