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Volume 1, Issue 2 September 16th, 2007
This Week
Listening to the Word of Our Opening Prayer this week:
God (Isaiah 50: 4-5) "The Lord God has given me a well-
trained tongue, That I might know how to speak to the
This week our theme concentrates on weary a word that will rouse them. Morning after
how we can best listen when God is speaking morning he opens my ear that I may hear: and I have
not rebelled, have not turned back."
to us. We visit the book of Samuel from the
Old Testament and see how the young
Examples in Faith
Samuel replies when God calls him. We
discuss what the Israelites used the Arc of the Blessed Mother
Covenant for, and the Special Covenant
which the Arc represents between God and His
Theodore Guérin
A Saint from Indiana !
people. We also wrote down our own personal
Last week we talked about how Jesus healed
covenant with God and carried our own class a deaf man. We know that Jesus can heal
Arc down to the Tabernacle in church where us all, and all we need to do is ask for his
we prayed and listened for God to talk to us. healing. But how can we practice this gift
When God made His covenant with the of hearing and following Jesus’ call?
Israelites, he also made a covenant with us - a Examples from the lives of the Saints can
special promise to be our God. But this help us. In just one month, Blessed Mother
relationship is not one-sided. We too must live Theodore Guérin will be canonized a Saint
by Pope Benedict XVI. Her life is an
up to the terms of the contract. God asks us
example of hearing and following Jesus’
each day: "Will you be my people?" Will calling.
we? That is a covenant promise we can renew As a child Thérèse
each day through prayers and examples from Guérin lived in
France where there
was a revolution
PARENTS CORNER and religion was
forbidden. But she
Dear Parents, felt a calling from
God and begged
Please take a moment this week to reinforce with your her mother to join
children the lessons we have learned today in Sunday the sisters in the
school. Perhaps you could read the story of Samuel in convent and help
the temple of Shiloh (1 Sam.3: 1-18) after dinner one
the poor. Her
evening. Talk about how God has spoken to you in
mother did not
your life- sometimes in the most unexpected moments!
want to lose her,
It is important that children continue to learn and grow
but finally agreed.
in faith throughout the week - and it is fun to share the
She helped many,
love of God and the stories of Jesus within your family.
many people throughout her lifetime.
It is remarkable how these old stories continue to bring
light into our lives today! Important Dates for This Year
October 21st – No Sunday School-
Fall Break

Your 4th Grade Catechists:

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