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Who Are The Jaycees? What Do The Jaycees Do, Anyway?

Many Jaycees are hard pressed f-;;;:answer when someone outside the organization asks what the Jaycees do. Often Jaycees will answer with a list of goals and statements of pu~pose, but it leaves the questioner unimpressed. The next question is: "But h do yo d)" . w at . u o. , whICh seems repetitious but is a valid question. Numerous organizations have outstanding goals and ideals. People want to know what the Jaycees do to accomplish our goals and reasons for our being. The next time someone asks you what the Jaycees do, drop a few of the followin facts on them. Bear in mind that these ar: highlights selected at random, intended simply of to help form an answer 10 that question what the Jaycees do: - The U.S. Jaycees sponsors thousands of Boy Scout troops, Boys Clubs, Girl Scout Troops, Little League teams and other youth-oriented groups. A natiorTal cooperative effort is continually underway with each of these groups with liaison officers assigned to promote the efforts. Examples: Jaycee chapters sponsor more than 1200 Boy Scout, Cub Scout, and Explorer groups alone. - The U.S. Jaycees strongly support the work of 'the National Association of Retarded Children, providing financial help and voluntary manpower in many communities across the nation. The NARC annually honors the Jaycees by presenting its Community Service Award to both an outstanding local and state unit of the national organization. Camp Virginia Jaycees, a summer camp for retarded youngsters sponsored by Virginia Jaycees, is an example. - The U.S. Jay cees have completed a record year of membership growth. The U.S. Jaycees completed an $800,000 expansion of the National Headquarters in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Dedicated in pushed the February of 1973, the addition total value of the headquarters to almost $1.3 million. The new addition effectively doubled the size of the headquarters originally constructed in 1951, and provided badly needed space for more services to the state and local units. - The U.S. Jaycees provide leadership training programs to both individual mem bers Ind state officers. Approximately 65,000 Jaycees participated in either course one or ;ourse two of the Leadership in Action )rogram, a program of individual personal nprovemenL The national staff conducted ~ocal Presidents Training Programs in 47 states .vith approximately 6,000 local presidents 2,330 chapters were luticipating. Over 'ecogn ized for excellence in chapter nanagement through the Blue Chip program, lesigned to strengthen the local chapter. - Some 300,000 youngsters, both girls ,nd boys, participated in the Shooting :ducation pr02ram sponsored in 2,800 communities The program provides local, state, and national competition in addition to instruction in the proper handling of weapons. The program was co-sponsored by the U.S. Jaycees and the Daisy . - Five million Red Ball stickers were distributed through 1,340 U.S. Jaycees chapters participating in Operation Red Ball. The program, co-sponsored by the American Red Ball Transit Company, provides a sticker to be placed on the window of bedrooms occupied by children. In case of fire, it guides rescuers to those rooms first. Five thousand local chapters stimulated in excess of 2.5 million man hours on Environmental Improvemtnt projects. A national Environmental Improvement campaign was conducted through grants from both the government and a private foundation. 150 chapters received sub-grant funds as well as 23 state organizations; total sub-grants reached $40,500 with state chairmen obtaining an $162,000 in sponsorship in their additional own states. The U.S. Jaycees received an Award of Merit from the American Society of Association Executives for the Environmental Improvement efforts. - An extensive Corrections program is carried on by the U.S. Jaycees, funded last year by a $308,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Labor. The U.S. Jaycees have established chapters with over 10,000 mem bers in correctional and institutional facilities across the country. Over 3,600 ex-offenders were assisted during their transition from incarceration to freedom. The North Carolina Jaycees led institutions. the effort with 45 chapters in

Editor Note: This is a reprint from the U.S. Jaycee Future that I thought was worth reprinting. (j. T.B. Editor)
An expression of opinion by the editor. Editor

John W. Hartman,

chan half a billion dollars in low income and elderly housing are sponsored by Jaycees chapters across the country. - A Venereal Disease Attack Program has been given top priority by the U.S. Jaycees for the next three years. The goal is to effect a major impact and to lower the number of cases significantly within three. years. The U.S. Jaycees have joined in forming the United States Alliance for the Eradication of Venereal Disease, an organization comprised of re p re se n ta t ives of some 21 national orga"izatio"s._A seminar,sponsored by tl)e VD Branch of the Center for Disease Con trol (an HEW agency), was conducted for Jaycees state and local chairmen. Eigh t other national organizations also participated. - Government Affairs: The U.S. Jaycees continue to provide education for the elected leadership of the national and state or ga n izations. The Government Affairs Leadership Seminar, co-sponsored by First Colony Life Insurance Company, was held in Washington, D.C. and was highlighted by appearances by consumer advocate Ralph Nader, and by Governor Wendell H. Ford of Kentucky, past U.S. Jaycees President. Its goal was to better inform the elected leadership of the governmental process. The Outstanding Young Farmer program annually selects the nation's four top young leaders in the agriculture industry. Some 41 state units and 2,000 local chaDters Darticinal"d in the nationwide search The U.S. Jaycees have selectedAmerica's Ten Outstanding Young Men

- Drug Abuse and Education Programs: The U.S. Jaycees sponsored the National Business and Industry Drug Abuse Workshop in conjunction with the Eli Lilly Company. Held in iVashington, D.C. it attracted 125 busines> industry, labor, Jaycee, and governmen: officials. The National Coordinating Council for Drug Education recognized the Jaycees effort by awarding the George B. Griffenhagen Service Award to Jim Nielsen, U.S. Jaycees Programming and Research Director, for his initiatives in drug abuse programming and education. - Project Mainstream, designed to assist the nation's income-disadvantaged in ioining the economic mainstream of American life, was a cooperative effort between the U.S. Jaycee!> and Community Action Agencies. Funded by a $275,000 grant, the program provided "seed money" sub-grants totaling $70,000 that generated an additional $800,000 in funds and more than 40,000 volunteer man hours in some seventy local partnership projects. The program provides selfhelp education programs in housing development, economic development, resource mobilization, community interaction, self development, and elderly assistance. More

al1nual!L~if1~ 1938. .. u_ - Operation Threshold, the fi~~i-;i~ohol education program ever launched that emphasizes "responsible drinking," is being conducted by the U.S. Jaycees in conjunction with the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. The program is unique in that it recognizes that many people are going to drink alcoholic beverages no matter what the dangers are, and, therefore, seeks to encourage sensible drinking practices, habits, attitudes, and behavior. It is the first all,volunteer, private sector endeavor in alcohol abuse and alcoholism preven tion in the nation. The goal is to reduce the rate of problem drinking, alcoholism and ._. _ drunkenness in this country. _ _o .. The above information should make it apparent to even the most biased or disinterested observer that the scope of Jaycees activities and involvement is farreaching. And this is only a glimpse of the myriad activities and projects carried on by the U.S. Jaycees and its local and state units. It may be unmatched by any other civic organization in the country and certainly is for one the size of the U.S. Jaycees. It is a record of constant achievement and unswerving dedication to making our nation a better place to live from the local community to the state and nationalleve!. It is thousands of young men committed to the organization and its goals. And, most of all, it is those same thousands of young men who believe that "service to humanity is the best work of life" (the last line of the Jaycee Creed).



By J. Terryl Bechtol National Vice President United States"J aycees 1978-1979

I AM THE UNITED STATES JAYCEES. My birth certificate is dated May 1915, SI. Louis, Missouri. I was conceived to provide leadership and I am dedicated to the goal of communities of America joining together to ensure the advancement of freedom throughout the world. I am Henry Geissenbier with an idea,an idea of people helping people. I am opportunity for all men. The blood of the world runs in my veins. I am hundreds of thousands of active young men striving to become more than they think they can, and the voice of millions of men who have gone on before me to provide the ideals by which I live today, and which I still make possible for those who follow me. I am a fabulous organization of many things and many people. I am the Indians of Oklahoma, the bright orange coats of Florida, the volunteers of Tennessee, a cowboy from Texas, the sunflowers of Kansas, and the Eskimos of Alaska. I am the 49'ers of California, a Viking from Minnesota, the liberty bells of Pennsylvania, a from New Jersey, and a Georgia peach. I am Jaycettes, Special Olympics, Shooters Safety, Haunted Houses, Big Brothers, Boy Scouts, Telethons, and Santa Claus to thousands of needy children at Christmastime. I am Speak-Up, Spoke, Springboard, and Spark-Plug. I am truly Leadership in Action in 10,000 communities in America and in 86 countries throughout the free world. I am men joining together to help those who cannot help themselves, by first building a better me! I can be found in sleepy, rustic villages and large, roaring cities, from the swamplands of Louisiana to the mountaintops of Colorado. I am a strong group of men wherever I am! I search for America in every project undertake and I am busy at this very moment building a better tomorrow, today!!

I have always been with the Spirit of America. I was the spirit that would not let Columbus turn back, I was there when George Washington knelt in frozen prayer at Valley Forge, when Paul Revere raised his hand at a committee meeting and said, "I'LL RIDE AND TELL THEM." It was the Jaycee spirit that gave young Nate Hale the guts to look'um in the eye and say, "I regret that I have but one life to lose for my country." was the group that collected scrap metal and helped FDR spread his message that "THE ONLY :THING WE HAVE TO FEAR IS FEAR ITSELF," and I was already doing what John Kennedy asked when he said, "Ask not what your country can do for you, but rather what you can do for your country!" I was on the boat when Admiral Farragut said "Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!" I built this country with faith, courage, and a spirit that can only be called Jaycees!!!

I led the fight for the draft when wartime America needed it and also led the cause for its abolishment when it didn't. am Change! I am for what is right and against wrong and injustice. I am white, black, yellow, red ... and I never judge man by the color of his skin, but rather by the content of his character!!

I have established and introduced many young men to the Red Cross, M.D.A., the USO, volunteer fire departments, Boy's Clubs, City Hall, state governments, and even the Congress of the United States. I move, I travel to spread Jayceeism. I have presented Billy Graham in Madison Square Gardens, the great Phoenix Rodeo, Niagara Falls, the Grand Canyon, Independence Hall, the Statue of Liberty, Disney World, the Alamo, and the Golden Gate Bridge. I marched with Martin Luther King to Washington, have walked for Mankind, traveled the badlands of the Dakotas, the bluegrass of Kentucky, and the snow-filled valleys of Ohio to pass on this feeling of brotherhood and love. I have made my mark on time with men like Seldon Waldo, Clayton Frost, Keith Upson, Dennis Hamilton, Clint Dunnagon, and Don Cavalli, men wno made a difference by giving all that they had. I am Bill Brownfield writing the Creed, Durwood Howe designing the SHIELD, and John Armbuster editing the "Log"; I am millions of young men who have graduated from my ranks, who are the leaders of this very world today!! I am the JAYCEE CREED. I believe in God, brotherhood, free enterprise, law and order, human personality, and service to humanity. I am what is good about America. Within my spirit lies the very basis of the future of my country. I am freedom and will fight to my last breath if necessary to see that it is preserved. May I always possess the integrity, courage, and strength to keep myself unshackled and to remain a beacon of hope to all men everywhere.

I am meeting tonight in a small country church, in a skyscraper In new York, in a tavern in North Carolina, and in my own building, built with love and sweat. I am a farmer, a preacher, a salesman, a mechanic, a Christian, a Jew, a Hindu, a Buddist, and, yes, even a convict. can be found everywhere you look: a college campus, a ghetto, a nature trail, hospitals, orphanages, and a prison cell; am there.

I am a letter to a Senator, a ballot in an election, the excitement of a National Convention, the tears of joy when I win, the silence of defeat when I don't. I am growing through all that I undertake. I am never a loser!! I am pins, patches, vests, coats, bumper stickers, newsletters, a gavel at a podium, backrooms, long drives home, late hours, yearend books, awards, certificates, trophies, plaques, TOYM, and winners teaching winners to be winners!!

I am an American, building my country in the UNITED 5TATE5 JAYCEE5. Be proud, be great, be still, and know that I AM YOU, a JAYCEE.

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