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Notes from Bishops committee planning meeting.

July 23, 2011 Attending: The Reverend Johnnette Shane, Kevin Minch, Pete Kelly, Jessie Cragg, Wynne Wilbur , Krista Baker, Sally West The meeting was opened with a morning prayer service. We moved into the dining room and posted a big calendar to discuss the coming year. We established a list of categories and then planned to overlay them on the calendar. Liturgy Jonathan Daniels Day August 14 Liturgy at the Lake, September 18, 2011, August 26, 2012 Bishops Visit September cleanup, Sept. 10 October 2, Blessing of the animals, Sunday 4:00 Lent Ash Wednesday Feb 22 Stations of the Cross, every Friday in Lent at 5:30 beginning March 2 Lenten Contemplative Series during Lent once a week Wed. at 7:00 - 8:15 beginning on Feb. 29 Spring Cleaning with a prayer at the beginning Sat. March 31 Holy Week, April 1 7 Maundy Thursday Good Friday Easter Sunday Rogation Day April 29 National Day of Prayer, Thursday, May 3 Advent Quiet Day, Saturday, Dec. 10, 9:30 to 12:30 Lessons and Carols, Tuesday Dec. 13 Christmas Eve, Sat. Dec. 24th, 8:00 Christmas Day Epiphany Service January 6 Taize for Martin Luther King, January 15 and on the second Sunday of most months We discussed having a recovery service one Sunday of each month. It was suggested that we will try this for 6 months and then revisit it. We will put information about the different church holidays and important days in the newsletter. Fellowship and Pastoral Needs We will talk about a retreat for the church on May 11th and 12th.

Shrove Tuesday meal for congregation possibly combined with the choir fundraiser. Trinity Sunday special coffee hour Stewardship Of the earth Canterbury Club will take care of this. Earth day. Annual campaign We should have envelopes in the pews We should have a stewardship campaign for annual giving We should also have a building campaign concurrent with this. Stewardship campaign will begin on October 2 23. Pledges due on the 30th. Building campaign will start December 4th if we have the plans by then. Mission We will do Food 4 Kids again next summer. Jessie has volunteered to coordinate it. We will continue doing the first Sunday collections. Canterbury Club might participate in The Big Event (Truman). Millenium development goals money will go to World Food Day with a two week book study before it. KIM we should continue to pay our dues, and attend meetings. Formation We will invite people involved in the Sunday School to our next Bishops Committee meeting to talk about their concerns. Vacation Bible School will happen this year. We need a new members class as well as an informative class on the church. These will be combined into one meeting. There should be a new Bishops Committee retreat after the new members join it. Meeting of July 23rd The meeting was called to order by Johnnette. The minutes of June 19th were approved. Vicars report We will continue to pay dues to KIM and Johnnette will continue to attend meetings. She will invite members of the congregation to attend also. Senior Warden report: Wrote thank-you notes to the people that helped clean up our yard. Wrote a thank-you note to the anonymous donor through the diocese. Junior Warden report: The drain pipe from the ac got moved and it flooded the floor around the childrens room. Maria cleaned it up. We should get a bike rack. Jessie will research this. It was suggested that we have a community vegetable garden. Wynne checked into the rotting wood in the sills at the Vicarage. We will check to see what wrapping the wooden sills with vinyl or aluminum will cost.

Treasurers Report: Krista presented the budget. We are basically on track for the year. Alan Davis has agreed to come to a BC meeting and talk about issues with the audit. We will need to make some changes. Old Business: Building campaign is being planned. Keys will be replaced early in the fall and replacements can be picked up on two Sundays. A hand-out will be given to key recipients. The Building Use policy was adopted and will be posted. Mutual ministry review was addressed. We decided to do this in February. New Business Kevin and Maria will rebuild the website to clear out some misinformation. The directory needs to be updated. Krista suggested that we have a buddy system to check up on each other after a major storm. The next meeting will be August 21 at 12f15 at Jessies house. Krista will invite Alan Davis to attend at 12ff:30 to review the audit report. Jessie will invite Nancy Miller to come at 1:30 to discuss Sunday School status, requests and ideas. The meeting was adjourned at 2:06 with a prayer. Submitted by Wynne Wilbur

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