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Molarity=the ratio of the moles of the solute divided by the volume in liters.

Chapter 16Specific heat=energy lost or gained divided by(mass times the difference between the initial and final temp). Specific heat is the amount of energy required to raise the temperature. Enthalpy change=products-reactants(H=products-reactants). The enthalpy of reaction is the amount of energy absorbed by a system as heat during a process at a constant temperature. Exothermic reactions are reactions which energy is released. Endothermic reactions are reactions which energy is absorbed. Hess Law: the overall enthalpy change in reaction is equal to the sum of enthalpy changes for the individual steps in the process. Entropy is a measure of the degree of randomness of the particle in a system. Free Energy: G=H-TS. Chapter 17- reaction mechanism0 the step by step sequence of reactions by which the overall chemical change occurs. Collision theory- set of assumptions regarding collisions and reactions( AB yields A+2B). The activated complex is a transitional structure that results from an effective collision that persists while old bonds & new bonds are forming. The rate law is an

equation that relates reaction rate and concentrations of reactants. Equilibrium expression: nA+mB yields xC+yD. Equilibrium: K=[C][D] /[A][B].Common ion effect is the addition of an ion common to two solutes bring about precipitation or reduced ionization. Buffered solutions can resist changes in pH. pH=-log[H+]. Solubility=The solubility product constant us the product of the molar concentrations of its ions in a saturated solution.Ksp=Ch. 19=Oxidation #: pure elements=0, monotomic ions=charge of the ion,fluorine=-1. Oxidation is the process which the atoms or ions of an elements experience an increase in oxidation state. Redox reaction is any chemical process which the elements undergo changes in the oxidation #. A reaction is a reaction which the reaction involves oxidation OR reduction ALONE.Ch.20- Anode is to oxidation; cathode is to reduction. Voltaic cells use spontaneous oxidation=reduction reactions to convert chemical energy to electrical energy. Cell potential: E= cathode #- anode #. Ch.-nuclear binding energy is the energy released when a nucleus is formed from nucleons. Alpha= He (charge 2+) mass-4.0015062. Beta= charge=-1, mass=0.0005486. Positron

charge=1+. Mass=0.0005486. Gamma ray has no charge and no mass. A rem is the unit used to measure any type of radiation. The roentgen=2 times 10 to the 9. Ch.22Alkanes:1=methane,2 ethane,3 propane,4 butane,5pentane,6 hexane,7 heptane,8 octane,9 nonane, 10 decane. Polymers are large molecules made of many small units joined to each other through organic reactions.

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