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to Conserve
Birds of Prey
in Nature
the peregrine fund • WORLD CENTER FOR BIRDS OF PRE Y • 2001 annual report The Peregrine Fund Staff
The organization’s business-related activities
are supported by Pat Burnham (Administrator),
Carol Pettersen (Bookkeeper), and Shaun
Letter from the President Olmstead (Secretary/Receptionist). Linda
How raptors provide an umbrella of protection for an entire habitat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Behrman is our Membership Director and Jack
Cafferty is our Program Executive.
Northern Aplomado Falcon Restoration
“Safe Harbor” agreements protect landowners as well as endangered falcons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 United States International Staff
Linda Behrman Aristide
California Condor Restoration Roy Britton Andrianarimisa
Great expecations: released California Condors continue breeding efforts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Bill Burnham Francisco Barrios
Kurt K. Burnham Adrien Batou
Captive Breeding Pat Burnham Be Berthin
Captive raptors at our breeding facility are the cornerstone of species restoration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Jack Cafferty Noel Augustin
Craig Carpenter Bonhomme
Archives of American Falconry Jeff Cilek Alberto DÌaz
MaryAnn Edson Eloi (Lala) Fanameha
From slides to raptor hoods, valuable artifacts find a home here . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Nancy Freutel Martin Gilbert
Erin Gott Noel Guerra
Research Library Bill Heinrich Ron Hartley
Visiting scholars get some elbow room . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Grainger Hunt Andrew Heath
J. Peter Jenny Kathia Herrera
Scientific Publications and Presentations Russ Jones Sabine Hille
Staff biologists and associates continue to share their discoveries . . . . . . . . . . .8 Lloyd Kiff Mia Jessen
Howard Kinzy Loukman Kalavaha
Specimen Collection Kim Middleton Eugéne Ladoany
Eggshell and study skin specimens are invaluable to researchers . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Angel Montoya Magaly Linares
Amel Mustic Jóse De Los Santos
Student Education Brian Mutch López
Trish Nixon Jules Mampiandra
Students gain field experience while contributing to our projects . . . . . . . . . . .9 Shaun Olmstead Lilia Mendoza
Nedim Omerbegovic Moise
Education Program Sophie Osborn Angel Muela
More than 27,000 people visited us in 2001 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Chris Parish Charles Rabearivelo
Carol Pettersen (Vola) Dalibor Pongs Jeanneney
New E-newsletter has a following of more than 1,800 subscribers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Rob Rose Rabearivony
Cal Sandfort Berthine Rafarasoa
High Arctic Institute Randy Stevens Norbert Rajaonarivelo
New Gyrfalcon and Peregrine nests located . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Russell Thorstrom Jeannette Rajesy
Randy Townsend Gérard
Neotropical Raptor Conservation Program Rick Watson Rakotondravao
Dave Whitacre Yves Rakotonirina
Birds recognize no national boundaries, so human leadership is key to their survival . . . . . . . . . . .14 Norbert Rajaonarivelo
Archivist Gaston Raoelison
Pan-Africa Raptor Conservation Program Christophe
Developing local capacity for conservation through training, education, and support . . . . . . . . . . .20 S. Kent Carnie Razafimahatratra
Gilbert Razafimanjato
Asia-Pacific Raptor Conservation Program Lova Jacquot
Island species threatened; vulture crisis continues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 Razanakoto
Lily-Arison Rene de
Financials and Donors Roland
Thank you for your continued partnership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34 Leonardo Salas
Simon Thomsett
Gilbert Tohaky
Ursula Valdez
© 2002 • Edited by Bill Burnham • Design © 2002 by Amy Siedenstrang Jóse Vargas
Thanks to John Schmitt for illustrations, and to Robert Bateman and Mill Pond Press, Inc. for Munir Virani
cover artwork. Production costs donated by members of the Board of Directors of The Zarasoa
Peregrine Fund.
Letter from the President
P articularly since September 11, the image of the
Bald Eagle has regularly appeared as a symbol of free-
dom in the media and wherever Americans have gath-
to replace the adults which die as a result of natural or human-
related causes. Therefore, the habitat area must be large enough to
support sufficient breeding pairs and their young while they
ered. The Bald Eagle and other birds of prey the world mature and become adults. Typically even single pairs of rap-
over are visible, charismatic life-forms that represent tors require sizable areas in which to live, so to maintain a
many values important to mankind. We humans want viable population usually requires a large habitat area.
the continued existence of the eagle and other raptors for Since raptors are not confined by political or legal
our inspiration and enjoyment and for that of our children, boundaries their conservation cannot usually be
grandchildren, and future generations. Even if we do not regularly achieved only through establishment of parks or
see birds of prey, we want to know they are still there. Although reserves. Many species are also highly
each species of raptor is important in its own right and should be migratory. A Peregrine may breed on a
preserved, all have value for other reasons, including their position remote cliff in the Rocky Mountains or a
and function within the web-of-life. They are also a good focus for skyscraper in New York City, but it may
conservation actions. spend its winters chasing prey in a salt marsh
Why? As raptors are at the top of the food chain, their conserva- in Mexico or wetland in a valley of the Andes
tion can provide an umbrella of protection for an entire environ- Mountains in South America. To achieve conser-
ment or habitat. The Harpy Eagle of Latin America is an excellent vation of raptors we must think and act holistically.
example. To preserve viable populations of this species we must People, cultures, and nations must work together.
also conserve the tropical forest in which the eagle lives and the Conflict and litigation seldom benefit birds of prey, but

John Schmitt
complex diversity of life it holds and on which the eagle depends cooperation always does.
for food, nests, and survival. Particularly in Central America, the We have found birds of prey to be a good focus for education of
Harpy Eagle’s environment is home not only to species that live students, training of conservationists, study of nature, and to inform
there year around, but to migrant songbirds that winter there and the public and even governments. Building conservation and sci-
nest in the yards, fields, and forests of the United States and ence capacity in the developing world is also achievable by focusing
Canada. on raptors. There are many examples of these points in this and
The position of raptors atop the food chain also makes them sen- past annual reports, and we invite you to look for yourself.
sitive indicators of environmental health (including ecological How can The Peregrine Fund do more to ensure eagles, falcons,
processes), quality of habitat, and pollution. Raptors serve as the hawks, owls, and their other relatives will continue to exist? The
miner’s canary did, where the death of a caged canary carried by answer is illustrated by our excellent 33-year record of achieving
miners warned them of otherwise undetectable poison gas that meaningful annual results. We have a proven formula for success
would also kill them. Our projects in the forests of Guatemala and and a sound plan for the future—Raptor 2100, our blueprint for the
Madagascar show that changes to forest habitat quality resulted in 21st Century. The answer is we just need to do more and more of
changes in nesting density, and even which species of birds of prey everything we are already doing. To achieve this objective your con-
would be found. In poor quality habitat, populations decline and tinued, and even expanded, partnership is needed now and in the
eventually species disappear. If raptor species are to be maintained, future. Success breeds success, and its continued achievement
suitable habitat and the inter-related ecological processes must con- depends on all of us.
tinue in an uncontaminated environment. An obvious example of
the effects of environmental pollution on raptors is the Peregrine
Falcon and DDT.
To succeed in conservation of an eagle, or any wildlife species, Bill Burnham
many breeding pairs are needed to ensure enough young annually President

Northern Aplomado Falcon
T he Northern Aplomado Falcon was once a
conspicuous grassland resident of the
American Southwest, but by the middle of
the Twentieth Century this beautiful falcon
was absent from much of its former range.
Causes for its decline are still poorly under-
stood but are most likely the result of sev-
eral factors, including habitat change,
human persecution, and ultimately, the
GOAL To establish a self- widespread use of persistent pesticides.
sustaining wild Although the Northern Aplomado Falcon
population of was not listed as an Endangered Species
Aplomado until 1986 by the United States Fish and
Falcons in the Wildlife Service, three private groups, the
Southwestern Chihuahuan Desert Research Institute, the
United States and Santa Cruz Predatory Bird Research Group,
northern Mexico
and The Peregrine Fund, had already begun
through captive
to develop a captive breeding and reintro-

Amy Nicholas
duction program for this species as early as
release, and Fledgling Aplomado Falcons near
1978 because suitable habitat appeared still release site.
with the ultimate to exist and because the falcon’s habitat
goal of removing requirements were consistent with current
years alone. This species restoration effort Endangered Species Act while, at the same
this species from land use, notably cattle ranching. Between
represents an incredible return on an initial time, providing access to essential habitat
the Endangered 1978 and 1988, 25 nestling Aplomado
investment of only 25 wild nestlings. for the recovery of the Aplomado Falcon.
Species List. Falcons were collected from several popula-
Aplomado Falcons have been released at With the protection of private property
tions in Mexico in an effort to form the
more than a dozen locations along the rights provided by this conservation tool,
foundation of a captive breeding program.
south Texas Gulf Coast from Rockport, we now hope to develop Aplomado Falcon
RESULTS Texas, south to the Mexican border. Releases release sites in West Texas. To date, some
The Aplomado Falcon has been difficult have occurred on Laguna Atascosa, Aransas, 2,600 square miles of habitat maintained
and labor intensive to breed in captivity, and Matagorda Island National Wildlife by the private sector is currently enrolled in
and it was not until the last five years that Refuges, as well as on an increasing number the Aplomado Falcon Safe Harbor program.
our propagation efforts produced young fal- of private properties. Access to private prop- More than 33 pairs of falcons now grace
cons in numbers large enough to effect a erty for the recovery of this Endangered the grasslands of South Texas in habitats
realistic species recovery. So successful has Species has been greatly facilitated through where the species had not been seen for
the propagation effort become that over the use of an innovative agreement known more than 50 years. Moreover, these estab-
700 captive-bred falcons have now been as a “Safe Harbor.” This conservation plan lished pairs are now breeding and have suc-
released into the wild, of which 562 have provides protection for the landowner from cessfully fledged more than 59 young.
been released over the course of the last five potential restrictions imposed by the Traditionally Aplomado Falcons had been

Program direction, Peter Jenny; coordi-

Restoration nation, Bill Heinrich; reintroduction, Brian

Mutch; propagation, Cal Sandfort;
research, Grainger Hunt; field manager,
Angel Montoya; science assistance, Lloyd
Kiff; field assistants Jessica Brown,
Janelle Cuddeford, Marta Curti, Erin Gott,
Amy Nicholas, and Darren Wallis; and
known to nest in the abandoned nests of to non-federal lands, Adult Aplomado
Falcon in flight. hack site attendants Georgeanna Banks,
other birds of prey and ravens at the tops of and New Mexico Melissa Farinha, Kate Krulia, Rebecca
tree yuccas and in low-lying mesquite. represents a Kryder, Thomas Lord, Angela Nelson,
Although such nest sites are still being used matrix of large Lisa Philhower, Allison Poussard,
by the falcons, the rate of predation by rac- tracts of both federal Michael Psinakis, Robert Rogers, Molly
coons is high and the most successful pairs and non-federal lands. Naturally, these Severson, Swathi Sridharin, Kelly Torres,
have been those nesting higher off the political distinctions mean nothing to an Jasen Swift, Adam Weber, and Angela
ground on manmade structures, particularly Aplomado Falcon, but they do to the agen-
power poles. So successful has the recovery cies and individuals who manage and uti- COOPERATORS
effort been in South Texas that suitable lize these lands. For the Aplomado Falcon © W.S. Clark
We cooperate with the U.S. Fish and
habitat for the release of additional falcons to gain access to these important grasslands Wildlife Service, the Secretaia De Medio
is becoming difficult to find. will require adequate assurances that their Ambiente Recursos Naturales Y Pesca
Although successful, the recovery of the introduction will not result in (SEMARNAP), the Texas Parks and
Wildlife Department, and receive support
Aplomado Falcon is not without challenges. unrealistic demands and restric- Angel Montoya retrieves a young from many partners from the private
Predation by Great-horned Owls remains a tions on land use and manage- Aplomado Falcon from nest. sector. Working closely with Miguel Mora
significant threat to young Aplomado ment to government and non- of the Patuxent Wildlife Research Center,
Falcons during the release phase, while rac- government users of public and we continue to analyze levels of environ-
coons represent the greatest source of nest private lands. mental contaminants found in the blood
failure once pairs become established and We will continue to release collected from released falcons and from
begin to breed. Aplomado Falcons in South their addled eggs.
A manual describing propagation and Texas and develop new release Providing essential financial support were
release techniques for the Aplomado Falcon sites in West Texas under the the Lee and Ramona Bass Foundation,
has been completed for publication. Safe Harbor program. We will Houston Endowment, Inc., Ruth O.
Mutch, The Robert J. and Helen C. Kle-
also be working to develop
FUTURE PLANS berg Foundation, ExxonMobile Founda-
ways to reduce the rate of nest tion, Edward R. Rose III Family Fund of
The Peregrine Fund is now expanding mortality by encouraging fal- The Dallas Foundation, The Charles
this restoration program into other portions cons to utilize artificial preda- Engelhard Foundation, The National Fish
of the historical range of the Aplomado tor-proof nest structures and and Wildlife Foundation, Turner Founda-
Falcon, to include West Texas, and has an through experimentation with tion, Inc., Geo-Marine, Inc., American
interest in developing a future release pro- chemical repellents. As oppor- Electric Power, The Tapeats Fund, Earl C.
gram in the state of New Mexico. Southern tunities present themselves, Sams Foundation, U.S. Fish and Wildlife
New Mexico could represent significant blood samples and addled eggs
Service, The Steele-Reese Foundation,
habitat for the ultimate recovery of the Norcross Wildlife Foundation, Inc., Jane
will continue to be analyzed for Smith Turner Foundation, Joan and Herb
Aplomado Falcon. We believe that the same contaminant levels. Kelleher Charitable Foundation, and the
restoration techniques proven to be success- State of Texas.
ful in Texas could be used in New Mexico.
The greatest challenge in New Mexico is not We give special thanks to Ruth Mutch

© W.S. Clark
and Norm Freeman for providing safe and
biological, but political. The “Safe Harbor”
efficient air transportation of our Aplo-
tool used so effectively in Texas only applies mado Falcons from Idaho to Texas.

California Condor Restoration
T he California Condor recovery
program is on track with a total
number of 183 condors in exis-
tence at the end of the calendar
California Condor soars along the South Rim of
the Grand Canyon to the delight of visitors.
unknown reasons. After the
deaths of condors from ingestion
of lead in 2000, we are continu-
ing to test all of the released con-
year. Flying free in California dors for lead every six months.
were 32 condors, and in Arizona Since that incident, all condors
31 birds graced the sky after our have shown only trace lead levels
most recent release. An additional in their blood.
five birds will be released in We continue to monitor move-
To establish self- Arizona in early 2002. It is inter- ments of each condor with the
sustaining wild esting to note that there are now conventional transmitters as we
populations of more free-flying condors in have for the past five years. In
California Arizona than existed for the August 2001 we equipped our
Condors through entire species in 1987 when the most elusive condor with a solar
captive propa- last wild condor in California was powered satellite monitored
gation, release, brought into captivity. The total transmitter (PTT). This condor

Chris Parish
and manage-
population then only consisted had completely disappeared for
ment with the
of 27 individuals. Meeting the over five months during winter
ultimate goal of
removing the
recovery goal objectives of two 2000. The PTT has enabled us to
disjunct wild populations of 150 birds each, and California were again breeding and we keep track of all of her movements, with
species from the
with at least 15 breeding pairs in each of have great expectations. one of the longest flights covering 106
the populations for downlisting to “threat- A five-year review of the Arizona release miles.
Species List.
ened,” is looking more achievable each program by all of the cooperators was On 27 November 2001, with the help of
year. accomplished. The review is a requirement the US Forest Service and the Bureau of
of the “nonessential experimental popula- Land Management, 11 condors were flown
RESULTS tion” designation, which allows us to from the World Center to the Vermilion
In 2001, for the first time ever there release condors in Arizona under the Cliffs, Arizona. On 12 February 2002, with
were nesting attempts in the wild from Endangered Species Act. The review was over 150 of our friends and cooperators in
captive-produced condors. There were two very positive. A result should be the expan- attendance, we celebrated our fifth year of
nesting attempts in California and one in sion of the boundaries of the “nonessential releases by releasing seven of the eleven
Arizona. Please see our web site at experimental population” area. The current condors into the existing population. The or The Peregrine Fund boundary is limited in size, and the condors remaining birds will be released in the next
Newsletter No. 32, Summer/Fall 2001, for fly beyond. We have recommended that the few months.
details. Although eggs were laid in all three new area include the entire states of Over the past year we have been encour-
attempts, each one failed. The cause was Arizona, Utah, New Mexico, and southwest- aged by the overall improved behavior of
most likely inexperience, and such failure is ern Colorado. the flock as a whole. The group of young
not that different from what we see with the In Arizona, there was only one mortality released in early 2001 has exhibited the
first nesting attempts of our captive birds. over the entire year when a released hatch- most desirable behavior we have seen in
By mid-March 2002, pairs in both Arizona year condor died of malnutrition for

Winter in Condor country.

Coordination, Bill Heinrich; rein-

troduction Chris Parish and
Sophie Osborn; research Grainger
Hunt and Chris Woods; field
assistance Chris Crowe, Marta
Curti, Kevin Fairhurst, Paul
Flournoy, Courtney Harris, Kris-
tine Lightner, Thomas Lord, Blake

Jeff Cilek
Massey, David McGraw, and
Molly Severson.
Chris Parish presents a heartfelt COOPERATORS
gift to Maggie Sacher as a token Cooperators are the U. S. Fish
of appreciation for her critical and Wildlife Service, the Arizona
support and partnership in Game and Fish Department, the
restoration of the California Bureau of Land Management, the
Condor. National Park Service, the Los
Angeles Zoo, and the Zoological
Society of San Diego, as well as
the local ranchers and lodge
owners. The U. S. Forest Service,
Norm Freeman, and the Bureau of
Land Management assisted with
transportation of the condors. Our

Chris Parish
special thanks to Maggie Sacher.
Financial assistance this year was
provided by the U. S. Fish and
juveniles over the last three years. They have ing monitoring and management of the results, saving time, and improving coordi- Wildlife Service, The Geraldine R.
Dodge Foundation, Idaho Bureau
shown less interest in humans and have population. They will enable us to find nation. Each unit will have individual data
of Land Management, Turner
ranged less widely than young birds in pre- locations and determine the types of food on each condor programmed into it, Foundation, Inc., The Walt Disney
vious years. They continued to return to the condors are utilizing, so that we can better including transmitter frequencies. Company Foundation, Globe
release site every two to four days where we monitor for potential contaminates. The Along with expansion of condor facilities Foundation, The Kearney Founda-
place food out for them and other condors movements as related to the age of the at the World Center, we will build a quaran- tion, Phelps Dodge Corporation,
throughout the year. birds, as well as seasonal and weather tine and treatment facility behind our Patagonia, The Evan Frankel
related influences, will be studied. They also offices at the Vermilion Cliffs. We then will Foundation, The Charles Schwab
FUTURE PLANS Corporate Foundation, Norcross
should help in locating nesting sites and be able to hold sick or injured birds in this
The success of the satellite transmitters Wildlife Foundation Inc., The
defining home range requirements for the facility for limited periods of time while Steele-Reese Foundation, Ten
has given us the confidence to begin experi- founding population. they are being treated. Times Ten Foundation, Sidney S.
menting with PTT units that incorporate We are continuing to work closely with We will continue to release as many Byers Charitable Trust, Jane
global positioning systems, GPS. This will our associate, Norm Freeman, and his com- young condors as possible in northern Smith Turner Foundation, Ms.
provide precise locations of where a condor pany, Elemental Data Control Systems, in Arizona with the help of all of our coopera- Conni Pfendler, Norm Freeman,
is, or was. We hope to have the first 10 developing personal data assistants, or PDA tors and, where possible, help to ensure and The Salt River Project.
operational GPS/PTT units on condors units, for biologists. All field biologists will that the current “nonessential experimental
within the coming year. By using this state have their own PDAs and be able to record population” area is expanded.
of the art technology we will have the abil- information, then download into a central
ity to record the condors’ movements, computer at the end of the day, enhancing
reducing logistical difficulties and improv-

Captive Breeding
GOAL To propagate
the required
number of the
best possible
at the World Center for Birds of Prey
and geneti- ach year we are totally dependent on the Nineteen egg-laying females did not cop-
cally consti-
skill of our staff and our captive popula- ulate with their mates and were artificially
tuted raptors
tions to produce the young required to inseminated. Those artificially inseminated
for release to
the wild.
advance recovery programs. Captive breed- females produced 175 eggs. Ninety-nine

Kurt K. Burnham
ing is the cornerstone for the Aplomado (56%) were fertile, 78 (79%) hatched, and
Falcon and California Condor restoration 76 young (97%) survived.
STAFF programs, as it was for the Peregrine Falcon. We removed eggs as they were laid from
Harpy Eagle propagation remains develop- 19 of the 32 egg-laying falcons. This
Captive propagation at the
mental, but great strides have been made in increased egg production from a normal Recently-hatched Aplomado Falcons huddle near
World Center is accom-
plished by Cal Sandfort and predictably producing consistent numbers three-egg clutch to eight or more eggs from the heat source while begging for food. Color
of birds for releases. each of these females. Natural incubation markings are placed on heads to help identify
Randy Townsend with assis-
young until they are old enough to be fitted with
tance from Nedim Omerbe- doubles the chance of eggs hatching. When
RESULTS leg bands.
govic, Randy Stevens, Russ removing eggs as they are laid, eggs receive
Jones, and Craig Carpenter. Aplomado Falcon - A record for no natural incubation. Surrogate incubation fertile eggs out of 21 laid, and 13 chicks for
Food production is managed Aplomado Falcon propagation was set in is provided for the extra eggs by non-copulat- the 2001 breeding season. The total fertility
by Amel Mustic with assis- 2001 with 129 young raised. These young ing pairs of Peregrine Falcons retained after was 71%, hatchability was 87%, and our
tance from Roy Britton and were produced from 32 Aplomado Falcon
Dalibor Pongs. Facility main- the successful recovery of this species. In chick survival rate was 100%.
females laying 284 eggs, of which 170 2001 this technique increased the number of In an effort to increase our productivity
tenance is under the direction
(60%) were fertile. One hundred thirty-one Aplomado Falcon chicks which might other- further we re-paired three more females at
of Randy Stevens.
(77%) hatched and 129 young (98%) sur- wise have been expected by over 73%. the end of the 2001 breeding season. We
vived. California Condor - Currently 40 plan to continue re-pairing as appropriate
COOPERATORS Five of the reproducing falcons laid eggs California Condors reside at our World until pairs are producing fertile eggs. We
Major financial assistance is
for the first time from which five young Center for Birds of Prey facility. Two of have found this technique to work with
provided by the U.S. Fish and were produced. Four breeding age (2+ these birds are being temporarily housed other species. Through careful management
Wildlife Service, the Idaho years) female Aplomado Falcons did not and are slated for release in northern and insight we hope eventually to obtain
Bureau of Land Management, lay, but we expect these birds to lay in 2002. Arizona some time in the near future. The optimal pairings to accelerate productivity
and donors listed under Three of the females were two years old and
species project reports.
remaining 38 birds (19 pairs) make up our to the maximum possible.
one was three years old. captive breeding population. Harpy Eagle - Two females laid seven
Pathology and veterinarian
Of the 32 pairs, 10 copulated and pro- In an effort to improve condor breeding eggs, of which six (86%) were fertile. Three
support are provided by
Meridian Veterinary Clinic
duced 94 eggs. Seventy-one eggs (76%) we exchanged mates of four condors at the eggs (50%) hatched and two young (66%)
(Scott Higer and Brooke were fertile, 53 (75%) hatched, and 53 end of the 2000 breeding season. One of survived. All breeding age female Harpy
Cummings), the Zoological (100%) young survived. Unlike most copu- these females, which had not laid a fertile Eagles laid.
Society of San Diego (Bruce lating Peregrine Falcons, some copulating egg in four seasons, produced a fertile egg Shortly after the breeding season all the
Rideout), Washington State Aplomado Falcons will continue to lay eggs
University (Lindsay Oaks),
in 2001. We are hopeful the other re-paired young and breeding adults were relocated
sequentially. As each egg is laid it is condors will also produce fertile eggs in the to our new Neotropical Raptor Center in
the Idaho Department of Fish
removed and the falcon lays another egg. future. Panama. Breeding resumed normally after
and Game, Wildlife Health
Laboratory, Caine Veterinary
This year three females laid from 14 to 19 The good news does not end here. Five the move, and as of mid-April 2002 four
Teaching Laboratory, and The eggs in succession, resulting in 48 eggs with other females also produced their first fer- healthy young have been produced (see
Raptor Center (Pat Redig). 31 (76%) young produced from them. tile eggs in 2001. This gave us a total of 15 Harpy Eagle section of this report).

Archives of American Falconry
T he Peregrine Fund has long enjoyed a
close bond with falconers and falconry.
Falconers’ techniques, birds, money, and,
The donation of an extensive collection
of raptor hoods and patterns produced in
Jim Nelson’s development of a non-
Craighead’s Life
with an Indian
Prince. Praise for
indeed, individual falconers themselves molded, Dutch-shaped hood represents our this work, both its
have all played significant roles in the suc- archival efforts—the acquisition of contem- content and presen-
cesses enjoyed by our organization and in porary materials of historical potential. tation, has been

Jack Cafferty
raptor conservation and research. At the end of the year Michael Swain gen- unanimous. Copies
Dissipation of invaluable collections of his- erously shared with us the correspondence are still available,
torical falconry memorabilia as of his father, the late California with details avail-
pioneer American falconers falconer, Henry Swain. Included able on our web site. Volume I in the series, Associate Librarian
GOAL To collect John Swift assists
began to pass away caused The and conserve were many letters from British Luff Meredith’s American Falconry in the Cambridge researcher
Peregrine Fund to establish the evidence of falconer Ronald Stevens. The Twentieth Century, is now out of print. Helen Macdonald in
Archives of American Falconry the history of latter, when added to copies We were particularly pleased this year to using the Archives.
in 1986 as a financially self-sup- falconry and Tony Huston has given us of his present our joint Archives-North American
porting project. Dedicated to to document and John Morris’ boyhood cor- Falconers Association Falconry Heritage
preserving the history of the the role of fal- respondence with Stevens, have Award to long-time Missouri falconer Dan
coners in STAFF
sport, the Archives is unique in given the Archives a wondrous Cover. Dan has long set a high standard of
raptor conser-
the world. reservoir of unpublished mate- ethics and integrity within the falconry Curator Archivist, S. Kent Carnie;
vation in the
rial from this highly acclaimed community truly worthy of this recognition. Research/Editorial Associate,
British falconer. William G. Mattox; and Non-resi-
Historical materials donated With our collections repre-
dent Associates: Library, John
to the Archives during this year senting such a vast array of The new building to provide more ade- Swift; Research, Craig Culver and
again have an appraised value well over our materials centered under one roof, Helen quate facilities for the Archives and The Peter Devers; and Graphics, Don
annual average. The value of our library Macdonald, a Ph.D. candidate from Peregrine Fund’s scientific library and col- Garlock and Jim Stabler.
collections has been further enhanced both Cambridge, elected a six-month residence lections is well beyond the planning stage—
by one-time purchases, from our auction- in Boise to utilize our materials and those construction has begun. The need for such COOPERATORS
based Accessions Fund, and upgraded in the scientific library in preparation of her expanded space reflects the unprecedented
thanks to some serious “horse trading” of successes we have enjoyed. We continue The Archives is dependent on the
dissertation on the role of falconers in U.S. generous support of many friends,
duplicates orchestrated by Associate and British raptor conservation and efforts to secure the funding still outstand-
falconers and non- falconers alike.
Librarian John Swift. research. Peter Kluh came from Germany ing to ensure timely completion of this
In 2001 particularly noteworthy
Sally Spofford continues to provide mate- and found a number of details on the life expansion. assistance was received from Ster-
rial from the research of her late husband, of Otto Kals, the old German falconer/hood Our Archives, though primarily focused ling Bunnell, Tom Cantella, Kent
Walter, the latest centering around some maker, that had eluded his research in on American history, is increasingly Carnie, Bill Cornatzer, Craighead
35,000 Kodachrome slides. Coupled with Europe. Dr. Gordon Mellor of the British encompassing the preservation of falconry Wildlife Wildlands Institute, Salva-
his extensive field notes and maps already history on a worldwide basis. As this trend tore Foglio, Jim Frazier, Walter Hill,
Falconers Club expanded his research on North American Falconers Associa-
in the Archives collections, these slides are early British clubs. continues, we look forward to working
tion, Sally Spofford, Edward Sta-
invaluable, exemplifying the Archives’ The Archives published Volume II in our with the whole of the international fal-
bler, Jeraldine Struthers, Michael
efforts to preserve the results of falconers’ Heritage Publication Series: John and Frank conry community. Swain, John Swift, and the Wolf
scientific research. Creek Charitable Foundation.

Research Floor being poured for the new
Herrick collections building,
Scientific Publications
which will include the library,
Library Archives of American Falconry,
and specimen collections.
and Presentations
RESULTS RESULTS been reported in the primary
Cumulative: Gaining an Cumulative: By the end of literature.
awareness of existing knowl- 2001, 836 publications, includ- The long-anticipated book,
edge is the logical starting ing 320 technical journal arti- Raptors of the Maya Forest, the
point for any sound scholarly cles, dissertations, and theses, first book on Neotropical rap-
research, and access to good had been produced by The tors, reporting the results of the
library resources is therefore Peregrine Fund (TPF) staff Maya Project and being edited
essential for our researchers. biologists and associates. by Dave Whitacre was accepted
for publication by Cornell
Bill Burnham

The holdings in the World 2001: Twenty publications

Center library have now grown by TPF contributors University Press.
To present
to over 7,000 books and appeared in 2001, GOAL FUTURE PLANS
the results
monographs, mostly on birds, including eight from It is expected that
the vast Spofford library to join and it will then be possible to of research
and partial or complete runs of the Madagascar the Maya Forest rap-
the large portions already place all of the library holdings studies to
over 500 journal and magazine Project and three scientific tors book will be
donated to us over the past few in order for the first time in
titles. The catalogued reprint from the Maya forums, gov- published in 2003,
years, and Sally Spofford con- several years. One of the most
collection contains over 13,000 Project. A particularly ernment and similar books on
tinues to be our strongest sup- attractive features of the new
items, and subscriptions or notable paper was agencies,
other species are
porter. building will be the inclusion
exchange agreements are main- contributed by Mark and inter-
being considered. We
of several offices reserved for
tained for 269 technical jour- FUTURE PLANS Watson on the New ested
will continue our
visiting scholars, and we expect groups.
nals, magazines, and newslet- Efforts were underway at the Guinea Harpy Eagle. attempts to close the
that they will be used regularly,
ters. In terms of sheer size, our end of 2001 to place the library especially by visiting graduate Numerous presen- gaps between data
Research Library is now proba- and reprint catalogues on line tations were made at scientific gathered and results published.
students preparing disserta-
bly one of the 10 largest collec- at The Peregrine Fund web site. meetings, symposia, and work- Also in 2003 we anticipate
tions. Given the significant
tions on birds and related nat- By utilizing internet technol- shops. Among the latter was a the publication of a book
increase in library space that
ural history topics in North ogy, it is our hope that we can workshop on the Asian vulture edited by Tom Cade and Bill
we will enjoy in 2002, we are
America. make our unique library crisis held in Nairobi, Kenya, Burnham on the Peregrine
even more eager to receive
2001: Significant gifts of resources available in May 2001 under the direc- Falcon restoration program in
library donations
journals and books were to raptor tion of Munir Virani and Leon
GOAL To establish and of any kind, all of North America, a celebration
received from many donors, researchers maintain a com- Bennum, and the proceedings of 35 years of effort by many
which are tax
including Frank Baldridge, throughout the prehensive were published by the hundreds of Canadians and
Charles Collins, James world. National Museums of Kenya. Americans who were deter-
Enderson, Walter Hughes, The long antici- and conservation Efforts were made by Chris
STAFF mined to bring the Peregrine
biology research
Maxine Kiff, J. Michael Scott, pated move into Woods and Grainger Hunt to back to safe numbers.
library related to The library is supervised
Harley Shaw, Sally Spofford, the new summarize the findings from
the mission of the by Lloyd Kiff, who was ably
Charles Van Riper, and Kevin library/archives assisted by Lynda Leppert,
the first years of the California STAFF
organization and
Winker. Arrangements were complex should of major impor- Stephanie Brady, and Condor release project, and
Project leaders and individual staff members are
also made for the eventual occur in the tance to the Shaun Olmstead during virtually all of the most impor-
responsible for reporting the results of their
deposition of the remainder of summer of 2002, entire biological 2001. tant findings of the Maya and research. Lloyd Kiff maintains the bibliography
community. Madagascar Projects have now of Peregrine Fund publications.

Specimen Collection Student Education Nestling Peregrine Falcon has
the width of its leg measured
as part of a
RESULTS as they would have been in life RESULTS the end of his resi- growth study.
Cumulative: Throughout its are on display in the Velma Cumulative: Since our incep- dence in the Raptor
Morrison Interpretive Center. tion, training students has Biology program at
history, The Peregrine Fund has
been a major part of the mis- Boise State University
maintained collections of bird FUTURE PLANS
sion of The Peregrine Fund and returned to
specimens (study skins) and With the expected comple- (TPF), and, in turn, the contri- Mongolia to conduct
eggshells salvaged from the tion of the new library/archives butions of students to our field field studies of the
captive breeding program and facility in 2002, the specimen programs has been an essential Cinereous Vulture.
from natural casualties, e.g., collections will be moved to ingredient in their success. In the Neotropics,
birds killed from colliding with new, larger quarters, and we Beginning in 1970 at Cornell Ricardo Gil-da-Costa
windows and along roadways. will be in a position to add to University, we have directly studied predator-prey

C & M Sandfort
These collections them more aggres- assisted students in obtaining behavior as a sidelight
are useful for basic To develop sively, mostly
GOAL 49 advanced degrees, including of our release of
reference purposes and maintain through the 15 Ph.D.s and 34 Master’s Harpy Eagles in
and for a variety of systematic exchange of speci- degrees or equivalents. Panama in connection
research applica- collections of
mens with other Laura Estep, a Fullbright
2001: Students were sup- with his pursuit of a Ph.D. at
tions. eggshells
institutions. Scholar at Eckerd College, and
ported in connection with six Harvard University, and Kathia
The collections and study Ruth Tingay, University of
skin speci- different projects in 2001. They Herrera studied the diet of the
now include over STAFF Nottingham, who conducted
mens for included five students in released Harpy Eagles on Barro
8,000 eggshell spec- field studies on the Madagascar
research and The specimen collections are Pakistan, one in Nepal, and Colorado Island in Panama for
imens and over 300 Fish Eagle. Sarah Karpanty
reference supervised by Lloyd Kiff, Sci- one in India, who are involved her Bachelor’s degree.
study skins of birds. ence Director, and John studied raptor predation on
purposes. in different aspects of the Asian In the African region, Ato
Additional bird Schmitt is the preparer. lemurs for a Ph.D. at the State
Vulture Crisis project under the Lakew Berhanu of Ethiopia
specimens mounted University of New York, and
supervision of TPF biologist completed his studies in con-
servation biology and was Gilbert Razafimanjato com-
Munir Virani. Travis Booms
awarded a Master’s degree at pleted his research on the
C & M Sandfort

continued his studies on the

the University of Kent, United endemic Peregrine Falcon sub-
food habits of Gyrfalcons in
Kingdom. Suzanne Schultz of species in Madagascar for a
Greenland in connection with
the State Master’s degree equivalent at
his Master’s
the Université d’ Antananarivo.
degree program at GOAL To identify and/or University of New
Boise State provide research York was sup-
University and and educational ported in her
Kurt Burnham opportunities for research on the Students are supervised by their respective
began a D. Phil. undergraduate biology of the project leaders in cooperation with their advi-
program at and graduate Crowned Eagle in sors at their parent institutions.
students, both in the forest of the
Oxford University
the United States Ivory Coast. Four
with his research and other coun-
on Peregrines and students working
tries, especially in
Gyrfalcons. in Madagascar
connection with
Aplomado Falcon eggs are coded to indicate year, breeding pair, clutch, Nyambayar our field pro-
received TPF sup-
and sequence in which egg was laid. Batbayar reached grams. port, including

Education Program

Education Director, Nancy Freu-

tel; Education and Raptor Care,
Kim Middleton; Volunteers and
Gift Shop, MaryAnn Edson; Edu-
cation Assistant, Trish Nixon;
and Facility Maintenance,
Howard Kinzy.
Volunteers serving over 100
hours: Mark Armstrong*, Pat
T he Education Program began in 1985
and has since grown rapidly to its current
role which is to operate the Velma Morrison
Interpretive Center in Boise, Idaho. We are
staff is overworked
and underpaid, so
you all need to know
the hearts you touch
Baumback, Christa Braun*, open to the public seven days a week, and when it happens.”
Karen Brender*, Helen Crewse*,
we also give hundreds of scheduled tours, Impacts and experi-
June Disotell, Betsy Eldredge,
Phil Eldredge, Leo Faddis*, especially for school groups. More than 100 ences such as those
Anne Fitzsimmons, Bob Fitzsim- volunteers each year help staff the Center related by Josh’s
mons*, Linda Fraser*, Joni and provide educational mother are the true
Frey*, Karen Gross, Marie Gum-
GOAL To educate the tours and other assis- measure of what The
merson*, Kathryn Hampton*, general public tance. Peregrine Fund and
Ted Hanford*, Jerry Heimbuch*, and school stu- the Education
Bryan Jennings*, Robert Koe- RESULTS
dents about the Program accomplish.
berlein*, Mike McSweeney*, This year we had over
importance of To accommodate
Milton Melzian*, Bob Murray*, 27,000 people visit from
conservation of the growing needs of
Trish Nixon*, Bret Noble*, Brit
biological diver- all 50 states and 33 for- our visitors we com-
Peterson*, Carole Smith*, L.
Chan Springer*, Diann Stone*,
sity and about eign countries. The most pleted a much needed
the leadership foreign visitors were
Henry Tamcke Jr.*, and Dick renovation of our Introductory screen of the new “Kinds of Raptors” interactive dis-
role The from Canada, followed
Thatcher* landscaping. We added play at the Velma Morrison Interpretive Center.
Peregrine Fund
*indicates docents
by England, Germany, additional lawn space for
has occupied in
Guatemala, Australia, visitors, two separate picnic areas—one with Without their commitments, we would not
achieving results
and New Zealand. We a wood lathe shade cover, additional side- get heart warming mail such as above. We
toward this con-
COOPERATORS reached another 2,700
servation goal. walks, and an arbor leading to a memorial owe them our deepest gratitude for a job
Our thanks to our many part- people during off-site area with benches where visitors can sit and well done.
ners, including financial assis- presentations. Included in these totals were reflect.
tance from the Laura Moore 6,130 students who came to the Center FUTURE PLANS
The major exhibit addition was the com-
Cunningham Foundation, Inc., with their classes from throughout the The visitors center continues to evolve to
The Ahmanson Foundation, U.S.
pletion of the “Kinds of Raptors” display.
Northwest. However, these numbers do not meet the needs of our visitors. The “Kinds
Bancorp Foundation, Harry W. This new interactive exhibit allows visitors
accurately reflect the impact of our effort. of Raptors” display mentioned above is
Morrison Foundation, Inc., to explore one of two touch screen kiosks
Excerpts from a letter by Mari adds true being converted to a format compatible
Velma V. Morrison, Union featuring the different kinds of raptors.
Pacific Foundation, Boise Cas- meaning to some of these numbers: with the Internet and should appear on our
The heart of the Education Program is
cade Corporation, J.A. & “We recently visited your center over our home page early this summer. When the
our volunteers. Almost 7,500 hours were
Kathryn Albertson Foundation, spring break. We loved it! My son Josh is Discovery Room becomes fully operational
donated by 104 volunteers. Their efforts,
Jim and Karin Nelson, The Sun- 10 years old; he has a passion for birds of we will transfer our energies to converting
derland Foundation, M. J. Mur-
enthusiasm, and experience allow our pro-
prey and was amazed at your Center. That more of the Gerald D. and Kathryn Swim
dock Charitable Trust, Key Foun- gram and message to go out to thousands
is all he has been talking about. He gave a Herrick Tropical Raptor Building into edu-
dation, Ada County Association each year. Volunteers clean chambers, staff
speech on an autobiographical incident cational space.
of Realtors Foundation, Steve the gift shop, lead tours, work in our library
Guinn, and numerous other cor- that has changed his life and he chose to or office, and do general maintenance.
porate and individual donors. write about your Center. I am sure your

W ildlife never sits still, and neither do
we! The Peregrine Fund’s web site is a cost-
effective way to communicate results and
Technological advancements present
program managers numerous opportuni-
information from our many projects to the ties which can be interesting to the
world. public. We will expand the use of satel-
RESULTS lite tracking devices on Peregrine Falcons
Summary of Past: From modest begin- and Gyrfalcons in Greenland and on
nings of just a few pages of content in California Condors in the Grand
August 1995, our web site Canyon area. After analysis,
( has To present the information will be
grown to become one of the
useful infor- placed on our web site. Our
most popular conservation sites
mation biologists will receive the
about birds valuable information they
on the Internet. Now with over of prey and
370 pages, the more than 64,000 need for the project, and
our organiza-
monthly visitors enjoy up-to- the public will have the
tion and its
date field notes from several opportunity to be inti-
activities to
projects, images of and informa- the public,
mately involved in our
tion on birds and wildlife from conserva- conservation projects.
around the world, unique cata- tionists, and Imagine tracking a
log items, press announcements, biologists. California Condor from
and much more. your home computer as
2001: The highlight of 2001 was the addi- it soars hundreds of miles! STAFF
tion of our free E-newsletter, the online A web camera positioned above
an Aplomado Falcon nest in The Peregrine Fund’s
shopping cart, and expanded catalog. The web site is supported
E–newsletter’s first year provided more than South Texas is also planned. This
and maintained by
1,800 subscribers with video of a Harpy will allow web site users the Linda Behrman, Jeff
Eagle hatching, “Notes from the Field” opportunity to absorb the intri- Cilek, Rob Rose, and
detailing the discovery of the first egg to be cacies of a wild falcon nest while MaryAnn Edson, with
laid in the wild by a California Condor our biologists learn more about assistance from all pro-
the prey being provided to the grammatic personnel.
since 1986, job announcements, new cata-
log items, a special invitation to the release young falcons.
of California Condors, membership infor- Two other features soon to be added to COOPERATORS
mation, and much more. The E-newsletter our web site will provide access to research
resources for biologists and conservationists by virtue of constant updating, provide con- Partial support for the
is in addition to the popular printed ver- web site was provided
around the world. First, the popular “Kinds servationists around the world with a
sions of our newsletter and annual report by The Charles Engel-
of Raptors” display from our Interpretive unique source of information on the 150
received by our members and cooperators. hard Foundation, M. J.
Center will be placed on the web site. The species of diurnal raptors considered to be Murdock Charitable
“Global Raptor Information Network” will, “vulnerable” or unknown. Trust, and others.

High Arctic Institute

To conserve and

Gyrfalcon and
reenland is the largest island in the
world and home to a rare bouquet of plants
and animals that have evolved together in
areas, Kangerlussuaq, southwest Greenland,
and Thule, northwest Greenland.
found, and of those, four produced 13+
young. During each of the past two seasons
new Peregrine Falcon nests have been
Peregrine Falcon this remote and hostile arctic environment. located. Peregrines are being located much
populations and Despite only 15% of the island being ice- further north than either local Inuit and
their environ- free, Greenland is home to tens of millions past High Arctic explorers ever reported
In Kangerlussuaq during the 2001 field
ments. of seabirds, shorebirds, songbirds, and them. This may be due to Peregrine immi-
season, 64 known Peregrine Falcon and 64
waterfowl. This unique combination of known Gyrfalcon nest sites were checked gration from more southern Greenland or
prey, in addition to the most northern pop- for occupancy either by foot or by helicop- an expansion of a local population due to
ulations of Peregrine Falcons and ter from June through August. For Peregrine better environmental conditions.
Gyrfalcons in the world, makes Greenland Falcons, 33 (52%) were found to be occu- Two new active Gyrfalcon nest sites were
unlike any other place on earth. Continued pied by at least one or more adults with located, one produced two young and the
study and monitoring of local wildlife pop- researchers entering 11 of them, with the other contained three young when last
ulations are essential as environmental average number of young per successful site observed. Gyrfalcon occupancy was down
changes take place. 3.27. Thirteen (20%) of Gyrfalcon nest sites from previous years with one site inactive
Since the 1970s researchers from The were occupied, with the average number of for the first time in nine years. Satellite
Peregrine Fund have volunteered their time young per successful site 2.9. Five satellite transmitters were placed on three
in Greenland, and in 1993 we officially transmitters were placed on falcons in the Gyrfalcons and three Peregrine Falcons.
began working in Greenland as an organi- Kangerlussuaq area, four on Gyrfalcons and Field research in Thule was limited as boat
zation. In 1997 we founded the High Arctic one on a Peregrine Falcon. motor problems drastically reduced the
Institute, a demonstration of our long-term Travis Booms completed his fieldwork on time for surveying. Most likely further nest
commitment to the research and conserva- Gyrfalcon prey selection for his M.Sc. in sites were active but by the time the sites
tion of Greenland’s wildlife and wild places. raptor biology at Boise State University. were surveyed the young had already
During the 2001 field season, from early fledged and left the area.
June through mid-September, we accom- Thule
plished field research in two geographic For the 2001 field season in Thule, five
territorial pairs of Peregrine Falcons were

Summer campsite in
northern Disko Bay, STAFF
Kurt K. Burnham manages this proj-
ect under the general direction of Bill
Burnham and with special assistance
provided by Bill Mattox and Ian
Newton. Jack Stephens is the Thule

Jack Stephens,

coordinator and lives in the High
Arctic Institute facility. Also partici-
pating in 2001 were Ryan Blaedow,
Travis Booms, Jamie Cafferty, Jack
Cafferty, Eric Hetherington, Jim Mus-
sell, Brian and Ruth Mutch, Alberto
Palleroni, Marco Restani, and Rick


The Commission for Scientific

Kurt K. Burnham
Kurt K. Burnham

Research in Greenland, Greenland

Home Rule Government, Danish
Polar Center, and the United States
Air Force provided authorization. We
cooperate with the U.S. Department
of Interior/Bureau of Land Manage-
ment, Conservation Research Foun-
dation, Boise State University, Uni-
versity of Copenhagen Zoological
Museum, and Danish scientists Kaj
Kampp and Knud Falk.
The Charles Engelhard Foundation,
Archie W. and Grace Berry Founda-
tion, Ruth O. Mutch, Bennu, and the
Eyas Foundation provided major
financial support.
Special thanks to the men and
women of the 109th Air National
Guard and of Thule Air Base for sup-
porting our work in Greenland.
FUTURE PLANS Left: Ruth and Brian Mutch with large nestling Thanks to Bent Brodersen of KISS
During the 2002 field season researchers female Gyrfalcon in Greenland. and Tom Quinn and Robin Abbott
will continue work placing satellite trans- Above: Thick-billed Murres at nest on Saunders from VECO Polar Resources. Further
mitters on Gyrfalcons and Peregrine Falcons Island. thanks to Kim Pelle of Greenland
in both Kangerlussuaq and Thule in addi- Contractors for his support and
tion to collecting information on reproduc- assistance.
tion. Blood samples will be collected from We greatly appreciate John Ferguson
all falcons handled by researchers to look at of Citation Resources Inc. and New
genetic variation between and within these Millennium for allowing us to share
populations of falcons. their helicopter time in Kangerlus-

T he Neotropical Raptor protect raptors and their habi-

File photo
Program builds on over two tats, and by doing so, effec-
decades of work in Latin tively help protect biodiversity
RAPTOR America and the Caribbean in some of the biologically
that began with research on richest forests of the planet.
the Orange-breasted Falcon Our program is unique in
CONSERVATION and expanded to the Maya Latin America and the world
Project in Guatemala, Harpy because of its focus on raptors
Eagle studies in Venezuela and and international nature—
PROGRAM Panama, and many others. The birds recognize no national
program researches and con- boundaries—and we aim to
STAFF serves biodiversity throughout provide leadership and knowl-
the Neotropical biogeographic edge throughout the region.
The Neotropical Raptor Conservation region, which encompasses the Fondo Peregrino–Panamá
Program is directed by Leo Salas under
biologically similar area from (The Peregrine Fund–Panama)
the overall guidance of Rick Watson.
They are assisted by Magaly
southern Mexico was created in the fall of 2000
Linares, Lilia Mendoza, and GOAL To conserve and the to meet an urgent logistical
project staff listed separately Neotropical Caribbean to the need for a center of operations
in the following pages. Dave birds of prey tip of South for the Neotropical Raptor
Whitacre is the Senior Sci- and their habi- America. Conservation Program in a

Pat Burnham
entist for this program. tats through

Angel Muela
Of 86 diurnal central geographic location in
raptor species in the region. The government of
hands-on inter-
COOPERATORS ventions, public
the Neotropics, 16 Panama, through the National
education, and
are endangered or Environmental Authority and Left: Leo Salas, Director, Neotropical Raptor Program, at Orange-
The partnership of many
development of vulnerable, and 21 the Panama Canal Authority, breasted Falcon eyrie.
organizations and individu-
als has made this program local capacity. are too little encouraged our location in Above: Jaco Lacs, Latin American Board Member of The Peregrine Fund,
possible, including the Pres- known to guess Panama by helping us find addresses the press when Harpy Eagles arrive in Panama.
idency of Panama, Autoridad their status. We land on which to build our Below: Magaly Linares, Administrator and Veterinarian, Neotropical
del Canal de Panamá (Panama Canal have identified the first tropical captive breeding Raptor Program.
Authority, ACP), Autoridad Nacional del raptors most at risk and priori- facility, the Neotropical Raptor
Ambiente (ANAM, National Environmen- tized those that need the most Center, and provide offices in
tal Authority), Autoridad de la Región Administrator, Environmental the legislative process to decree
urgent research or conservation the nearby City of Knowledge Education Director, and the Harpy Eagle as the official
Interoceánica (ARI), and Fundación
Ciudad del Saber (City of Knowledge
action. We have begun pro- that serve as The Peregrine Propagation Specialist. Our national bird of Panama on 13
Foundation). Jacobo Lacs, who serves grams to conserve the Orange- Fund’s regional headquarters. Boise-based staff are providing March 2002. As the national
on our Board of Directors, has provided breasted Falcon and the Harpy RESULTS training in all aspects of pro- bird of Panama the Harpy Eagle
invaluable support and assistance. Eagle in Panama, the Grenada gram management, from will gain greater protection and
Hook-billed Kite, and the With the establishment of
Important financial support in 2001 was the Fondo Peregrino–Panamá financial administration to value as an icon for wildlife
provided by the Wolf Creek Charitable Ridgway’s Hawk in Dominican technical aspects of captive conservation.
Republic. These projects are we have begun building and
Trust, Hank and Wendy Paulson, and the
training our local staff in propagation of raptors. Our biologists completed
U.S. Agency for International Develop- described separately in the fol- By providing factual informa- preliminary studies on the
ment (USAID). The U.S. Agency for lowing pages. raptor biology and conserva-
International Development has provided tion. Recent important addi- tion and opportunities for legis- little-known Isidor’s Eagle (also
Our long-term goals are lators to meet a Harpy Eagle known as the Black-and-
economic and humanitarian assistance
ambitious. We intend to tions to our staff include a
worldwide for more than 40 years. Program Director, face-to-face, we participated in Chestnut Eagle) in the mon-
develop our programs to help

14 N E O T R O P I C A L R A P T O R
tane forest of southeastern
Perú. Despite the extreme
habitat (steep, rugged, high Neotropical Raptor Center GOAL To develop
and oper-

altitude mountain slopes, high ate a state-
rainfall, and dense forest), five of-the-art
ur conservation efforts in the RESULTS facility for
individual eagles were studied
Neotropical region include the The NRC is now the home of captive
in the Kosñipata Valley, pro-
development and use of conserva- four breeding pairs of Harpy propaga-
viding new information on the
tion techniques such as captive Eagles and three non-breeding tion and
species’ behavior and ecology.
propagation for species restora- birds. Our first pair, resident in research
FUTURE PLANS tion and genetic management of the facility since October 2000, on tropical
As part of our leadership isolated populations. Over the raptors.
laid two fertile eggs that hatched
role in Latin America and the past two years we have completed in January 2002—the first Harpy

Pat Burnham
Caribbean, we are organizing construction of Phase I of the Eagles hatched in captivity in STAFF

the first Neotropical Raptor Neotropical Raptor Center (NRC), Central America! Two more The NRC is directed by
Conference and Harpy Eagle located within 40 hectares of low- hatched in April. The four eaglets Angel Muela, with captive
Symposium, 24-27 October Angel Muela, Director, Neotropical land forest of the Camino de have grown quickly, and at the propagation supervised by
2002. This meeting is designed Raptor Center. The screens monitor Cruces National Park of Panama. time of writing are housed in Cal Sandfort and con-
to be an important networking captive Harpy Eagles. The Center encompasses a hill ducted by Mia Jessen
newly constructed rearing cham-
overlooking the Panama Canal on assisted by Francisco Bar-
event to enhance and facilitate bers at the NRC. These chambers
rios, José De Los Santos
international communication the edge of the City of Knowledge, are attached to, and in full view
Falcon López, Noel Guerra, and
and cooperation toward raptor breeding formerly U.S. Army Fort Clayton. of, an aviary containing a single Alberto DÌaz, with veteri-
conservation in the building It contains state-of-the-art adult female to help the chicks nary support from Magaly
Neotropics. The conference breeding enclosures for six pairs identify the adult as a parental Linares. Alberto Palleroni
will provide new information Incubator, brooder, of Harpy Eagles and six pairs of figure. made important contribu-
on the status, biology, and cap- and monitor Orange-breasted Falcons. The tions during 2001.
laboratories FUTURE PLANS
tive breeding of the Harpy Harpy Eagle chambers were built COOPERATORS
Eagle and other raptors. within the rainforest, carefully Phase II construction of the
incubation and brooding labora- The establishment of the
Abstracts of the conference will Offices minimizing disturbance to sur- NRC was made possible
be published on our new rounding vegetation, and have tory will complete the immediate
with assistance from the
Global Raptor Information been equipped with digital video plans for the NRC. Observation of Autoridad del Canal de
Network (GRIN) web site as cameras for remote monitoring to birds in captivity can provide Panama (ACP), Autoridad
Raptor food much important behavioral infor- Nacional del Ambiente
part of our efforts to provide production
ensure minimal disturbance to
up-to- date information for facility the eagles. The Orange-breasted mation that can greatly facilitate (ANAM, National Environ-
captive propagation in the future, mental Authority), Autori-
raptor research and conserva- Falcon chambers were constructed
as well as our understanding of dad de la Region Intero-
tion worldwide. More informa- on the top of the hill with ceanica (ARI), and
tion on this event can be panoramic vistas and a climate the species in the wild. We will
Fundacion Ciudad del
obtained from our web site, resembling that of their typical begin systematic observation of Saber. Jacobo Lacs, who cliffs. Other enclosures for forest- our captive birds using digital serves on our Board of
ence.html. Other projects are interior raptors will be added as video cameras. We hope to use Directors, has provided
described in detail in the fol- Aerial our research and conservation the same cameras to build an invaluable support and
view of Harpy Eagle interactive web classroom to assistance.
efforts expand.
C & M Sandfort

lowing pages. breeding chambers

Neotropical broadcast our efforts and conser- Important financial support
Raptor vation message on the Internet. was provided by Wolf
Center. Creek Charitable Trust and
Hank and Wendy Paulson.

C O N S E R VAT I O N P R O G R A M 15
To conserve Harpy Eagle
populations through
habitat conservation,
Harpy Eagle Conservation
reduction of human per-
secution, restoration of
lost and bolstering of
and Research
depleted eagle popula-
tions through propaga- he Harpy Eagle is one of the tors need. The first-ever Harpy that a bonded pair
tion and release, and most impressive icons for Eagles to hatch in captivity in may settle and
expansion of knowledge forest conservation in the Panama hatched on 24 and 28 breed without
of the eagle through Neotropics. As a large, far-rang- January 2002. Two others roaming into areas
research. ing, top-of-the-food-chain hatched in April. Special cham- of potential conflict
predator, the Harpy Eagle bers have been designed for with people.
needs large areas of intact raising the eaglets, and they Research: Most

Angel Muela
Harpy Eagle conservation and research is forest in which to survive. It is allow for observation of an of the field work we
directed by Leo Salas and conducted by Angel a locally endangered, globally adult female in an adjacent do with Harpy Harpy Eagle nestling.
Muela, Mia Jessen, Ursula Valdez, José threatened species that has aviary while limiting the Eagles takes place in
Vargas, Andrew Health, Francisco Barrios, towards a common conserva-
been depleted by human perse- eaglets’ direct contact with the Darien National Park,
José De Los Santos López, and Noel Guerra,
cution and loss of forest habi- human caretakers. These cham- where many of Panama’s wild tion goal.
with veterinary support from Magaly Linares.
Cal Sandfort provides overall direction for tat. Measures taken to conserve bers provide for the necessary Harpy Eagles still remain. We Captive propagation of
management of the captive eagle population. this magnificent raptor can “bonding” between the eaglets are partnering with the Harpy Eagles in Panama is just
Janeene Touchton and Alberto Palleroni made effectively help conserve biodi- and adult Harpy Eagles. In the Emberá-Wounaan indigenous beginning to show important
important contributions during 2001. versity in the forests it occu- short time that the propagation communities in the Darien in results. We have already
pies. This program focuses on program has been in place at a study to understand the learned much about this
the Harpy Eagle to help ensure the NRC, the prompt and opti- species’ ecology and conserva- species from past work, and
The Harpy Eagle project relies on the coopera- survival of the species and its mistic results suggest great tion needs. We will train local expect to learn much more. We
tion of many organizations and individuals, habitat. potential for future captive “parabiologists” to help collect will continue our experimental
including the Presidency of Panama, Autori- release of Harpy Eagles to
breeding efforts and validate data from the Harpy Eagles’
dad Nacional del Ambiente (ANAM), AlcaldÌa
the difficult decision to build nests and habitat. determine the most effective
del Distrito de Panamá/Summit Gardens, Propagation: Two Harpy
Autoridad del Canal de Panamá (ACP), Fun- the NRC and transfer the way to reintroduce this large,
Eagle chicks were raised at the FUTURE PLANS
dacion Ciudad del Saber, Patronato Amigos Harpy Eagles. forest dwelling tropical raptor
World Center for Birds of Prey Release: Our two surviving In October 2002, we will into unoccupied suitable habi-
del Aguila Harpia, Smithsonian Tropical
Research Institute, Harvard University, Funda- in early 2001. In October, once released eagles were re-trapped host a Harpy Eagle Symposium tat. Once propagation and
cion de Rehabilitacion de Especies Tropicales, the NRC facilities were com- after more than 18 months of as part of the Neotropical reintroduction methods have
Asociacion Nacional para la Conservacion de pleted, these young eagles and independence in the wild. Raptor Conference in Panama proven reliable, we will expand
la Naturaleza (ANCON), GreenCom, Panama two breeding pairs were trans- They both were wandering City. We aim to bring together our release efforts to restore
Audubon Society, Ecological Police, people of ferred to the NRC where they the world’s experts on Harpy
the Collective Lands of the Embera-Wounaan extensively into areas known to lost or bolster depleted Harpy
quickly acclimated to their new have high poaching activity, Eagle status, distribution, Eagle populations. Knowledge
and Comarca Sambú Emberá-Wounaan,
home. The NRC’s Harpy Eagle where two eagles released pre- behavior, ecology, and captive gained about this species will
Soberania, Camino de Cruces, Chagres, and
Darien National Parks, and Imprenta Pacifico- chambers, embedded in the viously were shot. The surviv- breeding. By collecting and be valuable for conservation of
Clave 2. forest and designed to incorpo- ing eagles will be held together sharing the knowledge of the other tropical forest birds of
rate all aspects of the eagles’ at the NRC until they reach world’s experts, we expect to prey, such as the Crowned
Major financial support for this project in
2001 was received from Wolf Creek Charitable
natural habitat, provide the sexual maturity, when they will focus our own efforts and Eagle of Africa and the
Trust, Hank and Wendy Paulson, U.S. Agency natural light, humidity, and be experimentally released in a potentially coordinate work Philippine Eagle.
for International Development (USAID), The rain that these Neotropical rap- remote location to test the idea
Charles Engelhard Foundation, Diane A.
Ledder Charitable Trust, and Jacobo Lacs.
16 N E O T R O P I C A L R A P T O R
Neotropical Environmental Education GOAL
To change
human atti-

ur experience in Panama has focused and effective and eval- talks to children and adults birds of
shown that the major threats uated in a scientifically rigor- from small towns, rural prey, espe-
to Harpy Eagles, and raptors ous manner. schools, and national parks of cially Harpy
generally, are human persecu- RESULTS
the area. To help integrate the Eagles, to
tion and habitat loss. program into the community, reduce
Conservation of the Harpy Cumulative: Our efforts in education assistant Kathia persecution
Eagle must include changing recent years contributed to the Herrera lived in Las Pavas vil- and con-
human behavior to prevent education of children from lage for periods between serve their
persecution and help protect rural communities through February and September habitat.

the eagle’s tropical forest habi- donations of school supplies. 2001, during which she con-
tat. The Harpy Eagle is the As a result of the shooting ducted educational activities

Janeene Touchton
national bird of Panama and is death of “James,” one of our and participated in many Rick Watson and Leo
an important icon for conser- captive-bred and released daily life-events. Salas oversee this pro-
vation in this country. An envi- Harpy Eagles, which was killed We used a young Harpy gram conducted by
ronmental education program in the vicinity of a release site, Eagle for many educational
Ursula Valdez, Kathia
our education efforts became Herrera, José Vargas,
that uses the Harpy Eagle as a presentations to children and Andrew Heath, and
flagship for conservation will much more focused and began youth, mainly in the vicinity Marta Curti. Lisa Jeres
not only benefit this species, addressing the issue of human of Soberania National Park. and Janeene Touchton
but also all birds of prey and persecution in areas where we The impact of a close-up and made important contri-
the many other species that were experimentally releasing personal meeting with a live butions during 2001.
inhabit the remaining forests Harpy Eagles. We provided Harpy Eagle in these groups COOPERATORS
of Panama. people with information about has been enormous. Using a
the fragile natural history of the We collaborate with the

Janeene Touchton
Our goal is to develop a pro- Harpy Eagle as a flagship Smithsonian Tropical
gram based on a sound under- eagles and on our institutional species for communicating Research Institution,
standing of human attitudes goals and research activities. We the importance and value of Autoridad Nacional del
towards raptors and people’s interacted with local schools conservation is clearly a suc- Ambiente (ANAM),
need for forest resources to and students conducting educa- cessful educational tool. Soberania National
address the threats and curb tional activities, often using a Park, Chagres National
Harpy Eagle for live demonstra- FUTURE PLANS designed, the environmental Above: Kathia Park, Ecological Police,
negative human impact. Our education program will be Herrera and GreenCom, and the
immediate priority is to work tions. We also conducted regu- A comprehensive effort to
tested in priority communities her student Peace Corps.
with communities adjacent to lar educational activities at our develop environmental educa- solve a Harpy
Neotropical Raptor Center with tion using the Harpy Eagle as a near Harpy Eagle release sites Financial support for
potential Harpy Eagle release Eagle puzzle.
schools, organized groups, and flagship species for conserva- and in frontier communities in this program was pro-
sites in the Panama Canal Area the Darien region. With feed- Below: vided by the U.S.
and around our main study the general public. tion has been initiated. With
back from concurrent studies, Children at Agency for International
sites in the Darien region of 2001: During 2001 our edu- this knowledge, we will design Las Pavas
we will adapt the program to a Development (USAID).
Panama. We are conducting cational activities focused on an environmental education village learn
communities adjacent to Barro program that may include broader audience throughout what it takes
studies in these communities Panama. Ultimately, we hope to build a
to understand better the educa- Colorado Island (BCI) in the using communications tools
Panama Canal, the location of through local communities, to export this model to other Harpy Eagle
tional needs and response of countries in Latin America and nest.
communities to education, so one of our last surviving media, and/or the national
released Harpy Eagles. We gave school curriculum. Once in other parts of the world.
that our efforts can be more

C O N S E R VAT I O N P R O G R A M 17
To understand
the species’
status and con-
Orange-breasted Falcon Project
sequences of
population isola-
he Orange-breasted Falcon Ecuador and Guatemala. These breasted Falcon. These reserves pairs in 2001, only two
tion in frag-
is a medium-sized, highly spe- studies were followed with will not be enough to ensure nestlings were collected to
mented land- cialized Neotropical falcon. research by Aaron Baker and their survival. As tropical become part of our captive
scapes, and to Feeding primarily upon small other Peregrine Fund biologists forests become more frag- breeding population.
develop captive bats and birds, and nesting from 1989 onwards. Our mented, we can expect to see FUTURE PLANS
breeding and mostly on cliffs surrounded by research shows that this species the effects of isolation on these
release methods forest, the Orange-breasted occurs at very low densities populations. We aim to develop methods
for future species Falcon appears to be rare and is sensitive to habitat By studying the Orange- for predictably breeding this
restoration. despite its extensive range from change. Our surveys through breasted Falcon in the wild, “very different” falcon in cap-
southern Mexico to northern Central America in 1999 and and developing methods for tivity. Orange-breasted Falcon
Argentina. This species does 2000 showed the birds in restoration of lost or depleted eggs or young continue to be
not seem to be threatened by Belize and Guatemala may be populations, we can hope to collected to build the captive
This project is coordi-
illegal trade or human persecu- isolated from the species’ understand and then reduce breeding program. By collect-
nated by Rick Watson
and Peter Jenny, and tion, but rather by its require- southern range. the effects of habitat fragmen- ing eggs we aim to avoid their
conducted by Leo Salas, ment for large tracts of climax Although a tremendous tation through species manage- natural predation and cause
Angel Muela, Mia
tropical forest. effort is being made to estab- ment. Captive propagation and wild pairs to lay a second
Jessen, Francisco Bar-
Our studies on the Orange- lish tropical forest reserves, subsequent reintroduction may clutch so they can still raise
rios, Andrew Heath, José young this season. Eventually,
De Los Santos López, breasted Falcon were first many will be too small to be required to maintain genetic
begun in 1978 by Peter Jenny. maintain more than a few diversity, as well as to help mit- offspring from this program
and Noel Guerra, with
They included extensive sur- reproductively isolated pairs of igate the increased effect of will be reintroduced to the
veterinary support from
Magaly Linares and veys that located 35 birds and raptors and many other similar both natural attrition and wild in areas of suitable habitat
assistance in Peru from 16 pairs, and studies at nests in animals, including the Orange- random events on these small where they once occurred.
Oscar Beingolea. Cal
and isolated populations. Through this process captive
Sandfort provides overall
Orange-breasted Falcon. Through the release of cap- propagation and release tech-
direction for hands-on niques will be adapted and
management of eggs and tively bred falcons it may be
possible to establish a popula- refined to accommodate the
tion that is less dependent on behavioral needs of these
primary forest habitats, as was Neotropical falcons. Field stud-
done for the Mauritius Kestrel. ies will be continued to deter-
mine what ecological factors
We collaborate in
RESULTS limit the species’ distribution
Panama with Autoridad
Nacional del Ambiente A six-chamber, state-of-the- and abundance throughout its
(ANAM) and the art Orange-breasted Falcon range and investigate genetic
Comarca Emberá- breeding facility was com- variation within and between
Wounaan Indians. Assis- pleted at the Neotropical populations. Captive breeding
tance was provided by Raptor Center. Extensive will be carried out at the
Helipan Corporation.
searches for Orange-breasted Neotropical Raptor Center,
Piñas Bay Resorts, S.A.,
and Pantiacolla Lodge, Falcons breeding in Panama Panama, and at Robert Berry’s
Peru. located four nests in the breeding facility in Sheridan,
Angel Muela

Darien region. Because of high Wyoming.

Financial support was
provided by the Wolf
breeding failure among these
Creek Charitable Trust.

18 N E O T R O P I C A L R A P T O R
West Indies Project GOAL
To help pre-
vent the
extinction of

I sland species are more vul-

nerable to extinction than con-
tinental species because their
habitat and range are limited
tors that breed in North
America and winter in the
south. This project will also
help the conservation of other
kites were located in new areas
and habitats, including humid
forests, providing a better
understanding of the species’

Studies on the Ridgway’s

Hawk and Grenada Hook-
raptors found
only on the
islands of the
West Indies
and conserve
billed Kite will continue until
by the size of their island endemic species (found only potential range and habitat we have sufficient knowledge native habi-
home, and they may have on the islands) and migratory needs in Grenada. Survey to determine the most effective tats that are
evolved in the absence of ter- birds that depend on intact results were presented to the conservation interventions for
also important
restrial predators to which their island habitats. By focusing Society of Caribbean for migrating
each species. In Cuba, our local birds.
response is naive. Immigration on the conservation needs of Ornithologists’ conference in partners will begin surveys for
and growth of human popula- endemic and Cuba, where Cuban Kites and Gundlach’s
tions on islands quickly dimin- endangered Critically endangered Ridgway’s important local
Hawk. Hawks in March 2002. The
ishes the extent and quality of raptors that contacts were field teams are in place and we
suitable habitat, and often require large made to begin are expecting positive results
introduces noxious plants and areas of intact efforts on the this spring. We hope to begin
animals, resulting in major habitat in endangered support and training of local
impacts on biodiversity that which to sur- raptors of partners in the Dominican STAFF
are often unique to the island. vive, we can Cuba. Republic, Cuba, and Grenada
As a result of these processes, hope to pro- The to develop local capacity for
This project is man-
populations of the Ridgway’s vide an Ridgway’s aged by Russell
conservation and research in
Russell Thorstrom

Hawk (Dominican Republic), umbrella of Hawk is one of Thorstrom under guid-

each country. ance from Leonardo
Grenada Hook-billed Kite protection to three critically
Salas and Rick Watson.
(Grenada), Cuban Kite (Cuba), many other endangered
and Gundlach’s Hawk (Cuba) animals and birds in the
Los Haitises National Park, last known
are low and likely declining. plants that are Dominican refuge of the Ridgway’s Hawk. We work in partnership
We are implementing a conser- unique to this island chain, Republic. We began field sur- with the Dirección
vation program for raptors of and those that depend on it as veys in February 2002 in Los Nacional de Parques
Republica Dominicana
the West Indies islands and their migration route. Together, Haitises National Park, the last
(DNP), Grenada
their habitats. The project will these goals create the basis for known stronghold for this Forestry Department,
begin with ecological research a long-term commitment to woodland raptor in the U.S. Fish and Wildlife
and development of local conservation of island habitats Dominican Republic. Here we Service, Sociedad
capacity for research and con- in the West Indies and the found eight pairs, including Ornitologica de la His-
servation. Later, it may include endemic and migratory species two active nests, and suspect paniola, and Museo
habitat protection, public edu- they support. the population within the park Nacional de Historia
Natural de Cuba.
cation to reduce persecution, RESULTS
may be viable. However, no
Financial support for
and possibly species restora- Ridgway’s Hawks were found this program was
tion if needed. Due to funding constraints, outside of this park, which rep-
field work was limited to a received from The Walt
The West Indies flyway is a resents only a tiny fraction of Disney Company
critical link in the migration breeding survey for Grenada its former range. Foundation Conserva-
routes of over 100 species of Hook-billed Kites in August tion Awards and the
shorebirds, songbirds, and rap- 2001. Several nesting pairs of U.S. Agency for Inter-
national Development
Russell Thorstrom


C O N S E R VAT I O N P R O G R A M 19

© J.R. Peek & Ron Hartley

GOAL To conserve rap-

tors and their habi-
Martial Eagle.
S imon Thomsett began the
East Africa project in 1992 to
develop raptor research and
conservation capacity in East

tats through Africa. Achievements have
research, educa- been many, including the
tion, and develop-
f the 89 diurnal birds of Ivory Coast, and Cape Verde. Africa, we concluded an experi-
prey in the Ethiopian biogeo- Over 25 students have been mental project to develop geo- support and training of
ment of local con- Kenyan student Munir Virani
servation and graphic region (mostly Africa supported through Ph.D. and graphic information system
and associated islands), at least M.S. degrees, most of whom models of raptor distributions at both M.S. and Ph.D. levels.
science capacity,
16 are listed as globally endan- continue to work in conserva- in Madagascar based on habitat Munir was subsequently hired
and hands-on
intervention. gered, and seven are so poorly tion, including some for The characteristics and recent land as a Peregrine Fund biologist.
known we can not begin to Peregrine Fund’s conservation cover data. The aim was to use In Kenya he runs field studies
assess their status. and research projects. this tool to identify important on the endangered Sokoke
The Pan-Africa Program pro- areas for raptor conservation. Scops Owl and African Fish
RESULTS Eagle population dynamics in
STAFF vides an umbrella of organiza- Other projects in South
tion and collaboration in Africa In 1999 we began providing Africa, Zimbabwe, Kenya, and the Rift Valley. Since 2000
Rick Watson directs the Pan-
and its islands to build local financial support, and later Madagascar are described sepa- Munir has also run The
Africa Raptor Conservation
capacity for conservation of technical assistance and train- rately below. Peregrine Fund’s Asian
Program with assistance ing, to U.S. student Susanne Vulture Crisis Project, spend-
from others listed separately birds of prey and their habitats FUTURE PLANS
through training, education, Shultz for research on the ing part of his time working
with the following projects.
and financial and logistical African Crowned Eagle in Taï Development of local capac- in Pakistan, Nepal, and India.
support of individuals and National Park, Ivory Coast. ity in most countries of Africa Kenya supports a rich bio-
organizations, as well as Susanne completed first-ever is an important goal of this logical diversity in its spectac-
research, providing factual studies on the foraging ecology, program. We hope to expand ular and varied habitats. An
We collaborate with the Con-
servation Planning Unit of information to governments population density, and breed- our research, conservation, and astounding 20% of the
the University of Pretoria, and the public, and hands-on ing of this large forest raptor in training opportunities beyond world’s raptor species are
South Africa, State University
conservation intervention West Africa. Her work included the current countries. We also found in Kenya alone.
of New York, University of
where needed. Since beginning training of Ivorian students, hope to develop a small grants Conversely, Kenya’s expand-
Liverpool, University of Kent, and we hope to continue the program that can be used to ing human population has
Nottingham University, in 1990, this program has sup-
ported research and developed effort to develop local capacity support new small projects by placed its biodiversity under
United Kingdom, National
conservation capacity in for raptor conservation and qualified individuals from threat from clearing and con-
University of Abobo, Abid-
jan, and Taï National Park, Madagascar, South Africa, research in West Africa. Africa. version of natural habitats,
Ivory Coast. Zimbabwe, Kenya, Ethiopia, In partnership with the degradation of land, and pol-
University of Pretoria, South

20 PA N - A F R I C A R A P T O R
lution of water. Populations of 2001: this magnificent bird at Lake shop in
Munir Virani and
raptors in particular have been Sokoke Scops Owl: The Naivasha and have established Nairobi (May
David Ngala track a
adversely affected. Extensive Arabuko-Sokoke forest in that rapidly changing land use 2001) to Sokoke Scops Owl
tree felling has resulted in loss coastal Kenya is the second along the lakeshore, alien develop strate- using radiotelemetry.
of nest sites. Changes in most important forest in Africa species introductions, over fish- gies for vulture Each owl carries a tiny
people’s traditional nomadic for bird conservation. Illegal ing, and fluctuating water levels monitoring transmitter.
lifestyles towards sedentary sub- logging threatens the survival of have combined to reduce fish and conserva-
sistence agriculture have the endangered Sokoke Scops eagle populations by over 50% tion. As a
reduced raptor foraging areas. Owl. In 2001, Alison Cameron since the 1970s. result, three
Large-scale carcass poisoning to trapped and radio-tracked seven Since 2000, we have Ruppell
kill livestock predators has Sokoke Scops Owls in an expanded our study to include Vulture

Rick Watson
killed raptors, attempt to locate other Rift Valley lakes to assess colonies were
and reduced the first-ever nest the population status of fish selected for
GOAL To monitor popula-
numbers of both tions of raptors at of the species. No eagles. A high year-round ratio aerial surveys
resident and risk, understand nest site was dis- of immature to adult fish eagles and we have
migratory raptor their ecological covered since at Lake Bogoria indicates that begun hematological studies to
populations. needs, and none of the radio- this habitat is an important obtain baseline data on Gyps
Our goal is to develop scientifi- tracked owls was “nursery ground” for dispersing vulture blood chemistry and
detect decline in cally sound con- breeding at the juveniles. Nearby Lake Baringo serum profiles. This will enable
servation plans to
populations of time. However, a is threatened with sedimenta- us to detect any unusual clinical
ensure the survival
raptors at risk, better understand- tion from inflowing rivers as a signs, unexplained mortalities,
of their habitats.
obtain a better ing of breeding result of erosion upstream. We and declines in vulture popula-
understanding of season and meth- are trying to understand how tions, should they occur.
their ecological ods improves the Lake Baringo’s fish eagle popu- FUTURE PLANS
needs, and assess the degree of probability of success next lation of approximately 15
We will continue to study

Rick Watson
human-caused damage to their season. We trained more local pairs copes with a rapidly
endangered Sokoke Scops Owl Sokoke
habitats. Using this informa- forest guides who, on their own changing lake and how the Scops Owl.
tion, we aim to change the con- initiative, discovered the first species’ ecology compares with populations in primary and
servation approach in Kenya disjunct population of Sokoke that of Lake Naivasha eagles. degraded forests. Finding and
describing the first-ever nest of STAFF
from the exclusivity of the Scops Owls in unprotected land Gyps vultures: Vultures play
national park system to a north of the forest at Dakatcha. an important role in ecosys- the species remains our highest The East Africa Pro-
broad-based coexistence ethic. We are working with local tems. In East Africa’s savanna priority, as we believe this will ject is conducted by
groups to encourage the grasslands, for example, they add considerably to both the Simon Thomsett and
RESULTS forest’s and species’ conserva- Munir Virani.
Malindi District Council to consume nearly 70% of large
Cumulative: Since 1993 declare Dakatcha as a Forest animals that die and would tion and management.
when field research began, we Reserve. otherwise become a health Studying populations of COOPERATORS
have gained a better under- African Fish Eagle: The char- hazard to both wildlife and African Fish Eagles and Gyps
standing of the ecological needs acteristic dawn cry of the vultures will continue while we We collaborate with
people. Responding to the the Department of
and population status of the African Fish Eagle is the quin- Asian Vulture Crisis and the build on our understanding of
Ornithology at the
endangered Sokoke Scops Owl, tessence of sunrise in Africa, or possibility of a disease specific their ecology. National Museums
Augur Buzzard, African Fish perhaps a cry for help! Since to Gyps vultures spreading to of Kenya, Kenya
Eagle, Martial Eagle, Crowned 1994, we have been monitoring vulture populations in Africa, Wildlife Service,
Eagle, and Bearded Vulture. the population dynamics of we organized a vulture work- University of Leices-
ter, United Kingdom,
A. Rocha, and Nature
C O N S E R VAT I O N P R O G R A M 21
GOAL To develop
local capacity
for research
Zimbabwe Adult

and conserva- perched
tion of birds of
he Zimbabwe Falconers’ the ZFC members, and with a above
prey through
Club has collaborated with The relatively small investment of Zambezi
Peregrine Fund since 1983 financial support and technical River at
training, sup-
when Tom Cade and Jim expertise from The Peregrine Batoka
port, and
hands-on con- Weaver first visited Ron Hartley Fund, together we can achieve
servation. to begin a project on the Teita meaningful results. We soon
Falcon, a globally vulnerable realized that our expectations
species. As a result of our col- were vastly exceeded by the
laborative field studies since capacity of the ZFC, and Ron
then, Zimbabwe has become Hartley in particular, to pro-
known as one of the Teita duce results.

Ron Hartley
Ron Hartley manages Falcon’s largest strongholds. RESULTS
the Zimbabwe Project. Our collaboration expanded in
1989 with an investigation This past year has been typi-
cally busy. Two important proj- on the breeding ecology of the
into the impact of DDT on the Secretary Bird. Results were
ects included an intensive

Peregrine Falcon, a landmark published in popular and sci-

We collaborate with
study for the Afro-tropics. In survey of Batoka Gorge that
the Zimbabwe Falcon- revealed a reduced population entific journals. A special edi-
ers’ Club and the Zim-
1991 we began a formal collab- tion of the journal Honeyguide
oration under the Pan-Africa of breeding Teita Falcons, and
babwe Department of dedicated to the ZFC’s 25 years
Raptor Conservation Program. the establishment of a raptor
National Parks and of accomplishments is in
Wild Life Manage- Since then, field studies have community study in
Malilangwe Conservation preparation, and educational
ment. Financial sup- investigated the status and con-
port for this project Trust. Three new pairs of Teita talks were given to numerous
servation of Teita, Peregrine, school and local interest
was provided by Paul
and Lanner Falcons in Falcons were established in
Tudor Jones, II, captivity, bringing the total groups.
Malilangwe Trust,
Zimbabwe, impact of DDT on
selected raptors, raptor com- held to eight pairs. As there FUTURE PLANS
David Maritz, and

Ron Hartley
munity studies in Batoka appears to be a decline in the In addition to continuing
other important
donors. Support was Gorge, Save and Malilangwe Teita population in Batoka long-term captive breeding
received in Zimbabwe Conservancies, Esigodini, and Gorge, the captive breeding programs, falcon monitoring,
from Dunlop Com- program may be needed in the Ron Hartley and Oscar Mitumbili
Matobo Hills, and helped and raptor community studies, scan a cliff in Batoka Gorge for
pany, United Spring of
develop local capacity for future to restore the species. we aim to expand our involve- falcons.
Zimbabwe, and
raptor conservation and Over 30 ZFC volunteers partici- ment and support of raptor
Gorges Lodge. pated in multiple field studies,
research. conservation in the Malilangwe
Our partnership with the including five raptor commu- Conservation Trust. This area
Zimbabwe Falconers’ Club nity studies in the Save, has a diverse and abundant
(ZFC) has been the basis of Triangle, and Bubiani raptor community, and has
our efforts in Zimbabwe. We Conservancies, Esigodini and been compared to internation-
recognize that the enthusiasm Mbalabala; monitoring of ally recognized raptor areas
and much of the knowledge Teita, Lanner, and Peregrine such as the Snake River Birds
for raptor research and conser- Falcon populations across of Prey Area in Idaho and
vation already existed among Zimbabwe; and a new project Matopos hills of Zimbabwe.

22 PA N - A F R I C A R A P T O R
Cape Vulture GOAL To support the
most extensive

long-term study
on Cape Vulture
e have provided finan- climate cycle that spans over a year than in any other year in population
cial support to Pat Benson decade, compared with trends this study. Only 678 sites were dynamics and
since 1999 to continue his caused by human impacts and occupied by pairs that at least use the knowl-
unprecedented population other effects. Cape Vulture built nests, a 31% decline in edge gained to
study on Cape Vultures of the populations have declined to population size from a high in mitigate human
Kransberg and other mountain endangered status due to poi- 1984 of 977 occupied sites. impacts on the
sites. Pat has studied the breed- soning during predator control This year 370 nestlings fledged, species’ survival.
ing, mortality, and other popu- by ranchers, land-use changes about the same breeding suc-
lation parameters of the that depleted food supply, and cess rate as in previous years,
Kransberg colony since 1981 in other causes. despite a fire that burned
what is probably the most RESULTS
through the cliff area in mid-
extensive ongoing study of vul- season.
ture biology in Africa. Long- Over 2,900 Cape Vulture Observations were also The Peregrine Fund
term studies are rare and valu- nesting sites were monitored made at the Manutsa colony provides financial
able because they provide an during 2001 at the Kransberg where at least 465 pairs built support to Pat
Endangered colony, one of the largest Benson of the Uni-
Pat Benson

Cape Vulture. understanding of the impact of nests and fledged 273 young.
environmental cycles, such as colonies known. Fewer nesting This colony is much more dif-
versity of the Witwa-
attempts were documented this tersrand, South
the southern African wet-dry ficult to monitor than Africa, who conducts
Kransberg due to its size and this study.
Cape Vulture inaccessibility. Behavioral
nesting colony observations were made at
on Kransberg both sites to measure the
occurrence of head drooping
behavior and understand its
relationship to ambient tem-
perature. This study will help
answer an important question
in the Asian Vulture Crisis
Project where head drooping
has been suggested to be
linked to unusual mortality of

Monitoring of population
size and breeding success will
be repeated at both the
Kransberg and Manutsa
colonies, and behavioral data
will be analyzed for publica-
Pat Benson

tion in scientific journals.

C O N S E R VAT I O N P R O G R A M 23
To re-establish
the Bearded
Bearded Vulture Reintroduction to Kenya
as a breeding
he Bearded Vulture is to collect nestlings from from Ethiopia where the Ethiopia, biologist Lakew
GOAL endangered in South Africa, Ethiopia, using “sibling species is present in reasonable Berhanu was supported
species in Hell’s
Gate National Kenya, and Europe and threat- rescue,” and raise them in cap- numbers. Two nestlings through his Masters degree in
Park, improve ened globally due to distur- tivity for release into Hell’s obtained in December 1999 conservation biology at Durrell
public under- bance at the nest from rock Gate National Park to restore were reared in Kenya and Institute for Conservation and
standing of the climbers and others, and use of the species as a breeding resi- released in Hell’s Gate Ecology in the United
value of wildlife poisons by farmers. It is being dent. The project also aims to National Park in March 2000. Kingdom. He graduated in
in Kenya, and reintroduced to the European use this process as an educa- 2001: Three nestlings were September 2001 and returned
help develop Alps with some success, but tional opportunity to improve obtained in December 2000 to work as a conservation biol-
capacity for
this project is a first-ever public understanding of the and were successfully raised ogist in the Ethiopian Wildlife
conservation in
attempt to reintroduce the value of raptors and other and released at fledgling age in Conservation Organization.
species in Africa. Bearded wildlife. This project was April 2001. Within a few weeks, FUTURE PLANS
Vultures once nested in Hell’s requested by Kenya Wildlife two of the three birds were
Gate National Park, Kenya, but Services and is conducted in deliberately killed by members Although our goal of releas-
were driven away by unscrupu- partnership with the Ethiopian of a local village in a politically ing “sibling rescued” Bearded
lous climbers in the early Wildlife Conservation motivated attack to gain notori- Vultures from Ethiopia into
Simon Thomsett man-
1980s. Now that climbing is Organization and others. ety in which the birds were Hell’s Gate National Park was
ages the Bearded Vulture
controlled in the Park, the innocent victims. The last achieved in this second year of
reintroduction project. RESULTS what we anticipated to be at
chances are high for successful remaining bird was recaptured
reintroduction to this impor- Cumulative: After nearly two and is now in captivity while least a three- to four-year effort,
COOPERATORS tant breeding area. years of research and negotia- we evaluate this project. the unexpected attack on
Simon Thomsett manages tion, in 1999 The Peregrine This project has provided released birds and the logistical
We work in partnership Fund obtained the first two difficulty of obtaining young
with Kenya Wildlife Ser- the Bearded Vulture reintroduc- opportunities to develop local
tion project which spans both Bearded Vulture nestlings, capacity for conservation in birds from Ethiopia have
vice, Ethiopian Wildlife
Conservation Organiza- Kenya and Ethiopia. The aim is using “sibling rescue” methods, Ethiopia and Kenya. From caused us to re-evaluate our
tion, National Museums objectives and methods. To
of Kenya Ornithological achieve our goals, the project
Department, Hell’s Gate must now include the option
Management Associa- of captive breeding and sibling
tion, and Durrell Institute rescue management within
of Conservation and
Kenya. The new methods add
Ecology, United King-
dom. significantly to the cost and
duration of the project, and can
only be justified with addi-
tional commitment from Kenya
Wildlife Services and govern-
ment to address the causes of
the species’ decline and factors
preventing their successful
return. This commitment is cur-
rently under discussion.

Simon Thomsett
24 PA N - A F R I C A R A P T O R
Cape Verde,

Cape Verde Red Kite GOAL To help pre-

vent the
extinction of

Conservation the Cape

Verde Red
Kite and pro-

mote the con-
he Cape Verde Red Kite recruited to conduct surveys for servation of
project aims to prevent the kites on the Cape Verde other raptors
extinction of the kite and to islands. She brought together a on the Cape
help ensure survival of other team of volunteers from Verde Islands.
raptors that are found only on Portugal and Germany. In May
the Cape Verde Islands, an and June 2001 the team con-
Atlantic archipelago about ducted thorough surveys of
500 km west of Senegal, Africa. those Cape Verde islands most STAFF
The kite was widely distributed likely to support Cape Verde
This project is directed by
among the northwestern Red Kites. None were found on Rick Watson and conducted
islands until about the 1950s, the islands considered to be by Sabine Hille, Simon
but a rapid decline began in the species’ last breeding Thomsett, Jim Willmarth, and
the 1960s, and by 2000 only stronghold, but six birds were many volunteers.
two individuals were reported located on the eastern islands
to remain. Like of Boavista and COOPERATORS
the Mauritius Cape Verde Kite. Maio.
Kestrel in the Unfortunately We work in partnership with
1970s and none could be The National Birds of Prey
Centre, United Kingdom,
1980s, this trapped because
Cape Verde Ministry of Agri-
species appears they were feeding culture and Fisheries, SEPA
to be on the mostly on a (Executive Secretariat for
verge of extinc- super-abundant Environment), INIDA (Insti-
Simon Thomsett

tion. At its supply of tuto Nacional de Investigação

Rick Watson
lowest numbers, grasshoppers. e Desenvolvimento Agrário),
only four Careful observa- CEAI (Centro de Estudos de
Avifauna Ibérica de Portugal),
Mauritius tion of their
and Cape Verde Project
Kestrels remained, but through behavior through October sug- Later, the program will lead to Fund’s new Neotropical Raptor Natura 2000.
captive breeding and release, gested the species may move reintroduction and work to Center in Panama. Provided
and other interventions, the seasonally between islands, mitigate the causes of the that breeding pairs can be
kestrel’s population has been giving hope that more individ- species’ decline. Our field team established in captivity, i.e.,
restored to about 800, includ- uals may exist. is now planning to locate and breeding age individuals of
ing around 250 breeding pairs. FUTURE PLANS capture all remaining Cape both sexes can be captured,
We propose a similar project Verde Red Kites. They will be their progeny will be used,
for the Cape Verde Red Kite. This project is probably the
last chance to prevent the placed in a captive breeding first, to build the captive breed-
RESULTS extinction of the Cape Verde facility, initially in the United ing population, and, second, to
In October 2000, Sabine Red Kite. We will focus initially Kingdom with The National release back into the wild in
Hille, who has worked on rap- on survival of the species Birds of Prey Centre, and possi- Cape Verde to restore the
tors in the Cape Verdes, was through captive breeding. bly later in The Peregrine species in its natural range.

C O N S E R VAT I O N P R O G R A M 25
To prevent the
extinction of
endangered rap-
Madagascar Project
tors, assist in the
he Peregrine Fund began to protect critical rainforest breeding behavior that involves wetland sites in Madagascar.
conservation of
work in Madagascar in 1990 to habitat for these species. As a three or more adults at the nest Madagascar wetlands contain
critical habitat,
and develop local
help prevent the extinction of result, Masoala National Park that probably limits the unique biodiversity and are
capacity for con- the Madagascar Fish Eagle, and was inaugurated in 1997 and species’ ability to disperse and highly threatened. This interna-
servation using attempt to re-discover the we continue to study rainforest may affect reproductive output. tional treaty provides conserva-
Madagascar’s Madagascar Serpent-Eagle and raptors and assist the park with Probably the largest limiting tion and wise use of wetlands
rare and endan- Red Owl, species not reliably management-related field stud- factors were human persecu- and their resources.
gered birds of seen since last collected by ies from Andranobe Field tion and habitat degradation. In addition to these conser-
prey as a focus. museums in the 1930s. We first Station, our base of operations Based on this understanding, vation and research achieve-
found the Madagascar Serpent- built in 1991. in 1993 we first proposed a ments, we have trained and
Eagle in 1993, and, a few We began field studies on community-based wetland supported 12 Malagasy stu-
months later in 1994, found the Madagascar Fish Eagle in conservation project to dents at M.S. and Ph.D. levels,
the first Madagascar Red Owl. 1991 to understand what natu- empower local indigenous three other students at M.S.
At the same time, we joined ral and human factors were communities to manage and and Ph.D. levels, trained
with CARE and the Wildlife limiting the species’ distribu- conserve wetland resources that about 15 local individuals as
Conservation Society to help tion and abundance. Among they share with the fish eagle. field technicians, and involved
create Masoala National Park our findings was an unusual The project was implemented many others as staff, volun-
in 1996 around lakes Befotaka, teers, and visiting students.
Soamalipo, and Ankerika. It Many of these have completed
resulted in the formation and and published studies on
training of two community Malagasy raptors, other birds,
associations to manage wet- and conservation-related
land resources. The associa- issues such as vegetation
tions gained official govern- regeneration, fisheries, and
ment sanction in 2001 and lemur ecology.
have begun a three-year proba- This nucleus of trained and
tionary period in which their educated Malagasy people
ability to conserve and manage enabled us to create a Malagasy
the wetland’s natural resources, organization, Ankoay Trust for
including fish eagles, will be Conservation, to continue in
judged. perpetuity the work we began,
Russell Thorstrom

Our efforts also helped bring and we continue to support a

Madagascar, in 1998, into the local staff of about 20.
Ramsar Convention on RESULTS
Wetlands of International
Importance. The three lakes, Our work in Madagascar
Above: Henst’s Goshawk perched near its nest.
collectively known as the divides into two main areas.
Right: Aristide Andrianarimisa climbs to a platform to observe
Manambolomaty Complex, The Madagascar Fish Eagle and
Madagascar Serpent-Eagles.
Russell Thorstrom

were designated as one of the Wetlands Conservation Project

first two Ramsar Convention is pioneering a long-term sus-
tainable effort to empower

26 PA N - A F R I C A R A P T O R

Russell Thorstrom manages

the Madagascar Project
local communities to achieve high in the nest tree, similar to with Aristide Andrianarim-
wetland biodiversity conserva- the first nest we described in isa and Lily-Arison René de
Roland and a staff of 18 in
tion. It will help conserve the 1997. The pair was incubating
critically endangered a single-egg clutch. On
Madagascar Fish Eagle and its 9 November 2000 the egg
wetland habitat in a key breed- hatched, and on 9 January COOPERATORS
ing stronghold for the species. 2001 the young fledged. At 85 We collaborate with the
The project is based on formal- days of age the fledgling was Ministére des Eaux et
izing traditional community- observed catching its first prey, Forêts (MEF/DEF), Min-
based management of wetland a small chameleon. istére de l’Enseignement
resources using a 1996 law that In September 2001 we Supérieur (MinSup), and
empowers local communities located another pair nest Ministére de la Recherche
Appliquée au Développe-
to create a resource manage- building near our Andranobe

Russell Thorstrom
ment (MRAD), Association
ment charter (GELOSE) among Field Station. This was the first National pour la Gestion
users. The charter aims to con- time we have been able to des Aires Protégées
serve wetland biodiversity, observe nest building behavior. (ANGAP), Organization
including endangered Both adults participated in the National pour l’Environment
Madagascar Fish Eagles, while nest construction, but after nest (ONE), University of
Above: Madagascar Antananarivo, United
meeting the sustenance needs completion the pair failed to Fish Eagle soars over Nations Educational, Scien-
of local indigenous people on lay an egg for reasons its wetland habitat. tific and Cultural Organiza-
a sustainable basis. In unknown to us. The pair con- tion (UNESCO), Parc
September 2001, we celebrated tinued to visit the nest and add Left: Eugéne and Velo
hold a nestling Botanique et Zoologique de
five years of work to help branches during November Madascar Serpent- Tsimbazaza, World Wide
create two community man- and December. This pair may Eagle. Fund for Nature (WWF-
agement associations at the wait for next breeding season Madagascar), Wildlife Con-

Lily-Arison Rene de Roland

Manambolomaty lakes com- to continue its nesting cycle, servation Society, Conser-
vation International,
plex with a ceremonial transfer and we will continue to look
Ranomafana National Park
of authority from government for evidence of breeding. program, Madagascar
to the associations. FUTURE PLANS Faunal Group, Durrell
On the Masoala peninsula, Wildlife Conservation Insti-
northeastern Madagascar, our Our role in the fish eagle
tute, and many others.
goal is to achieve conservation and wetlands conservation
project over the next three ciations to manage critical nat- ure and evaluate the success of Financial support for this
and ecological understanding ural resources (fish and trees) their resource management project was provided by the
of the critically endangered years will be to help the new
that they share with fish eagles. program. If successful, this Liz Claiborne and Art
endemic Madagascar Serpent- community associations suc- Ortenberg Foundation, The
ceed during a government- We will help the associations project will serve as the model
Eagle. In October 2000, we John D. and Catherine T.
required probationary period. establish a low-cost resource and standard by which all MacArthur Foundation, The
located the second-ever nesting monitoring program (fish har- other community-based con-
pair of Madagascar Serpent- We will provide technical Walt Disney Company
expertise and training, assis- vest rates, tree cutting rates, fish servation projects are judged in Foundation Conservation
Eagles. The nest was in an epi- eagle population parameters) Madagascar. Awards, Wildlife Conserva-
phyte surrounded by vines tance, and support to the asso-
that will allow them to meas- tion Society, Ramsar Con-
vention Bureau, and several
important individuals.

C O N S E R VAT I O N P R O G R A M 27




T he Asia-Pacific program
includes the Oriental and por-
tions of the Australasian and
Palearctic biogeographic
regions. Of the 109 diurnal
raptor species in the Oriental
and Australasian regions com-
bined, 25 are in jeopardy and
22 are too poorly known to
estimate their conservation
status. Our efforts focus
mainly on the most threat-
ened species, found mainly on
the islands between the Pacific
and Indian Oceans, and the
catastrophic decline in vul-
tures in south Asia on the
Indian sub-continent.

First-known photograph
of a fledgling New
Guinea Harpy Eagle.
Martin Gilbert

28 A S I A - PA C I F I C R A P T O R
New Guinea Harpy Eagle
T he New Guinea Harpy
Eagle is the largest non-
human predator within the
tropical forests of Papua New
Crater Mountain
Area offers the
GOAL To study the biol-
ogy of the virtually
unknown New
Guinea Harpy
Guinea. Despite its size the eagles a high Eagle, to under-
species is inconspicuous and level of protec- stand its life history
rarely seen. Very little is tion and so pro- and ecological
requirements, and
known of the natural history, vides an ideal
to promote its
breeding biology, and habitat environment in
requirements of this shy which to study
raptor. The species is found this little-known
throughout New Guinea species of raptor.
where its habitat is under The Peregrine
threat from mining, logging, Fund began work
and other factors. In particular in the area in
the New Guinea Harpy Eagle 1998 and has

Martin Gilbert
is targeted by local hunters since supported Local celebration near
who seek the eagle’s intri- two local techni- New Guinea Harpy Eagle’s nest. This project is directed by
cately marked tail feathers for cians in the loca- Rick Watson and conducted
use in traditional ceremonies. tion of Harpy by Martin Gilbert.
a further nest containing a
The species is currently classi- Eagle nest sites. young nestling was located in
fied as being vulnerable to RESULTS February 2002. COLLABORATORS
The Crater Mountain Local field technicians FUTURE PLANS We collaborate with the
located two active nests in the We will continue to support Research and Conservation
Wildlife Management Area Foundation of Papua New
within the Eastern Highlands Crater Mountain Wildlife local field technicians to facili-
Guinea, Wildlife Conserva-
of Papua New Guinea was Management Area. This tate location of nests within tion Society, and the people
designated to protect the achievement has marked 2001 the Crater Mountain Wildlife of the Crater Mountain
unique forest ecosystem from as their most successful field Management Area and further Wildlife Management Area.
exploitation through the pro- season to date. At the time of our understanding of the Important assistance was
motion of tourism and discovery, both nests had species’ requirements. Efforts provided by Debbie Wright,
recently fledged offspring, are being made to locate a Andy Mack, and the Papua
research. Local people benefit New Guinea National
from the income generated by with single juveniles remain- local biology student to be
Museum and Art Gallery.
visitors and scientists working ing in close proximity to their trained in techniques of raptor
in the park and are, in this nests. Valuable data was gath- study. By supporting and

Martin Gilbert
ered, adding to our knowledge training local experts we will Biologist
way, able to protect their envi- Martin
ronment while preserving of prey selection and repro- provide a lasting impact on Gilbert.
their unique way of life. The ductive biology. As a direct the conservation of raptors
result of fieldwork this season, within Papua New Guinea.

C O N S E R VAT I O N P R O G R A M 29
Vulture researchers and

family members in

Asian he catastrophic collapse of

populations of at least three
species of Gyps vultures
ened. The Zoroastrian commu-
nity of India has for over 2,000
years relied on vultures to dis-

(Oriental White-backed, Cliff, pose of their dead at the

Vulture and Slender-billed) on the
Indian subcontinent over the
“Towers of Silence” and are
now forced to reconsider their
past decade represents a chap- ancient tradition.

Crisis ter in nature that is unprece-

dented for any group of living
birds in modern times.
Our primary goal is to iden-
tify and understand the under-
lying cause of renal failure and
Populations that numbered in gout-associated mortalities
To intervene in the the tens of thousands have affecting these vultures. Only
threatening been depleted to none or just a with this understanding can we
extinction of the few individuals. Most appear know how to intervene to halt
Gyps vulture pop- to have died of visceral gout as the spread of this mortality

Martin Gilbert
ulations across the a result of renal failure. factor to other vulture species
Indian subconti- Evidence of visceral gout is vis- and help the recovery of vulture
nent by determin-
ible in freshly dead birds as a populations on the Indian sub-
ing the cause of
white, paste-like deposit of uric continent. In 2000/2001, in col- removed nearly 700 dead vul- demonstrated that head-droop-
mortalities and
acid on the internal organs. laboration with partners in tures from and underneath ing in vultures was a normal
developing a sci- These deaths from renal failure Pakistan, Nepal, and India, we study nests and estimated an thermoregulation behavior to
entifically rigorous are precipitated by an launched rigorous field-based annual adult mortality rate of alleviate heat stress and not a
recovery plan. unknown underlying cause. ecological and veterinary studies at least 16% that is indicative clinical sign of dying vultures.
For millennia, vultures have to (1) measure vulture mortality of a rapidly declining popula- Preliminary results from our
been important in the Indian rates and reproductive success; tion. Our highest priority was second field season
subcontinent–-ecologically, tra- (2) collect and analyze vulture to find “freshly dead” or dying (2001/2002) show that num-
ditionally, and aesthetically. tissue samples for pathogens vultures so that tissues could bers of occupied nests at our
Living harmoniously with man and contaminants, and (3) be collected and sent to our study sites have declined sub-
and dependent on their live- develop local capacity through laboratories for analyses. This stantially, and adult vultures
stock for food, Oriental Gyps hands-on and academic train- was a challenging task for continue to die at an alarming
vultures have played a vital role ing to ensure a pool of dedi- Martin Gilbert and our team of rate. Since October 2001, we
as “garbage-disposers,” con- cated and motivated individuals Pakistani students (one Ph.D. have collected and removed
suming millions of livestock to continue vulture research. and four M.Phil. students) as nearly 250 dead vultures.
carcasses annually and ridding RESULTS dead vultures putrefied quickly Cases of visceral gout appear
the environment of potentially under an intensely hot sun. to be more frequent this
harmful disease-causing organ- Pakistan: During the
2000/2001 field season we With tenacity, our biologists season, responsible for 86% of
isms such as anthrax and botu- managed to conduct gross vulture deaths.
lism, which affect humans and located and monitored nests of
Oriental White-backed necropsies on 147 dead vul- Our diagnostic partners
livestock. An ecosystem devoid tures of which nearly 75% died have not, so far, found consis-
of these highly dependent pri- Vultures, and measured a
breeding success of 43% that is from visceral gout. Contrary to tent evidence that the gout-
mary scavengers raises concerns previous speculation by Indian associated vulture mortalities
of ecological imbalance, spread lower than estimates from pre-
vious (pre-crash) studies on biologists that dying vultures are caused by an infectious
of disease, and economic loss. exhibited an unusual head- agent, contaminant, or nutri-
Ancient cultures are also threat- the same species. Our field
biologists collected and drooping syndrome, we tional deficiency. However, we

30 A S I A - PA C I F I C R A P T O R
have isolated a new and Pakistan have made our mation and awareness of the conservation strategies in STAFF
Mycoplasma bacterium from second field season difficult. vulture crisis through our sci- Europe and Africa where, with
The project is directed by Rick
vulture tissue and are evaluat- Yet, with our partners in the entific presentations, publica- our assistance, programs are Watson and conducted by
ing the role that this agent Ornithological Society of tions, popular articles, and our now in place to monitor vul- Munir Virani and Martin
may have in the gout-associ- Pakistan we continue to meas- web site. Our research efforts ture colonies to detect early Gilbert.
ated vulture mortalities. ure the ecological dynamics of have catalyzed urgent vulture signs of a similar catastrophe.
Nepal: During the vulture populations in
2000/2001 field season, we Pakistan, particularly rates and Gyps vulture in flight.
located 67 vulture nests, esti- causes of mortality. Our prior- We are working in partnership
mated annual adult mortality ity to collect, export, and ana- with J. Lindsay Oaks, Washing-
at 17%, and recorded a low lyze freshly dead birds for tis- ton State University; Patrick
Benson, University of the Wit-
breeding success of 34% at sues remains highest.
watersrand; Ornithological
Koshi Tappu. This season With our partners in Bird Society of Pakistan; Bird Con-
(2001/2002) we have located Conservation Nepal, we are servation Nepal-Himalayan
only 12 nests of which nine are conducting the first-ever study Nature; and the Bombay Natural
presently active, indicating a on Himalayan Vultures to History Society. We depend on
rapid 82% decline of nesting determine the causes of mor- the collaboration and support of
vultures in the region. We have tality in this Gyps species. We many other organizations and
individuals, including the
also expanded our focus to continue to monitor the fate of
Punjab Department of Wildlife
locate and monitor nests of the Gyps vultures in the lowlands.

Martin Gilbert
and Parks, Lahore Zoo,
related Himalayan Vultures in We will continue to dissemi- National Council for the Con-
the Kali Gandaki valley of the nate scientifically sound infor- servation of Wildlife, B.Z.
Annapurna region. Multan University, University of
Agriculture at Faisalabad, Sind
Local transport. Wildlife Management Board,
It is clear from our studies Zoological Survey Department
that the rate at which Gyps vul- Pakistan, World Wide Fund for
tures are dying in the Indian Nature (WWF-Pakistan), and
subcontinent is unsustainable. Pakistan Museum of Natural
History. In Nepal, we collabo-
Unless remedial action is
rate with Koshi Camp and
taken, populations will quickly Department of National Parks
be reduced to inviable levels. and Wildlife Conservation. In
We have refined our work plan the United States we collaborate
based on the experiences of with the Zoological Society of
our first field season to San Diego, The Raptor Center,
improve our chances of finding University of Minnesota, and
the Bodega Bay Institute.
and understanding the cause of
gout-associated vulture mortal- Important financial support was
ities in our second field season. provided by the Gordon and
Betty Moore Foundation, United
The events in the United
Nations Foundation, The Walt
States of September 11, and the Disney Company Foundation
subsequent war against terror- Conservation Awards, the Zoo-
ism in Afghanistan, mounting logical Society of San Diego,

Martin Gilbert
insecurity in Pakistan, and William and Noel Wade, Ten
political tension between India Times Ten Foundation, and the
Ivorybill Foundation.

C O N S E R VAT I O N P R O G R A M 31
GOAL To develop
local Mongolia Project and

Pat Benson
capacity for
and conser-
vation of
Cinereous Vulture Research
raptors in
Mongolia. cologically, Mongolia is the expanding human population Central Asia into Mongolia.
joining place for several central are changing the cultural and Essentially nothing is known
Asian environments and the natural environmental systems. about the ecology and popula-
last place many species still To preserve Mongolia’s past tra- tion dynamics of these birds in
occur on the continent. ditions and nature will require the East. This project serves two and condors, and tracking
Development driven by the a careful balance of planning major needs: (1) to determine them as they moved over their
country’s financial needs and and actions. To achieve that important baseline informa- home range, making scientific
desires and demands of its balance will require knowl- tion about Cinereous Vulture observations of raptor behav-
edgeable, highly motivated, ecology in Mongolia, its most ior, locating and climbing to
Nyambayar expert Mongolian biologists. eastern range, and (2) to pro- nests, and observing nesting.
Batbayar. This project combines hands- vide an education and training Nyambayar enrolled in
on field training of a opportunity to a Mongolian Boise State University’s Master
Mongolian student in both the biologist to help develop local of Science program in raptor
U.S. and Mongolia, academic capacity for raptor conserva- biology in the fall semester of
training in the U.S., and tion in Mongolia. Student 2000, undertaking several grad-
applied conservation research Nyambayar Batbayar was iden- uate level courses in raptor
Rick Watson

in Mongolia. The training will tified by The Peregrine Fund in biology, geographic informa-
result in a young Mongolian 1999 as a strong Masters- tion systems, statistics, and
leader in conservation. degree candidate for this train- related subjects. He also devel-
The Cinereous Vulture, also ing opportunity. oped his research plan with his
Vulture study site. known as the Eurasian Black major professors, Mark Fuller
Vulture, is the largest Old and Rick Watson, and took
Rick Watson manages World raptor, similar in size to In cooperation with Boise additional English language
the Mongolia Project.
a California Condor. Today this State University’s Raptor training.
species is listed regionally as Research Center, United States
either endangered or threat- Geological Survey (USGS),
COOPERATORS In February 2002 Nyambayar
ened, and is included in the raptor biologists and our own
We cooperate with the biologists provided Nyambayar returned to Mongolia to begin
Red Data Book for rare and his directed research project.
Raptor Research with over six months of inten-
Center and Boise endangered species. Formerly it His research will contribute to
ranged from Western Europe sive field training and experi-
State University, his thesis, an essential part of
and North Africa through ence. His work included han-
World Wide Fund for his Master’s degree, and con-
Nature-Mongolia, and Europe, the Middle East, and dling Golden Eagles, Prairie
Falcons, and American Kestrels tribute to a better understand-
Mongolian Academy Northeast China. At present in
of Sciences. Support in the Snake River Birds of Prey ing of the ecological needs of
the West, remnant populations the Cinereous Vulture in
was provided by the
breed only in Spain, Greece, Area and California Condors
Trust for Mutual in Arizona and Idaho. Field Mongolia and how to ensure
Understanding and and on Mallorca Island. The the species’ survival in habitats
rest of the birds exist from methods included attaching
the Robert Comstock
Rick Watson

radio tags to falcons, eagles, it shares with Mongolia’s

Company. Turkey and Crimea east across nomadic tribes.

32 A S I A - PA C I F I C R A P T O R
Philippine Eagle
W e work to conserve the
Philippine Eagle by providing
support to the Philippine Eagle
Foundation, a premier
when they die. Because of perse-
cution of the eagle and expand-
ing human populations in the
Philippines, the challenge to
Philippine Eagle,
PEF biologists have
begun investiga-
tions of potential
Philippine conservation organ- preserve this Philippine Eagle sites in 2001.
ization and the only one focus- and its forest environment is It is hoped that
ing on the eagle. This dedicated large, but the Philippine Eagle long-term radio
not-for-profit organization has Foundation is working hard, as telemetry research
a long history of achieving is illustrated below. will provide valu-
meaningful annual results. The able information

courtesy of F.R.E.E. Ltd.

Philippine Eagle Foundation on the ecology of
can be contacted in care of The better the information the Philippine
Dennis Salvador, Executive available to guide conservation Eagle. Since 1998,
Director, Philippine Eagle action, the more probable the seven eagles, both
Foundation, Inc., success. Scientific studies are adults and juve-
VAL Learning Village, needed to help produce that niles, carrying radio
information. The Peregrine For the first time in recent
Ruby St., Marfori Heights, transmitters have been studied. years a search for Philippine
Davao City 8000, Philippines. Fund’s support to the As a result of improved capture Eagles was conducted by the GOAL Conservation
Their web site address is Philippine Eagle Foundation techniques, four eagles were of the
(PEF) is for enhancing their PEF biologists in cooperation monitored in 2001. At the sites with the government’s Parks Philippine
The Philippine Eagle is a science capacity and for field where eagles were being moni- Eagle and its
studies. The PEF has a talented and Wildlife Bureau and DENR
spectacular tropical forest- tored and elsewhere, 10 nest habitat.
and energetic group of biolo- Regional Eagle Watch teams on
dwelling eagle. It is the rarest of sites were studied at three the island of Samar. Eagles
all large forest eagles and the gists who are taking full advan- levels, (1) on the nests them-
tage of this support. The fol- were sighted at two locations
potential for the survival of a selves, (2) nest site features and one nest was found. These
viable wild population remains lowing are some of the within 0.1 ha from the nest
highlights from their work. and other studies and investi-
uncertain. Like most other large tree, and (3) the habitat fea- gations will continue and
forest eagles, under the best of Captive breeding of tures within 1 sq km of the
Philippine Eagles is becoming expand in the future.
circumstances a breeding pair nest tree. We have chosen here to
will only produce a single a predictable annual occur- In further studies, by map-
rence at the PEF’s Davao facil- focus only on the PEF science- STAFF
young every other year. Before ping the known nest sites of related results. However, their
the young can reproduce, it ity. This is an excellent accom- Philippine Eagles from the conservation approach is holis- Conservation asso-
must survive five or more years plishment that has been island of Mindanao from 1991 ciates Jim and
achieved mainly through use tic and includes conservation
until breeding age, then locate a to 1998, they were able to esti- Joyce Grier work
of eagles which were inciden- education for the public, teach- closely with Bill
mate and have sufficient habitat mate the density of adult ers, and the broadcast media;
and food to nest and in turn tally obtained and already in breeding pairs at 127-133 sq
Burnham and his
captivity, rather than properly community-based initiatives to co-workers on this
reproduce itself. For an eagle km per pair. They will continue enhance sustainable agro-busi- project.
population to remain stable, taken and cared for wild to attempt to refine these num-
nestlings for captive breeding. ness and to conserve forests;
reproduction and survival of bers as better information is and much more, all of which
young must be sufficient to at In preparation for the first gathered.
release of a captive-raised deserve recognition and are
least replace all breeding adults producing valuable results.

C O N S E R VAT I O N P R O G R A M 33
Balance Sheets . September 30, 2001 and 2000

ASSETS 2001 2000

Cash and cash equivalents $ 1,402,464 $ 807,201 INCOME
Merchandise inventory 37,440 43,637 Tours/Admissions $69,660
Grants receivable 50,000 478,142
Sales $128,045
Pledges and other accounts receivable 235,012 98,033
Prepaids and other current assets 37,572 81,786 Corporations $142,886
TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 1,762,488 1,508,799
Land 1,513,000 1,513,000
Land improvements 758,881 758,522
Buildings 6,417,766 6,160,879 Grants/Contracts $466,045
Trailers 150,123 150,123 Individual
Equipment and vehicles 1,283,210 1,223,928 Gifts
Fixtures and displays 618,840 594,211 $877,837
Construction in progress 21,865 23,465 Investment Income $545,080
10,763,685 10,424,128
Accumulated depreciation (3,300,722) (2,976,964)
7,462,963 7,447,164

Library 266,229 237,822

Archives 653,140 600,536
8,382,332 8,285,522

Cash 21,893 21,710 Species EXPENSE
Investments 7,514,514 8,841,295 Restoration excludes construction
7,536,407 8,863,005 $1,846,573 and inventory for sales
$ 17,681,227 $ 18,657,326

LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCES 2001 2000 Education/Information $354,588

Accounts Payable $ 80,484 $ 424,812
Accrued taxes and expenses 804 716
Deferred restricted revenue 744,434 141,742 Administration $205,725 Conservation
TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES 825,722 567,270 Programs
Fund Raising $127,352
FUND BALANCES Membership $96,137
Unrestricted operating fund 936,766 941,529
Restricted endowment fund 7,536,407 8,863,005
Investment in property, equipment
and archives 8,382,332 8,285,522
TOTAL FUND BALANCES 17,681,227 18,657,326
$ 17,681,227 $ 18,657,326 Many organizations and individuals contribute materials Figures for this audited statement were provided by Balukoff,
at no cost or at cost. Services contributed have been recorded at Lindstrom & Co., P.A., Certified Public Accountants. Full reports
the amount it would have cost The Peregrine Fund. are available upon request.

T he Peregrine Fund is a not-for-profit organization and can only operate through the support of voluntary contributions. Because no work could have been done without this
financial support, the birds truly are in your hands. We are proud to list the individuals, businesses, organizations, foundations, and agencies who have contributed $100 or
more, including gifts of goods or services, during 2001. We regret that space limits us to listing only those who have contributed at that level and above. Every donor is very
important to us, and your continuing participation makes the programs possible. We thank each and every one of you for your partnership.

• $20,000 or more • • $10,000 - 19,999 • • $5,000 - 9,999 •
Lee and Ramona Bass The John D. & Catherine J.A. & Kathryn Albertson Mrs. Velma V. Morrison Ada County Association of Ivorybill Foundation 2001 Memorial
Foundation T. MacArthur Foundation Harry W. Morrison Foundation, Realtors Foundation, Inc Joan and Herb Kelleher Gifts and Bequests
Foundation American Electric Power Inc. Allen & Company, Inc. Charitable Foundation During 2001 donations were
Archie W. and Grace
Boise Cascade Corporation Norcross Wildlife Foundation BP Amoco Foundation, Inc. Key Foundation received in memory of the fol-
Berry Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Peter Inc.
BP Amoco Bennu Mr. and Mrs. Jacobo Lacs lowing individuals:
Mr. Harry Bettis Manigault Patagonia
Robert Comstock Company Sidney S. Byers Charitable Mr. and Mrs. Mike Maples
Bureau of Land Gordon and Betty Moore Mr. and Mrs. Mark James Phelps Dodge Corporation Trust Meridian Veterinary Clinic Mr. Lefty Allen
Management, Idaho Foundation Forgason Pitcairn Trust Company Mr. and Mrs. Yvon V. Ms. Conni Pfendler Mr. Patrick Clancy
Ruth O’Donnell Mutch The Evan Frankel Foundation The Robertson Foundation Chouinard The Philadelphia Foundation Dr. Melville L. Cody
Burns Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Earl C. Sams Foundation James and Barbara Cimino Joseph J. Pisar Estate Ms. Pauline Hardy
Liz Claiborne and Art National Fish and Foundation
Hardaswick The Charles Schwab The Summit Foundation Gerald D. and Katherine
Ortenberg Foundation Wildlife Foundation The Honorable William P.
Walter C. Hill and Family Corporation Foundation The Teddy Foundation Swim Herrick
Craighead Jim and Karin Nelson Foundation The Sunderland Foundation Clements Mr. Hielard Layton
Texas Parks and Wildlife
Wildlife-Wildlands Mr. and Mrs. Tom Idaho Power Company The Tapeats Fund T. Halter Cunningham Mr. Alfred M. Lollie
Mr. and Mrs. P. A. B.
Institute Nicholson Mr. Paul Tudor Jones, II Ten Times Ten Foundation The Fanwood Foundation Widener, Jr. Mr. William Mount
The Kearney Foundation Jane Smith Turner Foundation Ms. Rebecca Gaples and Mr. YMC, Inc. Mr. Gary Pedersen
Laura Moore Offield Family Simon Harrison
Cunningham Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Dan Konkel U.S. Bancorp Foundation Daniel M. Ziff Foundation Dr. Ernest Scholinger
Diane A. Ledder Charitable Union Pacific Foundation Globe Foundation
Foundation, Inc. Dirk E. Ziff Foundation Mr. Jerry Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Trust Hewlett-Packard Company
William and Noel Wade Mrs. Martha W. Sherrill
Edward W. Rose III Paulson, Jr. Steve Martin Zoological Society of San Ms. Mary Lou Smith
Family Fund of The Phipps Family Reunion The Moore Charitable Diego Ms. Etta Sword-Roshong
Dallas Foundation Foundation
Nina Mason Pulliam Serge Tastet
Roy Disney Family Charitable Trust Mrs. Cissy H. Taub
• $2,500 - 4,999 • • $1,000 - 2,499 •
Foundation Ms. Katherine Wakelee
Dr. Sally Spofford
The Walt Disney 1997 Charitable Lead Unitrust Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bateman Mr. and Mrs. D. Wayne Margaret Wentworth Owings
Edward B. Stabler APS, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Beland Gittinger Mrs. Elizabeth B. Parks
Company Foundation We hope you will consider The
Trust for Mutual Bank of America Foundation Dr. Richard Bierregaard and Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Peregrine Financial Group, Inc.
The Charles Engelhard Ms. Cathy Dolan Gleason Peregrine Fund in your estate
Understanding Bureau of Land Management, Mr. Spence Porter
Foundation Arizona Bowdoin College Dr. Cathleen A. Godzik Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. planning. Memorial gifts and
Turner Foundation, Inc. bequests are placed in our
ExxonMobil Foundation Mr. Robert A. Day Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Broberg Mrs. Helen K. Groves Rainwater
United Nations Eyas Foundation Earle Palmer Brown Mr. Steve Guinn Mr. and Mrs. Ken Richardson endowment fund so that these
Mr. Norm Freeman
Foundation Mr. Salvatore Foglio Sterling Bunnell The Hackborn Foundation, Inc. Sandpiper Fund gifts can permanently support
Estate and Trust of
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Ms. Carol Geis Dr. and Mrs. Bill Burnham Hammer Chevrolet Ms. Cynthia S. Schotte the conservation of birds and
Esther B. Garnsey
Service Islands Fund Mr. Thomas Cantella Mr. and Mrs. Ken Harrison Mr. Richard T. Schotte their environments.
Grasslans Charitable Mr. Hank Kaestner LTC Sidney Kent Carnie Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Harte Jeraldine Struthers
Mr. and Mrs. James
Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kayser Mr. Christopher Cokinos H.J. Heinz Co. Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Tom Smylie We welcome inquiries about
Mr. and Mrs. Z. Wayne Luther King Capital Mr. William E. Cornatzer Mr. Stephen Hill Michael Swain bequests at (208) 362-3716.
Wiancko Family Donor Management Mr. and Mrs. J. Peter Jenny
Griffin, Jr. Mr. Scott A. Crozier John and Vicki Swift
Advised Fund of the Mr. David Maritz Mr. and Mrs. Harvey C. King If you wish to make a provi-
Heinz North America Mr. Cameron Crumpler Sylvan Creek Foundation
Community Foundation Mr. and Mrs. James Nelson Irving Kohn Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Curtin Tejon Ranch sion in your will, the follow-
Karen and Tim Hixon of Jackson Hole Mr. Frank Y. Larkin
Count Charles de Ganay Ms. Audrey Thompson ing general form is suggested:
Houston Endowment, Wolf Creek Charitable Mr. Paul Dickson Mr. David M. Malcolm Mr. Richard S. Thorsell
Inc. Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Harold S. The Malilangwe Trust The Timken Family Charitable I give, devise, and bequeath to The
Robert Wood Johnson Julie Ann Wrigley Eastman Mr. Stanley Marcus Trust Peregrine Fund, Inc., an Idaho not-for-
1962 Charitable Trust Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Eisner Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. McElroy Mr. Peter T. Toot profit corporation, located on the date
Dr. and Mrs. James H. Mill Pond Press Ms. Arlene Vaskevitch hereof at the World Center for Birds of
Ron and Linda Yanke
Enderson Mrs. Annette Mount Wallick Family Foundation Prey, 5668 West Flying Hawk Lane,
Enright Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. James C. Nelson The Zoological Society of Boise, Idaho 83709, the sum of $____
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Frazier North American Falconers Houston
(or specifically described property).”
• $500 - 999 • • $200 - 499 •
Mr. and Mrs. Philip D. Aines Mr. Michael J. Gabriel Sallie Mae Employee The Morris and Bessie Altman Mr. Bill Consiglio Professor Frederick A. Hagar Mr. and Mrs. Don Masterson Ruschman Sand & Gravel, Inc.
Mr. Fred Anderka Mr. and Mrs. Ben Gadd Contribution Program Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John Cook Mr. J. Battle Haslam Senator John McCain Mr. and Mrs. Calvin E. Sandfort
Mr. and Mrs. Skip Anderson Mr. Anthony Garrett Mr. Stuart C. Martin Mr. and Mrs. Mark Armstrong Dr. Jerald L. Cooper Mr. and Mrs. William Heinrich Mr. John K. McIltrot E. Schormair
Ms. Donna Bailey Mr. Victor Gonzalez Mr. David E. Mason Mr. Rick Ashworth Mr. F.W. Cropp Mr. Kenneth Hill Mrs. Mimi McMillen Ms. K. Y. Searcy
Bechtel BWXT Idaho, LLC Hageman Family Foundation Mr. David McMahon Dr. Janet Jeppson Asimov Mr. Chad Cyrus Lee and Dianne Hodges Mr. Henry G. Miller Mr. Jack D. Shannon
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Beebe Mr. and Mrs. John F. Harrigan Melling Family Charitable Mr. and Mrs. Don Atkinson Jamie and Thomas Dater Ms. Tracy Holmes Minnesota Falconers Mr. Harley G. Shaw
Mr. John B. Beinecke Mr. Fred P. Hayes Foundation Dr. Ann Bardeen-Henschel Mr. and Mrs. Peter Davidson Mr. and Mrs. Herb Holt Association Mr. Joseph R. Shown
Anne Gordon Harper Blanchard Mr. and Mrs. George Hirsch Mr. Marshall B. Miller and Ms. Mr. and Mrs. Hatch Barrett Mr. and Mrs. John Day Dr. and Mr. Richard Howard Mitchell Energy & Development Mr. and Mrs. Ray Smelek
Foundation, Inc. Mr. John Homer Hoffman, Jr. Claudia P. Huntington C. Baxter Mr. Peter Devers Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Inskip Corporation Ms. Sue Sontag
Mr. Kurt Burnham Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hokin Mrs. Paul L. Miller Dr. and Mrs. Herbert John Beil Mr. and Mrs. Jack L. Dunsmoor Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Jennings Mr. Angel Montoya St. James Spirits
Jeff, Kathy, and Jack Cilek IBM International Foundation Ms. Natalie Nicholson Ms. Marilyn Bicking Mr. George Earll Mr. Roland Jeske Mr. Patrick A. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Stabler
Ms. Esther Coke Mr. and Mrs. Herbert D. North Carolina Falconer’s Guild Dr. P. Dee Boersma Ms. MaryAnn Edson Mr. Christopher D. Johnston Mr. Brian Mutch Mr. Jeff Stoller
ConAgra Beef Company Kelleher Peregrine Industries, Inc. The Bondurant Family Trust of Ms. Carol Elaine Edwards Mr. and Mrs. David Junkin, II Mr. and Mrs. Peter O’Neill Mr. Scott K. Stuart
Mr. Roger Crawford Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kirkman Mr. Mark Rockefeller the Fidelity Investments Mrs. John Taylor Ellis Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Ondr Drs. Richard M. Swengel
Ms. Phoebe L. Damon Mr. and Mrs. Bob Koeberlein San Antonio Zoological Charitable Gift Fund Mr. Donald B. Emery Kennedy, Jr. Mrs. Susan Paduano Mr. Casey Taub
Mr. Timothy Doheny Mr. Pedro P. Kuczynski Gardens & Aquarium Mr. David J. Bottjer Mr. and Mrs. Brian Knox Mr. Leigh H. Perkins
Richard and Rebecca Evans Mr. and Mrs. David Thomson
Ms. Judy Eismont Mr. Anthony Lapham Dr. Lucia Liu Severinghaus Mr. and Mrs. Dana Brabson, Jr. Foundation Ms. Dana Kolstad Mr. and Mrs. Len Peterson Ms. Sally Tongren
Dr. and Mrs. Phil Eldredge Dr. Lee Lenz Ms. Virginia V. Sharp Dr. Theresa L. Bucher Ms. Virginia Fain Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lane Mrs. Virginia C. Petura Dr. George Wade
Mr. Tom Ennenga Ms. Suzi Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Bailey Smith Ms. Barbara Bunn Dr. Nicholas C. Fox Mr. Steven LaRue Ms. Louise Plank Mr. and Mrs. Bill Weiler
Mr. Kevin A. Finn Christine Gempp Love Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Urbano Mr. and Mrs. Connor B. Burton Mr. and Mrs. Roy F. Frock, Jr. Ms. Rita Lehnert Professional Record Mr. and Mrs. Wm. W.
Mr. John Fonslow Foundation Ms. Margaret L. Valentine Mr. and Mrs. Russell Buschert Mrs. Lillian Fry Bank of New York and The Management Wessinger
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Freutel Ms. Helen Macdonald Virginia Falconers Association Dr. and Mrs. Tom J. Cade Mr. Stephen Gatti George Link, Jr. Foundation Punahou School -Grade 4 Mr. Charles A. Wheeler
Mr. Byron L. Walker Central California Avian Society Mr. Bret Gaussoin Mr. and Mrs. Steve Loerch Mr. and Mrs. Ira Purchis Mr. and Mrs. Douglas J.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Chaikin Mr. James F. Gilpin Manchester Chiropractic Center Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Ray Wiegley
Ms. Christina E. Clayton and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goldfarb Mr. and Mrs. Bill Maney George Reimlinger Mr. Harold Williams
Mr. Stanley Kolber Ms. Barbara Grace Mr. Andrew L. Martin Ms. Sarah Richards Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wood
Ms. Mary E. Clemesha Ms. Cynthia Gray Mr. Frank A. Martin Dr. Beverly Ridgely Mr. and Mrs. Richard B.
Dr. Jean W. Cohn Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Gray Mrs. Margaret Martin Mr. and Mrs. John Rigby Woodbury
Mr. Bob Collins Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Martin Mr. and Mrs. John Robison Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Yates
Mr. Scott A. B. Collins Grazaitis Massachusetts Falconry and Rockefeller Foundation Mr. Kurt Young
Ms. Jacqueline Colvin Ms. Jozeffa Ann Greer Hawk Trust Mr. Stanley M. Rowe, Jr.

• 2001 Chairman’s Circle •

• $100 - 199 •
We are pleased to honor this year’s Chairman’s Circle members. Their unrestricted gifts allow flexible
Mr. and Mrs. Sam G. Adler Mr. and Mrs. Max Ault Mr. Steven G. Black and Ms. Mr. Richard Cahall Dr. E. Newbold Cooper
response to changing circumstances and are critical to the organization’s operation.
Aerie Nature Series, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Baitinger Wendie A. Wulff Ms. Kim S. Caldwell Mr. and Mrs. Tom Coulson
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Ms. Carol Geis+ Frank Y. Larkin* Dr. Patricia Agre Mr. Rob K. Ballantine Dr. and Mrs. Claude Bloch Mr. and Mrs. William Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Matthew
Beland* Mr. and Mrs. D. Wayne David M. Malcolm* Ms. Marjorie A. Aines Mr. and Mrs. William Ballentine Rolinda and Al Bloom Dr. and Mrs. David S. Campion Cummings
Bennu* Gittinger* Stanley Marcus* Dr. and Mrs. Kevin Albaugh Mr. Mike Barnett Mr. Jim Bodi Mr. Geoffrey D. Cant Mr. Alan Czarnowsky
Dr. Richard Bierregaard and Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Harry C. McElroy* Mr. David C. Allais Mr. and Mrs. David Barry Ms. Susan Boettger Dr. Steven B. Care Mr. and Mrs. Paul D’Andrea
Ms. Kathy Dolan* Gleason Mr. and Mrs. James C. Dr. and Mrs. William Allan Mr. and Mrs. Roy N. Bathum Mr. and Mrs. Larry Bomke Mr. and Mrs. Lee A. Casebere Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Daily
Erica K. and Jeff Broberg Cathleen A. Godzik* Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allis Mr. and Mrs. Philip Batt Mr. Anthony Boosey Mr. Thomas Castellane Mr. James A. Davidson
Mr. William P. Clements+ Mr. and Mrs. Ken Harrison Elizabeth B. Parks* Ms. Barbara Amper Mr. and Mrs. Ron Bauman Mr. and Mrs. Lorne V. Braun Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cecrle Mr. and Mrs. Rodney D. Day III
Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Curtin Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Spence Porter* Anser Charter School Mr. William Baxter Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bredin Dr. and Mrs. David Challinor Mr. Wallace Dayton
Robert A. Day* Harte* Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Ms. Alice Antonioli and Mr. Ms. Lorraine Bazan Mr. William J. Breed Mr. and Mrs. Blake Chapman Dr. David E. Dines
Charles de Ganay* Stephen Hill* Rainwater* Gregg Burington Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Beaton Ms. Barbara Brown Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Cilek Mr. Michael P. DiOrio
Paul Dickson* Hank Kaestner+* Ken and Charlotte Mr. Eldon Archer Mr. and Mrs. Doug Becker Mr. Duncan B. Brown Mr. and Mrs. James L. Clayton Mr. John Dolinsek
Harold S. Eastman* Mr. and Mrs. Donald Richardson* Mr. Louis Ares, Jr. Mrs. Sandra Beebe Mr. Ronald E. Brown Ms. Cathy Coates Mr. and Mrs. Philip D.
Michael D. Eisner and The Kayser+* Richard T. Schotte* Arizona Game and Fish Linda and Tim Behrman Mr. and Mrs. William H. Bryant Mr. and Mrs. Austin B. Coe Doncheck
Eisner Foundation* Mr. and Mrs. Harvey C. King* Richard S. Thorsell* Department Mr. and Mrs. Steve Belardo Mrs. Helen S. Buchbinder Dr. Howard L. Cogswell Mr. and Mrs. John Dorn
Ms.Rebecca Gaples and Mr. Luther King Capital Robert and Joan Wallick* Ms. Edith S. Aronson Mr. and Mrs. Stanley R. Bell Mr. Andrew Bullen Mr. Robert E. Coleman Mr. Michael Douglas
Simon Harrison+* Management+* Mr. Allen Asbury and Ms. Mr. and Mrs. William H. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Doyle
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Beltramo Ms. Cynthia D. Collett
Teresa Maylor Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Berger Burnham Mr. and Mrs. James C. Collins Mr. and Mrs. S. Hallock
Ms. Betsy Ashburn Mr. Robert J. Bett Mr. and Mrs. Jim Burns Mr. John S. Conable DuPont, Jr.
+ denotes Patron and Premiere members Mr. Bill Aston Mr. Daniel Butler Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Consey Mr. and Mrs. Danny Durrance
* denotes multi-year members
The Chairman’s Circle offers memberships at the Premiere ($5,000), Patron ($2,500), and Partner
($1,000) levels of unrestricted annual gifts. If you would like more information on the Chairman’s Circle,
please call our membership office at (208) 362-3716.
• $100 - 199 • (continued) Become a Partner
Mr. Wade Eakle Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Mr. and Mrs. William F. Mr. Ray A. Marble Mr. and Mrs. William S. Ms. Betty G. Rogers Ms. Kathryn A. Trudell
The Peregrine Fund
Mr. Jamey Eddy Greenwood Johnston, Jr. Ms. Camille Marchelletta O’Keefe Mr. and Mrs. William E. Rose Mr. John A. Trunnell
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Edgerton Mr. Donald Gregory, Jr. Mr. C. Richard Jones Mr. Niven P. Marquis Ms. Donna O’Neill Ms. Mavis S. Rosell Mr. J. Townsend Tubbs
depends on contribu-
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Mr. and Mrs. Roger P. Ms. Maggie Jones Mr. Bruce Richard Marshall Mr. Michael Ochs Mr. Hal A. Ross Mr. William C. Tuthill tions to fund our projects.
Edison Grimshaw Dr. and Mrs. Craig L. Jordan Dr. and Mrs. Allen W. Mathies Mr. Allen Olsen and Ms. Carol Mr. Stephen Ross Mr. and Mrs. Ben Tuttle Our Board of Directors
Ms. Catherine Elliott Ms. Marianne Grob and Mr. Mr. Irvine Jordan Ms. Kim Mauch Silva Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roth Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. has created an endow-
Mr. W. N. Elliott and Ms. Rose Karl Jaspars Ms. Jennifer Jordan Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mayer Ms. Kathleen Orlenko Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rubens, Unfried ment, the interest from
Polsky Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. Gunther Mrs. Judith M. Joy Mr. Ernst Mayr F. Edward and Jeanne P. II Ms. Benedicte Valentiner and which funds our adminis-
Ms. Barbara C. Elwood Mr. John A. Gwynne, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John G. Kaddas Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Osborne Family Foundation, Mr. Gary G. Ruhser and Mrs. Mr. Adrian R. Cummins
Mr. Arthur Hall Inc. trative expenses so that
Mr. and Mrs. John Emrick Kaddas Enterprises, Inc. McGrath Jean C. Ruhser American General Financial
Mr. Floyd B. Eutsler Mr. James Hallisey Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mr. and Mrs. Steven Russell Group/ VALIC 100% of your donation
Ms. Mary Kaufman Mr. Steve McLellan
David and Emila Everist Mr. William Halliwell Osterbrink Mr. G. Brett Saunders Ms. Christie Van Cleve will be applied directly to
Mrs. Eleanor Kelemen Mr. Gordon L. McLennan
The William Ewing Foundation Mr. Josh Halstead Mr. Jerry Ostwinkle Mr. Richard W. Scales Mr. Bill Vandervalk our projects. You can
Mr. Robert D. Kelly Mrs. Margaret McMahon
and Grace Ewing Huffman Mr. A. Stuart Hanisch Mr. Richard Overman Mr. Michael V. Scalzo Mr. Alan Vaskas
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Killip Mr. Michael P. McSweeney make a contribution
Mr. Leo E. Faddis Dr. E. A. Hankins, III Mr. and Mrs. Warren Owens Mr. and Mrs. Larry Schaad Mr. and Mrs. Dave Vegher
Mr. Brian Killpack Mr. and Mrs. George H. Mead through a direct gift, at
Falconcrest Mr. and Mrs. George Harad Mr. Alberto Palleroni Ms. Jacqueline Schafer Mrs. Emily Wade
Ms. James M. King Mr. and Mrs. Gordon T. Mellor work place giving cam-
Mr. David Farner and Ms. Ms. Kathy Haranzo Mr. and Mrs. Michael Palmer Mr. and Mrs. Joel Schick Mr. and Mrs. John W. Wade
Mr. and Mrs. Mel Lee Kirksey Merrill Lynch Matching Gifts paigns, or through
Katherine Jeschke Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hardy, Program Mr. Richard Palmer Mr. Ronald Schmidt Ms. Wendy C. Wahl
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Kitson
Ms. Joan Faust Jr. Mr. Everett C. Parker Mr. Max Walker planned giving. The
Ms. Karen S. Kleehammer Mr. and Mrs. Davis Merwin Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Schonder
Mrs. George Fearing Mrs. Alan Harley and Chris Ms. Katie Michel Mr. Gregory Pavelka Mr. and Mrs. Roger Allan Mr. Michael D. Walker Peregrine Fund partici-
Ms. Karen Kluge and Mr. Terry
Mr. Louis Andrew Feher Dr. and Mrs. Alan Harmata Rosenmeier The Michel Foundation Mr. Robert O. Paxton Schultz Mr. Richard C. Walker pates in many payroll
Mr. Clark Fidler Mr. William Harmon Mr. and Mrs. William Kolb Micron Technology, Inc. Mr. Gordon L. Pedrow Dr. H. Irving Schweppe, Jr. Ms. Erin Wall deduction campaigns,
Mrs. Julie Nelson Firestone Mr. Ikuya Hatano Mr. Dan Kornberg-Porter Microsoft Matching Gifts Peregrine Outfitters Mr. and Mrs. Bob Scobee Mr. James N. Wallace including the Combined
Mrs. Jean Fischer Hawaii Planing Mill Mr. Robert E. Krueger Program Ms. Sara Jean Peters Mr. and Mrs. Dan Scott Mr. James Walsh Federal Campaign (CFC
Ms. June Fitzgerald Foundation Takashi and Reiko Kurosawa Mr. and Mrs. Rufus L. Miley Mr. and Mrs. Rudolf Petersen Mr. Lars J. Sego Mr. and Mrs. Lothar F.
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Hays Mr. and Mrs. Piet Pieters #0945) through Earth
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Fitzgerald Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Lawin Ms. Beverly Miller Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Selig Warneke
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Dr. Alison M. Hazel Ms. Laurama Pixton Mrs. Winifred Washco Share, an alliance of
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sheldon
Fitzpatrick Mr. and Mrs. Ross Heald Leachman Ms. Susan Mills Col. and Mrs. Walter W. Dr. and Mrs. Steve Sherrod Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Watson national and environ-
Mr. John F. Flynn Mrs. Mimi Heiberg Mr. and Mrs. Andy F. Lermer, Mr. and Mrs. Walt Minnick Plummer Mr. and Mrs. Will Shor Col. and Mrs. D. E. Watterson mental charities and state
Mr. and Mrs. Kent Cole Foley Mr. James Henry Jr. Dr. Jack Mitch Mr. and Mrs. Bob Poindexter Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Sipple Mr. and Mrs. Robert environmental federa-
Mrs. Peggy Foley Mr. and Mrs. Melvin S. Henry Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Levine Ms. Elsie Mogck Ms. Frances Pope Dr. and Mrs. Rand S. Spiwak Weatherwax tions. You may also
Mr. Dallas D. Ford Mr. and Mrs. William K. Mr. Robert C. Lilly Dr. Paul P. Monahan and Ms. Mr. Stephen L. Poppino Ms. Susan C. Stamm Mr. Homer W. Weidmann
increase or even double
Ms. Arleen Forgey Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. James R. Lincoln Susan R. Parslow Popular Arts Entertainment, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stark Mr. and Mrs. Leslie S. Weiss
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Holbrook Inc. your contribution to The
Mr. George Forman, Jr. Ms. Elizabeth Lindquist Ms. Cheryl Moore Ms. Patricia C. Stein Mr. and Mrs. Buster Welch
Mr. Scott Francis Ms. Alice Holinger Mr. and Mrs. Bill Porter, Jr. Mr. Robert Welle Peregrine Fund by partici-
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Link Mr. F. Paul Mooring Mr. William R. Stewart
Ms. Linda Fraser Mr. and Mrs. Scott Holt Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ms. Alida Morzenti Mr. C. Donald Powers Mrs. Gillett Welles pating in your employer’s
Dr. Christine H. Stinson and
Mr. and Mrs. Jim French Ms. Anne Hornung-Soukup Livermore, Jr. Mrs. Marilyn S. Murphy Ms. Tasha Pravecek Ms. Joan E. Rudel Dr. and Mrs. James A. Wells matching gift program.
Friends of Blackwater National Mr. Val T. Howard Mr. John G. Livingston Mr. and Mrs. Bob Murray Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Mr. and Mrs. Kent Stottlemyer Dr. and Mrs. Bill Wenner Ask your employer how
Wildlife Refuge, Inc. Ms. Susan Hoyle Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Lord Preston Mr. and Mrs. Mark Westman
Mr. and Mrs. Amel Mustic Mr. Karl H. Striedieck you can participate.
Mr. Robert S. Fullmer Mr. and Mrs. Keith Huffman Mr. David Lowenstein Mr. Jay A. Pruett Mr. Henry Wiggin
Mr. George J. Naiser Ms. Bonnie J. Stringfield
Ms. Mary Ellen Gabrielson Dr. Walter Hughes Mr. Larry Luck Mr. and Mrs. Randy Mr. and Mrs. George Williams
Mr. Philip Naumburg, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Sullivan To donate directly to The
Ms. Paula Gavin Mr. John E. Hull Rasmussen
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lueckel Mrs. Patricia Antoinette Neff Mr. Clark Sumida Mr. Robert Wilson Peregrine Fund, please
Mrs. Ann Gaylord Ms. Dorothy Hunt Mr. and Mrs. James Ray
Mr. R. Dennis Lund Ms. Pamela Negri Mr. and Mrs. David W. Ms. Maxine A. Winer use the envelope inside
Mr. John D. Gerhart L. Barrie Hunt Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Ray
Mr. Daniel Luten New York Times Co. Found., Swetland Mr. John Winn
Mr. Bayard D. Rea this annual report or join
Mr. Richard J. Gershon Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ince Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lyons Inc. Tara Foundation, Inc. Mr. Tom Witherington
Ms. Martha Gibbons Mr. Richard Jacobs Margaret W. Reed Foundation via our web site at
Ms. Nancy Lyslo Mr. Banks E. Nicholson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Temple Mr. Edmund J. Wlodarczyk
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gidner Mr. Joseph R. Jehl, Jr. Ms. Deborah Reynolds
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Mr. Leonard Nicholson Mr. and Mrs. John B. Testa Mr. Kim Woody
Mr. Walter Gist Mr. and Mrs. Eric T. Jenkins MacBride Mr. and Mrs. Richard C.
Mrs. Russell L. Nicholson Mr. Platt Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Dale C. Woolley
Ripple, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Glass Mr. and Mrs. Terry Jennings Dr. William MacLeod, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Nixon Mr. Jerry Thorstrom Mr. and Mrs. William L.
Mr. Mark Ristow
Ms. Becky Glenn Mr. Larry Jensen Mr. and Mrs. Craig Madsen Ms. Mary Normandia Mrs. Jerry Jean Tileston Woolley
Ms. Rhonda R. Rivera
Ms. Catharine E. Gloth Ms. Regina Jimenez Fannie Mae Foundation Mr. Mike O’Callaghan Dr. Nancy Tipton Mr. Lou Woyce
Mr. Gerald M. Robbins
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Goodman Jockey Hollow Foundation Mr. John S. Magdic Ms. Louise J. O’Connell Dr. Harrison Tordoff Mr. Leonard Young
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Robertson
The Gourmet Rodent Mr. David L. Johnson and Ms. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Maka Ms. Jean O’Connor Mr. Clinton Townsend
Anne Nobles Ms. Lorelei Rockwell
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Mr. Michael C. Mallea and Ms. Mary Trapnell A Member of
Greenstone Family Mr. Ronald Rogacki
Earth Share

If you do not find your name, or find it in an inappropriate location or incorrectly spelled, please let us know. Accuracy is very important to us and although we try hard, sometimes mistakes slip by.

Officers and Directors Directors

“Vantage Point” © Robert Bateman • Courtesy of the artist and Mill Pond Press, Inc., Venice, Florida 34292
D. James Nelson Tom J. Cade, Ph.D. Lee M. Bass Patricia A. Disney Morlan W. Nelson
Chairman of the Board Founding Chairman President, Lee M. Bass, Inc. Vice Chairman, Naturalist, Hydrologist, and
and Director and Director Robert B. Berry Shamrock Holdings, Inc. Cinematographer
President, Nelson Professor Emeritus of Trustee, Wolf Creek Charitable James H. Enderson, Ph.D. Ian Newton, D.Phil., D.Sc.
Construction Company Ornithology, Cornell Foundation, Rancher, Falcon Professor Emeritus of Biology Senior Ornithologist (Ret.)
University Breeder, and Conservationist The Colorado College Natural Environment Research
Paxson H. Offield
Harry L. Bettis Caroline A. Forgason Council, United Kingdom
Vice Chairman of the BoardRoy E. Disney
and Director Chairman of the Board, Rancher Partner, Groves-Alexander Thomas T. Nicholson
Chairman of the Board and Emeritus, and Director P. Dee Boersma, Ph.D. Group LLC Rancher and Landowner
CEO, Santa Catalina IslandVice Chairman, Professor, University of Michael R. Gleason Lucia L.
Company The Walt Disney Company Washington Investor, Culmen Group, L.P.Severinghaus, Ph.D. Business Office
Chairman of the Board, Research Fellow (208) 362-3716
William A. Burnham, Ph.D. Shamrock Holdings, Inc. Frank M. Bond Z. Wayne Griffin, Jr.
President and Director Attorney at Law and Rancher Developer, G&N Management, Institute of Zoology, Interpretive Center
Inc. Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Henry M. Paulson, Jr. Robert S. Comstock (208) 362-8687
J. Peter Jenny Chairman of the Board, R. Beauregard Turner
President and CEO, Jacobo Lacs Fish and Wildlife Manager
Vice President Emeritus, and Director Robert Comstock Company International Businessman Turner Enterprises Fax
Chairman and Chief Executive and Conservationist
Jeffrey R. Cilek Officer, The Goldman Sachs Derek J. Craighead (208) 362-2376
William E. Wade, Jr.
Vice President Group, Inc. Ecologist Patricia B. Manigault President (Ret.),
Conservationist and Rancher Atlantic Richfield Company E-mail Address
Karen J. Hixon Scott A. Crozier
Julie A. Wrigley Senior Vice President, Velma V. Morrison
Treasurer and Director Chairman of the Board, James D. Weaver
Conservationist General Counsel, President, President, Grasslans
Emeritus, and Director and Secretary Harry W. Morrison Web Site
Chairman and CEO, Charitable Foundation,
Ronald C. Yanke PETsMART, INC Foundation and Rancher
Wrigley Investments LLC
Secretary T. Halter Cunningham Ruth O. Mutch
President, Yanke P.A.B. Widener, Jr.
Business Executive/Investor Investor Rancher and Investor
Machine Shop, Inc.

The Peregrine Fund Non-Profit Organization

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