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Lesson Plan 5 :

Class Level: Primary 4

Time: 60 minutes (double periods)
Genre: Short Story(Tidy Your Room,Tanya)
Literary Focus: • Characterization
• Setting
Integrated Language Skills: • Listening
• Speaking
• Reading
• Writing**
Higher Order Thinking Skills: Literal Comprehension :
• 1.13 Recognition of sequence
• 1.21 Recall of details
• 1.22 Recall of a sequence
Judgments of Reality and Fantasy
• 5.1 Emotional Response to the content
Multiple Intelligences: • Visual/Spatial
• Verbal/Linguistic
• Interpersonal
• Intrapersonal
Learning Objectives:
• 1.4.2 Listen and follow simple instructions
• 2.5.1 Give details about people
• 2.6.1 Give non-verbal response
• 3.6.2 Give words according to categories
• 3.8.2 Scan for specific information in texts
• 4.2.2 Write words and phrases in clear legible writing

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

• Listen to and follow simple instruction
• Give details about people of a story heard
• Give non-verbal response
• Give words according to categories
• Scan for specific information in texts
• Write words and phrases in clear, legible writing
Prior Knowledge: The pupils know the story ‘Tidy Your Room, Tanya’

Teacher’s Task/ Students’ Tasks Teaching Rationale
Procedures Resources
Preparatory Activities

Khalipah Mastura Khalid
Ani Aishah Fatimah Leong Abdullah
(10 min)
• Step 1 :
Teacher asks pupils to state Pupils give The book. Revision on the
all the characters and setting names of Pictures of the book
of the story. characters and characters and
setting of the setting

• Step 2 :
Pupils state the The book. To help pupils
Teacher asks pupils to recall
events happened Pictures of recall the story –
the events in sequence as
in sequence in events line
occurred in the story.
the story

• Step 3 : Pupils refer to The book To help pupils

Teacher asks pupils to recall the book if Pictures of recall characters,
how the characters necessary and imagery place setting and
described Tanya’s room and state the and occupations sequence of
Tanya’s imaginary part. information events.
asked for. Flash cards
Main Activities (15 min)
• Step 4 :
Teacher explains what a Pupils listen White A4 paper To allow pupils to
Character Quilt is. She carefully and ask Colour pencils be sure of work to
shows an example. about the quilt if Crayon be done
they do not Water Colour

Teacher asks pupils to sit in They sit in their

groups of 5 and start groups and start
planning the quilt. planning their
• Step 5 :
Pupils discuss To make sure
Teacher goes around to
what they will pupils are doing
check on pupils’ progress
draw into the the right thing.
and to help when necessary.
squares given

Closing Activities (5 min)

• Step 6 :
Teacher tells pupils to keep Pupils clean up To teach the value
their materials and activity their workplace of tidiness.
will continue in the next
lesson. .

Khalipah Mastura Khalid
Ani Aishah Fatimah Leong Abdullah
Collection of pictures for lesson plans 4 and 5

Khalipah Mastura Khalid
Ani Aishah Fatimah Leong Abdullah


You will prepare a “Character Quilt” as your first project for this book. You will be
in Groups of 5. The central picture will be A4 sized and it will show Tanya’s untidy
room. Around this picture, you will draw smaller pictures showing :

1. the Characters (Mum, grandmother, Dad, Mike)

2. the Fantasy scenes (jungle, bear’s cave, tunnel, bird’s nest)
3. the places that are messy (room, toy box, under the bunk, top bunk)

These smaller pictures will be placed around the big picture.


A. You will discuss as a class and create a production crew. In the crew there will
be :

1. the Scriptwriters (2)

2. the Director (1)
3. the Actors/Actresses (5)
4. the Readers (6)
5. the Props Managers (12)
6. the Costumers (8)
7. the Jazz Chanters (20)

Khalipah Mastura Khalid
Ani Aishah Fatimah Leong Abdullah
B. You will be putting up a play based on the story “Tidy Your Room, Tanya!”

C. The scripts will have to be completed in 2 weeks and given to the teacher for the

D. There will be a rehearsal at the end of week 3 and two full-dress rehearsals on
week 4.

Evaluation Form
Characters Quilt

Group : …………………………….
Date : ……………………………..

Criteria Marks Marks Given

Layout 5
Accuracy 5
Overall 10
Total 20

Best Quilt : Group :……………………………

Comments : …………………………………………………………

Comments about other quilts :

Khalipah Mastura Khalid
Ani Aishah Fatimah Leong Abdullah
Khalipah Mastura Khalid
Ani Aishah Fatimah Leong Abdullah
Khalipah Mastura Khalid
Ani Aishah Fatimah Leong Abdullah

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